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JULY 2020 |

CREATE YOUR OWN SPA With Katya Pastorini

Health is Wealth

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Publisher Fish Media Ltd Jersey JE1 1FX Email: ★ NEW WEBSITE ★ Visit: Editor Juanita Shield-Laignel Email: Travel Writer Rebecca Underwood Photography Simon Finch Production Sarah Le Marquand Sales Manager Juanita Shield-Laignel Accounts and Administration Sarah Donati-Ford Director Jamie Fisher Contributors Stephen Cohu Rebecca Underwood Mark Shields Lorraine Pannetier Katya Pastorini Paul Darroch Front Cover Clare Le Feuvre

Follow us on Twitter: @TheJerseyLife1 Like us on Facebook: The Jersey Life Follow us on Instagram: @the.jerseylife © All rights reserved. The Jersey Life is copyright and may not be reproduced in any form either in part or whole without written permission from the publishers. Whilst Fish Media takes every reasonable precaution, no responsibility can be accepted for any property, services or products offered in this publication and any loss arising there from. Whilst every care is taken with all materials submitted to The Jersey Life the publisher cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to such material. Fish Media reserves the right to reject of accept any advertisement, article or material supplied for publication or edit such material prior to publication. Opinions expressed are strictly those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views or policies of Fish Media. We accept no liability for any misprints or mistakes and no responsibility can be taken for the content of these pages.

Well…hello…how is everyone doing? Borders opening and 1 meter social distancing…children tentatively back to school…I wonder how the world will look when I write this message next month. So yet another gorgeous digital issue for your delight…please do pass it on to your family and friends – sending it in Messenger seems to work well. We are still loving the process of digital but are looking at printed matter again for the near future…meanwhile; Featured on the front cover, Katya Pastorini invites us to turn our bathrooms into a relaxing spa – very much needed in these strange and uncertain times – self-love / self-care is more important than ever. Introducing meditation into your daily routine is also covered as is using Feng Shui to create harmony and rhythm in your home. Mark Shields discusses the likely hood of success for local businesses as they re-open their doors – a very interesting read and continuing on with our beautiful Health is Wealth thread, Helen O’Meara talks about the reality of aging, which of course comes to us all, and care in the community. An update on the charity ‘Kairos Arts’ comes from Wendy Jenkins, Communications Director and do make a point of having a look at book review this month – it is so sweet and very in keeping with our general theme.

Interview this month is totally ‘rad’ (yes I know – getting down and groovy with the young things!!) – I spent well over an hour zooming with Esther Stanhope – otherwise known as The Impact Guru…Esther lives in the UK but works all over the world including Jersey, to help people who want a voice in business, find their inner public speaker – she was great and I am sure you will enjoy the article on page 8. Well – enjoy! Next month may take a very different shape for the Jerseylife – we shall see…remaining viral footprint reduced is obviously important as is being mindful of our carbon footprint moving forward, so we may end up with some kind of new and exciting hybrid of half digital half print – ooo exciting times ahead. Take good care – until next month…

Juanita x If you have an interesting story to share or would like your business reviewed, please feel free to call me on 619882. I’d love to hear from you.

July 2020

3 WELCOME and The Jersey Life contact information

INTERVIEW 8 I’VE BUSKED IT… Juanita Shield-Laignel catches up with Esther Stanhope


LOCAL NEWS 12 BEYOND EVEREST Bryce Alford is reaching new heights for Headway Jersey


14 KAIROS ARTS UPDATE Lockdown and beyond by Juanita Shield-Laignel




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L O O K I N G F O R WA R D T O BRIGHTER TIMES? If you are looking to buy your dream Summer/Winter getaway in the French Alps and can’t find what you a r e l o o k i n g f o r … . We c a n h e l p ! For details about our bespoke property service please call 01534 728724 or 07700 728724 email:

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l o b s t e r. t a i l

L o b s t e r Ta i l

44 BUSINESS 26 BUSINESSES START GETTING BACK TO NORMAL What is the secret of HPO’s, Mark Shields explains

HEALTH AND WELLBEING 18 MEDITATION WALKS And why should we be doing them?

20 HOW TO MEDITATE – A BEGINNERS GUIDE Expert tips on starting to meditate

24 ANTI-DESK YOGA Poses to do if you’re sitting all day

30 HERE’S WHY WE NEED ZINC How to make sure you’re getting enough

HISTORY 58 BITTER HARVEST The tragedy of the Laurel By Paul Durroch

HOME AND GARDEN 34 FENG SHUI Simple ways to bring more into your home

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38 TRANQUILITY IN A SPA BATHROOM By Katya Pastorini of Painted Beautiful

40 FEATURE FLORALS AT HOME They never go out of fashion and this season they’re in full bloom

44 TRANSFORM YOUR OUTDOOR SPACE Spruce them up with some stylish touches

48 RECYCLE OLD JUNK To boost your gardening kit

FASHION 50 SWIMSUIT STYLES To make a splash this Summer

TRAVEL 52 EFFERVESCENT EILAT Israel’s Red Sea resort By Rebecca Underwood

MOTORING 54 PORSCHE TAYCAN TURBO S The latest set of wheels taken for a spin

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 

LOOKING TO UNLOCK new and exciting adventures for your little ones as they exercise both body and mind? SEEKERS is a multi-award-winning magnetic scavenger hunt game that encourages children to search for various objects in their environment. Hunt for the items on the magnets and flip them over once discovered. For Ben & Holly fans – head outside into your own little kingdom with this branded version of the game. The starter pack includes the Nature Trail magnet set - ideal for general outdoor scavenger hunts.

And, with additional add-on magnet sets available, SEEKERS’ games can be used time and time again in numerous locations. Seven add-on sets are currently on the market including; At the Park, Beside the Seaside, Shapes & Colours (ideal for younger children around the home) and Car Journey. The target age range for the game is three-years-old and above.

Nature Trail starter pack with magnetic board - £14.99. Add-on magnet sets - £7.97


Discover endless adventures at



 It was with great interest I recently logged onto zoom to interview ‘The Impact Guru’ aka Esther Stanhope. In anticipation I’d re-read the Esther article that had initially caught my attention, enjoyed some of her videos, taken the time to navigate her website and ordered ‘Goodbye Glossophobia’, Esther’s Limited Edition book… interview by Juanita Shield-Laignel I will start by sharing with you exactly what Glossophobia means according to google; ‘Glossophobia is the medical term for the strong fear of public speaking. It is one of the most common phobias: about 75% of the world's population struggle with this social phobia, or social anxiety disorder, to some extent.’ With one thing and another we were both a little late coming to the zoom table and yet Esther remained unflustered and

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presented professionally in her ‘zoom room’ sporting a plain white background, a huge poster emblazoned with some of her work and enviable lighting, not to mention bedecked in her statement bright lipstick, groovy glasses and smart but casual jacket. As is my want I asked Esther to go back to the beginning and tell me about her childhood and how she had come to be an Author, International Speaker and Personal Impact Expert working with some of the world’s biggest names – but before that I wanted to know if she had ever worked in Jersey… “Yes I have hosted a session within the last couple of years for Women in Banking and the Lean In circle for about 70 people, so I have a few clients in Jersey. They have asked me to come back some time.


It was great, I love Jersey…I also did a leadership project for Confidence in Speaking with foreign students - young women. I stayed at the Radisson and spent some wonderful time walking around by the seafront and got accosted by seagulls…sorry just reminiscing and getting into the Jersey vibe!” Satisfied that Esther is a suitable interloper for the Jerseylife interview slot, I listened intently whilst she regaled me with her life story. “When I was at school I was never that confident – given my work, people laugh at me when I say that and say things like ‘don’t be so silly Esther of course you’re confident’; they think I have natural born charisma…but if you are an extrovert it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re confident, it just means you have a personality type with lots of energy and usually talk a lot!” Esther laughed and carried on talking…! “You can of course be confident in many things – you can be a confident cook or a confident swimmer but not a confident person in the world. I never thought I was very clever either. As one of six I was aware my siblings were bright, but my brother Harry, three years my senior, was a genius child. At four he was doing the work of an eight year old and at eight he’d achieved Piano Grade 5 and was playing Moonlight Sonata at concerts…so that’s what I thought clever looked like.” “When he was just 40 my father died of a heart attack and not long after that, in class, Miss Buldock invited me to stand up and read out loud. I stood up, opened the book and couldn't get the words out, my mind went totally blank, the words made no sense. Now in my late forties I have discovered I am 64% likely to be very dyslexic but of course didn’t know that at the time and there may have been some correlation to how I was feeling having lost my dad!”

Outside the BBC with my book 2019

“I was aware that many of my peers wanted to be Blue Peter Presenters but remember thinking I wanted to be the person with the ideas to make Tracey Island out of washing up liquid bottles; the person behind the scenes. I went to drama classes at The Questors Theatre in Ealing - the best amateur theatre in London. I loved being involved with telling stories, learning the craft and the combat arts but often choosing not to be the actor instead being the director. I was really confident at bringing the teams together and having ideas but no one ever said to me ‘you’re an ideas person’ - I just fudged it. I got my Drama Degree and did work experience at the BBC and Virgin Radio so fell into that world - but had no idea how to shape my career.” “Throughout my broadcasting years, I worked in TV studios and on live TV and Radio and then for the BBC for 10 years…I was really happy, comfortable and confident being an unsung hero working in the background as Producer and then Senior Producer, nurturing talent behind the scenes. I always felt really uncomfortable being on camera, however, when you work in those environments you inevitably end up having to at some stage and I remember going through the late 90s as Entertainment Reporter interviewing the likes of George Clooney, Madonna, Oasis, The Spice Girls - everyone and anyone who was anyone around 1996 and 1997, including Sir Richard Attenborough, talking to people, asking questions but there would sometimes be one little snippet where I would appear on camera and I would pick it to pieces because I hated being in the spotlight. I was much more comfortable being the person giving other people confidence, which is a craft in itself - comfortable in that role of getting the best out of people.”

Radio 5 Live continues overleaf...



“As part of the management team at the BBC I was encouraged to apply for a senior position and I had to sit in front of the HR panel with some really senior people sitting behind a huge desk with their bits of paper in front of them – I totally felt full on fear or ‘glossophobia’ as I have come to learn it is called – that same fear I’d felt when I was six years old. I had that classic fight, flight or freeze experience…so I know what it’s like to be shaking, sweating and going red when being expected to perform.” “For a while I was head of programmes for Rapture Television and had to be all across the business not just the creative side so got my taste for business then. Later on my ‘ideas’ skills were really tested as I was part of the team that pitched to Richard Hopkins who was the then head of entertainment at the BBC…it was really hard – we had weekly lessons in how to be shot down. However, I managed to pitch a programme that went the distance. It was called Never Mind The Full Stops with Julian Fellowes as quiz master, he'd not done that before and kept asking me if he was coming across ok? I was heavily pregnant at the time and spending my time helping him with the autocue…he seemed terribly concerned for my wellbeing, little did we know the script he kept disappearing into his dressing room to work on was to be the success that Downton turned out to be. That particular part of my career taught me that when your ideas are rejected, it doesn’t mean you are a reject…you just have to keep trying. I also learnt how to help people appear natural whilst broadcasting.” “Not long after I’d had my kids, the BBC were going through changes and redundancies were coming up and I had a calling, I knew I wanted to do more but wasn’t sure what or how. Then around that time I was doing a Radio show and a colleague approached me and said ‘I’ve got this author coming in and he comes across as really boring – will you take a day off, I will pay you, and give him a personality?’ So I spent the day with this guy in his office - in the morning I had a really dull guy on my hands by 2pm he was charismatic! The process was so quick and the results so amazing and all I did was stuck a microphone in his hand, a camera in his face and just got him to practise,

practise, practise - have a go, have a laugh, relax…it really worked and I had a light bulb moment…I remember thinking ‘I really love this, I’m a working mum, I could do this with my own timetable and the results are so good!” “Before long I’d mentioned it to a really good friend who works at Deloitte saying I was thinking of leaving the BBC and helping people who want to be on camera in the media…his reaction was ‘Why are you doing it for people who want to be on TV? People in business need that more than anyone. I need help with my team now.’ He was right – how many ‘team leaders’ are great behind a desk but are reduced to jelly on a podium. A few months later I’d put together a few ‘quick-fix mantras’, donned my only smart dress and rocked up to his office with a camera and a tripod. After a few hours he said he wanted to roll it out to his team and put me in touch with HR!” “So I left the BBC and started my own business. I was comfortable working in small groups, then was asked to be a guest speaker at The Women’s Network, talking in front of 40 or so people. The old fight, flight or freeze started to creep in, but then I realised as I was teaching other people how to hold an audience, to project, to be leaders when public speaking, then I had to do this; walk the talk! Not long after, I met ‘The Presentation Coach’, Graham Davies, he speaks a lot for the Professional Speakers Association and he said to me ‘You’re a speaker,’… ‘Oh my goodness’, thought I, ‘I’ve become a speaker!’ It just shows; if you want to be an expert speaker you can be.” “And that’s the main thing about my book really - in ‘Goodbye Glossophobia’ - I give people hope that they can do it – YOU CAN DO IT, you just have to throw yourself into it. Most people are afraid of public speaking but the benefits and rewards are massive. So many people think ‘those people can do that but not me’ – I am one of those people - I couldn’t do it at the age of six and then later in interviews, I have had to learn – you can learn too, anyone can learn – they just need to be shown how. Now I

My son Truman, when a 3 day old baby in 2010

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Working with African leaders in the US in 2019

My dad, Bill Dixon, RIP x

am all about helping people get promoted helping them become visible, giving people, particularly women in leadership - a voice.”

because my dad died and my mum was a teacher, working hard and looking after six children, I just scrambled myself into that world I wanted to be in, I made it up as I went along – busking it or what I now call it, I was a Wing it Wonder the other type being a Plannerina – Boris Johnson is a wing it wonder and Theresa May is a plannerina.”

