245 Edition 246 248
Friday 30th October 2015 www.thecourier.es Friday www.thecourier.es Friday 6th November 20th
baby-faced British drug trafficker, who was on the list of Crimestoppers “Most Wanted” criminals on the run in Spain, has been arrested by the Guardia Civil in the Granada area. Michael Roden, aged 26, from Redditch in Worcestershire, was one of seven people apprehended for allegedly belonging to a criminal organisation involved in drug trafficking, illegal possession of firearms, money laundering and forgery. He was detained along with three men and three women who are Chilean, Romanian, Georgian and Spanish nationals. One of the arrests was in the Murcia region. Six house searches in a co-ordinated operation between the Guardia in Alicante and Granada resulted in the seizure of approximately 30 kilos of cannabis, drug packaging
material, several firearms including a silencer, highvalue vehicles, and 85 thousand euro plus 600 pounds in cash. The Guardia from
Alicante got involved in running Operation Hoyo 18 because a large amount of the drugs that were grown in the Granada region were then taken to various holding locations across Alicante Province for distribution around Spain and to other countries. Those
arrested have been brought before an Orihuela judge, with two being released on bail, but not Michael Roden. A European Arrest Warrant for Roden, who featured on the Operation Captura fugitive list, was also executed as he is wanted by West Midlands Police in connection with the importation of 70 kilos of cannabis in 2013, and was scheduled for an extradition hearing in Madrid this week. He was convicted in October 2010 in Britain of large-scale production of cannabis and jailed for three years. Roden was released early the following year but failed to meet his probation conditions and is wanted for recall into prison. Dave Allen, Head of the International Crime Bureau at the National Crime Agency said: “The arrest of Michael Roden marks yet another success for Operation Captura and highlights the effectiveness of the campaign in flushing out fugitives.”
The Courier TV Pull-out The latest news from tele-land 20th Nov - 26th Nov
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