The Courier Edition 355

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Edition 355


Friday 19th January 2018

See page 2 for the week’s forecast


16-year-old boy from Elche and a 16-year-old Ecuadorian living in the San Javier area, have been arrested by the Guardia Civil in a big operation across Spain against the distribution of child pornography via a dozen WhatsApp groups. Nineteen arrests have been made across 14 Spanish provinces, with the operation being coordinated by the Orihuela court after a complaint was made by a woman from the Vega Baja region who has now been given the status of a protected witness. The obscene files were distributed via the WhatsApp groups that had thousands of members, many of whom live in South America. As past of the investiga-


4 Bed 2 Bath Villa in Campoamor TY ER E OP PR F TH K O EE W

tion, a Guardia officer posed as a user of the groups to gather information about the distributors and users of the child pornography. Details of the operation

were revealed this week after raids took place at 20 addresses last week, including Elche and San Javier, with a large amount of mobile phones, hard drives,

memory cards, and USB devices seized. All of those detained have already appeared in court and have been granted bail ahead of trial.


rihuela mayor Emilio Bascuñana has said that he wants the Emergency Centre at La Zenia to be completed and operational by June 2019, as well as pressing for improvements to the CV-95 link from Orihuela City to the coast. Bascuñana (pictured second-left), along with Orihuela councillors and officials, met Valencia regional government officials in Valencia City, with both sides agreeing that it was an urgent priority to advertise the tender for the unfinished Centre building to be completed. The mayor said that it was crucial for the work to be put out of tender as soon as

possible, and to be completed before June 2019, because the project would lose European Union funding. As previously reported, the Valencia administration will pump in two point two million euros to finish the project which was abandoned in 2012 when the original contractor went bust Bascuñana also met with Valencia’s Public Works director general, Carlos Domingo, to press for improvements to the CV-95 highway, with local businessmen long pressing for the link between Orihuela and Torrevieja to be upgraded to a dual carriageway to quicken up the journey time.

Domingo told the mayor that various studies were to be conducted over any possible improvements to the road, but did give him the

news that six new roundabouts were to be erected on the CV-95 to improve safety. No details of locations were given.

Property ID: 0439780 - 189,995€ SEE OUR AD ON PAGES 16 & 17 FOR OUR LATEST ADDITIONS



Friday 19th January 2018

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Opening Hours Mon - Fri 11:00 - 15:00

Editor-In-Chief Barry Newlove

Editor Alex Trelinski

Design & Layout Derek Appleton

Advertising Sales

Algorfa’s mayor Manuel Ros has got a one-year driving ban after being caught behind the wheel whilst three times over the drinkdrive limit. Opposition politicians on Algorfa council have called on him to quit his position. Benijófar local police stopped Ros for a routine test at around 5.00 am on Sunday on the CV-920 Benijófar to Rojales road. He tested positive and went through a swift legal process which saw him fined 720 euro. “This was an error on my part that should never have happened”, said Ros. “I assume full responsibility for what took place and it will never happen again”. Ros of the PSOE socialists hoped that his political opponents would not use his transgression to make political capital, and that his inability to drive would not impair his role as Algorfa

mayor. The opposition Partido Popular spokesman Antonio Lorenzo said Ros had a duty to show an example as a public official, and should resign. “We personally wish Ros all the best," said Lorenzo, "but we believe that he should not continue for another minute as Algorfa’s main representative.” Lorenzo hoped that the regional PSOE executive would condemn the behaviour of the mayor.

Monday Incidents

The AP-7 motorway between Dolores and Catral was blocked for two hours on Monday afternoon, after a lorry (pictured) carrying hundreds of kilos of glass for recycling turned over. The lorry apparently clipped a car on the

Alicante-bound carriageway and flipped over next to the central reservation, with the driver escaping injury-free. The Catral-bound carriageway was totally blocked, with long queues of traffic forming, which was eventually taken through

Dolores. The Torreviejabound carriageway was unaffected. Earlier in the day, a truck caught fire in Torrevieja on the access road for the Quirón Hospital, with firefighters arriving at the scene at 11.30 am.

Expensive Drop

966 921 003

Julie English and Spanish Tel. 616 332 178

Motorhome Heaven

Myra Tel. 618 583 765

Patrick English, Spanish, German, Dutch and French. Tel. 685 901 265

Julia Tel. 618 898 034

DEADLINES Advertising Monday 12:00 Editorial Tuesday 12:00 News Thursday 12:00

A 92-year-old man has been able to breathe a sigh of relief after being reunited with a thousand euros that he dropped on the Paseo Colón in Santiago de la Ribera. The money was in a Sabadell Bank envelope, which the man put in his pocket and it dropped out when he was cycling home. An honest woman spotted the envelope on the Paseo

and she handed it over to the San Javier local police. The police then went to the Sabadell branch located on Avenida Sandoval where the bank staff looked at the records and discovered who had made a thousand-euro withdrawal earlier in the day. The money was then finally returned to the understandably upset and eventually relieved man the following day.

One of Europe’s biggest motorhome parking areas has been opened in San Javier, with Camper Park La Ribera having the capacity for 210 vans on the site, which can be found at Avenida Romería de San Blas. San Javier mayor José Miguel Luengo attended the opening of the park last weekend, and it already has 25 bookings for the first week. British, French, and German motorhome owners are expected to be the main users of the site, with the mayor saying that he

expected it to generate more income for the area, as well as increasing tourism during the winter months.

The site has several bathroom and toilet blocks, plus washing machines installed in addition to a cafeteria and wi-fi access.


Stop Press Thursday 18:00 Published by TKO Media & Entertainment S.L. Printed by Localprint S.L Depósito legal A - 188 - 2014 ISSN 2530-6146 The Courier (Torrevieja) The Courier, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for any readers letters or claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or nonappearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.



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A Very Busy Year Alicante-Elche airport closed 2017 in recordbreaking style with 13.7 million travellers being logged, a rise of just over 11 percent on the 2016 record-breaking figures. The facility at El Altet is now the fifth-busiest in Spain after Madrid, Barcelona, Palma and Malaga. British travellers accounted for the highest number of foreign passengers, coming in at 5.8 million, followed by Holland, with just under 928 thousand users, and Germany with 882 thousand travellers. December 2017 saw Alicante-Elche airport post a

passenger rise of over six and a half percent compared to the previous December, with just under three-quarter of a million travellers. In what was likely to be the last full year of operation at San Javier, ahead an

autumn transfer to Corvera, 2017 saw a nine percent rise in passengers, compared to the previous year, with almost 1.2 million people using the Mar Menor airport. Over 90 percent of travellers came from the UK and Ireland.

Environmental Concerns The Association of Friends of Sierra Escalona (ASE) is to try to reverse a decision to widen three kilometres of the barely-used CV-954 in the Torremendo area because they are worried about the impact on the local environment. A tender for the work was announced by the Alicante Provincial Council last week, which made it clear that it anticipates a delay in the 400-thousand-euro project going ahead because of possible legal action, which is exactly what ASE is planning to take. The road is one of the least used in the area, with an estimated 300 vehicles

Torrevieja mayor Jose Manuel Dolón has been summoned to testify in front of a local judge, who is investigating whether any crimes have been committed over the alleged nondisclosure of records concerning the La Torretta III urbanisation. A complaint has been lodged by opposition Partido Popular councillor Agustina Esteve who claims that Manuel Dolón and urban planning councillor, Fanny Serrano, have refused requests to disclose details for over two years concerning possible urban infranctions at La Toretta III. Esteve says that numerous requests have been filed without any response since September 2015, and the mayor, accompanied by his solicitor, will appear before a Torrevieja judge on Monday January 30th who is investigating whether there will be a case to answer over administrative prevarication or going against the rights of an individual.

Growers Despair

travelling on it daily. ASE spokesman Javier Durá has commented to the Información newspaper that he cannot understand why the Provincial Council is in such a hurry to move forward with a project that he believes will lead to serious

environmental consequences. The CV-954 runs for over ten kilometres between Torremendo and border with the Murcia region, and is in a landscape of dry almond and pine forests of the Escalona.

La Glea Fence A new wooden fence to protect the dunes at Orihuela Costa's La Glea beach has been erected to replace the old one that had been damaged by bad weather. The work by Orihuela council cost 12 thousand euro and was inspected by Orihuela's coastal and beaches councillor Luisa Boné, and environment councillor, Miguel Ángel Fernández. "The new fence will make

Dolon Summonsed

sure that the La Glea dunes will be preserved", said Ángel Fernández, adding that it will also keep people out of the protected dunes area. The two thousand metre-

long fence covers the whole border of the dunes and has been made of timber, and will play an important part of combatting sand erosion, according to the two councillors.

Much-needed rain at the start of the week may come as a much-needed lifeline for local growers, including Ángel Gómez from Catral. Ángel told the Información newspaper that until last weekend his crops in Catral had not seen a drop of water since November. "In my 64 years I have not seen a drought like that,” said Ángel. “I have lost my cereal harvest, as well as my broccoli, pomegranate and artichoke crops. It’s a disaster." He says that his plight is typical of growers in the Catral area, and this drought is worse than others he has experienced in the past, because there was

always a period when crops could have been grown and

harvested, even if they were late.

Ex-Mayors Die Two former mayors of Almoradi and Orihuela passed away in the early hours of Sunday morning. Antonio Alonso Gutiérrez (pictured), who died at the age of 84, was Almoradi's mayor for a total of 15 years between 1972 and 1999, and presided over the municipality when Los Montesinos became a separate authority in 1991. Pedro Cartagena, aged 85, ruled over Orihuela between 1970 and 1979 and six years ago was given a Hijo Predilecto (Favourite Son) award with the unanimous backing of all political parties in recognition of what he accomplished in the area during his political career. The funerals of both men took place on Monday.


Friday 19th January 2018

Courthouse Return

Ex-Torrevieja mayor, Pedro Hernandez Mateo, who was freed from jail last year after serving time for corruption, was back in court on Tuesday - this time over a private prosecution by the Green Party that he didn't call enough full plenary meetings of Torrevieja council between 2003 and

2007. The wrangling over the matter started in 2006 when the Greens filed a complaint and Hernandez Mateo (pictured) declared before a Torrevieja judge, with the private suit accusing the former civic leader of a citizens’ rights crime and calling for disqualification

from public office for four years. The public prosecutor, and Hernandez Mateo’s solicitor, has called for the ex-mayor to be acquitted after the case was originally thrown out, but the Greens appealed successfully to the Provincial Court for the case to be reheard in Torrevieja.

Incorrect Rumours

Torrevieja mayor, José Manuel Dolón, has rubbished what he claims are incorrect reports that the planned upgrading of the N332 around Torrevieja has hit a snag. The mayor said that he had been in touch with the Work Ministry in Madrid and

they confirmed to him that the tendering process for the design of the project was going ahead as scheduled, with a winning bid set to be announced in the next few weeks. Dolón added that having read various reports in the media about a delay, he had

sent a letter to the Ministry to clarify the situation and then spoke to them on the phone, and was told that "there were no problems". With environmental impact studies to be also considered, construction work will not start before 2020 at the earliest.

Guilty Husband

Top Of The Cops

A new police van has been unveiled for the Orihuela local police, which is being leased for four years at a cost of 66 thousand euro. It has been described as one of the best of its kind to be used by any police force in Spain.

The Volkswagen vehicle is almost a mini-police station and replaces a previous van that had been in service for a decade. The vehicle includes a computer and printer so that accident reports can be instantly produced, in addition to breathalyser and

drug-testing units. A front video camera will record transgressions by motorists or take footage of accidents and incidents. The Orihuela local police fleet has 21 vehicles, of which eight were replaced last year.

An Almoradi man has been given seven and a half years in jail by Alicante Provincial Court for stabbing his wife twice in Daya Nueva in December 2016. The stabbing occured at an apartment, after she

intervened to stop him assaulting a man who opened the door. During the court case she changed her testimony and said that she had made up the story about her husband knifing her, but her story has

been countered by witnesses. She had taken refuge in her brother-in-law’s flat, as she was hiding from some drug dealers who were demanding the payment of a debt.


Tourism Boosted

Spain has beaten the United States to become the world's second most visited country after France. Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy confirmed that Spain has seen a surge in tourism while speaking at an event during a visit to Italy. He revealed how 82 million people had visited Spain in 2017, a 9% increase from the previous year that came despite the Barcelona terror attacks and the political crisis in Catalunya. Tourism earnings rose also 12% to 87 billion euro,

Rajoy said in Rome while attending a summit on migration. And Mr Rajoy praised the tourism sector's 'great effort' to become more competitive. Arrivals in Spain beat records for the fifth consecutive year, despite the jihadist attacks in the Catalunya’s capital Barcelona and nearby Cambrils last August that left 16 dead. Catalunya also remains in the grip of a secession crisis. Arrivals recovered after dropping off by 5% year-on-

year in October as massive demonstrations were staged following a failed independence bid. Tourism has also benefited from a boom in renting flats out to tourists via web platforms such as Airbnb. In 2016, Spain welcomed 75.3 million visitors, just behind the United States with 75.6 million, while France - despite its own terror woes - easily remained the world leader with 82.6 million visitors, according to the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).

Puigdemont Showdown Spain's government will go to the country's Constitutional Court if Catalunya's former president Carles Puigdemont, in exile in Belgium, attempts to be re-elected into office from abroad. Separatist parties won an absolute parliamentary majority in December regional elections, and the two biggest groupings -Together for Catalonia and ERC -- have agreed to pick Puigdemont as regional president again. But he is in Belgium and risks arrest on charges of rebellion, sedition and misuse of public funds for his role in the region's failed independence bid if he comes back to Spain. To be elected president, he should in theory be present at the parliamentary session where the vote takes place, but his supporters want him to appear by videolink or write a speech and have it read by someone else. This is contested by legal experts, anti-independence

parties and the central government. If Puigdemont decided to go down one of those routes, Madrid will go to the Constitutional Court, said the government source, just like it did when Catalan leaders called an independence referendum, which was banned by the same court. Catalunya's Socialist party has asked judicial experts at the regional parliament whether appearing by videolink or via a written speech would be legal. According to the Catalan

daily La Vanguardia, "there is total unanimity" among the experts that his physical presence is required. The Catalan parliament's rules stipulate that the candidate for the regional presidency must "present his or her government programme to parliament." It does not detail however whether this must be done in person. But for Xavier Arbos, a constitutional law professor, "you can't say that because it's not banned, it can go ahead."



Friday 19th January 2018


A Lucky Escape

A ceiling collapsed at a Madrid nightclub in the early hours of Sunday morning, injuring 26 people. Emergency services, who arrived quickly on the scene, said that 11 of the injured revellers had to be taken to nearby hospitals to be treated for "bruises and light wounds." The others were treated

on site at the La Suegra nightclub. Emergency services said a section of the ceiling measuring 16 square metres fell on the people at the nightclub. Arturo de Blas, who led the emergency response, said the "ceiling in the second floor fell on top of the people inside."

An Irish First

Brittany Ferries have announced a new route from Cork into northern Spain making it the first ever ferry link between Ireland and Spain. Starting at the end of April, the service will link Cork and Santander, making two return-sailings a week, and a new ship will be chartered to serve the route. The ship will carry around 500 passengers with space

for 195 cars. Dining options will reflect the Spanish regions served, and there will also be a small shop and cafĂŠ-bar, as well as passenger lounges. Four-legged members of the family will also be accommodated thanks to a small allocation of petfriendly cabins on the ship. Tickets from the new service are expected to be on sale by the end of January.

End Of The Line

A serial offender who was arrested over 80 times has been extradited after being found in Almeria. The 30-year-old Romanian was caught by the International Fugitive Tracing Group last week and is now back in his native country. Warrants were issued by courts in El Ejido, Vera and Cartagena following a numerous 88 arrests for

offences including theft, injury and fraud. In addition to racking up offences in Spain, the man also had a European arrest warrant issued against him over six years ago. The warrant was a result of the man and a minor breaking into a building and stealing a vacuum cleaner, electric heater, toaster and 61 litres of wine in Vaslui, Romania.


Friday 19th January 2018

Charity Concert The experienced duet team of Jane Atkinson and Eric Berg will be teaming up once again on Saturday 27th January to entertain audiences at the Orihuela Costa Resort Hotel in La Zenia in a grand fundraising show in order to raise money for the Debra Butterfly Children charity. The occasion is the annual show mounted by Melody Makers International and their guests the Orihuela Costa Male Voice Choir, entitled ‘A Choral Spectacular’. With nearly 80 singers on stage, conductor Nigel Hopkins promises a diverse programme with music with music ranging from Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody through to Nessun Dorma. The choirs, whilst singing

individually, will join together on several occasions with numbers that will include the Battle Hymn of the Republic and You Raise Me Up amongst others. Tickets for both shows (2.00 pm and 8.00 pm) are available from La Ponderosa Gift Shop (next to Consum

Elvis Meets Panto

at La Zenia) as well as the Card Place shops at both Punta Prima and Benimar. The concerts will be supporting the children’s charity Debra this year, whose shops at Urb La Marina, San Fulgencio and Pueblo Bravo, Rojales also have tickets for sale.

Stagestruck Gives The Stagestruck Theatre Group started 2018 by donating two thousand euro to the Torrevieja Alzheimer's Association. Despite having to cancel their 2017Pantomime, the money was raised from a couple of Showcase revues put on at Leaf's bar in Quesada and Murder Mystery evenings, as previously reported by The Courier. Stagestruck have now started rehearsals for their summer show which will be presented at the Cardenal Belluga Theatre in San Fulgencio in May. The show is a musical comedy called “From a Jack to a King”, with the script written by Stagestruck director Leigh Humphries, and is

set in an East End of London pub in the 1960's featuring a range of comical characters and songs from the era. If you would now when tickets go on sale, please

Firemen Donate

The Distinguished Fire Fighters are a group of former firemen who meet on a monthly basis in Quesada at the Green Baize Snooker Hall, and they recently made a donation to the Quesada branch of Help at Home, Costa Blanca. The volunteers, known as Joan’s Angels, at Help at Home in Quesada, received 170 euro which will be

spent on much-needed food and clothing. The charity has recently opened up a second shop in addition to their existing facility in Playa Flamenca. The new store at the Cabo Roig Commercial Centre will be used to sell furniture and larger items, with HAH also switching their administration there from Playa Flamenca.

email Leigh at leigh.humphries58@gmail.c om and ask to be added to the Stagestruck mailing list. All proceeds from ticket sales will go to local charities.

There was fun for all the family last week in Los Montesinos as the Rojales Pantomime Group staged their annual show, which this year was Ali Baba and The Forty Thieves, written by Thelma Judson. The performances were at the town’s Escuela de Musica y Cultura, with all the proceeds going to local charities. With it being a panto, everything was possible, including an appearance from The King himself, Elvis Presley!

Helping MABS The MABS Cancer Support Group was granted foundation status towards the end of last year, and that means the now-titled MABS Cancer Support Fundacion (Costa Calida) have been able to buy a property at Camposol, which will soon be converted into the first MABS Respite Care Centre in the area. The Centre is being funded jointly by the MABS groups in San Javier, Calasparra and Mazarron, and the facility will support cancer patients from all corners of the Murcia region including San Javier, San Pedro del Pinatar and Los Alcazares. Help, though, is now needed to equip the centre and the charity wants to make the gardens pleasant for the residents. Some of the items required, if readers are able

Theatre AGM

The New Cardenal Belluga Theatre Group will be holding their AGM on Monday January 29th at the Civic Centre in Urb La Marina, starting at 2.00 pm. Old and new members are welcome, and it will be an opportunity to pay the annual subscription of ten euro, with all paid up mem-

bers being able to vote for committee positions. The group is still looking for backstage technical people to join them to help on the sound and lighting, as well as a stage manager. For more details, send an e-mail to Tom Ford at uk.


We’d love details of your charity events, amateur dramatics, and choral concerts! The Courier would love to hear from you as we gear up for another busy autumn across the Costa Blanca and Mar Menor. Send you snippets and photographs to thecourier@tko media.

to donate, are curtains and blinds; bed linens and towels; internet and IPTV connections; air-conditioning units, as well as help to paint and decorate the inside and outside of the property. Any assistance would be gratefully appreciated by

MABS, and for more details go to the MABS San Javier Facebook page, or call the Helpline on 620 422 410. The e-mail address is om.

Campoverde Presentations

The Campoverde Theatre Group has been out and about presenting cheques to local charities and good causes thanks to the money raised from their recent successful dinner shows. Andy Lynch, father of 23year-old La Marina resident Tasha, is trying to raise over 200 thousand euro to get his daughter to America for specialist treatment for her rare mitochondrial disease. The group, led by secretary Graham Haywood, handed over a cheque for 200 euro, with Graham having personal experience of

the condition, after his late wife was diagnosed with it. Other presentations included 300 euro to the Samaritans in Spain and the same amount to Help at Home, Costa Blanca, meaning that two thousand euro have been handed over to good causes over the last year. The next project for group is called Taking the 'P' out of Pantomime and will be a supper show between the 14th and 16th March at the Fiesta Plaza, Calle Republic Dominiaca, on the Orihuela Costa.


Winds Of Trouble Property Pick Up

Torrevieja firefighters came to the rescue of a 65year-old British woman who got locked out of her flat when strong winds last Thursday slammed her balcony door shut.

The resident was trapped outside on the tenth floor of the apartment block on Calle Joven Pura, with the firefighters breaking down a door and opening a window to come to her rescue.

Meanwhile gusts of over 70 kilometres an hour uprooted some trees in addition to an advertising hoarding collapsing at the La Campana shopping centre on the Orihuela Costa. Housing market figures for the end of November showed an 18.1% rise in sales for that month based upon the same 30 days in 2016, according to the National Institute of Statistics (INE). Year-end sales results are not yet compiled by the INE, but as at the beginning of November, property purchases had been rising consistently in number for seven months. After a buoyant October,

with an increase of 25.7% in home purchases, the following month saw housing market growth slowing down slightly, ending with a total of 40,579 residential properties changing hands. According to the INE, home sales in Catalunya rose in November by 15.6%, showing that the political crisis caused by the disputed independence referendum the previous month had not affected buyers' decisions to invest in the region.

