The Courier Edition 331

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Edition 331


Friday 21st July 2017


ritish pensioner Charlie Bevill-Warcup has been sentenced to 14 years in prison and given a stern rebuke by an Elche judge, after a jury found him guilty a fortnight ago of killing his partner Rosie Broadwell at his San Miguel de Salinas home on the Urbanización Costa Blanca in September 2014. Bevill-Warcup continually clubbed Mrs.Broadwell’s head with his walking stick as she lay on his kitchen floor, after an alcohol-fuelled row. A day later he dumped her body a few kilometres away close to the Zoco market site, and reported her as missing to the Guardia Civil, before confessing to killing her some six months later. The judge said that a 14year sentence was being imposed because of the “brutality of the actions and the cold nature of what the


67-year-old British woman is in a critical condition in Torrevieja Hospital after she was stabbed twice in a Quesada apartment. The Guardia Civil have launched a search for her partner, believed to be British as well, after the incident which happened in the early hours of Wednesday morning. The identity of the man that the Guardia are looking for has not been revealed, with the victim calling emergency services at 1.00 am. Two Rojales local police

defendant did afterwards”. That included leaving Rosie lying on the floor for at least a day and then continuing as if nothing had happened, including going to various businesses around Quesada to pretend to search for her in her local neighbourhood. The judge added that the

sentence also took into account Bevill-Warcup’s subsequent behaviour of “spending six months without confessing and showing no regret to Rosie’s family and children”. Jurors voted seven-two in favour of an aggravated homicide conviction, as reported in last week’s

Courier. He was found guilty of murder under Spanish law, but on a lower sentencing tariff, because it was accepted that he had acted without predetermination, though on a much higher scale than manslaughter. An appeal over the sentence can be lodged with the Valencian Superior Court.

LEFT FOR DEAD patrols were scrambled to her address at the Thader apartment block on Avenida Costa Azul in Quesada. Officers discovered the British national in a concious state, but with two stab wounds, one of which was in her chest. An ambulance was called to the scene, with the police discovering that her partner had fled the scene. The Guardia Civil were notified and launched a search for her partner, including distributing details of his car across Spain. Some reports suggest that

he may be trying to get out

of the country.

See page 2 for the week´s forecast



Friday 21st July 2017

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focated and beaten. The attackers invaded his apartment on Calle Vicente Blasco Ibáñez and beat up and stabbed Claudio, who was discovered in a pool of blood. Three thousand euro, a luxury watch, and a mobile phone had been stolen. Eight arrests of people of various nationalities have taken place in the Torrevieja area, as well as other parts of Spain, in addition to detentions in France, Romania and Germany. They are being charged with murder in addition to robbery with violence and intimidation.

14 people have been arrested over a period of months in a long-running Guardia Civil operation investigating the murder of an Italian drug dealer on the Orihuela Costa in January 2016. Four masked men burst into a Dehesa de Campoamor property killing 49-year-old Carlo Claudio, as well as tying up a Romanian prostitute that had been with him for a few days. Guardia investigations later revealed that she had been involved with the plot. An autopsy revealed that he suffered multiple stab wounds as well as being suf-

Guardamar Gripe A group of residents who claim their part of Guardamar has been ignored are to stage a meeting at the end of the month. The people live in an area known as Sector Sup-7 and they say that requests for street cleaning and general maintenance has fallen on deaf ears. They've quoted examples of blocked drains, broken street paving and sewage covers; and dog fouling close to children's play areas, in addition to vandalism and graffiti. They've set up a campaign via Facebook (Guardamar Canal Denuncia) which has attracted 400 followers, and the meeting will be held on

Brennan Arrests Four people have been arrested on suspicion of laundering some two million euros in drug money as part of a gang linked to the “body in the bag” murder of 25-year-old Francis Brennan. His corpse, which had been wrapped up in plastic, washed ashore on La Zenia beach in March 2014. The joint operation between the Guardia Civil and British police saw two arrests being made in Liverpool and two in Javea, as part of the third phase of Operation Brennan. No details about the detainees have been made public. Authorites carried out two house raids in Liverpool and three on the Costa Blanca in the Javea area, though no exact time lines have been disclosed. 60 kilos of drugs, plus money and jewellery were seized in Britain, whilst the Guardia seized 40 thousand pounds sterling; 30 thousand euro; as well as expensive jewellery and two vehicles. Francis Brennan from Liverpool was discovered in a bin bag washed onto La Zenia beach, after he was kidnapped by men pretending to be Guardia Civil agents in Javea. At the time of his murder, the 25 year-old was on the run from the police, as he was awaiting a court date following a stabbing at a con-

cert in Milton Keynes. Earlier this year Liverpool coroner Andre Rebello ruled his death was an "unlawful killing" which Brennan’s mother described as a "big step" towards justice. "I’m satisfied that his death was through strangulation and given the circumstances in which his body was washed on the beach, I’m satisfied that he was unlawfully killed,” said Rebello. Brennan had fled to the Costa Blanca with his girlfriend, Sophie, before Christmas 2013 after ignoring the advice of his parents to stay in Britain, and was approached on January 24th 2014 in Javea by three men wearing caps like those worn by Guardia Officers, and forced into a car, before being taken to an unknown location. The “hit” was allegedly ordered by Liverpudlian, Paul Scott, who was jailed for 14 years after admitting

to conspiracy over the importation of cocaine to the UK, with the Guardia naming him as the prime suspect for plotting the Francis Brennan killing, which was aid to be over a debt. One of the three allegedly “hired” for the job was said to be an associate of Scott, Paul Monk, who was arrested by the Guardia at his Javea villa in 2015, as part of the joint Operation Captura, with the British police to help track down fugutives from UK justice. Monk was jailed for 18 years at an Old Bailey trial in March after pleading guility to importing nearly a thousand kilos of cocaine into the UK. Whether the fresh arrests will bring murder charges against Scott or Monk, or any others for that matter, remains to be seen, with Brennan's mother describing this year's inquest verdict in Liverpool as "a big step towards justice".

All Change Saturday July 29th at 7.00 pm on the top car park of the Masymas supermarket in the area. "The situation is deplorable", said local businessman Vicente Jiminez. "We pay our taxes like everybody else in the Guardamar municipality, but we are ignored".

Traffic direction changes and new entrances and exits have been introduced around the port area of Torrevieja for the next few weeks. Torrevieja council says the move is about improving traffic flow around a busy area during the summer season, and though a temporary measure, the success of the changes will be monitored to see if the alterations are viable as a permanent feature.


Stop Press Thursday 18:00 Published by TKO Media & Entertainment S.L. Printed by Localprint S.L Depósito legal A - 188 - 2014 ISSN 2530-6146 The Courier (Torrevieja) The Courier, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for any readers letters or claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or nonappearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.




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Horse Meat Bust

An organised crime group that was selling horsemeat that was unfit for human consumption has been broken up by the Guardia Civil in a joint operation with Europol. 66 people have been arrested in Operation Gazel, which was carried out in coordination with authorities in Belgium, France, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Those arrested in Spain have been charged with crimes including animal abuse, document forgery, perverting the course of justice, crimes against public health, money laundering and being part of a criminal organisation. Bank accounts, properties and luxury cars were seized as part of the investigation. The probe stems out of

the Irish horsemeat scandal from 2013, when it was found that frozen burgers supplied to several supermarkets, including major retailer Tesco, contained horse DNA. A Dutch businessman was identified as being part of the Irish scandal, but his whereabouts were unknown at the time. The Spanish investigation was launched last year after unusual behaviour was detected in the horsemeat market. It found that horses that were in bad shape, too old or simply labelled as "not suitable for consumption" were being slaughtered in two different slaughterhouses. The animals came from Portugal and several places in northern Spain, their meat was processed in a specific facility and

from there sent to Belgium, which is one of the biggest horsemeat exporters in the European Union. The criminal organisation forged the animals' identification by modifying theirs microchips and documentation. The Dutch man connected to the Irish case was located on the northern Costa Blanca in Calpe during the Guardia investigation, where he was leading the crime group. Investigators say the Spanish element of the organisation was a smaller part of a European structure controlled by this Dutch man. He was subsequently arrested in Belgium. Samples of horsemeat taken during the investigation concluded that the horsemeat was destined for markets outside of Spain.

Highway Hopes

Spain is set to launch a five billion euro public-private investment road building programme, according to Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy. It will be the country's biggest roads spending plan since the end of the economic slump four years ago, where prior to 2013, Spain slashed infrastructure spending due to the doubledip recession triggered by a property and construction

crash in 2008. Where the roads will be built and what kind of impact it will have on the Valencia and Murcia regions has yet to be determined, with demands from local business leaders for the CV-95 between Orihuela and Torrevieja to become a dual-carriageway, as well as the current impasse over the upgrade of the N-332 around Torrevieja. "We're in a position to

boost our infrastructure," Rajoy told reporters. The programme will involve investment on two thousand kilometres of roads around Spain over the next three years - including to complete unfinished highways - and the tenders will be put out with 30-year maintenance contracts. The plan will create around 190,000 jobs overall, Rajoy claimed.

Drowning Riddle

Coach Blaze A couple from the Murcia region drowned at a Guardamar beach on Wednesday, leaving their two children orphaned. The tragedy happened at around 10.00 am at a section of Playa Tossals (picture from the Informacion newspaper) which is not served by lifeguards and often used by naturists, with the exact circumstances behind the incident not immediately known. 19 people managed to flee a coach that caught fire en route to Alicante-Elche airport on Monday morning. The driver tried to put out the blaze with an extinguisher,

but was forced to give up due to its intensity. The fire started on the A70 Alicante by-pass close to Alicante University, with all of the passengers luggage

being destroyed in the blaze. Their nationalities, or where they were travelling from were not revealed, but one of the tourists had to be treated for shock.

A 48-year-old man and a 39-year-old woman, both Spanish nationals from Alguazas in Murcia, lost their lives, with a SAMU ambulance team unable to do anything to save them. The family were staying at the Marjal camp site. Their two daughters aged 16 and 11, along with a nephew, witnessed the tragedy and are getting counselling, and have been taken into care by social

Guardia Quiz

Beach Pontoon A new bathing area has been launched at San Pedro del Pinatar's Villananitos beach for visitors with reduced mobility. A non-slip walkway to the island bathing pontoon has been created with seating that can cater for up to 22 people at the facility. New toilets and a designated car parking area have also been opened.

A 15-year-old British teenager was allegedly sexually abused by two men who she met at Torre Pacheco’s La Torre Golf resort, with the two individuals detained for questioning by the Guardia Civil. The girl met the two suspects at Pino’s Bar, and had

sex with one of the young men after she had reportedly drank a lot of alcoholic drinks. The teenager, accompanied by her mother, filed a report with the Guardia, and said that she did not know the men until she had met them at the bar.

services. Red flags had been posted on Wednesday morning across Guardamar’s beaches because of the strong currents. Futher down the coast also on Wednesday, the Guardia Civil rescued two children who got into difficulty at Cala de la Higuera in Torrevieja, whilst on Sunday morning a 69-year-old Russian man drowned at Torrevieja’s Playa del Cura.


Friday 21st July 2017

Over The Limit

Benidorm holidaymaker Kirsty Maxwell had taken no drugs but had binged on alcohol before her tragic death nearly three months ago, a toxicology report has confirmed. The court probing the British tourist’s death has been told no illegal substances were found in her body after she plunged from a 10-floor apartment. But tests showed she had a blood alcohol concentration of 2.79 grams

per litre – putting her more than five times over the drink-drive limit. The revelation comes ahead of next weeks' Benidorm court hearing where four British men placed under formal investigation over her death on April 29th will be quizzed by a judge. Amazon worker Joseph Graham, the fifth man who is facing a court probe and the only one hauled to court so far to give evidence, has not

been summonsed to next Wednesday's hearing. He told police that Mrs Maxwell was acting as if she was “mad, drunk or drugged” and headed for the bathroom before trying to get through an indoor window and then disappearing from his view as she headed to the balcony. Her family and friends have never hidden the fact she had been drinking but have always angrily denied any drugs-taking.

Morning Blaze

Fifth Time Lucky?

A fifth attempt to stage a trial involving a long-standing controversial case involving two individuals accusing Torrevieja's local police of brutality back in June 2006 is set to be heard in Elche this November. Eleven officers as well as Torrevieja police chief, Alejandro Morer, were arrested over allegations of torture in addition to falsifying records and a failure to carry out their duty as police officers. Previous hearings have collapsed when the two accusers did not appear to give evi-

dence, along with key witnesses. The charges related to the detention of a Columbian man who was caught robbing the home of one of the charged-officers. The Columbian alleged that both he and his Spanish girlfriend were subjected to blows from officers, and in the process had two ribs broken. The first court hearing took place towards the end of 2009 with Luis Carlos CR and his girlfriend Vilma L as the two key witnesses. The man involved now

lives in Columbia after serving a prison sentence for drug trafficking in Singapore, whilst the woman is in the United States. Moves to have them give video evidence have been rejected by the judge, and so it remains to be seen whether they appear in court this autumn, with eight people facing charges. The case led to such strong feelings back in 2006 that around two thousand people took to the streets of Torrevieja in a demonstration in support of the local police.

Passengers Rise

The Central nightclub in Almoradi had to be evacuated as a precaution on Sunday morning, after a fire broke out in an adjoining rubber factory that makes material for shoes.

Fire fighters from Almoradi and across Alicante Province were called in after the blaze broke out at around 6.40 am and it took around two hours to bring the fire under control on the

Eralta industrial estate. Thanks to the prompt action, nobody was injured in the incident, but there was extensive damage to the three thousand square metre factory unit.

Passenger numbers are continuing to show big rises for Alicante-Elche airport, with figures on the up as well at San Javier, boosted by additional flights. Airport operator AENA said that Alicante-Elche had one point four million users in June, up by nearly 13 percent over 12 months, and the accumulated figure over the first six months of 2017 shows a 14 percent hike over the corresponding period in 2016. Almost 640 thousand UK travellers used the facility at Alicante-Elche last month, accounting for around 45 percent of all passengers, as

the airport looks to set to smash the 12 million mark for all passengers at the end of the year. The dominance of the British market continues, with the next non-Spanish group coming from Germany at just 89 thousand.

Over 144 thousand people used San Javier last month, a rise of over nine percent over a year, and the cumulative total for 2017 so far stands at 527 thousand, a healthy increase of 23 percent compared to the same period in 2016.


Vueling Mutiny

Passengers staged a protest on a Vueling plane at Barcelona airport last Saturday in protest over a Senegalese immigrant being deported. They managed to stop the flight, en route to Dakar, from taking off, but it left several hours later with the migrant still on board. When the passengers heard the African man wailing in distress and found out what was happening, they decided to stop the aircraft from taking off. They all stood up, refus-

ing to sit down and put their seatbelts on, saying they would not do so until the Senegalese man was allowed to stay. After an hour and a half of protesting, the Guardia Civil boarded the aircraft and forced every single passenger to get off the plane. Officers identified six of those who had started the protest and rallied the others, and they were cautioned and banned from flying. The delay resulted in passengers having to be put in a hotel overnight before the flight took off

on Sunday morning. The immigrant being deported had never actually made it onto Spanish soil – he had attempted to get into the country via Barcelona airport, but had no travel visa, nor any proof he may have been living legally in Spain – no foreign residents' ID card or work permit. As the Senegalese man had not technically set foot in the country, Spanish authorities were legally able to deport him on the spot, and was put on the plane by two police officers.

Cheap and Dear Spain is one of Europe's cheapest countries to find clothing, cigarettes and alcohol, but among the most expensive for mobile phone and internet connections and furniture, according to Eurostat, the EU statistics agency. The price comparison study of household spending in 2016 for the 28 EU member states set Spain at a figure of 91.5 against an average of 100, meaning the nation qualifies as 'relatively cheap' alongside the 'club' as a whole. The study though does not take any account of incomes, which are below the EU average. Overall, Spain is roughly in the middle of the Eurostat survey, with the cheapest country for consumer goods and services being Bulgaria, followed by Romania, Poland, Hungary, Lithuania, the Czech Republic, Croatia and Slovakia, in that order. In Spain, unbranded clothing and shoes are the cheapest in the Eurozone and the fifth-cheapest in the EU. and country is also amongst the cheapest for cigarettes and alcohol. But telephone, internet and postal services are among the most expensive

in Europe. At 108.8 against the 100 average, Spain is the sixth-most pricey, with only Greece, Ireland, the UK, Belgium and Italy, in that order, paying more for these services. Spokeswoman for the Spanish consumers association, FACTUA, Ángeles Castellano says there is 'nothing specific or special' about the Spanish telecommunications market that

'justifies its prices being so high', something she criticises heavily because 'nowadays, communications are a basic commodity'. “ Te l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n s operators in Spain are practically the same ones as everywhere else in Europe – they work as an oligopoly: few companies, lots of power and very little regulation by authorities,” Castellano added.



Friday 21st July 2017

Flight Threat

Britain's largest airports have warned the UK Government that flights to Spain and the rest of the European Union could be suspended should it fail to reach a deal on aviation in the wake of Brexit. The EU Open Skies agreement introduced in the nineties currently provides uniform rules for the airlines and airports of member states and has helped cultivate a booming airport network allowing British holidaymakers to fly to hundreds of destinations on the continent - many at cut prices. One in two passengers handled by UK airports flies to an EU member state. But ACI Europe, the European Region Airports Council International, which represents more than 500 airports in 45 countries, including 21 major hubs in

the UK, said such freedom will not be maintained if the British government does not develop a strategy on “air connectivity” once outside the EU. It warned that legal issues could mean all flights between the EU and UK are grounded. Last week the boss of lowcost carrier Ryanair, Michael O’Leary told the European Parliament that his company's aircraft would be moved from the UK to Europe if the principles of Open Skies are not retained, and that there would be no services from Britain. “By September 2018 when your average British voter is sitting down to work out where he is going on his holidays in 2019, the two options he will have are to drive to Scotland or get a ferry to Ireland,” he told MEPs

Drunken Tax

Tourists heading for Mallorca and Ibiza may have to pay more cash for the islands' so-called 'ecotax' in 2018 as the Balearic Government strives to stamp out drunken behaviour. Supporters of a hike in the charge payable per day by holidaymakers say it might act as a deterrent and also help to put a cap on the number of people who are flooding into the popular destination. Talks are about to start on what level the ecotax should be next year and in some cases, it may double. Cruise ship passengers are also likely to be targeted

with a levy which would apply to every arrival in the Balearics. At the moment, cruise ship tourists only pay the ecotax if they stay on one of the islands for more than 12 hours The regional government is also being urged to consider taking April and possibly March as well out of the low season and putting the months into the 'high' category so visitors will once again have to pay more. A decision on the way forward is likely to be taken in August and come into force for 2018 when another record number of tourists is expected



Friday 21st July 2017

Stormy Weather

Police Praised The Rojales-based Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre has applauded Almoradí’s local police for their prompt action in rescuing a young donkey stallion found abandoned on the streets of the municipality. “We can't praise Almoradí police enough for acting swiftly yet again to save this animal,” said Easy Horse Care cofounder Sue Weeding. “Their quick action is evidence that our work to build relationships with local authorities and improve animal welfare practices here in Spain is slowly but surely paying off.” The donkey has no identification tags and his history is therefore unknown. “We believe he's quite young, he's very hungry and he has cruel scarring across his nose from wearing a too-tight halter for far too long,” Sue said.

The animal charity APAH had to brave the elements at the start of the month for their Summer Fair at the Iceland store car park in San Javier. Strong winds and heavy rain meant an early end for the event, but it still didn’t stop APAH from raising 515 euro on the day, with the group thanking the Iceland store and all their customers for their support.

