The Courier Edition 319

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Edition 319

Friday 28th April 2017



aking a youngster to a children’s playground on the Orihuela Costa has been described as “suicidal” by one of the leading residents lobby groups in the area. Tomás Moreno of the Federación de Asociaciones de Vecinos de Orihuela

Costa (FAOC) used the word to sum up the state of the facilities and has called on Orihuela council to implement an unanimously approved motion from 18 months ago which called for play areas to be properly maintained. Moreno, who also

described the children’s parks as a “jungle” said that nothing has been done and the 2017 budgets had no mention of the play areas or over matters concerning cleaning and maintenance issues affecting the Orihuela Costa. FAOC claimed that weeds and vegetation area growing across the areas designated for youngsters, as well as worn-out ropes on swings and missing nuts, bolts, and screws on steps, swings and roundabouts. The organisation also slammed the state of fences and the general safety level of the areas. “Orihuela Costa residents feel abandoned”, fumed Moreno. “With budgets not

approved, nothing is going to be done on the coast in time for summer. We need fast action and a financial investment”.


developer of an Orihuela Costa urbanisation has been ordered to pay over four and a half million euro in compensation to residents at El Mirador in Los Altos after advertising a large common green space and community swimming pool that was actually build on Orihuela council-owned land. A final appeal ruling from the Supreme Court though still doesn’t shed any light on how Promoplus International happened to promote the pool and common land as being part of El Mirador’s community when it wasn’t, as well as what, if any, action or discussions have taken place with Orihuela council

over their land being used for the facilities. Promoplus has been fighting in the courts for the last four years, with a Torrevieja judge awarding nearly five

and a half million euro in compensation to the residents four years ago, with the Provincial Court reducing the figure to four and a half million euro in December

2014. That figure was ratified by the Supreme Court in a written ruling, after it dismissed the Promoplus appeal last month.

See page 2 for the week´s forecast



Friday 28th April 2017

Pilar Fair Telephone

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Transport Demand

Stash In The Attic

Email Website Head Office TKO Towers, Calle Los Arcos 17, Ciudad Quesada, Rojales, 03170

Opening Hours Mon - Fri 11:00 - 15:00


Pilar de la Horadada's annual Feria de Sevillanas got underway last night with a firework display and live entertainment. The event runs until Monday May 1st at the

town's Raimundo Benedicto fairground, with one of the highlights being a Sunday procession starting at 11.30 am with an offering of flowers to Our Lady of Pilar

Drugs Raid

Barry Newlove

Editor Alex Trelinski Design & Layout Derek Appleton

Advertising Sales

Torrevieja & North Tel. 618 583 765

Jean Orihuela Costa Tel. 618 898 034

Julie English and Spanish Tel. 616 332 178


Over a ton of hashish has been siezed by the Guardia Civil in dismantling a smuggling operation that was based at a luxury villa in La Manga. Large quantities of the drug were shipped in by speedboats from North

Africa, with nine gang members of Spanish and Morroccan nationality arrested in the Almería, Málaga, and Barcelona areas, as well as on the Mar Menor. The drugs were destined to be distributed across Europe.

Sikh Parade

Editorial Tuesday 12:00

Torrevieja was awash in colour on Sunday as the Sikh community from across Alicante Province and the Murcia region held their annual Nagar Kirtan parade and party to celebrate the creation of the religion. Close to a thousand people took part in the event, which was first staged in the city in 2014.

News Thursday 12:00


English, Spanish, German, Dutch and French. Tel. 685 901 265

DEADLINES Advertising Monday 12:00

port links are having a negative economic effect on the area. They reiterated previous calls for the upgrading of the CV-91 and CV-95 roads to dual-carriageways, as well as the N-332 around Torrevieja (pictured). They also said they want to see the tolls scrapped on the AP-7 in the section between Los Montesinos and La Zenia, and a rail link between Alicante-Elche airport and the Vega Baja coast.

Vile Assaults

966 921 003 Myra

Business representatives in the Vega Baja region say that the area and the whole of Alicante Province has had a poor deal over infrastructure funding from the national government in Madrid. The Vega Baja Entrepreneurs Association (Asemvega) says it cannot understand why the area is "being punished" in the recently announced Draft State Budget. Asemvega said in a statement that poor trans-

A Callosa de Segura man who ripped out his wife's earrings with some pliers as a part of a systematic series of assaults, is facing three and half years in jail. His trial started at an Alicante Provincial court this week, with the defendant alleged to have hit his partner so hard on one occasion

that she was knocked out. At that point, the man got out a set of pliers to remove her earrings. No details of their location in Callosa de Segura, or other information has yet been made public, as the man faces assault, as well as habitual mistreatment charges.

A couple who sold drugs from their Torrevieja home, and hid them in the attic, have been arrested by the National Police on charges of crimes against public health. The raid at an undisclosed address in the city took place last month, but details of the operation have only been recently released. The couple aged 47 and 43, and of Spanish and Brazilian nationalities, had been under surveillance for a period of time before the agents raided their address.

Long Stretch A 43-year-old Romanian man who beat his 42-year-old girlfriend to death in El Altet in November 2015, has been sentenced to 18 years behind bars by the Alicante Provincial Court in Elche. He has also been ordered to pay 50 thousand euro in compensation to the woman’s family 18 months ago, the man appeared in a drunken state at an abandoned building that the couple were squatting in and he assaulted her using a variety of implements. He then left the scene and told a passer-by what had happened, before the police were called in.

Stop Press Thursday 18:00 Published by TKO Media & Entertainment S.L. Printed by Localprint S.L Depósito legal A - 188 - 2014 ISSN 2530-6146 The Courier (Torrevieja) The Courier, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for any readers letters or claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or nonappearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.




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Tourists Targetted

An eight-strong Romanian gang that robbed tourist cars at service areas on the AP-7 has been rounded up by the Guardia Civil. The crooks, who operated at areas on the motorway between Alicante in the south, and Castellon in the north, have been charged with theft, violence, and possession of fake documents. The Guardia realised that a serious problem was developing after getting an increased number of reports that property was being stolen from cars, with elderly drivers of foreign -plated vehicles especially targetted.

A couple of people would approach a vehicle asking for help from the driver, with one of the gang members then stealing from the car. In some cases, windows where broken whilst the passengers were asleep, and in once instance, the same female driver was robbed twice within 30 minutes. During the arrests at three addresses in Castellon, the Guardia officers removed large amounts of cash in euros and pounds, as well as seizing 11 stolen high-end cars; 25 watches; in addition to numerous other items

Bribery Shame

A leading ex-councillor in Pilar de la Horadada has been given a two-year jail sentence, after the Provincial Court in Elche found him guilty of bribery after trying to force a businessman to give him a car worth up to 30 thousand euro in exchange for a municipal contract. Pilar’s former Partido Popular health and fiestas councillor, Francisco Javier Lara, was accused of misusing his position in the way that he behaved with the businessman in 2012, who


refused to bow down to his demands, and secretly recorded some of his conversations, which were used in the trial. Javier Lara was though acquitted by the jury on a coercion charge. As it is a first offence, the ex-councillor will not be jailed under Spanish law, but has been fined the sum of 10 euros a day for a year, which works out at over three and a half thousand euros. He now lives and works in the UK as a plumber in the Manchester area.

Online Hospital

A Fresh Hitch

The bidding process for the tender to run Corvera Airport has been suspended after a complaint from AENA, who are the operators of the existing Murcia regional facility at San Javier, as protests continue in support of keeping San Javier open. AENA, who run the vast majority of the country’s airports, including AlicanteElche, and are thought to be as potential bidder for the 25-year Corvera franchise,

have lodged a complaint with the independent contractual tribunal (TACRC). They say that the tender conditions are too flexible in allowing bidders with relatively little experience in airport management, as well as not being tough enough on their business plans and background checks on how financial strong they are. The TACRC investigation will run until mid-summer, and they have also received a similar complaint from the

Rare Chance

Guided tours are to start at the site of one the southern Costa Blanca's most notable landmarks, namely the Spanish naval base communications tower at Guardamar. The 370 metre tall Torre de los Americanos entered service in 1965 as a communications base for the US Navy's submarine fleet, with up to 17 Americans working at the facility, which transferred to joint AmericanSpanish ownership in the

early eighties, and was eventually taken over by the Spanish navy in 1990. Guardamar council has negotiated a deal where groups of up to 20 people can visit the base, with everybody having to be security-vetted. Mayor José Luis Sáez told the Informacion newspaper that it would be a great opportunity for people to look closely at the site, which is something that they have grown up with, but no little about.

former concession holder at Corvera, Aeromur, who’s contract with the Murcian regional government was scrapped in 2015 amidst great acrimony. Corvera Airport was completed in 2012 and has lied dormant ever since, whilst campaigners continue to lobby on the Mar Menor for San Javier to remain open, including airport workers staging a demonstration outside San Javier town hall last Thursday.

Patients and visitors to Torrevieja Hospital are now able to get free internet access via the facility's current Wi-Fi network. Until recently, only staff and certain visitors were allowed to go on-line on the system, but now it has been rolled out to everybody, with just the SIP healthcard number and date of birth required to use the free service.

High-End Stash

Two kilos of hashish and marihuana were found in a stolen car that was parked up in a Quesada street. The high-end vehicle aroused the suspicion of Rojales local police officers as it was strange to see such a car parked in that particular road at night. Consultation with the Guardia Civil in Almoradi confirmed that the vehicle had been stolen, and it was towed to the Rojales munici-

pal depot with Guardia officers discovering the drugs inside it.


Here Kitty

A move to sterile feral cats is to start shortly in San Miguel de Salinas, with health councillor María José Costa calling on residents to get involved in the new campaign. The councillor wants people to let the authority know where any cat colonies have popped up, so that the cats can be sterilised.

Bad Policies

Friday 28th April 2017

Psychotic Attack

A 70-year-old British man was arrested on the northern Costa Blanca last week for trying to kill his son with a hammer when he was asleep in bed. His wife was also injured as she tried to prevent the attack at their home in the Denia area, which took place on Easter Day. The man appeared before judge and was refused bail, with police sources suggesting that he might have suffered a “psychotic episode”. The National Police said that neighbours averted a

tragedy by calling the authorites after seeing the pensioner struggling with his partner at the entrance to their home. Officers seized the hammer from the man after rushing to the detached property and finding him covered in blood with the weapon still in his hand. The couple are said to have lived in Alicante Province and there were no previous reports of violence between them. The names of those involved in the incident have not been released.

Gang Detained

Left In The Lurch An elderly couple from the Greater Manchester area missed their flight to San Javier because staff at Manchester Airport did not arrive to escort them to the departure gate on time. The Daily Mail report says that Bernard and Doreen Crowther, 78 and 73, were planning to fly from Manchester Airport to San Javier for a break at their holiday home. Their son Stephen had organised for the couple to be taken to the executive lounge, where they would be collected and taken to the plane by a member of staff. He told the Mail: "My mother struggles with mobility. She has diabetes and heart problems and is short of breath. When my parents were in the executive lounge, my father kept looking at his watch and he asked three times if there was someone coming for them." "By the third time they still hadn’t come and one

of the staff said ‘Right, I’ll take you down’, even though its not her job to do that .But by the time they got to the gate, they were taking the cases off the flight." A member of staff booked Mr and Mrs Crowther into a hotel for the night and booked them onto a flight on Friday evening. The next morning, Mrs Crowther’s blood sugar levels had risen significantly and she

Power Vacuum

A 54-year-old Santa Pola insurance broker has been arrested on charges of swindling 22 thousand euro from his clients. The Guardia Civil said that he took money from customers in the area, but never actually got the policies for them. The Spaniard has appeared before a judge on 17 charges, and been released on bail.

An East European gang of armed robbers has been arrested in a joint operation by the Guardia Civil and the National Police, with arrests made in the Orihuela, San Javier, and Alicante areas. Six men and a woman of Lithuanian and Ukrainian nationalities have been accused of stealing over 140 thousand euro as well as drug trafficking at various coastal locations. A number of high end vehicles as well as drugs, guns, and money were seized by the authorities.

The gang carried out armed robberies at a bank in Agost; an Alicante City supermarket, and a petrol station at San Vicente del Raspeig. The drug operation was run out of a rented bungalow in Almeria province with sales taking place there and Malaga province. The gang used a couple of cars to transport hashish to Lithuania, and members of the group that were based in Lithuania would fly into Spain for a robbery, and then quickly return home.

Spanish electricity companies are to be ordered to give three warnings and then wait at least four months before cutting off supplies, according to a draft law sent from the Madrid central government to Spain's 17 regional governments, including those in Valencia and Murcia. Two months' grace after

the three warnings will be given to the average householder, but those listed as 'vulnerable' or who are in receipt of social service funding, or registered with the electricity board for benefits reducing their bills due to poverty, will get a fourmonth breathing space to try to find the money before they lose their connection.

was too unwell to travel. The executive lounge is outsourced to company OCS, who look after passengers and make sure they get to their flights on time. OCS told the Mail: "OCS Group immediately apologised privately to the two passengers and is happy to do so publicly. We regret the inconvenience to the two passengers and the cause of their delay is currently under investigation."

Dirty Fine

Orihuela council have had to cough up three traffic fines adding up to 600 euros because the registration plates of their cleaning vehicles could not be read by police officers. The authority will pay the penalties out of public coffers, stating that the drivers were not to blame and that there were “maintenance” issues that could not be pinned on any individual person.


Third Time Lucky

The state visit to the UK by the King and Queen of Spain has been postponed because of the General Election that has been called for Thursday June 8th. The visit will now take place from July 12th

to the 14th. King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia were to visit London and stay at Buckingham Palace with Queen Elizabeth II from June 6th to the 8th. It’s the second postponement of the state

visit, after the Spanish monarch had to scrap his trip last year because of the uncertainty of the Spanish political situation after the December 2015 general election result proved to be inconclusive.

In The Dock

The ex-president for the Greater Madrid region, Ignacio González, has been arrested over suspected public fund embezzlement – along with around 10 others, in the latest scandal to hit the Partido Popular. González was managing director of the public company, Canal de Isabel II, until 2012, the year that he took

over as Madrid regional president from Esperanza Aguirre and stayed in office until 2015, when the current leader Cristina Cifuentes took over. Cifuentes acted in effect as a whistleblower in discovering an 'illegal' acquisition of a Brazilian firm by the Madrid company back in 2013.

The purchase was valued at 10 million euro, but went through at over 21 millions, with the balance deposited in a Swiss bank. Judge Eloy Velasco of the National Court has called on González to answer charges of embezzlement, bribery, money-laundering, illegal funding, and even 'organised crime'.



FREE cookie for every woman who buys a Sub on Mother’s Day

Friday 28th April 2017

Henchman Buried

Mourners raised their arms in a fascist salute as one of the last ministers to serve under the dictator General Franco, Jose Utrera Molina, was buried last Saturday. Molina, who died at the age of 91, never wavered in his loyalty to Franco who ruled from 1939 until his death in 1975. Numerous mourners at Molina's funeral in Nerja in southern Spain, where the ex-minister lived, raised their arms as the coffin passed, while some sang the "Cara al sol" anthem of the Spanish Phalanx fascist party, Molina's son-in-law Alberto Ruiz Gallardon, a

former Partido Popular mayor of Madrid and ex-justice minister, was among the pallbearers. In the last two years of the Franco dictatorship, Molina served as housing minister, then as deputy head of the Nationalist Movement -- the fascists' vehicle for social, corporate and economic policy -- and finally deputy head of government. In 2014, an Argentine judge tried to have Molina and other senior Franco officials extradited for human rights abuses. Spain rejected the bid, as it had passed an amnesty law in 1977, two years after Franco's death, for crimes committed under his regime.

Short Changed

Scientific researchers took to the streets of Spain on Saturday, including Alicante and Valencia, to lobby politicians with the message that 'Without science, Spain has no future'. Science budgets have been slashed by a third in the last eight years, with the demonstrators saying that crucial advances with the potential to save lives are being held back, and Spain's most talented technicians have been gradually leaving

the country since then, as they are finding it impossible to work. Dr Salvador Aliùo of Valencia's La Fe hospital revealed earlier this year that an immune-therapy vaccination combined with a 'tolerance suppressor' – two injections – had been developed that would keep cancer painlessly under control or even cure it, but clinical trials cannot go ahead because they cannot get 50 thousand euro of funding.



Friday 28th April 2017

Music Hall Nostalgia

The Campoverde Theatre Group will be paying tribute to the classic BBC TV programme, The Good Old Days, for their latest supper show in May, which will raise money for the charity, Help at Home, Costa Blanca. The show is being staged for three nights

between Wednesday May 3rd through to Friday May 5th at the Fiesta Plaza (formally known as Breakaways) on Calle Republica Dominica, Urb. Pueblo Principe, on the Orihuela Costa. Tickets, which include a one-course meal, are available by sending an emailng

Flying The Flag

The Samaritans in Spain are going to be at Zenia Boulevard on Wednesday May 31st engaging with shoppers and telling them about the support services they provide locally. The fresh date comes on

the back of a successful day held recently at the Boulevard where volunteers publicised the 24-hour listening freephone service that is available on 900 525 100 across the whole of the country.

Expat Comedy

The Gran Alacant and Santa Pola Theatre Group (GASP) are staging a comedy play, Just The Ticket, next month. Written by Terry Lacey, the story centres around an expat trying to maintain a low profile on the Costas, but an old acquaintance, two young ladies and the housekeeper are about to

change all that! Performances will be at the Salon de Actos, Santara Resort, Gran Alacant on Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th May, with curtain up at 7.30 pm, with proceeds going to Cruz Roja in Santa Pola. For tickets, contact David on 966 181 113 or 628 774 461. or by phoning 626 772 256. Tickets for the show are also on sale in The Book Shop, San Miguel de Salinas as well as from the Blue Lagoon Community Centre on a Monday or Wednesday afternoon between the times of 2.00 and 4.00 pm.

Drivers Wanted

Age Concern Costa Blanca South is in urgent need for volunteer drivers who could be available on a morning between 10.00 am and 1.30 pm. If you think you can help, then drop into their centre on Calle Paganini, La Siesta, Torrevieja, or phone 966 786 887 .

Fun and Frolics Naughty laughs galore are promised for the adults-only show Carry On Pompeii that is being put on by the Stagestruck Theatre Group next month at San Fulgencio’s Cardenal Belluga theatre. The musical comedy has been penned by Stagestruck Director, and is set in Senator Pious Maximus' house in Ancient Pompeii and the local Forum, as it highlights a very busy two days in the life of the Senator and his family, friends and slaves. The main part of the head slave, Grovello, will be played by Alan Appleton (pictured), who got everybody booing as the nasty Abanazar in Aladdin last year. It will be staged between Thursday May 11th and Saturday May 13th, with the seven euro tickets on sale from the regular local outlets, or by calling Leigh on 679 679 584.

