The Courier Edition 335

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Edition 335

Friday 18th August 2017


year on after 61-yearold British expat Rob Sneddon was mowed down in a hit-and-run in Guardamar, no arrests or charges have been brought against anybody, despite an extensive publicity campaign to track down the occupants of a UK-registered Land Rover. His daughter Mandy told The Courier this week that she has heard nothing at all from the authorities or of anybody being held in connection with the incident. Mr. Sneddon, originally from Scotland, was a psychiatric nurse at the famous Priory Clinic rehab centre and he spent several years living in Eastbourne in Sussex before moving to Guardamar some 16 years ago. He had four children and four grandchildren. Rob died on the N-332 near his home at around 10.40 pm on Sunday August 21st 2016, with the Guardia Civil launching a major search to find the driver of

the Land Rover, which included sharing information via the Guardia's N-332 Facebook page. The Guardia revealed the vehicle was registered to a UK firm and had been liaising with British police to track down Mr Sneddon’s killer, but the search appears to have a drawn a blank in the last 12 months, with no information being made public at all about the case, let alone any arrests. Rumours swirled around at the time via internet forums and social media as to what part of the UK the car came from and what the occupants were doing in Spain, but no hard facts emerged in public from the authorities. The vehicle was abandoned after it hit Mr. Sneddon, and dusted down for fingerprints, with the Guardia taking the rare step at the time of publicising the number plate in an appeal for sightings of the Land Rover prior to the hit-and-

run. Mandy was on holiday to see her father with her young daughter Sophia when they found out the news. Mandy had to idenitify her father's body and described the experience as "horrific". "It's beyond anything you think could ever happen to you", she said at the time. "We don't have a clue what happened or who was driving the vehicle. I had to ID his body and it was totally horrific ... His face - he was a mess. My dad was crossing over the road and he was hit by a Land Rover. He would have been dead on impact." Robert's family then launched a GoFundMe

appeal to raise money towards his funeral expenses and costs which included the cost of transporting his body back to his native Scotland. 12 months later, they have no closure or justice in regard to what happened on that fateful Sunday evening last August. Mandy told The Courier that her father was given a quiet funeral in Scotland last autumn, and that she wanted to pass on her "heartfelt thanks" to everybody on the Costa Blanca and beyond who supported her and her family. "A year down the line, it is still very hard to get my head round what happened", Mandy added.

See page 2 for the week´s forecast



Friday 18th August 2017

Dirty Deals

Airport Threat


966 921 003 Email Website Head Office TKO Towers, Calle Los Arcos 17, Ciudad Quesada, Rojales, 03170

Opening Hours Mon - Fri 11:00 - 15:00

Editor-In-Chief Barry Newlove


A 27-year-old Spaniard who sold and let property that he had no authority over, has been arrested by the Guardia Civil based in Pilar de la Horadada. The alleged fraudster operated a website publicising a fictitious real estate agency called PABLO MAR SL where he advertised bogus holiday in the Torre de la Horadada area, with a vic-

tim from the Santomera of Murcia sending him 500 euro for a fraudulent booking. The man also defrauded another victim of over 32 thousand euro for a house sale, with the property belonging to a 80-year-old German woman, with the con man using property registry details to make the sale appear realistic.

Alex Trelinski Design & Layout Derek Appleton

Loads Of Rubbish

966 921 003

Myra Torrevieja & North Tel. 618 583 765 Zenia, Las Filipinas, Villamartín, Campoamor, and Aguamarina as examples of garden waste and rubbish not being collected, and have invited Luisa Boné to check out the situation for herself. In turn councillor Aparicio has launched an information campaign which includes asking residents and tourists to tell the council where there are issues concerning rubbish and garden pruning. The councillor said that half a million euro was being spent on a summer cleaning programme for the Orihuela Costa, and that an extra truck had been brought in last week to deal with pruning debris.

Editorial Tuesday 12:00

Orihuela's cleaning councillor Dámaso Aparicio has admitted that the Orihuela Costa has been "overwhelmed" by the rise in tourist numbers this summer during a meeting to discuss complaints street cleaning and rubbish collection in the area. Representatives of La Federación de Asociaciones de Orihuela Costa (FAOC) met with Aparicio and coastal councillor Luisa Boné to raise concerns over the state of some of the urbanisations in the area, and say Aparicio made the admission to them. Meanwhile the group have published a series of photographs taken in La Regia, La

News Thursday 12:00


Orihuela Costa Tel. 618 898 034

Julie English and Spanish Tel. 616 332 178

Patrick English, Spanish, German, Dutch and French. Tel. 685 901 265

DEADLINES Advertising Monday 12:00

work of airports is short of 450 posts and that contracts that were issued at the height of the recession were now no longer appropriate. They have given notice if 25 days of strike action from September until the end of the year which will target national holidays and weekends. More talks are planned between management and the unions. As of the situation at Barcelona, Public Works Minister Inigo de la Serna said the Guardia’s pres-

ence had brought El Prat Airport back to normal after weeks of flight delays. He said it was necessary to guarantee security at the airport given that Spain was on high alert in case of a terror attack. Passenger queues of less than 30 minutes were reported at the start of the week, down from several hours in recent weeks. The baggage screeners voted to intensify their strike action on Sunday on rejecting a pay-rise offer from their company.

Sad Saturday

Advertising Sales


Strike action over contracts and under-staffing is set to hit all airports operated by AENA next month, including the facilities at Alicante-Elche and San Javier. The news came as an indefinite e strike by workers handling carry-on baggage checks at Barcelona Airport is having a more limited impact on passengers after the Guardia Civil were brought in to help on Monday. Unions say that the workforce at the AENA net-

Two people drowned in separate incidents last Saturday at local beaches. A 69-year-old man lost his life at Playa Las Higuericas (pictured) in Torre de la Horadada at around 11.00 am. Three hours later, a 62year-old male swimmer drowned at Cala Mosca on the Orihuela Costa. No further details about the nationalities of the men have been made public. Over 30 people have lost

their lives in sea and swimming pool drownings across

Alicante Province over the summer.

Seeing Red Two foreign tourists who ignored red flag warnings on La Manga’s beaches, ended up with possibly having to pay fines of up to fifteenhundred euro, making a big hole in their holiday finances. The bathers were spotted at Playa Galúa and Zeus, and were arrested by the local police for flouting the flags.

Stop Press Thursday 18:00 Published by TKO Media & Entertainment S.L. Printed by Localprint S.L Depósito legal A - 188 - 2014 ISSN 2530-6146 The Courier (Torrevieja) The Courier, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for any readers letters or claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or nonappearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.




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Better Late Than............

Eight months into the year, Orihuela council's 2017 budget of almost 84 million euro was passed by the ruling Partido Popular/Ciudadanos coalition at last week's plenary meeting of the authority. The 13 PP and Ciudadanos councillors

voted in favour, with the remaining 12 opposition councillors voting against, and voicing their critcisms afterwards that none of their amendments had been included. La Federación de Asociaciones de Orihuela Costa (FAOC) described

the planned investments for the Orihuela Costa as "very small", with FAOC spokesman Tomás Moreno saying that the allocated money would not address the "structural deficit" of the area which continues to be neglected by the governing board.

Algorfa Savings

Algorfa council has slashed the IBI Property Tax by nine percent, which in some cases could see home owners pay 200 euro a year less in tax. PSOE socialist mayor Manuel Ros claims that the

cut is down to “good financial management, despite having to deal with the financial inheritance of the previous Partido Popular mayor”. Ros said that his administration, which came to power over two years ago, inherit-

ed a debt of five million euro, which they’ve brought down by a million euros in the last year. They have also scrapped the previous PP council’s plans to increase IBI rates to help deal with the debt.

Living Longer

Balkans Busted Seven people from the Balkan states (including three Croatian brothers), and a Spanish woman have been arrested by the Guardia Civil in a big operation against marijuana growing and distribution, as well as the illegal use of an electricity supply. The arrests took place in Alicante City, Elche, Playa de San Juan, Jijona, Penáguila and Onil in a year-long investigation to smash the drugs ring, which included a marijuana plantation with over 300 plants at Onil. The gang had one of the largest drug operations in Spain, and had been running for several years, with

six laboratories as part of

their empire.

Mystery Solved

Life expectancy rates are climbing in the Valencian region according to figures produced by the regional health department. Men's rates have gone up by three point eight years between 2000 and 2015,

whilst the female rate has risen by two point six years. Longevity in the Valencia region is some of the highest in Europe, and the statistics suggest that a male baby born in 2015 will now live for 79.5 years, whilst a

female is now at 85.1 years. Medical advances, diet, and lifestyle changes like reductions in cigarette smoking are all said to be contributing to the extended projections.

Black Spot Move

The identity of a woman who fell off a sevenmetre wall at Alicante's Santa Barberá castle was finally uncovered several days after the accident, which happened a fortnight ago.

The woman was said to be a Swedish national aged 41 and had been an inpatient at the mental health unit in San Juan hospital due to suffering psychotic outbreaks. She only remembered

having been sitting on the wall at the castle and is thought to have lost her balance. She had no identification on her, and drifted in and out of consciousness for a few days.

Two roundabouts are to be built on the CV-95 in San Miguel de Salinas to improve safety at two black spots on the highway. One point seven million euro is to be spent by the Valencian government over 18 months to install roundabouts at the junction to the Balcón del Mediterráneo urbanisation, and also at the exit for Torrevieja. The roundabouts will have lighting installed and there will be changes to exit access and the location of two bus stops.


Friday 18th August 2017

Under The Hammer

Poisoned Dogs A Santa Pola pet owners association has called for the council to prevent the poisoning of dogs after two recent incidents, and for the setting up of a dog park in the area. La Asociación de Propietarios de Mascotas de Santa Pola y Gran Alacant (Aspetga) says two animals died in the space of a week after eating poison on land in the Calle Pintor Sorolla area. Aspetga along with local residents have started up a petition to be sent to Santa Pola council asking the authority to take meas-

Plots of land for building development on the Orihuela Costa is set to be auctioned off and is expected to raise at least nine million euros which will go into the Orihuela council coffers. The council has 32 plots available on the coast, with five set to be sold, though

the Informacion newspaper reports that the actual locations have yet to be officially declared, though the paper adds that the package will include some "high value" land. Informacion added that a number of companies have been expressing an interest

in the land to the council, with the paper suggesting that the plots to be auctioned off will include three in PAU 26, valued in total at over two million euro, and two premium sites in El Barranco worth at least two point three and four point three million euro each.

ures to stop this happening. They also want a dedicated dog park for the town, adding that the existing facility at Gran Alacant

is too far away, though there is a dedicated dog beach at Caleta dels Gossets which opened in the spring of last year.

Fishy Business

Chinese Laundry

A case involving the 30 million euro laundering involving tax dodging on imported Chinese footwear is getting closer to going to trial after a five year investigation by an Alicante judge. 57 individuals of Chinese and Spanish nationalities, as well as 50 businesses have

been on the judge’s radar, and he has now asked prosecutors to present their indictments next month, ahead of a trial start. It’s estimated that 30 million euro was not paid in IVA over a four-year period. The judge believes that money was being laundered back to China, with units

operating on the Carrús industrial estate in Elche (National Police pictured in a previous raid) not declaring what they were up to by using false papers and pretending to sell footwear in Portugal, which as a fellow member of the EU was not liable to taxation on the deals.

A 41-year-old man who set up a bogus seafood wholesale company, which sold nothing, but extorted 82 thousand euro from his investors, has been arrested by the Guardia Civil Roca team based in Torrevieja. The fake business was set up on Orihuela’s Puente Alto

industrial estate, with no employees and no seafood being purchased, but bogus invoices being submitted to his investors, who were initially convinced that had a special deal with a seafood distributor in Huelva with whom he would be their products.

Fraudulent documents were produced suggesting that the seafood was being sold to companies in Santa Pola and Cartagena, with one of the unhappy investors finally deciding to take the matter to the Guardia Civil to investigate in April, resulting in the arrest.


Basque Backing

Around three thousand Basque nationalists turned out on the streets of the northern city of San Sebastian on Saturday in support of Catalunya and its planned referendum on independence from Madrid, an ambition long fought for by Basque separatists. The demonstration was symbolic, in a region still marked by decades of violence waged by armed separatist group ETA, and where the desire for inde-

pendence remains strong despite the current peaceful times. Arnaldo Otegi, a veteran leader in the northern region who was once part of ETA and now heads up Sortu, a party that campaigns for independence, was present at the march. He said the protest had been called to demonstrate Basque solidarity "with people who are giving an important example in democracy in Europe and demanding the right

to self-determination to decide whether they want to be independent or not." Otegi was referring to the northeastern region of Catalunya, where the regional government is planning to hold an independence referendum on October 1st, but the central government in Madrid categorically refuses such a vote which it says threatens Spain's unity, and has warned Catalan leaders they face reprisals if they go ahead with it.

Wakey! Wakey!

A senior member of the Kinahan crime gang was arrested by armed National Police officers who raided his hotel room while he was still in bed. The rise and shine call saw the agents detain the Irishman on a European Arrest Warrant at an unidentified hotel in the popular holiday resort of Salou on the Costa Dorada. Footage released by

police showed the elite team — carrying semi-automatic weapons with flashlights on them — running into the room after getting radio orders as colleagues went in through a back terrace. They can be heard shouting in Spanish, ‘Las Manos, Las Manos’ — English for ‘Hands up, hands up’ before yelling in English, ‘Don’t Move’. The 34-year-old Irishman,

wanted on weapons and drugs charges, appeared to be asleep at the time although the television in his hotel room was still on. The man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, is also a suspect in the 2010 murder of Eamon ‘The Don’ Dunne . He was driven to Madrid after his arrest for an extradition hearing involving a return to Ireland.



Friday 18th August 2017

Beached Whale

Plans to demolish an apartment building in Torrevieja that has been empty for over a decade have hit a snag, with the company awarded the contract to do the work unable to satisfactorily prove its economic viability. La Ballena (The Whale) on Calle Pedro Lorca in the La Punta area the city was scheduled to be pulled down this month, with the tender winner, the Derribos Paredes company, getting the contract on the basis that it could do the job cheaper

than the council specified at just 225 thousand euro, as opposed to the 369 thousand euro the authority had budgeted for. The runner-up in the process will now be awarded the project, and presumably at a greater cost to Torrevieja council. Three years ago a homeless man started a blaze in the building with the block having been the subject of numerous complaints from local residents, as plans to pull it down were first published in 2015.

A False Alarm

The mystery of a human skull found by a homeless man in an Alicante City rubbish bin, which set off a possible murder inquiry has been solved, after a medical student told police what had really happened. A young man went to the National Police station in the city to explain what had happened, which involved him studying the skull for a science project at the University of Alicante. The student produced documents revealing he had permission from the faculty and also from the city council to be in possession of

human remains for research purposes, and to dispose of them when they were no longer needed. Accordingly, he put the skull in the bin on Calle Doctor JosĂŠ Luis de la Vega when his project had finished. All documentation was checked and followed up, together with details of the skull to account for its origin, and found to be above board. “We can confirm there are no signs of criminal activity in this case, which has now been closed,â€? the National Police stated.



Friday 18th August 2017

The Bald Facts

Dominique Le Gac, Paul Dowinton and Brian Shephard are feeling a bit cooler on top these days as they had their heads shaved recently in aid of the cancer awareness and fund-raising group, Maria and the Pink

Ladies. The trio, who have lost family members to cancer, had their locks removed at the Hermanos Bar in Playa Flamenco with Steve the Barber donating his time of free of charge to do the

Birthday Gift

deed! A cheque to the value of nearly fourteen-hundred euro was presented to Maria and the Pink Ladies, thanks to sponsorship, donations, and money collected on the day.

Buy A Brick

The Butterfly Children charity Debra got a generous donation recently when Joyce Critchley (pictured right) decided to celebrate her 75th birthday with a party at the Pitch & Pint in

Villamartin. Instead of accepting presents, Joyce decided to ask her friends to donate money to Debra Spain, and an impressive amount of 730 euro was collected.

The money was handed over to a delighted Anne Wylie (pictured left) the Debra charity shop manageress at the Pueblo Bravo branch of the charity shop, Rojales.

Can You Help? The Dolores-based SAT Animal Rescue’s Buy a Brick appeal is being supported by The Courier and TKO FM, as the charity is looking to build a new rescue centre, as the current premises are far too cramped for the dogs that are being looked after. The dogs at the kennels are over the moon with the

amount of support they receive so that they can have proper meals, shelter from the weather, medical check-ups to make sure their healthy, and love and affection from the team and volunteers. The work is endless which makes finding time to raise funds for the new Rescue Centre a task on its own for

the charity. If you can come up with any fun ideas for any events that would boost the total, then Selina at SAT would love to hear from you on 637 186 653. You can also spread the word by going to the website and passing on the link to your friends or anybody who might be interested, the link featured below:

Calendar Launch

Twelve photographs of horses, ponies and donkeys rescued from abuse and neglect feature in the 2018 calendar which has been launched by the Rojalesbased Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre. The calendar features photos of six horses, three donkeys and three ponies which have been taken free of charge by photographer Elaine Warnock. Said Elaine: “The 2018 calendar

is a great way of raising awareness of how these animals have been previously treated and the photos are a testament to how they have been cared for and how beautiful they look today.” The calendar costs just 15 euro and can be bought at the Easy Horse Care’s monthly open day on the first Sunday afternoon of each month, or from their charity shops around the area.

Age Concern Costa Blanca South, based at La Siesta in Torrevieja is looking for volunteers to help keep their services going in the local community. They need volunteer drivers to join their residential home visiting team, which will involve visiting people at a home and taking them out for a drink, either in a wheelchair or by simply walking. If you think you can help Age Concern in those posi-

966 786 887, or send an email to the address below:

October Show

The Cardenal Belluga Theatre Group based at the theatre in San Fulgencio will be staging their autumn show, Let Us Entertain You, for three nights starting on Wednesday October 18th. Tickets, at seven euro each, are on sale for this family show from the tourist office

tions, then pop into their centre in La Siesta, or call

on the La Marina urbanisation and as well as from the council office, or by contacting Pam Sutton on 966 796 828. All proceeds will go to local charities. New members are welcome to join, and more details are available from Tom Ford on 966 790 547.



Friday 18th August 2017

Dangerous Lasers

A 41-year-old British man and his 15-year-old son could face hefty fines after firing green laser beams at incoming airliners heading to Malaga airport on the Costa del Sol. An off-duty police officer reported seeing the two holidaymakers aiming laser pens at jets from a hotel balcony in Torremolinos, and

they were hauled in for questioning by the National Police. Three pilots reported being dazzled, and they told the Malaga airport control tower that the green laser beams had troubled them as they prepared for landing. If found guilty, the duo could be fined anything between 30 thousand and 600 thousand euro for

endangering flight safety. Raúl Delgado, spokesman for Malaga's air traffic controllers, said the laser beam "enters the cabin and starts bouncing off the windows, hampering the pilots' view of the instruments, causing much interference just when great concentration is needed for landing".

Arson Attacks

40 percent of forest fires started this year in the Valencia region were down to arson, according to figures produced by the regional fire operations task force. Of the 233 incidents so far in 2017, 28 percent were caused by lighting, and 21 percent down to accident and negligence, with other cases classified as undetermined.

