The Jersey Life - Liberation 75

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MAY 2020 |

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Publisher Fish Media Ltd Head Office 20 Hill Street, St Helier, JE2 4UA Telephone: 01534 619882 Email: ★ NEW WEBSITE ★ Visit: Editor Juanita Shield-Laignel Travel Writer Rebecca Underwood Photography Simon Finch Production Sarah Le Marquand Sales Executive Juanita Shield-Laignel Accounts and Administration Sarah Donati-Ford Director Jamie Fisher Contributors Stephen Cohu Rebecca Underwood Mark Shields Lorraine Pannetier Katya Pastorini Paul Darroch

Follow us on Twitter: @TheJerseyLife1 Like us on Facebook: The Jersey Life Follow us on Instagram: @the.jerseylife © All rights reserved. The Jersey Life is copyright and may not be reproduced in any form either in part or whole without written permission from the publishers. Whilst Fish Media takes every reasonable precaution, no responsibility can be accepted for any property, services or products offered in this publication and any loss arising there from. Whilst every care is taken with all materials submitted to The Jersey Life the publisher cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to such material. Fish Media reserves the right to reject of accept any advertisement, article or material supplied for publication or edit such material prior to publication. Opinions expressed are strictly those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views or policies of Fish Media. We accept no liability for any misprints or mistakes and no responsibility can be taken for the content of these pages.

Who could possibly have imagined we would be living in Lockdown through Liberation75 celebrations – what a turn of world events!

Interview with Jersey’s very own Slimming Together guru, Joanne Reid Rodrigues turned out to be fascinating as Joanne shares her take on Faith.

Not to be discouraged we have soldiered on, working from home and rigorously getting everything together to bring you this momentous issue through the media of electronic devices…frustrating though this may seem on some levels, it has given us opportunity to learn and grow and not least of which, are ways we can reduce are carbon footprint in times to come…to this end, we have been busy creating a new website

Keeping us busy is Katya Pastorini with ideas on how to create a Vintage look in our homes plus an interesting piece on turning treasured photos into works of art and our gardening article - How to make Gardening Childs Play.

So in this issue you can enjoy; Caroline Spencer’s interview regarding my great privilege of being able to interview and write about the late Michael Ginns MBE who tirelessly worked toward reconciliation after being interned during WW2. Mark Shields’ - Repurposing your business in uncertain times; Setting up a Home Office; How to be a Happy Working Parent During Lockdown (no mean feat); Why exercise is good for you and our particularly relevant fashion feature Lounge Wear When Working From Home! (my favourite attire whilst writing, my husband refers to as my Noel Coward look!)

Reaching out and helping others is even more important than usual right now so do read ‘Helping Headway in these uncertain times’. Not that we can go anywhere at the moment but we can dream of times to come when we are free to move at will again – meanwhile you might enjoy our Road Test - Mercedes GLS on page 57. It just remains for me to say STAY SAFE – READ AT HOME! …and until next month when we might be stepping out beyond our personal thresholds into a very different world…

Juanita x If you have an interesting story to share or would like your business reviewed, please feel free to call me on 619882. I’d love to hear from you.

May 2020

3 WELCOME and The Jersey Life contact information

INTERVIEW 8 JOANNE REID RODRIGUES Following the Path to Fulfilment!

LIBERATION 75 12 AUTHOR OF ‘OCCUPATION RECONCILIATION’ Caroline Spencer catches up with Juanita Shiled-Laignel

15 VOYAGE OF FREEDOM The Ragamuffin Story by Paul Darroch






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32 HEALTH AND WELLBEING 20 HOW TO DEAL WITH UNCERTAINTY And change in times of crisis by Liz Connor


26 BE A HAPPY WORKING PARENT IN LOCKDOWN Keeping home workers and kids happy by Anita Cleare

FOOD AND DRINK 28 NATIONAL VEGETARIAN WEEK Go vegetarian between the 11th and 17th May


34 MAKE YOUR HOME FEEL MORE SPACIOUS Feeling a tad Claustrophobic, Sam Wylie-Harris explains

48 40

38 A WEALTH OF HERITAGE By Katya Pastorini of Painted Beautiful

40 HOW TO WORK PINK AT HOME From classy candyfloss to pale blush

44 GIVE WALLS A NEW LEASE OF LIFE Turn you photos into works of art


FASHION 52 LOUNGEWEAR FOR WORKING FROM HOME Be comfortable and properly dressed by Prudance Wade

TRAVEL 54 DREAM NOW, DO LATER How to plot future travel adventures


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…Following the Path to Fulfilment! My path first crossed with Joanne Reid Rodrigues some 25 or so years ago when I attended a few of her fabulous Slimming Together classes. In my early twenties and just beginning my natural health and wholeness quest, Joanne asked me to talk about the therapies I had recently qualified in after one of her sessions – being young and inexperienced I froze and my delivery on that day was not my finest hour – but oddly – as so often happens in life, that moment made me certain I wanted to be oh so much better at public speaking and all these years later my role as a natural health and wholeness speaker, writer and practitioner has propelled me once again across Joanne’s path…interview by Juanita Shield-Laignel MFHT

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Joanne with husband Zak


Wonderfully, Joanne has gone on, since our encounter of many years ago, to study Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and also runs various enlightening workshops with titles such as ‘Authentic Confidence’ and ‘The Healing Power of Forgiveness and Mindfulness for Stress-Less Living’…right up my street! On attending the latter and experiencing a major breakthrough in forgiving areas of my past…I was really keen to find out more about Joanne’s Spiritual journey in this life! Joanne was more than happy to share… “All of life is a spiritual journey. I believe we are spiritual beings inhabiting physical bodies. But the body is not who or what we are – it’s the vehicle for our growth and awakening. Just as an astronaut needs a space suit to survive that particular atmosphere, spirits need a physical body to have a human life on Earth. I view Earth as a school for the soul. I believe we’re here to learn through experiences, and to evolve and develop soul qualities, such as strength, love, and wisdom. Everything we experience here - the difficult times, the challenges, the mistakes we make, are all our own personal life lessons. Having a physical human life is a tremendous privilege, but it’s not easy. This is a hard school. But that’s how I see life. I believe we all choose to incarnate here – we are not forced to come. And it takes great courage to make this human pilgrimage. I asked Joanne is she was religious or followed a particular faith? “No, I’m not religious, but I have great faith. The great masters were not religious either – they were originals – though religious movements have been developed and built around their names. I find tremendous beauty and wisdom in the teachings of Jesus, and I hold him in my prayers always. I believe that Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Yogananda, and Mother Meera understand and love one another. Students of the masters tend to argue – the masters themselves never would. They would simply embrace one another. I think if you’re kind and living respectfully and consciously, then you’re a good Christian and a good Buddhist and a good Hindu. For isn’t loving one another and being kind the message they’ve all taught?” Did your Scottish upbringing affect your faith? “I was born and raised in Glasgow – the east end. It was a fabulous place to grow up. I was excited and inspired by the city and I had some remarkable school teachers and friends. Looking back, it was destiny that brought me to Jersey – my sister had already moved here and established herself and I missed her. My frequent visits during school holidays back in the 1970s were always enjoyable, and by the time I left school, I’d already made up my mind that I wanted to live near my sister. And by that time, Jersey was already in my blood. It was the natural right move. We were so blessed to have lovely parents who loved one another very much – this created a healthy atmosphere. My parents were not religious – my mother was raised in the Catholic tradition and my dad was raised in the Protestant tradition. When they fell in love and married, the Catholic Church that my mother had attended was very against it, and they made

their feelings clear. My parents were young when they married, but they were both sickened by the arguments over religion, and the certain hypocrisy they’d each witnessed. They decided to have nothing to do with religion and protect their children from it. They believed the most important things to give children were their love and their time. My sister and I were lucky to have such hardworking parents, who always put family first. And they had a great sense of humour, and they loved music. So, laughter and music have always been a part of my life – I find it easy to laugh at myself, which helps me not take myself too seriously. And music is nourishment for my mind and soul. My freedom to experience life and come to my own conclusions about spirituality and God was a tremendous gift. I had always known I was part of something much greater. And at just five years old, I’d had an experience that left me in no doubt whatsoever that people don’t die – they just leave their body and live in another place. Call it another dimension, another realm, whatever. To me, it’s just like living in another country. I knew that at five. So that understanding was in me right from the earliest time. Around the time I turned thirty, my mother had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease. Back then, Alzheimer’s wasn’t the household name it is today. Many doctors didn’t know what it was. My darling mum passed away when she was just sixty-one. Those years between my mum being diagnosed and her passing continues overleaf...



over, were the most painful years of my life. But it was in the deepest pain that I started questioning life’s meaning, and searching for answers. I remember one day, while sobbing, I looked out of the window and up to the sky. I wasn’t just asking God for answers – I was demanding them. I remember saying: I need to know what’s going on. Why do we struggle, why is my mother ill when she’s worked so hard and my parents deserve to have some rewards in life now? I need answers and I need them explained to me in a human way that I can understand. I’ve come to understand the wisdom in the proverb: When the student is ready, the teacher appears. Very soon after my rant at the window, Dan Millman of the Way of the Peaceful Warrior came into my life. I read Dan’s book and felt an inexplicably deep connection to the teachings, and to Dan himself. I went out to San Francisco and did a residential training with Dan. It was based on martial arts – the art of Kali – knife fighting. This was my big introduction into mindfulness. I had been drawn to martial arts philosophy as young as thirteen or fourteen – I’d even attended judo in Glasgow regularly for a couple of years. Rediscovering my love of the philosophy when I met Dan, helped me cope through my mum’s illness. In fact, I returned to the US to do further trainings – I fell in love with California, and I made many new friends there. When my mum passed away, I was thirty-five. Though devasted, I was a very different person for the experience and the changes life had forced upon me. And for the teachings and practice of mindfulness. I had also discovered the teachings of Mother Meera, and my husband, my sister, and I travelled to her home in Germany to receive her Darshan, a silent hands-on blessing. I was definitely on the life transformation path during my thirties – making the journey from my head to my heart. I continued going out to California on a regular basis, staying longer and longer each time. In 2001, my husband and I had six months out there, and then, in 2004, we got our visa to live and work there. It was in Los Angeles that I fulfilled many career goals including teaching at the Agape International Spiritual Centre – Agape became my second home. I loved my time in Los Angeles – I got to meet many of the authors whose work I admired, including Gary Zukav, who is a gifted spiritual teacher, and of course, Michael Beckwith, the founder of Agape. In Los Angeles, I spent a great deal of time at Lake Shrine, home of Paramahansa Yogananda’s Self-Realization Fellowship. These were life-enriching times. In LA, I started writing my books, and I got my books published. How has your faith helped you, if at all, during Coronavirus lock down? “When ‘death’ comes, it’s only the body that dies. We do not. We leave the body, but death is a living death in that we are still very much alive after leaving the body. This will happen to every one of us. I am at peace with it. Certainly, the grief of a loved one’s passing, is deeply painful and devastating. But for the one who makes the transition, death is an entrance, not an exit. I am not afraid of it. It’s wise not to seek death or try to avoid it. Make peace with the fact that it will happen and let it happen when nature decrees it so. The lock down continues to bring

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certain challenges, but fear of catching the virus or dying hasn’t touched my mind at all. Accepting what we cannot change reduces stress and brings more peace. I’ve simply tried to be as productive during lock down as I could possibly be, while also enjoying time with my husband and relaxing.” What does the future hold for you? Joanne laughs, “If lock down has taught us anything it’s that sometimes our plans are scuppered by bigger plans, whether government’s plans or God’s plans. But that aside, I will continue in my work as a writer, therapist, and continue teaching my Slimming Together courses and my Authentic Confidence courses. These successful programmes are brilliant platforms for bringing me into contact with people and assisting their healing, which is my true passion. I’ve been writing lots of new material for Authentic Confidence, and now that I’m mastering Zoom, can even reach out to new clients farther afield. Every day I count my blessings. I thank God for my life and my family. I have peace of mind, good physical health, and a wonderful, loving husband. What more could I possibly wish for? Joanne Reid Rodrigues is the author of Life Transformation Diet, Slim, Happy & Free; and the creator of the Authentic Confidence programme. She is the founder of the internationally acclaimed Slimming Together. She is one of the UK’s foremost therapists and a frequent guest on broadcast media.


