The Courier Edition 325

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Edition 325


Friday 9th June 2017


ne of the fixers for a Torrevieja-based sex trafficking gang that used the threat of voodoo rituals to force Nigerian women into a life of prostitution has been arrested by Italian police, with the detention ending a two-year National Police operation against the trafficking gang. The detained man was in charge of taking the women from refugee camps in Italy and would then put them up in apartments, before arranging their onward journey to Spain. The fixer would then travel with them so as to get his payment directly from the traffickers in the Torrevieja area. In April last year, 11 people were arrested in Spain, Italy, and Morocco, as well as 39 victims of the Torrevieja-based gang being freed (pictured). One of those detained was a British national who lived in a cara-


van in the Torrevieja area, with the group also using a pastor of a local church as a front for some of their work. The gang was led by five woman who, according to the National Police, used the pastor from a Torrevieja church to increase their domination of the exploited females. The clergyman apparently knew the circumstances of the forced prostitutes and where they lived, and hid

documents about them in his church, as well as getting paid by the gang for his services. If the trafficked women refused to listen to orders, including not getting the right amount of money for their sexual services, they would only be fed bread and subjected to voodoo rituals in which they were forced to swallow dirty water with sand in it, as well as being forced to walk naked around

the houses they lived in. The woman were also threatened with death if they went to the police to complain. After the release of the victims in April 2016, the National Police,in conjunction with their Moroccan counterparts, successfully moved to shut down a human trafficking route run by Nigerian nationals that smuggled women into Spain in boats across the Straits of Gibraltar.


drunk and drugged up British car thief violently assaulted a Guardia Civil officer at their barracks in

Pilar de la Horadada, after he had been let out of the cells to go to the toilet. The officer had to be taken to

hospital with serious neck and face injuries, but is said to be recovering well. The incident happened on Tuesday when the owner of a stolen mustard-coloured classic Ford Escort car, worth around 15 thousand euro, went to the Guardia’s Pilar barracks to report the theft. The owner got a call from a friend that had spotted the distinctly coloured vehicle in the area, and the Guardia launched a search over a period of hours before finding the car being

driven by a 35-year-old man who was worse for wear with alcohol and drugs. He was taken to Pilar, and after time in the cells, the unidentifed Brit committed the assault after asking for a toilet break. Two Guardia officers had to pull him off their colleague, and now the car thief finds an additional charge of assaulting a “figure of authority” added to one of vehicle theft. The Ford Escort owner will have his car returned to him in the next view days.

See page 2 for the week´s forecast



Friday 9th June 2017

Running A Tab

Dry As A Bone


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The former socialistPSOE mayor of Bigastro, Raúl Valerio Medina, has accepted a one year jail sentence and agreed to pay back 14 thousand euros in a plea bargain deal at his trial in Elche this week. He was facing a four year jail sentence if a jury found him guilty of misusing a council credit card to pay for bar and restaurant bills when he was in office. Valerio Medina was accused of racking up a total of 23 thousand euro on the

card between 2009 and 2011 when he was Bigastro's mayor, with prosecutors charging him with misappropriating public money. They say the card should only have been used for basic expenses. The ex-PSOE mayor also accepted a five year ban from public office, half of what prosecutors were originally asking for. The same deal was struck with Bigastro's secretary-auditor Antonio Sasetain at this week's Elche trial.

In Memorium

Orihuela Costa Tel. 618 898 034

Julie English and Spanish Tel. 616 332 178

Patrick English, Spanish, German, Dutch and French. Tel. 685 901 265

DEADLINES Advertising Monday 12:00 Editorial Tuesday 12:00 News Thursday 12:00

San Javier council officials and workers stood in a minute’s silence on Monday lunchtime in memory of those people who lost their lives in Saturday night’s terror attack in London.

The neighbouring municipality of San Pedro del Pinatar held a similar ceremony at midday, in keeping with many other council authorities across the area and Spain.

Torrevieja recorded its driest May for 22 years according to the Mastral Project weather team. They say that their rain measuring equipment (pictured) did not even record one litre of rain per square metre last month, in stark contrast to the wet winter endured in the area. National Spanish reservoir levels stand at 55 percent, some 25 points lower than a year ago, whilst

farmers are voicing their concerns over the lack of water for their fields. Torrevieja's dry May was mirrored across Alicante Province, with suggestions that this could end up being the driest spring in 150 years. Though many areas like Torrevieja and Orihuela stayed totally dry or just had a few drops, the average rainfall for the area came in at just four and a half litres of rain per square metre. Average

temperatures for Alicante Province were two degrees above the average for May, standing at 19 degrees. The picture in the Murcia region was similar, with weather experts saying that it was the driest May in 34 years, and one of the driest ever on record. Meanwhile temperatures were one point three degrees above the average figure for last month.

A Net Return Some 43 kilometres of jellyfish protection for bathers around the Mar Menor is being put into place in the annual measures aimed at protecting beaches in the area, after the Murcia regional government changed its mind over using them this year. Tourist and environment minister Javier Celdrán joined San Pedro del Pinatar mayor Visitación Martínez to see some of the netting being put down, with the project set to be completed by next week. Local businesses went up in arms when they heard that government was not going bother this year after projections of a low number of jellyfish in the Mar Menor.

The complaints forced Uturn from the administration which has ordered the netting to provide coverage for 60 beaches.. The netting, which costs up to 500 thousand euro to

put down and maintain, will be kept in position for most of the area until the end of September, with extensions into October for some of the busier tourist spots at Los Alcazares and La Manga.


Stop Press Thursday 18:00 Published by TKO Media & Entertainment S.L. Printed by Localprint S.L Depósito legal A - 188 - 2014 ISSN 2530-6146 The Courier (Torrevieja) The Courier, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for any readers letters or claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or nonappearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.




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More Working

The number of people registered as unemployed in Spain fell by nearly 112 thousand in May compared to April's figures according to official government statistics. The yearly fall is put at just over 430 thousand people. The total number of unemployed people stands at three point four million, falling below the three and a half million mark for the first time since

February 2009, which was at the height of the recession. Employment minister Fatima Banez said:- "I am happy because Spain is witnessing an major upturn in jobs being created". Opposition parties and trade unions say that many of the new jobs are poorly paid and are on unfavourable contracts to employees. Locally, those registered as unemployed in Alicante Province stood at 157 thou-

Caught In The Act

Two Moroccan men aged in their thirties got a surprise when they were robbing a house in the Lo Pagán area of San Pedro del Pinatar as local police officers popped in to arrest them. The cops were tipped off

on Friday lunchtime by a resident on Calle Berlin that something was going on, and the officers entered the building via a patio door to arrest one of the men. The other one ran away but was caught after a chase.

Sunday Fire

Almoradi and Orihuela firefighters battled a fire on Sunday afternoon on wood and farm land off the CV-95 road in the Jacarilla area. 10 thousand square

metres of land was burnt, with the blaze brought under control after a couple of hours, with the fire teams preventing it spreading to nearby orchards.

sand, down by almost 18 thousand over the last year, and a four and a half thousand drop on the April returns, mainly due to positions being taken up in the service and hospitality sectors. The Murcia region saw a similar annual fall of nearly 14 thousand taking the figure of those registered as out of work to 105 thousand, some five thousand down on April's statistics.

A big Torrevieja-based scam involving the production of fake rental contracts, so that illegal immigrants could come to Spain has been smashed by the National Police.130 people have been arrested, 96 of which have been described as foreign citizens. 16 estate agents and three workers in Torrevieja council's census office were amongst those detained, according to the National Police. The Torrevieja councillor with responsibilty for the census office, Manuela Osasuna denied that anybody from the office had been arrested and had been assured by officials from the department that nobody had been detained. The councillor has asked for a clarification and a change in the National Police statement on the operation. The police said that around 500 people had illegally entered the country because of the criminal gang with Juan Chapapría of Torrevieja's Real Estate Association saying its members were disgusted by the news.

Failures Up

A fifth of all Spain's vehicles fail their ITV test at least once, with testers spotting up to 24 million mechanical faults annually. Lights and indicators are the most common problem, followed by tyres, wheels and suspension, according to the AECAITV motor inspectors association. A total of almost 19 per-

cent of vans and lorries failed the first time around in 2016 out of the 19.5 million which went in for inspection, some four percent more than the previous year. Of the 24 million problems found, some 7 million were classified as serious, with an average of two issues per vehicle which ended up failing the ITV examination.

Let Them In

"This seriously damages the image and reputation of the local real estate industry", said Chapapría. "Any form of corruption must be dealt with". Authorities had been investigating the illegal network for two years, after reports that Moroccans were coming to Spain illegally and living in the Murcia region via a To r r e v i e j a - b a s e d operation. False rental contracts were produced involving unoccupied and occupied properties in the Torrevieja area that were on the books of local agencies. Documents were then presented to the Foreign Residents Office in Alicante City as proof of legitimate

rental, with the applicants then able to formally register their right for their families to join them. None of them stayed at those declared Torrevieja addresses. The bogus contracts had a monthly value of 300 euro attached to them, as the estate agents produced a trail of fake payments, with the Torrevieja census office workers, according to the National Police, allegedly playing their part in making sure that everything went through smoothly. No agencies were identified and neither has a list of names and nationalities been released as yet by the National Police.

Extra Cover

Weekend lifeguard cover started last weekend on three Orihuela Costa beaches ahead of the regular summer service, with a full service planned across all of the area's beaches from this weekend. Orihuela council's beaches and coastal councillor, Luisa Boné, said that lifeguards would be on duty on

the beaches between 11:00 am and 7:00 pm, which would be extended to a 10.00 am start during the high summer season. Boné added that an ambulance would also be available, and that a weekend service would be provided after the end of the summer season on September 15th though till October 15th.


Friday 9th June 2017

Brits Love Spain

A later Easter saw an annual Spanish foreign tourist rise of seven percent in April, compared to a year earlier, with British holidaymakers dominating the market as predictions of a Brexit-led downturn have failed to materialise. The figures were even more dramatic in the Valencia region, with most of the visitors heading towards the tourist resorts of Alicante

Province. As opposed to April 2016, numbers were up by over 16 percent, with British tourists accounted for over 37 percent of the figures. Foreign visitors to the Valencia region are up by over 17 percent over the first four months of 2017, compared to what was a record-breaking period in 2016. There were 116 thousand overseas visitors to the

Murcia region in April, a 12 month rise of almost six percent over a year, and an accumulated rise over the first third of 2017 of almost 15 percent taking the numbers to 281 thousand. Nearly 42 percent of those were British, making it statisticaly the most "Brit-friendly" area in the whole of mainland Spain, with French tourists coming a distant second at 15 percent

Foul Fines

Iberdrola Con

A scam involving fake emails sent allegedly from the Iberdrola electricity company has been unmasked by the National Cyber-Security Institute (INCIBE). NCIBE says fraudulent mails have been received by customers explaining that an error in

their billing system means they are now due a refund for overpayment. It asks the user to click on a link, which takes customers to a website that appears to be Iberdrola's, and prompts them to give their personal data and bank account details. Once

this information has been disclosed, the scammers then help themselves to victims' funds. Iberdrola does not ask for bank details via e-mail as it has all the bank details already which they use to process customer direct debits.

Rajoy’s Date Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy will give evidence next month in a major corruption trial involving past and present members of the ruling Partido Popular. Rajoy had asked to testify by video, but the court has ordered that he must appear in person at San Fernando de Henares near Madrid on July 26th. The so-called Gurtel trial revolves around a big payola plan that allegedly helped to finance the Partido Popular.

Moix Mess

Elche’s local police appear to be getting tough on dog owners who let their pets foul streets across the municipality. 191 fines have been issued so far this year, as opposed to just 66 tickets

that were handed out in the whole of 2016. A total of 15 thousand euro worth of fines have been collected with penalties starting at 125 euro for a first offence.

The council earlier this year launched a major campaign to stop dog fouling, with around 50 thousand “poop bags” being distributed via 100 dispensers across Elche.

Spain's leading anti-corruption prosecutor has quit over increased pressure involving revelations over an involvement in an offshore company in Panama. Attorney General Jose Manuel Maza said that that Manuel Moix had resigned "for personal reasons" just three months after getting the job. Manuel Maza added that Moix had done nothing wrong. The resignation came after newspaper revelations that Moix owned a quarter of

the Panamanian company that he had inherited from his father. Moix said he had

only knew the company existed when his father passed away five years ago.


Benidorm Quiz

A judge has placed five British men who were in a Benidorm holiday apartment when a Scots holidaymaker fell to her death from its balcony, under formal investigation. Kirsty Maxwell, 27, from West Lothian, died after she walked uninvited into their apartment as they partied after a night out on April 29th. Her family’s lawyer had called for all of those present to be placed under formal investigation, which will see them questioned in court next month.

Previously only one, Joseph Graham, 32, was under official investigation. Now Judge Ana Isabel Garcia-Galbis of the Benidorm court is to formally investigate Ricky Gammon, 31, Anthony Holehouse, 34, Callum Northridge, 27, and Daniel Bailey, 32. The Maxwells’ lawyer, Luis Miguel Zumaquero, had called for them to be questioned in court as “investigados” – a legal team which means “under investigation”. The judge has set aside

the morning of July 26th for questioning. She has also said she will ask the British police whether the so-called five men have criminal records. She agreed to other demands made by the lawyer, including the questioning in court of a receptionist at the apartment block. None of the five have been formally accused of any crime as is customary in Spain when charges are only formally laid out, shortly before a case begins.



Friday 9th June 2017

A Fatal Punch

Prosecutors are calling for four years behind bars for 46-year old British ex-boxer, Robert Gray, after he was charged with homicide following a fatal punch in April last year which caused the death of 42-year old, Terrance Wilmot. The victim suffered a skull fracture after hitting the ground outside a Javea bar,

with Gray’s trial starting in Denia last week. Defence solicitor Mariana Ivanov has said Gray is innocent of the charge, whilst prosecutors are also calling for 80 thousand euro of compensation to be paid to Wilmot’s family. The incident happened outside the Carnaval Cocktail Bar on Paseo David

Ferrer, with suggestions that Wilmot had been continually provoking Gray who was with his girlfriend, and that the ex-boxer had calmly brushed aside his taunts. Both men were said to have been drinking together during the afternoon and a heated verbal exchange followed inside the bar in midevening.

The row turned nasty outside as Gray left with his partner to go to their car. Following this, Wilmot allegedly grabbing and assaulting him, with Gray retaliating by felling Wilmot with a single punch, before leaving the scene with his girlfriend. Gray was released on bail in June last year.



Friday 9th June 2017

Bang On Cue

Silent Success

With cash still rolling in, at least 2,200 euro was raised by eight pool players in a 24hour non-stop challenge in aid of the Paul Cunningham Nurses charity. The event was organised by Mil Palmeras resident Phill Sutton (pictured) with the money “bagged up” and staged at Moores Bar in Cago Roig. A presentation to the charity will staged at the bar this Monday afternoon (June 12th) at 3.00 pm. Three and a half thousand euro was raised for local charities last week, thanks to the Studio 32 production of Mack and Mabel staged at San Fulgencio’s Cardenal Belluga Theatre. The musical story of the silent movies was a huge hit, and went down well for the

packed houses with Studio 32 chairman Philip Wilson saying:“It’s wonderful to be able to deliver this level of entertainment to audiences whilst raising much needed money for local charities. I’m very proud of everyone who has worked so hard to achieve

what we have with this production.” After a brief break for the summer, Studio 32 will start work on their winter show, which will be Irving Berlin’s White Christmas. For more about group, you can visit their website, at

In The Pink Singing Together

The Velvetones Harmony Chorus took to the road recently to perform a selection of songs at the Mi Sol campsite in Torrevieja. An appeciative audience enjoyed what they heard,

and the Velvetones hope to return for a charity event there in September. The Velvetones is a great social group that besides singing, enjoying raising money for local charities. To find out

more, then pop along on a Wednesday morning from 10.00 am at the El Paraiso Restaurant in Torrevieja, or visit the website www. velvetonesharmonytorrevieja .com for further details.

Open House

The Elche Children's Care Home recently opened its doors for their annual open day, which allowed volunteers and supporters of the charity to enjoy an afternoon in the company of the teenagers who they support during the year. The young-

sters performed some flamenco dancing, and served up a BBQ to the guests and helped with the guided tours of the home. Bouquets were presented by the Charity to Sue Reader, Pat Milligan, Joan Rampton, Marlene Brown, and Ann Bartlett who

have been staunch supporters of the charity throughout the years. Presents were also given to the ECCH volunteers from the children, and also gifts handmade by the children were given out to all the guests.

The big annual Playa Flamenca-based fund-raising Walk For Life organised by Maria and the Pink Ladies is set to raise another five-figure sum for the AECC cancer charity. The five kilometre event took place on Sunday, with

Summer Date

Age Concern Costa Blanca South will be putting on their annual summer fair at their Torrevieja headquarters tomorrow (Saturday June 10th). The event starts at 11.00am at the charity’s building in La Siesta on Calle Paganini, with a raffle and tombola, plus some Morris Dancing. More details on 966 786 887.

over 400 people doing the walk, many of them being sponsored by their friends and families. the final total raised will not be declared for a few weeks, but normally it is comfortably over 10 thousand euro, with last year’s figure coming to 13

and a half thousand euros, though a hundred more people took part 12 months ago. After the walk, free entertainment was provided by local entertainers on the Playa Flamenca promenade, with everybody giving their services free of charge.



Friday 9th June 2017

New Surfaces

Road and pavement improvements costing 140 thousand euro have been finished in eight streets around Catral.

The work, funded by Alicante Provincial Council, has seen new surfaces and road markings laid down, as well as speed

bumps placed on Avenida de Callosa and better rainwater collection points to reduce flooding during storms

Quick Fix A temporary seaside promenade is to be laid down at the Mar Menor resort of Los Urrutias, after complaints from residents and business owners over the state of the walkway. A mixture of concrete and compacted soil is to be put in at various stretches by Cartagena council as a quick fix enabling pushchair and wheelchair users to move around more easily. No details have been given over a permanent solution from the Cartagena administration.

Always Ready

Orihuela council's emergency team has been doubled to eight people to cover the summer season, with the enhancement running until the end of September.

The authority's emergencies councillor Victor Valverde said that the team would be on stand-by to deal with any fires or incidents on the Orihuela Costa and inland, with a

special emphasis on preventative fire measures in risky areas like the Dehesa de Campoamor and the Sierra Oriolana. Farm fires are now banned until October.

Brighter Pilar

Pilar de la Horadada council is to take out a zero interest loan, to be paid back over a decade, to fund

improvements to street lighting in the municipality. The loan, worth nearly half a million euro, will see

the funding of energy efficient lighting which would be installed in several streets.

How Much Will Brits Returning to the UK from Spain Actually Cost?


