September 2011
The Jungle Drums
Contents How to tame the monster in your mind
You know you have lived in Spain when.......
World’s shortest recipe book
Wikipedia wants women writers
Out & About in Spain
Health - Watercress
Burger Recipes
Inspektor Gadget
Contact us General Enquiries Tel: 966 727 334 or email us at
Welcome CUE Drum roll…and here we go with the latest ape-nings in the Jungle. OK, I know I’m a pun in the backside so that’s the end of the monkey business for now. So what does this juicy jungle of journalistic joy (or should that be junk?) have to entertain you this month? Well, for starters we’ve got something a bit different about living in Spain. Like the things you wouldn’t know unless you’ve spent a fair bit of time here. For instance, you’d have no idea that the mullet didn't just happen in the 1980s (I’m talking about the barnet cut, not the fish). It’s alive and well and living in Spain. You wouldn’t know your cojones from your cajones and where else could you have friends named Jesus, Jose Maria, Maria Jose, Angel and maybe even Inmaculada Concepcion? If those snippets of world-shattering trivia haven’t got you grinning religiously, the bad news is that they are just a small part of a 36-point Jungle Drums special. News, views, features or fun, we’ve got it all in Jungle Drums. Lots of laughs and lots of (admittedly sometimes useless) information. In fact, something for everyone - even those who think we’re a load of Bungle Bums. Love us or hate us, just email your comments (be they positive or negative but please not obscene) to Happy reading
The Editor
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The Jungle Drums
September 2011
Experts call them ANTS - Automatic Negative Thoughts and unless you learn how to stop them,
Experts call them ANTS - Automatic Negative Thoughts and unless you learn how to stop them, they'll take over your life.
ver dipped into the biscuit tin then decided you’ve ruined your diet so you may as well eat the lot? Or thought that because you didn’t get a promotion this year, you’re destined for failure in your ca-
reer? You’re not alone. Even the most optimistic person is not immune to negative thoughts, but for some, the destructive chatter of self-doubt can be relentless. Psychologists now believe that just as feeling embarrassed can cause a physical reaction (blushing) so self-destructive thoughts can lead to ill-health, weight-gain, poor skin and misery. Psychiatrist Dr Daniel Amen has spent a lifetime studying how thoughts influence our appearance, energy and diet success. His studies have revealed that by flipping negative thoughts to positive, we can transform our lives for the better. In his new book Change Your Brain, Change Your Body, Dr Amen identifies the infuriatingly common scourge: the ANT (Automatic Negative Thought), which he describes as ‘the little voices that pop into your head and tell you you’re not good enough, not thin enough, a rubbish daughter,
mother, worker’. But he warns to watch out for ANT infestations - when thousands of negative thoughts start to take over. The answer, he says, lies in simple ANT-eater techniques that stop the bugs in their tracks, ensuring they never return. ‘Your brain is a powerful organ,’ he says. ‘If you see yourself as fat, old, wrinkled or forgetful, you boost production of the stress hormone which affects your health, your weight and your mind. Negative thoughts can make negative things happen. In the never-ending battles, redemption lies in building your own arsenal of ANT-eater solutions. Develop an ANT-eater in your brain that can eat up all the negative thoughts that come into your head. Whenever you feel mad, sad or frustrated, write down your ANT, then write down what your ANT-eater would say to that ANT to kill it. Make a pact with yourself to not listen to your ANTS. If you do this, your thoughts will translate into actions and those actions will cause your body to transform into the body you’ve always wanted. Your body follows your mind. It has no choice. Try to put a positive spin on anything you can to raise your mood.
Nine Species of ANT and ANT-eater solutions Watch out for the red ANTs - these ones really can sting! ANT: All or nothing This is the black-and-white thinking that leads you to believe everything is either all good or all bad. It’s the warped logic that dictates that if you miss one day at the gym you therefore have no self-discipline and might as well give up the whole idea of exercise completely. ANT-eater: Force yourself to acknowledge that one slip-up doesn’t mean you should give up. If you skip the gym one day, make sure you go the next.
ANT: Using ‘always’, ‘never’, ‘every time’ or ‘everyone’ If you find yourself saying ‘I will never lose weight’ you are acting as if you have no control over your actions. ANT-eater: Never say never — put a ban on over-generalised words ANT: Focusing on negatives If you find yourself dwelling on negatives at the expense of positives you’ll be more inclined to give up than to persist. ANT-eater: Try to put a positive spin on anything you can to raise your mood.
The Jungle Drums - Tel: 626 397 397
September 2011
The Jungle Drums
ANT: Thinking with feeling When you assume your feeling about something is true, you may not question it. ANT-eater: Think with logic instead - look for evidence to support and challenge your view. ANT: Guilt Using the words ‘should’, ‘must’, ‘ought to’ and ‘have to’ allows feelings of guilt to build up and start to control your behaviour. ANT-eater: Banish feelings of guilt, do what you can, but not at the expense of your own health or sanity, and use the word ‘should’ only when it suits you. ANT: Labelling If you label yourself (‘I’m a loser’) you take away your control over your actions and you’ll start to believe your negative labels. This defeatist attitude will then mean you have a tendency to give up easily. ANT-eater: Avoid labelling yourself, and flip the labels you’re stuck with (‘I am not a loser’). RED ANT: Fortune-telling Predicting the worst even though you don’t know what will happen (‘I know I’m never going to be able to stick to this exercise programme’). These ANTs are very common and can quickly become an ANT infestation. The problem with fortune-telling is your mind is so powerful it really can make these terrible things more likely. If you allow yourself to get stressed about something, it can depress your immune system and increase your odds of getting sick. In fact, chronic stress has been implicated in a number of diseases. ANT-eater: Ask yourself what right you have to be a fortune-teller. You don’t know what the future holds. Instead, be curious about the future in a positive way. RED ANT: Mind-reading When you think you know what someone else is thinking (‘he’s looking at my bottom, he must think I’m too fat’). ANT-eater: You have no idea what people are thinking. If someone looks at you it does not necessarily mean they are judging you. RED ANT: Blaming others It’s toxic to blame others and take no responsibility for your own successes and failures. When you begin a sentence with ‘it is your fault’ it can ruin your life. These ANTs make you a victim. ANT-eater: You are responsible for how your life turns out. You can’t keep blaming others.