Overall, sales of preowned properties for November showed a 15.8% year-on-year increase, totalling 33,100, whilst 7,479 new builds were sold, revealing a 29.8% rise compared with tNovember 2016. Although year-on-year growth in sales was much greater in October at 25.7% than November's 18.1%, numbers of residential homes purchased in the latter were up 9% on the former for 2017.

4 am Bar and Disco in Torrevieja

Busy Bar/Café in La Marina

Ice Cream Cafeteria and Bar in Alicante

The opportunity to buy such a well-known busy bar in Torrevieja does not come around very often. This is a large, fantastic unit in the heart of where it all happens. No competition and with lots of foot traffic plus a 4 am license. Fully sound-proofed. Inside: 250 sq m and 350 sq m outide terrace. Close to the new location of the Friday market.

EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY to purchase the lease of a café/bar/restaurant located on a busy high street in the centre of a Spanish village just 300 metres from the blue flag white sandy beaches nearby. Huge expat clientele throughout the area. East-facing front terrace with outdoor dining and many more covers inside. Fully equipped.

Located in an eye-catching position near to the Alicante Port, this unit with glass-fronted shop window is ideally positioned to catch shoppers, tourists and local residents all year. The business itself, which is still in its infancy, has boasted a good summer’s trade, and could be expanded to sell other goodies such as smoothies etc.

Property ID: 1070 - 210,000€

Property ID: 1054 - 30,000€

Property ID: 1060 - 15,500€

Laundry and Dry Cleaning Business in San Fulgencio

Well-Known Local Golf Bar in Entre Naranjos

Fish and Chip Shop on the Orihuela Costa

This well-established commercial laundry business is up for sale after 20 years running. The whole premises are being offered freehold and consist of the launderette on the upper level and an additional premises on the lower level that is included too. The business is being sold fully furnished with two washers, two dryers and two ironing tables.

Great business opportunity in a golfing area full of European expats. Very busy and popular bar, with good turnover. This popular bar/cafe has a yearlong full programme of events, shows, bingo, quizzes, karaoke, darts, pool, dominoes, and even a skittle alley. The first bar on Entre Naranjos, so known by a lot of people over the years.

This leasehold property is located between two busy Irish bars and a popular shopping centre. It has 104 covers: 32 inside; 40 on the front terrace and 32 at the rear, with the facility to extend. The leasehold is for another three years and can be renewed. If you fancy setting up a good old fish and chip business, here’s your chance.

Property ID: 1048 - 195,000€

Property ID: 1055 - 60,000€

Property ID: 1053 - 39,000€

Family Run Bar/Restaurant in a Popular Tourist Area

American-Style Diner-Bar-Restaurant in Torrevieja

Successful Restaurant in La Zenia

This well-established, well-known family run is fortunate to have a continuous passing trade. The business has made its mark due to its warm friendly welcome and delicious homemade English food. Inside and out, 80 customers can be seated. The premises is fully licensed, plus has free wifi, sound system, BBQ area, covered patio and good parking.

This American-style diner is in a great location in Torrevieja and front line to the sea, bringing good passing trade on a daily basis. The terrace is just a stone’s throw away from the water’s edge giving amazing open views with a cool summer breeze. Recentley refurbished, all furniture and installations are new. Air conditioning and plasma screen.

Successful well-known restaurant located in the most popular area of La Zenia, in front of a large shopping centre. Internal seating for 66 customers and an outstanding terrace space seating 86 customers for al fresco dining. Fully fitted and ready to go. Total area: 207m2. This a great investment opportunity which makes this a must-view.

Property ID: 1022 - 49,500€

Property ID: 2597 - 45,000€

Property ID: 1046 - 125,000€


Blacktower Financial Management (International) Ltd Open New Office at San Pedro del Pinatar Keith Littlewood, International Financial Adviser at Blacktower, Costa Cálida Located on the on the main through road of San Pedro del Pinatar in an office block next to the Ayuntamiento, five minutes from the Dos Mares Shopping Centre, Blacktower are proud to announce the opening of their new office. Headed by the Regional Manager for the Costa Cálida region – Keith Littlewood, who has over 30 years of experience in assisting clients with their financial needs,including six years in Spain advising expats on how to best manage their income and investments whilst abroad, the opening of this office represents a much longed-for need for the international community in this region, who will now benefit from advice and assistance in the following areas of

expertise: •Spanish Compliant Investments •UK Pension Transfers •Savings Plans •Modelo 720 Guidance (asset declaration) •Retirement Planning •Investment Portfolio Management There are numerous options available when it comes to financial planning, and your investment decisions are crucial if you are going to reach your long-term goals. Blacktower can help steer you on the right path based on your individual circumstances. With more than 30 years’ experience helping to make retirement and wealth

120 Avenida Dr. Artero Guirao 2C San Pedo Del Pinatar 30740, Murcia, Spain Tel: 968 187 331

management plans work for UK residents and expats alike, and with offices across the EU and Grand Cayman, we offer a truly tailored approach to your finances. Visit us at 120, Avenida Dr.Artero Guirao 2C, San Pedro Del Pinatar, 30740, Murcia, Spain or call Keith Littlewood, DipPFS, on 968 187 331 to find out how you can make your money work for life! Email:keith.littlewood or visit for more information. Blacktower Financial Management (International) Ltd is licensed in Gibraltar by the Financial Services Commission (FSC). Licence 00805B and is registered with both the DGS and CNMV in Spain



Friday 19th January 2018

Adoption Corner

Pets And Diabetes

JILLIE Jillie is a very affectionate, pretty calico tortoiseshell, female cat. Jillie is about one year old, very lovely, and sterilised. Sadly her owners have had to go back to the UK for serious health reasons. Jillie is fully domesticated but goes inside and out, and loves to cuddle and sleep on the bed. For more information about her, please call PEPA on 650 304 746 or email

NOAH Noah is a beautiful young dog, who is aged around two years, and is very good with other dogs and cats. He is currently living in a small family run kennels with lots of other dogs, and is a very affectionate dog and loves having cuddles. Noah is beautiful and likes to play and is very sociable. For more information on him, please telephone P.E.P.A. on 650 304 746 or email

PRINCESS Princess is one of two beautiful short-legged corgi crosses that K9 have available for adoption. Her brother David is similar in size and character. She is over two years old and appears very intelligent and eager to please. Ideally, K9 would like them to be re-homed together as they have been companions since birth and get on very well together. If you could give Princess and David a forever home, then call the K9 Animal Shelter on 600 845 420.


Pus is a stunning four year old pure white fluffy cat and was abandoned when he was just 18 months old. He is currently being looked after by Pets in Spain, and has been neutered and is in excellent health. Pus isn’t afraid of dogs and loves to lay close to you. To give him a forever home, please call Pets in Spain on 645 469 253.

Did you know your dog or cat can develop diabetes? Years ago we never thought of our pets having diseases that we humans developed, but over the years veterinarian medicine has advanced a long way. Pets, as they get older, can develop a number of diseases. Look out for some signs in your older dog or cat and various changes. Your pet could be drinking an excessive amount of water. They might also urinating in places they would never urinate in, or even when sleeping. Weight loss could be another factor, and when you suspect something, then take your dog to the vet. If a dog or cat has diabetes, then you may end up visiting the vet every few weeks to do a blood test to check on sugar levels, but of course it is worth for somebody that has given you so much love. You need to watch your pet. They cannot tell you what is wrong, and you have to be their voice. If you suspect something is going on with your dog or cat, take them to see their veterinarian. Below are a few facts from MYPET.COM about diabetes. It is estimated that one out of every 100 dogs that reaches 12 years of age will develop diabetes, and in cats, one out of 50 will develop diabetes. Diabetes occurs when your dog or cat has stopped producing insulin, has inadequate levels of insulin, or has an abnormal response to insulin. In dogs, diabetes is common in middle-aged to older animals, especially in females, but it is also seen in young dogs of both sexes. In cats, diabetes is more common in middleaged to older animals and in cats that are overweight. In general, diabetes cannot be cured. However, if you establish an appropriate lifestyle for your cat or dog, healthy eating and the medicine they need, they will likely be capable of leading a happy, healthy life.

Because diabetes is caused by lack or shortage of insulin, your dog or cat may need management with insulin. Diabetes can usually be controlled by simply learning to give your pet daily insulin injections to control blood glucose level. Your veterinarian will help you find your dog’s or cat’s correct dose. This process may take a few weeks, but the end result is manageable. Once you have the correct insulin dose, it is extremely important that you administer your pet’s therapy at approximately the same time every day. Once you and your pet acclimate, however, you’ll both find the process fairly painless and quick. Diabetic pets also benefit from regular exercise, especially if they are overweight.


REDA Reda had been seen wandering near busy roads and the concern was that she would be hit by passing traffic. She is a happy little girl, weighing in eight kilos, who has a lot of nervous energy and gets very excited when she is greeted and has a habit of nipping your fingers, not aggressively, but just through sheer excitement, and is being trained to stop this. For more on her, please call the SAT kennels on 966 710 047 or email for further information.

SMUDGE Eight month old Smudge was rescued by APAH when he was a couple of weeks old. He is a lovely little boy who loves a cuddle whenever he can get one. Smudge is vaccinated, castrated and ready to enjoy 2018 in a loving home. To arrange to meet Smudge, please call the APAH charity on either 630 422 563 or 616 210 850.


Continuing To Give Spain continues to be the world leader in organ transplants. There were 5,259 transplants carried out in the country last year, breaking the 2016 record of 4,818, according to figures from the National Transplant Organisation (ONT). Some 3,269 were kidney, 1,247 were liver, 363 were lungs, 304 were hearts, 70 were pancreas and eight were intestines. Spain saw 46.9 individual donors per million people (pmp) in 2017, an increase from 43.9 pmp in 2016 and 39.7 pmp in 2015. The figure is ‘much higher’ than the EU average (19.6) and the US average (26.6). Spain’s health minister Dolors Montserrat said it was the 26th consecutive year that Spain had been top of global rankings for transplants. “These are the very best results in the history of the ONT, both in organ donation and in transplants,” she said. “In the last three years the

donation rate per million population has increased by 30 percent, something extraordinary when starting from a situation of excellence and if you taking into account how difficult it is to be a successful donor in the current epidemiological circumstances.” Rafael Matesanz, founder of the ONT, discussing Spain’s success, said ‘good

organization in the process of deceased donation and continuous adaptations of the system to changes are always the basis of successful results in organ donation’. Spain operates an ‘opt-out’ system in which all citizens are automatically registered for organ donation unless they choose to state otherwise.

Riddle Of Rebecca The husband of a British woman found dead in Marbella was arrested on Monday night over a sixfigure fraud. Paul Muldoon, 33, faces extradition back to the UK over an alleged scam in which OAPs were conned into investing in dodgy ‘green energy bundles’. A body found on a Marbella beach was believed to be that of his wife Rebecca, a mother of two. On New Year’s Day, Muldoon had been arrested at their penthouse flat over allegations of domestic abuse after neighbours heard shouting and screaming. However, he was released by a judge when Mrs Muldoon, 35, did not attend a hearing to give evidence against him and could not be traced. Officials confirmed Essexborn Muldoon was still in custody when his wife went

Messi's New Quiz Tax authorities are investigating whether payments from FC Barcelona to Lionel Messi's foundation were used to help the player evade taxes, according to a report by the El Mundo newspaper. El Mundo, which has acquired Football Leaks documents, reported that the club gave the foundation "at least 12.7 million euro between 2010 and 2016". The paper said that the payments from Barca represented 71.5 percent of the foundation's revenue between 2013 and 2016. The foundation says on its website that it "was created in 2007 with the wish that all children should have the same opportunities to make their dreams come true, and to promote equality in education and health." Between 2010 and the official registration of the foundation in June 2013, the club reduced the corporate tax they paid on the money by 35 percent, in line with rules on donations to charities. Those payments raised the suspicions of the authorities which, in January 2016, began to investigate whether the money had been "remunerative" and evaded corporate and

income tax. In April 2016, tax investigators visited the Barcelona offices -- not for the first time in recent years. After the official scrutiny began, the club stopped making the deductions from their donations and started withholding 45 per cent for taxes suggesting, the newspaper said, that the payments "were considered part of the salary" of the Argentine star. El Mundo said that the club had urged Messi, already being investigated for a 4.1 million-euro tax fraud relating to his image rights, to "regularise the donations to his foundation". In the image rights case, Messi and his father, Jorge,

were found guilty in 2016. El Mundo said that, by law, 70 percent of a charity's revenue should be spent on the aims for which it was created but a report in another newspaper, ABC, found the foundation's accounts were full of gaps but included large sums spent on external consultants, rent and refurbishing its offices or transferred to its branch in Argentina. According to documents examined by El Mundo, a tax settlement was paid to the Spanish treasury, in theory by Messi but ultimately by Barca, which made up the amount in a complex transaction days before the player signed a new contract last November.

Safe And Well

missing. Before his arrest on Monday, he was one of the UK’s most wanted fraudsters and had been on the run for at least a year. He was detained by Spanish authorities after they summoned him to a meeting yesterday evening. Muldoon faces extradition

to England where detectives want to speak to him about a boiler room fraud involving the supposed sale of rare earth metals five years ago. He and a gang of accomplices are accused of promising extraordinary returns for investments in rare metal compounds used to make LEDs and lasers.

A four-year-old British girl who has been missing since May has been found in Alicante Province, a High Court judge has revealed. Elliana Shand disappeared from London with her mother Jessica Richards, who suffers from schizophrenia, eight months ago. Mr Justice Hayden said Elliana was found safe and well just last Thursday, though no specific location of where she was found was mentioned, and she has since returned to the UK. Her paternal grandparents, Sean and Eileen Doyle, said they were "over the moon".

In December, Mr Justice Hayden appealed to expats in Spain for information about the pair's whereabouts, after saying there was evidence they were in the country. He said both the girl and

her mother were found by Spanish authorities. The judge praised the efforts of police in the UK and Spain as well as Foreign office staff at a hearing in the Family Division of the High Court last Friday.


Friday 19th January 2018

Kirsty Breakthrough

The family of a British tourist who plunged from a Benidorm balcony have won a court fight to find out what happened to the clothes she was wearing when she died. The Spanish lawyer acting for Kirsty Maxwell’s husband Adam and her parents Brian and Denise has also won a legal victory forcing police to reveal the work they did to identify potential witnesses. Five British men have been questioned by police

after allegations that she was sexually assaulted after walking into their room by mistake. The family’s legal team may still win permission for a reconstruction of the events leading up to Kirsty’s death. An investigating judge is probing five Brit holidaymakers who were in the flat she plunged from on April 29th last year. A decision is expected shortly and may lead to the

men being asked to return to Spain to take part in a reenactment of the 27-yearold’s last moments. Investigating judge Ana Isabel Garcia-Galbis’ decision to accept an appeal by lawyer Luis Miguel Zumaquero means the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Alicante, where Kirsty’s autopsy took place, will now be asked where the clothes are and what DNA tests were carried out on them.

A Scorching Year New figures show that 2017 saw the highest average temperatures ever recorded in Spain, according to the state weather service, AEMET. AEMET said that "2017 was an extremely warm year in Spain (Alfonso XIII reservoir and dam in Murcia pictured last month): the average annual temperature was the highest in the historical record, with an average temperature of 16.2ºC, a value that is 1.1ºC higher than the annual average" for the period between 1981 and 2010. Seven locations in the already hotter and drier southern and western regions of the country— Badajoz, Jaén, Granada, Córdoba Ciudad Real and Cáceres—posted new alltime record highs thanks to an especially warm two days in July. Granada airport took the prize for the hottest spot in Spain in 2017, reaching an official high of 45.7ºC on July 12, a full 2.7C higher than that weather station's previous record, back in 1972. "Of the ten warmest years in Spain since 1965, seven have been in years of the 21st Century and five of those have been in the current ten-year period that began in 2011. (It seems cli-

mate change is now noticable)", the service said on Twitter. Summer night-time minimums also broke records across the country, with temperatures in the early hours at the start of August not dipping below 26ºC in Madrid, 27ºC in Alicante or a sweltering 28.9ºC on the Balearic Islands. The previous highs in all of these places were prior to 1978, and in two places— Zamora and Alicante—the 1930s. Thermal anomalies in the average were above 0.5ºC for most of the country, "and close to +2ºC in many areas", AEMET said. More than 40 weather sta-

tions recorded record annual average highs. As for rainfall, the Spanish Met Office described 2017 as a "very dry" year across the country. "Average rainfall in Spain was around 474mm, 27% lower than the annual average in the reference period between 1981 and 2010." That makes it the second driest year since 1965, only beaten by 2005, when average rainfall dropped to 468mm. "In an area between Palencia and Valladolid, another in western Extremadura and in parts of the Canary Islands, rainfall didn't even reach half of its normal level."

Peace Disturbed A Pilar de la Horadada police officer was assaulted in the early hours of Sunday morning in the process of arresting two Moroccan nationals for public order offences. The incident happened in the Plaza de la Iglesia when the officer and his colleague noticed the two individuals behaving strangely and making a lot of noise. As they were about to arrest the duo, an officer was attacked and scratched by one the detainees. The offenders were taken to the police station and then handed over to the

Guardia Civil in Pilar, ahead

of a court appearance.

Surgical Strike

A woman who stole surgical implements worth two thousand euro from Málaga's Costa del Sol Hospital has been arrested by the National Police, along with another man who is charged with handling the goods. The 48-year-old woman, who lives in Marbella, managed to pinch a metal container from a store cup-

board. It contained 28 small items of surgical equipment, including scissors, clamps and scalpels. Staff do not know how she managed to acquire it, but say the tool sterilisation team noticed it was missing and reported it. Police inquiries led to the woman's home in Marbella, which was searched.

A man aged 39, known to the thief, was charged with handling stolen goods after a raid on his property in the same town uncovered the container with all the surgical implements intact, along with an electric skateboard worth thirteen hundred euro, which had been stolen in a Marbella street during the split second when its owner had taken his eye off it.


Linea Directa

Legal Assistance Service Car insurance policies from Línea Directa offers customers a diverse team of over 250 lawyers all with expert experience in their specialised field, that are available for over-thephone consultations and drafting of legal documents, all in English. What is covered? Customers can contact the Línea Directa legal consultants by phone or email on a wide range of different matters. With questions regarding your property, related to family, tax and financial issues, any queries regarding your vehicle, any administrative proceedings, and a whole host of day-to-day situations. How the service works A legal consultant will be tasked with answering your call or email, providing fast and efficient answers to all your queries, as many times as you need. If they cannot provide an immediate response, because a particular query requires more in-depth research or additional legal consultations, then a response will be provided within a maximum 24 hours. 24-hour emergency legal consultations For emergency cases, regardless of the time of day or night, customers may consult specialist legal advice, which due to the gravity of the situation, cannot wait. Examples of these types of “emergency situations” are any incidents relating to the home being burgled, domestic violence, or emergency travel matters. Attendance of a lawyer Should the insured be arrested as a result of a road traffic offence, Línea Directa will provide them with a lawyer at the corresponding police station to assist them with any preliminary police statements. This assistance will be provided within 4 hours of the request for the service. We hope the information provided in this article is of interest. If you would like to contact Linea Directa please call 902 123 182 More information about Linea Directa online at

Farming Centre

A visitor centre looking at local agriculture is be opened in the Orihuela area thanks to a 150-thousandeuro grant from the Alicante Provincial Council. Orihuela's tourism coun-

cillor Sofía Álvarez formally launched the project at the site at Camino de Enmedio on the outskirts of Orihuela City, with the centre set to be completely finished by the end of the year.


Workshops, a garden, and display rooms are all going to be part of the area, as well as a car park for what Orihuela council hopes will be a popular tourist attraction.

4 Bedroom 2 Bathroom Semi-Detached Villa in Campoamor


Just a few minutes’ walk from Campoamor´s famous sandy beaches, this sunny villa offers plenty of space both inside and out. The private front garden area and driveway leads to a large enclosed storage area/garage space. There is also a good sized front patio. Downstairs, the hallway leads to a spacious living, kitchen, double bedroom (or could be separate dining room) and a bathroom, whilst the upstairs boasts 3 more double bedrooms, a bathroom and an exterior balcony. - Excellent condition throughout – viewing essential - Short stroll to the beautiful beaches - Supermarket, bars and restaurants within a few minutes’ walk - Sports club with outdoor pool with membership options just a short walk away - 4 golf courses just a 10 minutes’ drive THE PRICE OF THIS PROPERTY HAS BEEN REDUCED BY 15,000 EURO FOR A QUICK SALE

Property ID: 0439780 - 189,995€ 2 Bedroom 2 Bathroom Townhouse in Cabo Roig

3 Bedroom 2 Bathroom Semi-Detached Villa in Guardamar D








This lovely townhouse has great location. Calle Talco is only a 6 min walk to the Cabo Roig strip and the beach. The property has 2 bedrooms and comes part-furnished and in need of little modernizing. It is south-facing property with a large sunny terrace. There is a good sized living room, back terrace and bathroom on the ground floor.

This lovely spacious villa is situed next to open country side with views of the nearby lake and communal swimming pool area. The property is located on the much-desired modern development of El Raso and occupies a corner plot with low maintenance gardens and off-road parking.

Property ID: 062885 - 84,995€

Property ID: 116972 - 149,000€

Properties wanted, all areas. We have clients waiting. 4 Bedroom 2 Bathroom Townhouse in Playa Flamenca

3 Bedroom 1 Bathroom Apartment in La Mata AIN






Ground-floor apartment facing southeast with sea views of Cabo Cervera. The property has 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, kitchen, living room and a 15sq m terrace. The property is furnished and equipped according to inventory. Needs some renovation. Excellent location near services and the great sandy beach of La Mata.

