The Courier 339

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See page 2 for the week´s forecast

Edition 339

Friday 15th September 2017



here’s fresh hope that progress is set to be made over the stalled plans to upgrade the N-332 highway to a dual carriageway in the Torrevieja area, with the news that the Public Works Ministry in Madrid has agreed to assume the drafting of the project. The proposals had

become mired in a “who does what” dispute between the Madrid government and the regional Valencian administration over who takes responsibility, with a war of words breaking out between the two bodies earlier this year as they said that the plans for the project and environmental modifications are each others

responsibility, with Torrevieja council caught in the middle. Torrevieja’s mayor, José Manuel Dolón, showed the letter on Tuesday from the Public Works Ministry assuming responsibility for the N-332 project drafting, with Dolón firing a broadside at the Partido Popular (PP) saying that two years had been wasted because they had insisted that the responsibility for the drafting lay in the hands of the Valencian government. In turn, the PP’s Eduardo Dolón, the ex-Torrevieja mayor and now vice-president of the Alicante Provincial Council said that he, Valencian regional PP leader Isabel Bonig, and the PP parliamentarian from Torrevieja, Joaquín

Albaladejo met with Public Works Minister Íñigo de la Serna at the end of July, and did a deal which in effect “saved the project”. Eduardo Dolón said that he kept quiet about the news at the time, because it was only right for the due process to be followed with the Ministry making a formal communication to Torrevieja council. The next stage in the complicated process involves environmental impact studies and what land needs to be acquired ahead of any construction work, all of which could still take a considerable period of time, as the traffic jams continues between Torrevieja and the Orihuela Costa.



rihuela’s town hall has been slapped down by the Valencian Ombudsman over the dangerous state of playgrounds and green spaces on the Orihuela Costa, with the authority being asked by the official to do something about it immediately, though he has no legal power to ensure this happens. In April, The Courier reported that Tomás Moreno of the Federación de Asociaciones de Vecinos de Orihuela Costa (FAOC) used the word “suicidal” to sum up the state of the facilities, and he called on Orihuela council to implement an unanimously approved motion from 18

months earlier which called for play areas to be properly maintained. Now the Valencian Ombudsman, José Cholbi has stepped in, after reading media reports earlier in the year about the dangers caused by the ill-maintained facilities, and he asked for a report from Orihuela council asking how much it would cost to put things right. The council admitted that maintenance had fallen short, but they did not have enough money for repairs, though they told Cholbi that the required expenditure was around 300 thousand euro, with 200 thousand euro to be spent for work on

play areas on the beaches. The council did not tell the Ombudsman when the planned to undertake the work. Cholbi has told the council that the dangers posed to users of the facilities were such that work needed to be done urgently, and that they would be failing in their

duties to carry out the work. The Valencian Ombudsman is elected by members of the Valencian parliament every five years, but is completely independent. His job is to ensure that the rights and freedoms of residents are observed by councils and public bodies across the Valencia region.



Friday 15th September 2017

Rising Market

Mozzie Warfare


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Advertising Sales

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Spain’s property market is continuing to improve, as sales rose by nearly 17 percent in July compared to the same month in 2016, according to official figures from the National Institute of Statistics (INE). Just under 39 thousand properties were sold in July, with over 82 percent of the sales being second-hand developments as opposed to new builds. The first seven months of the year has seen residential property sales rise by nearly 14 percent, with Alicante

Province continuing to be one of the key growth areas in Spain. Meanwhile, the property division of the Sabadell Bank, Solvia, has projected that average house prices will go up by over seven percent through to 2020. Experts believe that areas like Alicante Province will go above the average rise because of the greater demand for property in the region. Bankinter has predicted price rises of up to five percent over the next 18 months.

Villananitos Plans

Myra Torrevieja & North Tel. 618 583 765

Jean Orihuela Costa Tel. 618 898 034



DEADLINES Advertising Monday 12:00 Editorial Tuesday 12:00 News Thursday 12:00

plague of the insect reported over the summer period. Torrevieja mayor José Manuel Dolón said that the big rise in the pest was caused by the heavy rain at

the end of August in tandem with warm temperatures, which allowed the hatching of mosquito larvae in wetland areas of the municipality.

May In October The contract to run Torrevieja’s delayed May Fair next month has been provisionally awarded to Horizonte Musical, who beat off two other contenders for the 106 thousand euro contract. The company has until next week to supply Torrevieja council with the appropriate legal and financial documentation. The Feria de Sevillanas event will be staged between Tuesday October 10th and Sunday October 15th, after it had to be postponed in spring because the

timetable had slipped in awarding a contract for what

is a firm fixture in Torrevieja’s social calendar.

Catty Complaint

English and Spanish Tel. 616 332 178

English, Spanish, German, Dutch and French. Tel. 685 901 265

A six-day extensive operation to counter the spread of mosquitoes in the Torrevieja area was scheduled to finish yesterday, in the wake of the biggest

Major road improvements are scheduled for the Villananitos beach area of San Pedro del Pinatar, with the council set to advertise a 350,000-euro tender for the project. Calle Campoamor will be resurfaced, including the pavement, plus a new cycle lane will be created. The tender states that the

work will last approximatelyfour months, The project will see traffic routed in the opposite direction on Calle Campoamor which will see drivers able to reach Lo Pagán from La Avenida de El Puerto, and a new roundabout will be built linking Calles Campoamor, Mar Caribe, Río Chícamo and Avenida del Puerto.

A feral cat colony close to an Orihuela Costa school has been allowed to flourish because of local residents feeding the animals, according to Orihuela's health councillor Noelia Grao. The colony, next to the CEIP Los Dolses primary school, is posing a health hazard to youngsters going to the school, according to Grao, who said that the cat feeders were breaking the law. The councillor said that the local police had been informed and that they were

trying to find out who has been supplying the cats with

food, with a view to prosecuting them.


Stop Press Thursday 18:00 Published by TKO Media & Entertainment S.L. Printed by Localprint S.L Depósito legal A - 188 - 2014 ISSN 2530-6146 The Courier (Torrevieja) The Courier, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for any readers letters or claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or nonappearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.




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Chief’s Police Plea

Orihuela’s local police chief José María Pomares has told Orihuela mayor Emilio Bascuñana that his force needs more officers to guarantee the quality of the service and to help boost morale. The chief made the comments in public at a ceremony in Orihuela celebrating the feast of the force’s patron saint, La Virgen de Monserrate, with Bascuñana standing on the same platform alongside Orihuela’s security councillor, Mariola Rocamora. The police boss said that he had appreciated the problems that have affected the Orihuela council in the past, but he added that

financial figures suggested that the authority had the resources to act on his demands to “solve the shortcomings that the police have faced after years of problems”. María Pomares said that Orihuela was a complex area to police because of the 27 districts and the coastal region, which meant it needed even better resourcing for the local police. “I’ve heard the mayor say that Orihuela needs to improve every day, and therefore it needs to have a well-motivated and prepared local police force”, the chief commented. He told the mayor that his

officers are a major asset to the area because of their efforts, and said that he was grateful for the thanks that the council had recently shown for his team’s work during the floods in December last year. Speaking next, the mayor Emilio Bascuñana, made no direct reference to the remarks made by María Pomares only stating that it was a “day of tribute” for the Orihuela local police. Orihuela’s mayor also called on them to be alert “for new challenges” and to co-ordinate still further with other law-enforcement branches like the Guardia Civil and the National Police.

Valero Death

The funeral took place yesterday of ex-Torrevieja international residents councillor Pedro Valero who died on Wednesday, aged 55, after battling a serious illness for some time. He was the son of Torrevieja’s first mayor in the post-Franco democratic era,

Rosa Mazón, and the exPartido Popular councillor was the authority’s police councillor eleven years ago when controversy hit the area when two people accused Torrevieja’s local police of brutality. The case led to such strong feelings back in 2006 that around

two thousand people took to the streets of Torrevieja in a demonstration in support of the local police. Valero’s council responsibilities over the years included new technology and immigration, as well as having the international residents portfolio.

Orihuela’s Airport Link

Algorfa Improvements

Pavement resurfacing and the improvement of the roundabout by the Montemar industrial estate have been part of a package of public works in the Algorfa area paid for by the Alicante Provincial Council.

One hundred and twenty thousand euro has been spent to improve or even complete unfinished work, according to Algorfa's mayor Manuel Ros, which includes upgrades to pavements that were in poor con-

dition and improving disabled access. Pictured is some of the work on the CV935 Almoradi to Los Montesinos road that passA dog walker has discoves through the Algorfa ered human remains on an municipality. Alicante area beach for the second time in nine months. In January, the man and his dog found remains that were over a century old on the beach at El Saladar, and this time, he uncovered a skeleton around 300 metres away from his first discovery earlier in the year. The National Police acting on his report discovered the body buried amongst some rocks, and say the latest discovery is not connected to January's find. The skeleton was said to and it is obviously a tragedy if anybody loses their life in a be one and a half metres tall. road accident".

Downward Trend Fatalities on Spanish roads fell by over 10 percent during the peak summer season, but there were still 224 cases of people dying in accidents during July and August. The figures were down by 31 compared to 2016, with 121 lives lost in July in 110 incidents, whilst 103 people died last month in 96 accidents. Interior Minister, Juan Ignacio Zoido, said: “The fig-

ures are better than last summer, but despite that, they are not good enough

Orihuela council has done a deal to launch a flat-rate taxi/coach service linking the Orihuela Costa to Alicante-Elche airport. No launch date has been announced by the authority but transport councillor Begoña Cuartero, said that they were trying to respond to complaints from residents over the lack of transport

links to the airport. A deal has been struck involving the Costa Azul coach company and the Orihuela taxi association, which would see travellers making an on-line reservation via the Costa Azul website and paying a flat fee. A taxi would make the journey to Torrevieja bus station to link up with the

regular airport shuttle coach. The service will be made available to anybody staying in Orihuela’s coastal urbanisations plus the Entre Naranjos urbanisation. Councillor Cuartero made no mention of what the cost would be for users or when she hoped the service would start.

Second Discovery


Friday 15th September 2017

Hitting A Buffer

Unions representing workers on Spain's train network have called a national strike for Friday September 29th, on the back of a one-day walkout earlier in the summer, in protest over work contracts and conditions.

Manuel Nicolás Taguas, from the general secretary of the CCOO union said that the union "had no other choice" but to strike again after a breakdown in negotiations with Public Works ministry, and the Renfe and Adif companies.

The union claims that since 2005, the workforce employed by the two companies in charge of the rail network has seen six thousand employees not replaced, leading to added stress and strain on the remaining workforce.

Protected Plant

Keeping It Belted

Fifty traffic cameras which will be able to tell if drivers and passengers are wearing seatbelts have been set up across Spain, and more are set to follow over the next few months. Anyone caught on camera not strapped in will face a fine of up to 200 euro and they also face the possibility of losing three points from their licence.

The DGT traffic authority says that for two months, the newest cameras will only be used to 'warn' offenders rather than to issue fines. According to DGT boss Gregorio Serrano, seatbelts are 'the most important passive safety element in a vehicle', and reduces the likelihood of an accident being fatal by 60 percent.

Around 180 people who die every year on the roads would still be alive today if they had belted up, Serrano stressed. The cameras came into operation on Monday to herald the start of a week-long seatbelt-wearing campaign in which the Guardia Civil have been carrying out random checks on drivers and passengers.

Island Rescue

A rare yellow-coloured plant, the caput-felis Helianthemun, better known as the jarilla cat head plant, is to get official protection in Torrevieja with nine hectares of the Torre del Moro area being declared as a microfauna reserve. Torrevieja’s municipal biologist Juan Antonio Pujol

said that the news was the culmination of two years of campaigning, with the Ministry of Environment approving the council’s request for protection for the plant in Torre del Moro and between Cala de La Higuera and Cala de Cabo Cervera. Torrevieja’s environment councillor Fanny Serrano

said that it was a major achievement to gain the Ministry’s approval, as the plant was in an area that was outside a designated natural park. The jarilla cat head is only present in other parts of Alicante Province, as well as the Balaeric islands and parts of North Africa.

Three people were airlifted by helicopter to AlicanteElche airport after their yacht ran aground at Isla de la Perdiguera on the Mar Menor on Saturday. The three elderly sailors

ran aground and spent most of the night stranded before a helicopter was scrambled to winch them to safety, as the sea conditions proved to be too dangerous to use a dinghy boat from the

Salvamento Marítimo because of the ages of the trio. The three people, two women and a man were safe and sound, with photos taken of them on board the helicopter.


Court's Vote Veto

Spain's constitutional court has suspended a referendum law passed by the Catalan parliament to hold a vote on independence next month. The court says it will consider whether the law breaches Spain's constitution. Despite the decision, Catalan leaders say the vote will be held as planned on Sunday October 1st. Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy (pictured after the verdict) said he had appealed

to the court to declare the referendum illegal, describing the law as an "intolerable act of disobedience". Spain's wealthy northeastern region already has autonomous powers but the regional government says it has popular support for full secession. Hours after the constitutional court's decision, the Catalan Parliament approved the legal framework for a transition in the case of a victory for inde-

pendence. Over 900 mayors in Catalunya have been told they could be fined and barred from office if they get involved in running the vote, with police staging raids on a number of printers who are said to have been involved in producing election material. Rajoy told Catalunya's president Carles Puigdemont to "just accept with good grace that he will have to admit defeat".

Rapes Investigated

A young British woman was raped in Magaluf last Friday, with two similar attacks on other victims on Mallorca happening on the same day. The 21-year-old holidaymaker was sexually assaulted on Friday morning within an hour of a 20-year-old Swedish tourist. The two women were attacked between the hours

of 7.30am and 9am on the island. A third woman, a German aged 30, was raped on the same day in the resort of El Arenal, 10 miles south east of the island's capital Palma. All three women were treated in the island's Son Espases hospital, with the incidents being investigated by the Guardia Civil and the National Police.

Last month a 19-year-old Scottish woman told police she was raped by three men on a beach near Magaluf's party strip, Punta Ballena. She gave officers a photograph of one of the three men. However, she later said she did not want to take the matter further and did not give a formal statement to the police.



Friday 15th September 2017


Let There Be Light

Torrevieja council is set to spend two point two million euro over six years under a new street lighting maintenance contract which has been provisionally awarded to a joint consortium of the OHL and Explanaciones del MediterrĂĄneo companies. The tender, subject to the franchise winner passing a economic solvency test, will run for four years with an option to renew for a further two years. It was valued at over 900 thousand euro per annum, but the winning bid came in at just 374 thousand euro. The move from the council ends an ad-hoc arrangement where various compa-

nies only undertook emergency work covering the municipality’s 11 thousand public lights, with major criticism aimed at the authority over constant cuts in service, especially with power outages during periods of high humidity or rain. The contract involves 12 employees providing 24 hour cover and the winning tender will to try cut costs by switching off some lights in public areas at certain times of the year when they are not needed. The franchise winner will also undertake annual light maintenance and painting of light poles, as part of the contract.

Boosted Almonds

A shipment of Californian almonds to a northern Costa Blanca processing plant had an extra kick about them, as workers found 226 kilos of cocaine stashed in eight military-style backpacks in the consignment. Seals on the container had previously been broken leading the Guardia Civil to conclude that the shipment

to Altea had been intercepted en route from Oakland in California, with 200 square tablets of pure cocaine discovered. Investigators are trying to discover the route that the merchant ship took to Spain, whilst the drugs have been destroyed by the Valencian Government's health department.

Unhappy Customer

Four people were shot on Sunday morning after an attack at an adult club on the Costa del Sol. The incident happened in Marbella at a building in the vicinity of the resort’s socalled Golden Mile, with the club offering erotic massages and adult entertainment.

Two men and two women were hospitalised. One of the injured people suffered a total of four shots and was immediately admitted to intensive care. A man was said to have been involved in an argument and returned to the club shortly afterwards with a gun.


Friday 15th September 2017

Fellowship Pastor

The recently-appointed pastor for the Torrevieja Christian Fellowship will be celebrating his new position and the start of the new season in a special service at the TCF building on Avenida de las Cortes Valencianas at 10.30 am on Sunday September 24th. Pastor Chris Knight and his wife Helena began their work in July and have been

settling into life in Spain. After a career in marketing, Chris was ordained into the Church of England in 1996, and he was recently vicar at St. Mary’s church in Leamington Spa, having spent over a decade as coordinating chaplain at Lowdham Grange prison in Nottinghamshire. Chris and Helena have arrived as a team having

worked very much together over the past few years. When Chris was chaplain at Lowdham. Helena worked in the prison alongside him as a volunteer and then as an employee in the chaplaincy department. “Seasons in life change and seasons in Christian ministry change, and this is a new season for us all at TCF,” Chris said.

Help’s Outlet Sale

Help Murcia Mar Menor are staging an Outlet Sale on Friday September 22nd and Saturday September 23rd outside the Help Outlet

A 69-kilo St. Bernard dog called Mateo stole the show recently as the APAH animal charity celebrated International Dog Day at the Alcampo supermarket at Zenia Boulevard. 18-month-old Mateo was the proud focus of many a photograph, and belongs to the store’s manager for pet supplies, Ana. As well as passers-by saying hello to Mateo, over 200 euro was donated to

APAH and over 200 euro in pet food, with the charity grateful for everybody who got involved. They also managed to engage some new potential volunteers who will be joining them. To make things even better for APAH, the Purina animal food company had heard about the group and their work from Alcampo, and a big pallet of dog and cat food was shipped to the charity.

Money Banked

365 euro was raised for the HELP Vega Baja Association at a recent event held at the Restaurante Frasquitin in Callosa de Segura. Long-standing HELP volun-

with a variety of items on sale to raise money for charity including a wide range of clothes, shoes, handbags, and jewellery.

Find The Killer

Murder most foul is the subject of the new supper show for the Campoverde Theatre Group, which hits the Orihuela Costa at the end of the month. The Magical Murder Mystery Tour will get the audience involved in trying to find out who killed an obnoxious gentleman by the name of Tobias West, with

Mateo’s Big Day

at the Oasis Centre in Los Alcazares between 10.00 am and 2.00 pm. This will be a great chance to grab a bargain,

teer Pat Milligan (pictured right alongside HELP president Michelle Masson) organised the fund-raiser, which featured entertainment from the popular singer Woody.

AT YOUR SERVICE We’d love details of your charity events, amateur dramatics, and choral concerts! The Courier would love to hear from you as we gear up for another busy autumn across the Costa Blanca and Mar Menor. Send you snippets and photographs to thecourier@tko media.

prizes on offer for a lucky table that uncovers the culprit. There’ll be music and dancing, with the group looking to raise money for Help at Home, Costa Blanca, as well as other local charities. The show will be staged on three successive nights at the Fiesta Plaza, Calle

Republica Dominica, Pueblo Principe starting on Wednesday September 27th, with the cost of the tickets including a onecourse meal. Tickets are available from the Fiesta Plaza, as well as from the Help at Home charity shop at the Flamenca Beach Commercial Centre, or by phoning 626 772 256.