“Aside from my book ‘Goodbye Glossophobia’ I’ve also been working on an e-book book ‘How to get your Dream Promotion’ and an online programme in leadership for woman. Working from home in the digital environment has played to my strengths – at the beginning of lockdown, like many, I had to pivot quickly and set up a virtual event reaching 750 people across the globe. I still get nervous and still have self-doubt – but I have learnt, and now teach, that being outside your comfort zone doesn’t have to be awful…in actual fact, it’s good for you. I’ve also been coaching live master classes, learnt how to do virtual webinars and done quite a few podcasts – everyone is going digital, including me. Negative feedback can be a bit of a shock to the system. As senior producer I’ve had to talk some quite famous presenters off a ledge when they’ve had negative feedback – I’ve learnt firsthand, you’re never going to please everybody all of the time.” I asked Esther what projects she is currently working on. “I always have things bubbling, there has been quite a lot press around the book and going virtual and my Women In Leadership course that you can do online – I just want to use it as a platform to genuinely give more people a voice – there is still a gender pay gap and still not enough women in the boardroom. I aim to empower people, encourage them to use their voice and get more women on the podium!” I wondered how this all fitted in with family commitments? “My daughter is now 14 and my son 10. They are my only clients who aren’t 100 percent happy with my service. My son has done really well in performance with some basic tips I give my clients like; getting into character, believe in what you are saying, embody it, live it, sell a story. When my kids listen to me, they do really well, but of course they don’t always listen and instead think I’m ‘embarrassing’ and I say ‘I know isn’t that great!’” “I think not having much parental guidance myself made me a fighter; I had to make my own luck. I was tenacious and maybe

I asked if Esther does things to compensate for her busy working life. “I do quite a lot of press for the British heart foundation – another layer of the life work balance, because, I had a heart attack when I was 45. I was travelling a lot and had been to New York, I wasn’t feeling right and just thought I was unfit. When I returned to the UK I rang my GP and described some of my symptoms…he knew it was a heart attack straight away. Relatively speaking it was just a mild one and medical intervention is so much better than when my dad had his all those years ago. The point of sharing this is being - in that moment, I thought, ‘I haven’t finished, I haven’t written my book, I haven’t done my life yet!’ – I am here to serve, I am here with messages and I know my book is going to help people and I’m so pleased I’ve written it.” “My priorities have changed, I was stressed for years without realising how important pacing yourself is, so my heart attack has been life changing in the most positive way. I love the science behind what I do, what happens in the brain when the fear flight or freeze happens, the science behind regenerative cell rest and I am loving learning; it’s really rewarding. Going out of your comfort zone can be a quest, a leaning into exciting new adventures, not a stress to be feared…I am no longer afraid when public speaking and I can teach you how to do it too!” Since this interview – Goodbye Glossophobia has landed on my desk and OMG what a great book! ‘My book WON the Highly Commended Short Business Book of the Year Award 2020’ For the colour edition! Go to or contact Esther on M: + 44 7780 994478 E:



Beyond Everest Reaching New Heights for Headway Jersey

Climbing Everest is often seen as the pinnacle of human endurance and over 3 days, September 3rd - 5th, 12 hours each day, 8a.m. - 8p.m. Bryce Alford, Fundraising and Events Manager at Headway Jersey will be taking on possibly his toughest challenge yet! Imagine the monumental effort required to run continuously up and down the steepest cliff path steps and well known lung busting hills such as Devil's Hole, Corbiere, Bonne Nuit Bay and Ghost Hill covering the North, East, South and West of the island along with special permission from Jersey Heritage to ascend the inspiring Mont Orgueil Castle. With a major 24 hour race in the UK cancelled, Bryce wanted to create a physical challenge befitting of the financial difficulties that Headway is now facing due to the devastating loss of £100,000 of fundraising. Bryce understands first hand how the amazing work that Headway does for those who have suffered brain injuries can be life changing. A Brain Injury could happen through any situation and can include Accidents, Stroke, Brain Tumour, Aneurysm, Haemorrhage, Encephalitis amongst many other causes. Having had 4 members of his own family affected by brain injuries he is passionate about helping improve the lives of those who have suffered and their families and carers. Mount Everest stands at a height of 8,848m( 29,029ft) but Bryce's goal is to reach 10,000m+ of elevation and raise £10,000 (£1 per meter). With so many of their vital fundraising events having been cancelled, Headway Jersey have a mountain to climb to replace these lost funds.

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This offers the perfect opportunity for you to join him and set your own challenge, whilst raising essential funds for Headway. Whether you walk or run, as an individual or as part of a business or sports team, how high are you prepared to climb? The choice is yours and here are just a few of the highest mountains around the world for you to set your sights on! Mount Everest - 8,848m (Nepal), Mount Kilimanjaro - 5,895m (Tanzania) The Matterhorn 4,478 (Alps) The Eiger 3970 (Switzerland) Half Dome 2,694 ( Yosemite National Park) Mount Snowdon 1085m (Wales) Scafell Pike 976m ( England) Ben Nevis 600m ( Scotland) Bryce is also offering the opportunity for a title sponsor who will be able to benefit from the extensive coverage Beyond Everest will generate throughout July and August including regular social media updates, local media features and apparel branding in return for a generous donation to Headway Jersey. If you would like to join Bryce in his Beyond Everest Challenge either as an individual or as part of a team or would like to discuss the Title Sponsor opportunity, please contact Bryce by email or telephone the Headway Centre on 505937.

WEBSITE DESIGN FOR SMALL BUSINESSES AND START UPS Social Media Marketing - Facebook, Instagram, Twitter



Kairos Arts Update LOCKDOWN AND BEYOND… YOU may recall in our December 2019 issue I spent time with Cathy Sara, Director of local charity, Kairos Arts. Totally in awe of the worthwhile work Kairos Arts had been doing I signed on the dotted line to complete the training and join the dedicated throng of local Kairos Arts Practitioners; sadly our training, several weeks in, was put on hold. Wanting to know how the charity has coped with lockdown, I asked Wendy Jenkins, the charity’s Communications Director, for an update…Juanita Shield-Laignel Wendy replied…“Lockdown has presented some challenges but some incredible opportunities for Kairos Arts. Though deeply saddened that we haven’t been able to run our normal programmes with Jersey Women’s Refuge and our monthly workshops for people living with dementia, we have endeavored to keep true to our Kairos identity, using our creative gifts and therapeutic training ‘for such a time as this.’

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Towards the beginning of lockdown, we realised that people were feeling overwhelmed by the new restraints placed on their lives, by having the new challenge of juggling work and homeschooling, of being totally isolated from friends and family and by the constant bombardment of media updates on Covid19 statistics. If ever the arts had a part to play in speaking into this shocking new normal, it was then. We created ‘40 Days of


Creative Adventure’ where we invited people on Instagram and Facebook to take up our chosen daily ten minute creative task. We incorporated all the arts - from dancing to singing, to modelling, to signing, to painting...the list goes on. We knew that not all activities would connect with everyone, but even if they just sparked an idea, encouraged one person to step out into creative pursuit, or found a way to process concerns and anxiety around Coronavirus then it was worthwhile. Another impact of the global pandemic was the blow of having our annual fundraiser cancelled due to Lockdown. Not to be disheartened, we organised an online, ‘40 Minute Festival of Creativity’ where we celebrated all of the arts with contributions from very talent local individuals and groups including music from Musical Originals, Sarah and Gerard Le Feuvre and Liz Shea along with her children, Josh and Esther. The purpose wasn’t to raise funds - we are a small enough charity to survive the economic downturn - but to enable people to enjoy a very engaging and eclectic celebration of the arts. Following a biblical ‘40 day’ theme, the Kairos Community then embarked on a running challenge. We pledged to run 40km over 8 days to raise funds for our partners in locally and internationally. In Jersey, we raised funds for Jersey Women’s Refuge who have just opened a second home due to meet the increase in domestic abuse cases during lockdown. We also raised funds for our partners in Bolivia and India who run Freedom Businesses for people who have been trafficked or who are emerging from the sex trade. Employees in these companies have been profoundly effected during lockdown as businesses have been forced to shut down. We wanted to ensure these precious, vulnerable individuals would still be able to take home a salary during this time of economic upheaval. We were delighted to raise £1410.00 and so grateful for so many people’s generous contributions.

As current restrictions begin to ease here in Jersey, we are thrilled to start planning our workshops for the autumn term. We are currently preparing a six week programme for year 10 and 11 girls from Beaulieu School requiring support with anxiety, stress and low self-esteem issues. This is an exciting new chapter for the charity as we develop our schools’ work. As we emerge from ‘these strange times,’ and our programmes recommence, we know that our therapeutic arts workshops will, as ever, play an intrinsically vital role in allowing people to understand, process and find comfort and resilience in all that they discover about themselves and the world we inhabit.” I was so thrilled to hear the charity has navigated these difficult times with sensitivity and an ongoing desire to help the local community and also manage their international commitments. Thank you Wendy for sharing the Kairos Arts news…



First baby aye-aye to be hand-reared at Jersey Zoo named by her keepers as Mifaly, meaning ‘playful’ and ‘to rejoice’ in Malagasy, she was also one of the smallest babies on record, weighing only 65g. Newborn aye-ayes would usually weigh between 90g–120g, but Mifaly has progressed extremely well and has now more than trebled her birth weight. Rachel continued, “It has been an incredible privilege to witness the infant’s growth and development, as normally baby aye-ayes stay hidden in the nest for the first couple of months, so we don’t get to see what they are doing in there! It’s been amazing to see how instinctive some of their behaviours are. She has recently started to ‘tap’ things in her box and then try to chew on them – this is her beginning to practice the percussive foraging behaviour that aye-ayes do in the wild, which enables them to access their favourite juicy grubs and insects from under the tree bark. She is incredibly playful and to have another female in the population is fantastic news for the conservation of this rare species.” The aye-aye is a species of lemur from Madagascar and, like many primates native to the island, is an endangered species. Given the serious state of their population in the wild, this precious new baby is a welcome addition to the captive breeding programme. On Friday 15th May, keepers at Jersey Zoo were delighted to welcome the second baby aye-aye of 2020 to the Durrell family, born to mother Zanvie, and father Pan. However, this time around, zoo staff needed to intervene to ensure the survival of this precious youngster. Sadly, the infant was rejected by its mother, and keepers had to step in to hand-rear the baby. Despite the zoo staff’s efforts to encourage Zanvie to care for her young, she appears to lack maternal instincts. Senior Mammal Keeper, Rachel Cowen, said, “Unfortunately, Zanvie doesn’t seem to want to feed her offspring or curl up around them to keep them warm. Two of her infants have been successfully hand-reared before while Zanvie resided at Bristol Zoo, so we knew that we might have to hand-rear this baby. The global captive population of ayeayes is quite small, and there aren’t very many females of breeding age in the European population, so it is still really important for Zanvie to breed, as she is the daughter of wild-born aye-aye Patrice, who was brought back from Madagascar by Gerald Durrell in 1990 and still lives at Jersey Zoo today.” Globally, this aye-aye is only the fifth baby to be fully hand-reared to this age and brings the total number of aye-ayes at Jersey Zoo to nine. Quickly sexed as female and fondly 16 |

The baby aye-aye born in March to Ala and Pan is developing well and has now been sexed as a male. Zoo staff say he is getting braver and more confident at moving around the enclosure but is still a little shy around the keepers. Jersey Zoo is open to all visitors, with the majority of outdoor and indoor areas now open. Unfortunately, the aye-aye building is currently closed due to physical distancing measures, but we hope to open it again soon so that visitors can see this year’s exciting new arrivals.

