The Jewish Star

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Memorial Day marchers

May 24, 2019 19 Iyar, 5779

Vol 18, No 19



Serving LI’s Orthodox communities

Third-graders at the Shulamith School for Girls will carry this banner at the LawrenceCedarhurst Memorial Day Parade on Sunday. Day schools and other Jewish institutions will participate, along Central Avenue and into Cedarhurst Park, from 10 to 11 am.

Woodsburgh grandmother’s plea: Vaccinate the children Mindy Engelberg of Woodsburgh submitted this story in the hope that the suffering of her grandson and his family may spare others in our community. The last day of Yom Tov should have been a wonderful ending to a beautiful Pesach in Israel. Instead, it turned into a nightmare no parent should have to experience. Yehudah Yosef, at the time 111/2 months, had been feverish and coughing for a few days. On Shabbos morning, he woke up with a scorching fever; pimples encased his tongue, and he had difficulty breathing. We rushed him to the hospital, where doctors suspected meningitis, fearing the worst. At the time, Yehuda was lethargic and completely unresponsive. The spinal tap came back clear, and a urine and blood test confirmed a diagnosis of measles. He was scheduled to have been vaccinated

Top HS scholars

the week after Pesach, and must have been exposed to a contagious individual weeks prior. Yehudah Yosef was treated at Shaare Zedek Hospital in Jerusalem. The man who saved his life is Prof. Dr. Yechiel Schlessinger, head of pediatrics and an infectious disease doctor by training, and we owe him tremendous gratitude. “This innocent baby suffered unbelievable pain through no fault of his own. Take pictures, show the world what measles can do to a innocent child.” Accompanying this article are pictures of Yehudah Yosef before the measles struck, and how he looked during his stay at the hospital. Yehuda Yosef’s case was very complicated, with infections in his lungs and ears. He was on oxygen, steroids, antibiotics, and See Measles on pag 6 As commencement season begins, high schools are naming their top grads. From left: HAFTR Valedictorian Amanda Vaysman and Salutatorian Abigail Goldberg, and SKA Valedictorian Lauren Israeli, Salutatorian Adina Lev, and Kesser Shem Tov honoree Devorah Schreier. See p. 21.

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