Beach Statistics

Orihuela Costa lifeguards attended to 677 incidents across local beaches last month, according to coastal councillor Luisa Boné. The service provided by

the Ambumar company dealt with 222 cases of jellyfish stings, with 11 sea rescues being made, seven of which were at Cala Capitán. The greatest number of

recorded incidents came at La Zenia’s Cala Bosque (pictured) with 105 cases, whilst Cala Cerrada in the same area was the quietest at 28.

Stubbed Out

A recent push by Torrevieja police and the Guardia Civil has seen fake cigarettes worth nearly 80 thousand euro taken off local streets.

Three and a half thousand packets of counterfeit branded cigarettes were taken from street hawkers in the city, with four people also being arrested as they were

driving in to replenish the illegal stocks. Illegal tobacco-based products being sold in local bars and shops were also seized.


Unhappy Workers

A union has criticised poor working conditions at the Vega Baja Hospital kitchen and cafeteria. La Unión General de Trabajadores (UGT) says that problems have occurred in recent months when there was no successful bidder for the tender to run the service

at the Orihuela hospital, and the previous franchise holder has continued to run the operation to avoid it being closed down. The UGT claim that staff are not being replaced when on sick or holiday leave, and that their members are being overworked and are coming

close to taking industrial action. Orihuela’s health department says that a new tender document is being produced and that they sympathise with the employees, adding that they want the winning company of the bidding process to fully take on board their interests.

Morning Crash

Two drivers escaped with only minor injuries when their vehicles collided at a junction in Campoamor on the Orihuela Costa in the early hours of Tuesday morning.

The accident happened at around 3.30am at the intersection of Calle Garcilaso de la Vega with Calle Ramón Gómez in the Campoamor area of the

Orihuela Costa. One of the drivers had to be released from his car by firefighters, but was lucky to have suffered no serious injuries.



Friday 18th August 2017

Adoption Corner

ANA Ana is a happy beautiful medium-sized one-yearold girl, who is being looked after at the Los Infiernos Perrrera in San Javier. It is now the perfect time for her to move to a nice forever home where she can be part of the family. Ana has lots of love to give and is great with the volunteers, and makes everybody laugh. For more details, send an email to or check out the Facebook page, Los Infiernos Perrera Supporters.

The Feelings of Felines Most of us can recognise our cat's more obvious moods from his or her body language, facial expressions, vocalisations and movements. We instinctively know how the cat is feeling by watching it, even though, scientifically, it's hard to measure their emotions. Cats, like most mammals, have the same basic range of emotions as we do, including happiness, sadness, relief, frustration and fear. Here’s how to recognise some of them:HAPPY

JOSH Josh is a beautiful six-month-old puppy, who is being fostered in a home with his siblings and other dogs and cats. Josh is a Boxer/GSD cross, and we believe he will become a big dog when fully grown. He is a happy boy that is now ready to go to a home of his own. For more about Josh, please phone PEPA on 650 304 746 or email

A happy cat is easy to recognise. When sitting, she will be relaxed and upright, her ears pointed upwards and forward, but relaxed, sometimes swivelling gently towards familiar sounds. If lying down, she may have her paws tucked neatly under her, or may be lying stretched out on her side, or on her back, with her legs spread outwards - all signs she is happy and at one with the world. She may snooze with her eyes closed or half open and heavy-lidded, looking as though she is daydreaming, but actually just calmly regarding what is going on around her. Her whiskers will be relaxed and her tail still - or held high with a slight curl at the top if she is standing to greet you. If you start stroking her, her eyes may close in languid contentment and she will gently purr.

obvious than when simply anxious. Her ears are flattened back against her head, which may be lowered with her gaze angled upwards. She may run away from the threat but, if this isn't possible, she may stand or crouch very still, preparing to defend herself if necessary. Her eyes will be wide open with pupils fully dilated and her whiskers flattened back or half-flattened and bristling. She may hiss and spit at close-quarter threats or utter a counter-threatening growl with rising pitch, followed by a spit and a strike with claws out. She may straighten her front legs to make herself look taller, arch her back and fluff up her fur to appear larger. Her back legs may remain bent and crouched underneath her ready to spring while her tail may be held under her body or slashing vigorously from side to side. You won't be able to reassure her with a stroke and she is likely to refuse even her favourite treat. Her aim is simply to survive the threat and only when she is safe will her body and facial expressions return to normal. If your cat is displaying frequent recurring signs that she is fearful you may wish to seek the help of your vet or an animal behaviourist.


JULIETTE Juliette is a one-year-old Bichon Maltese cross and was thrown over a wall into a garden with some other dogs. She thankfully she was fine and is now looking for a new home. Juliette is good with other dogs, great on a lead and in the house. For more details about her, please call Pets in Spain on 645 469 253.


This Spanish mastiff is a real gentle giant, who is loveable and likes a good belly rub. He is good with people and in excellent condition. Louie appears to have been well looked after, but was found wondering around with no microchip. He is well house- trained and would make an excellent family dog. If you are able to give Louie a home, then please call Bev/Alan at K9 on 600 845 420.

When anxious, your cat's eyes will be open and not blinking - her pupils dilated into an oval or circle. As she begins to feel more anxious, her ears may move from their relaxed forward position, scanning for more information, often independently from each other. If she becomes yet more anxious, the more flattened back her ears may become. Her head will begin to lower and she may sweep whiskers forward on alert, or else down or pulled back to the side, making her face seem as small and non-threatening as possible. As her anxiety increases, she may cower, or alternatively her back may start to arch as she gets ready to run. Her tail may be still or moving slowly from side to side at the tip. FEARFUL When a cat is fearful, her body language becomes far more

RON Ron is a lovely gentle boy that appeared outside a house and was taken to the SAT animal rescue kennels. He is around 27 kilos, walks well on the lead and loves to play with toys and his kennel mate. He is around 18months-old and is fully vaccinated, micro chipped and castrated. To give Ron a forever home, please contact the kennels on 966 710 047 or send them an email to

SUKI Suki is an 18-month-old small-medium sized girl. She has a very sweet character and is a lovely dog, who gets on well with other dogs. Suki was found wandering and was a bit nervous at first, but warms up very quickly, and would make make a very loyal companion for a lucky person. For more about her, please telephone PEPA on 650 304 746 or send an email to



Friday 18th August 2017

Foolish Bathers

Tuesday’s bank holiday brought plenty of people out onto local beaches, and in the Guardamar area alone, there were plenty of headaches for the Cruz Roja lifeguards who had to deal with 28 rescues on beaches where swimming was prohibited. Red flags had been hoisted across all of the municipalities beaches for a time,

with El Moncayo, Playa Centro and La Roqueta accounting for the bulk of the incidents, as holidaymakers flouted the warnings. A German family of four had to be pulled out, with one of them having to be transferred to hospital because of the amount of water he had taken in. There were numerous cases of parents entering

the water with their children, despite the flags being displayed because of the strong currents and Levante winds. There were no reports of anybody being prosecuted for breaking the rules as opposed to incidents in La Manga last week (see page two), where the local police were quick to pounce and prosecute.



When you think about Christmas, straight away you think of the presents you may receive, this year we want to do something different. We are going to be bringing Christmas to the children of Kotukala School in Gambia. These children have only ever heard about Christmas before, they have never experienced anything like it, so let's make it an unforgettable experience for them. We will be fundraising over the next few months, to cover travel costs, school supplies and toys which will be much appreciated. We will also be fundraising for new school toilet facilities, as they are currently plumbed in western facilities and the children not having these at home, means they are often misused in such a way they are spoiled on a daily basis. So please, when you think about Christmas, think about these children, and any donation will be much appreciated! Thank you so so much in advance. For further information telephone: La Zenia Office: 966 730 694 or Ciudad Quesada Office: 966 731 691

Easy Pickings

A mother and daughter have been arrested in Alicante for swindling over 100 thousand euro from at least 25 people from different European countries, by pretending to be employees of a real estate management company. They would trawl through websites to find local properties and they would offer themselves up to the owners as genuine professionals in

order gain their trust and custom. Once they obtained keys to the properties, they would try to sell them at knockdown prices to their “customers”, often 50 percent below the market value, and they even faked the signatures of home owners on contracts where a deal was going to be sealed. They supplied their victims with bank account

details where deposits varying between three and 17 thousand euros were lodged by the unsuspecting purchasers, with the mother and daughter (nationality and ages unspecified) then disappearing and the buyers unable to track them down. The National Police said that many of their victims were Europeans who then returned back home without even filing a complaint.


Privacy Demand

A woman has taken to social media to slam the lack of interest shown by the authorities after a boy took mobile video footage on successive days of her lying topless on Playa de las Ortigas (pictured) on the border of Guardamar and La Mata in Torrevieja. Alba LBueno had enough when the teenager started recording her on a second

day, and she snatched the phone from him, after he started to laugh. Alba immediately called the local police to complain, but was told to hand back the phone, as the youth had not broken any laws, and was told to “cover up” if there was a problem. A visit to the Guardia Civil in Guardamar proved equally fruitless for the same rea-

son and she was told that she was lucky that she was not being pursued for a crime of robbery by snatching the phone from the voyeur. Alba is now calling for a change in the law to protect people’s privacy, especially in the light of the comments that were made to her by both the Guardia and the local police.

Robbers Detained

Five Georgian nationals, two of whom lived in Torrevieja, who robbed a string of homes in the Murcia City area have been arrested by the National Police. One of the techniques used by them was to put a piece of plastic in a front

door frame, and if it was still there a few days later, they knew the building was unoccupied. Plastic cards were also used to actually “slip” the lock of the doors. One man was said to be in Spain illegally, and expulsion proceedings have start-

ed already against him, whilst the Torrevieja-based Georgians were picked up by a National Police patrol who acted upon a report from a resident who observed two men behaving suspiciously in the Polígono Infante Don Juan Manuel area of Murcia City.


Friday 18th August 2017

Police Plea

Torrevieja’s local police force is short of at least 40 staff according to the city’s mayor José Manuel Dolón, who blamed the national

government on restricting budgets which would allow municipalities to increase their police forces. Dolón said his claim was

based on Torrevieja’s population and that the morale of the local police was suffering due to understaffing and extra work.

Winners Conned A criminal ring exploiting Venezuelan transgender sex workers has been smashed by the National Police, after the gang hosted fake “Miss Trans” competitions in Venezuela. The ‘competitions’ had promised that winners would be given a new life in Spain,

with authorities saying on Monday that more than 20 victims had been freed. They said that the trans victims had been made to live in “inhumane conditions” in apartments in Barcelona and Palma de Mallorca after the gang took travel documents from each victim as

Frustrating Delays

they arrived in Spain, in addition to imposing debts of 15 thousand euro for the return of their passports. 14 people were arrested on suspicion of being involved in the network which had brought in more than a million euro over a five-year period.

Late night and early morning passengers arriving at Alicante-Elche airport are being left “high and dry”, with poor public transport and taxi services, according to Alicante and Elche councils. Last month, around 70 people arriving on a flight from Copenhagen were left kicking their heels for hours as only a skeleton taxi service was available. The Informacion newspa-

per reports that both authorities are calling for better services and approval from the Valencian regional government to deal with the problems, which are most apparent during the summer high season, especially if inbound flights are delayed (Informacion picture from last weekend). The last bus for Alicante City leaves at midnight, with the next service being at 5.40am, whilst

there are no night bus services to cities like Elche and Torrevieja. Taxis are also few and far between, though more are in place at the weekend after midnight. Alicante council have asked for the bus services to be extended, whilst Elche council wants to have control of the bus links from the airport, as well as at least 20 new taxi licences to be advertised.



Friday 18th August 2017

Home Computing


BlueMoon Solutions

BlueMoon Solutions is the computer and IT services company on the Costa Blanca. BlueMoon Solutions comes to you at home or at work. Their personal service covers from Alicante to Pilar de la Horadada.

Richard moved to Spain ten years ago having left his management background behind in the UK and decided to use his IT skills to help home users and small businesses with their PC problems. Now a relaxed 'computer man' he is out and about in the Spanish sun every day, making house and shop calls and using his vast experience and qualifications to sort out the problem there and then. Computers are his hobby as well as his work so don’t be surprised to get an answer to your email in the early hours!

ADVICE: Patricia had problems with Microsoft Edge after ADVICE: Trevor wanted to know how to access some symupgrading to the Creators Edition bols on his Spanish keyboard





Hi Hope you can help. The update for Creator has just been installed on my PC and now Edge is not working. It appears as a white screen and if I try to access settings it disappears. I tried the DISM.exe remedy as recommended by the Microsoft assistant but it did not work. Are there any other ways to restore Edge. Hope there are. Patricia

Hi, I have a Spanish keyboard but have problems identifying the keys above the numbers, i.e. how do get the Hashtag, which keys do I press.

Hi Trevor the symbols on a keyboard are usually accessed with the SHIFT key of which there are two, (usually denoted with a small up arrow on them) one to the bottom right and bottom left of the keyboard and the SHIFT key is used in conjunction with the symbols at the top of the key, so for example the number 5 on a Spanish keyboard has the percentage sign above. In order to use the percentage sign you should press the SHIFT key, hold it down whilst pressing the number five on the keyboard. Sometimes the other key that is used to access symbols on keys is the ALT GR key, found to the right of the spacebar, this is used in the same way as the SHIFT key but is used to access symbols displayed to the right of the key in question, so for example if Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers -Name Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge | Foreach {Add- you want the hash (#) on a Spanish keyboard this is to the right of the number 3, AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register you press and hold down the ALT GR key whilst also pressing the number 3 key. "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml" -Verbose} Hope this helps. Hi Patricia, this seems to be a reasonably common occurrence, I'm not sure how DISM.EXE would have helped, but this has managed to resolve the problem for me a few times (note, this will delete your settings and favourites so make sure you have them backed up first. 1. Delete C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wek yb3d8bbwe 2. from a PowerShell prompt run the following...

...of course, if you would prefer that I come and have a look and get it resolved for you then please let me know. Email: Mobile: 655 044 970 NEW: Tel: 965 987 032 Don’t forget, you can follow me on Facebook: Alternatively, why don’t you sign up for my newsletter. You can do this by going .

Food & Drink

Egyptian Egg Salad



2 large eggs 1 lemon, juiced 1 tbsp tahini 1 tbsp rapeseed oil 1 red onion, chopped 3 large garlic cloves, finely chopped 1 tsp ground cumin ½ tsp cumin seeds 400g can borlotti or fava beans, juice reserved 2 Little Gem lettuces cut into wedges 2 tomatoes, cut into wedges sprinkling of dried chilli flakes and roughly chopped flat-leaf parsley, optional

Bring a pan of water to the boil, lower in the eggs and boil for 8 mins. Drain and run under the cold tap to cool them a little, then peel and halve. Meanwhile, mix 1 tbsp lemon juice and 3 tbsp water with the tahini to make a dressing. Heat the oil and fry the onion and garlic for 5 mins to soften them. Add the ground cumin and seeds, stir briefly then add the beans and lightly crush some of them as you heat them, adding some of the


juice from the can to get a nice creamy consistency but keeping whole beans, too. Taste and add lemon juice and just a little seasoning if you need to. Spoon the beans on to plates with the lettuce, then add the eggs and tomatoes, with the tahini dressing, chilli and parsley, if using. Prep: 10 mins Cook: 5 mins Serves: 2

Moroccan Chickpea Soup



1 tbsp olive oil 1 medium onion, chopped 2 celery sticks, chopped 2 tsp ground cumin 600ml hot vegetable stock 400g can chopped plum tomatoes with garlic 400g can chickpeas, rinsed and drained 100g frozen broad beans zest and juice ½ lemon large handful coriander or parsley and flatbread, to serve

Heat the oil in a large saucepan, then fry the onion and celery gently for 10 mins until softened, stirring frequently. Tip in the cumin and fry for another min. Turn up the heat, then add the stock, tomatoes and chickpeas, plus a good grind of black pepper. Simmer for 8 mins. Throw in broad beans and lemon juice, cook for a further 2

mins. Season to taste, then top with a sprinkling of lemon zest and chopped herbs. Serve with flatbread. Prep: 5 mins Cook: 20 mins Serves: 2

Prawn Cakes with Cucumber Peanut Relish


3cm/1¼in piece ginger, peeled and sliced 2 tbsp chopped coriander 2 small shallots, halved ½ red chilli, deseeded and diced zest 1 lime 600g raw peeled prawns 1 tbsp fish sauce 1 tbsp vegetable oil 1 tbsp light brown soft sugar mixed with 1 tsp water For the relish 75g caster sugar 125ml rice vinegar 2 tbsp chilli flakes 3 tbsp finely diced cucumber 1 tbsp chopped roasted salted peanuts 1 small shallot, finely diced To serve leaves of 2 Baby Gem lettuces fresh mint coriander Method To make the relish, put the sugar and vinegar in a small saucepan with a pinch of salt. Bring to the boil and simmer for 5 mins until syrupy. Remove from the

heat and cool completely. When cool, add the chilli flakes, cucumber, peanuts and shallot, and stir together. Set aside. Put the ginger, coriander, shallots, chilli, lime zest and half the prawns in a food processor and blitz until fine. Add the remaining prawns and the fish sauce and pulse again, this time keeping the mixture chunky. Season well with black pepper, then form into 18 flat cakes.

Heat the grill to high. Brush both sides of the cakes with a tiny bit of vegetable oil and place on a baking sheet. Cook for 2 mins on one side, turn over and brush with the sugar water. Cook for another 2-3 mins or until opaque and slightly browned at the edges. Serve the cakes with the lettuce leaves, herbs and the cucumber relish. Prep: 25 mins Cook: 10 mins Serves: 6


Friday 18th August 2017

Food & Drink

Summer Pork, Fennel & Beans Ingredients 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1 tbsp butter 4 large on-the-bone pork chops (about 250g each), rind removed 2 banana shallots, 1 sliced, 1 finely chopped 2 large fennel bulbs, each cut into 8 wedges 100ml white wine 1 lemon ½ cut into wedges, ½ juiced 100g cherry tomatoes 2 x 400g cans cannellini beans, rinsed and drained 1 tsp fennel seeds, lightly crushed handful basil leaves Method Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Heat 1 tbsp oil and the butter in a large ovenproof frying pan or wide flameproof casserole dish. Season the chops generously and fry over a medium-high heat for 3 mins each side until lightly golden – brown the edges of the fat for 30 secs or so too. Remove to a plate. Add the sliced shallot and fennel to the pan and cook for 2 mins, stirring now and then. Splash in the wine and simmer for a few secs to reduce a little. Add the lemon wedges, drizzle with the remaining oil and put in the oven to roast for 10 mins. Toss the veg gently, sit the pork chops on top and roast for another 20 mins. Add the tomatoes to the pan and cook for 5 mins more or until the chops are cooked through, the fennel is tender and turning golden, and the tomatoes are soft. Meanwhile, mix the chopped shallot, the lemon juice, beans and fennel seeds. Remove the meat to a plate to rest for a few mins while you fold the dressed beans and basil leaves into the pan. Add the resting juices, season to taste, then serve with the pork. Prep. 15 Mins Cook: 45 Mins Serves: 4

Peach & Almond Slices A fruity pud is a brilliant way to end a meal this speedy number can be whipped up in minutes, then cooked while you're eating your main course Ingredients 375g pack puff pastry sheet 1 egg, beaten 175g marzipan, chopped 3 peaches, halved, stoned and thinly sliced 1 tbsp flaked almonds crème fraîche, to serve Method Heat oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7. Unroll the pastry on a lightly floured surface and cut in half horizontally. Slice each half into 3. Lay the pastry sheets on a baking sheet. Use a knife to mark a 1cm border on each – be careful not to go all the way through. Prick inside the border with a fork, then brush all over with beaten egg. Bake for 10 mins until golden and slightly risen. Divide the marzipan equally between the pastry squares and fan out the peach slices on top, followed by a sprinkling of almonds. Put the slices back into the oven for 10 mins until they have puffed up and are golden. Serve with a dollop of crème fraîche. Preo: 10 Mins Cook: 20 Mins Serves: 6

Food & Drink




Friday 18th August 2017

Gold could be used to treat cancer, scientists say Tiny flecks of gold could be used in the fight against cancer, new research has suggested. Scientists at Edinburgh University have just completed a study which shows the precious metal increased the effectiveness of drugs used to treat lung cancer cells. Minute fragments, known as gold nanoparticles, were encased in a chemical device by the research team. While this has not yet been tested on humans, it is hoped such a device could one day be used to reduce side effects of current chemotherapy treatments by precisely targeting diseased cells without damaging healthy tissue. Gold is a safe chemical element and has the ability to accelerate, or catalyse, chemical reactions. Researchers at the University of Edinburgh discovered properties of the metal that allow these catalytic abilities to be accessed in living things without any side effects. The device was shown to be effective after being implant-

ed in the brain of a zebrafish, suggesting it can be used in living animals. The study was carried out in

collaboration with researchers at the University of Zaragoza's Institute of Nanoscience of

Aragon in Spain, with funding coming from Cancer Research UK (CRUK), and the Engineering and

Physical Sciences Research Council. Dr Asier Unciti-Broceta, from the University of

Edinburgh's CRUK Edinburgh Centre, said: "We have discovered new properties of gold that were previously unknown and our findings suggest that the metal could be used to release drugs inside tumours very safely. "There is still work to do before we can use this on patients, but this study is a step forward. We hope that a similar device in humans could one day be implanted by surgeons to activate chemotherapy directly in tumours and reduce harmful effects to healthy organs." Dr Aine McCarthy, Cancer Research UK's senior science information officer, said: "By developing new, better ways of delivering cancer drugs, studies like this have the potential to improve cancer treatment and reduce side effects. In particular, it could help improve treatment for brain tumours and other hard-totreat cancers. "The next steps will be to see if this method is safe to use in people, what its longand short-term side effects are, and if it's a better way to treat some cancers."