Brighter Futures’ Virtual Balloon Race Fundraising Drive As Community Engagement Officer and on behalf of Brighter Futures, working within the third sector, Coronavirus has meant physical contact with supporters and donors has become increasingly difficult therefore, COVID-19 will long be remembered for the way it quickly dismantled our way of life and our way of working... Due to social distancing, ‘normal’ fundraising drives are almost impossible, which has made Brighter Futures become proactive and creative to endeavour to find the much needed funds to continue our work by supporting the 150 local families that we work with at any one time. Therefore, we are delighted to introduce our first ever virtual fundraising initiative, Balloons for Brighter Futures! We believe a virtual balloon race is a wonderful thing to do while we are all in lockdown. People and communities can both come together virtually and - via their balloons - can travel the world virtually., the world’s only virtual balloon race system will be Brighter Futures’ first virtual event. With many fundraising events being cancelled due to Covid-19, we believe it to be a great way for us to run an interactive activity which we trust will prove to be really popular and fun, even in these difficult times. We hope this event will appeal to adults, children and young people alike as Brighter Futures envisage high levels of engagement once the race begins with supporters exploring virtually how far their balloon has travelled. The virtual Balloon Race is a totally Internet based platform, so there is no physical contact with charity supporters required at any point.

The Balloons for Brighter Futures race is a great fun 7day computer simulation race where everything is real except the balloon. 100% environmentally friendly there is no actual balloon, no string or label, no helium gas. But it is just as unpredictable as a real race and just as competitive! Although sales take place now and for the next 3 weeks, when the virtual balloon race is ‘launched’ at 9pm on Thursday July 16, the actual prevailing weather conditions for the launch area on the day will be applied to ALL the balloons in the race equally. An advanced computer modelling programme using Google maps and weather data, will then ‘track’ how each balloon reacts to the weather conditions during the race. By following a link, you can track your balloon/s in real time 24/7.

Customise your Balloon Because this is a virtual race – YOU can personalise your balloon by choosing the size, shape and even the thickness of the rubber; you can decide how much virtual helium you use; you can change the colour or upload a photograph/corporate logo onto your balloon.

pressure within your balloon may make it burst; too much ‘helium’ and it could pop early, too little and it might crawl along at a low level or burst on the nearest tree or pylon. Balloons for Brighter Futures will ensure that our fundraising efforts continue and hopefully offer some entertainment to those that take part during these challenging times. This campaign was born out of the uncertain and difficult times we currently face…

Please, take a look; We have some amazing prizes! For more information contact; Community Engagement Officer Web: Twitter: @brightfutureje Facebook: Brighter Futures Jersey Registered Charity No: 204

A larger, more aerodynamic balloon may fly faster – but it is also at greater risk of exploding if weather conditions make the balloon rise too high or too fast. If the rubber you select is too thin, the air




Meditation Walks AND WHY SHOULD WE BE DOING THEM? As we adapt to our new normal, many of us are finding it hard to concentrate. Liz Connor hears how taking a walk can help to clear the brain fog...

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The last time you went for a walk outdoors, how engaged were you in the surroundings? Were you scrolling through social media, replying to a WhatsApp message and listening to a podcast episode, or were you truly taking in the sights, sounds and experiences around you? Taking a walk outdoors can work wonders for your mental and physical health during lockdown, but to truly embrace the benefits, experts say we must bring our body and minds in sync. Known as 'walking meditation', this type of mindfulness in motion is about more than just getting from A to B. Rather, it's an opportunity to clear your mind of any internal worries, by hyper-focusing on the rhythm of your steps and tuning in to what's going on around you. WHAT IS WALKING MEDITATION? Also know as 'kinhin', this type of peaceful practice is part of several forms of Buddhism that involve movement and periods of walking between long periods of sitting meditation. If you struggle with traditional meditation, taking your practice outside gives you an opportunity to harness your awareness and focus on the present, rather than being distracted by internal thoughts, worries or fears. Proponents often perform a 'body check' while walking, noticing how every area of their body feels as they move from foot to foot. Alongside this, it's important to tune into what's going on around you, whether that's passing cars in a city, or birds tweeting in the countryside. "Taking mindful moments for yourself whilst exercising is important to help get perspective on your thinking," says Sarah Romotsky, director of healthcare partnerships at Headspace ( If, like many, you're struggling to focus on work at the moment, Romotsky says it's a great tool for improving your concentration and kick-starting your creative mind.

Regular meditation trains and re-programmes the mind to be more open and less reactive." Alongside this, meditation can also enhance empathy, increase your attention span and help you to sleep better at night. "It's also scientifically proven to help alleviate stress and increase happiness," Romotsky adds. "It allows you take a step back from stressful situations, pause the mind and feel better in the moment." HOW CAN YOU DO IT AT HOME? Although it's called a walking meditation, Romotsky says that doesn't mean we're walking around on autopilot or with our eyes closed. "Instead, walking meditation is mindfully walking using a meditative technique, with eyes open, and at a pace that suits you, with our attention on the immediate setting around us." She adds: "Try meditating by focusing attention on the environment around you, taking in all the sights, sounds and smells - particularly those you would not normally notice. "Whilst moving, your attention should be focused on the act of doing and the sensations your body is experiencing. This can prevent distracting and stressful thoughts, helping you to refresh the mind, and tune into the rhythm of the body." It's also common for people to first do a sitting meditation in a private space, using an app like Headpsace, and then take their meditative state outdoors on a walk. This is a great way to ease yourself into the practice. "If you can't get outside right now, moving around your house, room by room , can also be an effective mode of physical and mental exercise. "While walking around in your home, be sure to check in with your body and how it feels. Is it heavy or light, stiff or relaxed, and how are you carrying yourself? Tune into what's going on around you in your surroundings."

"By incorporating mindfulness into exercising, we can help ground the mind, let go of negative thoughts, and manage the mind-body connection.



How to Meditate A BEGINNER'S GUIDE Find wellbeing balance with these expert tips on starting to meditate. Jenny Stallard reports...

For many people, even before coronavirus began, meditation was a great way to try and find some balance. And now, during the pandemic, even more of us are turning to it as a coping mechanism, to help reduce stress and anxiety. If you're keen to try, it's easy to get started, say experts. Dr Megan Jones Bell, chief science officer at mindfulness and meditation app Headspace ( says: "Overall, Headspace downloads have doubled, with certain courses seeing an increase in users of over 1000%. "With regards to specific sessions, we have recently seen ten times the number of users starting our stressed calming meditation. Specifically in the UK, this has been a six-times increase. Our reframing anxiety home workout has also had a ten-times increase in the amount of UK users trying it out." MEDITATION - WHY NOW? "This is an unprecedented time for all of us. As the world collectively takes steps to safeguard physical health and wellbeing, it's also important to take care of our minds," says Jones Bell. "During this challenging time, it's normal to feel anxious and overwhelmed. While we work from home, we can get easily distracted from tasks and feel less motivation to be productive. "By being apart from family, friends and loved ones, our relationships with others may also feel strained. This stress is also

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exacerbated by the anxiety we may feel about what the future holds."


"Mindfulness is proven to help people better manage difficult emotions by recognising these feelings and accepting that they are transient, helping you to let them go. Dedicating just a small fraction of every day to self-care can have a huge impact on our wellbeing, relationships, sleep, focus and productivity," adds Jones Bell.

1. After finding a quiet spot, close your eyes, and focus your attention to your breath.

Dominique Antiglio is trained in a type of dynamic meditation called Sophrology ( She explains: "This is a modern type of meditation, a practice for body and mind where we combine relaxation, breathing and body awareness work." Antiglio has found a lot of beginners are coming to join her Instagram Live guided meditations during the pandemic. She encourages people to start the day with a practice - instead of going straight for your phone, try meditating instead, she adds. She's also a fan of adding in stretching, so you're aware of your body, and any negative emotions which you can begin to work through.

2. Don't alter or rush it, allow it to continue at its own rhythm and simply observe the rising and falling sensation that it creates in your body. 3. Focus on the quality of each breath, asking without judgement: Is it long or short? Deep or shallow? Fast or slow? 4. Begin silently counting each breath: 1 as you inhale, 2 as you exhale, 3 on the next inhalation and so on, up to 10. Then start again from the beginning at stage 1. 5. If your mind wanders, don't worry, that's completely normal. Notice new thoughts, but then let them go, bringing your attention back to your breath. 6. Once you have completed 10 minutes, congratulate yourself, recognising how the process made you feel.

WHO CAN DO IT? "Mindfulness and meditation can be practised by anyone at any age, for any amount of time they want to spend on it, even if it's for as little as three minutes a day," says Jones Bell. "You can also introduce meditation to children, which helps allow them to be present in the moment and free from any external thoughts or pressures." WHERE AND WHEN? "While meditation can be done any time of day, the morning can be a good time, as it helps encourage the habit of mindfulness, releases feelings of fogginess and gives the mind clarity, and sets the day up on a positive note," says Jones Bell. If you have outside space, that can be a lovely place to meditate. "You could start with just five minutes," says Antiglio. "You can meditate standing, lying down.. if you breathe properly for five minutes a day, three to four times a week, it'll start to add up to a transformation in your consciousness." Finding quiet time can be tricky at the moment for some people, Antiglio acknowledges, particularly parents at home with children. But she suggests: "Even if the kids are around, you can ask them to play for a moment and take five minutes. They'll learn from that, seeing you breathing and closing your eyes you're setting a great example."



 By Helen O’Meara, the very proud Director of CI Home Care Sometimes success is simply maintenance of mobility and independent living. Happily, even in elderly care, success does often involve improvement. People can improve mobility but sometimes only when they feel safe to move about, for example alongside a Carer. Regular home care visits can improve the home environment and nutrition levels which in turn improve overall health and make the client feel better. Companionship alone can improve a client’s emotional well-being which in turn improves appetite and so on. We have a wonderful client, a charming lady who was so devastated by the death of her husband that she literally lost the ability to walk. Desperate to stay at home Mrs M opted for a live-in Carer and with daily support, encouragement and companionship came success…a first outside amble in the garden followed by a daily build up…to the point now where she enjoys counting her steps in the 1000s!

One of those sayings used on T-shirts, mugs and birthday cards which raises a smile – or a truism? Probably a bit of both! As the director of a home care agency during coronavirus there were days in the first few weeks when it was 100% true for me - and I have the extra grey hairs to prove it!

If you’re reading this as the son or daughter of an elderly person success may be remaining a loving son or daughter – and not becoming a harassed housekeeper or carer for your parent! Calling in professional care may not be weak; it may be the recipe for success for both you and your parent/s!

But thanks to the heroic efforts of our Care Management Team, our amazing Carers and the President of the Jersey Care Federation along with some notable individuals at the States of Jersey, we maintained support for all our clients and even managed to accept some new customers to help keep beds free in the hospital. Success!

None of us can control the passage of time but we can control what we know about the choices available to us as we age. Don’t use the internet? Ask your doctor or call Age Concern Jersey. Don’t know whether you or your loved one would be happier at home or in residential care? Speak to a couple of home care agencies and visit a couple of care homes and think about where you might feel happiest in future. Find out about the Long Term Care Scheme so that you understand how the financial assistance works.

But what is success in elderly care under normal circumstances? The answer is it’s almost impossible to define as success varies so much from person to person. Sometimes success is being able to stay at home, if that is the person’s first choice, even in the face of unavoidable age or illness related decline.