Helping Headway Jersey By Ray Cooper - C.E.O. HEADWAY JERSEY

Like many other charities Headway in Jersey has needed to close its Members Centre for the foreseeable future. In order to make sure all our members are being supported the charity has set up arrangements for them which can be operated remotely from home. One of our staff team has assumed responsibility for regular contact with members and especially those that are isolated alone or are in more vulnerable positions. This has been very gratefully received. Where there are issues we have been able to ensure that the appropriate support is provided by way of food delivery or emotional support where moods have become very low. Some of the services usually offered to members include exercise groups, swimming therapy and one to one physiotherapy to increase strength and mobility and help to regain as much independence as possible. We also retain the services of a sacrocranial specialist who has considerable success with our members especially in regard to pain relief and mobility.

paper based versions. Our sacrocranial specialist has provided a video for members showing self help exercises which can counter the additional stress they are under. Headway Jersey is 90% funded by local donations and fundraising. With most events cancelled or deferred there is a severe shortage of income. Our charity shop has had to close so there is no income from there but of course there are still the overhead costs. This situation is likely to continue for some time. It would be heartbreaking to have to consider releasing staff that have spent years growing the charity and providing more and more essential services and we hope it does not come to that. Jersey folk have been incredibly supportive in past years and there are

many calls on them to help all sorts of charities especially at this time. Headway Jersey is a truly local charity supporting local people and their families. We would ask that a donation, no matter how small be considered to help us. This can be done through our website our facebook page or a bank transfer or by cheque . Headway has been here for very many people over more than 23 years. Please help us to be there for 23 more. Headway can be contacted through the Fundraising and Events Manager Bryce Alford

Obviously we are unable to undertake all of these services remotely but we have put in place some workaround solutions. Our physiotherapist has contacted all the members she deals with and has provided exercises to them either by internet or



Photo credit: Tony Pike

Q&A WITH AUTHOR OF ‘OCCUPATION RECONCILIATION’, JUANITA SHIELD-LAIGNEL During this month of Liberation75, Caroline Spencer talks to Juanita Shield-Laignel about her book on the The Life And Times Of Michael Ginns MBE - 'Occupation Reconciliation'... WHAT IS YOUR CONNECTION TO MICHAEL? He was my brother-in-law. Yes, I know. People do raise an eyebrow when I say that and I even had one lady say ‘surely you mean father-in-law’ but no… brother-in-law he was for sure despite the generation gap. Michael’s lovely wife Josephine is my husband’s sister. She was 21 when her little brother Alistair was born – so you see – it is possible. When I met Michael, I was 35 and he was already in his late seventies. MICHAEL AUTHORED AND CO-AUTHORED SOME BOOKS ABOUT THE OCCUPATION IN HIS LIFETIME. WHY DID YOU WRITE YOUR BOOK? You are right, Michael was a prolific writer himself, producing and contributing to many of the Channel Islands Occupation Society’s printed Baby Michael 12 |

material and writing several books and pamphlets, including what I’ve heard referred to as his Opus Dei in the form of ‘Jersey Occupied’, a doorstop of a book full of details and the whys and wherefores of the Occupation. It took Michael seven years to write and he left no stone unturned, as was his want. My book was always going to be about Michael’s own life story. So Jersey Occupied and other literature he had penned focused on specific time periods – 1940-45 or the specifics of the resultant twinning of St Helier with the once imprisoning town of Bad Wurzach. However, from the start, Michael was keen that his story be told from his birth in 1926 and span his 89 years of glorious life. HOW DID WRITING YOUR BOOK COME ABOUT? As family we would all sit around the Ginns’ kitchen table for lunch or afternoon tea and Michael would launch into one of his myriad stories. So interesting were they even my then six-year-old was engaged. On one occasion, Josephine, with her head in the oven checking roast potatoes, admonished him for talking too much and said he should be writing down all these stories for

posterity. Already in his 80s, Michael stated that his eyesight was none too clever and his ‘damned hands won’t do as they are told any more’… so that was that. On returning home I found myself thinking that as someone who interviews people regularly for the Jerseylife Magazine, just maybe I could write his stories for him. On our next visit I put it to him and to my surprise and delight he agreed. I began interviewing him in June 2014 and the book was published during 2017. Sadly it was not long after Michael had passed away but he had been involved throughout. We called it a real collaboration. He would talk, I would listen, I would record and then transcribe his words and then we would check back through the material together. Sadly he was taken from us before the book went to print and I feel sure he had many more stories to tell. BRIEFLY REMIND US OF MICHAEL’S WARTIME STORY Michael’s parents were originally from England so when Hitler’s orders came for non-Jersey-born although domiciled Islanders to be deported to southern Germany to an internment camp, Michael’s parents had no choice but to go and of course Michael at the age of 14 had to go with them. Interned for three years, Michael came back to Jersey seemingly determined from the outset not to be bitter and twisted about his experience, as you would expect many may have been. Rather he sought reparation, conciliation, a healing if you will… mainly based on his experience of the townspeople of Bad Wurzach having been kind to them all but especially to the children. He talked of receiving sticky buns from the local baker for instance. And as his life unfolded it became important for him to seek and instigate a wider reconciliation – in fact, it became his life’s work, hence the title of the book. AS SOMEONE WHO KNEW AND LOVED MICHAEL, WHAT WAS HE LIKE? Haha! Immediately a smile has come to my face. Indomitable, he could be stern but was also big-hearted, a stickler for ‘correctness’, a loving husband, a seeker of truth… I could go on. I am moved to share at this point that I was somewhat nervous in offering to write Michael’s story. I had after all no experience of writing a book, unlike his effusive self and wasn’t sure he would think it a good idea. I know there to be far more capable literary

Occupation Reconciliation The Life and Times of Michael Ginns MBE

...tells the life story of local Historian and Author, Michael Ginns MBE, whose life’s work (Occupation) was spent tirelessly in the pursuit of conciliation, reparation, continued freedom and liberty (Reconciliation). “This book is a treasure trove of information for anyone interested in Jersey’s Occupation history.” Paul Darroch – Author of Jersey; The Hidden Histories

“A heartfelt, loving but ultimately balanced memoire of a remarkable man living in remarkable times.... fabulous” Mr M

SPECIAL COVID19 & LIBERATION75 OFFER OF £12.99 + FREE POSTAGE From Fish Media Ltd on 01534 619882 or email: Available on Amazon

continues overleaf...



Josephine and Michael. Photo credit: Tony Pike

geniuses in our Island who perhaps would have done the book more justice from that literary stance. However, Michael always seemed to have faith in me to write his story the way he wanted it told, to include the little things that were important to him… his whole story, not just the bits that have historical relevance – and I understood that. I was keen to tell his story with love and from the heart and the way he wanted. WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE STORY FROM THE BOOK? Gosh, there are many but I think the one that sticks in my mind the most is rather about the way Michael told it, with a cheeky grin and a twinkle in his eye. Even in his later years he could still ‘twinkle’ and it was the first story he launched into with verve on our first day together recording. I don’t want to spoil it for the reader of the book but it involved being in a play whilst confined, when he was just 17, and having to perform a stage kiss with the heroine who was some years older, married and in his words ‘a bit of a blonde bombshell’… a young man’s dream! IN THE CONTEXT OF THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC, DO YOU THINK ISLANDERS HAVE A NEW APPRECIATION OF WHAT OUR OLDER GENERATIONS WENT THROUGH IN THE WAR YEARS? Good question. I think in some ways, yes. The restrictions on our movements are actually in some ways worse. At least during the Occupation you could hug a family member or friend if you saw them in the street, but conversely, we still have plenty of food. We haven’t yet had to resort to catching rats and making soup with them or making potato flour or, something Michael talked about, his father using blackberry leaves as tobacco. So from that sense we have no notion what it was like… I think the not knowing when it will end is a struggle for us that Michael and his compatriots will have faced. How long was he as a teenager to be holed up in a German Schloss, how long before he could go home, how long before the war was over? From that aspect I

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think perhaps we are getting a little taste of what it was like – how long will we be in lockdown, how long will we have to practise social distancing, how long before we can all go back to work and school, how long before Covid19 is over? AND ANY FINAL COMMENTS? I loved putting together what I often refer to as Michael’s book (rather than my book), although it did have its challenges as one might imagine. Collecting all the old photographs was fascinating and how does one begin to choose when there are so many, but between us we managed. The images have come out beautifully in the book and tell his story almost as much as the text. Also because our time together was curtailed (Michael sadly passed away on 2nd February 2017) I invited those closest to him to contribute in a chapter towards the end of the book called ‘Memories of Michael’ where his wife, closest friends, stepson and other family members have written their own experiences of life with Michael… He did get to read some of these but not all and I am sure he would be very touched by the outpouring of care and love.


Voyage to Freedom: The Ragamuffin Story BY PAUL DARROCH

Ragamuffin, The English Channel September 1941 A boat is gliding north in the autumn night. It is a tiny open craft, a speck of driftwood in the cold, grey Channel, and tonight it bears a lean and thirsty young man. The Ragamuffin is one man’s deliverance from a living nightmare, the German Occupation. Denis Vibert has tried to escape once before. He is twenty-two, in the prime of his strength, and has trained as a merchant navy cadet. For some men, hope was smothered, or broken. Denis believed there was still a way out. He burned with rage as German soldiers strutted down King Street, as his food rations dwindled. Like so many Jerseymen, he longed to fight back against his captors. Yet on a tiny, incarcerated Island, overt resistance would end with a bullet. So, he decided, in 1940, to break out of his Island prison and join the British forces. The attempt almost cost him his life. His boat was wrecked on the rocks, and he had to swim a freezing quarter mile to shore. Most would have lost heart, learned their lesson, and grudgingly knuckled under the oppressor’s yoke. Not this man. He was determined to try again. He hid a tiny eight-foot boat at his house – illegally, of course. It was called Ragamuffin, a name fit for a little rebel, a defiant rascal. He concealed two little outboard motors nearby. He siphoned petrol from a German lorry, a crime which the German Field Police would have punished with the utmost severity. With the help of friends, his boat was smuggled to the beach.

