The Courier Edition 367

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6 Bed 4 Bath Detached Villa with Pool in El Chaparral, Torrevieja

Edition 367

Friday 13th April 2018



rihuela mayor, Emilio Bascuñana, and his council are taking legal action over what they say are libellous social media comments posted by a La Zenia residents association and their spokesman, Felix Arenas (pictured at a tribute ceremony last Thursday), after last week’s death of a British

boy on the Orihuela Costa. The postings on Facebook by Movimiento Ciudadano La Zenia essentially accused the mayor and Orihuela council of being “morally responsible” over the death of nine-year-old Kai Fawcett-Bradshaw at La Zenia, because of a lack of defibrillators and the “correct emergency equipment”.

Orihuela government team deputy spokesman, Rafael Almagro, took to Facebook himself to slam the association for their comments, adding that to take advantage of such a tragedy was “abject, mean, and immoral”, and confirmed that the authority had started legal proceedings. The British youngster died on Wednesday last week after delays in a SAMU ambulance arriving at the scene of a freak accident on Cala Bosque beach on Tuesday, where Kai collided with another boy playing football. Kai passed away 24 hours later in Alicante General Hospital, after being in a coma, and a special memorial tribute was held at Calla Bosque last Thursday. The initially critical Facebook posts by Movimeinto were changed and then removed after a few hours, with the

Información newspaper reporting that a number of Orihuela councillors had made contact with Felix Arenas urging him to remove the comments. Rafael Almagro added that people have a habit in going onto a social network and saying the first thing that comes into their head and that a line had been crossed over what was said in this instance, especially after Orihuela council had warned people to watch what they write in the wake of Kai’s death. Arenas says though that he relishes the matter going legal, and that he has the support of Kai’s family and friends, along with local residents, all of whom want the truth to come out in a court hearing. In a bullish comment, quoted by Información, Arenas accused the Orihuela government team of “lying to the residents of the Orihuela Costa”.


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Friday 13th April 2018

Moving Tributes To Kai Telephone

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Editor-In-Chief Barry Newlove

Over 200 people attended a memorial tribute to a nine-year-old British boy who died of cardiac arrest, after a freak collision last week (as reported in the previous edition of The Courier), when he was playing football on the beach at Cala Bosque at La Zenia. Kai Fawcett-Bradshaw’s family and friends, along with local residents, went to the scene last Thursday evening (April 5th) close to the beach bar where he suffered the fatal accident. Flowers, photographs, stuffed toys, balloons, and cards with messages of support were laid at the improvised shrine. Kai’s mother, Nicky Fawcett, who works at the Alejandro’s bar-restaurant in La Zenia, was too upset

dent happened. Kai also had an older sister called

darity with Kai’s family and referred to the 40-minute

to go to the ceremony. Her partner, Pete Short attended, along with Kai’s grandmother who was at Cala Bosque when the acci-

Mia. President of Movimiento Ciudadano La Zenia, Félix Arenas (see front page), expressed the area’s soli-

delay in the arrival of a SAMU ambulance on the scene on Tuesday, though the Health Ministry said it took only 26 minutes. Kai died a day later in Alicante General Hospital after being in a coma. Local police officers, who were first on the scene on Tuesday after 10 minutes, attended Thursday’s gathering along with Tourism Councillor, Sofía Álvarez, who represented Orihuela council. A Change.Org online petition has been launched calling on Orihuela council to make sure that defibrillators are available across the Orihuela Costa, which is not the case at the moment.

Editor Alex Trelinski

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Letter Of Urgency

Orihuela’s mayor, Emilio Bascuñana, has called on the regional Valencian government to make urgent improvements in emergency and ambulance services on the Orihuela Costa, in the wake of last week’s death of Kai Fawcett-Bradshaw. Bascuñana has written to the Valencian Health Minister, Carmen Montón (pictured below), wanting immediate action to help the Orihuela Costa, and said that he told her about the “anger of residents”, which was well apparent even before last week’s tragedy.

Orihuela council says it is the fourth such letter that Bascuñana has sent in less than three years to the Valencian administration, calling for improvements to emergency services across the Orihuela municipality, and especially on the coast. Bascuñana said in his letter that it is “essential to review the response in a case like last week, especially when a child is involved. The SAMU response time took longer than should be the case in such a crucial incident”.


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Morate Apologises

Torrevieja’s animal protection councillor has had to apologise over using a fourletter word and the tone of a phone call with the owners of a missing dog, after they posted critical comments about her on the social media site Facebook. The Yorkshire Terrier, called Coco, was found and put into council care, but the owners then called the councillor, Carmen Morate, “a thief” on Facebook after a delay in them getting their pet retrieved, which was not micro-chipped. Morate, who is also Torrevieja’s international relations councillor, called the couple on the phone, having seen the postings, and a heated exchange took place, which was recorded by the owners, where the councillor said:- “Remove the s—t you put on Facebook, and maybe we can talk then”. Coco’s owners live in León, and had been visiting Torrevieja when they lost the dog. They had to go back home, but the search was co-ordinated by family members in the area, and Coco was found in the Avenida Cortes Valencianas of the city on Saturday March 31st, by a Guardia Civil officer, who then took the dog to the local police. Relatives of the owners then went to pick up the dog,


but were unable to be reunited with it, because it was not micro-chipped as is legally required, and was giving off a bad odour and had matted hair. Morate saw Coco herself, and because of concerns over his health and not knowing whether he had been vaccinated, a volunteer took the dog home and bathed him. The non-return of Coco was then the cue for a series of comments and exchanges to start between Coco’s owners and Morate, both privately and on Facebook.