Charity Boost

Animal charity APAH raised nearly 900 euro from their recent Easter Fair staged at the Iceland store in San Javier, with a successful

Brass On The Box

Costa Blanca’s Just Brass was scheduled to make an appearance on ITV’s Tonight programme last night as part of a report on British expats reflecting on Spanish life in the aftermath of last year’s Brexit vote. Reporter Fiona Foster (pictured in orange) interviewed four members of the band, along with musical

director Brian Webber, as well as shooting some footage at a concert. “I've played in some unusual places, but never with a camera in quite such a close proximity or pointing at me from the floor”, said chairman Ian Gibson. “They were all very helpful and friendly and we look forward to seeing the final results”.

raffle boosting the final total Store manager, Lisa, presented the first prize of a food hamper to the lucky winner, with the next event at

the store, which is supporting APAH as their nominated charity of the year, set to be a Summer Fair which will be held in July.

Bill’s Mack Role

Studio 32’s summer production will be “Mack and Mabel”. which will be performed at San Fulgencio’s Cardenal Belluga theatre between Wednesday May 31st and Saturday June 3rd, with proceeds going to the San Fulgencio Alzheimer’s Association and other local charities. “Mack and Mabel” is a

true story, set in the period of the silent movies, with a great mix of comedy and music, with the lead role of Mack Sennett being played by experienced actor Bill Nicholson (pictured). Reserved price tickets at nine euro can be obtained by calling Philip on 602 454 033, or by emailing



Friday 28th April 2017


Pension Tracing Service Keith Littlewood, International Financial Adviser at Blacktower, Costa Cálida pots built up in the UK years ago are now sat dormant and invested in old funds that are not managed as well as some other funds that are available today. Reviewing your pension pot during the early years on a regular basis can make a huge difference to the size of fund you have when you come to retire. There is no cost to you to find out about each of your pension pots; normally a provider will allow you to apply for a transfer value once each year free of charge. They often charge for a second or subsequent application within a 12month period. I would strongly recommend you find out about your pension pot now.You have nothing to lose and you will be better placed to start planning your retirement. I have been involved with pensions now for nearly 30 years and can categorically state keeping on top of your own provision will pay you dividends in the long run. Since the Pensions Freedom Act came into force in the UK in April 2015, there has been a huge outflow of money from defined benefit pension schemes and personal pensions. Many people have taken advantage of the new flexibilities byhaving control of their own pension pots.

the hard work for you.Here are the steps that you need to take: • Contact the IFA • Complete a letter of authority • 4 – 8 weeks later the IFA should have all the information available for you to make your decisions

It is true, it is becoming increasingly difficult to transfer from some schemes now, as hurdles have been put in place by some providers. These hurdles also ensure that individuals are not transferring their pots to unauthorised schemes. They also double check that the advice they are receiving about the pension transfer is from a qualified advisor.

The IFA should complete various forms with you, including afact find and attitude-to-risk questionnaire, and should be able to provide you with a detailed report on all the pros and cons of transferring your pension and give you all the options available to you now and when you intend to take the benefits.

For you, the pension holder, it is quite an easy process. If you contact a qualified IFA like myself, then we can do all

You should not wait until you are ready to retire to find out what your options are. There are many cases where pension

In today’s financial climate it is essential you do everything you can to make sure your money is safe and secure and what you want to transpire in the future has the best chance of happening.If you need advice or if you have any questions regarding the above, you can contact me, Keith Littlewood DipPFS, on 657 684 094 or email The above information was correct at the time of preparation and does not constitute investment advice and you should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity. Blacktower Financial Management (Int) Ltd is licensed in Gibraltar by the Financial Services Commission (FSC) and is registered with both the DGS and CNMV in Spain



Friday 28th April 2017

Adoption Corner

Get The Right Collar

BRANDY Beautiful, tiny Sandy has been very lucky to find her forever home, but her big softie of a brother, Brandy, is still looking for his. As Brandy approaches his first birthday in a couple of months time, could you make it the double? To meet Brandy and all the other cats in APAH's care, please call 630 422 563 or 616 210 850.


Clara is a gentle little girl who was found on a busy road in La Hoya. She is 12 –years- old, and has a slight heart murmur that doesn't affect her and weighs in just six kilos. Clara is good with other dogs and is sterilized, and is now looking for a forever home. For more details, phone Pets in Spain on 645 469 253.

DARTH Darth is a nine-year-old boxer who was found wandering in a remote area of the campo. He has a very nice temperament and is good with other dogs, and also walks very well on the lead and is eager to please and be your friend. Darth is fully vaccinated, micro chipped and castrated. If you are interested in more information about Darth please contact the SAT kennels on 966 710 047 (leave a message) or email


Hunter is a stunning six-year-old English Setter rescued from hunters, who is living in harmony in his foster home with some other dogs. He is now ready to go to a home of his own, and has had everything done and has been blood-tested. Hunter is really loving and great with everyone. For more information about this lovely dog please phone PEPA on 650 304 746 or email

You want the best for your dog, and that includes finding the right type of collar for them. Since they’ll wear it often, you want something that is comfortable, but also safe and secure. Here are the best collars for most dogs as well as which collars you may want to stay away from. When choosing a collar for your dog, you should consider how well behaved they are as well as their physical features (short nose, bulging eyes). Here are the pros and cons of three common collars: • Flat and rolled collars: Great for attaching all your dog’s tags and ID to them and fairly comfortable, but these can get caught (and potentially choke) during play with another dog or exploration of the patio and garden when unsupervised. Using this type of collar to walk your dog can also cause pressure to rise in the eyes (from pulling on the leash), which can exacerbate eye conditions like glaucoma. As a result, it may worsen the clinical signs or disease progression in dogs with glaucoma, thin corneas, and other eye conditions where the pressure in the eye is an issue. So dogs who have or are prone to any of these conditions should either be trained via a non-force-based method to walk on loose leash and never pull or they should wear a harness or halter type of collar. •

Pinch collar: This collar has pointed prongs

MORRIS Morris is only two-and-a-half months old, but already has a lovely looking face. He will be a big boy, very friendly and very playful. There must be a place for Morris somewhere, and it could be with you! If you can find a forever home for him, then please e-mail . All adoptions are subject to a home check, and there are more details on Facebook at Los Infiernos Perrera Supporters.

that push into the dog’s neck when it pulls on the leash or when you (or a trainer) pulls as a behaviour correction. The biggest pitfall is that if the dog is fearful, say of another dog it sees, and it simultaneously feels the pain of the pinch collar, the dog may learn to associated the pain with the dog it fears and become more fearful of dogs. The second pitfall is that if the dog is highly excited, for instance, it wants to play with another dog and is lunging on the leash to reach the dog, the pain or aversive feeling they get from the collar can increase their excitement and arousal level. In other words it can cause them to bark and lunge more! • Harness: While not technically a collar, a harness that fits over your dog’s chest and back can be a good alternative. Veterinarians routinely recommend that dogs, such as pugs with their short noses, and miniature poodles with their propensity for collapsing trachea wear harnesses. However, it’s important to chose the right one Harnesses with an attachment for the leash at the front (chest) rather than the back are often recommended because it tends to be more effective in training dogs not to pull. If your dog has breathing issues (short snout or delicate trachea), a harness will be the safest and most comfortable option for them.

STANLEY Stanley is a gorgeous and very loving small dog, aged between five and six years, who will immediately want to ingratiate himself with you. He is very friendly and great with other dogs. Stanley is a happy little soul and will fit easily into any household. For more information about Stanley please phone PEPA on 650 304 746 or email



Appeal Lodged headed in Mallorca. Cristina herself was also tried on charges that she

King Felipe's brother-inlaw, who was sentenced to over six years in jail for syphoning off millions of euro, will be appealing the verdict at the Supreme Court. Inaki Urdangarin was one of seven who formally announced they would appeal in the socalled Noos case, said the High Court of the Balearic Islands. The husband of Princess Cristina was given a jail sentence of six years and three months in February for laundering millions of euro between 2004 and 2006 from a foundation he

helped her husband evade taxes, but the 51-year-old princess was acquitted.

Easy Rider Guardia Civil officers ordered a drunken horse rider to dismount his steed in Galicia, with the man facing two drunk-riding charges, after he was shown to be five times over the alcohol limit for motorists. The man was returning from a fair in the province of A CoruĂąa, when Guardia officers saw he was taking up too much of the road, putting his horse, other motorists and himself in danger. The rider was already in breach of the law for being in the middle of the road, and his lack of control prompted the Guardia to breathalyse him. The rider was ordered to dismount and he handed his horse to a family member to take home for him.

Get Connected People living in areas of the country with little or no internet coverage will get up to 450 euro each to help them get connected via satellite according to Information Technology minister JosĂŠ MarĂ­a Lassalle. The government's new 'Satellite Plan' involves a 10 million euro budget which will help up to 30 thousand people, and also includes higherspeed broadband connections of up to 30 megabytes.

High Time

A Belgian woman who had a marijuana farm in the Elche area, with 584 plants and assorted equipment, has been arrested by the National Police.

A rural building was used to grow the marijuana plants, with consignments of the drug destined for buyers mostly in the United Kingdom.

Looter Stopped A serial stealer, who was responsible for 49 robberies on the same Costa Blanca urbanisation, has been arrested by the Guardia Civil. The 25-year-old Spaniard used the same method to break into the newly-built and uninhabited properties in Pedreguer in the Marina Alta area, and would target any fitted kitchen or electrical appliances. He then used a 42-yearold Bulgarian man, to sell the stolen items on, with the stolen goods said to be worth around 50 thousand euro. The Guardia said that

both men were detained, with the robber also being investigated in connection

with an additional 42 other cases around the north of Alicante Province.


Friday 28th April 2017


These shelves really take no time at all to throw together, I think it took about 10 minutes, so as long as you have the right tools, you should have a few new shelves hanging on your walls in no time! What you need: Wood (we used pine) Circular saw Planer Miter box Wood glue Nail gun

Nails Sand paper Cut wood to the width you’d like using circular saw (our shelves are about 2″ wide). Use the planer to clean the edges. Using the miter box, cut a 30 degree angle on the end, flip wood 180 degrees and measure it the length you’ll want the shelf pieces (our is 12″). Cut at desired length at 30 degree angle again (see photo above to see how the piece looks once both ends are cut). Add

wood glue to end, and glue two pieces together. Let set for a minute then nail boards together. Repeat with remaining piece. Sand shelf. We left our shelves as is, you can add stain, paint and/or a coat of polyurethane if desired. To hang, use a nail or screw in the wall and hang triangle on it. (Make sure that it’s secure enough to hold whatever you’re putting on it). Use 2 screws, one in each corner, if hanging the triangle upside down.

Easter Boost Torrevieja’s tourism councillor, Fanny Serrano, has claimed a 16 percent increase in tourist accommodation bookings during the Easter period compared to last year’s Easter holiday dates. With Easter being later this year, a rise was anticipated, and that has been echoed by neighbouring municipalities like Orihuela. Serrano said that the average occupancy figure for three and four star hotels was over 83 percent, whilst regulated holiday homes and apartment figures stood at 90 percent. Her figures were backed up by a 16 percent increase

in water usage over the 10day period compared to 2016, with Serrano stating that despite Easter falling later this year, the temperatures over the period were the same as last year. “Temperatures do affect

water consumption”, commented Serano affirming the data, “and this comparison allows us to report a meaningful reflection on the increase in holiday accommodation bookings compared to last year”.

Get The Money Over 50 representatives of foreign community groups and associations based on the Orihuela Costa have met with Orihuela and Alicante Provincial Council officials for a breakfast briefing on how to bid for grants to celebrate their respective national holidays in the area. The meeting at the Club Nautico de Campoamor saw a committiment from the Alicante authority’s tourism representative, and exTorrevieja mayor, Eduardo Dolón, to help the different international bodies based in the area with subsidies,

and he explained to them what they had to do in order to get some money. The Orihuela Costa is already the setting for the

annual St.Patrick’s Day parade which, outside of Dublin, is one of the biggest in Europe, although it does not yet get provincial aid.



Friday 28th April 2017

Homes & Gardens



Friday 28th April 2017

Food & Drink

Ten-minute tomato soup

Ingredients: 6 sun-dried tomatoes in oil 2 garlic cloves, crushed 3 x 400g tin chopped tomatoes 500ml chicken or vegetable stock 1 tbsp caster sugar 150ml full-fat milk 150ml double cream Salt and freshly ground black pepper 3–4 tsp basil pesto, to serve Method: Set a large, deep pan over a medium heat and add 1 tablespoon of oil from the sun-dried tomatoes. Add the garlic and stir-fry for a few seconds, or until it just starts to colour. Add the sun-dried and tinned tomatoes, stock and sugar and bring to the boil, stirring constantly. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper, then cover with a lid, reduce the heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Remove from the heat and, using a hand blender, blend the soup in the pan. Stir in the milk and cream and season with salt and freshly ground black pepper before heating through on the hob. Serve hot with ½ teaspoon basil pesto swirled on the top of each bowl of soup.

Pork Sausage Rolls These delicious homemade sausage rolls are a healthier alternative to the salt-laden, supermarket kind. With added veggies for an extra kick, they make for a great baby-led weaning finger-food. Team with some tomato sauce as a dip for a tasty snack the whole family will love. Ingredients: 300g minced pork 1 onion, finely chopped 2 cloves garlic 1 carrot, grated 1 medium courgette, grated 3 tablespoons breadcrumbs or oat flour Coriander or 2tsp. oregano 1 batch puff pastry, fresh or frozen 1 egg, for brushing Method: Preheat the oven to 180 C. Prepare a baking tray with greaseproof paper. Remove pastry from the freezer, and set on the countertop to soften. (If using homemade, prepare this first). Place the pork, onion, garlic and grated veg in a food processor. Blitz for 20-30 seconds. Mix the herbs and spices to the flour/breadcrumbs and mix. Add to the pork mix and blend until combined. Transfer to a large bowl, and cover. Place in the fridge for 10 minutes Meanwhile, prepare the pastry by rolling and dividing into 2 rectangles. Remove the pork mix from the fridge. Divide in half, and spread half the mix onto each pastry strip. Fold the pastry into a roll using a fork to press the edges together.* *If freezing, cut each roll into 8, and place in freezer using a pot from the Large Mixed Set now. Brush with beaten egg. Slice each pastry strip into 8. Bake for 25-35 minutes, until golden and cooked through. Allow to cool before serving.

Food & Drink

Vegetarian meatballs

Ingredients: 2 aubergines 1 red onion, finely chopped 40g sultanas, soaked and drained 3 slices of bread, toasted and cut into small pieces 1 egg 1 tbsp parsley 1/2 tsp turmeric 1/2 tsp paprika Fine breadcrumbs 1 tsp salt 1/2 tsp pepper

Method: Heat the oven to 200°C. Cut the aubergines lengthwise, season with salt and roast in for 30 minutes. Turn off the oven and let the aubergines cool down inside the oven. When cooled down, peel the aubergines, chop finely or blend in a food processor and set aside. Cook the onion in a small pan with a little bit of olive oil, until translucent. In a large mixing bowl,


combine the mashed aubergines, bread, cooked onion, egg, sultanas, turmeric, paprika, parsley, salt and pepper. Using your hands, combine well. Form small balls, about the size of a golf ball, then refrigerate for about one hour. Heat vegetable oil in a shallow pan. Coat the balls with breadcrumbs and fry them for about 8 minutes. Serve with a side of couscous.

Lamb curry with coconut milk

Ingredients: 1 kg shoulder of lamb, diced 1 tbsp rapeseed or olive oil 1 onion, peeled and chopped 2 level tbsp curry powder or paste 2 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed 3cm piece of fresh ginger, peeled and grated 400g tin chopped tomatoes 200ml hot lamb stock 1 tsp brown sugar Salt and freshly ground black pepper 160g coconut milk 1-2 tbsp chopped fresh coriander

50g cashew nuts, chopped Zest and juice of 1 lime To serve: Rice Salad Method: Heat half the oil in a large heatproof casserole dish. When hot quickly brown the lamb, in batches, until brown. Set aside. Add onions to the same casserole dish with the remaining oil and cook for 12 minutes. Add the curry powder or paste, garlic and ginger, stir

and cook for 2 minutes before adding back the lamb, tomatoes, stock, brown sugar and seasoning. Bring to the boil, cover and reduce to a simmer for an hour on a low heat, stirring from time to time. Remove the lid, add the coconut milk and continue cooking for a further 30 minutes. Stir through the lime zest and juice. Taste and season. Sprinkle over the coriander and cashew nuts and serve with rice and a green salad.


Friday 28th April 2017

Food & Drink

Irish Flag Pizza

Ingredients: 1 sheet pizza dough 2 tbsp green pesto 2 tbsp crème fraîche 2 tbsp tomato paste 1 handful rocket salad 100g asparagus, cooked and chopped 50g sundried tomato 30g shredded parmesan 50g goat’s cheese, sliced

50g shredded mozzarella 50g red cheddar ¼ tsp red pepper flakes Salt and pepper Olive oil Method: Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F/Gas 5. Unroll the pizza base and with a knife, divide the dough into 3 equal parts, without cutting through.

On the left part, spread green pesto and scatter asparagus and shredded parmesan. On the middle part, spread the crème fraîche, scatter shredded mozzarella and goat’s cheese. Mix tomato paste with red pepper flakes and spread on the right part. Scatter shredded cheddar. Season the whole pizza and drizzle with olive oil. Bake for 20 minutes. Before serving, top the left part with rocket salad and the right part with sundried tomatoes.

Simple Baklava Ingredients 40g almonds 40g walnuts 25g chopped dried apricots 25g plain bread crumbs 25g sugar 1 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon 1/4 tsp ground cloves Pinch of salt 3 tbsp honey 110g butter, melted, divided 12 sheets filo pastry Print recipe Method Serves: 24 baklava pieces 1) Preheat the oven to 180°C/ gas mark 4. 2) Place the almonds, walnuts, apricots, bread crumbs, sugar, cinnamon, ground cloves, and salt in a food processor. Run the machine until the mixture is very finely chopped. Transfer the mixture to a small bowl. Add 30g of the melted butter and the honey and stir to combine. 3) Place one sheet of filo on a dry work surface. Using a pastry brush and the remaining melted butter, lightly cover the entire sheet of filo with melted butter. Cover the first sheet with a second sheet of filo and brush with melted butter. Continue until there is a stack of six sheets of filo. Cut the stacked filo rectangle into 12 equal pieces (Cut lengthwise into 4 pieces and widthwise into 3 pieces.) 4) Gently press each cut piece of filo into the mini-muffin tin cups. Press one table-

spoon of the nut mixture into each of the filo cups. Gather the ends of each of the filo squares and twist to make a sachet shape. Continue shaping the remaining sachets in the other mini-muf-

fin tin. Bake until the edges of the filo are golden, about 20 to 25 mins. When cool enough to handle, remove the baklava sachets and transfer to a serving plate.