Keith Littlewood, International Financial Adviser at Blacktower, Costa Cálida

The discussions around Brexit negotiations postelection have now centered around the tens of thousands of expat pensioners across the EU that may return to the UK if the country fails to secure reciprocal healthcare rights after Brexit, with the cost of treating them on the NHS likely to double, warns a report by health charity The Nuffield Trust. British citizens living in the European Economic Area (EEA), made up of EU member states, Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein, have the right to go to any member state and receive public healthcare, which is then claimed back from the UK Government. Currently, the UK gives about £500m (€575m, $641m) a year to EU countries that care for the 190,000 Brits who have retired abroad. An estimated 70,000 retired Brits living in Spain use the country’s health system. If pensioners currently receiving healthcare through European Union agreements are forced to

returning, so fingers crossed they will get things right. In today’s financial climate, it is essential you do everything you can to make sure your money is safe and secure and what you want to transpire in the future has the best chance of happening.If you need advice or if have any questions regarding the above, you can contact me, Keith Littlewood DipPFS, on 657 684 094 or email keith.littlewood@blacktow

return, caring for them in the UK would double this part of the NHS bill to £1bn according to The Nuffield Trust The NHS has always been a political football, with the opposition to governments always claiming that the NHS is in a worse position than it previously was. It is a fact now though that the NHS is under more pressure than it has ever been before, not

only with the funding measures but by the lack of beds in hospitals, increasing needs of immigrants, time constraints on GPs and huge problems with being able to recruit and retain staff. If the Brexit negotiations are not handled well, the UK could find itself with a system that is not only unaffordable, but notable to provide a service at all. If expats in Spain are unable to use the Spanish

system, then the influx of pensioners heading back and needing care would have an immediate impact on the health service. The ones remaining in Spain would be the ones able to afford private healthcare, the better off who would normally pay taxes into the system. When I speak to clients now, the number one factor impacting whether they will return to the UK is

healthcare. When investing their money, clients are more frequently asking for investments that would be portable should they move back to the UK. It seems to me that the new Government and any negotiating team in place must make healthcare for expats living in the EU their top priority. Spain does not want the people to leave and, to be frank, the UK cannot cope with people

The above information was correct at the time of preparation and does not constitute investment advice and you should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity. Blacktower Financial Management (Int) Ltd is licensed in Gibraltar by the Financial Services Commission (FSC) and is registered with both the DGS and CNMV in Spain.


Adoption Corner


Friday 9th June 2017


ANYA Anya is one of five puppies brought into the SAT kennels from an original litter of eight, and they were left in a box outside someone´s house. They are putting on weight well and are very happy, playful puppies. They are around three months old and are believed to be Boxer/Greyhound crossbreeds. They will be fully vaccinated and micro chipped before going to their forever home. For more details, please call 966 710 047 or email

JACKSON Jackson is a rescue dog that is aged around eight months. He is in a loving foster home with lots of other cats and dogs and gets on very well with both, but now needs a place of his own. Jackson is the sweetest boy who behaves very well and has a gentle soul and is very affectionate. For more details on this adorable boy, please phone PEPA on 650 304 746 or email

LEO Leo is a gorgeous dog that loves to play and will quite happily sit on your lap weighing in at around eight kilos. He’s around three years old and gets his confidence from other dogs, but becomes uncertain when they are not around. He will need time to settle in and once he has done that, you will have a friend for life. For more on Leo, please call PEPA helpline on 650 304 746 or email


Nico is an eight-year- old French Bulldog and was recently rescued from a puppy farm along with 13 other dogs. Nico is great with other dogs and cats and is chipped. He is a very laid back dog who just wants a quiet life after all he’s been through. If you can help Nico, then please phone Pets in Spain on 645 469 253.

Cats are fascinating creatures to live with but sometimes their behaviour intrigues, perplexes and even frustrates owners. Here are some insights into the minds and behaviour of cats and why they do what they do. Peeing on personal belongings Cats like their environment to have their scent, so when foreign-smelling objects invade their space, they will often choose to mingle their familiar scent with the new one. One of the most effective ways of transferring scent is to urinate or spray on objects.While it may seem disgusting to you that your cat has urinated in your suitcase or embarrassing that they have sprayed over your friend's handbag, this behaviour may actually be relieving some of the anxiety your feline friend is feeling.You can prevent this happening by being very tidy with your belongings and by relieving your cat's anxiety. Rubbing Cats love to rub up against their owners. This movement may involve their entire body or sometimes just their foreheads and cheeks. Most owners see this as a sign of affection and welcome this behaviour.When cats rub against objects, they are transferring their scent. It is almost as if they are claiming ownership and we are one of their belongings. Your cat head-butting or nuzzling your face deposits scent from glands in their cheek area. Their weaving through your legs, usually as you prepare to feed them, transfers scent from their sides and tails on to you. This behaviour is also an effective way of making sure that they have your full attention. Scratching Cats need to scratch surfaces to sharpen their claws but they also use this behaviour to deposit their scent. Cats have scent glands on their paws and rubbing their paws along objects places their scent there.If your cat has the annoying habit of scratching furniture, it is often because this is an area that attracts many different scents. The sides of sofas, for example, are favoured areas and these may have the scents of outdoors, our guests, our bags or shoes. In performing the scratching behaviour, your cat

SAVANNAH Savannah is a young beautiful female dog, who is largesized and has recently arrived at the Los Infiernos Perrera in San Javier. She would make a great companion, and if you could give her a nice forever home, then get in touch. All adoptions from Los Infiernos are subject to a home check. E-mail or check out the Facebook page, Los Infiernos Perrera Supporters.

replaces the foreign scent with their own. If scratching is a problem, then scratching posts are a must. Place these in areas that cats like to scratch and then gradually move them towards your preferred location. There is no use hiding scratching posts in corners, as cats need to scratch in prominent areas. They also often like to scratch at different angles so provide horizontal and vertical scratching surfaces. Meowing Cats meow to communicate with humans. This endearing method of speech is heard in young kittens, to get their mother's attention but is rarely heard between cats. So when your cat meows to you, it is a special form of cat-tohuman conversation.You can encourage your cat's meow by responding to it. Alternatively, if your cat talks too much, you should ignore the meows and respond when they are quiet. Kneeding Cats kneed prior to relaxing. This involves pacing with their paws, on top of a soft object - usually a bed, a blanket or our lap. Some cats will purr or even drool at the same time. Kneeding is often a pleasant behaviour - until the claws come out.Kneeding first begins when kittens are suckling milk from their mother, the padding behaviour stimulating milk release. Cats carry on with this behaviour, perhaps to recreate pleasant feelings, to create a comfortable spot or to place their scent on the underlying object.If you enjoy your cat on your lap but can't stand the claws, keep their claws trimmed and place a thick blanket between you and your cat. Swishy Tail Cats communicate to other cats and to humans using feline body language. The tail is an important part of this communication.A swishy tail signals high arousal, often due to anger or play. The swishing tail is a warning – of impending attack. If your cat holds their body low and the tail begins swishing, look out. They are probably about to pounce. Direct their energy onto appropriate toys and enjoy!

TRIXIE Trixie is a lovely girl that is great to walk and she is very friendly with all the other dogs at the Los Infiernos Perrera. If you would like to offer Trixie a forever home, then get in touch via e-mail, or sent a private message on the Facebook page of Los Infiernos Perrera Supporters. All adoptions are subject to a home check.


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Friday 9th June 2017 ADVERTORIAL

A HOLIDAY WITHOUT YOUR PET IS NOT A REAL HOLIDAY Maybe you are thinking about visiting your country this summer taking your cat or dog away with you. If this is the case you should check if the PET passport is due and if your insurance extends abroad (in some cases, cover for travel abroad could be an add-on to your existing policy that you need to apply for separately). When you travel in Europe, the requirements will not vary much from one country to another. In both the European Union and most other countries, the PET TRAVEL SCHEME is unified. This document is valid for dogs, cats and ferrets and contains the animal's whole health history and all its identifying data and also those that refer to the owner. The Passport must be processed through a veterinarian. It must be taken into account that, in a generalised way, travel is not allowed with animals under three months. If you are one of those who likes the option of travelling by car, whether near or far, here aresome tips to make the road more than comfortable to your most loyal friend: 1. Keep your pets safe and secure in a well-ventilated carrier. There are a variety of wire mesh, hard plastic and soft-sided carriers available. Whatever you choose, make sure it is large enough for your pet to stand, sit, lie down and turn around in. It would be good to get your pet used to the carrier in the comfort of your home before your trip. And please be sure to always secure the crate so it won’t slide or shift in the event of a quick stop. 2. Your pet’s travel-feeding schedule should start with a light meal three to four hours prior to departure. Don’t feed your pet in a moving vehicle - even if it is a long drive. 3. Never leave your animal alone in a parked vehicle. On a hot day, even with the windows open, a parked automobile can become a furnace in no time, and heatstroke can develop. In cold weather, a car can act as a refrigerator, holding in the cold and causing the animal to freeze to death. 4. What’s in your pet’s traveling kit? In addition to travel papers, food, bowl, leash, a waste scoop, plastic bags, grooming supplies, medication and a pet first-aid kit, pack a favorite toy or pillow to give your pet a sense of familiarity. 5. Make sure your pet has a microchip for identification and wears a collar with a tag imprinted with your home address, as well as a temporary travel tag with your cell phone, destination phone number and any other relevant contact information. 6. Don't allow your pet to ride with his head outside the window. He could be injured by flying objects. And please keep him in the back seat in his crate or with a harness attached to a seat buckle. 7. Opt for bottled water or tap water stored in plastic bottles. Drinking water from an area he’s not used to could result in tummy upset for your pet. In any case, you must consider that there are many different pet insurance policies on the market, but LIBERTY SEGUROS is the only company that offers the best possible cover across the European Union at an affordable price, leaving you with total peace of mind knowing that your pet is covered against accidents and illness as well as public liability, telephone assistance, stay in kennels/cattery if owner is in hospital, help with expenses for finding your pet when lost and much more! Liberty Seguros can be contacted by telephone on 913 422549 for the name of your nearest broker or agent, or visit for more information on all the insurances they offer.


Off The Road All of Alicante Province's 30 driving test examiners based at the Alicante and Elche test centres, along with their colleagues from Murcia, refused to test new drivers last Friday in protest against the DGT traffic authority not giving them a pay rise that was promised two years ago. Examiners from across Spain held a demonstration in Madrid (pictured). Examiners are set to strike every Monday from mid-June to the end of July, whilst the industrial action will be paused in August, ahead of an indefinite strike that has been called by the examiners union ASEXTRA for September. The union claims that seven thousand tests will have to be cancelled every day and that the DGT would

lose over a million euro per strike day in lost fees. ASEXTRA also says that poor pay is meaning a short-

age of examiners which is leading their members to do an average of over a dozen tests each day.

Shocking End

A 42-year-old man died after being electrocuted in his Orihuela area home on Saturday afternoon.

The Spaniard was doing some work in his garage on Calle Hermandad Auroros in Hurchillo when

he suffered the fatal shock. Paramedics attended but were unable to revive him.

Killer Bees

A 70-year-old Norwegian man was stung to death by a swarm of bees in the Mijas area of Malaga Province last Friday. Guardia Civil officers responded an emergency

call from a woman that was walking her dog and spotted the body with a shirt pulled over his head. He had suffered stings all over his body except his face and head, due to hav-

ing used his T-shirt to keep them off. It is not known how or why the bees attacked him, but the Guardia said the footpath that he was using ran next to a hive.

Pedal Power Up to a thousand cyclists took to Torrevieja’s roads on Sunday to call for better safety measures after a spate of recent incidents, including the tragedy in the northern Costa Blanca where a drunk driver mowed down a group of triathletes. The cyclists took a route from the Palacio de los Deportes to Torrevieja’s City Hall, where they took part in a minute’s silence to

remember riders who have lost their lives on the road

(photo from Torrevieja).


Quicker Flow The owners of AlicanteElche airport say that they will increase staffing for the peak high season to provide a “better service” for passengers. AENA are planning to focus extra resources in July and August, with additional people manning information desks, as well as more staff provided at passport control, following major delays last month. Meanwhile, the National Police have ramped up inspections on non-Spanish registered cars coming to and from the airport, with delays being caused during the spot

checks. One vehicle was witnessed by a Courier

reporter on Tuesday being loaded onto a Grua vehicle.

Revived Ring A 405 thousand euro tender is to be advertised to convert Orihuela City’s derelict bull ring into a multipurpose entertainment venue catering for up to 2,800 people. Plans were announced for the project were announced last autumn, but it has taken the best part of a year for a contract to be published, which is now set to be finishe by May 2018. The works would preserve the historical aspects of the arena, which will feature an exhibition hall, a playground, as well as catering and toilet facilities.


Friday 9th June 2017

Schooner Survey

Torrevieja council is to spend around 19 thousand euro to see what repairs are needed to the Pascual Flores schooner, one of the ships that were used on the classic BBC TV series The Onedin Line.

Nothing has happened since March last year when the authority said they wanted the municipality-owned replica schooner to be turned into a floating museum or to become a working vessel to be used as a

marine laboratory or for outreach activities. Over six million euro has been spent on the ship so far over the years, which is regarded as a symbol to the old local tradition of shipbuilding.

Cheap Banco The Santander bank is to buy the struggling Banco Popular for just one euro after European Central Bank regulators determined that the troubled lender was likely to fail and ordered it to be sold. Santander will raise about seven billion euro through a rights issue to bolster Banco Popular's balance sheet. As part of the deal Santander will take on Banco Popular's debt, which

is the true cost of the deal rather than the nominal 1 euro selling price. Banco Popular had been

attempting to raise funds in recent weeks by selling off stakes and assets in joint ventures.



Friday 9th June 2017

Food & Drink

Olive Plait Bread Ingredients 500g strong white bread flour 10g instant yeast 7g salt 20ml olive oil 330ml water 200g pitted black olives ½ onion -diced 1 bunch fresh coriander 200g sesame seeds, optional Method 1. Place the flour in a large mixing bowl and add the salt to one side and the yeast to the other. 2. Add the olive oil and three quarters of the water. Turn the mixture round with your fingers; continue adding the remaining water until all the flour has been incorporated. 3. You may not need all the water. Pour a little oil onto your work surface. Tip the dough onto the surface and knead for 5-10 minutes until it's smooth. 4. Place the dough back into the bowl and add the olives, onions and coriander and knead until well incorporated. Cover and leave to prove for 1-2 hours or until doubled in size. 5. Line a baking tray with parchment paper. Tip the dough onto a lightly floured surface

and fold the dough inwards repeatedly until all the air is knocked out. 6. Divide the dough into seven equal pieces. Flatten each piece of dough and then roll into ropes approximately 60cm in length. Try to keep each length of the dough the same thickness. 7. Dust the work surface and line the ropes of dough vertically. Pinch the ropes of dough together at the top to secure them, divide the ropes so you have 3 on one side and 4 on the other. Starting from the outside and working towards the middle, take the outside rope on the right and place it over 1 rope and under 2 ropes. Straightening the lengths of rope as you go, each time having 3 ropes on one side and 4 on the other. 8. Do the same starting from the left side taking it over 1 rope and under 2 ropes. Repeat this sequence until the whole loaf is plaited. When you get to the end, pinch the dough together to neaten. Roll in the sesame seeds if using. Place the plait onto the prepared tray. Cover and leave to prove for 45 minutes or until risen and doubled in size. 9. Heat your oven to 200°C/Gas Mark 6. Bake the bread for 30-35 minutes until risen and golden brown. Cool on a wire rack.

Ribbony Prawns and Spaghetti



225g wholewheat spaghetti 1 yellow squash 1 courgette 450g peeled and deveined medium prawns, tails removed Freshly ground black pepper Salt 2 tablespoons olive oil Handful cherry tomatoes, halved 4 cloves garlic, finely chopped Pinch crushed red chilli flakes, optional 120ml low-sodium vegetable or chicken stock 2 tablespoons chopped fresh chives

Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add the spaghetti and cook according to package directions for al dente. While the pasta cooks, trim the top and bottom off of each squash. Peel the squash in ribbons into a colander, using a vegetable peeler, turning the squash as you peel. Stop peeling the squash when you only have the center core of seeds left. Discard the core and seeds. Reserve 60ml cup of the pasta water, and then drain the pasta over the squash ribbons. Put in a medium bowl and toss to evenly distribute the pasta with the squash ribbons. Toss the prawns with 1/2 teaspoon salt and some pepper. Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a large pan over medium-high heat. Add the shrimp, spread into a single layer and cook without stirring, until just turning pink around the edges, about 2 minutes. Stir the shrimp, add the tomatoes, garlic and pepper flakes and continue to cook until the tomatoes have softened and the garlic has toasted, about 1 minute. Add the pasta and squash ribbons, broth and the remaining 1 tablespoon olive oil. Cook, tossing, until warmed through and most of the liquid has been absorbed. Add the pasta water a bit at a time, if needed, if the noodles seem dry. Season with additional salt and pepper. Divide among 4 bowls and top with the chives.

Food & Drink

Pressure Cooker Beef Stroganoff

Ingredients 750g lean beef chuck, cut into 1-inch pieces Salt and freshly ground black pepper 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 medium onion, chopped 240ml dry white wine 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard 1 tablespoon plain flour 240ml low-sodium beef broth 450g whole white button mushrooms 3 carrots, cut into 1/2-inch chunks 2 stalks celery, chopped 60g cream cheese 2 tbsp roughly chopped fresh parsley 440g wholewheat egg noodles or pasta

Heat the oil in a pressure cooker over medium-high heat. Add the beef and cook, stirring occasionally, until browned on all sides, about 4 minutes. Add the onions and cook, stirring frequently, until the onions soften and begin to brown, about 4 minutes. Add the white wine, mustard and flour, bring to a simmer and cook until reduced by half, about 2 minutes. Add the beef broth, mushrooms, carrots and celery. Secure the pressure cooker lid and bring to high pressure over medium heat. Once at high pressure, cook for 18 minutes. Remove from the heat and, using the quick-release valve, carefully open. Stir in the neufchatel, parsley and salt and pepper to taste. Meanwhile, bring a pot of water to a boil and cook the egg noodles according to package directions. Drain and keep warm.

Method Toss the beef with 1/2 teaspoon each salt and pepper.

Divide the noodles and beef stroganoff evenly among 6 serving bowls.



Friday 9th June 2017

Food & Drink

Peach and Goat's Cheese Napoleons



4 tablespoons unsalted butter (1/2 stick) 2 whole green cardamom pods or 1/2 stick cinnamon 18 dried peaches (about 14 ounces) 4 ounces fresh goat's cheese, softened 1/4 cup double cream 1 tablespoon honey, plus extra for drizzling 1/4 teaspoon finely grated orange zest, plus extra for garnish 2 tablespoons finely chopped pistachios Coarse sea salt, optional

Heat 2 1/2 cups water, the butter and cardamom in a medium saucepan over medium heat just to a simmer. Add the peaches, reduce the heat to low and cook until the peaches are very tender but not falling apart, 25 to 30 minutes. Cool in the liquid about 15 minutes and then drain and cool the fruit to room temperature. (This can also be done a couple hours ahead and the peaches can be left in the liquid until ready to assemble.) Blend the goat's cheese with the cream, honey and orange zest in a small bowl. To assemble, pat the peaches dry with paper towels if very wet and place 6 on a large serving plate. Top each peach with some of the cheese mixture, a sprinkle of pistachios and another peach, followed by more cheese and pistachios and a third peach. Garnish each napoleon with a drizzle of honey, some more pistachios and a light sprinkling of orange zest and sea salt, if using.