The story, broken by the Información newspaper, went national, with the opposition Partido Popular calling for Morate to resign, after Información published the contents of the phone call. The councillor apologised for what had happened. but said that the recorded conversation was the last in a stream of previous exchanges and Facebook comments that she found “unfair and unpleasant”. Coco, who is aged under a year, was scheduled to be returned to his family earlier this week.

Corrupting Duo Two brothers, aged 24, have been arrested in Torrevieja by the Guardia Civil on three charges of corrupting children. The Spanish duo were rumbled by the father of a 12-year-old girl who noticed on her mobile phone that she had been sent threatening messages via a social network. The men had threatened to post photographs of naked youngsters in her contact book on the network if she did not send obscene material involving herself. She duly obliged by agreeing to send them some naked photographs. The girl’s father went to the Guardia Civil and specialist agents discovered

two other girls aged between 10 and 12 who had been bullied in exactly the same way. The family home of the brothers was raided in Torrevieja, with two comput-

ers, three mobile phones, and a tablet being seized. Bail was refused by the Torrevieja court, with the investigation still open, as more children could have been victims.

High Kick Coffee A local drug trafficking gang that would import drugs mixed with coffee from Columbia has been broken up by the Guardia Civil and the Tax Agency. 21 people were arrested including a number of British nationals. The detentions were made in Torrevieja, the Orihuela Costa, and El Campello in Alicante, with the year-long investigation to track the gang down, dubbed Operation Alicafe, made all the more difficult because they used encrypted mobile phone apps. British, as well as Spanish, Columbian, Moroccan, Serbian, and Bulgarian nationals were arrested, after authorities discovered a shipment of cocaine at Madrid airport

mixed in with Columbian coffee addressed to a location in Torrevieja. Inquiries discovered that once shipments got to Torrevieja, they would be processed in a cocaine lab at the same address, as well as at another outlet on the Orihuela Costa. The drugs would then be sold in the Torrevieja area and across the Vega Baja

region at what authorities believe were ten “retail points, with potential profits said to be over a million euro. All of the defendants, bar one, were refused bail, and they face a host of charges including drug trafficking; the illegal possession of weapons; robbery with violence; and membership of a criminal organisation.

Sunday Strike A drone that was being operated from a beach in the Elche municipality last Sunday, hit a commercial airliner, without any consequences for the craft or the passengers in it. Specific details were not released, but the Elche local police tracked down the drone owner that was using the unit in a no-fly zone for

such devices in the vicinity

of Alicante-Elche airport.


Friday 13th April 2018

Passenger Increase

Alicante-Elche and San Javier airports both recorded an annual rise in March passenger numbers, boosted by the fact that the Easter holidays were earlier this year. Over 957,000 passengers used Alicante-Elche airport last month, in what was the busiest March on record. The figures were a rise of five and a half percent compared to a year earlier,

with a third of the people that passed through the airport coming from the UK. So far, two point four million people have travelled through the facility in the first three months of 2018, a rise of four point two percent compared to last year’s first quarter. Just over 61 thousand people used San Javier airport in March, an impressive annual rise of

over 17 percent in comparison to March 2017, with a substantial increase in flights that are operating in and out of the Mar Menor facility. The cumulative figure for the first quarter of 2018, shows an annual increase of over 17 percent, in line with the March returns, which had nearly 80 percent of the passengers travelling from Britain.

On Line Idea

Plastic Killer

Murcia authorities say that a sperm whale washed up in Cabo de Palos at the end of February died as a result of ingesting 29 kilos of plastic waste, with regional environment boss, Consuelo Rosauro, launching a campaign to stop plastic being thrown into the sea. The young male was killed by gastric shock and an autopsy revealed his stomach and intestines to contain rubbish such as plastic bags, raffia sacks, pieces of nets and ropes and even a plastic jerry can. The whale measured

almost 10 metres in length and weighed more than six tonnes. The discovery of the mammal's cause of death has prompted the Murcia government to launch a campaign to fight against the dumping of plastic waste in the ocean. Consuelo Rosauro, director-general for the natural environment in the Murcian government, said that pollution from plastic waste had become one of the biggest threats to global marine life in the last decade. "Many animals get

trapped in the rubbish or ingest great quantities of plastic which end up causing their death," she said. "The presence of plastics in seas and oceans is one of the greatest threats to the conservation of wildlife throughout the world, since many animals are trapped in the trash or ingest large amounts of plastics that end up causing their death." She added: "The region of Murcia is no stranger to this problem, which we must tackle through clean-up actions and, above all, citizen awareness."