Three’s A Crowd

A.C.T.S. (Actors Community Theatre Society) are getting ready for their autumn production at the end of next month, with a saucy, simple and funny play called Key for Two, written by John Chapman and Dave Freeman. A.C.T.S. was formed by Angela and Tony Goddard to provide "a professional drama company for the area", and the latest show is a good old fashioned bedroom farce with load of innuendo but no nudity! Harriet lives a comfortable lifestyle in an elegant Brighton flat which is paid for by her two gentlemen

friends, neither of whom knows the other exists. You will have to go along to the show to see what happens next! Key for Two will be staged for three nights at the Benijofar Cultural Centre between Thursday October 26th and Saturday October 28th, with curtain-up at 8.00 pm. Tickets will cost just eight euro each, with proceeds once again going to the Benijofar Crisis Appeal Fund. Tickets are available by calling 646 277 724 or send an email to



Friday 15th September 2017

Consumer Concerns

The Spanish consumer federation FACUA has criticised Ryanair's recentlyannounced hand-luggage policy changes (as featured on the front of last week's Courier) and has called for a 'new rule reform in the air travel sector'. The budget carrier, whose carry-on baggage allowance has become the most generous on the low-cost flight market, has now said only the second case measuring 35 x 20 x 20 centimetres will be permitted on the aircraft. The larger, standard hand-luggage case, however, will be checked into the hold at the gate, free of charge. FACUA has slammed the

'growing number of additional services' which 'should be included in the main ticket price' as advertised at the very beginning of the booking process. Whilst many passengers do not mind their larger bag being checked in at the gate – given that they do not have to pay and can see it being loaded with their own eyes, FACUA says that this will mean travellers temporarily losing custody of valuable items. These include laptop computers which 'generally will not fit in the smaller hand-luggage bag', which passengers typically want to take with them to use on board, and which 'are not

normally checked in' because of the risk that they may 'get lost, stolen or broken'. FACUA wants the industry rules to be changed to allow all hand-luggage to be guaranteed a space if it falls within the airline's stipulated allowance, and to be free of charge unless the initial cost of the flight covers this. Other low-cost airlines typically allow one standardsized hand-luggage bag, ranging from 50 x 40 x 20 centimetres to 55 x 45 x 30 centimetres, often up to a maximum of 10 kilos. EasyJet warns that if the flight is full, these bags may need to be checked in at the departure gate, but that this will be free of charge.

Game Of Tourists

Authorities are becoming worried over the preservation of a northern Spanish church after thousands of tourists started to descend on it after it featured in the hit TV drama Game of Thrones. The show features a steep and twisting stairway, identified as Dragonstone – this venue is in fact, the Basque heritage islet of San Juan de Gaztelugatxe’s chapel in Bermeo, Bizkaia. Until very recently, the chapel attracted a few religious visitors; however,

after featuring in some key scenes on Game of Thrones, there have been two and a half thousand tourists visiting it daily in July alone. In the show, there is a castle at the top of the 241 steps – generated by computer imagery. However, in reality, the modest church at the top is dedicated to Saint John the Baptist. Reports suggest that there are now moves aimed at capping the number of visitors and potentially charging them to climb the

steps. Additionally, tradition has it, that visitors that climb all the steps must ring the bell above the church three times and make a wish. However, officials are increasingly concerned that the increase in ringing may cause damage to the bell. “The fact that they filmed Game of Thrones here has been a blessing,” says the owner of the small souvenir shop inside the chapel. “The seventh season has, I believe, doubled the number of tourists.


Offshore Investing – Tax Evasion Is Illegal, Avoidance Is Not Keith Littlewood, International Financial Adviser at Blacktower, Costa Cálida In the past, the buzz word for financial advisers offering investments for clients, has always been ‘offshore this or offshore that’ - mainly to avoid paying tax on the profits the investment makes in the client’s resident country. For the rich and famous, clampdowns have been actioned over the years, with Switzerland and Jersey having to disclose investors’ holdings to authorities and, more recently, the news about tax havens set up so assets can be hidden, which really is EVASION and illegal! This has now been the focal point of the press - for example, with the Panama Papers leak last year and more recent news about companies set up in the British Virgin Islands enabling millionaires to avoid taxes in life and on death. I expect many more news articles in other jurisdictions will hit the news soon. For the average investor, the benefits of offshore investing have been drastically reduced in recent years to the point that many people are actually worse off

on 657 684 094 or email keith.littlewood@blacktow The Blacktower office address is: Calle Isla Tabarca, Urbanización Regia Roig 44 local 15, 03189 Orihuela Costa; Alicante We can be found on the Cabo Roig strip on the first slip road after the pyramid roundabout if coming from La Zenia in the La Regia Commercial Centre. The office signage can be clearly seen from the N332. To make an appointment, call the office on 965320562 or mobile 657684094. investing offshore and usually must pay tax anyway when assets are disclosed in their fiscal resident country. In fact, ‘offshore’ is now viewed as a dirty word as it is associated with tax evasion schemes.

you can invest with gross roll up available to make your investment tax efficient, which means offshore investments are no longer advised or needed for tax avoidance.

Many countries have tax efficient investments available that offer benefits equal to or even better than what has been available offshore. The UK introduced PEPs, TESSAs and ISAs, for example. Even here in Spain

Many people still hold offshore investments that at one point were very good taxsaving vehicles, but are now offering no tax advantage at all and they could actually be missing out on something much better - if this is you,

then please contact me and I can review your investments and make sure they are up to date. I have been a fully qualified financial adviser for 30 years and also understand the needs of expats and the rules that apply to ex-British living and retiring in Spain, so if you need to talk through your own situation then please feel free to call me and we can have a no-obligation discussion about the best way forward

for your investments. In today’s financial climate, it is essential you do everything you can to make sure your money is safe and secure and what you want to transpire in the future has the best chance of happening. If you need advice or if you simply want to have a chat to give yourself peace of mind that you have made the best arrangements possible for your financial affairs call me, Keith Littlewood DipPFS,

The above information was correct at the time of preparation and does not constitute investment advice and you should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity. Blacktower Financial Management (Int.) Ltd is licensed in Gibraltar by the Financial Services Commission (FSC) and is registered with both the DGS and CNMV in Spain.



Friday 15th September 2017

Adoption Corner

CRAWFORD Crawford is a two-year-old setter, who is a stunning dog who is currently in a foster home with other dogs and cats. He is very loving and great with people and other dogs, and will need a place where he will get lots of stimulation and exercise, as setters are active dogs! To learn more about Crawford, get in touch with PEPA on 650 304 746 or email

How To Tame A Feral Cat IZZY Izzy is just one-year-old and is a small podenco maneto, weighing in just seven kilos. She is great with other dogs and is well behaved. Izzy is still very much a pup with lots of energy, but loves her down time with her family and is very faithful. To learn more Izzy and to give her a forever home, please call Pets in Spain on 645 469 253.

MARTA Marta is a beautiful black and tan seven-year-old German shepherd cross who is being looked after by the K9 team. Marta is very much a gentle and affectionate dog which we have no doubt would be very loyal to her new owners. If you would like to meet her and perhaps even offer her a home, then please do call the K9 Club on 600 845 420.


Nelson is one of five kittens who were abandoned outside the APAH Cattery. Four out of the five kittens are blind in one eye, and need very special loving homes where their new owners can make up for the terrible start in life they have had. Nelson is a very special, loving little kitten, and to arrange to meet him and his friends, please call APAH on 630 422 563 or 616 210 850.

All animals need three things: food, water and shelter. When taking in a feralcat, the animal also needs time, love and patience. The key to taming a stray or feral cat successfully is to go through the process slowly, always making sure the cat is comfortable with the pace.The process of taming cats can take from two to six weeks (longer for some exceptionally skittish cats) depending on their age and state of wildness. Individuals can differ greatly in temperament, with some taming up immediately whilst some may take quite a long time. Anybody attempting to tame cats should be totally committed and patient, and the first point of call should be to take them to a vet for a full checkover. Provide a Safe Room It is recommended when taking in a stray you have a room set aside for the taming process. This room should be completely enclosed so the cat cannot escape and should include food, water, a litter box and a hiding place for your new friend. If the cat won't follow you into the room willingly, you can trap her in a carrier or humane trap, using food as bait, and bring her into the room. Feeding The easiest way to tame a stray cat and form a bond is to feed her. If the cat is underweight, provide extra food until she gains a healthy weight. Speak in a comforting voice to the cat while she eats. Stay in the safe room during feeding, but do not impede on the cat's space before she's ready. Work up to the point where the cat feels comfortable enough to let you pet her while she eats. Handling Petting a stray cat is an important means of building a relationship. However, you should never try to touch a stray cat before she's ready. A feral cat is more likely to bite or scratch. When the cat allows you to touch her and enjoys the contact, take small steps in increasing the affection until you reach the point of picking up and holding the cat. This can be a slow process, where patience is needed. Housebreaking

SAMMY 10-year-old Sammy has been at the SAT kennels for nine months, and is a very gentle boy with a great temperament who just loves lots of cuddles. Sammy walks well on the lead but doesn´t require long walks. If you are looking for a gentle dog to keep you company and give you lots of love, then Sammy is the boy for you. Please contact the SAT kennels in Dolores on 966 710 047 or email

If your stray cat does her business outside the litter box, spend some time getting her acclimated to using it. Take samples of your cat's faeces or urine and place them in the litter box so she can find her scent. Restrain the cat to the safe room until she consistently uses the litter box to do her business. Fortunately, even feral cats quickly learn to use a litter box. The Hiding Place Stray cats will feel a need to hide at times to feel safe. Provide a small, semi-enclosed hideout for your stray cat so she can retreat when necessary. A wooden crate turned on its side with a blanket makes a good hiding spot. Make sure to respect the cat's space and do not attempt to touch her when she is in the hideout.

SUZY Suzy is a three-year-old medium-sized girl. She has a very sweet character and she gets on well with other dogs. She is not good with cats. Very little is known about her history as she was found wandering, but she loves people and is very responsive. For more about Suzy, phone PEPA on 650 304 746 or email


Seagate Wealth Management Pension Pot Too Small To Transfer? Think Again! I recently met with a client who had never considered a pension transfer because he had a company pension scheme and was only with his employer for 3 years. He guessed that his pension fund would be worth around 3k to 5k and not worth transferring. After contacting his company and applying for a pension transfer quotation we found out that the value of his pension fund was actually 37,000 pounds. He decided to transfer his pension and take a lump sum. Another client thought his pension was a moderate 25,000 pounds and after investigation it turned out to be worth over 90,000 pounds. I am staggered at how valuable these seemingly small pension pots are. Time and time again I see so called "small pension pots" turn out to be large pension funds. As interest rates are at an all-time low, transfer values are at their highest. If you have a pension fund and you have dismissed the idea of a pension transfer because you consider your fund will be too small, then please think again. Unlike some financial advisers, we do not have a minimum threshold. You may also have a lost pension that you have not pursued because you thought the pension will be "too little to bother with". I urge you to dig out any information that you have on these valuable pensions and come and see us. You may be surprised at how much they are worth. Here at Seagate we are in a unique position and can offer UK Regulated Pensions along-side Internationally based plans, giving our clients the peace of mind that their pension is being regulated under the watchful eye of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). We will be happy to give you advice on what cash lump sum and income that you would receive if you transferred your pension. Call us now for an free noobligation chat on 965 704 338 or send an email to:


Friday 15th September 2017

Still Investing

Kids Shoe Boost

San Javier airport’s owners AENA have put in over 800 LED lights in the terminal building which they say will save over 126 thousand kilowatt hours of energy per year, the equivalent of 20 tons of Carbon Dioxide being dumped into the air. Beside the environmentally friendly message being put over from AENA, the investment in energy-efficient lighting comes at a time that AENA is facing just one rival bidder to run the facility at Corvera, which will more than likely see San Javier closing down, once Corvera is up and running.

Zara Con

A WhatsApp scam is currently running in Spain in which messages are claiming to offer 150-euro vouchers to spend on goods on the Zara website. If the phone user clicks on

the link, they are asked to fill in an online form with personal data. This then results in spam, adware and so-called premium-rate text messages, or SMS adverts which charge

the recipient. The National Police has uploaded a picture of the socalled 'special offer' on its Twitter site under the hashtag #NoPiques ('Don't Fall For It').

Two local children’s homes have benefitted from a campaign to get a hundred pair of shoes ahead of the start of this week’s new school year. At a special presentation at the Celtic Isle in Playa

Flamenca, a cheque for the shoe appeal worth two and a half thousand euro was presented to the San Jose Obrero orphanage in Orihuela City, and the Elche Children’s Home. The money had been

raised by a special shoe appeal and Help at Home Costa Blanca, with two fullsized table tennis tables to the homes also donated by the Entre Naranjos Urbanisation Fiesta Committee.


Naughty Facebook Facebook was fined over a million euro on Monday by Spain’s data protection watchdog for breaking the country’s privacy rules. As part of its ruling, the Spanish data protection authority said that it found three instances in which Facebook had collected personal data on its millions of users in Spain without informing them how such information would be used. The agency, which has been conducting a lengthy investigation into Facebook alongside counterparts in France, Germany, Belgian and the Netherlands, also

Green Card

said that the social media giant had not sufficiently informed users about how

the company would use data that had been collected on third-party websites.

Southern Blaze A huge forest fire in the southern province of Huelva forced emergency services to evacuate over 500 residents last Friday, but they were all able to return home on Saturday evening. The blaze broke out on Friday afternoon in La Granada de Riotinto, and dwellers in at least seven villages – some over the border in the province of Sevilla – had to leave their homes because of the thick smoke generated. A number of small villages in the area were also evacuated as a precaution.


International Insurance Card The Green Card or International Insurance Card is an internationally recognised document that proves the holder has the minimum compulsory insurance required by law of the country visited. It helps facilitate the movement of their vehicle across international borders. It also guarantees that victims of road traffic accidents involving foreign registered vehicles are compensated in the country of the accident. The Green Card System The Green Card System comprises of over 40 countries. National vehicle organisations within the Green Card System including the EU, the EEA, Switzerland, Russia and several countries around the Middle East and North Africa. However, a Green Card is not required to travel through the EEA, Andorra, Norway, Croatia and Switzerland. The Green Card Bureau Each Green Card Bureau is responsible for handling and guaranteeing the settling of claims arising from traffic accidents caused by visiting motorists. Travelling outside the EU If you are travelling outside the European Community to one of the countries listed as requiring a Green Card, you will need to ask your insurance company to issue you a Green Card beforehand. Road accident If you’re involved in a road traffic accident in a country requiring a Green Card, make sure the police are called to the scene of the accident. You will need a copy of the police report. If you don’t understand what you’re being told, request an interpreter. We also advise that you contact your insurance company as soon as possible, whether you want to make a claim or not. Make notes of what happened. Take photographs of the accident, including plates of vehicles involved. Exchange insurance details as you would in Spain. Take down the names and addresses of any witnesses. Never admit liability or apologise. We hope the information provided in this article is of interest. If you would like to contact Linea Directa please call 902 123 182 More information about Linea Directa online at


Friday 15th September 2017

More Air Misery

Over 20,000 Ryanair customers had their flights cancelled on Tuesday due to a strike by French air traffic controllers, with services to and from Alicante-Elche and San Javier airport scrapped. The action was taken by controllers in a protest over French labour reforms, with other services to and from the British Isles running

behind schedule, with some delays running up to four hours. Ryanair’s marketing director, Kenny Jacobs, said: “Enough is enough. If the French Government is serious about changing France, they should start by tackling these air traffic control unions, and together with the European

Commission, should take immediate action to prevent thousands of European consumers from having their travel plans disrupted by a tiny group of ATC unions going on strike once again.” “They cannot stand idly by as more disruption and travel misery is inflicted upon Europe’s consumers and airlines."

Expensive Rubbish

Rojales council has approved the advertising of a tender worth 617 thousand euros a year to provide a rubbish collection service in the muncipality, with the independent Pader political party voting against the deal, saying it is too expensive. The existing contract expired five months ago, with new the tender specifications being brought for-

ward by the PSOE mayor Antonio Pérez and his government team. The ruling PSEO members voted for the tender proposal, with the Partido Popular abstaining, whilst the Pader members of the council voted against. Desiderio Aráez(pictured), Pader spokesman on Rojales council, told the Informacion newspaper that the proposed number of

workers on the contract, which would run to a maximum of six years, was vastly inflated and was against the interests of Rojales residents. He said that the projections were based on details provided by the current franchise holder Sirem, and their manning details on paper beared not relation to reality, based on their current service.



Friday 15th September 2017

Home Computing


BlueMoon Solutions

BlueMoon Solutions is the computer and IT services company on the Costa Blanca. BlueMoon Solutions comes to you at home or at work. Their personal service covers from Alicante to Pilar de la Horadada.

Richard moved to Spain ten years ago having left his management background behind in the UK and decided to use his IT skills to help home users and small businesses with their PC problems. Now a relaxed 'computer man' he is out and about in the Spanish sun every day, making house and shop calls and using his vast experience and qualifications to sort out the problem there and then. Computers are his hobby as well as his work so don’t be surprised to get an answer to your email in the early hours!

ADVICE: John was receiving emails from himself – that he Title: ADVICE: Peter wanted to know whether there were any didn’t send. alternatives to expat shield to get UK TV here in Spain


I read your article in the Courier every week and I was wondering if you can help me resolve a problem with junk mail. Recently I have been receiving junk mail and when I try to block it I get a message saying I cannot because it comes from my own email address. Obviously, this is virus / con trick. I have Kaspersky Total security antivirus but it does not find this problem. Any ideas how to stop these types of emails arriving in my in box? I also get emails that I try to block and then I get a message saying that the sender email address does not exist! Best Regards, John


Hi Richard (again). Once again I come to font of computer knowledge for answers!I use 'Ex-Shield' to allow me to access the various iPlayer products of UK television.My AVG does not like it much, frequently warning of problems. Is there another product that youcould recommend? Peter


Hi Peter, the best UK connection type service that I have come across is “My Private Network”, although I’m afraid it’s not free! Having said that, it is only £5 a month and the service is outstanding, we use it regularly to Hi John, there are two likely reasons why this could be happening, first is catch up on UK TV – it even works on my iPhone! that your account has become compromised, you should change your Here is a link to where you can find out more information - http://www.bluemoonpassword as a precaution anyway – if this is the cause then you will also see the emails in your sent items. The second is that someone (or something, more likely a bot) is “spoofing” your email address and there isn’t really anything that you can do about that, it’s the ability (without the relevant domain checks in place) for anyone to send email pretending to be another person.


Email: Mobile: 655 044 970 NEW: Tel: 965 987 032

Don’t forget, you can follow me on Facebook: Alternatively, why don’t you sign up for my newsletter. You can do this by going .