It was September of 1941, harvest time. This year, the potato crop had been replaced by barley and oats, the food of survival, and the tractors had no fuel. The setting sun dipped over Jersey, lighting up the blood-red swastikas on the town hall, and the gunmetal grey Luftwaffe aircraft at the airport. Night fell like a shroud over a seething, subjugated continent, from Paris to Kiev. On the eastern edge of the Reich, German artillery moved within shelling range of Leningrad. The final collapse of the Soviet Union appeared imminent. That September night, Europe slept to the endless dance of the searchlights and the orange flare of high explosives, of cities slowly burning. Denis headed down to the silent beach at Bel Royal, where his little Ragamuffin was waiting for him. The time had come to make his bid for freedom. The night was starless, and the German sentries did not see him. He burst out quickly into St Aubin’s Bay, and was soon making good headway. Everything he knew and loved was falling away behind him; but he had made his choice. He would fight. Four miles out, disaster struck. A pair of German E-boats on secret manoeuvres slipped by him in the dead of night. Their violent wake almost turned him over, leaving his outboard engine broken. Gingerly he unwrapped his lifeline; his spare engine. Yet as he leant to attach it, another surge struck; his fingers fumbled, and the engine sank beneath the waves. There was nothing for it. His oars alone would have to carry him to England. So, he began to row like a madman, straining through a hundred tortuous miles of open sea. The last of his water supply

had gone. Three days and nights passed in the grey Channel, with nothing to sustain him but hope. His arms were torn, his hands bruised from the oars. Yet he would go on, and Jersey would go on, because in the end there was no other way. Through the darkest hours, through the terrors of the night. He was rowing for those left behind, those still trapped in the darkness and yearning for freedom. The gulls pirouetted above him, as if they were free men, as if they already knew. Denis rowed on into the first light. And then at last, dawn broke. Portland Bill was rising up to meet him, and the grey hull of the King’s ship, HMS Brocklesby, was drawing up beside him, like an angel of liberty, bringing him safely in. Liberation would come to Jersey at the appointed time; that much he knew. As he collapsed into blissful sleep, he thought he could still hear the voices of all those he had left behind, pacing down the watches of the night, praying in the darkness, waiting for morning. This story is taken from Jersey: Secrets of the Sea by Paul Darroch, which is available on Amazon Kindle for £2.99. MAY ISSUE | 15



Immune System

Need an extra dose of motivation for those lockdown workouts? Lisa Salmon finds out how exercise can benefit the immune system... Never before have the nation's exercise routines been so visible, with streets, parks and public spaces regularly dotted with walkers, joggers and cyclists huffing and puffing their way through their permitted daily exercise.

achieving 150 minutes per week. "Longer, more vigorous exercise wouldn't be harmful, but if capacity to exercise is restricted due to a health condition or disability, the message is to move more and that something is better than nothing," says Turner.

But while it's well established that being physically active is good for physical and mental health, how it affects the immune system has sometimes been the topic of debate. Some studies have suggested immunity is temporarily compromised after strenuous exercise, while other research says exercise is beneficial for immunity - so what does this mean for all those lockdown workouts?

"Given the important role exercise has for reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and type 2 diabetes, the findings from our analysis emphasise that people shouldn't be put off exercise for fear that it will dampen their immune system. Clearly, the benefits of exercise, including endurance sports, outweigh any negative effects which people may perceive."

Good news: a new University of Bath review has concluded that regular exercise does help maintain a healthy immune system. Immunity expert and study co-author Dr James Turner explains: "In the context of coronavirus, the most important consideration is reducing your exposure from other people who may be carrying the virus. But people shouldn't overlook the importance of staying fit, active and healthy during this period. Provided it's carried out away from others, then regular, daily exercise will help better maintain the way the immune system works." He says regular moderate-intensity aerobic exercise - such as walking, running or cycling - is recommended, with the aim of

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Study co-author Dr John Campbell adds: "It's increasingly clear that changes happening to your immune system after a strenuous bout of exercise don't leave your body immunesuppressed. In fact, evidence now suggests your immune system is boosted after exercise." Here, Turner and Campbell outline some of the ways exercise is beneficial to the immune system... VIGOROUS EXERCISE CAN HELP IMPROVE THE IMMUNE SYSTEM RATHER THAN SUPPRESS IT Research from the Eighties and Nineties led to the 'open-window' hypothesis, which suggests the immune system is compromised in the hours after vigorous exercise, leading to an increased risk of infections in subsequent days. Turner and Campbell say that although the behaviour of almost all immune cells is altered during and after exercise, this reflects a temporary redistribution of immune cells to outlying tissues. This, they say, results in increased immune surveillance and immune regulation, rather than immune suppression. "It's a misconception to label any form of acute exercise as immunosuppressive, and instead, exercise most likely improves immune competency across the lifespan," explains Turner. "Exercise alone doesn't cause immune suppression, rather, in athletes for example, it's other things that suppress immunity, like inadequate sleep, diet and psychological stress or anxiety." EXERCISE MAY LIMIT AGEING OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Turner and Campbell say studies show regular physical activity and frequent exercise might limit or delay ageing of the immune system.

Exercise has been shown to be the most successful way to delay the onset of frailty in old age, and varied exercise including resistance, balance, endurance and coordination training is the most effective, according to a 2016 University of Valencia review. WOUNDS HEAL FASTER IF YOU'RE FIT The immune system has three main lines of defence, say Turner and Campbell, and exercise helps maintain the normal function of each of these. The first defence is physical barriers like the skin, which stops germs from entering the body. Studies have shown that skin wound healing is faster in people who are regularly active compared to sedentary people, thus reducing the risk of infections in people who exercise. US research published in 2005, for example, found that when healthy sedentary people aged between 55-77 took part in a three-month aerobic exercise programme, exercising for an hour three days a week, as well as achieving significant improvements in cardiorespiratory fitness, a small wound made on their arms healed at a much faster rate than in a control group that didn't exercise. EXERCISE BOOSTS NATURAL 'KILLER CELLS' The immune system's second line of defence is 'innate' (or natural) immunity, which is mainly made up of cells called neutrophils, and natural killer cells. "Exercise has a profound effect on these cells," explains Campbell. "For example, during a bout of exercise, natural killer cells move into the bloodstream in vast numbers, and following exercise these cells migrate to sites of inflammation to seek out pathogens, damaged cells (e.g. muscle) and cancerous cells." continues overleaf...



REGULAR EXERCISE HELPS THE IMMUNE SYSTEM IDENTIFY GERMS BETTER The third line of defence is 'adaptive' (or memory) immunity, which is made of lymphocytes called T cells and B cells. Exercise also has a profound impact on these cells. "It has been shown that lifelong regular exercise may help maintain healthy numbers of young T cells as we age, which may help the immune system better identify pathogens and cancer as we reach older age," says Turner. EXERCISE IMPROVES VACCINATION RESPONSE Vaccination is one of the best ways to see how the immune system works because it tests the ability of many different immune cells to coordinate and produce antibodies, explains Campbell. Exercise of almost any type has been found to improve the way people respond to vaccines, according to a 2014 University of Sydney review. "There's even evidence that elite athletes who train regularly have higher antibody responses to vaccination than people who don't exercise," he adds. IT'S GOOD FOR HEALTH OVERALL Regular physical activity reduces the incidence of many chronic diseases in older age, say Turner and Campbell, including

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communicable diseases such as viral and bacterial infections, as well as non-communicable diseases like cancer and chronic inflammatory disorders. REMEMBER TO STAY SAFE AND SENSIBLE While the beneficial effects of exercise on the immune system, as well as general health, may encourage people to exercise during lockdown, Turner and Campbell stress that Government advice should be followed at all times if you're experiencing symptoms of possible coronavirus infection (this means stay home!). Turner adds: "More generally, people can exercise moderately with mild upper respiratory tract symptoms such as those of a common cold: e.g. runny nose, congestion, and a mild sore throat. But given the difficulty of determining whether some of these symptoms could be linked to coronavirus, it would be sensible to exercise at home, away from other people. "You shouldn't exercise if you're experiencing a severe sore throat, body aches, shortness of breath, general fatigue, a chest cough, or fever."


     Overwhelmed by amazing local support and the current demands through COVID19 Lucas Farm Shop can be contacted via or Digital Jersey on Lucas Farm Shop online orders being taken for delivery of fresh and local fruit and vegetables to your doorstep. During this period of social isolation, it is hugely important that customers continue to easily get the freshest, healthiest produce and groceries essentials to their homes. Our boxes of delicious produce are made up fresh to order. We have put in place measures to ensure that social distancing of our workforce, and adherence to hygiene guidelines, are followed at all times.


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HOW TO DEAL WITH UNCERTAINTY AND CHANGE IN TIMES OF CRISIS With life shifting rapidly, Liz Connor speaks to a mental health expert about how to keep day-to-day anxieties in check... The coronavirus lockdown has seen our lives change like never before, with supermarkets stripped bare, public gatherings banned and schools, pubs, and restaurants closed.

As well as affecting your mental wellbeing, Arroll says that these behaviours can result in poor sleep, fatigue and quite possibly a lowered immune system.

While we should all be taking hygiene practices, social distancing and government advice very seriously, it's important safeguard your mental health by keep your worries in perspective.

"Just as you'd help a child confront the monster under their bed, by acknowledging fears or concerns, you take away some of their influence over you," she says.

With the situation still unfolding, it's hard to not worry about what the future may hold though. We asked psychologist Dr Meg Arroll ( to explain how we can stay strong amidst the uncertainty.

"Focus on controlling what you can - whilst you may not be able control the worldwide spread of this virus, you can follow recommended guidelines, monitor how much you check the


“While we should all be taking hygiene practices, social distancing and government advice very seriously, it's important safeguard your mental health by keep your worries in perspective.�

"First of all, acknowledge your fears and worries - trying to ignore, repress or displace your fears will only make them bubble up in other ways such as comfort eating, alcohol over-use and lack of self-care," says Arroll.

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news to moderate your anxiety and manage your response to the pandemic." She adds that you should also try to challenge any unhelpful beliefs such as "catastrophising, personalising and 'all-or-nothing' thought patterns." HOW CAN WE BUILD A STRONG MIND? Arroll says to be resilient is to be able to weather life's sometimes very harsh storms, but having a strong mind is not just about toughing it out. "Research consistently shows that when we adopt a mental outlook that learns from our experiences and views them with curiosity, rather than self-criticism, we can build mental strength that can be carried over from one situation to another," she says. She calls this 'psychological immunity'. "The idea is that we can understand emotional reliance as akin to viral immunity. Just like when our immune system builds up a defence to an infection, learning to see past misdemeanours as necessary to build-up psychological immunity, we can let go of negative feelings towards ourselves. "By viewing negative events as 'emotional vaccines' which help us to develop coping strategies, it is possible to take something positive from difficult experiences and prepare ourselves for more significant life challenges." In other words, by experiencing small hurts, we are then better prepared and more resilient to life's hard knocks. "A strong mind is just the same as a strong immune system in that it means being able to cope well with life's demands," says Arroll. CAN WE TRAIN OUR MINDS TO BE STRONG? "It's important to recognise and challenge unhelpful thinking patterns and build a truly compassionate approach to ourselves. Often we are much more critical of ourselves than we'd ever be with others so if you start to have these types of thought patterns, challenge each judgement by asking yourself if this was a friend how you'd view the situation," says Arroll. This new approach takes time and patience - "Just as you wouldn't go to the gym once and expect to maintain physical fitness, we must all 'train' our minds to be strong with practise," she adds. HERE ARE A FEW OF ARROLL'S TOP TIPS FOR BUILDING A STRONG MIND... Practice gratitude: do this by noting down three things you're grateful for every day. Explore and sit with the full range of human emotion: even those which are uncomfortable. Develop your own emotional first aid kit: which should include items that trigger all your senses, such as your favourite music, scents and comfy clothes for touch. Anchor new mental habits to pre-existing ones: Try doing your gratitude practise every morning when you're brushing your teeth so that over time, your mind will be wired to see the good in every morning.