Barcelona Brawl

El Corte Inglés (Elche outlet pictured) is calling for a European online shopping platform to be set up in order to compete with US giant Amazon and China's Alibaba, involving several major retailers working together. Chairman Dimas Gimeno also reiterated the need for legislation to be amended so that the same rules apply to all shopping sites operating on the continent. Building up alliances between conventional and online distributors would allow them all to 'build and

grow together', even though they are competitors, Gimeno said at a recent conference organised by the Spanish Directors' and Executives' Confederation (CECE). A European-style Amazon site encompassing retailers from all over Europe would 'allow local trade to go global' and present 'new business opportunities beyond our immediate borders'. Companies which sell branded goods – and 70% of El Corte Inglés' wares are branded – would 'have a lot to gain', Gimeno believes,

especially when negotiating online sales contracts. “Instead of companies spending extortionate amounts of money to set up their own online marketplaces, why don't they all band together and set up a blanket one?” Gimeno questioned, although he admitted it would be 'a challenge with a capital C' requiring 'a great deal of energy'. El Corte Inglés is reportedly already starting talks with the aim of setting up an Amazon-style retail platform in the future.

Three people have been left injured after a violent brawl broke out on the outskirts of Barcelona. The street fight took place in Cornella de Llobregat and was captured on video. The police were called to attend the scene, but when they arrived there was nobody there. According to local media, the brawl broke out at around 6 am on Saturday morning, with some reports suggesting that the fight may have been between Barcelona FC fans and a local gypsy gang. In the footage, dozens of people are seen chasing each other through built-up

areas as pockets of fighting break out, with some brawlers using long wooden sticks. People are seen lying on

the ground, and being kicked in the head and beaten. Police have opened an investigation to identify the culprits.


Rock Of Contention Spain’s foreign minister Alfonso Dastis has said that he hopes to reach a deal with the UK on Gibraltar by the summer. Mr Dastis expressed hope that a bilateral agreement could be reached by October. “We are definitely determined to defend our position so I don’t exclude anything,” he said. “But we are definitely working towards having an agreement before October, even if possible by the summer, and we hope… that there is also, from the British side, a position which works towards that end.” The EU has said that a deal between the UK and Spain is a prerequisite for any future trade deal after Brexit. The British Government has said that ‘informal’ talks on the future of the UK overseas territory, and Mr Dastis has said that sovereignty will not be an issue during talks. Spain has a long-standing

claim to Gibraltar, which voted against Brexit by 96 percent. The Spanish foreign ministry is pushing for joint management of Gibraltar’s airport. “We have tried twice,” Mr Dastis said. “Once it was rejected by the UK, the second time it was rejected by

us. Maybe third time lucky?” Responding to the comments by the foreign minister, a UK government spokesman said: “Discussions are continuing with the Government of Gibraltar and our European partners on how to address the specific challenges and opportunities here.”

Uncertain Degree One of the most senior members of the ruling Partido Popular is facing calls to quit after accusations emerged that she had faked a masters degree in law. Cristina Cifuentes, the president of the party’s Madrid branch and tipped as a possible successor to Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, has been a member of the PP for nearly 30 years but has been forced to cancel a number of public appearances since the scandal emerged. The 53-year-old is accused of manipulating grades and falsifying signatures on records of a postgraduate qualification she completed in 2012. The state prosecutor has launched a criminal investigation into the reports, with the criminal offence of falsifying public documents carrying a prison sentence of up to six years. The furore dominated the

party’s annual convention at the weekend in Sevilla, yet Rajoy did not defend or even mention Ms Cifuentes during his keynote speech on Sunday. Instead he focused on tackling Catalunya’s independence and motivating the party to deal with the

opposition, especially with Ciudadanos, its biggest rival. On Monday, almost 500 people protested outside the King Juan Carlos University, where Ms Cifuentes received the allegedly fraudulent degree. Students, parents and teachers expressed their outrage, demanding a fair and “decent” system. The scandal began on March 21st, when a whistleblower contacted the university’s management saying Ms Cifuentes’ record had been manipulated. Two years after she graduated, someone changed two of her grades from “absent” to Bs, it was claimed. The university’s faculty of law launched an investigation, and it has since been claimed that two out of the three signatures that validated Ms Cifuentes’ dissertation were forged.



Friday 13th April 2018


Vodafone Ruling A woman who was placed on a national debtors' register over a disputed Vodafone bill has been awarded €10,000 in compensation following a Supreme Court appeal. The customer, who has not been named, had been blacklisted for credit by the debt recovery firm Sierra Capital Management 2012, S.L., after Vodafone placed the case in their hands. Vodafone was attempting to recover €297.80 from the customer, most of which was a penalty clause for breaking her contract in August 2012. She had signed up with Vodafone in April 2011 and, almost from the beginning, noticed constant 'irregularities' in her bills. The customer ended up querying practically every monthly bill, and almost every complaint ended with a corrected one – with charges wrongly applied removed – being sent to her. In the end, she became fed up with the poor service she was receiving and took her business elsewhere. After she ended her contract, Vodafone sent her a series of bills which included fines and penalty fees. She did not agree with these, and only paid the