Super Booster! If your ANT infestation is proving to be particularly bothersome, try this remedy. Write down your ANT - for instance, ‘my skin is so wrinkly and there’s nothing I can do about it’. Then ask yourself, “Is this ANT actually true?” Answer: Yes, I have wrinkles. Then ask: Is there really nothing I can do about it? For instance, can I prevent any more wrinkles coming? How does this ANT make you feel? Answer: Sad and old. Who would you be and how would you feel without this ANT? Answer: I’d feel great, as if I have more control over how I look.
The Jungle Drums
September 2011
1) You think adding cola, lemonade, or even fanta
10) You're amazed when TV ad breaks last less than
to red wine is perfectly acceptable.
half an hour, especially right before the end of films.
2) You can't get over how early bars & clubs shut back in the UK - surely they're shutting just as you should be going out?
3) You aren't just surprised that the plumber/decorator has turned up on time, you're surprised he turned up at all.
4) You've been part of a “botellon”. 5) Going out for breakfast means you order pan tostado con tomate and you LOVE it.
6) Not giving every new acquaintance “dos besos” seems so rude.
11) You forget to say please when asking for things - you implied it in your tone of voice, right?
12) You love the phenomenon of giving “toques” but hate explaining it in English
13) You know what a pijo is and how to spot one. 14) Every sentence you speak contains at least one of these words: “bueno,” “coño,” “vale”, “venga,” “pues nada”...
15) You know what 'resaca' means. And you had one at least once a week when you lived in Spain.
16) You eat lunch after 2pm & would never even
7) You're shocked by people getting their legs out at the first hint of sun - surely they should wait until its at least of 30 degrees!?
8) On messages you sometimes type “jajaja” instead of 'hahaha' 9) You think the precious aceite is a vital part of every meal. And don't understand how anyone could think olive oil on toast is weird.
think of having your evening meal before 9.
17) You know that after 2pm there's no point in going shopping, you might as well just have a siesta until 5 when the shops re-open.
18) The fact that all the male members of a family have the same first name doesn't surprise you.
19) The sound of mopeds in the background is the soundtrack to your life.
The Jungle Drums - Tel: 626 397 397
September 2011
The Jungle Drums
20) You know that the mullet didn't just happen in the 80s. It is alive and well in Spain.
make do with tiny heaters and loads of blankets!
21) You know the differences between cojones and cajones, tener calor and estar caliente, pollo and polla...and maybe you learned the differences the hard way!
29) None of your Spanish friends own a kettle, or even know what one is!
30) You have been called more than once a “chan” 22) After a Saturday night out its quite acceptable
or “guiri”.
to have your breakfast before you go to bed, not after you wake up!
31) Its perfectly fine when men shave their legs and chest in the summer.
23) You don't see anything wrong with having a couple of beers in the morning if you feel like it.
32) Blonde girls don't get called by their real names, just as “Rubia”
24) You see clapping as an art form, not just a way 33) You know the Jingle for Los Cuaranta Princi-
to express approval.
pales or Mercardona.
25) You know ensaladilla rusa has nothing to do with Russia.
34) You answer the phone by saying “Si” or “Diga”
26) You have friends named Jesus, Jose Maria,
35) You go back to the UK and some relative wants
Maria Jose, Angel, maybe even Inmaculada Concepcion...
you to say something in Spanish, no particular word they just want to hear you speaking a different language.
27) Being given a pigs leg around Christmas time is a very generous gift and you will probably keep it in your kitchen.
36) You have had a night out in Benidorm you remember nothing about it!
28) In winter nobody has central heating, you just
The Jungle Drums
September 2011
The Jungle Drums - Tel: 626 397 397
September 2011
The Jungle Drums
The Jungle Drums
September 2011
ackerel P at e
tuffed ese S Mu e s Ch ms oo hr
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k SM Blend p b juice, tu with lem bl pepper, lphia, hot Philade erve on S . a k i r pap bread. toasted
Portobello mushrooom, so ft goats cheese, spring onion chopped & a li ttle grated cheddar. pinch dry thyme&black pepper. Grill.
inger, Garlic a G n ith
on Salm garlic, d er, ging y, toaste h t i w es. , so lime tomato l. , i l l i ch il + foi me o mins in a s e s 5 o for 1 e+y Cook e with ric Serv ghurt.
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Fudge S Hot au ce
The Tweet Pie cookbook was compiled from recipes submitted by Twitter users in 140 characters or fewer, and illustrations were also supplied and chosen via the microblogging site. The book, from British stove maker Belling, was inspired by research that found that Delia Smith, whose long-winded instructions for a simple roast beef dish took 872 words, was Britain's wordiest chef. Nigella Lawson's finger-licking recipe for beef was the second longest, followed by Jamie Oliver, whose notoriously simple approach nonetheless saw him coming in as third wordiest, at 773 words. The Twitter recipes were chosen from thousands submitted and edited down to a book of just 50. For the non-Twitter-savvy, there is a glossary of Twitter abbreviations in the back of the book to help readers decipher the characters. Funds raised from the sale of the recipe book will go to the charity FoodCycle, which raises money to combat food poverty. Steve Dickson, Commercial Manager for Belling, said, 'We’re delighted to be the first to create a charity recipe book sourced entirely from social media and are equally pleased to be able to provide every penny from the sale of the books to FoodCycle.' The book is available to buy online via FoodCycle UK’s Ebay shop:
dM ke
Salmo nw
A long, wordy recipe can put anyone off cooking, so Twitter have come up with the idea of short succinct recipes, of no more than 140 characters. The micro-recipe Twitter cook book is basking in huge success. 'Tweet Pie: The World’s Shortest Recipe Book' is a collection of 50 crowd-sourced 'twecipes' told in 140 characters or fewer.
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Twecipes to try
Eq amou ual butte nts cream suga r & soft br r. Sim o mer a wn until nd thick and g stir olden brow n
Follow The Jungle Drums on Twitter - TheJungle_Drums PAGE
The Jungle Drums - Tel: 626 397 397
September 2011
The Jungle Drums
Cliff & Elvis Spectacular
Chas & Dave ( a different “Dave”)!
International Tributes
Four shows in September
Sunday 25th
The Rendezvous, Campoamor
Monday 26th
Elvis 2000
Chas & Dave star
The Rendezvous, Campoamor
On tour Together!