As we progress further following the discovery of COVID 19 it is estimated the amount of jobs in the world will reduce by 50%. Massive change is ahead. How will Channel Islands small businesses re purpose their business in order to survive. Mark Shields – The CAM Coach explains... REPURPOSING YOUR BUSINESS As I write this during week 7 of the lockdown in the U.K. at this point we are all in the dark about what is coming in terms our home life, our jobs and the economy. We can only go by each day and wait for the news that COVID has gone but…this may be some time. So what can you do in the meantime to futureproof your business? What will be the new “Normal”? We have all gone through the DISBELIEF, SHOCK and FEAR stages in trying to get our heads around what is happening and what will happen in the future. As a Life and Business Coach I can tell you that fear brings a lack of creativity, focus and straight thinking so the past few weeks have been a time to digest the reality of the situation ahead and make plans in moving forward with our business. You are probably hearing and seeing others in your industry either using COVID19 in their marketing or adapting their business to an online virtual platform.

The four most important areas of our life are Health, Finances, Lifestyle and Approval – ALL of these are affected at this moment in time. 2. ACCEPTANCE Accept that this is the new “NORMAL” – it wasn’t in the plan but it is what it is for now. We need to embrace a new way of working at a social distance with our customers and peers. 3. PIVOT You need to manoeuvre your business model into your new NORMAL. By this I mean take a look at how you can make changes to your business to see you through during this uncertain time and meet the demands of the new world. Below I have touched on a few pointers to help you. GO VIRTUAL: If you are renting premises for your business and now cannot see clients

So what do YOU need to do…?? 1. BREAK IT DOWN What do we know about the future? • Things won’t change until we get a vaccine so we are in this for the long haul but so is everyone else • The economy is going to shrink meaning less money in people’s pockets i.e. less disposable income • Social distancing is going to be in place until a vaccine is available which means face to face services will continue to be a challenge • EVERYONE is suffering around us – we are all in this together. continues overleaf... 22 |

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It is also important to consider whether your potential clients would be fearful of face to face situations despite having to “socially distance” and realistically would they book a face to face business meeting with you right now when they are praying that they keep their job and lifestyle that they have been used to. Google Adwords is used to gain clients by sponsoring certain keywords that your target market might search for in the google search bar and need right now.. For instance, the keyword search of “accountants in jersey” would trigger your advert to pop up as a listing in the Sponsored ads section at the top of the search page. So ads would go to those who are looking exactly for accountants in jersey right now.

face to face you need to look into going “virtual”. This is a stumbling block for many because it might be something that you have avoided up until now and managed to run your business successfully without it. However, now is a good time to look at other ways in which you can engage with your target market. By using the internet there are a whole host of things you can do with Instagram, Facebook and YouTube that are interactive now. You can offer “one to many” groups, as well as, one to one consultations using Zoom, Webex, Facetime and Whatsapp. Before now you may have put off “going virtual” using excuses like “I don’t have time to learn”, “I’m not very techy”, “I don’t like what I look like on camera”, “it scares me” - these are all limiting beliefs that you need to overcome. We also call them conspiracy theories - a decision with limited data points and little “other” information where we have filled in the blanks with our values and beliefs. PRICING: Look at your pricing – can you lower it now that you may not premises? Its very normal in the current client to lower your pricing using lockdown discounts and promotions. PROMOTIONS: Offer a special promotional pricing structure during this time only so that you can put your prices back up as we get back to normal.

Organic SEO Spend a day reading the top tips on organic website optimisation. Its free and a lot of people don’t like companies that pay for google advertising. Facebook and Instagram ads go to a targeted audience that you decide. So you look at gender, location, what they are interested in, what do they read, hobbies etc. It is less pinpointed because let’s face it anyone could be interested in investments – corporate, biker, mother, teacher, scientist, alternative medicine follower, someone who likes knitting and someone who does not. So if Social Media platforms are where you need to now focus your marketing there is so much you can do for free to get known, be liked and trusted by your audience:  Create and build a Facebook group – create discussions, offer Lives, share posts, stories, case studies, do a poll, ask questions, Q&A days  Pre-recorded videos where you offer free insights into what you do, why you do it, how you got into it and how it can help people. You can also use these videos to demonstrate your skills  Recorded audio i.e. Top tips for businesses. How to reduce costs. How to drive down margins Points to remember when uploading video:  Instagram live – 1 hour time limit

BUILD YOUR TRIBE: Time to “get out there and show yourself” on Social Media, build your tribe even if they do not buy your product or service right now they will remember you if you have said something that resonated with them or supported them which could turn into a “sale” later down the line.

 IGTV upload from web – 1 hour



 Develop a new product that fits with your current business proposition and sell it online. E.G If you’re a trust company offering services face to face, package solutions and market them online. Pivot quickly and create some security with passive income streams. I am seeing a lot of these.

 Contact The Jersey Life magazine and ask if there are any features they are doing for local businesses – if you are offering a freebie for NHS workers tell them!!

 Pre-corded or Live Q&A’s or demonstrations of your work and its benefits.  Educate yourself with Zoom, Skype and get proficient at using them. Doing business virtually isn’t going to go away.  Try and make home working permanent as it cuts massive costs and many people are commenting they are getting much more down. And most of all its safe. REVIEW YOUR ADVERTISING STRATEGY: It is important to think about what your target audience might be looking for right now and what devices they will be spending more time on. Studies have shown an increase in Instagram use during the lockdown as many were looking for connection with the outside world during that time – use yourself as an example, are you looking at social media more than you did prior to COVID19??

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 IGTV upload from mobile – 15 mins  Facebook Live - 4 hours from a mobile  Facebook video upload - 4 GB or 120 mins

 Contact Local TV - Right now, the news stations are all talking about COVID19 and they need more “real-life”stories about how people are affected. You could write and tell them how you are adapting as a business and give it a positive slant. I hope that some of the above have given you some ideas about how to go forward in your business planning. None of us have a crystal ball but one thing we can be sure of is we need to be flexible, re align to our new market in the new world, look at our prices, and PIVOT and direct your business facilitating the amount of change needed to keep you on the business map Article Authors: Mark Shields & Karen Shields CAM Coach Team Life Practice UK Ltd Life Practice Academy

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WAYS TO BE A HAPPY WORKING PARENT DURING LOCKDOWN Stepping out of the work mindset and being playful will help keep home workers and kids happy, says family expert Anita Cleare... Being a working parent has never been easy, but a new level of difficulty has been added now many mums and dads are working from home and trying to look after their children at the same time. Many parents will simply be managing the best they can, and planting young children in front of the TV or leaving them with an iPad to do their school work, in order to buy time to get on with their work. But it doesn't have to be that way, says child development expert Anita Cleare. Cleare runs the Positive Parenting Project (, through which she delivers talks, workshops and coaching for parents, and has just written The Work/Parent Switch which looks at the issues working parents face, and how to overcome them. She says: "Working parents have been told the way to be successful is to be hyper-organised, buy five years' worth of birthday cards at once and batch-freeze meals. But that goes against the grain of what children really need from us.

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Good relationships with children are built on quality moments, not on constantly chivying our kids from task to task. "To create a happy family life, working parents need to step out of our hyper-efficient work mindset and be playful and curious instead, so we can tune in to our children's signals and understand the world from their point of view." Here, Cleare suggests ways to be a happy working parent: LEARN TO SWITCH OUT OF WORK-MODE The biggest challenge for working parents is learning to switch between two different mindsets - work-mode and parent-mode and now that so many parents are working from home, learning to switch seamlessly between them is even more essential. When we're in work-mode, we tend to be very goal-focused and task-oriented. Doing well at work means sticking to schedules, getting through tasks efficiently, focusing on outcomes and always keeping up the pace.


But when it comes to family life, children need us to deploy different strengths.

(or minutes), it's about parenting smarter by targeting your attention towards the behaviour you want to encourage.

They need emotionally-attuned parents who are curious and playful and empathetic, who can slow down and prioritise connecting and listening over getting the job done. Children are naturally chaotic and focused on the moment. If we approach them stuck in our efficiency-focused work-mode, we quickly get frustrated with them.

SET CHILDREN UP TO SUCCEED Avoid constant firefighting by setting some clear, simple and positive ground rules. Children are used to having golden rules at school or nursery, so have some at home too. The best rules help children focus on what good behaviour looks like so they can do it more often.

MAKE SPACE FOR PLAYFULNESS Playfulness is an essential ingredient in happy families. Children and adults need it. If you take the playfulness out of parenting, all you're left with is drudgery.

If the kids are constantly bickering, introduce a ground rule like 'be a team' to encourage alternative behaviour. If mean comments are the issue, then 'use kind words' might be a good rule. Or, if physical aggression is the problem, 'be gentle'. Use praise and attention smartly to positively reinforce the behaviour you want to encourage.

Playfulness isn't the same as doing lots of activities. Cajoling a herd of children in and out of the car to ballet rehearsals and football matches when lockdown is over doesn't add up to a fun family life. Similarly, while we might be stuck indoors a bit more at the moment, a bit of silliness is good for everyone. Playfulness is the pixie dust that makes our lives feel lighter. It fuels children's development, makes parenting enjoyable, strengthens family bonds and boosts everyone's wellbeing. Creating more space for playfulness will give you room to breathe, to relax, to laugh a little more (and shout a little less) and enjoy being a member of your family. PRIORITISE QUALITY MOMENTS When we're stuck in 'get-the-job-done' work-mode, we tend to focus on all those tasks that need completing during family time. Feeding, washing, laundry, spellings homework, reading, telling off, chasing down lost items...

DON'T TRY TO DO IT ALL Parental involvement is a great thing. But taking over and doing too much for our children isn't good for them. And it also risks stretching parents beyond what's humanly possible. In order to develop good self-esteem and life skills, children need to do things for themselves, to make mistakes and to learn from their failures. Running around picking up after children who are old enough to do things for themselves is not an act of love, it's an act of developmental sabotage. And it means you'll never have enough time to enjoy being a member of your family. Sometimes, when it comes to parenting, less really is more.

But families are made up of relationships, not tasks. If we shift our thinking about parenting away from a list of activities to be completed or a project to be undertaken and see our job as parents in terms of building relationships with our children, that opens the door to a very different dynamic. Building a relationship isn't a job that can be ticked off a 'To Do' list. It's about small choices we make on a day-to-day level. It's about chatting and laughing and slowing down for a few minutes to listen when our child has something to say - really listen with all our attention, not just half our brains. Because it's through listening that we connect with our children on a deeper level and get to know them. Building relationships isn't about large quantities of time, it's about quality moments. USE YOUR ATTENTION SMARTLY Mustering the energy to manage wayward children on top of working is a big challenge. When we're busy, it's easy to slip into the trap of ignoring children when they're being good and overreacting to behaviour we don't like. Your attention means everything to your children, and they'll do pretty much anything to get it. Working parents are often racked with guilt about not being able to give their children enough attention. But it's not how much attention we give that's the crucial issue, it's where we direct it. Creating a happy family dynamic isn't about finding extra hours



k ee W n ia r ta e g e V l a n o Nati

Get your taste buds ready for National Vegetarian Week 2020 which runs from 11th - 17th May. It’s all about eating delicious and exciting veggie food and promoting the benefits of a meat-free lifestyle. So sink your teeth into or range of delicious dishes and go vegetarian for just one week. about 200ml cold water vegetable oil, for deep frying for the minted yoghurt: 200g coconut yoghurt (or other dairy-free yoghurt) 4 sprigs mint, leaves picked and chopped 1 clove garlic, crushed salt and freshly ground black pepper What to do: Add the shallots to a mixing bowl and sprinkle over the salt, stirring well to mix. Set aside for a few minutes to allow the salt to slightly soften the shallots. Mix up the dip by adding the yogurt, mint, garlic and salt and pepper to a small bowl, stirring well to mix. Set aside. Add the flour, chilli, nigella seeds and turmeric to the shallots, stirring well to combine. Stir through just enough water to bring the mixture together so a thick batter forms around the shallots, about 200ml. Set aside to rest whilst you heat up the oil.