Pimped-up Prosecco

Ingredients 1 bottle Prosecco 1 clementine , juice of ½-1 lime , juice of 1 good squeeze pomegranate juice ½ passionfruit , flesh of ¼ grapefruit , juice of 1 good splash elderflower or blackcurrant cordial


Pop a mixture of champagne flutes and saucers into the freezer about an hour before you need them so that they’re lovely and cold. When you’re ready to serve, start squeezing the fruit juice into the chilled glasses, and adding cordial to some of the others, then top up with Prosecco and serve! Play around with different combinations, add bits of fruit to the glasses, whatever you like…

Food & Drink




Friday 9th June 2017

Sunscreen Review 2017: Watchdog Claims One Sun Lotion ‘Didn’t Pass SPF Test’ A report by Which? has found that an Avon sun lotion ‘does not offer the protection it claims to’. The consumer watchdog assessed a total of 14 sunscreen products from high street brands and found that one sunscreen, Avon’s Sun+Multi Protection Moisturising Sun Lotion SPF30 didn’t pass the SPF tests. The sun lotion has since been labelled a ‘Don’t Buy’ product by Which?. The other 13 products tested passed the British Standard SPF and UVA tests, the watchdog said. This included products from international brands like Hawaiian Tropic and Nivea. Which? said it believes consumers need the reassurance that any product they buy is safe and lives up to its claims. The consumer organisation said it now wants to see more frequent testing of sunscreens by manufacturers, the addition of a use-by date, as well as the removal of confusing water resistance claims on sunscreens and SPF numbers on makeup products. Richard Headland, editor of Which? Magazine, said: “It’s disappointing to see that, although most sunscreens

passed our test, one didn’t provide the claimed level of protection. “Manufacturers should only be selling products that live up to their claims which is why Which? will continue to monitor and challenge the industry.” In response to the report, a spokesperson for Avon said: “We have full confidence in our SPF (Sun Protection Factor) testing, which is performed according to internationally recognised, regulatory approved protocols by external laboratories with specific expertise in conducting these kinds of tests. “We stand by the results of our testing which is performed in accordance with these requirements and shows Avon Sun+ Multi Protection Moisturising Sun Lotion to have SPF30.” They added: “Avon has over 100 years’ experience in developing and manufacturing award winning beauty products that meet and exceed global industry standards. Customers can buy Avon products with full confidence that they perform both safely and effectively.” As part of the review, the watchdog also listed four reasons why sunscreens might not be as safe as people think.

Last year, Which? tested four ‘once a day’ sunscreens to see whether they provided day-long protection. It found that none of them did – the average drop in SPF after 6-8 hours was 74%, meaning a hypothetical SPF30 product would drop to just SPF8. It also said manufacturers test products before they go to market, but they may not be tested again for years. Meanwhile proactive regular checking of products on shop shelves by manufacturers isn’t compulsory. There is also a lack of use-

by dates, it said. Use-by dates are not compulsory in the UK – here a ‘period after opening’ logo is used instead. However Which? thinks use-by dates are easier to identify and understand. Finally, they addressed the SPF claims that are used on makeup. “For any product to offer the SPF it claims, you need to apply 2mg per cm2 – around a teaspoon of product would need to be applied to your face,” the watchdog said. “And it needs to be regularly reapplied. In reality people

are unlikely to apply the amount of make-up required – in the case of foundation, that would mean a 30ml bottle would only last six applications.” Dr Chris Flower, toxicologist, chartered biologist and director-general of the Cosmetic, Toiletry and Perfumery Association (CTPA), said he is concerned that the report may “discourage consumers from using them [sunscreens]” and “they might miss out on the important sun protection these provide”. “We are disappointed that Which? would release a public-facing report questioning the strict legislation and proven scientific testing that sit behind sunscreen safety without apparently seeking input from the UK regulatory bodies or dermatologists,” he said. “We would like to reassure consumers, categorically, that they can trust the SPF of their sunscreens. In contrast to the one-off testing carried out by Which?, cosmetics companies don’t just rely on one phase of testing to determine the SPF number, but test sunscreens at various stages of their development to ensure they get consistent, proven

results throughout. “Because of the vital role sunscreens play, they are one of the most studied and tested of all cosmetics products. The British Skin Foundation recommends using sunscreens as part of a sunsafe regime, along with keeping covered up and seeking out shade during the hottest parts of the day.” Dr Anjali Mahto, consultant dermatologist and British Skin Foundation spokesperson, said: “Keeping the skin in good condition and protected from sun damage is paramount. There is no doubt that sunscreen limits exposure to the sun’s harmful UV rays and I have no hesitation in directing my patients to choose a suitable sunscreen from any number of those available on the UK market today. “I would be worried if the Which? report caused consumers to stop using sunscreen unnecessarily. It’s important to remember that sunscreens are one part of a sunsafe regime, along with seeking shade when possible, particularly between 11am and 3pm, and wearing loose-fitting clothing and a wide-brimmed hat, and they should never be used to stay out longer in the sun.”

Does meditation carry a risk of harmful side effects? "Meditation can leave you feeling even more stressed," recents reports say. The claim is prompted by a study of 60 practitioners of Buddhist meditation in the US which found they'd had a range of "challenging or difficult" experiences associated with the practice. However, it's not clear how relevant the results are to the majority of people who use meditation apps or take mindfulness classes. The study only included people in Western countries

who meditated within one of three Buddhist traditions, and – importantly – who'd had negative experiences. So the numbers of people in the study reporting, for example, fear, is only representative of people who'd said they had a negative

experience through meditation, not of all people meditating. The study does make an important point, however, at a time when mindfulness and meditation has become more popular, that the effects of meditation are not always positive or harmless. Some people in the study reported feeling depressed or suicidal, and a few needed treatment in hospital as a result. Classical Buddhist literature discusses potential pitfalls of mindfulness and meditation, such as makyō (hallucinations) and "Zen sickness" – a sense of imbalance and loss of identity. So these warnings should not be glossed over by teachers of Buddhist inspired techniques. Also, healthcare practitioners who recommend meditation need to be aware of the associated risks.



Are Deodorants Contributing to Breast Cancer? Deodorants most likely contribute to cancer since many core ingredients of deodorants are confirmed cancer-causing chemicals. A study carried out at the University of Geneva in 2016 found that women who regularly use deodorants have an increased risk of developing breast cancer. Toxic chemicals are a leading cause of many chronic diseases including cancer, and the breasts are susceptible to damage by toxins due to their high-fat content which readily dissolves and stores toxic chemicals. Also, surrounding the breasts are a dense cluster of lymph nodes and vessels that drain and store toxins from the rest of the body, which further increases the risk of contracting breast cancer. Using deodorants under

the arms may expose the breasts to chemical toxins which are absorbed through the skin and into the lymph nodes. And from the lymph nodes, these toxins will continually leach into the breast tissue and cause diseases such as cancer, especially if the lymph drainage system

is dysfunctional. The main ingredient in most deodorants is Aluminium which is added to block sweat pores and eliminate the foul order produced by bacteria living in the armpits. But aluminium is toxic to the body and a well-known carcinogen

(cancer-causing compound). Aluminium alters DNA, the blueprint that regulates normal bodily functions, leading to dysfunction and disease. Aluminium also promotes oestrogen production in the body, and high oestrogen encourages the

growth of breast cancer. Most deodorants contain a toxic form of aluminium salt called aluminium chlorohydrate which readily penetrates the skin. But not all forms of aluminium salts used in deodorants are harmful. Natural Alum deodorants contain non-

toxic aluminium salts that do not leach into the body. Deodorants typically contain toxic preservatives called parabens known to cause cancer. A 2015 study by the Silent Spring Institute in Nevada, found that parabens fuelled the growth of breast cancer cells. Other past studies also came to the same conclusion. Parabens have been identified in virtually all breast cancer tissue examined. Deodorants that contain natural Alum salts are now the preferred choice for a growing number of women. ' Paraben Free' deodorants are also becoming common and are a good place to start with deodorants. Call MedB Clinic for a Full Body Scan: 965 071 745, 966 189 074 or visit

Ultra-tough antibiotic to fight superbugs US scientists have reengineered a vital antibiotic in a bid to wipe out one of the world's most threatening superbugs. Their new version of vancomycin is designed to be ultra-tough and appears to be a thousand times more potent than the old drug, PNAS journal reports.

It fights bacteria in three different ways, making it much less likely that the bugs can dodge the attack. It is yet to be tested in animals and people, however. The Scripps Research Institute team hope the drug will be ready for use within five years if it passes more tests.

Fighting superbugs Experts have repeatedly warned that we are on the cusp of a "post-antibiotic era", where some infections could become untreatable. One hard-to-treat infection that has been worrying doctors is vancomycinresistant enterococci or VRE.

It has been found in hospitals, can cause dangerous wound and bloodstream infections and is considered by the WHO to be one of the drug-resistant bacteria that pose the greatest threat to human health. Some antibiotics still work against VRE, but the 60year-old drug vancomycin is now powerless. The Scripps team set out to see if they could revamp vancomycin to restore its killing ability. They made some strategic modifications to the molecular structure of the old drug to make it better at attacking bacteria where it hurts - destroying cell walls. Three changes in particular seem to be important, increasing the strength and

durability of the drug. Lead researcher Dr Dale Boger explained: "We made one change to the molecule vancomycin that overcomes what is the present resistance to vancomycin. And then we added to the molecule, two small changes that built into the molecule, two additional ways in which it can kill bacteria. So the antibiotic has three different, we call them 'mechanisms', by which it kills bacteria. And resistance to such an antibiotic would be very difficult to emerge. So it's a molecule designed specifically to address the emergence of resistance." The modified drug was able to kill samples of VRE in the lab and retained nearly full potency after 50

rounds of exposure to the bacterium. Dr Boger said: "Organisms just can't simultaneously work to find a way around three independent mechanisms of action. Even if they found a solution to one of those, the organisms would still be killed by the other two. "Doctors could use this modified form of vancomycin without fear of resistance emerging." Prof Nigel Brown of the Microbiology Society said: "This development could be hugely important. "Vancomycin is an antibiotic of last resort against some serious infections. There has been great concern that resistance has been emerging."


How Can The Award Winning Courier Help YOUR Business Grow?

Friday 9th June 2017

The Courier recently added another trophy to our cabinet, having been voted one of the top English language news sources in Spain, sharing the stage with the likes of El País, Efe, and The Local, in an independent report by website monitor, Feedspot. The report states that from thousands of top Spanish News Websites, they have indexed the sites using search and social metrics with data that is refreshed once a week. The ranking is based on Google reputation and Google search ranking, influence and popularity on Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites, quality and consistency of posts and then the manual intervention of Feedspot’s editorial team and expert reviews. This is great news for us, and confirms what we are trying to achieve, but it is also good news for our advertisers. What this means for you and your business is that you can be assured of the quality of the content of The Courier and our commitment to ensure that your advert reaches the intended audience through our contextual approach, ensuring that your potential clients get to actually see and read your advert, without being swamped. We have some great deals on offer now, taking you right through the summer, so you can set your marketing strategy out now, with confidence and a fixed budget, reaching potential clients through the award winning Courier newspaper, TKO Radio and our on-line portals, to ensure maximum exposure. Don´t delay, call us today and see how we can help boost your business in the same way we boost our own. Just ring 966 921 003 and leave the rest to us.



5 cheap places to go on holiday in 2017 Want to save pounds on your holiday this year? We've put together 17 of the best places for budget travel in 2017, based on flight prices, accommodation, eating out and - most importantly - the average price of a beer. Here's where's cheap to travel this year

1. Romania As far as cheap holiday destinations go, Bucharest has some of the lowest average flight prices from the UK, and the budget-friendly spending doesn't stop once you land. You can feast in Romania's capital for less than 11.50€* a day, and as for the sights, simply admiring the city's storied streets gives you a sense of the centuries of history and cultural upheaval here, from the pre-WWII Old Town of Lipscani right up to Communist monuments like the staggering Palace of Parliament. With Ryanair also running cheap flights to alternative city break spots like pretty Timisoara, Romania is definitely one of the destinations of the moment. Find out more great things to do in Bucharest in our guide. Flights to Bucharest can be as low as 36€ return. Accommodation: From 177€ Price of beer: 1.26€ Average cost of dinner for two: 23€ 2. Malta Malta makes a superb value short-haul holiday, with bargain flights from just 17€ each way, and a wealth of gorgeous beaches and ancient ruins to explore at the other end. There are plenty of direct connections to Luqa Airport from regional airports like East Midlands, Birmingham and Leeds, too. You'll find your euros will stretch much further in Malta, especially since you can jump on a bus for the equivalent of 2€ and shuttle over to attractive neighbouring

isle of Gozo on the ferry for well under a fiver. Since you'll be keeping within your budget so easily, you'll be able to finish your trip in style by splashing out on a few cocktails and a blowout night on the tiles in clubbing capital Paceville. Flights to Malta's Luqa Airport start from 35€ return. Accommodation: From 360€ Price of beer: 2.30€ Average cost of dinner for two: 46€ 3. Canary Islands, Spain Spain continues to be a popular - and astonishingly cheap - holiday option for UK travellers. You can fly direct to Gran Canaria for 25€ and be soaking up some well-earned Vitamin D on Maspalomas Beach in a matter of hours. The dunes here form part of a protected nature reserve, so you can bird-watch and see dolphins at Palmitos Park before stretching out on the Sahara sands. The Canary Isles offer great value, with acres of rugged mountains and forests like Mount Teide National Park in Tenerife, ripe for hiking and biking at very little cost. If you avoid tourist restaurants and eat local, you can save a lot - try classic Canarian potato dish papas arrugadas, served with a peppery mojo sauce. Flights to Las Palmas, Gran Canaria start from 25€. Accommodation: From 456€ Price of beer: 2€ Average cost of dinner for two: 28.50€ 4. Morocco Live it up in Morocco for a fraction of the cost; a 5-star hotel here can cost under 69€ a night! Flights to Marrakech from the UK remain some of the cheapest around, starting from 33€ one way. Budget airlines have also started offering Rabat as a destination if you fancy an alternative Moroccan holiday. This seaside capital offers the best of both worlds: the joy of getting lost amidst the smells of shisha and mint tea in the Kasbah of the Oudaias, combined with a handy beach just around the corner. It's less crowded than Marrakech too, so not only will you find fewer tourists, but your dirham will likely buy you more souvenirs in the souks, and a cheap curry can be as little as 2.90€ Flights to Rabat start from 54€ return. Accommodation: From 376€ Price of beer: 2.30€ Average cost of dinner for two: 12.60€ 5. Greece


Greece is still a budget traveller's dream in 2017, and you can enjoy an idyllic Greek island holiday for very little money, with cheap flights to the likes of Crete, Kos and Corfu from the UK. If you're smart you can save even more once you've arrived: steer clear of big resorts like Elounda on Crete and try alternatives like Paleochora on the south-west coast. As a large island, Crete benefits from a good, cheap public bus service, which will take you to all the main towns and famous sites like Knossos. The best way to get around, however, is to rent a car (from 29€ a day), especially if you want to have a go at hiking the dramatic rocky landscape in places like Samaria Gorge. Food-wise, cheap street eats don't come much better than gyros, the authentic kebab you'll find anywhere and everywhere in Greece for around 2.90€. Fly to Crete from 81€ return. Accommodation: From 288€ Price of beer: 2.90€ Average cost of dinner for two: 26.50€



Friday 9th June 2017 Events Calendar

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Av De Las Naciones 57, No 12 Ciudad Quesada. Tel. 666 660 810 Until Friday 23 June, 2017 Santa Pola Art exhibition, Creativa 17. Until Tuesday 20 June, 2017 Orihuela Photography exhibition of competition-submitted local pictures at the Maria Moliner library. Friday 9 and Saturday 10 June, 2017 Madrid Ballantine’s True Music Festival, held in 17 venues across the city, featuring top acts from around the globe, including Kakkmaddafakka, Oh Wonder and The Vaccines. Saturday 10 June, 2017 Almoradí Almoradí Shopping Night, gifts, music, discounts, surprises, from 9pm until midnight. Orihuela Route Hernandiana Night cultural walk, in Spanish, through the town. Torrevieja Age Concern Summer Fair, La Siesta. Monday 12 to Friday 16 June, 2017 Torrevieja Food festival, “Torrevieja y el mar”. Tuesday 13 June, 2017 Barcelona Ariana Grande The pop singer visits Barcelona on her European tour. Saturday 17 June, 2017 Rojales TKO Radio Roadshow at the brand new JSYK store opening in the former Lidl building.

Carcaixent Carcaixent Modernist Modernist Fair, Fair, a a unique unique event event in in the the Region Region of of Valencia Valencia

From the 9th to the 11th of June, Carcaixent (Valencia) will be hosting a unique and very special event: the Modernist Fair. It is an activity that originated with the aim of making the city and its rich heritage known to the public. Attendants will be able to discover the urban life of its streets, the quality of its gastronomy, the beauty of its landscape, the calmness of its vegetable gardens and its active cultural life.

What will you be able to see during the Modernist Fair? The organisation has prepared plenty of activities that include open days in the most representative buildings, historic simulations, stalls with artisan products, performances, activities for the youngest ones, gastronomy, urban routes and visits to the vegetable gardens. The fair's poster is based on an advertisement that was released by a local company devoted to the production of orange juice and orange extracts. The original creation was made by Valencian painter Josep Segrelles. With this poster, they continue with their objective of making orange the centre of attention. Modernism is a European artistic style that was developed between the 19th and the 20th centuries and that is linked to the rise of the bourgeoisie as a dominant class. In Valencia and Carcaixent, Modernism expanded later than in other places and it can still be seen today in plenty of buildings. Go back to the Modernist period in Carcaixent, a cultural tourism destination that is proud of its heritage apart from being a referent of the orange greatness.