Old age may creep up on us but success in dealing with it is possibly similar to success in the face of the coronavirus pandemic – something else we can’t completely control – we need to take control of those aspects we can control and learn to accept the rest!

 Live-in care specialists  Hourly home care enquiries welcomed  Overnight and respite care also available Simply call Nicola or Emma on 01534 883 886 for further information or to arrange a no obligation informal chat. Complete Individual Home Care Ltd., Suite 3 Longueville Business Centre, Longueville Road, St Saviour JE2 7SA 22 |

 Registered with the Jersey Care Commission  Flexible, consistent and friendly care

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Bad posture can wreak havoc on your spine. Yogi Meghan Shannen shows Liz Connor how to undo the damage of your makeshift home office set-up... So you've recently become a home worker. Congratulations on finally ditching your commute and entering a new period of your life where it's OK to wear sweatpants to the office. But for all the positives - like setting your alarm later in the morning - there are some downsides too. Most notably, the backache that can come from sitting at a makeshift desk set-up for eight hours a day. Hunching over a laptop, using the sofa as desk chair, precariously balancing your screen on a pile of coffee table books... all of these actions can put pressure on your neck and spine, and there's increasing evidence to suggest that sitting for long periods of time is bad for our overall health too. So what can be done? Well, we can start by trying to undo the damage with some anti-desk yoga; moves that can release shoulder tension and improve posture. Here, yoga instructor Meghan Shannen ( shares four key poses to try on your next lunch break. 1. FORWARD FOLD WITH CLASPED HANDS "This move helps to open your chest and shoulders, which counteracts the standard sitting posture we tend to hold at our desks.

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"Start with your feet hips-width apart and clasp your hands behind you. Pull your hands away from your lower back and focus on keeping your shoulders away from your ears. "With bent knees, fold down, bringing your clasped hands overhead. Take five breaths, and then roll up slowly - imagining you're stacking your spine, piece by piece."


2. LOW LUNGE "Lunges are great for stretching and strengthening your hip muscles, which can help to alleviate lower back pain.

another. Make sure your left foot is at the front of the mat and facing forward. Line the arch of the right foot to the heel of the front foot, and raise your arms to shoulder height.

"To do this move, you'll need to place your front leg at a 90degree angle with your back knee on the mat and back toes untucked. I recommend using a yoga mat to protect your knees.

"From here, reach your left arm as far forward as you can, whilst pulling your right hip as far back as possible. Then drop your left hand to a comfortable position on the inside of the left leg, pushing against your shin. This should give you a nice spinal twist and chest opener.

"Engage your glutes and actively push your the shin of your back leg against the mat. Your abs and rib muscles should also be activated to protect your back. "Once you've found a solid foundation, lift your hands above your head, tucking your chin slightly to work the deep neck muscles. Take five deep breaths before switching legs." 3. TRIANGLE POSE "This shoulder and chest opening pose is great for to stretching out your side body.

Don't forget to switch sides afterwards." 4. REVERSE TABLETOP "This pose opens your shoulders and strengthens your glutes, wrists and back muscles. "Start in a seated position, placing your hands behind your back, with your fingers facing towards you. Your feet should be hipwidth apart. "Lift to a tabletop position, making sure your shoulders are stacked directly above your wrists. You should feel like you're pushing out of your shoulders, which strengthens the muscles. "Your hips should be directly above your ankles and in line with your shoulders. Engage your abdominal muscles as you hold for five. Your neck can either be tucked or neutral, but only if you don't have neck issues."

"Step your feet roughly three feet apart from one



With Jersey businesses getting back to normal as lockdown lifts what makes some companies excel and others fail WHAT IS THE SECRET OF THE HIGH PERFORMING ORGANISATION WHERE WE ALREADY KNOW THEY WILL ALWAYS ACHIEVE, EVEN IN SUCH CHALLENGING TIMES…. Mark Shields shares the secrets of the Channel Islands HPO’S What is a High Performing Organisation? 1. The high performance organization (HPO) is a conceptual framework for organizations that leads to increased staff productivity, superior business performance and improved staff morale and motivation 2. HPO’S prioritise the psychology and culture of the organisation rather than the maintenance and tactics 3. They believe in the importance of staff growth and personal development, individual staff performance and accountability, combined with a clear organisational strategy outlining the company’s vision, mission, values and philosophy

These organizations flatten organisational structure and make it easier for cross-functional collaboration to occur. HPO, relationships are strengthened among employees who perform distinct functions, specialists, sales and service focused roles, or that only perform within a given business area. By developing specialists and focused roles you have the potential to improve staff performance in key areas of the business. This can be done by offering specialist training applicable to specialist roles backed up by rigorous personal development plans so staff are constantly growing and developing. This is commonly found within the sales set up and structure of an HPO.

The Key Factors all HPO’S have in common


Organizational design

The most apparent difference in the organizational design of HPOs is their reliance on teamwork.

High performance organizations value positive psychology, structural flexibility, individual responsibility, teamwork and collaboration as priorities in their organizational design. 26 |

Teams operate semi-autonomously to make sales, set schedules, manage quality, and solve problems.


These self-directed work teams thrive off of information sharing from all levels of the organization and are multi-skilled with the flexibility to solve problems without the need of direct supervision. Staff are empowered to make decisions themselves without the need for referral to supervisors or senior managers. These teams are often small in number, typically ranging from 7–15 members. Team members who are part of high performance teams tend to have strong personal commitment to one another's growth and success, and to the organizations growth and success. Individual team members accept full accountability and responsibility for achieving their part of the company’s overall plan. The high sense of commitment exhibited by teams in a high performance organization allow these teams to have a better sense of purpose, more accountability, and more actionable goals which allows them greater productivity and improved performance. Individuals HPOs foster an organizational culture of learning where they invest heavily in their workforce. They do this typically through leadership development and competency management. HPOs will develop a clear set of core competencies and key performance indicators that they will manage the staff to. They will invest in keeping these competencies prominent through training and development. These organizations also reinvent the way they refer to their employees in order to place value on the team concept. Team Leaders The roles of managers in an HPO are the most important. They are there to train, develop, manage and motivate their teams to success. The role of team manager in an HPO is pivitol to the success of the organisation. They tend to demonstrate strengths in people development, coaching, motivating staff and team building. Traditional models for organizations would have leaders closely monitor or supervise their teams. Team leaders in HPOs are more concerned with long term strategic planning and direction.

Team leaders in HPO’S take a more hands off approach and empower staff to assume responsibility and accountability for their own performance. Leaders in HPOs trust in their employees to make the right decisions. They act as a coach to their team members by giving them support and keeping them focused on the project at hand. These leaders are able to lead depending on the situation and have the capability to adjust their leadership style based upon the needs of their team members. They know when to inspire people with direct communication and also have the ability to read when a more hands off approach is necessary. Although these leaders act with a hands-off approach, they hold non-performers accountable for not reaching their goals. Leadership practices are also in line with the company's vision, values, and goals Leaders of these organizations make all of their decisions with the organization's values in mind. Leadership behavior that is consistent with the organization's vision involves setting clear expectations, promoting a sense of belonging, fostering employee involvement in decision making, and encouraging learning and development. Leaders in an HPO also have the responsibility of understanding and being able to quickly make important decisions about the always changing marketplace in which their organization operates. continues overleaf...



Organization strategy and vision

Managing Change

HPOs create strong vision, value, and mission statements which guide their organizations and align them with the outside environment.

The success of HPOs are due to their ability to have structures in place that allow them to quickly adjust to the environment that they operate within.

The mission, vision, and values of the organization act as foundations on which the organization is built. They inform employees what is rewarded and also what is not.

HPOs have the ability to reconfigure themselves to meet the demands of the marketplace and avoid its threats.

HPOs implement vision statements that are specific, strategic, and carefully crafted. Leaders propagate the vision at all levels by ensuring that activities are aligned with vision and strategy of the organization. HPOs also set lofty, but measurable and achievable goals for their organization in order to guide their vision. The vision and strategy of the organization is made clear to employees at all levels. A common understanding of the organizations strategy and direction creates a strategic mind-set among employees that helps the organization achieve its goals. Creating a Meritocracy HPOs reward and incentivize behavior that is in line with the organisations goals. They implement reward programs that aim to benefit employees who follow the values of the organization. This is known as creating a meritocracy culture. Results are celebrated and under performance managed. Everybody works on the premise if we all achieve the organisation achieves. Performance management, staff development, focused goals, action plans, and KPI’S are all found within the meritocracy culture of an HPO.

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HPOs constantly survey and monitor the environment to understand the context of their business, identify trends, and seek out any competitors. High performance organizations can quickly and efficiently change their operating structure and practices to meet needs. These organizations focus on long term success while delivering on actionable short term goals. These organizations are flexible, customer focused, and able to work highly effectively in teams. The culture and management of these organizations support flatter hierarchies, teamwork, diversity, and adaptability to the environment which are all of paramount success to this type of organization. Compared to other organizations, high performance organizations spend much more time on continuously improving their core capabilities and invest in their workforce, leading to increased growth and performance. View the new HPO organisational coaching course being launched by Mark Shields at Article written by Mark Shields - Educator, Coach, Author. CEO Life Practice Group 01462 431112


BOOST WELL-BEING/CAREER PROSPECTS BY IMPROVING IN A FOREIGN LANGUAGE Andrew Picot – Principal, Complete Languages Tuition & Services – Jersey (‘CLTSJersey’) Linguistic proficiency, though in increasing demand, is deemed unimportant compared to professional qualifications such as STEP in trusts and ACA for accountants. Language skills aren’t evenly spread across the workforce. There are Channel Island language schools, but linguistic demand within the workplace isn’t increasing, even if associated competencies are lacking. Many employers don’t pay for employee training; it’s a reward! Bilingualism endears you to clients. When you endeavour to speak their language in their own country, it improves negotiation, promoting sabbaticals/secondments. Numerous firms have plenty French-speaking clientele. The Swiss market is very active.

WHY NOT PICK UP LINGUISTIC SKILLS (SPANISH/FRENCH LESSONS) DURING & BEYOND THE CORONAVIRUS PERIOD? As an adult or child, you will be more recreationally/mentally active. Children will be more on course academically. Top Language Jobs surveyed British workers: 50%+ of those conversant in more than one language use it regularly. Well-being – countless benefits of language learning: • Stimulates cerebral circulation through processing (improving concentration/memory); • Opens mind; • Boosts esteem/confidence; • Increases social interaction/networking; • Makes cultural discovery/immersion easier; • Fosters empathy/compassion. Career – languages are assets: 2/3+ of those interviewed by Top Language Jobs perceive career benefits through broadened professional development or better pay. According to our 2019 Opinions & Lifestyle Survey Report (Statistics Department), only 18% of Jersey 16-64-year-olds responded that training in a language other than English is important to their career development.

The Youth – our linguistic future: Following Brexit’s transitionary period, the demand for French within geographic Europe may increase… Only around 50% of islanders hold a GCSE in a foreign language at grade C (new level 4) or above. However, the figure stands at near 80% for those who sat GCSE exams in the last 2 years (since the newest GCSE came into effect). That said, very sadly a foreign language isn’t valued enough to be compulsory post-14 at 5/9 local schools; quite a number opt out whereas it rightly used to be mandatory. A modest number of pupils take 2 foreign languages now; Spanish, unsurprisingly, is the second most popular one. The figure for Language A Levels graded at C or above these last 2 years is near 85% with 10 pupils pursuing a language at university. The latter number is consistent with the past few years. According to Top Language Jobs, 2/3 of 18-24-year-olds are likely to be multilingual (25% of 55-64-year-olds). You can download apps (Memrise/Babbel/Duolingo). Try to devote 20 minutes daily while commuting, bathing, dog walking/jogging or unwinding. Duolingo surveyed its customers: French is the second most studied language globally; it is ranked first in 35/195 countries, yet Spanish has more users. Apps/self-teach books have their limitations, so consider human tutors (as well) for very personalised feedback.

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This crucial mineral plays a vital role in overall health. Liz Connor finds out some of the best dietary sources... Zinc plays a vital role in overall health and function, from aiding our sense of taste and smell and helping heal wounds efficiently, to supporting the immune system and much more. Because zinc activates the enzymes that break down proteins in viruses and bacteria, a deficiency can mean we're susceptible to infection and associated symptoms.

