It was with great interest I recently logged onto zoom to interview ‘The Impact Guru’ aka Esther Stanhope. In anticipation I’d re-read the Esther article that had initially caught my attention, enjoyed some of her videos, taken the time to navigate her website and ordered ‘Goodbye Glossophobia’, Esther’s Limited Edition book… interview by Juanita Shield-Laignel I will start by sharing with you exactly what Glossophobia means according to google; ‘Glossophobia is the medical term for the strong fear of public speaking. It is one of the most common phobias: about 75% of the world's population struggle with this social phobia, or social anxiety disorder, to some extent.’ With one thing and another we were both a little late coming to the zoom table and yet Esther remained unflustered and
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presented professionally in her ‘zoom room’ sporting a plain white background, a huge poster emblazoned with some of her work and enviable lighting, not to mention bedecked in her statement bright lipstick, groovy glasses and smart but casual jacket. As is my want I asked Esther to go back to the beginning and tell me about her childhood and how she had come to be an Author, International Speaker and Personal Impact Expert working with some of the world’s biggest names – but before that I wanted to know if she had ever worked in Jersey… “Yes I have hosted a session within the last couple of years for Women in Banking and the Lean In circle for about 70 people, so I have a few clients in Jersey. They have asked me to come back some time.