The Jersey Life - Liberation 75

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As we progress further following the discovery of COVID 19 it is estimated the amount of jobs in the world will reduce by 50%. Massive change is ahead. How will Channel Islands small businesses re purpose their business in order to survive. Mark Shields – The CAM Coach explains... REPURPOSING YOUR BUSINESS As I write this during week 7 of the lockdown in the U.K. at this point we are all in the dark about what is coming in terms our home life, our jobs and the economy. We can only go by each day and wait for the news that COVID has gone but…this may be some time. So what can you do in the meantime to futureproof your business? What will be the new “Normal”? We have all gone through the DISBELIEF, SHOCK and FEAR stages in trying to get our heads around what is happening and what will happen in the future. As a Life and Business Coach I can tell you that fear brings a lack of creativity, focus and straight thinking so the past few weeks have been a time to digest the reality of the situation ahead and make plans in moving forward with our business. You are probably hearing and seeing others in your industry either using COVID19 in their marketing or adapting their business to an online virtual platform.

The four most important areas of our life are Health, Finances, Lifestyle and Approval – ALL of these are affected at this moment in time. 2. ACCEPTANCE Accept that this is the new “NORMAL” – it wasn’t in the plan but it is what it is for now. We need to embrace a new way of working at a social distance with our customers and peers. 3. PIVOT You need to manoeuvre your business model into your new NORMAL. By this I mean take a look at how you can make changes to your business to see you through during this uncertain time and meet the demands of the new world. Below I have touched on a few pointers to help you. GO VIRTUAL: If you are renting premises for your business and now cannot see clients

So what do YOU need to do…?? 1. BREAK IT DOWN What do we know about the future? • Things won’t change until we get a vaccine so we are in this for the long haul but so is everyone else • The economy is going to shrink meaning less money in people’s pockets i.e. less disposable income • Social distancing is going to be in place until a vaccine is available which means face to face services will continue to be a challenge • EVERYONE is suffering around us – we are all in this together. continues overleaf... 22 |

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