LIers on 5th for Israel
June 7, 2019
4 Sivan, 5779 Vol 18, No 21
Serving LI’s Orthodox communities
Students at SKA HS in Hewlett Bay Park joined tens of thousands of other LIers at Sunday’s Celebrate Israel Parade on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. More photos next week.
Steamed Rice: Dump Trump Five Towns rep says it’s time to impeach the prez Rep. Kathleen Rice, whose district includes the Orthodox Jewish communities of the Five Towns, is calling for the opening of impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump. Rice tweeted: “For over two years the President has systematically dismantled our democracy and defied the rule of law. This cannot stand. Congress has a moral obligation to put our politics aside and take action. We need to start impeachment proceedings. The President is not above the law.” After Special Counsel Mueller failed
to exonerate Trump, Rice said on Twitter that Mueller’s “hands were tied. But ours are not. Congress has full authority to hold the President accountable, and it’s past time that we exercise it.” The New York Times reported on Monday that 56 House Democrats supported opening an impeachment inquiry, 59 either did not support it or were undecided, and 120 had not responded to the Times’ question. In a letter to a constituent, Rice explained that Mueller’s report showed that “Trump’s actions were not just divisive, reckless and morally reprehen-
sible, they were also potentially illegal. … Mr. Mueller also made it clear that it was a long-standing Department of Justice policy — and not a lack of evidence — that prevented him from charging the president with a crime.” While Rice may differ with many of her Five Towns constituents on impeachment, she sought this week to emphaize her pro-Israel bona fides, speaking on Shabbos at Congregation Beth Sholom in Lawrence. A spokesman added that Rice supported Trump’s decision to move the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.
Rice’s support for Israel is unequivocal: Page 21
Five Towns Rep. Kathleen Rice is one of 56 House Democrats calling for impeachment.
YU told: Donald trumps O
Joy was in the air as YU graduates celebrated their commencement in Madison Square Garden.
Ambassador to Israel David Friedman slammed the Obama administration’s treatment of Israel compared to how the Trump administration is dealing with the Jewish state, in an address to graduates of Yeshiva University last Thursday in Madison Square Garden. Friedman, a resident of Woodsburgh, asked, “Should Israel still negotiate with the Palestinians even though Israel did not steal their land? Of course it should, precisely
because we are not suggesting, as our predecessor [President Obama] did, that Israel return to the bargaining table as a thief returning to the scene of a crime. Precisely for that reason, there is a basis for discussion.” “The overwhelming majority of Palestinians are not consumed by hatred nor are unwilling to live in peace,” Friedman said. “Many are well-educated, many of them want what everyone wants — peace, security, good schools, and a better and
more dignified way of life. We need to help them get there — not by perpetual handouts that create a culture of dependency and corruption.” The ambassador said he will participate in the upcoming economic summit in Bahrain that’s part of the administration’s Mideast peace plan rollout. U.S. special envoy to the Middle East Jason Greenblatt is a YU alum. More on the Yeshiva University commencement: Page 23.