Hepatitis B vaccine rationed amid global shortage UK health officials are putting a temporary limit on who can have a hepatitis B vaccination because stocks are running low. The move is in response to the wider, global shortage of the jab caused by manufacturing issues. UK travellers are being told they may not be able to get it before they leave Britain for higher-risk countries. Babies and high-risk groups will be prioritised under the measures that are expected to continue into 2018. A spokeswoman for Public Health England said: "All those who need to have a hepatitis B vaccine will be offered it in due course." But she said some people

but people visiting these countries from the UK may still want to consider getting immunised.

wanting to be vaccinated now may not be able to have the jab. Who needs a hepatitis B jab? All UK infants should be

vaccinated because the infection can persist for many years in children and can eventually lead to complications, such as scarring of the liver or liver cancer. The chance of catching hep-

atitis B, which is spread by contact with infected blood and other body fluids, is very low in the UK. But some people - those who inject drugs and share needles, for example - are at

higher risk. In some parts of the world, including East Asia and Sub Saharan Africa, the infection is more widespread. The risk for travellers to such countries is still low,


How else can I protect myself? You can: avoid having unprotected sex avoid having tattooing, piercing and acupuncture in an unhygienic environment with unsterilised equipment avoid exposure to contaminated needles (not sharing needles) Travellers may also want to consider taking a sterile medical equipment kit if travelling to areas with poor resources.



Are you getting enough Protein? Proteins are one of the main classes of foods together with Carbohydrates, Fats, Vitamins and Minerals. All food classes are vital for keeping the body healthy, and they provide different functions in the body. Proteins are digested into amino acids which are referred to as the building blocks of the body and are crucial for building the muscles, bones, ligaments and tendons. Proteins are also needed to produce the thousands of chemicals necessary to keep the body going, such as enzymes, hormones, neuropeptides, polypeptides, etc. Furthermore, proteins are essential ingredients for repairing and regenerating

damaged tissues and organs. Inevitably, a lack of proteins in the body leads to metabolic imbalances and wasting of the body. Muscle wasting is an early sign of protein defi-

ciency. When the body starts to lack protein, it turns to muscles for supplies causing muscle wastage and weight loss. The body first shuts down protein use in ‘ Non-essen-

tial’ organs of the body such as the hair, bones, muscles, and skin, in preference to the Brain, Nerves and other essential organs. However, protein loss will eventually affect every sys-

tem in the body. Insufficient protein in the diet is a rare cause of protein deficiency. Instead, it occurs from improper digestion of proteins and assimilation of amino acids

- the end product of digested proteins. Poor nutrient absorption typically occurs from chronic diseases of the gut and long-term use of some medications such as steroids. People recovering from chronic disease may also suffer from protein deficiency as the body uses up amino acids to repair damaged and injured tissues and organs. Treating existing diseases of the gut is the first step in treating protein deficiencies. Amino acids supplements may be necessary for people with very severe protein loss. Call MedB Diagnostics for a full body scan – 965 071 745, 966 189 074,

900 Scientific Studies Show the Dangers of Cholesterol-Lowering Statin Drugs One of the greatest medical frauds perpetrated today is the idea that Cholesterol is a threat to health and that it is the cause of heart disease and stroke. This lie has been repeated so often and with so much authority that even doctors and health profes-

sionals who should know better have bought into the lie. But medicine is a scientific discipline. It does not and should not operate on guidelines. Its principles must be based on scientific evidence and not dogma. A commonly held false belief about cholesterol is

that there is ‘Good’ and ‘Bad’ cholesterol. There is no such thing as good and bad cholesterol. There is only one cholesterol. What is referred to as 'Good' and 'Bad' cholesterol have absolutely nothing to do with cholesterol, but instead are the transporters of choles-

terol. The so called Good cholesterol transports cholesterol from the rest of the body to the liver where it is then recycled. And the socalled bad cholesterol carries cholesterol from the liver to the other parts of the body, where cholesterol plays a critical role in regenerating, maintaining and repairing the body. The human body depends on cholesterol so much that 70% of all the cholesterol in the body is produced inside the body. The body has to recycle used up cholesterol to meet its demand. The human brain is made up of over 70% fat, and most of that fat is cholesterol. All the nerves in the human body are protected by a membrane – the myelin sheath that is composed of cholesterol. In fact, all 100 billion cells in the body are each protected by a layer that is also composed of cholesterol. Many chemicals in the body including all hormones – testosterone, estrogens, thyroid hormone, etc. are all produced directly from cholesterol. The idea that cholesterol is a danger to health and we need drugs to control it is irrational. It goes against common medical knowledge and scientific evidence. It goes against common sense. It is ludicrous and goes against logic. The primary cause of heart attack, heart disease and stroke is chronic inflammation. And chronic inflammation is caused by toxins called free radicals. When inflammation occurs in arteries, the body sends out clotting cells to control the inflammation, however as the inflammation rages on, the clotting cells start to

accumulate at the site of injury, and over time this results in a buildup of plaque that leads to narrowing of arteries. Lower than normal levels of cholesterol will result in serious diseases especially diseases of the brain and nerves. Studies show that low levels of cholesterol cause diseases such as depression, insomnia, irritability, memory loss, nerve pain and diabetes. What is even worse than the false idea of cholesterol being a danger to health, is the idea that statin drugs are required to lower cholesterol. According to a paper published in the ‘American Journal of Cardiovascular drugs’, there are over 900 studies that show the adverse effects of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs. These side effects include Brain damage, Nerve pain, Heart and artery disease, Sexual dysfunction, Chronic fatigue, Cataracts, Liver and Kidney damage, Pancreatic dysfunction, Thyroid disease, Immune system suppression and Cancer. The manufacturers of Statins acknowledge in the filed patent for statins that it will block the production of a

vital nutrient for the generation of energy in the body called Co-enzyme Q10 or CoQ10. CoQ10 is crucial for the active organs in the body to generate energy, like the brain, heart, kidney and liver, and blocking this nutrient will impede the performance of these organs. How ironic that statin drugs work against the very organs they are supposed to protect. Women require more cholesterol to maintain hormone levels and will suffer more side-effects from statin drugs. No one needs to take cholesterol-lowering medications. Even the rare group of people that are prone to extremely high levels of cholesterol do not need harmful statins. There are natural alternatives that are even more effective than statins without causing adverse side-effects such as Policosanol and Nicotinamide. Nevertheless, a well-known fact is that there are virtually no medical records that show anyone dying of high cholesterol. Dr Machi Mannu is a medical doctor, author and researcher.


Friday 18th August 2017

COME AND JOIN US! It’s the perfect time to consider joining Find A Spanish Property as a property associate, as property prices are on the rise, and the market is blossoming. 2016 was a positive year for the real estate market with prices having bottomed out the year before with modest price rises. Things have really kicked in during 2017, in strong contrast to the recession period that kicked in during 2008 and 2009. Official government figures confirm that prices are rising this year, and outside the cities of Madrid and Barcelona, Alicante Province which features the Costa Blanca, and the Murcia region with the Costa Calida tourist area, are two of the biggest areas on mainland Spain which are seeing substantial rises in demand along with price increases. The cranes are back with new homes being built by the coast, and the re-sale market continues to rise, fuelled by low interest rates in Spain. Statistics show that demand for homes from British buyers is still high, despite pessimistic fears last year over the Brexit factor, coupled with purchasers from across Europe, and even further afield. Recent surveys show that the majority of British people living in Spain are aged 65 and over, and website statistics confirm that older British nationals with no mortgage on their UK property are still very much looking at Spain as their area of choice to buy a holiday home, or even somewhere to retire to. It’s a great time to get involved in becoming a seller of real-estate in Spain, especially since most of the cowboys disappeared thanks to the recession nearly a decade ago. We like to think that we’ve played our own small part in helping to seeing them off, by offering an honest business that people are proud to recommend and that we now want to substantially expand.

Getting Started We will remove the pain and hassle of starting up your own estate agency by setting the all-important website that will market your business. The costs are cut, and you don’t need any experience of running an agency or experience of sales. We can do that for you, but you will need to promote your website and of course to generate new opportunities.

What You Get:• • • • • • • • •

Your Own Domain Name A Find A Spanish Property Dynamic and Responsive Website with YOUR Contact Details, Ready to Go. 100´s of Properties, Growing Daily, Including New Builds, Resales, Renovation Projects and Deals. Automatic Targeted News Stories and Articles for YOUR Website Free Social Media Content For YOUR Use Business Promotion Pack - Business Cards, Flyers, etc Discount Newspaper and Radio Advertising Full Training and Support Package Plus MANY Other Optional Extras

What happens next? With our support you can advertise YOUR website anywhere you wish in local and social media, newspapers, magazines, radio, TV, it´s up to you. Once an enquiry is made it comes to YOU and your account manager, the decision is made by YOU as to how to proceed. You can get involved in the whole process as much or as little as YOU wish. Full legal documentation and support is provided by our independent legal team. Upon sale we will provide accounting documentation which details your commission. Throughout the entire process we will liaise with you and have full agreement on every aspect, including such things as picking up clients from the airport; property tours; taking them to solicitors; and signing those final papers. That’s our job, whilst as an Find A Spanish Property Associate you can get involved in as much or as little as you like.

What Have You Got To Lose? This is really the best time in a decade to get involved with the Spanish property market and to earn our generous commissions. Get in touch with us now to learn more.



Seven of the Best in Barcelona

Picasso Museum Barcelona boasts striking architecture and beautiful city beaches that keep the tourists flocking in, but dig a little deeper and you'll also find a distinctive Catalonian culture. Uncover the best of Barcelona with our insider tips on what to see and do. 1. Tour Gaudi's Works Gaudi's influence on Barcelona is immediately apparent; his work is a fundamental part of the city's landscape. The seven Gaudi sites to visit in Barcelona are Park Guell, Palau Guell, Casa Mila, Casa Vicen, La Sagrada Familia, Casa Batllo and the crypt of the church at Colonia Guell and it is worth seeing them all first hand, either at your own pace or joining one of the many guided Gaudi walking tours. The Sagrada Familia basilica, Gaudi's signature work, has international recognition as the symbol of Barcelona. Explore rippling columns and atmospheric temples inspired by nature and designed to make the best use of the light, then head to the towers where you can enjoy views of the city skyline. Come back at dusk to see the building lit up against the night sky. €15 for entry, €29 for entry with access to the towers.

3. Picasso Museum The Picasso Museum is rightly one of Barcelona's top tourist attractions and tells a thorough and fascinating story of the young artist's development, remaining the only Picasso collection opened in his lifetime. Housed in five connected Catalan Gothic palaces in El Born, the museum now is one of the most complete collections of Picasso's works of art, with over 4000 pieces on display. The permanent collection is supported by temporary exhibitions exploring Picasso's life, artistic interests and his love of Barcelona. Tickets are €14 and can be bought online in advance. 4. Font Magica The Font Magica (Montjuïc Magic Fountain) is one of Barcelona's most enchanting sights. It was created for the 1929 International Exhibition, located at the Palace of Montjuïc. The ‘magic’ of this fountain happens every weekend (includes Thursdays during the summer), with 30 minute shows in which the water fountains dance to the lights and rhythm of the music. Songs vary from classical music to the Star Wars soundtrack!

2. Head to the beaches Barcelona is thought to be one of the best city-beach break destinations in the world with 32km of Blue Flag beaches running alongside the centre. Barceloneta Beach is the closest to the city, which due to its proximity can quickly get crowded. Go for the local's favourite instead, and head a little further along the coast to the beaches north of Port Olimpic such as Nova Mar Bella and Bogatell, a 15 minute walk from Barceloneta. Both have parasol and chair hire, ping pong tables and volleyball courts as well as lots of cafes and restaurants nearby. You can get the metro or tram to Selva de Mar to get to Nova Mar Bella, or hire a bike and take the scenic cycle path.

Font Magica 5. Parc de la Ciutadella The city has a staggering 68 parks, but one of the biggest and most popular places to visit in Barcelona is Parc de la Ciutadella. Take a rowing boat on the lake, admire the fountains and medieval Castell dels Tres Dragons or head to Barcelona Zoo. Craving peace and quiet? Santa Caterina's Market is a short walk to the south, so stock up on delicious picnic goodies and find a spot for lunch under the lush green palm trees.

7. Visit El Born Many flock to La Rambla for shopping or the Gothic Quarter for historic architecture, and if it's your first time in Barcelona then these are not to be missed. However, if you're looking for an area with local charm head to the El Born district, sandwiched between the Parc de la Ciutadella and the Gothic Quarter. Here you will find the Museu Picasso de Barcelona, MUTT Bookshop & Art Gallery and the Museu de la Xocolata (Chocolate Museum). The main shopping street, despite being rather narrow is Carrer dels Flassaders, lined with medieval buildings and filled with boutiques, vintage shops and cool watering holes like the tiny El Born Bar (Passeig del Born). This is also a must for those with an interest in photography, with the Impossible Project Barcelona gallery and many photography workshops and tours based here. You can fly or take the train from Alicante to Barcelona and both (see their advert on page 5 or telephone 966 785 910) and (see their advert on page 6 or telephone 966 717 783) have short breaks to Barcelona, which includes travel and accommodation.

El Born


Friday 18th August 2017

Events Calendar

Sponsored by

Av De Las Naciones 57, No 12 Ciudad Quesada. Tel. 666 660 810

Beaches to go with children Are you thinking about enjoying the seaside with your family? The little ones will love the beaches which have areas ready for them to have fun and give them the opportunity to start practising some aquatic sports.

Until Sunday 20 August, 2017 Santa Pola Book Fair Every Wednesday until Wednesday 30 August, 2017 Gran Alacant Organic Local Produce & Eco Market Until Thursday 31 August, 2017 Santa Pola Traditional Summer Market at Plaza Castilla. Craft Market in the Port area. Sandcraft workshops for kids, every Tuesday and Friday. Torrevieja Photographic exhibition featuring the snow fall in Torrevieja and the surrounding area in January of this year, at Centro Polivalente de La Mata. Friday 18 August, 2017 (Also Monday 21, Friday 25, Monday 28 August and Monday 4 and Friday 8 September) Torrevieja Guided walking tour of the salt lakes.

Summer, children and the Region of Valencia are a fantastic combination. For children, there are many varied locations for fun in the sun, including beaches with special areas just for them. Here are some of the best beaches for children across Alicante.

Saturday 18 August, 2017 Terra Natura Benidorm Holi festival of colour.

Between the capes of San Antonio and La Nao we find the Playa El Arenal in Jávea, a beautiful beach with white sand frequently visited by families. The excellent facilities include paths for baby-buggies, rental of water skates or pedal boats and with its deep water in places it makes it as one of the favourites in the province.

Tuesday 22 to Saturday 26 August, 2017 Torrevieja International Band Competition at the Eras de la Sal.

The Playa Centre in Guardamar del Segura is not very crowded and it has a peaceful atmosphere, ideal for the families who run away from noise and the daily fight for a space to plant the towel and the parasol. Another natural jewel between two natural parks.

Wednesday 23 August, 2017 Guardamar Music in the Street - Dixie Project at the Plaza Porticada.

In L’Alfàs del Pi we find the Beach Raco de lAlbir. A curious beach covered with smooth stones, not very crowded and ideal for an escape with the family since it has two parks for children with slides and swings. The water is a little deep, and the use of protective footwear is recommended so you don´t hurt your feet.

Friday 25 August, 2017 San Javier Unrisen Queen, tribute to Freddie Mercury and Queen.

This is a selection of some beaches to enjoy with your family taking into account both the facilities and the natural environment that surrounds them. Have you already found your favourite one?

Requena, Grape Harvest Party and Festivals The Fiesta de la Vendimia (Grape Harvest Festival), was declared of Tourist Interest in 1966, and is considered the most ancient festival in Spain and one of the most important ones. You too can take part in the collective joy you feel when contemplating the treading of the first pendants of grapes from Requena. Once again, Requena celebrates the Grape Harvest Party and Festivals. An integrating, generous, different, popular and sober celebration, with a long tradition. Grapes, wine and joy are the main characters in this Festival. They are only waiting for you! If we had to list some of the most representative acts of the Grape Harvest Festival, we would point out the treading and blessing of the first grapes, the free tasting of the delicious wines come from the Monumento Universal a la Vendimia (Harvest Monument) and the allegorical sources and the Nights of the Wine, of the Farmer, of the Requenense Ausente or the “Zurra”. But you can also enjoy the Mediaeval Market, situated in the Barrio de la Villa, the parades and street performances accompanied by street bands and music for all the ages. The Feria Requenense del Vino (FEREVIN) is one of the most important monographic manifestations about wines in the Region of Valencia. It has already consolidated its position as a firm reference for the wine sector, turning into the best display for the wines and wineries of the Denomination of Origin Utiel-Requena. If you are wine lovers, you mustn’t miss this opportunity. The Valencian village of Requena is worth visiting. It is one of the biggest municipal districts in Spain, with 814 km2 and 25 small localities. Routes for hiking or cycling, gastronomy, archaeological sites and natural spaces are some of the proposals to complete your visit. Besides, the tunnels of Requena add to the Cuevas de La Villa, the Museum of San Nicolás, and the Palace of the Cid or the Museum of the Wine as points of tourist interest.