Food & Drink




Friday 28th April 2017

Cycling to work ‘could halve risk of cancer and heart disease’ Commuters who swap their car or bus pass for a bike could cut their risk of developing heart disease and cancer by almost half, new research suggests – but campaigners have warned there is still an “urgent need” to improve road conditions for cyclists. Cycling to work is linked to a lower risk of developing cancer by 45 per cent and cardiovascular disease by 46 per cent, according to a study of a quarter of a million people. Walking to work also brought health benefits, the University of Glasgow researchers found, but not to the same degree as cycling. The 264,337 participants were asked how they travelled to work on a typical day. Their health was monitored for five years and the results adjusted for variables such as sex, age, existing illness, smoking and diet. Overall, people who cycled to work were found to have a 41 per cent lower risk of premature death from any cause, compared to those who drove or took public transport. The scientists said: “The

findings, if causal, suggest population health may be improved by policies that increase active commuting, particularly cycling.” These policies could include “the creation of cycle lanes, cycle hire or purchase schemes, and better provision for cycles on public transport,” they wrote in the British Medical Journal (BMJ). Walking to work was associated with a 27 per cent lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease and a 36 per cent lower risk of dying from it – but did not appear to be linked to a lower risk of cancer or early death from any cause. “Mixed” commuting, including both active and nonactive modes of transport, was also associated with some health benefits, but only if the active part of the journey involved cycling. “A shift from car to more active modes of travel will also decrease traffic in congested city centres and help reduce air pollution, with further benefits for health,” added Professor Lars Bo Andersen, from the Western Norwegian University of Applied Sciences. In an editorial, Professor

Andersen said switching to cycling or walking could save lives and reduce the cost to the NHS of cardiovascular disease, currently estimated at £15bn a year. Jason Torrance of cycling charity Sustrans told The Independent cycling to work was “a proven way for people to improve their health, to help their local economies and to improve their productivity at work”. “There’s an urgent need to improve road conditions for cyclists and transforming local roads and streets into places that people feel safe and want to be,” he said. “Some cities are taking a leading role in doing that, like London and Manchester, which are doing some fantastic things. But more needs to be done.” Experts behind the study said the lower benefits seen for walking compared to cycling could be down to several factors. These include the fact cyclists covered longer distances in their commutes than the walkers, cycling is a higher intensity exercise and cyclists were generally more fit. The people taking part in the research were aged 53 on

average at the start of the study. Some 2,430 people died during the study period, with 496 deaths related to cardiovascular disease,

which covers all diseases of the heart and circulation, and 1,126 deaths from cancer. Overall, 3,748 people devel-

oped cancer over the five years, and 1,110 had an event related to cardiovascular disease, such as a heart attack or stroke.

Italian court rules mobile phone use caused brain tumour An Italian court has ruled that excessive, work-related use of a mobile phone caused an executive to develop a benign brain tumour. In what could become a landmark ruling, the court in the northern town of Ivrea awarded the plaintiff a statefunded pension. The judgment, which was handed own on 11 April but only made public on Thursday, is subject to a possible appeal. Roberto Romeo, 57, had

testified that his work duties obliged him to use his mobile for three to four hours of each working day for 15 years. “For the first time in the world, a court has recognised a causal link between inappropriate use of a mobile phone and a brain tumour,” his lawyers, Stefano Bertone and Renato Ambrosio said in a statement. Romeo said he did not want to demonise mobiles, “but I believe we have to be more

aware about how to use them. “I had no choice but to use my mobile to talk to colleagues and organise work – for 15 years I was calling all the time, from home, in the car. “I started to have the feeling of my right ear being blocked all the time and the tumour was diagnosed in 2010. Happily, it was benign but I can no longer hear anything because they had to remove my acoustic nerve.”

A medical expert estimated the damage to Romeo at 23% of his bodily function, prompting the judge to make a compensation award of €500 per month to be paid by INAIL, a national insurance scheme covering workplace accidents. Scientific studies of the potential health risks of mobile phones have mostly concluded that they pose no serious risk to human health at the level of most people’s use. Heavier use may pose some

risk, other studies have found, and many experts say it is too early to do a

proper assessment of what is a relatively new technology.




9 most Common Household Toxins Today there are over 85 000 chemicals that are used to manufacture products including cosmetics, but only 1% of them have been tested for safety. We are surrounded by chemicals and use chemicals on a daily basis on the body. Everything that is put on the skin is absorbed by the skin, and today the average man put at list 9 different chemicals daily on their skin containing up to 80 different chemicals from toothpaste, shaving cream (or balm and lotion), body lotion, deodorant, hair conditioner, lip balm, hair spray and many others. Women use far more cosmetics and expose themselves to a lot more chemicals than men. Toxic chemicals are the underlying cause of inflammation, and every disease will start as inflammation. The nervous system including the brain

and nerves are very sensitive to the effects of chemicals as well as the immune system. Some of the toxins we are most exposed to are: Phthalates: These are added to plastics to make them softer and more flexible. They are also added to products to make them retain their fragrance. They have been linked to hormonal and reproductive problems and affect growth and development in children. They are most commonly found in Vinyl carpets, soft plastic toys, plastic food packaging, plastic bags, plastic clothing, soap, shampoo, nail polish, nail spray, Bisphenol A: This is used to make the lining of some metal containers, and to make certain plastic products such as food and drink containers, baby bottles and toys. This is an endocrine

disruptor and has been linked to hormonal disorders that cause early puberty and menstrual problems in young women. Perfluorinated Chemicals: These are used to make the non-stick surfaces of pots and pans. These compounds have been linked to many types of cancer including… as well as developmental problems in children. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): These are compounds that escape from plastics and chemical products including chemicals used to clean rugs and carpets, paint and plastic. These have been linked to a number of illnesses including asthma, chronic cough, infertility, headaches, tiredness and growth and development problems in children, eye irritation, memory impairment

Pesticides and Herbicides: Unfortunately, our foods today are loaded with chemicals that are used to grow, weed, harvest, and export food. Most foods consumed today have been exposed to toxins of lethal chemicals including glycophaste, and round up, one of the most common pesticides used today. Pesticides have been linked to diseases of the nerves including multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, as well as brain diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson’s. Lead: Lead is not as common as it used to be, but it is still found in old buildings with unchanged lead plumbing, and in lead based paint and products. Lead builds up in the tissues such as the bones to cause arthritis, and in the brain and the nervous system to cause problems such as Alzheimer’s and

Parkinson’s Heavy Metals (aluminium, cadmium) found in some drinking water, fish, vaccines, pesticides, antiperspirants, dental amalgams, building materials, can cause cancer, nerve problems, Alzheimer’s disease, fatigue, abnormal heart beat Dioxins: Found in animal fats and can cause skin cancer and discolouration. Fluoride found in toothpaste: known to reduce IQ, causes dental fluorosis which is the staining of the

teeth. Steps to take to avoid toxins: Find and use natural based products. Sometimes this means going out of your way. Look at the labels of any food in a packet. Avoid air fresheners Wash your fruits and veggies with apple cider vinegar to help remove the toxins (scientifically proven) For A Full Body Diagnostic Scan Call MedB Clinic – 965 071 745, 966 189 074

Frog slime could protect us against future flu epidemic New research from Emory University School of Medicine shows that a chemical in the mucus of South Indian frogs is capable of killing certain strains of the influenza virus. It’ll take a while for scientists to translate this finding into a useful medicine, but the discovery could lead to an entirely new source of powerful anti-viral drugs. Skin slime from the South

Indian frog Hydrophylax bahuvistara contains a compound that kills bacteria and viruses, according to a study published today in the journal Immunity. In tests on mice, a synthesized version of the molecule was successful at killing a variety of influenza viruses, namely the H1 pandemic strains that make the rounds each year. Eventually, a drug inspired by this compound could be

used to attack an emerging H1 strain, or it could be used when vaccines are unavailable. Unfortunately, this compound, dubbed “urumin,” doesn’t last very long in the body, so scientists are now trying to figure out how to make it more stable. That said, the discovery shows that amphibians, and possibly other animals, are a potential new source of dis-

ease-fighting compounds. The researchers who led the study are hopeful that similar frog-derived molecules can be used against other viruses, such as dengue and Zika. Frogs can’t catch the flu, but they’re susceptible to bacterial infections and other diseases. Consequently, the Emory scientists had good reason to suspect that certain peptides produced by frogs—peptides are short chains of amino acids that form the building blocks of proteins—packed an antiviral punch. “Peptides derived from the skin of frogs have antibacterial activity. We hypothesized some peptides might also have antiviral activity and hence we tested them against flu viruses,” said lead researcher Joshy Jacob in an interview with Gizmodo. “The frogs secrete this peptide almost certainly to combat some pathogen in [their] niche. The flu virus most likely shares a common motif with whatever the peptide is targeted to.” Indeed, the peptide seems to be pretty good at attacking influenza. It attaches itself to hemagglutinin, the major protein on the surface of influenza virus, resulting in the dismantling and eventual death of the virus. Some anti-bacterial pep-

tides work by punching holes in cell membranes, making them toxic to mammalian cells, but fortuitously, urumin does not, according to observations the researchers made using an electron microscope. Tests on mice showed that the compound was effective against dozens of H1 strains, including the 2009 pandemic strain, but not against H3N2 and other flu strains. Looking ahead, the researchers will have to show that the compound is equally effective and safe in humans. “This peptide works against all influenza viruses of the H1 hemagglutinin subtype because it binds specifically to a conserved piece in this protein,” explained Jacob to Gizmodo. “The peptide does not kill other flu viruses because they lack this conserved piece in hemagglutinin.” The good news is that urumin can be synthesized

chemically, so we don’t need to harvest fleets of frogs to extract large quantities of the stuff. The bad news is that our bodies are really good at breaking down and getting rid of foreign peptides. Stabilizing frog peptides in the human body will be a challenge, says Jacob, “but we are currently working on it.” One of the more incredible aspects of this study is how easily this peptide was discovered. Typically, the process of drug discovery involves screening thousands or even millions of candidates before a promising compound appears. For this study, Jacob’s team screened for 32 frog defense peptides against the flu, and found urumin with relative ease. “I was almost knocked off my chair,” Jacob said. Excitingly, all animals seem to make at least a few antimicrobial defense peptides.


Friday 28th April 2017

Calpe, paradise for bird watchers A great variety of species of birds inhabit the Salinas, the Peñón de Ifach, the Morro de Toix and the Sierra de Oltà Ornithological tourism is a form of nature tourism based on bird watching, and Clape is one of the go-to destinations for it due to the fact that it has preserved some of the best habitats for bird watching: wetlands, sea cliffs and coastal mountain ranges. Las Salinas, the Peñón de Ifach, the Morro de Toix and the Sierra de Oltà are home to a great amount of birds, some of which are exclusive to the Mediterranean and that are bound to provide bird lovers with the chance to spot an ample variety of species. You will be able to enjoy characteristic wetland species, such as the emblematic flamingos, black-winged stilts, avocets or various species of seagull along with sea birds such as tufted cormorants or Balearic shearwaters and typical cliff dwelling birds such as the blue rock-thrush and black wheatears, not to mention a number of forest-dwelling species without even leaving Calpe. One of the most spectacular places to enjoy this activity is the Peñón de Ifach natural park, one of the most popular in the entire Valencia Region. Its imposing cliffs, its beautiful panoramic views over the Mediterranean and the more than 80 species of nesting birds, migratory birds and occasional migratory birds that inhabit its cliffs make this landscape a paradise for lovers of bird watching. Actio Birding organises guided visits and tours around Calpe for amateur bird watchers and family audiences alike. Put on some comfortable shoes, grab your binoculars and get ready to see, for instance, peregrine falcons or tufted cormorans, which only reproduce in a very few locations, including the cliffs of the Peñón de Ifach. And as soon as you draw your binoculars away from your eyes, you will be delighted by the unique vegetation of this environmentally valuable area, with its scenic outlooks, its peaks, the remains of an Iberian settlement and even of Medieval walls. The Salinas salt marshes, inhabited by the ever eye-catching flamingos, are not far from there. The town of Calpe, in Alicante, is a well-known tourism destination. Its excellent beaches and coves are the ideal place to relax and rest after you've put down your binoculars. And if you're still in the mood for a hike, you can enjoy a walk down the bay of Calpe or the seaside promenade at sunset, a visit to the fish market and its traditional auction, or you can practice water sports in the various clubs and marinas in town.



Our Local Beaches

By Julie Day General Intro The whole of the Torrevieja area boasts a tremendous variety of coastal scenery. There are many beaches, from long stretches of fine golden and white sands, smaller sandy coves, rocky bays, and tree-lined promenades. The many-hued blues of The Mediterranean is an attraction itself. Care should always be taken, however, as in one or two areas the tide is prone to strong undercurrents. Lifeguards are on duty from around 10am throughout the season, and notice should always be taken of their safe bathing flags. Many of the beaches also have staffed first aid huts. The area has more than 300 days of sunshine a year with an average daytime temperature of 20 degrees. In July and August, it is not uncommon for it be double that figure. Part of the atmosphere along the coast is the variety of beach ‘sellers’. Many offer sunglasses, watches, and DVDs. Others provide henna tattoos, and a few offer relaxing Oriental massages. The area can be divided into three parts. Guardamar del Segura, to the north, Torrevieja itself, and Orihuela Costa, to the south. Locals tend to use the beaches before 1pm and after 5pm. Guardamar del Segura Guardamar del Segura is so named as it stands at the mouth of the Rio Segura. It boasts over 12km of white sandy beach, much of which is lined with a variety of palm, pine, and eucalyptus trees. The trees, whilst adding to the attraction, were planted for practical purposes. Without them the sand dunes would be constantly moving and the town itself would be prone to sand storms.

Sunrise at Los Tusales Los Tusales is a naturist beach. It has a tourist information point, as does Los Viveros and the town centre itself.

The eight different beaches which make up Guardamar’s huge expanse of sandy coastline provide plenty of space even in the busiest of times. All can be easily accessed from the N332, which runs from both Alicante and Murcia airports. They are cleaned every morning. From north to south the beaches are: Los Tusales; Los Viveros; Dela Babilonia; Playa Centro; La Roqueta; El Moncayo; Playa del Campo; Los Ortignes. There is also Playa del Campomar further south.

Red Cross facilities and lifeguards are available at Los Tusales, Los Viveros, and the central beaches of Playa Centro and La Roqueta. Los Viveros, De la Babilonia, and Playa Centro also have limited mobility access. Watersports such as windsurfing and pedalos are best found at Los Viveros and El Moncayo. The quietest beach is Los Ortignes, although it has the least number of facilities.All the beaches have bars and cafes, but the greatest selection can be found at Playa Centro and La Roqueta which lie closest to the town centre itself.

Guardamar del Segura

El Moncayo

Next week: Torrevieja


Friday 28th April 2017 Events Calendar Thursday 27 to Sunday 30 April, 2017 Almoradí 20th Second Hand Car Fair Friday 28 & Saturday 29 April, 2017 Algorfa Feria de Abril. Friday 28 to Sunday 30 April, 2017 Valencia Jazz & Cookin' Festival (see right).

Jazz and cuisine form a unique pairing in Valencia

Friday 28 April to Monday 1 May, 2017 Orihuela Food trucks in Gabriel Miro Square. Friday 28 April, 2017 Rojales Natalia Lemercier in concert, at the Teatro Municipal Capitol. Saturday 29 April, 2017 Elche Citroen 2CV Exhibition, Centro de Congreso. Pinar de Campoverde Spring Fair. Sunday 30 April, 2017 Elche Citroen 2CV Outdoor Event, Paseo de la Estación. Rojales Classical concert by the Orihuela Symphony Orchestra, at the Teatro Municipal Capitol. Murcia Charity run for Parkinson´s. Jacarilla Running race at Parque de la Pinada. Monday 1 May, 2017 Labour Day. Tuesday 2 May, 2017 Madrid Holiday - Dos de Mayo.

Avant-garde jazz and cuisine go hand in hand in the second edition of the Jazz & Cookin’ Festival, which will be held from April 28 to 30, in the Veles e Vents building of the harbour of Valencia. This event is the premier showcase for the avant-garde of both these arts: jazz and cuisine. Come and enjoy a festival in that naturally flows from a concert to a wine tasting, a show cooking display, another concert, a cocktail sampling, etc. This is an original and highly enriching event which, this year, focuses on Norway. It offers Norwegian cuisine and bands as well as an outstanding musical program featuring bands such as Atomic, Elephant9, Beady Belle, Huntsville, Naima, The Geordie Approach, Galiana & Saavedra, Elektrik Jazz Mantra and Mireia Vilar. A festival of pure musical freedom and experimentation that will season the delicacies that take to the scene. The Veles e Vents building will remain open throughout the weekend. If you buy tickets to the concerts or a festival pass, you will get discounts and free samplings during the culinary presentations and tastings, as well as a discount price for the menus created by the La Sucursal team for the Jazz & Cookin' festival. A true encounter between two universal languages that form a perfect pairing in Valencia.

The II edition of the Jazz & Cookin' Festival will be held from April 28 to 30 in the Veles e Vents building of the harbour of Valencia.

Friday 5 May, 2017 Mexico Mexican celebrations around the world, Cinco de Mayo. Sunday 7 May, 2017 Mother´s Day (Spain).

Dos de Mayo

Monday sees Labour Day celebrated in Spain, as well as many other countries, one of the most important dates in the holiday calendar for workers. In Spain, the day after is also a special day, specifically in Madrid, as it marks the Dos de Mayo Uprising. The Dos de Mayo of 1808, was a rebellion by the people of Madrid against the occupation of the city by French troops, provoking the repression by the French Imperial forces and triggering the Peninsular War. The city had been under the occupation of Napoleon's army since 23 March of the same year. King Charles IV had been forced to abdicate in favour of his son Ferdinand VII. The spark that provoked the rebellion was the move by the French Marshal in command of Madrid, Joachim Murat, to send the daughter of Charles IV and the Infante Francisco de Paula to the French city of Bayonne. On 2 May a crowd began to gather in front of the Royal Palace in Madrid. Those gathered entered the palace grounds in an attempt to prevent the removal of Francisco de Paula. Marshal Murat sent a battalion of grenadiers from the Imperial Guard to the palace along with artillery detachments. The latter opened fire on the assembled crowd, and the rebellion began to spread to other parts of the city. Today, in Madrid, an eternal flame continues to burn in recognition of the day, as well as various monuments around the city.



It’s a tough task to fill that Monday night Broadchurch slot, but ITV have done the business with a moving reallife four-part drama, Little Boy Blue. It’s the sad story of the senseless killing of 10-year-old Rhys Jones being caught in the crossfire between a group of young Liverpool yobs a decade ago, with the “Blue” referring to Rhys being a passionate Everton fan. Jeff Pope, who executive produced The Moorside earlier this year for the BBC, has penned the script, and it gets you right there with emotion and anger. Stephen Graham (pictured), who seems to be everywhere these days on the box (and deservedly so) , plays the copper, Dave Kelly, in charge of bringing the killer to justice. I have to say that in an emotional scene where mum wants to kiss Rhys in the hospital mortuary, I nearly exploded in anger at the totally insensitive behaviour of the alleged police family liason officer who had the empathy of a wet kipper. I hope that really didn’t happen. Just one tiny negative

Emotional Blue Boy

about Little Boy Blue, and that concerned the mumbling of some of the younger cast members, who I found hard to understand. Otherwise, a perfect programme, and that’s Monday sorted for the next three weeks! ITV have pulled out the big drama guns, what with Grantchester on a Sunday night (though hit badly by the fantastic Line of Duty in the ratings….Roz Huntley boo..hiss!) and before that, the crazy family that are The Durrells back for a new run. The opener had everything from scotch eggs poisoning the Corfu residents; Gerald’s dog being shot by his brother; and a potential new love interest for Louisa Durrell, played by the showstealing Keeley Hawes. The mix works so well of the location settings; a witty script from Simon Nye; and a cast of colourful characters of all ages. The Corfu and Greek atmosphere is captured well, and its an excellent example of how to do a family comedy/drama that is different. Long may it continue.