Chas Hodges
Asturias, N332, Punta Prima
Mon 19th Sept - AREA, Filton Centre, Los Balcones Tue 20th Sept - Fairways, Plaza, Villa Martin Wed 21st Sept - Lounge Bar, Torrevieja Thur 22nd Sept - Rocajuna, Punta Prima Fri 23rd Sept - Casa Ventura, San Luis 8-30pm start (seat at 8-00pm)
on tour with Jukebox Legends
Nostalgia at it’s best!
Wednesday 28th The Club, Quesada
Tickets only 12.00 Euros Available now at the venues
“Rabbit, Rabbit” “Gercha” All the favourites And more!
PLEASE BOOK EARLY for best seating Shows at 8-30pm - 8-00pm seating
Ticket info at
Tickets 7.50 Euros (pay 10 or more, get 2 FREE) Tickets available at the venues or call 695135134 Info at
Tuesday 27th
695135134 7-00pm pre show Meals available Jukebox Legends at some venues
Dave Seccombe
ALL Elvis and Cliff fans MUST see this!
Chas & Dave music to hit town!
50s to 70s rock & roll, fun and memories
“Rock, Rabbit and Roll” tour
The Jungle Drums
September 2011
WIKIPEDIA WANTS WOMEN WRITERS Wikipedia, the online encyclopaedia that anyone can contribute to, is looking for some female input. Ninety percent of the contributors are male, and this imbalance is showing when it comes to subjects covered. Technology and science subjects are pretty comprehensive, but other topics are left wanting. Co-founder Jimmy Wales described the typical Wikipedia contributor as a 26year-old geeky male with a PhD. "The main thing is to bring in people of all different backgrounds," Wales said. "If you do that, you increase the knowledge base of the site, which can only be a good thing. At the moment, we are relatively poor in a few areas; for example, biographies of famous women through history, and issues surrounding early childcare." Wikipedia offers information on 3 million topics, and has 90,000 active contributors. Wales would like to recruit 5,000 more by March, and hopes many of these are female. Are there any females out there who would like to contribute something? Have you noticed an absence of great famous women on Wikipedia, or of any other topics? Let Jungle Drums know what you think? email us at
Get on yer bike! Most Town Halls up and down the coast are offering free bike hire schemes, in a bid to appear more ecologically friendly, and to help local residents get fitter. The scheme has a host of other advantages though, and everyone is encouraged to get on their bike. Researchers studying the Barcelona bike hire scheme – known as Bicing – found that the cyclists had helped to avert 9,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide pollution, which they believe has saved more than 12 lives each year since the scheme began operating. Research team member Mark J Nieuwenhuijsen said, "We did the study because we wanted to know the health effect of an active transportation policy like bike sharing. 350-400 cities around the world now have bike sharing schemes. Most of them were set up to reduce congestion, but we wanted to look at the other benefits, in particular to find out if there were public health benefits." London is one of the most polluted places in Europe. A study commissioned by Boris Johnson found that the capital's poor air quality causes 4,300 deaths every year. City officials have been warned by the European
Bike hire schemes huge benefits By Jenny Hall
commission to clean up the city's act and the city faces fines of up to £300m a year if it fails to do so. Across the UK the story is much the same - a parliamentary committee found that air pollution causes 50,000 early deaths each year. So you have no excuse, especially living in these sunny climes. Cycle instead of hopping into your car. You will get fitter, not pollute the air, reduce traffic congestion, not use any petrol, burn calories and not have a problem with parking. Just remember to take a good bike lock.
visit for more details
The Jungle Drums - Tel: 626 397 397
September 2011
The Jungle Drums
The Jungle Drums
September 2011
What could be better for cooling you down than some awesome cocktails? Not much really, except perhaps more awesome cocktails! Great for parties, BBQs or simply for sipping around the pool. You need: 4 - 6 ice cubes (crushed) 1 dash Worcestershire sauce 1 dash tabasco sauce 1 measure vodka 6 measures tomato juice Juice from half a lemon pinch celery salt pinch cayenne pepper
Preparation: Put the cracked ice into a shaker. Dash the Worcestershire sauce and Tobasco sauce over the ice and pour in the vodka, tomato juice and lemon juice. Shake vigorously. Strain into a tall, chilled glass, add a pinch of celery salt and a pinch of cayenne pepper. Decorate with celery stick and/ or slice of lemon.
You need: 1½ measures of vodka ¾ measure of dry vermouth
You need: 6 oz of orange juice 12 oz of lemonade 18 oz of vodka 18 oz of unsweetened pineapple juice 18 oz of cranberry juice 12 oz of club soda Preparation: Mix together and share with friends. This makes a lot!
Preparation: Place vodka and vermouth in an ice-filled cocktail shaker. Shake well. Strain into a martini glass. Serve with an olive.
You need: 1½ measures of gin ¾ measure of Calvados Juice of half a lemon 1-2 dashes grenadine 1 egg white maraschino cherry for garnish Preparation: Pour the ingredients into a cocktail shaker with ice cubes. Shake vigorously. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with the cherry
The Jungle Drums - Tel: 626 397 397
September 2011
The Jungle Drums
You need: 2 measures of golden rum Fresh lime juice to taste Cola
Preparation: Pour lime juice into a highball glass over ice cubes. Add rum and fill with cola. Stir, and serve with a straw and slice of lime.
You need: 2 measures of blended whiskey Juice of half a lemon ½ teaspoon of icing sugar 1 cherry slice of orange Preparation: Shake blended whiskey, lemon juice, and icing sugar with ice and strain into a whiskey sour glass. Decorate with the slice of orange, top with the cherry, and serve.
Preparation: Combine all the ingredients in a blender. Blend well at high speed. Pour into a glass. Serve with a cherry and mint leaves.
Preparation: Add all the ingredients to a shaker filled with ice, shake well and strain into a glass over ice cubes. Garnish with mint leaves, an orange slice, pineapple spear on rim and paper umbrella. The paper umbrella is the most important part!
You need: 2 measures of light rum ½ measure of triple sec Juice from half a lime ½ teaspoon of sugar 1 cup ice 5 strawberries
You need: 1 measure of Jamaican rum 1 measure of dark rum ¾ of a measure of orange curacao Juice from half a lime 2 dashes of Orgeat Syrup (or almond syrup)
The Jungle Drums
September 2011
The Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre Rojales The centre is open to the public all year round, every day from 1pm to 4pm. You can see all the rescue horses (and numerous other animals they’ve rescued) and enjoy lunch or light refreshments in their amazing garden cafe of which all proceeds go to support the centre. Sundays and Wednesdays they have guided tours where you can meet the residents directly and hear their stories. Not only is this a great cause to support it also makes a fabulous day out for all ages. Rod and Sue, the centre founders, are so friendly and accomodating you’ll find yourselves returning there with visiting friends and family time and time again. As well as the garden cafe there is also a gift shop, second hand shop and second hand book shop. All in all a GREAT day out for everybody.