As the BBC cries foul over Channel Four’s scheduling of the expensively-purchased Great British Bake Off up against a new family cooking contest on BBC 2 (now moved to another day), how important these days is scheduling on a TV channel? After all, with digital recording, “plus one hour” channels, streaming and download, is an oldfashioned schedule really that important? I would largely argue that it is irrelevant as we gorge ourselves on “box sets” but with one very important exception, and that’s with a brand new programme. We can follow round old favourites in the traditional schedule but a new programme needs good exposure in a slot that is not vulnerable. A great case in point was a big mistake that ITV made earlier this year in the placing of the entertaining hotel drama The Halcyon, which they wrongly decided not to recommission (the producers are still hawking it around other outlets). The Halcyon was perfect

Schedule Shenanigans

for the Sunday night 9.00 pm (UK time) slot, but instead ITV played it on a Monday night, where it didn’t do that badly in the ratings, considering the fact that Silent Witness was running away with things at the same time on BBC 1. In contrast, the equally enjoyable Good Karma Hospital premiered for ITV on a Sunday evening at 9.00 pm, and got decent figures, and a quick renewal. Scheduling for new programmes therefore does

matter and actually the normally astute BBC dropped their ball over their new cooking show, The Big Family Cooking Showdown, which opened to a disappointing sub-two million viewers on Tuesday night on BBC 2. Despite tons of publicity and incorrect hype that this was some kind of GBBO replacement (the real replacement comes in the New Year on BBC 1 with Claudia Winkleman and the goddess that is Mary Berry), the Beeb placed the BFCS

on at the same time as regular ratings grabber, Holby City over on BBC 1. Not a good idea, and now in a bit of mischief-making, Channel Four have decided to launch their version of the GBBO a week on Tuesday at the same time as BFCS, with the BBC expressing outrage and now deciding to move BFCS to later in the week, which frankly might be a blessing in disguise for them. Channel Four knows that they could play GBBO anywhere in the schedule

and it would certainly (at least for the very first episode) do some very good business just for novelty value. I’m not sure why they are not running GBBO on the traditional Wednesday, but they are holding a strong deck of cards here as they know it will pull in the numbers. That’s not a luxury the Cooking Showdown had in a poor bit of scheduling (and to be fair, it wasn’t that good, though how would you know that if you didn’t see it?) and it’s another

example where a scheduling mistake doesn’t allow the best opportunity for a show to take off. What’s the fuss about the B-list celebs that are being declared on a daily basis for Strictly Come Dancing? I don’t know much about half of them every year, but that doesn’t change the quality of the show in the slightest. Of course we are eyeing up who might be the Ed Balls, John Sergeant, and Ann Widdecombe of the new season, and perhaps that honour might go to the witty Reverand Richard Coles. Perhaps of greater concern to SCD producers is what kind of effect will Len Goodman’s departure have on the show? Great news for Corrie fans with the news that Alison King will be returning towards the end of the year as one of the soap’s best characters, Carla Connor. That should be good for a bit of confrontation on the old cobbles, and the rekindling of her friendship with Roy Cropper who probably will be one of the few people glad to see her back.

JOIN US Fancy joining the biggest and best radio station in the area? Right now, we are looking for sales staff. If you have experience, great, get in touch today. If you have NO experience, that´s okay, as full training and support will be given. The primary qualification we are looking for is that you are bright, bubbly and keen to work. If this sounds like you, then the opportunity for you to earn big money is here, right now. If you have a CV ready, send it to us. If you don´t have a CV ready, don´t worry, just send an email with a brief outline about yourself. Remember, bright, bubbly and keen to work, they are the only qualifications we´re looking for (although if you´re a serial killer or something bad, then that is likely to go against you if we´re honest). Go on, send us an email, and let´s talk.


Friday Leyla reaches out. Meanwhile, things get heated with Nicola and Kerry when Dan and Jimmy have to separate them. Elsewhere, Rhona drowns her sorrows in the pub, but Vanessa is concerned and encourages her to go home.

Monday As Kerry shops for Dan’s new trainers in town, she spots a familiar face. The person in question is dishevelled and clearly homeless. Kerry witnesses them trying to con money from a passer-by and is worried for them. Meanwhile, Rhona is feeling awkward about the previous evening and Harriet worries for her wellbeing. Harriet confides her worries in Paddy, who in turn offers Rhona an ear and comforts her over dinner. There’s a moment between them and Rhona goes in for a kiss. Elsewhere, Frank’s secret wedding plans are under Tuesday A startled Rhona wakes to see Pierce lying next to her, but she realises she is dreaming and it’s her imagination. Paddy reassures Rhona they don’t have to talk about what happened the previous night and she insists she needs to visit Pierce in prison. But will it help and will it give her closure?


Friday 18th August 2017 Meanwhile, Rishi approaches Frank with some news about the timeshare, claiming that he has found out the property development firm went bankrupt months ago. Frank is baffled. After doing some of his own research, Frank confronts Megan with his worries. Wednesday Frank is keen to get to the bottom of everything, so he picks up Megan’s phone to call a Spanish-looking number on her recent dial list. Frank assumes it’s for Megan’s solicitor, but it’s actually Charity, who is in the back room.

ous money. As Shona celebrates her win in The Rovers, Macca arrives and beckons her outside. What does he want? Friday Alya is intrigued when she witnesses Gary collecting a certificate of health from the medical centre. Cornering him in the café, Gary is forced to explain that he’s signed up for some dangerous security work in the Ukraine in a bid to clear his debts.

Megan panics as the pair begin to speak. Can Charity pull off the call without Frank suspecting, or could Megan and Meanwhile, as the police Charity’s scam be rum- take Gemma in for questioning, Cathy assures Rita bled? that Gemma thinks the Meanwhile, Zak becomes world of her and would weary as Aaron continues never steal from her. But to vent his frustrations on a Rita reckons Gemma has punch bag. Zak suggests them both fooled. he may need a new training partner and Aaron Liz is gutted to discover decides to join a gym with that her bank account has been emptied. a reluctant Adam. Liz laments to Eileen how the scam leaflet was pinned to the Medical Centre notice board and she intends to find out who’s behind it.

Thursday Adam panics when he learns that Victoria is coming to the gym with him and Aaron. Will Adam’s attempts at the gym impress Victoria? Later, as Adam and Aaron leave, they spot Victoria being chatted up by another guy. He turns out to be Aaron’s arch-enemy Jason.

Meanwhile, Phelan meets up with the developer. Pointing out he’s in the trade and knows every scam, leans on him to accept Nicola’s offer. Thrilled, Nicola tells Phelan her offer on the flat has been accepted and it’s clearly thanks to him.

Monday Shona can’t believe it when a scratch card Bethany sent her to thank her for all her support wins £6,000. Shona’s squeals of delight in the Meanwhile, Lydia acciden- café are witnessed by Zoe, tally gives away Frank’s who’s there giving Gemma wedding plans when she a hard time. wrongly assumes Megan knows about it. How will Zoe phones Macca and tells him that Clayton’s Frank react? mum has won some seri-

Meanwhile, clearly stressed, Norris reckons they should abandon the whole marriage charade but Mary won’t hear of it, pointing out how disappointed Jude would be. As Jude arrives with his wife Angie and their baby, Mary can barely contain her excitement. Intrigued by Phelan’s behaviour, Nicola follows him. Phelan makes out that he’s working on a house conversion and is just disposing of an old mattress. However, Nicola is concerned to see a gash on Phelan’s head. As Eileen and Nicola fuss over Phelan’s injury, Nicola suggests he could donate the mattress to a homeless shelter. At home, a stressed Phelan takes his anger out on Nicola, who’s shocked by his outburst. Apologising, he later shows her a receipt for some mattresses which he’s donated to a shelter, but he is still clearly on the edge.

his help again.

Friday Phil is still refusing to open up about his recent strange decisions. Later on, Jay confronts Phil again and is shocked when Phil makes a shocking revelation. Meanwhile, Carmel, Kush, Denise, Kim and Vincent are all excited for their holiday, but Fi realises that Max has another idea in mind.

Monday Jay is left devastated as Phil reveals that he killed his father. Phil tries to offer up an explanation for this shocking secret from the past, but Jay struggles to come to terms with it all and becomes angry. After Jay’s fury comes to a head, he continues to question his past and realises the full extent of Phil’s actions. Can he ever forgive him? Tuesday Jay fails to turn up for work after his showdown with Phil, who tries and fails to find him.

Wednesday Sinead frets over Chesney, convinced that he hasn’t been himself since the attack. Fiz suggests they check on him. Masking his nerves, Chesney tells them he’s taking Ruby and Fiz into town for the afternoon and Sinead is relieved. However, as they set off on the bus, Chesney suffers a panic attack. Demanding the driver opens the doors, he flees and leaves the girls on the bus.

Later, Ben returns home and is stunned when Jay tells him that his dad is a murderer. Meanwhile, Shirley causes a scene at The Vic and Phil defends her. Fi isn’t happy when the customers have to leave the pub as a result of the argument. Elsewhere, Max warns Steven that he may need

Thursday Ben wants answers over what’s going on, so Jay tells him everything and makes it clear that they’re not brothers anymore as he’s not a Mitchell. Jay’s comments touch a nerve with Ben as the row continues, and tensions erupt into a fight between them. Meanwhile, Mick tries to make things up to a distant Linda, but his efforts don’t go down well.

Zosia wrestles with the decision of whether to specialise in cardiothoracics after discovering the offer is contingent on a placement abroad, threatening her marriage plans.

When a tired and unusually sensitive Guy appears to make an error in surgery, Zosia must decide whether to follow her dreams or to put the needs of her family first. Meanwhile, on his final day on AAU, Oliver is preoccupied with Tara’s brain scans and seeks a second opinion, fearing that something could have been done to prevent her death. After Ric refuses to perform a precautionary scan on Oliver’s patient, Oliver questions the boundaries of negligence and must decide whether to live in the past or look to the future.

Week Days 08:00 Breakfast with Peter Hurst 11:00 Mornings with Dennis Christian - DC, AM to PM 14:00 Afternoons with Alex Trelinski - Alex in the Afternoon. 17:00 Drivetime (AKA Tea Time) with Mark Nolan

Weekends Saturday 09:00 Breakfast with Tim Bridge 12:00 Saturday Afternoons with Paul Norman 15:00 Saturday Sports with Alex Trelinski 18:00 Entertainment Power 20:00 Northern Soul

Sunday 09:00 Breakfast with Tim Bridge 12:00 Soul & Mowtown 14:00 Gary Jackson 16:00 The Retro Chart 18:00 Classic Country

Email: Facebook: tkospain Phone: 965 50 55 10 Text: 671 33 76 75

Friday TV 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Heir Hunters 12:45 Close Calls: On Camera 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:45 Red Rock 15:30 Impossible 16:15 Escape to the Continent 17:15 Flog It! 18:15 Pointless 19:00 News 20:00 The One Show

07:00 The World’s Most Photographed 07:30 Bargain Hunt 09:00 Gardeners’ World 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 News 14:00 Two Tribes 14:30 Natural World 15:30 Film - Grand Prix (PG) 18:15 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Royal Recipes

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Tenable 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 Cash Trapped 19:00 News

20:30 A Question of Sport Sue Barker hosts the lighthearted sports quiz with team captains Matt Dawson and Phil Tufnell. Joining the teams are world champion boxer Tony Bellew, Ryder Cup golfer Andy Sullivan, cycling star Jess Varnish and rugby league’s Ashton Sims.

20:00 Celebrity Antiques Road Trip Pals Nicki Chapman and Jules Hudson escape to the country to find antiques with Natasha Raskin and Philip Serrell.

20:30 Coronation Street Gary confides his shocking secret to Alya.

21:00 EastEnders The Mitchells grow concerned about Phil’s behaviour, can anyone get through to him? 21:30 Celebrity MasterChef The four remaining contenders each demonstrate their ability to identify a tray of ingredients, three spices and three leafy vegetables before being tasked to make a lamb kofta, hummus and a flatbread in just 15 minutes. They are then split into teams and sent on their first mass catering challenge - making lunch for over 100 members of staff at Europe's largest biomedical research facility. 23:00 News 23:35 Not Going Out 00:05 Film - The Client (12) 02:05 Weather 02:10 News

21:00 Mastermind John Humphrys hosts the celebrated quiz as more contenders brave the infamous black chair. 21:30 Only Connect A team of environmentalists take on three friends who enjoy tackling escape rooms. Victoria Coren Mitchell finds out what connects Polonius, Waymar Royce, Reg Cox and Abel.

The BBC today announced that it is extending the Front Row brand this autumn with a new series on BBC Two. With its existing presence on Radio 4 and plans for an enhanced digital offer, Front Row will now bring audiences high quality arts and culture content across TV, radio and online. Building on BBC Two’s commitment to showcasing the best of arts and culture on Saturday nights, the Front Row television series will broadcast on early Saturday evenings this September. As with Radio 4’s flagship arts and culture programme, it will chart the changing landscape of the arts, bringing viewers a rich mix of interviews, news, features and performances, as well as arts and culture reviews. The topical weekly discus-

20:00 Emmerdale Leyla reaches out.

21:00 Teach My Pet to Do That Alexander Armstrong welcomes Kevin the chow chow and Rambo the miniature New Zealand kunekune pig and sees if they can be taught to beg, spin and roll over. 21:30 Coronation Street Phelan gets tough on Nicola’s behalf.

22:00 Gardeners’ World As Monty brings in the summer harvest, he gives advice on what to sow to keep the crops coming up to the end of Autumn. Carol Klein visits a woman who is losing her eyesight and gives her recommendations of plants that will be a feast for her senses.

22:00 Benidorm Les is down in the dumps as he is missing Liam more than ever, so Amber and the staff hatch a plan to cheer him up. Troy believes he is being stalked by his ex Gavin, but when Kenneth discovers that Gavin is on holiday in Venice, the threat soon turns out to be much more sinister. The end of the holiday is drawing near for the Dawsons, and Billy still has still not told Sheron that Eddie is supposed to be moving in.

23:00 QI 23:30 Newsnight 00:05 Film - In Our Name (15) 01:30 Panorama 02:00 Normal for Norfolk 02:30 Inside the Factory 03:30 This Is BBC Two

23:00 News 23:40 Piers Morgan’s Life Stories 00:40 Tipping Point 01:35 Jackpot247 04:00 Storage Hoarders 04:50 ITV Nightscreen

Front Row comes to BBC Two

sion show will air for seven weeks and confirmed presenters include television and radio presenter Nikki Bedi, British columnist and broadcaster Giles Coren and the BBC’s Media Editor Amol Rajan. The BBC Two Front Row production team will work in synergy with the BBC Radio 4 programme team, with some shared interviews conducted by the BBC Radio 4 Front Row presenters also appearing on the television programme. Patrick Holland, Controller, BBC Two says: “BBC Two is delighted to welcome the editorial expertise of the Front Row team with a fresh and intelligent new topical arts show designed to provide real journalistic depth and insight to our arts coverage.”


07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Frasier 11:00 The Big Bang Theory 12:00 The Simpsons 13:00 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Posh Pawn 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Cheap Cheap Cheap 17:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 News 21:00 Child Genius The semi-final of the week-long competition sees eight remaining competitors face two of the toughest rounds yet. Overseen by quizmaster Richard Osman, the opening Advanced Language round tests the players on complex word definitions and anagrams. The tension then reaches fever pitch in the second round, as the youngsters face a sudden-death spelling test. 22:00 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown Jimmy Carr hosts the comedy version of the words-andnumbers quiz, with Jon Richardson and Cariad Lloyd taking on guest captain Alan Carr and Kevin Bridges. Elis James and John Robins join Susie Dent, while Rachel Riley looks after the numbers and letters. 23:00 Naked Attraction 00:05 Rude Tube 01:10 Film - The Purge: Anarchy (14) 03:00 Pop, Pride and Prejudice 03:55 Damned 04:20 Damned

Victoria, returns for a second series

Following critical acclaim and record ratings in both the UK and America, this Autumn sees the return of ITV’s hugely popular historical drama, Victoria, produced by Mammoth Screen. Once again written by creator and executive producer, Daisy Goodwin, the brand new eight-part season will see Jenna Coleman (Doctor Who, Me Before You) and Tom Hughes (Paula, The Game) reprise their roles as Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, as they face new challenges both at home and abroad. Resuming one month after the first series ended, the new season establishes Victoria as a working mother, learning to balance her responsibilities as both parent and Queen. However,

Prince Albert is still struggling to find a role for himself alongside his powerful wife as she returns to her duties, intent on proving that she can be both a mother and dutiful Queen. The series will also see some new faces arrive at the palace, with iconic BAFTA Award-winning actress Dame Diana Rigg joining the regular cast as the Duchess of Bucchleuch, the young Queen’s new Mistress of the Robes, and guest appearances from fellow leading actors including the likes of Emerald Fennell (Call The Midwife, Any Human Heart), Martin Compston (Line Of Duty, In Plain Sight), Bruno Wolkowitch (Spin, Cain) and Denis Lawson (New Tricks, Marchlands).

07:00 Milkshake 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 The Yorkshire Vet 13:10 News 13:15 Celebrity Big Brother 14:10 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Film - Jesse Stone: Sea Change (15) 18:00 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 News 20:00 20 Moments that Rocked the 80s Cherie Lunghi presents a countdown of memorable moments from the 1980s. The programme features a look back at royal weddings, political scandals, sporting triumphs and financial disasters, and remembers the rise to fame of of iconic entertainers and popular TV shows. With contributions from Pam St Clement, Jayne Torvil, Peter Shilton, Chris Tarrant, Roy Hay, Ann Widdecombe, Anne Diamond, Diana Moran, Michael Buerk and Ken Livingstone. 21:30 Celebrity Big Brother Emma Willis hosts another live eviction show. As usual, she presents yesterday’s highlights before revealing which of the renowned residents will be leaving tonight and talking to her about being cooped up with their fellow famous faces. 23:00 Make Or Break? 00:05 Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 01:05 Cricket 02:00 SuperCasino 04:10 Celebrity Big Brother 05:30 House Doctor

07:00 The Hot Desk 07:10 You’ve Been Framed! 07:35 Below Deck 08:20 Ellen DeGeneres 09:00 Emmerdale 10:00 You’ve Been Framed! 11:00 The Great Indoors 11:30 Guidance 12:00 Fame High 12:15 Third Wheel 12:25 Below Deck 13:20 Emmerdale 14:30 You’ve Been Framed! 15:00 Ellen DeGeneres 15:50 Jeremy Kyle 18:00 Judge Rinder 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Film - The Expendables (15) ITV 3 07:00 Judge Judy 07:40 The Royal 08:30 Heartbeat 09:35 Where the Heart Is 10:35 Judge Judy 11:55 Rising Damp 12:25 You’re Only Young Twice 13:00 The Darling Buds of May 14:05 Heartbeat 15:05 The Royal 16:10 The Darling Buds of May 17:20 You’re Only Young Twice 17:55 On the Buses 18:25 Rising Damp 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Doc Martin 22:00 The Street 23:20 Law & Order: UK ITV 4 07:10 The Chase 08:00 Storage Wars Texas 08:30 The Professionals 09:35 The Saint 10:40 Cash Cowboys 12:35 The Professionals 13:45 The Saint 14:50 Ironside 15:50 Quincy, M.E. 16:55 Minder 17:55 The Professionals 19:00 Storage Wars Texas 20:00 Live: World Series of Darts

Channel 4 announces new series: From Russia to Iran

Channel 4 have announced its fourth major series with explorer Levison Wood, following his previous treks along the Nile, Himalayas and most recently, from Mexico to Colombia. Beginning in Southern Russia, Levison will track the mighty Caucasus Mountains toward Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia and into Iran: a highly secretive nation that’s been virtually closed off to westerners for decades. Known as the ‘lands in between’, Levison will travel through these badlands that sit at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, and form a large part of the historic and mysterious Silk Route. Crossing snow-capped mountains, canyons and

volcanic deserts, Levison will see some of the most spectacular but little-known landscapes on the planet. Trailed by secret police, and passing through forgotten war zones, he will meet an array of extraordinary characters, from gold-toothed wolf hunters and reclusive monks to mothers of ISIS fighters and an Iranian biker gang. Making his way by any means necessary, Levison will travel with the locals and live as they do – as he tries to reach his journey’s end on the shores of the Caspian Sea in Iran. He will also team up with local guides and venture with them into little known regions where East truly meets West.