Having a good script is not one of the virtues for the French series done in English that is Versailles, but who cares? Bare flesh and torture abound aplenty in this beautifully shot dross that’s hit the BBC 2 screens for a second run featuring the fun and games at the

court of the Sun King, Louis 14th. I could spend ages picking holes in Versailles, but like beer, I keep returning for more. There’s just something about this load of historical tosh that I can’t leave alone. Just think of how top drawer it could have been if the words

mouthed by the cast matched all the crazy action! Besides The Good Fight on More Four, the best new US drama of the year has just finished on Sky Atlantic, namely Big Little Lies which ended up as being The Good Wives Club meeting

Desperate Housewives. It’s as sharp as a knife, with a great finish, but nevertheless left open for an almost certain return for a second season, which we will probably have to wait a couple of years for. Get the downloads and see how good it is. I’m certain that the production team of Have I Got News For You must have sent a bouquet of flowers to Downing Street, as just days before the new series started, Theresa May called that surprise general election last week. The new run of HIGFY will dove-tail perfectly during the election campaign, and gosh we will need some laughs during it, with Sir Patrick Stewart booming voice (plus some gaffes) making for a good beginning. What’s up with Britain’s Got Talent? The latest show had only the young girl magician and the Chinese acrobats as the only good acts of merit. I hope that the BGT team have something better up their sleeve for the rest of audition programmes.


Rob when he’s spotted at the cottage by a neighbour?

be asking for trouble as the vestry curtain isn’t closed.

Friday Moira is concerned to realise that some of her cows have gone missing and sets off in the night on patrol. Meanwhile, Nell opens up. Elsewhere, Sam makes a choice. Monday Jai confides in Nell about his past, explaining that he’s been through a previous custody battle over Archie and ended up losing. He also admits that he’s worried about what’s going to happen with Eliza. Nell tries her best to comfort Jai and puts her hand onto his, but Frank is watching nearby – armed with a cameraphone. Meanwhile, Sam misunderstands Megan when she tells him Frank’s moving in, so he asks Lisa if he can move back in with her. Will this have repercussions for Megan? Elsewhere, Moira is feeling the pressure. Also today, Debbie questions Cain. Tuesday Harriet is preparing for a night away with Cain, but an oblivious Emma is hogging her attention.

Later, Cain plays a prank by locking Emma in the church cupboard, forcing Harriet to intervene by letting her out. Harriet can’t help feeling amused by Cain’s bad behaviour, but when they kiss, they could


Friday 28th April 2017

Meanwhile, Megan gets wound up at a custody meeting, but Jai presents himself better by making sure that he comes across calmly. The social worker suggests they should sort things out amicably, but could this lead to Megan and Frank letting their guards down? Wednesday As Ross has been caught out for his cow antics, Moira is on the warpath but has promised not to go to the police on the condition that he signs over his share of the farm. Unhappy with Moira’s offer, Ross, Emma and Pete come up with a plan to steal the cattle back, using Leyla as bait.

Friday As Bethany prepares for her date with Neil, Nathan assures her that she’ll have Neil eating out of her hand. At the same time, determined to win her daughter back, Sarah tells Gary that she’s booked a flat viewing on Victoria Street so Bethany can have her own room. Bethany is gutted as she watches them go, assuming they’re planning a new life without her. Telling Mary she’ll be fine with Nathan, Bethany leaves. Dressed to the nines, she meets up with Neil in a bar.

Explaining that Nathan is Meanwhile, Laurel is con- throwing a party, Neil takes Bethany back to the flat. cerned. Nathan urges Bethany to Elsewhere, Josh and keep up the good work Jamie nick a copy of with Neil. Eager to please, Tracy’s book and wind Bethany agrees. Jacob up about the conWhen Neil leads Bethany tent. towards the bedroom, she Thursday Josh and Jamie looks to Nathan, willing are furious that Jacob has him to come to her rescue. refused to steal money When Nathan gives her an from the shop for them dur- encouraging smile, will Bethany go with Neil? ing Tracy’s book launch. Covered in hoods, the troublesome pair put another plan into action by entering the shop and demanding cash from Pollard. When he stands up to them, they hit him in the stomach with a baseball bat as a frightened Dan watches on, frozen to the spot.

Monday Amy is unimpressed to find herself staying at a cottage in the Peak District. Sending her out to get some fresh air, Tracy assures a hiding Rob that she’ll explain all to Amy soon.

Meanwhile, Doug and Laurel are concerned that Arthur is avoiding school after Ashley’s death. After listening in, Lydia offers to give Arthur some bereave- Back in Weatherfield, Adam assures Ken that he ment counselling. had nothing to do with the Dan calls an ambulance attack and Tracy is in the for Pollard, but is ashamed frame. Aware she’s gone by his failure to step in. on holiday with Amy, Ken is worried that Adam might When Pollard receives be right. medical attention, will he be okay? Later, is the game up for

Tracy assures a jittery Rob that she loves him, they’re in this together and she won’t let him down. At the same time, Ken and Steve mull over Tracy’s sudden departure, both now fearful she may have done a runner with Amy to avoid the police. Meanwhile, when Mary sees an upset Bethany on the street, she takes her to the flower shop for a chat. When Nathan finds Bethany there, he turns on the charm as he attempts to convince her to come home with him. But how much has Bethany said to Mary? Wednesday Nathan remains cold towards Bethany, determined to make her suffer. So when Mel pulls out a ring box, revealing how Nathan planned to propose to her, Bethany is mortified and is worried she’s blown everything. As Bethany apologises to Nathan for her behaviour, has he got her right where he wants her? Bethany promises Nathan that she’ll do anything for him and in return he asks her to marry him. Will Bethany say yes? Meanwhile, having discovered that Amy hasn’t returned to school, Steve and Ken are worried. When Steve then realises Amy’s passport is missing, and both Tracy and Amy’s phones are found at Number 1, their fears are realised and they report them missing to to the police. At the same time, Rob meets up with a mate who advises him to ditch Tracy and Amy as he'll have a better chance of escaping the country. When Rob notices a missing persons appeal for Tracy and Amy on the TV, will he decide to go it alone?

with Sharon, Louise agrees that Madison and Alexandra can come over for a girls’ night on Thursday to celebrate Madison’s birthday. Friday Max takes action by meddling in Lauren’s future. Meanwhile, Steven prepares a romantic evening with Lauren but they get interrupted.

Louise is unaware that Madison and Alexandra are scheming again, but Bex smells a rat when she overhears the mean girls inviting Travis to a party.

Elsewhere, Abi feels too guilty to move out of Dot’s, but Donna, Jay and Ben come up with a plan to change her mind.

Thursday Louise looks forward to her quiet evening with Madison and Alexandra, but she receives a shock when lots of people turn up thanks to the pair’s secret scheming.

Monday Woody’s shocking move leaves the Carters struggling.

When the party gets out of hand, can Louise keep the situation under control?

Later, as word of Woody’s behaviour reaches the rest of the Square’s residents, the Carter family end up dealing with much more than they bargained for.

o is juggling her return to work with motherhood.

Meanwhile, Konrad continues to flirt with Shirley. Kathy also asks Shirley whether there’s anything between her and Konrad. Tuesday Kush feels that Denise isn’t spending enough time with him because she’s so focused on her GCSE studies and trying to find a job. He encourages her to spend the evening with him, but later changes his mind and accepts an invite from Carmel to a family meal – believing that Denise would rather revise. Later on, Denise is forced to eat a budget dinner once again as her troubles continue. Meanwhile, after clearing it

When Derwood’s overbearing mother Birdie, is admitted on the same day as pregnant heart patient Trixie, can Mo treat both women and prove she can have it all? And can Birdie find true love with Henrik Hanssen, her Swedish Mr Darcy? Meanwhile, Ollie’s methodical approach proves a poor match with the fast pace of Bernie’s trauma unit. When Ollie goes behind Bernie’s back to seek Ric’s approval, he inadvertently causes a rift between the consultants and finds himself in deep water.

Friday TV 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Health: Truth or Scare 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 The Sheriffs Are Coming 12:45 Claimed and Shamed 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 The Boss 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Garden Rescue 17:30 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:15 Pointless 19:00 News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 A Question of Sport Joining captains Matt and Phil are Dion Dublin, Asha Philip, James Hook and Liam Heath. 21:00 EastEnders Max meddles with someone’s future. 21:30 MasterChef The end of the Knockout Week sees the contenders whittled down to 10 amateur cooks 22:00 Have I Got News for You Team captains Paul and Ian are joined by host Kirsty Young with guest panellists Robert Peston and Jon Richardson. 22:30 Hospital People There has been an intruder at Brimlington Hospital. The head of hospital security is given a briefing from manager Susan Mitchell to up security at no expense spared. 23:00 News 23:35 The Graham Norton Show 00:25 Witless 00:55 Film Fright Night (14) 02:35 Weather 02:40 News

07:00 Flog It!: Trade Secrets 07:30 Garden Rescue 08:15 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 09:00 The World According to Kids 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 11:00 Live: World Championship Snooker 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Live: World Championship Snooker 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Debatable 20:00 Live: World Championship Snooker Jason Mohammad presents coverage of the third and penultimate session of the opening semi-final at the Crucible Theatre in Sheffield. The result of the match between Ding Junhui and Alan McManus at this stage last year was seldom in doubt, as Ding dominated from the off, while the winner of Mark Selby v Marco Fu was a much harder affair to predict. 22:00 Versailles The King’s bad example is blamed for the nobility’s immorality, fuelled by illicit love potions and powders. Philippe must meet his new bride. Another victim of poisoning confounds Marchal.

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Culinary Genius 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 News 20:00 Emmerdale Nell opens up. 20:30 Coronation Street Sarah drives Bethany into the arms of danger. 21:00 Judge Rinder’s Crime Stories Mary Turner Thompson met William Jordan online and he later told her he was a secret agent working for the CIA. It was only after the pair married and had two children that she discovered that not only was he lying about his profession, but he was also a bigamist. During this time William managed to swindle £198,000 from Mary. Barrister Rinder recounts the details of the case. 21:30 Coronation Street Bethany slips into an abyss.

22:55 Inside Versailles Professor Kate Williams and Greg Jenner explore Louis XIV’s troubled relationship with religion.

22:00 Lethal Weapon The precinct’s holiday celebrations are cut short when they investigate a ruthless homicide linked to the deranged nephew of a drug lord.

23:00 QI 23:30 Newsnight 00:05 Later ... with Jools Holland 01:05 World Championship Snooker 01:55 Panorama 02:55 Doctor Who 03:40 This Is BBC Two

23:00 News 23:40 Film Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous (PG) 01:45 Jackpot247 04:00 Storage Hoarders 04:50 ITV Nightscreen

BBC Proms 2017

122 years since it was founded and 90 years since the BBC took over the running, financing and broadcasting of the world’s largest classical music festival, the BBC Proms today announces its 2017 season. Presenting over eight weeks of events and more than 90 concerts the festival continues its founder-conductor Henry Wood’s aim of bringing the best classical music to the widest audience. The festival marks major composer anniversaries in 2017, including Monteverdi at 450, Handel’s Water Music at 300 and John Williams at 85. The birthdays of two pioneers of American minimalism are also celebrated - John Adams’ 70th birthday is marked throughout the festival including the first and last nights, and Philip Glass’ 80th birthday is celebrated with the first complete live performance of Passages, the 1990 studio album he created with Ravi Shankar, performed by the Britten Sinfonia, conducted by Karen Kamensek with sitar soloist Anoushka Shankar. BBC Radio 2 and BBC Radio 6 Music also broadcast Proms this year, and there are regular television broadcasts every weekend across the summer on BBC Four reflecting the full breadth of the season. Proms Extra - a weekly magazine show hosted by Katie Derham - returns for its fifth season, every Saturday evening on BBC Two. The First Night will be on BBC Two and BBC Four and the Last Night on BBC Two and BBC One. Tickets are available via General booking opens at 9am on Saturday 13 May Season and Weekend Promming Passes are available to purchase from 9am on Thursday 11 May.


07:00 Countdown 07:40 Will & Grace 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:55 Formula 1 Russian Grand Prix Practice 1 Live 11:35 Frasier 12:00 Ramsay’s Hotel Hell 12:50 News 12:55 The Question Jury 13:55 Formula 1 Russian Grand Prix Practice 2 Live 15:35 F1 Meets Murray Walker 16:00 Fifteen to One 17:00 A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun 18:00 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 News 20:30 Unreported World The Samoan islands have the world’s worst obesity rates. Reporter Sophie Morgan and director Patrick Wells reveal how they’re flooded with unhealthy food that’s seen as unfit for human consumption elsewhere. 21:00 Posh Pawn James enjoys a tipple from an unusual £75,000 fire engine bar, memorabilia expert Lawrence is presented with an autograph collection that could be worth £20,000, and a former model wants to sell some designer bags to the high-end pawnbrokers.

20:00 The Gadget Show Ortis helms a fire engine with the power to reduce the temperature of a burning building from 700C to 7C in just 6 seconds. Plus, Georgie Barrat takes Monkey Tree FC to the FA’s hi-tech training facility. 21:00 Barging Brits In The Sun An affectionate look at some of the faces populating Britain’s canals, from a former Bond girl with a £100,000 boat to the UK’s top Elvis tribute act.

22:00 Gogglebox Britain’s most opinionated and avid TV viewers comment freely on what the box has to offer.

22:00 Spectacular Spain with Alex Polizzi Alex explores inland Spain, enjoying the history, art and culture of Madrid, visiting the picturesque town whose windmills inspired some of the anecdotes in Don Quixote, meeting a former monk who built a huge cathedral by himself, and ending up in the beautiful old university town of Salamanca, a Unesco World Heritage site.

23:00 Sarah Millican: Outsider 00:05 First Dates 01:10 Film - Attack the Block (14) 02:40 Single Mum’s Club 03:35 National Treasure 04:35 Building the Dream

23:00 The Bruce Forsyth Story: From the Palladium to the Palace 00:30 Peter Kay the Early Days 00:55 Impractical Jokers UK 01:15 SuperCasino 04:10 Film - Double Team (15)

Filming starts on the fifth series of Endeavour

Filming began last week on the fifth series of Mammoth Screen and ITV’s hugely successful detective drama, Endeavour. Six feature-length films of the Inspector Morse prequel series are to be produced for transmission next year, starring Shaun Evans as the recently promoted Detective Sergeant Endeavour Morse. Also returning will be Roger Allam as Detective Chief Inspector Fred Thursday, Anton Lesser as Chief Superintendent Reginald Bright, Dakota Blue Richards as WPC Shirley Trewlove, Sean Rigby as Sergeant Jim Strange, James Bradshaw as Dr. Max DeBryn, Caroline O'Neil as Win Thursday and Abigail Thaw as Dorothea Frazil. The series also sees the arrival of new recruit

07:00 Milkshake 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 13:10 News 13:15 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Film Trump Unauthorized (PG) 18:00 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 News

Detective Constable George Fancy, played by Lewis Peek , whom Morse has to reluctantly mentor. With each film once again written by series creator Russell Lewis, the new series begins with Morse having finally passed his Sergeant’s exams, as Oxford City Police merges into Thames Valley Constabulary. Joan Thursday has returned to Oxford, but much is unresolved following her disappearance the previous year and Endeavour’s unexpected proposal. Russell Lewis says: "Dark clouds are gathering at home and abroad as, after almost 100 years, the long history of Oxford City Police comes to an end.”

07:10 Below Deck 08:20 Ellen DeGeneres 09:00 Emmerdale 10:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 10:35 Psych 11:25 Below Deck 11:55 You’ve Been Framed! 12:20 Who’s Doing the Dishes? 13:25 Emmerdale 14:30 You’ve Been Framed! 15:00 Ellen DeGeneres 15:50 Jeremy Kyle 18:00 Judge Rinder 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Film Shaun of the Dead (18) ITV 3 08:25 Where the Heart Is 09:25 The Royal 10:25 Judge Judy 11:50 Road to Avonlea 12:55 The Corrie Years 13:25 Heartbeat 14:30 ITV Racing: Live from Sandown 17:00 Tales From Northumberland with Robson Green 17:35 Great Estates of Scotland 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Doc Martin 22:00 Secrets of Growing Old 23:00 Law & Order: UK ITV 4 07:55 The Saint 08:50 Ironside 09:55 The Sweeney 10:55 Minder 11:55 The Chase 12:55 Pawn Stars 13:30 Live: Tour of Yorkshire Road Cycling 18:15 World Cup Top Goalscorers 18:30 The Sweeney 19:30 The Darts Show 20:00 Tour of Yorkshire Road Cycling 21:00 Counting Cars 22:00 Film - Another 48 HRS. (18)

The Boy With The Topknot

BBC Two have announced that Sacha Dhawan will play the title role of Sathnam Sanghera in The Boy With The Topknot, the critically acclaimed memoirs of his childhood in 1980’s Wolverhampton. Adapted by Mick Ford, Joanna Vanderham will play the role of his girlfriend Laura. Anupam Kher and Deepti Naval will star as Sathnam’s parents, with Kiran Sonia Sawar and Sam Otto joining the cast as their younger selves. Further casting includes Jaz Deol, Vineeta Rishi, Kriss Dosanjh and Manpreet Bambra. The drama will be directed by Lynsey Miller. Sacha Dhawan says: “After reading Sathnam's memoir; The Boy With The Topknot, I was so excited to hear that BBC, Kudos and Parti Productions were adapting it.

Not only is it a beautiful story, but it's also funny and immensely moving. I feel incredibly proud to be playing Sathnam, and look forward to telling a story, which has already touched so many people.” Nisha Parti, Parti Productions Executive Producer, says: “After a long and tough journey I am so grateful of the support from Kudos and to the BBC for greenlighting this film and taking the risk in allowing me to tell this difficult, emotional and relevant story. I hope it will speak to many second generation Asians who grew up without access to films like this, but hope it will resonate more widely. I am so thrilled to have assembled such a talented cast with both new and exciting British Asian talent working alongside such established actors that I grew up admiring.”


Friday 28th April 2017

Doctor Who

Britain's Got Talent

Saturday - ITV

Saturday - BBC One The Tardis lands in Regency-era London, where the Doctor and Bill attend the last of the great frost fairs. However, sinister forces are afoot, and something is stirring under the frozen surface of the River Thames.

When people begin to mysteriously vanish while on the ice, the Time Lord and his new friend are drawn into another investigation. Bill discovers the England of the past is more like the modern day than she expected, and begins to realise that not all monsters come from outer space.