Food & Drink

Chilli & Garlic Leeks With Eggs On Toast

Ingredients 2 tbsp olive oil 1 large leek, sliced 1 garlic clove, crushed good pinch chilli flakes, plus extra to serve 2 eggs 2 slices of sourdough 2 tbsp Greek yogurt squeeze of lemon

Method Heat 1 tbsp oil in a frying pan, add the leeks, garlic, chilli and a good pinch of seasoning and cook until the leeks have softened, about 6-8 mins. Once the leeks are nearly done, push them to the side of the pan and fry the eggs in the remaining oil. Cooking over a medium heat to begin with ensures


cooked whites and runnyyolk satisfaction. Toast the bread, then spread each slice with some Greek yogurt, top each with the leeks and squeeze over the lemon. Top with a fried egg, a scattering of sea salt and a few more chilli flakes to serve. Prep: 5 Mins Cook: 10 Mins Serves: 1

Roasted Red Pepper & Tomato Soup With Ricotta



400g tomatoes, halved 1 red onion, quartered 2 Romano peppers, roughly chopped 2 tbsp good quality olive oil 2 garlic cloves, bashed in their skins few thyme sprigs 1 tbsp red wine vinegar 2 tbsp ricotta few basil leaves 1 tbsp mixed seeds, toasted bread, to serve

Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Put the tomatoes, onion and peppers in a roasting tin, toss with the oil and season. Nestle in the garlic and thyme sprigs, then roast for 25-30 mins until all the veg has softened and slightly caramelised. Squeeze the garlic cloves out of their skins into the tin, strip the leaves off the thyme and discard the stalks and garlic skins. Mix the vinegar

into the tin then blend everything in a bullet blender or using a stick blender, adding enough water to loosen to your preferred consistency (we used around 150ml). Reheat the soup if necessary, taste for seasoning, then spoon into two bowls and top each with a spoonful of ricotta, a few basil leaves, the seeds and a drizzle of oil. Serve with bread for dunking.

Salmon & Spinach With Tartare Cream Ever-versatile salmon is as popular on our shopping lists as chicken. Make the most of it with this impressive recipe Ingredients 1 tsp sunflower or vegetable oil 2 skinless salmon fillets 250g bag spinach 2 tbsp reduced-fat crème fraîche juice ½ lemon 1 tsp caper, drained 2 tbsp flat-leaf parsley, chopped lemon wedges, to serve Method Heat the oil in a pan, season the salmon on both sides, then fry for 4 mins each side until golden and the flesh flakes easily. Leave to rest on a plate while you cook the spinach. Tip the leaves into the hot pan, season well, then cover and leave to wilt for 1 min, stirring once or twice. Spoon the spinach onto plates, then top with the salmon. Gently heat the crème fraîche in the pan with a squeeze of the lemon juice, the capers and parsley, then season to taste. Be careful

not to let it boil. Spoon the sauce over the fish, then serve with lemon wedges.

Prep: 5 Mins Cook: 10 Mins Serves: 2


Food & Drink

Friday 15th September 2017

Cauliflower, Squash, Coconut & Lentil Curry

Ingredients 1 tbsp oil 1 onion, chopped 1 tbsp garam masala 1 tbsp turmeric 200g red lentils 400ml can coconut milk small bunch coriander, chopped cooked wholegrain basmati rice, to serve coconut yogurt (dairy-free), to serve

For the roast cauliflower & squash base 1 cauliflower, split into florets, the stalk cut into cubes ½ large butternut squash, cut into cubes 1 tbsp oil Method For the base, heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Toss the cauliflower and squash in oil and spread it out on a large oven tray. Roast for 25 mins, or until tender. If you're making the base ahead of time, you can now freeze in an air-

tight container for up to a month. (Defrost fully before using in the next step.) Heat oil in a pan, then add the onion and cook until soft, stir in the spices and cook for 2 mins. Stir in the lentils, coconut milk and 200ml water and bring to a simmer. Cook for 20 mins, then add the roast veg and cook for a further 10 mins, adding a little water if it looks dry. Stir in the coriander. Serve with rice and yogurt. Prep: 20 Mins Cook: 1 Hr 10 Mins Serves: 4

Pear Tarte Tatin Ingredients 8 pears 100g caster sugar 100g butter 2 star anise 3 cardamom pods 1 large cinnamon stick 2 tbsp brandy 500g block all-butter puff pastry Method Core the pears, then peel as neatly as possible and halve. If you like, they can be prepared up to a day ahead and kept in the fridge, uncovered, so that they dry out. Tip the sugar, butter, star anise, cardamom and cinnamon into an ovenproof frying pan, about 20cm wide, and place over a high heat until bubbling. Shake the pan and stir the buttery sauce until it separates and the sugar caramelises to a toffee colour. Lay the pears in the pan, then cook in the sauce for 10-12 mins, tossing occasionally, until completely caramelised. Don’t worry about them burning – they won’t – but you want to caramelise them as much as possible. Splash in the brandy and let it flambé, then set the pears aside. Heat oven to 200C/fan 180C/gas 6. Roll the pastry out to the thickness of a £1 coin. Using a plate slightly larger than the top of the pan, cut out a circle, then press the edges of the

circle of pastry to thin them out. When the pears have cooled slightly, arrange them in the pan, cut side up, in a floral shape, with the pears around the edge pointing inwards. Rest the cinnamon stick on the top in the centre, with the cardamom pods scattered around. Drape the pastry over the pears, then tuck the edges down the pan sides and under the fruit (see Gordon’s guide). Pierce the pastry a few times, then bake for 15 mins. If a lot of juice bubbles up the side of the pan, pour it off at this stage (see guide). Reduce oven to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4 and bake for 15 mins more until the pastry is golden. Leave the tart to stand for 10 mins, then invert it carefully onto a serving dish. Prep: 10 Mins Cook: 50 Mins Serves: 8

Food & Drink




Friday 15th September 2017

'Pen' identifies cancer in 10 seconds A handheld device can identify cancerous tissue in 10 seconds, according to scientists at the University of Texas. They say it could make surgery to remove a tumour quicker, safer and more precise. And they hope it would avoid the "heartbreak" of leaving any of the cancer behind. Tests, published in Science Translational Medicine, suggest the technology is accurate 96% of the time. The MasSpec Pen takes advantage of the unique metabolism of cancer cells. Their furious drive to grow and spread means their internal chemistry is very different to that of healthy tissue. The pen is touched on to a suspected cancer and releases a tiny droplet of water. Chemicals inside the living cells move into the droplet, which is then sucked back up the pen for analysis. The pen is plugged into a mass spectrometer - a piece of kit that can measure the mass of thousands of chemicals every second. It produces a chemical fingerprint that tells doctors whether they are looking at

healthy tissue or cancer. The challenge for surgeons is finding the border between the cancer and normal tissue. In some tumours it is obvious, but in others the boundary between healthy and diseased tissue can be blurred. The pen should help doctors ensure none of the cancer is left behind. Remove too little tissue, and

any remaining cancerous cells will grow into another tumour. But take too much, and you can cause damage, particularly in organs such as the brain. Livia Eberlin, an assistant professor of chemistry at the University of Texas, Austin, said: "What's exciting about this technology is how clearly it meets a clinical need. "The tool is elegant and simple and can be in the hands

of surgeons in a short time." Trials The technology has been tested on 253 samples as part of the study. The plan is to continue testing to refine the device before trialling it during operations next year. The pen currently analyses a patch of tissue 1.5mm (0.06in) across, but the

researchers have already developed pens that are even more refined and should be able to look at a finer patch of tissue just 0.6mm across. While the pen itself is cheap, the mass spectrometer is expensive and bulky. Dr Eberlin said: "The roadblock is the mass spectrometer, for sure. "We're visioning a mass spectrometer that's a little

smaller, cheaper and tailored for this application that can be wheeled in and out of rooms." Dr James Suliburk, one of the researchers and the head of endocrine surgery at Baylor College of Medicine, said: "Any time we can offer the patient a more precise surgery, a quicker surgery or a safer surgery, that's something we want to do. "This technology does all three." The MasSpec Pen is the latest attempt to improve the accuracy of surgery. A team at Imperial College London have developed a knife that "smells" the tissue it cuts to determine whether it is removing cancer. And a team at Harvard are using lasers to analyse how much of a brain cancer to remove. Dr Aine McCarthy, from Cancer Research UK, said: "Exciting research like this has the potential to speed up how quickly doctors can determine if a tumour is cancerous or not and learn about its characteristics. "Gathering this kind of information quickly during surgery could help doctors match the best treatment options for patients sooner."

Disturbed sleep patterns may be key to ADHD Struggling to concentrate, having too much energy and being unable to control behaviour – the main manifestations of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) – have been linked to disruptions in sleep, researchers have revealed. The findings underline a growing awareness among doctors that disturbed sleep is associated with many major health hazards. Other ailments linked to the problem include obesity, diabetes and heart disease. The work opens up the possibility of developing treatments for ADHD without drugs, the researchers say. Speaking at a pharmacology conference in Paris, Professor Sandra Kooij, of

VU University Medical Centre in Amsterdam, will outline research which shows poor sleep is a sign that the timings of many physiological processes are not properly synchronised. The onset of ADHD is one of the clear signs that this is taking place. “Our research is making clear that sleep disruption and ADHD are intertwined. Essentially, they are two sides of the same physiological and mental coin,” said Kooij, speaking before her presentation. Symptoms of ADHD, which also include mood swings and impulsiveness, are generally noticed at a fairly early age, often when a child is being sent to school for the first time, although cases

are sometimes not recognised until adulthood. It is estimated that between 2% and 5% of people are affected by ADHD at some time. According to Kooij, the condition is very often inherited and usually has a pronounced neurological background. In addition, about 80% of cases are associated with profound sleep disturbances. This is most frequently manifested as delays in the onset of sleep, Kooij will tell delegates at the annual congress of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology in Paris. “People simply cannot go to bed and fall sleep at the end of the day like others,” she

said. “And that has consequences. Affected individuals sometimes cannot get to sleep until around 3am but they still have to get up to go to work or school. The result is a drastic loss of sleep.” This problem is linked, in turn, to disturbances in levels of the neurological transmitters dopamine and melatonin in the brain, she said. These chemicals control when we fall asleep and when we wake up by directing the brain’s circadian system, the internal biological clock which keeps us in sync with the 24-hour day. Other conditions linked to disturbed dopamine and melatonin levels include restless leg syndrome – an irresistible urge to move

your legs – and sleep apnoea, in which breathing is disturbed during sleep. These disorders are also linked to ADHD, said Kooij. This claim is backed by Professor Andreas Reif, of University Hospital, Frankfurt. “A disturbance of the circadian system may


indeed be a core mechanism in ADHD but beyond these considerations, sleep abnormalities are a huge problem for many patients, heavily impacting on their social life. More research is very relevant to improve patients’ lives.”



What’s inside your suntan lotion? Have you ever wondered how your suntan lotion is produced? Many people are unaware that most suntan lotions contain toxic chemical compounds as the active ingredient. These toxic chemicals include crude oil derivatives such as oxybenzone and benzophenone. Oxybenzone disrupts the hormonal system and is a cause of low birth weight in pregnancy. Other common toxic ingredients of suntan lotions are chemicals derived from Vitamin A. These derivatives of vitamin A are very different from Vitamin A and are known to break down into toxic chemicals when exposed to sunlight. Most suntan lotions will

contain chemicals that are safe for the skin. The better suntan lotions typically consist of zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, coconut oil, shea butter and other natural and safe compounds that are effective sunscreen. These natural compounds protect the skin mainly by reflecting sun rays from the skin, and they are effective against UVA and UVB rays. When next you're out shopping for suntan lotions, study the label and ensure you get a safe brand.

only block out UVB (Ultraviolet B) rays and will do nothing to protect the body against UVA rays.

UVB rays will cause sunburns and damage the skin, but UVA rays pose more risk to the skin as they pen-

etrate deeper into the skin and damage skin proteins elastin and collagen to cause skin disorders and

accelerate skin aging. The good news is that there are healthier and less toxic suntan lotions that

For A Full Body Diagnostic Scan Call MedB Clinic – 965071745, 966189074 or visit for more information

Zika virus used to treat aggressive cancer "Zika virus used to treat aggressive brain cancer," reports say. Animal and laboratory research suggests a modified version of the virus could possibly be used to target and destroy cancerous cells. The Zika virus was first discovered in 1947. It hit the headlines in 2016 when an epidemic of the virus began quickly spreading through parts of South and Central America. The virus, spread by mosquitoes, rarely causes serious problems in adults. But it can lead to birth defects, specifically microcephaly (a small, not fully developed head), if a woman contracts the virus when pregnant. The virus has the ability to cross from the blood into the brain, so researchers wanted to see if it could be used to

treat a very aggressive type of brain cancer called glioblastoma. Glioblastoma is hard to eradicate with conventional treatments because the stem cells that drive the growth of the cancer tend to recur after the more developed cancer cells are killed by chemotherapy or removed surgically. Average survival is only two years after diagnosis. So far, using Zika virus to treat glioblastoma has only been researched in cultured cells and tissue in the laboratory, as well as in mice. Results have been encouraging, but we don't know if the treatment would work in humans. And more work is needed to find out if the virus can be engineered so it's safe to use.

by Mick Roberts


Friday 15th September 2017

COME AND JOIN US! It’s the perfect time to consider joining Find A Spanish Property as a property associate, as property prices are on the rise, and the market is blossoming. 2016 was a positive year for the real estate market with prices having bottomed out the year before with modest price rises. Things have really kicked in during 2017, in strong contrast to the recession period that kicked in during 2008 and 2009. Official government figures confirm that prices are rising this year, and outside the cities of Madrid and Barcelona, Alicante Province which features the Costa Blanca, and the Murcia region with the Costa Calida tourist area, are two of the biggest areas on mainland Spain which are seeing substantial rises in demand along with price increases. The cranes are back with new homes being built by the coast, and the re-sale market continues to rise, fuelled by low interest rates in Spain. Statistics show that demand for homes from British buyers is still high, despite pessimistic fears last year over the Brexit factor, coupled with purchasers from across Europe, and even further afield. Recent surveys show that the majority of British people living in Spain are aged 65 and over, and website statistics confirm that older British nationals with no mortgage on their UK property are still very much looking at Spain as their area of choice to buy a holiday home, or even somewhere to retire to. It’s a great time to get involved in becoming a seller of real-estate in Spain, especially since most of the cowboys disappeared thanks to the recession nearly a decade ago. We like to think that we’ve played our own small part in helping to seeing them off, by offering an honest business that people are proud to recommend and that we now want to substantially expand.

Getting Started We will remove the pain and hassle of starting up your own estate agency by setting the all-important website that will market your business. The costs are cut, and you don’t need any experience of running an agency or experience of sales. We can do that for you, but you will need to promote your website and of course to generate new opportunities.

What You Get:• • • • • • • • •

Your Own Domain Name A Find A Spanish Property Dynamic and Responsive Website with YOUR Contact Details, Ready to Go. 100´s of Properties, Growing Daily, Including New Builds, Resales, Renovation Projects and Deals. Automatic Targeted News Stories and Articles for YOUR Website Free Social Media Content For YOUR Use Business Promotion Pack - Business Cards, Flyers, etc Discount Newspaper and Radio Advertising Full Training and Support Package Plus MANY Other Optional Extras

What happens next? With our support you can advertise YOUR website anywhere you wish in local and social media, newspapers, magazines, radio, TV, it´s up to you. Once an enquiry is made it comes to YOU and your account manager, the decision is made by YOU as to how to proceed. You can get involved in the whole process as much or as little as YOU wish. Full legal documentation and support is provided by our independent legal team. Upon sale we will provide accounting documentation which details your commission. Throughout the entire process we will liaise with you and have full agreement on every aspect, including such things as picking up clients from the airport; property tours; taking them to solicitors; and signing those final papers. That’s our job, whilst as an Find A Spanish Property Associate you can get involved in as much or as little as you like.

What Have You Got To Lose? This is really the best time in a decade to get involved with the Spanish property market and to earn our generous commissions. Get in touch with us now to learn more.




Friday 15th September 2017

Events Calendar

Let's Travel Back 65 Million Years

Until Sunday 17 September, 2017 Santa Pola Moors and Christians Fiesta Until 27 September, 2017 Alicante 8th Edition of the Contemporary Circus Festival

Many people are fascinated with dinosaurs and it's not difficult to see why as today we have no living mammal that even half measures up to the size of the giant beasts that inhabited the earth millions of years ago.

Until Sunday 1 October, 2017 Orihuela Costa Dinopétrea Dinosaur Exhibition (see right) Saturday 16 September, 2017 Almoradi Urban Festival: Rap, Skate, BMX, Breakdance Sunday 17 September, 2017 Orihuela Grand procession concludign the Virgin of Monserrate Fiestas Orihuela Costa Mediterranean Circuit Paddel Surf Competition at La Glea Beach Pilar de la Horadada 11km Guided Bike Ride Leaving from the Church Square Alcoy Pilgrimage to the Font Roja Sanctuary as part of the town’s fiestas From Monday 18 to Sunday 24 September, 2017 Alcoy Modernism Week: guided tours, exhibitions, workshops Tuesday 19 to Saturday 23 September, 2017 Alicante Firamaco and energy event at the IFA.

How much do you really know about dinosaurs and their exciting world? And would you like to find out more? If the answer to the latter question is 'yes', then you're in luck as Dinopétrea, an enthralling dinosaur exhibition, is being held as we speak at the Zenia Boulevard Commerical Centre on the Orihuela Costa.

Thursday 21 and Friday 22 September, 2017 Barcelona Lady Gaga in concert.

Would you like to stand within touching distance of a Tyrannosaurus Rex? Or how about actually touching a meteorite that's more than 4200 million years old? This and so much more is possible at Dinopétrea.

From Friday 22 to Saturday 23 September, 2017 Los Alcázares Help Murcia Mar Menor Outlet Sale From Friday 22 to Sunday 24 September, 2017 Catral II Vega Baja Tourism Fair

The exhibition is open every day until 1 October between 12pm and 10pm. Entrance is priced at 9€ per person. However, TKO Radio have managed to bag 4 free tickets to give away each week, for the next three weeks. To get a chance of winning a pair of tickets that entitles you to free entrance to the exhibition, all you have to do is tune into Dennis Christian's show on TKO Radio 90.8 FM and 91.9FM between 11am and 2pm Monday to Friday and answer one simple dinosaur-related question. Good luck everyone.