The NHS advises you shouldn't take more than 25mg of zinc supplements a day, unless advised to do so by a doctor. HOW CAN I GET ZINC IN MY DIET? "Most adults obtain sufficient amounts of zinc in their diet from eating a wide range of different foods, each containing moderate amounts of zinc, rather than from a few foods containing high levels of zinc," says Anne de la Hunty, a senior scientist at the British Nutrition Foundation (

While there's no research to suggest zinc supplements can prevent coronavirus - or any other supplement for that matter ensuring all our nutritional needs are met, primarily through a varied healthy diet, is vital for helping overall immune function. HOW MUCH ZINC DO WE NEED? Dr Sarah Brewer, medical director at Healthspan (, explains the EU recommended intake (NRV) for zinc is 10 mg per day (although the NHS puts daily guidelines as 9.5mg a day for men aged (19-64 and 7mg a day for women) but says many of us don't realise we aren't getting enough. Brewer notes that, while we tend to pay a lot of attention to vitamins, minerals are equally important - although we often might be less aware of them. However, while getting enough zinc is important - it's also important not to take too much, as levels can build up in our system potentially resulting in serious side-effects. continues overleaf... 30 |

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3. Nuts and Seeds "Pine nuts and roasted cashew nuts are really high in zinc (6.5mg for every 100g and 5.7mg for every 100g respectively) and also contain high amounts of protein and unsaturated fats, which are also important components of a balanced diet," says de la Hunty. "A small handful of roasted cashew nuts make a good zincboosting snack. "Look out for seeds and tahini paste, made from sesame seeds too, especially if you're looking for alternative zinc sources to meat. Toasted seeds, sprinkled on salads, add flavour and crunch, as well as zinc, to your salad. Nuts and seeds are, however, high in calories and so should not be eaten in large quantities as snacks." 4. Milk and Cheese "A pint of semi-skimmed milk, with breakfast cereal and in tea and coffee over the day, can provide around 2.3mg zinc to the average adult. Cheddar cheese is also a good source of zinc, as well as providing protein, calcium and iodine. "Cereal products can also bulk up your numbers. Although most cereals do not contain high levels of zinc, they are an important source in the diet, because they're eaten in large quantities."

With that in mind, here, de la Hunty shares a few easy ideas to add to your supermarket trolley: 1. Meat "As well as being a good source of protein and iron, red meat is a good source of zinc; it accounts for a third of all zinc in the UK diet. What's more, the zinc in meat is readily absorbed," says de la Hunty. "Stewed, extra lean, mince provides around 59% of the RNI (Reference Nutrient Intake) for an adult man and 80% of the for a woman. Other great sources include grilled lamb chops, which provide around 3.6mg for every 100g. "I advise you choose lean cuts of meat and cut any fat off meat before cooking, to reduce the amount of saturated fat," she adds. "However, too much red and processed meat can increase the risk of some cancers. For this reason, many health experts recommend that, on average, we should eat no more than 70g red and processed meat a day, or 490g a week." 2. Fish and shellfish "Fish, such as tuna and salmon, and shellfish provide around 3% of the zinc in the UK diet. Both crab and prawns are is a good source of well absorbed zinc. However, it's always important to make sure the shellfish is well cooked, especially if you're pregnant, to reduce the risk of food poisoning," she says. "Health experts also recommend we should consume oily fish, such as salmon, mackerel and sardines, once a week. A 140g portion of sardines, for instance, would provide around 46% of the RNI for an adult woman."

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5. Legumes "Legumes, such as peas, beans and lentils contain zinc, although not in very high amounts either. Plus, they also contain phytates, which reduce the overall amount that the mineral is absorbed by the body," says de la Hunty. "Nevertheless, when consumed in larger amounts, as the main protein source in a meal, they can make a significant contribution to our intake. For example, a 200g portion of reduced sugar, baked beans would provide 10% of the RNI for an adult man. "A good serving of peanut butter, hummus made from chickpeas and tahini paste, and fried tofu are also good sources for vegans. "Beans, peas and lentils are good alternatives to meat because they're low in fat and high in fibre, protein, vitamins and minerals. Add them to soups, stews and ragus to make your meal go further," she suggests. "And an extra tip? Soaking dried beans overnight before cooking them can deactivate the phytate and increase the amount of zinc that is absorbed."


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Feng Shui INTO YOUR HOME Finding calm and positive energy at home has never felt more important, says Sam Wylie-Harris... With a growing focus on finding comfort at home and turning our living spaces into calming sanctuaries, this year has reignited our interest in Feng Shui.

There's plenty of scope for Feng Shui to feature in gardens and patios too, for an extra boost when you throw open the doors or look out the window.

The ancient Chinese practice is all about creating harmony in a space - but goes far beyond using colour and light to create the right ambience, for instance.

"The practice of Feng Shui aims to strike a balance between the self and the natural world. It can be applied to any room of the home, particularly outdoor spaces, where there's already a connection with nature," says Rosheen Forbes, commercial activity & events leader at IKEA UK & Ireland.

Strategically placing furniture to promote wellness, using artwork and living plants to get the right vibes and keeping rooms clear of clutter all factor. Based on the belief there's a continuous flow of 'chi' - or energy between an individual and their surroundings, thinking about how to arrange our objects to promote good work-life balance has additional appeal right now, with so many more of us adapting to life without a commute.

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"Adding plants and greenery is an easy place to start, and depending on the 'bagua' (centre of energy), the colours you choose can increase the energy in certain areas. Calculating your bagua map is simple but needs approaching differently depending on your home," Forbes adds.


"If you live in an apartment, align the bottom of the bagua map with the front entrance wall. If you live in a house, use a compass and place the 'career area' (bottom middle on the bagua map) where your compass indicates the north. "So, when planning your garden, think about planting blue and purple flowers in your 'wealth corner' (south east), and pink, white and red flowers in the 'relationship corner' (south west) to increase the energy around love and partnerships. "Furthermore, outdoor mirrors can be used to attract abundance. With its curved shape and smooth flowing lines, an oval mirror can be used to reflect the light from the sun, making the space feel bigger and brighter. For smaller spaces, place two mirrors to face each other so the light bounces off, creating beautiful brightness." Fancy giving your home some Feng Shui magic? Read on for more tips on how to go about it... THINK ABOUT MUTED TONES AND TEXTURES "When introducing the tools of Feng Shui into the home you need to think about adding balance and drawing energy into the room," says Wil Law, home design stylist for John Lewis. "You can start with colours - using muted tones mixed with natural materials and soft furnishing accessories immediately creates a calming effect. Try a natural wooden armchair with muted colours on the walls and textured vases and ornaments with a soft rug or carpet underfoot," says Law. KEEP COLOURS POSITIVE IF YOU'RE NOT INTO NEUTRAL Of course, colour is subjective, and what's positive and calming to one person may be undesirable to another. Alex Whitecroft, head of design at I Want Wallpaper, suggests using colours that reflect your personal happiness - but try to avoid darker colours or too much black, as these can sap positive energy flows throughout the home. "Brighter colours will have an immediately uplifting effect, so this may be the perfect opportunity to create a feature wall. You might even want to go so far as using your 'commanding position' (the spot furthest from the door and not in direct line with it) wall as the accent - and earn yourself double Feng-Shui points while you're at it." In Feng Shui, green is the colour of renewal, fresh energy and new beginnings and is believed to help relieve stress. If going green with walls isn't possible, Whitecroft says to look for accessories to enhance good energy. Living plants, brightly coloured cushions or a wall decoration will brighten a room and tie the look together in one fell swoop. continues overleaf...



TRY TO SEPARATE WORK AND RELAXATION Another key Feng Shui tip is to keep your work space separate from your relaxation area, to help balance your work and home life and enable you to properly 'switch off' while working from home. Out of sight, out of mind can only be a positive move on many levels - signalling when it's time to end those video conferencing calls, light a candle and chill out. And just in case you're wondering, candles should be placed in the bagua of your home - as well as releasing daily stress, their glow brings fiery energy and will keep the 'chi' harmonious and happy. But back to the business of a work station: slim, movable tables, deep enough for a laptop and bits and bobs will maximise your desk area, while taking up less room - and they can be rolled away when it's time to log off. AIM FOR MINIMAL CLUTTER The starting point for any positive environment is to keep kitchen work surfaces and table tops as clear as possible. This might mean having a good sort-out, and investing in some suitable storage solutions. "Old magazines, dusty ornaments and general bric-a-brac once placed in haste and never removed will not contribute to a positive energy environment," says Whitecroft. "If you find it hard to part with sentimental clutter, find a box to neatly pack it away. Do be cautious though - simply moving clutter from one spot to another won't do much to aide your energy flow. Donate to charity shops or find a way to bid farewell to items in order to clear your space, and ultimately, your mind."

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BRING THE OUTSIDE IN If you're short on outdoor space, stress not. Think about bringing the outside in with some greenery. "Plants are a brilliant way to bring energy into the room, add colour and cleanse the air. They look great in natural baskets or ceramic vases and succulents are easy to care for," says Law. Last but not least, another important Feng Shui tool to build a soothing environment is to consider carved furniture with smooth edges, over angular and sharp designs. Sharp edges and corners, otherwise known as bad energy 'sha', could have a negative effect when you're unwinding - and right now it's all about maximising the feel-good factor where we can and letting positive vibes flow!

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A spa visit is a wonderfully rejuvenating experience, imagine warm basalt stones released on your back, that relaxing massage using essential oils to soothe your aching muscles and amazing facials that leave your skin feeling so good. Why reserve these wonderfully evocative experiences for ‘treat days’ when you can recreate this tranquillity at home... Give your bathroom the ultimate lift with spa bathroom accessories that will turn it into a luxurious spa! A tired mind can be calmed at the heart of your bathroom where you can slowly retreat to in the evening and unwind in solitude. But first, you must be ready to create space in your bathroom by removing the clutter and creating an illusion of a spacious and welcoming bathroom. When you visit a spa, you will notice their excellent organization skills. Normally, everything is perfectly organized from the toiletries to the towels! Colours. Set the atmosphere by providing a calming yet relaxing tone in your bathroom. Consider choosing neutral colors like white, grey, natural, which creates an illusion of a spacious bathroom. The neutral colours could be rounded off for texture and depth with wooden accessories. Greenery. The most natural way to purify the air in your home and since spas are all about purification and renewal, there is a 38 |

lovely synergy in the addition of plants in a spa bathroom. A few examples are: • Aloe Vera should be placed close to the window. • Snake Plant that filters out toxins from the bathroom. Keep it in the darker sides of your bathroom since it can survive in low levels of light. • Lilies are such beautiful flowers that could add life to your spa bathroom. Be sure to put them in a vase and also, close to the shower or bathtub so that they can enjoy maximum humidity. • Orchids are also beautiful flowers to have in the bathroom and should be placed out of direct sunlight. • Begonia, because of their ability to flourish under fluorescent light or window locations, become a good bathroom plant.


Rugs. If space allows a rug will bring a touch of luxury and warm to the room. Bath Salts & Soaps. The right salts and soaps can make your bathroom even more spa-like. Plus, there are many health benefits connected to taking a salt bath. Sustainable Products. As you create your spa bathroom it would be a wonderful way to bring in a healthy environment by replacing items with sustainable products as the they come to end of their life. Bamboo products are a lovely example, there is a vast range of bamboo items from shelves to toothbrushes.

Music, Scents & ambient lighting. These are instant creators of ambiance, scatter candles around the the room using window cills, recessed shelving and if you do not have a built in speaker a petite Bluetooth speaker will work perfectly. Use essential oils to create the mood or use them as a treatment. Linens. Use white quality linens and keep them in plentiful supply. Towels can be tucked neatly on a towel rail, on a towel ladder or in baskets. Always include lush bathrobes and bath sheets to fully complement the mood.