Line Of Duty Sunday - BBC One Nick faces lengthy questioning before being charged with Tim Ifield's murder. The AC12 team is convinced Roz was also involved, but with Hastings coming under pressure from Hilton, the detectives are running out of time to prove their theory, and are forced to risk everything to bring the guilty parties to justice. Last in the series.

The audition stage reaches its third week, as judges Simon Cowell, Amanda Holden, David Walliams and Alesha Dixon continue to travel the length and breadth of the nation to invite more would-be stars to demonstrate their unique talents onstage. This year, the judges already seem to be eager to place their stamp on performers, as the usually reticent Simon hit his Golden Buzzer during the very first set of auditions, ensuring singer Sarah Ikumu advanced to the semi-finals, As ever, Ant and Dec will be on hand to deliver congratulations or commiserations to each performer following their turn in the limelight.

Saturday TV 07:00 Breakfast 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30 Mary Berry’s Absolute Favourites 13:00 Football Focus 14:00 News 14:15 Live: World Championship Snooker 17:30 Final Score 18:30 The National Lottery: Who Dares Wins 19:10 News 19:30 Pointless Celebrities 20:20 Doctor Who London, 1814. The entire city has turned out for the biggest Frost Fair in decades. However, beneath the frozen Thames, revellers are disappearing, snatched through the ice and pulled into the depths where a terrifying monster lurks.

07:25 Film - On Moonlight Bay 09:00 Film - That’s Entertainment, Part 2 World Live: 11:00 Snooker Championship 13:00 Raymond Blanc: How to Cook Well 13:30 Hairy Bikers’ Best of British 14:15 Talking Pictures 14:45 Film - The Ipcress File (PG) 16:30 Natural World 17:30 Live: World Snooker Championship 18:30 The Crucible: 40 Golden Snooker Years 19:30 Dad’s Army World Live: 20:00 Championship Snooker The second semi-final reaches its climax on Saturday evening, and by booking his place in the final, the winner pockets at least £160,000 in prize money. Live action is introduced by Hazel Irvine from the Crucible Theatre in Sheffield.

21:10 Casualty Sam's rash decision to man the ED himself during the staff strike comes back to haunt him when Roy Ellison's wife and son turn up at the hospital, and discover what has happened to him. 22:30 Film - Calvary A priest in a rural Irish village receives a confession from 22:00 News a man who vows to kill him 22:20 All Round to Mrs in one week as punishment Brown’s Mammy packs the for the Catholic Church's house full of guests includ- history of child abuse. The ing West End legend cleric spends his last seven Michael Ball, Sunetra days trying to put his comSarker, ghost hunter Yvette munity's affairs in order, but Fielding who joins Dermot finds himself surrounded by and Buster on their people who harbour resentCelebrity Haunted House ments of their own against Starring Church. tour with spooky results. the Brendan Gleeson and 23:20 Match of the Day Chris O'Dowd.(14) 00:25 Murder in Successville 00:55 Film - 00:05 Versailles 01:00 Wild Hogs (PG) 02:30 Inside Versailles 01:05 Film Weather for the Week - Rabbit-Proof Fence (PG) 02:30 This Is BBC Two Ahead 02:35 News


07:00 CITV 09:25 News 09:30 Weekend 10:25 The Home Game 11:20 James Martin’s French Adventure 12:20 Tipping Point 13:25 News 13:30 Bigheads 14:30 ITV Racing: Live from Sandown 17:00 Paul O’Grady: For the Love of Dogs 17:30 Britain’s Got More Talent 18:30 Catchphrase 19:15 News

07:05 Mini Challenge Motor Racing 07:35 Volkswagen Racing Cup 08:00 The King of Queens 08:25 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:20 Frasier 10:55 Formula 1 Russian Grand Prix Practice 3 Live 12:25 F1 Meets Daniel Ricciardo 12:55 Formula 1 Russian Grand Prix Qualifying Live 15:30 The Auctioneers 16:35 A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun 17:35 Big House, Little House 18:35 Location, Location, Location 19:30 News

19:45 Take Me Out Paddy McGuinness welcomes bartender Tommy, prison officer Luke, salesman Bayo and travel consultant Rixy. Which of Paddy’s 30 girls will be heading off to 20:00 The Restoration Man George Clarke catchFernandos? es up on a tricky, cashstrapped restoration of a 21:00 Britain’s Got Talent derelict wartime airfield The audition stage reaches control tower in Scotland. its third week, as judges Simon , Amanda , David 21:00 Walking Through and Alesha continue to Time Dr Tori Herridge joins travel the length and Dr Mike Simms of Ulster breadth of the nation to Museum in search of an invite more would-be stars extra-terrestrial object that to demonstrate their unique landed in north-west talents on-stage. Scotland 1.2 billion years ago. 22:20 Through the Keyhole Pop star 22:00 Film - Carol Therese Kimberley Walsh, chat- Belivet spots the beautiful, show host Jonathan Ross elegant Carol perusing the and presenter Andi Peters doll displays in a 1950s make up this week’s panel Manhattan department as Keith Lemon noses store. The two women around the homes of mys- develop a fast bond that tery stars, rummaging becomes a love with comthrough their most treas- plicated consequences. ured possessions. (14) 23:15 News 23:35 Yes Man (14) Jackpot247 04:00 Doing the Dishes? ITV Nightscreen

Film 01:25 Who’s 04:50

00:20 Film - Zombieland (18) 02:00 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 02:50 Hollyoaks Omnibus 04:55 Shipping Wars UK

07:00 CITV 09:25 News 09:30 Weekend 10:25 Countrywise 11:00 Peston on Sunday 12:00 Judge Rinder 13:00 News 13:05 Fishing Impossible 13:35 Who’s Doing the Dishes? 14:35 Tipping Point 15:40 Britain’s Got Talent 17:00 Film - On Her Majesty’s Secret Service (PG) 19:35 News

xxx07:10 The King of Queens 08:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:55 Frasier 10:00 Sunday Brunch 13:00 Formula 1 Build-Up 13:35 Formula 1 Russian Grand Prix Live 16:10 Formula 1 Reaction 17:30 World’s Most Expensive Cars 18:35 Channel 4 News 19:05 George Clarke’s Old House, New Home

07:00 Milkshake 11:15 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:50 Access 11:55 Criminals: Caught on Camera 12:20 The Gadget Show 14:15 Benefits Britain: Life on the Dole 17:15 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 18:10 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 20:05 NCIS: Los Angeles When the body of a Navy Intel Officer is found, evidence points to a team of SEALs who are about to depart on a hostage rescue mission. 21:00 NCIS The NCIS team re-examines an ambush on a group of Special Ops snipers in Iraq after an American couple is attacked in the same area six months later. When he discovers he needs the account of the lone survivor Aaron Davis, Gibbs tries to connect with the wounded warrior who is being treated for PTSS. 21:55 News 22:00 Football Action from the penultimate round of regular-season fixtures in the Championship, including Brighton & Albion v Bristol City, Leeds United v Norwich City, and Ipswich Town v Sheffield Wednesday. 23:15 Film - Tower Block (15) 01:00 SuperCasino 04:10 Film - The Long Ships (PG)

07:00 The Hot Desk 07:10 Emmerdale Omnibus 09:30 Coronation Street Omnibus 12:00 Britain’s Got Talent 13:25 Britain’s Got More Talent 14:30 Take Me Out 15:45 Take Me Out: The Gossip 16:50 You’ve Been Framed! 17:20 Film - Flubber 19:10 Film - The Incredible Hulk (PG) 21:20 Scorpion 22:20 Britain’s Got More Talent 23:25 Celebrity Juice ITV 3 07:00 Judge Judy 07:20 Murder, She Wrote 10:10 Columbo 11:50 Film Goodnight Mister Tom (PG) 13:55 Margery and Gladys 16:00 Lewis 17:55 Rosemary and Thyme 20:00 Agatha Christie’s Marple 22:00 Foyle’s War ITV 4 07:00 British Touring Car Crashes 07:10 Motorsport UK 08:00 Bundesliga Football Highlights 09:00 ITV Racing 10:00 Live: Tour of Yorkshire Road Cycling 13:45 Counting Cars 14:40 Football Rivalries 15:00 Live: Tour of Yorkshire Road Cycling 18:15 Football Rivalries 18:30 Storage Wars Texas 18:55 Fierce 20:00 Tour of Yorkshire Road Cycling 21:00 River Monsters 22:00 Film - The Devil’s Advocate (18)

Sunday TV 07:00 Breakfast 08:50 Match of the Day 10:00 The Andrew Marr Show 11:00 The Big Questions 12:00 Sunday Politics 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:15 Homes Under the Hammer 15:15 Wanted Down Under 16:15 Flog It! 17:05 Points of View 17:20 Escape to the Country 18:05 Songs of Praise 18:40 Pointless Celebrities 19:30 News 20:00 Countryfile Ellie Harrison meets three schoolgirls who on a mission to keep the hedgehogs of Warwickshire safe from harm. 21:00 Antiques Roadshow Fiona Bruce and the team head for the beautiful gardens of Trelissick near Truro in Cornwall. Objects under examination by the experts include a bust of Churchill found at the bottom of a lake and a group of medals owned by a proud grandson. 22:00 Line of Duty While Nick Huntley faces lengthy questioning over his role in Tim Ifield’s murder, AC-12 remain convinced of Roz’s involvement. 23:00 News 23:30 Match of the Day 2 00:50 The Women’s Football Show 01:25 Weather for the Week Ahead 01:30 News

07:30 The A to Z of TV Gardening 08:15 Around the World in 80 Gardens 09:15 The Beechgrove Garden 09:50 Countryfile 10:45 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 12:15 Nigel Slater: Eating Together 12:45 Simply Nigella 13:15 MOTD2 Extra 14:00 IAAF World Relays Athletics 15:00 Live: World Championship Snooker 19:00 Amazing Hotels: Life Beyond the Lobby Giles and Monica experience the warm embrace of Fogo Island Inn, in Newfoundland. White, angular and perched atop zig-zagged stilts like the local fishermen’s houses, it pays homage to the settlers that arrived from Ireland and Devon to fish cod. 20:00 Live: World Championship Snooker Hazel Irvine presents all the action from the second session of the final at Sheffield’s Crucible Theatre, where a further nine frames are scheduled to take place. The second session of last year’s final saw Ding Junhui stage a fightback to trail Mark Selby by just one frame at 7-8, before the Jester from Leicester recovered to end the day with a 10-7 lead. 00:00 Film - Drive (18) 01:35 Question Time 02:35 Holby City 03:30 This Is BBC Two

20:00 Bigheads The giant celebrity heads this week 20:00 Escape to Costa include Ed Sheeran and Rica Science writer Gaia Prince Charles. Vince explores the island, which is the most sustain21:00 The Durrells Larry is able nation in the world, upset that no one has read home to over 500,000 his latest novel, so in a bid species of animal and with to make amends, Louisa a national grid run on rivers decides to arrange a read- and volcanoes that is due to be completely carbon ing evening. neutral by 2021. 22:00 Grantchester Film Sidney and Geordie join a 21:00 local cricket team to play a Transformers: Dark of the match against nearby Moon The heroic autobots Whittlesford, but team cap- discover that a spaceship tain Geoff Towler (Peter from their own planet Davison) seems to have an crashed into the moon objection to talented young decades ago, carrying their Pakistani batsman Zafar. former leader and an After the match, a buffet incredibly powerful device. ends badly when contami- They must fight to defend nated beer leaves every- the human race as their one feeling ill - but a worse enemies the decepticons fate awaits Zafar, who is plot to use this machine to later found to have received rebuild their own world and destroy the Earth.(12) a fatal dose of arsenic. 23:00 News 23:20 Lethal Weapon 00:20 Rugby 01:15 Peston on Sunday 02:10 Jackpot247 04:00 Motorsport UK

00:00 Gogglebox 01:05 Film - Mud (PG) 03:25 KOTV Boxing Weekly 03:50 Gillette World Sport 04:15 Shipping Wars UK

07:00 Millkshake 09:20 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 09:55 Football 11:00 Great Birmingham Run 13:00 Film - Getting Even With Dad (PG) 15:00 Film - Three Men and a Little Lady (PG) 17:00 Film - Housesitter (PG) Hood: Robin 19:00 Prince of Thieves On his return from the Crusades, Robin learns that his father has been murdered by the Sheriff of Nottingham and embarks on a campaign of guerrilla warfare to protect King Richard’s throne. Fight scenes are lively and inventive, and a set piece fought under the forest canopy pulls out all the stops. (12) 21:55 News 22:00 Greatest Ever 90s Movies Patsy Kensit presents a countdown of some of the most memorable films from the last decade of the 20th century, including Titanic, Trainspotting, The and Goodfellas Shawshank Redemption. Ranked according to their success at the box-office, Patsy reveals which films released between 1990 and ‘99 managed to capture the imagination on their cinematic debuts. 01:35 00:50 Football Criminals: Caught on 02:00 Camera SuperCasino

07:25 Emmerdale Omnibus 10:00 Coronation Street Omnibus 12:25 Take Me Out 13:40 Catchphrase 14:20 You’ve Been Framed! 15:25 Film Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium 17:15 Britain’s Got Talent 18:40 Britain’s Got More Talent 19:45 Film - Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous (PG) 22:00 Take Me Out: The Gossip 23:00 Family Guy ITV 3 07:25 Film - Goodnight Mister Tom (PG) 09:30 Murder, She Wrote 10:35 Heartbeat 12:40 Film Forever Young (PG) 14:40 A Touch of Frost 16:50 Foyle’s War 18:55 Midsomer Murders 21:00 Royal Stories 22:00 Prince Harry In Africa 23:00 Law & Order: UK ITV 4 07:20 Ironside 09:00 The Darts Show 09:35 Pawn Stars 12:25 LiegeBastogne-Liege Cycling 13:00 Live: Tour of Yorkshire Road Cycling 18:30 Pawn Stars 18:55 The Chase: Celebrity Special 20:00 Tour of Yorkshire Road Cycling 21:00 Aviva Premiership Rugby 22:00 Car Wars 23:05 Film - Beetlejuice (PG)

32 07:00 Breakfast 10:00 RipOff Britain 10:45 Homes Under the Hammer 11:45 The Wanted 12:30 Claimed and Shamed 13:00 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:30 The Boss 15:15 Escape to the Country 16:15 Garden Rescue 17:00 Money for Nothing 18:00 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:45 Pointless 19:30 News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 MasterChef The semi-finals get under way with the nine remaining contenders facing just one test to keep themselves in the competition. They have 90 minutes to cook dishes showcasing their favourite ingredients, with their choices including lamb, cauliflower and seaweed, before one of the hopefuls is eliminated. 21:00 EastEnders The residents are shocked by recent events at The Vic. 21:30 Film - Saving Mr. Banks Walt Disney becomes determined to adapt Mary Poppins into a film, but faces an obstacle in the shape of author PL Travers, who resists the idea of a sentimental Hollywood version of her book. (PG) 23:30 News 00:00 All Round to Mrs Brown’s 01:00 Have I Got a Bit More News for You 01:45 The Graham Norton Show 02:35 Weather 02:40 News

Friday 28th April 2017

07:00 Flog It!: Trade Secrets 07:30 Garden Rescue 08:15 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 09:00 Antiques Roadshow 10:00 Film The Titfield Thunderbolt 11:25 Talking Pictures 12:10 Film - Around the World in 80 Days 15:00 Live: World Championship Snooker 19:00 Top Gear Matt LeBlanc drives an eightwheeled rescue vehicle from Russia, Rory Reid turns the world’s ugliest car into a luxury yacht and Chris Harris reviews the new Porsche Cayman. 20:00 Live: World Championship Snooker Hazel Irvine introduces coverage of the concluding session of this year’s final at the Crucible Theatre in Sheffield, where the successful player needs to reach 18 frames to lift the famous trophy. Ding Junhui compiled the only century break in this session of last year’s final, but that would have been scant consolation to the Chinese star, as he was unable to reel in Mark Selby’s lead, as the world number one edged to his second world title, eventually winning 18-14 to cement his place at the top of the rankings in style. 00:00 Film - Margin Call (14) 01:40 Countryfile 02:35 Amazing Hotels: Life Beyond the Lobby 03:35 This Is BBC Two

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle 11:30 Columbo 13:30 Loose Women 14:45 News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Culinary Genius 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 Babushka 19:00 Off Their Rockers 19:25 News 20:00 Emmerdale Moira is feeling the pressure. 20:30 Coronation Street Tracy and Rob embark on a life on the run. 21:00 Devon and Cornwall Cops Enforcing the law over the summer break takes in high rollers on the long sandy beaches of Newquay to highspirited football fans in Exeter. 21:30 Coronation Street Steve and Ken fear the worst. 22:00 Little Boy Blue Family and friends attend the funeral of 11-year-old Rhys Jones is laid to rest, while a police raid at the home of Kevin Moody leads to the recovery of the gun used in the schoolboy's murder. 23:00 News 23:20 Don’t Ask Me Ask Britain 00:20 Joanna Lumley’s Postcards 00:50 Fishing Impossible 01:15 Jackpot247 04:00 Jeremy Kyle 04:50 ITV Nightscreen

07:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 07:50 The Big Bang Theory 08:15 Film The House of Magic 09:50 Film - Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen 11:35 The Simpsons 13:05 The Question Jury 14:05 Posh Pawnbrokers 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Fifteen to One 17:00 A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 The Extreme Cake Makers 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 News 20:30 Travel Man: 48 Hours in... Vienna Richard Ayoade is joined by Hollywood actor Chris O’Dowd for two days in the imperial splendour of Vienna. 21:00 Britain’s Biggest Hoarders Top experts in the field of Hoarding Disorder spend months treating people with hoarding problems. Like Sue, who hoards hundreds of dolls. 22:00 The Island with Bear Grylls With the old and young living side by side, the islanders hope to hit their stride. But hunger and frayed tempers lead to bust-ups as the islanders turn on one of their own. 23:00 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 00:00 Alan Carr: Yap, Yap, Yap! 01:05 Tattoo Fixers 02:00 Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners 02:55 Building the Dream

Monday TV 07:00 Milkshake 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 13:05 News 13:10 Home and Away 13:40 Neighbours 14:10 Film Clash of the Titans (PG) 16:20 Film - Jason and the Argonauts 18:30 News 19:00 Neighbours 19:30 Home and Away 20:00 FIA World Rally Championship John Desborough introduces highlights from Argentina of the fifth round of this year’s FIA World Rally Championship. 21:00 Police Interceptors Tim and Tom team up with Merseyside police to raid a house, and a van-load of taser-packing interceptors respond to an alleged assault with a meat cleaver. 22:00 The Miranda Hart Story Documentary about the life and career of the reigning queen of British comedy, from her roots in live stand-up to award-winning sitcom writer, and serious dramatic actor. Miranda reinvented slapstick for the 21st Century but it’s the warmth within the performances that’s won her millions of fans since she burst onto our screens in the Noughties. 23:30 Most Shocking Celebrity Moments of 2016 02:15 SuperCasino 04:10 Body of Proof 05:00 Get Your Tatts Out: Kavos Ink