Friday 18th August 2017

Len Goodman's Partners in Rhyme Saturday - BBCOne Len Goodman's Partners In Rhyme is the fun, play-along family show all about rhyming. The first episode in this brand-new series sees contestants Winston and Yve joined by four celebrities hoping to help solve a range of rhyming rounds. In the first team are Strictly’s Anton du Beke and BBC Radio 1Xtra DJ Dotty, and in the second team are EastEnders actress Laila Morse and comedian and radio presenter Matt Richardson. Yve and Winston first go head to head in quick fire animated rhyming round, at the end of which the one with the most points gets first pick of the two celebrity

Amazing Spaces Shed of the Year

Channel4 - Sunday

teams, and then it’s on to three rounds of hilarity! In Mime the Rhyme, Dotty and Matt describe a celebrity whilst Anton and Laila mime a rhyming action - and with Anton putting his can-

can skills to use, the competition is tough. But the real question is, who would win rear of the year in a contest between him and Len? Next, it’s on to Rhymewatch where the teams attempt to

identify all the rhyming pairs within a short film starring Mr Motivator. Finally, it’s time for News At Len, where the teams must guess the rhyming headline in four fictional news stories.

George Clarke presides over the 2017 Shed of the Year competition, beginning with the cabins and summerhouses category. Among the contenders are a mushroom-shaped shed

and a pink and turquoise construction inspired by a Los Angeles pool house. This year's contest will feature a new category, for unusual sheds that push the boundaries of construction in ingenious ways.

The State

Film The Lady in the Van Saturday - BBCTwo Maggie Smith lets her hair down in the role of a real-life bumptious bag lady who lived in a van and found a permanent parking spot outside the Camden home of writer Alan Bennett. Naturally, he put pen to paper to turn this quirky, quintessentially British story of human connection into a book, then a play and now a film directed by Nicholas

Hytner. Alex Jennings, as the cardi-clad Bennett, berates himself in dual roles - as the Bennett who lives life and the Bennett who writes - looking on with contempt and scathing witticisms. But this is clearly Smith's show. She is funny without tipping into caricature, yet openly vulnerable, too, and the friendship that develops between her and Bennett defies Hollywood conventions.

Sunday - Channel4 Drama following the experiences of four British men and women who left their lives behind to join Isis in 2015. A man hoping to follow in his brother's footsteps has persuaded his best friend to join him, while a single mother hopes to provide medical aid and a teenager embraces the radical doctrines she has encountered online. The recruits cross into Syria under cover of darkness, where the men begin combat training and the women are introduced to the society's strict rules.

Saturday TV 07:00 Breakfast 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30 Nadiya’s British Food Adventure 13:00 Football Focus 14:00 News 14:15 Bargain Hunt 15:15 Money for Nothing 16:15 Escape to the Country 17:00 Final Score 18:15 Film - Toy Story 19:30 News

07:00 Coast 08:00 Film Return of the Bad Men 09:30 Film - Great Day in the Morning 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Horse Racing 13:00 Nigel and Adam’s Farm Kitchen 14:00 Wanted Down Under 14:45 Film - Forbidden 16:20 (PG) Planet 16:50 Mastermind University Challenge 17:20 17:50 Connect Only Gardeners’ World 18:50 The Big Family Cooking Showdown

19:45 Len Goodman’s Partners in Rhyme The former Strictly Come Dancing judge hosts a lyrical game show, in which two would-be poets battle it out through rhyme-based 19:50 BBC Proms Extra challenges. Katie is joined by baritone Roderick Williams and 20:20 Pointless composer Hannah Kendall. Celebrities Alexander and to Richard present a special 20:30 Welcome celebrity Formula One edi- Edinburgh Kirsty Wark celtion of the general knowl- ebrates the best of this edge quiz. year’s Edinburgh Festival. 21:05 The National Lottery: Who Dares Wins Nick Knowles hosts the quiz where two teams of strangers compete to win up to £100,000.

21:00 Iolo’s Great Welsh Parks Iolo explores the Margam Country Park on the outskirts of Port Talbot.

21:30 Dad’s Army Pike gets caught up in barbed 21:45 Casualty As some of wire in a minefield on the the team head to France to beach with the tide coming help aid efforts at a refugee in. camp, their experiences leave lasting impressions. 22:00 Film - The Lady in the Van The true story of 22:35 Mrs Brown’s Boys an eccentric woman of Agnes Brown and Winnie uncertain origins who ‘temgatecrash Maria’s hen party porarily’ parked her brokenbut realise that they have down van in writer Alan the wrong venue. Bennett’s driveway. (PG) 23:05 News 23:25 Match of the Day 00:50 People Just Do Nothing 01:20 Film Tron: Legacy (PG) 03:15 Weather 03:20 News

23:40 Being Alan Bennett 00:40 Film - The History Boys (14) 02:30 Film Henry V (12) 04:40 This Is BBC Two


07:00 CITV 09:25 News 09:30 Weekend 10:25 Judge Rinder 11:20 Gok’s Lunchbox 12:15 1000 Heartbeats 13:15 News 13:25 The Chase 14:25 Joanna Lumley’s Postcards 14:55 Tipping Point 16:00 Midsomer Murders 18:00 Little Big Shots USA 19:00 News

07:15 Mini Challenge Motor Racing 07:45 Long Course Weekend Triathlon 08:40 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Frasier 10:30 The Big Bang Theory 11:55 The Simpsons 12:55 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 13:50 Four in a Bed 16:35 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 17:35 Big House, Little 19:20 You’ve Been House 18:35 Kirstie and Framed! Harry Hill narrates Phil’s Love It or List It 19:30 another 60-minute special News edition of the comical clip show to a selection of hilar- 20:00 Britain at Low Tide ious home videos. In Essex, Tori and Alex investigate the earthwork 20:15 Catchphrase remains of a fort dating to Stephen Mulhern hosts the the time when Henry VIII game show, asking three took England out of the contestants to `see it and European Catholic union. say it’ as they try to guess the familiar phrases hidden 21:00 Child Genius in animated clues. Richard Osman hosts the final stage of the week-long 21:00 Film - The Amazing contest, once again serving Spider-Man A gifted as quizmaster as five of teenager investigates the Britain’s brightest young secrets hidden in his dead minds battle it out to enter parents’ past, leading him the final round. to a mysterious corporation and an incident that imbues 22:00 Film - The Hunger him with superhuman pow- Games: Catching Fire ers. A personal tragedy After their unprecedented drives him to use his new- victory in the 74th Hunger found abilities to fight Games, Katniss Everdeen crime, and he is soon and Peeta Mellark embark drawn into a deadly battle on a Victors Tour. Katniss against a former colleague senses rebellion is stirring, of his father, who has but a cruel change in the undergone a devastating upcoming 75th Hunger transformation of his own. Games may change (PG) Panem forever. (PG)

07:00 Milkshake 11:25 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:50 Film - Igor (PG) 13:25 Disobedient Dogs Make You Laugh Out Loud 14:20 Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun 16:15 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 18:10 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door

23:35 News 23:50 Film The World Is Not Enough (14) 02:10 Jackpot247 04:00 The Hungry Sailors 04:50 ITV Nightscreen

00:50 Film - X-Men (PG) 02:35 The Windsors 03:05 Hollyoaks Omnibus 05:10 Location, Location, Location

23:30 Celebrity Big Brother 00:30 Lip Sync Battle UK 01:00 Cricket 02:00 SuperCasino 04:10 Gotham

07:00 CITV 09:25 News 09:30 Weekend 10:25 Judge Rinder 11:20 Long Lost Family 12:20 Love Your Garden 13:20 News 13:25 James Martin’s French Adventure 14:00 Rebound 14:55 Tipping Point 15:55 Bear Grylls Survival School 16:25 Film - Licence to Kill (15) 19:00 News

07:00 Last Man Standing 08:10 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00 Frasier 10:30 Sunday Brunch 13:30 George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces 14:35 The Simpsons 16:35 Toy Story Toons 17:05 Toy Story That Time Forgot 17:30 Film - Tangled 19:30 News

07:00 Milkshake 11:15 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:40 Football 13:00 Police Interceptors 17:55 News 18:00 Biggest World the in Dog 19:00 The Secret Life of Puppies: Terrible Twos

20:00 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! In Essex, a negligent tenant flees the premises when Paul and Phil arrive to evict him. In north London, Paul and Steve are forced to play Mr Nice and Mr Nasty when a tenant refuses to leave his rental home. 21:00 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! Stewart and Elmore face a terrible moral dilemma when they find a critically ill toddler at a home they are expected to repossess, then later find a couple who now regret standing as guarantors for their daughter. 21:55 News 22:00 Football Colin Murray presents highlights from the latest games in the Championship, which included Sheffield United v Barnsley, Aston Villa v Norwich City and Sunderland v Leeds United.

07:00 The Hot Desk 07:10 Emmerdale Omnibus 10:10 Coronation Street Omnibus 12:40 Catchphrase 13:25 Harry Hill’s Alien Fun Capsule 13:55 You’ve Been Framed! 15:25 Film - Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium 17:15 Film - St. Trinian’s (12) 19:10 Film Hotel Transylvania (PG) 21:00 Film - Crazy, Stupid, Love. (PG) 23:20 Family Guy 01:20 American Dad! 02:20 The Keith Lemon Sketch Show 03:10 Viral Tap ITV 3 07:00 Murder, She Wrote 09:40 Heidi 11:55 Margery and Gladys 14:00 The Darling Buds of May 15:05 Agatha Christie’s Marple 17:05 Film - Carry on Camping (PG) 18:55 Wycliffe 20:00 Agatha Christie’s Marple 22:00 Foyle’s War 00:00 Law & Order: UK 02:55 Rising Damp ITV 4 07:00 Motorsport UK 07:50 The Professionals 09:55 Minder 11:00 ITV Racing 12:00 Cash Cowboys 14:00 Storage Wars 14:30 ITV Racing: Live from Newbury 17:00 British Touring Car Championship 18:30 Storage Wars 19:00 Live: World Series of Darts 23:00 Vuelta a España, Cycling 00:05 Film - Blade (18) 02:25 Minder 03:20 Tommy Cooper 03:50 ITV4 Nightscreen

Sunday TV 07:00 Breakfast 08:35 Match of the Day 10:00 News 11:00 Sunday Morning Live 12:00 Homes Under the Hammer 13:00 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:15 Money for Nothing 15:15 Songs of Praise 15:50 Live: IAAF Diamond League Athletics 18:10 Celebrity Mastermind 18:40 News 19:05 Countryfile 20:05 Fake or Fortune? Fiona Bruce and art expert Philip Mould investigate a landscape that may be a lost painting by Constable, and an alternate view of his masterpiece The Hay Wain. The case proves particularly personal for Philip, who is one of the artwork's previous owners. 21:05 Far From the Madding Crowd A headstrong Victorian woman inherits a sheep farm in a remote area of Dorset. She struggles to maintain her independence while being courted by three very different men - a stoic farmer, a dashing, reckless soldier and a lonely older man. Period drama based on Thomas Hardy's novel, starring Carey Mulligan, Matthias Schoenaerts, Tom Sturridge and Michael Sheen.(PG) 23:00 News 23:30 Match of the Day 2 00:30 Film Dream House (14) 01:55 Weather 02:00 News

07:15 The Instant Gardener 08:00 Garden Rescue 08:45 Gardeners’ World 09:45 The Beechgrove Garden 10:15 Countryfile 11:15 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 12:45 Lorraine’s Fast, Fresh and Easy Food 13:15 MOTD2 Extra 14:00 The Hairy Bikers’ Pubs That Built Britain 14:30 Live: IAAF Diamond League Athletics 15:50 Flog It! 16:45 Britain’s Ancient Capital: Secrets of Orkney 17:45 FEI European Eventing C h a m p i o n s h i p Equestrianism

19:30 The Chase: Celebrity Special Jay Rayner, Lucy Porter, Krishna Guru-Murthy and Steve Davis join forces in the hope of beating one of the country’s finest quiz 19:50 Tribes, Predators & brains to win money for Me Gordon Buchanan joins their chosen charities. a Waorani tribal family in Ecuador’s Amazon jungle 20:30 Film - Harry Potter as they search for giant and the Deathly Hallows: anacondas. Part 2 Harry, Ron and Hermione have escaped 20:50 Dragons’ Den Can a Bellatrix Lestrange’s clutchcouple with a health food es, but their getaway has business hold it together as come at a price. Dobby has they face the Dragons? been killed, meanwhile Lord Voldemort has 22:00 Astronauts: Do You acquired the highly powerHave What It Takes? ful Elder Wand from Astronaut Chris Hadfield, Dumbledore’s tomb. Still on Dr Kevin Fong and Dr Iya a quest to destroy the Whiteley, put 12 candidates Horcruxes that hold the through a series of tests to pieces of Voldemort’s soul, find out who has what it Harry breaks into Bellatrix’ takes to be an astronaut. vault, where he finds a Horcrux. (PG) 23:00 Ill Behaviour 00:00 Film - The Hunter (14) 23:00 News 23:15 Crime 01:35 Film - Tommy (15) Stories 00:15 Take Me Out 03:10 Countryfile 04:10 01:35 Jackpot247 04:00 Holby City 05:10 This Is Motorsport UK 04:50 ITV BBC Two Nightscreen

20:00 Amazing Spaces: Shed of the Year George Clarke’s search for the very best in sheds returns, as shed owners across the country compete to be crowned Shed of the Year 2017, starting with Cabins and Summerhouses. 21:00 From Russia to Iran: Crossing the Wild Frontier Levison Wood travels across the Caucasus mountain range, which run for 2600 miles across five countries on the border between Europe and Asia. The expedition begins on Russia's heavily militarised southern border, where he has to avoid the local police. 22:00 The State Four ISIS recruits are excited to start new lives in Syria, but they are met by harsh realities. 23:00 Film - The Gunman (14) 01:10 Film - Belle (PG) 03:00 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 03:50 Gillette World Sport 04:20 KOTV Boxing Weekly

19:45 The Secret Life of Puppies: Terrible Twos Troubled teen Rory tries to make things work with a new owner, Betsy the French Bulldog turns her hand to modelling and Atum the Weimaraner is given some swimming lessons. 20:30 The Ant & Dec Documentary Story exploring the success of Anthony McPartlin and Declan Donnelly. The programme charts their rise from child stars to pop stars, from BBC to ITV, from “Byker Grove’ to `Saturday Night Takeaway’ and from little-known actors to Britain”s bestloved TV personalities. Big Celebrity 22:00 Brother A chance to catch up with the latest events inside the house as the celebrities cope with living under constant surveillance, with all the arguments and alliances. 23:05 Before They Were Stars 01:05 Cricket 02:00 04:10 SuperCasino Gotham

07:00 Mr Bean 07:25 Emmerdale Omnibus 10:25 Coronation Street Omnibus 12:55 Ninja Warrior UK 14:00 Mr Bean 15:05 Film - Honey (PG) 17:00 Film - Looney Tunes: Back in Action 18:50 Film - Nanny McPhee & The Big Bang 21:00 Film - The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift (PG) 23:05 Family Guy 01:00 American Dad! 01:55 The Cleveland Show ITV 3 07:00 Carry on Camping (PG) 08:35 Heartbeat 10:35 Murder, She Wrote 12:40 The Darling Buds of May 13:45 Heidi 15:50 Wycliffe 16:55 Foyle’s War 19:00 Margery and Gladys 21:00 Midsomer Murders 23:00 Law & Order: UK 01:05 Film - Casablanca (PG) 03:05 Margery and Gladys ITV 4 07:00 Vuelta a España, Cycling 07:50 British Touring Car Championship 09:15 The Professionals 11:25 The Untold Stories of 007 13:15 Storage Wars Texas 14:15 Storage Wars 14:40 The Big Fish Off 15:45 River Monsters 16:50 River Monsters 20:00 Vuelta a España, Cycling 21:00 Live: World Series of Darts 00:30 Film - 1: Life on the Limit (12)

32 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Heir Hunters 12:45 Close Calls: On Camera 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:45 Red Rock 15:30 Impossible 16:15 Escape to the Continent 17:15 Flog It! 18:15 Pointless 19:00 News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Land of the Giants From 20 stone pumpkins to man sized marrows, this documentary digs into the colourful world of Welsh giant vegetable growers as they fight it out in the first show of the season. 21:00 EastEnders Jay’s world crumbles around him as Phil reveals a shocking revelation about the past forcing Jay to question everything.

Friday 18th August 2017

07:00 The World’s Most Photographed 07:30 Heir Hunters 08:15 Bargain Hunt 09:00 Super Small Animals 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 News 14:00 Two Tribes 14:30 Film - The Pirates! In an Adventure With Scientists 15:55 The Hairy Bikers’ Pubs That Built Britain 16:25 Coast Australia 17:15 Planet Earth 18:15 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Royal Recipes 20:00 Royal Cousins at War A look at the realignment of the European powers following the death of Queen Victoria in 1901. 21:00 University Challenge Students from York compete with Warwick.

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 GMB Today 10:25 Jeremy Kyle 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Tenable 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 Cash Trapped 19:00 News 20:00 Emmerdale Rhona seeks comfort. 20:30 Coronation Street Shona’s stroke of good luck turns sour. 21:00 Countrywise Liz Bonnin journeys along the River Wye as she tries to catch a glimpse of the mysterious night jar. Ben Fogle heads to the Exmoor coast and the picturesque village of Porlock. 21:30 Coronation Street Phelan displays his temper to Nicola.

21:30 Damilola, Our Loved Boy This featurelength drama reveals the personal stories behind the headlines of Damilola Taylor´s murder, exploring his journey from Lagos to London, and showing how Richard and Gloria Taylor coped with their personal lives as well as the pressure of the media as they fought for justice.

21:30 Nadiya’s British Food Adventure Nadiya is off North of the border to discover the delights of Scottish food. 22:00 Dangerous Borders: A Journey Across India & Pakistan Adnan Sarwar and Babita Sharma continue their journey through the province of Punjab.

22:00 easyJet: Inside the Cockpit The documentary tracing the progress of trainee pilots continues, heading to Paris for an introduction to 20-year-old newly qualified airman Ryan Clyde, who faces the prospect of conducting his first landing, in the dark, with passengers on board.