This lovely townhouse is situated in a pretty private urbanisation with large, green areas and a communal pool. It is very close to the Zenia Boulevard shopping centre. The 4 bedrooms have fitted wardrobes, while one bathroom has a bathtub and the other a shower. There is a nice sun terrace where you can totally relax and soak up the good weather.

Property ID: 08952 - 118,000€

Property ID: 018836 - 139,995€

2 Bedroom 1 Bathroom Apartment in Punta Prima

2 Bedroom 1 Bathroom Apartment in Orihuela D







Extremely well-presented top-floor apartment with large solarium and spacious terrace with open views to the sea. Set in a great central location, just a short stroll to a full range of local amenities and the coast, this well presented apartment includes A/C throughout, electric radiators and glass curtains providing an extra living room or large open terrace.

This is a beautifully presented upper-floor south-facing apartment, comprising: 2 double bedrooms with fitted wardrobes, a family bathroom, bright lounge/dining area and a modern fitted kitchen with pantry area, in addition to a large 60m2 roof-top solarium, complete with garden furniture and gazebo, south-facing open front terrace.

Property ID: 0464948 - 84,000€

Property ID: 063388 - 49,950€

2 Bedroom 2 Bathroom Apartment in La Tercia Golf Resort

2 Bedroom 2 Bathroom Apartment in Campoamor









Luxury 2nd-floor corner apartment in La Tercia Golf. This 2 bedroom 2 bathroom property comes fully furnished, also with white goods & air-con. The property comprises a large living area with a sunny terrace. The property is finished to a very high standard with marble flooring & work tops. Great rental property or holiday apartment at a great price.

This ground-floor apartment with garden and terrace is situated just 600 metres from the beach in Campoamor. It is located in a quiet, residential urbanisation opposite a protected area of dunes and forest. The property is furnished and very well kept, and has 2 double bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a semiindependant kitchen and a spacious living room.

Property ID: 062881 - 45,000€

Property ID: 0164210 - 109,000€



Friday 19th January 2018

Pfizer pulls out of research into Alzheimer's Drug company Pfizer has announced it is pulling out of research into drugs to treat Alzheimer's disease. The US-based pharmaceutical giant said it would be ending its neuroscience discovery programmes following a review, and 300 jobs would be lost. The Alzheimer's Society called the news "disappointing" and a "heavy blow" to those living with dementia. Companies should be encouraged to invest in research into neuroscience, Alzheimer's Research UK said. The move means Pfizer will also stop looking for treatments for Parkinson's disease, but the company said it planned to create a new fund dedicated to neuroscience research in the future. A statement from the company said: "We have made the decision to end our neuroscience discovery and early development efforts and re-allocate funding to

those areas where we have strong scientific leadership and that will allow us to provide the greatest impact for patients." Prof Tara Spires-Jones, a neuroscientist at Edinburgh University, said that despite the decision, there was still a lot of hope. "Not all pharmaceutical companies are pulling out and there are over 100 clini-

cal trials at the moment. "There is a lot going on in the basic science - we need to understand the complexity of the brain." She said Pfizer's decision was understandable because of the failure rate of clinical trials. "More than 99% of trials for Alzheimer's drugs have failed in past 15 years. "So companies are justifi-

ably cautious, but we are making great advances on the scientific front." Prof Spires-Jones added: "We've learned from these failures of trials that we need to take a step back and understand brain changes. "At the moment we don't fully understand how memory and thinking work fully in a healthy brain." Pharmaceutical companies

including Novartis, Janssen, Biogen, Abbvie and Eli Lilly are still developing medicines to treat Alzheimer's disease and a spokesman for the ABPI (Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry) said they continued "to make progress in unravelling the complexities of the brain and identifying the underpinnings of the disease". Dr James Pickett, head of research at Alzheimer's Society, said: "Of course it's disappointing to hear that Pfizer, one of the world's leading pharmaceutical companies, will be terminating their research efforts in neuroscience, including Alzheimer's disease drug discovery. "The brain is the most complex organ in the body and developing drugs to treat brain diseases is a tremendous challenge, but with no new drug for dementia in the last 15 years, this will come as a heavy blow to the estimated 46.8 million people

currently living with the condition across the globe." The Alzheimer's Society said it had committed £50m to fund new research at the UK Dementia Research Institute alongside Alzheimer's Research UK and the Medical Research Council. Dr Matthew Norton, director of policy at Alzheimer's Research UK, said: "We hope that pharmaceutical companies will look at the long-term potential when deciding whether to participate in this effort. "It is vital that all of us - charities, government and industry alike - make long-term commitments to dementia research if we are to bring an end to the fear, harm and heartbreak of dementia." Currently, about 850,000 people in the UK have a form of dementia. One million people are predicted to be living with the condition by 2021, and this could rise to two million by 2051.

Gas-sniffing pill that transmits from the gut passes first human trials

An electronic gas-detecting pill could help in diagnosing gastrointestinal ailments, including irritable bowel syndrome. Scientists from Melbourne’s RMIT University first unveiled their swallowable capsule early in 2015 in the hope it would it would help doctors work out what foods were problematic for their patients by detecting and measuring intestinal gases produced by gut bacteria. Now they have released results from the first human trials of the capsule, which collects information about the gases and transmits it to a hand-held device and mobile phone for doctors to read. A group of 26 people took part in the trials last year and proved the capsule was safe for use in humans, paving the way for more

extensive tests in 2019. As a bonus, the trials delivered a surprising batch of new information about the workings of the gut’s microbiome, the colony of trillions of bacteria that are believed to help keep us healthy.

Lead researcher and coinventor of the capsule, Prof Kourosh Kalantar Zadeh, said they discovered the stomach releases oxidising chemicals to get rid of foreign bodies, possibly as a protection mechanism.

They also discovered that people on high-fibre diets had high amounts of oxygen in their colon – information that overturned a long-held theory that the colon was oxygen free and may help scientists work out how

colon cancer develops. “For the first time we have a tool that actually gives information about the activities of the microbiome inside the gut,” Kalantar Zadeh said. The scientists are trying to raise up to $8m for the next


round of clinical trials of the device in 300 patients with digestive issues including irritable bowel syndrome and intestinal bacterial overgrowth. All going well, they hope the capsule will be on sale by 2020 for between $100 and $200. The capsule’s other coinventor, Dr Kyle Berean, said the trial results suggested the capsule was more accurate and less invasive than existing methods used to measure intestinal gases. The most common methods currently used are breath and faecal tests, however some patients undergo surgery so direct samples from the gut can be examined. The results from the first human trials were published two weeks ago in the journal Nature Electronics.



THE LYMPH SYSTEM: THE OTHER BLOOD SYSTEM The lymph system is a network of vessels that is similar to, and runs alongside, the blood system’s vessels. The lymph system carries a fluid known as lymph in its vessels. Unlike the blood system, whose flow is maintained by the pumping action of the heart, the lymph system has no central pump. The lymph system comprises of a network of lymph nodes, lymph vessels and lymph capillaries whose function is to collect excessive fluid from the heart, filter it and return it back. The lymph nodes are the junctions where lymph vessels meet and entwine. They play the important role of filtering and destroying bacteria from the body, as well as removing toxins. Some organs are part of the lymph system because of the extensive network of

lymph vessels that run through them. These include the tonsils, adenoids, thymus, spleen and bone marrow. These organs are also a part of the immune system because they produce immune cells and antibodies that protect the body against infection. Thus, the lymph system plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy immune system and preventing against disease. Needless to say, the lymph system is the reason why the body is not bloated from excessive fluid constantly leaking into the tissues. To maintain its flow, the lymph system relies on the contraction of muscles and the pulsation of the arteries to continuously pump lymph throughout the body. Many chronic diseases arise from the stagnation of lymph when the system ceases to

The lymph function can be improved by increasing physical activity. This again underlines the importance of daily exercise to a healthy lifestyle. Studies have shown that brisk walking for twenty minutes is sufficient to benefit the lymph system. This is because walking helps the muscles to function well, which in turn ensures that lymph flows properly throughout the body. In addition to exercise, manual drainage of the lymph system can be done by gently stroking the skin along the points of the lymph vessels and nodes.

flow properly. Notably, obstruction of lymph leads to lymphedema, which is when parts of the body become

swollen - especially the arms and legs, but also the abdomen and lungs. In most cases, the effects of block-

ages or sluggishness of the lymph system will be related to worsening of existing symptoms.

For A Whole-body diagnostic scan call MedB Clinic – 965 071 745, 999 189 074 or visit for more information

Having more 'sweet dreams' may help with your 'sweet tooth' "The key to stopping yourself snacking could be as simple as getting into bed," recent reports suggest. Researchers found that people who usually sleep less than 7 hours a night can increase their sleep time, and this may be linked

to them eating less sugary food. Previous studies linked insufficient sleep to an increased chance of obesity and poor diet. However, this small study, designed to explore whether education about sleep could

help people sleep longer, was not set up to show whether improved sleep could change diet or aid weight loss. The study of 42 volunteers, all a healthy weight and mostly young, found that education about sleep

could increase participants' time in bed by almost an hour, and sleep duration by 21 minutes, compared to the start of the study. People who took part in sleep education also reported reducing their sugar consumption more than those

who had no sleep education. However, their overall calorie intake, energy expenditure and body mass index did not change during the 4-week study. We don't know whether better sleep will help you to

by Jeff Stewart

lose weight, if that's what you want to do. But good sleep is great for overall mental and physical health. And as a 2016 survey reported, a third of British people surveyed reported not getting enough sleep on a regular basis.


Food & Drink

Friday 19th January 2018

Warming Chocolate & Banana Porridge

Baked Cod with Goat's Cheese & Thyme

Make a quick and easy, gluten-free, low-calorie lunch. The lean white fish is also a good source of protein and spinach contains vitamin K for bone health

Cocoa and vanilla add a luxurious flavour to this healthy breakfast, naturally sweetened with banana. Soak the oats overnight for a super creamy texture Ingredients 120g rolled porridge oats 4 tsp cocoa powder 1 tsp vanilla extract 4 bananas, 2 chopped 2 x 150ml pots bio yogurt milk, to serve (optional) Method Put the oats, cocoa and

vanilla in a large bowl and pour over 1 litre cold water. Cover the bowl and leave to soak overnight. The next morning, tip the contents into a saucepan with the chopped banana. Cook over a medium heat for 5 mins, stirring frequently, until the oats are cooked.

Put half of the mixture in the fridge for the next day. Spoon the rest into two bowls, swirl in 1 pot yogurt and slice over a banana (save the other pot and banana for the next morning). Warm through with a splash of milk to reheat.



1 tsp rapeseed oil 1 garlic clove, grated 200g spinach 2 x 125g skinless cod fillets 25g soft goat's cheese 2 tomatoes, each sliced into 3 a few thyme leaves, to serve

Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Heat the oil in a non-stick pan, add the garlic and fry very briefly to soften it. Tip in the spinach and stir until wilted. Spoon into the base of two gratin dishes, then top with the cod. Spread over some of the goat’s cheese

and arrange the tomatoes on top. Snip over a few thyme leaves, then bake for 10 mins until the fish flakes easily when tested. Serve in the dishes. Prep: 10 Mins Cook: 12 Mins Serves: 2

Lamb & Squash Biryani with Cucumber Raita

Prep: 10 Mins Cook: 5 Mins Serves: 4 Ingredients 4 lean lamb steaks (about 400g), trimmed of all fat, cut into chunks 2 garlic cloves, finely grated 8 tsp chopped fresh ginger 3 tsp ground coriander 4 tsp rapeseed oil 4 onions, sliced 2 red chillies, deseeded and chopped 170g brown basmati rice 320g diced butternut squash 2 tsp cumin seeds 2 tsp vegetable bouillon powder 20cm-length cucumber, grated 100ml bio yogurt

4 tbsp chopped mint, plus a few extra leaves handful coriander, chopped Method Mix the lamb with the garlic, 2 tsp chopped ginger and 1 tsp ground coriander and set aside. Heat 2 tsp oil in a non-stick pan. Add the onions, the remaining ginger and chilli and stir-fry briefly over a high heat so they start to soften. Add the rice and squash and stir over the heat for a few mins. Tip in all the remaining spices, then stir in 500ml boiling water and the bouillon.

Cover the pan and simmer for 20 mins. Meanwhile, mix the cucumber, yogurt and mint together in a bowl to make a raita. Chill half for later. About 5 mins before the rice is ready, heat the remaining oil in a non-stick frying pan, add the lamb and stir for a few mins until browned but still nice tender. Toss into the spiced rice with the coriander and serve with the raita and a few mint or coriander leaves on top. Prep: 10 Mins Cook: 25 Mins Serves: 4

Food & Drink



Steaks with Goulash Sauce & Sweet Potato Fries

Ingredients 3 tsp rapeseed oil, plus extra for the steaks 250g sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into narrow chips 1 tbsp fresh thyme leaves 2 small onions, halved and sliced (190g) 1 green pepper, deseeded and diced 2 garlic cloves, sliced 1 tsp smoked paprika 85g cherry tomatoes, halved 1 tbsp tomato purée 1 tsp vegetable bouillon powder 2 x 125g fillet steaks, rubbed with a little rapeseed oil 200g bag baby spinach, wilted in a pan


Friday 19th January 2018

Method Heat oven to 240C/220C fan/gas 7 and put a wire rack on top of a baking tray. Toss the sweet potatoes and thyme with 2 tsp oil in a bowl, then scatter them over the rack and set aside until ready to cook. Heat 1 tsp oil in a non-stick pan, add the onions, cover the pan and leave to cook for 5 mins. Take off the lid and stir – they should be a little charred now. Stir in the green pepper and garlic, cover the pan and cook for 5 mins more. Put the potatoes in the oven and bake for 15 mins.

While the potatoes are cooking, stir the paprika into the onions and peppers, pour in 150ml water and stir in the cherry tomatoes, tomato purée and bouillon. Cover and simmer for 10 mins. Pan-fry the steak in a hot, non-stick pan for 2-3 mins each side depending on their thickness. Rest for 5 mins. Spoon the goulash sauce onto plates and top with the beef. Serve the chips and spinach alongside. Prep: 10 Mins Cook: 25 Mins Serves: 2

Spicy Peanut Pies

Ingredients For the mash 500g potatoes, peeled and chopped 2 x 400g cans cannellini beans, drained 3 tbsp chopped fresh coriander 1 tsp chilli powder For the filling 320g cauliflower, cut into small florets 2 tsp rapeseed oil 2 tbsp finely chopped ginger 1 red chilli, seeded unless you like it very spicy 2 tbsp cumin seeds 2 tbsp ground coriander 1 tsp chilli powder 400g leeks, thickly sliced 1 red pepper, deseeded and diced 1 green pepper, deseeded and diced 400g can chopped tomatoes 2 tbsp tomato purée

2 tsp vegetable bouillon 85g chunky peanut butter (with no sugar or palm oil) Method Heat oven to 200C, 180C fan, gas 6. Steam the potatoes for the mash for 20 mins until tender, adding the cauliflower to the steamer after 10 mins. Heat the oil for the filling in a non-stick pan, add the ginger and chilli and stir around the pan until starting to soften. Stir in the dried spices then add the leeks and peppers and cook, stirring frequently, until they are softening. Tip in the tomatoes and tomato purée with the cauliflower and 150ml water, and the bouillon. Cover and simmer for 10 mins. Stir the peanut butter with 100ml water to loosen the

consistency, then stir into stew and cook 5 mins more. Spoon equally into 25cm by 18cm pie dishes. For the mash, tip the beans into a bowl, add the coriander and chilli powder and mash well. Add the potatoes and roughly mash into the beans so it still has a little texture. Pile on top of the filling in the pie dishes and carefully spread over the filling to enclose it. Bake one for 35 mins and chill the other for another day. It will keep for 3 days. Reheat the remaining pie as above, adding an extra 15 mins as you're cooking it from cold. Prep: 15 Mins Cook: 1 Hour Makes: 2 Pies, Each serves 2

Vegan Mug Cake



3 tbsp dairy-free milk, we used oat milk pinch lemon zest 1 tsp lemon juice 1 tbsp sunflower oil 4 tbsp self-raising flour 2 tbsp caster sugar pinch bicarbonate of soda 4 fresh or frozen raspberries

Put the milk in a microwavesafe mug, add the lemon zest and juice and leave to sit for 2-3 mins. It should start to look a bit grainy, as if it has split. Stir in the sunflower oil, flour, sugar and bicarbonate of soda. Mix really well with a fork until smooth.

Drop in the raspberries then microwave on high for 1 min 30 secs, or until puffed up and cooked through. Serve with a drizzle of coconut cream, or a scoop of dairy-free ice cream if you like. Prep: 5 Mins Cook: 2 Mins Serves: 1



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Visit Galeón Andalucía 2018 Date: 17 until 28 January Place: Muelle 10 (Volvo Ocean Race) - Puerto de Alicante Time: 10:00h to 19:00h Price: Adults 6€ / Children (5 - 10 años) 3€

The spectacular Galeón Andalucía sailed into the Port of Alicante at the beginning of the week, docking in at jetty number 10 (Muelle 10), where it will remain until Sunday 28 January. It is open to the public and local school groups. The magnificent vessel is actually a replica of a legendary Spanish galeon, which for centuries made voyages between Spain, America and Asia. The ship is 55 metres long, has five levels and is made from pine and iroko, a sturdy hardwood from Africa often used in shipbuilding. It also has seven large sails. Over the last few months, the Galeón Andalucía has travelled more than 50.000 nautical miles crossing oceans and seas across the globe, including the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans and the Caribbean and Mediterranean Seas. It recently arrived in Spain after sailing from the United States and Canada - where it had visited all along the East Coast, the Great Lakes and more than 70 major cities including New York, Washington D.C., Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago, Miami, Toronto and Quebec. During its stay in Alicante, members of the public will be able to tour the whole ship, learn about its history and talk to the crew.

.com Events Calendar

Upcoming Events Not to Be missed

Until Sunday 11 February, 2018 Torrevieja Charity Art Exhibition at the Virgen del Carmen Centre Living in Africa Until Sunday 25 February, 2018 Rojales Art exhibition by Ana Carillo at the Caves - Sala Mengolero Friday 12 January to Saturday 3 February, 2018 Pilar de la Horadada Exhibition of winning photos from VII Photographic Rally Friday 19 January, 2018 Torrevieja Rosalía & Raul Refree - flamenco music concert by rising flamenco star Rosalia Saturday 20 - Sunday 21 January, 2018 Ricote Medieval Market in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento Saturday 20 January Torrevieja Creating Your Dream 2018 workshop at Casa Ventura Alicante Classic guitar concert by David Russell 8 pm Orihuela Costa Concert by The Reef Bad in aid of local musician and dj Snoopy Rojales Show Cooking - healthy and delicious recipe showcase at the Social Centre 17.30 h Sunday 21 January, 2018 Elche San Antón Pilgrimage at 9.30 am from the San Antón church Quesada Chamber music concert - 12 pm at the Cultural Centre Rojales Charity Gala at the Capitol Theatre organised by the Dept. of Culture Torrelamata International Day of the Pig from 12h celebrating the Feast of San Antón de Abad Torrevieja Theatre in Spanish - El Padre at the International Auditorium

Local Markets

Friday 26 January, 2018 Alicante Music for Piano concert at the Auditorio de la Diputación

Friday Albatera, Almoines, Banyeres, Benejuzar, Beniarres, Benidoleig, Crevillente, Daimus, Denia (Rastro), El Verger, Finestrat, Gata de Gorgos, Granja de Rocamora, L’ Alfas del Pi, Monforte del Cid, Monstesinos, Moraira, Muro de Alcoi, Oliva, Onil, Petrer, Pilar de la Horadada, Playa de Daimus (summer evenings), Rafol d’ Almunia, Sella, Tibi, Torrevieja, Villalonga. Saturday Alcoi, Alicante, Almoradi, Alqueria, Banyeres, Bellreguard, Benifairo, Benissa, Callosa d’En Sarria, Calpe, Castalla, Castell de Castells, Catral, Elche, Elda , La Font d’En Carros, La Romana, Gaianes, Hondon de las Nieves, Novelda, Ondara, Pedreguer, Tavernes de la Valdigna (summer evenings), San Vicente del Raspeig, Salinas, Relleu, Santa Pola, Xalo (Jalon) Rastro Sunday Benidorm, Elche, La Nucia, Campoverde, Algorfa, La Marina, Zoco, Almoradí street market, Lemon Tree Road, Mil Palmeras. Monday Agres, Callosa d’En Sarria, Cox, Denia, Elche, Formentera, Granja de Rocamora, Ibi, La Nucia, Llocnou de Sant Jeroni, Parcent, Petrer, Penaguila, Playa de Miramar (summer evenings), Monover, Real de Gandia, San Pedro del Pinatar, Santa Pola, Sax, Torremendo, Xeraco Tuesday Alicante (Rastro), Aspe, Altea, Barx, Bellreguard, Benijofar, Campo de Mirra, Castalla, Elda, Orihuela, Palma de Gandia, Piles, Playa de Piles (summer evenings), Rafelcofer, Relleu, San Fulgencio, Sella, Tibi, Villalonga, Xalo(Jalon), Xeresa Wednesday

Saturday 27 - Sunday 28 January, 2018 Alicante Cyrano de Bergerac at the Teatro Principal Saturday 27 January, 2018 Valencia Real Madrid v Valencia at the Mestalla Stadium Orihuela Costa A Choral Spectacular by Melody Makers International in aid of Debra charity Sunday 28 January, 2018 Quesada Recital of Old Spanish Songs at Cultural Centre at 12 pm Rojales Tango Show by National Company of Argentinian Music and Dance 19h Orihuela Costa Winter Gift Fair in the Villamartin Plaza Friday 2 - Sunday 4 February, 2018 Orihuela Annual Medieval Market - one of the largest in Spain Friday 2 February, 2018 Alicante Symphonic Orchestra of Alicante concert at the Auditorio de la Diputación Torrevieja X Drag Queen Competition 21.30h at the International Auditorium