08:10 Who’s Doing the Dishes? 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 10:35 You’ve Been Framed! 11:30 Film Flubber 13:25 Emmerdale 13:55 Coronation Street 15:00 You’ve Been Framed! 15:35 Film - The Incredible Hulk (PG) 17:45 Film - Nanny McPhee & The Big Bang 19:55 Film Evan Almighty 22:00 Family Guy 22:30 The Great Indoors 23:00 American Dad! ITV 3 08:25 Margery and Gladys 10:30 Judge Judy 11:55 Road to Avonlea 12:55 Sherlock Holmes 14:05 Heartbeat 15:10 The Royal 16:15 Where the Heart Is 17:20 Tales From Northumberland with Robson Green 17:50 Love Your Garden 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Doc Martin 22:00 Rosemary and Thyme 23:00 Law & Order: UK ITV 4 07:50 Ironside 09:55 The Sweeney 10:55 Minder 11:55 Ax Men 12:55 Cash Cowboys 13:55 The Car Chasers 14:55 The Saint 15:55 Ironside 17:00 Film Superman (PG) 20:00 Pawn Stars 21:00 The Chase: Celebrity Special 22:00 Film - Lethal Weapon 4 (15)

Tuesday TV 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 RipOff Britain 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 The Wanted 12:45 Claimed and Shamed 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 The Boss 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Garden Rescue 17:30 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:15 Pointless 19:00 News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders Kush grows concerned about Denise. 21:00 Holby City Mo finds herself caught between pregnant patient Trixie and Derwood’s overbearing mother. 22:00 Peter Kay’s Car Share John enlists the help of his Nan to reluctantly wait in for a parcel delivery. 22:30 Our Friend Victoria Maxine Peake explores Victoria’s take on appearance. Victoria was no stranger to waistline woes, but rather than hold her back, she channeled her own worries into her comedy by regularly taking a swipe at society’s views on how we look, what we should wear, what we should eat and what we should weigh. 23:00 News 23:45 British Jews, German Passports 00:20 Richard and Jaco: Life with Autism 01:20 Reported Missing 02:20 Weather 02:25 News

07:00 Flog It!: Trade Secrets 07:30 Garden Rescue 08:15 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 09:00 Great American Railroad Journeys 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 The Super League Show 14:45 Coast 15:05 Natural World 15:55 Who Do You Think You Are? 16:55 Red Rock 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Debatable 20:00 Great British Menu As the cooking contest returns, 24 chefs compete for a chance to show off their culinary skills at a banquet honouring 140 years of the Wimbledon Championships. 21:00 Bake Off Crème de la Crème The four remaining teams of professional pastry chefs create 36 identical petite charlottes and 36 shaped macarons in two hours. For their final challenge the teams must put an innovative spin on , the croquembouche cake. 22:00 Horizon Following three people living with voices, hallucinations and paranoia, to explore what causes this kind of phenomena. 23:00 Later with Jools 23:30 Newsnight 00:15 Second Chance Summer: Tuscany 01:15 Second Chance Summer 02:15 MasterChef 03:15 The Great Pottery Throw Down

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Culinary Genius 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 Babushka 19:00 News 20:00 Emmerdale Ross is up to no good. 20:30 Save Money: Good Food Matt Tebbutt helps the Smith family in Liverpool, whose reluctance to use their freezer leads to them wasting large amounts of food. 21:00 Don’t Ask Me Ask Britain Live interactive comedy game show hosted by Alexander Armstrong, which sees two celebrity teams go head-to-head to try and second guess the views of the nation. 22:00 Paul O’Grady: For the Love of Animals India Paul xplores Assam, and rolls his sleeves up at CWRC, an animal rescue centre. Cameras follow him as he helps look after eight elephant calves, including one year old Ultee. She has an injured foot, so Paul helps distract her while it gets treated. 23:00 News 23:40 Little Boy Blue 00:40 The Chase 01:35 Jackpot247 04:00 Loose Women 04:50 ITV Nightscreen

07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:05 Frasier 11:05 Car S.O.S 12:05 Ramsay’s Hotel Hell 13:00 News 13:05 The Question Jury 14:05 Posh Pawnbrokers 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Fifteen to One 17:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 The Extreme Cake Makers 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 News Obsessive 21:00 Compulsive Cleaners Obsessive cleaners Sandra and Carly travel to a small town in Virginia in the United States to tackle the overwhelming clutter and junk in the two homes of ex-builder Will. 22:00 One Born Every Minute Midwife Sarah and partner Stephen look forward to the arrival of their twins at Liverpool Women's Hospital. Cameras also follow young couple Holly and Nick, who surprised her mum Michelle by announcing their planned pregnancy. Meanwhile, Tasha and Jonny come in to have their second child after a traumatic birth with their first baby, Nevaeh. 23:00 First Dates 00:05 The Break-Up 01:10 The Island with Bear Grylls 02:05 Britain’s Biggest Hoarders 03:00 The Supervet 03:55 Unreported World

07:00 Milkshake 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 13:10 News 13:15 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS: Los Angeles 16:15 Film - Brace for Impact (12) 18:00 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 News 20:00 Police Interceptors Tim and Tom team up with Merseyside police to raid a house, and a van-load of taser-packing interceptors respond to an alleged assault with a meat cleaver. 21:00 The Yorkshire Vet Semi-feral cat Pretty Tom has a suspicious-looking lump on his face, Vera the prized Zwartbles ewe needs help giving birth, Obi Wan the doberman is lame and in pain, a young donkey needs to be stopped from sexually harassing his dad, and a hyperactive Russian hamster needs surgery. 22:00 Film - A Walk Among the Tombstones A private detective agrees to help a drug trafficker find the people who kidnapped and murdered his wife. (18) 0:15 Film - The Punisher (15) 02:30 SuperCasino 04:10 Body of Proof 05:00 Get Your Tatts Out: Kavos Ink 05:45 House Doctor

08:00 Below Deck 08:20 Ellen DeGeneres 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 10:35 Psych 11:25 Below Deck 12:20 Who’s Doing the Dishes? 13:25 Emmerdale 13:55 Coronation Street 15:00 Ellen DeGeneres 15:50 Jeremy Kyle 18:00 Judge Rinder 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Hell’s Kitchen USA 23:00 Family Guy ITV 3 08:25 Where the Heart Is 09:30 The Royal 10:30 Judge Judy 11:55 Road to Avonlea 12:55 Sherlock Holmes 14:05 Heartbeat 15:10 The Royal 16:10 Where the Heart Is 17:15 Tales From Northumberland with Robson Green 17:50 Love Your Garden 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Midsomer Murders 23:00 Law & Order: UK ITV 4 08:45 Ironside 09:50 The Sweeney 10:50 Minder 11:55 Ax Men 12:50 Cash Cowboys 13:50 Pawn Stars 14:50 The Saint 15:50 Ironside 16:55 Minder 18:00 The Sweeney 19:00 Cash Cowboys 20:00 Pawn Stars 21:00 Motorcycle Racing 22:00 Benidorm



Friday 28th April 2017

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Wednesday TV 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 RipOff Britain 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 The Wanted 12:45 Claimed and Shamed 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 The Boss 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Garden Rescue 17:30 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:15 Pointless 19:00 News 20:00 The One Show 21:00 MasterChef The MasterChef semi-finals continue, as the eight remaining cooks head to the BBC studios in Elstree, where they are tasked to cater for the cast and crew of the drama Holby City. Split into two teams, the competitors must create two main courses and a dessert in less than four hours. 22:00 Panorama Madeleine McCann is the world’s most famous missing person. She was last seen in 2007 and her disappearance has been investigated by police forces in two different countries, but they came up with contradictory conclusions. Reporter Richard Bilton, who has covered the story since the first days, examines the evidence and tracks down the men British police have questioned about the case.

07:00 Flog It!: Trade Secrets 07:30 Garden Rescue 08:15 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 09:00 See Hear 09:30 Grand Tours of the Scottish Islands 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Two Tribes 14:30 Holiday of My Lifetime with Len Goodman 15:00 Natural World 15:50 Who Do You Think You Are? 16:50 Red Rock 17:35 Red Rock 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Celebrity Eggheads 19:45 Debatable 20:30 Great British Menu It’s a smoke filled kitchen as the three chefs prepare their summer themed mains in the hope of impressing the veteran judge. 21:00 Trust Me, I’m a Vet The team investigate which foods are best for your pet, show you what you can do to save an injured animal, and witness a pioneering operation that could save thousands of cats across the country. 22:00 Second Chance Summer: Tuscany Love is in the air at La Banditaccia as they prepare to host their first big event, a traditional Italian wedding.

23:00 Rhod Gilbert’s Work Experience 23:30 Newsnight 00:15 Horizon 23:00 News 23:45 Peter 01:15 The People v. O.J. Kay’s Car Share 00:15 A Simpson: American Crime Question of Sport 00:45 Story 02:10 See Hear Mind Over Marathon 01:45 02:40 MasterChefL 03:40 Weather for the Week I’m Different: Let Me Drive Ahead 01:50 News 04:10 This Is BBC Two


07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Culinary Genius 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 Babushka 19:00 News 20:00 Emmerdale Moira is on the warpath. 20:30 Coronation Street Bethany is well and truly trapped. 21:00 Tonight at the London Palladium The variety show from the West End theatre returns, featuring some of the UK’s best-loved comedians and entertainers, including the cast of 42nd Street starring Sheena Easton, Rick Astley, Imelda May, Mark Watson, the Japanese Yamato Drummers, and the world champion brass ensemble The Cory Band. Presented by Bradley Walsh. 22:00 Benidorm Baby Jesus contaminates the pool and all guests have to be evacuated. The chips are down as Crystal pressures Joyce to sort things out. Will a trip to the circus and a world famous band in Neptunes do the trick and what are Monty’s intentions? Guests Jason Manford, John Challis, Dame Joan Collins and Madness. 23:00 News 23:40 UEFA Football 00:40 Sports Life Stories 01:30 Jackpot247 04:00 1000 Heartbeats 04:50 ITV Nightscreen

07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:05 Frasier 11:05 Car S.O.S 12:05 Ramsay’s Hotel Hell 13:00 News 13:05 The Question Jury 14:05 Posh Pawnbrokers 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Fifteen to One 17:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 The Extreme Cake Makers 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 News 21:00 How to Live Mortgage Free with Sarah Beeny Sarah meets a couple in Surrey with a clever plan to sell their houseboat to use the cash to build a mortgage-free floating home. 22:00 Confessions of a Junior Doctor This episode follows the junior doctors looking after Northampton General's youngest, and often most fragile, patients in the paediatric department. Thirdyear doctor Fahim takes his first steps onto the children's wards, working week after week of night shifts in the neo-natal unit, caring for premature babies and those born with acute illnesses. The stressful environment takes its toll on Fahim, who begins to wonder if he really is cut out to look after such delicate and difficult patients. 23:00 My Online Nightmare 00:05 Gogglebox 01:10 Music on 4 02:05 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 02:55 Film - The Bling Ring (14)

07:00 Milkshake 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 13:10 News 13:15 The Gadget Show 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Film - Taken Back: Finding Haley (12) 18:00 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 News 20:00 Chris Tarrant: Extreme Railways Chris heads to the Arctic to explore a railway which probably should never have been built, the Alaska Railroad. 21:00 GPs: Behind Closed Doors Two consultations take surprising turns - a young man who has been coughing up blood confesses to smoking cannabis to combat loneliness and depression, and an older lady breaks down and admits that her headaches are caused by her neglecting her health to help a bereaved friend. 22:00 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! A car parts dealer throws a spanner in the works after Stewart and Elmor strike a deal, the cops are called to help evict a tenant in East London, and Paul and Ben barge their way into a flat to discover some very vulnerable tenants. 23:00 One Night With My Ex 00:05 My Violent Child 01:05 Benefits 02:00 SuperCasino 04:10 Top 20 Funniest 05:00 Get Your Tatts Out: Kavos Ink

07:10 You’ve Been Framed! 07:35 Below Deck 08:20 Ellen DeGeneres 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 The Cube 10:35 Psych 11:25 Below Deck 12:20 Who’s Doing the Dishes? 13:25 Emmerdale 13:55 You’ve Been Framed! 15:00 Ellen DeGeneres 15:50 Jeremy Kyle 18:00 Judge Rinder 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Film - Shaun of the Dead (18) ITV 3 07:25 Heartbeat 08:25 Where the Heart Is 09:30 The Royal 10:30 Judge Judy 11:55 Road to Avonlea 12:55 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 14:05 Heartbeat 15:10 The Royal 16:15 Where the Heart Is 17:15 Tales From Northumberland with Robson Green 17:50 Love Your Garden 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Lewis 23:00 Law & Order: UK ITV 4 07:45 The Saint 08:50 Ironside 09:50 The Sweeney 10:55 Minder 11:55 Ax Men 12:55 Cash Cowboys 13:55 Pawn Stars 14:50 The Saint 15:55 Ironside 17:00 Minder 18:00 The Sweeney 19:05 Cash Cowboys 20:05 Pawn Stars 21:00 British Superbikes Motorcycle Racing 22:00 Car Crash Britain: Caught on Camera 23:00 Better Late Than Never

966 843 498

36 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 RipOff Britain 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 The Wanted 12:45 Claimed and Shamed 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 The Boss 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Garden Rescue 17:30 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:15 Pointless 19:00 News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders Louise is thrown a curveball by Madison and Alexandra. 21:00 MasterChef In the third of four semi-final programmes, the remaining amateurs create a threecourse fish lunch, sourcing their ingredients at 4am from Billingsgate Fish Market before getting to work in the kitchens of the Fishmongers' Company headquarters. Adding to the pressure, the diners are all experts in the fish industry, so expectations will be high. 22:00 The Truth About Stress Fiona Phillips wants to understand why we are experiencing increased amounts of stress in our lives, and what actions we can take in order to reduce it. She speaks openly about her own experience of stress and her desire to find better coping mechanisms. 23:00 News 23:45 Question Time 00:45 This Week 02:00 Weather for the Week Ahead 02:05 News

Friday 28th April 2017

07:00 Flog It!: Trade Secrets 07:30 Garden Rescue 08:15 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 09:00 Gardeners’ World 09:30 Grand Tours of the Scottish Islands 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Two Tribes 14:30 Countryfile 14:50 Natural World 15:50 Who Do You Think You Are? 16:50 Red Rock 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Celebrity Eggheads 19:45 Debatable 20:30 Great British Menu All three chefs are feeling the pressure as they attempt their technical summer desserts. 21:00 The World According to Kids Children from a pony club in Berkshire, a choir in Liverpool and a boxing club in Hackney explore belief, in themselves and the world around them. Dilan channels his Sikh faith before stepping into the ring for the very first time. 22:00 The Last Kingdom When King Alfred is told the great sum of Aethelflaed’s ransom, and the horror that will likely befall his daughter if Wessex does not pay, he feels there can be only one way forward despite this jeopardising the kingdom. 23:00 MOTD: The Premier League Show 23:30 Newsnight 00:15 Horizon 01:15 The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story 01:55 MasterChef 02:25 Galapagos 03:25 Second Chance Summer

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Culinary Genius 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 Babushka 19:00 News 20:00 Emmerdale Tracy has her book launch. 20:30 Tonight Adam Shaw investigates fraudulent scammers that target pension pots, as the programme goes undercover to expose some of those trying to target the public’s retirement funds. 21:00 Emmerdale Dan is questioned. 21:30 Joanna Lumley’s Postcards Joanna recalls her mammoth journey across Russia - a country she visited as a young model - as part of her 6,000-mile trip along the Trans-Siberian Railway. Highlights include a tense border crossing and drinking gold-flaked vodka with an oligarch. 22:00 Car Crash Britain: Caught on Camera Footage of Britain’s most shocking road accidents and miraculous near misses, including what happened when a man’s runaway tractor crashed into his ex-wife’s garden. 23:00 News 23:40 UEFA Europa League Football 00:40 Tipping Point 01:30 Jackpot247 04:00 Tonight 04:25 ITV Nightscreen

07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:05 Frasier 11:05 Car S.O.S 12:05 Ramsay’s Hotel Hell 13:00 News 13:05 The Question Jury 14:05 Posh Pawnbrokers 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Fifteen to One 17:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 The Extreme Cake Makers 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 News

Thursday TV 07:00 Milkshake 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 13:10 News 13:15 Benefits Britain: Life on the Dole 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Film - Love, Again 18:00 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 News

20:00 Secrets of Great British Castles Dan Jones explores the history of Cardiff castle over more than 2,000 years and 21:00 The Supervet A reveals how it became boxer dog is brought in with transformed from a strateextensive injuries to its gically important Roman pelvis and hind legs from a and Norman stronghold to road accident. Pioneering a lavish fairy-tale Victorian surgeon Noel Fitzpatrick home. considers a stem-cell scaffolding procedure - but 21:00 Benefits An ex-solthere are significant risks diers’ life was turned attached. He and his team upside down after a false also help different animals accusation of theft, now he with broken legs, including is rebuilding his life and hedgehogs, and a kitten saving as much money as that has had an accident at he can as he tries to turn his interest in photography home. into a career as a photo22:00 Born to Kill When journalist. The film also Sam exposes Jenny’s dark features a 48-year-old secret her world begins to grandmother who dreams unravel. Sam comes face of getting back into security to face with his father and work, and a former salesJenny finally begins to man with a dream of makunderstand her son’s true ing it in the music business. nature. Psychological thriller, starring Romola 22:00 Nightmare Tenants, Garai and Jack Rowan, Slum Landlords A Watford with Daniel Mays, Richard landlord has a fight on his hands when his long-term Coyle and Lara Peake. tenant suddenly decides to paying and unleashes 23:00 How to Get a stop wrath when he tries to Council House 00:00 First her Dates 01:05 One Born evict her. Every Minute 02:00 My Online Nightmare 02:55 23:00 Mind The Age Gap Danniella The Secret Life of the Zoo 00:05 03:50 How to Live Westbrook: In Therapy Mortgage Free with Sarah 01:00 SuperCasino 04:10 Top 20 Funniest Beeny

07:35 Below Deck 08:20 Ellen DeGeneres 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 10:00 You’ve Been Framed! 10:35 Psych 11:25 Below Deck 12:20 Who’s Doing the Dishes? 13:25 Emmerdale 13:55 Coronation Street 14:30 You’ve Been Framed! 15:00 Ellen DeGeneres 15:50 Jeremy Kyle 18:00 Judge Rinder 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Mom 23:00 Celebrity Juice ITV 3 08:25 Where the Heart Is 09:25 The Royal 10:30 Judge Judy 11:50 Road to Avonlea 12:55 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 14:05 Heartbeat 15:10 The Royal 16:15 Where the Heart Is 17:20 Tales From Northumberland with Robson Green 17:50 Love Your Garden 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Midsomer Murders 23:00 Law & Order: UK ITV 4 08:45 Ironside 09:50 The Sweeney 10:50 Minder 11:55 Ax Men 12:50 Cash Cowboys 13:50 Pawn Stars 14:50 The Saint 15:55 Ironside 17:00 Minder 18:00 The Sweeney 19:00 Cash Cowboys 20:00 Pawn Stars 21:00 The Chase: Celebrity Special 22:05 Film - Mission: Impossible (PG)



Friday 28th April 2017 Your mother’s brother’s only brother-inlaw is asleep on your couch. Who is asleep on your couch? Answer at the bottom of the next page. FILL IT IN


Fit the words into the boxes.