It’s Show Time

Final Total

The Cardenal Belluga Theatre Group based at the theatre in San Fulgencio will be staging their autumn show, Let Us Entertain You, for three nights starting on Wednesday October 18th. Tickets, at seven euro each, are on sale for this family show from the tourist office on the La Marina urbanisation and as well as from the council office, or by contacting Pam Sutton on 966 796 828. All proceeds will go to local charities. New members are still welcome to join, and more details are available from Tom Ford on 966 790 547

Last month’s annual Walk for Life in Playa Flamenca staged by Maria and the Pink Ladies in aid of the AECC cancer charity raised just over 12 thousand euro, after all the sponsorship money was finally collected. The office at the Flamenca Beach Commercial Centre will be closed from Saturday July 29th, and will be back in business on Monday September 4th. The Pink Ladies will also be taking a well-deserved breather from their appearances at Zenia Boulevard during August.

Quiz Boost

Summer Break

Keen quizzers at Torrevieja’s Don Calvito restaurant recently handed over 300 euro to the Paul Cunningham Nurses charity. Angela and John Brighting organise a regular charity quiz at the venue and nominated the charity as a beneficiary having seen the “wonderful care” given by the nurses to their neighbour Eddie Knight.

The Age Concern Costa Blanca south centre in La Siesta, Torrevieja will be closed for the summer holiday as of Friday July 28th, and will reopen on Monday September 4th. The phone service will however be maintained. The Age Concern shops in Los Montesinos and Torrevieja will also close from Friday July 28th, and be back in business on Monday August 28th.



Friday 21st July 2017

Benidorm Ordeal

A British couple were drugged, stripped and abducted before being dumped miles apart on a night out in Benidorm last month. Scottish tourists Lucie and Scott Armstrong came round wearing only their underwear, separated from each other and miles from their rented villa near Benidorm, according to a report in the Daily Record newspaper. Terrified Lucie, a college lecturer, was unable to find some of the clothes which were removed during the horrific attack. The tourists, who also lost hundreds of euros, separately found their way back to the villa and raised the alarm. They were rushed to hospital where they were given treatment and blood samples were taken. Lucie took photos of her injuries, including scratches on her thighs and what appears to be a footprint on her lower back. Both Lucie and Scott spent several hours being interviewed by the National Police following last month’s ordeal. The case is understood to have been referred to court but Lucie said little information has been forthcoming from Spanish authorities. She is trying to find out the results of toxicology tests which will confirm if the couple had been spiked and, if so, what drugs were used. Lucie and Scott had travelled with their boys, aged five and seven, and Scott’s mum to the resort. The group, from Coatbridge, had booked a property at Villa Los Olivos, just outside Benidorm, from June 13th to June 20th. Scott’s mum agreed to look after the boys on the evening of June 18 to allow Scott and Lucie to have a night out. The couple went to the Western Saloon bar, a venue popular with tourists in the centre of Benidorm, where they believe they were spiked. Lucie, 29, told the Daily Record: “We arrived at the Western Saloon about 7.40 pm as a music night was due to begin at 8.00 pm. Over the course of the next few hours, until about 11.00 pm, we had a few drinks. I had about four vodkas with lemonade and Scott about four pints. Later on, two English women sat next to us. We spoke to them a little".. “They put their drinks on our table next to ours. One said she was from Manchester. She seemed nice enough and showed me videos on her phone. They had the same drinks as us – a clear spirit and a pint. At one point she joked about hiding Scott’s drink." “My last memory is about 11.00 pm. I remember quite

clearly speaking to another group of English girls who were on a birthday trip. The next thing I remember is climbing over walls north of Benidorm in the general vicinity of where we were staying. I managed to find our villa and my mother-inlaw answered the door. It was about 3.00 am and I was wearing only my underwear.” Lucie managed to regain her bearings a few kilometres east of the villa. Scott was a similar distance to the west. He made it back at about 6.00 am. Lucie said: “I had fingerprints on my arms and thighs and a footprint on my lower back.I believe that someone kicked

me over. We called police about 6.00 am and an ambulance was sent.” Scott, 29, a plasterer, said: “After the bar, my next memory is of being in the middle of a building site wearing only my shorts. The evening at the bar was fine – and then our recollection is blank. I managed to recognise the area where I have my next memory and managed to get back to the villa". The National Police confirmed that a formal complaint had been lodged and that Scott and Lucie had given a statement to officers. The case is understood to have been marked for preliminary investigation by the Benidorm court.

The Top 4 Investment Mistakes People Make


Keith Littlewood, International Financial Adviser at Blacktower, Costa Cálida

I have been in the business of helping people with their investments for 30 years now and, time and time again, I get people coming to see me with problems or losses from their investments and feeling very foolish about their investment decisions. Here are the 4 most common mistakes made by investors: 1 – All your eggs in 1 basket. This is the most serious mistake I come across. Making a poor decision about some of your money can be disastrous, but losing all of it is devastating. It happens more often than you would think. Any adviser worth his salt would make sure that his clients’ money is diversified in some form. Just imagine losing ALL your pension fund because a single company or investment fund has gone bust. I have come across people who are in this situation and the impact on their lives is indescribable. 2 – Rushing a decision. Never feel pressured into

In years gone by this category would have been called ‘My mate in the pub said’. Hearsay is so dangerous. Social media, friends or taxi drivers do not know anything about you. A financial adviser will complete a factfind, discuss your risk profile, understand your objectives and be qualified to understand the market. He should also provide you with a comprehensive report explaining his advice. Your friend on Facebook or mate in the pub might have struck lucky, or even just been exaggerating, or doesn’treally understand what he is talking about yet can provide overwhelming and compelling arguments about his investment success. making an investment decision; this will often lead to regret. If someone is making you feel pressured, always step back. If there is an offer or inducement to make a commitment by a certain date and you are not 100% comfortable, then get a second opinion. Missing out on that extra half a

percent or free iPad if signing up now is not worth sleepless nights that a rushed choice would give you. There will always be another offer just around the corner. 3 – Too good to be true. Investments offering returns guaranteed to pay 8% or

10% per annum or even 2% per month in the current climate WILL have some clause, catch or risk attached in the small print. Always get an experienced financial adviser to check out the terms and conditions before signing up. 4 – I saw it on Facebook.

If you can avoid all the above when investing, you are half way to making a sensible choice.It is usually best to get a second professional opinion on any investment decision. In today’s financial climate, it is essential you do

everything you can to make sure your money is safe and secure and what you want to transpire in the future has the best chance of happening. If you need advice or if have any questions regarding the above, you can contact me, Keith Littlewood DipPFS, on 657 684 094 or email keith.littlewood@blacktowerf You can now make an appointment to come and have a no-obligation discussion in our new office opened at Cabo Roig. The above information was correct at the time of preparation and does not constitute investment advice and you should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity.

Blacktower Financial Management (Int.) Ltd is licensed in Gibraltar by the Financial Services Commission (FSC) and is registered with both the DGS and CNMV in Spain.



Friday 21st July 2017

Adoption Corner

Claws For Concern

GIZMO Gizmo is an eight- month-old Jack Russell dog who is looking for a forever home. He is a happy, playful little boy who weighs approximately five kilos. He is good with other dogs and has been vaccinated. To learn more about Gizmo please phone Pets in Spain on 645 469


The APAH rescue charity has lots of abandoned kittens in their care, who were rescued from some terrible situations. They all need loving homes to start their new lives in. Some of them are too young at the moment to be adopted, but can be reserved. To arrange to meet APAH's kittens, please call 630 422 563 or 616 210 850.

ROSEMARY Rosemary is one of six puppies that were found by a bin when they were just a few days old.. SAT animal rescue volunteers Anna and Pete did a great job as Rosemary and her siblings have now grown into healthy, happy ten-weekold puppies, and they are now at the SAT kennels waiting to be adopted. Rosemary willl be medium to large when fully grown, and for more deaails contact the kennels in Dolores on 966 710 047 or email


Sancho is a beautiful male pointer dog that is aged around five to six years. He was found wandering along the N-332 highway and was taken in by one of the K9 volunteers.He is very friendly and loves people and other dogs, but does not like cats! Like all pointers he is very lively and would benefit from a reasonable amount of exercise. For more details about Sancho, please call the K9 charity on 600 845 420.

Pet owners should stop giving their cats and dogs "cruel" manicures, Battersea Dogs and Cats Home has pleaded after the trend gained popularity on social media. The craze, which can involve gluing fake nail-style "claw covers" to pets, can leave animals in excruciating pain because the animals are no longer able to retract or extend their claws, experts warned. The centre issued their plea to pet owners after a five-yearold tabby called Christina was brought into with red claw covers. Staff were unsure how long the cat had endured the nails, which were firmly fixed to each individual claw. Vets were forced to place her under general anaesthetic whilst they carried out the operation. Lindsey Quinlan, Head of Catteries at Battersea, said it was the first time they had a cat brought in with claw covers but said they were "concerned" the craze is becoming "increasingly popular with pet owners". "It's extremely cruel to inflict this sort of thing on your cat as it stops them from displaying their natural behaviour," she said. "It's worrying that claw covers for both cats and dogs can be so easily sought from the internet.� "Pets are not fashion items. We want to spread the message that claw covers are unnatural for both cats and dogs." Most cats have five claws on each of their front paws and four or five claws on their rear paws. They are used for scratching, hunting, self-defence, climbing, and grooming. One suggestion is that pet owners are using the covers to prevent their pet scratching their furniture. But staff at the centre insisted they should instead use a

SHEENA Sheena is a beautiful ten-month-old mixed breed pup. She is a very loving and responsive, bright happy pup that is used to living in a home with other dogs. Sheena will be medium when fully grown, and is now ready to go to a home of her own. For more on this adorable girl, then call PEPA on 650 304 746 or email

scratching post. "Scratching is a natural behaviour for a cat as it helps maintain their claws so they can effectively groom themselves by using their nails as a comb," Ms Quinlan said. "There are alternative ways to keep your cat from scratching your household furniture, for example, providing a suitable scratching post which should be tall enough to allow your cat to fully stretch." After her claw covers were successfully removed, Christina eventually went on to find a home with her new family.

SUZY Suzy is a three-year-old medium-sized girl. She has a very sweet character and she gets on well with other dogs. She is not good with cats. Very little is known about her history as she was found wandering, but she loves people and is very responsive. For more about Suzy, phone PEPA on 650 304 746 or email


Seagate Wealth Management Pension Pot Too Small To Transfer? Think Again! I recently met with a client who had never considered a pension transfer because he had a company pension scheme and was only with his employer for 3 years. He guessed that his pension fund would be worth around 3k to 5k and not worth transferring. After contacting his company and applying for a pension transfer quotation we found out that the value of his pension fund was actually 37,000 pounds. He decided to transfer his pension and take a lump sum. Another client thought his pension was a moderate 25,000 pounds and after investigation it turned out to be worth over 90,000 pounds. I am staggered at how valuable these seemingly small pension pots are. Time and time again I see so called "small pension pots" turn out to be large pension funds. As interest rates are at an all-time low, transfer values are at their highest. If you have a pension fund and you have dismissed the idea of a pension transfer because you consider your fund will be too small, then please think again. Unlike some financial advisers, we do not have a minimum threshold. You may also have a lost pension that you have not pursued because you thought the pension will be "too little to bother with". I urge you to dig out any information that you have on these valuable pensions and come and see us. You may be surprised at how much they are worth. Here at Seagate we are in a unique position and can offer UK Regulated Pensions along-side Internationally based plans, giving our clients the peace of mind that their pension is being regulated under the watchful eye of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). We will be happy to give you advice on what cash lump sum and income that you would receive if you transferred your pension.

Call us now for an free noobligation chat on 965 704 338 or send an email to:


Friday 21st July 2017

Many Brains

Archaeologists excavating a mass grave in Spain have found the largest collection of naturally preserved human brains in the world, a scientist says. The brains of 45 people, who were shot and buried

on a hillside in the northern province of Burgos eight decades ago, were found in a mass grave from the Civil War of the late thirties. The findings showed almost half of the individuals from the grave had their brains

Phone Switch

One of Spain's major mobile phone dealerships, The Phone House, has been sold by owners Dixons Carphone, who are set to

pocket 55 million euro. The company is being bought by Connected World Services Europe and Smarthouse to Global

preserved. Forensic scientist Fernando Serrulla says the shrivelled, brown brains — some with the ridges still A suspected 19-year-old showing — are an rare who allegedly find, with only around a hun- pervert videoed naked children on dred such cases documentbeaches around the Costa ed del Sol has been arrested after being caught by an angry parent. The Spanish teenager was detained after a father spotted him recording footage of his young child and another boy playing naked on a beach. The National Police raided the suspect’s home and found thousands of photos Calle Blanca would also and videos of naked children have room to put up a shel- on a laptop computer and a ter, which is not possible at USB stick. The man was detained on Cabopino the current location.

beach, situated between

Dominion Access, a global provider of technological services and solutions, based in Bilbao in northern Spain

Paedo Collared

On The Move?

Next year’s half million euro improvement work on Quesada’s Avenida de las Naciones means that the taxi rank needs to move, according to the Rojales independent political party, PADER. The group are asking Rojales major Antonio Pérez to base the rank in the Plaza Blanca area as from 2018. They say that the

roadworks will reduce space, whilst their proposed new site at the corner of Avenida Costa Azul with

Marbella and Fuengirola.


A Special Day

The 125th annual procession of the Virgen del Carmen took place in San Pedro del Pinatar on Sunday, with the Virgen being the patron saint of

sailors and fishermen. The figure, followed by hundreds of people, was taken to Lo Pagan, for a sea journey, ahead of arriving at the local church to conclude

the celebration. There was also a fly-past by the San Javier-based Patrulla Aguilla, the Spanish equivalent of the RAF Red Arrows.

Burglar Beached

A man who stole from at least 40 cars parked next to an Alicante area beach since the start of the holiday season, has been arrested, caught red-handed, by the National Police. The 44-year-old Algerian,

with an exisiting criminal record, got into the spirit at Playa Urbanova by dressing up as a beach-goer wearing shorts and holding a towel ready for a quick dip in the water. His definition of dipping

was somewhat different to everybody else’s, as the National Police caught him in the act of breaking into a car, after getting a stream of complaints of vehicles being burgled over the last few weeks in the area.


Friday 21st July 2017

Lifesaving Guardia

Two Guardia Civil officers saved the life of a Quesada resident after breaking into her house and finding her unable to move and suffering with pain on her sofa last Saturday afternoon. Concerned neighbours had called the Guardia in Almoradi to say that they had not seen or heard from the 56-year-old American woman for a couple of days, and the two officers went to

investigate. When they arrived at her home, they climbed over a large fence to see what they could see through the windows, and spotted the female resident lying on her sofa with dried blood in her mouth. The officers, named as Antonio JosĂŠ and Juan Antonio, managed to get in through the window after tearing down a mosquito shield, and started to carry

out resusicitaion measures to maintain her vital signs before the paramedics arrived. The unnamed woman had been immobile and in pain for a number of hours and is said to be a diabetic. She was transferred to Torrevieja Hospital, with medics praising the actions of the Guardia officers, who almost certainly prevented her from having a cardiac arrest.

Quick Withdrawal

Bank staff and customers at a La Caixa branch in Torrevieja took matters into their own hands, after two men tried to steal money from somebody who had just withdrawn some cash from a machine. The incident happened at the branch on Calle JoaquĂ­n

Chapaprieta in the city centre on Monday morning, when the two thieves tried to steal from the victim, who they had been standing behind in the bank lobby where two ATMs are located. A customer pinned down one of the duo, with the help

of bank workers, whilst they waited for the local police to arrive. His accomplice ran away, with the Guardia Civil saying that several groups of robbers are targetted mainly elderly people and tourists around banks and ATMs across the area.



Food & Drink

Friday 21st July 2017

Halloumi Fries Crisp and slightly salty shallow-fried halloumi fries make perfect party food. Great with a sprinkling of za'atar and a spicy yogurt for dipping



170g pot Greek yogurt 1 lemon , zested, then cut into wedges for squeezing 1 tbsp rose harissa 3 tbsp za'atar, plus extra for sprinkling 75g plain flour 2 x 250g blocks halloumi, cut into fries oil, for frying handful mint , leaves torn

Mix the yogurt with the lemon zest and some seasoning, then swirl through the harissa so that you have pockets of hot and cool in the dip. On a plate, stir the za’atar into the flour, then roll the halloumi in the mixture so that it’s evenly coated. Heat the oil in a shallow, heavy-bottomed pan or casserole dish until 180C on a cooking thermometer, or a piece of bread browns in 20 secs. Working in batches, carefully lower the halloumi into the oil and cook for 2 mins until crisp and golden, then drain on kitchen paper. Sprinkle over the mint and za’atar, and serve with the lemon wedges and the spicy yogurt for dipping.

Chorizo Sausage Rolls



200g mini cooking Chorizo 1 sheet pre-rolled puff pastry, cut in half lengthways Egg yolk 1 tbsp fennel seeds

Preheat the oven to 180°C. Peel the mini chorizos and roll them in your hands to make a sausage shape. Lay the mini chorizo lengthways along each piece of pastry. Roll and fold the pastry over the chorizo brushing the inside with egg yolk to help seal. Using a fork seal the edges and trim any excess pastry, Cut the sausage rolls into individual rolls and place on a

baking tray, lined with greaseproof paper. At this point you can transfer to a freezer-safe container, lined with greaseproof paper to cook from frozen later. Please note, cooking times will increase when cooking from frozen and you may need to lower your oven temperature slightly. Brush with egg yolk and sprinkle with fennel seeds. Bake for 15-20 minutes or until the pastry is puffed and golden brown. Serve with a large glass of Rioja!

Food & Drink


Turkish Kebabs With Tomato Chilli Sauce Ingredients 2 garlic cloves 200g Greek yogurt 1 lemon , juiced 2 tsp tomato purée 2 tsp chilli flakes (Aleppo are nice) 2 tsp sumac 4 chicken breasts, cut into chunks 300g baby plum tomatoes 1 thumb-sized red chilli, stem removed 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1 small red onion, sliced 1 tbsp pomegranate molasses To serve 4 Middle Eastern flatbreads long pickled chillis (guindillas) a handful fresh coriander a handful fresh flat-leaf parsley Method Crush 1 garlic clove and mix with 3 tbsp yogurt, the lemon juice, 1 tsp tomato purée, half the spices, and some seasoning in a medium bowl. Add the chicken, toss, cover

and chill in the fridge for at least 1 hr or overnight. Make the chilli sauce. Put 100g of the tomatoes, the whole red chilli, the remaining spices, garlic clove and tomato purée, plus 1 tbsp olive oil, half the red onion and the pomegranate molasses in a food processor. Add some seasoning and pulse until puréed, then set aside. Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6, and heat a griddle pan. Thread the chicken onto metal skewers or wooden ones that have been soaked, then wipe off the excess marinade. Skewer the remaining tomatoes on a separate skewer. Lightly oil the griddle with the remaining olive oil and brown the chicken on both sides, then transfer to a baking tray and bake in the oven for 10 mins, or until cooked through. Meanwhile, griddle the tomatoes for 1-2 mins, turning halfway through so they have griddle marks on both sides. Serve the chicken and tomatoes on flatbreads with the remaining red onion, pickled chillis, the remaining Greek yogurt, parsley and coriander with the chilli sauce spooned over.