Getting there Where the CV91 Guardamar road and the CV860 Rojales to San Fulgencio road meet; go under the CV91 flyover in the direction San Fulgencio. Immediately passing under the flyover, at the island, take the "Rojales Este" turning to the right. Carry on for 1km and at the next island go straight over signposted "Camino de servicio". After 0.2km the road forks. Take the left hand fork, carry on for 1.1km and at the junction you will see the Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre, on the right hand side. Look out for the fields with the horses!
The GPS Co-ordinates are 38.097146, -0.703061
Partido Lo Garriga 59, Rojales Tel: 965 967 033 or 652 021 980
The Jungle Drums - Tel: 626 397 397
September 2011
The Jungle Drums
The Jungle Drums
September 2011
atercress is an excellent source of betacarotene (converts to vitamin A in the body), vitamins B1, B6, C, E and K. It is also a good source of dietary fibre, folic acid (folate), iodine, phosphorous, selenium, potassium, iron, calcium and copper. On top of that it's carotenoid content of lutein and zeaxanthin and the flavornoid quercetin make it truly a superfood. Gram for gram it has more antioxidants than broccoli and tomatoes, more vitamin C than oranges, more absorbable iron than spinach, more potassium than bananas, more quercetin than broccoli and even more calcium than milk.
The Jungle Drums - Tel: 626 397 397
September 2011
The Jungle Drums
Externally fresh watercress juice has been used to stimulate thick hair growth, to heal acne and eczema, and to lighten freckles. Southampton scientists have revealed that the vitamin-rich vegetable has the potential to fight breast cancer. A trial found that eating just one portion was enough to halt the growth of breast cancer cells. Its cancer fighting abilities come from a plant compound which is able to starve tumours of essential blood and oxygen by “turning off� a cancer signal in the body. Now experts say it paves the way for using watercress to help reduce the risk of other types of the killer disease. When purchasing buy fresh, dark green, organic watercress. Once purchased it can be stored in a container or plastic bag for a couple of days in the vegetable drawer of the fridge. Eat as soon as possible for the best health benefits.
Why not try to grow your own, either in your garden or in a container? Watercress is a wonderful addition to salads, sandwiches and vegetable juices. delicious in soups and stir fries as well.
The Jungle Drums
September 2011
ake the most of these long summer evenings by dining and cooking al fresco. Fire up the barbie, invite some friends over and crack open a tinny or two. Our burger recipes will surely delight you and your friends alike.
The ultimate beef and cheese burger Serves 4 What you need 1 large red onion 500g minced steak 2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce Handful chopped fresh parsley 80g piece mature Cheddar, cut into 4 equal cubes Olive oil, for brushing salt and pepper 4 crusty buns handfuls of alfalfa (or other sprouts)
What you gotta do Cut half the onion into rings and set aside. Finely chop the remainder and put into a large bowl, along with the mince, Worcestershire sauce and parsley. Season and mix well with your hands. Shape into 4 burgers, push a cube of Cheddar into the centre of each, then re-shape to fully enclose the cheese. Brush the burgers with a little oil and cook on the hot barbecue for 10 minutes, turning halfway, until just cooked through and charred. Set aside to rest for a few minutes. Serve in a bun with slices of onion and a handful of alfalfa sprouts.
Hints and tips Always use separate chopping boards and utensils for handling raw and cooked foods to prevent cross contamination.
The Jungle Drums - Tel: 626 397 397
September 2011
The Jungle Drums
TOP BBQ TIPS Pork, sausages, burgers and chicken in particular, must always be cooked through to the centre. It might look cooked on the outside but can still be raw in the middle. Check by piercing the thickest part with the point of a sharp knife. If the juices run clear then the meat is ready.
Portobello veggie burger Serves 4 What you need
What you gotta do
Olive oil 4 portobello mushrooms 2 cloves of garlic, diced salt and pepper 4 crusty buns handfuls of rocket 2 big tomatoes, sliced
Brush the mushrooms with olive oil and sprinkle on the diced garlic, salt and pepper. Place on the BBQ and cook for 4 minutes on each side. Serve in a bun with slices of tomato and a small handful of rocket leaves.
Hints and tips Instead of the usual ketchup, put a dollop of pesto with this burger
Sage & Onion Burgers Serves 4
Clean your charcoal barbecue after each use, once the grill has cooled down - a wire brush and warm soapy water is all that is needed. Your gas barbecue can be cleaned by simply burning off the grill for 10 minutes. Never mix together different raw foods (i.e. fish and chicken) in the same marinade. Always keep in separate containers. Prepare dressings for salads and marinades for the barbecue in advance to be one step ahead of yourself.
What you need 450g lean minced steak 1 packet Sage and Onion Stuffing Mix 1 Tbsp sweet chilli sauce salt and pepper to taste burger buns slices of cheese Lettuce leaves What you gotta do In a large bowl bind together the mince, stuffing mix, chilli sauce and seasoning. Form into 4 generous burgers and transfer to the fridge for about 30 minutes. Grill for about 5-8 minutes each side or until they are cooked through. Serve in a burger bun with slices of cheese and lettuce leaves.
Hints and tips If you find that the burger mixture is a little dry then add a beaten egg to help to bind the mixture together
The Jungle Drums
September 2011
It's a known fact that everyone reading this is an above-average driver — and that each of us always displays deep and abiding civility toward our fellow travellers. So we're sure you won't recognise yourself in any of the items listed below.
Dangerous loads improperly secured
The laws of physics are immutable. So, unfortunately, are the laws of stupidity. If you're driving at 75 kph, twine, a bungee cord and your left hand will not keep a La-Z-Boy 5000 from setting sail above the motorway. Trust us on this. Unfortunately, there is no shortage of people who - through impatience, laziness or lack of schooling - don't understand the basics of force, leverage and wind loading. As a result, those of us who follow them have to drive with our hearts in our throats until we can get around them and hope the load doesn't let out at that moment. And what about the guy behind you? Oblivious as they may be, these drivers can leave a trail of chaos behind them. And if their load comes unhinged, they're going to have a bad case of survivor's guilt.
