More Spacious Feeling a tad claustrophobic at home? Try some handy hacks for freeing up space, says Sam Wylie-Harris... Feeling the squeeze with all the family cooped up at home? When you're spending more time than ever holed up at home, it's easy to feel as though the walls are caving in a little - which means a few space-gaining tweaks could be very welcome right now. "We've all been thrown into a situation beyond any of our wildest dreams and we're having to act fast and calmly. As we enter this new way of living for the time being, it's important to remember that the home is our sanctuary, always has been and always will be," says Kelly Hoppen, international interior designer (kellyhoppeninteriors.com). "But now the entire family has to live together 24/7, so we need to look at our spaces and make some changes that work for everyone."
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If two are you are having to get used to working from home, you might have created a specific 'office area', whether it's an actual desk, corner or even the kitchen table. But with homeschooling thrown into the mix, as well as having to keep children entertained all under one roof, the rule book has been thrown out the window. "However big or small, spaces need to be kept as organised as possible. Kids of all ages need to be in a routine and it's essential to have areas in which they can play together and have alone time," suggests Hoppen. Could it be possible to gain a bit more breathing space within your four walls? You can't magic up an extension of course, but here are some tips that might help...