Ador, Albatera, Alcoi, Alqueries, Almoines, Banyeres, Barx, Benjema, Beniaries, Benidorm, Benilloba, Benitatxell, Biar, Callosa de Segura, Calpe (Rastro), El Campello, Elda, Guardamar del Segura, La Font d’en Carros, La Mata, Muchamiel, Monforte del Cid, Novelda, Orba, Ondara, Petrer, Polop, Potries, Rotova, San Miguel de Salinas, Sella, Teulada

Saturday 3 February, 2018 Torrevieja II Carnival Day - paella, face painting, kids entertainment 13h Plaza de la Ermita


Sunday 4 February, 2018 Orihuela Unión Lírica Orcelitana concert for Carnival - Cuban and African music at the Teatro Circo Atanasio Díe Marín

Agost, Agres, Albatera, Alguena, Alicante, Aspe, Benidoleig, Campoamor near Cabo Roig medical centre, Cocentaina, Hondon de los Frailes, Llocnou de Sant Jeroni, Pego, Playe de Bellreguard (summer evenings), Rafelcofer, Rojales, Tavernes de Valldigna, Villajoyosa, Xabia (Javia), Xixona (Jijona)


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tional church. Sunday services 11am. Children's church 11am.. For more information lease Telephone today: 966 799 273 or 660 127 276. QUIZ MASTER Experienced quiz-master /question setter with personality. If you would like a quiz master that is entertaining, and is available to host quiz nights in local bars. Tel: 664 838 581. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES VENDING ROUTE Good monthly cash income. Financing available. 697 834 934 FOR SALE DUE TO RETIREMENT New and Used Furniture Business, well known, repeat business from regular clientele. Trading for over 10 years. Only serious applicants need apply. For more information Tel: 620 582 063 SERVICES STRUCTURAL SURVEYS Mark Paddon BSC Hons Building Surveying MCIOB. CAAT. Buyer’s and defect reports. Tele. 653 733 066

der Remin e here. tis Adver 003 6 921 6 9 l l a C



Channel Four’s new comedy Derry Girls, set in the nineties in Londonderry, is an instant hit for me, as we follow a group of teenagers growing up amidst the background of the Northern Ireland troubles. Yes, we get the odd political gag in there, but it’s more of a nostalgia fest that is a total treat. The youngsters (though one of them amazingly is played by a 31-yearold) are full of fun and some rough language, but it plays well in context as everything moves at one heck of a pace. Derry Girls oozes likeability and with both BBC 1 and ITV seemingly incapable of finding a brand new scripted comedy success, I strongly recommend you to give this is a shot, as you will be impressed. The only very slight critique is that the teenagers are rattling away at a fair rate and at times I found it tricky to pick up every line, but that’s the only negative I could find in a joyous half-hour where the fun just oozes out of the screen. It’s as rare as rockinghorse proverbial to find The Queen speaking in an infor-

Derry Girls Delight

mal situation, but there she was in Sunday’s splendid documentary, The Coronation (BBC 1), looking back at her big day in 1953, and talking about all the royal crowns, including the Crown Jewels. The stories from other people involved were fascinating, but The Queen stole the show with her dry humour, though I was dying for interviewer Alistair Bruce to ask her something totally off-script! I also kept thinking of Claire Foy’s portrayal of HRH in The Crown, and how well she had cracked her! I thought it was a bold move for ITV for give over two and a half hours on Tuesday night for Britain’s Favourite Dogs. The good news was that it was totally justified in an entertaining and informative show that had high production values and imagination, which made a change from the usual cheap concessionary rubbish that ITV put out on a Tuesday as they wave the ratings flag of surrender in BBC 1’s direction. Ben Fogle and Sara Cox were good hosts, and I learnt a lot about the top

100 breeds (the labrador came top). It was the heartwarming and heart-breaking stories from the owners that really got to me, and as a relative newcomer to the dog owning fraternity, I knew exactly where they were coming from. If you are interviewing the lovely Miriam Margolyes live

on a Sunday morning TV show and she asks whether you can use a naughty word, and you say yes, well what can you expect? The actress popped up on the ITV political show Peston on Sunday, and the awkward Robert Peston amazingly gave Miriam the green light to say some

naughty. It was a case of whether it was the f-word or c-word, and Miriam duly obliged with the f-bomb concerning a sexy inappropriate move made on her by actor Warren Beatty. I was in stitches watching it, as Peston seemed to be the only person who did not know what was going to

happen (hasn’t he seen her on the Graham Norton Show?), but in a sign of the times, there was no switchboard meltdown at ITV on Sunday morning, and it did give us a classic TV moment. Thank you Robert and Miriam. Olly Murs has fitted in well with the coaches on The Voice, which is giving ITV a deserved ratings runaway triumph on a Saturday night. He brings bags of enthusiasm as we continue to shout at the coaches for not turning round when they should. The opening two shows seem to have had both Jennifer Hudson and appear to be relatively restrained, but there’s time yet. Much as I love the UK version of The Voice, the US version (which featured Hudson in the autumn) is much better because the coaches really do slog it out in the pitching to bag an act, and that’s something that is a key element that we don’t have on ITV (and previously on the Beeb). Check it out, if you can, for yourself and you’ll see what I mean… ..and the US singers are also miles better.

28 twitching. Will she wake up and reveal Lachlan’s dark secret?

Friday The Dingles take stock after yesterday’s dramatic events. Meanwhile, Jimmy feels conflicted. Elsewhere, Graham pressures Pollard.

Monday Debbie wants revenge on Joe and heads up to Home Farm. When Cain discovers that she’s taken petrol canisters with her, he rushes off to intervene alongside Ross. When Joe arrives to find Debbie waiting for him, she explains she’s rigged the place. When Cain and Ross arrive on the scene, can they manage to talk Debbie down? Meanwhile, Faith tells Pollard she may have judged him too harshly and thanks him for his heroics. He’s horrified to learn Tracy has arranged for the paper to interview him. Elsewhere, Lachlan faces an inevitable task.

Tuesday Joe jogs through the woods and comes face-to-face with a man in a mask. The man approaches with a shotgun and Joe scrambles away, falling over a trip-wire. Joe manages to get up, but as he makes a run for it, he falls into a pit covered by some moss. Joe is petrified as the gunman leaves him to die. Meanwhile, Zak and Lisa decide to try and move back into their wrecked home. Elsewhere, Rebecca is still in a coma, but Robert gets excited when he notices her finger


Friday 19th January 2018

Friday Anna’s trial begins and Phelan is called as the first witness. Lying through his teeth, Phelan paints Anna to be the villain, making out that she pushed Seb off his ladder. Anna looks at him with pure hatred. Seb is next up in the witness box, but will he go against Phelan? Meanwhile, Sarah wishes Gary luck and hopes Anna’s court case goes well. Bethany is unimpressed and when Sarah asks her to babysit so she can meet Gary for a drink, Bethany lies, telling her she can’t as she’s working at a Mexican restaurant.

Wednesday Lachlan gets his mobile back from the police, but he realises he accidentally called Gerry on the day of the crash. Lachlan knows that his secret will be exposed if Gerry listens to his incriminating voice message, but what will he do about it? Meanwhile, Faith takes matters into her own hands. Elsewhere, Lisa feels beaten by another Intent on putting a stop to any future relationship setback. between Sarah and Gary, Thursday It’s the day of Bethany forms a plan with the funeral and a tense the help of her lap-dancing Lachlan tries to intercept mate Sam. When Sarah Gerry’s phone delivery, but arrives at The Rovers to he comes out and retrieves find a girl draped all over it before Lachlan can do Gary, will she fall for sting? anything. Lachlan man- Bethany’s ages to get Gerry’s keys Meanwhile, Peter assures and leaves the funeral, Toyah there’s nothing pretending it’s too much. going on between him and Later, Billy Will he get the phone Carla. back? Meanwhile, the dat- approaches Peter hoping ing auction is in full swing they can bury the hatchet. and Rhona is irked when Will Peter agree? Chas bids on Paddy just before she can. Jealous of Paddy and Chas, Rhona bids on Pete. Rhona wins, so she and Pete decide to go for a drink – but will Pete stand Rhona up? Elsewhere, Charity is affronted. Also, Brenda is suspicious. Monday Anna’s trial continues and Roy is called as a witness. He gives Anna a glowing character reference, but is forced to admit that she did slap Seb in the café. In the cab office, Eileen sees some CCTV footage of Gary and Tim apparently threatening Seb. Will Eileen take the evidence to the police? Meanwhile, Gary follows Lachlan fears his dark Bethany as she enters a secret will be exposed. Is lap-dancing club and is he right to be worried? horrified to realise Bethany Meanwhile, Marlon has an awkward tutoring session with Jessie and April. Elsewhere, Rhona finds an unexpected confidante. Also, Charity’s plan backfires.

and her mate both work there as dancers. Gary tries to drag Bethany out of the club, but she makes out that she’s never seen Gary before and summons security. The bouncer moves in on Gary.

When Tim is called as a witness, he’s forced to admit that he and Gary encouraged Seb to change his story. Anna’s heart sinks, while Phelan looks like the cat who’s got the cream. As the judge sums up the case, what will be the verdict? Meanwhile, when Craig is called to a fracas at the lap-dancing club, he’s appalled to see that Gary has been beaten up.

Friday It’s the day that Abi’s life support is due to be turned off. As reality sets in for Lauren, can Max accept the inevitable? Meanwhile, Tiffany finds herself in a dangerous situation. Monday The men involved in the New Year heist finally come out of hiding. Phil starts to realise that Ben is involved in the missing money and quizzes Jay over what’s been going on.

Tensions soon rise between Aidan’s men, with Wednesday Eva asks Mick accusing Aidan of Aidan to meet her in The double-crossing everyone Rovers, but when Peter and taking the money for sees Maria being comfort- himself. Phil is left with a ed by Aidan over Luke, he new lead when Billy tells misreads the situation and him about Mel’s unexpecttells Eva that Aidan was all ed return to Walford. Phil over Maria. Having stum- realises that Mel must be bled upon Eva’s upset chasing the money and state, Shona takes her starts to worry about Ben’s back to The Rovers, where safety. Meanwhile, Mick Eva tells her that she can’t promises his family that tell Aidan about the baby. A he’ll have the money to shocked Toyah overhears. keep them in The Vic by the end of the week. Elsewhere, Stacey returns to Albert Square but ends up in another argument with Martin when he accuses her of visiting Max again. Stacey denies it, but the argument escalates further and she slaps him. In response, Martin kicks Stunned by the baby news, Stacey out. Also today, Toyah agrees to take Eva Johnny tells his family that to the hospital. When the he’s been offered a new scan reveals everything is job which would involve fine, Toyah implores Eva to moving away, while Tiffany keep the baby and tell plays matchmaker Aidan everything. between Whitney and Meanwhile, Sarah confides Halfway. in Shona that she still loves Gary, but is worried about Tuesday Martin refuses to how Bethany will react. Will Gary agree to give her time?

let Stacey see the children, but he finally sees sense when one of the kids finds themselves in a potentially dangerous situation. Although Stacey hopes that Martin is finally ready to forgive her, she soon realises the reality is very different and is left out in the cold again. Martin tells Bex that he’s prepared to fight for his kids. Thursday Mick and Linda need to pay Fi by tomorrow, but they still don’t have the money they need to stay in The Vic. Mick resorts to desperate measures by asking Vincent for help, but the Carters later have to face up to the fact that they won’t have the funds on time. Is it all over for them at the pub? Meanwhile, how will Whitney and Halfway get along when they sit down for a date at The Vic?

The hospital is picking up the pieces ahead of Raf’s memorial. At a time when the Holby family need each other more than ever, can Hanssen find his way back to them? Meanwhile, dead set on moving forward and maintaining her status as

Holby’s super surgeon, Jac wants to fast track her recovery… but with reminders of the memorial all around, she can’t outrun the past. Elsewhere, Lofty is thrown when an unexpected patient turns up on Keller.

Week Days 08:00 Breakfast to Brunch with Dennis Christian 12:00 Through the Decades - None stop Classics 14:00 Afternoons with Alex Trelinski - Alex in the Afternoon. 17:00 Drivetime (AKA Tea Time) with Mark Nolan

Weekends Saturday 09:00 Breakfast with Tim Bridge 12:00 Saturday Afternoons with Paul Norman 15:00 Saturday Sports with Alex Trelinski 18:00 Entertainment Power 20:00 Northern Soul

Sunday 09:00 Breakfast with Tim Bridge 12:00 Soul & Mowtown 14:00 Gary Jackson 16:00 The Retro Chart 18:00 Classic Country

Email: Facebook: tkospain Phone: 965 50 55 10 Text: 671 33 76 75

Friday TV 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Rip Off Britain: Holidays 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Wanted Down Under 12:45 Close Calls: On Camera 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Father Brown 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 The Farmers’ Country Showdown 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 News 20:00 The One Show

07:00 Flog It!: Trade Secrets 07:30 The Farmers’ Country Showdown 08:15 Antiques Road Trip 09:00 MasterChef: The Professionals 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Live: Masters Snooker 17:45 More Creatures Great and Small 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys

20:30 A Question of Sport Matt and Phil are joined by Neil Hodgson, Sam Quek, Goldie Sayers and Nick Matthew.

20:00 Live: Masters Snooker The fourth quarter-final.

21:00 EastEnders Tiffany finds herself in a precarious situation.

21:30 A Vicar’s Life Fr Matthew Cashmore has turned his back on a successful lifestyle and is moving with his family to Hereford to start a new life in the Church. First, however, he has to be ordained at a grand ceremony in Hereford cathedral.

21:30 Room 101 Alex Brooker, Jeremy Paxman and Sally Phillips compete to have their pet hates and peeves consigned to Room 101. 22:00 Would I Lie to You? Joining Rob, Lee and David are Denise Lewis, Richard Osman, Robert Rinder and Katherine Ryan. 22:30 Mrs Brown’s Boys When Agnes’s family start making comments about her weight, she decides to go on a diet, and quickly discovers just how difficult it is to overcome her craving for fish and chips. 23:00 News 23:35 The Graham Norton Show 00:25 Witless 00:55 01:20 Chinese Burn Weather 01:25 News

21:00 Mastermind Quiz.

The Golden Globe and SAG Award-winner actor Idris Elba returns to his iconic role as DCI John Luther, for the fifth series created by Emmy-nominated writer Neil Cross and produced by BBC Studios. Dermot Crowley, Michael Smiley and Patrick Malahide will return for the four-part series as DSU Martin Schenk, Benny Silver and George Cornelius; and Wunmi Mosaku, who won a Bafta for her performance in BBC One’s Damilola, Our Loved Boy in 2017, will join as new recruit D.S. Catherine Halliday. Idris Elba says: “It’s good to be back in London, back in the coat.” Neil Cross says: “We missed John Luther. We missed some old friends. And we

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle 11:30 This Morning 14:30 News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 News 20:00 Emmerdale The Dingles take stock. 20:30 Coronation Street Phelan takes centre stage at Anna’s trial. 21:00 River Monsters Two men vanish on a remote lake in Malaysia just hours apart. Amid rumours that a giant fish is on the loose, biologist and monster-hunter Jeremy Wade sets out to track down the possible culprit. 21:30 Coronation Street Bethany sets Gary up in a sting operation.

22:00 Monty Don’s Paradise Gardens Monty travels in search of paradise gardens referenced in the Koran, the holy book of Islam, as green spaces filled with flowers and fruit where shade and water provide a safe haven from the harsh climate that dominates the Arab world. Monty begins his quest in Spain, before heading to Morocco.

22:00 Lethal Weapon When Riggs and Murtaugh respond to the death of a plastic surgeon, they are drawn into a case involving an illegal drug ring run out of a wellness clinic. Things heat up when Karen Palmer from the DEA and Riggs compete to solve the case first. Meanwhile, Trish and Murtaugh face the emotional challenges of sending their first son RJ off to college.

23:00 QI 23:30 Newsnight 00:05 Snooker 02:55 Panorama 03:25 Rome Unpacked 04:25 Inside the Factory 05:25 This Is BBC Two

23:00 News 23:45 Through the Keyhole 00:45 Take Me Out 01:45 Jackpot247 04:00 Alphabetical 04:50 ITV Nightscreen

Idris Elba begins filming on BBC One series Luther

wanted to make the biggest, scariest, darkest, most thrilling series of Luther there’s ever been. So that’s what we’ve come back to do.” When the moonless shadows of London give birth to a new nightmare, DCI John Luther must once again confront the depths of human depravity. As a series of monstrous killings becomes ever more audacious, Luther and new recruit D.S. Catherine Halliday are confounded by a tangle of leads and misdirection that seems designed to protect an unspeakable horror. But even as the case brings him closer than ever to the nature of true evil, a reluctant Luther must also face the ghosts of his own past.


07:20 3rd Rock From the Sun 08:10 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Frasier 11:05 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:00 Sun, Sea and Selling Houses 13:00 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Posh Pawn 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Village of the Year 17:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Extreme Cake Makers 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 News 21:00 Jamie and Jimmy’s Friday Night Feast Couple Chris O'Dowd and Dawn O'Porter join hosts Jamie and Jimmy, and Jamie recreates some romance by tracking down their favourite honeymoon meal. Also on the menu is a very British spin on BBQ ribs using whisky and Worcestershire-spiked barbecue sauce. Plus, Jimmy creates a DIY build for a special occasion using his actual tool box, transforming it into an ingenious steamer that can be taken anywhere, and the duo look into the amount of sugar in various children's cereals. 22:00 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown Jon Richardson and Joe Wilkinson take on guest captain Kevin Bridges and Jessica Knappett. With Dr John Cooper Clark in Dictionary Corner. 23:00 Gogglebox 00:20 First Dates Hotel 01:20 Film - Spring Breakers (18) 03:00 The Simpsons 03:50 Kiri 04:45 Grand Designs

The Keith And Paddy Picture Show

Following a hugely successful launch series* last year, ITV has commissioned a second series of The Keith and Paddy Picture Show from Talkback. Starring both Keith Lemon and Paddy McGuinness the 6x30’ series will air on ITV primetime, Spring 2018. The Keith and Paddy Picture Show is an affectionate and humorous tribute to some of Keith and Paddy’s favourite movies of all time. Each week, Keith and Paddy attempt to recreate an iconic film, with the help of an all-star celebrity cast. The half hour episodes are a mix of high-end film parodies and behind-the-scenes mock-doc footage following the boys as they endeavour to bring their recreations to life. Films this series

include: • Top Gun • Jurassic Park • Terminator 2 • Grease • Pretty Woman • Gremlins Keith Lemon said: “So excited to be back doing The Keith & Paddy Picture show! So much fun working with ya mate in real life, living the dream playing roles in classic films we love. The catering is amazing too!” Paddy McGuinness continues: “I can’t wait to start on the second series with Keith. The films we’re recreating this time round are some of the most iconic in cinema history. I’m mega excited to be playing dress up again with my mate. Let the fun and games begin!”

07:00 Milkshake 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 13:10 News 13:15 The Hotel Inspector 14:10 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Film Deadly Pursuit 18:00 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 News 20:00 The Wine Show Actors Matthew Goode and James Purefoy are in search of a wine to match the starter in their epic sixcourse lunch. Joe Fattorini heads to Japan with the top London brewer Jaega Wise to find out about sake. 21:00 Costa Del Celebrity Celebrities try flamenco, before visiting the Royal Palace in Madrid. They sample churros, which prove to be a bit too sweet for Nick Owen. His troubles continue when he takes to the saddle for a horse ride through the mountains with Vicki Michelle. 22:00 Celebrity Big Brother Emma Willis returns for the next eviction show, presenting yesterday's highlights and revealing which of the nominated celebrities has not been saved by the voting public. 23:00 Will & Grace 23:30 Celebrity Big Brother 00:05 Celebrity BB’s Bit on the Side 01:00 SuperCasino 04:10 Celebrity Big Brother 05:25 Lip Sync Battle UK 05:45 House Doctor

07:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:55 Dress to Impress 08:45 Emmerdale 09:50 You’ve Been Framed! 10:25 Ellen DeGeneres 11:10 Who’s Doing the Dishes? 12:10 Dress to Impress 13:10 Emmerdale 14:15 You’ve Been Framed! 14:45 Ellen DeGeneres 15:35 Jeremy Kyle 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Superstore 22:00 Film - American Pie (18) 00:00 Family Guy 01:00 American Dad! ITV 3 07:00 Classic Coronation Street 07:50 Heartbeat 08:55 The Royal 09:55 Judge Judy 11:20 The Darling Buds of May 13:35 The Royal 14:40 Heartbeat 15:40 Classic Coronation Street 16:50 On the Buses 17:55 Rising Damp 18:20 George and Mildred 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Rosemary and Thyme 23:00 Foyle’s War 01:10 Film - Chicago (14) ITV 4 07:00 The Chase 07:50 Pawn Stars 08:30 Ironside 09:30 Quincy, M.E. 10:35 Minder 11:35 The Sweeney 12:40 The Professionals 13:40 Ironside 14:40 Quincy, M.E. 15:45 Minder 16:50 The Sweeney 17:55 The Professionals 18:55 The Car Chasers 19:55 Pawn Stars 20:50 Hornblower 23:00 Film The Shawshank Redemption (15) 01:55 The Sweeney

Channel 4 commissions Holocaust: The Revenge

Channel 4 have commissioned 60 minute documentary that is set to mark Holocaust Memorial Day. The film, part of the Secret History series. It tells the extraordinary story of a secret organisation of Holocaust survivors who were known as the Avengers. They attempted to carry out the ultimate act of revenge in 1946 – the indiscriminate murder of six million Germans as retribution for the six million Jews exterminated by the Nazis. The Avengers were led by a survivor of the Vilnius Ghetto, Abba Kovner, who later went on to become a famous Israeli poet. The film features extraordinary testimony from the last surviving members of the group, including Auschwitz survivor Yehuda Maimon, Simcha Rotem - the last survivor of the Warsaw Ghetto

Uprising, and Hasia Warshawski - a woman so traumatised by events that she has never spoken before in public and shares her memories in this film for the first time Now in their 90s, each tells their horrific experiences under the Nazis. All had lost family and witnessed horrors, as Yehuda Friedman says, “that not even the devil can imagine”. Also featured is Chaim Miller, a soldier in the British Army’s Jewish Brigade, who acted as part of a vigilante group who tried to assassinate alleged SS soldiers in hiding. At the heart of this documentary is a tape recording made in 1985 in which the key members of Kovner’s operation - including Kovner himself, who was dying of cancer - put on record what they did.