VEGAN MINI SHALLOT BHAJIS WITH MINTED YOGURT Spicy and crispy, these little bite sized bhajis are great for a party or as part of an Indian feast. Makes: about 16 bite-sized bhajis Preparation time: 10 minutes Cooking time: 15 minutes You’ll need: For the bhajis: 400g shallots, thinly sliced 1 tsp salt 175g gram flour (chickpea flour) 1 long red chilli, finely sliced 1 tbsp nigella (black onion seeds) 1/2 tsp turmeric

Pour enough vegetable oil into a large deep saucepan so that it forms a 4-5cm layer. Turn on the heat and bring the oil up to 180°C, using a meat or jam thermometer to measure the temperature. If you don’t have a thermometer, drop in a little slice of the shallot, it should sizzle instantly. Alternatively, you can cook in a deep fat fryer, setting the dial to 180°C. When the oil is hot enough, use a heaped teaspoon to scoop up the bhaji mix, then use another teaspoon to slide the mixture directly into the oil, working with care so the oil doesn’t splash. Repeat until you have added about 4-6 bhajis and fry for about 3-4 minutes until crisp and golden, carefully flipping over with a palate knife halfway through cooking. Scoop out with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper whilst you repeat with the rest of the mixture. As soon as all the bhajis are cooked, serve with the bowl of minted yogurt. Credit:

BERRYWORLD RASPBERRY, BLACKBERRY, PEACH, ALMOND BUTTER AND YOGHURT SMOOTHIE Packed full of berry goodness, this smoothie is a hit when it comes to texture and flavour. Serves: 2 Prep time: 5mins You’ll need: A punnet of BerryWorld raspberries A punnet of BerryWorld blackberries A peach Almond butter Coconut yoghurt 28 |

What to do: Put a handful of raspberries, a handful of blackberries and a chopped peach into a blender or smoothie maker. Add a dollop of almond butter and a dollop of coconut yogurt then whizz until smooth. Add a little water or milk if it’s too thick. Credit:


ISLE OF WIGHT TOMATO RISOTTO Serves: 4 Preparation time: 10 minutes Cooking time: 1 hour You’ll need: 450g fresh whole Campari tomatoes or similar 2 cloves garlic, peeled and halved ½ tsp sugar Salt & pepper 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 800ml chicken or vegetable stock 15g butter 1 tbsp light olive oil 2 finely chopped echalion shallots 2 cloves crushed garlic 1 tsp chopped fresh rosemary 200g Arborio rice 150ml dry white wine 100g mozzarella roughly chopped 30g freshly grated Parmesan plus extra for serving Chopped fresh basil for serving What to do: Preheat the oven to 190 degrees C. Put the tomatoes and garlic in a bowl, sprinkle with the sugar and a touch of salt and freshly ground black pepper, drizzle with olive oil and toss to coat. Lay the tomatoes and garlic halves on a baking sheet and roast for about 30 minutes or until the skins of the tomatoes have collapsed and are just starting to brown. Put the roasted tomatoes and garlic in a blender along with the chicken stock and blend until smooth then keep hot in a small saucepan. Heat the olive oil and butter in a medium saucepan. Add the shallots and cook until soft and translucent, 5-7 minutes. Add the garlic and cook for another minute. Add the rice rosemary and salt & pepper, stir and cook for one minute. Add the white wine, bring to a boil, and boil until the wine is mostly evaporated, 2-3 minutes.

RADISH AND CELERY GOODNESS BAGEL Crunchy and fresh, this made-in-minutes toasted bagel with hummus and crisp veg is a really quick idea for a healthy lunch or snack. Serves: 2 Prep time: 5 minutes Cooking time: 2-5 minutes

Add about ¼ of the hot tomato mixture. Cook, stirring regularly, until most of the liquid has been incorporated, then continue adding a little at a time, stirring regularly as the rice absorbs the liquid (this will take 20-25 minutes). The rice will begin to swell and become creamy in texture. Stir in the mozzarella and Parmesan. Add salt and pepper to taste. If the rice is too dry, stir in a little extra hot stock. Serve immediately in wide bowls, sprinkled with freshly grated Parmesan cheese and chopped basil.

You’ll need: 2 seeded bagels 120g hummus 1 stick of celery, sliced 4-6 radishes, sliced ½ avocado, de-stoned, peeled and sliced ½ pack salad cress What to do: Toast the bagels. Spread one side of each bagel thickly with the hummus. Top with layers of the sliced celery, radish, avocado, then finish with some salad cress. Credit: MAY ISSUE | 29

La Sablonnerie

First established in 1948, La Sablonnerie retains the characteristics of an old farmhouse built some 400 years ago and is situated on the lovely island of Sark in the Channel Islands. La Sablonnerie is owned and managed by Elizabeth Perrée. Guests return-year-after-year to recapture the beauty of the island and to enjoy the excellent cuisine, wine, cosiness and friendliness that is evident at the hotel. Of course being so close to the sea, freshly caught fish and famous Sark lobsters are popular specialities of the hotel. La Sablonnerie has been featured by the Which? hotel guide as 'The place to stay in the Channel Islands', and also received the highly coveted award from Condé Nast Johansen - 'Small Hotel of the Year' as well as being nominated as their “Most Romantic Hotel” and now Les Routier’s “Hotel of the Year” Award. Needless to say, you have to visit us to find out exactly what everyone is talking about.

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Arrive by ferry or private boat, horse and carriage or just shank’s pony to enjoy the charm of La Sablonnerie, a hotel of rare quality situated in the southern part of Sark, even more beautiful, remote and romantic than the rest. Nestled in gorgeous gardens, a haven for lovers of peace and tranquillity; birds, butterflies and flowers - how could one not enjoy this amazing paradise….. a stepping stone to heaven, even if you just arrive for one of our glorious cream teas or a Lobster Salad in the garden. Guests gather in the bar or the rose and lavender scented garden for a cocktail or a glass of champagne before dining. The bar with its roaring log fire is a convivial meeting place. After dining, guests return to the bar to sit and converse with each other. Some guests take advantage of Little Sark as the perfect place for a moonlit walk or simply gazing at star-studded skies. Sark offers exceptional star-gazing due to its lack of light pollution. Sark is how life used to be, it is like stepping back into an Enid Blyton book….. what dreams are made of, but still having the modern luxuries. La Sablonnerie is a hotel of rare quality situated in a time warp of simplicity on the tiny, idyllic Channel Island of Sark, where no motor cars are allowed and life ambles along at a peaceful, unhurried pace. The hotel has an enviable reputation for its superb food and wines; local butter, fresh cream, meat, fruit and vegetables which, where possible, are sourced from the hotel’s own farm and gardens. The hotel accommodation is very clean and comfortable and totally geared to unhurried relaxation.

The hotel has been extended and discreetly modernised to provide 22 rooms, each individual in style and décor, including a delightful Honeymoon Suite. Immaculate comfort, lovely linen, fresh flowers and fruit; room service upon request. Excellent food and service, have ample staff that are courteous and a joy to be with, creating lots of fun and a real joie de vivre for everyone. Contact: Elizabeth Perrée at TEL: 01481 832061 E-mail: WEB:

Enjoy Spring this year with the whole family, or getaway for a romantic break and enjoy one of the finest eateries in the Channel Islands. If you are looking for a special present a gift voucher from La Sablonnerie can be purchased in any monetary value. Choose anything from a delicious luncheon, afternoon tea, dinner, an overnight stay or a champagne celebration with canapés.

La Sablonnerie +44 (0) 1481 832061

Please call Elizabeth Perrée on or E-mail: La Sablonnerie Hotel and Restaurant, Sark, Channel Islands, GY10 1SD.



Home Office Suddenly joined the home worker crew? Here's how to get your new workspace set up, says Luke Rix-Standing... Once the preserve of reclusive novelists, working from home has suddenly gone from occasional to near-universal. Recent years had already seen a shift towards more remote and flexible working, to be fair - but the coronavirus pandemic has forced countless businesses to set up shop at home. If you're totally new to home working, chances are it's a steep learning curve. Here's how to stop grieving over the office coffee machine, and make your home workspace feel as productive and positive as possible... BANISH THE BEDROOM It's tempting to start working from the comfiest spot in the house your bed! But this possibly isn't the healthiest idea. Conventional commuting marks a clear divide between work and home, and it's important for both your lifestyle and sanity that the distinction in some way continues. Not everyone has a choice of course, but if it's remotely possible, do not work where you sleep. LET THERE BE LIGHT Natural light inherently increases your energy, positivity and creativity, and is an essential tool in the battle against cabin fever. Try to position your desk near a window, and experiment with your computer placement so that you aren't dazzled by screen glare at certain times of day. Once the natural light fades, keep your workspace illuminated with well-positioned lamps, that will keep the room feeling fresh whatever the time of day. Just imagine having to spend your office hours cooped up in a poky, dimly-lit basement. Horrible.

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THE PERSONAL TOUCH If you're used to an office and enjoy heading out to work, working from home can be an irritation - but it's also a chance to assert creative control. Productivity permitting, you can listen to music,


wear whatever uniform you please, and design a workspace that works just for you. You could opt for the classic family photo on your desk, or (if you're seeing enough of them at the moment!) a novelty calendar, colourful print, or attractive timepiece. Your desk likely claims the lion's share of your day, so don't worry about looting other rooms to make it feel right. All those things Karen the office manager said you weren't allowed in the real office - now is their time to shine. GO FOR GREEN Whether it's an open-plan office block or your own front room, workplace wellbeing still matters. It's been proven time and again that even low-level exposure to greenery provides a mental boost, and you might really be missing your outdoor foliage fix right now.

OPTIMISE YOUR SETUP However, even the best chair in the world won't save your spine if your tech isn't set up properly. Remember that the top of your computer screen should be roughly level with your eye-line. If your desk is too short, or your screen too small, use a box or stack of books to lift your machine to the right height, and use a separate keyboard for a laptop so you're not gazing downwards all day. Every home worker runs the risk of claustrophobia, so retaining a little floor space to pace or stretch could be godsend by the end of a long week. Finally, the one thing your office is useless without - connectivity. If there are any known WiFi blind spots in your home, avoid them like the plague.

From spiky little cacti to large-leafed philodendrons, there's plenty of plants that can spruce up your desk. A trip to the local garden centre is probably off the table for a while but there are lots of options for buying online and having nature delivered direct to your door. CUT THE CLUTTER Tempted to stock your new home desk to within an inch of its life? Colour-coded binders, a symmetrical splay of pencil pots, a year's supply of post-its, paperclips and Pritt Sticks, and your favourite coffee mug precariously squeezed in by your keyboard... Everything runs like clockwork - until you have to takes notes or a phone call, and you find you're balancing your notepad on your knee. Keep clutter to a minimum and go for 'less is more' to keep it calm and functional. INVEST IN YOUR CHAIR Your constant companion as you go about your day, an ergonomically sound chair is among the most important ingredients in any effective workspace - including when you're at home. Posture and comfort are important and hunching over your desk for hours on end is a fast-track to back and neck pain. Even for the most tight-fisted part of payroll, this is not the place to scrimp.




More Spacious Feeling a tad claustrophobic at home? Try some handy hacks for freeing up space, says Sam Wylie-Harris... Feeling the squeeze with all the family cooped up at home? When you're spending more time than ever holed up at home, it's easy to feel as though the walls are caving in a little - which means a few space-gaining tweaks could be very welcome right now. "We've all been thrown into a situation beyond any of our wildest dreams and we're having to act fast and calmly. As we enter this new way of living for the time being, it's important to remember that the home is our sanctuary, always has been and always will be," says Kelly Hoppen, international interior designer ( "But now the entire family has to live together 24/7, so we need to look at our spaces and make some changes that work for everyone."