Prawn Laksa Curry Bowl

Ingredients 1 tbsp olive oil 1 red chilli, finely sliced 2 ½ tbsp Thai red curry paste 1 vegetable stock cube 400ml can reduced fat coconut milk 2 tsp fish sauce 100g rice noodles 2 limes , juice of 1, the other halved 150g cooked king prawns

½ small pack coriander, roughly chopped Method Heat the oil in a medium saucepan and add the chilli. Cook for 1 min, then add the curry paste, stir and cook for 1 min more. Dissolve the stock cube in a large jug in 700ml boiling water, then pour into the pan and stir to combine. Tip in the coconut

milk and bring to the boil. Add the fish sauce and a little seasoning. Toss in the noodles and cook for a further 3-4 mins until softening. Squeeze in the lime juice, add the prawns and cook through until warm, about 23 mins. Scatter over some of the coriander. Serve in bowls with the remaining coriander and lime wedges on top for squeezing over.


Food & Drink

Friday 21st July 2017

Lime Semifreddo Cheesecake



140g digestive biscuits, roughly broken 75g butter , melted For the filling 300g condensed milk 200g full-fat cream cheese 150ml double cream finely grated zest 3 limes , plus extra to serve 3 tbsp lime juice (from 2 limes) For the cranberry compote 200g fresh or frozen cranberries 100g golden caster sugar 1 tbsp ground arrowroot or cornflour

Line a 900g loaf tin with a large piece of foil. Press down well into the base and sides of the tin, and leave plenty overhanging the edges. Put the biscuits in a freezer bag and bash to crumbs with a rolling pin. Mix with the melted butter and tip the crumbs into the prepared tin – press firmly into the base to create an even layer. Chill while the filling is made. Use an electric whisk on a medium setting to beat the condensed milk, cheese and cream together until smooth and thickened – this will take around 2 mins. Add the grated zest and juice, and beat slowly until the cheese mixture forms soft peaks. Spoon the lime mixture over the biscuit base. Cover lightly with the overhanging foil and seal firmly to keep out as

much air as possible. Wrap in a second layer of foil, pop into a large freezer bag and freeze overnight. To make the cranberry compote, put the cranberries, sugar and 150ml cold water in a saucepan and bring to a simmer. Cook for 5 mins, stirring occasionally, until the cranberries are softened but holding their shape. Mix the arrowroot or cornflour with 2 tbsp cold water until smooth, then stir into the fruit. Cook for another 2 mins, stirring regularly. Leave to cool, then cover and chill. Can be frozen at this stage. Turn out the frozen cheesecake onto a platter or board and leave to thaw for 30 mins, then carefully peel off the foil. Warm the cranberry compote gently and serve with the sliced semifreddo.

The Ultimate Negroni Recipe As Italian (and refreshing) as it gets. Margaritas and mojitos may dominate the summer cocktail landscape, but when you're looking for something a bit more continental, the Negroni is your move. Made with Campari—a bitter-sweet red liqueur that's been around since the 1860s—the Negroni is an Italian cocktail that's best enjoyed while lounging on a scenic, sundappled veranda in a linen suit. If you can squeeze a ride on a Vespa and La Dolce Vita in there, then all the better. Ingredients


1 oz. London dry gin 1 oz. Campari 1 oz. vermouth rosso cocktail glass

Add the ingredients together in a cocktail shaker. Shake well with cracked ice.


Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a twist of orange peel.

There are also two more drinks you can make with Campari that are both simple and refreshing. The Campari Soda is selfexplanatory: Pour 3 ounces Campari into an ice-filled Collins glass and top off with soda; garnish with slice of lemon or orange. In Italy, you can buy these premixed in little bottles. An Americano is the same, except you replace half the Campari with sweet vermouth.

Food & Drink




Friday 21st July 2017

Poor quality sleep could increase Alzheimer's risk, research suggests Prolonged periods of poor sleep increase levels of proteins involved in Alzheimer’s disease, research suggests, although quality, not quantity, of sleep is at the root of the issue. While previous research has revealed that bad sleep can increase levels of these proteins, known as beta-amyloid and tau, it was unclear which aspect of shut-eye was behind the uptick. Now researchers say that poor sleep quality, and disruption of the deep, restful sleep known as slow-wave sleep, both play a key role. “[The study] shows specifically that slow wave sleep, or deep sleep, is important for lowering the levels of amyloid overnight,” said YoEl Ju, a neurologist at Washington University in St Louis, Missouri, and a coauthor of the research. “We think that not getting good sleep chronically over the years would increase the risk of the amyloid and tau clumping up and causing Alzheimer’s disease.” Published in the journal Brain, the study involved a group of healthy participants aged between 35 and 65,

who each undertook two sleep experiments a month apart. In both experiments, participants were asked to complete a sleep diary at home over a period between five days and two weeks, during which they also wore sensors to track their movements during sleep. At the end of the period, they spent a night asleep in the laboratory where they had their brain-waves tracked and, the following morning, they each had a lumbar puncture taken. While asleep in the laboratory setting, all participants wore headphones, but while one group had no noises played to them, the other group were played a series of beeps of increasing loudness when it was detected that they had entered slowwave sleep. “Our goal was to get them to just get out of slow-wave sleep, but not wake up,” said Ju. The results, based on data from 17 participants, revealed that disruption of slow-wave-sleep had an impact. Among those who showed a response to the disruption,

the team found on average levels of beta amyloid were about 10% higher when the beeps were played. “The more we were able to disrupt their slow-wave sleep, the more the amyloid increased,” added Ju. But, she noted, not all participants showed a response to the sleep disruption – a result Ju says is down to them having little slow wave sleep in the first place. Since tau levels take longer to change than beta-amy-

loid, Ju says it was not surprising that the experiment did not show an impact on tau levels. But data collected by the participants at home revealed an effect. While sleep duration or the proportion of time in bed spent asleep did not affect betaamyloid levels, the latter was linked to increased levels of tau. “The worse your sleep quality, the more your tau increased,” said Ju. The authors say the findings

suggest that repeated disruption of slow wave sleep, or poor quality sleep, could lead to a buildup of betaamyloid and tau, increasing the risk of plaques and tangles forming in the brain and eventually increasing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. “We should all be working to sleep at the better end of our abilities, because it does seem to make a difference,” said Ju. But, she added, only chronic bad sleep is cause for con-

cern. “One bad night is not bad for you and people should not stress over it,” she said. While the study size was small, experts say the research is an exciting step in unpicking the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. “It’s one of the first studies showing a biological link between sleep and generating the proteins involved in Alzheimer’s disease in humans,” said Tara SpiresJones, interim director of the Centre for Cognitive and Neural Systems at the University of Edinburgh, who was not involved in the research. But, she noted, it was not clear whether helping people to sleep better could prevent or treat Alzheimer’s disease. Doug Brown, director of research at Alzheimer’s Society, agreed. “While this contributes to a growing body of evidence which highlights the importance of good sleep, the study didn’t test whether people went on to develop Alzheimer’s, so we can’t yet say whether better sleep could reduce risk of the disease,” he said.

Clever People Live Longer, Finds New Research Smarter people live longer, according to new research published in the British Medical Journal. Social scientists have long observed a relationship between high intelligence and a longer lifetime, yet the correlation has largely been attributed to factors associated with high IQ. Those who score well in intelligence tests are more likely to have a degree and earn more, for example: both factors that increase the likelihood of living until old age. Now, a comprehensive study has bolstered the the-

ory – known as the “system integrity hypothesis” – which proposes that people with a high IQ are innately healthier. Surveys carried out across Scotland in the 1930s and 1940s recorded the IQ test scores of almost every 11-year-old. Of the participants in the Scottish Mental Survey 1947, 33,536 men and 32,229 participants were examined. A research team led by Catherine Calvin a professor of psychology at Edinburgh University, analysed the causes of death of those in that age group to determine if there

was a correlation between childhood intelligence and how long they lived. They found one. After accounting for factors such as higher income and smoking, researchers found childhood intelligence was inversely associated with all major causes of death. Particularly strong correlations between lower intelligence and respiratory diseases, heart diseases and strokes were found. An association was also observed between childhood IQ results and death from injury, smoking related cancers, digestive disease

and dementia. Another, weaker connection

was found between childhood IQ level and suicide


and with cancers not related to smoking.



Are medications affecting Your relationship with people? The human body relies on hundreds of chemicals to run smoothly, chemicals in the form of enzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters, polypeptides and a host of others. The brain and nerves, in particular, rely on chemicals to transmit messages across the body. Prescription drugs, however, interferes with these chemicals to produce the desired effect on the body. And in many cases, the resulting outcome is dysfunction of an organ, or a system otherwise called ' Side Effects' Statins are a group of drugs prescribed for lowering cholesterol; however, cholesterol is critical for the proper functioning of the nerves and brain. Invariably, the commonest side effects of cholesterollowering drugs are neuro-

and psychological problems. Beta blockers used to lower blood pressure or correct irregular heart rates, also impede the production of serotonin and can cause depression and moodiness. Drugs that Depression

logical and psychological problems including anxiety, depression, irrational violence, hostility, insomnia, and memory loss. As far back as 1990, the British Medical Journal had this chilling warning in one of its editions:

‘’ Reducing cholesterol on a large scale could lead to a general shift to more violent patterns of behaviour. Most of this increase in violence would not result in death but in more aggression at work and in the family, more child abuse, more

wife-beating and generally more unhappiness" (British Medical Journal 301, 554, 1990) Painkillers are also known to affect mood. In a very recent study from Ohio University, painkillers were found to encourage mean-

ness in people. Scientists discovered that a single dose of painkillers promoted a lack of empathy in people. Painkillers block the production of the ' feel good' hormone called Serotonin, the deficiency of which causes depression


Beta Blockers such as Atenolol and Propranolol Steroids such as cortisone, prednisolone Benzodiazepines such as Valium (diazepam), Lorazepam, Temazepam Parkinson’s Drugs such as levodopa Cholesterol-lowering drugs such as Statins

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Frequent ejaculation may decrease prostate cancer risk "Ejaculating at least 21 times a month significantly reduces a man's risk of prostate cancer," is the headline on the Mail Online. This is based on research from the US that asked men

how often they ejaculated per month and subsequent reporting of prostate cancer. They found that men who ejaculated 21 times or more a month were less likely to report prostate cancer at fol-

low-up than those ejaculating four to seven times per month. However, it does not prove that ejaculating more frequently prevents cancer, only that it is associated with

a reduction in risk. It might be that a range of other factors such as genetics, lifestyle, number of children, diet, nature of sexual activity and education contribute to this risk, but we cannot say for sure what factors might increase the risk. The researchers offer a number of hypotheses why ejaculation may help reduce

prostate cancer risk, such as reducing stress or keeping cell metabolism well regulated. But these suggestions remain in the realm of speculation. Despite any lurid tales you may have heard growing up, masturbation is entirely safe. So if you want to do it as a preventative method then it wouldn't

pose any health risks. Initial signs of prostate cancer usually involve problems with urination, such as needing to urinate more frequently, due to the prostate getting larger. While prostate enlargement can occur as men grow older, it is important to check symptoms like these with your GP.


Friday 21st July 2017

COME AND JOIN US! It’s the perfect time to consider joining Find A Spanish Property as a property associate, as property prices are on the rise, and the market is blossoming. 2016 was a positive year for the real estate market with prices having bottomed out the year before with modest price rises. Things have really kicked in during 2017, in strong contrast to the recession period that kicked in during 2008 and 2009. Official government figures confirm that prices are rising this year, and outside the cities of Madrid and Barcelona, Alicante Province which features the Costa Blanca, and the Murcia region with the Costa Calida tourist area, are two of the biggest areas on mainland Spain which are seeing substantial rises in demand along with price increases. The cranes are back with new homes being built by the coast, and the re-sale market continues to rise, fuelled by low interest rates in Spain. Statistics show that demand for homes from British buyers is still high, despite pessimistic fears last year over the Brexit factor, coupled with purchasers from across Europe, and even further afield. Recent surveys show that the majority of British people living in Spain are aged 65 and over, and website statistics confirm that older British nationals with no mortgage on their UK property are still very much looking at Spain as their area of choice to buy a holiday home, or even somewhere to retire to. It’s a great time to get involved in becoming a seller of real-estate in Spain, especially since most of the cowboys disappeared thanks to the recession nearly a decade ago. We like to think that we’ve played our own small part in helping to seeing them off, by offering an honest business that people are proud to recommend and that we now want to substantially expand.

Getting Started We will remove the pain and hassle of starting up your own estate agency by setting the all-important website that will market your business. The costs are cut, and you don’t need any experience of running an agency or experience of sales. We can do that for you, but you will need to promote your website and of course to generate new opportunities.

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What happens next? With our support you can advertise YOUR website anywhere you wish in local and social media, newspapers, magazines, radio, TV, it´s up to you. Once an enquiry is made it comes to YOU and your account manager, the decision is made by YOU as to how to proceed. You can get involved in the whole process as much or as little as YOU wish. Full legal documentation and support is provided by our independent legal team. Upon sale we will provide accounting documentation which details your commission. Throughout the entire process we will liaise with you and have full agreement on every aspect, including such things as picking up clients from the airport; property tours; taking them to solicitors; and signing those final papers. That’s our job, whilst as an Find A Spanish Property Associate you can get involved in as much or as little as you like.

What Have You Got To Lose? This is really the best time in a decade to get involved with the Spanish property market and to earn our generous commissions. Get in touch with us now to learn more.



Where to go on holiday in September September means going back to school... or playing truant and heading to one of these dream destinations. Check out our study notes on September’s hottest cities, beaches and events. Plus, find out when to book your flights for the best deal and what the weather will be like when you land. Venice, Italy Average temperature: 24°C Venice is packed full of amazing sights – St Mark’s Square and the undulating roof of the basilica with its easily recognisable bell tower, the surprisingly tiny Bridge of Sighs, and the wonderfully large and impressive Rialto Bridge, complete with shops suspended above the water. The city is a maze of art treasures and treasured architecture, so to get your bearings it’s worth climbing the 98.6-metre-high St Mark’s bell tower (the campanile) before you do anything else (open 9am–7pm in September and October, €8). It's warm enough in September to visit Venice's most surprising secret, its beach. Venice Lido is a long, thin island that separates the city's lagoon from the sea, and it boasts a 12-kilometre-long beach to boot. Although it's just ten minutes away from St Mark's Square by water taxi, most tourists leave the city without even realising it's there.

Bordeaux, France Bordeaux, France Average temperature: 26°C Bordeaux was long known as La Belle au Bois Dormant, or Sleeping Beauty; after many years of decline, this classic French city, with grand boulevards, open spaces and elegant buildings, has emerged rejuvenated after a serious revamp - which led to a UNESCO listing in 2007. Bursting with first-rate museums, trendy galleries and gourmet restaurants, Bordeaux's primary photo ops is Place de la Bourse, a crescent of eighteenth century buildings in the heart of the city, which looks onto the Garonne River - particularly alluring by night when the buildings are lit up. Cross the majestic Pont de Pierre Bridge linking the left and right banks of the Garonne, built during the Spanish campaigns, with 17 arches in honour of Napoleon’s victories. Take in some opera, ballet or classical music at the Grand Théâtre on Place de la Comédie, a sumptuous showpiece filled with marble muses. Hang out at Chartrons, where the wine aristocrats used to live, now the city’s trendiest area with chic

boutiques and galleries à go-go. Take advantage of the still-balmy weather to hire a car for a day trip to the châteaux and vineyards of the surrounding countryside. Château Latour is recommended for some upscale sipping and spitting. This being France’s wine capital, there will be much imbibing of the fruits of the vine. But don’t leave without trying the city’s other speciality - the Bordelais canelé, an unassuming, yet highly addictive caramelised cake with vanilla and rum. Compact and bijou, with its pedestrianised streets, well-tended parks and futuristic network of trams, Bordeaux is the perfect city for a sun-filled September break. Seoul, South Korea Average temperature: 29°C Not for nothing is Seoul known as Asia’s coolest city. Mashing up time-honoured tradition and sci-fi strangeness, the city is fast leaving the likes of Tokyo in the dust. Some put it down to the unique psychogeography of the place, the shimmering energy of the guardian mountains surrounding the city - Naksan, Bugaksan, Inwangsan and Namsan. Take a cable car up Namsan to the needle-like tower up top, where you can survey this sprawling metropolis of 10 million. Temperatures reach the mid-20s at this time of year, perfect for a moonlit stroll at Changdeokgung Palace, with its magical secret garden featuring a lotus pond and medieval pavilions. Amble through Ikseon-dong, an old-fashioned neighbourhood filled with traditional wooden homes called hanok. Then, fast-forward to the present by dropping into a PC bang (a ‘bang’ being a room), where space-starved Seoulites hang out to play video games. You can also sweat it out in a jjimjilbang, a public bathhouse with hot tubs, kiln saunas and massage tables (some of the fancier ones resemble entertainment centres with nail salons and restaurants). In this mega-city, even the normally banal act of drinking coffee can be weird. Head to Café Namu Guneul (37-1 Myeongdong), where you can get a fish pedicure while sipping your latte, or the Thanks Nature Café (486 Seogyo-dong) in Hongdae, where you can hang with a flock of sheep. Eat, eat and eat - whether it be a lavish hanjeongsik, the full-blown feast traditionally served up to royalty, or crispy hotteok pancakes from a street vendor. Drink soju (a bit like weak vodka) and mix it with beer to make somaek. See the exclusive Gangnam district - of 'Gangnam Style' fame - with its posh shops and 500 plastic surgery clinics - Korea is the world's capital of eyelid lifts and jaw reductions. However you do it, Seoul is mind-blowing in every sense.

Ikaria, Greece Ikaria, Greece Average temperature: 25°C Named after Icarus, the mythological boy who flew too close to the sun with his wax wings, this remote island in the eastern Aegean has a beguilingly offbeat feel. Driving down sunbeaten roads, twisting through rocky scrubland, past steep ravines and through sleepy villages to hidden beaches, you'll get the curious sense of having gone back in time. The island hasn’t changed much since its days as a leftist stronghold, a place of exile for thousands of communist sympathisers during the Civil War of 1946-49. Locals live at their own pace on an organic diet of largely homegrown food, around one in three living into their 90s on the so-called ‘island of long life’. With temperatures hitting highs of 29°C, you’ll be glad of a swim in the crystal clear waters of Seychelles in the south, with its beach of brilliant white pebbles. Paddle in the curative springs of Therma on the east coast, and visit the sixth century Temple of Artemis on the sandy beach of Nas in the north-west. Make sure to pop by ‘vampire village’ of Christos Raches in the north, which doesn’t come to life until sundown - its shops open late into the night. Join in the local Panagiria, traditional festivals held throughout summer, with roasted goat and organic wine aplenty - strange and unforgettable. There are daily flights from Athens to Ikaria, or you can spend a few days exploring the sights and sounds of Athens before catching the ferry from Pireaus Port, just outside the Greek capital.

Venice, Italy Venice, Italy Average temperature: 24°C Venice is packed full of amazing sights – St Mark’s Square and the undulating roof of the basilica with its easily recognisable bell tower, the surprisingly tiny Bridge of Sighs, and the wonderfully large and impressive Rialto Bridge, complete with shops suspended above the water. The city is a maze of art treasures and treasured architecture, so to get your bearings it’s worth climbing the 98.6-metre-high St Mark’s bell tower (the campanile) before you do anything else (open 9am–7pm in September and October, €8). It's warm enough in September to visit Venice's most surprising secret, its beach. Venice Lido is a long, thin island that separates the city's lagoon from the sea, and it boasts a 12-kilometre-long beach to boot. Although it's just ten minutes away from St Mark's Square by water taxi, most tourists leave the city without even realising it's there.