Friday 19th January 2018

Village of the Year

Call the Midwife Sunday - BBC One

Saturday - Channel 4 Five of the villages from this week's heats compete for a place in the grand final of this exciting competition, as

Penelope Keith tasks archaeologist Alex Langlands, garden designer Juliet Sargeant and craft expert Patrick Grant with narrowing the field in the

A new midwife joins the team as the area is rocked by power cuts and blizzards. The new arrival is delayed by the weather and falls ill as soon as she arrives. However, she is quickly dragged from her sick bed to assist with a difficult birth. Nurse Crane and Dr Turner treat an elderly cancer patient who faces losing her house due to slum clearWestern Zone. ances, and try to convince As ever, everything from Sergeant Woolf to allow her buildings, scenery and even to die at home. eccentricity will be assessed to decide the most successful entrants.


Film - Sicario

Sunday - BBC One Saturday - Channel 4 An FBI agent is recruited to join an elite government task force whose base is on the border between the US and

Mexico. The main task is preventing drugs being smuggled into the country. The team is sent on a secret mission, and the new recruit

is forced to question everything she believes in order to survive. Crime drama, starring Emily Blunt, Josh Brolin and Benicio Del Toro.

Semiyon’s fortunes continue to rise but he and Alex disagree on how to proceed, with Alex wanting to turn the pressure up on Vadim. In the UK, Alex and Rebecca

announce their engagement - but it is clear he is distracted. The next morning he receives a shocking call: Semiyon (pictured) has been arrested in Tel Aviv. Having almost lost hope that

Semiyon will ever let her go, Lyudmilla realises she might have some leverage. Meanwhile, Masha confesses her secret to Katya, and, with Alex away in Israel, Rebecca grows closer to Antonio.

Saturday TV 07:00 Breakfast 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30 Mary Berry Everyday 13:00 Football Focus 14:00 News 14:15 Masters Snooker 17:30 Final Score 18:30 News 18:50 And They’re Off...For Sport Relief 19:30 Pointless 20:20 Wedding Day Winners Phil and Beks from Ascot take on Kirsty and David from Swansea, as Lorraine Kelly and Rob Beckett challenge them to compete in a series of tasks for the chance to win a televised wedding and a dream honeymoon. 21:20 Casualty Elle panics when she wakes one morning to find Blake has not been home, and an already tense situation is made worse when he arrives in the ED with his friend Miles, who has been beaten unconscious. 22:10 News 22:30 Hard Sun Renko investigates evidence uncovered by DCS Roland Bell that suggests Hicks and Butler were corrupt, but she faces troubling questions at home when Daniel, fresh from his visit by Grace, begins to ask uncomfortable questions about both Hard Sun and his father. 23:30 Match of the Day 01:00 The NFL Show 01:30 Film - Papadopoulos and Sons (15) 03:15 Weather 03:20 News

07:00 The Wonder of Animals 07:40 Naomi’s Nightmares of Nature 08:10 The Pets Factor 08:30 Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch 09:00 The Dengineers 09:30 Deadly Top 10 10:00 Robot Wars 11:00 Steve Backshall’s Extreme Mountain Challenge 12:00 Snow Wolf Family and Me 13:00 Hairy Bikers Mediterranean Adventure 14:00 A Vicar’s Life 14:30 Back to the Land with Kate Humble 15:30 Trust Me, I’m a Doctor 16:00 Tennis: Australian Open 2018 17:30 Masters Snooker 18:30 Tom Kerridge’s Lose Weight for Good 19:00 Hugh’s Wild West 20:00 Masters Snooker Hazel Irvine presents coverage of the second semifinal, played over the best of 11 frames on day seven. Despite being an invitational event, this tournament is considered one of the more prestigious on the snooker calendar, and with the winner set to claim a cheque for £200,000, both of the players in this contest will be eager to progress to tomorrow’s final. With commentary and analysis by Steve Davis, Ken Doherty, Stephen Hendry, John Parrott, Dennis Taylor and John Virgo.


07:00 CITV 10:25 News 10:30 James Martin's Saturday Morning 12:25 The Hungry Sailors 13:20 Countrywise 13:50 News 14:00 Dancing on Ice 16:00 Celebrity Catchphrase 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 News 19:15 You've Been Framed!

07:00 3rd Rock from the Sun 07:50 King of Queens 08:40 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:05 Frasier 11:35 The Big Bang Theory 13:00 The Simpsons 14:25 Come Dine with Me 15:25 Coast v Country 16:25 A Place in the Sun 18:30 The Secret Life of the Zoo 19:30 News

07:00 Milkshake! 11:05 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:40 Make You Laugh Out Loud 12:05 Police Interceptors 14:05 The A-Team 16:10 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 18:10 Rich House, Poor House 19:05 The Wonderful World of Puppies

19:45 Take Me Out A bachelor has to impress a panel of thirty women through a series of videos about him, followed by the contestant demonstrating a skill. If the ladies like what they see, they keep a light on. If all lights go off, the bachelor goes home alone.

20:00 Great Canal Journeys Timothy West and Prunella Scales explore the Norfolk Broads. It’s their first time visiting this picturesque network of slow-moving rivers, fens, marshes and waterlogged woodlands.

20:00 Greatest Ever Celebrity Wind Ups Joe Pasquale narrates another selection of pranks pulled by British celebrities, placing their fellow stars on the receiving end.

21:00 The Voice UK Emma Willis presents as the coaches preside over the third round of Blind Auditions. As always, Jennifer Hudson,, Tom Jones and Olly Murs are tasked with assessing the potential star power of each contestant based on nothing but the power of their singing alone, only catching sight of each performer once they have delivered their verdict.

21:00 Village of the Year Five villages from this week’s heats go head-tohead for a spot in the grand final and the chance to win Village of the Year and the £10,000 prize money. 22:00 Film - Sicario (15) When the FBI raid a suburban bungalow in the sprawling city of Chandler, Arizona, they make a grisly discovery: partition walls stuffed with the decaying corpses of 42 men and women. The law enforcers also accidentally trigger a booby trap explosion, from which Kate Macer, leader of the Phoenix FBI’s kidnap response team, is lucky to walk away unscathed.

22:30 Through the Keyhole Paddy McGuinness, Gregg Wallace, and Scarlett Moffatt form the panel this week, as Keith ventures 23:30 QI XL 00:15 unbidden into another three Performance Live: I Told mystery celebrities' homes. 00:25 Film - Salt (12) 02:10 Ramsay’s Kitchen My Mum I Was Going on an Re Trip 01:00 Masters 23:30 News 23:45 Film - Nightmares USA 03:05 The Detective 03:45 Snooker Extra 03:00 This is Jaws 3 01:25 Jackpot247 Lie Hollyoaks Omnibus BBC Two 04:00 Babushka

21:00 Blind Date Paul O'Grady plays Cupid for more singletons looking for love. This time, dental manager Johnathan must choose between a picture framer, a health care worker and a sausage maker, while Joanna from Aberdeen is given her choice of a plumber from Stockport, a coach driver from Surrey and a gym enthusiast from Newcastle. 22:00 Football Highlights from the weekend's games in the Championship, including Wolverhampton Wanderers v Nottingham Forest, Sheffield Wednesday v Cardiff City and Leeds United v Millwall at Elland Road. 23:25 Celebrity Big Brother 00:30 The X Files 01:15 Super Casino 04:10 GPs: Behind Closed Doors

07:00 Emmerdale Omnibus 09:40 Coronation Street Omnibus 14:10 Film - St Trinian's 2: The Legend of Fritton's Gold (PG) 16:20 Film - The Smurfs 2 18:25 Film - The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (14) 22:00 Film Fast & Furious 6 (14) 00:10 Family Guy 01:05 American Dad! 02:05 Release the Hounds 03:05 The Ibiza Weekender 03:55 Teleshopping ITV 3 07:00 Murder, She Wrote 08:50 Lewis 10:50 Foyle's War 14:55 Rosemary and Thyme 15:55 Columbo 17:55 Midsomer Murders 20:00 Midsomer Murders 22:00 Midsomer Murders 00:00 Lewis 02:00 On the Buses 03:00 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping ITV 4 07:00 The Protectors 07:25 The Professionals 10:30 ITV Racing 11:30 Film - Superman (PG) 14:30 ITV Racing: Live From Ascot 17:00 Film Goldfinger (PG) 19:15 Pawn Stars 19:45 Pawn Stars 20:15 Film - Police Academy 3: Back in Training (PG) 22:00 Film The Blues Brothers (PG) 00:40 Film - Beetlejuice (PG) 02:35 Car Crash Global 03:35 Tommy Cooper 04:00 Teleshopping

Sunday TV 07:00 Breakfast 08:30 Match of the Day 10:00 The Andrew Marr Show 11:00 The Big Questions 12:00 Sunday Politics 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:15 Money for Nothing 15:15 Escape to the Country 16:15 Lifeline 16:25 Big Cats 17:25 Songs of Praise 18:00 The Coronation 19:00 News 19:30 Countryfile 20:30 Still Open All Hours Granville encourages Gastric to enter an art competition, but no one is prepared for the results. 21:00 Call the Midwife A new midwife joins the team as the area is rocked by power cuts and blizzards. The new arrival is delayed by the weather and falls ill as soon as she arrives.

07:15 The A to Z of TV Gardening 07:35 The Instant Gardener 08:20 Gardeners’ World 08:50 Greatest Gardens 09:20 Monty Don’s Paradise Gardens 10:20 Countryfile 11:15 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 12:45 Food & Drink 13:15 MOTD2 Extra 14:00 Live: Masters Snooker 18:15 Ski Sunday 19:00 Australian Open Tennis 20:00 Live: Masters Snooker Hazel Irvine presents concluding coverage of the final from Alexandra Palace, London, where a maximum of 11 frames will be played to decide this year's champion. Last year's showpiece match was a closely fought contest, with Ronnie O'Sullivan claiming a 10-7 victory over Joe Perry to win the competition for a record-breaking seventh time, putting him ahead of Stephen Hendry in the all-time list. With commentary and analysis by Steve Davis, Ken Doherty, Stephen Hendry, John Parrott, Dennis Taylor and John Virgo.

22:00 Mcmafia Alex believes Vadim is still a threat despite Semiyon’s fortunes continuing to rise until he is arrested in Tel Aviv. This new development disrupts Alex and Rebecca’s engagement celebrations, forcing Alex to fly out to Israel and try to resolve the crisis. However, Semiyon's plight presents a 00:00 The Mash Report despairing Lyudmilla with 00:30 Insert Name Here fresh hope. 01:00 Film - All Good Things (15) 02:35 Film 23:00 News 23:30 Match of Good Morning Karachi the Day 2 00:20 Man Like 04:00 Question Time 05:00 Mobeen 01:05 Weather Holby City 05:55 This Is 01:10 News BBC Two

07:00 CITV 10:25 News 10:30 River Monsters 11:00 Peston on Sunday 12:00 The Martin Lewis Money Show 12:25 The Voice UK 13:55 News 14:00 Best Walks with a View with Julia Bradbury 14:30 Britain’s Brightest Family 15:00 The Cruise: Return to the Mediterranean 15:30 Film Kindergarten Cop 17:35 News 18:00 The Chase: Celebrity Special 19:00 Dancing on Ice Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby present disco week, as the remaining 11 celebrities and their professional partners perform to impress judges Jayne Torvill, Christopher Dean, Ashley Banjo and Jason Gardiner and avoid having to compete in a skate-off to remain in the contest for another week. 21:10 Vera Quiet life in suburbia takes a dark turn when a woman is found murdered in her garden. When DCI Vera Stanhope discovers that the neighbours aren’t all that they seem, buried secrets must be unearthed in order to catch the killer. 23:10 News 23:25 Peston on Sunday 00:25 Next of Kin 01:20 Great Art 02:10 Jackpot247 04:00 Sunday Night at the Palladium 04:50 ITV Nightscreen

07:10 Jamie’s Comfort Food 07:20 The King of Queens 08:10 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00 Frasier 10:30 Sunday Brunch 13:30 Jamie and Jimmy’s Friday Night Feast 14:30 The Simpsons 16:00 Film - Capture the Flag (PG) 17:50 Film – Aladdin 19:35 News 20:00 Posh Pawn Prestige Pawnbrokers boss James gets his petrolhead fix with an E-Type Jaguar worth over £100,000. Memorabilia expert Lawrence appraises some unusual artwork. 21:00 The Biggest Little Railway in the World The tiny train grinds to a halt on its first hill, but one of the team has a brainwave. The build team decide to construct an ambitious curving bridge across a stream. 22:00 SAS: Who Dares Wins The remaining recruits race each other over sand dunes in the Sahara and must cross a valley at night while avoiding hunter teams who are tracking them with dogs. 23:00 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 23:55 Film - Season of the Witch (14) 01:45 Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners 02:40 The Lie Detective 03:25 Grand Designs Australia

07:00 Milkshake 10:35 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:10 Football 12:30 Police Interceptors 13:30 Film - Pixels (PG) Film - 15:25 Big Daddy (PG) 17:10 Film - Mr. Deeds (PG) 19:00 Film - Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves An English nobleman returns home from the crusades to find his father has been murdered and the local people are repressed by the tyrannical rule of the Sheriff of Nottingham. Branded an outlaw, he recruits a group of bandits to fight for justice and protect the downtrodden. Action adventure, starring Alan Costner, Kevin Morgan Rickman, Mary and Freeman Elizabeth (12) 21:55 News Big Celebrity 22:00 Brother Highlights of another day for the illustrious inhabitants as they cope with the day-to-day complications of life under the all-seeing eye of Big Brother, while also dealing with one another's quirks and foibles. 23:05 Film - Life as We Know It (PG) 01:10 Film That’s My Boy (18) 03:15 SuperCasino 05:00 Get Your Tatts Out: Kavos Ink 05:45 House Doctor

07:00 You’ve Been Framed! 07:50 Emmerdale Omnibus 10:35 Coronation Street Omnibus 13:25 Take Me Out 14:45 The Voice UK 16:20 Film - The Flintstones 18:05 Film The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (14) 22:00 The Ibiza Weekender 23:00 Family Guy 00:30 American Dad! 01:30 Film - Zack and Miri Make a Porno (18) ITV 3 07:00 Murder, She Wrote 08:50 Heartbeat 10:55 Columbo 12:55 Foyle’s War 19:00 Agatha Christie’s Marple 21:00 Paul O’Grady: For the Love of Dogs 22:00 Tonight at the London Palladium 23:00 Birds of a Feather 00:00 Film - The Sting (PG) 02:30 Blue Murder 03:50 Rosemary and Thyme 04:40 Road to Avonlea 06:25 On the Buses ITV 4 07:00 Snooker v Darts 07:05 Minder 07:55 The Car Chasers 09:15 Pawn Stars 13:00 Film Superman (PG) 16:00 Film - Police Academy 3: Back in Training (PG) 17:40 Film - Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (PG) 19:45 Hornblower 22:00 Film - Unknown (14) 00:20 Film - Scarface (18) 03:35 The Protectors


Friday 19th January 2018

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Rip Off Britain: Holidays 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Wanted Down Under 12:45 A1: Britain’s Longest Road 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Father Brown 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 The Farmers’ Country Showdown 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Inside Out

07:00 Flog It!: Trade Secrets 07:30 The Farmers’ Country Showdown 08:15 Antiques Road Trip 09:00 Antiques Roadshow 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Live: World Indoor Championship Bowls 17:45 Australian Open Tennis 18:30 Flog It! 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great American Railroad Journeys

21:00 EastEnders The men involved in Aidan’s job are determined to find their money.

20:00 Amazing Hotels: Life Beyond the Lobby Giles and Monica discover Giraffe Manor, a unique hotel where giraffes, staff and guests all coexist on the edge of Nairobi National Park.

21:30 Panorama A look at racial segregation in Blackburn, with some parts of the town almost entirely Muslim Asian, while other areas are only lived in by white residents. 22:00 Silent Witness An American diplomat is shot dead and the team arrives at the scene to find his body posed - sitting upright on a bench with his hand tucked inside his jacket. An argument quickly ensues between the police and the US embassy, which claims the murder falls under its jurisdiction, while the Lyell crew fights against the bureaucracy of the FBI. 23:00 News 23:45 Have I Got Old News for You 00:15 New Tricks 01:15 Graham Norton 02:00 Weather 02:05 News

21:00 Only Connect The Meeples and the Inquisitors compete to find the connections between: Ice Field, Eton Rugby, English Carom, League Union. 21:30 University Challenge Quiz 22:00 Surgeons: At the Edge of Life Surgeons and patients venture into uncharted territory with clinical trials, attempting a new kind of liver transplant and genetherapy with a live modified virus. 23:00 Insert Name Here 23:30 Newsnight 00:15 Millionaires’ Ex-Wives Club 01:15 Indoor Bowls 02:15 Countryfile 03:10 Big Cats

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 News 20:00 Emmerdale Debbie enacts a dangerous plan. 20:30 Coronation Street Trouble awaits Gary when he follows Bethany to work. 21:00 The Martin Lewis Money Show Martin and Angellica take a look at credit scores, offering advice to anyone trying to get a credit card, or a loan and how to retain the benefits of store loyalty card. 21:30 Coronation Street Anna steels herself for the jury’s verdict. 22:00 Next of Kin Mona returns to the UK from Karachi and, despite her injuries, is determined to investigate her nephew Danny’s suspected links to radical Islamic terrorists. But on the day of her brother Kareem’s funeral, the GP’s efforts to get Danny to safety have unexpectedly dire consequences for the family. 23:00 News 23:45 Britain’s Favourite Dogs: Top 100 01:10 Jackpot247 04:00 Jeremy Kyle

07:00 Countdown 07:45 3rd Rock From the Sun 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Frasier 11:05 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:00 Sun, Sea and Selling Houses 13:00 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Posh Pawn 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Village of the Year 17:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Extreme Cake Makers 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 News 20:30 Dispatches 21:00 How to Lose Weight Well Xand, Hala and Stacie oversee proceedings as three more pairs road test some of the most popular diets. Rebecca and Alisha have two weeks to slim down for a holiday , Gary and Connor want to lose weight for a graduation, and Elaine and Sue aim to shed the pounds for a work reunion.

Monday TV 07:00 Milkshake 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 Cowboy Builders and Bodge Jobs 13:10 News 13:15 The Hotel Inspector 14:05 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Film - Manny Dearest 18:00 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 News 20:00 Car Crash TV Careering through a bumper crop of foolhardy speeders, a crash scene investigation, 4x4 fails, the blame game, plucky pedestrians, two wheels or four wheels? 21:00 Police Interceptors Darren calls on all his powers of persuasion to try and end a rooftop stand-off. Steve is forced to use his pepper spray when a suspect refuses to come quietly, and tasers are drawn in a situation with a man who is armed with a knife.

22:00 The Undateables The love-seekers include Amber (27), who suffered a major stroke eight years ago. Having learned to walk and talk again, Amber’s ready to find her Prince Charming.

22:00 Celebrity Big Brother Marcus Bentley narrates as the housemates lie in their beds, chat on the sofas and argue in the kitchen - all for our enjoyment.

23:00 First Dates Hotel 00:05 Derry Girls 00:40 Hunted 01:40 Who Dares Wins 02:30 The Supervet 03:25 The Lie Detective 04:10 Cabins in the Wild

23:00 Extraordinary People 00:05 Celebrity BB’s Bit on the Side 01:05 Celebrity Botched Up Bodies 02:00 SuperCasino 04:10 Secrets Of The National Trust

07:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:55 Dress to Impress 08:45 Emmerdale 09:20 Coronation Street 10:25 Ellen DeGeneres 11:10 Who’s Doing the Dishes? 12:10 Dress to Impress 13:10 Emmerdale 13:45 Coronation Street 14:45 Ellen DeGeneres 15:35 Jeremy Kyle 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Superstore 22:00 Family Guy 23:00 American Dad! ITV 3 07:00 Classic Coronation Street 07:55 Heartbeat 08:55 The Royal 10:00 Judge Judy 11:20 The Darling Buds of May 13:35 The Royal 14:40 Heartbeat 15:40 Classic Coronation Street 16:50 On the Buses 17:55 Rising Damp 18:25 George and Mildred 19:00 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Lewis 23:00 Foyle’s War ITV 4 07:00 The Chase 07:50 Pawn Stars 08:30 Ironside 09:30 Quincy, M.E. 10:35 Minder 11:35 The Sweeney 12:40 The Professionals 13:45 Ironside 14:50 Quincy, M.E. 15:55 Minder 16:55 The Sweeney 18:00 The Professionals 19:00 The Car Chasers 20:00 Pawn Stars 21:00 River Monsters 23:00 Film - The Bank Job (14)

Tuesday TV 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Rip Off Britain: Holidays 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Wanted Down Under 12:45 A1: Britain’s Longest Road 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Father Brown 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 The Farmers’ Country Showdown 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders With emotions high, the situation between Martin and Stacey escalates. 21:00 Holby City Torn between guilt and duty, Hanssen is pushed to the brink.

07:00 Flog It!: Trade Secrets 07:30 The Farmers’ Country Showdown 08:15 Antiques Road Trip 09:00 Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Live: World Indoor Championship Bowls 17:45 Australian Open Tennis 18:30 Flog It! 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great American Railroad Journeys

23:00 News 23:45 Love and Hate Crime 00:45 Stacey Dooley Investigates 01:45 Weather for the Week Ahead 01:50 News

20:00 Emmerdale Zak and Lisa reach a difficult decision.