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If two are you are having to get used to working from home, you might have created a specific 'office area', whether it's an actual desk, corner or even the kitchen table. But with homeschooling thrown into the mix, as well as having to keep children entertained all under one roof, the rule book has been thrown out the window. "However big or small, spaces need to be kept as organised as possible. Kids of all ages need to be in a routine and it's essential to have areas in which they can play together and have alone time," suggests Hoppen. Could it be possible to gain a bit more breathing space within your four walls? You can't magic up an extension of course, but here are some tips that might help...


PURGE THE PLAYROOM Take a good look around (you may have to be a bit ruthless) and sort out toys, books and have a general clear-out and tidy-up. "What's not used, give to charities (think local) as many families need drastic help during this uncertain time. It's important that kids aren't on their computers and watching TV all day. Get your kids to put together mood boards on Pinterest of what they want their rooms to look like, and then try and do it as best you can by borrowing and moving things from room to room to make it exciting," says Hoppen. CONSIDER CORNERS While you're busying yourself changing furniture around and decluttering, think about merging and stacking things into corners, to make the space feel freer overall.

"A lack of storage can make your home feel more cramped and often smaller," says Bethan Harwood, partner and home design stylist at John Lewis. "An easy way to add more storage is by investing in solution led furniture with built in 'secret' storage, such as lidded ottomans and foot stools. "They provide closed off storage so they can be filled with everyday items, and also double up as extra seating. These items are simple but functional and it's surprising how much you can fit inside them." STEAL SOME SPACE WITH EXTENDING FURNITURE Budget allowing, furniture that folds or extends means you can all sit together when you want to, but with the option to downsize when not in use.

Every room has at least three corners and if you go from floor to ceiling, there's the potential for shelving and corner units (a game-changer for storing stemware and chinaware, or keeping books, DVDs and 'life admin' boxes tidy and out the way), or use the space to stack chairs, or position a floor lamp or corner table. THINK INSIDE THE BOX Of course, having to spend so much time at home also means making sure everything around you has a home.

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"An extending table is always a favourite, but it doesn't need to be in the context of a dinner party. An extending table can easily be used as a home office space," says Harwood. "They give you the option to transform your dining area every morning into a much bigger area, so you can effectively work from home. Opt for tables where the leaves are stored within the mechanism for ease of everyday use." MAKE CLEVER USE OF WALLS We may be climbing the walls at moments - but our four walls offer a wealth of opportunity for maximising and enhancing space, and can easily be adapted to suit your style and taste. "If you feel like you've run out of floor space to work with, turn your attention to the walls," says Harwood. "Floating bookcases are a great way to add storage to the room without a bulky piece of furniture. Adding shelves to a home office or playroom can really maximise the space and you can also have fun with the way you style them," she adds. "Try colour coding the shelves, adding hanging plants and turning books to lie flat as a more interesting way to display them." MAKE THE MOST OF MIRRORS And if you've still got a large gap gracing the wall, and want to stream the most from these lighter, longer days, Hoppen suggests one of the most effective ways to create space in the home is to play with mirrors.

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"The perfect tool for spatial illusion in every room! Place mirrors strategically, ideally opposite to a source or natural or artificial light," she says, "so as to create reflections and offer the room an airy, bright atmosphere."

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A Wealth of Heritage Did you know the word ‘wealth’ derives from an old English word that meant happiness or well-being…? WORDS BY KATYA PASTORINI, PAINTED BEAUTIFUL

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In this challenging time, which we are currently living through, an anchor that supports us is heritage. It provides homogeneity, hope, inspiration and security. As well as tangibility that is imperative at present and coupled with the fact that we are a living heritage in what will be treated as an historically significant period, makes it even more important. Thus, this focus on heritage together with a need to rationalise and improvise has led us to look at Curating a Vintage Home. CURATING A VINTAGE HOME Vintage in its true sense refers to high quality items of the past, representing the best of their kind. The scope of the concept has been widened for interiors; bringing together a vintage nostalgic feel which is easy to achieve and can be curated using authentic vintage items as well as resources that create such ambience. There are many manufacturers who are synonymous with particular periods, such as for mid-century Ercol and G-plan, so if you are looking to invest in vintage, you would be best placed to research the iconic items first. However, as with any style of home interior choose what you love rather than what you feel you should have.. FURNITURE Vintage pieces are best being placed at ‘centre stage’ in any room, and for a more current version of the vintage look be selective, and perhaps add a blended look with contemporary or simply styled items. A beautiful French armoire in a bedroom or an ornate sideboard in a dining room would be good examples of statement pieces. If ‘brown furniture’ or old pine items are not in keeping with your style an optimum, and inexpensive way, to give a piece a new lease of life it to paint it. There are so many options: one colour, different colours in and outside of the item, distressed effect, aging, metallics, decoupage. It is so satisfying to pick up a bargain and bring the item back to life. Then they can be accessorised with such items as new handles, if the existing ones lack integrity or new replacing. However, if reusing or repurposing is not for you, many retailers of new furniture have vintage styled offerings. SOFT FURNISHINGS They are super way to start the process of creating the ambiance, if sourcing vintage or vintage style furniture is out reach. And, of course, they complete the overall look if your you have been fortunate enough to source treasured pieces of furniture.

always new items inspired by heritage patterns and colours of the past. If you aspire to or have a creative leaning, making your own items would be a perfect opportunity to use new fabrics and wools to create a vintage vibe, or experiment with upcycling vintage items like grain sacks to cushion or small table cloths to seat covers or window blinds. Pinterest would provide you with a vast amount of inspiration! REPURPOSING It can be used to create a lovely alternative vintage feel. Our biggest problem is seeing an opportunity in most items! We recently saw a stunning example in a bureau which was being used as a bar. Even the small “waste” items can find their way into being part of something else; we have kept slates from old blinds to make a sunburst vintage inspired mirror. And again, Pinterest would be the bible for ideas. HOMEWARES There can be such joy in sourcing vintage homewares, many will be unique and it is a ideal for building up collections, whether it be glass bottles, copperware, or a firm favourite at the moment with us is vintage candle sticks to display on a tray or table with lovely soy or beeswax tall candles; Vintage items look stunning displayed in groups. Another favoured item is old glass decanters, which make a lovely addition to the dining table for holding water. Curios or practical items used decoratively make for eye catching displays. Naturally it depends what is of interest to you; we recently saw a display of antique glasses and another of old leather luggage labels used as photos frames. All that is needed is imagination and an interest. VINTAGE STYLED APPLIANCES Reproduction appliances and electrical equipment are great way to bring back a sense of nostalgia to your home. Household items like modern microwaves, heaters or fridges in historic styles embed the look without having to compromise on the latest technology. Smaller home items are the same, such as lamps and light fittings or retro-styled radios and iconic record players. For further information contact Carrie or Katya on e-mail: Facebook: Painted Beautiful Phone: 07797 816443

There is still a plethora of authentic vintage fabrics, linens, cushions, quilts, throws, tablecloths, serviettes and so much more, which are available to purchase. In addition, there are




How to work pink at home Surprisingly versatile and super-sophisticated, Sam Wylie-Harris explores the pulling power of pink... Pink comes into its own in springtime - and we're not just talking fragrant blooms and bridesmaids' dresses. From soft, dusty hues to the palest blush, pink is one of the most playful shades to bring into your home, and you don't need to be in the first throes of love to embrace a pink palate.

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Indeed, this season's candy crush isn't all saccharine sweet, and neither does it delve into Barbie territory. Pink interiors can be super-sophisticated and subtle, and styled to bring beauty and radiance without having to go over the top. This is all about shifting our perceptions on how to 'think pink.' "The colour pink evokes sophistication and playfulness. This romantic shade can instantly bring a subtle sense of femininity into your home, through the use of accessories and homewares," says Claire Hornby, head of creative at Barker and Stonehouse furniture designers.

pair it with neutral walls and floors to ensure the seating isn't lost in your room," McMahon adds. She says texture is key with pink, and suggests thinking about the overall style you're looking to create. For example, a blush velvet will create a very different feel and impact to a blush cotton. "Ask yourself: are you looking for something opulent or pared back, traditional or contemporary?"

"You'll be surprised how easy it is to create a fresh and airy living space when using pink to style your space. What I love about this colour is that you don't have to completely redecorate to be able to introduce this palette."

TABLE DRESSING IN PINK If you're still feeling a bit shy about adding a permanent dose of pink, you can always set the scene with a pink tablecloth, which can quickly be cleared away - and a stylish solution to investing in something more serious and sophisticated. It'll also work beautifully with rose wine season coming into full swing, as we drink pink for the foreseeable future.

ADDING PINK ACCENTS "Whether you want to add bold pops of bright pink or duskier pinks for a neutral feel, it's possible to transform your space with key furniture pieces and accessories," says Hornby. "Add a burst of colour and opt for a gorgeous armchair in a soft rose hue, or if you want to experiment further, a showstopping sofa with a mid-century design would look wonderful. "To balance the look and to keep it light, complement your pink pieces with lots of white for a timeless and versatile look. "Alternatively, if you're looking to enhance an existing neutral palette, introduce dusty pink cushions and smaller accessories, such as tealight holders, throws or vases," Hornby suggests. PINK IS 'THE NEW BEIGE' When it comes to creating a scheme, furniture and soft furnishings can be used as key building blocks too - and pink is practically a neutral now. In other words, it just works, and it's perfectly OK to use it sparingly. Suzy McMahon, buying director for Sofology furniture designers, says: "For many homes, particularly over the past few years, pink has become a neutral tone offering a contemporary twist on the traditional beige. Opting for a pink sofa or armchair is the perfect way to bring the shade into the home, creating a base that can be built upon. "Layering blush and powder tones with shades of grey creates a fresh, modern look that isn't overly romantic. ," McMahon adds. "Keeping patterns minimal and not too feminine will create a space that all family members and guests can enjoy spending time in. Light woods and metallics work particularly well with softer, rose type hues." Alternatively, she suggests bolder, brighter shades can be used to reinvigorate spaces and as a statement focal point in the room. "Pairing with monochrome or darker hues, such as teal, will ensure the pink pops. Be careful to not opt for too many clashing colours, as schemes using bolder shades should be playful yet considered. If you have your heart set on a deep pink sofa, try to

PIMP UP YOUR PINK Of course, putting pink in the spotlight doesn't mean having to create a whole canvas of rosy hues. And if you're worried about a pop of pink having a short shelf life, you can always give the look a modern edge by layering, intensifying and styling with a shot of electric pink. Think bubble-gum pink candles, a cloud of candy floss in one particular corner of a room and A-list trimmings - cushions and throws are a good starting point. A lampshade or curtain tie-back made out of flamenco pink feathers or electric-pink pom-poms are always top of our wish list. PICK A PINK PAINT "Neutral and muted tones of pink are complex and add areas of interest, yet they're easy to live with," says Judy Smith, colour consultant for Crown Paints. "Pink looks particularly sophisticated and smart when used as a backdrop to contemporary natural materials and most modern furniture designs. "Pink works really well with cool neutrals, such as brilliant whites and all tones of grey - from light to moody," she adds. "The choice depends on what type of look you'd like to create - bold and dramatic, or cool and restful. continues overleaf...