Black comedy always tickles my funny bone and the movie Fargo, and the two TV runs of the samenamed offshoot have brought me plenty to like. Likewise, we’ve had a promising start to the third series of Fargo (Channel Four, Wednesday) in the same formula of people committing crimes that go wrong and spiral off into all kinds of crazy and unforeseen consequences. The setting is 2010 (recent by Fargo standards) and the backbone is a tale of two very different brothers, but both played by Ewan McGregor. There’s the rich successul sibling and a balding and bearded brother (almost unrecognisble as McGregor) who is a financially-strapped probabtion officer. He’s jealous and angry as hell that his rich brother got loads of money thanks to his father giving him a rare stamp, and so he gets one of his probationers (who happens to be a drunk and druggy) to try and steal it. The hapless thief sees the piece of paper with the

address blow into the wind when he gets out of his car, and uses what mental faculties he has to try to remember the address, which of course is the wrong one. He breaks in and trashes the place, and the elderly resident dies, who just happens to be the dad of a police officer, and off we go! It’s a typical Fargo set-up for the rest of the series

in op, e l ab er Sh l i a t Av mpu uis Co an L e S Th

which has given McGregor a chance to shine with some high quality material and the usual collection of interesting characters. The man behind Fargo, Noah Hawley, says that he might give the show a rest after this current run, but let’s hope that we don’t have to wait as long as Twin Peaks fans did for another series. I simply have to make

another comment on the brilliant Broken (BBC 1, Tuesday). Episode two of Jimmy McGovern’s drama was even better than the opener, with two great scenes between Father Michael (Sean Bean) and a woman who wants to commit suicide (played by the very good Northern Ireland actress Paula Malcomson, who normally plies her trade

in the States in shows like Ray Donovan, which returns soon to Sky Atlantic). I was hooked on every word uttered by these two. Prison Break roared to a glorious finale in its brief revival on Fox UK this week, and what great entertainment it was, so long as you suspended any thoughts in it being logical! There was even a happy ending and a

brilliant bit of revenge in the final scene involving one of the show’s iconic characters. There’s talk of another “limited” run in the next two or three years, and I think that’s a good way of doing it with a handful of big budget episodes that don’t pad things out and keep things fresh. I thought most of the acts flunked it in the Britain’s Got Talent final (ITV, Saturday) as they took backward steps, which is one reason that musician Tokio Myers won it. He was different and raised his game, after I wasn’t totally convinced about him at the audition stage. It’s also clear that no matter how good a singer you are, the voters want variety acts to win, and that’s no bad thing. After all there are show like The X Factor and The Voice to go at, whilst BGT is the only vehicle for non-singers. By the way, do check out the return of America’s Got Talent from this Tuesday night on Tru TV, and the sheer volume of craziness and fun that eclipses the British version of the show.

28 Meanwhile, Eric is shocked to learn that Josh is back at school as he hasn't been charged.

Friday Priya is facing a tough time following the dramas with Rakesh and makes a surprising move. Meanwhile, Ronnie advises Lachlan on what to do about Belle. Elsewhere, happy.


Friday 9th June 2017




Monday Priya is feeling guilty after sleeping with Pete and the situation gets awkward when she comes under pressure to accept an oblivious Leyla's invitation to move in with her and Pete! Later, Priya decides to be honest with Rakesh by confessing that she no longer loves him and has slept with someone else. Meanwhile, Lachlan is nervous when Belle suggests they should make the most of having an empty house. However, they're disrupted when Lachlan's ex-cellmate Gerry turns up and pressurises Lachlan into staying for a drink. Elsewhere, in the middle of Pollard's birthday party, Tracy is called into the police station. Also today, Finn and Ross hatch a plan.

Wednesday Rakesh changes tactics by going to Home Farm and demanding ÂŁ50,000 from Lawrence and Ronnie, in exchange for keeping quiet about their part in the fire and framing Andy. Much to Rakesh's dismay, they mock him and refuse.

Friday Gail tells David that she is concerned he is getting too close to Shona and that it's too soon. Shona also confides in Eileen that she has feelings for David.

Later, David takes Lily and Max to Kylie's grave but is shocked when he finds Soon afterwards, Lachlan is Shona there... about to go with the prostitute at Home Farm but is Meanwhile, Audrey spots interrupted when Rakesh the burn mark on Bethany's appears with a crowbar and arm and tells her that orders him to open the safe. Nathan will soon be a distant A struggle that follows leads memory. Later, Sarah is horto Lachlan getting hurt. rified to discover Bethany When Priya arrives at the scene, she encourages Rakesh to leave and find happiness away from the village, but will he get away? And what does the future hold for Priya when the police arrive to arrest her? Thursday Still completely unaware of Rhona's rape ordeal, Paddy meets up with Pierce and tells him about Rhona's painkiller relapse. Paddy begs Pierce to return to the village, but how will Rhona react when she finds her evil estranged husband in her living room?

about to burn her other arm with a cigarette and she breaks down, saying she deserves it as she has let Nathan down. Sarah is at a loss at what to do. Eva is frustrated to discover that Aidan did not fall for her plan and didn't buy an engagement ring for her. She's unaware that he did buy Maria an ankle bracelet to replace her tag. Frustrated that Aidan has not proposed, Eva confides in Johnny, who says she should pop the question instead.

Issuing his own threat, Rakesh vows that he'll take Priya down with him if Jai doesn't pay up. How will Jai react to this blackmail?

off with the investor.

At the same time, with Audrey minding Liam, a glam Maria suggests Aidan should buy her a drink in the pub. While a nervous Eva waits for Aidan, Maria follows Aidan into the men's loos and kisses him passionately. Fed up with waiting, Eva heads for the Rovers. What will she find?

Meanwhile, Louise avoids Travis and opens up to Bex about what's going on.

With all eyes on Aidan, he sweeps Eva into his arms and accepts her proposal. Everyone cheers, but Maria is devastated. Jenny leads the engagement party back across the street. Making his excuses, Aidan slips out to see Maria, explaining that he loves both she and Eva and imploring her not to end their affair. When Maria walks into the Bistro, Aidan is on pins. What has she come to say? Meanwhile, when Kate quizzes Johnny about his results, he lies, telling her that he's got an infection and it's nothing to worry about. Kate is relieved, but when Jenny outlines her plans for an action-packed honeymoon, a dismayed Johnny reaches a decision.

tells Aidan to meet her in the Bistro later, confiding in Leanne about how she plans to propose to him. With the help of Leanne, Jenny, Michelle and Kate, Eva puts Elsewhere, Pete feels the the finishing touches to her pressure after his infidelity. Mexican themed engageMeanwhile, Rebecca contemplates her future as Robert and Aaron react to her return.

Meanwhile, after attending her baby scan, Stacey tells Martin that she's worried about how people will react to her being pregnant again. Despite wanting to share his excitement, Martin agrees to keep the news quiet. Elsewhere, Jane and Kathy clash over Ian's new lifestyle.

Elsewhere, Stacey and Martin share their baby news with Bex. Also today, Fi suggests that The Vic needs younger staff to help boost business. Thursday The Taylor family arrive on Albert Square and cause a stir from the start. What kind of trouble will they bring to the Square? Meanwhile, Bex continues to worry about Louise, but there's a distraction when they receive another shock. Elsewhere, Lauren tells Max that there's nothing going on between her and Josh, but she soon gets more than she bargained for.

Also today, Louise has a heart-to-heart with Travis and they get back together. Monday Lauren has a big day ahead, as she's expected to help out Max with an important presentation. As Mo and Mr T try to adjust to co-parenting, a familiar case challenges Mo to see how short life is - will she pick up the gauntlet and fight for what she really wants?

Meanwhile, Carmel and Kim think Denise should apply for a job at the town hall.

Elsewhere, Rebecca returns to the village and announces that she's staying with Victoria.

Meanwhile, Jenny is Rhona goes back to the amused when Johnny stumpolice and names Pierce as bles on the way home from her attacker. the pub. She puts it down to too much booze but Johnny What does this mean for knows differently. Pierce's future, and will Rhona also now tell Paddy Monday Doing her best to and Marlon the truth? contain her excitement, Eva

Friday Abi tries to support Lauren, but things become complicated.

While Lauren is at work, Abi turns devious and tries to cause trouble between her and Steven by questioning her sister's behaviour.

Meanwhile, Priya is in turmoil as she struggles with her guilt over recent events.

Also, Adam is spurred into action.

Tuesday Rakesh is out for revenge after Priya's confession and tries to steal money from the factory, but Jai turns up and threatens to call the police.

ment party.

Wednesday Kate confronts Johnny, demanding to know what's going on. Johnny admits that he's been diagnosed with MS, but he doesn't want Jenny to become his carer and she must never find out. Kate is stunned. Alone in his flat, Johnny stumbles, hits his head on the coffee table and passes out unconscious. Meanwhile, Maria confides in David that she's given Aidan an ultimatum and is confident he'll choose her over Eva.

Elsewhere, Kush offers some advice to a struggling Jack, whose situation soon grows even worse. Also today, Keegan shares a shocking rumour about Louise, which she denies. Despite this, gossip soon begins to spread. Tuesday Abi pays a visit to her sister at work, but Lauren fails to give her any attention. Soon afterwards, Lauren heads out with Max to photograph a property, but is left confused when Max heads

Ric is forced to face up to his shortcomings when a family member is admitted - can he humble himself to put things right for the greater good? As Jasmine and Jac's relationship continues to thaw, Jasmine begins to grow suspicious of Fran's attempts to befriend Jac.

Friday TV 07:00 Election 2017 14:00 News 14:45 Doctors 15:15!mpos sible 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Yes Chef 17:30 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:15 Pointless 19:00 News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 A Question of Sport Matt Dawson and Phil Tufnell are joined by Welsh rugby great Scott Quinnell, Premier League footballer Leon Osman, former British number one tennis star Annabel Croft and Ryder Cup-winning golfer Nicolas Colsaerts. 21:00 EastEnders Abi does her best to support her sister, but things soon become tricky. 21:30 Question Time In the immediate wake of the General Election, David Dimbleby chairs a special edition of the topical debate from London as guests from the worlds of politics and the media answer questions posed by members of the public. 22:30 Have I Got News for You Comedian Jo Brand assumes the mantle as host, inviting former Labour MP Alan Johnson and comedian Ross Noble to join regular team captains Ian Hislop and Paul Merton on the satirical current affairs quiz. 23:00 News 23:35 Graham Norton 00:25 Film - The Proposal (PG) 02:10 Weather 02:15 News

07:15 Emergency Rescue Down Under 07:45 Rip Off Britain: Food 08:30 Yes Chef 09:15 Gardeners’ World 10:15 The Secret Life of the Hospital Bed 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Rip Off Britain: Food 12:45 Close Calls: On Camera 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 Election 2017 17:30 Natural World 18:15 Antiques Road Trip 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Springwatch Unsprung 20:00 Great Continental Railway Journeys Michael Portillo embarks on an adventure from the Italian Riviera to the Austrian Alps. 20:30 Great British Menu The two winning chefs from the Wales region must cook their entire taste of summer menus again. 21:00 Gardeners’ World An exclusive look at the RHS Chatsworth Flower Show. 22:00 Versailles Louis resolves to reassess his relationships while Madame de Montespan is determined to make a memorable impression. 22:55 Inside Versailles Kate Williams and Greg Jenner discuss Louis XIV’s interest in scientific discovery and research. 23:00 Live at the Apollo 23:30 Election Spy 23:35 Newsnight 00:40 Cricket 01:30 Panorama 02:00 The Fifteen Billion Pound Railway 03:00 Doctor Who

Casting announced for new drama Age Before Beauty Filming starts next week on the new Debbie Horsfield drama Age Before Beauty, a family saga set in a Manchester salon starring Robson Green, Sue Johnston, Polly Walker and James Murray. The six-part BBC One drama, written by Horsfield and made by Mainstreet Pictures, is an exploration of youth, age, instant gratification and long-term relationships set within the beauty industry. At its heart is an unconventional family rife with sibling rivalries and unconventional parenting through the generations. Also starring in the series are Lisa Riley, Kelly Harrison ,Vicky Myers and Madeleine Mantock. Married to Wesley for 25 years, Bel has spent the last 18 years as a homemaker and mum to their twins, but having just waved them off to university, now has a void in her life. Enter Teddy, brother-in-law and long-time best friend, begging her to step in and rescue the family business - a down-at-heel beauty salon in Manchester's Northern Quarter. Like Bel, it could do with a bit of a face-lift. And possibly a

clear-out, since it employs her high-maintenance family: mother Ivy-Rae played by Johnston, sisters Leanne, Tina and Heidi mother to Disney, plump, seven year old wannabe Pageant Queen. Into the mix comes beautiful 20-something Personal Trainer Lorelei who seems to have caught Wes's eye… can Bel reconcile the demands of her business, her warring family and the problems in her marriage? Executive Producer Sally Haynes, says: "It's a tribute to Debbie Horsfield's beautifully written characters that we have attracted such a brilliant cast to Age Before Beauty." Laura Mackie, Executive Producer and Joint MD at Mainstreet Pictures, says: "We can't wait to start filming Debbie's wonderful multigenerational drama.”


07:00 Good Morning Britain 10:25 News Special 15:00 Judge Rinder’s Crime Stories 16:00 Masterpiece with Alan Titchmarsh 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 News 20:00 Emmerdale Pete is not happy. 20:30 Coronation Street Shona takes her secret to the grave. 21:00 River Monsters Jeremy Wade travels to the Bahamas after hearing tales of swimmers being ripped from the surface of blue holes surrounding the Paradise Island. 21:30 Coronation Street Maria swaps one ankle bracelet for another.

07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Frasier 11:05 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 13:00 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Posh Pawnbrokers 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Fifteen to One 17:00 Coast vs Country 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 News 21:00 Gogglesprogs The first of a new six-part run in which the nation's younger viewers maintain a close eye on a range of TV output. Items under scrutiny tonight include the General Election, culinary queen Mary Berry and the classic film Grease.

22:00 Lethal Weapon A brutal car accident reveals that Cahill is being targeted by a murderous stalker, enabling Murtaugh and Riggs to turn to the tables and start asking her a few probing questions for a change - though the doctor insists on taking an active role in helping solve the case. Riggs begins to obsess over Murtaugh's past after finding his file in Cahill's office, while family man Roger and wife Trish locate their daughter's fake ID.

22:00 The Last Leg The double Bafta-nominated series presents a postGeneral Election - or `Elegtion' - special featuring the usual irreverent satire and sharp topical comedy. This extended edition sees regular hosts Adam Hills, Alex Brooker and Josh Widdicombe go through the thrills and spills of the results with special guests including Steve Coogan, Jamie Oliver, Brendan Cox and a host of politicians.

23:00 News 23:50 The Keith and Paddy Picture Show 00:20 Benidorm 01:20 Tipping Point 02:20 Jackpot247 04:00 Storage Hoarders 04:50 ITV Nightscreen

00:05 First Dates 01:10 8 Out of 10 Cats 01:55 Film Machete (18) 03:45 The Handmaid’s Tale 04:40 Loaded Loaded 05:25 Jamie’s Comfort Food 05:35 Shipping Wars UK

Stephen Mulhern to get his own Saturday Night Takeaway spin-off

Stephen Mulhern could be set for another big TV spinoff, this time expanding his repertoire on Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway. The presenter, who we all love on Britain's Got More Talent, teased that one of his segments on Saturday Night Takeaway could get its own series. "We're trying to make 'In for a Penny, In for a Grand' its own game show," Stephen told The Sun. "Ant & Dec asked me to do it, which is really exciting. I just knew it was a winner. It's gone down well. We're hoping to get it off the ground later this year. "We just need some time to

work on it. Ideally, we'd make the cash prizes bigger too, just to up the ante." The presenter said he wanted to bring back the "golden days" of family TV, continuing: "I love working with members of the public and I think you can have a lot of fun with them. "When you think back to the golden days of TV with Bruce Forsyth doing the Generation Game or Michael Barrymore doing My Kind of People, they had great interaction with the public. "Real people are so much fun – there's no airs and graces, like with celebrities."

07:00 Milkshake 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:45 News 13:15 Big Brother 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS: Los Angeles 16:15 Film Lost Letter Mysteries: One in a Million 18:00 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 News 20:00 The Gadget Show The gadget gang present the best tools for the summer music festivals, and Georgie visits Bermuda to see how the BAR racing team are combining tech with human ingenuity to win the America’s Cup boat race. 21:00 Biggest Dog in the World A revealing look at the highs and lows of living with giant dogs, including crippling costs of over £12,000 a year, constant care for a pet that cannot be left for longer than four hours at a time, extreme domestic destruction and simple days out with dogs that attract wide-eyed stares from passers-by. 22:00 Big Brother The housemates gather on the sofas as Emma Willis hosts the first eviction of the series, revealing who the public have voted out, then chatting to them about their time on the show. 23:35 Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 00:35 Big Brother: Live From the House 01:00 SuperCasino 04:10 Big Brother 05:25 Lip Sync Battle UK 05:45 House DoctorG

07:00 The Hot Desk 07:10 The Planet’s Funniest Animals 07:35 Vanderpump Rules 08:20 Ellen DeGeneres 09:00 Emmerdale 10:00 You’ve Been Framed! 10:35 Scorpion 11:25 Below Deck 12:25 Vanderpump Rules 13:20 Emmerdale 14:30 You’ve Been Framed! 15:00 Ellen DeGeneres 15:50 Jeremy Kyle 18:00 Judge Rinder 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Love Island 23:00 Celebrity Juice 23:50 Family Guy ITV 3 07:00 Man About the House 07:25 Heartbeat 08:30 Where the Heart Is 09:30 Wild at Heart 10:30 Judge Judy 11:55 Road to Avonlea 12:55 The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes 14:05 Heartbeat 15:05 The Royal 16:10 Wild at Heart 17:15 Man About the House 17:50 Rising Damp 18:20 George and Mildred 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Doc Martin 22:00 The Street 23:15 Law & Order: UK ITV 4 07:00 Minder 08:00 The Chase 09:00 Tommy Cooper 09:30 The Motorbike Show 10:30 The Isle of Man TT 11:30 UCI Women’s Tour of Britain Cycling 12:30 Live: The French Open Tennis 21:30 Counting Cars 22:00 The Isle of Man TT 23:00 Critérium du Dauphiné Cycling

The X-Files season 11 is a sure thing

We may have to wait until next year to get our latest instalment of cult classic The X-Files, but the first details of its 11th season are already starting to emerge. Following confirmation that Mulder and Scully will be back next year for another run, writer and producer Glen Morgan has teased what fans can expect from the new season. And, as it turns out, it'll be much of the same mystery and intrigue – which is just how we like it. Chatting to Den of Geek, Morgan also confirmed that he'll be writing two episodes for the upcoming season, after the success of season 10's 'Home Again'. Revealing that his brother Darin will also write again for the series, Glen said: "I'm going to do two, and I know what one is." On his return to the sci-fi drama, he added: "It's the

same as it's been for 20 years. Everyone gets along, it's like a family." Fox recently confirmed that The X-Files will return to screens next year with a 10episode run, compared to last season's six. The network's president, David Madden, praised the show for its "iconic characters, rich storytelling [and] bold creators" as the "hallmarks" of great television. "Chris [Carter's] creativity, along with the brilliant work of David [Duchovny] and Gillian [Anderson], continue to propel this pop culture phenomenon," he added. "We can't wait to see what fresh mysteries Mulder and Scully uncover in this next chapter of The X-Files." Duchovny and Anderson have both recently signed on for the series of audio dramas, which will fill in the events before last year's long-awaited TV revival.