Shower Head. If you are not renovating your bathroom, but budget allows an excellent way to complete the spa bathroom is to replace the shower head with a larger multi- function head. For further information on any of the above pop into Painted Beautiful in the Central Market or contact Carrie or Katya on e-mail: Facebook: Painted Beautiful Phone: 07797 816443

Storage. Only use interesting and appealing storage. If your bathroom counter tops are full of your makeup, medicine, cleansers and other toiletries, you can display them in large trays. Fit the cotton balls and wipes in beautiful glass canisters and have beautiful soap dishes for your soap. If space is an issue, go vertical use tiered storage items. If your bathroom has a tub, always remember a bath tray for your drink, candles, skincare et al. This could be great opportunity to invest in matching skincare bottles and use local refill retailers. Bath/Shower mats. These can downgrade a room in an instant! If you battle with keeping the lush white ones in top form, consider a wooden of pebble mat. They create depth and add texture and are abundantly easier to maintain.



Feature Florals at Home Florals never go out of fashion and this season they're in full bloom. Gabrielle Fagan reveals her top petal power picks...

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If you've been missing your outdoor floral fix, there are plenty of ways to 'grow' your own dazzling display of blooms at home. You can take your pick from wallpapers, fabrics, crockery, and a host of other home accessories all with blooming beautiful floral designs, which are bursting forth this season. No green fingers required - just pick from our bouquet of 12 fantastic floral fixes to take home this season...

GO WILD ON WALLS "We're noticing a greater demand for floral murals," says Rachel Kenny, studio manager for specialists in murals and wallpaper, Wallsauce. "At this time when we're restricted in travelling, it seems people are really missing visiting beautiful gardens, going to the famous flower shows, and are just longing to bring the beauty of nature and all its blooms into the home." And, she points out, a wonderful floral display is an eye-catching and soothing backdrop for those video meetings. Wallsauce's Delicate Floral Meadow wallpaper, features individual blooms on a pure white background.

well as transforming an unremarkable corner into a personal space full of character," enthuses Michael Ayerst, managing director at Surface View, who can recreate images on wall murals, canvasses, blinds and ceramic tiles. "Florals have definitely made a big return to interiors," he adds. "Our collection of historic botanical drawings, tropical palm paintings and colourful horticultural illustrations from across the centuries are proving particularly popular." SPREAD A LITTLE SUNSHINE Think outside of the vase. A perfectly placed petal - or more - on a print or quirky accessory will refresh the look of a room and really show flower power is growing on you. TAKE TO THE FLOOR "If you're looking to incorporate colourful statement flowers, one of the easiest and most affordable ways to do it is by featuring a bright, bold rug," says Jemma Dayman, buyer at Carpetright. "The variety of hues in a floral rug will allow for an eclectic selection of furniture and accessories to be used throughout the room, bringing further pops of colour and creating a cohesive and stylish scheme." PLAY WITH FLOWER POWER Treat a sofa like a window-box - replacing tired old plants with new ones would give it an instant update, and new cushions in a pretty floral print could have the same effect. "Times of uncertainty make us want to reconnect with nature, give us an appreciation of what matters, and mean we look to our surroundings to comfort us," says Georgia Metcalfe, founder and creative director, The French Bedroom Company. "Florals are great for bringing the outside in, whether it's a floral fresco wallpaper design, patterned bed linen, or simple bunches of hand-picked wildflowers from a walk. Filling our rooms with floral spring tones has the effect of a visual revamp, which can't help but lift our spirits." continues overleaf...

MAKE A FLORAL STATEMENT Just one chair is all it took! Make an impact with a single furniture piece upholstered in a bold floral print. Leave the space around your statement piece uncluttered, so you really allow it to star. For added impact, pick up on one colour in the design for a selection of accessories, such as a cushion, vase or rug, elsewhere in the room. "Florals and botanical prints are such a popular choice for spring and summer and striking designs can really add a wow factor to a room," says John Darling, founder of Darlings of Chelsea. "This chair suits any room, from a traditional conservatory to a contemporary living room, and is a classic which will never date." PLANT UP A HOME OFFICE In a home office or workspace, you need a design that will boost energy and creativity, while also giving you a lovely view. "Working from home is becoming the new norm and a bold floral design for a window blind can perfectly disguise a poor view, as



Dunstan. "Bouquets such as hydrangeas and peonies, by Abigail Ahern, add a sense of boutique luxury, while bringing a gentle warmth and softness to a room." SHINE A LIGHT ON PETALS A lampshade which takes inspiration from faraway fields filled with profusions of wild blooms and charming country gardens, could be a small way to capture the spirit of sunny, flower-filled days. BLOOMS FOR THE BOUDOIR "If you're nervous about experimenting with colour, incorporating floral designs in the home is a subtle way to introduce it into settings," says Bethan Harwood, home design stylist, John Lewis. Clearly we're all yearning for flowery details, especially in our bedrooms, as John Lewis has seen floral bed linen sales rise by 58% compared to last year. "Focus your choice by first considering whether you want full-on florals or something less bold for curtains or bedding," Harwood advises. "Floral wallpaper is more of a commitment but it will always add depth and character to a room and works well on one wall or as a feature on a ceiling, especially if the remaining walls are left plain." SERVE A FLORAL FEAST Interior designers know how effective 'trompe l'oeil' (realistic imagery which creates an optical 3D illusion) can be in rooms, and they use it to conjure stunning vistas or talking-point effects.

Top tip: generally, small, ditsy prints can make a large room feel too busy and distracting but they can really suit smaller spaces, such as a compact bathroom or dressing room, Harwood notes.

These are ideal used in one section of a wall, paired with a neutral background which fills the rest of the space, allowing the image to 'pop' without overpowering the room.

PICTURE PETALS One of the easiest ways to bring this trend home is with artwork. A floral print or poster can look dynamic hung on its own, or you could create a 'living' gallery of prints.

"Murals are great at adding drama and depth and can give the illusion of an impressive landscape, which is restful on the eye," says Surface View's Ayerst.

Pick a theme - botanical drawings, your favourite flower portrayed in different ways, or a collection of still life flower paintings - and link them by using the same colour and style of frame throughout.

BLOOMING TABLE TREATS There's such a profusion of floral-inspired tableware around currently, whether you favour delicate ditsy patterns, punchier designs or something in-between. "For those who enjoy experimenting with statement colour and bold motifs, Marimekko tableware is such a playful addition to a dining room," says Emily Dunstan, home buyer, Heal's. "Vibrant flowers on the Elakoon Elama and Unikko crockery offer plenty of personality and you'll impress guests with your distinctive, creative flair." FAKE IT TO MAKE IT Faux blooms are such high quality now, they're often indistinguishable from the real thing, and so it's perhaps not surprising their popularity is soaring. They'll never wilt or droop, provide instant cost-effective decoration and if you can't manage to keep indoor plants alive, faux ones are a good option. "Faux flowers can be used to inspire a romantic and atmospheric setting. Match pastels with deep berry and lavender shades and showcase fresh greenery in natural, organic vases," advises

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Transform your Outdoor Space

Whether it's a poky patio or decadent decking, all outdoor spaces can be spruced up with some stylish touches. Gabrielle Fagan reveals how... Spending so much time at home has made us really appreciate our outdoor spaces - even if it's the tiniest balcony or terrace. Sales of outdoor furniture and accessories have rocketed, as we've lavished TLC on our patios so that they're a sanctuary that truly reflects our taste and needs. "There's a growing recognition that an outside space really is the 'fifth room' in your home, and should be furnished and decorated with the same amount of care and attention to detail as any indoor room," says Lynsey Abbott, seasonal buyer at Dobbies Garden Centres. "This should be a space that begs you to throw open the windows and unwind at the end of a long day during the spring and summer months. Whether it's a set of French windows, the door to your balcony, or simply your outdoor patio, your home probably has an ideal place to style as that fifth room." Tempted? Take your pick from these ideas for creating the perfect outdoor space...

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SMALL CAN BE BEAUTIFUL Size truly isn't everything when it comes to creating an inviting outdoor space. With a dash of imagination and flair, you can work magic on even the tiniest spot. "No matter how compact your space, it can be turned into a little sanctuary perfect for morning coffee or evening cocktails," agrees Nadia McCowan Hill, resident style advisor at Wayfair. "I love a relaxed boho look for summer, with wall hangings and outdoor rugs in all colours and shapes. Layering rugs has a striking effect and will add depth to a balcony or outdoor space with limited square footage." TOP TIP: Light coloured seating will look less dominating in a small area. Add punchy colour and pattern with colourful, textured cushions and blankets, handy for warding off the chills on cool nights. A decorative wooden ladder is a super way to display hanging succulents or small lanterns. TAKE IT TROPICAL Summer holiday to that far-flung hotspot on hold? Ramp up the temperature at home by creating your own Caribbean-style retreat outside your back door. Kit it out with neon patio furniture, a palm-fringed bar, potted palms (fake or real) and accessories in exotic prints. No passport or suitcases required - and pina colada optional!


SHAKE UP SOME STYLE TOP TIP: Adding a lick of paint isn't just for indoors. Get creative and bring hot colour and character to your outdoor space with an exterior paint. You can also use a shade to complement or contrast with the planted areas of your garden, depending on the look you're going for. TREATS FOR THE TABLE Al fresco tableware is so stylish now, it's tempting to use it all year round, indoors as well as out. Keep garden table dressing pared-back for the best effect - it doesn't want to be fussy, as that will ruin the casual, kick-off-your-shoes atmosphere you're trying to create. Just choose a couple of statement pieces and then match a key colour with napkins or a table runner. CREATE A FIFTH ROOM WITH FURNITURE "Choose furniture that suits your indoor style, then there will be a real follow-through of your look into the outdoors that blurs the boundary," says Abbott. "Consider the height of furniture. Low-backed furniture, for instance, won't block your view of your garden. Add cushions and throws to soften the contrast between garden furniture and indoor furniture. Reflect key garden colours in accessories to further tie the scheme together." continues overleaf...

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TOP TIP: Large, leafy palms and striking succulents can star in an outdoor space and be brought indoors in the colder months to bring greenery inside. Displaying a collection of plants by the entrance to your patio or balcony area is another way of merging the divide between the indoor and outdoor areas. GO SUPER NATURAL One of the hottest trends in patio style is a laid-back look, which combines natural materials with an easy-on-the-eye neutral palette. It's perfect for a sophisticated stylish space. "We're seeing a growing emphasis on fabrics made from recycled materials and furniture made from natural, organic material, as well as responsibly-sourced sustainable woods such as A-grade teak," says Tina Mahony, director at Go Modern ( "Teak is weather-proof and retains its beautiful warm honey-tones. It blends wonderfully with any surrounding style and is perfect for creating an 'outside room' look," she adds. Mahony highlights new material Tricord - a weather-resistant synthetic that's now often being used in place of natural rattan because it won't fade or rot, is easy to clean and extremely comfortable. NATURAL BEAUTIES Bring interest to a neutral scheme with woven textures and organic materials. LIGHT UP THE NIGHT "Outdoor spaces, whether small or large, have so much untapped potential to be transformed at night into a warm, welcoming

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haven with the addition of lights," says Becky Tasker, brand creative at "Arrange lights in your courtyard, garden or balcony just as you would in an indoor room. It's important to have three levels of light. I'd suggest stringing festoon lights overhead for a twinkling canopy, add waterproof candle-style lights on a table top, and arrange candle lanterns on the ground to zone the area " TOP TIP: A group of lanterns, candles and micro lights on a mirrored tray makes a stunning focal point for a table. String lighting on your fencing, solar lights around pots and bedding plants and enjoy a night-time garden landscape that rivals the daytime one.

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WAYS TO RECYCLE OLD JUNK TO USE IN THE GARDEN Gardeners on a budget can follow these expert tips on recycling old items to boost their gardening kit, by Hannah Stephenson... It's great news that garden centres have been able to reopen, but if you're on a tight budget, don't forget the items you already have on hand that you can recycle as pots, cloches and cane-toppers. There's a myriad uses for plastic bottles, cans, jars, loo roll and corks, which will save you plenty of money in the long run. Which? Gardening, the Consumers' Association magazine, reports 83% of its members have reused items rather than send them to landfill. The most popular were woody prunings as plant supports, plastic bottles for watering, and paths made out of old bricks. Almost a third have used a bucket as a planter and a quarter use old tights as plant ties. So, what else can you do? Here are a few ideas:

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MAKE THE MOST OF OLD FURNITURE You can make large planters out of everything from old drawers to baths, sinks and toilets. Some people use wheelbarrows, chimney pots and car tyres to display their plants. For people with smaller plots, re-use old cans, drilling drainage holes in the bottom, and paint them in colours of your choice, before planting them up with colourful plants. You could also use wellies, teapots and other old containers as plant pots. MAKE YOUR OWN WATERING CAN Home-made watering cans are ideal for smaller pots and indoor plants, says award-winning garden designer Joe Perkins. "Using a small drill bit, start by drilling holes into the lid of a large plastic bottle. Make sure you hold the lid in place

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securely using a workbench or something similar to support it. And that's it! You have a very useful watering can with a fine spray," he advises. "They can be used for seed trays, more specifically salad crops, as they're ideal when space is tight, or if you're growing on a windowsill or balcony." BE ADVENTUROUS WITH PLANT SUPPORTS As well as using long twigs from prunings, gardeners have also supported plants with old tent poles, climbing frames and even scaffold poles, Which? Gardening found.