parts of the bills she considered legitimate. In total, out of the €297.80, the woman paid the €97.80 but not the €200, as she considered the charges illegal and in breach of the terms of her customer contract during which they had allegedly been accumulated. Sierra Capital Management passed her details to Equifax in August 2013 and to Experian in October 2015, meaning she was blacklisted for credit. When she tried to sign up for a credit card with the Banco Popular in June 2015, the woman's application was turned down because of her being on the

national debtors' list. She took legal action, but the Court of First Instance in Lena, Asturias and, on appeal, the Provincial Court of Oviedo both ruled in Vodafone's favour, considering her blacklisting to be 'not illegal' but that it was, indeed, a breach of her right to her reputation. A further appeal, to Spain's Supreme Court, has now overturned the previous two verdicts. Ruling in favour of the plaintiff, the Supreme Court has ordered the woman's details to be taken off the debtors' lists and for Vodafone to pay her €10,000 in compensation for 'moral damages' and 'inconvenience'.

Anti-Cruise Demo

A group of mass tourism protestors took to the streets of Mallorca at the weekend to stage a demonstration against the world's biggestever cruise liner, Symphony of the Seas, paying a visit to the island. Around 150 people held up banners with messages including ‘Stop Cruises Palma’ and ‘Horror of the Seas’ shortly after the Symphony of the Seas, which can carry up to 6,680 passengers and 2,200 crew, docked at Palma on Sunday. Organisers of the protest, backed by local environmental groups including GOB, claimed holidaymakers on the giant cruise ship would add to the contamination and tourist saturation the Mallorcan capital is

already experiencing. Angry campaigners carrying banners and shouting messages like "City for those who live in it, not for those who visit it" greeted passengers as they came into the island's capital of Palma. The 'floating city', weighing 228,081 tons, is touring the world as part of its debut voyage, but pressure groups fighting mass tourism have told it go "go home". "We have come to say 'hello' and 'adiós'," said a spokesman. "Our islands need to put limits on the intensification of mass tourism." "We do not want this monster in our port," declared another of the protestors who held up banners saying

"Mallorca will be the tomb of tourism" and "Stop polution of the seas". The groups claim the cruise liner consumes as much energy in three days as the local airport does in one year. Vicenc Vidal told local news website in an interview: “I’m not opposed to tourism. What happens is that excesses have consequences.” Insisting regional government officials had their hands tied by central government policy, he added: “I would like to regulate the flow of tourism. The impact of cruise ships in places like Palma, for instance, could be very different if six weren’t turning up at the same time.”


Friday 13th April 2018

Beautiful Bonnets

Thirty members of HELP Murcia Mar Menor and their friends recently organised an Easter lunch at the Aqualinas Restaurant in San Pedro, with the ladies displaying their Easter bonnets. The winner of the best

bonnet competition was long-time HELP member Tricia Brister on the right with Dianne Daniels coming second. Guest Jim Branningam won the day for the men, as he was the only man brave enough to enter!

Blooming Nice

This event was held by the HELP Friendship Group and there will be events every month during the year for both HELP members and non-members. For more details, call the HELP office on 968 570 059.

Naughty Ladies The Studio 32 Musical Theatre company’s latest production is Chicago, a raunchy piece of musical vaudeville set in the 1920s. Based on real life events, the show revolves around a group of merry murderesses, most notably Velma Kelly (Rose Maclean, pictured left) and Roxie Hart (Sarah Hopewell, right). The show features some impressive dance routines and some top songs, including “All That Jazz”,“Hot Honey Rag”, “My Own Best Friend” and “Nowadays”. The show does contain content of an adult nature, and is not recommended for children under the age of 12.

Chicago will be staged at San Fulgencio’s Cardenal Belluga Theatre between Wednesday May 30th and Saturday June 2nd, with curtain up at 7.30 pm. Reserved seating tickets are priced at 10 euro each and

Spring Concert

The “In Harmony” chamber choir and the Orihuela Costa Male Voice choir are joining forces for “A Spring Serenade” to be staged on Sunday May 13th at La Zenia church, starting at 7.30 pm. Under musical director Nigel Hopkins, the two

choirs will present a varied programme with proceeds on the night going to La Zenia church funds, Tickets are available from La Ponderosa Gift Shop at La Zenia (next to Consum) and are priced at 10 euros. Proceeds will go to La Zenia church funds.

can be obtained by calling 744 48 49 33, or by emailing: Even at this early stage, tickets are going fast for the Friday and Saturday performances.

The Torrevieja U3A has launched a new group for Flower Arranging, run by Marjorie, who worked as a florist for many years in the UK before moving to the Costa Blanca. The group meets on The above photo shows four of the ladies who attended the first meeting and are proudly showing off their first attempts in the art of flower arranging.