Friday 21st July 2017 Events Calendar

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Aras en Flor, ephemeral gardens Geraniums, rosemary, lavender, almond trees, chamomile and the more traditional rosebushes will decorate the many different corners and portals of the houses at Aras de los Olmos. Something different, not to be missed.

Av De Las Naciones 57, No 12 Ciudad Quesada. Tel. 666 660 810 Until Sunday 23 July, 2017 Torrevieja 63º Certamen Internacional de Habaneras y Polifonía. World famous musical competition. Gran Alacant Gran Alacant Fiesta Weekend. Until Monday 24 July, 2017 Oropesa del Mar Puppet festival. Until Wednesday 26 July, 2017 Guardamar Moors and Clickstianos Exhibition. Private collection of more than 500 Playmobil characters. Benijófar Fiestas, including parades, supper, prizes and more. Until Sunday 30 July, 2017 San Javier World famous San Javier Jazz Festival. Almoradí Moors and Christians Fiesta. Friday 21 July, 2017 Rojales Indonesian Choral concert (near the water wheel). Saturday 22 July, 2017 Santa Pola La Verbena de Pensat I Fet .Party at the castle with 80´s and 90´s music and food. Orihuela Villiage Festival at the Zenia Boulevard. Tuesday 25 July, 2017 Santiago de la Ribera Patrulla Águila air display.

Until July the 31st, you are invited to wander around the twelve ephemeral gardens decorating the streets of Aras de los Olmos in the Valencia region. The contest Aras en Flor, which will also offer workshops and nature observation days, was born with the idea of showing off the beauty of this municipality in the early days of summer, and add another tourist appeal to this beautiful destination. For some years, the Town Council of Area de los Olmos has donated rosebushes to the neighbours so that they can use them to decorate their gardens, and, therefore, give a more picturesque and appealing appearance to the town. Now, flowers and other elements like pineapples, straw, sand or pinocha make the lovely designs of ephemeral gardens that are waiting to be discovered. Although there is a team of designers behind each of the gardens, the neighbours themselves do all the hard work of creating these mmasterpieces. Don’t you think it is a brilliant idea? A curious fact. The Jardín Etnobotánico de Aras de los Olmos has been awarded as the best environmental initiative inside the III Contest of Cemeteries of Spain, as it is situated on an ancient graveyard. And to complete your experience in Aras de los Olmos, it is worth waiting for night fall. This municipality is a renowned place for the world of Astronomy thanks to the quality of its sky, one of the cleanest in Spain, and free from light pollution. From Aras to the stars!

The 15th International Puppet Festival Year after year, during July and August, the International Puppet Festival arrives in Oropesa del Mar. For a week, the youngsters will have great fun at the shows of national and international companies. Bring your children along! Families with children find constant fun and entertainment here. The puppet festival, which takes place annually in Oropesa del Mar (Castellón), takes place from July 20th to July 24th. The XV Festival Internacional de Títeres will enchant us with performances where you can marvel at the different techniques of puppet animation. Among them are: dolls, esperpentos, shadows, flat silhouettes with highquality mechanisms, "Marottes", marionettes and recycled objects that support the animation. Some of the highlights this year "For 15 years already" are the parades "Locos por la música" (passion for music), "For +", especially for children around 9 months old, "Astokillo", "La gallina de los huevos De oro "(the chicken of the golden eggs)," Cabeza de Dragón "(the head of the dragon) and many more. And if you're already there, you can also experience the "Historias fascinantes de la Torre del Rey" (the fascinating stories of Torre del Rey), exclusively for children aged between 7 and 12 years. The departure begins at the tourist office of La Playa de la Concha and the Torre del Rey. You will hear exciting stories of the tower (El Torre) and the pirates. Oropesa del Mar. Just over two kilometres from a pristine sand and pebble beaches with an excellent rocky seabed, perfect for practicing underwater fishing and diving. Enjoy a bustling, urban beach of the finest sand, equipped with all sorts of services. Moving south, the coast becomes rugged and the cliffs are the same as those of "Sierra de Oropesa", which however lose their roughness when Benicàssim releases the secluded beaches such as "Les Playetes de Beliver" and "La Renegá".



Amidst the quagmire that is the summer TV schedule, it was a blessed relief to welcome back Game of Thrones for a penultimate run on Monday (Sky Atlantic and countless other outlets!). The first scene was a corker with a great twist in an opening episode that had everything going for it, short of the trademark GoT violence and sex, which I’m sure we will get further down the line. We had a clash between Jon Snow and his sister; the return of an old character that we did not see in the last series, and we wondered whether he was alive or not; plenty of plotting from Queen Cersei; a wonderful ly disgusting yet witty and brilliantly edited scene featuring bed pans and latrines, which had me grateful that I had finished my TV dinner an hour earlier; and a cameo from Ed Sheeran which even had him singing! GoT is a joy to watch and we even got a new character played by the peerless Jim Broadbent to round things off. Yes, I’m a fan and if you are yet to dis-

Return Of Thrones

cover the joys of the land of Westeros, then you have plenty of time to go “boxsetting” before the big autumn shows kick in. I’m so pleased that Jodie Whittaker has been cast as Doctor Who after some many fine performances, most recently as Beth Latimer in Broadchurch.

Broadchurch boss Chris Chibnall, and of course new Doctor Who guru, has made a fine choice and I bet he also popped the question as well to Olivia Colman, who said this week that Whittaker “would do the Doctor better than anyone”. Quite right too, and far better than some of the

pompous sexist arguments that we now have with the first female in the title role since the show first appeared in 1963. Like in previous Doctor castings we are getting silly comments about what we are going to get, but hey Messrs. Tennant, Smith, and Capaldi all went through that rubbish

as well. What I would like to see though as a bit of fun would be the return of Captain Jack played by John Barrowman just for one episode, who Chibnall worked with on Who spin-off Torchwood. Would he still have a crush on the Doctor now that the Time Lord will be a female?

Memo to ITV:- More Fearless please with Helen McCrory who carried the show, and who we’ll be seeing this autumn in the return of Peaky Blinders. Also ITV, why are you filling out this Saturday and Sunday with the zillionth screening of Hobbit and Harry Potter movies during prime time? Why not repeats of quality dramas like Victoria to set things up for the autumn? If Helen McCrory is Fearless, then in the States, Viola Davis is How To Get Away With Murder, which belatedly returned to UK screens on its new home of Sky Living. Like with Game of Thrones, new viewers will struggle not knowing previous plot lines, but you can simpy marvel at how Davis grabs the camera and steals every scene that she’s in. Farewell to Martin Landau who died this week at the age of 89. I loved him and the rest of the crew in Mission Impossible back in the sixties, and then with his Mission co-star (and wife) Barbara Bain, they headed up the Gerry Anderson sci-fi show Space 1999.

28 pity on him and gets him to hospital. Elsewhere, uneasy.

Friday Pete takes action after the week’s events. Meanwhile, Jai continues to support Nell with the Rosie situation. Elsewhere, Lydia makes a discovery. Monday Frank raises a toast to Megan, but Charity spots Megan flinching at his affection. Charity doesn’t waste much time before confronting Megan over what she’s seen, but is she right about Megan’s secret plans for revenge? Meanwhile, Priya takes a pregnancy test in the toilets at the pub and Leyla Harding discovers it. Elsewhere, Rhona is nervous ahead of Pierce’s trial starting.



Wednesday It’s Vanessa’s turn to give evidence in court, but she’s nervous about the situation and ends up telling lies. When Vanessa’s dishonesty gets called up, Pierce feels more smug than ever and Rhona is terrified that she’s going to lose the case.

Rhona breaks down under the pressure of the situation, while Pierce expertly portrays the role of a falsely accused victim. When the first day of the trial ends, Rhona feels defeated. Is all hope lost? Meanwhile, Robert is feeling sorry for himself and gets drunk at the pub. As a result, Victoria has to take him home. Later, Robert falls down the stairs at home, but Rebecca takes

Friday Sarah thanks Craig for giving Bethany the courage to seek professional help. When Craig admits that he intends to quit the police force, Bethany is horrified and urges him to reconsider, pointing out that he’d be letting Nathan and Neil win.

Meanwhile, it’s Lachlan’s birthday and he’s planning to sleep with Belle tonight. Unfortunately, Gerry has a nasty surprise for Lachlan by spiking his drink with a laxative. Thursday Rhona takes control by confronting Pierce in private and threatening him, admitting that she’s prepared to lie to get him sent down. Pierce finally seems to acknowledge his crime as they talk between themselves, but will he be so honest in the courtroom? Meanwhile, Lachlan is furious that Gerry ruined his night with Belle by spiking his drink with a laxative. When Lachlan sees Gerry trying to kiss Belle himself, will he take revenge?

Tuesday (Hour Long) Rhona is relieved to learn that her sex tape won’t be used as evidence at Pierce’s rape trial after all, but she still struggles with the line of questioning.


Friday 21st July 2017

Craig approaches Neil and tells him he’s changed his mind about quitting the force, but is going to request that he’s assigned a new mentor. Neil angrily bundles Craig into his car, asserting that they need a little chat. Secretly activating the record function on his phone, Craig goads Neil, but will he reveal all? At Craig’s insistence, Bethany phones the police to report Neil and DC Leigh calls at Number 8. Awash with shame, Bethany describes how Nathan cajoled her into having sex with Neil. DC Leigh assures her that Neil will feel the full force of the law. In the police station, DC Leigh tells Neil that the Chief Inspector wants to see him. Knowing the game is up, Neil shoots a look of hatred at Craig. DC Leigh calls at Number 8 and assures Bethany and Sarah that she’s confident they now have enough evidence to bring charges.

Rhona is left in shock as Pierce’s trial takes more twists and turns.Pierce looks nauseous as he takes to the stand, but did Rhona’s warnings get Monday As Toyah admires through to him? her name over The Rovers’ door, she rubs her tummy Meanwhile, Harriet is less and tells Peter that she’s than impressed. got a good feeling about the pregnancy test tomorElsewhere, Lawrence row. masks his concern.

As an upbeat Peter and Toyah enjoy their first shift as landlord and landlady, Leanne calls in with Simon and Oliver and explains that they have nowhere to live, as Nick has sold her flat and the new tenants are moving in today.

Elsewhere, Mr Pryce checks on the Fowlers after the school prom incident.

Friday The school prom is thrown into chaos, but who is involved and what has happened? Meanwhile, Carmel demands to know what Max is up to. Will she believe his cover story?

Meanwhile, Robert worries about how Chesney’s stabbing will affect business. Michelle also feels guilty when she overhears Sinead asking Aidan for an advance on her wages. She calls at Number 5 with a card and Chesney is taken aback to find that she has put £200 inside. Gemma reckons it’s an insult and he should sue for thousands. Gemma summons Adam and explains how the guy who stabbed Chesney is a mate of Robert’s. Against Sinead’s better judgement, Chesney agrees to sue. Adam calls at the Bistro and reveals to Robert how Michelle gave Chesney £200, which suggests they accept some blame for his injuries and he’s now looking for a substantial out of court settlement. Robert is seething. Wednesday Robert is worried as table after table cancel their Bistro bookings. Daniel shows Robert the article in the Gazette. Robert is furious, but Daniel assures him it wasn’t his doing. When Chesney admits that he feels vulnerable since the stabbing, Adam does his best to convince him that he deserves proper compensation. Adam calls in the bistro and tells Robert that Chesney will settle for £10,000. Robert’s seething and ends up storming off after a row with Michelle.

Also today, Fi warns Mick that Shirley is scaring away customers at The Vic, while the joint holiday is in jeopardy as Vincent’s friend has now sold the property. Thursday Max finds a way to make things worse for Lauren, but she’s oblivious to what he’s up to. Meanwhile, Carmel receives divorce papers from Umar. Later on, Max urges Carmel to keep their relationship a secret.

Monday In the aftermath of last week’s shocking events, one Walford resident realises their life may never be the same.

Elsewhere, Dot’s stubborn side re-emerges when she refuses to accept Sonia’s help over discrepancies with her bills.

Another is determined to get revenge... Meanwhile, Lauren makes two attempts to convince Steven to tell Ian and Jane about his “illness”, but he refuses to do so. However, he does have another shock for Lauren by revealing that he wants to adopt Louie.

Desperate to hold her head high, Donna gets a shock when she tries to flash the cash.

Elsewhere, more trouble could be brewing when Max finds what he’s been looking for in Carmel’s files. Tuesday Phil is finally back home on the Square, but why has he returned now? Meanwhile, Lauren doesn’t seem keen on the idea of Steven adopting Louie and reminds him that Peter would need to be involved in such a big decision. Later on, Steven decides to consult a solicitor about applying for parental responsibility of Louie. He also has another surprise up his sleeve by proposing to Lauren at the pub!

Week Days 08:00 Peter Hurst 11:00 Dennis Christian 14:00 Alex Trelinski 17:00 Mark Nolan

Saturday 09:00 Tim Bridge 12:00 Paul Norman 15:00 Alex Trelinski 18:00 Entertainment Power

Later, an unexpected visitor arrives on AAU and Donna discovers who her true friends are when she is finally forced to reveal why she’s back at Holby. Meanwhile, when Sacha accidentally drops a hint about Lofty’s sexuality, Dominic makes it his mission to uncover the truth. But when he takes some well-meaning advice from his mum, Dominic is unprepared for what unfolds. Elsewhere Nina pressures Matteo to sign the divorce papers.

Sunday 09:00 Tim Bridge 12:00 Soul & Mowtown 14:00 Gary Jackson 16:00 The Retro Chart 18:00 Classic Country Email: Facebook: tkospain Phone: 965 50 55 10 Text: 671 33 76 75

Friday TV 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Right on the Money 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Neighbourhood Blues 12:45 Rip Off Britain: Holidays 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:45 Red Rock 15:30 Escape to the Country 16:30 Money for Nothing 17:15 Flog It! 18:15 Pointless 19:00 News 20:00 Celebrity Mastermind John Humphrys quizzes Tyger Drew-Honey, Tom Ravenscroft, Maria McErlane and writer Terry Deary . 20:30 Thief Trackers The undercover thief tracker team use GPS technology to track a gang who have stolen a bike. 21:00 EastEnders The school prom is thrown into chaos. 21:30 Still Open All Hours Granville plans a double date with Madge and Mavis. 22:00 Peter Kay’s Comedy Shuffle Peter and Brian Potter both receive mysterious phone calls, while John and Kayleigh discuss naturists on their car share home. 22:30 Mrs Brown’s Boys Agnes Brown has family troubles to contend with, her Dermot has fallen out with his girlfriend. 23:00 News 23:35 Not Going Out 00:05 Film - You Again 01:45 Weather 01:50 News

07:00 The TV That Made Me 07:30 Right on the Money 08:15 Bargain Hunt 09:00 Natural World 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 News 14:00 Two Tribes 14:30 A Taste of Britain 15:15 Caravanner of the Year 16:15 Nature’s Miracle Babies 17:15 Natural World 18:15 Antiques Road Trip 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Letterbox

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 David Dickinson’s Name Your Price 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 News

20:00 Yorkshire Wolds Way Paul takes to the skies to get a unique view of a stretch of chalk downland, and gets a special invitation to a military base that’s been keeping the country safe since the start of World War II.

20:30 Coronation Street Craig takes the biggest risk of his life.

20:30 RHS: Tatton Flower Show 2017 More highlights from Tatton Park, as Monty Don, Joe Swift and the team review the gardens created by the finalists in the RHS Young Designer of the Year competition. 21:00 The Open Championship, PGA Tour Golf Eilidh Barbour present highlights of the second day of the prestigious event, which takes place at Royal Birkdale Golf Club in Southport. Today’s play will have seen the competitors attempting to make the cut and qualify for the weekend’s rounds, and avoid the fate that befell several notable players at last year’s event. 23:00 QI 23:30 Newsnight 00:05 Top of the Lake 02:05 Panorama 02:35 The Betrayed Girls 04:05 This Is BBC Two

20:00 Emmerdale Pete takes action.

21:00 The Secret World of Posh Pets In Warwickshire, Emma designs a half-acre rabbit wonderland with 120 metres of tunnels, a tree house, a maze and a `bunny bar’ for refreshment on hot days. With a £4,000 budget and only a month to complete its construction, has she bitten off more than she can chew? 21:30 Coronation Street The end is in sight for Bethany.

07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Frasier 11:05 Undercover Boss USA 12:00 A Place in the Sun 13:00 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Posh Pawnbrokers 15:10 Countdown 16:00 The Question Jury 17:00 A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 News 20:30 Live: World Championship Para Athletics Arthur Williams, Ade Adepitan and Lee McKenzie present coverage of day eight of the Championships, which takes place at The London Stadium in Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. A total of 16 finals are scheduled to take place tonight, with track events including the men's T36 400m and T12 200m, as well as the women's T38 400m, while the men's T37 long jump and F53 shot put, and the women's F55 discus and T12 Long Jump.

22:00 Benidorm Joyce has been let down by her first-aid instructor and must find someone else to train the staff. Mateo is back from Madrid and claims he is fully qualified in first aid and can teach the class - for which he will be paid a cool 200 euro.

23:00 The Last Leg Adam Hills, Alex Brooker and Josh Widdicombe bring updates on the highs and lows from the Para Athletics and are joined by Ellie Simmonds, Jonnie Peacock and Liam Malone.

23:00 News 23:40 Joanna Lumley’s India 00:40 Tipping Point 01:35 Jackpot247 04:00 Storage Hoarders 04:50 ITV Nightscreen

00:05 Naked Attraction 01:10 The Windsors 01:40 8 Out of 10 Cats 02:20 Film - Young Adult (14) 03:55 The Handmaid’s Tale 04:55 Selling Houses With Amanda Lamb

BBC Two commissions low- Filming commences on second series of Marcella calorie food series BBC Two has commissioned a brand new six-part series with Michellin star chef Tom Kerridge, following a group of dieters who want to achieve lasting weight loss with Tom’s take on low calorie recipes. From Bone Soup Productions, Tom Kerridge: Lose Weight For Good recruits 13 volunteers from his local area to test his recipes in conjunction with NHS-approved weight loss advice. The dieters on the 12-week weight loss programme include a vicar, a police officer and a nurse who is getting married later in the year. Tom Kerridge has famously lost 12 stone following a ‘no carb’ regime, and is now turning his attention to low-calorie cooking to help others. Tom Kerridge says: “It’s impossible to lose weight and keep the weight off for good if you don’t enjoy what you’re eating. The NHS offers really sound advice about how to lose weight so I’ve taken this as the starting point and decided to challenge myself as a chef to come up with really appealing lower calorie dishes people will want to eat every day. The cooking techniques

mean there’s no compromise on flavour and you’re promised a generous plate of food! "I’m hoping this will help more people to lose weight and still love what they eat. They’ve all got strong reasons why they want or need to lose weight. So they’ve agreed to cut down their calorie intake, and in return I’m providing them with recipes they can make and enjoy at home. We’ll have to see how well they get on.” Tom set up Bone Soup Productions last year with Richard Bowron. The series was commissioned by Patrick Holland, Controller of BBC Two, and the BBC commissioning editors are David Brindley and Michael Jochnowitz. Tom Kerridge: Lose Weight For Good is scheduled for broadcast in early 2018 on BBC Two.


