The Courier 287

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Edition 287

Friday 2nd September 2016




he family of Guardamar hit-and-run victim


Rob Sneddon have launched a GoFundMe appeal to raise money towards his funeral expenses and costs which include the cost of transporting his body to his native Scotland, as yet still 12 days after the collision, no arrests have yet been made. 61-year-old Mr. Sneddon died on the N-332 near his home on the evening of Sunday August 21st, with the Guardia Civil launching a major search to find the driver of a UK-registered Land Rover, which included sharing information via the N-332 Facebook page. The Guardia

revealed the vehicle was registered to a UK firm and have been liaising with British police to track down Mr Sneddon’s killer. Bradley Kerr, a family friend and creator of the GoFundMe appeal titled ‘N332 Hit & Run - Robert Sneddon’ said: “Any help you could offer would go towards funeral expenses and costs for Robert Sneddon who was tragically killed in a hit and run incident on the N322 in Guardamar." Mr Sneddon’s daughter Mandy said the family had yet to make funeral arrange-

ments because his body had only just been released by the courts. She added: “It was all so unexpected that we haven’t really had time to think about it and my dad hadn’t made plans himself or taken out any insurance because it was obviously something he hadn’t envisaged happening at this stage of his life." “But he was very proud of his Scottish roots and I know that he would want to be returned to Scotland. We hope to be able to repatriate him if we can raise enough money.”


65-year-old British woman died after a sofa fire at her San Javier area home last Friday. The blaze happened at an apartment in El Mirador

after her 74-year old husband, named by authorities as Albert H.B, raised the alarm after returning home at about 9.00 am. The couple had apparently physically split the apart-

ment into two after past disagreements and he was unable to access his wife's part of the accommodation, and so had to call the emergency services. The unnamed 65-year old woman was found naked on

the floor by fire-fighters near a burnt-out sofa with investigators believing she suffocated after setting fire to the settee in her bedroom with a cigarette butt. Her door had to be broken down by fire-fighters but she was already dead.


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