Don't Be a Jerk:
If you're carrying something that doesn't fit inside your car, get professional help or advice in securing it before driving. And have all mattresses and 4x8 sheets of plywood delivered.
Picking your nose
Let's be perfectly clear about this: We've got nothing against picking one's nose. According to fossil records, it's a habit that dates back to the Stone Age. But, being forced to watch someone up to the second knuckle in a mining operation is enough to cause anyone to lose his breakfast burrito.
Don't Be a Jerk: Don't assume nobody is watching — especially at stoplights where people tend to survey their surroundings.
Staying in the far left lane
safely on the right. It also raises the blood pressure of We all need to work together if we're going to those who want to go even a little bit faster. You're going get home in time to watch "Benidorm" That in- the speed limit? Fine. Let the police enforce the law. And cludes pulling back over to the right after you've passed remember, some drivers might have very good reasons a slower-moving vehicle. Staying in the left lane forces for driving faster than you on any given day. They might everyone to go at exactly your speed, or pass you un- be trying to make sure their mother-in-law catches her plane home.
Don't Be a Jerk:
Use the passing lane for passing. And when you're in it, always keep an eye on your rearview mirror and be aware if someone is coming up faster behind you so you can get out of the way in time. PAGE
The Jungle Drums - Tel: 626 397 397
September 2011
The Jungle Drums
Taking two spaces in a car park
Is there anything more obnoxious than announcing to the world, "My BMW paint job is more important than your ability to park?" Of course, if the car is a Morris Minor and the driver is currently wearing incontinence pants, the issue may be driving ability rather than obnoxiousness. So consider the circumstances.
Don't Be a Jerk: When my brother comes across an expensive car that's taking up two premium spaces, he likes to squeeze his 20-year-old heap right in next to the car. Not only does he get a space, but also he knows the owner of the offending trophy car is going to stroke out when he sees it. Of course, my brother has also had his nose broken a few times. So consider parking elsewhere, and think about leaving a note on the offending vehicle instead, suggesting that the driver kindly not hog two spots in a busy car park next time. Also, if you have a car that's so precious that it can't be parked close to anyone else's, park it at the far end of the parking lot. That way, you inconvenience yourself rather than everybody else.
Faulty equipment
Saving money by putting off repairs is a noble act of cheapskate-dom, but when deferring maintenance means that you're starting to compromise your own safety, or others around you, that's when we get annoyed.
Don't Be a Jerk: Maintenance is not just for you. You'll improve your own safety and that of your fellow drivers by keeping up on necessary repairs.
Leaving high beams on
Driving at night introduces a variety of risks, all related to the fact that our vision becomes limited. The less well you can see, the less well you drive. So when someone oncoming cruises past you and shines the equivalent of a 100,000-candlepower lighthouse directly into your retinas, he's definitely being more than a little annoying, he's compromising your ability to drive safely.
Don't Be a Jerk: Understand that your high beams are a dangerous weapon when aimed at oncoming traffic. Remember when you've turned them on, and always be prepared to turn them right off.
If that's not reason enough for you to remember to switch off your high beams when there's traffic headed your way, here’s another one; If you blind an oncoming driver with your high beams, he might not be able to judge where your car is and might crash into you. Wouldn't that suck? By the way, poorly aimed headlights can also be dangerous. If oncoming drivers are flashing their lights at you and you don't know why, first make sure your headlights are on, and then check that the high beams are off. If those two items check out OK, have your mechanic check the alignment of your headlights. It takes five minutes, and it's a thoughtful gesture to future oncoming drivers. ................................continued over the page
The Jungle Drums
September 2011
Not signalling when turning or changing lanes
Signalling your intentions is one of the most basic acts of courtesy one can engage in. If we can't predict what other drivers are going to do, we can't make informed decisions about what we should do, and the result is mayhem. And insurance claims. But besides being dangerous, not signalling is also downright obnoxious. It's rather telling that signalling one's intentions is pretty much universal in the animal kingdom. And if hyenas can manage it, can't you?
Not acknowledging making a mistake or overreacting to an honest mistake
Driver A makes a stupid mistake, causing Driver B to swerve. Driver B, having just planted his beak directly into his Starbucks Frappuccino, delivers Driver A the one-finger salute. Driver B is offended, and responds in kind. We all make mistakes. Remember that when someone pulls out without seeing you. Sure, honk if you need to for safety, but do you really have to follow it up with a Victor Meldew-like diatribe? If the person is decent enough to hold up a palm and indicate "Sorry!" can't you say, "That's OK"? And similarly, when you make a boneheaded move, don't slink off as if you didn't notice that you almost caused a five-car pileup. Acknowledge that you screwed up. Mouth "Sorry." Look a little sheepish. Hold up a palm asking for forgiveness. If more people apologised for their lunkheadedness and more people accepted their apologies, the roads would be a lot more humane.
Don't Be a Jerk: Remember the golden rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you when you pull out of your parking space without looking.
Don't Be a Jerk: Use your indicator lights dude!
Driving too fast for road conditions
Just because a speed limit is 80 kph doesn't mean that's always the right speed. Snow, ice or rain can dramatically reduce your car's braking and handling abilities, as well as limit visibility. The right top speed for those conditions is that at which you feel safe and in control and able to react in time to anything that happens up ahead. That could be 40 kph. Or zero kph. Drivers who fly past you at 60 kph when conditions call for 30 kph are not just risking their own lives - they might take you with them. If they lose control, they could easily spin into you, knocking you off the road and down an embankment. Or, at the very least, they could cover your windscreen with a thick film of slush or rain, leaving you temporarily blinded. Annoying? We'd say so.
THE MOST annoying thing other drivers do is...... Talking on a mobile phone
When you're talking on your mobile, you're as likely to cause an accident as when you're legally drunk. Now, what's your excuse? What's more annoying than a driver who's willing to risk your life so he can pick up his Chicken chow mein without waiting? It’s against the law and for a good reason too.
Don't Be a Jerk:
There's always someone driving like a jerk in bad weather. And if you notice you're passing everybody, you're the jerk!
Don't Be a Jerk:
Put the phone down while you drive. You know about voice mail, right?