Friday 9th June 2017

The Loch

World Cup 2018 Qualifier Live

Saturday - ITV Mark Pougatch introduces live coverage of England's World Cup 2018 qualifier against Scotland from Hampden Park. The stakes are high as the old rivals meet in Glasgow, with England aiming to take a big step towards qualification if they win. Defeat for Scotland would be a huge blow to their hopes. England eventually ran out comfortable 3-0 winners when the sides met at Wembley last November. Daniel Sturrridge, Adam Lallana and Gary Cahill scored the goals that all but

secured the England manager's job on a permanent basis for Gareth Southgate. Gordon Strachan will hope his Scotland players can take their chances on this occasion and are inspired by a passionate home crowd in Glasgow. Mark is joined in the studio by Ally McCoist, Ian Wright, Lee Dixon and Ryan Giggs. Commentary comes from Clive Tyldesley, Glenn Hoddle and Kevin Gallacher with reporting from Gabriel Clarke. Kick off 6pm

The Voice Kids Saturday - ITV Presented by Emma Willis, the new series is open to talented young soloists between the ages of seven and 14. The show kicks off with the Blind Auditions, with each coach needing to fill a team of 12 singers. The youngsters perform to a live band headed by music director David Tench – but can they persuade the

coaches to hit their buttons? After each performance, all the coaches’ chairs turn so they can give feedback and encouragement, even if they didn’t press their buttons. The Battles see three acts sing off for one place in the semi-final, although there are no steals on The Voice Kids – and no second chances for the coaches. The final four acts in each team then sing in the semifinal for a spot in the spectac-

ular live finale – with viewers

choosing the winner.

Sunday - ITV Beneath the waters of Loch Ness, we see the pigment bleached body of an unidentified middle-aged man, stones tied to his ankles. On her day off, Detective Sergeant Annie Redford is called upon by her boss DCI Frank Smilie to clear up a gory prank, which reporters are claiming, with tongue in cheek, to be the washed-up remains of the Loch Ness Monster. Annie, with a raging hangover, heads to the lochside where the inexperienced PC Jason Denny helps her clear up the decaying animal entrails. Among the remains Jason finds a heart. Meanwhile, piano teacher Niall Swift is sacked by widower Dr Marr. When Swift accuses Marr of hypocrisy an argument ensues. Shortly afterwards Niall receives a text from someone who wants to meet him at a local beauty spot. A couple of hours later we see college principal, Craig Petrie, in fell running gear, standing over Swift’s twisted, broken, bloody body as it lies at the foot of a cliff. The pathologist ascertains that Swift was murdered and a sliver of his brain removed. DCI Lauren Quigley is seconded to the case to head up the investigation. Later, Quigley is joined by forensic psychologist Blake Albrighton, whom she drafts in, much to Smilie’s ire.

Saturday TV 07:15 The A to Z of TV Gardening 08:00 Film Dance, Girl, Dance 09:25 Film - The Westerner 11:00 Great Halls’ Monty Hebridean Escape 12:00 Homes Under the Hammer 13:00 Great British Menu 14:30 Talking Pictures 15:15 Film - Now, Voyager 17:10 Flog It! 18:00 Gardeners’ World 19:00 Great Continental Railway 20:15 Doctor Who “God Journeys 19:30 Dad’s Army save the Queen” has been scrawled on the surface of 20:00 Royal Academy Mars. What are Victorians Summer Exhibition The doing on the home of the show goes behind the Ice Warriors? What will they scenes of the Academy in find beneath the Martian the run up to the opening. soil? We visit artists studios, amateur artists and delve 21:00 The National into the fascinating process Lottery: Who Dares Wins of curating and hanging the Nick Knowles hosts the quiz world’s largest open subwhere two teams compete mission exhibition. to win up to £100,000. 21:00 Live: International 21:45 Casualty When Rugby Union - Argentina Jason Ethan comes face-to-face v England with Scott Ellison, will he Mohammad presents covget the answers he wants? erage of the opening match of the two-Test series, 22:30 Mrs Brown’s Boys staged at the Estadio San When Agnes’s family start Juan del Bicentenario in making comments about San Juan. This tour repreher weight, she decides to sents a chance for several go on a diet, and quickly players to stake a claim to a discovers just how difficult it regular place in Eddie is to overcome her craving Jones' squad, with England for fish and chips. Cathy missing their leading stars brings her new, older man to the Lions' tour of New home. He is a psychiatrist Zealand. With commentary and seems much more by Eddie Butler and Andy interested in Agnes than he Robinson. does Cathy. 23:30 ICC Champions One-Day 23:00 News 23:20 Would I Trophy Lie to You? 23:50 Film - International Cricket 00:20 Shanghai Noon (PG) 01:35 Versailles 01:20 Film - Elles Weather 01:40 News (18) 02:55 This Is BBC Two 07:00 Breakfast 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30 Mary Berry Cooks 13:00 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:15 IAAF Diamond League Athletics 15:15 Escape to the Country 16:15 Money for Nothing 17:15 Pointless Celebrities 18:05 News 18:25 Film Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (14)


07:00 CITV 09:25 News 09:30 Weekend 10:25 The Home Game 11:20 A Great British Adventure 11:50 Britain’s Got Talent 14:20 News 14:30 Live: The French Open Tennis 17:30 Live: FIFA World Cup Qualifier Football Scotland v England 20:30 News

07:20 Volkswagen Racing Cup 07:45 Mini Challenge Motor Racing 08:15 Swansea Triathlon 08:40 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Frasier 11:00 The Big Bang Theory 12:25 The Simpsons 13:55 Four in a Bed 16:30 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 17:35 Big House, Little House 18:35 Kirstie and 20:45 The Voice Kids Phil’s Love It or List It 19:30 Emma Willis introduces the News junior version of the singing talent contest, giving 20:00 Britain’s Ancient youngsters between the Tracks with Tony ages of eight and 14 a Robinson Tony follows the chance to achieve stardom. Ridgeway from the The Voice UK's Wiltshire Downs, through returns as one of the three Berkshire and Oxfordshire, coaches, with McFly's finally arriving on the banks Danny Jones and pop star of the Thames. Along the Pixie Lott occupying the way, he visits a worldother two spinning red famous stone circle and chairs. Up for grabs this explores an ancient burial time is a £30,000 prize to chamber that is older than contribute to the winning the pyramids, follows in the child's musical education. tracks of Celtic chariots, and discovers the story 22:15 Film - Horrible behind a white horse. Bosses Nick, Dale and Kurt all despise their boss- 21:00 Film - Iron Man es, but who would be crazy Arms manufacturer Tony enough to quit their jobs in Stark is taken hostage by a such poor economic times? terrorist group and realises The trio drunkenly and the weapons his company hypothetically discuss how build have been falling into to kill their bosses, and the wrong hands. Using his before they know it, they’ve engineering skills to conhired a murder consultant struct a hi-tech armoured to help them pull off the suit, he manages to escape three deeds. (14) and then puts the technology to good use in the fight 00:05 News 00:25 FIFA against evil around the World Cup Qualifier world. (PG) Football 01:25 Tipping Point 02:20 Jackpot247 23:30 Formula 1 Motor 04:00 Who’s Doing the Racing 01:00 Film - Horns Dishes? 04:50 ITV (18) 03:05 Hollyoaks 05:05 Nightscreen Ackley Bridge

07:00 Milkshake 11:05 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:40 The Gadget Show 12:35 Police Interceptors 15:30 Live: FIA Formula E Motor Racing 17:15 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 18:15 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door

07:00 CITV 09:25 News 09:30 Weekend 10:25 Best Walks with a View with Julia Bradbury 11:00 Peston on Sunday 12:00 Judge Rinder 12:55 The Voice Kids 14:25 News 14:30 Live: The French Open Tennis 19:30 News

07:00 Milkshake 11:05 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:40 Film - Agent Cody Banks (PG) 13:40 Police Interceptors 15:30 Live: FIA Formula E Motor Racing 17:15 Film Footloose (12)

20:00 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! Paul Bohill and Steve Pinner encounter a barricaded door, language difficulties and an angry granny, while Delroy Anglin and Brian O’Shaughnessy must deal with a mechanic and a debtor who does not understand her legal obligations as a guarantor. 21:00 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! Matt and Garry incur the wrath of a man whose former girlfriend wants to recover the money he owes her, and a taxi company tries to hide its debts. 21:55 News 22:00 Big Brother Daily round-up of highlights, revealing the housemates' reactions to the first eviction, as well as the latest tasks, games, arguments, laughs and diary room visits. Narrated by Marcus Bentley. 23:05 The Best of Bad TV 00:35 Lip Sync Battle UK 01:00 SuperCasino 04:10 Film - Austin Powers: Man of Mystery (15) 05:50 House Doctor

xxx07:00 The Hot Desk 07:10 Emmerdale Omnibus 09:35 Coronation Street Omnibus 12:00 Take Me Out13 13:25 Take Me Out: The Gossip 14:30 You’ve Been Framed! 15:35 Film - What a Girl Wants 17:40 Film - Happy Feet 19:50 Film - Sweet Home Alabama (PG) 22:00 Love Island 23:00 Celebrity Juice 23:45 Family Guy14 ITV 3 07:00 Murder, She Wrote 08:50 Film - The Nun’s Story 11:50 A Touch of Frost 13:55 Lewis 16:00 Agatha Christie’s Marple 20:00 Midsomer Murders 22:00 Foyle’s War ITV 4 07:00 Minder 08:00 Motorsport UK 09:00 The Classic Car Show 10:00 UCI Women’s Tour of Britain Cycling 11:00 ITV Racing 12:00 The Motorbike Show 13:00 The Motorbike Show 14:00 The Isle of Man TT 15:00 ITV Racing: Live from Haydock 17:25 Live: The French Open Tennis 19:30 Storage Wars 19:55 The Sweeney 21:00 UCI Women’s Tour of Britain Cycling 22:00 The Isle of Man TT 23:00 Critérium du Dauphiné Cycling

Sunday TV 07:00 Breakfast 10:00 The Andrew Marr Show 11:00 Sunday Politics 12:15 The Big Questions 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:15 Homes Under the Hammer 15:15 Money for Nothing 16:00 Flog It! 17:00 Escape to the Country 17:45 Points of View 18:00 Songs of Praise 18:35 Eat Well for Less? 19:35 News 20:00 Countryfile Ellie Harrison and Joe Crowley are in Northern Ireland, where Joe is up at the crack of dawn in woods just south of Belfast. He joins the RSPB team who are tagging swifts to find out where they are feeding. 21:00 Antiques Roadshow Treasures brought to the cameras include diamond jewels found hidden in an upholstered chair, a claret jug rescued from the pawn shop, and a banner for Britain’s oldest subscription library founded in 1741.

07:15 The Instant Gardener 08:05 Gardeners’ World 09:05 The Beechgrove Garden 09:35 Countryfile 10:30 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 12:00 Great British Menu 13:00 Louis Vuitton Cup Sailing 14:00 Live: ITU World Series Triathlon 19:00 The Fifteen Billion Pound Railway 20:00 Dragons’ Den Tensions are running high as an entrepreneur ruffles some feathers in the Den as he fails to clarify his restaurant business, model. A husband-and-wife duo fight to defend their innovative drilling tool gadget and its sink or swim for a businessman pitching his portable water saving product. 21:00 The Life Swap Adventure A hunter from the Amazon rainforest who swaps lives with a civil servant from London is worried about the way the modern world is encroaching on family life.

22:00 Poldark Ross and Demelza look to forget the past and rebuild their marriage, but new arrivals threaten their fragile reconciliation.

22:00 Paul Hollywood’s Big Continental Road Trip Paul visits France to find out what makes the country tick when it comes to cars.

23:00 News 23:30 Film Captain America: The Winter Soldier (PG) 01:35 Weather for the Week Ahead 01:40 News

23:00 Mock the Week 23:30 White Gold 00:00 Cricket 00:50 Film - Kings of Curry (12) 02:10 Countryfile 03:05 Holby City 04:05 This Is BBC Two

20:00 Vera DCI Vera Stanhope investigates a mysterious double murder in a remote country manor house. After the man who was minding the house is killed in a hit-and-run, Vera and DC Aiden Healy then discover the body of moth enthusiast Martin Nielson stabbed to death on the dining room floor. Captivated by the strange circumstances surrounding these two murders, Vera and her team attempt to build a clearer picture of what happened the night before.

07:20 3rd Rock From the Sun 07:45 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:35 Frasier 09:55 Eating Well with Hemsley & Hemsley 10:30 Sunday Brunch 13:30 Eat the Week with Iceland 14:30 George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces 15:30 Film - The Devil Wears Prada (PG) 17:40 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 18:40 Homes By the Sea 19:35 News 20:00 A Very British Hotel The staff London’s Mandarin Oriental cater for a royal visitor from overseas and her entourage, while coping with the challenges of facing directly onto one of the capital’s busiest thoroughfares.

21:00 Cabins in the Wild with Dick Strawbridge The competition concludes as two cabins fight for a place in the final. This week 22:00 The Loch The an ambitious treehouse search for a serial killer in cabin takes on a tin-clad the area around Loch Ness cabin . becomes a matter of life and death for local detec- 22:00 The Handmaid’s tive Annie Redford, who is Tale Offred visits Janine’s trying to cope with her first baby with Serena Joy and murder case. remembers the early days of the revolution before 23:00 News and Weather Gilead. 23:20 FIFA World Cup Qualifier Football 00:35 23:15 Formula 1 01:35 Peston on Sunday 01:35 Grand Prix: The Killer Lethal Weapon 02:30 Years 02:35 Ramsay’s Jackpot247 04:00 Kitchen Nightmares USA Motorsport UK 04:50 ITV 03:25 Location, Location, Location Nightscreen

19:25 Film - Dirty Spending Dancing Musical remake of the romantic drama. Abigail Breslin stars as an awkward teenager staying with her family at a holiday camp in the 1960s. She embarks on a life-changing romance with the camp’s charismatic dance instructor, despite the disapproval of her parents and the condemnation of society in general. With Bruce Greenwood, Debra Messing and Billy Dee Williams. (PG) 21:55 News 22:00 Big Brother Daily round-up of highlights, revealing how the housemates are getting on under the all-seeing eye of Big Brother, featuring the latest tasks, games, arguments, laughs, diary room visits and bedroom chitchat. Narrated by Marcus Bentley. 23:00 Film - Friends With Kids (14) 01:10 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 02:05 SuperCasino 04:10 Film - Fighter Attack

xxx07:00 The Planet’s Funniest Animals 07:10 You’ve Been Framed! 07:35 Emmerdale Omnibus 10:15 Coronation Street Omnibus 12:50 Film - The Flintstones 14:35 Film - St. Trinian’s (12) 16:30 The Voice Kids 18:00 Film - Despicable Me 2 20:00 Film - Coyote Ugly (PG) 22:00 Love Island 23:00 Love Island: Aftersun ITV 3 07:00 Agatha Christie’s Marple 08:45 Heartbeat 10:55 Murder, She Wrote 13:05 Film - Death on the Nile (PG) 15:55 Foyle’s War 18:00 Midsomer Murders 20:00 When Phillip Met Prince Philip: 60 Years of The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award 21:00 Paul O’Grady’s Animal Orphans 22:00 Joanna Lumley’s Japan 23:00 Law & Order: UK ITV 4 07:00 Snooker and Racing 07:05 The Saint 08:10 The Motorbike Show 10:10 The Isle of Man TT 11:10 UCI Women’s Tour of Britain Cycling 12:15 Live: British Touring Car Championship 19:00 The Car Chasers 19:55 Storage Wars 20:25 Live: FIFA World Cup Qualifier Football 23:00 Critérium du Dauphiné Cycling


Friday 9th June 2017

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Crimewatch Roadshow 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 The Secret Life of the Hospital Bed 12:45 The Housing Enforcers 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 !mpossible 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Yes Chef 17:30 Street Auction 18:15 P o i n t l e s s 19:00 News 20:00 The One Show

07:00 Emergency Rescue Down Under 07:30 Rip Off Britain: Food 08:15 Yes Chef 09:00 Antiques Roadshow 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 IAAF Diamond League Athletics 15:00 Louis Vuitton Cup Sailing 16:00 Red Rock 16:45 Elephant Diaries 17:15 Atlantic: The Wildest Ocean on Earth 18:15 Antiques Road Trip 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Springwatch Unsprung

20:30 Our Lives The story of brothers James and Phil who have a rare form of dwarfism and are 3ft 7 and 3ft respectively. The film reveals how they managed to find love with women of average height.

20:00 Great Continental Railway Journeys Michael Portillo embarks on the first leg of a journey from the Latvian capital of Riga to Tampere in Finland

21:00 EastEnders Lauren is faced with a challenging day.

20:30 Great British Menu It’s the turn of the Central chefs to battle it out.

21:30 Panorama Nick Robinson reports on the outcome of last Thursday’s general election and what the result means for the nation.

21:00 Springwatch Chris and Michaela catch up on all the action that the nestcams have captured over the weekend. Plus, the first of four films about Somerset's little egrets.

22:00 Planet Earth II A compilation episode of the wildlife documentary series uncovering the secrets of animals across the globe.

22:00 Horizon Telling the inside story of the widespread and devastating cyber attack that hit the NHS last month.

23:00 News 23:45 Have I Got a Bit More News for You 00:30 The Graham Norton Show 01:20 Suzi Perry’s Queens of the Road 01:50 Weather 01:55 News

23:00 Detectorists 23:30 Newsnight 00:15 Cricket 01:05 Horizon 02:05 Question Time 03:05 Jane Austen: Behind Closed Doors 04:05 This Is BBC Two

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 News 15:00 Judge Rinder’s Crime Stories 16:00 Masterpiece with Alan Titchmarsh 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 News

20:30 Coronation Street Maria gets in the way of Eva’s romantic plans.

07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:35 Frasier 11:05 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 13:00 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Posh Pawnbrokers 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Fifteen to One 17:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 News

21:00 Amazing Animal Births Zoologist Lucy Cooke heads to the Yorkshire Dales as the final spring lambs are born.

21:00 Food Unwrapped Kate finds out about a surprising new meat bouncing into the supermarkets, but how on earth do you farm a kangaroo?

21:30 Coronation Street Maria struggles with Eva and Aidan’s engagement.

21:30 How to Stay Well Javid heads to the New Forest to investigate whether you can get Lyme disease whilst walking the dog.

20:00 Emmerdale Priya gets an invitation.