Panto Success

The Campoverde Theatre Group staged their latest production, ‘Taking the P out of Panto’ to enthusiastic approval from the sell-out supper show audiences on the Orihuela Costa. The show did the trick by having audiences laughing throughout the evening as the cast took a somewhat alternative view of many traditional pantomime themes. Rehearsals are already underway for Supper on Broadway which will be performed at the end of September. The group are always pleased to welcome new members whether they want to be involved in performing or helping backstage. They rehearse on Monday and Wednesday afternoons,

Driving Tips

Advice on the rights and wrongs of motoring in Spain will be handed out to the next meeting of the San Luis/La Siesta Neighbourhood Watch and Residents group in Torrevieja at the end of the month. The N-332 group run in association with the Guardia

the first Wednesday afternoon of each month at the San Miguel de Salinas sports centre, and for more details of this and every U3A group, then please visit their website: www.torre-

Civil’s traffic division in Torrevieja will be running a presentation at Casa Ventura in San Luis on Monday April 30th, starting at 4.30 pm. Everybody in the Torrevieja West area is more than welcome to attend, for what the group say will be an informative meeting.


We’d love details of your charity events, amateur dramatics, and choral concerts! The Courier would love to hear from you as we gear up for another busy autumn across the Costa Blanca and Mar Menor. Send you snippets and photographs to thecourier@tko media.

starting at 2.00 pm at the Community Centre / Reading Point, Ramon de Campoamor, Calle Cipres, which is situated near the

Aldi supermarket. For further details and information, please call Pat on 626 772 256 or Jan on 64 757 9068.


Best Of Friends Storm Recovery

After a controversial Easter mass together, Queen Letizia and Queen Sofía of Spain have publicly reunited for the first time. The royal pair put on big smiles as they visited former King Juan Carlos at Sanitas La Moraleja University Hospital in Madrid last Saturday, after his successful knee surgery. Joining King Felipe, the women seemed to be extra

affectionate with each other as cameras snapped and rolled around them. The trio was spotted entering and exiting the hospital, stopping to pose for photos together. Letizia and Sofia were noticeably cordial to each other the entire time. The relaxed moment came on the heel of a controversial viral video of the queens.

The royal family had just finished attending Easter Sunday mass in Palma de Mallorca, as they do each year, when Queen Sofía attempted to pose for a photo with her granddaughters Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofía. Queen Letizia appeared to block her mother-in-law's path to avoid the pictures from being taken before exchanging words with her.

The body of a 22-year-old woman swept away by waves off a beach in northern Spain last month during a storm has been found, some 11 days after she went missing. She has been named as Andrea Domínguez, and disappeared on 30 March off a rocky promenade between Orzán and Riazor beaches in the province of A Coruña. Coastguard officials and the fire brigade went out to where the body had been spotted and found Andrea about 200 metres

from where she vanished. Andrea's sister and father were given support by counsellors on site when she was washed away by the tidal surge during the latest freak storms, which brought torrential rain and high winds to most of the country and snow in the north. The family found out Andrea's body had been discovered via the media, says the local council, who have since spoken to her father.


Friday 13th April 2018

Investing Tax Efficiently in Spain


Keith Littlewood, International Financial Adviser at Blacktower, Costa Cálida Expats from the UK coming to live in Spain often have investments such as ISAs, Tessas, PEPs or some form of National Savings. Whilst living in the UK, these investments offered excellent tax efficiency helping towards the growth of their investment. Once you live in Spain, the tax benefits offered by these tax-efficient investments disappear and any growth becomes subject to the savings tax rates applied by Hacienda. This means when doing your tax returns in Spain, you may face an unwelcome surprise in the form of a tax bill derived from the growth that these UK investments have made and where no tax has been previously deducted. This is because the double taxation treaty that exists means that you will be taxed at a rate of the difference you would have paid in Spain compared to what has already been paid by the relevant UK institution on your behalf. The amount is usually 19% in Spain, so if your ISA has increased in value by £1,000, then you can expect an extra tax bill of £190 (approx. €220) dropping in your post.

The local Blacktower office address is: 120, Avenida Dr. Artero Guirao 2C, San Pedro Del Pinatar, 30740, Murcia, Spain. Our office suite is easy to find on the main N332 through road of San Pedro del Pinatar with easy parking. If you want more information or wish to make an appointment to discuss your own situation, then call the local office on: 968 187 331 or speak to me direct on: 657 684 094 or email: keith.littlewood@blacktower

If you have made more than €6,000 in the year, then the tax rate increases even more, so you could be paying as much as 22%. There are investments available to UK expats in Spain that do have taxefficient benefits which can help you control and plan the tax payable and, with careful planning, tax can be avoided

120 Avenida Dr. Artero Guirao 2C San Pedo Del Pinatar 30740, Murcia, Spain Tel: 968 187 331

or at least deferred. These investments are called Spanish Compliant Bonds and are provided by large institutions such as The Prudential, SEB or Old Mutual but can only be obtained through an intermediary or financial adviser to make sure the most suitable type is recommended. The Spanish Compliant Bond providers

also have a fiscal representative to Hacienda, which means you do not have to complete a Modelo 720 (asset declaration) if you hold these investments, which can also save you time and money when doing your tax returns each year and also help you avoid fines for non-declaration. If you hold in excess of €50,000 combined in all UK cash

investments like ISAs etc., then you must complete the Modelo 720. In today’s financial climate it is essential you do everything you can to make sure your money is safe and secure and what you want to transpire in the future has the best chance happening and helping your own family members.