23:00 News 23:45 Have I Got News for You 00:15 Have I Got a Bit More News for You 01:00 My Family, Partition and Me 02:00 Weather 02:05 News

23:00 Normal for Norfolk 23:30 Newsnight 00:15 Astronauts 01:15 Billy Connolly 02:15 Going Back, Giving Back 03:00 This Is BBC Two

News 23:40 23:00 Britain’s Busiest Motorway 00:10 Sugar Free Farm 01:05 Jackpot247 04:00 Jeremy Kyle 04:55 ITV Nightscreen

07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Frasier 11:00 The Big Bang Theory 12:00 The Simpsons 13:00 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Posh Pawn 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Cheap Cheap Cheap 17:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 Streetmate 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 News 21:00 Jamie’s Quick and Easy Food On the menu this time are super sizzling seared scallops with black pudding and speedy mashed spuds with peas. 21:30 Superfoods: The Real Story Kate travels to India to find out if a daily grind of pepper could be one of the most significant medical breakthroughs of the century. She also meets a scientist who believes white wine could be the key to kidney health. 22:00 The State The recruits are forced to reflect on their new lives as Jalal and Ziyaad experience battle. 23:00 How to Get a Council House 00:05 Naked Attraction 01:00 Random Acts 01:30 60 Days in Jail 02:20 How to Make Your Marriage Work 03:15 Little British Isles with Alison Steadman

Monday TV 07:00 Milkshake 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 The Yorkshire Vet 13:10 News 13:15 Celebrity Big Brother 14:10 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Film - Dark Desire) 18:00 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 News 20:00 Car Crash TV Highlights include incidents involving public transport drivers, undertakers and an intractable tyre. Plus, regular features “Driver of the Week’ and `Crash Scene Investigation’ are joined by the fender bender-based game show `Hit or Miss.’ 21:00 Traffic Cops There’s a four car collision outside a primary school, and a speeding driver, desperate to escape from the cops, smashes into traffic at a junction, causing carnage before escaping on foot. 22:00 Celebrity Big Brother Marcus Bentley narrates as the housemates lie in their beds, chat on the sofas and argue in the kitchen - all for the enjoyment of the viewers. 23:00 Celebrities: In Therapy 00:05 Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 01:05 Cricket 02:00 SuperCasino 04:10 Gotham

08:20 Ellen DeGeneres 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 10:30 You’ve Been Framed! 11:00 The Great Indoors 11:30 Guidance 12:00 Fame High 12:15 Third Wheel 12:25 Below Deck 13:20 Emmerdale 13:55 Coronation Street 15:00 Ellen DeGeneres 15:50 Jeremy Kyle 18:00 Judge Rinder 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Family Guy 23:00 American Dad! ITV 3 08:20 Heartbeat 09:20 Where the Heart Is 10:25 Judge Judy 11:50 Rising Damp 12:20 You’re Only Young Twice 12:50 The Darling Buds of May 14:00 Heartbeat 15:00 The Royal 16:05 The Darling Buds of May 17:15 You’re Only Young Twice 17:50 On the Buses 18:20 Rising Damp 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Midsomer Murders 23:00 Law & Order: UK ITV 4 08:15 The Saint 09:20 Ironside 10:30 Quincy, M.E. 11:30 Minder 12:35 The Professionals 13:40 Vuelta a España, Cycling 14:45 Ironside 15:50 Quincy, M.E. 16:50 Minder 17:55 The Professionals 19:00 Storage Wars 20:00 Cycling 21:00 The Chase: Celebrity Special 22:00 Film - Ransom (15)

Tuesday TV 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Heir Hunters 12:45 Close Calls: On Camera 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:45 Red Rock 15:30 Impossible 16:15 Escape to the Continent 17:15 Flog It! 18:15 Pointless 19:00 News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders Linda continues to undermine Fi. 21:00 Holby City Zosia is offered a rare opportunity to advance her career, but will she put her ambitions above the needs of the men in her life?

07:00 The World’s Most Photographed 07:30 Heir Hunters 08:15 Bargain Hunt 09:00 The Farmers’ Country Showdown 09:30 Great British Menu 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 News 14:00 The Super League Show 14:45 Film The Odd Life of Timothy Green 16:25 Coast Australia 17:15 Planet Earth 18:15 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Royal Recipes 20:00 Celebrity Antiques Road Trip Tony Christie and Jimmy Osmond, are accompanied by experts Catherine Southon and Margie Cooper. 21:00 The Big Family Cooking Showdown The Karim family from west London go up against the Dawes from Hampshire.

22:00 Trust Me Whilst Ally faces the consequences of her deception, Andy has a difficult decision to make following his shocking discovery. A fatal error at work backs Ally into a corner; does she protect her own identity or desperately fall further into the lie? 23:00 News 23:45 New Tricks 00:45 Land of the Giants 01:15 Weather for the Week Ahead 01:20 News

22:00 India’s Partition: The Forgotten Story Gurinder Chadha travels from Southall to Delhi to find out about the Partition of India, one of the most seismic events of the 20th century. Partition saw India divided into two new nations, independent India and Pakistan. 23:00 Quacks 23:30 Newsnight 00:15 The Mash Report 00:45 Dangerous Borders 01:45 My Family, Partition and Me 02:45 Going Back, Giving Back 03:30 This Is BBC Two

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 GMB Today 10:25 Jeremy Kyle 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Tenable 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 Cash Trapped 19:00 News 20:00 Emmerdale Rhona seeks closure. 20:30 Britain as Seen on ITV Featuring a 24 hour rock ‘n’ roll dance marathon in 1960s Warwickshire, a group of Western fanatics try to create the Wild West in the North West, and in the 1970s, a Staffordshire birdman’s hobby fails to take off. 21:00 Midsomer Murders When wealthy farmer Martin Strickland is discovered bound to a tree, doused in truffle oil and mauled to death by a wild boar, the investigation leads DCI Barnaby to tyrannical celebrity chef Ruth Cameron at the upmarket Wyvern House restaurant. However, secrets from the past surface after the murderer strikes again, and the repercussions are felt further than they were originally intended. 23:00 News 23:40 Martin Clunes Islands of Australia 00:40 Play to the Whistle 01:20 Jackpot247 04:00 Loose Women

07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Frasier 11:00 The Big Bang Theory 12:00 The Simpsons 13:00 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Posh Pawn 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Cheap Cheap Cheap 17:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 Streetmate 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 News 21:00 Food Unwrapped Jimmy Doherty, Kate Quilton, Matt Tebbutt and guest presenter Kiran Jethwa travel the globe to find out about the latest innovations that are making our meat more sustainable, healthier and better for the planet. 22:00 The State Shakira turns down a proposal from Abu Akram, with brutal consequences, and marriage to a foreign fighter proves challenging for Ushna, but she is determined to make it work. Jalal is horrified by the treatment of Yazidi women being sold as sex slaves 23:00 My Son the Jihadi 00:05 Delhi Cops 01:05 Music on 4 01:35 Kitchen Nightmares 02:25 Paul O’Grady’s Hollywood 03:20 Hidden Restaurants with Michel Roux Jr 04:15 Location, Location, Location

07:00 Milkshake 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 The Yorkshire Vet 13:10 News 13:15 Celebrity Big Brother 14:10 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Rosamunde Pilcher’s The Other Wife 18:00 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 News 20:00 FIA World Rally Championship Highlights of the tenth round of this year’s FIA World Rally Championship. 21:00 The Dog Rescuers Inspector Anthony Pulfer finds two dogs left confined to one room without food and water. Snoopy, a lurcher found collapsed, is now in recovery. Inspector Kate Parker comes to the aid of a tiny puppy. 22:00 Celebrity Big Brother Emma Willis presents the latest eviction show, announcing the least popular housemate and chatting to them about their time in the house and how they got on with their fellow contestants. There’s also the usual round-up of yesterday’s action. 23:00 My Extreme OCD Life 00:05 Celebrity BB’s Bit on the Side 01:05 Celebrity Big Brother: Live from the House 02:00 SuperCasino 04:10 Gotham 05:00 Cruising With Jane McDonald

09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 10:30 You’ve Been Framed! 11:00 The Great Indoors 12:00 Fame High 12:25 Below Deck 13:20 Emmerdale 13:55 Coronation Street 15:00 Ellen DeGeneres 15:50 Jeremy Kyle 18:00 Judge Rinder 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Film - Hall Pass (15) ITV 3 08:40 Heartbeat 09:40 Where the Heart Is 10:45 Judge Judy 12:00 Rising Damp 12:35 You’re Only Young Twice 13:05 The Darling Buds of May 14:10 Heartbeat 15:10 The Royal 16:10 The Darling Buds of May 17:20 You’re Only Young Twice 17:55 On the Buses 18:25 Rising Damp 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Britain’s Busiest Airport: Heathrow 22:00 Animal Orphans 23:00 Law & Order: UK ITV 4 09:00 Storage Wars Texas 09:55 Ironside 10:55 Quincy, M.E. 12:00 Minder 13:00 The Professionals 14:00 Cycling 15:00 Ironside 16:05 Quincy, M.E. 17:05 Pawn Stars 17:30 Live: Women’s World Cup Rugby Union 20:30 Live: Women’s World Cup Rugby Union 23:00 Vuelta a España, Cycling



Friday 18th August 2017

Wednesday TV 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Heir Hunters 12:45 Close Calls: On Camera 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:45 Red Rock 15:30 Impossible 16:15 Escape to the Continent 17:15 Flog It! 18:15 Pointless 19:00 News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Fake Britain Matt Allwright investigates the whitening business that has ruined its customers’ teeth, and the counterfeit headphones that could be harmful. 21:00 The Sheriffs Are Coming Officers Tommy and Craig confront a lodger who left owing three months rent, but he is very reluctant to face the facts. Meanwhile, sheriffs Lawrence and Kev track down a garage that botched a repair on a valuable sports car, and officer Ken Warby meets a debtor who does not want to admit who he really is.

07:00 The World’s Most Photographed 07:30 Heir Hunters 08:15 Bargain Hunt 09:00 The Bug Grub Couple 09:30 Great British Menu 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 News 14:00 Coast 14:05 Two Tribes 14:35 Film - Flushed Away 15:55 The Hairy Bikers’ Pubs That Built Britain 16:25 Coast Australia 17:15 Planet Earth 18:15 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Royal Recipes 20:00 Celebrity Antiques Road Trip David and Carrie Grant are swapping singing in harmony for battling it out with antiques. With the help of experts Will Axon and Mark Stacey our celebrity couple uncover some unusual items to sell at auction in rural Norfolk.

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 GMB Today 10:25 Jeremy Kyle 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:00 News 14:30 ITV Racing Live: York Ebor Festival. 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 Cash Trapped 19:00 News 20:00 Emmerdale Megan is on edge. 20:30 Coronation Street Chesney abandons Hope and Ruby. 21:00 Love Your Garden Alan and the team surprise boxing coach Marcellus Baz as they turn a dingy alley into a beautiful kitchen garden, and also give him a Moroccaninspired garden at home.

22:00 No More Boys and Girls: Can Our Kids Go Gender Free? Is the way we treat boys and girls the real reason we haven’t achieved equality between men and women? Dr Javid Abdelmoneim aims to find out.

22:00 Long Lost Family This episode follows 53year-old Richard from Surrey as he searches for the brother he never met. After his mother passed Richard was away, stunned by the revelation that she had previously put two children up for adoption. Richard and his family find his adopted sister, Jenny, living in Bedfordshire, but struggle to find a lead for his missing brother, John. Elsewhere, paediatric nurse Kelly from Durham searches for the birth father she never met.

23:00 Detectorists 23:30 23:00 News 23:45 A Newsnight 00:15 India’s Question of Sport 00:15 Partition 01:15 Gareth Live from the BBC 00:45 Thomas v Homophobia Who Do You Think You 02:15 Going Back, Giving Are? 01:45 Weather Back 03:00 This Is BBC Two Ahead 01:50 News

23:00 News 23:40 UEFA Champions League Football 00:40 British Touring Car Championship 02:00 Jackpot247 04:00 May the Best House Win 04:50 ITV Nightscreen

22:00 Celebrity MasterChef This second heat week sees five more celebrities enter the kitchen. Battling for the crown are Olympic medallist Becky Adlington, pop star Rachel Stevens, actor Tyger Drew-Honey, radio presenter Debbie McGee and Radio 1 DJ Dev Griffin.


21:00 Saving Lives at Sea Off the coast of Bridlington, a kayaker has been missing for an hour, and only the crews’ tidal knowledge can track him down.

07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Frasier 11:00 The Big Bang Theory 12:00 The Simpsons 13:00 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Posh Pawn 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Cheap Cheap Cheap 17:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 Streetmate 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 News 21:00 Location, Location, Location Kirstie and Phil visit the Great British seaside in pricey Kent to search for properties for two sets of buyers. Kirstie is searching for a home for a family of six, who had the perfect property but lost it due to a clerical error, while Phil helps a family from London as they search for an idyllic seaside lifestyle. 22:00 The State Jalal is given a new role by Isis, and witnesses barbaric punishments and mock executions to feed its propaganda machine. Meanwhile, as Ushna's commitment deepens, Shakira's concern that Isaac is being readied for frontline battle makes her contemplate the unthinkable - whether there is any way out of The State. 23:00 Flights from Hell 00:00 Taxi of Mum and Dad 01:05 My Online Nightmare 02:00 The Secrets Of Sleep 02:55 Film - The Joneses (15) 04:35 Location, Location, Location

07:00 Milkshake 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 The Yorkshire Vet 13:10 News 13:15 Celebrity Big Brother 14:10 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:10 Rosamunde Pilcher’s The Other Wife 18:00 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 News 20:00 Starting Up, Starting Over Following families as they quit their jobs to start up their dream business, starting with Katrina who desires to leave her job as a lawyerto open a cafe in the Lake District. While searching for the perfect venue, she meets and falls in love with Gwill, a local chef who specialises in Italian food, and they decide to join forces and design a stylish cafepizzeria. 21:00 GPs: Behind Closed Doors Dr Thomas has some strong advice for a builder who is fearless of the sun’s rays, Dr Cordell believes a woman’s headaches might be caused by the pain killers she is using and a young patient asks for advice about anxiety. 22:00 Celebrity Big Brother Highlights of the latest events in the house under the all-seeing eye of Big Brother. 23:00 Football 00:30 Police Interceptors 01:30 Criminals: Caught on Camera 02:00 SuperCasino 04:10 Gotham

08:20 Ellen DeGeneres 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 The Cube 10:30 You’ve Been Framed! 11:00 The Great Indoors 11:30 The Great Indoors 12:00 Fame High 12:10 Fame High 12:25 Below Deck 13:20 Emmerdale 13:55 You’ve Been Framed! 15:00 Ellen DeGeneres 15:50 Jeremy Kyle 18:00 Judge Rinder 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Film Shaun of the Dead (18) ITV 3 07:40 The Royal 08:40 Heartbeat 09:40 Where the Heart Is 10:40 Judge Judy 12:00 Rising Damp 12:30 You’re Only Young Twice 13:00 The Darling Buds of May 14:05 Heartbeat 15:05 The Royal 16:10 The Darling Buds of May 17:20 You’re Only Young Twice 17:50 On the Buses 18:20 Rising Damp 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Rosemary and Thyme 22:00 Lewis ITV 4 07:50 Storage Wars Texas 08:15 The Saint 09:20 Ironside 10:25 Quincy, M.E. 11:30 Minder 12:35 The Saint 13:40 Vuelta a España 14:45 Ironside 15:50 Quincy, M.E. 16:55 Minder 18:00 The Professionals 19:00 Storage Wars Texas 20:00 Vuelta a España 21:00 British Superbikes Motorcycle Racing 22:00 Car Crash Global 23:00 Film - Blade (18)


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36 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Heir Hunters 12:45 Close Calls: On Camera 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:45 Red Rock 15:30 Impossible 16:15 Escape to the Continent 17:15 Flog It! 18:15 Pointless 19:00 News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders Ben demands answers from Jay as to what’s going on. 21:00 Who Do You Think You Are? Fearne Cotton is intrigued by her Welsh great grandfather who, despite working down a coal mine from the age of 13, ended up as a chemist. Evan never talked about what he did during WWI and Fearne investigates. 22:00 Ambulance Documentary revealing the work of the West Midlands Ambulance Service, beginning with a distraught wife being coached over the phone on how to give CPR to her husband who collapsed suddenly at home, as crews race to save him. Elsewhere, controller Glennis has her hands full as she attempts to juggle between helping a crew search for an elderly man who has fallen in an alley way, and a high priority call fwith reports of a man being badly beaten with a baseball bat. 23:00 News 23:45 Deadliest Place to Deal 00:45 Killing at the Carwash 01:15 Weather 01:20 News

Friday 18th August 2017

07:00 The World’s Most Photographed 07:30 Heir Hunters 08:15 Bargain Hunt 09:00 Nadiya’s British Food Adventure 09:30 Great British Menu 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 News 14:00 The A to Z of TV Gardening 14:15 Two Tribes 14:45 Film Cars 2 16:25 Coast Australia 17:15 Planet Earth 18:15 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Royal Recipes 20:00 Celebrity Antiques Road Trip Actors and friends from “Casualty” Susan Cookson and Suzanne Packer swap surgery scrubs for a 1965 Sunbeam Tiger. 21:00 The Pacemakers It’s never too late to make your dreams a reality. A group of highly competitive and ambitious athletes, all over the age of 90, compete for gold in the Olympics of OAP sport. 22:00 Top of the Lake: China Girl The tension between Robin and Miranda reaches a head when the latter drops a bombshell, putting a whole new perspective on the case. At Silk 41, one of the pregnant girls packs a suitcase for a holiday. 23:00 MOTD: The Premier League Show 23:30 Newsnight 00:15 No More Boys and Girls 01:15 Is It Safe To Be Gay in The UK? 02:15 10 Puppies and Us 03:15 Going Back, Giving Back 04:00 This Is BBC Two

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 GMB Today 10:25 Jeremy Kyle 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:00 News 14:30 ITV Racing Live: York Ebor Festival. 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 Cash Trapped 19:00 News 20:00 Emmerdale Megan sees red. 20:30 Tonight The average home has a dizzying array of smart devices, but could connected technology now be providing an invitation to cyber crooks to steal vital information? 21:00 Emmerdale Frank feels frustrated. 21:30 James Martin’s French Adventure James’s journey though France leads him to the glitz and glamour of St Tropez where he drops in on his old friend Michel Roux and knocks up a rather special barbeque. 22:00 The Brighton Police An investigation into an incident in Woodingdean in which masked men armed with knives and poles attacked a family home leads detectives to believe it was masterminded from prison. Meanwhile, police carry out an intensive search for a suspect after a woman reports an attempted rape. 23:00 News 23:40 easyJet: Inside the Cockpit 00:40 Mission Survive 01:35 Jackpot247 04:00 Tonight

07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Frasier 11:00 The Big Bang Theory 12:00 The Simpsons 13:00 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Posh Pawn 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Cheap Cheap Cheap 17:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 Streetmate 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 News 21:00 Lego Masters The hunt is on for the best Lego builders, as some of the country's most skilled brick fanatics do battle to be crowned Lego Masters. In the first episode, 48 pairs are whittled down to just eight final teams through a series of challenges, and those eight must create a spectacular brick banquet, including an impressive chair that not only looks the part, but also strong enough for presenter Melvin Odoom. 22:00 24 Hours in A&E John is brought to St George’s in an induced coma, having been thrown from his bicycle at high speed. As doctors scan John to check for internal injuries, his wife Pauline explains how she has always been an anxious person. 23:00 Wasting Away: the Truth about Anorexia 00:00 Britain’s Benefit Tenants 01:00 One Born Every Minute15 01:55 Delhi Cops 02:50 From Russia to Iran 03:45 The Supervet

Thursday TV 07:00 Milkshake 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 The Yorkshire Vet 13:10 News 13:15 Celebrity Big Brother 14:10 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:10 Film - A Wife’s Suspicion 18:00 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 News 20:00 Traffic Cops There’s a four car collision outside a primary school, and a speeding driver, desperate to escape from the cops, smashes into traffic at a junction, causing carnage before escaping on foot. 21:00 Named and Shamed: Shocking Celebrity Scandals Rundown of the most salacious celebrity scandals to shock the world from the world of pop, film, television and sport, with expert interviews and nostalgic archive footage. From Frank Bough’s epic fall from grace, to Hugh Grant’s ill-advised detour on Hollywood Boulevard. 22:00 Celebrity Big Brother Another selection of highlights as the bigname bungalow-dwellers compete in tasks, rant in the diary room and provide their own entertainment fully aware that tomorrow, one of them will be crowned champion. 23:00 Celeb Trolls: We’re Coming To Get You 00:05 Celebrity BB’s Bit on the Side 01:05 SuperCasino 04:10 Gotham

07:35 Below Deck 08:20 Ellen DeGeneres 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 10:00 You’ve Been Framed! 11:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 11:30 The Great Indoors 12:25 Below Deck 13:20 Emmerdale 13:55 Coronation Street 14:30 You’ve Been Framed! 15:00 Ellen DeGeneres 15:50 Jeremy Kyle 18:00 Judge Rinder 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Film - The Expendables (15) ITV 3 08:40 Heartbeat 09:40 Where the Heart Is 10:40 Judge Judy 12:00 Rising Damp 12:30 You’re Only Young Twice 13:00 The Darling Buds of May 14:05 Heartbeat 15:10 The Royal 16:10 The Darling Buds of May 17:20 You’re Only Young Twice 17:55 On the Buses 18:25 Rising Damp 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Endeavour 23:00 Law & Order: UK ITV 4 07:50 Storage Wars Texas 08:40 Ironside 09:45 Quincy, M.E. 10:50 Minder 12:50 The Professionals 13:55 Vuelta a España, Cycling 14:55 Ironside 16:00 Quincy, M.E. 17:00 Minder 18:00 The Professionals 19:00 Storage Wars Texas 20:00 Vuelta a España, Cycling 21:00 FIM World Superbike Series Motorcycle Racing 22:00 Film - The Krays (18)

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Q: Mary’s father has 5 daughters — Nana, Nene, Nini, Nono. What is the fifth daughters name? Answer at the bottom of the next page. FILL IT IN


Fit the words into the boxes.