I wonder what the Williams brothers writing team of Jack and Harry thought about the schedulers when they put up their latest two projects directly against each other on a Monday evening, namely Rellik on BBC 1 and Liar on ITV? The guys behind The Missing and the comedy show Fleabag must have been fuming even in this age of recording, time-shifting, and box-setting, but for me there is one clear drama that wins for me and that is Liar. Downton’s Joanne Froggatt (in a rare contemporary role) and Ioan Gruffudd (back on UK TV after appearing in some US duds) star in a tale that on the face of it looks straightforward. Froggatt’s character plays somebody that has just split up with her partner, and goes on a date with an amiable widower surgeon, which in her eyes turns out to be a horrific evening as she goes to the police to say that she was raped. Gruffudd’s surgeon denies that charge, and by the end

Liar Trumps Rellik

of the first episode you have a feeling that he might not have done it, but there is no concrete evidence to suggest that he is innocent either. As with most Williams projects, you know that there is going to be a massive twist (The Missing prepared us for that), and though Broadchurch earlier this year really did bring out the horror of rape and the aftermatch of it for the victim, this was a good hour that I enjoyed. I sadly cannot say that for Rellik (Killer in reverse) which the Williams boys have boldly constructed as a police procedural in reverse, so the first scenes see the allegedly serial acid attack killer being shot dead, as he confronts the investigating detective, played by Richard Dormer. Then, in a lift from the excellent movie Momento, we start to see the whole story in reverse. I applaud something bold and different, but even with the benefit of pausing and spinning back my recording of Rellik to try and work things out, this reverse technique was

just too confusing and frankly too irritating for me, and after half an hour I wanted to throw in the towel. I’ll stick with another episode this Monday to see if something clicks, but despite some UK critics raving about it, viewer reaction, along with yours truly, was that Rellik was a bit of a confusing mess. One of the TV mysteries of last year was why Christopher Ecclestone left the second series of ITV’s Safe House just as it was about to go into production, forcing a big rewrite and the recasting of the main characters. It’s all been branded as “confidential”, but perhaps Ecclestone saw the scripts, which based on what I saw in last week’s opener, are uninspiring (to be polite). There’s only four episodes in this run, and Stephen Moyer, best known as Bill the Vampire from international mega hit True Blood, has been drafted into the Ecclestone role. That was weird as a True Blood fan to see Brit actor Moyer speaking non-American, which was the only novelty

aspect of a plodding hour with some good performers like Jason Watkins served badly by a predictable script, which had me nodding off in my armchair at various points. Sky keep plugging across their channels how much they love drama, but compared to the big US cable channels like HBO and Showtime, they seem to have been largely incapable over three decades to produce a portfolio of returning critically acclaimed homeproduced products. Most promising series seem to be

dumped after just one season, like the fire-fighting drama, The Smoke. With the recent glorious exception of Lucky Man (shooting a third series), the enjoyable Jamestown, and the heartwarming Ruth Jones-created and starring Stella (which started its last run on Wednesday), Sky have shown little patience in developing dramas that get people talking. I hope then that they stay faithful to Tin Star (Sky Atlantic) starring the fantastic Tim Roth, which has been made by the excellent

production company Kudos (think Spooks, Broadchurch, Hustle, Ashes to Ashes and Death in Paradise to mention a few). Roth plays a London copper that has become chief of police in a small Canadian town and takes a stand against an oil company that wants everything from the community. I loved every second of it and Roth is just brilliant in a story that has brought personal tragedy to his character, with Tin Star also featuring the excellent Christina Hendricks of Mad Men fame.


Colin makes a huge fuss of them, insisting they’ve got so much in common.

Elsewhere, Adam is encouraged to see a doctor following troubles with his eyesight.

Friday Liv receives another shock when she hears about Rebecca’s pregnancy. Lashing out, Liv throws insults at Rebecca and Robert. Later, Liv is keen to get Aaron and Robert back together, but will Aaron listen to what she has to say? Meanwhile, Debbie and Charity get a surprise. Elsewhere, Daz hopes to make amends. Also today, Megan reckons that Leyla is taking her relationship bitterness out on prospective clients.

Monday Still furious about the news of Rebecca’s pregnancy, Liv goes round to Home Farm and causes a scene. In the end, she steals Robert’s car keys and the bottle of brandy that made Lawrence so unwell. Later, Liv swigs from the bottle before passing out in a ditch by the side of the road. As Liv is rushed to hospital, the truth about Robert’s actions comes to light and Aaron is furious. Meanwhile, when Tom and Debbie talk business, he accepts her offer and disarms her by taking her for a lunch date to a surprising venue. They start to get to know each other, but by the end of the date, Debbie is disappointed and unsure where she stands.


Friday 15th September 2017

Tuesday Aaron is pushed to the brink by Liv’s condi- Friday Eva prints off tion and Robert’s involve- another scan photo from the internet. Making out it’s ment. her own scan photo, she Meanwhile, Victoria admits asks Maria to drop it round that she still cares for to Aidan at the flat. Eva Adam, which gives him explains to Jenny that some hope. When he they’re having a double realises she has missed a hen do at The Rovers. festival in order to look after him, they share a Jenny is furious to discover Eva has gone behind her kiss. back and cancelled the Elsewhere, Debbie storms posh restaurant. When the out of The Woolpack when strippers arrive, Jenny is Charity teases her about appalled that her hen do Tom. Ross is feeling hurt has turned into such a low and when he expresses rent affair. his doubts about Tom to Debbie, she apologises for Soon afterwards, Eva and giving him the wrong idea. Toyah lead the hen party drinking games. With Wednesday When a letter Maria the butt of the gags, arrives which is supposed- Eva enjoys watching her ly from Ronnie in Brussels, squirm. Lawrence’s hopes are raised – but it’s not the Furious at how far Eva has gone, Maria says she news he wants. won’t be able to attend the Meanwhile, a loved-up wedding as Liam is ill. Eva Nicola and Jimmy prepare is furious. for an afternoon together, but it doesn’t go to plan. Thursday When a letter arrives which is supposedly from Ronnie in Brussels, Lawrence’s hopes are raised – but it’s not the news he wants. Meanwhile, a loved-up Nicola and Jimmy prepare for an afternoon together, but it doesn’t go to plan. Monday It’s the morning of the wedding and Eva is Elsewhere, Aaron’s inter- determined to go ahead est is piqued. with her final act of revenge against Aidan. Also today, Victoria reaches a decision. Will it be Much to Eva’s surprise, the good news for Adam? wind is taken out of her sails when a contrite Aidan As Rebecca leaves to seeks her out before the meet a potential investor, ceremony to confess his Robert offers to keep an affair. How will she react to eye on Lawrence. the supposed ‘revelation’? Lawrence ends up hitting the bottle again and the two of them seem to bond over their woes. Is Lawrence playing into Robert’s hands yet again?

Meanwhile, Norris and Mary arrive at the radio station for the Mr & Mrs competition and Colin from Marketing heads over. Having discovered that Norris runs a newsagents,

Elsewhere, Gemma, Jenny and Johnny are horrified to discover Rita missing from her hospital bed and set off in search of her. Also, as Michelle leaves the prison, she’s shocked to find a single white rose on her windscreen. Having arrived at the wedding venue, Toyah is horrified to catch a glance of Maria through a window. After tracking down Maria’s room, Toyah lures her into the bathroom and jams a chair under the door handle to lock her in. At the same time, making the decision to still go ahead with the wedding, Eva is oblivious to the fact that Maria has sneaked her way into the venue and gatecrashes the ceremony, denouncing it as a sham. Wednesday Will Eva succeed in becoming Mrs Connor, or has Maria ruined everything? Elsewhere, having heard all about the wedding drama, Will puts a comforting arm around Michelle, taking her home for a bite to eat. Is she in danger? Finally, Colin pulls up outside The Kabin and takes a good look around, before seeking out Norris and Mary with a surprising offer. Pouring Michelle a glass of wine, Will suggests that she should move in with him so that he can protect her from her stalker. Michelle promises to think about it, but Will goes further by leaning in for a kiss. Soon afterwards, alone in Will’s living room, Michelle is shocked to stumble across a folder full of photos of herself and realises with horror that he’s her stalker. Michelle suddenly realises she’s in grave danger.

al and harshly criticises her plans, questioning whether she really knew Steven at all.

Friday receive news.

The some

Kazemis worrying

Meanwhile, Fi’s reception at the Queen Vic gets under way, but there’s a backlash from the residents when the Mayor turns up to make a speech. Monday Following on from recent events with Kush, Stacey receives some potentially worrying news about Arthur. Meanwhile, Kathy is shocked as she returns to the Square and Kim fills her in over the recent tragic events. Soon afterwards, Kathy demands to know why Ian didn’t make contact. Elsewhere, Lauren turns to alcohol again as she continues to feel guilty over her lack of love for Steven. Whitney urges her to pull herself together and focus on being there for Louie.

Tuesday When Ian continues to be dismissive towards Kathy, she realises that his attitude could stem from her decision to fake her death all those years ago. Kathy refuses to give up on supporting her sons and finally gets Ian to open up when he breaks down in her arms. Meanwhile, Abi isn’t impressed by Lauren’s choices for Steven’s funer-

Elsewhere, Stacey goes to the hospital to seek answers over Arthur, but is upset to hear that she’ll have to wait for a specialist appointment next week. She also keeps the news to herself as Martin is facing a tough time behind bars. Thursday With everyone distracted by plans for Steven’s funeral, Sharon points out an email which states that Ian is supposed to be visiting Bobby today. Kathy encourages Ian to go ahead and visit his son, but after everything that’s happened, will he still go through with it?

It’s the day of Oliver and Zosia’s wedding. As family and friends gather, emotions are at an all-time high.

However, the arrival of a particular guest threatens to put the kibosh on their happy day – will love conquer all? Meanwhile, Jac and Nina bump heads over the running of Darwin ward. However, unforeseen events soon force them to put their differences aside. Will they realise that they share more common ground than they think?

Week Days 08:00 Breakfast with Peter Hurst 11:00 Mornings with Dennis Christian - DC, AM to PM 14:00 Afternoons with Alex Trelinski - Alex in the Afternoon. 17:00 Drivetime (AKA Tea Time) with Mark Nolan

Weekends Saturday 09:00 Breakfast with Tim Bridge 12:00 Saturday Afternoons with Paul Norman 15:00 Saturday Sports with Alex Trelinski 18:00 Entertainment Power 20:00 Northern Soul

Sunday 09:00 Breakfast with Tim Bridge 12:00 Soul & Mowtown 14:00 Gary Jackson 16:00 The Retro Chart 18:00 Classic Country

Email: Facebook: tkospain Phone: 965 50 55 10 Text: 671 33 76 75

Friday TV 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Council House Crackdown 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Dom on the Spot 12:45 Thief Trackers 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 The Boss 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Garden Rescue 17:30 Celebrity Money for Nothing 18:15 Pointless 19:00 News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 A Question of Sport Sue , Matt and Phil are joined by Sarah Storey, England-spinner Graeme Swann, Olympic gold medallist Mark-Lewis Francis and rugby league star Sam Tomkins. 21:00 EastEnders The Kazemis receive some worrying news. 21:30 Celebrity MasterChef The last of the semi-finals finds six contenders preparing a typical take-away meal - either fish and chips, Indian chicken curry or burger and fries. The remaining five then have to prepare a high tea to celebrate the life and works of celebrated landscape gardener Lancelot `Capability' Brown, cooking a menu specially designed by pastry chef Cherish Finden. Back at HQ, the candidates must create one dish inspired by someone close to them. 23:00 News 23:35 Comedy Playhouse 00:05 Room 101 00:35 The NFL Show 01:05 Film - Rogue (15) 02:40 Weather 02:45 News

07:00 Flog It!: Trade Secrets 07:30 Council House Crackdown 08:15 Garden Rescue 09:00 Gardeners’ World 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 For What It’s Worth 14:45 Coast 15:00 Glorious Gardens From Above 15:45 Who Do You Think You Are? 16:45 Great British Railway Journeys 17:15 Human Planet 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Richard Osman’s House of Games 19:30 Eggheads

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 News

20:00 This Farming Life Mel must act fast to help a trapped bull, the Holstein Society assessor comes to judge the merits of the Roans’ herd, an avian flu scare puts Robin and Penny’s hens on lockdown, and David goes to the rescue of a cow stuck in a bog.

21:00 Teach My Pet to Do That Alexander Armstrong opens the doors of his multi species pet training school to welcome German shepherd cross Declan and domesticated ferret Biscuit.

21:00 Mastermind Specialist subjects are the sitcom “Green Wing”, the poet Rumi, Julius Caesar, and Lancashire County Cricket Club. 21:30 Only Connect Victoria hosts as a team of solo applicants take on three teachers. 22:00 Gardeners’ World Monty’s thoughts turn to spring when he gives recommendations for bulbs to plant that will thrive in pots. 23:00 Mock the 23:30 Newsnight Dragons’ Den Panorama Dangerous Borders Normal for Norfolk This Is BBC Two

Week 00:05 01:05 01:35 02:35 03:05

Poldark begins filming series 4.

With fans still reeling from the climactic events of series three, the fourth series of BBC One's much loved drama Poldark began filming last week. Adapted by Debbie Horsfield from the novels by Winston Graham and produced by Mammoth Screen this eight part series, starring Aidan Turner as Ross Poldark and Eleanor Tomlinson as his wife Demelza, will film across Cornwall, the West Country and locations in London for transmission next year. 1796: Ross must defend Cornwall from an empowered George Warleggan, and risks everything he holds dear as he embarks on a political journey which takes him to the nation's capital. Demelza finds her loyalties torn, Elizabeth tries


to strengthen her marriage, Morwenna continues to be oppressed by husband Reverend Ossie Whitworth, and the Enyses are tested as never before. Two powerful new characters enter the saga, as Rebecca Front is Lady Whitworth, Ossie’s formidable mother, and Max Bennett is Monk Adderley, an unscrupulous society figure who is on a collision course with the Poldarks. Also back for series four are Harry Richardson and Tom York as Drake and Sam Carne, Beatie Edney as Prudie and Josh Whitehouse as Lieutenant Hugh Armitage, who remains deeply in love with Demelza. Filming will take place in Cornwall and Bristol over the coming months and the series will transmit in 2018.

20:00 Emmerdale Debbie and Charity get a surprise. 20:30 Coronation Street Eva uses her hen party to take aim at Maria and Jenny.

21:30 Coronation Street Eva pushes Maria too far. 22:00 Cold Feet Babymaking miscommunication drives a wedge between Adam and Tina, while Karen's new business partner is concerned by the health of her accounts. Jenny inadvertently drops her colleagues in it when she tells her boss they could afford to lose a few employees. She will get to choose who makes the cut, but back home Pete is horrified by her behaviour and begins to wonder just what he has unleashed. 23:00 News 23:45 Tonight at the London Palladium 00:45 Tipping Point 01:40 Jackpot247 04:00 Storage Hoarders 04:50 ITV Nightscreen

07:00 Countdown 07:45 The King of Queens 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:55 Frasier 10:25 Formula 1 Singapore Grand Prix Practice 1 Live 12:05 Coast vs Country 13:05 News 13:10 A Place in the Sun 13:40 Countdown 14:25 Formula 1 Singapore Grand Prix Practice 2 Live 16:05 Cheap Cheap Cheap 17:00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 18:00 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 News 21:00 The Crystal Maze Richard Ayoade guides a team of cosplay enthusiasts through the Aztec, Medieval, Industrial and Future zones of the Maze, tackling a range of skill, mystery, physical and mental challenges. All contenders are huge fans of the show and have engaged in intensive research on how to tackle the challenges ahead. However, it remains to be seen whether their preparations will pay off or prove utterly pointless. 22:00 Gogglebox Britain’s most opinionated and avid TV viewers comment freely on what the box has to offer. 23:00 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 00:05 Married to a Celebrity: The Survival Guide 01:05 Back 01:35 The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice 02:20 Film - The French Connection (14) 04:05 The State 05:00 Selling Houses

ITV ´All Star Musicals´ with Michael Crawford

West End legend Michael Crawford will guide seven well known celebrities through an all singing, all dancing musical theatre extravaganza, coming to ITV this Christmas. Hosted by Freddie Flintoff, All Star Musicals will feature a cast of famous faces who will each perform an iconic number from a hit musical at the legendary Palladium Theatre in London's West End. Sir Tony Robinson, Denise Lewis OBE, Nicky Campbell, Sally Phillips, Lucy Fallon, Michael Parr and Rebecca Front, all of whom have been selected based upon their stand out performance skills, will train with some of the West End's most seasoned performers as they get to grips with

their chosen song. They will then debut their number supported by a sensational chorus line - to a packed house at the London Palladium. Along the way they will be guided by one of Britain’s best loved musical stars Michael Crawford, who will be on hand to offer guidance, advice and encouragement ahead of their big performance. With both Tony and Olivier awards to his name, Michael has amassed a West End career spanning five decades. Presenter Freddie Flintoff will soon himself be no stranger to the stage, as he will be making his debut in Fat Friends the musical later this year. The theatre audience decide the best act.

07:00 Milkshake 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 13:10 News 13:15 The Hotel Inspector 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 The Mentalist 16:15 Film Jesse Stone: Innocents Lost (14) 18:00 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 News 20:00 Secrets Of The National Trust with Alan Titchmarsh Alan Titchmarsh reveals some surprising facts about Beatrix Potter, Oz Clarke visits a nursery housing some of our rarest plants, Jon Culshaw visits a time capsule in Gloucestershire and Suzannah Lipscomb travels to Blakeney Point. 21:00 Celebrity 5 Go Motorhoming The famous five head for Scotland’s highlands and islands, where Lesley Joseph has to face her fear of heights, Cleo Rocos gets an adrenalin rush and Don Warrington and Nick Heywood experience the magic of the Glenfinnan viaduct and the Harry Potter express. 22:00 Cruising with Jane McDonald Jane takes a river cruise down the Rhone, where she visits a food market, enjoys the glorious scenery and tries wine-tasting . 23:00 Autopsy00:05 Greatest Ever Pop Families 01:00 SuperCasino 04:10 Ring of Fire 05:40 House Doctor

07:00 You’ve Been Framed! 07:25 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 08:00 Below Deck 08:45 Emmerdale 09:45 You’ve Been Framed! 10:15 Ellen DeGeneres 11:05 Below Deck 12:15 Dress to Impress 13:20 Emmerdale 14:20 You’ve Been Framed! 14:50 Ellen DeGeneres 15:45 Jeremy Kyle 19:00 Dress to Impress 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Film - Run, Fatboy, Run (14) ITV 3 07:00 Judge Judy 07:40 Heartbeat 08:40 Where the Heart Is 09:45 Wild at Heart 10:45 Judge Judy 12:05 On the Buses 13:45 Barging Round Britain With John Sergeant 14:15 Heartbeat 15:20 Doc Martin 16:20 Wild at Heart 17:20 On the Buses 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Kate: The Making of a Modern Queen 22:00 Mr Selfridge 23:30 Law & Order: UK ITV 4 07:00 Nijinsky’s Triple Crown 07:05 The Chase 07:50 Minder 08:45 The Avengers 09:55 The Car Chasers 10:50 Pawn Stars 11:50 Minder 12:50 The Avengers 13:55 River Monsters 14:30 R a c i n g : Live at Doncaster 17:00 Minder 18:00 The Avengers 19:05 The Car Chasers 20:00 Pawn Stars 21:00 Goodwood Revival 22:00 Film - Diamonds Are Forever (PG) 00:35 Film Universal Soldier (18)

Celebrity Psych Test heads to All 4

So TV has been commissioned to produce Celebrity Psych Test, a 10x15 minute series for All4 featuring a raft of celebrities undertaking an examination designed to provide an insight into their differing personalities. Adapted from well-established personality tests, Celebrity Psych Test comprises a series of statements that guests are asked to respond to, with their answers creating a picture of their unique personality traits. Each mid-form episode sees two contrasting celebrities take the same test with very different responses and outcomes. Guests include comic Russell Kane, broadcaster and journalist Janet Street Porter, Channel 4 News'

Krishnan Guru Murthy (pictured above), record breaking athlete Dame Kelly Holmes, Hollyoaks hearth throb and Blue singer Duncan James, Tattoo Fixers’ Sketch and reality stars Charlotte Crosby, Stephen Bear, Spencer Matthews, and Jamie Laing. Once the test is completed, expert feedback and interpretation is given by watching psychologist, Lee Valls, who explains the results and places them in the context of the thousands of other people who have taken the test worldwide. Due to air later this month, the series is commissioned by C4’s Dom Bird and Lizzy Keene, produced by Matt Gillbe, directed by Atul Malhotra and Executive Produced by Paul Gilheany.