The Jungle Drums - Tel: 626 397 397
September 2011
The Jungle Drums
The Jungle Drums
September 2011
Contractor of the year awards
The Jungle Drums - Tel: 626 397 397
September 2011
The Jungle Drums
Why not come and support your local footbal team? We play all of our home games in the “Campo Nuevo Canaveral” stadium in San Fulgencio kicking off at 12:00 noon on Sundays. Entry fee is only 3.00€ which includes free entry into a prize draw and we offer cut price concessions for O.A.Ps and children. This season we are competing in the Valencia League, in division 2a Regional, Group 16. We have a bar/cafe at the ground and look forward to seeing you during the season. Please cut out and keep this list of our home games printed here, or check out for more information.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
C.F Noveldense C.D Ciudad de Asis C.F Athletico Santa Pola F.C Castillo de Elda Pinoso C.F “B” Monovar C.D “B” C.D Murada C.D Eldense “B” At. Crevillente Santa Pola C.F “B” C.D Altet U.D.F Sax C.F Unuin Deportivo Ilicitana C.F Dama de Elche “A” C.D Benijofar
25/09/11 09/10/11 23/10/11 06/11/11 20/11/11 04/12/11 15/01/12 22/01/12 05/02/12 19/02/12 04/03/12 25/03/12 15/04/12 29/04/12 06/05/12
The Jungle Drums
September 2011
The Jungle Drums - Tel: 626 397 397
September 2011
The Jungle Drums
The Jungle Drums
September 2011
The Jungle Drums - Tel: 626 397 397
September 2011
The Jungle Drums
The Jungle Drums
September 2011
If you’re ever the last one to bed and have to switch off all the lights, or if you’re up for a snack or a wee in the middle of the night then you’ll know what it’s like stumbling around crashing into things and stubbing your toes. Well these illuminated car slippers may seem a bit of a gimmick at first, but once you see how well the bright and powerful LED headlights light up everything in a 30m radius you’ll wonder how your feet ever survived without them. At just under €23 a pop, we reckon it’s money well spent. And think of the plasters you’ll save!
Splash out €15 on this strong and very portable pocket shower and you can have up to 7 minutes of hot water for free. It folds up and slips in your pocket and can be setup in minutes. Made from special sunlight absorbing fabric it holds a mighty 10 litres of water and has an adjustable shower head. We think this will be very useful hanging in the garden ready for washing down all our summer visitors after the trips to the beach.
This is a must for anyone that uses public internet cafes or wifi hotspots to connect to the internet. This trendy looking t-shirt will glow when you are within range of a wireless network signal, and the stronger the signal the more bars that light up. Great for checking out the best place to sit and surf the web when out in public, and even finding the optimum location in your home or office.
e £12.99 -
We are great big fans of this little lifesaver here at Jungle Drums. Made by the world famous Zippo company, this wonderful gizmo runs on a small amount of liquid lighter fuel and gives of an amazing amount of heat for up to 12 hours. You can immediately feel the high quality of this product and its slim and light design means it can slip unnoticed into any pocket or inside a glove. We have no idea how it works but it does. £19.99 - PAGE
The Jungle Drums - Tel: 626 397 397
September 2011
The Jungle Drums
What is a Grand Parent? G
randparents are a lady and a man who have no little children of their own. They like other people's.
A grandfather is a man, and a grandmother is a lady!
Grandparents don't have to do anything except be there when we come to see them. They are so old they shouldn't play hard or run. It is good if they drive us to the shops and give us money. When they take us for walks, they slow down past things like pretty leaves and caterpillars. They show us and talk to us about the colours of the flowers and also why we shouldn't step on 'cracks.' They don't say, 'Hurry up.' Usually grandmothers are fat but not too fat to tie your shoes. They wear glasses and funny underwear.
Taken from papers written by a class of 8-year-olds Grandparents don't have to be smart. They have to answer questions like 'Why isn't God married?' and 'How come dogs chase cats?' When they read to us, they don't skip. They don't mind if we ask for the same story over again. Everybody should try to have a grandmother, especially if you don't have television because they are the only grownups who like to spend time with us. They know we should have snack time before bed time, and they say prayers with us and kiss us even when we've acted bad. A 6-year-old was asked where his grandma lived. ''Oh,'' he said, ''she lives at the airport, and when we want her, we just go get her. Then when we're done having her visit, we take her back to the airport.'' grandpa is the smartest man on earth! He teaches me good things, but i don't get to see him enough to get as smart as him! It' funny when they bend over; they fart, and they blame their dog.!!!
A woman starts dating a doctor. Before too long, she becomes pregnant and they don't know what to do. About nine months later, just about the time she is going to give birth, a priest goes into the hospital for a prostate gland infection. The doctor says to the woman, "I know what we'll do. After I've operated on the priest, I'll give the baby to him and tell him it was a miracle." "Do you think it will work?" she asks. "It's worth a try." he says. So, the doctor delivers the baby and then operates on the priest. After the operation he goes in to the priest and says, "Father, you're not going to believe this.". "What?" asks the priest, "what happened?". "You gave birth to a child!". "But that's impossible!" says the priest. "I just did the operation," insists the doctor, "it's a miracle! Here's your baby." About fifteen years go by, and the priest realises he must tell his son the truth. One day, he sits the boy down and says, "Son, I have something to tell you. I'm not your father." The son says, "What do you mean, you're not my father?" The priest replies, "I am your mother. The archbishop is your father.".
solution on page 38
They can take their teeth and gums out.