"If you want to create a warmer space, try pairing neutral pink with either earthy terracotta shades or a warm cherry."

room but you might also find yourself moving it to another place as your tastes change.

To create a dramatic scheme and make sure pink looks up to date and edgy, Smith suggests adding touches of black or charcoal, perhaps in fine outlines on the wall, woodwork or in furniture.

"Rugs allow for personality to shine through, whether you're opting for a whimsical novelty pattern or an art deco inspired geometric design."

"It brings this soft tone more into focus and makes it look fresh and modern. The pink and charcoal colour combination is also incredibly versatile and can easily be adapted to suit all types of styles, from industrial chic to minimal Scandi or modern country," Smith adds. LAYING DOWN A PINK PATH "Flooring is the perfect place for pink, as it creates an on-trend base that can be built upon and transformed instantly with a few considered accessories," says Jemma Dayman, buyer for carpets at Carpetright. To create a calming and tranquil atmosphere, she suggests opting for carpet in a soft, blush shade, which can be warmed up with statement furnishings. "If you're keen on pink but aren't sure you'd like a complete scheme, a contemporary rug is an affordable way to add a dash of colour without the commitment," advises Dayman. "Allow yourself to have a little fun with your rug choice and opt for something you'll love for years to come; it may stay in the same

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Works of Art

Give walls a new lease of life with creative displays and DIY galleries. Gabrielle Fagan finds out how... Let's face it, staring at the same bland four walls every day when you're holed up at home can really dampen the spirits. So why not wake them up a bit, by displaying some photos and art? This could be the perfect way to showcase your favourite images (and create an impressive backdrop for all those Zoom and Houseparty sessions), plus it'll help keep the space fresh and interesting during self-isolation. You might not have a Picasso hidden away in the loft, or a stash of prints to hand. But you probably have got loads of brilliant photos stored on your laptop and phone that you could simply print off and frame, or have professionally transformed into works of art. Wondering where to begin? Here, Clare Moreton, from bespoke photo wall art specialists CEWE Photoworld, shares seven top tips on how to use images to transform your home...

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MIX AND MATCH "Get creative by designing a gallery wall that's eclectic, with a mix of styles, sizes and types of print that will transform any room into a bright, eye-catching space," says Moreton. "Combine framed photos with typographic prints, currently so on-trend, and maybe art deco-style canvases. "Avoid a bland and rigid approach," she adds, "this should be free-flow to suit your taste, so use a mixture of colours and patterns." PICTURE THIS: There are no hard-and-fast rules on creating the perfect design. But to give the arrangement cohesion and focus, place your largest item in a central position first, and then add smaller items around it.


By all means, use a spirit level to make sure pictures are level, but in the end trust your eye: dado rails and ceilings, especially in older properties, are not always level.

"Vertical and horizontal panoramic canvases are a modern and versatile way to introduce colour and style into difficult-to-fill spaces. A mix of close-ups and views will add interest, but keep to a colour theme for the most striking display." PICTURE THIS: Don't hang works of art too high on the wall a common mistake. The ideal height of the centre of a picture (if there's no furniture below it) is between about 155-160cm off the ground.' SEEING DOUBLE "There is nothing more stylish and classic than a symmetrical gallery wall," Moreton enthuses. "Interior decorators often double up - on everything from a pair of chairs or end tables to two floor lamps, on either side of a fireplace or bed. It essentially creates two matching halves and adds up to one visually appealing room. "To really make your symmetrical gallery wall stand out, choose images that share a common colour theme. Monochrome or sepia always work well," she suggests.

LEAN ON ME "There's no reason to think you need to hang all of your artwork in order for it to look great on display," says Moreton. "It may not be possible anyway, if you live in a rented property and there are restrictions on what you can do. That doesn't mean you can't have a gallery. "Make the most of your fireplace, units and shelves by simply stacking and leaning your prints and framed photographs on them. It's an arty and simple way to introduce colour and design to your home and you can simply refresh the look by introducing new pieces whenever you want." PICTURE THIS: Choose frames carefully and it will pay dividends visually. They don't have to be pricey - you can paint old frames with spray paint or chalk paint to get the look you want.

NATURAL PERSPECTIVE "If you're craving the great outdoors in these difficult times, and who isn't, create a corner in your room inspired by the natural world," suggests Moreton.

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PICTURE THIS: Choose prints in identical sizes and in matching frames, hang symmetrically and keep an equal amount of space between each photo (around two inches) for a chic and modern take.

Alternatively, follow one family member's pictorial story in a set of single frames. If you're really creative, insert sections of hand-written letters from family members appropriate to the era between the photos, to further evoke the time.



"Choosing a common theme across your displayed artwork can really help to bring the whole wall together," Moreton points out.

"It's got to be armchair travel only for the moment. But displaying photos of your holidays and journeys, whether here or in faraway places, will remind you of happy times and is a truly personal way to decorate a wall," says Moreton.

"It's also a great way to showcase your unique style and bring focus to something you're passionate about. It can be anything from nautical paintings for a fresh seaside theme, or a display of photos of your pets alongside prints with your favourite inspirational quotes." PICTURE THIS: An arrangement of prints is an easy way to enliven a neglected corner, like a landing or along a stairway. Do bear in mind that if there's a lot of traffic up and down stairs though, especially children, picture fixings should be secure. It may be necessary to anchor either side of the back of the frame. LOOK BACK IN TIME "If you have old albums of family photos, this could be the perfect time to sort them out, get them copied and create a montage of your family 'through the ages'," says Moreton. "These photos are special and will evoke a positive emotional response when you see them, putting a smile on your face and allowing you to reminisce over wonderful memories each day." PICTURE THIS: Curate images so that you follow a theme, which could be baby pictures from each generation grouped into one frame, or family groups in another.

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PICTURE THIS: Experiment with different styles, textures and tones to bring photos to life. If you're grouping your own family shots consider placing a professionally shot image of the location you've visited at the centre of the arrangement or frame a map of the area to add interest.

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CRESS CATERPILLARS, BUTTERFLY PIES AND PIZZA WHEELS - HOW TO MAKE GARDENING CHILD'S PLAY Ex-Blue Peter gardener Chris Collins offers three fun ideas to keep the kids amused in the garden during lockdown. By Hannah Stephenson... Children are being invited to get creative with little gardening projects, courtesy of former Blue Peter gardener Chris Collins. It could be making a 'Pizza Wheel' where they grow their own ingredients for a pizza topping, nurturing a 'Cress Caterpillar' made from an egg carton, or making a 'Butterfly Pie' to attract beautiful butterflies. "Start simple and quick-growing," says Collins, head of organic horticulture at the charity Garden Organic ( "Pea-shoots, cress or lettuce leaves are perfect starting places for impatient minds. Shoots will appear in just a matter of days, with only a short wait before you have something to eat," he explains. "Identify colours, draw flowers, count seeds, and encourage home cooking using the produce grown." Here are three projects to keep the little ones amused, plus tips for getting kids interested in organic growing... 48 |


1. PIZZA WHEEL WHAT YOU'LL NEED: String; 2 bamboo sticks; pebbles, shingle or sand; 4-6 types of seed to suit a pizza topping. HOW TO MAKE IT: Fork over a bit of ground and rake. You can either do this in a raised bed or a large pot. Next you'll need to mark out a circle using the string and two bits of bamboo. This circle will be the base for your pizza, which can then be divided into pizza slices using pebbles, shingle or sand. Once you have your sections, you can sow four to six types of seed or plant plugs into each one to make toppings suitable for a scrummy pizza.

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Seeds could include basil, tomato, sweet peppers and rocket whatever your children like on a pizza. Look after your pizza wheel and watch it grow. "Learning about where their food comes from, how it is grown and looked after and the importance of insects to the food chain are great life lessons for children," adds Collins. 2. CRESS CATERPILLAR WHAT YOU'LL NEED: Cress seeds; cotton wool or organic compost; egg box; scissors; paint and paint brush; googly eyes and pipe cleaners. HOW TO MAKE IT: First, cut the lid away from your egg box and cut through the middle so you have three sections to plant your seeds in. continues overleaf...

For more information, application forms and availability please contact Jim Westwater Tel. 721640 or 07797 723496 Email: or click:


Decorate your box by painting it, adding a face for your caterpillar, along with googly eyes and pipe cleaner antennae. Once dry, pop a cotton wool ball in each section. Water the cotton wool and sprinkle liberally with cress seeds. Keep moist and you should see sprouts within a few days, and be able to chop it and eat it within a couple of weeks. 3. BUTTERFLY PIE WHAT YOU'LL NEED: Bin liner or pot; sugar (white or brown); water; partially rotted plums or similar fruit; small trowel or spade. HOW TO MAKE IT: Dig a small hole in a border or pot, about 30cm wide by 15cm deep. Create a ridge around the hole and line it with a piece of bin liner and pierce with just a few holes. Next, dissolve some sugar in water and add some partially rotted plums or similar fruit.

Mix the ingredients together and add to the soil from the hole. Pop the final mixture in the hole or pot and your Butterfly Pie is complete. Soon you'll see various butterfly visitors. TEACH ORGANIC Try to teach organic gardening too, Collins stresses. "As parents we don't want our children eating things sprayed with chemicals, or soil with artificial fertiliser on, so it is really important to teach them organic methods. "Children also love seeing and interacting with caterpillars and ladybirds. If you have sprayed your garden with pesticides they will be hard pressed to find these fascinating creatures." Parents shouldn't interfere too much either, he suggests. "Give them responsibility for their own space. That could be part of the garden, a pot on a balcony or patio, a hanging basket, or a container on the window ledge. If they look after it every day, they'll see the plants shoot, flower and fruit before their eyes." He continues: "Children love putting their hands in the soil and getting them dirty. Getting them outdoors and involved with nature is a natural thing for them to do, and a great learning experience. "It will also get them outdoors and active. Gardening can have a positive effect in so many different ways."

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LOOKING TO UNLOCK new and exciting adventures for your little ones as they exercise both body and mind? SEEKERS is a multi-award-winning magnetic scavenger hunt game that encourages children to search for various objects in their environment. Hunt for the items on the magnets and flip them over once discovered. For Ben & Holly fans – head outside into your own little kingdom with this branded version of the game. The starter pack includes the Nature Trail magnet set - ideal for general outdoor scavenger hunts.

And, with additional add-on magnet sets available, SEEKERS’ games can be used time and time again in numerous locations. Seven add-on sets are currently on the market including; At the Park, Beside the Seaside, Shapes & Colours (ideal for younger children around the home) and Car Journey. The target age range for the game is three-years-old and above.

Nature Trail starter pack with magnetic board - £14.99. Add-on magnet sets - £7.97


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  Getting 'properly' dressed doesn't mean you can't be comfortable too. By Prudence Wade... Many of us are working from home for the first time ever right now, which can come as a bit of a shock to the system.

good opportunity to wear your softest, most luxurious clothes in jersey, cotton and wool.

Initially, it feels quite exciting (you don't have to wear a bra! You can stay in your pyjamas all day!). But the novelty soon wears off.

MIX FITTED AND LOOSE If you're not wearing a matching set, follow the golden rule of mixing fitted with loose. If everything in your outfit is baggy you risk looking, and feeling, like you haven't changed out of your pyjamas, but adding a more streamlined element to your outfit will make everything look infinitely more put-together.