Friday 15th September 2017

Strike - The Silkworm

Even Better Than The Real Thing Sunday - BBCOne

Saturday - BBCOne Paddy McGuinness hosts BBC One’s brand new entertainment spectacular, Even Better Than The Real Thing. The 60-minute special will celebrate the biggest names in pop music by bringing together the world’s top tribute artists for a glamorous

night of performing and competing. With music from the likes of Whitney Houston, George Michael, Little Mix, Amy Winehouse and Bruno Mars, Even Better Than The Real Thing will see performances from professional tribute artists who are quite simply the very best in the game.

Also in the show will be unique and surprising duets, as the tribute artists deliver never-before-seen collaborations. At the end of the show the live studio audience will vote for their favourite performer the one act on the night that truly is even better than the real thing.

WWII's Great Escapes Saturday - Channel4 Monty Halls reveals stories of Allied soldiers who escaped from Nazi territory during the Second World War, and meeting surviving veterans who share their own personal accounts. The first episode focuses on the most successful mass escape of Allied prisoners of war during the conflict. He retraces their 200-mile journey through the forests and mountains of Slovenia, braving bears and wolves

along the way, and meets surviving members of the resistance movement that

Conclusion of the two-part adaptation of JK Rowling's detective novel. Strike and Robin become suspicious of Fancourt after he makes a revealing mistake during a TV interview, while an encounter at a party leads to further suspicious revelations. The authorship of the fatal novel comes under question, and a literary analyst is called in to examine the test. Matthew is less than happy to discover that Strike and Robin are working together again, while Leonora discovers a mysterious purchase was made on the family credit card.

How Magic Changed TV Sunday - Channel5

The story of magic on television, examining the challenges of performing illusions for a TV camera that can see everything. Some of the most successful modern magicians reveal the performers who inspired them, and take a look back at how performers like Paul Daniels, Penn & Teller, Derren Brown, David Blaine and Dynamo transformed the art form. With contributions by Stephen Mulhern, Debbie McGee, helped the escapees to David Berglas, Dick and Dom avoid recapture. and Gloria Hunniford.

Saturday TV 07:00 The NFL Show 07:30 How We Won the War 08:00 Film - My Favourite Wife 09:25 Talking Pictures 10:05 Film - Hotel Reserve 11:30 Railways of the Great War With Michael Portillo 12:00 Coast 13:00 Len and Ainsley’s Big Food Adventure 13:45 Live: ITU World Series Triathlon 18:15 The Big Family 20:00 Even Better Than Cooking Showdown The Real Thing Five acts Dad’s Army pay tribute to Amy 19:15 Winehouse, Bruno Mars, Mainwaring and his platoon George Michael, Little Mix set up an observation post in the local lighthouse, but and Whitney Houston. manage to annoy ARP war21:00 The National den Hodges by inadvertentLottery: Who Dares Wins ly flooding the whole town Nick Knowles hosts the quiz with light during an air raid. where two teams of Comedy first shown in strangers compete to win 1970, starring Arthur Lowe and John Le Mesurier. up to £100,000.

07:00 Breakfast 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30 The Hairy Bikers’ Comfort Food 13:00 Football Focus 14:00 News 14:15 Live: Champions League of Darts 17:30 Final Score 18:25 News 18:40 Len Goodman’s Partners in Rhyme 19:10 Pointless Celebrities

21:45 Casualty Dylan’s plan to reunite Sanosi with his uncle doesn’t turn out the way he would have hoped.

19:45 Live: Champions League of Darts Jason Mohammad presents coverage of four further groupstage matches from Motorpoint Arena in Cardiff, as the second staging of the competition featuring the world's top eight players continues. This session will see the four winners from this afternoon's clashes face each other, while the four losers from those contests will be involved in the other games. A cheque for £100,000 is the prize.

22:35 Mrs Brown’s Boys Agnes Brown and her friend Winnie gatecrash Dermot’s fiancée Maria’s hen party but realise that they have the wrong venue. Later, having invited Maria’s snooty mother Mrs Nicholson to dinner, a nervous Agnes shores up her confidence with alcohol, but chaos ensues as the 23:15 The A-Z of evening proceeds. Later...with Jools Holland: 23:05 News 23:25 Match of From Adele to ZZ Top the Day 00:55 People Just 00:45 Film - The White Do Nothing 01:25 Film - Countess (PG) 02:50 Film The Uninvited (14) 02:45 Renoir (14) 04:35 This Is BBC Two Weather 02:50 News


07:00 CITV 10:25 Saturday Morning with James Martin 12:20 The Hungry Sailors 13:20 News 13:25 The X Factor 14:30 ITV Racing: Live from Doncaster 17:00 Film - Bean (PG) 18:35 News 19:00 The Family Chase The Bass family from Essex join forces to try and outsmart one of the country’s finest quiz brains. 20:00 Cannonball Andrew “Freddie” Flintoff presents the action-packed show in which 24 brave contestants take on a series of challenging water-based inflatable games and obstacles.

07:10 Volkswagen Racing Cup 07:40 Vitoria-Gasteiz Triathlon 08:05 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00 Frasier 10:30 The Big Bang Theory 11:55 Formula 1 Singapore Practice 3 Live 13:25 F1 Meets... Jackie Stewart 13:55 Formula 1 Singapore Grand Prix Qualifying Live 16:45 World’s Most Expensive Cars 17:45 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 18:35 Location, Location, Location 19:30 News

20:00 Dunkirk: The New Evidence Dunkirk has long been viewed as the RAF’s poorest hour, but recently released MoD files reveal that, far from being absent, 21:00 The X Factor the RAF were suffering Britain’s biggest singing massive losses supporting competition continues with the evacuation. more auditions, hosted by WWII’s Great Dermot O’Leary. What 21:00 weird and wonderful per- Escapes: The Freedom formances await judges Trails Monty tells the draSimon, Sharon, Louis and matic story of the most successful mass escape of Nicole? Allied prisoners of war of 22:15 The Jonathan Ross the Second World War. He Show Paul Hollywood and retraces their extraordinary Noel Fielding drop in to dis- journey through the forests cuss Bake Off in its new and mountains of Slovenia. home on Channel 4. Jonathan also chats to the 22:00 Film - Super 8 In the cast of spy comedy sequel summer of 1979, while Kingsman: The Golden making a movie, a group of Circle. Craig David com- friends witness a catapletes tonight's guest list, strophic train crash and and performs live in the stu- soon suspect that this was no accident. (PG) dio. 23:20 News 23:35 Film The Nutty Professor (12) 01:20 Jackpot247 04:00 The Hungry Sailors 04:50 ITV Nightscreen

00:20 Film - The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones (PG) 02:35 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 03:30 Hollyoaks Omnibus

07:00 CITV 10:25 ITV News 10:30 James Martin’s French Adventure 10:55 Film - Problem Child (PG) 12:30 Robson Green’s Coastal Lives 13:30 News 13:40 Bear Grylls Survival School 14:10 Catchphrase 14:50 The X Factor 16:00 Film - Never Say Never Again (PG) 18:35 Victoria 19:35 News

07:20 Last Man Standing 07:40 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00 Frasier 10:00 Sunday Brunch 13:00 Formula 1 13:35 Formula 1 Singapore Grand Prix Live 16:10 Formula 1 17:15 The Crystal Maze 18:15 The Great British Bake Off 19:30 News

07:00 Milkshake 11:20 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:55 Animals Make You Laugh Out Loud 12:20 Columbo 16:10 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 17:10 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 19:05 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 20:00 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! One-off edition in which the High Court enforcement agents are caught in the crossfire of three bitter family disputes 21:00 The Great Fire: In Real Time Dan Jones follows the path of the fire on the worst day of its rampage as it swept through some of London’s iconic buildings. Suzannah Lipscomb finds evidence in the archives of who was blamed and who escaped scot free. Rob Bell visits Imperial College London for more information about the spread of the fire and to re-create the intense heat it generated. 21:55 News 22:00 Football Colin Murray introduces highlights from the weekend's games in the Championship, including Barnsley v Aston Villa, Hull City v Sunderland, and Millwall v Leeds United. 23:30 NCIS 01:05 Cricket on 5 02:05 SuperCasino 04:10 Ring of Fire 05:40 Divine Designs

07:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:10 Emmerdale Omnibus 09:35 Coronation Street Omnibus 13:00 Film - Sweet Home Alabama (PG) 15:10 The X Factor 16:15 Film - The Incredible Hulk (PG) 18:25 Film - King Kong (PG) 22:00 Film - The Fast and the Furious (14) 00:10 Family Guy 01:35 American Dad! 02:05 Celebrity Juice 03:05 Bromans ITV 3 07:00 Judge Judy 07:20 Murder, She Wrote 09:20 Margery and Gladys 11:25 Columbo 13:00 Film Carry on Matron (PG) 14:50 Wycliffe 15:55 Foyle’s War 20:00 Agatha Christie’s Marple 22:00 Midsomer Murders 00:00 A Touch of Frost 02:10 On the Buses 03:05 ITV3 Nightscreen ITV 4 07:00 Sporting Funnies 07:05 River Monsters 07:35 The Big Fish Off 08:30 Motorsport UK 09:25 Goodwood Classic Cars 10:30 ITV Racing 11:30 Hat-trick Heroes II 11:45 Fishing Allstars 12:45 Pawn Stars 16:25 Film The Pink Panther (PG) 18:45 Film Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (PG) 20:45 Live: World Super Series Boxing 00:30 Film Tango & Cash (15) 02:40 The Classic Car Show 03:40 ITV4 Nightscreen 04:00 Teleshopping

Sunday TV 07:00 Breakfast 08:30 Match of the Day 10:00 The Andrew Marr Show 11:00 Sunday Morning Live 12:00 Sunday Politics 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:15 Fake or Fortune? 15:15 Money for Nothing 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Points of View 17:00 Songs of Praise 17:35 How to Stay Young 18:35 Invictus: Battle to the Start Line 19:35 News

07:05 Great British Garden Revival 08:05 Gardeners’ World 09:05 The Beechgrove Garden 09:35 Countryfile 10:30 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 12:00 Lorraine’s Fast, Fresh and Easy Food 12:30 My Life on a Plate 13:15 MOTD2 Extra 14:00 Live: Champions League of Darts 17:30 Tribes, Predators & Me 18:30 Top Gear

20:00 Countryfile Ellie Harrison celebrates the Lake District becoming a World Heritage Site, examining the factors that allow an area to become a protected landscape and examining how local people have shaped the national park.

19:30 Live: Champions League of Darts Jason Mohammad presents coverage of the semi-finals and final from Cardiff's Motorpoint Arena, as the players to have progressed through the group stage hope to claim the £100,000 first prize. These matches will take place over the best of 21 legs, as the winner of the second staging of this tournament is set to be decided.

07:00 Milkshake 11:05 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:40 Football 13:00 Police Interceptors 16:00 Film - Open Season 17:45 Film – Annie 20:05 Before They Were Dale Narrator Stars Winton brings together a selection of clips featuring pop stars, films stars, comedians, sports stars and presenters before they hit the big time.

20:00 Tipping Point: Lucky Stars Can Professor Green, Coronation Street’s Sair Khan or Storage Hunters’ Sean Kelly beat the machine?

20:00 Amazing Spaces: Shed of the Year It’s the Eco and Budget categories, including a Scottish woodland stargazer and a home made for just £1000. Then it’s time to announce the winner of Shed of the Year 2017.

21:00 The X Factor Talent contest, hosted by Dermot O'Leary, in which solo singers and groups compete to impress judges Sharon Osbourne, Nicole Scherzinger, Louis Walsh and Simon Cowell and win a recording contract.

21:00 Speed with Guy Martin Guy joins the Williams F1 pit crew at the Belgian GP as a key member of the precision wheelchange team, in a programme providing a privileged insight into F1.

23:00 Film - Risk The story of Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, as the legal jeopardy he faces threatens to undermine the organisation he leads and fracture the movement he 22:00 Strike Strike and inspired, in a new world Robin scour all corners of order where a single keyLondon’s literary world to stroke can alter history. unmask Quine’s killer. (PG)

22:00 Victoria The royal court celebrates the birth of the Queen's second child, but Victoria alone is unhappy as she struggles to bond with her newborn son. A crisis compels Albert to return to Coburg, separating the couple for the first time since their wedding.

22:00 Electric Dreams Sci-fi anthology series featuring stories based on the works of Philip K Dick. The first story is set in a strangely archaic future city, following a devastating meteor shower that has wiped out much of the world's technology.

Magic How 22:00 Changed TV The story of the magicians whose spellbinding skills changed the face of television. The groundbreaking most magical moments in TV history. Featuring contributions from Penn and Teller, Stephen Mulhern, Debbie McGee, David Berglas, Dick and Dom and Gloria Hunniford.

23:00 News 23:30 Match of the Day 2 00:30 Fugitives 01:15 Weather for the Week Ahead 01:20 News

23:05 News 23:20 Judge Rinder’s Crime Stories 00:20 Liar 01:15 Jackpot247 04:00 Motorsport UK

23:10 Lee Mack: Hit the Road Mack 00:05 Film Slumdog Millionaire (14) 02:20 The Supervet 03:15 Gillette World Sport

00:05 When Magic Goes Horribly Wrong 02:45 04:10 SuperCasino Gotham 05:00 Now That’s Funny

21:00 Fake or Fortune? Nicky Philipps, an artist who has previously painted portraits of the royal family, seeks help in determining whether a mysterious painting housed at Picton Castle in Pembrokeshire is a genuine work by celebrated French Impressionist Pierre Auguste Renoir.

00:25 Film - The Devil’s Double (18) 02:10 Question Time 03:10 Holby City 04:10 This Is BBC Two

21:00 Aviva Premiership Rugby Highlights of the latest action from the Aviva Premiership, presented by Mark Durden-Smith and David Flatman. Week three sees Northampton Saints take on Bath at Franklin’s Gardens. 21:55 News

07:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:10 You’ve Been Framed! 07:35 Coronation Street Omnibus 11:00 Guidance 11:25 LA Story 11:40 Cheerleaders Steel Rays 12:00 Ready, Set, Style 12:15 Third Wheel 12:40 The X Factor 13:55 Take Me Out 15:10 Film Step Up 2 the Streets (PG) 17:15 Film - The Smurfs 19:20 Film - Evan Almighty 21:10 Film - Gravity (PG) 23:00 Family Guy ITV 3 07:00 On the Buses 07:25 Margery and Gladys 09:25 Heartbeat 11:25 Murder, She Wrote 13:25 Columbo 15:05 Film - Carry on Up the Jungle 16:55 Wycliffe 18:00 Agatha Christie’s Marple 20:00 Midsomer Murders 22:00 Sunday Night at the Palladium 23:00 Kate: The Making of a Modern Queen ITV 4 07:00 The Car Chasers 07:25 The Avengers 08:30 British Superbikes Motorcycle Racing 10:00 Goodwood Revival 12:00 Live: British Touring Car Championship 19:30 Pawn Stars 20:00 Fishing Allstars 21:00 The Chase: Celebrity Special 22:00 Film - Airplane! (PG) 23:50 Car Crash Global: Caught on Camera

32 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Fake Britain 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Dom on the Spot 12:45 Thief Trackers 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 The Boss 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Garden Rescue 17:30 Celebrity Money for Nothing 18:15 Pointless 19:00 News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Inside Out 21:00 EastEnders Stacey receives some worrying news. 21:30 Panorama As the EU desperately tries to cut the number of migrants crossing the Mediterranean, reporter Benjamin Zand investigates how hundreds of millions of Euros of EU funding is being spent. 22:00 Rellik Gabriel comes face to face with the prime suspect in the serial murders, but his deep and personal connection to the case could see him jeopardising his career. Elaine is battling her own demons, as she deals with a close bereavement which draws her away from the case just as other relationships within the team are pushed to breaking point. 23:00 News 23:45 Professor Green: Is It Time to Legalise Weed? 00:40 Live at the Apollo 01:25 Weather 01:30 News

Friday 15th September 2017

07:00 Flog It!: Trade Secrets 07:30 Council House Crackdown 08:15 Garden Rescue 09:00 The Big Family Cooking Showdown 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 For What It’s Worth 14:45 The £100k House: Tricks of the Trade 15:45 Who Do You Think You Are? 16:45 Great British Railway Journeys 17:15 Human Planet 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Richard Osman’s House of Games 19:30 Eggheads 20:00 Antiques Road Trip Christina Trevanion and Mark Stacey search for antiques in the West Midlands. 21:00 University Challenge Leicester fight it out against Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge. 21:30 Upstart Crow Will is off to Stratford to get some serious writing done, but when his terrifying old schoolteacher, invites himself to stay, Will is unable to say no. 22:00 Horizon As the world says goodbye to the great explorer Cassini, Horizon will be there for its final moments. 23:00 W1A 23:30 Newsnight 00:15 The Search for a New Earth 01:45 Countryfile 02:40 Celebrity MasterChef 03:40 This Is BBC Two

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 News 20:00 Emmerdale Liv’s life is in danger. 20:30 Coronation Street Eva prepares to unleash her final revenge on Aidan. 21:00 Countrywise Liz visits the tiny island of Lunga off the south-west coast of Scotland for an encounter with a colony of Atlantic Puffins, while Ben travels to Devon to the cowboys who drive their cattle across the tough terrain of Dartmoor each year the old fashioned way. Plus, a trip to Dorset with Martin Kemp for a crabbing excursion. 21:30 Coronation Street Aidan’s confession plunges Eva into turmoil. 22:00 Liar Laura’s online attack on Andrew yields unexpected consequences as a figure from her past returns to haunt her, potentially jeopardising the case. 23:00 News 23:45 100 Year Old Driving School 00:45 The Jonathan Ross Show 01:40 Jackpot247 04:00 Jeremy Kyle

07:00 Countdown 07:45 The King of Queens 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:05 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:00 Coast vs Country 13:00 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 French Collection 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Cheap Cheap Cheap 17:00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 18:00 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 News 21:00 Jamie’s Quick and Easy Food Jamie Oliver makes high-speed ginger shakin’ beef, crispy squid and smashed avocado, pork and mash gratin, and almond, orange and polenta cake. 21:30 Superfoods: The Real Story Kate Quilton visits Chile to see if the mysterious macqui berry could be a dieter’s dream come true. 22:00 The Undateables James Bond fanatic Rhys, who is autistic and struggles to read signals, and 22-year-old Joshua who is a keen gardener and finds social situations difficult. 23:00 First Dates 00:05 The Wedding Day 01:05 Random Acts 01:35 60 Days in Jail 02:25 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 03:15 The Threshold

Monday TV 07:00 Milkshake 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 13:10 News 13:15 The Hotel Inspector 14:10 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 The Mentalist 16:15 Film - Seduced by Lies 18:00 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 News 20:00 FIA World Rally Championship Highlights from Poland of the eighth round of this year’s FIA World Rally Championship. 21:00 Police Interceptors The skills of the interceptors are put to the test as they go in hot pursuit of reckless youths. Jacko is on the hunt for a wanted teenager, and the interceptors are hot on the heels of a stolen silver Micra. 22:00 Inside The Railway It is the height of summer and as the temperature soars, tensions rise as commuters face delays caused by a broken down train outside London. In severe heat, the tracks can expand and with fears of them buckling, it falls to the team in Network Rail's Swindon control centre to manage the situation. 23:00 Caught in the Act: Dumb Builders 00:05 Film - Drive Angry (18) 01:55 SuperCasino 04:10 Gotham

07:50 Below Deck 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 10:30 Ellen DeGeneres 11:20 Below Deck 11:45 You’ve Been Framed! 12:15 Dress to Impress 13:20 Emmerdale 13:50 Coronation Street 14:50 Ellen DeGeneres 15:45 Jeremy Kyle 19:00 Dress to Impress 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Family Guy 23:00 American Dad! ITV 3 07:50 Heartbeat 08:55 Where the Heart Is 09:55 Wild at Heart 10:55 Judge Judy 12:05 On the Buses 13:45 Barging Round Britain With John Sergeant 14:10 Heartbeat 15:15 Doc Martin 16:20 Wild at Heart 17:20 On the Buses 18:25 George and Mildred 19:00 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Agatha Christie’s Marple 23:10 Lucan ITV 4 07:45 Pawn Stars 08:30 The Saint 09:30 Ironside 10:35 Quincy, M.E. 11:40 Minder 12:40 The Avengers 13:50 The Saint 14:50 Ironside 15:55 Quincy, M.E. 17:00 Minder 18:00 The Avengers 19:05 The Car Chasers 20:00 Pawn Stars 21:00 Fishing Allstars 22:00 Car Crash Global: Caught on Camera 23:00 Film - Exit Wounds

Tuesday TV 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Fake Britain 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Dom on the Spot 12:45 Thief Trackers 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 The Boss 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Garden Rescue 17:30 Celebrity Money for Nothing 18:15 Pointless 19:00 News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders Kathy is given some upsetting home truths. 21:00 Holby City Wedding bells toll for Oliver and Zosia as they prepare to say I do.