The Jungle Drums
September 2011
Thinking caps on for this one! Answers in next month’s edition. Across 7. Wheat, maize, and rye are all examples of what? (6) 8. What is the name of the flowering spike of trees such as willow and hazel? (6) 10. What name is given to a qualified accountant who inspects the accounting records and practices of a business? (7) 11. John Millington, were the first names of which Irish dramatist, whose best know work was The Playboy of the Western World? (5) 12. By what abbreviation was the education authority for the 12 inner London boroughs from 1965 until its abolition in 1990 usually known? (4) 13. On which river does the northernmost town in England, Berwick stand upon? (5) 17. By what nickname is the singer Gordon Sumner usually known? (5) 18. What name is normally given to a payment transfer from one bank account to another instigated by the payer and not the payee? (4) 22. What is the name of the most famous of Greek fable tellers, who lived in the sixth century BC? (5)
23. What type of triangle has three sides of different lengths? (7) 24. What is the surname of the actress who starred in the films Carrie and Coal Miner’s Daughter? (6) 25. What adjective means ‘of or relating to cats’? (6) Down 1. In Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra, what is the name of the wife of Mark Antony? (7) 2. What was the surname of the English poet and literary critic who was Poet Laureate from 1913 to 1930? (7) 3. Daddy Cool and Boy From New York City were both hits for which British doo-wop group? (5) 4. Which biennial plant with white flowers and aromatic leaves is used as a culinary herb and for garnishing food? (7) 5. Which American mammal of the weasel family squirts a fine spray of foul-smelling irritant liquid when threatened? (5) 6. Which parts of the body are protected by the patellae? (5) 9. What is the name of the platform for a lookout at or near the top of a mast? (5,4) 14. Which king, who ruled England 1135 to 1154, was the grandson of William the Conqueror? (7) 15. First performed in 1805, what is the title of Beethoven’s only opera? (7) 16. Which American actress starred with Dudley Moore in the 1979 film 10? (2,5) 19. What name is normally given to ‘an area of low-lying land that is flooded in wet seasons or at high tide’? (5) 20. By what name is the gold statuette that is awarded by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences usually known? (5) 21. What sort of creature can be either a dromedary or a Bactrian? (5)
Solutions to last months crossword Across: 1 Pistols, 5 Bears, 8 Reels, 9 Abstain, 10 Statement, 12 Ail, 13 Hoarse, 14 Tricks, 17 Let, 18 Sweetmeat, 20 Average, 21 Agony, 23 Lathe, 24 Spectre.
Down: 1 Paris, 2 Sue, 3 Oysters, 4 Scared, 5 Beset, 6 Avalanche, 7 Singles, 11 Apartment, 13 Holdall, 15 Rat race, 16 Recess, 18 Shade, 19 Thyme, 22 Out.
The Jungle Drums - Tel: 626 397 397
September 2011
The Jungle Drums
Aries 21 March - 19 April Aren’t we the Big Brain this month? Well at least you’ll feel like it. Your intellect may really surprise you. What comes out of your mouth could actually catch those around you by surprise. Profound is the word that comes to mind the strongest.
Taurus 20 April - 20 May Life will feel so good this month. There is more than just a little chance that your careful planning could win the heart of a new love interest. If not, those in your life will be amazed by your financial prowess. Well done, Taurus!
Gemini 21 May - 21 June By the last week of September you’ll be feeling very good as you complete any last minute shopping. Shared moments with your partner will take on a special glow.
Cancer 22 June - 22 July Romance is just running after you with a vengeance. If single this could be the best time you may have had in some time. Discretion is important. What a wonderful way to enjoy the holiday season.
Leo 23 July - 22 August Good heavens there are a lot of romantic opportunities for you, both this month and next. These times don’t come along all that often. You’ll need to use you head and choose wisely.
Virgo 23 August - 22 September The tried-and-true meets the innovation of the future to please you and your higher-ups. This plays well for you, giving you the credit you deserve for being so forward thinking. You could also receive over the entire month words and letters from those that warm, and at times overwhelm you with affection. Take the time to reciprocate.
Scorpio 24 October - 21 November With Venus and Mars parked the entire month in you First House of Self, you may find that people are drawn to you like a magnet. There will be opportunities to expand your friendship base and make new ones. There is also the possibility of meeting the dream person of your life. Capricorn 22 December - 19 January Try to avoid overworking yourself this month, which could further lower your vitality and leave you open to a cold or flu. Your friends are at your side this month and may introduce you to someone you could lose your heart to. Sagittarius 22 November - 21 December With the Sun, Pluto and Mercury in your First House of Self, you start this month feeling dynamic and purposeful. Use this to your advantage on the 10th or 11th. Enlightening insights may come from your partner or Committed Other sometime this month. Be ready with an open ear and mind. Aquarius 20 January - 18 February When aiming for greatness, set your sights to "better than greatness"...and when you fail, you'll at least be able to blame it on trying too hard. Your funny bone may have disappeared momentarily. However, it may turn up where you least expect it. If you never liked sprouts before, try them again. Your tastes may have changed. Pisces 19 February - 20 March Your career is getting big kudos from the boss and those around you this month. You may be just a bit surprised on the inside by the attention, though you would never show it outwardly. Point-of-pride. At any rate, there is also a chance for a financial windfall from your labours.
Libra 23 September - 23 October The phone will be ringing off the hook. And don’t forget to check that email on a twice a day basis. There are going to be surprises there as well. There is also an interesting aspect for you this month. Someone you care about may be giving you signals that your relationship is coming to a close. Be mindful, but not spiteful about it.
The Jungle Drums
September 2011
Classifieds Viva Villa and Vacation Services, For Short or Long Term Rentals visit: or Call: 1995 VW. Westfalia Campervan 1.9 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Diesel . New Engine 2007. Many Extras. 11-000 euros Immaculate Con- Ref: 49, 2nd floor one bedroom apartment situated conveniently lodition. Details and Photos email ann.nick- cated in the town centre of Torrevieja, with a small sun balcony Tel 685 777 254 overlooking the lovely communal Energy Saving pool. Short or long term rental available. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Want to save money on your electricity bills ? New energy saving de- Ref: 78, South facing 3 bedroomed vice. Simply plug into wall socket property situated injardin Del Mar and start saving on your bills. No in- VII, with communal pool nearby. stallation. Guaranteed results. C E. Close to amenities. Short or long term rental available. Certification., power- Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397, 625457555 Ref: 112, Spacious 3 bedroom deagents wanted ! tached villa with its private pool is loHairdressers cated on the El Raso urbanisation near Guardamar. Convenient for all amenities, shops, supermarket, English mobile hairdresser. 20 years restaurants and bars. Short or long experience. Prices from 6 euros. Al- term rental available. moradi, Algorfa, Benijofer, Rojales, Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Quesada, Guardamar, San Luis, Torrevieja areas. Call Jeri on 966 318 550 Ref: 63, Two bedroom 1st floor apart/ 698 257 200. ment situated in Monino Blanco. The property overlooks a superb comProperty For Rent munal pool area, in within walking distance of bars, restaurants and shops. Short or long term rental Luxury appartments, 2/3 bedrooms available. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 in San Miguel De Salinas. Cars For Sale
Business Opportunites 10 cold drinks /snack vending machines with sites 44,900 euros. Excellent cash income, no overhead, operate from home 31,000 euros NETT per year one day p.w. to service.25 Pringle vending machines with sites 14,900 euros 250 euros per week NETT guaranteed, machines and sites available individually. 965 326 442 / 659 696 455 . Church Services
International Christian Assembly. Calle Pilar de Horadada 5, Torrevieja. Evangelical non-denominational. Sunday services 11:00am. Children’s Church 11:00am. House groups in Torrevieja, Los Balcones, San Javier. Ladies meeting Thursdays 11:00am. Pastor, Rafael Restrepo. All nationalities welcome 966 799 273 // 660 127 276. Pilar Christian Community Church Calle Canalejas 3. Pilar de la Horadada. Sunday Service at 11am, and Thursday at 5pm for Bible study and Prayer. Home groups meet during the week. All welcome from any church background or none. For further information contact PilarChristian. or contact Reverend Eddie on 966 7693 00 or 650 509 606. Reg No:2009-SG/A
Floor heating, Elevator, Roof terrace with swimming pool, from 385 euros/month Also holiday rentals and appartments in San Miguel de Salinas from 350 euros / month. 966 723 437 and 616 487 493
Ref: 128, A lovely One bedroom 2nd floor apartment, American style kitchen, Lounge with patio doors to balcony, in the San Luis area. Short or long term rental available. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397
The Jungle Drums - Tel: 626 397 397
September 2011
The Jungle Drums
To advertise here please telephone 966 727 334 or 626 397 397 or email
House for sale. Santiago de la Ribera, 3-4 bedrooms, lovely garden, two balconies, two fireplaces, quiet neighbourhood, five minutes walk to beach. Tel: 616596647 or 672192482.