Filming has started on the second series of critically acclaimed drama Marcella starring Anna Friel. Original multi-layered ITV crime drama series Marcella, written by internationally renowned screenwriter and novelist Hans Rosenfeldt (The Bridge) and starring Anna Friel (Broken, American Odyssey) returns to production this month. Returning alongside Anna Friel as the lead Marcella, in the highly praised drama are Ray Panthaki (One Crazy Thing), Nicholas Pinnock (Fortitude, Guerrilla), Jamie Bamber (Fearless, NCIS) and Jack Doolan (White Gold). New cast members are also welcomed; Nigel Planer (Episodes, Comic Strip Presents, The Young Ones), Keith Allen (Eddie The Eagle, My Mad Fat Diary),

Sophia Brown (Beauty & The Beast, Clique, Disobedience), Peter Sullivan (Cuffs, Critical, The Borgias), Jason Hughes (Three Girls, Midsomer Murders), Victoria Smurfit (Once Upon A Time, Trial & Retribution, The Beach), Yolanda Kettle (The Crown, Love Nina), Josh Herdman (Harry Potter) and Harriet Cains (Line of Duty, Safe House). Anna Friel commented: “I’m thrilled to be reprising the role of Marcella and want to thank ITV for recommissioning this powerful London based noir drama. The reaction from everyone has been amazing, although the real question I keep being asked is whether the green parka will be making an appearance in season 2 as well?”

07:00 Milkshake 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 House Doctor 13:10 News 13:15 Big Brother 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:20 NCIS 16:20 Film - Killer Instinct: From the Files of Agent Candice DeLong 18:00 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 News 20:00 Blind Date Paul O'Grady plays cupid for 50-year-old Bournemouth Post Office manager Gary, who claims his loud shirts help him stand out from the crowd. Also seeking love is student Amy from Leeds, who works in a pub, and is nicknamed `Dolly Daydream' by the punters due to her mind's tendency to wander. Both are given a chance to quiz their three potential sweethearts, before choosing one to spend more time with. Plus, Paul catches up with last week's couples. 20:55 Film - Legally Blonde A seemingly dizzy teenager is heartbroken when her boyfriend dumps her because he thinks she is not intelligent enough to help his political career. To prove him wrong she enrols at Harvard, but finds herself out of her depth as other students do their best to humiliate her. Comedy, starring Reese Witherspoon, Luke Wilson and Selma Blair, (PG) 23:00 Big Brother 00:30 BB’s Bit on the Side 01:15 SuperCasino 04:10 Big Brother 05:20 Criminals: Caught on Camera

07:00 The Hot Desk 07:10 You’ve Been Framed! 07:35 Vanderpump Rules 08:20 Ellen DeGeneres 09:00 Emmerdale 10:00 You’ve Been Framed! 10:35 Scorpion 11:25 Below Deck 12:25 Vanderpump Rules 13:20 Emmerdale 14:30 You’ve Been Framed! 15:00 Ellen DeGeneres 15:50 Jeremy Kyle 18:00 Judge Rinder 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Love Island 23:05 Celebrity Juice 23:50 Family Guy ITV 3 07:00 Man About the House 07:25 Heartbeat 08:25 Where the Heart Is 09:25 Wild at Heart 10:25 Judge Judy 11:50 Road to Avonlea 12:55 Wycliffe 14:00 Heartbeat 15:05 The Royal 16:15 Wild at Heart 17:15 Man About the House 17:55 On the Buses 18:25 George and Mildred 19:00 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Doc Martin 22:00 The Street 23:20 Law & Order: UK ITV 4 07:00 Tommy Cooper 07:25 The Chase 08:10 The Professionals 09:00 Storage Wars Texas 11:00 Tour de France Cycling 12:00 Live: Tour de France Cycling 18:00 The Professionals 19:00 Storage Wars Texas 20:00 Tour de France Cycling 21:00 Film - Goldfinger 23:15 Film - GoodFellas (14) 02:05 Tour de France Cycling

Coach Trip secures multiseries recommission

12 Yard Productions, the ITV Studios’ owned indie, has been recommissioned by E4 to make 90 more episodes of Coach Trip. Following on from its initial recommission in the 8.30pm slot last year, the third E4 series Coach Trip: Road to Zante – which starts later this month – has been extended from 30 episodes to 40, while series four and five of the hit show have been ordered for 2018, both at 40 episodes. Series three on E4 follows on from Coach Trip: Road To Marbs, which aired earlier in the year and averaged 560,000 viewers, up 12% on the first series in 2016, Coach Trip: Road to Ibiza. Tour Guide Brendan will return to lead young Brits on a voyage of discovery across Europe, with all of them hoping to reach the end of the road and win a

luxury holiday. As always they have to stay popular to stay on the trip, as unpopular couples are voted off to be replaced by new ones. Matt Walton and Ben Stevens will continue as Executive Producers. The programme is commissioned for Channel 4 by Dom Bird, Head of Formats and Jonny Rothery, Commissioning Editor for Formats and Music. “The move to E4 and into peak has opened the show up to a brand new audience and the younger-skewed cast have brought a new lease of life to Brendan,” said Walton. “With two more series ordered for next year and the 500th episode set to air this summer, there’s been a renewed interest in the format internationally and we’re excited to see where the road leads to next.”


Friday 21st July 2017

Proms Extra

Wild Alaska Live Sunday - BBCOne Three hundred million salmon are heading in to Alaskan waters right now. It is one of the most spectacular animal migrations on the planet. Liz Bonnin will be live from Katmai National Park, one of the remotest parts of Alaska, where hundreds of brown bears eagerly await the salmon arrival. Matt Baker will be broadcasting live from Tongass National Forest, the largest temperate rainforest on the planet, on the trail of a mother black bear who is relying on the salmon run to feed her three tiny cubs. And Steve Backshall will be going live underwater as he

attempts to join the salmon for the final hurdle on their spectacular journey. We watch as over 15,000 walrus gather on a tiny island miles off the mainland, and the crew team up with marine biologists as they search for the returning orca families and study what their behaviours can teach us about the current health of Alaska’s ocean.

Maps to the Stars Saturday - BBCTwo Katie Derham returns with the weekly magazine show, which offers a round-up of highlights from across the annual BBC Proms season. In this first edition, she reviews the opening

week of Proms 2017, with help from a selection of guests. Among the performances appraised tonight are a rendition of Elgar's Second Symphony, conducted by Daniel Barenboim, and a selection of memorable music from the movies, courtesy of John Williams.

I Know Who You Are Saturday - BBCFour Paloma is a young psychiatrist, who is hired to work as a director of a clinic in Galicia, and is attracted to Mario, her very first patient. He suffers from a rare form of amnesia, commonly known as Korsakov's syndrome. As a result, both his short and long term memories are

affected, and he has temporary lapses of perception. However, Paloma finds Mario to be a fascinating individual, not just a regular patient. Intrigued, she decides to explore Mario's past and, through their dialogues, their relationship takes an unexpected turn. Spanish thriller, starring Francesc Garrido.

Sunday - BBCTwo A disfigured woman is hired as an assistant to a fading Hollywood star, who has become obsessed with her dead mother and is determined to recreate her most famous film role. Meanwhile, a teen idol goes off the rails under the influence of his overbearing parents and a chauffeur harbours dreams of becoming a writer. David Cronenberg's drama, starring Julianne Moore, Mia Wasikowska, John Cusack and Robert Pattinson..

Saturday TV 07:25 The Deep 08:10 Film - Herbie Rides Again 09:35 Film - Megamind (PG) 11:00 Monty Halls’ Great Irish Escape 12:00 Homes Under the Hammer 13:00 Nigel and Adam’s Farm Kitchen 14:00 Film Becoming Jane (PG) 15:50 My Friend Jane 16:20 Behind Closed Doors 17:20 University Challenge 17:50 Gardeners’ World 18:50 19:35 Pointless The Sweet Makers: A Tudor Celebrities Alexander Treat Armstrong quizzes another line-up of famous faces on 19:50 Proms Extra 2017 the game show. This week’s review includes Elgar’s Second Symphony Daniel by 20:25 Pitch Battle The conducted grand final of the singing Barenboim and a trip to the contest arrives, as Mel movies courtesy of the Giedroyc assembles the six iconic John Williams. most successful entrants for their final performances. 20:30 Dad’s Army Captain As ever, Gareth Malone Mainwaring and the men and Kelis are tasked with take to the water when they assessing each group’s acquire a platoon boat. skills, and for this last round, they are joined on 21:00 Golf The Open the panel by Deke Sharon. Highlights. Eilidh Barbour The final begins with a presents highlights from the musical mash-up, followed third round of the Open by a Showstopper round in Championship at Royal which the ensembles col- Birkdale. Defending chamlaborate with stars including pion Henrik Stenson of Will Young, Chaka Khan, Sweden moved to the top Bebe Rexha and Seal, of the leaderboard at this among others. stage of last year’s Open, carding a three-under-par 22:00 Casualty The 68 at Royal Troon to go a Ellissons are back in the ED shot clear of American Phil creating trouble, while Mickelson. Connie shows off a fixed Grace. 23:00 Performance Live: Why It’s Kicking Off 22:50 News 23:10 Would I Everywhere 00:00 QI XL Lie to You? 23:40 Film - 00:45 Film - Cosmopolis Eagle Eye (12) 01:30 (15) 02:25 Film – Tim 04:10 Weather 01:35 News This is BBC Two 07:00 Breakfast 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30 Nadiya’s British Food Adventure 13:00 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:15 Athletics: Diamond League Monaco Highlights. 15:15 Escape to the Country 16:00 Flog It! 16:30 Kung Fu Panda: The Kaboom of Doom 17:50 Film - Shrek The Third (PG) 19:15 News


07:00 CITV 09:25 News 09:30 Weekend 10:25 The Home Game 11:25 The Voice Kids Final 13:10 News 13:25 Football: Chelsea v Arsenal Live 15:55 Tipping Point 17:00 The Chase 18:00 Little Big Shots USA 19:00 News 19:20 You’ve Been Framed!

07:20 Cycling: Velothon Wales 08:15 Motorsport: British Rally Championship 08:40 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:35 Frasier 11:05 The Big Bang Theory 12:25 The Simpsons 13:55 Four in a Bed 16:30 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 17:30 Big House, Little House 18:35 Kirstie and Phil’s Love it or List it 19:30 20:20 Catchphrase The News guessing game continues, as Stephen Mulhern invites 20:00 World Para contestants David, Jane Athletics Championships and Mark to `see it and say London 2017 Sophie it' as they try to decipher Morgan, Arthur Williams the familiar phrases hidden and Lee McKenzie present in animated clues. After the coverage of the evening first elimination, the two session on day nine of the remaining players battle to Championships, which win up to £50,000. takes place at The London Stadium in Queen 21:00 Film - The Hobbit: Elizabeth Olympic Park. An Unexpected Journey Another 18 gold medals are (12) Unassuming hobbit set to be decided on what Bilbo Baggins is pulled out is the penultimate day of of his comfortable life when the games, with events Gandalf the wizard volun- including the men’s T43, teers him for a dangerous T44 and T47 200m, and the quest. He joins a party of women’s T37 and T38 dwarves who are on a mis- 100m. sion to reclaim their lost homeland, which has been 23:00 Film - Fast and taken over by a dragon. Furious 6 Hobbs has When the group journeys Dominic and Brian into the Misty Mountains, reassemble their crew to Bilbo becomes separated take down a team of merfrom the dwarves and falls cenaries: Dominic unexinto a cave, where he finds pectedly gets convoluted himself confronted by also facing his presumed Gollum and forced to play a deceased girlfriend, Letty. riddle game. (12)

07:00 Milkshake 11:15 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:55 Dogs Make You Laugh Out Loud 12:20 Police Interceptors 14:20 Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun 16:15 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 18:10 News 18:15 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 20:00 Blind Date The classic dating show hosted by Paul O’Grady. Flight attendant Sophie is after a cheeky chap who can see past the uniform. Sporty boy Ted likes women who are ambitious, independent and kind-hearted. Will either of them find love? 21:00 Named and Shamed This documentary relives some of the most stunning star slipups, with interviews from professional observers, and nostalgic archive footage. Among the mishaps revisited are Hugh Grant's ill-advised detour on Hollywood Boulevard and Cheryl Cole's infamous bust-up in a nightclub toilet. 22:00 Big Brother Daily round-up of highlights, revealing how the housemates are getting on under the all-seeing eye of Big Brother.

00:15 News 00:35 The Chase 01:30 Jackpot247 04:00 Who’s Doing the Dishes? 04:50 ITV Nightscreen

01:30 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 02:20 60 Days in Jail 03:10 Hollyoaks Omnibus 05:15 Selling Houses

23:00 20 Moments That Shocked Comedy 00:25 Fail Army 00:50 Access 01:00 Super Casino 04:10 Film - Under Ten Flags (12) 05:45 Access

07:00 CITV 09:25 News 09:30 Weekend 10:25 Wild Animal Reunions 11:20 Judge Rinder 12:20 Love Your Garden 13:20 James Martin’s French Adventure 13:50 News 13:55 Rebound 14:55 Tipping Point 15:55 Bear Grylls Survival School 16:25 Film - Octopussy (PG) 19:00 News

07:20 Last Man Standing 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Frasier 10:30 Sunday Brunch 13:30 Eat the Week with Iceland 14:30 Film Eragon (PG) 16:35 The Restoration Man 17:35 Homes By the Sea 18:35 News

07:00 Milkshake 11:15 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:50 Pets Make You Laugh Out Loud 12:15 Police Interceptors 15:10 Film - Little Nicky (14) 16:45 Film - Legally Blonde (PG) 18:35 Film Pet Ventura: Ace Detective (12)

19:00 Live: World Championship Para Athletics It’s the final day of the championships. Laura Sugar and Dutch athlete Marlou van Rhijn are among the favourites for the T44 200m. Plus live action from the T54 5000m and T53 800m.

20:10 Kittens Make You Laugh Out Loud A compilation show featuring the most hilarious and outrakitten-themed geous videos on the internet.

07:25 Emmerdale 10:20 Coronation Street 12:50 Film - Hulk (12) 15:35 The Voice Kids Final 17:20 Film – Babe 19:15 Film - The Amazing Spider-Man (12) 22:00 Love Island 23:05 Celebrity Juice 23:50 Family Guy 01:15 American Dad! 02:10 Film Zack and Miri Make a Porno (18) ITV3 07:00 Judge Judy 07:20 Murder, She Wrote 10:10 The Darling Buds of May 11:20 Film - Sparkling Cyanide (PG) 13:20 Wycliffe 14:30 ITV Racing Live: Newbury, Market Rasen and Newmarket. 17:00 Kate 18:00 Agatha Christie’s Marple 20:00 Film - Mamma Mia! (PG) 22:10 Foyle’s War 00:20 Law and Order: UK ITV4 07:10 Motorsport UK 08:00 World Endurance Series Highlights 08:55 Road Racing Series 09:55 World Superbike Highlights 11:00 ITV Racing: The Opening Show 12:00 Tour de France Highlights 12:55 Tour de France Live 18:00 Better Late Than Never 19:00 Monster Carp 20:00 Tour de France Highlights 21:00 Film - Police Academy 2: Their First Assignment (15) 22:55 Film - Passenger 57 (15) 00:40 Film - Death Wish 3 (18) 02:35 Tour de France Highlights

Sunday TV 07:00 Breakfast 10:00 The Andrew Marr Show 11:00 Sunday Morning Live 12:00 Homes Under the Hammer 13:00 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:15 Escape to the Country 15:15 Money for Nothing 16:00 Film - Oz: The Great and Powerful (PG) 18:00 Lifeline 18:10 Songs of Praise 18:45 Pointless 19:30 News

07:15 A to Z of TV Gardening 08:00 The Instant Gardener 08:45 Gardeners’ World 09:45 The Beechgrove Garden 10:15 Countryfile 11:15 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 12:45 Nigel Slater: Eating Together 13:15 The Hairy Bikers’ Best of British 14:00 Diving: World Championships. 15:30 Wanted Down Under 16:15 20:00 Wild Alaska Live Liz Natural World 17:15 Flog It! Bonnin, Matt Baker and 18:00 Swimming: World Steve Backshall present Championships. footage of animals during the annual salmon migra- 20:00 Inside the Factory tion, which provides a vital Gregg Wallace receives a source of food for other load of tea leaves from wildlife. The first pro- Kenya and follows their gramme features underwa- journey through the factory ter footage of the fish mak- that produces one quarter ing their lengthy journey, as of all the tea we drink in well as the bears that wait Britain. Along the way, Gregg discovers that there to feed on them. can be up to 20 different 21:00 Countryfile Anita teas in your bag and that Rani meets contestants in the recipe for the blend is the international young bee- altered every day. keepers’ competition at Marlborough college and a 21:00 Golf: The Open farmer who keeps sheep for Highlights. Eilidh Barbour present highlights of the their milk. final day of the prestigious 22:00 Poldark George pur- event, which took place at sues a vacant seat in Royal Birkdale Golf Club in Commentary Parliament as Agatha plans Southport. for her hundredth birthday, comes from Peter Allis, Ken and Ross is given a propo- Brown and Andrew Cotter. sition. 23:00 Film - Maps to the 23:00 News 23:30 Miranda Stars (18) 00:45 Film - The Hart: Live Show 00:30 Film Skin I Live In (15) 02:35 - Gambit (12) 01:50 Countryfile 03:35 Holby City 04:35 This is BBC Two Weather 01:55 News

19:30 The Chase: Celebrity Special Paul Young, Jade Jones, Aljaz Skorjanec and Arthur Smith join forces to try and beat one of the country’s finest quiz brains. 20:30 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Harry is mysteriously selected to compete in the prestigious Triwizard Tournament, a thrilling competition that pits him against more experienced students from Hogwarts and two rival wizarding schools. Meanwhile, supporters of the evil Lord Voldemort send a shockwave of fear throughout the wizard community when their Dark Mark scorches the sky at the Quidditch World Cup, signalling a return to power. (PG) 23:20 News 23:40 Judge Rinder’s Crime Stories 00:40 Take Me Out 01:45 Jackpot247 04:00 Motorsport UK 04:50 ITV Nightscreen

20:30 UEFA Women's Euro 2017: England v Spain Coverage of the second match in Group D for both sides, which takes place at Rat Verlegh Stadion in Breda. These nations were also drawn in the same group as each other at the 2013 staging of the tournament, and on that occasion it was Spain who emerged triumphant, with the 3-2 victory helping them to qualify for the knockout stage, while England crashed out at the first hurdle. (Kick Off 20:45) 23:00 The Handmaid’s Tale 00:05 Film - Kingdom of Heaven (14) 02:40 Undercover Boss USA 03:30 The Last Leg

21:00 Big Brother Daily round-up of highlights, revealing how the housemates are getting on under the all-seeing eye of Big Brother 21:55 News 22:00 Whitney & Bobby: Addicted to Love Dramadocumentary telling the extraordinary story of Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown’s relationship from 1990 through to her death in 2012. The programme reveals how the pressures of fame coupled with their own issues led to the destruction of and marriage their Whitney’s untimely death. 23:50 Whitney : Her Greatest Hits 00:50 OMG! 02:00 Access 01:50 SuperCasino

07:00 Emmerdale 09:55 Coronation Street 12:15 Ninja Warrior UK 13:15 You’ve Been Framed! 14:20 Film - See Spot Run (PG) 16:15 Film - Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore 17:55 Film The Smurfs 2 20:00 Film Evan Almighty 22:00 Love Island 23:00 Love Island: Aftersun ITV 3 07:00 George and Mildred 07:25 Film - Sparkling Cyanide 09:20 Heartbeat 11:30 Murder, She Wrote 12:30 The Darling Buds of May 13:40 Columbo 15:45 Wycliffe 16:50 Agatha Christie’s Marple 18:55 Foyle’s War 21:00 Lewis 23:00 Law & Order: UK ITV 4 07:15 Minder 08:05 The Saint 09:05 The Professionals 10:10 The Car Chasers 10:40 The Classic Car Show 11:40 The Big Fish Off 12:40 Monster Carp 13:45 Film Police Academy 3: Back in Training (PG) 15:30 Tour de France Cycling 16:30 Live: Tour de France 20:00 Fierce 21:00 The Chase: Celebrity Special 22:00 Tour de France Cycling 23:00 An Audience with Billy Connolly