22:00 Fearless Emma Banville, a human rights lawyer known for defending lost causes, sets out to prove the innocence of Kevin Russell, who was convicted of the murder of schoolgirl Linda Simms 14 Firmly years earlier. believing there has been a miscarriage of justice, Emma is determined to reveal the truth behind Linda’s death 23:00 News and Weather 23:40 Film - Parenthood (15) 01:55 Jackpot247 04:00 Jeremy Kyle 04:50 ITV Nightscreen

22:00 24 Hours in Police Custody A woman arrives at Luton Police station, where officers have to tell her that her 76-year-old husband is under arrest following allegations of historic child sex abuse. 23:00 Loaded 23:50 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 00:50 One Born Every Minute 01:45 Bodyshockers 02:45 Food Unwrapped 03:40 Location, Location, Location

Monday TV 07:00 Milkshake 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 The Hotel Inspector 13:10 News 13:15 Big Brother 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Film - My Daughter Must Live 18:00 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 News 20:00 MotoGP Championship Series Highlights from the seventh round of this year’s world championship from Spain’s BarcelonaCatalunya circuit. 21:00 Police Interceptors Dan and Gordy engage in the high-speed pursuit of a dangerous disqualified driver, and the hunt is on for a wanted man in a bobble hat. 22:00 The Philpott Fire: 5 Years On In May 2012, Mick Philpott started a fire in his own house which killed six of his children. He was jailed for life for manslaughter. With new interviews with Philpott’s son, close family, friends and neighbours, this documentary looks at the impact of the horrific fire that killed six children. 23:00 Big Brother 00:05 Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 01:05 Celebrity Botched Up Bodies 02:00 SuperCasino 04:10 Gotham 05:00 Now That’s Funny 05:45 House Doctor

07:35 Vanderpump Rules 08:20 Ellen DeGeneres 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 10:35 Scorpion 11:25 Below Deck 12:25 Vanderpump Rules 13:20 Emmerdale 13:55 Coronation Street 15:00 Ellen DeGeneres 15:50 Jeremy Kyle 18:00 Judge Rinder 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Love Island 23:00 Family Guy ITV 3 07:25 Heartbeat 08:25 Where the Heart Is 09:25 Wild at Heart 10:30 Judge Judy 11:55 Road to Avonlea 12:55 Sherlock Holmes 14:05 Heartbeat 15:05 The Royal 16:10 Wild at Heart 17:15 Man About the House 17:50 Rising Damp 18:20 George and Mildred 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Wycliffe 22:00 Rosemary and Thyme 23:05 Law & Order: UK ITV 4 08:50 The Saint 09:55 Ironside 10:55 Quincy, M.E. 11:55 Minder 13:00 UCI Women’s Tour of Britain Cycling 14:00 The Motorbike Show 15:00 The Saint 16:05 Ironside 17:05 Quincy, M.E. 18:10 Cash Cowboys 19:05 Counting Cars 20:00 Pawn Stars 21:00 River Monsters 22:00 Car Wars 23:05 Film - Death Wish 4 (18)

Tuesday TV 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Crimewatch Roadshow 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 The Secret Life of the Hospital Bed 12:45 The Housing Enforcers 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 !mpossible 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Yes Chef 17:30 Street Auction 18:15 Pointless 19:00 News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders Lauren clocks on to Max’s odd behaviour at work. 21:00 Holby City It’s crunch time for Mo, who has some difficult life choices to make. Meanwhile, a patient who is dear to Ric forces him to try and mend some broken ties, but is it too little too late? 22:00 Broken - As events of the night send shockwaves through the community, Father Michael must process his own guilt. Seeing Helen's humility and dignity in the face of overwhelming pain, he turns to Father Peter for advice. Elsewhere, PC Andrew Powell is pressured by PC Dawn Morris and their fellow officers to back up their account of the night before. 23:00 News 23:45 Mike and Jules: While We Still Have Time 00:45 Our Lives 01:15 Weather for the Week Ahead 01:20 News

07:00 Emergency Rescue Down Under 07:30 Bargain Hunt 08:15 Yes Chef 09:00 Great American Railroad Journeys 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Countryfile 14:15 The Super League Show 15:05 Louis Vuitton Cup Sailing 16:05 Red Rock 16:45 Coming Home 17:15 Atlantic: The Wildest Ocean on Earth 18:15 Antiques Road Trip 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Springwatch Unsprung 20:00 Great Continental Railway Journeys Michael Portillo continues his journey through Latvia, Estonia and Finland. 20:30 Great British Menu With the chefs hoping to impress, they each take risks. 21:00 Springwatch Chris and Michaela are live in the Gloucestershire countryside with the latest from all over the Sherborne Estate 22:00 Jo Cox: Death of an MP Revealing the circumstances that lead to the murder of Jo Cox MP through the testimony of those closest to it. 23:00 QI 23:30 Newsnight 00:15 Paul Hollywood’s Big Continental Road Trip 01:15 Doctor in the House 02:15 The Life Swap Adventure 03:15 This Is BBC Two

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 News 15:00 Judge Rinder’s Crime Stories 16:00 Masterpiece with Alan Titchmarsh 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 News 20:00 Emmerdale Rakesh takes a stand. 20:30 Live: International Friendly Football France v England Coverage of the international friendly at the Stade de France, as England play their final match of the season. Having faced Scotland on Saturday in a World Cup qualifier, this fixture gives coach Gareth Southgate the chance to look at some of his fringe players following a long season for those at the leading clubs in the Premier League. France have developed one of the finest young squads in world football, with their impressive strength in depth sure to provide a major test of England’s credentials. Presented by Mark Pougatch, with commentary by Clive Tyldesley and Glenn Hoddle. (Kickoff 21.00). 23:15 News 00:05 Football 01:00 Holiday Horrors: Caught on Camera 01:55 Jackpot247 04:00 Loose Women 04:45 ITV Nightscreen

07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:35 Frasier 11:05 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 13:00 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Posh Pawnbrokers 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Fifteen to One 17:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 News 21:00 Tried and Tasted: The Ultimate Shopping List Michel Roux Jr. and food experts blind tastetest tortelloni, coffee and sausages. And in the quick-fire round, cheese and onion crisps come under scrutiny. 21:30 Supershoppers Anna Richardson and Andi Osho lift the lid on chocolate and pit luxury brands against supermarket labels, and investigate which big brand crisp packets contain the most air.

07:00 Milkshake 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 The Hotel Inspector 13:10 News 13:15 Big Brother 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Film - Taken Back: Finding Haley (12) 18:00 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 News 20:00 FIA World Rally Championship The Rally d'Italia Sardegna. Action from the seventh round of the season, based in the town of Alghero in the west of the island. 21:00 The Yorkshire Vet Documentary series following life in Skeldale Veterinary Centre, James Herriot’s former practice, now situated in a purposebuilt facility in the picturesque market town of Thirsk in North Yorkshire.

22:00 One Born Every Minute The hospital faces a bed block crisis and Kristina’s twins need delivering fast or she’ll have to

22:00 Our Dream Hotel Alex Polizzi follows Keith and Zoe, a couple who are putting their new relationship to the test by fleeing their comfortable London lives for the sleepy Devon fishing village of Brixham. There they hope to convert a run-down B&B into a high-end boutique guest house.

23:00 First Dates 00:05 24 Hours in A&E 01:05 Music on 4 01:35 Bizarre ER 02:25 The World’s Weirdest Weather 03:20 The Secret Life of the Zoo

23:00 Big Brother 00:05 Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 01:05 Britain’s Pushiest Parents 02:00 SuperCasino 04:10 Wentworth

07:35 Vanderpump Rules 08:20 Ellen DeGeneres 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 10:35 Scorpion 11:25 Below Deck 12:25 Vanderpump Rules 13:20 Emmerdale 13:55 Coronation Street 15:00 Ellen DeGeneres 15:50 Jeremy Kyle 18:00 Judge Rinder 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Love Island 23:00 Family Guy ITV 3 08:30 Where the Heart Is 09:30 Wild at Heart 10:30 Judge Judy 11:55 Sherlock Holmes 14:05 Heartbeat 15:05 The Royal 16:10 Wild at Heart 17:15 Man About the House 17:50 Rising Damp 18:20 George and Mildred 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Midsomer Murders 23:00 Law & Order: UK ITV 4 08:00 Cash Cowboys 09:00 The Saint 10:00 Ironside 11:05 Quincy, M.E. 12:05 Minder 13:05 Counting Cars 14:05 Pawn Stars 15:00 Storage Wars 15:30 Live: WR Under 20 Championship Rugby Union 18:00 Live: WR Under 20 Championship Rugby Union 20:30 Pawn Stars 21:00 The Chase: Celebrity Special 22:00 Benidorm 23:00 Film - Full Metal Jacket (18)



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n s i the u t e se ne a in d u n e r e a 17 J stor rme m o n o C n o YSK he f ). t J g tio ac NEW s (in ildin u e jal l b Ro Lid

Friday 9th June 2017

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Wednesday TV 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Crimewatch Roadshow 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 The Secret Life of the Hospital Bed 12:45 The Housing Enforcers 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 !mpossible 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Yes Chef 17:30 Street Auction 18:15 Pointless 19:00 News 20:00 The One Show

07:00 Emergency Rescue Down Under 07:30 Bargain Hunt 08:15 Yes Chef 09:00 Gardeners’ World 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 News 14:00 Two Tribes 14:30 Family Finders 15:15 Red Rock 16:00 Hairy Bikers’ Best of British 16:45 Nature’s Weirdest Events 17:15 Atlantic: The Wildest Ocean on Earth 18:15 Antiques Road Trip 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Springwatch Unsprung

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 Local, National and International News and Weather 15:00 Judge Rinder’s Crime Stories 16:00 Masterpiece with Alan Titchmarsh 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 Local, National and International News and Weather

21:00 Eat Well for Less? Gregg and Chris are faced with one of their biggest challenges yet. Can they keep the Caan family in Glasgow away from their favourite takeaways and get them cooking from scratch?

20:00 Great Continental Railway Journeys Michael Portillo heads for the Netherlands, where he operates a crane in Europe’s largest container port in Rotterdam.

20:00 Emmerdale Rakesh is humiliated.

22:00 The Met: Policing London The officers deal with the challenges of London's busiest custody suite, as a detainee in Brixton has stripped naked and refuses to come out of his cell to go to court, while in another cell a 54-yearold man has been brought in for threatening a cashier in his local supermarket with a knife. Meanwhile, Detective Andy Collin is tasked to crack the mysterious case of the Croydon cat-killer, and fearing that these vicious attacks on animals could escalate to humans, the race is on for Andy to find a suspect. 23:00 News and Weather 23:45 Room 101: Extra Storage 00:25 Sweet Sixteen: A Transgender Story 01:05 Weather for the Week Ahead 01:10 News

20:30 Great British Menu Today the chefs cook their main courses and have very different takes on the Taste of Summer brief. 21:00 Springwatch Chris Packham and Michaela Strachan share the latest news from the wildlife cameras over the past 24 hours. 22:00 The Passengers That Took on the Train Line Jacques Peretti gets a group of commuters on London’s South Eastern rail network to bid for their own train line in a David and Goliath struggle. 23:00 White Gold 23:30 Newsnight 00:15 Cricket 01:05 Jo Cox: Death of an MP 02:05 A Child of Our Time 03:05 Morocco To Timbuktu: An Arabian Adventure 04:05 This Is BBC Two


20:30 Coronation Street Kate discovers the truth. 21:00 Tonight at the London Palladium The variety show from the West End theatre continues, featuring some of the UK's best-loved comedians and entertainers, including performances by Clean Bandit, illusionist James More, comedian James Acaster, The Noise Next Door, and performances from the popular West End productions, School of Rock and Les Miserables. 22:00 Holiday Horrors: Caught on Camera Reallife stories of holidays gone wrong, including a man who takes a flight to the edge of space, what shows up on a dashboard camera that gets lost at sea. 23:00 News 23:40 On Assignment 00:15 The Chase 01:10 Jackpot247 04:00 1000 Heartbeats 04:50 ITV Nightscreen

07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:35 Frasier 11:05 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 13:00 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Posh Pawnbrokers 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Fifteen to One 17:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 News 21:00 Ackley Bridge Jordan finds himself in charge of a baby that he has to sneak into school, but it is harder to conceal than he first anticipated, so blackmails PE teacher Steve into helping him out. Unable to return it to its mother, a stumped Steve ends up taking Jordan and the baby back to his house. Meanwhile, Missy agrees that if Cory sleeps with Nas, she will sleep with Cory. However, she soon discovers Cory has a loose tongue and that the whole school now thinks this is an open opportunity. 22:00 24 Hours in A&E Lewis, who’s 18, has come off a motorbike and collided with two cars. Sam, who’s 27, fainted and cut his lip at a barbecue. 23:00 Fargo 00:05 24 Hours in Police Custody 01:05 Naked Attraction 02:00 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 02:55 Film - Outrageous Fortune (15) 04:35 Location, Location, Location

07:00 Milkshake 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 House Doctor 13:10 News 13:15 Big Brother 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS: Los Angeles 16:15 Film The Boy Next Door (PG) 18:00 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 News 20:00 Police Interceptors Dan and Gordy engage in the high-speed pursuit of a dangerous disqualified driver, and the hunt is on for a wanted man in a bobble hat. 21:00 GPs: Behind Closed Doors A young mother visits the surgery concerned about feeling numbness in her hands and blurred vision, and the doctors decide to refer her to a neurologist for further tests. Meanwhile, a regular patient comes in with a mysterious gash on her leg, and an older patient is treated after he started to bleed from his ears. 22:00 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! Officers Gary and Cona chase a debt of nearly £50,000 in unpaid rent, leading to a feisty confrontation with the debtor. Elsewhere, Gary and Paul try to recover over £2,000 owed by a teenager to a garage, and Max and Paul are on the trail of a film producer who owes £8,000. 23:00 Big Brother 00:05 Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 01:05 Benefits 02:00 SuperCasino 04:10 Wentworth

07:00 The Hot Desk 07:10 You’ve Been Framed! 07:35 Vanderpump Rules 08:20 Ellen DeGeneres 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 The Cube 10:35 Scorpion 11:25 Below Deck 12:25 Vanderpump Rules 13:20 Emmerdale 13:55 You’ve Been Framed! 15:00 Ellen DeGeneres 15:50 Jeremy Kyle 18:00 Judge Rinder 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Love Island 23:00 Celebrity Juice 23:50 Family Guy ITV 3 07:00 Man About the House 07:25 Heartbeat 08:30 Where the Heart Is 09:30 Wild at Heart 10:30 Judge Judy 11:55 Road to Avonlea 12:55 The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes 14:05 Heartbeat 15:05 The Royal 16:10 Wild at Heart 17:15 Man About the House 17:50 Rising Damp 18:20 George and Mildred 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Lewis 23:00 Law & Order: UK ITV 4 07:00 Minder 08:00 Cash Cowboys 09:00 The Saint 10:00 Ironside 11:05 Quincy, M.E. 12:05 Minder 13:05 Counting Cars 14:00 Storage Wars 14:30 Pawn Stars 15:00 The Saint 16:05 Ironside 17:05 Quincy, M.E. 18:05 Cash Cowboys 19:05 Counting Cars 20:00 Pawn Stars 21:00 River Monsters 22:05 Film - Bullitt (15)

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36 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Crimewatch Roadshow 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 The Secret Life of the Hospital Bed 12:45 The Housing Enforcers 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 !mpossible 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Yes Chef 17:30 Street Auction 18:15 Pointless 19:00 News and Weather 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders The Taylors arrive in Albert Square and immediately catch the eyes of their neighbours. 21:00 Kat & Alfie: Redwater Eileen is quick to put a positive spin on the house fire, suggesting the family can claim enough on the insurance to get the cookery business off the ground. Bernie still suspects that Lance's death was not a heart attack - but who would want to kill him? 22:00 DIY SOS: The Big Build Kidney failure has meant that midwife Sascha has to endure intensive dialysis at hospital just to stay alive. However, Sacha could do self dialysis daily from her home, and the increase in frequency and the decrease in intensity would mean her life expectancy and lifestyle would improve dramatically. 23:00 News and Weather 23:45 Question Time 00:45 This Week 01:30 Weather for the Week Ahead 01:35 News

Friday 9th June 2017

07:00 Emergency Rescue Down Under 07:30 Bargain Hunt 08:15 Yes Chef 09:00 Bake Off Crème de la Crème 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 News 14:00 Two Tribes 14:30 Family Finders 15:15 Red Rock 16:00 Red Rock 16:45 Nature’s Weirdest Events 17:15 Operation Iceberg 18:15 Antiques Road Trip 19:00 E g g h e a d s 19:30 Springwatch Unsprung 20:00 Great British Menu Dessert is the last chance for the chefs to secure a place cooking for the judges. 20:30 Springwatch Michaela, Gillian and Chris report live on all the latest action from the National Trust’s Sherborne Park Estate. Martin HughesGames is finishing his tour of the UK from a remote island. 21:30 Britain’s Greatest Inventions Sir Trevor McDonald, Angela Rippon, Nick Knowles, Giles Coren, Len Goodman, David Harewood and Angela Scanlon delve into the Science Museum stores to discover a treasure trove of inventions and decide which item has most shaped our lives today. 23:00 Mock the Week 23:30 Newsnight 00:15 Cricket 01:05 Horizon 02:05 Dara and Ed’s Road to Mandalay 03:05 The Truth About... 04:05 This Is BBC Two

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 News 15:00 Judge Rinder’s Crime Stories 16:00 Masterpiece with Alan Titchmarsh 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 News 20:00 Emmerdale Rhona gets a shock. 20:30 Tonight The investigation into a gang of Romanian criminals, who arrived in Britain and raided 11 jewellery shops, getting away with more than £3million worth of luxury watches and diamond rings. Tonight has access to the police inquiry to reveal how the crooks were tracked down and eventually caught. 21:00 Emmerdale Rhona makes a big decision. 21:30 The Real Full Monty Ashley Banjo puts the guys through their paces, getting them ready for the performance of their lives in front of 2,000 people at the London Palladium. As they struggle to learn the moves and get used to taking off their clothes to music and exposing their bodies, conversation turns to the reason they are doing it men’s attitude to health and their concerns about getting their kit off. 23:00 News 23:40 The Late Debate 00:10 Life Stories 01:10 Jackpot247 04:00 Tonight 04:25 ITV Nightscreen

07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:35 Frasier 11:05 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 13:00 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Posh Pawnbrokers 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Fifteen to One 17:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 News

Thursday TV 07:00 Milkshake 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 House Doctor 13:10 News 13:15 Big Brother 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS: Los Angeles 16:15 Film Expecting Amish (PG) 18:00 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 News

20:00 Traffic Cops The cops contend with all manner of hazards as they crack down on drugged drivers, and a convicted drug dealer leads North 21:00 The Supervet A Yorkshire’s Roads Policing woman brings in Teddy the Group on a 140-mile-anshih-tzu cross, who has hour chase down one of severely deformed front the UK’s busiest motorlegs. His owner wants him ways. to live a life without pain, but coming up with a surgi- 21:00 Benefits People cal solution proves a chal- struggling to live on state lenge. Five-year-old gold- welfare in Wales, including en retriever Ollie is referred a piano teacher with a very to Fitzpatrick's for an oper- rare heart condition who ation to remove a tumour in has a permanent IV line in his leg. her chest for self-administering drugs, but who con22:00 Wife Swap: Brexit tinues to give lessons Special Andy and 14-year- despite being too sick to old Katie live on Canvey work. Plus, a mother of five Island - the area with the funding her children's nation's third highest `out' singing lessons and a vote. For seven days, bar woman left struggling to worker Pauline swaps her support her family after home, job and family with changes in benefit rules. psychotherapist and Green Party councillor Kat, who 22:00 Nightmare Tenants, lives in rural Slum Landlords A retired Nottinghamshire with her couple pay the price when partner Roger and 17-year- their tenants stop paying old daughter Sophie. rent and invite their abusive friends in to squat. 23:00 Battling the Bailiffs 00:00 One Born Every 23:00 Big Brother 00:05 Minute15 01:00 Derren Big Brother’s Bit on the Brown: Pushed to the Edge Side 01:00 SuperCasino 02:20 Arrivals 03:15 04:10 Wentworth 05:00 Loaded 04:00 Location, The Railways That Built Location, Location Britain with Chris Tarrant

07:00 The Hot Desk 07:10 You’ve Been Framed! 07:35 Vanderpump Rules 08:20 Ellen DeGeneres 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 10:00 Scorpion 10:55 Below Deck 12:25 Vanderpump Rules 13:20 Emmerdale 13:55 Coronation Street 14:30 You’ve Been Framed! 15:00 Ellen DeGeneres 15:50 Jeremy Kyle 18:00 Judge Rinder 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Love Island 23:00 CelebAbility 23:50 Family Guy ITV 3 07:00 Man About the House 07:25 Heartbeat 08:30 Where the Heart Is 09:30 Wild at Heart 10:35 Judge Judy 12:00 Road to Avonlea 13:00 Love Your Garden 14:05 Heartbeat 15:05 The Royal 16:10 Wild at Heart 17:15 Man About the House 17:50 Rising Damp 18:20 George and Mildred 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Endeavour 23:00 Law & Order: UK ITV 4 07:00 Minder 08:00 Cash Cowboys 08:55 The Saint 10:00 Ironside 11:05 Quincy, M.E. 12:05 Minder 13:05 Counting Cars 14:00 Pawn Stars 14:55 The Saint 16:00 Ironside 17:05 Quincy, M.E. 18:05 Cash Cowboys 19:05 Counting Cars 20:00 Pawn Stars 21:00 The Isle of Man TT 22:00 Film - Transporter 3 (14)

La Siesta


Cabo Roig

San Luis










3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Villa

Large 4 Bedroom 3 Bathroom Villa

Town House 3 Bedrooms 2 Bath

2 Bedroom 2 Bathroom Bungalow

Detached 3 Bed 2 Bath Country Home

2 Bedroom First Floor Apartment

269,500€ Ref: 127

299,000€ Ref: 178

129,000€ Ref: 124

75,000€ Ref: 176

169,000€ Ref: 177

49,950€ Ref: 175



Aguas Nuevas


Aguas Nuevas

San Luis







2 Bed House with 1 Bed Flat

2 Bedroom 1 Bathroom Apartment

3 Bed 2 Bathroom Quad

Two Bedroom One Bathroom Bungalow

1 Bedroom 1 Bathroom Apartment

3 Bed 2 Bath Villa

95,000€ Ref: 174

59,950€ Ref: 171

115,000€ Ref: 170

72,000€ Ref: 168

59,900€ Ref: 169

250,000€ Ref: 167

Daya Vieja

La Siesta

La Mata


Aguas Nuevas









3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Chalets

Fully Furnished Studio Apartment

2 Bedroom 1 Bathroom Apartment

2 Bedroom 1 Bathroom Bungalow

Bedroom 1 Bathroom Bungalow

1 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Apartment

From 184,990€ Ref: 166

25,000€ Ref: 134

84,500€ Ref: 159

76,600€ Ref: 157

85,000€ Ref: 153

55,000€ Ref: 152

Properties wanted, all areas. We have clients waiting.