While working from home is a good opportunity to relax your normal dress code (and save on some laundry too), it's still worth putting some amount of thought into what you wear. There's no pressure here of course, but fashion can be a valuable tool for bringing a bit of sunshine into your day - which is something we all need right now. In recent weeks, Instagram has shown just how chic loungewear can be. If you want to be bang on trend with your working from home outfits, follow these key rules... DO ACTUALLY GET DRESSED This might sound obvious, but it's important. If you stay in your pyjamas all day, your work and home life will slowly seep into one, and that has the potential to get pretty scary and depressing. Getting dressed in the morning signals your working day is about to start - and you can change back into those PJs as soon as work finishes, if you like. We're definitely not saying you should slip on a pair of skinny jeans at 9am though, as wearing denim, or anything with a tight waistband when working from home really isn't necessary (there is no need for this sort of punishment!). Luckily, many chic loungewear outfits are just as comfortable as your favourite PJs and will help kick off your day in style.

This is a simple ethos to follow; this could mean anything from pairing leggings with a loose knitted jumper, or wearing your best trackies with a simple white T-shirt. Tracksuit bottoms have come a long way in recent years and, chosen carefully, can actually be worked into a 'dressed up' look, believe it or not. PYJAMAS AREN'T ALWAYS IN BAD TASTE You should absolutely change out of your pyjamas to start work, but who's to say you shouldn't change into another set? Putting on a pretty pair you didn't sleep in is totally fine! Floral, silky pyjama tops can be seriously chic - the kind of thing you'll easily be able to wear out with a pair of jeans in the future. Thinking about those video conference calls with colleagues? People can only see your top half in a video chat remember, so no one will really know if you're actually wearing a PJ set or just a nice floral shirt.

KEEP IT NEUTRAL One thing is clear from celebs posting about their quarantine experiences (other than the fact they're holing up in some pretty incredible mansions) - neutral colours are the way to go. To keep your loungewear looking chic and elegant, focus on shades like beige, grey, cream or stone. It might sound trivial, but a relaxed colour palette can do much to help keep your mood calm and stress-free. INVEST IN A MATCHING SET A matching set is the ultimate working from home look. This isn't a time for loud patterns or colours though. Instead, pick one block colour and wear it throughout your whole outfit. If you're keen to mix up your look, it's all about subtlety. Take inspiration from stylish celebs like Olivia Palermo and wear a ribbed set, which gives a low-key bit of oomph to loungewear. It almost goes without saying, but make sure you choose comfortable fabrics. Why make life any harder than it is - this is a



Dream Now, Do Later... HOW TO PLOT FUTURE TRAVEL ADVENTURES Holidays may be temporarily on hold, but planning magical trips is still possible, says Sarah Marshall...

Spontaneity shapes thrilling travel escapades, but there's also a case for careful, methodical planning. Often, the preparation deciding on a route, reading up about a destination - can be just as enjoyable as the trip itself. Global movements may have ground to a halt, but thoughts can still roam freely. So use these gifted moments to fantasise about the future, plot epic adventures and set goals to realise lifelong travel dreams. Always wanted to scale a snow-capped mountain or sit within trunk's reach of an African elephant? The time is coming. Take inspiration from these life-affirming adventures, accompanied by relevant tips for using lockdown to prepare. MAKE WINTER TRACKS ACROSS SIBERIA Watching the world unfurl whilst trundling along train tracks is the epitome of slow, nostalgic travel. Long distance railway journeys provide an opportunity to discover the lay of a land in detail, often accessing off-grid areas and communities - all done from the comfort of a hotel-on-wheels. The Trans-Siberian is intrepid at the best of times, but a winter departure pushes boundaries even further. Crossing snowy steppes, mountain ranges and eight times zones, the sumptuous Golden Eagle will cover 10,000km, pulled by various steam locomotives. Visit one of most remote towns in Siberia, sizzle in a traditional Russian sauna (known as a banya), discover the Kremlin Fortress in Kazan and dog sled across the deepest lake in the world, Lake Baikal, frozen solid at this time of year. 54 |

FORM FAMILY BONDS ON A SOUTH AFRICAN SAFARI Anyone remotely interested in wildlife should do an African safari at least once in their lives. Chances are you'll want to go back again and again. Reassuringly malaria-free, South Africa is a good choice for families, and prices are much more reasonable too. Highly intelligent and credited for their strong social bonds, elephants are a favourite to observe in the wild. Expect to see plenty at Addo Main Camp, on the fringes of Addo Elephant National Park on the Cape, close to Port Elizabeth.


Hailed as excellent for children, the collection of caravans, tents, chalets and rondavels have access to cooking facilities, a swimming pool, bird hide and floodlit watering hole where animals come to drink at night. Visitors can explore in their own vehicles without a guide (keeping down costs), although the camp also offers 4WD safaris. HIKE THROUGH NEPAL'S HIMALAYAN VALLEYS After weeks of being cooped up inside with views restricted to a 2km radius, the idea of walking for days through ever-changing scenery sounds like pure bliss. The Himalayas present some of the best trekking opportunities on our planet, and although epic Everest is for serious pros, a much more manageable option is the Annapurna Sanctuary, a glacial basin surrounded by mountains. Regarded as one of the best routes for acclimatisation in Nepal, the natural amphitheatre is revered for its unique plant and animal life, and worshipped as a residence for Hindu and Buddhist deities. Hike through towering forests, sleep in traditional teahouses and watch the sunrise over glistening, cloud-piercing peaks. Join an escorted tour to enjoy the full benefits of a local guide, and the fulfilment of completing a challenge as a group. DISCOVER THE BIG BLUE IN EGYPT OR INDONESIA Nature has been one of the few beneficiaries of lockdown: skies are bluer, birdsong is louder and fish stocks are recovering as

trawlers are forced to rest. Very soon the seas will be even more colourful and active, making a dive holiday a top priority to book. The Red Sea is an affordable and accessible option; Egypt's Sharm El Sheikh resort on the Sinai Peninsula is ideally located to explore dazzling Ras Mohammed National Park. Further afield, Indonesian archipelago Raja Ampat is the epicentre of the Coral Triangle, the most biodiverse marine environment on earth. SAVOUR WILDERNESS WITH THE KIDS IN SCOTLAND If isolation has sparked a fondness for back-to-basics living, consider a camping trip for your next family getaway; considerably cheaper than staying in a hotel or cottage, a holiday under canvas is a practical option all round and proof dreams can be realised closer to home. Scenery, solitude and sheer space make Scotland ripe for adventure. Steps away from the beach, Runach Arainn on the Isle of Arran is a three-yurt glamping site adorned with creature comforts; Wheems Organic Farm on Orkney has a mixture of yurts, sheepskin-lined bothies and meadows for tent pitching available. True boy scouts and girl guides might consider wild camping. Thanks to the 2003 Land Reform Act, it's possible to pitch a tent on most unenclosed land (although byelaws do apply to East Loch Lomond).



  MERCEDES-BENZ GLS By Jack Evans The seven-seater GLS is one of the largest cars available in the UK, but what's it like to drive? Jack Evans finds out... WHAT IS IT? The Mercedes-Benz GLS sits atop the firm's range of SUVs as the most premium, luxurious and spacious of its off-roaders. It's billed as the S-Class of SUVs, hoping to mirror the opulence of the firm's most famous luxury saloon. Now, it's been remodelled for 2020, with more technical additions and a sharper new look than before. But can this leviathan of the road offer more than just outright size?

Facts at a glance Model: Mercedes-Benz GLS400d Engine: 3.0-litre turbocharged diesel Power: 325bhp Torque (Nm): 700 Max speed (mph): 148 0-60mph: 6.1 MPG: 28.8-32.8 Emissions (g/km): 213

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continues overleaf...

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is also a standout feature, offering excellent responsiveness which leads you to wonder why so many others struggle in the same department. Open roads are where the GLS feels at home, contrasting areas like the supermarket car park or on country roads where the car's overall bulk feels like a definite disadvantage. HOW DOES IT LOOK? Despite being the size of Jupiter, the GLS doesn't look overly large out on the road. Mercedes has done well to disguise its generous proportions with plenty of styling touches. The front grille ties the car to the rest of the firm's range of SUVs, while around the back it looks like a slightly stretched version of the smaller GLE. It's a classy affair, mind you, and certainly reflects the car's tip-top status in Merc's range. Undercover shades like black and grey seem to suit it best, with lighter colours only helping to exaggerate the car's size even more. WHAT'S NEW? Back in its third generation, the GLS arrives as an alternative to long-standing options like the Range Rover, or even newcomers like BMW's X7. It's longer than either of them - at 5.2 metres long and at 2.2 metres wide, it's one of the largest cars available on the UK's roads today. But why this shocking size? Space, of course, and the ability to give all three rows of passengers a high level of leg and headroom. There's just one engine available - which we'll get to shortly - while inside, it boasts all of Merc's very latest equipment. A comprehensive adaptive air suspension setup has been included too, in the hope of making the GLS as comfortable and refined as possible. WHAT'S UNDER THE BONNET? As mentioned, there's just one engine to choose from here, a 3.0-litre turbocharged diesel unit in the GLS400d. Sending drive to all four wheels via a nine-speed automatic gearbox, it produces 325bhp and a healthy 700Nm of torque. Mercedes claims it'll send the GLS from 0-60mph in a smidge over six seconds, while flat-out it'll manage 148mph. Economy-wise, we're looking at up to 32.8mpg (depending on which wheel size you opt for), while emissions sit a 213g/km CO2. It's a brawny enough engine for the task in hand, that's for sure, with that decent slug of torque meaning that the GLS should never feel out of puff. We expect a hybrid version to join the fray soon, but for now, it's just this diesel - and that certainly seems like enough of an engine for most. WHAT'S IT LIKE TO DRIVE? The first thing that strikes you when you set off in the GLS is the sheer size of the thing. It feels almost a postcode wide and just as long, which means it does take some time to adjust. The ride also feels a touch on the firm side, despite the inclusion of Mercedes' latest adaptive suspension system which uses sensors to actively adjust to the road surface. Of course, it's not uncomfortable, but not quite as cosseting as you'd expect. But the engine is a real peach; refined and smooth, it suits the character of the car down the ground. The nine-speed automatic

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WHAT'S IT LIKE TO DRIVE? Those who have spent time in some of Mercedes' smaller SUVs will feel at home in the cabin of the GLS. In fact, some may be disappointed that it plays so close to some of the firm's other SUVs, given that this seven-seater is meant to be the creme de la creme. That said, it remains exceptionally well kitted-out, with good quality materials used throughout bolstering an alreadyheightened sense of solidity. There's space in abundance - as you'd expect from a car of this size - and that's the same for all three rows too. That's the same for boot space too, with a very reasonable 470 litres available with all three rows in place, rising to a cavernous 2,400 litres with everything folded down. It's easy to do that, too, thanks to buttons at the inside of the boot which carefully lower the seats. WHAT'S THE SPEC LIKE? The GLS is a car bristling with new tech. It features Mercedes' latest MBUX operating system, relayed via a pair of 12.3-inch screens which sit together to form one seemingly seamless piece of glass. It incorporates a clever voice-operated system activated by saying 'Hey, Mercedes' - which is one of the easiest and quickest of its type that we've experienced. The operating system is sharp to respond and relatively easy to navigate. It might not be able to match BMW's infotainment for out-and-out ease of use, but it's still one which you can get up to speed within no time at all. The augmented satellite navigation is a particularly impressive function - it lays 'directions' out on the mapping, which 'point' you in the right way as you drive along. VERDICT The GLS is a true giant of the road, but it's a fitting top-end to Merc's range of SUVs. It might not have quite the truly rock-solid finish that you get in cars such as the BMW X7, but it's certainly well-built enough to justify its price tag. We do wish the cabin felt more elevated in terms of tech compared to other cars in the firm's range, but for those wanting to transport six other people in sublime comfort, then you could do far worse than opt for the Mercedes GLS.



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