Friday 21st July 2017

07:00 The TV That Made Me 07:30 Right on the Money 08:15 Bargain Hunt 09:00 Great British Menu 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 News 14:00 Athletics: Diamond League Monaco Highlights. 15:00 Two Tribes 15:30 The Best Dishes Ever 16:00 This Wild Life 16:30 Super Senses: The Secret Power Animals 17:30 20:00 The Farmers’ of World Country Showdown Swimming: 19:00 Documentary celebrating Championships. inspirational agricultural Eggheads 19:30 Letterbox families and the events where they showcase their 20:00 Celebrity Antiques Road Trip Jennifer hard work. Saunders and Patricia 20:30 Jodi’s Lovely Potter, take to the road on a Letters Aled Jones meets humdinger of a trip. Jodi, who has written thouUniversity sands of letters to people 21:00 around offering support to Challenge Students from Trinity College, Cambridge, those who need it. do battle with Bristol 21:00 EastEnders One University. resident is faced with a life21:30 Nadiya’s British changing situation. Food Adventure Nadiya 21:30 Panorama Nigel heads out to the Peak Owens meets men to hear District in search of people their accounts of the devas- who are preserving old culitating impact of anorexia nary traditions. and bulimia. 22:00 Ripper Street For 22:00 DIY SOS: The Big Jackson and Reid to be Build Nick helps Charlie proven innocent, they must who was born with cerebral bring down assistant commissioner Augustus Dove. palsy,

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wild UK 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Food: Truth or Scare 12:45 Rip Off Britain: Holidays 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:45 Red Rock 15:30 Escape to the Country 16:30 Money for Nothing 17:15 Flog It! 18:15 Pointless 19:00 News

23:00 News 23:45 Comedy Shuffle 00:15 Have I Got a Bit More News for You 01:00 Who Do You Think You Are? 02:00 Weather 02:05 News

23:00 Normal for Norfolk 23:30 Newsnight 00:15 The Mash Report 00:45 Cleverman 01:40 Supermarket Shopping 02:40 Me and My Dog

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Tenable 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 News 20:00 Emmerdale Megan becomes edgy. 20:30 Coronation Street A new era dawns at the Rovers Return. 21:00 Call the Cleaners The extreme cleaners tackle an elderly lady’s home that has fallen into disrepair since the death of her husband. 21:30 Coronation Street Billy and Todd are moved by Summer’s plight. 22:00 Diana, Our Mother The Duke of Cambridge and Prince Harry talk about their mother Diana, Princess of Wales, and pay tribute to the many ways her influence has shaped their lives. The brothers share some of their earliest memories of her, recall the final contact they had with her before her death in 1997 and discuss their feelings in the aftermath of that event. 23:30 News 00:15 Killer Women with Piers Morgan 01:10 Jackpot247 04:00 Jeremy Kyle

07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:35 Frasier 11:05 Undercover Boss USA 12:00 The Simpsons 13:00 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Posh Pawn 15:10 Countdown 16:00 The Question Jury 17:00 A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 News 21:00 Bear about the House: Living with My Supersized Pet Around the world thousands of dangerous animals live as human companions. Why do people want to live with large animals, or choose a pet that could so easily kill? 22:00 999: What’s Your Emergency? The return of the programme following the emergency services, this time focusing on the work of the police, paramedics and fire service in Wiltshire. The first edition examines the rise in racially aggravated hate crimes, with the mother of a nineyear-old girl calling 999 to report that her daughter has been racially abused while out playing. 23:00 Benefit Tenants 00:00 60 Days in Jail 01:00 A Very British Brothel 02:00 Ramsay’s Hotel Hell 02:45 The Supervet 03:45 Escape to Costa Rica

Monday TV 07:00 Milkshake 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 The Yorkshire Vet 13:10 News 13:15 Big Brother 14:10 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Film The Killing Game (18) 18:00 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 News 20:00 Car Crash TV Discover a breed of driver dubbed White Lada Man and make way for some frighteningly careless truckers. Later, the “CSI: Crash Scene Investigation” segment offers a truly unscientific analysis of a mind-boggling traffic teaser. 21:00 King Tut’s Tomb: The Hidden Chamber Documentary following archaeologists who, by using laser and radarscanning equipment, have made an explosive discovery in the burial chamber. 22:00 Traffic Cops The cops are cracking down on car thieves. Their hunt for a stolen car ends in a dramatic foot chase. Two reckless high performance car thieves lead them on the longest pursuit in the history of the force. 23:00 Big Brother 00:05 BB’s Bit on the Side 01:05 Countdown to Murder 02:00 SuperCasino 04:10 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords

08:20 Ellen DeGeneres 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 10:35 You’ve Been Framed! 11:00 The Great Indoors 11:30 Side Effects 12:00 LA Story 12:25 Vanderpump Rules 13:20 Emmerdale 13:55 Coronation Street 14:55 Ellen DeGeneres 15:45 Jeremy Kyle 17:55 Judge Rinder 18:55 You’ve Been Framed! 19:50 Film - Step Up (PG) 22:00 Love Island 23:35 Family Guy ITV 3 08:25 Where the Heart Is 09:25 Wild at Heart 10:25 Judge Judy 11:50 Road to Avonlea 12:50 Wycliffe 14:00 Heartbeat 15:05 The Royal 16:10 Wild at Heart 17:15 Man About the House 17:50 On the Buses 18:20 George and Mildred 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Midsomer Murders 23:00 Law & Order: UK ITV 4 08:35 The Saint 09:35 Cash Cowboys 10:35 The Chase 11:35 Tour de France 12:35 The Saint 13:45 Gunsmoke 14:50 Ironside 15:50 Quincy, M.E. 16:55 Minder 18:00 The Professionals 19:00 Storage Wars 20:00 The Chase 21:00 The Chase 22:00 Car Crash 23:00 Film - Gangs of New York

Tuesday TV 07:00 The TV That Made Me 07:30 Wild UK 08:15 Bargain Hunt 09:00 Great British Menu 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 News 14:00 The Super League Show 14:45 A Taste of Britain 15:30 The Best Dishes Ever 16:00 This Wild Life 16:30 Super Senses: The Secret Power of Animals 17:30 World 20:00 The Farmers’ Swimming: 19:00 Country Showdown Five Championships groups of dedicated farm- Eggheads 19:30 Letterbox ers from across the country are up against each other 20:00 Celebrity Antiques as they try and win the Road Trip Charles Dance “Against the Odds” catego- and Geraldine James join ry at The British Farming the experts on this road trip Awards. romp around Wiltshire.

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wild UK 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Food: Truth or Scare 12:45 Rip Off Britain: Holidays 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:45 Red Rock 15:30 Escape to the Country 16:30 Money for Nothing 17:15 Flog It! 18:15 Pointless 19:00 News

20:30 EastEnders Phil Mitchell is back in Albert Square but what brings him home? 21:00 Holby City Donna gets a shock when she’s dealt a cruel blow by her ex, but help is on hand from a surprising source. 22:00 In the Dark We join a heavily pregnant Helen five months after the Polesford case. Helen’s life is derailed by a gangland shooting with tragic consequences. Days from giving birth Helen is plunged into a murder investigation. 23:00 News 23:45 New Tricks 00:45 Jodi’s Lovely Letters 01:15 Weather for the Week Ahead 01:20 News

21:00 Inside the Factory Gregg Wallace is in Italy, hitching a lift on a train carrying over a thousand tonnes of wheat to the largest dried pasta factory in the world.

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Tenable 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 News 20:00 Emmerdale Rhona is under pressure.

22:00 Addicted Parents: Last Chance to Keep My Children Cameras follow a young couple facing an uphill battle to overcome their addiction to heroin so they can leave rehab with their two-year-old son. Dad is determined that no one will take his boy, but he’s not prepared for the huge challenge ahead.

21:00 Midsomer Murders A barrister is killed with a lethal dose of morphine and suspicion falls on exconvict Grady Felton, who has recently returned to the village where he committed murder years earlier. However, he has a strong alibi and Barnaby thinks he must be working with an accomplice - until Grady himself is targeted in an arson attack. Detective drama, guest starring Sharon Duce, with Neil Dudgeon and Jason Hughes.

23:00 Detectorists 23:30 Newsnight 00:15 Cleverman 01:10 George Best: All by Himself 02:40 Supersize Cabbies

23:00 News 23:40 Davina McCall: Life at the Extreme 00:40 Play to the Whistle 01:20 Jackpot247 04:00 Loose Women 04:50 ITV Nightscreen

07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:35 Frasier 11:05 Undercover Boss USA 12:00 The Simpsons 13:00 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Posh Pawn 15:10 Countdown 16:00 The Question Jury 17:00 A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 News 21:00 Craft It Yourself Presenter Clemency Green joins with bespoke furniture designer Robin Johnson to create a woven bench. Ant tries his hand at painting tiles, while Robin tries his patience when he makes a beaded chandelier. 22:00 Excluded at Seven In 2017, record numbers of children are being permanently excluded from primary schools. Filmed over two terms at The Rosebery - a short stay school in Norfolk - this Cutting Edge documentary follows six excluded primary children who make up its youngest class. 23:00 First Dates 00:05 Young and Promising 01:25 Music on 4 01:50 The World’s Weirdest Weather 02:45 Real, Fake or Unknown 03:40 Gogglesprogs 04:35 Shipping Wars UK

07:00 Milkshake 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 The Yorkshire Vet 13:10 News 13:15 Big Brother 14:10 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Film - A Daughter’s Nightmare (14) 18:00 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 News 20:00 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door Documentary series exploring cases of complaints about difficult neighbours across Britain. 21:00 The Dog Rescuers Kate rescues Max, an abandoned skinny dog and homes him. Dog Ellie was left terrified of men by an abusive owner and needs to rebuild her trust. Sarah has to decide whether to take Ruby and Jade away from their owners. 22:00 The Hotel Inspector After saying goodbye to numerous managers, Sean has decided to run his hotel himself, but a string of bad reviews has left him floundering. Can Alex convince him to take off his builder’s hat and start running the place like a business? 23:00 Big Brother 00:05 BB’s Bit on the Side 01:05 Circus Kids: Our Secret World 02:00 SuperCasino 04:10 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away!

09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 10:35 You’ve Been Framed! 11:00 The Great Indoors 11:30 Side Effects 12:00 LA Story 12:25 Vanderpump Rules 13:20 Emmerdale 13:55 Coronation Street 15:00 Ellen DeGeneres 15:50 Jeremy Kyle 18:00 Judge Rinder 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Film - The Hangover (18) ITV 3 09:25 Wild at Heart 10:25 Judge Judy 11:50 Road to Avonlea 12:50 Wycliffe 14:00 Heartbeat 15:00 The Royal 16:05 Wild at Heart 17:10 Man About the House 17:45 On the Buses 18:20 George and Mildred 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Paul O’Grady’s Animal Orphans 22:00 It’ll Be Alright on the Night 23:00 Law & Order: UK ITV 4 09:35 Ironside 10:35 Quincy, M.E. 11:40 Minder 12:40 The Professionals 13:45 Gunsmoke 14:50 Ironside 15:55 Quincy, M.E. 17:00 Minder 18:00 The Professionals 19:00 Storage Wars Texas 20:00 The Chase 21:00 Monster Carp 22:00 Benidorm 23:00 Film - GoodFellas



Friday 21st July 2017

Wednesday TV 07:00 The TV That Made Me 07:30 Wild UK 08:15 Bargain Hunt 09:00 Great British Menu 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 News 14:00 Lifeline 14:10 Countryfile 14:15 Two Tribes 14:45 A Taste of Britain 15:30 The Best Dishes Ever 16:00 This Wild Life 16:30 Super Senses: The Secret Power Animals 17:30 20:00 The Farmers’ of World Country Showdown Swimming: 19:00 Sheepdog trainers and Championships. farmers Shirley from Eggheads 19:30 Letterbox Lancashire, and Yorkshire based John compete 20:00 Celebrity Antiques alongside man’s best friend Road Trip Two luvvies at The Nidderdale from the world of stage and Agricultural Show, Sheep TV, Ruth Madoc and Su Dog Trials. Pollard, best known for their appearances in sitcom 20:30 Fugitives Officers in Hi-De-Hi, are antique huntAmsterdam find a Liverpool ing with Phil Serrell and Raj drugs baron, while the Bisram. Metropolitan police are hunting down two American 21:00 The Sweet Makers: brothers who fled the US A Georgian Treat Four while awaiting trial. modern confectioners use original recipes to recreate 21:00 Wild Alaska Live a Georgian shop and Steve, Matt and Liz report dessert course and discovon the Alaskan wildlife as er how the quest to satisfy bears, eagles and orcas our national sweet tooth gather for one of nature's transformed Britain. greatest spectacles, the Alaskan summer feast. 22:00 Against the Law Fact-based drama based 22:00 Panorama on the 1954 Montagu Trial, Exploring the devastating in which gay journalist side effects of being pre- Peter Wildeblood and his scribed SSRI anti-depres- friends Lord Montagu and sants, that can lead to psy- Michael Pitt-Rivers were for homosexual chosis, violence, and even tried offences. mass murder.

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Tenable 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 News

23:30 Newsnight 00:15 Cleverman 01:05 Who Do You Think You Are? 02:05 Incredible Medicine: Dr Weston’s Casebook 03:05 This is BBC Two

23:00 News 23:40 Mafia Women with Trevor McDonald 00:40 River Monsters 01:35 Jackpot247 04:00 1000 Heartbeats

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wild UK 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Food: Truth or Scare 12:45 Rip Off Britain: Holidays 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:45 Red Rock 15:30 Escape to the Country 16:30 Money for Nothing 17:15 Flog It! 18:15 Pointless 19:00 News

23:00 News 23:45 Room 101: Extra Storage 00:25 Supermarket Shopping Secrets 01:25 Weather for the Week Ahead 01:30 News


20:00 Emmerdale Vanessa resorts to drastic measures. 20:30 Coronation Street Cracks open up between Robert and Michelle. 21:00 Love Your Garden Alan Titchmarsh and his team transform the garden of a 93-year-old veteran from the Second World War, reviving the outdoor space he once shared with his late wife, Audrey. The team create a beautiful garden for Jack, full of happy memories, art and a stunning new studio. 22:00 Long Lost Family Marion and James come together to search for the child they were forced to give up for adoption in the face of overwhelming family opposition when they were teenagers. Elsewhere, Cathie searches for her birth mother, Adrienne, who had to give her up after being unable to offer Cathie a stable home as an unmarried 19year-old.

07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:35 Frasier 11:05 Undercover Boss USA 12:00 The Simpsons 13:00 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Posh Pawn 15:10 Countdown 16:00 The Question Jury 17:00 A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 News 21:00 Tried and Tasted: The Ultimate Shopping List William Sitwell joins Michel as the panel test tea, croissants and barbecue ribs. The public food challenge is rice pudding. 21:30 Food Unwrapped Kate visits a remote potato paradise in Chile, Jimmy investigates avocadorustling, and what makes sour beer taste tangy? 22:00 24 Hours in A&E An 80-year-old patient is admitted suffering from pain in her chest, arm and jaw, and consultant Sarah is concerned that Joan's heart is struggling and requests an urgent blood test and heart . Meanwhile a woman who fell and hit her head in Ibiza complains about headaches, dizziness and vomiting. 23:00 The Windsors 23:35 Fargo 00:35 999: What’s Your Emergency? 01:35 One Born Every Minute 02:30 Ramsay’s Hotel Hell 03:20 Film - Hope Springs (14)

07:00 Milkshake 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 The Yorkshire Vet 13:10 News 13:15 Big Brother 14:10 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Film Who Killed My Husband? 18:00 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 News 20:00 Traffic Cops The cops are cracking down on car thieves. Their hunt for a stolen car ends in a dramatic foot chase. Two reckless high performance car thieves lead them on the longest pursuit in the history of the force. 21:00 GPs: Behind Closed Doors Baby Naya has been vomiting for two days. Yasir collapses on his doctor’s desk. Francelia’s heavy menstrual bleeding prevents her from working. Joshua wonders if he is a good candidate for medical marijuana. 22:00 The Dirty Dancing Story A trip down memory lane to Kellerman’s Resort, to celebrate the movie that remains a phenomenon. Favourite scenes are revisited and cast members Kelly Bishop, Lonny Price and Jane Brucker recall their favourite memories of the film, alongside an army of celebrity fans including Rachel Hunter and Lori Petty. 23:30 Big Brother 00:30 BB’s Bit on the Side 01:30 Funniest Falls, Fails & Flops 02:00 SuperCasino 04:10 The Dog Rescuers

07:10 You’ve Been Framed! 07:35 Vanderpump Rules 08:20 Ellen DeGeneres 09:00 Emmerdale 10:00 You’ve Been Framed! 11:00 The Great Indoors 11:30 Side Effects 12:00 LA Story 12:25 Vanderpump Rules 13:20 Emmerdale 14:30 You’ve Been Framed! 15:00 Ellen DeGeneres 15:50 Jeremy Kyle 18:00 Judge Rinder 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Film - American Pie: The Wedding (18) ITV 3 07:25 Heartbeat 08:25 Where the Heart Is 09:20 Wild at Heart 10:25 Judge Judy 11:50 Road to Avonlea 12:50 Wycliffe 13:55 Heartbeat 15:00 The Royal 16:05 Wild at Heart 17:10 Man About the House 17:40 On the Buses 18:20 George and Mildred 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Lewis 23:00 Law & Order: UK ITV 4 08:35 Gunsmoke 09:35 Ironside 10:40 Quincy, M.E. 11:40 Minder 12:45 The Professionals 13:50 Gunsmoke 14:55 Ironside 16:00 Quincy, M.E. 17:00 Minder 18:00 The Professionals 19:00 Storage Wars Texas 20:00 The Chase 21:00 British Superbikes Motorcycle Racing 22:00 Film - From Russia With Love (PG)

36 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wild UK 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Food: Truth or Scare 12:45 Rip Off Britain: Holidays 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:45 Red Rock 15:30 Escape to the Country 16:30 Money for Nothing 17:15 Flog It! 18:15 Pointless 19:00 News 20:00 The Farmers’ Country Showdown Pig farming family Clive, Hilary and Rebecca from the South West and Barbara from Wales are hoping to win prizes for their best pigs at The Dorset County Show. 20:30 EastEnders Max makes things worse for an oblivious Lauren. 21:00 Watchdog Matt Allwright, Steph McGovern and Nikki Fox ask whether airlines are breaking new rules designed to ensure delayed passengers get what they are entitled to. 22:00 Who Do You Think You Are? “Citizen Khan” star Adil Ray identifies as Brummie, British, Muslim, Pakistani and African. His mum came to England from newly-independent Kenyawith her family in 1967. Heading back to East Africa, Adil traces his mixed Asian and African ancestry. 23:00 News 23:45 One Deadly Weekend in America 01:10 Weather for the Week Ahead 01:15 Newsday 01:30 News