DETER PESTS WITH RECYCLED HOMEWARE Don't chuck your old net curtains - they will protect your crops against carrot fly. If you have a pond and you want to discourage herons, fish out your old CDs and attach them with string to a line that runs over the pond. The reflection and movement of the CDs should keep birds at bay. CREATE A MINI GREENHOUSE CLOCHE Perkins suggests: "A mini cloche is perfect for protecting newly planted seedlings from dangers like the wind, as well as slugs and snails." Take a two litre or five litre bottle and simply cut off the bottom, pop it into the pot and there you have it, your new little pride and joy is safe for another day. BE ADVENTUROUS WITH KITCHEN ITEMS Gardeners use the end of wooden spoons as dibbers, carving knives for weeding, colanders as hanging baskets and cups and mugs as pots, Which? Gardening research found. Think outside the box and old cutlery and crockery can find its place in the garden. And don't forget lolly sticks, which can become useful plant labels.

USE OLD CORKS AS CANE TOPPERS Instead of buying plastic tops for canes, save the corks from your wine bottles and use those instead. Just create a small groove in the cork at one end and press it hard on to the cane.

tomato plants and raspberries, which need support from canes, Perkins suggests. USE LOO ROLLS AND PLASTIC FRUIT PUNNETS You can start seedlings off from toilet roll tubes and you won't need to remove the cardboard when planting them out as it will biodegrade quickly, Perkins says. Put the tubes into old plastic fruit containers. They make great seed starter trays as they already have drainage holes and a lid to protect them, he advises. CREATE A COMPOST SCOOP Old plastic milk bottles or detergent containers (anything with a handle) can be converted into compost scoops by cutting just below the handle and downwards, creating a scooping shape, notes Perkins.

CUT UP OLD SOCKS TO USE AS SOFT TIES FOR PLANTING While clearing out your drawers, you may have spotted rogue socks without a matching pair. Why not put them to good use and cut the socks into strips? They're great soft ties for things like climbers,



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  From tropical prints to neon brights, Prudence Wade picks out the best swimwear trends of the season... Many of our holidays might be on hold, but that doesn't mean summer is completely cancelled. In fact, this might even be an opportunity to fully enjoy the warm weather at home, without having to stress about time off work and getting to airports on time. One of the best parts of preparing for a summer holiday is buying a new swimsuit - and even if your trip to the beach has transformed into a staycation in your backyard, you can still keep this ritual. Like any other year, the sunshine has brought with it a whole host of new cool trends in one-pieces and bikinis so there's lots to choose from. And remember - even if you're lounging in your local park in your new swimsuit right now, at some point you'll both make it to the beach. Meanwhile, check out this season's hottest swimwear trends for inspiration... ONE SHOULDERED CUTS It's hard to do much with the fail-safe one-piece swimsuit, and the same styles tend to cycle in and out of fashion. One shouldered bathers are a classic cut, and this season they've seen a surge in popularity with a fresh spin. This might be using interesting or different materials - woven bathing suits are particularly cool right now - or adding in retro detailing, like graphic prints or bright colours. One shouldered styles are a winner because they're sleek and effortlessly cool, and you know they'll last well beyond one summer. HIGHLIGHTER COLOURS Bright, highlighter colours have taken over the world of fashion and the trend couldn't be more perfect for swimwear. It doesn't matter what style you choose, just make sure the colour is neon and eye-catching. Not only will these hues make you stand out on the beach, but bright oranges, yellows and pinks all look especially great next to a tan. SPORTY STYLES Not all bikinis are built for actual swimming, and a lot of them fly away the second you dive into the pool. That's why we love the new trend for sportier styles, which are functional as well as being bang on trend. These styles tend to involve long-sleeve swimsuit tops - either as a bikini or one piece - and in sporty materials like scuba. The bikini styles are multi-purpose - you can easily wear the top with a pair of high-waisted shorts and no one will have any idea you're wearing a swimsuit. Whether you want to actually do some swimming or prefer a bit more coverage, this trend will give more support than your average string bikini.

TROPICAL PRINTS If it's good enough for Jennifer Lopez, it's good enough for us. Ever since Lopez brought back her iconic green dress at the Versace SS20 show, tropical prints have taken over fashion and swimwear hasn't been immune to its charms. The print can err into kitschy, so make sure the cut of your bikini or one piece is sleek and modern. ALL-OVER RUCHING Swimwear has always been a place you can experiment. After all, it's not like we have that many opportunities to don our bathing suits, which is why it makes perfect sense to go for OTT and fun styles when you do. This is where the trend for ruching comes in, which has recently taken over Instagram. We're not talking about subtle effects in choice areas here - but all-over ruching, with the whole bathing suit made up of gathered fabric. And particularly if you're only modelling it in your backyard, why not choose something fun and ever so slightly silly? EIGHTIES-STYLE CUTS Call it the Love Island effect, but swimsuit designs have recently seen a drastic change. They've slowly but surely been creeping up, with high-cut bottoms and bathers that sit way up on your hip bones. You can definitely see echoes of the Eighties in this trend - back in the day, this was the preferred style of swimwear (and remember those high-cut leotards?). It might not necessarily be the most comfortable of styles, but it certainly makes a statement. UNDERWIRED FOR EXTRA SUPPORT With cuts getting higher and triangles smaller, sometimes it can feel like the classic bikini is disappearing. Not to worry, because there's also been a surge in popularity around underwired and structured styles. This is undoubtedly welcome news for those with a fuller figure or bust, or anyone who feels more comfortable with a bit more support in their swimwear. RUFFLED If the all-over ruching trend is a bit much for you, the trend for ruffles might be a better match. This is a feminine and romantic style, which involves ruffles along the neckline of your bikini or bathing suit that can be as minimal or maximal as you want. We recommend choosing ditsy patterns or pastel colours for this look, to really lean into the romantic vibe of the ruffles.



Israel’s Red Sea Resort

Effervescent Eilat by Rebecca Underwood

© Eilat Marina courtesy of Dafna Tal for the Israeli Ministry of Tourism

© Flamingos at the Salt Pools, Northern Eilat courtesy of Dafna Tal for the Israeli Ministry of Tourism

© Hotel's Beach - Eilat -courtesy of Dafna Tal for the Israeli Ministry of Tourism

Located beside the glittering turquoise waters of the Red Sea, Eilat attracts crowds of water babes keen to take advantage of a wide range of water sports including stand-up paddle boarding, snorkelling and SCUBA diving. This resort is recognised as one of the most popular diving locations in the world due to excellent water conditions and the pristine Red Sea reefs teeming with marine life. Other attractions include meandering desert hiking trails and of course the VAT free shopping is an added bonus. A hot desert climate and 14 kilometres of beaches stretching from the Jordanian and Egyptian borders, ensures that this Israeli resort remains a popular destination. Another major attraction is bird watching, as Eilat is a major migration route for hundreds of millions of Passerines and waders and three million birds of prey on route, twice every year, between Europe, Africa and Asia.

© Timna Park courtesy of Dafna Tal for the Israeli Ministry of Tourism

The International Birding and Research Centre, which is based in Eilat, works to maintain and improve habitats, renew food sources and conducts research in order to safeguard the migratory route. The on-site Bird Sanctuary features a fresh water lake, which attracts kingfishers, waders, waterfowl, herons, Flamingos, Gulls, waders and a multitude of human spectators who are welcome to watch the birds being tagged and released. Although Eilat offers a wide choice of hotels, to experience true tranquillity, the utmost privacy and the freedom to indulge in a long lie-in and to whip up my own breakfast at leisure, I opted to stay in a comfortable and spacious two bedroom private property which can accommodate up to six guests. Featured on the airbnb website, the property is located in a peaceful neighbourhood and within walking distance to the desert trail, a well stocked supermarket, an excellent bakery and a pizza restaurant. Keren, who resides in an adjacent property, is a most delightful and charming host. She welcomed me on arrival and escorted me around the

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Airbnb bedroom property, demonstrating how to use the air conditioning, lighting, Cable TV and utilities, and she offered to do my laundry in her own washing machine (essential for dusty hiking gear). Amenities include complimentary Wifi and free on-site parking and the modern and airy property features an open plan kitchen, dining area and lounge with a plump sofa bed and direct access to a private garden with sun loungers, a barbeque, outside seating and dining areas and a large outdoor swimming pool, which is prettily illuminated in the evening and provided the ideal spot for a cocktail or two whilst I studied my itinerary for the next day. After a restful slumber I was up with the larks and hailed a local taxi to make my way to the Red Canyon, located less than twenty kilometres from my base. Hiking options include the black trail, for those with vigour to spare, or the green trail, which is well marked and ideal for those of us seeking a less strenuous experience. Both trails lead to a river bed and then into a short trail, which heads toward the second creek and a large rock protruding from the river bed comes into view. Those that climb atop the rock will be richly rewarded with a wonderful view of the natural surroundings. Hiking along the second creek, the canyon’s sides gradually narrow to reveal the splendours of the Red Canyon. I must admit that I felt a trifle weary and dusty after my adventure, which involved negotiating steep ladders and steps attached to the sides of the rock, but the spectacular sight of a swirling kaleidoscope of red, white and yellow sandstone hues flooded by the golden sunshine was simply unforgettable and well worth the effort. Eilat’s Timna Park is another major attraction, which is located in the desert, 17 miles north of the city. Another area of natural beauty with geological, scenic and archaeological importance, the horseshoe shaped valley covers 15,000 acres and is surrounded by steep cliffs. In the heart of the area stands Mount Timna, which is 453 metres above sea level and as I scanned my surroundings, peering intently into my binoculars, I was most fortunate to spot a herd of ibex that had clearly identified me as an intruder. Timna Park, the site of the world’s oldest copper mine, dates back to the 5th millennium BC, and the area is well known as the site of Solomon’s Pillars, which are natural structures formed by water erosion through crevices in the sandstone. Another huge red sandstone rock, known as the Mushroom, due to its shape, attracts visitors from afar and it’s the ideal place for a breather in the shade.