20:00 Amazing Hotels: Life Beyond the Lobby Giles and Monica arrive at Royal Mansour, one of the world’s most discreet hotels, hidden deep in the heart of Marrakech’s ancient Medina. 21:00 Sue Perkins and the Chimp Sanctuary Sue travels to America to meet a group of newly retired chimpanzees at Chimp Haven, the US national chimpanzee sanctuary.

22:00 Silent Witness While analysing pictures of the crime scene and the positions of the bodies of the victims, the team discovers a secret that reaches the pinnacle of the American government.

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 News

22:00 House of Saud: A Family at War A look at how the family stays in power, featuring some of those who have worked for Princes. They describe how the wealth allowed lives of privilege and pleasure out of the spotlight. 23:00 Inside No. 9 23:30 Newsnight 00:15 NFL This Week 01:05 Indoor Bowls 02:05 Surgeons: At the Edge of Life 03:05 The Real Marigold on Tour

20:30 The National Television Awards Celebrities gather at The O2, London, for a ceremony honouring the best offerings to grace TVs over the past year. Shows such as Doctor Foster, Liar, Call the Midwife and Casualty compete for honours. Tom Hardy, David Tennant, Sheridan Smith, Jenna Coleman and Suranne Jones are also in with a chance of taking home NTAs, and 2018 sees the launch of the Bruce Forsyth Entertainment Award. 23:00 News 23:50 Girlfriends 00:50 Killer Women with Piers Morgan 01:45 Jackpot247 04:00 Loose Women

07:00 Countdown 07:45 3rd Rock From the Sun 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Frasier 11:05 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:00 Sun, Sea and Selling Houses 13:00 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Posh Pawn 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Village of the Year 17:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Extreme Cake Makers 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 News 21:00 The Secret Life of the Zoo Aardvark Koos is showing a potentially romantic interest in his sister Himba, but the zoo needs to ensure that their animals are breeding from the right genetic pool. 22:00 24 Hours in A&E Gary is brought into St George's after a garage collapsed and fell on his legs. His wife Peta joins him, while Maggie comes in to A&E with suspected sepsis. She's joined by her son and daughter, who also deal with the fact her mother has lung cancer. Plus, one-year-old George is rushed in after drinking nail varnish remover. 23:00 Inside Bentley: A Great British Motor Car 00:00 Before We Die 01:15 Naked Attraction 02:10 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 03:00 How to Lose Weight Well

07:00 Milkshake 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 Cowboy Builders and Bodge Jobs 13:10 News 13:15 The Hotel Inspector 14:05 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Film - Dance Night Obsession 18:00 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 News 20:00 Secrets Of The National Trust with Alan Titchmarsh Alan visits Quarry Bank Mill in Cheshire and Oz Clarke uncovers some Civil War history at Dunster Castle in Somerset. 21:00 Diet Secrets & How to Lose Weight A team of scientists, doctors and dieticians look at the secrets behind high and low carbohydrate diets and explore the biggest myths. Also Tina Malone completely gives up refined and added sugar for four weeks to see if it has any health benefits. 22:00 Celebrity Big Brother A chance to catch up with the latest action from the house. Plus, Emma Willis announces the newest evictee, but who will it be? 23:00 One Night With My Ex 00:05 Celebrity BB’s Bit on the Side 01:05 Celebrity Big Brother 02:00 SuperCasino

07:55 Dress to Impress 08:45 Emmerdale 09:20 Coronation Street 10:25 Ellen DeGeneres 11:10 Who’s Doing the Dishes? 12:10 Dress to Impress 13:10 Emmerdale 13:45 Coronation Street 14:45 Ellen DeGeneres 15:35 Jeremy Kyle 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Superstore 22:00 Film - American Pie (18) ITV 3 07:00 Classic Coronation Street 07:55 Heartbeat 08:55 The Royal 10:00 Judge Judy 11:20 The Darling Buds of May 13:35 The Royal 14:40 Heartbeat 15:40 Classic Coronation Street 16:50 On the Buses 17:55 Rising Damp 18:25 George and Mildred 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Midsomer Murders 23:00 Foyle’s War ITV 4 07:00 The Chase 07:50 Pawn Stars 08:30 Ironside 09:25 Quincy, M.E. 10:30 Minder 11:30 The Sweeney 12:35 The Professionals 13:40 Ironside 14:45 Quincy, M.E. 15:50 Minder 16:55 The Sweeney 18:00 The Professionals 19:00 The Car Chasers 20:05 Pawn Stars 21:00 The Chase: Celebrity Special 22:00 Britain’s Busiest Airport 23:00 Film - Death Race (14)



Friday 19th January 2018

COME AND JOIN US! It’s the perfect time to consider joining Find A Spanish Property as a property associate, as property prices are on the rise, and the market is blossoming. 2016 was a positive year for the real estate market with prices having bottomed out the year before with modest price rises. Things have really kicked in during 2017, in strong contrast to the recession period that kicked in during 2008 and 2009. Official government figures confirm that prices are rising this year, and outside the cities of Madrid and Barcelona, Alicante Province which features the Costa Blanca, and the Murcia region with the Costa Calida tourist area, are two of the biggest areas on mainland Spain which are seeing substantial rises in demand along with price increases. The cranes are back with new homes being built by the coast, and the re-sale market continues to rise, fuelled by low interest rates in Spain. Statistics show that demand for homes from British buyers is still high, despite pessimistic fears last year over the Brexit factor, coupled with purchasers from across Europe, and even further afield. Recent surveys show that the majority of British people living in Spain are aged 65 and over, and website statistics confirm that older British nationals with no mortgage on their UK property are still very much looking at Spain as their area of choice to buy a holiday home, or even somewhere to retire to. It’s a great time to get involved in becoming a seller of real-estate in Spain, especially since most of the cowboys disappeared thanks to the recession nearly a decade ago. We like to think that we’ve played our own small part in helping to seeing them off, by offering an honest business that people are proud to recommend and that we now want to substantially expand.

Getting Started We will remove the pain and hassle of starting up your own estate agency by setting the all-important website that will market your business. The costs are cut, and you don’t need any experience of running an agency or experience of sales. We can do that for you, but you will need to promote your website and of course to generate new opportunities.

What You Get:• • • • • • • • •

Your Own Domain Name A Find A Spanish Property Dynamic and Responsive Website with YOUR Contact Details, Ready to Go. 100´s of Properties, Growing Daily, Including New Builds, Resales, Renovation Projects and Deals. Automatic Targeted News Stories and Articles for YOUR Website Free Social Media Content For YOUR Use Business Promotion Pack - Business Cards, Flyers, etc Discount Newspaper and Radio Advertising Full Training and Support Package Plus MANY Other Optional Extras

What happens next? With our support you can advertise YOUR website anywhere you wish in local and social media, newspapers, magazines, radio, TV, it´s up to you. Once an enquiry is made it comes to YOU and your account manager, the decision is made by YOU as to how to proceed. You can get involved in the whole process as much or as little as YOU wish. Full legal documentation and support is provided by our independent legal team. Upon sale we will provide accounting documentation which details your commission. Throughout the entire process we will liaise with you and have full agreement on every aspect, including such things as picking up clients from the airport; property tours; taking them to solicitors; and signing those final papers. That’s our job, whilst as an Find A Spanish Property Associate you can get involved in as much or as little as you like.

What Have You Got To Lose? This is really the best time in a decade to get involved with the Spanish property market and to earn our generous commissions. Get in touch with us now to learn more.

Wednesday TV 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Rip Off Britain: Holidays 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Wanted Down Under 12:45 A1: Britain’s Longest Road 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Father Brown 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 The Farmers’ Country Showdown 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 News 20:00 The One Show 21:00 EastEnders Mick and Linda are left to face a harsh reality. 21:30 Would I Lie to You? Host Rob Brydon and team captains Lee Mack and David Mitchell return for previously unseen material, and a stellar cast of celebrity guests reveal amazing stories about themselves. 22:00 Miriam’s Big American Adventure Miriam is smack in the middle of cowboy country, rural Arkansas, hanging out with Wild West cattle farmers and western goods emporium owners Dan and Peggy Eoff. Seduced by the landscape, Miriam feels the stark divide between city and country folk and sees firsthand why they feel Trump is their man. But the divisions don’t stop there. Arkansas also has one of the highest concentrations of extreme race hate groups in the US. 23:00 News 23:45 A Question of Sport 00:15 And They’re Off! For Sport Relief 01:00 Weather for the Week Ahead 01:05 News

07:00 Flog It!: Trade Secrets 07:30 The Farmers’ Country Showdown 08:15 Antiques Road Trip 09:00 Fern Britton Meets... Rev Rose Hudson-Wilkin 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 News 12:30 Daily Politics 14:00 Lifeline 14:10 Live: World Indoor Championship Bowls 17:45 Australian Open Tennis 18:30 Flog It! 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great American Railroad Journeys 20:00 Amazing Hotels: Life Beyond the Lobby Giles and Monica experience the warm embrace of Fogo Island Inn, in Newfoundland. 21:00 Tom Kerridge’s Lose Weight for Good Some of the dieters are sneaking off for takeaways so Tom invents lower calorie versions of their favourite fast foods. 21:30 Trust Me I’m a Doctor Journalist Michael Mosley & a team of doctors scientifically investigate popular health claims, myths & misconceptions. 22:00 Stealing Van Gogh Andrew Graham Dixon confronts the worlds of high art and seriously organised crime to uncover the true story behind the greatest art heist of the 21st century. 23:00 Mock the Week 23:30 Newsnight 00:15 Inside the Factory 01:15 Indoor Bowls 02:15 A Life on Screen 03:15 Six Robots and Us


07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 News 20:00 Emmerdale Lachlan has a shocking realisation. 20:30 Coronation Street Eva backs out of sharing her baby news with Aidan. 21:00 Britain’s Brightest Family In the third heat of the knockout tournament hosted by The Governess, the Gavin family from Gloucestershire battle the Curtis family from Kent for a place in the quarterfinals. 21:30 Coronation Street Toyah is stunned by Eva’s pregnancy. 22:00 Girlfriends Gail reaches breaking point; with her son’s drug addict ex refusing to return her grandson, Gail sets out to find him and bring him home. Linda’s horrified when a revenge-seeking Carole breaks into her home, and the girlfriends are terrified to discover just how far she’ll go when she’s pushed to the edge. Sue’s getting cold feet about laying herself bare in court; as John turns on the charm to win her over. 23:00 News 23:45 Film The Danish Girl (15) 01:55 Jackpot247 04:00 Tenable

07:00 Countdown 07:45 3rd Rock From the Sun 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Frasier 11:05 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:00 Sun, Sea and Selling Houses 13:00 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Posh Pawn 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Village of the Year 17:00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Extreme Cake Makers 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 News 21:00 Kirstie and Phil’s Love It or List It Phil Spencer and Kirstie Allsopp meet the Pogsons in Harrogate, who need a multi-generational home for the kids and a grandparent, and must either sell or extend. 22:00 Kiri Alice and Jim are shocked to hear from DI Mercer that the police case against Nate might not be straightforward after all, and everything may not be as it seemed. Meanwhile, social worker Miriam is once again in the firing line when a reeling Alice goes on the offensive, and Tobi is furious with the police for the way they have treated his family, as DI Mercer has more bad news for him. 23:00 999: What’s Your Emergency? 00:05 24 Hours in A&E 01:05 Poker 02:00 Film - A Fantastic Fear of Everything (15) 03:40 Dispatches 04:10 Walking Through Time 05:10 Location, Location, Location

07:00 Milkshake 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 Cowboy Builders and Bodge Jobs 13:10 News 13:15 The Hotel Inspector 14:05 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Film - Her Evil Twin 18:00 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 News 20:00 Police Interceptors Dog handler Darren calls on all his powers of persuasion to try and end a rooftop stand-off. Steve is forced to use his pepper spray when a suspect refuses to come quietly, and tasers are drawn in a situation with a man who is armed with a knife. 21:00 GPs: Behind Closed Doors Dr Pelly meets a young lad who has fallen down the stairs and landed on his head. Dr Ahmad is concerned for a young woman with stomach pains. Dr Edge has a moving consultation with a disabled patient, and Dr Ramshaw offers some contraceptive advice.

07:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:55 Dress to Impress 08:45 Emmerdale 09:20 The Cube 10:25 Ellen DeGeneres 11:10 Who’s Doing the Dishes? 12:10 Dress to Impress 13:10 Emmerdale 14:45 Ellen DeGeneres 15:35 Jeremy Kyle 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Superstore 22:00 Film - Fast and Furious (15) 00:10 Family Guy 01:10 American Dad! 02:10 Two and a Half Men ITV3 07:00 Classic Coronation Street 07:55 Heartbeat 08:55 The Royal 10:00 Judge Judy 11:20 The Darling Buds of May 13:35 The Royal 14:40 Heartbeat 15:40 Classic Coronation Street 16:50 On the Buses 17:55 Rising Damp 18:20 George and Mildred 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Endeavour 23:00 Foyle’s War 01:10 Inspector Morse ITV4

22:00 Celebrity Big Brother Highlights of the housemates’ past 24 hours under the all-seeing eye of Big Brother as the celebrities cope with living under constant surveillance. 23:05 Celebrity Big Brother: Behind the Scenes 23:35 Football 00:50 Traffic Cops 01:50 Criminals: Caught on Camera 02:15 SuperCasino 04:10 One Night With My Ex

07:00 The Chase 07:50 Pawn Stars 08:30 Ironside 09:25 Quincy, M.E. 10:30 Minder 11:35 The Sweeney 12:40 The Professionals 13:45 Ironside 14:50 Quincy, M.E. 15:50 Minder 16:55 The Sweeney 18:00 The Professionals 19:05 The Car Chasers 20:05 Pawn Stars 21:00 River Monsters 22:00 Film Unknown (12) 00:20 Lethal Weapon 01:20 Film Beetlejuice (15)


Friday 19th January 2018

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Rip Off Britain: Holidays 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Wanted Down Under 12:45 A1: Britain’s Longest Road 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Father Brown 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 The Farmers’ Country Showdown 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 News 20:00 The One Show

07:00 Flog It!: Trade Secrets 07:30 The Farmers’ Country Showdown 08:15 Antiques Road Trip 09:00 MasterChef: The Professionals 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Live: World Indoor Championship Bowls 18:00 Australian Open Tennis 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great American Railroad Journeys

20:30 EastEnders It’s deadline day for the Carters and Mick does all he can to find the money he needs to save his beloved Queen Vic.

20:00 Amazing Hotels: Life Beyond the Lobby Giles and Monica don their best thermals and travel to Lapland.

21:00 Big Cats Using high-tech collars, Professor Alan Wilson has discovered it is not straight line speed that’s a cheetah’s greatest weapon but their ability to brake, change direction and accelerate. 22:00 Death in Paradise DI Mooney and the team become embroiled in the mysterious world of faith healing when a blind woman dies while being treated by renowned healer Steadman King. When it turns out the victim was poisoned, all eyes turn to Steadman and his cup of holy water. But how could the prime suspect have carried out the deed in front of an audience without anyone noticing? 23:00 News 23:45 Question Time 00:45 This Week 01:30 Weather 01:35 News

21:00 Hairy Bikers’ M e d i t e r r a n e a n Adventure In Provence, the bikers begin their journey in Marseille, one of the largest ports in the Mediterranean, where the population is as diverse as the Mediterranean itself. 22:00 A House Through Time Young newlyweds moved into the attic at the end of the war, but then the house fell into rapid decline and after a family of seven stayed there, it was marked for demolition, narrowly avoiding the wrecking ball by a strange twist of fate. David meets the current owner, who has restored the home. 23:00 The Mash Report 23:30 Newsnight 00:15 Stealing Van Gogh 01:15 Indoor Bowls 02:15 A House Through Time 03:15 Hairy Bikers’ Mediterranean Adventure 04:15 This Is BBC Two

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 News 20:00 Emmerdale Lachlan is on a mission. 20:30 Bargain Holidays: What’s the Truth? Can you get a summer holiday on the cheap? Adam Shaw investigates the potential perils and pitfalls of buying your summer holiday in the sun and looks for some of the best deals on the market. 21:00 Emmerdale Lachlan fears exposure. 21:30 The Cruise Return to the Mediterranean A shortage of orange juice causes a crisis for chef David, the ship welcomes a group of blind and partially sighted passengers, and the staff go the extra mile in an attempt to win the employee of the month award. 22:00 Transformation Street A patient at the beginning of her transition from male to female prepares to explain to her small son that his father is now a woman. 23:00 News 23:45 Great Art 00:45 Joanna Lumley’s Postcards 01:10 Lethal Weapon 02:00 Jackpot247 04:00 Bargain Holidays: What’s the Truth?

BBC Two's Cradle to Grave "is in limbo" due to Peter Kay's family commitment

Last year it was announced that a second series of Danny Baker's Cradle to Grave would be going into production, but now the show's creator has revealed the show is in 'limbo'. Last month, comedian Peter Kay (who plays father Spud in the sitcom) announced that he was cancelling all of his "upcoming work projects" due to "unforeseen family circumstances". Speaking to The Sun, Baker said: "The show is in limbo. I'll wait for Peter until 2019, but the actors all need to know. "The BBC is being very good about it but a big player independent of the BBC and

everyone else has stepped in and said, 'We think there's a way of doing your record shop or punk years'. I'd be happy if it was just that." Although Kay has said that he is cancelling all of his

projects, including his first live tour in eight years, the two planned Car Share specials are still going ahead. One of the two specials will wrap the entire series up, while the other one will be unscripted and improvised. When he announced his work cancellations, Kay said: "My sincerest apologies. This decision has not been taken lightly and I'm sure you'll understand my family must always come first. "I've always endeavoured to protect my family's privacy from the media. I hope that the media and the public will continue to respect our privacy at this time. Once again, I'm very sorry."

07:00 Countdown 07:45 3rd Rock From the Sun 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Frasier 11:05 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:00 Sun, Sea and Selling Houses 13:00 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Posh Pawn 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Village of the Year 17:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Extreme Cake Makers 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 News 21:00 George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces George meets airline enthusiast Vince, who bought a cockpit from a passenger jet. He's hired Stu to transform it into a summerhouse. However, the two have never met, neither of them have even seen the cockpit and Vince isn't even if It'll fit in his garden. 22:00 Hunted The hunters have their nemesis, former police firearms officer Jamie, in their sights. So far, father and son team Bob and Alex Ayling have been using Bob's Freemason network to evade capture. But when Chief Peter Bleksley mounts a campaign to crack the secretive organisation, word gets back to the fugitives, who have to make a game-changing decision. 23:00 Derry Girls 23:30 The Undateables 00:30 The Super Orgasm 01:30 Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners 02:25 The Secret Life of the Zoo

Thursday TV 10:05 Milkshake 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 Cowboy Builders and Bodge Jobs 13:10 News 13:15 The Hotel Inspector 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Film - Driven Underground 18:00 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 News 20:00 The Wonderful World of Puppies Dogs use subtle signals and clues to talk to each other. It’s much more than just barks and growls. All dogs try to comprehend each other using a strict code and specific behaviours. For puppies it’s even more complicated as they’re still developing. 21:00 Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun The documentary following British people living in Benidorm returns. West Midlander Paul has high hopes for his recently opened cafe bar offering fry-ups and Sunday lunch among the tapas and tavernas of the city's historic old town and Sue and Rod have opened a horse rescue centre. 22:00 Celebrity Big Brother Highlights of another day in the Big Brother house. 23:00 Celebrity 100 Percent Hotter! 00:05 Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 01:00 SuperCasino 04:10 GPs: Behind Closed Doors12 05:00 Britain’s Greatest Bridges 05:45 House Doctor

07:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:55 Dress to Impress 08:45 Emmerdale 09:20 Coronation Street 10:25 Ellen DeGeneres 11:10 Who’s Doing the Dishes? 12:10 Dress to Impress 13:10 Emmerdale 13:45 Coronation Street 14:45 Ellen DeGeneres 15:35 Jeremy Kyle 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Superstore 22:00 Release the Hounds 23:00 Celebrity Juice 23:50 Family Guy ITV3 07:00 Classic Coronation Street 07:55 Heartbeat 08:55 The Royal 10:00 Judge Judy 11:20 The Darling Buds of May 13:35 The Royal 14:40 Heartbeat 15:40 Classic Coronation Street 16:50 On the Buses 17:55 Rising Damp 18:25 George and Mildred 19:00 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Agatha Christie’s Marple 23:00 Foyle’s War 01:05 Inspector Morse ITV4 07:00 The Chase 07:50 Pawn Stars 08:30 Ironside 09:30 Quincy, M.E. 10:30 Minder 11:40 The Sweeney 12:40 The Professionals 13:50 Ironside 14:50 Quincy, M.E. 15:55 Minder 17:00 The Sweeney 18:00 The Professionals 19:05 The Car Chasers 20:05 Pawn Stars 21:00 The Chase: Celebrity Special The 22:00 Film Shawshank Redemption (15) 03:05 The Americans

There's a Prince Harry and Meghan Markle TV movie on the way

There are still four months to go until Prince Harry and Meghan Markle tie the knot, but royal wedding fever appears to be in full swing in Britain and across the pond. Ahead of the big day at Windsor Castle on May 19, US cable network Lifetime is said to be preparing a film that documents the couple's romance. Yes, a Harry and Meghan movie is on the way. According to Deadline, the project is titled Harry & Meghan: The Royal Love Story, and was mentioned by Lifetime's head of programming Liz Gateley at the Television Critics Association press tour.

It will reportedly tell the story of how the couple met after being set up by friends, charting the early days of their romance while also focusing on the press attention the former Suits star has received since it was con-

firmed she was dating the prince in autumn 2016. Menhaj Huda – who has previously worked on The Royals – is said to be directing the film, which is still currently looking for the perfect people to play the bride and groom-to-be. There's no air date just yet, although as Deadline points out, a premiere in early May, just a few weeks before the wedding date, is most likely. Harry & Meghan will be the second Lifetime movie to be made about the royal family's love stories in recent years. It follows William & Kate: The Movie, which made its debut on the channel just a few days before the couple's wedding in April 2011.