Friday 21st July 2017

07:00 The TV That Made Me 07:30 Wild UK 08:15 Bargain Hunt 09:00 Great British Menu 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 News 14:00 Countryfile 14:15 Two Tribes 14:45 A Taste of Britain 15:30 The Best Dishes Ever 16:00 This Wild Life 16:30 Hive Alive 17:30 Natural World 18:15 Antiques Roadshow 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Letterbox 20:00 Celebrity Antiques Road Trip Antonio Carluccio and Gennaro Contaldo are on a road trip around East Anglia. Restaurateurs, writers and old friends, the ‘greedy Italians’ forage for antiques. 21:00 10 Puppies and Us Documentary following young dogs and their new owners over the course of theirfirst six months together. Border collie Jura joins a ski patroller in Scotland, rescue pup Pedro arrives in the Surrey countryside from Spain and golden retriever Lola joins a Hampshire family. 22:00 Top of the Lake When the body of an unidentified Asian girl washes up onto Bondi beach, the case seems hopeless - until Detective Robin Griffin discovers she didn’t die alone. 23:00 The Mash Report 23:30 Newsnight 00:15 Cleverman 01:10 The Week the Landlords Moved in 02:10 The Sheriffs are Coming 03:10 This is BBC Two

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Tenable 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 News 20:00 Emmerdale Rhona takes control. 20:30 Eat, Shop, Save Ranvir Singh and her team of experts travel to Berkshire, where they meet a family who spend more than £200 on their grocery shopping each week. The presenter aims to help them reduce their weekly food bill. 21:00 Emmerdale Rhona is in shock. 21:30 James Martin’s French Adventure James visits Languedoc, famous for its wine and the hearty meaty dish, cassoulet. He turns up the heat with a steak cooked on a BBQ in the blazing sunshine. 22:00 Inside the London Fire Brigade This documentary series follows London's firefighters over the past year as they respond to a range of emergencies, and begins with first-hand accounts of Grenfell, including descriptions of what happened inside the tower. 23:00 News 23:40 Tonight at the London Palladium 00:40 Devon and Cornwall Cops 01:05 Jackpot247 04:00 Eat, Shop, Save

07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:35 Frasier 11:05 Undercover Boss USA 12:00 The Simpsons 13:00 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Posh Pawn 15:10 Countdown 16:00 The Question Jury 17:00 A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 News 20:30 UEFA Women's Euro 2017: Portugal v England Coverage of the concluding match in Group D for both sides, which takes place at Koning Willem II Stadion in Tilburg, Netherlands. England's record in this tournament since the turn of the century leaves a lot to be desired, and while they did finish as runners-up in 2009, at the other tournaments staged in 2001, 2005 and 2013 they failed to progress to the knockout stage on any occasion, and had a combined record of one win, two draws and six losses. Tonight's match will be followed by highlights of Scotland v Spain. Presented by Clare Balding, with expert analysis from Jermaine Jenas, Eniola Aluko and Kim Little. (Kick Off 20:45) 23:00 Gogglebox 00:05 Real, Fake or Unknown 01:10 Excluded at Seven 02:05 Bizarre ER 02:55 Undercover Boss USA 03:45 The Supervet 04:40 Tried and Tasted: The Ultimate Shopping List

Thursday TV 07:00 Milkshake 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 The Yorkshire Vet 13:10 News 13:15 Big Brother 14:10 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:20 NCIS 16:20 Film - A Woman Deceived 18:00 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 News 20:00 Cricket Highlights of the first day of the Third Test between England and South Africa from The Oval. 21:00 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords Cases include Wendy, who was left with rental arrears of almost £3,000 after renting a house out to a nightmare tenant. Steve from Birmingham Council's housing enforcement team investigates poor living conditions above a local shop. And lawyer Chris has to deal with his client's site which has been filled by nearly two dozen caravans and a mountain of rubbish. 22:00 Joanna Dennehy: Killing for Kicks An investigation into how a Home Counties schoolgirl grew up to become a killer who stabbed three men to death and dumped their bodies in ditches around Peterbrough. People who knew her well, including the father of her two children, help paint a picture of a manipulative psychopath with a taste for blood. 23:30 Big Brother 00:30 BB’s Bit on the Side 01:15 SuperCasino 04:10 The Hotel Inspector

07:10 You've Been Framed! 07:35 Vanderpump Rules 08:20 Ellen DeGeneres 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 10:00 You’ve Been Framed! 11:00 The Great Indoors 11:30 Side Effects 12:00 LA Story 12:25 Vanderpump Rules 13:20 Emmerdale 13:55 Coronation Street 14:30 You’ve Been Framed! 15:00 Ellen DeGeneres 15:50 Jeremy Kyle 18:00 Judge Rinder 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Film - White House Down (14) ITV 3 08:25 Where the Heart Is 09:20 Wild at Heart 10:25 Judge Judy 11:50 Road to Avonlea 12:50 Wycliffe 13:55 Heartbeat 15:00 The Royal 16:05 Wild at Heart 17:10 Man About the House 17:50 On the Buses 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Endeavour 23:00 Law & Order: UK ITV 4 07:50 Storage Wars Texas 08:35 Gunsmoke 09:35 Ironside 10:40 Quincy, M.E. 11:40 Minder 12:45 The Professionals 13:50 Gunsmoke 14:55 Ironside 16:00 Quincy, M.E. 17:00 Minder 18:00 The Professionals 19:00 Storage Wars Texas 20:00 The Chase 21:00 Road Racing Series 22:00 Film Goldfinger

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What has a foot but no legs?

Answer at the bottom of the next page. FILL IT IN


Fit the words into the boxes.

Code Cracker is a crossword puzzle with no clues; instead, every letter of the alphabet has been replaced by a number, the same number representing the same letter throughout the puzzle. All you have to do is decide which letter is represented by which number.

DOUBLE CROSS-WORD Solve the Double Cross-Word puzzle using either the standard or cryptic clues, the answers are exactly the same.

2 letter words My Of So To 3 letter words Are Bad Bag Bah Cab Cat Dad Dot Eel Hop

Lab Lap Lea New Nil Nun Oaf Pop Rat Roe Set Sly Son Tad Tan Tap

Tat The Thy Tin Yap Yes 4 letter words Airy Arcs Area Clam Coal Eddy Flee Lass Liar

Lone Nods Oath Pent Rate Slot Told Tops Trot 5 letter words Argot Curio Feral Harem Omens Pence

Piety Robot Satin Snaps Stoat Taper Tenor Total 6 letter words Papers Scenic 8 letter words Rosewood Sentence

Standard Clues

Cryptic Clues Across



1 Beginner with a gun (7) 5 Avoid the Spanish with due preparation (5) 8 Right sick and complaining! (7) 9 Sailor consumed tail off (5) 10 Spoil a spoilt Titan (5) 11 Take out former partner’s piece of land (7) 12 Oriental brass made into weapons (6) 14 Vet ran out of inn (6) 17 Wrong gear can mean bloodshed (7) 19 Runner has nothing for the party (5) 22 Unable to see window screen (5) 23 Eat a cut cooked spark (7) 24 Trials for important matches (5) 25 Poles in trouble with character from Greece (7)

1 Building support from trust (5) 2 Elsewhere in Dali biography (5) 3 Let this represent a Scottish emblem (7) 4 Reading, for example, about Tory leader’s shame (6) 5 Pass laws about a cent (5) 6 Ignorant of bizarre new aura (7) 7 Continually not turning up with the toffees (7) 12 It’s a container, however, for an old instrument (7) 13 Chuck and Halle provide fruits (7) 15 But you and me go under argon plant (7) 16 Not a wild type of a steed (6) 18 And directions for a mountain range (5) 20 Use a yashmak, so to speak (5) 21 A great sea responsible for canoe wreckage (5)

1 First course (7) 5 Escape (5) 8 Fence (7) 9 Decrease (5) 10 Contaminate (5) 11 Remove (7) 12 Fencing swords (6) 14 Public house (6) 17 Massacre (7) 19 Informal party (5) 22 Sightless (5) 23 Move (7) 24 Experiments (5) 25 Greek letter (7) Down 1 Swagger (5) 2 Excuse (5) 3 Prickly plant (7) 4 Rue (6) 5 Decree (5) 6 Ignorant of (7) 7 District of Liverpool (7) 12 Early form of trombone (7) 13 Small round fruits (7) 15 Evergreen shrub (7) 16 Staid (6) 18 South American mountain system (5) 20 Make use of (5) 21 Large expanse of sea (5)

Quiz Word

Across 1 Which genus of plant includes cabbage, swede, rape, and mustard? (8) 7 Which Ancient Scottish settlement to the north of Perth was where the kings of medieval Scotland were crowned on the Stone of Destiny? (5) 8 Which of the ancient Athenian philosophers was a pupil of Plato and the teacher of Alexander the Great? (9) 9 According to the Old Testament, God chose to spare which nephew of Abraham and his family, who were told to flee without looking back at the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah? (3) 10 According to Greek mythology, which son of Aphrodite was the god of love? (4) 11 What is the British slang term for £500? (6) 13 What was the surname of the actor who played Marshal Matt Dillon’s lame deputy Chester Goode in the television series Gunsmoke and the title character in the police television drama series McCloud? (6) 14 What name was given to a priest or priestess acting as a medium through whom advice or prophecy was sought from the gods in classical antiquity? (6) 17 See 5 Down

18/16 What was the name of the second wife of King Henry VIII of England and mother of Queen Elizabeth I? (4,6) 20 What was the surname of the Confederate general who surrendered at Appomattox courthouse on April 9, 1865? (3) 22 Which town in Hertfordshire was designated a planned urban centre in 1946 and developed as a new town? (9) 23 What was the maiden name of former Spice Girl, Victoria Beckham? (5) 24 Sb is the chemical symbol of which brittle silvery-white semi-metal? (8) Down 1 See 13 2 Phoenix is the capital of which state of the USA? (7) 3 According to the Old Testament, what was the name of the third son of Adam and Eve, given by God in place of the murdered Abel? (4) 4 Which soft white fibrous substance that surrounds the seeds of a tropical and subtropical plant is used as textile fibre and thread for sewing? (6) 5/17A Jolene and 9 to 5 were both British hit singles for which American country singer? (5,6)

QUICKIE Across 1 Muslim sovereign (6) 4 Incidental remarks (6) 9 Exile who flees for safety (7) 10 Worker in stone (5) 11 Squander (5) 12 Legislative act (7) 13 Contentious speech act (11) 18 Tornado (7) 20 Cover with liquid before cooking (5) 22 Triangular glass optical device (5) 23 Relating to swine (7) 24 Yearly (6) 25 Strait of the English Channel (6)


Fill It In


Span - Eng


Down 1 Astute (6) 2 Elevators (5) 3 Increase (7) 5 Group of islands in Polynesia (5) 6 Debate (7) 7 Wrongdoer (6) 8 Instrument for measuring earthquakes (11) 14 Personal belief (7) 15 Trade stoppage (7) 16 Ideally perfect state (6) 17 Choose (6) 19 Resort city in western Florida (5) 21 Avoid work (5)

Improve your Spanish - Clues in Spanish, answer in English or vice versa. Across Down 1 Thing (object) (4) 3 Horses (8) 9 Farmacia (tienda) (7) 10 Heron (5) 11 Después de (tras un hecho concreto) (5) 12 Tuesday (6) 14 Spiders (6) 16 Castillo (6) 19 Morado (6) 21 Spy (5) 24 Pavement (5) 25 Job (employment) (7) 26 Lawyers (8) 27 Alone (by oneself) (4)

6 Which unit of surface area is equal to 10,000 square meters? (7) 7 Which Australian folk-influenced vocal group originally consisted of Judith Durham, Keith Potger, Bruce Woodley and Athol Guy? (7) 12 What name is given to a female heir, especially to vast wealth? (7) 13/1 Jerusalem is the best-known major work by which 18th/19th century English poet, painter, engraver and visionary mystic? (7,5) 15 Which monetary unit of Argentina, Mexico, Brazil, and certain other countries, chiefly in Latin America, is equal to 100th of the basic unit? (7) 16 See 18 Across 17 What name is given to each of the segments of the corolla of a flower, which are modified leaves and are typically coloured? (5) 19 Which hard greyish-black mineral consisting of corundum and either haematite or magnetite is used as an abrasive, especially as a coating on paper? (5) 21 From the Tibetan for ‘little manlike animal’, by what other name is the ape-like cryptid the abominable snowman also known? (4)

1 Spoons (8) 2 Sábana (de cama) (5) 4 Otoño (estación) (6) 5 Ira (de persona) (5) 6 El más grande (7) 7 Estrella (4) 8 Grass (botany) (6) 13 Traffic lights (8) 15 Tile (floor) (7) 17 In addition (6) 18 Theatre (6) 20 Square (town) (5) 22 Plate (for eating) (5) 23 Cow (4)

Last Week’s Solutions Quizword Across: 1 Charcoal, 7 Tenor, 8 Rod Taylor, 9 Rig, 10 Ibex, 11 Mersey, 13 Austin, 14 Waffle, 17 Loafer, 18 Iris, 20/23 Eva Braun, 22 Irene Cara, 24 Tenerife. Down: 1 Corgi, 2 Andrews, 3 Clay, 4 Asleep, 5/6 Angry Brigade, 7 Tristan, 12 Vitamin, 13 Adverbs, 15 Ferrari, 16 Selene, 17 La Paz, 19 Skate, 21 Rene. Double Crossword Across: 1 Mishap, 4 Chides, 9 Siberia, 10 Riser, 11 Irene, 12 Lanyard, 13 Odds and ends, 18 Octagon, 20 Glade, 22 Crane, 23 Earlobe, 24 Netted, 25 Reader. Down: 1 Misfit, 2 Sabre, 3 Airless, 5 Heron, 6 Disband, 7 Strode, 8 Fallen angel, 14 Detract, 15 En garde, 16 Toucan, 17 Veneer, 19 Geese, 21 Avoid. Quickie

Ridley´s Riddle A snail

Code Cracker

Across: 1 Possess, 5 Split, 8 Cheapen, 9 Avian, 10 Sprat, 11 Lettuce, 12 Always, 14 Athens, 17 Surgeon, 19 Added, 22 Exist, 23 Release, 24 Spray, 25 Perhaps. Down: 1 Pacts, 2 Swear, 3 Empathy, 4 Single, 5 Shaft, 6 Leisure, 7 Tunnels, 12 Abscess, 13 Warrior, 15 Trawler, 16 Unwrap, 18 Entry, 20 Diana, 21 Dress.

Business Board

Advertise your business here - Call 966 921 003


CLASSIFIE SITUATIONS VACANT STRAX CAPITAL are recruiting canvassers for their well established business operation in Spain. For further information please email or telephone 0044 7956 213 597. Admin Assistant required, must speak English and Spanish, full time in summer, part time in winter. Please email CV’s to Tel 965 060 252 Solar Power - Sunlife Solar Solutions have vacancies for both a Solar Installation Engineer and a Solar Thermal Engineer (or plumber with pool heating experience). Call 965 271 717 or send your CV to info@sunlifesolarsolutions.c om Insurance Sales - The EasyCover Group have a full time vacancy available in their Torrevieja / La Zenia offices. You must have previous sales experience and have lived locally for at least 5 years. A full time contract is offered to the right candidate. Send your CV and enquiries by email to Field and telesales reps wanted, full training given, experience desired, call The Courier 966 921 003. Radio Sales - RADIO COSTA MEDIA needs selfemployed salesperson for Torrevieja & surrounding areas. Call 685 901 265 or please email

Realtor vacancy - Proven track record, experience, local knowledge all essential. Car essential, multi-lingual desired. Send CV to: CHURCH SERVICES Torrevieja Christian Fellowship at Avenida de las Cortes Valencianas 68, Torrevieja 03183, all welcome to their friendly and lively 10.30 am. Service each Sunday morning. Tele: 966700391 or visit our website on International Christian Assembly, Calle Pilar de Horadada 5, Torrevieja. Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday services 11am. Children's church 11am.. For more information lease Telephone today: 966 799 273 or 660 127 276. QUIZ MASTER Experienced quiz-master /question setter with personality. If you would like a quiz master that is entertaining, and is available to host quiz nights in local bars. Tel: 664 838 581.

der Remin e here. tis Adver 21 003 9 6 6 9 Call


Friday 21st July 2017



BlueMoon Solutions

BlueMoon Solutions is the computer and IT services company on the Costa Blanca. BlueMoon Solutions comes to you at home or at work. Their personal service covers from Alicante to Pilar de la Horadada.

Richard moved to Spain ten years ago having left his management background behind in the UK and decided to use his IT skills to help home users and small businesses with their PC problems. Now a relaxed 'computer man' he is out and about in the Spanish sun every day, making house and shop calls and using his vast experience and qualifications to sort out the problem there and then. Computers are his hobby as well as his work so don’t be surprised to get an answer to your email in the early hours!

ADVICE: Hans was having issues with the Microsoft Card ADVICE: Marie wanted to know if she could use the BBC Games App in Windows 10 iPlayer here in Spain


Good morning Richard. We have a very little problem with this program in the Microsoft solitaire collection. When we put the button on this program it does nothing.All the other programs are working. It’s the program with all the games. Can you give us a solution? Thank you very much.


Hello, Have I lost my memory or what? I thought you had a column in one of the newspapers or a regular email to users of your site. Since I have moved to the North of Alicante I feel lost as my computer keeps playing up. So do you have a regular column? Also,my daughter told me to use BBC iPlayer to see programmes I have missed. Is that possible here in Spain? Thank you for your help, The first thing to try is to restart the computer, if that doesn’t work then make which I have used in the past. Warm wishes. Marie sure that you have all of the latest updates installed.The final option would be to reinstall the package, details on how to do this are below… Hi Marie, yes, I have a column right here in the Courier newspaper, you can read it online every week at if they don’t happen to cover your area. You can also sign up to my monthly newsletter by going to any page on my website and entering your email address into the sign-up box. In terms of your question, yes you can use iPlayer here in Spain as long as you fool the BBC into thinking that you are in the UK, this is usually done either with a proxy server or a VPN. There are some free options out there but I prefer to use – they are only 4 quid a month if you pay annually and they have a great support team to help if you get into trouble setting it up.


A Email: Mobile: 655 044 970 NEW: Tel: 965 987 032 Don’t forget, you can follow me on Facebook: Alternatively, why don’t you sign up for my newsletter. You can do this by going .




Friday 21st July 2017


Rafa Breaks Drought

Spain’s Rafael Cabrera-Bello beat England's Callum Shinkwin in a playoff to win the Scottish Open at Dundonald on Sunday after earlier striking a tournament-record eightunder-par 64. The 33-year-old struck a perfect second shot on the extra hole, the 18th, and holed out for a birdie four before Shinkwin left his putt just short. The victory was Cabrera-Bello's first in five years -- his third on the European Tour -- and brought him a prize of over one million euros. It was a timely boost ahead of the Open

which started at Royal Birkdale yesterday, and made it consecutive wins for Spaniards on the circuit, following Jon Rahm’s Irish Open success. "I was very happy, I really gave it a go in the playoff and it worked out for me. I enjoy those pressure situations, they really define you," said Cabrera-Bello, who earlier this year struck an albatross at the Players Championship at Sawgrass. The last of Cabrera Bello's previous two titles on the European Tour came at the Dubai Desert Classic in February 2012.

The Ladies Professional Golf Association (LPGA) has come in for stiff criticism after it introduced a new dress code that forbids female golfers from sporting plunging necklines, leggings or revealing skirts on the course. Initial reactions were overwhelmingly negative, with Teen Vogue accusing the governing body’s police of “slut-shaming” female players.” The influential youth magazine also said the code sets players and women in general “way back”. As of last Monday, the LPGA will crack down on athletic wear following an email sent to all players from LPGA player president Vicki Goetze-Ackerman, which detailed an extensive list of clothing that will no longer be allowed on course and at pro-am parties on the tour.