Code Cracker is a crossword puzzle with no clues; instead, every letter of the alphabet has been replaced by a number, the same number representing the same letter throughout the puzzle. All you have to do is decide which letter is represented by which number.

DOUBLE CROSS-WORD Solve the Double Cross-Word puzzle using either the standard or cryptic clues, the answers are exactly the same.

3 letter words Ago Any Boo Col Doe Eve Eye Gin Hen Hop Ice Ira Mag Nan Oat

One Opt Pen Pep Sad See Sip Spy Tab Toe Yet

Gong Idea Ides Magi Nova Oven Pima Poor Sire Spas Teed

4 letter words Agin Alba Deny

5 letter words Chats Copra Davit

Hides Horny Items Loopy Opens Pipes Slimy

8 letter words Beetroot Espresso

6 letter words 11 letter words Interpolate Aprons Assert Threatening Shares Sordid 7 letter words Artisan

Cryptic Clues Across 1 Grow weak when fed a stew (4) 3 It’s a ‘no-no’ in the photographic business (8) 9 Runaway sheep and doggy breath (7) 10 Topping perhaps on Sugar Loaf Mountain (5) 11 Spoilt fictional end is classified (12) 13 It’s a wrap alternative for no rags (6) 15 Dad comes back with fruit. Look! (6) 17 High-rise conurbations? (5,2,5) 20 Girl involved one in love entanglement (5) 21 Where the stage is set for an operation (7) 22 Upset voter, run off (8) 23 Worry about guitar part (4)

Hotness Mention Palpate

Down 1 Predict crates of jumble (8) 2 Fiend starts a demonstration (5) 4 Here it is not exactly one of two (6) 5 A dramatist from Athens is a pro (12) 6 I’m going to a London art museum to reproduce (7) 7 The sharp side of the aged generally shows (4) 8 An old Tibetan reformed the budget deficit (8,4) 12 The professionals’ exercise caught mine (8) 14 A heavy defeat in the East is everyday (7) 16 Watch for Orion (6) 18 Go inside Dame Ellen Terry (5) 19 One for the road is potentially boorish, no sir (4)

Standard Across 1 Lose colour (4) 3 Unfavourable (8) 9 Out of control (7) 10 Cake topping (5) 11 Top secret (12) 13 Loose skirt (6) 15 Seem (6) 17 Urban zones (5,2,5) 20 Yellow green colour (5) 21 Playhouse (7) 22 Capsize (8) 23 Be anxious (4) Down 1 Foretell (8) 2 Evil spirit (5) 4 One of two (6) 5 Ancient Greek dramatist (12) 6 Copy (7) 7 Border (4) 8 Money borrowed by the government (8,4) 12 Outlook (8) 14 Procedure (7) 16 Person who searches for something (6) 18 Go into (5) 19 Vagrant (4)

Quiz Word

Across 1 Four-act Puccini opera, set in the Paris Latin Quarter, begins with Mimi and Rodolfo falling in love on Xmas Eve? (2,6) 7 Thick, malleable mixture of flour and liquid, used for baking bread or pastry? (5) 8 Which North American river rises in the Rocky Mountains and flows 3,030 km generally south-eastwards to the Gulf of Mexico, forming the US-Mexico frontier from El Paso to the sea? (3,6) 9 What name is given to an aggressive dog or one that is in poor condition, especially a mongrel? (3) 10 What name is given to large semicircular or polygonal recess in a church, arched or with a domed roof and typically at the church’s eastern end? (4) 11 Which major Italian seaport was styled ‘la serenissima’ (‘the most serene’ or ‘sublime’)? (6) 13/17 Who was the 40th president of the USA? (6,6) 14 Orson who’s most notable films were Citizen Kane and The Third Man? (6) 17 See 13 18 Which skin condition characterised by

red pimples on the skin, especially on the face, is due to inflamed or infected sebaceous glands and prevalent chiefly among adolescents? (4) 20 Yerba maté, oolong, souchong, Darjeeling and Assam are all types of what? (3) 22 See 6 Down 23 What name is given to the positively charged electrode by which the electrons leave an electrical device? (5) 24 Phil who played Sgt Bilko on TV? (7) Down 1 Name applied to the active immature form of an insect, especially one that differs greatly from the adult and forms the stage between egg and pupa? (5) 2 Charles who starred as Paul Kersey in the Death Wish series of films? (7) 3 According to Greek mythology, which grief stricken priestess threw herself into the sea because her lover, Leander, had drowned trying to swim the Hellespont to see her? (4) 4 Which slow, stately ballroom dance for two in triple time, was especially popular in the 18th century? (6)

QUICKIE Across 1 Turned down (7) 5 Decorative containers (5) 8 Tight (5) 9 Communication (7) 10 Circuit (3) 11 Regal (5) 12 Sum (5) 13 Posts (5) 16 Simmer (4) 18 Stern (4) 20 Borders (5) 23 Carries (5) 24 Jobs (5) 26 Age (3) 27 Seems (7) 28 Knife (5) 29 Blockade (5) 30 Panorama (7)




Down 1 Stops work (7) 2 Humorous (5) 3 Aromas (6) 4 Moisten (6) 5 Calls on (6) 6 Disperse (7) 7 Make off with (5) 14 Finish (3) 15 Owed (3) 17 Specimen (7) 19 Enigma (7) 20 Property (6) 21 Visitors (6) 22 Balanced (6) 23 Alloy of copper and zinc (5) 25 Reserve (5)

Improve your Spanish - Clues in Spanish, answer in English or vice versa.

Fill It In

5 Which rare large cat is also known as the snow leopard? (5) 6/22 Which US aviator made the first solo nonstop flight across the Atlantic Ocean in May 1927? (7,9) 7 What was the surname of the French composer and organist, whose bestknown works are the ballets Coppélia and Sylvia? (7) 12 Which adjective means easily bent or flexible? (7) 13 Title of the Boomtown Rats’ first British number one hit single? (3,4) 15 Lake in central Switzerland also called the Lake of the Four Cantons? (7) 16 What name is given to small rooms used as hot-air or steam baths for cleaning and refreshing the body? (6) 17 Rn is the chemical symbol for which rare radioactive gas? (5) 19 What name is given to the characteristic spirit of a culture, era, or community as manifested in its attitudes and aspirations? (5) 21 According to the Bible, what was the name of the second son of Adam and Eve, murdered by his brother Cain? (4)

Across 1 More (3) 3 Sacacorcho (9) 8 Knee (7) 9 Wide (street, river, trousers) (5) 10 Plato (para comer) (5) 11 Obtener (6) 13 Centuries (6) 15 Cine (arte) (6) 18 Hunger (for food) (6) 20 Cansado (person, eyes) (5) 23 Cocineros (5) 24 Terrace (patio, verandah) (7) 25 Hombros (9) 26 As (naipes) (3)

Down 1 Butterfly (entomología) (8) 2 Cider (5) 3 Cauldron (7) 4 Razón (facultad) (6) 5 Principio (comienzo) (5) 6 Recibir (letter, gift, money, visit, salary, sacrament) (7) 7 Madera (material) (4) 12 Hecho a mano (8) 14 Granary (7) 16 Interest (curiosity) (7) 17 Escarabajo (insecto) (6) 19 Albahaca (5) 21 Flood (5) 22 Helados (4)

Span - Eng

Ridley´s Riddle Your father. Code Cracker

Last Week’s Solutions Quiz Word Across: 1 Aviatrix, 7 Igloo, 8/22 Ludwig van Beethoven, 9/17D Ned Kelly, 10 Slag, 11 Indict, 13 Vassal, 14 Pedant, 17 Kelpie, 18 Duel, 20 Ire, 23 Alloy, 24 Asbestos. Down: 1 Atlas, 2 Indians, 3 Twin, 4 Irving, 5 Blunt, 6 Fondant, 7 Infidel, 12 Wallaby, 13 Vatican, 15 Aquavit, 16 Biceps, 19 Links, 21 Shoe. Double Crossword Across: 1 Trance, 4 Organs, 9 Origami, 10 Staid, 11 Hindi, 12 Entwine, 13 Cutting edge, 18 Resists, 20 Shake, 22 Irate, 23 Elegant, 24 Scene, 25 Strewn. Down: 1 Trophy, 2 Alien, 3 Chariot, 5 Resit, 6 Amazing, 7 Sadden, 8 Hide-and-seek, 14 Upstage, 15 Easiest, 16 Orbits, 17 Merton, 19 Suede, 21 Awake. Quickie Across: 1 Race, 3 Capsule, 9 Parrots, 10 Peace, 11 Among, 12 Survive, 13 Scream, 15 Ragged, 18 Because, 19 Kings, 21 Extra, 22 Nothing, 23 Already, 24 Beds. Down: 1 Repeats, 2 Cargo, 4 Assist, 5 Supermarkets, 6 Leading, 7 Congratulate, 8 Mere, 14 Recital, 16 Designs, 17 Penned, 18 Beef, 20 Noise.

Business Board

Advertise your business here - Call 966 921 003


CLASSIFIE SITUATIONS VACANT Solar Power - Sunlife Solar Solutions have vacancies for both a Solar Installation Engineer and a Solar Thermal Engineer (or plumber with pool heating experience). Call 965 271 717 or send your CV to info@sunlifesolarsolutions.c om Can you sell radio advertising? Join the team at TKO Media. Send CV to Insurance Sales - The EasyCover Group have a full time vacancy available in their Torrevieja / La Zenia offices. You must have previous sales experience and have lived locally for at least 5 years. A full time contract is offered to the right candidate. Send your CV and enquiries by email to Field and telesales reps wanted, full training given, experience desired, call The Courier 966 921 003. Radio Sales - RADIO COSTA MEDIA needs selfemployed salesperson for Torrevieja & surrounding areas. Call 685 901 265 or please email Realtor vacancy - Proven track record, experience, local knowledge all essential. Car essential, multi-lingual desired. Send CV to: CHURCH SERVICES Torrevieja Christian Fellowship at Avenida de las Cortes Valencianas 68, Torrevieja 03183, all welcome to their friendly and

lively 10.30 am. Service each Sunday morning. Tele: 966700391 or visit our website on International Christian Assembly, Calle Pilar de Horadada 5, Torrevieja. Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday services 11am. Children's church 11am.. For more information lease Telephone today: 966 799 273 or 660 127 276. PETS PET TRAVEL UK Family pet transporters Spain/UK. Travel with your pets for free. All air conditioned vehicles (no vans) Removals also arranged in other vehicles. Tel UK 0800 612 4922 or Spain 960130537 QUIZ MASTER Experienced quiz-master /question setter with personality. If you would like a quiz master that is entertaining, and is available to host quiz nights in local bars. Tel: 664 838 581. REMOVALS SPANISH MOVES Small removals and deliveries. Spain/UK Budget prices. Last minute jobs undertaken. Pet transport also arranged in our air conditioned pet/people carriers. Telephone UK 0800 612 4922 or Spain 960130537


Friday 28th April 2017



BlueMoon Solutions

BlueMoon Solutions is the computer and IT services company on the Costa Blanca. BlueMoon Solutions comes to you at home or at work. Their personal service covers from Alicante to Pilar de la Horadada.

Richard moved to Spain ten years ago having left his management background behind in the UK and decided to use his IT skills to help home users and small businesses with their PC problems. Now a relaxed 'computer man' he is out and about in the Spanish sun every day, making house and shop calls and using his vast experience and qualifications to sort out the problem there and then. Computers are his hobby as well as his work so don’t be surprised to get an answer to your email in the early hours!

ADVICE: Barry wanted to know how best to print from Gmail


Hi Richard, there is probably a simple solution to my printing problem, but I cannot find it. I want to print the text/message ONLY in e-mails I receive on Google but whenever I print, I get the whole page including toolbars, and the coloured strips at the side and top which I obviously do not want. The actual message is reduced in width so that the ends of the lines are missing and I can only get the first screen to print so that if it is a long e-mail I only get the start.


Hi Barry, what I think is happening here is that you are clicking on the File, Print menu options or you’re are clicking on your browsers print icon or you are pressing CTRL + P, rather than clicking on the Gmail print icon – and if you are now confused then don’t worry, you are in good company, its very confusing knowing which icon to press and when. With regards to Gmail you should click on the email you want to print first, then click on the Gmail print button that looks like this…

…and appears to the right of the email subject line. When you use this icon, your email is opened in a new window by itself (i.e. without all the other stuff you mention that you don’t want to be part of the printout). I hope that helps. Email: Mobile: 655 044 970 NEW: Tel: 965 987 032 Don’t forget, you can follow me on Facebook: Alternatively, why don’t you sign up for my newsletter. You can do this by going .





Friday 28th April 2017

Keep Track At Colinas Las Colinas Golf & Country Club at San Miguel de Salinas has installed Trackman 3e technology, offering visiting golfers the chance to benefit from the same performance analysis used by the very best on the PGA and European Tours. Trackman provides scientifically-accurate figures through data, video and overlay graphics, which golfers at the course will be able to use in lessons and when honing their games. “We’re really excited about our Trackman technology and look forward to helping golfers with technology used by some of the world’s very best players,” said Robert Mitchell (pictured), Head PGA Professional at Las Colinas Golf & Country Club. “As well as using in lessons, there will be times when golfers can take advantage of Trackman before they tee off too. Those who have their swing analysed will also receive the video footage through email.” Meanwhile, Las Colinas Golf & Country Club’s Director of Golf & Operations, Sean Corte-Real commented: “Being Spain’s Best Golf Course, we have made it a real priority to ensure that as the resort grows, what we offer at the resort grows with it, and adding Trackman technology is certainly a good example of this.” Back in November, Las Colinas Golf & Country Club was crowned as Spain’s Best Golf Course for the second year running at the prestigious World Golf Awards in Portugal. The highly respected awards, voted for by the public, saw Las Colinas hold off strong competition from the best courses in Spain. The awards themselves look to develop, promote and support the global golf tourism industry by identifying and rewarding golfing excellence.

Marc In Charge

Defending MotoGP champion Spain’s Marc Marquez continued his 100 percent record at the Grand Prix of the Americas as fellow Spaniard (and winner of the first two GP races of the season), Maverick Vinales crashed out. Repsol Honda rider Marquez, 24, has now won all five races at the circuit in Austin, Texas. Vinales - who had won the first two races of the season on his Yamaha - crashed on the second lap.

Pilar Runners

A record 800 runners took part in last Sunday’s Pilar de la Horadada half marathon and 10 kilometre races. Iván Hernández Illán, of the Mobel Automenor Running Team took the His veteran team-mate men’s half marathon in one Valentino Rossi now leads hour, 12 minutes and 36 the standings after finishing seconds. Neus Mas was the second, with Dani Pedrosa third. British rider Cal Crutchlow was fourth. Rossi, 38, has won nine world championships but none since 2009. He has a six-point lead over Vinales, with Marquez in third. Rossi was given a 0.3 second time penalty for clashing with Johann Zarco but still comfortably bought his Yamaha home in second place.

Marc In Charge

women’s winner in a time of one hour, 27 minutes, and 14 seconds. The 10k race was won by Mohamed Boucetta from Castellon in 31 minutes and 17 seconds, whilst Wafiya Benali from the Puerto Defending MotoGP chamLumbreras won the pion Spain’s Marc Marquez women’s contest. continued his 100 percent record at the Grand Prix of the Americas as fellow Spaniard (and winner of the first two GP races of the season), Maverick Vinales crashed out. Repsol Honda rider Marquez, 24, has now won all five races at the circuit in Austin, Texas. Vinales - who had won the first two races of the season on his Yamaha - crashed on the second lap.

His veteran team-mate Valentino Rossi now leads the standings after finishing second, with Dani Pedrosa third. British rider Cal Crutchlow was fourth. Rossi, 38, has won nine world championships but none since 2009. He has a six-point lead over Vinales, with Marquez in third. Rossi was given a 0.3 second time penalty for clashing with Johann Zarco but still comfortably bought his Yamaha home in second place.



Monte Are Champions

Silence Of The Salineros

DEPORTIVO ORIHUELA CF “A” 2 CD MONTESINOS 6 Four goals from Carlos Ventura helped secure this victory last weekend at Granja de Rocamora, and then Monte heard that their two main rivals could only draw their games, which meant they were crowned champions of the Valencian 2nd Regional Group 16, with just one match remaining for Monte. For the first time in their history, CD Montesinos will now be playing in the 1st Regional division, after a remarkable turn round back in the autumn, when manager Carlos Perez came in to clear up the mess created by his predecessor’s disastrous start in badly losing the opening two fixtures. As for Sunday’s match, Montesinos pressed the home team from the start, with striker Vaz brought down three times in the first quarter of an hour, but

he still managed an overhead kick which just cleared the bar. After 20 minutes the pressure told when a long cross was played back for Carlos Ventura to drive the ball home giving the home keeper no chance. Another foul on Vaz led to a free-kick, and Carlos Ventura swept it into the net to make it two-nil, but despite all the Monte pressure, the home side took advantage of their one chance before the break to make it two-one. After some early second-half nerves, Monte stretched their advantage as Carlos Lorente put in a perfect cross for Carlos Ventura to get his hat-trick. Both for the play of the Orihuela keeper, Monte would have got into double figures, with Ventura getting his fourth before being substituted, with substitute Dario and Vaz both joining

the Monte party with goals, whllst an injury time penalty got Orihuela an inconsequential second goal. CD Montesinos are now looking for a celebration this Sunday and a bumper crowd to cheer on the champions, as they entertain Grupo Caliche with a 5.30 pm kick-off. The table permutations are that Monte cannot be caught as they stand on 50 points, having played 21 matches. CD Benijofar are in second spot with 47 points but have played all their matches (22). Third are Callosa “B” with 43 points from their 20 matches played, after being held one-one at home by neighbours Redovan whilst La Murada, who for so long led the group, are on 41 points from their 20 matches played, on the back of their one-all draw at CFP Orihuela.

RECAMBIOS COLON 3 It was not the lambs that were slaughtered in the Sedavi last Saturday, but the Salineros, as Torry were sliced and diced by yet another struggling outfit, as they notched up their third straight defeat leaving a stench of relegation in the air, after the start of April appeared to have produced a genuine chance of avoiding the drop. Fortunately, the escape is still on after Buniol, above them in the table, lost, but Torry’s status is hanging by a thread with just three games remaining. The best Torry chance early on fell to Lewis Allen(pictured), who with only keeper Coronado to beat, could not find a way past him. Torry have only managed two goals in their last five matches and that is why they are staring relega-


tion straight in the face. Only already-gone Segorbe has lost more matches and that tells the story emphatically. It may have been a hotly contested penalty in the 21st minute that gave Recambios the lead from Rafa Rivera and led to the dismissal of trainer Alex from the bench for his loss of control, but Torry never seemed to recover from that heartfelt injustice. They were two down seven minutes later through Adolfo and six minutes after the restart they conceded a third through Sergio Cuesta and all hope was gone against a side that had only won four home matches all season with an abysmal form book for 2017, similar to that of Almazora who the previous week had taken Torry to the cleaners. The only glint of hope for

Torry is that Borriol defeated Bunol, who remain the three points ahead and the one to catch if division three status is to be preserved. However, Torry face three clubs in their final three games who have all beaten them already this season. First up it is Crevillente at the Nelson Mandela Staidum this Sunday with a 6.00 pm kickoff. Torry lost 3-2 to them in early December, but former players in the shape of keeper Oscar and former captain Jorge, will be keen to complete the double over Torry and virtually condemn them to the Preferente. Bunol incidentally will be entertaining CD Almoradi this weekend, with Almoradi having to win to avoid relegation (see below), and so Torry will be hoping for a big local favour.