Home Computing



BlueMoon Solutions

BlueMoon Solutions is the computer and IT services company on the Costa Blanca. BlueMoon Solutions comes to you at home or at work. Their personal service covers from Alicante to Pilar de la Horadada.

Richard moved to Spain ten years ago having left his management background behind in the UK and decided to use his IT skills to help home users and small businesses with their PC problems. Now a relaxed 'computer man' he is out and about in the Spanish sun every day, making house and shop calls and using his vast experience and qualifications to sort out the problem there and then. Computers are his hobby as well as his work so don’t be surprised to get an answer to your email in the early hours!

ADVICE: James had a question regarding Solid State Drives ADVICE: Uffe wanted to know whether he could install Firefox on his tablet without risk. (SSD’s)


Hi Richard, have read about how fast the SSD's are and enjoyed your article. One question I have is: - why install a 120 GB SSD in place of a 500 GB or 750 GB SATA? Surely nowadays 120 GB disc is nowhere enough. Regards James


Hi James, speed is the simple answer. Of course I accept that 120 GB is not enough space to store everything we need in our increasingly digital lives, however 120 GB is more than enough to store the operating system and our dayto-day programs, and this is what I elude to at the bottom of the article. I would suggest that where appropriate we use an SSD to store our computers operating system and programs and then we store our data on a "standard" hard drive. In doing so we get the speed performance we are looking for and we don’t clog up our nice shiny SSD with pictures we hardly ever look at. If, of course, money is no object then you could go the "whole hog" and but a 500 GB SSD but then we are talking serious money. Hope that answers your question?

Email: Mobile: 655 044 970


Hi Richard, before I install Firefox on my tablet I would like to make sure it doesn’t conflict with Google Chrome which is my usual browser? By the way, I have another access to the Internet simply called "Browser"! I seldom use it, but it appears that it is "just" Google - and not Chrome? Anyway, can I install Firefox without "risk"? Thanks Uffe


Hi Uffe, there are risk-free solutions when it comes to computing, anything and everything we do with our computers has an inherent risk attached to it, however in this case, it’s a pretty straightforward thing to do to install a new web browser on your tablet. There should be no “conflict” between the different browsers, Google Chrome, Firefox and “Browser” which is simply a web browser that comes as part of the Android package are all happy to work alongside each other on your tablet. NEW: Tel: 965 987 032

Don’t forget, you can follow me on Facebook: Alternatively, why don’t you sign up for my newsletter. You can do this by going



Fit the words into the boxes.

Code Cracker is a crossword puzzle with no clues; instead, every letter of the alphabet has been replaced by a number, the same number representing the same letter throughout the puzzle. All you have to do is decide which letter is represented by which number.

DOUBLE CROSS-WORD Solve the Double Cross-Word puzzle using either the standard or cryptic clues, the answers are exactly the same.

2 letter words On So 3 letter words Ash Bio Boa Eat Leo Let Pin Ram 4 letter words Adze Ages Alee Aloe Ares Aria


Suds Thus Tons Urdu Vest Ware Webs 5 letter words Altar Audio Banns Blind Cater Cause Chips Choke Coder Elate Enemy

Bale Cafe Cava Clue Dark Deer Gene Ides Kept Mess Nous Ones Pile Prep Roes Safe Save Spry Step

Cryptic Clues Down

1 The mark of uncommon cars? (4) 3 Artist depicts sunlight streaming on the docks (8) 9 Top schoolboy makes mistakes in a note (7) 10 Push a canal boat (5) 11 Ballads from Epsom (5) 12 Italian time American is able to be read (6) 14 Relieves incantations (6) 16 Father meets a girl, a Spanish dish (6) 19 Dog consumed churchman (6) 21 Hints before you start to get a little drunk (5) 24 Sounds like a call to get rid of water (5) 25 No guise becomes so fiery (7) 26 Sweep ate cooked garden plant (8) 27 Glossy magazine uncovers a beating (4)

1 Careless Pete S is French but the most inclined (8) 2 At this address you will find a sailor and a poem (5) 4 Highly decorated in the Battle of Little Big Horn, a terrific achievement (6) 5 Discovered that the instruments went haywire at bus crash (5) 6 A very high post (3,4) 7 Restrict the branch (4) 8 Build silent Christmas decoration (6) 13 Cosy pals danced to West Indian music (8) 15 Slippery vile Sue is wrong (7) 17 Temporary job for a thespian (6) 18 In slander I detect insult (6) 20 Dame Margot Fonteyn demonstrates slang (5) 22 Hop to another snapshot (5) 23 Has drifted snow (4)

Finns Hoary Humus Nosey Oinks Pious Plonk Razor Refer Relax Rider Sauce Shale Sioux Slunk Steer Stern 6 letter words Aghast

Carobs Cavern Clumsy Dashed Penury Scrams Spinet 8 letter words Erratics Floaters 9 letter words Boomerang Fishermen

Standard Clues Across 1 Mark (4) 3 Depicts (8) 9 Public school boy (7) 10 Flatboat (5) 11 Verse forms (5) 12 Italian dialect (6) 14 Charms (6) 16 Spanish rice dish (6) 19 Minister of religion (6) 21 Merry (5) 24 Squeeze (5) 25 Fiery (7) 26 Climbing garden plant (8) 27 Mislaying (4) Down 1 Most precipitous (8) 2 Dwelling (5) 4 Elaborate (6) 5 Lowest brass wind instrument (5) 6 Letters transported by planes (3,4) 7 Stalk (4) 8 Christmas tree decoration (6) 13 West Indian music (plural) (8) 15 Indefinable (7) 17 Behaving (6) 18 Ridicule (6) 20 Jargon (5) 22 Snapshot (5) 23 Possesses (4)

Quiz Word

Across 1/9 Which footballer holds the record for most international appearances (125) for England? (5,7) 4 Glass of Champagne (1975) and Girls Girls Girls (1976) were both British top 10 hit singles for which group? (6) 9 See 1 10 Word meaning to burn with a hot liquid or steam or to subject to harsh criticism? (5) 11 What name is given to a speech defect that involves pronouncing s like voiceless th and z like voiced th? (4) 12 What forename connects playwright Rattigan and actor Stamp? (7) 13 What is the international code signal of extreme distress, used especially by ships at sea? (3) 14 Which word can mean deficient in beauty or inclined to anger or bad feelings with overtones of menace? (4) 16 Which opera in four acts by Giuseppe Verdi to an Italian libretto by Antonio Ghislanzoni, was based on a historical incident brought to light by French Eqyptologist Auguste Mariette? (4) 18 Which British unit of weight is equivalent to 2,240lbs? (3)

20 What name is given to the result obtained by adding several amounts together and then dividing this total by the number of amounts? (7) 21 What name is given to a skewer for holding meat over a fire? (4) 24 Name applied to an adult insect produced after metamorphosis? (5) 25 Which Scandinavian alcoholic spirit made from potatoes is usually flavoured with caraway seeds? (7) 26 Collectively, by what name were the three goddess sisters Aglaia (Brightness), Euphrosyne (Joyfulness) and Thalia (Bloom) usually known? (6) 27 Name of the floor consisting of open space at the top of a house just below roof; often used for storage? (5) Down 1 Which club-shaped hand tool is used for grinding and mixing substances in a mortar? (6) 2 The name of which small branches or divisions of a branch also means understands, usually after some initial difficulty? (5) 3 George Herman were the first names of which American baseball player who set a record of 714 home runs that



1 Error (7) 5 Speedy (5) 8 Conceive of (7) 9 Young females (5) 10 Pulsate (5) 11 Exact (7) 12 Decrease (6) 14 Absconded (6) 17 Draw air into, and expel out of, the lungs (7) 19 Hobo (5) 22 Defile (5) 23 Building (7) 24 Broadcast (5) 25 Set aside (7)

1 Damp (5) 2 Step (5) 3 Good-natured (7) 4 Excuse (6) 5 Scoundrel (5) 6 Endure (7) 7 Come down (7) 12 Edible crustacean (7) 13 Exceptional (7) 15 Achieves (7) 16 Alcove (6) 18 Shoddy (5) 20 Remain (5) 21 Declare (5)


Improve your Spanish - Clues in Spanish, answer in English or vice versa. Across


1 Preachers (of sermons) (12) 8 Urraca (6) 9 Silla de montar (6) 10 Caballito de mar (3,5) 11 Wool (4) 12 To be (5) 14 Panadero (5) 18 Island (4) 20 Churches (buildings) (8) 22 Salsas (6) 23 Hardly (6) 24 Fresas (fruta) (12)

2 Lectores (7) 3 Profundidad (hondura) (5) 4 Cereza (6) 5 Platos (6) 6 Knee (7) 7 Living-room (5) 13 To park (vehicle) (7) 15 Emanar (7) 16 Rompecabezas (6) 17 ÂĄPor favor! (6) 19 Asientos (muebles) (5) 21 Lanza (5)

remained unbroken until 1974? (4) 5 What nationality was the composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart? (8) 6 Which adjective meaning having much knowledge acquired by study is often used as a courteous description of a lawyer in certain formal contexts? (7) 7 Which body of water is linked to the Indian Ocean in the south by the Gulf of Aden and to the Mediterranean in the north by the Suez Canal? (3,3) 8 Bowline, sheepshank and Turk's head are all types of what? (5) 13 Acer pseudoplatanus is the botanical name of which large Eurasian maple with winged fruits, native to central and southern Europe? (8) 15 St George's is the capital of which country in the Caribbean? (7) 17 What name is given to a non-commissioned sailor in the British navy? (6) 18 Sharleen Spiteri is the lead singer of which Scottish pop group? (5) 19 What name is given to the crackling or hissing noise cause by electrical interference? (6) 22 What name is given to an axis consisting of a short shaft that supports something that turns? (5)


Last Week’s Solutions Quizword Across: 1 Andy Gibb, 7 Maine, 8 Laurie Lee, 9 Toe, 10 Bile, 11 Radius, 13 Buskin, 14 Sartre, 17 Balzac, 18 Tush, 20 Ale, 23 Accra, 24 Tornados. Down: 1 Ad lib, 2/22 Douglas MacArthur, 3 Grid, 4 Balsam, 5 Fists, 6 Referee, 7 Mexican, 12 Diploma, 13 Bananas, 15 Touched, 16 Pancho, 17 Belch, 19 Horus, 21 Iron. Double Crossword Across: 1 Mascara, 5 Basis, 8 Nut tree, 9 Rebel, 10 Oasis, 11 Convent, 12 Easily, 14 Dieted, 17 Charlie, 19 Lasts, 22 Scour, 23 Trestle, 24 Dates, 25 Desired. Down: 1 Mango, 2 Sites, 3 Aerosol, 4 Agency, 5 Baron, 6 Subject, 7 Saluted, 12 Encased, 13 Seaport, 15 Illness, 16 Dented, 18 Larks, 20 Sitar, 21 Speed. Quickie

Fill It In


Across: 1 Scrape, 4 Carpet, 9 Avocado, 10 Donor, 11 Ratio, 12 Know-all, 13 Mickey Mouse, 18 Assault, 20 Scare, 22 Traps, 23 Carnage, 24 Polite, 25 Gentle.

Span - Eng

Down: 1 Stairs, 2 Roost, 3 Peacock, 5 Audio, 6 Pen pals, 7 Thrill, 8 Hockey stick, 14 Install, 15 Observe, 16 Laptop, 17 Recede, 19 Upset, 21 Adapt.

Code Cracker


Friday 19th January 2018


A dedicated UK series of the Ferrari Challenge would be run to the same regulations as the Ferrari Challenge European Series, and would be open to any UK clients who own a Ferrari 488 Challenge race car. Clients wishing to race in a Ferrari Challenge UK Series would only require a National B racing licence, and participating in the UK series would enable clients to progress and to qualify for an International C racing licence which is required for the Ferrari Challenge European Series. Clients wishing to register their interest in the Ferrari Challenge UK Series for 2019

should contact their local official Ferrari dealership. The official Ferrari dealer network will be an integral part of the Ferrari Challenge UK Series, and will be able to provide a “turn-key” solution for clients wishing to participate in this exciting new UK motor sport opportunity. Further details regarding the potential race calendar and other technical details will be announced at the Ferrari Challenge Europe race weekend which takes places at Silverstone from 27-29 April 2018 and at the FIA WEC’s 6 Hours of Silverstone from 1719 August 2018.


Established over 25 years ago, 4x4 magazine’s 4x4 of the Year awards have become recognised as the leading experts’ verdict on the best vehicles in the SUV, pick-up and off-road market. Commented Alan Kidd, editor of 4x4 magazine: “We were genuinely surprised at how good the Rexton is. The combination of kit, styling, practicality and build quality is nothing short of remarkable; it would be impressive at twice even three times the price. “The Rexton won the Off-Roaders class despite strong competition from rivals as diverse as the Jeep Wrangler JK and Toyota Land Cruiser, and was the best all-rounder. “Competition for the overall title this year was fiercer than ever, with strong contention from the Land Rover Discovery, Vauxhall Insignia Country

Tourer and Skoda Kodiaq. It speaks volumes for how well the Rexton did to beat them, and is clearly something very special indeed.” Said Nick Laird, managing director of SsangYong Motor UK: “For an all-new car launched just four months ago to do so well against such established and strong competition, is a truly impressive result. SsangYong likes to think of the brand as ‘Korea’s Land Rover’, and now with complete justification! It’s great to see a strong product also getting great recognition,” conncluded Alan Kidd. “SsangYong doesn’t just sell on price any more. There’s a confidence about its products which bodes well for the future. The Rexton is the most profound example of this we’re yet to see.”

McLAREN ENHANCES SPORTS SERIES WITH SPORT PACK AND DESIGN EDITIONS FOR 570GT McLaren Sports Series models will benefit from greater choice of specification and an upgraded range of options as McLaren introduces new features and enhances its Coupé and GT models to align with the 570S Spider launched last year. The 570GT enjoys the most changes, with carbon-ceramic brake discs now standardfit and a Sport Pack also introduced, allowing customers to specify a 570GT with the same dynamic settings as the 570S Coupé and Spider. As the most luxurious and refined Sports Series model, the 570GT offers a more relaxed drive than the 570S Coupé; suspension spring rate stiffness is lower and there is a 2 per cent reduction in steering ratio for improved stability at higher speeds. McLaren owners wanting a car tailored towards a GT driving experience have welcomed this blend of attractions, but there have also been requests for the sharper, more precise dynamic behaviour of the 570S Coupé to be available with the GT bodystyle. The 570GT Sport Pack addresses this demand with a combination of component and calibration changes: the steering rack, damper actuators and uprights are the same as those fitted to the Coupé and Spider, and the adaptive damping, steering and Electronic Stability Control are the same ‘S’ tune. In combination with the Pirelli P-ZERO™ CORSA tyres that are included with the Sport Pack, the result is a driving experience that is the same as the 570S Coupé and Spider, at an additional

cost to 570GT buyers of £4,900. Customers wanting to further personalise their car will enjoy a wider choice of Sports Series options developed by McLaren Special Operations, including for 570GT an electrochromic roof with driver-controlled variable tint. Using an electric current to trigger a change in the opacity of the glass through a range of settings, the electrochromic roof will be particularly beneficial in very hot, sunny conditions. One of three UV-filtering panoramic roof options on 570GT – the others being green tint or dark grey, privacy tint glass – the MSO Defined Electrochromic Panoramic Roof is further evidence of McLaren’s pioneering approach to adapting advanced technologies from other industries to enhance ownership experience. “The McLaren Sports Series is already recognised for bringing the excitement and race-derived technology of a supercar to the luxury sports car market, a reputation that was further enhanced by the recent introduction of the 570S Spider. The changes for 2018 make every model in the range even more compelling; customers attracted by the McLaren blend of lightweight, carbon fibre construction and midmounted, twin-turbocharged V8 engine combining to deliver thrilling performance, can now choose from an even wider range of colours, materials and features. Additionally, with the new 570GT Sport Pack, we have reacted to market requests for a 570GT with the driving dynamics of the 570S Coupé.

COMPREHENSIVE MOTORSPORT PROGRAMME FOR YOKOHAMA IN 2018 Championship winning tyre manufacturer Yokohama is set for one of its busiest and most comprehensive motorsport seasons ever, supplying drivers and teams in 28 race series across the UK in 2018. The varied list encompasses Yokohama’s diverse product range of competition products covering rally, rallycross, circuit racing, stock cars as well as re-entering sidecar racing where it held a dominant position throughout the 90’s and 2000’s. Rallying and Rally Cross In rallying, Yokohama will continue its support with selected drivers throughout the ranks on gravel, tarmac and forest stages. At entry level, Yokohama will continue to support the Formula 1000 championship. It will also continue its support of former Next Big Step Award winner and last year’s BTRDA Championship winner Ed Fossey who will be competing in 2018 in a Peugeot 208 R2 rally car. Further up the championship ladder, Yokohama will also support Daniel Harper driving for the MiniSport Yokohama WNT team in the Protyre MSA Asphalt Rally Championship in their Mini WRC. Following on from their success in last year’s Wales Rally GB, Yokohama will also provide support to the J&J Rally Team competing in their Hyundai i20 R5 piloted by John Wink. Reinforcing its innovative approach and backing for talented young drivers, Yokohama will also support the Renault Zoe eRally team, which made its competitive debut last year. The unique car which is the first pure electric rally car to compete against traditional combustion engine cars, will run on a number of events in 2018 at the hands of former two times Formula 1000 champion Cameron Davies. Meanwhile in rallycross, Yokohama will once again continue its support of the UK’s largest rallycross class, the Swift RallyCross Championships as well as the Rage RX150 Championship. Circuit Racing In circuit racing, Yokohama will also supply tyres to a number of drivers and one-make series including the SEAT Supercup Ireland championship and Patrick Sherrington in the Open Sportscar Championship. A major development for Yokohama in 2018 will see the manufacturer become the official tyre supplier to the brand new TCR UK series. Sidecar Racing In another highly exciting development for Yokohama in 2018, the company will return to sidecar racing supporting Dave Molyneux, the most successful sidecar competitor in the history of the Isle of Man TT having achieved 17 TT victories. Stock cars Meanwhile in BriSCA, Yokohama has been working closely with championship organisers, resulting in even more thrilling and spectacular racing. Speaking ahead of the season, Yokohama’s head of motorsport, Mark Evans said, “2018 is set to be one of our busiest and most exciting years for quite some time; eight championships will be taking one of our newest tyres, giving competitors a whole new level of performance. Our return to sidecar racing with Dave Molyneux is sure to be one of the highlights of the year, and we have lots of activity in rallying and circuit racing too. We cannot wait for the season to begin and we’d like to wish everyone competing on Yokohama tyres the very best of success.”

Mercedes first to adopt bold new mapping system Forget the Sydney Harbour Bridge. It's "lobby.belly.tiger" now.

Forget about street names, post codes or GPS coordinates, the new way to navigate is with three randomly generated words. Presenting its latest infotainment system at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Mercedes-Benz became the first carmaker to offer “what3words” navigation as a standard feature in new cars. Set to be available in the new Mercedes-Benz A-Class and other upcoming models, “MBUX” (for Mercedes-Benz user experience) complements conventional mapping and address systems with a quirky arrangement that divides the world in to three-by-three metre grids, each assigned to unique three-word strings that work in 12 languages. For example, “lobby.belly.tiger” is a patch of a northbound lane of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, “” is part of the finish line on Mount Panorama and “” is a section of the MCG pitch. The top of Parliament House in Canberra? Try “fund.friends.adults” or “shirts.fried.cowboy”. Mercedes says the system makes plenty of sense, as some destinations such as public parks, private roads and off-road trails do not feature neatly numbered addresses. Sajjad Khan, vice president of digital vehicle and mobility for Daimler, Mercedes’ parent company, says it gives customers another option on the road. “With what3words´ easy address entry method, we´re adding another logical element to our navigation system,” he says. “You can enter your destination by speaking just three words and are then guided there to within an accuracy of nine square metres. Anywhere in the world. All I can say is: simple.ingenious.innovative.” In practice, it’s a little like dropping a “pin” for a friend on Google maps. If you want to give a specific location to a contact, you can send them three words they can open in a smartphone app - or their new Mercedes. Drivers of the new A-Class can have their car set a route to the Broome Surf Life Saving Club on West Australia’s Cable Beach simply by saying “Mercedes, take me to what three words:”.



Friday 19th January 2018

More Of The Same, Please!

Sergio Garcia finally fulfilled his incredible promise when he captured a first major at last year’s U.S. Masters and the Spanish Ryder Cup veteran is hoping for another big season as he kicked off his 2018 campaign at a familiar venue yesterday. The 38-year-old started last season at the Singapore Open and Garcia, who tied for 11th in 2017, is hoping he can use the event again as launch pad to add more majors and tournament victories to his ever-expanding list of honours. “Winning is nice and it doesn’t matter which time of year it comes. To do it early is great for confidence and I played well here last year, then went on to Dubai and managed to win there,” Garcia told reporters at the Sentosa Golf Club on Wednesday. “It was a good kick-start point so it would be nice to play well, if we win here it will be amazing but even if we don‘t, we can still take a lot of positives out of it,” he added. “The first week is always interesting to test yourself as you haven’t played a tournament for a couple of months, everything is fresh and hopefully we can build from that.”

Regional Rugby

In the Murcia FERRMUR regional league mens division CRU Cartagena and XV Rugby Murcia A won their respective duels against C.R. Lorca (9-69) and Squalos of San Javier (6113) while in the FERRMUR PRO XV Murcia B beat Totana by 24 points to 5. In the FERRMUR womens league, Murcia University’s A team beat second in the table CRU Cartagena (40-14), whilst

the B team defeated Lorca (17-27). XV Rugby Murcia claimed their second victory of the season against Elche (25-34). In the regional national championship matches played at San Javier, the young players suffered two defeats at the hands of Aragon, with under-18 side (action pictured) losing narrowly (12-14), whilst the under-16 team were thrashed (0-70).