Airbnb swimming pool Or to cool off in the long term, the Coral Beach Nature Reserve, which stretches over a kilometre, is the most popular spot for snorkelling and diving. With over 250 spectacular coral species and more than 1,200 fish species including lionfish, parrotfish, clownfish, turtles, rays, octopus, barracuda and moray eels, marine life explorers will be mesmerised. The area around a pair of huge rocks, named Moses and Joshua, is also a popular site for divers and the Japanese Gardens at the reserve’s southern end is a protected zone, and it’s worth noting that the number of divers is limited to 32 per day. And, 30 metres down into the briny, the wreck of the Satil, a large Israeli missile ship, is waiting to be inspected by passing divers. For those of us who prefer to remain on terra firma, the Coral Beach Underwater Observatory provides the opportunity to observe the intoxicating beauty of the Red Sea’s marine life whilst remaining dry surrounded by large glass windows. Other attractions include stingray, turtle and shark pools. Later that evening, after a leisurely lap in my own gorgeous swimming pool, I reclined lazily on a sun lounger in the garden and, comforted by the scented fragrance of the flowers carried along by the balmy breeze, I reflected on my time in Eilat, which, is surely one of Israel’s treasures and the overall experience of my time in Eilat was simply wonderful. 'Top tip' Flights Fly from Luton, Stanstead and Gatwick direct to Tel Aviv. For more information visit 'Top tip' Accommodation Take advantage of the freedom and privacy a luxury apartment offers. Airbnb offers a wide range of options for those keen to experience a 'home from home'. For more information on the featured apartment visit 'Top tip' Day Trips and Tours Throughout Israel for up to 6 passengers. For luxury transportation and a reliable and punctual service visit or call + 08 -6316007 or



  PORSCHE TAYCAN TURBO S By Darren Cassey Porsche's Tesla Model S rival is here - but should Elon Musk's company be worried? Darren Cassey finds out WHAT IS IT? What is it? A pretty big deal, that's what. The Taycan is Porsche's first electric vehicle and the car that's finally giving Tesla something to worry about. The German car maker reckons its American rival isn't really a rival at all though, because they have a different ethos - but for now, they're the only electric executive cars about. (The Taycan is considerably more expensive, however.) It's also a big deal because when Porsche tries something new, it tends to succeed. When it launched the Cayenne, the idea of a premium

Facts at a glance Model as tested: Porsche Taycan Turbo S Engine: Twin electric motors with 93.4kWh battery Power: 616bhp (750bhp with Launch Control) Torque: 1,050Nm Max speed: 161mph 0-60mph: 2.6 secs MPG: N/A Range: 254 miles Emissions: 0g/km CO2

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sports car maker doing an SUV was madness. Now it's the firm's best-selling model. So with the Taycan in the UK for the first time, we took the Turbo S - the top-spec, top performance version - on a mix of motorway miles and winding country roads, to see if it has that special Porsche something... WHAT'S NEW? Not just Porsche's first electric vehicle, this has been designed to be an electric vehicle from the ground up. So there's no cramming of batteries and electric motors into engine bays; instead the powertrain has been integrated into the body to give a low and sleek silhouette, while the batteries being under the floor helps give the Taycan the lowest centre of gravity of any Porsche. It is also the first production vehicle from any car maker to use an 800-volt system voltage, twice the typical amount for an EV, which has benefits at the charging pump. Using a DC fast charger, Porsche reckons you can add up to 60 miles of range in just five minutes, while charging from zero to 80% of the battery's capacity takes about 22 minutes in ideal conditions. With peak charging power of 270kW and a maximum battery capacity of 93.4kWh, range anxiety is surely a buzzword of the past. WHAT'S UNDER THE BONNET? Performance comes from a pair of electric motors, one on each axle providing all-wheel drive, with a two-speed gearbox on the rear and a single-speed on the front. It's full of clever innovations that are too complex to explain in one paragraph, but the result is 616bhp in normal driving with up to 750bhp available in Launch Control mode, while maximum torque is 1,050 Nm. Zero to 60mph will come up in 2.6 seconds and the top speed is 161mph.

the sustained g-forces leaving you feeling light-headed and a little nauseous at first. It's intoxicating and you can't help but laugh out loud... once you've pulled yourself away from the backrest, that is. WHAT'S IT LIKE TO DRIVE? Refinement is the key word here. From the moment you set off in silence, it's clear Porsche has worked hard to give you a feeling of quiet solidity - there are no squeaks or rattles in the cabin unmasked by the silent powertrain. The control weights are perfectly judged between being light enough that you could drive it daily, but offering enough feedback that they give you confidence when pushing on. The steering is a particular highlight. There are five drive modes: Normal, Sport, Sport Plus, Individual and Wet. You'll spend most of your time in normal, where it's still silly fast but silent. Sport adds a little more electric whine, while Sport Plus unleashes maximum power and provides a sci-fi movie soundtrack that adds an aural sense of entering warp speed as well as a physical one. Aside from the gut-wrenching acceleration, it's the way the Taycan feels small and nimble on a country road that delights. We tested this the same day as a 911 Turbo S, and where that felt like an intimidatingly big, blunt instrument to pummel roads into submission with, the four-door saloon felt lithe and nimble and surprisingly at home bombing between the hedgerows. Out on the motorway, it's perfectly Porsche. The ride is exquisite, there's hardly any road noise and you could imagine spending hours behind the wheel without so much as a grumble from car or driver.

Those are incredible numbers, and they have an incredible effect on your body. Most EVs use a single-speed gearbox, but that twospeed gearbox on the rear axle means the Taycan has an acceleration gear to maximise its acceleration potential.

HOW DOES IT LOOK? When Porsche first revealed the Mission E, the concept car that previewed the Taycan, its coupe-like four-door shape, massive wheels in swollen arches and prominent front bumper slats won it many plaudits.

Plant your foot on the accelerator from a standstill and you're violently punched back into the seat as the car launches forward,

The fact the Taycan has kept that spirit alive into production form is fantastic. continues overleaf...



It looks like nothing else on the road; hunkered low to the floor with sleek curves, it's wide but with a low roofline that makes it look like it's hugging the Tarmac. The headlights have that signature Porsche quad-LED look, while the 'air curtains' that drop down to the lower bumper almost look like fangs. At the rear, the full-width LED bar gives a suitably futuristic light signature, and the simple curves mean it should age gracefully in a period where many cars are massively overdesigned. WHAT'S IT LIKE INSIDE? Perhaps the only area we could find a hint of disappointment is the interior. It's still a 9/10 kinda deal, with the infotainment menus slick and responsive and every material feeling like it has the utmost quality. There's a sense it's built to last, too, while the seating position is nigh-on perfect - it's low like a sports car but the minimalist dashboard means you can see clearly over the bonnet. Meanwhile, rear passengers have a surprising amount of space, though headroom isn't huge on account of the sloping roofline. However, the lower screen in the centre console, which has the climate control, shortcuts for options such as satellite navigation and audio, and a laptop-like trackpad to navigate menus, looks a bit sparse with lots of unused screen space. Meanwhile, the graphics used throughout are dark and basic. Furthermore, the standard steering wheel felt at odds with the car. It's thin-rimmed and wrapped in an Alcantara-like Race-Tex material, feeling more like something out of a track-ready sports car. It left us with sore thumbs and sweaty hands. For our money, it would be better to opt for the optional leather version, though this does require the fantastic Race-Tex sports seats to be switched for leather too - so bear that in mind. WHAT'S THE SPEC LIKE? This is a six-figure car, but Porsche has given it a six-figure spec list. Standard equipment on the Turbo S includes adaptive air suspension, 21-inch 'Mission E Design' alloy wheels, carbon

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exterior inserts, LED Matrix headlights, two-zone climate control, parking pre-climatisation and battery pre-conditioning, adaptive sports seats, heated front and rear seats and various safety systems. Optional extras on our test car that we'd recommend include electric folding exterior mirrors, Porsche Dynamic Chassis Control Sport for extra sporty handling, Porsche InnoDrive with adaptive cruise control and thermally and noise-insulated glass. Switching to the heated leather steering won't cost you any extra, which is a bonus. VERDICT Let's be frank, the Taycan Turbo S is not a car you buy with any sort of consideration for your bank account's wellbeing. Even the base model is a good few grand more than an equivalent Tesla Model S. However, if the best is all that will do, then this electric Porsche is all that will do. It looks like a spaceship, sounds like a spaceship and accelerates like one, too. It handles like a sports car but emits no harmful gases, and you can fit three of your mates and their luggage inside to boot. If you can look past the price, there really are few downsides.

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Bitter Harvest:

Vraic in Grouville

The Tragedy of the Laurel BY PAUL DARROCH A Watcher La Rocque, Jersey Monday, 30 July 1844 It is a terrible thing to chance death for a haul of seaweed. Yet this is high summer in Jersey; vraicing season. Horses and carts muster on the seashore, so the gatherers can fill their boots. They wheel their wagons out deep into the Grouville moonscape and shovel them high with stinking seaweed. It’s the finest manure in the world, worth its weight in gold. Then the plunderers race back to the shore before the incoming tide drowns them. It’s a hazardous endeavour. The outermost rocks too are fair game; approached by boat, scoured by hungry hands. This morning the Laurel set out from Gorey Harbour to scrape them bare. That’s Mr Pallot’s little cutter, ferrying sixteen men and three women. They were eager to shear the vraic from La Conchière, the farthest rock in Grouville Bay. The writing-desk in my study at La Rocque overlooks the scene, and from my telescope I surveyed the terrain, as barren as the surface of Mars. The sun smiled down benignly, as the sea drained away below. I saw the little craft moor on the windward side of the rock, its nose touching it. A somewhat foolhardy manoeuvre, I observed. The sea spilled away, as if the cork in a bathtub had been removed. A rugged moonscape revealed itself, dripping with the precious harvest. They must have toiled all morning in the gorges of this drowned world, hauling in vraic till their hands were sore. I stopped by my telescope from to time to time to watch their pile of manure grow; it would doubtless sell for handsome coin. As afternoon drew to a slow end, their cutter was piled high, with a mound of black seaweed weighing it low in the water. Silently, the tide turned and resumed its advance, climbing up the crevasses, submerging the rocks. Like Noah’s Ark as the flood rose, the Laurel floated.

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They had been toiling long and hard under fair skies, but now the weather had spun on a penny, and a line of soot smeared the skies, a gale tearing in from the westnorth-west. The palms in my garden swayed in the rising breeze and my glasshouse rattled. The sky furrowed the colour of indigo. I stayed gripped to my telescope. I watched as a black funnel of rain crashed into the bay. The sky bellowed like a hammer beating lead. The vraicing crew had lingered moments too long. In seconds, the Laurel splintered like matchwood against La Conchière rock. I watched as Captain Pallot ushered his passengers out of the stricken boat. They clambered back onto the reef. Whipped by the storm, the tide was surging in. The moonscape was flooding fast; their world was rapidly drowning. Other boats desperately tried to help but could not come close. I stormed out into the rain and called out for Philippe Marie, the best pilot in La Rocque. He and his son made ready their boat to help, but the sea was violent and impassable. At last, just as the hour struck five, he was finally able to push out against the storm. Then I retreated indoors, and from the comfort of my observatory, through the raindrops that lashed at the windowpane, I watched the terrible last act of the drama on the horizon.

other for the last time. Then there was a terrible churning, a violent explosion of foam. When the spray cleared, the rock had been swept bare. Captain Marie’s rescue boat limped into port at nightfall, and its deck was almost empty. All the women had been lost, and the lion’s share of the men. Of the nineteen souls who Pallot had ferried to cut vraic at La Conchière, fourteen would never come home. I whispered a prayer for them as I put away my telescope, as a stormy and starless night fell over the scene of the tragedy. It would take two months for the last body to drift ashore.

Men and women clung like limpets over shrinking scraps of rock. The waters had submerged almost all of the reef and now encircled La Conchière itself. I counted six souls on the summit of the rock, four men and two women. They stood in a circle, holding hands. Perhaps they were praying, perhaps they were singing. It was hard to tell at this distance. The rescue cutter limped painstakingly towards them across the bubbling cauldron of the bay. It would arrive too late. A black sheet hung above the little fellowship at La Conchière, like a shroud. The six men and women clutched each

Paul Darroch is the author of Jersey: Secrets of the Sea, which is available on Amazon Kindle and as a Seaflower paperback.



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Finding Om WRITTEN BY RASHMI BISMARK, MD, MPH ILLUSTRATED BY MORGAN HUFF PUBLISHED BY MANGO AND MARIGOLD PRESS Finding Om is Jersey resident Rashmi Bismark’s debut picture book. Inspired by her family and experiences sharing mindfulness with her children, Dr. Bismark introduces readers to an accessible illustration of what meditation can look like for a child. The story follows Anu, an Indian African girl who explores the mantra OM with her beloved grandfather, Appuppa. As her exploration unfolds, she begins to uncover techniques of mindfulness that readers can explore along with her. Full of delightful, vibrant illustrations, Finding Om brings curiosity, joy, and peace alive. This multicultural, intergenerational story is sure to become a staple in classrooms and homes across the world. Award winning actress, author, and advocate, Sheetal Sheth shares, “Finding Om is a glorious, charming, must-have in every child's library. In an increasingly frenetic world, it's never been more important to teach our children peace. Such a powerful and necessary book to guide our children how to connect to themselves and the world around us.” Paired with the book is a free educational guide, available to download through the publisher’s website. It includes guided meditation practices and reflection activities as well as a section on the cultural relevance of OM. Finding Om is currently available on For more details and links to the curriculum guide, visit (FUN FACT: Finding Om’s main character is based on the author’s daughter who is currently head girl at St. George’s Preparatory School. Congratulations to the Class of 2020!)

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