What happened in the middle of the twentieth century that will not happen again for 4,000 years? Answer at the bottom of the next page. FILL IT IN


Fit the words into the boxes.

Code Cracker is a crossword puzzle with no clues; instead, every letter of the alphabet has been replaced by a number, the same number representing the same letter throughout the puzzle. All you have to do is decide which letter is represented by which number.

DOUBLE CROSS-WORD Solve the Double Cross-Word puzzle using either the standard or cryptic clues, the answers are exactly the same.

3 letter words Ace Age Are Bit Den Din Doe Eel Era Get Imp Ire Lap Lax Led

Lip Men Odd Per Ram Roe Sew 4 letter words Aloe Also Aria Bead Best Bide Dash

Does Eyes Felt Flax Golf Ions Iris Lady Lapp Leer Sale Sell Sloe Tent User

Cryptic Clues Across


1 Puzzled because I sat for my portrait (5) 4 Remote transformation into a shooting star (6) 9 Unusual garnets found in unusual places (7) 10 I get lost while he does the hard work (5) 11 Wasps’ nest contains snakes (4) 12 A Los Angeles graduate’s mother in the US (7) 13 I will shortly be sick (3) 14 Quarter a nurse is paid for work (4) 16 Cook a guerrilla and female (4) 18 By the sound of it condensation is expected (3) 20 Annie is peculiar looking and not very smart (7) 21 There’s something underfoot! How fishy (4) 24 Crown found in a Croatia railway station (5) 25 In opposition to a giant’s creation (7) 26 Being more foolhardy, I might get grilled (6) 27 Lead the way for the ranch animal (5)

1 Mail system is coming back in the flats opposite (6) 2/8 Let Pam’s car go as steel for recycling (5,5) 3 Shake cocktail and wet (4) 5 Give an enthralling performance at the door (8) 6 I’m ‘ere at fantastic Arab land (7) 7 Give a bad scar to the Spanish brat (6) 8 See 2 13 I acted in poor show (8) 15 They’re a beastly lot! (7) 17 Beam from the Queen on a float (6) 18 Keep out of French watering hole (5) 19 Her Royal Highness wept for metal (6) 22 Tiny weight for a large white cat (5) 23 Discharges a liability but shows a profit (4)

5 letter words Alibi Beaux Cameo Doors Ensue Eyrie Handy Hewed Often Penne Salad Sheer Siege There Troll

Usher 6 letter words Lessor Orient Peahen Pedalo 9 letter words Expansion Rehearsal

Standard Clues Across 1 Modelled (5) 4 Falling star (6) 9 Odd (7) 10 Labours (5) 11 Cobras (4) 12 US state (7) 13 Unwell (3) 14 Get paid (4) 16 Professional cook (4) 18 Owed (3) 20 Foolish (7) 21 Unique (4) 24 Jewelled headdress (5) 25 Opposed to (7) 26 Thin slice of bacon (6) 27 Guide (5) Down 1 Relating to the system for delivering mail (6) 2/8 Junk (5,5) 3 Damp (4) 5 Opening (8) 6 Domain controlled by an emir (7) 7 Rogue (6) 8 See 2 13 Point out (8) 15 Creatures (7) 17 Roof beam (6) 18 Ban (5) 19 Alloy of tin and copper (6) 22 Snow leopard (5) 23 Lays out (4)

Quiz Word

Across 1 By what nickname was the American mobster Al Capone usually known? (8) 7 Which British unit of weight is equal to 14 pounds (6.3 kg)? (5) 8 Which actor played the title role in the long-running television detective series Columbo? (5,4) 9/24 Walk Tall, The Special Years and Elusive Butterfly were all British Top 10 hit singles for which popular Irish-born balladeer and television host? (3,8) 10 Name given to any of a group of hydrated double salts, usually consisting of aluminium sulphate, water of hydration, and the sulphate of another element? (4) 11 Which word means with hands on hips and elbows extending outward? (6) 13 What was the surname of the tennis player who, on July 7, 1985, became the youngest champion in the history of the men’s singles at Wimbledon? (6) 14 Which is Britain’s longest river from source to tidal waters? (6) 17 What title is given to the official of a synagogue who conducts the liturgical part of the service and sings or chants the prayers intended to be performed as solos? (6) 18 According to The Bible, what was the

name of the first man and father Cain and Abel? (4) 20 What was the first name of the American film actress who was married to actor Mickey Rooney (1942–43), bandleader Artie Shaw (1945–46) and singeractor Frank Sinatra (1951–57)? (3) 22 Which American group’s only British top 10 hit single was Tequila in 1958? (3,6) 23 What was the surname of the popular female poet who was awarded the MBE in the 2004 Queen’s birthday honours list for services to literature and entertainment? (5) 24 See 9 Down 1 Which dyestuff, coloured brown with a trace of violet, is obtained from a pigment protectively secreted by cuttlefish or squid? (5) 2/4 Stanley Kubrick’s film 2001: A Space Odyssey was based on which writer’s 1951 short story The Sentinel? (6,1,6) 3 Lying on the Atlantic coast near Cape Santa Maria, which is the southernmost city of Portugal? (4) 4 See 2 5 Which major Swedish manufacturer of automobiles and related products was



1 Stern (6) 4 Become preoccupied (6) 9 One more (7) 10 Fragrance (5) 11 Lifting machine (5) 12 Inactive (7) 13 Adulating (11) 18 Obvious (7) 20 Depart (5) 22 Port in Israel (5) 23 Italian pasta dish (7) 24 Hazard (6) 25 Light wind (6)

1 Look for (6) 2 Stringed instrument (5) 3 Fixes shoes (7) 5 Shiny metal (5) 6 Sentiment (7) 7 Divides up (6) 8 Protected by copyright (11) 14 Point of view (7) 15 Idle chatter (7) 16 Manner or mode (6) 17 Next to (6) 19 Keep away from (5) 21 Love intensely (5)


Improve your Spanish - Clues in Spanish, answer in English or vice versa.

Fill It In




1 Vasos (para beber) (7) 5 Vapor (de agua) (5) 8 Goodbye (5) 9 Lectores (personas) (7) 10 Cirugías (9) 12 Coche (automóvil) (3) 13 Flies (insects) (6) 14 To educate (6) 17 Tú (3) 18 Campeones (9) 20 Rosary (religioso) (7) 21 Escena (parte de obra, película) (5) 23 Down (physical movement) (5) 24 Authors (writers) (7)

1 Hierba (pasto) (5) 2 There (near you) (3) 3 System (method) (7) 4 Sawdust (6) 5 Asientos (muebles) (5) 6 Exercise (physical) (9) 7 To show (7) 11 Answer (reply) (9) 13 Majority (mayor parte) (7) 15 Depósito (comercio) (7) 16 Street lamp (6) 18 Wagon (horse-drawn) (5) 19 Semillas (botánico) (5) 22 Oreja (anatómico) (3)

Span - Eng

Ridley´s Riddle The year 1961. It reads the same upside down. This will not happen again until the year 6009.

Code Cracker

created in 1926 as a wholly owned subsidiary of A B Svenska Kullagerfabriken? (5) 6 Named after the Greek god of the winds, which ‘harp’ is played by the wind? (7) 7 Rynchopidae is the family name of which gull-like seabird that is distinguished by a unique bladelike bill, the lower mandible of which is one-third longer than the upper mandible? (7) 12 Which comic strip drawn and authored by Charles Schulz featured the characters Charlie Brown, Lucy and Linus? (7) 13 Nassau is the capital of which islands in the Atlantic, SE of Florida? (7) 15 Which adjective means belonging or native to a particular people/country or characteristic of or prevalent in a particular field, area, or environment? (7) 16 Which Spanish dance in triple time accompanied by guitar and castanets is also the name of a short jacket? (6) 17 Which city is the capital of Egypt and largest city in Africa? (5) 19 What name is given to a skilled worker who builds by laying units of substantial material such as stone or brick? (5) 21 By what name is the leg bone, the tibia more commonly known? (4)


Last Week’s Solutions Quizword Across: 1 Gomorrah, 7 Canoe, 8 Paragraph, 9 USA, 10 Yves, 11 Circus, 13/7D Chubby Checker, 14 Neeson, 18 Musk, 20/17 Mel Brooks, 22 El Alamein, 23 Acorn, 24 Odysseus. Down: 1 Gypsy, 2 Marceau, 3 Riga, 4 Adagio, 5 Angus, 6 Lebanon, 12 Abdomen, 13 Crimean, 15 Squeeze, 16 Ekland, Double Crossword Across: 1 Actress, 5 Spent, 8 Rebates, 9 Abuse, 10 Elate, 11 Elegant, 12 Canned, 14 Allege, 17 Air base, 19 Adept, 22 Chaos, 23 Anemone, 24 Liege, 25 Listens. Down: 1 Agree, 2 Tibia, 3 Extreme, 4 Sashes, 5 Scale, 6 Emulate, 7 Theatre, 12 Chancel, 13 Narrate, 15 Loafers, 16 Recall, 18 Aisle, 20 Evoke, 21 Trees. Quickie Across: 1 Passage, 5 Gusto, 8 Refer, 9 Curious, 10 Arrange, 11 Ample, 12 Banish, 14 Gentle, 17 Sever, 19 Tedious, 22 Dormant, 23 Mange, 24 Stews, 25 Confess. Down: 1 Parka, 2 Saffron, 3 Apron, 4 Exceed, 5 Garbage, 6 Snoop, 7 Obscene, 12 Besides, 13 Surpass, 15 Trounce, 16 Static, 18 Verge, 20 Demon, 21 Sheds.

Business Board

Advertise your business here - Call 966 921 003


CLASSIFIE SITUATIONS VACANT Admin Assistant required, must speak English and Spanish, full time in summer, part time in winter. Please email CV’s to Tel 965 060 252 Solar Power - Sunlife Solar Solutions have vacancies for both a Solar Installation Engineer and a Solar Thermal Engineer (or plumber with pool heating experience). Call 965 271 717 or send your CV to info@sunlifesolarsolutions.c om Insurance Sales - The EasyCover Group have a full time vacancy available in their Torrevieja / La Zenia offices. You must have previous sales experience and have lived locally for at least 5 years. A full time contract is offered to the right candidate. Send your CV and enquiries by email to Field and telesales reps wanted, full training given, experience desired, call The Courier 966 921 003. Radio Sales - RADIO COSTA MEDIA needs selfemployed salesperson for Torrevieja & surrounding areas. Call 685 901 265 or please email Realtor vacancy - Proven track record, experience, local knowledge all essential. Car essential, multi-lingual desired. Send CV to: CHURCH SERVICES Torrevieja Christian Fellowship at Avenida de las


usines der Remin e for your b tis 3 Adver 921 00 6 6 9 l l Ca

Cortes Valencianas 68, Torrevieja 03183, all welcome to their friendly and lively 10.30 am. Service each Sunday morning. Tele: 966700391 or visit our website on International Christian Assembly, Calle Pilar de Horadada 5, Torrevieja. Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday services 11am. Children's church 11am.. For more information lease Telephone today: 966 799 273 or 660 127 276. PETS PET TRAVEL UK Family pet transporters Spain/UK. Travel with your pets for free. All air conditioned vehicles (no vans) Removals also arranged in other vehicles. Tel UK 0800 612 4922 or Spain 960130537 QUIZ MASTER Experienced quiz-master /question setter with personality. If you would like a quiz master that is entertaining, and is available to host quiz nights in local bars. Tel: 664 838 581. REMOVALS SPANISH MOVES Small removals and deliveries. Spain/UK Budget prices. Last minute jobs undertaken. Pet transport also arranged in our air conditioned pet/people carriers. Telephone UK 0800 612 4922 or Spain 960130537


Friday 9th June 2017



BlueMoon Solutions

BlueMoon Solutions is the computer and IT services company on the Costa Blanca. BlueMoon Solutions comes to you at home or at work. Their personal service covers from Alicante to Pilar de la Horadada.

Richard moved to Spain ten years ago having left his management background behind in the UK and decided to use his IT skills to help home users and small businesses with their PC problems. Now a relaxed 'computer man' he is out and about in the Spanish sun every day, making house and shop calls and using his vast experience and qualifications to sort out the problem there and then. Computers are his hobby as well as his work so don’t be surprised to get an answer to your email in the early hours!

ADVICE: Brian wanted to know why he was getting the error ADVICE: Bob wanted to know why his computer told him it message “There is no email program associated to perform was “cleaning up” the quested action.”


Hi Richard,I am using Windows Media Player on Windows 10. I need to send an audio file by email When I open the file location and click Send To Mail Recipient I get a message: There is no email program associated to perform the quested action. Please install an email program or, if one is already installed, create an association in the Default Programs Control Panel. How do I do this? I use for my normal emails. Would appreciate your advice. Kind regards, Brian Jakes.


Hi Brian, what’s happening here is that Windows (Media Player really) is trying to open up an email program on your computer in order to send your file and can’t find one. You would need to install something like Windows Live Mail, Thunderbird, Microsoft Office 365 or similar in order to enable this functionality, we or any other computer guy can help you do that if you are struggling. Alternatively, you need to login to your own web based email service and attach the file from within there in order to send it.


Richard, all through Windows XP until W7 I am used to seeing messages"updating Windows 30%, 50% to !00%" do not switch off computer, but today after using Windows defrag yesterday when I started my PCI had this message "configuring updates" and am used to thisbut after the screen displayed the message"cleaning computer do not switch off". This was completely new. Can you tell me what it was cleaning? Bob


Hi Bob, all perfectly normal and expected, who know what decisions Microsoft make as to whether to show percentages or more “friendly” words but you can bet it was decided by committee! The message referring to cleaning is related to Windows 10 removing any temporary files created to install the update. Oh, just one other thing, you really don’t need to defrag your disk any more, its checked and done automatically for you by the operating system  Email: Mobile: 655 044 970 NEW: Tel: 965 987 032 Don’t forget, you can follow me on Facebook: Alternatively, why don’t you sign up for my newsletter. You can do this by going .




Friday 9th June 2017

Some years ago, there was some extensive research done in America by the USGA Green Section's on golf shoe damage to greens, and the results pleased some, and disappointed others, writes JOHN FARMER. Since then, it has been a story that will not go away! In brief review, the study touched on the history of spiked shoes in golf and compared present-day metal spiked golf shoes with the rubber stud and spikeless shoes and modern street shoes that are almost flat. Of the three shoe types tested, the metal spike golf shoe caused the greatest damage to Bent grass putting green turf. The rubber studded shoes were next and the street shoe produced the least amount of wear. The tests were conducted under both good weather and wet weather conditions. The relative ratings remained the same throughout both tests, although the rubber studded shoes seemed to cause a greater degree of surface disturbance and damage under wet conditions than on dry surfaces. Overall, the conclusion was, "spikes are detrimental to putting green turf and the putting quality of greens." Since the study, even greater numbers and varieties of rubber-soled studded athletic shoes have appeared on the market. They have followed the trend created by more and more joggers, runners, walkers, coaches, and soccer enthusiasts. The lugs or studs have become more pronounced, deeper, and in various patterns. Their manufacturers do not claim them to be "golf shoes." Nevertheless, they have found their way, in increasing numbers, mostly on the feet of public-course golfers. After all, golf is a form of athletics and these are "athletic shoes." Unfortunately, that reasoning is not good for our putting green grasses. Observations and field experience with these shoes, i.e., with longer, deeper, more pointed studs and especially under wet conditions, indicate that they do harm to our putting green turf and the putting quality of our greens. As concluded in the Golf Shoe Study, "spikes are detrimental to turf." Apparently, the longer and more pronounced a spike, the more the damage A golf course keeper once told me they don't like metal spikes as they can transfer viruses and diseases around the course much more effectively and worse if you drag your feet than walk! People don’t repair their pitch marks on the green let alone smoothing the tufts! A good greenkeeper won’t keep the grass that long so that tufts are visible and that means good greens. It is not possible to run a new series of wear tests every time a new soft spike shoe comes on the market, but it does seem safe and necessary to say that not all athletic shoes should be permitted on golf greens. The Greens Section has always had a driving interest in quality putting green turf maintained at the lowest possible cost. Eliminating all spiked or studded shoes from golf would be a giant step forward in reducing maintenance costs and improving putting qualities. Since this does not seem possible, minimising the effect of spikes on turf is the best available second choice. One final comment about the “Athletic” style shoe is that their marking in bunkers are seen more times that the spike version, and is it because the wearers do not think they leave prints that need raking??