Code Cracker is a crossword puzzle with no clues; instead, every letter of the alphabet has been replaced by a number, the same number representing the same letter throughout the puzzle. All you have to do is decide which letter is represented by which number.

DOUBLE CROSS-WORD Solve the Double Cross-Word puzzle using either the standard or cryptic clues, the answers are exactly the same.

3 letter words Ark Axe Bad Boo E’en Eft Hoe Kit Lei Odd One Pet Red Sap Set

Sin Sly The Tor Yen 4 letter words Aloe Ante Aver Berg Eden Elan Eros Exit Fine

Fool Goes Hole Lain Liar Need Nude Part Pass Sere Soft Step Test That Trey

5 letter words Alert Evens Noted Snare 6 letter words Legend Nailed Renter Revues

8 letter words Betroths Tenement 9 letter words Devastate Horseplay

7 letter words Gradual Masseur Plaster Standard Clues

Cryptic Clues Across 1 Young men’s leggings (5) 4 Starve French Mennonite (6) 9 Do a meal cooked in style (1,2,4) 10 Fly a Greek character with a large amount (5) 11 Record two points with a sword (4) 12 On second thoughts, come back with fish glitter (7) 13 Stop filming a share of the profits (3) 14 Reverberation in the choir (4) 16 Go South for beer at a special price (4) 18 Steven Spielberg shows off pastry (3) 20 I’m clear, somehow, this is an act of God (7) 21 Part of her striptease act is simplicity itself (4) 24 Add zing to a portion of honey crisp ice cream (5) 25 The French back in work to produce a hymnlike tune (7) 26 Lasted and eventually became seasoned (6) 27 Alter debit for a bathroom fixture (5)

Relapse Serpent Steeple

Down 1 Stops cases around end of June (6) 2 A byword for a commercial age (5) 3 A drink from the clumsy host (4) 5 Estimate the worth of a piano player’s first pay increase (8) 6 The Italian and the French gal’s crooked (7) 7 Then I’m wrong for hired guns (3,3) 8 Be a good man, or quite the reverse (5) 13 Trick Greek island firm (8) 15 Drink in hearty style (7) 17 Assume running wild makes one smile (6) 18 Write to the church for money (5) 19 Begrudge when forwarded (6) 22 A hospital room success symbol (5) 23 Company doctor to carry out a careful examination (4)

Across 1 Fellows (5) 4 Be hungry (6) 9 In vogue (1,2,4) 10 Flyer (5) 11 Sword (4) 12 Glitter (7) 13 Slice (3) 14 Reverberation (4) 16 Transaction (4) 18 Tart (3) 20 Amazing occurrence (7) 21 Comfort (4) 24 Flavouring (5) 25 Musical composition (7) 26 Brine-cured (6) 27 Low wash basin (5) Down 1 Stops (6) 2 Maxim (5) 3 Gunfire (4) 5 Evaluate (8) 6 Unlawful (7) 7 Killers (3,3) 8 Brute (5) 13 Building material (8) 15 Friendly (7) 17 Entertains (6) 18 Old currency (5) 19 Begrudge (6) 22 Prize (5) 23 Search (4)

Quiz Word

Across 1 Which city, on the River Danube, is the capital of Hungary? (8) 7 Name of the Spanish national art gallery in Madrid, established in 1818? (5) 8 Which Brontë sister wrote Jane Eyre? (9) 9 What is the synthetic crystalline compound, lysergic acid diethylamide, a powerful hallucinogenic drug, better known? (3) 10 In grammar, what name is given to a word that is used to identify any of a class of people, places, or things? (4) 11 Cassius and which other Roman senator led the conspirators who assassinated Julius Caesar? (6) 13 From the Norwegian for ‘sloping track’, what is the name given to a downhill ski race over a winding course defined by upright poles? (6) 14 Title of the spinoff of the US television comedy series Soap that starred Robert Guillaume as a butler who is sent out East to work for a widowed state governor? (6) 17 See 3 Down 18 See 6 Down 20 Which large constrictor snake shares its name with a long, thin stole of feathers or fur worn around a woman’s neck? (3)

22 Which very large stars of high luminosities and low surface temperatures are thought to be in a late stage of evolution when no hydrogen remains in their cores to fuel nuclear fusion? (3,6) 23 What name is normally given to a messenger or representative, especially one on a diplomatic mission? (5) 24 In the USA, by what name is first-year student at university usually known? (8) Down 1 What surname is shared by Francis, a 16th/17th English statesman and philosopher and Roger, a 13th century English scientist and Franciscan monk? (5) 2 Which fictional vampire was created by the Irish writer Bram Stoker? (7) 3/17A What name is given to the Sunday before Easter celebrated in commemoration of Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem? (4,6) 4 What is the name of the planet sixth in order from the sun? (6) 5 What name was given to the inhabitants of the ancient region of Europe, corresponding to modern France, Belgium, the south Netherlands, SW Germany, and northern Italy? (5)



1 A native of Scotland (4) 4 Torso (4) 9 Wading bird (5) 10 Prevent being ruined (7) 11 Suggest (7) 12 Skinflint (5) 13 Annoy persistently (6) 15 Young unmarried woman (6) 18 Conscious (5) 20 Nominate (7) 23 Building (7) 24 Sufficient (5) 25 Unattractive (4) 26 Make (4)

2 Inquisitive (7) 3 Latin-American dance (5) 4 Not functioning (6) 5 Quandary (7) 6 Fried potato (4) 7 Fruit preserves (4) 8 Light fuel oil (6) 13 Particular localities (6) 14 Nightfall (7) 16 Captain (7) 17 Recently (6) 19 Parched (4) 21 Calm (5) 22 Fastened (4)


Improve your Spanish - Clues in Spanish, answer in English or vice versa. Across Down 1 Comer (comida) (3) 1 To listen to (8) 2 To bring (news, luck etc) 3 Cooks (chefs) (9) (5) 8 Capillas (religión) (7) 3 Creamy (taste, texture) (f) 9 From (indicating starting place) (5) (7) 10 Wagon (horse-drawn) (5) 4 Castillo (6) 5 Nobody (5) 11 To arrive (person, taxi, letter, meal etc) (6) 6 Rescue (7) 7 Tallo (de flor) (4) 13 To finish (doing something) (6) 12 Perro pastor (8) 15 Discurso (alocución) (6) 14 Promedio (término medio) (7) 18 To close (door, window, 16 Carteles (7) mouth) (6) 17 Cardenal (médico) (6) 20 Envelope (of letter) (5) 23 Otra vez (5) 19 Round (of drinks, watchman) (5) 24 Islandia (7) 25 Adolescentes (jóvenes) 21 Valiente (persona, acción, decisión) (5) (9) 26 Huevo (3) 22 Oriente (4)

Fill It In


Span - Eng

Ridley´s Riddle A: If you answered Nunu, you are wrong. It’s Mary!

Code Cracker

6/18 What was the name of the intricate fastening tied by Gordius, the king of Phrygia, and cut by the sword of Alexander the Great after he heard that whoever undid it would become ruler of Asia? (7,4) 7 Which heavy tools with rounded ends are used for crushing and grinding substances such as spices or drugs, usually in mortars? (7) 12 Which word can precede cousin, club, dancing and music? (7) 13 Which contagious skin disease marked by itching and small raised red spots, is caused by the itch mite? (7) 15 In grammar what name is given to a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language? (7) 16 Name given to a male goose? (6) 17 Name given to a simultaneous discharge of artillery or guns in battle? (5) 19 What is the surname of the American boxer, who, in 1986, at the age of 20, became the youngest heavyweight champion in history? (5) 21 What is the nickname of the Scottish football club whose home ground is Easter Road in Edinburgh? (4)


Last Week’s Solutions Quizword Across: 7 Bonsai, 8 Stalin, 9 Chic, 10 Polymath, 11 Memoirs, 13 Fudge, 15 Yentl, 17 Othello, 21 Waco, 23 Zealot, 24/20 Herman Melville. Down: 1 Loch, 2 Psycho, 3 Airport, 4 Psalm, 5 Mau Mau, 6 Tintagel, 12 Eye Level, 14 Utrecht, 16 Tuvalu, 18 Edward, 19 Blitz, 22 Cyan. Double Crossword Across: 1 Admits, 4 Tom-tom, 9 Tornado, 10 Owing, 11 Acorn, 12 Nurture, 13 Queer street, 18 Thimble, 20 Place, 22 Alias, 23 Dwindle, 24 Steins, 25 Latent. Down: 1 Astral, 2 Mario, 3 Trainee, 5 Odour, 6 Tribune, 7 Magnet, 8 Going steady, 14 Utilise, 15 Replica, 16 Steals, 17 Select, 19 Bosun, 21 Addle. Quickie Across: 1 Sparse, 4 Status, 9 Agitate, 10 Nerve, 11 Theme, 12 Obscene, 13 Polygamists, 18 Adamant, 20 Caste, 22 Thing, 23 Contact, 24 Cancel, 25 Pester. Down: 1 Scanty, 2 Abide, 3 Slavery, 5 Tones, 6 Torment, 7 Sweden, 8 Aeronautics, 14 Ovation, 15 Incense, 16 Tactic, 17 Better, 19 Argue, 21 Shaft.

Business Board

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CLASSIFIE SITUATIONS VACANT Solar Power - Sunlife Solar Solutions have vacancies for both a Solar Installation Engineer and a Solar Thermal Engineer (or plumber with pool heating experience). Call 965 271 717 or send your CV to info@sunlifesolarsolutions.c om RADIO SALES - Radio industry data shows that if 20% of a company´s existing advertising budget is reallocated from other media to radio, overall campaign ROI increases by 8%. Can you get that message across how businesses can improve their earnings through radio? If so, come and join the team at TKO. Email your cv to, full training is given so don´t be shy, email us today. Field and telesales reps wanted, full training given, experience desired, call The Courier 966 921 003. Radio Sales - RADIO COSTA MEDIA needs selfemployed salesperson for Torrevieja & surrounding areas. Call 685 901 265 or please email Realtor vacancy - Proven track record, experience, local knowledge all essential. Car essential, multi-lingual desired. Send CV to: CHURCH SERVICES Torrevieja Christian Fellowship at Avenida de las Cortes Valencianas 68, Torrevieja 03183, all wel-


come to their friendly and lively 10.30 am. Service each Sunday morning. Tele: 966700391 or visit our website on International Christian Assembly, Calle Pilar de Horadada 5, Torrevieja. Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday services 11am. Children's church 11am.. For more information lease Telephone today: 966 799 273 or 660 127 276. QUIZ MASTER Experienced quiz-master /question setter with personality. If you would like a quiz master that is entertaining, and is available to host quiz nights in local bars. Tel: 664 838 581. CARAVAN SALES Hobby Excellent 540WLU, 2016, 4-berth, roller awning, safari room, mover, fully equiped to use as owner retiring. Big saving from new. Tel 966 729 293 or 617 283 503.

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NEW TYRE GUIDANCE FOR MOTORHOME DRIVERS AND A UNIQUE PRESSURE CALCULATOR “Maintaining motorhome tyres is crucial to minimising risks of an incident.” TyreSafe has unveiled new tyre guidance for motorhome users along with a unique pressure calculator at The essential information explains the differing types of tyres motorhomes are equipped with and the maintenance checks required to keep them in good roadworthy condition. This has been compiled into a downloadable PDF on the website, which includes tyre pressure charts. However, for greater convenience when searching for motorhome tyre pressures, TyreSafe has an automatic calculator under the ‘Check your pressures’ section of which needs just four pieces of information to be inputted. Fully compatible to use on mobile phones and devices, the user selects the number of rear axles and then adds either the maximum or fully laden load for the front and rear of the vehicle. The tyre size and type are then selected from a drop-down menu to produce suggested pressures. Conceived and developed by the TyreSafe team, the calculator is intended to provide guidance when owners do not have access to the motorhome manufacturer’s recommended pressures provided in the vehicle’s documentation or on a sticker on the vehicle. Stuart Jackson, Chairman of TyreSafe, said: “Maintaining motorhome tyres is crucial to minimising risks of an incident while out on the road. Motorhomes are typically driven close to their maximum weight on every trip so ensuring the right tyres are fitted, are roadworthy and inflated to the correct pressure for the load is essential. Understanding the difference between the tyres now available can be confusing for drivers but they will find TyreSafe’s guidance both informative and easy to understand.”


Z900 FANS WILL SEE RED IN 2018 “With this new colour option it will certainly stay front-of-mind for buyers in this popular market sector.”

First shown to the media and public in late 2016, the Z900 will appear in a brand new colour option for the 2018 sales season after a year of strong sales and high praise. Already established as the ‘go-to’ bike in its sector of the naked streetfighter class, the Refined Raw Z900 uses the unique-to-Kawasaki Sugomi engineering and design philosophy to balance its forthright personality between aggressive, no-nonsense good looks matched by thorough Kawasaki engineering. A real rider’s machine that suits both firmly established bike fans and those wishing to migrate further up the capacity ladder, the latest colour option for the Z900 will be Candy Persimmon Red with Metallic Spark Black delivering, along with three further options, a total of four colour choices in 2018. Subtle changes see Flat Ebony replace Flat Metallic Spark Black on the darkest

colour option plus the addition of red wheel rim tape and highlights. This and the Candy Lime Green machine also enjoy the benefit of detail graphic upgrades for the new season while the Pearl Mystic Grey option remains unchanged. “The Z900 represents that most elusive of combinations, a great all-round Refined Raw motorcycle package”, commented Director of Kawasaki Motors Europe, Morihiro Ikoma. “Sitting centrally in the Z range, the Z900 is an important bike for Kawasaki. With this new colour option it will certainly stay front-of-mind for buyers in this popular market sector.” The 2018 Kawasaki Z900 will be available from October 2017. For more information on new models, finance offers and to locate the nearest authorised dealer visit


Friday 18th August 2017


Joy For Justin Another young American golfer has stepped up to the plate, as Justin Thomas won his first major with a thrilling twoshot victory at the US PGA Championship at Quail Hollow last Sunday. The 24-year-old trailed leader Kevin Kisner by two shots going into the final round but hit a threeunder-par 68 to win on eight under. Francesco Molinari (67), Patrick Reed (67) and Louis Oosthuizen (70) tied for second. "I can't put it into words right now. I'm glad to have a trophy now," an emotional Thomas said. A childhood friend of Open champion Jordan Spieth, he was honestly refreshing in admitting that he wanted to put one over on him, as well as US Masters winner Sergio Garcia and US Open victor, Brooks Koepka. “Frustration probably isn’t the right word. Jealousy

Charley Hull says she will use a hostile atmosphere in Iowa to her advantage when Europe face the USA in the Solheim Cup, which starts today. The 21-year-old, Britain's highest-ranked female golfer, was part of the team that won in Colorado in 2013. But Hull was also present when the US came from 10-6 down to win in Germany two years ago, as Europe were accused of "breaking the game's moral code". "I love playing in front of big crowds," she told the BBC. Hull was involved in the 2015 controversy when the Americans were given a penalty stroke following a misunderstanding over a 'gimme' putt on the 17th.

definitely is,” said Thomas. “I mean, there’s no reason to hide it. I would say anybody, they are jealous that I won. I was jealous that Sergio won, that Brooks won, that Jordan won. I wanted to be doing that and I wasn’t.” “It’s a cool little friendship we have. I think it shows where the game is right now, where all of us are. We obviously all want to win. We want to beat the other person. But if we can’t win, we at least want to enjoy it with our friends. I think that we’ll all be able to enjoy this together and I know it’s going to make them more hungry, just like it did me.” The wins by Thomas and Spieth in consecutive majors mean it is the first time players under 25 have won back-to-back since 1923 when Bobby Jones won the Open and Gene Sarazen the US PGA Championship.

However, she says the European team have a "good mindset" as they prepare for the competition, which begins at Des Moines today. "As the saying goes: 'Sticks and stones can break my bones, but names will never hurt me,'" said Hull. "So if people shout things out I'll use it to my advantage and try to make lots of birdies." Team-mate and fellow Briton Melissa Reid added: "I'm sure the crowd will be extremely loud. As long as we accept what it's going to be like with the crowds there is no reason we can't win out here."