22:00 Doctor Foster Gemma feels Tom should come first, even though she and Simon are at each other’s throats. But can they put their own feelings aside for their son’s sake? Simon feels confident that he’s beaten Gemma but can Kate really trust him? 23:00 News 23:45 Panorama 00:30 Ambulance 01:30 Weather for the Week Ahead 01:35 News

07:00 Flog It!: Trade Secrets 07:30 Fake Britain 08:15 Garden Rescue 09:00 Fake or Fortune? 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 The Super League Show 14:45 For What It’s Worth 15:30 Daily Politics 16:30 The Hairy Bakers 16:45 Great British Railway Journeys 17:15 Human Planet 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Richard Osman’s House of Games 19:30 Match of the Day: Live - England v Russia Coverage of the opening women’s World Cup Group 1 qualifier at Prenton Park, Tranmere. England are also joined by Wales, Kazakhstan and Bosnia & Herzegovina in this group, with only the winners guaranteed a place in the 2019 finals in France. The Lionesses finished third at the 2015 World Cup and start as favourites to top the group. (Kick-off 20:00)

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 News 20:00 Emmerdale Aaron is pushed to the brink. 20:30 Save Money: Good Health Sian Williams and Dr Ranj Singh get to the bottom of the true cost of some of the nation’s biggest health spends, from sleep to pain to allergies and diets. 21:00 Robson Green’s Coastal Lives Robson visits a family in their ancient fisherman’s cottage in the Menai Straits.

21:30 Call the Cleaners The extreme cleaners tackle an elderly lady’s home that has fallen into disrepair since the death 22:00 Saving Lives at Sea of her husband . The Dover crew race to a Channel Swimmer. In 22:00 100 Year Old Mudeford, there are fears Driving School 95-yearfor a dinghy sailor in rough old John William Quince, seas. The Tenby crew are who has spent the last 30 called to a yacht metres off years living in Spain, wants an assessment to running aground. convince his kids that he 23:00 Quacks 23:30 can still drive in England. Newsnight 00:15 NFL 01:05 World’s Busiest 23:00 News 23:40 Safe 00:45 Lethal Cities 02:05 The Week the House 01:30 Landlords Moved In 03:05 Weapon No More Boys and Girls Jackpot247 04:00 Loose Women 04:05 This Is BBC Two

07:00 Countdown 07:45 The King of Queens 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:05 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:00 Coast vs Country 13:00 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 French Collection 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Cheap Cheap Cheap 17:00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 18:00 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 News 21:00 The Great British Bake Off For the very first time on the show, it’s caramel week, with three sticky challenges for the bakers, including a super sweet signature and a double Dutch technical. 22:15 Celebrity Island with Bear Grylls After nearly three weeks on the island, the stars are still without shelter and ravaged by insect bites. When the group start to build a communal bed, former Pussycat Doll Melody Thornton decides she wants one of her own, while comedian Mark Watson is struggling with insomnia. 23:20 Gogglebox 00:25 Britain’s Benefit Tenants 01:20 Music on 4 01:50 Music on 4 02:15 Lego Masters 03:10 Location, Location, Location 04:05 WWII’s Great Escapes

07:00 Milkshake 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 13:10 News 13:15 The Hotel Inspector 14:10 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 The Mentalist 16:15 Film - Garage Sale Mystery: The Deadly Room 18:00 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 News 20:00 Tony Robinson: Coast To Coast Tony begins by asking why the village of St Bees has such a big church. 21:00 The Dog Rescuers Matt rescues Tia and Arora from an outside TV cabinet, three rottweiler crosses are handed over to the RSPCA, and Alan meets a rare raccoon dog. 22:00 Alaska: A Year In The Wild As temperatures hit minus 60 food becomes scarce, and animals such as foxes and hares shed their colourful coats to camouflage themselves in the snow. The end of winter heralds one of the world’s greatest feeding frenzies as large ocean predators target the millions of fish who have found refuge in the Gulf of Alaska. 23:00 The Hotel Inspector Returns 00:05 Cruising with Jane McDonald 01:05 Cricket 02:00 SuperCasino 04:10 Gotham

07:25 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 08:15 Below Deck 08:35 You’ve Been Framed! 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 10:30 Ellen DeGeneres 11:20 Below Deck 12:15 Dress to Impress 13:20 Emmerdale 13:50 Coronation Street 14:50 Ellen DeGeneres 15:45 Jeremy Kyle 19:00 Dress to Impress 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Film - Hot Fuzz (14) ITV 3 07:00 Judge Judy 07:40 Heartbeat 08:40 Where the Heart Is 09:40 Wild at Heart 10:40 Judge Judy 12:00 George and Mildred 12:35 On the Buses 13:40 Barging Round Britain With John Sergeant 14:10 Heartbeat 15:10 Doc Martin 16:15 Wild at Heart 17:20 On the Buses 18:25 George and Mildred 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Midsomer Murders 23:00 Lucan ITV 4 07:00 The Car Chasers 07:55 Pawn Stars 08:50 The Saint 09:55 Ironside 11:00 Live: Co-op Funeralcare Handicap Bowls 19:00 The Car Chasers 20:00 Pawn Stars 21:00 FIM World Superbike Series Motorcycle Racing 22:00 Benidorm 23:00 Car Crash Global: Caught on Camera



Friday 15th September 2017

Wednesday TV 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Fake Britain 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Dom on the Spot 12:45 13:15 Thief Trackers Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 The Boss 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Garden Rescue 17:30 Celebrity Money for Nothing 18:15 Pointless 19:00 News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Rip-Off Britain In a battle against suspect deals, Angela Rippon, Gloria Hunniford and Julia Somerville dig into the facts and demands answers from people at the top, as well as showing viewers how to get the necessary information to make practical choices about their finances. 21:00 Celebrity MasterChef It’s finals week and the remaining cooks continue to battle for the Celebrity Master Chef title. The celebrities’ first challenge is their most daunting yet, John’s Palate Test. 22:00 How to Stay Young Unfit 57-year-old Kamini Sohdi discovers how building muscle will not only make her stronger but also protect her against illness. Also, 51-year-old Tim Belton learns that his diet has been stopping him producing hormones vital to ageing well. 23:00 News 23:45 A Question of Sport 00:15 Live from the BBC 00:45 Without Limits: Vietnam 01:45 Weather for the Week Ahead 01:50 News

07:00 Flog It!: Trade Secrets 07:30 Fake Britain 08:15 Garden Rescue 09:00 World’s Busiest Cities16 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Coast 14:30 The £100k House: Tricks of the Trade 15:30 Live: UCI World Championship Road Cycling 17:45 Great British Railway Journeys 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Richard Osman’s House of Games 19:30 Eggheads

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 News

20:00 This Farming Life On Mull, Highland cow Goldilocks gives Janet and Alastair a fright when a calving goes wrong, the vet arrives to determine the fate of Stevie’s new breeding bull Heineken.

21:00 Bad Move Jack Dee and Kerry Godliman star in a comedy series following a husband and wife who make the disastrous decision to move to the country. The couple leave Leeds behind and head for the countryside, but Steve's business as a website designer faces a problem when he cannot get an internet connection

21:00 World’s Busiest Cities Dan, Anita and Ade are in Delhi, capital of India, with a population of 26 million and rising. Anita discovers how this growing city feeds itself. 22:00 The Detectives: Murder on the Streets When a burnt body is discovered in a homeless camp under railway arches close to the city centre, GMP’s Major Incident Team are called to the scene. The investigation leads detectives into the world of Manchester’s young homelessness crisis. 23:00 Famalam 23:30 Newsnight 00:15 Giselle: Belle of the Ballet 01:15 Who Do You Think You Are? 02:15 Astronauts: Do You Have What It Takes? 03:15 This Is BBC Two


20:00 Emmerdale Aaron’s interest is piqued. 20:30 Coronation Street Will Jenny or Eva succeed in becoming Mrs Connor?

21:30 Coronation Street The pieces fall into place for a horrified Michelle. 22:00 Doc Martin Portwenn is abuzz with activity for the preparation of Janice and Penhale's wedding, but a medical issue could prevent Penhale from making it down the aisle. Meanwhile, Al is struggling with the demands of being best man, and Bert's marketing antics mean there is only whisky available at the pre-wedding party. 23:00 News 23:40 PARAGON 00:35 Goodwood Revival 01:30 Jackpot247

07:00 Countdown 07:45 The King of Queens 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:05 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:00 Coast vs Country 13:00 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 French Collection 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Cheap Cheap Cheap 17:00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 18:00 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 News 21:00 Location, Location, Location Kirstie Allsopp helps Brett and Jo go house hunting Nottingham, and tries to open their eyes to wider options across the city. Meanwhile, Phil Spencer is with first time buyers Ben and Pip, who desire to live in a trendy part of town where there is a great deal of competition for properties. 22:00 Grand Designs Kevin McCloud meets young architect and shed fanatic Micah Jones, who plans to transform an old agricultural building in County Down, Northern Ireland. Micah plans an upside down, four bedroom shed using new techniques and materials, but the £200,00 budget runs short, and Micah is forced to take on some of the building work himself. 23:00 Back 23:35 Fugitives 00:35 Educating Greater Manchester 01:35 Speed with Guy Martin 02:30 Film - Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark (14)

07:00 Milkshake 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 13:10 News 13:15 The Hotel Inspector 14:10 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:20 The Mentalist 16:15 Film - My Mother’s Secret 18:00 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 News 20:00 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door Marion and her son Jason have lived quietly in a peaceful suburb for 15 years. But their peace is shattered when new neighbours start making changes to their garden. Tempers flare, violence erupts and knives come out. 21:00 GPs: Behind Closed Doors Jeffery is a middle-aged man with an eye-watering problem - a tight foreskin. David has been left traumatised and grief-stricken following his mother’s death. Urgent Care Paramedic Lizzie Harris is treating Laura, a young lady who is suffering from abdominal pains. 22:00 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! Max and Paul are in central London with a writ to recover unpaid parking fines. In Lancashire, Stewart and Vic are chasing a debt owed to a shipping company by a scrapyard owner. 23:00 Undercover Benefits Cheat 23:35 Football 01:05 Caught in the Act: Dumb Builders 02:00 SuperCasino

07:00 The Planet’s Funniest Animals 07:25 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 08:15 Below Deck 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 The Cube 10:30 Ellen DeGeneres 11:20 Below Deck 12:15 Dress to Impress 13:20 Emmerdale 13:50 You’ve Been Framed! 14:50 Ellen DeGeneres 15:45 Jeremy Kyle 19:00 Dress to Impress 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Film - Run, Fatboy, Run (14) 00:05 Family Guy ITV 3 07:00 Judge Judy 07:40 Heartbeat 08:40 Where the Heart Is 09:40 Wild at Heart 10:40 Judge Judy 12:05 George and Mildred 13:05 On the Buses 13:40 Barging Round Britain With John Sergeant 14:05 Heartbeat 15:10 Doc Martin 16:10 Wild at Heart 17:15 On the Buses 18:20 George and Mildred 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Foyle’s War 23:10 The Guilty 00:10 The Blonde Bombshell 02:15 Wycliffe ITV 4 07:00 Football Rivalries 07:10 The Chase 09:05 The Car Chasers 10:00 Pawn Stars 11:00 Live: Coop Funeralcare Handicap Bowls 19:00 The Car Chasers 20:00 Pawn Stars 21:00 British Superbikes Motorcycle Racing 22:00 Film - Diamonds Are Forever (PG) 00:25 Navy SEALS 02:45 Ax Men

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36 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Fake Britain 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Dom on the Spot 12:45 Thief Trackers 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 The Boss 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Garden Rescue 17:30 Celebrity Money for Nothing 18:15 Pointless 19:00 News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders Sharon and Kathy make an unexpected discovery. 21:00 Without Limits: Vietnam At the halfway stage of their epic journey through Vietnam, the group have reached Quang Tri Province, which saw the fiercest fighting in the Vietnam War. The region is still experiencing its legacy with unexploded bombs maiming people. 22:00 Ambulance The air ambulance crew is dispatched to a woman who is struggling to breathe after falling downstairs, just as a call comes in for the ambulance to attend a road accident, leaving trauma desk paramedic Fay facing a tough decision. Ben and Sophie answer a call from a terrified mother whose toddler is having a seizure, and reports of a hanging come into the control centre - but with no sign of a patient, the staff must decide whether the call is a hoax. 23:00 News 23:45 Question Time 00:45 This Week 01:30 Weather 01:35 News

Friday 15th September 2017

07:00 Flog It!: Trade Secrets 07:30 Fake Britain 08:15 Garden Rescue 09:00 Nadiya’s British Food Adventure 09:30 Great British Menu 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 For What It’s Worth 14:45 The £100k House: Tricks of the Trade 15:45 Who Do You Think You Are? 16:45 Great British Railway Journeys 17:15 Human Planet 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Richard Osman’s House of Games 19:30 Eggheads 20:00 This Farming Life Lambing and calving are in full swing and the farmers must work flat out. In Drummuir, Mel tries every trick in the book to help a first time mum bond with her lambs. 21:00 The Big Family Cooking Showdown The Kings from south west London cook against the Codougan family from Northamptonshire. 22:00 Tribes, Predators & Me Gordon Buchanan journeys across Ethiopia to find out how the people here can live so close to hyenas, which are often loathed and feared by many people. Ethiopia has more hyenas than anywhere else and Gordon wants to find out why. 23:00 MOTD: The Premier League Show 23:30 Newsnight 00:15 The Detectives: Murder on the Streets 01:15 Celebrity MasterChef 02:45 This Farming Life

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 News 20:00 Emmerdale Lawrence self-destructs. 20:30 Tonight A gang of Romanian criminals raided 11 jewellery stores, getting away with loot worth more than three million pounds. Tonight reveals how the gang was tracked down and caught. 21:00 Emmerdale Lawrence is thrown into turmoil. 21:30 James Martin’s French Adventure James’s adventure brings him to one of his favourite cities in the world. He has an early start, off to one of the largest wholesale food markets in Europe, Rungis. 22:00 Safe House Tom makes a huge breakthrough in the case when he links shady estate agent Roger Lane to a number of locations related to the previous abductions. Jane arrests Lane and grills him on his whereabouts - and Simon Duke even picks him out of an identity parade. 23:00 News 23:40 Sports Life Stories 00:40 Bear Grylls: Mission Survive 01:30 Jackpot247 04:00 Tonight

07:00 Countdown 07:45 The King of Queens 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:05 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:00 Coast vs Country 13:00 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 French Collection 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Cheap Cheap Cheap 17:00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 18:00 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 News 21:00 The Supervet Noel Fitzpatrick and his team return to provide more cutting-edge animal care. Staffordshire bull terrier Lulu has been hit by a car and had her pelvis smashed into 25 pieces. The professor's only option is to pin the larger pieces back together. 22:00 Educating Greater Manchester The student behaviour team attempt to deal with 12-year-old Kayden, who is well known for his repeated misdemeanours, while headteacher Drew Povey tries a leftfield tactic with 14-yearold trouble-maker Vincent by putting him on the student council for a trial period. Fifteen-year-old Kim becomes unteachable when her older brother is involved in a serious crime in the community. 23:00 The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice 23:50 The Undateables 00:55 Gogglebox 01:55 Celebrity Island with Bear Grylls 02:50 The Supervet

Thursday TV 07:00 Milkshake 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 13:10 News 13:15 The Hotel Inspector 14:10 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 The Mentalist 16:15 Film - Abducted Love 18:00 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 News 20:00 Police Interceptors The skills of the interceptors are put to the test as they go in hot pursuit of reckless youths. Jacko is on the hunt for a wanted teenager, and the interceptors are hot on the heels of a stolen silver Micra. 21:00 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords Craig has been battling family friends to get his property back after three months of no rent. Owed thousands by Sophia, Terry was relieved to get his house back, but then she called the police. Fabio and Diana felt unsafe in a damp and overcrowded slum - have they been able to raise enough to get out? 22:00 Gypsy Kids: Our Secret World Ben has been bullied out of school and speaks at a conference to tell his story. Scarlett protests when her family are asked to move. Rhiann has been bullied and removed from school, but wants to be an actress. 23:00 Eamonn and Ruth’s 7 Year Itch 00:05 Celebrity 5 Go Motorhoming 01:00 Cricket 02:00 SuperCasino 04:10 Gotham

07:00 The Planet’s Funniest Animals 07:25 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 08:15 Below Deck 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 10:30 Ellen DeGeneres 11:20 Below Deck 12:15 Dress to Impress 13:20 Emmerdale 13:50 Coronation Street 14:50 Ellen DeGeneres 15:45 Jeremy Kyle 19:00 Dress to Impress 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Bromans 23:00 Celebrity Juice 23:50 Family Guy ITV 3 07:00 Judge Judy 07:40 Heartbeat 08:40 Where the Heart Is 09:40 Wild at Heart 10:45 Judge Judy 12:00 George and Mildred 12:35 On the Buses 13:40 Barging Round Britain With John Sergeant 14:10 Heartbeat 15:10 Doc Martin 16:15 Wild at Heart 17:20 On the Buses 18:20 George and Mildred 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Foyle’s War 23:10 The Guilty ITV 4 07:00 Football’s Greatest 07:15 The Car Chasers 07:40 The Chase 09:25 The Saint 10:25 Pawn Stars 11:25 Cash Cowboys 12:25 Minder 13:25 The Saint 14:35 Ironside 15:40 Quincy, M.E. 16:40 Minder 17:45 The Avengers 18:50 The Car Chasers 19:50 Pawn Stars 20:50 Hornblower 23:00 Film Executive Decision (15) 01:40 Minder

La Siesta

Mil Palmeras

Cabo Roig


San Luis









3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Villa

1 Bed 1 Bath Apartment - Seaviews

Town House 3 Bedrooms 2 Bath

2 Bedroom 2 Bathroom Bungalow

Detached 3 Bed 2 Bath Country Home

2 Bedroom First Floor Apartment

269,500€ Ref: 127

74,950€ Ref: 185

129,000€ Ref: 124

75,000€ Ref: 176

169,000€ Ref: 177

49,950€ Ref: 175



La Mata


San Luis










S 2 Bed House with 1 Bed Flat

2 Bedroom 1 Bathroom Apartment

2 Bedroom 1 Bathroom Apartment

Two Bedroom One Bathroom Bungalow

3 Bed 2 Bath Villa

2 and 3 bedroom new build apartments

95,000€ Ref: 174

59,950€ Ref: 171

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250,000€ Ref: 167

From 129,000€

Properties wanted all areas We have clients waiting

If I drink, I die. If i eat, I am fine. What am I? Answer at the bottom of the next page. FILL IT IN


Fit the words into the boxes.