World number two Rory McIlroy says he has recovered from a rib injury and will be fit for the US Open, the second of the year’s Majors which starts next week. The 28-year-old Northern Irishman was treated for a stress fracture to the ribs earlier in the year and pulled out of May's PGA Championship at Wentworth. He also missed last weekend's Memorial Tournament with the US Open beginning on Thursday June 15th. "I am ready for Erin Hills and looking forward to playing there for the first time," said McIlroy. The injury, which McIlroy suffered in the close season, flared up as he lost a play-off to Graeme Storm at the South African Open in January. The four-time major winner did not play again until the WGC-Mexico Championship in

March. McIlroy felt discomfort at the Players Championship at Sawgrass last month and was "advised to take a conservative approach" to his recovery. "The last few weeks have obviously been frustrating," Mc Ilroy said. "I never like to miss events either on the PGA Tour or European Tour, but it was important I got back to a level of fitness where I felt like I could give myself the best possible chance at the US Open. "As I have said many times before, majors will ultimately determine my golf career, but I have had the rest of this busy season to consider as well." World No 23 Phil Mickelson has already signalled his intention to miss the US Open - the only major to elude him - to attend his daughter's high school graduation.



End Of The Road PAIPORTA CF 3

Thader’s bid to make it into the Preferente play-off final was dashed at Paiporta on Sunday, but what an excellent journey it has been for the Rojalesbased side stretching back to late last summer when the players had modest hopes of just making sure that they kept their group four status for another season. The bottom line was that a one-all home draw in the first leg left them too much to do, and when they were three-nil down in the away leg, they staged a comeback to leave Paiporta fans biting their fingernails for what turned out to be

Cracking Comeback

CD THADER 2 (agg 4-3)

the last quarter of an hour, with seven minutes of nerve-racking injury time. Paiporta took the lead in the 23rd minute through Jordi Blázquez, who should have scored in the seventh minute when he saw a penalty saved by Kevin. Thader created chances as well to give them hope as they went in one-nil down at half-time. But the home side struck a double-killer blow with two goals within a minute shortly after the interval. Christian Contreras took advantage of a second chance after keeper Kevin made a save in the 47th minute, and then

Contreras struck again a minute later to effectively kill off the tie, or so it seemed. Thader refused to lie down, and Quino pulled one back in the 69th minute, and then set up Valentin to get the second goal in the 83rd minute. The equaliser didn’t come but Thader could hold their heads up high in a season of great progress, which has also seen big rises in the number of spectators coming to their matches. That is bound to continue come the next campaign with the likes of relegated CD Torrevieja and CD Almoradi joining Thader in the Preferente.

After a seven wicket thrashing at the hands of Sporting Alfas in the Eastern and Central Cricket League, Torrevieja bounced back in emphatic style to record an impressive six wicket win over the Madrid second team, with an over to spare. The match was played at La Manga, as the capitalbased side had lost the use of their ground, and that means they have to travel far and wide to fulfil their fixtures. Winning the toss, Torrevieja decided to field and struggled to contain the Madrid batsmen and it wasn't until the 22nd over when the first wicket fell with Luke Clarke dismissed for 34. Sumon continued to punish any bad balls and scored a magnificent 115 before being caught at mid-wicket

going for another big hit. After that, only Dinesh (27) and Angappan (20) managed any score of note and the Madrid innings fizzled out for 241. Torrevieja captain Kieran Wood took 4 for 48, and Ciaran Guichard 2 for 18, to be the pick of the Torry bowlers. Torrevieja started their innings steadily but lost their first wicket in the 5th over, with Kieran Wood and Paul Powell then taking the score to 53 before Powell had to leave the field with severe cramp. Hein Muller came in, and with Wood they started to push the score along, until Muller fell in the 31st over, having scored 74, before perishing to a deep mid-on catch. Rahul Maini joined Wood and scored a breezy 25

before Paul Harvey came to the wicket with Torrevieja still needing 51 runs to win off 6 overs. Wood, still batting well was unlucky to be bowled by Murari for 68, but having recovered from his cramp problems, Paul Powell returned to score the winning runs in the penultimate over, with Torry reaching 244 for 4. The man of the match was undoubtedly the Torrevieja skipper Kieran Wood, with his 68 runs and four wickets, and he was full of praise for his team and their “never say die” attitude. Torrevieja ended up taking 20 points from the match, with Madrid bagging six points. If you are interested in getting involved with Torrevieja CC, then send an e-mail to

Junior Boost

Plain Sailing

Torrevieja’s Club Náutico Marina Internacional is to host four days of sailing this mid-July in the eighth staging of the International Trophy competition, which will also run parallel with hosting the Mediterranean section of the Spanish cruisers cup. Normally the International Trophy takes place over a day, but with the big Spanish competition running as well, the regatta will run between Thursday July 13th and Sunday July 16th in Torrevieja’s waters. Club President Antonio Luis Dávalos said that that this move from level two to level one racing was big news for the club as it would make it better known across Spain in addition to attraction the best yachtsmen.

An increase in young players showing an interest in rugby union has seen the Costa Cobras rugby club decide to introduce two dedicated junior training session per week at the San Fulgencio football ground. The rise in interest came

about after the club organised a fun day at the start of last month, and the junior sessions are now held every Monday and Wednesday for 90 minutes starting at 6.00 pm. For the summer, the adults training will be mov-

ing to the beach, every Monday and Wednesday from 8.00 pm, and there are more details on the location at the Cobras Facebook page. For adults and juniors alike, if you fancy getting involved, then call Dutch on 692 767 242.



Friday 9th June 2017


JUVENTUS 1 REAL MADRID 4 Real Madrid became the first team to retain their Champions League title since AC Milan accomplished the feat in 19891990, winning a record 12th European crown in Cardiff last Saturday. Cristian Ronaldo scored twice, after Casemiro put Real ahead and Marco Asensio added a late strike for Real, who were dominant in the second half and have now won three titles in the last four years. For Ronaldo, it was his fourth triumph on the European stage (three with Real), bringing him level with his rival, Barcelona’s Lionel Messi. In an exceptional career in which he keeps rewriting the record books, Ronaldo became the first player in the 25 seasons of the Champions League era to score in three finals. "People don't have words to criticize," Ronaldo said, "because the numbers don't lie” Having lifted the European Cup once with Manchester United, Ronaldo has done it three times in four seasons with Madrid. It's the latest piece of silverware in an incredible 12 months for the world player of the year. It began with Ronaldo winning his first title with Portugal at

the European Championship. Then came the Club World Cup with Real Madrid and the end of a five-year Spanish title drought before new highs were reached in the Champions League. Madrid's attacking brilliance proved just too hard for Juventus to contain as Zinedine Zidane won his second Champions League title in 18 months of top-flight management. "Zidane believes in us a lot," Ronaldo said. "He knows that we are a very good team and that is why we proved it in the second half." The coach himself was more than pleased with a spectacular end to the Real season: - “I feel extremely happy. It's been a spectacular year. You couldn't dream of anything better. We won the league on the very last day, and it's very difficult to reach the Champions League final two years running – we've done it. We played a great team; the first half was difficult but in the second half we were clearly superior. We pressed a lot more and physically we won the game there too. So I'm very happy.”

Happy Girona

Neymar Bid

Girona will play in the La Liga Primera division for the first time next season after a mutually beneficial 0-0 draw with Real Zaragoza sealed their promotion on Sunday. The Catalan side needed just a point to be assured of going up, whilst the point was also good enough to secure Zaragoza’s survival, as opposed to joining Elche in getting relegated (see right column).

Barcelona are hoping to get Brazilian forward Neymar a Spanish passport in order to free up space in their squad for another player from outside the European Union. At present, La Liga rules allow three non-EU players in each club's squad, who in Barca’s case are Neymar, Luis Suarez (Uruguay) and defender Marlon Santos (Brazil).


CADIZ 2 ELCHE 1 Elche’s president Diego García apologised to the Ilicitanos fans after a long journey for a defeat on Sunday that saw the club condemned to Segunda Division B for the first time since 1991, writes ALEX TRELINSKI. The result was immaterial as their rivals all picked up points meaning that this weekend’s final fixture at home to Oviedo this Saturday evening is of no consequence. The Elche supporters are wondering is what happens next to a club that will have a battle to avoid the drop to National Division Three at the rate things are going. García said that the financial future of the club was guaranteed, but that was of little consequence to fans who endured a disastrous second half of the season and the problems created by the previous coach Alberto Toril, who was sacked too late at the back end of April. Exactly two years ago Elche finished 13th in the Primera under Fran Escriba, but were relegated for failing to pay their tax bills. Despite the mess, a decent stabilising spell under coach Ruben Baraja was thrown away after he quit the club last summer, unhappy by things that were going on behind the scenes. García’s statement said that the club board would start work straight away to get Elche back into the Segunda Division “as soon as possible”. “It’s a very had time for everyone, but life goes on”, he added. He described Elche’s performances, where they were unable to win any of their last matches, as “incomprehensible and irrational”. “We tried all kinds of things to revive the patient”, said García in a medical turn of phrase, “..but it did not work”. García though refused to blame the players for relegation saying that it was the problems started in the boardroom, adding that the directors will lay down a blueprint for the future of the club. That will not include caretaker coach Vicente Parras carrying on in the senior position after he took over from Toril a few weeks ago. Indications are that the club is looking for a former player or ex-coach that would have popular support amongst the fans, with the name of ex-boss Claudio Barragán being touted as a favourite. Elche are also looking for a sporting director to replace José Luis "Chuti" Molina, who quit the club at the same time that Toril was shown the door. As for Sunday’s match, the first half was short of scoring chances for both sides. Cadiz took the lead through a 53rd minute Aridane header from a corner. Nino squandered a great close range chance to level up matters five minutes later, with Salvi getting a second for the home side in the 71st minute. Cadiz then hit the woodwork with two chances shortly afterwards which would have buried the contest out of sight, with Guillermo grabbing a consolation in injury time to give the Ilicitanos a flattering final scoreline, as they kissed goodbye to the Segunda Division.


Pepe Goes

Defender Pepe is leaving Real Madrid after 10 years at the La Liga and Champions League winners, having decided in January to move on. The 34-year-old, who was born in Brazil but plays for Portugal, has been linked with Paris St-Germain and AC Milan and has "had proposals from England". Pepe has made 334 appearances for Real, winning three La Liga titles and three Champions League trophies. He missed Saturday's win over Juventus and added: "I didn't say goodbye because they knew before I did." Pepe announced his departure in an interview with the COPE radio station, and said he had not spoken to manager Zinedine Zidane since Madrid's Champions League final win in Cardiff. "What he has done for Real Madrid is spectacular, but there are things I still do not understand," Pepe said. The centre-back, who was injured for part of the season with a hamstring problem and then broke two ribs in April, fell behind both Raphael Varane and Nacho in the challenge to play alongside captain Sergio Ramos in the Madrid defence. "I've had years of great pride in which I have given my body and soul," he said. "But I took the decision in January when it was clear which way it was going. "I'm happy for the love of the people, and that's worth more than everything."

Antoine Stays

Striker Antoine Griezmann has confirmed he will stay at Atletico Madrid this summer and it would be a "dirty move" to leave after their transfer ban was upheld. The France forward had been of interest to Manchester United this summer, but any potential deal was made more complicated after the Court of Arbitration for Sport upheld a ban preventing the La Liga club from registering new players. Griezmann, 26, told French television that he appreciated it is now a "hard time" for Atletico. "The ruling of the CAS has come through. Atletico cannot sign any players, and so I have decided to stay,” he said. "It's a hard time for the club. It would be a dirty move to leave now, and I will be back next season."


No Favours

With the Formula 1 circus moving to North America for this weekend’s Canadian Grand Prix (Sunday, 8.00 pm), Mercedes boss Toto Wolff (pictured top) has repeated his team's policy of allowing both its drivers to race equally against one another, which comes off the back of Lewis Hamilton accusing Ferrari of favouring Sebastian Vettel over team-mate Kimi Raikkonen. Hamilton felt Ferrari's strategy calls in Monaco ensured Vettel could leapfrog his team-mate during the pit stops to take the lead and claim victory in order to strengthen his place at the top of the Formula 1 world championship standings. After Sebastian Vettel surged to victory in Monaco, Lewis Hamilton now trails the four-time world champion by 25 points in the standings while Mercedes have conceded they are "the underdogs" in their fight with Ferrari in the Constructors' Championship. It means this weekend's Montreal event amounts to a must-win contest for Hamilton and the reigning world champions as they strive to regain the initiative from the Scuderia. After being quizzed about favouring drivers with a focus on the world title in Monaco, Wolff shrugged off suggestions and has since reiterated Mercedes belief in allowing both of its drivers to race one another ahead of the Canadian Grand Prix. "Lewis has won a number of times in the past (in Canada) and Valtteri has always gone strongly there for Williams,” Wolff said. “It will be about doing our homework right to give the drivers the car they need to succeed. “We have two excellent drivers and we will hold true to our philosophy of letting them race each other to drive the team forward - even if sometimes it can be difficult because you can't always have the one who is ahead in the championship winning.” Hamilton has five wins to his name at the Circuit Gilles Villeneuve while Bottas has claimed back-toback podiums in Canada in the past two seasons with Williams before his switch to Mercedes. The Circuit Gilles Villeneuve has a combination of slippery surfaces, big braking zones and close-in perimeter walls which provides a tough challenge for the drivers and, quite often, a thrilling spectacle. The track is on the Ile Notre Dame, built for Expo '67, and some of the futuristic buildings created for that festival remain. As does the rowing lake from the 1976 Montreal Olympics.

Maverick Second

Spain’s Moto GP championship leader Maverick Vinales acknowledged there was little he could do to deny Andrea Dovizioso (pictured on the podium) a home victory in the Italian Grand Prix at Mugello on Sunday. Starting from third, Dovizioso passed poleman Vinales(pictured below) en route to the win, Ducati’s first at the circuit since Casey Stoner triumphed back in 2009. Vinales had spent most of the race up to that point in the lead, and seemed well set to pick up a fourth win of the season, but was powerless to get away from Dovizioso before he fell victim at San Donato on lap 14. From there, Vinales was briefly passed by the Pramac Ducati of Danilo Petrucci for second, but once back in front, he chose to bank the points for the runner-up spot rather than mounting an all-out assault on Dovizioso. The result means he now leads the standings by 26 from Dovizioso, with Valentino Rossi 30 adrift after finishing behind Petrucci in fourth. “When I overtook Valentino I knew I had to do the laptimes,” said Vinales. “I did many in one minute and 47 seconds, but still Dovizioso was just behind me. I couldn’t open a gap, it was impossible.” “I tried, but today was the day to make points and finish second. Some days you have to finish second, happy to be here in the podium.” “Dovi was riding especially good, it was his day to win. But my bike was at a good level, in the last laps I could have pushed a little bit more, but finally I knew these 20 points today are so important.” Dovizioso’s achievement was made all the more remarkable by the fact he began the day feeling ill, having suffered from a bout of food poisoning. But the Italian showed no signs of his ailment during the race as he took only the third win of his MotoGP career and his first in dry conditions. “I woke up at 4 o’clock, I was sick,” recalled Dovizioso. “The feeling was quite bad before the race, the energy wasn’t so good.” “But my bike worked well, our speed was there. I knew the bike was good to fight for the podium, I didn’t know during the race really what I could do.” “I decided to go in front 10 laps to the end for no reason, but it worked.” Next up in the championship, it’s a return to Spain and the Barcelona circuit for this Sunday’s Catalunya GP.


World number one Andy Murray meets Switzerland's Stan Wawrinka today in a repeat of last year's French Open semi-final, which Murray won in four sets before going on to lose in the final. "Last year when we met he was playing very well and I had to play one of my best matches on clay to beat him", said Murray. Nine-time champion Rafa Nadal will take on Dominic Thiem in the second semi-final, after the Austrian knocked out defending champion Djokovic on Wednesday.


GAZ V GORD A dramatic domestic 2016/17 season may be over, but England resume their 2018 World Cup qualifying campaign with a tough trip to Scotland tomorrow afternoon (Live on ITV, 6.00 pm kick-off) Scotland host the 'Auld Enemy' at Hampden Park as Gareth Southgate's Three Lions seek to keep firm control of Group F. England lead the group by four points after four wins and a draw in their opening five games, while Scotland are two points off second-placed Slovakia in a tight race for a likely runners-up spot. With a place at the 2018 World Cup in Russia still at stake, Glasgow and its Tartan Army of support will be looking to put on a show to inspire Gordon Strachan's side to a memorable victory. Dele Alli is likely to continue in a No.10 role with national captain Wayne Rooney not making the squad, with Harry Kane almost certain to lead the attack ahead of the likes of Jermain Defoe and Marcus Rashford. Strachan may be tempted to shun a few big names and stick with the same XI that beat Slovenia 1-0 in Scotland's last qualifier in March. However, the coach admitted he would be "stupid" not to take advantage of the confidence the six Celtic players in his squad will have considering their domestic Treble. Wales have included five uncapped players in the squad for their World Cup qualifier in Serbia on Sunday. Defenders Joe Walsh, Tom Lockyer, Gethin Jones as well as midfielder Lee Evans and forward Ben Woodburn are in a 23-man squad. Wales are third in Group D after drawing against Austria, Georgia, Serbia and the Republic of Ireland. Chris Coleman's side are four points behind both group leaders Serbia and second-placed Republic of Ireland with five qualifying games remaining. The group winner will qualify for the 2018 World Cup in Russia with the second-placed team advancing to a play-off in order to qualify. Northern Ireland travel to Baku tomorrow afternoon to take on Azerbaijan, with Michael O’ Neill’s side second in Group C, five points behind leaders Germany, but two ahead of the third-placed Czech Republic.

LACKLUSTRE LIONS Chelsea striker Diego Costa says he has been told by manager Antonio Conte that he is no longer in the club's plans. The 28-year-old scored 20 goals in 35 Premier League games to help the Blues win the title but now appears set to leave Stamford Bridge. "I'm a Chelsea player, but they do not want me there," Costa said.

The British and Irish Lions face Super Rugby's Crusaders tomorrow morning (9.35 am kick-off), on the back of Wednesday’s defeat by Super Rugby side Blues in Auckland by 22 points to 16. The indifferent start to the Lions tour of New Zealand for Warren Gatland’s side comes as the clock is ticking down to the first test against the All Blacks on Saturday June 24th. Gatland's side stuttered to a 13-7 victory over the Provincial Barbarians in their series opener on Saturday, and they faced a sterner test in Auckland on Wednesday, albeit against supposedly the weakest of the New Zealand Super Rugby franchises. Meanwhile some of the players ignored by Gatland from the England camp as well as many new faces will join forces for the start of England’s two-test tour of Argentina at San Juan on Saturday (live on BBC 2 from 8.00pm). Coach Eddie Jones has been playing mind-games saying that all the pressure was on Argentina despite the Pumas being seven places lower than England in the world rankings. Jones said: “They didn’t have a great 2016 and they know they are playing an under-strength England side, so all the pressure is on Argentina.

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