Any transgression of the new code, as revealed in a report by Golf Digest will result in a thousand dollar fine for the first offence, with fines doubling for each subsequent breach. Explaining the new code, Heather Daly-Donofrio, the LPGA tour’s communications and tour operations officer, told Golf Digest: “The dress code requires players to present themselves in a professional manner to reflect a positive image for the game.” Former European men’s tour player Matt Blackey was sceptical of the new regulations, tweeting “I’m not sure a stricter dress code will help golf’s appeal,” while golf writer Robert Lusetich tweeted that his former Sunday school teacher must have been writing the code.


Better Than Becker Four years ago, the legendary Boris Becker took a peek at a promising young tennis talent of German extraction and asserted that Torrevieja’s Nicola Kuhn was ''a better player than I was at his age.'', writes DONNA GEE. Becker became the first unseeded player to win the Wimbledon men's singles an astounding feat he accomplished at the age of 17. However, tennis has changed so much since 1985 that nobody realistically expects Herr Becker's 1985 cruise to glory ever to be repeated, though the experienced (and a previous losing finalist to Andre Agassi) Goran Ivanisevic did manage that feat as a wildcard back in 2001 (remind Tim Henman of that fact!). But blond six-footer Kuhn aced Becker by winning a major ATP Challenger title at the age of just 17 years and three months. That's four months younger than Becker was when he beat Kevin Curren in that memorable SW19 final 32 years ago. And what's more, the unseeded Kuhn was the youngest player in the €127,000 Sparkassen Open draw and had to battle through the qualifying tournament to join a first-round field that included eight of the world's Top 100 players. Few people expected the La Mata teenager to reach the first-round proper, let alone advance to the later stages. But last Saturday, an enraptured German crowd saluted the unlikely champion, who at number 501 in the world, was the lowestranked player in the tournament. On his seven-match glory run, Kuhn even had the audacity to see off Slovakian star Jozef Kovalik, whose recent successes include a victory over Wimbledon finalist Marin Cilic at the Chennai ATP 250 tournament. The only disappointment is that his moment of glory was dimmed by the retire-


ment of opponent Viktor Galovic through injury in the final set. But Kuhn, after losing the first set 6-2, was already in a winning position at 4-2 in the decider when Galovic conceded defeat. The 32-man line-up at Braunschweig traditionally includes several players who exited early from the Wimbledon main draw - and this year was no different, with Andy Murray's secondround victim Dustin Brown among the more familiar names in the draw. Kid Kuhn - playing in only his second Challenger tournament - found himself face to face with at least one player TWICE his age as he battled to tame experienced professionals seven and eight years his senior. Yet the Torrevieja youngster, the lowest ranked player in the competition, demonstrated his worldclass potential by flattening the opposition in a weeklong victory spree. His unlikely victims even included Slovakian Jozef Kovalik, who beat Wimbledon finalist Marin Cilic at the Chennai ATP 250 tournament earlier this year. Kuhn's hopes seemed to be over when he trailed 0-4 in the deciding set against Kovalik in the quarter-final. But remarkably, he managed to break back twice

and squeeze out a nailbiting 8-6 win in the tie-break. "This has been the best week of my life, that's for sure,'' insisted Nico, who won his first ITF Futures tournament in Hungary only last month. "I always wanted to play in an event like this at a young age but I certainly didn't expect to come through the qualifiers and then win the entire tournament! "My original goal for this year was to make the ATP top 200 but with that now in sight it would be great to have some success perhaps in an ATP 250 tournament.” ''My preparations for Braunschweig were really good particularly from the fitness side. I played some great tennis and was also mentally very tough throughout the tournament.'' Nico, started every round in Germany as underdog against experienced pros aged between 22 and 34, whose average ranking was more than 300 places above his own ATP status. The125 ranking points he receives for winning the tournament lifted him 259 places to number 242 in the world rankings this week. And he'll no doubt savour that achievement just as much as he will enjoy spending his 18,290€ winners' cheque.

Spanish Stroll

New Wimbledon champion Garbine Muguruza can be the best player in the world, says her temporary coach Conchita Martinez. Muguruza beat American five-time champion Venus Williams 7-5 6-0 in Saturday's final and has risen to number five in the new world rankings on Monday. The 23-year-old is now a double Grand Slam champion, having won the French Open last year. Martinez told Sportsweek: "She has the potential and she can win more." Spaniard Martinez, the 1994 Wimbledon champion, added: "She is very happy with her game. She beat the world number one, Kerber, and she can go all the way." Muguruza also scored wins against No. 1 seed Angelique Kerber and twotime Grand Slam champion Svetlana Kuznetsova on her

way to her second Grand Slam title. "The whole two weeks, she's played every point of every single match. That, mentally, is very strong, and you can see players break down with that," Martinez told a group of journalists. "For me, high intensity when you play a match is very important. She sort of did that. She play relaxed, but with a lot of intensity. Just point by point, I try to tell her, don't think of anything else." Martinez also said they worked on Muguruza's serving, including using more slice and going into the body. "She's very powerful player. It's very important that she stays very aggressive, that she pushes and she goes for it," she said. "Sometimes you're going to win playing unbelievable, sometimes you're going to win playing ugly. The semifinals, I just told her, it's

another match, not a semifinal. And today, it's another match, another day." Muguruza's regular coach, Sam Sumyk, was not at the event because his wife is expecting their first child. Martinez, who is the Spanish Davis Cup and Fed Cup captain, will not extend her expanded coaching role beyond this tournament. "I'm always in contact with every player," she said. "But Sam, her coach, is going to step in now." As for Mugurza, she was beaten by Serena Williams in the 2015 Wimbledon final, and was determined to avoid a repeat against her sister Venus. "I didn't want to lose this time because I know the difference. I'm so happy," she said. "I'm happy that once again I see myself winning a Grand Slam, something that is so hard to do."

Young Success

Alejandro Davidovich Fokina became the first Spaniard to win the Wimbledon boys’ title for 50 years on Sunday. The 18-year-old from

Malaga, born to a Russian mother and a Swedish father, beat Argentinian Axel Geller 7-6 (7/2) 6-3 on Court One for his first junior grand slam success.

Spain’s last winner of the title had been Manuel Orantes, who went on to land the US Open as a senior eight years after his 1967 triumph.


Friday 21st July 2017

Lewis Leaves

CD Torrevieja striker Lewis Allen has left the club and joined Novelda. The news over the 23-year-old comes as no surprise, after club officials persuaded him to change his mind over moving in mid-winter, with the popular Brit agreeing to stay on for the rest of the season in Torrevieja’s illfated bid to stave off relegation to the Preferente. No new names have yet been announced by coach Pedreno for the forthcoming campaign, which despite the intentions of the club to return to the Vicente Garcia stadium, will feature the opening home fixtures at last season’s temporary home of the Nelson Mandela stadium. Torrevieja council have said that plans for new changing rooms at the Vicente Garcia stadium have slipped behind schedule, and no new date has been declared, with the Preferente season starting in September. Pre-season training for the players starts this coming Monday.

Almoradi Signings

Barca Bound

Barcelona say they have agreed a deal to sign Benfica right-back Nelson Semedo on a five-year contract, pending a medical. The La Liga runners-up released a statement on their website saying the 23-year-old will undergo a medical today (Friday), though Benfica also released a statement saying they were still in negotiations with Barca. Reports say that Barcelona will pay a transfer fee of around 30 million euros for the Portuguese international. Semedo, who played for Portugal at the Confederations Cup in Russia earlier this summer and was sent off in the third-place play-off win over Mexico, had been reportedly linked with a move to Manchester United. He played 63 times for Benfica in the past two seasons, winning two Primeira Liga titles. "Semedo is an offensive full-back with superb physical attributes and he will be the ninth Portuguese to defend the Barca shirt," said the Barca website. Barcelona have already re-signed Gerard Deulofeu from Everton on a two-year deal and extended Lionel Messi's contract until 2021.

A Real Switch

More players are putting pen to paper to join CD Almoradi, who were relegated back to the Preferente after one year in the regional third division. Defender Gonzalo (pictured above) has been presented with his Almoradi shirt after signing up from Murcia third division side CD Cieza, whilst another defender Sam Christopher, known as Didi (pictured below) has joined from neighbours F.B. Redovan CF. Meanwhile, Sergi Murcia, Javier Burguillos and Saul Alvarez have all signed up for another year at the club.

Real Madrid have signed midfielder Dani Ceballos from Real Betis. Ceballos, 20, has become one of the most coveted players across Europe, having helped Spain reach the European Under-21 Championship final in Poland and winning the player of the tournament award. Ceballos signs on a six-year contract after James Rodriguez joined Bayern Munich on a two-year loan deal last week. Real reportedly beat off competition from Barcelona to sign the youngster, who has also been linked with Liverpool in the past. Ceballos has already played 105 games for Betis, scoring seven goals and providing nine assists. Ceballos becomes Real's second signing of the summer, after Theo Hernandez joined from city rivals Atletico Madrid last week for 30 million euro. Zinedine Zidane's side are looking to win consecutive La Liga titles for the first time since 2007/08.


Albucar Stays

Elche player Edu Albacar (pictured top) will be one of 16 professionals in the Elche squad for the new season, so long as he can prove his fitness on the back of an operation for a broken knee-cap which ended his part early in last season’s Segunda division campaign. Elche’s sporting director Jorge Cordero said that a final decision on Albacar would be made next month. Sergio Pelegrín has announced his retirementent and has joined the coaching team at Getafe CF under José "Pepe" Bordalás for whom he played at both Elche and Alavés, whilst José Ángel has joined Elche’s rivals in Segunda B, Real Mallorca. Ex- Elche player Sergio Mantecón has hung up his boots at Lorca Deportiva, and has rejoined the Ilicitanos to help out Jorge Cordero as technical secretary. Joining Elche from UCAM Murcia is defender Sergio Blázquez, known as Tekio (pictured bottom), and Daniel Provencio Azcune, known as Provencio, has signed up after three seasons with Mirandes. Meanwhile Luis Pérez appears to be leaving Elche to join CD Tenerife, despite the club announcing him as one of their squad for the forthcoming season. In the pre-season friendlies, Elche’s match at Orihuela will kick-off half an hour later than previously scheduled at the Los Arcos stadium this coming Wednesday July 26th, with the start now set at 8.30 pm. Pre-season training has continued into a second week, and tomorrow sees the first public friendly as Elche take on Crevillente at the Manolo Macia stadium in Santa Pola with a 7.30 pm kick-off, and the following Saturday sees the Ilicitanos go to Yecla in the Murcia region to play Yeclano Deportivo in a match that will have an 8.30 pm start.


Star Staying

Neymar will not leave Barcelona this summer, despite reports that his 200 million euro release clause has been triggered. That’s the message from Barcelona president Josep Maria Bartomeu. The Brazilian striker has become the subject of intense speculation over the last few days. Reports emerged that Neymar is intent on winning the Ballon d’Or but feels that is impossible while he is in the same team as Lionel Messi. Desperate to emerge from the Argentinean’s shadow, Neymar has allegedly instructed his representatives to find him a way out of the Nou Camp and found Paris St Germain willing to meet his release clause and pay his exorbitant wages. However, the BBC have been told by Bartomeu that Neymar will not be leaving – even if his release clause is met. Neymar only signed a new contract in October, which runs until 2021 – putting the club in a strong position. In an interesting twist, Spain’s Sport newspaper has reported that Neymar’s father is allegedly travelling to Paris. He is heavily in his son’s affairs, and it has not been made clear whether he is travelling on business or pleasure. Meanwhile have quoted the Brazil international as insisting he is happy at Barcelona. However the quotes are from an email exchange in which it is unclear precisely when they were written. In them though he makes no assurances that he is planning to remain in Catalunya. ‘The last one was my best season in Barcelona. I am very adapted to the city, the club and I am happy here. That is reflected on the performance of an athlete,’ he wrote.‘ It was the season where I felt more comfortable, even though we did not win the titles we would have wanted. We played great games and lived incredible moments. Now, we need to work for the 2017-18 season so it will be even more positive individually and as a group.’ The stance from Bartomeu (pictured below) follows comments from Barcelona spokesman Josep Vives earlier this week in which the club insists it is looking forward to a future with Neymar. ‘The only thing we care is he keeps being happy here,’ said Vives. ‘He played a magnificent season and he is still one of the best in the world. He is happy in the club and the club is happy with him. He verbalises it and he shows it with his attitude.’ ‘We are relaxed about that and we only hope next season is better than the last one. Neymar’s departure is not in club’s imagination; the club just thinks of keeping the best players like him, one of our main symbols.’

Corruption Probe

Spain's football chief, Angel Maria Villar, and his son have been arrested as part of corruption investigations involving the sport. They were detained on Tuesday as police raided offices belonging to the Spanish Football Federation in Madrid. Villar, his son Gorka, and three other federation executives were arrested, said Spanish police. The three others are vice-president of economic affairs Juan Padron, and the president and the secretary of the regional federation for Tenerife. Villar’s detention has led to the postponement of yesterday’s unveiling of the fixture list for the new La Liga campaign, which is now scheduled to take place today (Friday). Police said the five men were arrested on charges of improper management, misappropriation of funds, corruption and falsifying documents. A judicial source told the AFP news agency the investigation is looking at allegations that profits were skimmed off from international matches. Angel Maria Villar, 67, sits on FIFA's executive committee and is a senior vice president of UEFA. He has been head of Spain's football federation for nearly 30 years. The former Athletic Bilbao player oversaw the Spanish national team's wins at the 2010 World Cup and the 2008 and 2012 European Championships. His son, Gorka, worked for South American football body CONMEBOL as legal director and director general until July 2016. Spain's minister for sport, Inigo Mendez de Vigo, appeared on television after the raids. "In Spain the laws are enforced, the laws are the same for all, and nobody, nobody is above the law," he said. UEFA said it was aware of the reports but declined to comment.


Morata Moves

Chelsea are to sign Real Madrid striker Alvaro Morata for about 65 million euro, with the player travelling to London yesterday for his medical. The 24-year-old is the Premier League champions' fourth signing of the summer, after goalkeeper Willy Caballero, defender Antonio Rudiger and midfielder Tiemoue Bakayoko. Morata scored 20 goals last season after rejoining Real from Juventus. He won La Liga and the Champions League, but the majority of his appearances were as a substitute. Morata could replace Spain team-mate Diego Costa, who says he has been told by manager Antonio Conte that he is no longer in Chelsea's plans. Manchester United had been interested in Morata prior to signing Everton striker Romelu Lukaku for an initial 80 million euro. "I'm going to the team managed by the coach who has placed the most faith in me, and that's great for me," Morata told the AS newspaper in Spain on Wednesday. Morata joined Real Madrid's youth team in 2008 and was handed his senior debut aged 18 in 2010. The 6ft 3in striker moved to Italy in 2014, scoring 27 goals in two years for Juventus, winning both Serie A and the Coppa Italia twice and playing in the 2015 Champions League final. Real exercised a buy-back option in June 2016 to take him back to the Bernabeu. Morata has won 20 caps for Spain, scoring nine goals, since his international debut in 2014.

Inter Interested

Jodie’s Joy

Jodie Taylor scored a hat-trick as England produced the most convincing performance of Euro 2017 so far to thrash arch-rivals Scotland six-nil on Wednesday night in Utrecht The Arsenal Ladies forward, who was ignored by former boss Hope Powell and had an injury-hit 2015 World Cup, made her mark in her first European Championship with two first-half goals, and added a lobbed third before she was substituted before the hour. In the first group D game, Spain beat Portugal twonil, and England now take on Spain this Sunday evening with an 8.45 pm kick-off, preceded by a mustwin match for both Scotland and Portugal, which starts at 6.00 pm

Inter Milan are allegedly eyeing up Barcelona star Andres Iniesta according to various reports in Spain. Iniesta, 33, suffered from multiple injuries last campaign and saw his appearances suffer as a result. And he’s set to see his game time reduced even further if Barcelona happen to sell Neymar despite all the denials (see left column) and reinvest the money in Paris St-Germain star Marco Verratti. But the Don Balon website suggest that Inter Milan could offer the Spain star a way out of the Nou Camp. Iniesta’s contract only has 12 months left to run, meaning Barca either have to sell him now, extend his contract or risk losing him for free next summer. Don Balon say contract talks have stalled between player and club, leaving a window open for Inter to make their move. And apparently the Serie A side are willing to match any contract Barcelona put on the table. Despite an offer from Inter, Iniesta might opt to continue his stay in Catalunya.



Relegated local rivals CD Torrevieja and CD Almoradi will meet on the opening day of the new Valencia Preferente Group Four season. The Nelson Mandela stadium will stage a repeat of the opening fixture from last season in the third division on Sunday September 3rd. Rojales-based CD Thader, who made it to the Preferente play-off’s in May, start away from home at Villena, with their first home match a fortnight later when they entertain Monforte CF. Almoradi open up their home campaign against Alicante University on Sunday September 10th, with Torrevieja travelling to Villena. More local football on page 46.


Spain’s Alberto Contador thinks that Britain’s Chris Froome will retain the Tour de France, with the largely ceremonial finish taking place in Paris this Sunday. Speaking after the finish of stage 17, Contador said Froome, who currently wears the yellow jersey, was the favourite for the overall victory. “I think the time trial in Marseille on Saturday will be very

good for Froome. At this time he is the favourite, but we don’t know what might happen before then, and with the strong team that Romain Bardet has, maybe he can do something,” said the Spanish veteran. Three-time Tour winner Froome will be looking for his third successive win, as last year, the 32-year-old became the first cyclist since Miguel Indurain in 1995 to defend his title.

SUNDAY SHOWDOWN Essex batsman Tom Westley will make his England debut in the third Test against South Africa at The Oval starting next week on Thursday. The 28-year-old will bat at number three in place of the injured Gary Ballance. Uncapped Middlesex batsman Dawid Malan has also been named in a 13-man squad. The four-Test series is level at 1-1 following South Africa's 340-run win in the second Test at Trent Bridge.

After England’s male cricketers got a thrashing at the hands of South Africa in the second test at Trent Bridge, there’s much happier news for the women who have a Sunday World Cup final at Lords to look forward to. The team skippered by Heather Knight squeaked out a tense win over South Africa on Tuesday and will play either Australia or India, who were taking each other on in the second-semi yesterday. "Everything we've done in the last 18 months has gone towards getting there," Knight said. "There's nothing better than a sold-out Lord's in a home World Cup, it's been hard not to think about it." A crowd of more than 26,500 is expected at the final - swelled by the ranks of MCC members, who will be the only people able to attend if they do not already possess a ticket. It will be a record attendance for an International Cricket Council (ICC) World Cup match - with the ICC also announcing that the group stage matches have had a global reach of more

than 50 million people - with a global TV audience anticipated to be 80% higher than the last World Cup in 2013. Tuesday's tense two-wicket win at Bristol was sealed with just two balls to spare when Anya Shrubsole came in and hit her first ball for four. Knight, whose side have now won seven successive games after losing their opening match against India, said: "We've not put the perfect performance together yet, but we just keep finding ways to win.” "We were quite smart with our bowling and we probably stopped a few extra runs in the field, and Jenny Gunn had nerves of steel at the end.” "We've known this final would be at Lord's for a long time, it's special and well done to the ECB [England and Wales Cricket Board] and ICC for selling it out.” "There have been some outstanding games at this tournament and the standard just keeps going up and up."

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