Almost Out And Down

Six Of The Best

Thader’s Sunday slaughter of relegation candidates Sant Joan, coupled with rivals Hercules going down to Benidorm, has put the Rojales-based side into a third place play-off slot in Preferente Group Four. There are four matches remaining including a showdown to come with Hercules, and this weekend’s fixture featuring a relegating haunted side in the shape of Cox. Two goals from Chema, plus one each from Lloyd Dummett, Kino, Garci and Arias sealed up the easy win, with Thader hitting top form at the right time of the season.



Almoradi were outclassed by the Northern Valencian side who are looked for a play-off berth, and the harsh reality for the Vega Baja outfit is that relegation is all but a certainty. With three matches left, they have reached the point of no return, and anything other than a victory at Bunol this weekend will see them immediately return to the Preferente after last year’s promotion. It was painful stuff at the Sadrián on Sunday, with the

visitors in total control, and the home side barely causing any danger, with barely 200 people turning up to witness it all. Two goals from Guinot gave Castellon a two-nil half-time advantage, with Forner and Esau wrapping up the scoring within 62 minutes, as Almoradi appear to be going down with barely a whimper. Elsewhere in the Valencian third division, Orihuela’s faint hopes of getting into the play-off’s remain after inflicting a

three-nil defeat over promotion hopefuls Novelda. Elche Ilicitano are a point better off than Orihuela, which means they are five points behind four-placed Castellon, but with just three matches left. They beat Torre Levante, two-one, and have an apparent homebanker this weekend against the bottom side Segorbe, whilst Crevillente go to Torrevieja (see above) on the back of a two-nil home defeat at the hands of second-placed Alzira.


Friday 28th April 2017


El Clasico Classic

More from Messi

Clueless Ilicitanos




Barcelona coach Luis Enrique declared Lionel Messi "the best player in history" after the Argentina star's last-minute winner at Real Madrid blew open the La Liga title race on Sunday Messi's 500th Barcelona goal - struck with the last kick of a thrilling match - gave the visitors a memorable 3-2 Bernabeu victory and takes them to the La Liga summit. The two sides are level on 75 points, but Barcelona sit top by virtue of having the better head-to-head record from the two games with Real. Zinedine Zidane's side do have a game in hand, but Barcelona were hoping for a momentum shift with another round of matches played last night (see middle column) after Messi ended his run of six Clasico games without a goal. "He is the best player in history, he is incredibly decisive at all times," Enrique was quoted as saying by the Marca newspaper. "I have seen a lot of football, it is a great pleasure that he is one of us." Casemiro gave Real a 28th-minute lead after Sergio Ramos had hooked against the post. But Barcelona were level within five minutes when Messi burst on to Ivan Rakitic's pass on the edge of the box and finished in style. In a see-saw contest, Rakitic put Barcelona ahead with a ferocious 73rd-minute drive before Ramos was sent off four minutes later for a two-footed lunge on Messi. Real appeared to have salvaged a point when substitute James Rodriguez converted from close range five minutes from time. But Messi had the final word with his 16th Clasico goal in La Liga matches - a record. "It was a match between two wonderful teams that gave everything to win and in truth either side could have been victorious," Enrique said. "The fact we made it 3-2 in the 92nd minute gives us a huge morale boost. "We have defended well throughout the match but we were ready to draw at the end, however that would have been a missed opportunity on our part."

Lionel Messi scored twice as Barcelona retained their La Liga lead with a thumping Wednesday win to relegate Osasuna. Messi's 501st Barca goal opened the scoring, before Andre Gomes smashed in. Roberto Torres gave the away side hope, but further strikes by Gomes and Messi, two from Paco Alcacer and Javier Mascherano's first Barca goal followed. After Messi's 12th-minute opener, fans held up their shirts as they mirrored the Argentine's celebration of a 93rd-minute winner at Real Madrid on Sunday with his 500th goal for Barca (see left column). Barca are away to Espanyol this Sunday evening.

Real Bounce Back

In the space of three months Elche have moved from possible play-off contenders, to finding themselves with a Segunda Division relegation battle on their hands, after last Saturday’s defeat condemned them to being just three points off the dropzone. Crucially they now face old rivals Almeria at home this evening, with the visitors occupying that final relegation slot, in what is now a must-win game for the Ilicitanos. Elche president, Diego Garcia, asked about the possible sacking of coach Alberto Toril after the Valladolid result, responded by saying that “there is no chance”. Not for the first time this season, the Ilicitanos decided to throw away points in the dying stage of a match, with coach Toril blaming a defensive lapse for Jose coming in with the goal in the 87th minute to give Valladolid all three points. The truth was that Elche barely looked like an attacking force in the game, with Nino once again the sole forward. The omens looked bad when De Tomás gave the home side an early advantage in the seventh minute. The reliable Borja Valle put the Ilicitanos back on level terms just three minutes later with a strike from outside the penalty area (celebrations pictured), with Armando claiming a penalty later on, but that was about it for Elche creating danger, as Valladolid took control for the rest of the first half It was all Valladolid in the second period, as Elche offered nothing at the other end, with Juan Carlos kept busy as the Elche tried to inch towards a point until Jose struck with three minutes remaining, and another woeful defeat for a side low on confidence. Whatever the Elche president has said about coach Toril’s future, defeat tonight to Almeria will make it almost impossible for Toril to continue, at least in the eyes of the Ilicitanos supporters, who have been very criticial of the quality of football that has been served up this season.


No Chance

Barcelona coach Luis Enrique has laughed at suggestions Malaga can beat Real Madrid on the final day of La Liga and help Barcelona to the title. Real will face Malaga on the last day of the campaign with head coach, and former Real player, Michel having talked up his 'Madridista' loyalty in an interview with Onda Cero radio this week, which left Luis Enrique hinting he was less than impressed. Asked if Malaga could provide an upset by beating Real, Luis Enrique replied: "If my grandmother had wheels, she would be a bicycle."

Real Madrid kept their La Liga title challenge on track with an emphatic victory over Deportivo la Coruna. Zinedine Zidane's side remain level on points with Barcelona but have a game in hand. With Cristiano Ronaldo rested, Gareth Bale injured, and Sergio Ramos suspended (see opposite page), Alvaro Morata struck after 54 seconds. A double from James Rodriguez (interview on page 47) - his first a clever flick over the goalkeeper - and further goals from Lucas Vazquez, Isco and Casemiro ensured Florin Andone and Joselu's strikes for the home side were purely consolation. Real Madrid now entertain Valencia this Saturday afternoon.

Keeper Move

Liverpool have reportedly made a bid for the Real Betis goalkeeper, Antonio Adan. The 29-year-old has made 33 La Liga appearances this season, and the former Real Madrid player still has two years to run on his current Real Betis deal. Reports from Estadio Deportivo are claiming that Liverpool and Marseille have made contact with Adan's team. Betis are thought to be demanding any club keen on him stumps up his seven million euro release fee.


Bale Out… Again!


Cup Finals Await

FIXTURES Friday 28th April 2017 LADBROKES SCOTTISH PREMIERSHIP 20:45 Ross County v Inverness Caledonian Thistle SKY BET CHAMPIONSHIP 20:45 Cardiff City v Newcastle United

Gareth Bale is likely to be out for a month after Real Madrid announced he has suffered a grade two injury calf injury, amidst speculation that he could be on the move. Bale, who suffered the injury in Real's El Clasico defeat against Barcelona at the Bernabeu on Sunday evening (see opposite), and that means he will miss the club's two Champions League semi-final clashes against Atletico Madrid. Bale had suffered a calf muscle strain earlier this month, which ruled him out of the win at Sporting Gijon just eight days before the Clasico. Manager Zinedine Zidane, who has been criticised for starting Bale in the Barcelona clash, said after the game that he did not regret his selection. "He said he was fine and excited to play," Zidane said. "I do not regret anything. I'm disappointed for him because he wanted to play and thought he was fine. But we can't control this." Meanwhile Diario Gol is suggesting that the Welshman’s latest injury has caused problems behind the scenes at the Bernabeu, as they claim Bale assured Zinedine Zidane and his coaching staff that he was 100 per cent fit to play in Sunday’s El Classico. Bale was supposed to be Cristiano Ronaldo’s successor but president Florentio Perez is now said to be considering cashing in on him, amidst rumours that Manchester United would be interesting in signing the player.

James Rodriguez said Real Madrid have five cup final games remaining in La Liga as the European champions try to pip bitter rivals Barcelona to the title. Colombian attacking midfielder James scored twice as Madrid put Deportivo La Coruna to the sword in a 62 demolition on Wednesday (see opposite page). “I feel happy and really satisfied," James said. "We played very well, with high intensity and desire. What we did out there was positive. "We have five cup final games in La Liga, which we have to go into with hunger, and we also have to think about the Champions League. "Regardless of who plays, the team always play well. When we have such opportunities, we have to do well as we did." James has found regular game time hard to come by under head coach Zinedine Zidane. The 25-year-old's situation has reportedly alerted Premier League duo Manchester United and Chelsea. James' frustrations, however, don’t seem to have not impacted his performances. "Maybe it's because we play a little and when we have those small opportunities we can do good things," he said. "The two teams [first XI and fringe players] always play well."

Jesus Return

Feud Renewed

PREMIER LEAGUE 16:00 Southampton v Hull City 16:00 Stoke City v West Ham United 16:00 Sunderland v Bournemouth 16:00 West Bromwich Albion v Leicester City 18:30 Crystal Palace v Burnley LADBROKES SCOTTISH PREMIERSHIP 13:00 Rangers v Celtic 16:00 Aberdeen v St Johnstone 16:00 Hamilton Academical v Kilmarnock 16:00 Heart of Midlothian v Partick Thistle 16:00 Motherwell v Dundee SKY BET CHAMPIONSHIP 16:00 Barnsley v Burton Albion 16:00 Birmingham City v Huddersfield Town 16:00 Blackburn Rovers v Aston Villa 16:00 Derby County v Wolverhampton Wanderers 16:00 Fulham v Brentford 16:00 Ipswich Town v Sheffield Wednesday 16:00 Leeds United v Norwich City 16:00 Preston North End v Rotherham United 16:00 Queens Park Rangers v Nottingham Forest 16:00 Reading v Wigan Athletic 18:30 Brighton & Hove Albion v Bristol City SKY BET LEAGUE TWO 16:00 Accrington Stanley v Luton Town 16:00 Barnet v Grimsby Town 16:00 Cambridge United v Crawley Town 16:00 Carlisle United v Newport County 16:00 Cheltenham Town v Hartlepool United 16:00 Doncaster Rovers v Exeter City 16:00 Leyton Orient v Colchester United 16:00 Mansfield Town v Portsmouth 16:00 Morecambe v Wycombe Wanderers 16:00 Notts County v Blackpool 16:00 Plymouth Argyle v Crewe Alexandra 16:00 Yeovil Town v Stevenage LADBROKES SCOTTISH CHAMPIONSHIP 16:00 Ayr United v Hibernian 16:00 Dunfermline Athletic v Greenock Morton 16:00 Falkirk v Queen of the South 16:00 St Mirren v Raith Rovers 18:15 Dundee United v Dumbarton LADBROKES SCOTTISH LEAGUE ONE 16:00 Alloa Athletic v Stranraer 16:00 Brechin City v Albion Rovers 16:00 East Fife v Airdrieonians 16:00 Livingston v Peterhead 16:00 Queen's Park v Stenhousemuir LADBROKES SCOTTISH LEAGUE TWO PLAY-OFF SEMI-FINAL 16:00 Buckie Thistle v East Kilbride LADBROKES SCOTTISH LEAGUE TWO 16:00 Annan Athletic v Montrose 16:00 Arbroath v Elgin City 16:00 Clyde v Berwick Rangers 16:00 Cowdenbeath v Forfar Athletic 16:00 Edinburgh City v Stirling Albion Sunday 30th April 2017

Real Madrid captain Sergio Ramos has reignited his ongoing feud with Barcelona centre-back Gerard Pique in the aftermath of Sunday's Clasico. Ramos was shown a straight red card by referee Alejandro Jose Hernandez for a wild two-footed lunge on Lionel Messi as the champions went on to record a dramatic 3-2 with, which meant he missed Wednesday’s match at Deportivo (see opposite). Real Madrid captain Sergio Ramos has reignited his ongoing feud with Barcelona centre-back Gerard Pique in the aftermath of Sunday's Clasico. Ramos was shown a straight red card by referee Alejandro Jose Hernandez for a wild two-footed lunge on Lionel Messi as the champions went on to record a dramatic 3-2 win in the Spanish capital. "For me, the red card was excessive," Ramos told Marca. "I admit that I was late after seeing it 40 times but I wasn't trying to injure anyone.” At the start of the year, Pique suggested referees in Spain favoured Real, with the defender going on to tweet images of Cristiano Ronaldo's two offside goals that helped eliminate Bayern Munich from the Champions League last week. Ramos, though, hit back, claiming: "Pique likes to talk about the referees, with so much pressure on them with his tweets and complaints all the time. I don't regret my gesture towards him, I just regret leaving my team with 10 players."

Manchester City’s Jesus Navas could be returning to his former club Sevilla, The Spanish international will be out of contract in June and has not been offered a new one at the Etihad. It’s believed that Pep Guardiola has decided Navas will be surplus to requirements, with Sevilla president Jose Castro revealing that they have contacted Navas about him going back to his old club. Navas left Sevilla to join Manchester City in 2013 and came close to going back to them on-loan earlier this season before Guardiola pulled the plug on the deal at the last minute. Castro said: "No negotiations have started, but there has been contact." Sevilla sporting director Oscar Arias reckons Navas, 31, would be an important addition to the squad and he said: "He is a first-class player who would be a very interesting option as he is a Sevillista, he is from Seville and he is an elite player. We shall see what happens." Sevilla boss Jorge Sampaoli added: "We had wanted him this season and saw the possibility to take him on loan from City. We came close, but City decided to keep him because of his performances. "To have had a home-grown player, one who has Sevilla running through his veins, would have been an extra for this club. If he comes next year, he will be an asset."

PREMIER LEAGUE 13:00 Manchester United v Swansea City 15:05 Everton v Chelsea 15:05 Middlesbrough v Manchester City 17:30 Tottenham Hotspur v Arsenal SKY BET LEAGUE ONE 13:00 AFC Wimbledon v Oldham Athletic 13:00 Bolton Wanderers v Peterborough United 13:00 Bristol Rovers v Millwall 13:00 Charlton Athletic v Swindon Town 13:00 Fleetwood Town v Port Vale 13:00 Northampton Town v Gillingham 13:00 Oxford United v Shrewsbury Town 13:00 Rochdale v Bradford City 13:00 Scunthorpe United v Coventry City 13:00 Sheffield United v Chesterfield 13:00 Southend United v Bury 13:00 Walsall v Milton Keynes Dons Monday 1st May 2017 PREMIER LEAGUE 21:00 Watford v Liverpool Tuesday 2nd May 2017 UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE - SEMI-FINALS 20:45 Real Madrid v Atlético Madrid Wednesday 3rd May 2017 UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE - SEMI-FINALS 20:45 Monaco v Juventus UEFA EUROPA LEAGUE - SEMI-FINAL 18:45 Ajax v Lyon

Information correct at time of publication but subject to change at short notice.

Saturday 29th April 2017


The IBF heavyweight world title is on the line when unbeaten holder Anthony Joshua meets challenger Wladimir Klitschko this Saturday night at London’s Wembley Stadium (start around 11.00 pm Spanish time). The fight becomes the just the second boxing event to be staged at the national football stadium after Carl Froch knocked out George Groves in the pair's rematch in May 2014. Ex-world champion Klitschko may be a fading force at 41 and coming off a defeat by Tyson Fury 18 months ago, but he is a world away from the likes of Charles Martin, who Joshua beat to win the title.


New Zealand flanker Jerome Kaino is likely to be fit for the British and Irish Lions series in June despite needing an operation on a knee injury. The 34-year-old will have surgery on a meniscus tear he sustained for Auckland Blues in Super Rugby two weeks ago. But Blues assistant coach Steve Jackson said: "I'm pretty sure he'll be fine for the Lions tour." The Lions are due to play Auckland Blues on 7 June with their first Test against the All Blacks on 24 June.


Wednesday’s Spurs late show at Crystal Palace has kept the Premier League title race very much alive, after Chelsea’s impressive win at Southampton one night earlier, writes ALEX TRELINSKI. Now all eyes turn to Sunday’s fixtures for the big two, with Chelsea at unpredictable Everton, whilst it’s North London derby time at White Hart Lane as Tottenham take on FA Cup finalists Arsenal. Traditionalists may be shedding a tear as well, as this could well be the final North London clash at the Lane, but it also one of the most important meetings in the Premier League between these sides for a long time. Spurs are looking to finish above their fierce rivals for the first time since Arsene Wenger's appointment 21 years ago (he’s still not deciding what he’s doing yet!), boasting a team arguably superior in most positions for the first time in decades. A FA Cup semi-final win over Manchester City has made slight amends for Arsenal's dire league form this season, and they go into the game in fifth place and 14 points behind Spurs. It's certainly more than pride at stake on Sunday. Two of the bottom three have Sunday matches, with clashes against the Champions League-slot chasing Manchester sides, namely Swansea at Old Trafford, and Middlesbrough entertaining Manchester City. What a great chance though on the Saturday for Hull City to put some points pressure on them, and for the Tigers to get a five point clearance above the drop zone, assuming they can win at Southampton. The latest side to get a bit too close for comfort with some relegation jitters is Burnley, who have an unwelcome visit to Crystal Palace to look forward to tomorrow, whilst already-doomed Sunderland entertain Bournemouth, with the fans wanting boss David Moyes to be shown the door. Congratulations to Newcastle United on getting promoted to the Premier League on Monday, alongside Brighton who sealed the deal last week. It appears that it will be Fulham and Leeds fighting it out for the final play-off slot, with Huddersfield already there, and Reading plus Sheffield Wednesday strong favourites to join them. At the bottom, with two matches remaining, Birmingham, who have folded like a pack of cards after the bonkers decision to dump boss Gary Rowett in the autumn, have paid a massive price. They are just two points above the relegation zone, and take on Huddersfield, with Harry Redknapp (picture below) drafted in to spare the blushes of the Blues. For the sake of the loyal Blues fans, I hope they avoid the drop, but there’s a large part of me wanting to see them relegated, just to see the St. Andrew’s lynch mobs get hold of the clueless Hong Kong owners.

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