Code Cracker is a crossword puzzle with no clues; instead, every letter of the alphabet has been replaced by a number, the same number representing the same letter throughout the puzzle. All you have to do is decide which letter is represented by which number.

3 letter words

Get His Ion Ire Ley Lid Mac Men Oil Pen Per Ran Rap Rod Sir Sob

Ado Ago Air Ate Awe Awn Bin Cap Cat Den Egg Ems Ewe Gap

DOUBLE CROSS-WORD Solve the Double Cross-Word puzzle using either the standard or cryptic clues, the answers are exactly the same.

Sty Tap Tic Use

Mist Note Ores Ream Slat Slog Tang Tone Tree Wont Woos

4 letter words Alms Ammo Anti Beat Cage Gall Ides Iris Mama

Pasta Paste 7 letter words Canasta Clothes Starter Stratum 9 letter words

5 letter words Aware Masts

Contender Generator Libertine Strenuous

Standard Clues

Cryptic Clues Across



1 Former partner has more than enough to make a pattern (7) 5 The people in charge are in the shade, for a change (5) 8 A friend hires out mattresses (7) 9 Knocks tramps gone soft in the middle (5) 10 I got by in Los Angeles or a North African state (5) 11 Possibly reunite the entourage (7) 12 Somehow relays a killer (6) 14 Picked on editor after cooked eats (6) 17 Charged a couple of hundred employed (7) 19 In addition, recapitulate on the evidence (3-2) 22 Once upon a time, all this was yours (5) 23 Account about a long time land area (7) 24 It concerns Adam's wife and a local official (5) 25 Unhappy winners are cruel people (7)

1 Remove forcibly from Essex pelican crossing (5) 2 To begin with, all day long I basically perform without preparation (2-3) 3 Nobility agree trouble in gym (7) 4 Make certain tapeworms leave redesigned Westonsuper-Mare (6) 5 Clothe custom (5) 6 Only nuts moan about LSD, man (7) 7 Put off temporary school bar (7) 12 Wreck that's rebuilt with some hesitation (7) 13 Attribute to a writer (7) 15 Guaranteed the end user by mistake (7) 16 The result of ladies aspirations (6) 18 A Scandinavian married in the Home Counties (5) 20 Intends to have money resources (5) 21 Looks closely at one's colleagues (5)

1 Instance (7) 5 Chiefs (5) 8 Portable platforms (7) 9 Strikes against (5) 10 North African country (5) 11 Entourage (7) 12 Murderer (6) 14 Taunted (6) 17 Charged (7) 19 Add together (3-2) 22 Yours (5) 23 Land area (7) 24 Steward (5) 25 Degenerates (7) Down 1 Drive out (5) 2 Improvise (2-3) 3 Aristocracy (7) 4 Make certain (6) 5 Custom (5) 6 Edible nuts (7) 7 Adjourn (7) 12 Break (7) 13 Attribute (7) 15 Made certain (7) 16 Standards of perfection (6) 18 Native of Sweden (5) 20 Has in mind (5) 21 Gazes (5)

Quiz Word

Across 1 What name is given to chronic sleeplessness or an inability to sleep? (8) 7 What name is given to each of the bars or wire rods connecting the centre of a wheel to its outer edge? (5) 8 Which European plant is cultivated for its large thistle-like flower heads? (9) 9 By what name is insecticide dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane more commonly known? (3) 10 According to the Bible, what was the name of the eldest son of Adam and Eve? (4) 11 What was the name of the French resistance movement during the German occupation (1940-45)? (6) 13 James who is the American actor chiefly remembered for playing gangster roles in films such as The Public Enemy (1931)? (6) 14 What is the surname of the English dramatist, actor and director whose plays include The Birthday Party (1958), The Caretaker (1960), and Party Time (1991)? (6) 17 See 1 Down 18 See 2 Down

20 Which small pointed tool is used for piercing holes, especially in leather? (3) 22 According to legend, what was the name of King Arthur’s magic sword? (9) 23 In the human body, the lacrimal glands secrete what? (5) 24 Belize was formerly known as British what until 1973? (8) Down 1/17A Which Russian-born American science fiction writer’s best known works are I, Robot and the Foundation trilogy? (5,6) 2/18 Tatanka Iyotake was the real name of which great Sioux chief who took up arms against settlers in the northern Great Plains and against the US Army and was present at the battle of Little Bighorn in 1876 when the Sioux massacred General Custer’s troops? (7,4) 3 What is the name of the staff of office that lies on the table in the House of Commons when the Speaker is in the chair? (4) 4 In meteorology, what name is given to a line connecting points having equal barometric pressure at a given time? (6) 5 What is the surname of the American baseball player who scored a record 73



1 Rise to one’s feet (5,2) 5 Hollow cylindrical shapes (5) 8 Technical aspects of doing something (9) 9 Allow (3) 10 Repair (5) 12 Lamenting poems (7) 13 Religious organisation founded by William Booth (9,4) 15 African spear (7) 17 Pants (5) 19 Self-esteem (3) 20 Bona fide (9) 22 Flight of stairs (5) 23 Pressured routine (3,4)

1 Add together (3,2) 2 Something curved in shape (3) 3 Former Greek currency (7) 4 Head of state (5,8) 5 Sense the flavour (5) 6 Table ball game (9) 7 Fill a need (7) 11 Magnifier of images of distant objects (9) 13 Flowers’ male reproductive organs (7) 14 Wilful lack of care (7) 16 Lawn covering (5) 18 Ecuadoran monetary unit (5) 21 Beverage (3)


Improve your Spanish - Clues in Spanish, answer in English or vice versa. Across Down 1 Ducklings (7) 5 Narices (5) 8 Pendiente (joya) (7) 9 Machos (biología) (5) 10 January (5) 11 Ruso (7) 12 Queso (alimento) (6) 14 Native land (6) 17 To approve (plan, decision, legislation, expenditure, minutes) (7) 19 Tails (of birds, horses, fishes, planes) (5) 22 Dos veces (5) 23 Breath (respiration) (7) 24 Long (in size) (5) 25 Disculpa (perdón) (7)

Fill It In


Span - Eng

1 Trozo (pedazo) (5) 2 Late (5) 3 Sastres (7) 4 Safe (not in danger) (6) 5 Nombres (de personas, cosas) (5) 6 Soldado (7) 7 Sixty (7) 12 Barracks (military) (7) 13 Más temprano (7) 15 File (document) (7) 16 Magpie (6) 18 Heather (5) 20 Slow (not speedy) (5) 21 Cuento (para niños) (5)

home runs in the 2001 season? (5) 6 In classical mythology, which mythical being was half man and half horse? (7) 7 By what name is the redwood tree, especially the California redwood, usually known? (7) 12 What is the surname of the French composer and organist whose best-known works are the ballets Coppelia (1870) and Sylvia (1876)? (7) 13 Which card game resembling rummy, which uses two packs, is usually played by two pairs of partners, and the aim is to collect sets (or melds) of cards? (7) 15 What is the surname of the American humourist and cartoonist who created the character Walter Mitty? (7) 16 Which South American garment is made of a thick piece of woollen cloth with a slit in the middle for the head? (6) 17 Which adverb is used to indicate that a named person is also known or more familiar under another specified name? (5) 19 In the UK, what name is given to the chamber or house of parliament composed of peers and bishops? (5) 21 Which 15th century ruler of Walachia was known as ‘the Impaler’? (4)


Last Week’s Solutions Quizword Across: 1 Syracuse, 7/11 Ricky Hatton, 8 Contralto, 9 Rum, 10 Seed, 13 Cashew, 14 Humbug, 17 Sorbet, 18/21 Mona Lisa, 20 Pat, 22 Sacrifice, 23 Curie, 24 Nepalese. Down: 1 Sachs, 2 Rangers, 3 Cars, 4 Sylvan, 5 Acorn, 6 Wyoming, 7 Rostrum, 12 Penrose, 13 Compact, 15 Bromine, 16 Fescue, 17 Starr, 19 Adele. Double Crossword Across: 1 Cutlass, 5 Tutor, 8 Abandon, 9 Leaps, 10 Maple, 11 Tension, 12 Assist, 14 Haggis, 17 Creates, 19 Strum, 22 Adieu, 23 Erasure, 24 Costs, 25 Sonnets. Down: 1 Chasm, 2 Tramp, 3 Address, 4 Sanity, 5 Talon, 6 Teasing, 7 Resents, 12 Archaic, 13 Species, 15 Abstain, 16 Ushers, 18 Thugs, 20 Rouse, 21 Meets. Quickie

Ridley´s Riddle A fire!

Code Cracker

Across: 7 Canine, 8 Afraid, 9 Wipe, 10 Specific, 11 Mercury, 13 Defer, 15 Clues, 17 Measles, 20 Infinite, 21 Swab, 22 Zealot, 23 Surrey. Down: 1 Malice, 2 Hide, 3 Berserk, 4 Bagel, 5 Trainers, 6 Divine, 12 Credible, 14 Release, 16 Linger, 18 Enamel, 19 Riots, 21 Sire.

Business Board

Advertise your business here - Call 966 921 003


CLASSIFIE SITUATIONS VACANT Solar Power - Sunlife Solar Solutions have vacancies for both a Solar Installation Engineer and a Solar Thermal Engineer (or plumber with pool heating experience). Call 965 271 717 or send your CV to info@sunlifesolarsolutions.c om RADIO SALES - Radio industry data shows that if 20% of a company´s existing advertising budget is reallocated from other media to radio, overall campaign ROI increases by 8%. Can you get that message across how businesses can improve their earnings through radio? If so, come and join the team at TKO. Email your cv to, full training is given so don´t be shy, email us today. Field and telesales reps wanted, full training given, experience desired, call The Courier 966 921 003. Radio Sales - RADIO COSTA MEDIA needs selfemployed salesperson for Torrevieja & surrounding areas. Call 685 901 265 or please email Realtor vacancy - Proven track record, experience, local knowledge all essential. Car essential, multi-lingual desired. Send CV to: CHURCH SERVICES Torrevieja Christian Fellowship at Avenida de las Cortes Valencianas 68, Torrevieja 03183, all wel-

come to their friendly and lively 10.30 am. Service each Sunday morning. Tele: 966700391 or visit our website on International Christian Assembly, Calle Pilar de Horadada 5, Torrevieja. Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday services 11am. Children's church 11am.. For more information lease Telephone today: 966 799 273 or 660 127 276. QUIZ MASTER Experienced quiz-master /question setter with personality. If you would like a quiz master that is entertaining, and is available to host quiz nights in local bars. Tel: 664 838 581. Classified Listings Do you have a cooker to sell or a fridge to give away? Or are you looking for reliable and hardworking employees for you business? Contact us to add your listing to our classified section on 966 921 003.

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Fatigue among drivers is one of our greatest public health threats

BREAKDOWN AND road safety organisation GEM Motoring Assist is encouraging drivers to ensure they get sufficient sleep before getting behind the wheel. GEM says this will not only help them feel better, but will also make a significant contribution to reducing the risks they face on the road. Recent research from the United States* shows that between 15 and 33 per cent of fatal crashes involve tired drivers, and that a worrying four per cent of Americans admit to having fallen asleep while driving within the previous month. Additionally, new figures from Ireland suggest that tiredness is a factor in up to 20 per cent of driver deaths. GEM road safety officer Neil Worth says: “Being a safer driver means being physically and mentally prepared to drive. If we all got the amount of sleep we need, there would be fewer crashes, fewer near-crashes and fewer road rage incidents. Well-rested drivers are much more likely to remain alert; they see hazards developing earlier and they can react to them in good time. “We all feel better when we wake up after a good night’s sleep, and we’re more alert. We respond more quickly and our reaction times are faster. We perform better, we retain information better, and our moods are better after good sleep. “On the other hand, fatigue among drivers is one of our greatest public health threats. Work pressures can keep many people awake at night, yet the same pressures require them to be up and out early in the morning, in control of a heavy machine that’s travelling at high speed and capable of doing enormous damage. “Depriving someone of sleep makes them moody and irrational. That’s why many road rage incidents in the morning rush hour are likely to relate to people who simply didn’t get a good night’s sleep.” GEM offers the following advice for avoiding the risks associated with fatigue: Give yourself the opportunity to get a good night’s sleep – preferably every night and certainly before you need to make a road journey Understand that a sleep deficit of just a couple of hours can lead to irritability and can also increase someone’s likelihood to take irrational risks Feeling drowsy in the middle of the day doesn’t make you lazy – for most people it’s a natural part of the daily cycle of sleep and wakefulness Taking a short nap during the working day may not be a possibility for everyone, but it’s much better than relying on stimulant drinks to keep awake For driving, fatigue is a serious risk, so don’t begin a long journey if you’re already tired. If you feel sleepy while driving, then stop as soon as it’s safe. Resting and drinking some coffee offers a possible short-term fix. The only proper cure for sleepiness is good sleep.


JAGUAR XK 70TH ANNIVERSARY XK 120s were produced from 1948 until 1954 when succeeded by the XK 140 which was followed by the XK 150 in 1957, to be replaced by the E-type in 1961. Over 30,000 XKs were produced, with around 60% exported.

The sensational star of the 1948 Earls Court Motor Show, the iconic Jaguar XK 120 celebrates 70 glorious years in 2018. “It is our intention to celebrate this landmark in suitable style,” says motoring author, publisher and XK Club founder, Philip Porter. As the XK engine was massively successful in motor racing, taking the charismatic Ctypes and D-types to five Le Mans wins in the '50s, motor sport will be a strong theme at XK70. The latest drivers to confirm their attendance are Peter Sutcliffe, who very successfully raced a D-type and Lightweight E-type in period, and the famous Le Mans duo of Lumsden and Sargent. All three Peters were the last of an era when privateers could still go motor racing at the highest levels.

Coming over from Finland will be Sami Klat, the legendary research engineer who developed Peter Lumsden and Peter Sargent's amazing Low Drag Lightweight E which ran at Le Mans in 1964. Appropriately, the car will also be at Shelsley, as will the owner who is travelling over especially from New York. “We had 600 XKs at our XK60 event in 2008. Our aim is to exceed that and reach 700 for XK70,” states Porter. All XK 120s, 140s and 150s are eligible, together with their derivatives the C-types and D-types, plus XK-engined cars and all Jaguar sports cars. “I know how successful XK60 was,” says Peter Sargent, “and XK70 looks to be even better!” Mega international celebration taking place at Shelsley Walsh hillclimb, Worcestershire Organised by the UK-based International Jaguar XK Club On 9th & 10th June 2018



Friday 15th September 2017

Walker Walkover The United States won back amateur golf's Walker Cup on Sunday by thrashing Great Britain and Ireland 19-7 at the Los Angeles Country Club. The match was tied at 2-2 after Saturday's morning foursomes, but the home side dominated that afternoon's singles to open an 8-4 lead. They then won Sunday's foursomes 3-1 and the final singles matches 8-2 to secure a comfortable victory. The US regained a trophy they lost at Royal Lytham & St Annes in 2015. Welshman David Boote was the only British player to win a singles match

on Sunday, while Robert MacIntyre and Scott Gregory both halved their matches. Home teams have won 11 of the past 13 Walker Cups, with GB's last win in America in 2001. Britain and Ireland coach Andrew Ingram said the Americans were "superb all week." As for the rout, he said, "I guess back home we call it a bit of a hedgehog day. We couldn't get going. We couldn't get anything moving forward."

Samm’s Moore’s Moto Autumn Start Move

The Sailing Association Mar Menor (SAMM) began their autumn series of races at the CTD in Los Alcazares on Sunday in disappointing style as gusty conditions prompted a delayed start to the first race until the afternoon. Possibly due to the forecast and the fact that many non-resident members had not returned to Spain, only four boats, containing ten crew members between them, took to the water. The two Gambas, Shoestring Uno (pictured above) and Cuatro crossed the line neck and neck closely followed by the Balaton Groups Sirocco in the first contest, whilst a new boat to the fleet, the Balaton Groups Lavanter, crewed by people who had never sailed her

before, struggled with rigging problems and did not follow until 12 minutes later. The two Gambas dominated again in the second race, and they fought each other all the way round the four laps in a great performance by two well matched crews. The final results on corrected times had Shoestring Uno a first race winner by eight seconds over Cuatro with Sirocco third. In the second race, the positions were identical but this time Uno was 63 seconds ahead on corrected times. The next race day will be on Sunday September 24th, meeting at the CTD Los Alcazares at 10.00 am for registration, with guest boats more than welcome to take part.

The Murcia-based race team have announced that Will Moore who will be racing in next year’s Spanish Supermoto championship, as well as in selected rounds of the Catalan Championship. Will has been racing for a number of years in the British Supermoto championships and is a consistent points scoring racer in the elite class, though injuries have hampered during his racing career. Now fully recovered and back on the British championship scene he has decided to focus his efforts on the Spanish Championship for 2018 and will join the other team riders for some extensive

training over the winter before the new season starts in March. Will Moore said: - “I am very excited and grateful for this opportunity from the Supermotoland team. I have known Mat Ford-Dunn and his family for a long time and when the opportunity presented itself I couldn’t turn it down. I am looking forward to being part of the team and having them push me on and help me improve, and most of all have some fun along the way.” “I am happy to have signed so early, after my ankle injury in the first round of this year’s British Championships, and this now gives me a goal and something to aim for and motivate me.”