The above information was correct at the time of preparation and does not constitute investment advice and you should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity. Blacktower Financial Management (Int) Ltd is licensed in Gibraltar by the Financial Services Commission (FSC) and is registered with both the DGS and CNMV in Spain.



Friday 13th April 2018

Adoption Corner

ELSIE Elsie is an 18-month-old little lady that is currently being looked after by the La Marina-based K9 animal charity. Elsie is a very friendly cat who loves people and other cats, and would make a great companion. She was picked up with her two other sisters but now she is the only one left for adoption. If you can offer this young lady a home, then please call K9 on 600 845 420.

HERMAN Herman is quiet and calm, with a gentle personality and would like his new family to be the same. Herman is six years old and nice healthy, and is good with other dogs but not good with cats or small animals like rabbits. Herman is a strong character, and so his new family should be firm considerate and experienced with dogs. For more information about Herman phone PEPA on 650 304 746 or email

JET Black cats suffer from a very bad press and poor Jet can't help his colour. He was rescued by APAH as a kitten and is now nearly two-years-old. Jet is a lovely, gentle and friendly boy, with loads of love to give. Everyone who meets him thinks he is great, but as yet, nobody has offered him his first home. To arrange to meet Jet please call APAH on 630 422 563 or 616 210 850.

PLIGHT OF THE OLDER DOG Charity associations and societies that rescue and take care of unwanted and abused animals face an all too common dilemma, which is the re-homing of their older dogs (and cats), writes CORINA JORGENSEN. Cute little puppies and smaller pets are generally favored over older ones, and this becomes even worse if the older animals happen to be a larger size. Why is this? Is this because they are not loveable, not healthy or unattractive?? Perhaps it is more due to the incorrect mindset that young animals are “better”. In fact, there are many positives to adopting an older dog. He or she almost always is already house trained, well past the first year when the dog still has to learn everything (like for instance not to destroy your new slippers). However, most importantly, you can see for yourself the dog's already formed character, how the dog behaves, their medical history is generally known, is it quiet and friendly or, if important to you, is it used to other pets, dogs or cats, in the household? Many questions are answered with regards to how a new, but older dog may fit into your life, or not. Your commitment to the animal is also shorter than the usual 10 to 12 years, or more. A case in point is my story about Sammie. While living in France, the local SPA (similar to the RSCPA in the UK) held a so-called open-door day on a Saturday, inside a large shopping mall, bringing with them kittens and four dogs. The volunteers put up their boards to attract the public and handed out folders, and even put up a low fenced large pen for the kittens, much to the delight of children. Rarely would I go

shopping on a busy Saturday but this day was an exception and it turned out to be when Sammie had her day. She had been brought to the SPA at the age of 6 years but in spite of her good looks and the fact that everyone loved her, no one adopted her for the next three years. When I saw her at the mall, and petted her, she hopefully wagged her tail and I instantly knew this was going to be my dog. She apparently came from a breed called Gascony Blue, an ancient French hound, dating back to the Middle Ages and at the time was mainly used to hunt large game in the Pyrenees mountains. These dogs exist both in a smaller and a larger size, up to 70 lbs. Sammie weighed about 50 pounds. These dogs have a beautiful fawn tri-colour short haired coat, a long tail and a square muzzle with impressive long floppy ears. Being primarily hunters, they are known as blood hounds or pack hounds. We think Sammie was perhaps a mixed breed because she turned out to be great family dog – very gentle, smart, obedient, clean and a no barker! Never have we regretted my on the spot decision to take her because she turned out to be such a lovely dog with all the qualities I've described above. When out for her (favorite) “walkies”, people invariably would stop to admire her, even asking all kinds of questions. And this was the dog no one wanted?! We had her till she reached the end of her life at the age of 15 and we still miss her dearly. Therefore, if you are considering having a dog in your life, do not overlook the older ones, they are so much worth it and for the rest of their lives deserve a good home that perhaps may be yours!!??



Luca is a young healthy male pup aged around seven months, who recently won the best pup award at a dog show. He is living in harmony with lots of other dogs, and so is being very well socialized with dogs and people alike. He is ready to go to a home of his own, and will be medium-sized when fully grown. For more information about Luca please phone PEPA on 650 304 746 or email

SOFIA Sofia is aged two months, and though unwanted by her owner, who has her mother, the SAT animal rescue team believe she will soon be wanted by her very own loving family. Sofia is a small/medium crossbreed, and will have the relevant puppy vaccinations before she can go to her new home. For more about her, please contact the SAT kennels on 966 710 047 or email

WOLFIE Wolfie is a one-year-old Cairn terrier cross weighing in at just five kilos, and is being looked after by Pets in Spain. Wolfie is chipped, vaccinated and neutered, and is great with other dogs and cats and would ideally be suited to a home where there are no young children. He has just received treatment for a dislocated hip. To meet him, call Pets in Spain on 645 469 253.