La Vuelta Time

La Vuelta a España starts tomorrow with a 13.7-kilometre team time trial in the city of Nîmes, France, and finishes just over three weeks later in Madrid on Sunday September 10th. It will offer a real treat for local cycling fans with over two days of action slated for the area, and the race is often unpredictable because of late-season fatigue and, recently, well-designed courses. The total distance of the race is 3,324.1 kilometres and after setting off from Nîmes, La Vuelta crosses the Pyrenees towards Andorra before spending almost three weeks in Spain. This year’s event will spend a fair deal of time in the Murcia region and Alicante Province, with stage eight a week on Saturday August 26th running from Hellín to Xorret de Catí in the Alicante region. The following day, stage nine will start in Orihuela going up the Costa Blanca coast via Torrevieja and up the N-332 to the notorious Cumbre del Sol, like in 2015. That day two years ago was arguably, the day Tom Dumoulin announced him-

self as a true contender, countering Chris Froome (pictured top) in the closing metres after it looked like the stage was lost. After a Monday rest day, Tuesday August 29th will see a Murcia region stage between Caravaca and El Pozo. and the following day stage 11 will start from Lorca. The starting line-up will include Tour de France champion Chris Froome plus Vincenzo Nibali, Fabio Aru, Ilnur Zakarin, Esteban Chaves, Adam Yates, Rafal Majka and Steven Kruijswijk. Three-time winner and Spanish cycling hero Alberto Contador announced earlier this month that he would retire following La Vuelta, bringing an end to a successful, though often controversial, career. That will certainly bring even more local support than before. But what of the favourite Chris Froome? His Team Sky have revealed the eight riders who will support him as he goes in search of a historic Tour/Vuelta double. The runner-up in La Veulta, Froome will be supported by an experienced team of domestiques with

Mikel Nieve and Wout Poels likely to be his most crucial team-mates in the race’s mountainous terrain. Aside from Froome, Nieve and German rider Christian Knees are the only two riders to travel to the Vuelta having ridden the 2017 Tour de France. Chris Froome said that he was looking forward to taking on a race which has frustrated him in the past. “It certainly feels as if I’ve got unfinished business with this race. I’ve finished second three times now, but I’ve got a good feeling about this year’s Vuelta,” Froome said. “It feels like we’re on much more of a mission this year, and aiming for the Tour/Vuelta double this season has been a huge motivation for the team”. “I don’t think we’ve been to the Vuelta a Espana with a team as strong as we’ve got this year.” There is comprehensive live TV coverage of La Vuelta on Eurosport and on RTVE’s TDP and La Primera channels, plus updates on TKO Radio with Alex Trelinski on TKO Sports, every Saturday on 90.8 and 91.9fm and

Austrian Thriller

Italy's Andrea Dovizioso held off world champion, Spain’s Marc Marquez to win an exciting Austrian MotoGP Grand Prix last Sunday. World championship leader Marquez had started on pole but Ducati's Dovizioso, 30, got the better of an incredible battle where the lead changed hands several times, including twice on the final corner in Spielberg. Marquez's Honda teammate and compatriot Dani Pedrosa came third. Dovizioso is still currently second in the World Championship standings. Marquez had won the two previous races after his success in Germany and the Czech Republic. It was Dovizioso's third victory in 2017. Marquez admitted afterwards that he paid scant attention to the connotations for his world championship bid as he launched an auda-

cious final corner move on title rival Dovizioso, before cheekily stating, “If [I didn't try it] I cannot go to sleep quiet.” Along with Dovizioso, the reigning world champion lit up the Austrian Grand Prix in an absorbing 28-lap encounter, during which the pair repeatedly swapped the lead before a nail-biting, final lap showdown. As is often the case, Marquez had saved the best for last. Despite sitting four places ahead of nearest title contender, fellow Spaniard Maverick Vinales, Marquez decided to risk it all at the final corner, his heart-stopping dive so nearly enough to turn a breathless encounter in his favour. And while he emerged second best, Marquez could fall back on a number of positives; not only Viñales' own struggles, but the vast improvement in performance from the same round a year ago, when he struggled

to a distant fifth place finish. Seeing his championship lead grow from 14 points to 16 was clearly the source of some satisfaction to the 24year old. But engaging in a race as spectacular as this was another. “I think it was a really, really impressive race, really exciting,” he said. “We were 300kph with Dovi just two fingers with fairing and fairing. Inside the adrenaline is amazing. One time I touch his rear wheel on turn two. Was [on the] limit.” “We survived the race. We are second. If you say to me in Thursday that I will finish second, it was a really great result. Happy because we increased the championship points. Happy because the target is there, try to finish in the podium every race and try to be very consistent in all the conditions in all circuits.” Next weekend, it’s the British Grand Prix at Silverstone.

Daniel’s Chance

British teenager Daniel Richardson who is a member of the Catral Taekwando club, has been called up for the 18-strong UK squad for November’s European Championships that will be staged in Larnaca, Cyprus.

The youngster, who struck gold in the Valencian regional championships in Onda earlier this year, cannot compete for Spain because of his nationality status, and has hooked up with the UK squad at the national centre

in Manchester. He has been coached at the Catral club by Julio Amoraga, who all along has tried to make sure that Daniel's career in the sport progresses, especially at a national level back in Britain.


Returning Home

CD Torrevieja will after all return to the Vicente Garcia stadium at the start of the Preferente season next month, with three successive home fixtures, beginning with a clash against fellowrelegated side CD Almoradi (Sunday September 3rd, 7.00 pm). A few weeks ago, the club said that the first few games of the new season would be played at the Nelson Mandela stadium, but Torrevieja are kicking off at their traditional home, though the grandstand will remain out of commission due to safety concerns. President Vicente Boix also announced that season ticket prices have been slashed to just 50 euros in a bid to boost crowds, as well as a token of appreciation to the loyal fans who had to watch the games at the neighbouring Nelson Mandela stadium last season.

Friendly Victory

Friday 18th August 2017

Real’s Copa Win

Barcelona defender Gerard Pique says he felt "inferior" to Real Madrid for the first time after being thrashed by their rivals in the Spanish Super Cup. La Liga and European champions Madrid won 2-0 on Wednesday night to complete a 5-1 aggregate victory. Pique, 30, who has been at Barca for nine years, said: "We are not in the best moment, as a team or a club. "This a long process and there is room for improvement, We must stay as close as possible and keep moving forwards." Barcelona, who are lacking in attacking options since the world record transfer of Neymar to Paris St-Germain, scored their only goal over the two legs from the penalty spot.


Serious Stuff Starts

Levante UD took the Festa d’Elx trophy last weekend as they beat Elche two-nil in an entertaining match which leaves the Ilicitanos with some cautious confidence as they start their Segunda Division B campaign this Sunday at Sabadell, with a 7.00 pm kick-off. The Ilicitanos looked especially good in the second half, though they trailed at half-time to an Ivi goal scored in the 17th minute, with Bardi doubling the advantage for the visitors in the 70th minute. Coach Vicente Mir said that he was pleased with the Elche second-half performance after a first period where he described as looking a “bit fearful”, whilst later on the home team played better than Levante. Saturday’s game featured the debut of ex-Elche and Real Murcia midfielder Javi Flores (pictured below), with the 31-yearold joining from Alicante rivals Hercules.

Shove Off, Mate! CD Almoradi showed some promise for the forthcoming Preferente campaign, with a one-nil friendly win last Saturday against Elche Ilicitano. New signing Borja Tranche was the scorer in a decent performance under new coach Juanan Cases, with the squad for the new season also being presented to the home supporters. That included Almoradi’s newest signing winger Ivan Martinez Rodriguez, who has joined the club from Albatera CF (pictured with Almoradi president Paco Albaladejo). In other pre-season friendlies involving Preferente clubs, CD Thader lost six-nil at home last Saturday to third division Orihuela. Primera Regional group eight side CD Montesinos will travel to CD Torrevieja tomorrow (Saturday) for a friendly that will be played at the Nelson Mandela Stadium. The kickoff will be at 6.30 pm, and the following weekend Monte take on another local side relegated from the third division in the shape of CD Almoradi. Another Primera team, Racing San Miguel play Preferente side Callosa Deportiva tomorrow evening at the Estadio Montesico Blanco.

Corozo Signing

Cristiano Ronaldo failed in an appeal to overturn his fivegame suspension on Wednesday, after pushing the referee in Real Madrid’s Spanish Supercup first leg three-one win over Barcelona at the Nou Camp on Sunday. He reacted angrily after being given a harsh second yellow for diving as a substitute in the Super Copa, which the referee thought was an attempt to win a penalty. The Spanish authorities quickly slapped the reigning Ballon D’Or winner with an additional four-game ban for the physical altercation and a three thousand euro fine. The Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) appeals committee turned down Real's attempt to overturn his five-game ban, which means he will miss the four games of the La Liga season that starts this weekend, in addition to having sat out Wednesday’s Supa Copa second-leg (see above for report). Real coach Zinedine Zidane said that he was "upset" with a suspension he considered over the top. Asked if he felt there was a "campaign" within Spanish football against Ronaldo, Zidane declined to rule out the possibility. Although the RFEF’s disciplinary code is clear in saying that any slight push on a match official automatically brings a ban of between four and 12 matches, Zidane said that "five games for what happened is a lot." Fans and pundits have also expressed their frustration, claiming that Ronaldo's second yellow card was unmerited as there was contact with Barcelona defender Samuel Umtiti when he fell to the ground.

Ecuadorian centre-back Gabriel Corozo, who lately played for Granada B, joined Elche on Monday. The 22-year-old defender has played for the Ecuador under20 team, but has yet to play at the senior national level. “All matches will be important for Elche and we must keep up the pace this season with the contenders,” said Corozo. “I’ve come to compete for a place in the team with the other squad members, and I will give everything for this club.”


La Liga Preview


Paulinho Row

FIXTURES Friday 18 August


English Football League - Championship Burton Albion V. Birmingham City

13:30 16:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 18:30

La Liga kicks-off this weekend, with champions Real Madrid and Barcelona in play this Sunday evening, but all the early bragging rights have gone to Real, after their double victory over their deadly enemy in the last few days (see opposite page). Neymar’s jaw-dropping €222m move to Paris Saint-Germain has redefined the football landscape, and Barca open their account at home to Real Betis, still licking their wounds after Wednesday night. General manager at the Nou Camp, Pep Segura, claims the signings of Philippe Coutinho and Ousmane Dembele are "close". Liverpool are adamant that Brazilian playmaker Coutinho, who has submitted a transfer request, will not be sold in this transfer window but Segura has told Spanish television: "We are discussing their deals but do not know when it will be done." Borussia Dortmund suspended Dembele after the 20-yearold forward failed to turn up for training. "We know we have to strengthen this team and that is what we are doing," Segura added. "We have to help the team." No such problems for Real Madrid, and the champions will have a fresh Cristiano Ronaldo raring to go next month after his four match La Liga suspension for his “disagreement” with the Supa Copa referee last Sunday (see opposite page). They open up at Deportivo on Sunday, and despite Ronaldo on the sidelines and the injury-hit Gareth Bale, the summer signings of Dani Ceballos (pictured above), Theo Hernandez and Marcos Llorente perfectly complement the embarrassment of riches that coach Zinedine Zidane already had at his disposal. As long as injuries don’t knock Real from their stride, it’s hard to imagine anything other than a procession, at least domestically. With two Champions League titles in two seasons, Zidane’s stock is at an all-time high. Not only does he have the full support of his board — unheard of in recent times — he also enjoys blanket respect from his staff, all of whom have bought into his philosophy. Atletico Madrid will again head the chasing pack, despite still not being able to add to their squad over the summer, but will fancy their chances of overhauling Barcelona. Diego Simeone’s biggest success has been keeping hold of Antoine Griezmann (pictured below), by a distance the Rojiblancos’ best player. With Diego Costa set to join him (eventually), along with Vitolo, in January, Atletico will have plenty to offer at their new stadium, but they start away this Saturday night at promoted Girona. Eduardo Berizzo’s Sevilla side are definitely one to watch. The former Celta Vigo coach has bought well, with record signing from Sampdoria, Muriel (€20m), headlining an attack that will include Nolito and Jesus Navas. They entertain Espanyol tomorrow evening. If there’s one team that needs a break, it’s Valencia, though Marcelino’s prophecy of bringing in ‘many’ new players has yet to materialise. Could it be that he too is being hamstrung by owner Peter Lim and the board of directors? Twelve players have already left Mestalla this summer, with only two new faces coming in. Simply put, Los Che have to hit the ground running at the start of the campaign if they want a genuine chance at redemption, and perhaps even European football. They have a nice journey to Las Palmas tonight for a 10.15 pm kick-off.

Barcelona have threatened legal action against a media outlet which published a story accusing club president Josep Maria Bartomeu of signing Paulinho as part of a deal to favour his own company's interests. Brazil midfielder Paulinho joined Barca from Guangzhou Evergrande earlier this week for 40 million earlier this week, a record amount for an outgoing transfer from the Chinese Super League. The surprise move led to a report from an unidentified outlet claiming Bartomeu had pushed the transfer through in an attempt to curry favour with the Evergrande Group, Guangzhou's owners. However, Barca strongly refuted that claim on Wednesday, saying in a statement: "The club have requested a retraction from the authors of the article as well as to the media outlet that published the story.” "Given the false nature of this news story and the fact that it implies illegal activity has taken place, if a retraction is not forthcoming both the club and the president as an individual will take the corresponding legal steps. These steps will include a specific request for damages incurred with regards to the image of the club." Barca were also forced to discredit an online campaign calling for Bartomeu to resign which grew following the signing of Paulinho. The hashtag #BartomeuDimissio (#BartomeuResign) became a worldwide trending topic earlier this week as the club's supporters turned on their president, citing the transfer as the latest in a long line of questionable decisions by the club's board, who are coming under increasing pressure. Former president Joan Laporta says Bartomeu and his predecessor Sandro Rosell have ruined the club, while Agusti Benedito, who ran in the club's 2015 election, hopes to get enough support to launch a vote of no confidence against the board in September. "The online campaign which the president has suffered over the last few days, designed to smear his reputation, demands a collective reflection," said club spokesman Josep Vives (pictured below). "The club's inquiries show that it's a manipulated and artificial campaign and that the majority of the mentions don't just come from outside of Catalunya and Spain, but also outside of Europe. The majority [of the tweets] are posted at times which don't correspond with the local time”, Vives commented. Vives went on to say that the club "remain absolutely sensitive to the wishes, desires and opinions of the socios, who are the club's owners" but drew ire on social media with his comments about the participants of the campaign being from outside of Europe.

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English Premier League Swansea City V. Manchester United Bournemouth V. Watford Burnley V. West Bromwich Albion Leicester City V. Brighton and Hove Albion Liverpool V. Crystal Palace Southampton V. West Ham United Stoke City V. Arsenal English Football League - Championship Sheffield United V. Barnsley Aston Villa V. Norwich City Bolton Wanderers V. Derby County Bristol City V. Millwall Fulham V. Sheffield Wednesday Ipswich Town V. Brentford Nottingham Forest V. Middlesbrough Preston North End V. Reading Queens Park Rangers V. Hull City Wolverhampton Wanderers V. Cardiff City Sunderland V. Leeds United English Football League - League One Bradford City V. Blackburn Rovers Bury V. Bristol Rovers Charlton Athletic V. Northampton Town Doncaster Rovers V. Blackpool Fleetwood Town V. AFC Wimbledon MK Dons V. Gillingham Oldham Athletic V. Wigan Athletic Peterborough United V. Rotherham United Portsmouth V. Walsall Scunthorpe United V. Oxford United Shrewsbury Town V. Rochdale Southend United V. Plymouth Argyle English Football League - League Two Accrington Stanley V. Mansfield Town Carlisle United V. Cheltenham Town Chesterfield V. Port Vale Coventry City V. Newport County Crawley Town V. Cambridge United Crewe Alexandra V. Barnet Exeter City V. Lincoln City Forest Green Rovers V. Yeovil Town Luton Town V. Colchester United Morecambe V. Swindon Town Stevenage V. Grimsby Town Wycombe Wanderers V. Notts County Scottish Premiership Kilmarnock V. Celtic Aberdeen V. Dundee Hibernian V. Hamilton Academical Motherwell V. Ross County Rangers V. Heart of Midlothian St. Johnstone V. Partick Thistle Scottish Championship Dundee United V. Brechin City Dunfermline Athletic V. Falkirk Inverness Caledonian Thistle V. Morton Livingston V. St. Mirren Queen of the South V. Dumbarton Scottish League One Albion Rovers V. Airdrieonians Alloa Athletic V. Queen's Park Arbroath V. East Fife Raith Rovers V. Forfar Athletic Stranraer V. Ayr United Scottish League Two Berwick Rangers V. Annan Athletic Elgin City V. Clyde Montrose V. Cowdenbeath Stenhousemuir V. Peterhead Stirling Albion V. Edinburgh City Sunday 20 August

14:30 17:00

English Premier League Huddersfield Town V. Newcastle United Tottenham Hotspur V. Chelsea Monday 21 August


English Premier League Manchester City V. Everton Tuesday 22 August

20:30 20:45 20:45 TBC 20:45

English League Cup Crystal Palace V. Ipswich Town Accrington Stanley V. West Bromwich Albion Aston Villa V. Wigan Athletic Barnsley V. TBC Birmingham City V. Bournemouth

Information correct at time of publication but subject to change at short notice.

Saturday 19 August


Becky James, the former cycling world champion and double Olympic silver medallist, has retired at age of 25. The Welsh athlete intends to set up a baking business "along with some exciting other projects". James won the World sprint and keirin titles in 2013 and took silver at the same events at the 2016 Rio Olympics. "I have had time to think about my future and have decided to retire from international track sprint racing," she said.


FROOME’S DOUBLE BID La Vuelta starts tomorrow with the big Spanish cycling challenge offering Britain’s Chris Froome a chance to become one of the sport’s greatest ever riders, as the Tour de France champion attempts a unique double in the modern era. Only Frenchmen Jacques Anquetil (1963) and Bernard Hinault (1973) have achieved that feat, but the Spanish race was then held in April-May. Froome, instead, will have only had 25 days to rest before

tomorrow’s Grand Depart in Nimes, France. "I’ve got the opportunity and I’m certainly going to go for it," Froome said. "The Vuelta is a race I love – it’s vicious but it’s three weeks that I enjoy." La Vuelta will be without title holder Nairo Quintana as the Colombian is worn out after trying -- and failing -- to win the Giro/Tour double. A full preview of La Vuelta, which includes stages in Alicante Province and the Murcia region is on page 45.


Romania Fed Cup captain Ilie Nastase has appealed after being banned from official roles by the International Tennis Federation (ITF) until 2021. An independent tribunal will conduct a hearing following his tirade at a Fed Cup tie in Bucharest in April. He swore at an umpire, insulted British number one Johanna Konta and her captain Anne Keothavong and made a derogatory comment about Serena Williams' unborn child.

Tottenham will seek to make Wembley their Premier League fortress this Sunday (5.00 pm kick-off, live on Sky Sports) as champions Chelsea prepare for the first London derby of the 2017-18 season. Antonio Conte's title holders are in disarray with a depleted squad losing 3-2 at Burnley at Stamford Bridge in their opening game, while the Italian coach seeks new signings to bolster his squad. Mauricio Pochettino is yet to add a single new face to his squad despite losing Kyle Walker to Man City this summer, but Spurs looked in fine form as they beat Newcastle 2-0 away to open their campaign in style. But while Spurs fans may be the happier of the two sets of supporters, the north Londoners fared poorly at Wembley

last term - and Chelsea are still the reigning champions, despite what recent performances may suggest. Victor Wanyama and Heung-min Son could well be restored to the starting XI after being benched against Newcastle, and Pochettino has a big call to make over whether to stick with the 4-2-3-1 formation or opt for the 34-3 which served him well last season. Conte has few options in defence with Gary Cahill suspended, meaning Andreas Christensen will likely be given a chance to shine. Other tasty matches include the Monday night meeting between Manchester City and Everton, whilst Arsenal have a tricky looking visit to Stoke City for the evening kick-off tomorrow at 6.30 pm.

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