Viva Villa and Vacation Services are pleased to offer property sales for the Torrevieja and Oriheula areas of the Costa Blanca, Spain. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397
Balsares, terraced 4 bedroomed house, 3 bathrooms, large underbuild, private underground parking Ref: 155, Luxurious Three Bedroom direct to house, small gated urbaniVilla With Private Pool, in Quesada sation, directly over looking proClose to shops and restaurants posed new golf course opposite within a five minute drive, and Gran Alacant, priced for quick sale at Guadamar Beach is within a ten original off plan price 180.000 Tel 680333242 minute drive. Short or long term rental available. Gran Alacant, 3 bedroomed, 3 bath Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 mid terraced Altomar 1, views of Ali-
Ref: 513, €115,000. Two bedroom ground floor apartment, in Aguas Nuevas, close to all amenities including the beach. It has a good size lounge, kitchen and has off road parking facilities. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397
Ref: 104, Lovely Two Bedroom Apartment in Torrevieja, within walking distance of Friday Market and the beach. The Property is close to the Habaneras Shopping Centre and Aquapark. Short or long term rental available. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397
Ref: 521, €105,000. This comfortable bungalow is located in San Luis with a new roof and solarium tiles. It is cante Bay, close to communal pool, close to supermarkets, bars, restauRef: 709, A lovely 1 bedroom apart- walking distance to bars and restu- rants and is on the local bus route. ment within a 5 minute walk of the rants opportunity at reduced price Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 beach. There is a terrace outside with 145,000 Tel 680333242 Ref: 520, €85,000. Two bedroom views to the sea. Short or long term Gran Alacant, front line, 2 bed, 1 apartment in Dream Hills, with a fully rental available. bath, downstairs toilet, fully fur- equipped kitchen, large lounge, Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 nished, roof terrace, walking disglazed-in terrace and a large solartance to beaches, large communal Ref: 708, A lovely two bedroom, one and resturants, beach front property ium. This property comes with a large communal swimming pool. bathroom corner ground floor apart- priced for quick sale 125,000 Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 ment with a spacious patio & Resi- Tel 680333242 dents off road parking. Communal pool near by. Short or long term Quesada, detached 3 bedroomed, 2 Ref: 516, €39,999. Studio apartment bath, all large rooms, front enclosed in San Luis, close to amenities. Open rental available. conservatory, fully furnished, oiled plan fully equipped kitchen. Good Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 fuelled heating, outdoor poolside sized lounge, bedroom and out onto kitchen and bbq area enclosed, large balcony which has been glazed to Property For Sale pool, outside toilet, garage for 2 cars, create another room. newly refurbished, established garden with fruit trees, set in a cul de sac Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Gran Alacant, corner semi detached on 1000m2, the overall plot can be 3 bedroomed, 2 bathrooms, large divided, as registered as two plots, so Ref: 510, €79,999. Bungalow located garden, enclosed terrace, fully fur- this house could be a substantial in- in San Luis. It is close to the supernished, private drive for 2 cars, on vestment opportunity, situated in markets, bars and restaurants and is gated desirable urbanisation Monte the Dona pepe area close to Que- on the local bus route. An Opel Corsa Faro, many facilities priced for quick sada town centre, priced 299,000 ne- car is included in this sale. gotiable Tel 680333242 Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 sale 185,000 Tel 680333242
The Jungle Drums
September 2011
Classifieds To advertise here please telephone 966 727 334 or 626 397 397 or email Ref: 146, €85,000. Three bedroom Two bathroom quad house in Dream Hills. Off road parking on the front driveway with gates that can be padlocked for security. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397
to amenities. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397
Ref: 78, €120,000. Three bedroom Quad in Jardin Del Mar VII. There is off-road parking and small storage shed in the enclosed garden area, Ref: KP3100, €195,000. Three bed- communal pool nearby. room, two bathroom detached villa, Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 located in San Luis, on a 450sqm plot, with communal pool. Garage to Ref: 128, €34,950. One bedroom 2nd side of house. floor apartment located in San Luis. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 American style kitchen, Lounge with patio doors to balcony, with lovely Ref: 30, €119,000. Two bedroom de- views in the San Luis area. tached house with large front ter- Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 race. This villa is in the Punta Marina Ref: 709, €60,000 A lovely 1 bedroom area close to Playa Flamenca , Close apartment within a 5 minute walk of
the beach. There is a terrace outside with views to the sea. Short or long term rental available. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Courses
LEARN EFT. Cousin to acupuncture, no needles, tap with fingers. Helps pain, anxiety, illness, phobias, smoking etc. AAMET approved courses and Trainer Marie Holliday. 673 976 313.
solution to Sudoko on page 33
The Jungle Drums - Tel: 626 397 397
September 2011
The Jungle Drums