Following his Dubai Desert Classic win in February, Garcia backed up his Augusta victory with a second Andalucia Masters triumph in October and as he embarks on a campaign that will likely see a ninth Ryder Cup appearance, the Spaniard is looking forward to another “big” year. “All years are big. There are no small years anymore. There’s always four majors and they are all special no matter where they are played,” Garcia, who is due to welcome his first child in March, said. “Obviously, the Ryder Cup is in even years and it makes them a little bit more special as it’s always exciting, so it will be great,” he added of this September’s edition, which will be held in France for the first time. “I just hope to stay healthy and keep improving on aspects of the game that I know I can get better. If I manage to do that then it will be fine. We’ll see if we can pull another one out of the bag like we did last April.”


One of the co-founders of the Torrevieja Tigers rugby club, Glyn Horsfall, passed away on Friday Janaury 12th, after a very short illness, writes KEITH NICOL. Glyn, along with Ian Baker, created the club in 2011, to introduce the sport of “gentlemen” to a new fraternity in the area which included seniors, masters, juniors and ladies. Along with wife Cindy and their young sons Sam and Dale, Glyn arrived in Spain in 2005, and the boys also played rugby. At the end of the first season in 2012, the fledging Torrevieja Tigers rugby club welcomed guests of honour

Ignacio Davila, President of

the Valencia Rugby Union federation and David ‘Dai’ Pickering, an IRB committee member in charge of European Rugby Development to the new Sports City complex along with local politicians. Torrevieja Tigers were one of the true success stories of integration in the city, with the majority of players being Spanish. Their first end of season dinner welcomed more than 150 players and family and over the next five years the club won leagues, tournaments and local competitions at almost every level with many players going on to represent the local region

in their age categories. Glyn was laid to rest on Monday with another local gathering taking place tomorrow (Saturday), from 2pm at The New Prospect Inn, 65 Prospect St, Halifax HX3 6LG. All his family and friends in the UK are invited and everyone is very welcome to attend. After Monday’s service, Glen’s wife, Cindy, said:“Today we say our last goodbyes to one of the nicest and most generous men I have ever known. Nothing was ever too much. A helping hand, a helpful word, always there for anyone who needed help”.



Much Better Torry

CD ALMORADI 1 CD TORREVIEJA 1 Following last week’s departure of Almoradi coach Coco, the home team would have been happy to get a point in Sunday’s derby against Torrevieja, with both sides right off the boil at the moment, but they could have had more to shout about. The good news from the Torrevieja perspective is that this was easily their most determined performance for a long time and they deserved more than a draw, though with Marwane sent off in the dying stages of the match, Álvaro Polo missed an absolute sitter to give Almoradi the win. Only 250 fans attended this match, and such is the state of Almoradi, the attendence was largely boosted by the Torry fans, who saw their side on the back foot early on as Saúl and Benja squandered chances to open the home account. Torrevieja though were a different proposition in the second half, with Marwane quickly putting them in front (pictured below) with a strike from the edge of the penalty area.

Thader Rising

CD THADER 2 VILLENA CF 1 A second straight home win for Thader last Sunday, and again against another Preferente Group Four promotion-seeking team, has lifted them up to eighth in the table, just three points behind Villajoyosa, who are in third place. It was tight stuff between

both teams and Sanz scored straight from a corner in the 23rd minute with Villena keeper Martí making a mess of it. Arias made it two in the 67th minute, and though Wilson pulled one back for Villena with four minutes left, Thader hung on to get their

third consecutive victory. With more players coming back into contention after an injury crisis hampered the start of their season, the Rojales-based side will be hopeful of three more points when they entertain Orihuela B on Sunday morning( 11.30 am kick-off).

Brave Monte Lose

Torry were in the ascendency until a great long range strike from Jordi in the 67th minute gave keeper Buyo no chance at all. The visitors kept piling forward but could not get the winner, until a final flourish in added time saw Marwane get his marching orders, and Polo then missed his late chance. Marwane’s dismissal (pictured below) means that he’s out for the next three Torry matches, starting with this Sunday’s trip to Villena (kick-off at 5.00 pm). Torrevieja are sixth in the Preferente Group Four table, and two points off the third play-off position. Almoradi meanwhile are in 14th place and go to Alicante University on Sunday.


Montesinos entertained big-money side Intercity in the Valencia Regional Primera division on Sunday, and deserved more than a defeat. It was the final game in a Monte shirt for Carlos Ventura (pictured above on Sunday), who left the club for Hercules CF, with part of the deal being that Hercules will send a team over for a pre-season friendly. The result put Intercity on top of the table, and to put it all into some context, two of the visiting players earn more by themselves each

month than the whole of the Monte squad put together! The home side, managed by Carlos Perez, really were superb after a tough start when it looked all over within the first 20 minutes when Garka (11 mins) and Hucha (24 mins) scored on the break for Intercity. Monte fought back well, and a minute after going down two-nil, Manu Sanchez took a pass on the edge of the Intercity penalty area and struck an unstoppable shot into the top corner of the net. The rest of the match

ebbed and flowed, which made it great for the 250 crowd to watch, with Intercity looking dangerous on the counter attack. Monte, though, almost nicked a point at the end when Intercity keeper Enzo pulled off a magnificent save to tip the ball around the post. The next game for CD Montesinos is away to Santa Pola CF at the Estadio Municipal "Manolo Macia" this Sunday with a 5.00 pm kick-off, with Monte trying to avoid a third successive defeat.


Friday 19th January 2018

Barca Fight Back

Done And Dusted

REAL SOCIEDAD 2 BARCELONA 4 Luis Suarez scored twice as Barcelona battled back from a 20 deficit to beat Real Sociedad as well as ending their 11-year winless run at the Anoeta. Real Sociedad were unbeaten in seven home games against Barcelona and looked on course to beat them again thanks to first-half goals from Willian Jose and Juanmi. Paulinho pulled one back for the visitors on the stroke of halftime before a double from Luis Suarez and a late free-kick from Lionel Messi capped a remarkable turnaround. Following Manchester City's 4-3 defeat to Liverpool, Barcelona are the only unbeaten team in Europe's top five leagues and are nine points clear of Atletico Madrid in the table. Barca’s parade to the title continues this Sunday evening at Real Betis.


Nino’s Rescue Act

CF BADALONA 1 ELCHE 3 REAL MADRID 1 VILLARREAL 0 Real Madrid all but relinquished their grip on the La Liga crown as they conceded a late goal to lose at home to Villarreal last Saturday. The misfiring champions were beaten by an 87th-minute strike from Pablo Fornals at the end of a superb break by the visitors as Real pressed for a winner. Cristiano Ronaldo was out of sorts as Real toiled in the rain at the Bernabeu, and the forward was left aggrieved when he was denied a penalty after a trip from Mario Gaspar late in the first half. The defeat leaves Real trailing Barcelona by 19 points and fourth in the table, and they entertain Deportivo this Sunday afternoon.

Elche’s coach Josico saw his side win at last in an away victory at Badalona, as the Ilicitanos became the first team to record a league win there this season. It was also the first league double of the Segunda division B season for Elche, and like in the first meeting, Nino scored two of the goals after coming on as a substitute. Benja put the Ilicitanos ahead in the 58th minute, but a penalty conceded by Zotko led Badalona back into it as Albarrán converted the spot kick with 15 minutes remaining. Bizarrely Nino was benched for the game by coach Josico, amidst reports swirling around that the striker was unhappy with what was going on at the club and that he wanted to tear up his contract. He came on for Lolo Plá on the hour mark, and he scored twice in the 78th and 82nd minutes to secure three vital points for Elche, who stay fourth in the table in the final play-off spot. The now have a perfect chance to solidify that position, or even improve on it, as they entertain bottom side Deportivo Aragon this Sunday. Anything but victory will have supporters once again calling for changes both in the team management or behind the scenes in the boardroom.

Barca Slip Up Keep The Focus

Third Division News ESPANYOL 1 BARCELONA 0 Lionel Messi missed a penalty as Barcelona suffered a first defeat since August in their Copa del Rey quarter-final first leg on Wednesday night against Espanyol. Messi was denied by goalkeeper Diego Lopez in the 62nd minute after a foul on Sergi Roberto. Espanyol's Oscar Melendo then slotted home with two minutes left after racing onto Marc Navarro's cross. The second leg takes place at the Nou Camp next week on Thursday. In the other quarter-final ties played on Wednesday, Diego Costa scored his third goal in four games during Atletico Madrid's 2-1 defeat at home by Sevilla. Goncalo Guedes and Rodrigo scored in the second half as Valencia came from behind to record a 2-1 win over La Liga strugglers Alaves.

Zinedine Zidane has urged Cristiano Ronaldo to concentrate on his form amid reports Real Madrid are open to letting him leave the club. Ronaldo, who has scored just four goals in 14 league appearances this season, has been routinely linked with a move away from Spain over the past few years with former club Manchester United regularly touted as the most likely destination. Speaking ahead of last night’s Copa del Rey first-leg clash with Leganes (after The Courier went to press), Zidane brushed off the speculation and told Ronaldo, who is under contract until 2021, to focus on matters on the pitch. "We know that people can talk and debate outside of the club, but we think Cristiano must just think about playing, as he has always done," he said. "And I just want to talk about this, what he can bring to the team, that's all.” "I cannot imagine Cristiano going anywhere else. He is at his club, where he should be. Everyone loves him here.” "I do not want to talk about his contract. What I am most interested in is matters on the pitch, that is what I talk to Cristiano about. Everything else he manages himself, it is not my business. "When I had difficult moments as a player I just kept working hard and thinking the team would do good things soon."

Orihuela are just one point off the top of the Valencia regional third division after recording a comfortable three-nil victory over Paiporta, and Elche Ilicitano holding leaders Levante to a twoall draw. Antonio, Farisato and Brian were on target for the home win, with Orihuela on their travels this Sunday afternoon with a trip to mid-table Silla CF. Elche Ilicitano’s excellent home draw with Levante kept them out of the bottom four, and they have another tricky looking match to come tomorrow afternoon as they travel to seventhplaced Torre Levante. 2018 has not been good for Crevillente with two straight defeats that appear to have scuppered any chance of possibly challenging for a play-off position. They went down one-nil at home to CD Roda, and are now in 13th place, with a Sunday away match to the team below them in the table, Rayo Ibense.

Long Wait Over

Spanish weightlifter Lydia Valentín has collected her Olympic silver medal – 10 years after she won it. During the Peking 2008 games, Lydia came fifth, but two years ago, it was found that the top three competitors had taken performance-enhancing drugs, meaning they were immediately disqualified. For Lydia, this meant lost opportunities of sponsorship, since a silver Olympic medal would have given her more publicity and clout than a diploma for fifth place. But she says she does not hold a grudge. “At the end of the day, the goodies always win, and the others no longer have their Olympic medals,” says Lydia, from Ponferrada. “Once a person takes performance-enhancing drugs, they cease to be a sportsman or sportswoman.” She said she was delighted to get her prize at last, having found out in 2016 that she was really a silver medallist from Peking. “It was a lovely ceremony, very kind and caring, that the Spanish Olympic Committee chair and everyone else who supported me staged,” she admitted. “Now I've got my medal 10 years on, and it's time to enjoy it. “It's been worth it – it's not the same as getting it at the time, on the podium, in front of the public, going back to your home country as an Olympic reserve champion, but I've had my moment in a different way and it was lovely, too.” For the competitors who stole her moment in the limelight, Lydia only feels pity, she says. “Was it worth it? What did they gain? Winning at all costs isn't what it's about, and they didn't win at all because they cheated,” said Lydia. “There are two types of weight-lifting – the dark side and the real side – and although they're clamping down a great deal on doping, I'm afraid there's still a long way to go before the sport is completely clean.” Lydia says she is feeling 'very motivated' after a great 2017, and is now working hard on her training for the European Championships – her final thrust in the journey to her next Olympics, Tokyo 2020. She credits her family – 'the basis of everything' – who have 'always been there', plus her trainers, doctors, physiotherapists and 'everyone else' who has helped her reach her prestigious position. And Lydia is not just a silver medallist – she came fourth in London 2012, but the top three were also, last year, formally disqualified for taking performance-enhancing drugs, meaning Lydia now gets the gold. She has not yet received her London Olympic gold, but hopes she will not have to wait 10 years for it. This effectively means she has earnt a medal in each of her last three Olympic games, since she took the bronze in Rio 2016.


La Vuelta Launch

One of Europe’s top cycling races, La Vuelta, will not be visiting Alicante Province at all this year, but one of the stages will be going through the Mar Menor region, ending up in San Javier. The race, won last year by Chris Froome, is regarded as one of the jewels in world cycling after the Tour de France and the Giro in Italy, and local cycling fans will have to base themselves in Murcia on Thursday August 30th, as the sixth stage starts in Huércal Overa. The 153 kilometre stage will continue along the coast to reach Mazarrón and then onto La Azohía, where it will head to the top of La Cuesta del Cedacero, from where the riders will head to Cartagena via Canteras. The race will enter the city and will go through Vista Alegre towards La Unión, then link through El Algar towards Los Alcázares, before ending up at San Javier. The competitors will spend the night in the Murcia region, and then the next stage the following day will depart from Puerto Lumbreras and head south towards Andalucia. This year’s Vuelta a Espana is set to be decided in the mountains with nine summit finishes included in the route unveiled on Saturday. The race will start with an 8km individual time trial in Malaga on August 25th and will spend eight days in the south of Spain before journeying through the mountainous terrain close to the Atlantic coast and heading into the Pyrenees for a decisive final stretch. The race will conclude in the capital Madrid on Sunday, September 16th. “We want the mountains to be key in deciding the Vuelta,” said La Vuelta director Javier Guillen. Last year’s race was won by Chris Froome, as he became just the third rider in history to win the Vuelta a Espana and Tour de France in the same year. But it was revealed last month that Froome — the first British winner of the race — had given an adverse doping test during the Vuelta. Froome was found to have twice the permissible amount of asthma medication Salbutamol in his system and could yet be stripped of his title. If the 32-year-old does take part, he will see summit finishes at Les Praeres in Asturias and at Balcon de Bizkaia in the Basque Country for the first time in the history of the race. Though a start at La Vuelta is unlikely for the Briton, as is already slated to attempt the Giro-Tour double in 2018. La Vuelta will also return to Lagos de Covadonga in the Picos de Europa, where Colombian Nairo Quintana took the leader’s red jersey in 2016 before holding it all the way to the end. After the first stage, the only other time trial will be on the 16th stage, a 32.7km effort from Santillana del Mar to Torrelavega. That could be seen as a measure taken to prevent a rider like Froome from wrapping up overall victory early on, although Froome won the only individual time trial last year and did the same in 2016 when he finished second to Quintana. The overall winner may not be decided until the penultimate stage in Andorra, before riders head to Madrid for the traditional finish. The final stage is only 105.8km but finishes atop the Col de la Gallina.

FIXTURES Friday 19 January Scottish FA Cup 21:00 Formartine United V. Cove Rangers English Football League - Championship 20:45 Derby County V. Bristol City English Football League - League Two 20:45 Newport County V. Crawley Town Saturday 20 January English Premier League 13:30 Brighton and Hove Albion V. Chelsea 16:00 Arsenal V. Crystal Palace 16:00 Burnley V. Manchester United 16:00 Everton V. West Bromwich Albion 16:00 Leicester City V. Watford 16:00 Stoke City V. Huddersfield Town 16:00 West Ham United V. Bournemouth 18:30 Manchester City V. Newcastle United Scottish FA Cup 13:15 Aberdeen V. St. Mirren 16:00 Albion Rovers V. St. Johnstone 16:00 Alloa Athletic V. Dundee United 16:00 Ayr United V. Arbroath 16:00 Celtic V. Brechin City 16:00 Dundee V. Inverness Caledonian Thistle 16:00 Dunfermline Athletic V. Morton 16:00 East Fife V. Brora Rangers 16:00 Kilmarnock V. Ross County 16:00 Livingston V. Falkirk 16:00 Motherwell V. Hamilton Academical 16:00 Peterhead V. Dumbarton 16:00 Queen of the South V. Partick Thistle English Football League - Championship 16:00 Aston Villa V. Barnsley 16:00 Bolton Wanderers V. Ipswich Town 16:00 Fulham V. Burton Albion 16:00 Leeds United V. Millwall 16:00 Norwich City V. Sheffield United 16:00 Preston North End V. Birmingham City 16:00 Queens Park Rangers V. Middlesbrough 16:00 Reading V. Brentford 16:00 Sunderland V. Hull City 16:00 Wolverhampton Wderers V. Nottingham Forest 18:30 Sheffield Wednesday V. Cardiff City English Football League - League One 16:00 AFC Wimbledon V. Blackpool 16:00 Bristol Rovers V. Bradford City 16:00 Charlton Athletic V. Walsall 16:00 Fleetwood Town V. Blackburn Rovers 16:00 Northampton Town V. MK Dons 16:00 Oxford United V. Bury 16:00 Peterborough United V. Oldham Athletic 16:00 Plymouth Argyle V. Wigan Athletic 16:00 Rochdale V. Southend United 16:00 Rotherham United V. Portsmouth 16:00 Scunthorpe United V. Gillingham 16:00 Shrewsbury Town V. Doncaster Rovers English Football League - League Two 16:00 Accrington Stanley V. Port Vale 16:00 Barnet V. Lincoln City 16:00 Colchester United V. Grimsby Town 16:00 Coventry City V. Swindon Town 16:00 Crewe Alexandra V. Wycombe Wanderers 16:00 Forest Green Rovers V. Cambridge United 16:00 Luton Town V. Morecambe 16:00 Mansfield Town V. Cheltenham Town 16:00 Notts County V. Exeter City 16:00 Stevenage V. Carlisle United 16:00 Yeovil Town V. Chesterfield Scottish League One 16:00 Stranraer V. Raith Rovers Scottish League Two 16:00 Berwick Rangers V. Elgin City 16:00 Montrose V. Clyde 16:00 Stenhousemuir V. Cowdenbeath 16:00 Stirling Albion V. Edinburgh City Sunday 21 January English Premier League 17:00 Southampton V. Tottenham Hotspur Scottish FA Cup 13:00 Fraserburgh V. Rangers 15:05 Heart of Midlothian V. Hibernian Monday 22 January English Premier League 21:00 Swansea City V. Liverpool Tuesday 23 January English League CupLeg 2 20:45 Bristol City V. Manchester City

Information correct at time of publication but subject to change at short notice.



TALE OF TWO CITIES Barcelona defender Gerard Pique has agreed a contract extension until 2022. The new contract also includes a 500m euro buyout clause. The Spain international, 30, has played 422 games for the La Liga leaders since rejoining from Manchester United in 2008. Pique has won more than 20 honours at Barca, including six La Liga titles and three Champions Leagues, and was also part of the Spain side that won the 2010 World Cup and Euro 2012.


Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger says it is "likely" forward Alexis Sanchez will join Premier League rivals Manchester United. Sanchez, 29, is out of contract in June and is thought to have agreed personal terms with the Old Trafford club. "I worked on transfers for 30 years so it is likely to happen, but at any moment it can break down," said Wenger.

After their Liverpool defeat, they are no longer among "The Invincibles," but Manchester City are still ruling the roost in the Premier League. After their first league loss, Pep Guardiola’s side entertain Newcastle United in tomorrow’s 6.30 pm kick-off, with Newcastle again involved in off the field troubles involving their embattled owner and his haphazardly halting steps in trying to sell the club. Despite their pulsating 4-3 loss at bogey ground Anfield to Liverpool last Sunday, Manchester City are still 12 points clear of the old enemy Manchester United with 15 matches remaining. City's bid to win four trophies remained on track with a 4-1 win over Burnley to reach the fourth round of the FA Cup the previous weekend, and they still have not added to their already staggering depth in the January transfer window. They publicly ended their chase for wantaway Arsenal striker Alexis Sanchez earlier this week, with City coming to the conclusion paying the talented Chile international a pay packet reportedly worth £350,000 per week would under-

mine the chemistry of a club who have already racked up an impressive 90 goals in 34 matches in all competitions. Newcastle United are 15th in the table on 23 points, but precariously hovering three points above the drop as well as four points adrift of ninth-place Everton. The Magpies are also through to the fourth round of the FA Cup, but that tournament may take away from Rafa Benitez's primary goal of making sure the North-East side do not return to the Championship after gaining promotion last season. It has been no secret Benitez has been desperate for any money to spend on reinforcements as Newcastle are fielding essentially the same side that toiled in the Championship last season. Owner Mike Ashley has already seen Newcastle relegated twice under his ownership, and supporters feel the longer he toys with the club and doesn't give Benitez the funds to reinforce this squad for the relegation fight, the more likely it is the Spaniard will walk away at season's end regardless of where they finish.

Harlequins' 20-year-old prop Lewis Boyce is one of eight uncapped players in the England squad for the Six Nations opener against Italy in Rome. Exeter prop Alec Hepburn also receives a call-up to the 35man squad, as does Newcastle flanker Gary Graham. In the absence of Nathan Hughes and Billy Vunipola, Bath number eight Zach Mercer is named and is no longer listed as an apprentice player. Eddie Jones' side face the Italians in Rome on Sunday, 4 February. "I have selected the strongest available squad to prepare for our opening match against Italy," Jones said. "While we have a few players unavailable through injury or suspension, it has provided opportunity for others who will be desperate to be involved in the Italy game." In addition to Hughes and Vunipola's injuries - both of which look set to rule them out of the entire tournament Jones is without British and Irish Lions winger Elliot Daly, who has an ankle problem. Wasps flanker James Haskell and Harlequins prop Joe Marler are banned for the opener against Italy and 10 February's home fixture against Wales after being found guilty of dangerous play for their club sides. Leicester centre Manu Tuilagi, whose last start for England was in June 2014, has been left out as the 26-year-old continues his latest comeback from injury at Welford Road. Worcester centre Ben Te'o is included, despite an ankle injury that has kept him out since October. Northampton full-back Harry Mallinder, Saracens winger Nathan Earle, Bath hooker Tom Dunn and Harlequins flyhalf Marcus Smith, who is listed as an apprentice, are the other uncapped players in the squad.


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