Marc On Top

Defending champion Marc Marquez won Sunday’s rainaffected San Marino MotoGP to go joint top of the world championship Moto GP standings with Italy’s Andrea Dovizioso. The Honda rider's final lap was the fastest of the race as the Spaniard registered his fourth victory of the year. Italian Danilo Petrucci, who led for much of the race, finished second, while compatriot Dovizioso was third.

Marquez and Ducati driver Dovizioso are tied on 199 points, with five races remaining, with Spain’s Maverick Vinares in third on 183 points. Doviziso has also won four races this season, but Marquez has more second place finishes than his rival. The next race sees the championship return to Spain for the Aragon Grand Prix, on Sunday September 22nd.



Torry’s Good Start

Thader’s Yellow Peril

CD TORREVIEJA 1 VILLENA CF 0 It’s two wins out of two for CD Torrevieja, who returned home to the Vicente Garcia stadium last Sunday, after playing their Preferente opener the previous weekend at the Nelson Mandela stadium. The venues may have changed but the results were the same, namely onenil, with Juanpe getting the only goal in the 54th minute helped by a goalkeeping howler, in a clash watched by around 300 spectators. It was another stroke for luck for Torry after last week’s winner went in straight from a corner, but after a luckless relegation season, they’ll gratefully grab anything on offer. Villena looked to be difficult opposition, especially after their two-nil opening victory over Thader, and so it proved to be in a fairly even first half, with the visitor’s defence only really troubled when a 13th minute Lewis Booker shot went off target, and a Beltran chance went a begging later on. Torrevieja’s goal saw Juanpe go on a long run

which started from the halfway line and Villena keeper botched up what should have been a relegation save, as the ball dribbled over his line. Villena tried to respond straight away with good chances from Benja and Adrian as Torry keeper Buyo was kept busy with a string of impressive Villena counter-attacks. It could have gone wrong for Torry right at the death as Benja headed

over the bar, when it would have been easier to score, but the points were bagged for the home side, who also kept a second-successive clean sheet. Torrevieja meet another side who have won their two first matches when they return again to the Vicente Garcia stadium this Sunday (6.00 pm), as they take on Alicante University who won at Almoradi last weekend (see below).

ORIHUELA B 1 CD THADER 0 Rojales-based CD Thader, who made it to the Preferente play-offs in May, could not have bargained for losing their opening two league matches of the new campaign, but that’s where they are at, after going down at Orihuela last Saturday. The first half was pretty boring and uninspiring fare from both sides, but

Orihuela (pictured above) got the boost of an early second half goal from Dani Abellán (50 minutes) with some wonderful dribbling skills past the Thader defenders culminating in a shot that gave Thader keeper Dani no chance. Orihuela then dominated, but Thader staged a closing flourish which but for a save

from keeper Aitor would have grabbed them a share of the spoils. Thader therefore are bedfellows with CD Almoradi (see left bottom), with no goals and no points, and a home match with twicedefeated Monforte CF to come this Sunday, where the season surely has to start for Thader.

Third Division News

Students In Charge Crevillente and Orihuela got their first wins of the Valencian third division season last weekend, with Crevillente (pictured celebrating) recording a threeone home victory over Rayo Ibense. Meanwhile, Orihuela got a one-nil result over Silla at Los Arcos and Elche Ilicitano picked up their first

CD ALMORADI 0 ALICANTE UNIVERSITY 1 CD Torrevieja’s next opponents (see above) kept up their good start to the season by inflicting Almoradi’s second-straight one-nil defeat to leave the Vega Baja side pointless in their Preferente Group Four season. Windy conditions prevailed at Almoradi’s Sadrián staidum last Sunday, with

the wind blowing in favour of the students (pictured) who caused the home side all kinds of problems, and got the game’s sole goal through Chachi (23 minutes). Alicante should have had a big lead come half-time, and Almoradi through everything at the students in the second half, who with condi-

tions against them, grittily defended as Almoradi could not get back on terms. Just 200 spectators rolled up to watch this match as Almoradi’s days in the third division seem like a distant dream. No points and no goals so far this season, and they now go to UD Ilicitana this Sunday.

point of the campaign in a one-all draw with Torre Levante. Bolstered by their first victory Orihuela went second in the table on Wednesday evening after a one-nil win at CD Olimpic, thanks to a 35th minute goal from Ivan. Orihuela (pictured below celebrating afterwards on Wednesday) are two points

behind leaders CD Eldense, who beat Crevillente threetwo. Elche Ilicitano picked up a point at fellow strugglers Paiporta CF, as the match finished three-all. This weekend’s matches see Orihuela entertaining Novelda; Crevillente at home to CD Castellon; and Elche Ilicitano at home to Silla CF.


Friday 15th September 2017


In-Form Messi

At The Double

Table Toppers




Two fine goals from Lionel Messi helped Barcelona to a comfortable Tuesday night win over last season's Champions League finalists Juventus at the Nou Camp. Messi struck right on half-time, drilling his shot in off the post after a brilliant one-two with Luis Suarez. Ivan Rakitic scored Barca's second after Messi's shot was cleared off the line. The Argentine then wrapped up victory with a superb left-footed goal from 20 yards. Running in from the right wing, he beat several Juve defenders before placing the ball past goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon.

Cristiano Ronaldo scored twice on Wednesday night as Real Madrid began the defence of the Champions League by easing past Cypriot side Apoel Nicosia. Forward Ronaldo opened the scoring by slotting home from close range and added a penalty in the second half. Defender Sergio Ramos scored the third with an acrobatic overhead kick from close range. Zinedine Zidane's side top Group H on goal difference ahead of Tottenham, who defeated Borussia Dortmund 3-1.

Elche roared to the top of Segunda Division B on Sunday, as they easily beat a struggling Peralada side, with the only quibble being that the winning margin should have been substantially bigger for the Ilicitanos. Coach Vicente Mir decided to go for Benja from the start rather the side’s top scorer Sory, and Benja delivered with Elche’s opener courtesy of an excellent strike in the 12th minute. Nino posed all kinds of problems to the Peralada defenders but could not make the most of his opportunities, with Manuel Sánchez deservedly stretching Elche’s advantage before half time. In contrast, Peralada managed just one scoring chance in the first period. It was all effectively over before the hour mark, with Verdú (52 minutes) and Nino (59 minutes) killing off the contest, and more goals should have come for Elche, whilst Peralada pulled one back two minutes after Nino scored. It was a stroll in the park for the Ilicitanos who have recorded three straight wins, scoring 13 goals into the bargain, and just conceding one. Coach Vicente Mir’s view was to dampen down expectations by pointing out that in his view, “we haven’t played any strong opponents yet”. Elche fly off to Ibiza for their Sunday lunchtime clash (noon kick-off) at SCR Peña Deportiva, and then there’s the small matter of next Wednesday’s match away to deadly local rivals Hercules in the third round of the Copa del Rey. That clash will kick-off at the Rico Pérez stadium at 9.00 pm.

Easy Pickings

Home Problems

Monte’s Kick Off REAL MADRID 1 LEVANTE 1 BARCELONA 5 ESPANYOL 0 Barcelona romped to an easy win over Espanyol in the 167th Catalan derby thanks to a 38th career hat-trick from Lionel Messi on Sunday. Messi slotted home from an Ivan Rakitic through-ball midway through the first half, despite replays showing the Argentine was clearly offside when the ball was played. Jordi Alba slipped in Messi for his second and the fullback repeated the trick shortly after the break as Messi and Barca made it three. Gerard Pique powered in a header to make it 4-0 before Ousmane Dembele, who was making his debut, set up Luis Suarez for a simple last-minute tap in, as Barca cruised to the top of the La Liga table. Barcelona area away to Getafe tomorrow afternoon (Saturday) with a 4.15 pm kick-off.

Real Madrid dropped more points at the Bernabeu last Saturday as Levante held the Liga champions to a draw. Levante had gone ahead through Ivi in the 12th minute after a long throw-in confused a disorderly Real defence, but they responded before the break thanks to a Lucas Vazquez tap-in in the 36th minute (pictured above). Gareth Bale, who started on the bench, came on to replace an injured Karim Benzema, and the Welshman missed a hattrick of chances to put Real ahead. A frantic finale saw Marcelo sent off (89) for a needless kick out at Jefferson Lerma when both players were on the ground. The dismissal came immediately after Levante goalkeeper Raul superbly denied the Brazilian from netting the winner. Real face a tricky Sunday evening trip to the north coast to take on one of the early surprise packages of the season, Real Sociedad, who have the same number of points as leaders Barcelona.

CD Montesinos start life in the Valencian Primera Division Group Eight this Sunday morning, when they travel to San Joan D'Alacant, to play CD La Vox, with an 11.30 am kick-off. Travelling supporters will be gathering at Bar Tambalache in Montesinos at 9.45 am, ahead of making the northward journey. Last Sunday, Monte entertained CF Alicante for the annual Fred Griggs Trophy match(pictured below), with the visitors running out visitors by four goals to three.


Fantastic Froome



Loving Rafa

Friday 15 September English Premier League 21:00 Bournemouth V. Brighton and Hove Albion Scottish Premiership 20:45 Partick Thistle V. Rangers

13:30 16:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 18:30

Rafael Nadal put his remarkable resurgence down to his "love for the game" after claiming a 16th Grand Slam title at the US Open. The 31-year-old Mallorcan beat South Africa's Kevin Anderson 6-3 6-3 6-4 to win his third title in New York on Sunday. Following his French Open success in June, it is the first time since 2013 that Nadal has won two Slams in a year. "I wake up every morning with the passion to go on court and to try to improve things," he said. "I still want to compete and still feel the nerves every time that I go on court. While that keeps happening, I will be here.

Chris Froome has cemented his place among the greats of cycling by becoming the first British winner of La Vuelta in Madrid on Sunday. The Team Sky rider's winning margin was two minutes and 15 seconds over Italy's Vincenzo Nibali. Russia's Ilnur Zakarin was 36 seconds further back in third. Froome is the third man to complete the Tour de FranceVuelta double in the same year and first in that order. Italy's Matteo Trentin won the final stage to claim his fourth of the race. Earlier, Froome was able to sip a celebratory bottle of beer and glass of Cava on his way to the capital, knowing he had only to cross the finish line to win because tradition dictates the race leader is not challenged on the final stage. This was his fifth grand tour win, but it put him in a new bracket in terms of his stature within the sport. It was his first outside of the Tour de France; a ‘double’ no rider has ever managed before. Arguably the most impressive achievement from a British rider in cycling history. “I would say this victory is special because it is the first time anyone who has ever won the Tour de France and gone on to win La Vuelta starting less than one month apart,” Froome said. The Briton joins Frenchmen Jacques Anquetil (1963) and Bernard Hinault (1978) as the only riders to win the Tour and La Vuelta in the same year, but Froome is the first man to win both races since the La Vuelta was moved to after the Tour in the racing calendar in 1995. Although he is some way from the record 11 Grand Tour wins of Belgian Eddy Merckx, Froome is closely approaching Spaniard Alberto Contador's seven victories. Contador (pictured below) will now retire after winning the penultimate stage of La Vuelta on Saturday, the infamously steep and uneven climb up the challenging Angliru mountain road. He was given the honour of leading the peloton around the first lap of the Madrid circuit on Sunday. A winner of seven Grand Tours, Contador is one of just six riders to have won all three — the Tour de France, Giro d’Italia and Vuelta a Espana.

Record Attempt

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Ex-Premier League referee and Cabo Roig resident, Mark Halsey, is looking to set a record next month by officiating the “highest” game of football ever played as he travels to Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa. Mark beat throat cancer back in 2009 and returned to top-flight refereeing a year later, before retiring in 2013, with next month’s world record attempt being made in aid of the Steve Prescott Cancer Foundation. Steve played rugby league for St. Helens, Hull FC, and Wakefield Trinity, and 11 eleven years ago he was diagnosed with a rare form of stomach cancer and was given months to live. He set up the Foundation, which is still going strong, despite the fact that he lost his brave battle against cancer four years ago, at the age of 39. Mark Halsey had a big and busy start to the month, where he refereed the special match in memory of the victims of the Grenfell Tower fire at QPR’s Loftus Road ground, and then a game at Goodison Park to celebrate the six-year-old Sunderland supporter, Bradley Lowery, who died in July. Mark described the experience as overwhelming, applauding everyone who was involved in the two games. He especially picked out ‘The Special One’, Manchester United manager José Mourinho (pictured together), who came on as a second half substitute during the Game 4 Grenfell, saying that many people just don’t appreciate the compassionate side to the man. He said that refereeing the two games ‘was a genuine honour and something that will stand out amongst the highlights of my refereeing career.’ Mark showed little compassion to Mourinho during the match though as he booked the United manager for time wasting!

16:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 16:00

English Premier League Crystal Palace V. Southampton Huddersfield Town V. Leicester City Liverpool V. Burnley Newcastle United V. Stoke City Watford V. Manchester City West Bromwich Albion V. West Ham United Tottenham Hotspur V. Swansea City English Football League - Championship Birmingham City V. Preston North End Brentford V. Reading Bristol City V. Derby County Burton Albion V. Fulham Cardiff City V. Sheffield Wednesday Hull City V. Sunderland Ipswich Town V. Bolton Wanderers Middlesbrough V. Queens Park Rangers Millwall V. Leeds United Nottingham Forest V. Wolverhampton Wanderers Sheffield United V. Norwich City Barnsley V. Aston Villa English Football League - League One Blackburn Rovers V. AFC Wimbledon Blackpool V. Oxford United Bradford City V. Rotherham United Bury V. Plymouth Argyle Gillingham V. Charlton Athletic MK Dons V. Rochdale Oldham Athletic V. Shrewsbury Town Portsmouth V. Fleetwood Town Southend United V. Northampton Town Walsall V. Peterborough United Wigan Athletic V. Bristol Rovers English Football League - League Two Lincoln City V. Mansfield Town Cambridge United V. Coventry City Carlisle United V. Barnet Cheltenham Town V. Colchester United Chesterfield V. Accrington Stanley Crawley Town V. Notts County Exeter City V. Crewe Alexandra Grimsby Town V. Yeovil Town Morecambe V. Newport County Port Vale V. Forest Green Rovers Swindon Town V. Stevenage Wycombe Wanderers V. Luton Town Scottish Premiership Aberdeen V. Kilmarnock Celtic V. Ross County Dundee V. St. Johnstone Hamilton Academical V. Heart of Midlothian Hibernian V. Motherwell Scottish Championship Dumbarton V. Brechin City Dunfermline Athletic V. St. Mirren Falkirk V. Dundee United Inverness Caledonian Thistle V. Livingston Queen of the South V. Morton Scottish League One Airdrieonians V. East Fife Albion Rovers V. Stranraer Ayr United V. Alloa Athletic Forfar Athletic V. Arbroath Queen's Park V. Raith Rovers Scottish League Two Annan Athletic V. Stenhousemuir Berwick Rangers V. Elgin City Clyde V. Edinburgh City Cowdenbeath V. Peterhead Montrose V. Stirling Albion Sunday 17 September

14:30 17:00 16:00

English Premier League Chelsea V. Arsenal Manchester United V. Everton English Football League - League One Doncaster Rovers V. Scunthorpe United Tuesday 19 September

English League Cup 20:45 Aston Villa V. Middlesbrough 20:45 Bournemouth V. Brighton and Hove Albion 20:45 Brentford V. Norwich City 20:45 Bristol City V. Stoke City 20:45 Burnley V. Leeds United 20:45 Crystal Palace V. Huddersfield Town 20:45 Leicester City V. Liverpool

Information correct at time of publication but subject to change at short notice.

Saturday 16 September


Red Bull are set to split with engine partner Renault at the end of the 2018 Formula 1 season, according to the BBC. Renault have told Red Bull they no longer want to supply them after next season and while the move has not been officially confirmed, insiders say the divorce is almost certain. Red Bull will be forced to use Honda engines with both its teams in 2019. Junior team Toro Rosso's switch to Honda is set to be confirmed today (Friday).


A BIG CAPITAL CLASH One of the tastiest morsels in the latest round of Premier League fixtures comes this Sunday as champions Chelsea host Arsenal at Stamford Bridge (2.30 pm kick-off). Chelsea will be looking for a fourth straight win as they take on Arsenal in a derby they’ve dominated over the years. Arsenal go to Stamford Bridge having not won there since a Robin van Persie hat-trick inspired them to a 5-3 win in 2011. Arsenal’s clash with Chelsea a year ago marked the turning point in a season that finished with the Premier League title heading to Antonio Conte’s side at Stamford Bridge. Arsene Wenger’s team inflicted a 3-0 defeat on their rivals at The Emirates that day but Conte used the experience to change his formation and Chelsea went on a 13-match winning league run. For Arsenal, it was to be their only victory all season

against any of the teams who finished in the top four. The north London club came fifth, missing out on the Champions League for the first time in 20 years, and thus go into Sunday’s showdown at Stamford Bridge off the back of a Thursday night match against Cologne in the Europa League. Chelsea, meanwhile, will have had a four-day break following their Champions League mauling of Qarabag on Tuesday. Although the circumstances are very different from this time last year, when Arsenal were in the Champions League and Chelsea were not even in Europe, it is business as usual for Wenger. “Wednesday night or Thursday night is no different for us, apart from the fact that it’s a different competition, but when you play Wednesday-Saturday it’s similar to ThursdaySunday,” the Frenchman said this week.

SINGAPORE SHOWDOWN Atletico Madrid are increasingly confident that they have made a breakthrough in negotiations to re-sign 28-year-old forward Diego Costa from Chelsea. Reports suggest that Atletico are hopeful of concluding the deal for Costa within the next fortnight. The out-of-sorts player was due to arrive back in London from Sao Paulo on a flight last Tuesday, but his ticket went unused as the Brazilian remained in his native country.

With the European section of the Formula One season done and dusted, the competition switches to Singapore this weekend, where the Mercedes team have always struggled. Mercedes may well be leading the Constructors' championship by more than 60 points but it is the Driver's Championship which offers the big contest. Lewis Hamilton after his win in Monza holds a slender three-point lead over Ferrari's Sebastian Vettel. What bodes well for the German, who is second in the standings right now, is the fact that on twisty tracks such as Monaco and Hungary, Ferrari have been much better than Mercedes.

Red Bull will hope to spoil the party for both the works teams as the fans are in for a treat where there are three teams which are major contenders for the race. Lewis Hamilton has been on the top of the podium twice around the Marina Bay circuit, whilst team-mate Valtteri Bottas will have extra motivation to make a mark after securing a contract renewal with Mercedes for 2018. This Sunday’s race promises to be a very exciting affair for the fans and going by the history, the appearance of a safety car is a reugular occurance. In fact, there hasn't been a Singapore Grand Prix which didn't feature at least one safety car!

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