Moving Offer The mayor of a village in the northern part of the Valencian region has come up with an original solution to stop the local school from shutting down due to a lack of pupils. His plan is to offer families with children a job and rented accommodation at just 50 euros a month, in exchange for moving to Portell in Castellón Province. “We met with the school board in January, before the second term began and there were seven students in total. Next year there would be only four and they’re two sisters and two brothers so the education would be monotonous, we have to look for diversity,” Mayor Alvaro Ferrer told Euronews. Ferrer received hundreds of responses to his call for help from all over Spain and even some Latin American countries like Argentina and Colombia. As the town only has seven jobs and three housing accommodations to offer, the mayor asked those interested to send an application for review. The pre-selected students were interviewed by the school board and city hall last week. “In order to evaluate, we had to be clear that we could offer them a job within the range of work in the town

hall, and that the children were within the educational age," said Ferrer. Last week, Portell council announced ten families would move to the village at the end of the school year. Four new children will integrate the town’s school next year. Erica Venturia, who is moving to Portell with her husband and her two daughters, told El Periódico Mediterráneo she found the offer while she was unemployed. She said her family was going through a tough

time and is very excited by the opportunity. Speaking of the chosen families, Ferrer said: “they would provide a solution if they decide to stay in Portell.” However, the mayor has saved the information of other candidates in case it doesn’t work out with the families he’s selected. Castellón Province is suffering from severe depopulation. According to regional figures, 86% of its municipalities have less than 5,000 inhabitants and 19 of these have less than 100 people.

A Drop Of Red

Spanish wineries led the world's exportation of red wine last year, according to figures released by the Spanish Observatory of Wine Markets. This puts the country ahead of its main competitors Italy (21 million hectolitres) and France (15 million hectolitres). However, for all the wine trickling out of the country, Spain only made €2,850 million in revenue, whereas France brought home over triple this figure (€9,000 million) and Italy billed over double (€6,000 million). This is because Spain sells its produce very cheaply at 1.25 per litre, compared to France's €6 per litre and Italy's €2.78. In fact, Spain sells its wine off the cheapest of almost any country, with only South

African wines sold at a lower price (1.23 per litre), and lower even than wineries further afield, such as Australia (€3.1 per litre) or Chile (1.89 per litre). The availability of cheap wine has not harmed the reputation of Spanish wine though, according to Rafael del Rey, general manager of the Spanish Observatory of Wine Markets. "The average (quality) of Spanish wines packed in many of the final consumer markets is a reasonably good average," he said. Nonetheless, he admitted Spain has some way to go if it wants to equal its Mediterranean neighbours. "It’s true that we’re relatively far from French and Italian and this is fundamentally due to the greater experience the French and

Italians have in the international markets compared to the Spanish market." The main challenge facing Spain is reducing the sale of cheap, mass-produced wine, which is flooding the market despite a lack of internal structures dealing with its distribution. Bulk production has, however, declined in recent years, although it still represents over half of Spain's sales in 2017 — 12.6 million hectolitres were sold, compared to 10.2 million hectolitres of bottled wines, according to El Pais. The overall picture for Spanish viticulturists and the rest of the industry is looking brighter. In 2017 Spanish exports grew by 2.5% in volume and 7.6% in turnover, due to a price increase of 5%.

Pot Plot Foiled

The National Police have arrested 12 people after cannabis worth around five million euro was seized following an alleged plot to smuggle drugs into the UK in paint cans. Officers seized 370 kilos of marijuana, including buds and more than 10,000 plants, during raids on warehouses around the Madrid area. Around 100 of the 500 paint pots they confiscated contained bags of drugs ready to be sent to Britain. Video footage of forensic experts in white protective suits removing cannabis from hiding places after a raid on one of the warehouses was released by police on Sunday as they announced the subsequent arrests of a dozen Chinese immigrants. The footage also showed how the cannabis plants were growing, with 24-hour artificial light inside the warehouses using illegal electrical hook-ups and special filters to hide the drugs' distinctive smell. A spokesman for the National Police said the investigation into the gang began last year in Caceres near Spain’s border with Portugal. He said: “Police arrested a

group of Chinese nationals who were planning on sending more than 12 kilos of cannabis buds inside bags to the UK.” “The method they were using and the fact the drugs were going to be sent to different parts of London, made police suspect they were dealing with an important criminal drugs trafficking organisation.” Claiming some of the warehouses the gang were using for their indoor drugs farms were illegally consuming more electricity in a day than entire municipalities, the spokesman added: “The paint that was emptied from the containers was thrown away down drains. “The suspects may face

charges of environmental damage as well because around 2,000 litres of paint is thought to have been disposed of in that way.” Over 20 thousand euro in cash, 17 mobile phones, five cars, four falsified passports and two firearms were also confiscated by police. The five warehouses searched by officers were in Alcorcon, Leganes and El Molar a short drive from Madrid. Four houses in the capital and another in the province of Burgos north of Madrid were also raided. Police say the warehouse in Alcorcon was the “logistics” centre and the place where the paint ready to be sent to the UK was found.


Friday 13th April 2018


Puigdemont Freed Fugitive former Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont has made a renewed call for Spanish authorities to open negotiations over Catalonia’s secession claim, a day after he was released from a German prison. Mr Puigdemont told reporters last Friday that he hoped a German court’s decision not to extradite him to Spain on charges of rebellion shows that “dialogue is needed” to defuse the political conflict in his home country. “I hope the situation could help … Spanish authorities understand that political measures are needed,” Mr Puigdemont said at a press conference in Berlin. “This opens a new opportunity of dialogue.” The former leader left a German prison in Neumuenster on bail on Friday, almost two weeks after his arrest, after the Schwesig state court in Germany decided the charge of rebellion did not warrant extradition because the accusation is not punishable under German law. Mr Puigdemont can still be extradited on the less serious charge of misuse of funds to hold Catalunya’s banned independence referendum last year. German justice minister Katarina Barley applauded

the court’s decision to free Mr Puigdemont on bail as “absolutely right” and what she had expected. Ms Barley said it was now up to Spain to prove the other charges against Mr Puigdemont, which she said “won’t be easy”. She said that if Spain could not prove the allegations of misuse of public funds, “then Mr Puigdemont will be a free man in a free country – namely in Germany”. Misuse of public funds carries a sentence of up to eight years in Spain, while a rebellion sentence can reach 30 years. Spain’s Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, speaking in Sevilla, said his government respects the decision by the German court. He said his government

“upholds and abides by” rulings by courts in Spain and elsewhere. Rajoy’s position was not shared by a leading Partido Popular figure in Catalunya. Xavier Garcia-Albiol said the decision not to extradite Mr Puigdemont could hurt the “confidence” Spaniards have in “European institutions”. Mr Puigdemont, 55, told reporters he would stay in Berlin until his extradition case is concluded. If he is not sent back to his home country, he said he plans to return to Belgium, where he has established residency in Waterloo since fleeing from Spain in October. The former Catalan leader was detained on a European arrest warrant after entering Germany on March 25th.

Ramirez Ouster

Opposition parties on San Fulgencio council have joined forces to call for an extraordinary plenary meeting of the authority in order to remove Carlos Ramírez as mayor. The PIPN and the PSOE, along with the one remaining Partido Popular (PP) representative have signed a document asking for the session, which if the mayor refuses to convene, then the council secretary has a legal obligation to do so. The meeting would have just one item on the agenda, namely for Ramírez to report

on the eight and a half year disqualification from public office last autumn, after a court ruling over a crime of administrative prevarication in connection with contracts concerning a local sports club. Since that ruling, Ramírez quit the PP, whilst four other councillors joined him after being thrown out of the party, and they’ve continued to control the San Fulgencio authority. His opponents say that he should have quit already as mayor on the back of the prevarication ruling, even though Ramírez denied the

charge, and launched an appeal. The judge in the hearing ruled that Ramírez should make a statement over the sentence at a plenary meeting, but five months later he has still not done so, and a plenary scheduled for March 6th was postponed due to “problems” with the agenda. Anti-corruption prosecutor, Pablo Romero, has now opened an investigation to find out the reasons why the mayor is still in office, despite being sentenced at on November 2nd, 2017.

6 Bed 4 Bath Detached Villa with Private Pool in El Chaparral Torrevieja


This outstanding property boasts 6 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, is contained over 3 levels, has an amazing build size of 400m2 and sits on a generous plot of 850m2. The surrounding gardens are well maintained and in lovely condition. The villa is accessed from via metal security double gates taking you onto the large patio where there is a double garage or through pedestrian gate into the private walled garden with featured water fountain. On entering the main accommodation you find yourself in a generous reception hall, to your left are beautiful stairs taking you up to the family bathroom and five bedrooms, all with built-in wardrobes and one with a walk-in wardrobe and stunning en-suite bathroom. Furthermore there is another room on the top level accessed via one of the bedrooms. Returning down to the reception area are doors leading off to the side into a large living area featuring a pool table, and doors in front leading through to the main living area and American style kitchen with floor standing and wall mounted cupboards, a breakfast bar and all the appliances you may need.

Property ID : 578 - 699,000â‚Ź

FREE EPC CERTIFICATE All domestic and commercial buildings available to buy or rent must have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC). List your property for sale on and we can arrange a FREE EPC Certificate assessment, saving you money straight away and increasing your chance of selling. Terms and conditions apply, but contact us today to find out more

Properties wanted, all areas. We have clients waiting. 6 Bedroom 6 Bathroom Detached Villa with Pool in El Chaparral

6 Bedroom 3 Bathroom Detached Villa in San Luis D








This property is situated in a peaceful location with the nature reserves and salt lakes accessible by foot. There are good transport links to Torrevieja as the bus stop is a short walking distance away. The property consists of 5 double bedrooms (the main en suite) and 2 further bathrooms. The smaller single bedroom is currently used as an office.

Absolutely stunning 6 bed detached villa on a large plot with a private pool for sale in El Chaparral close to Torrevieja. The spacious open-plan kitchen has been completely renovated with top quality appliances as well as work tops in granite. The villa is in excellent condition, renovated with top quality materials and fitted with modern lights and appliances.

Property ID: 501 - 335,000€

Property ID: 579 - 750,000€

3 Bedroom 2 Bathroom Semi-Detached Villa in El Chaparral

2 Bedroom 2 Bathroom Detached Bungalow in Balsicas G








Stunning, distinct, spacious 3-bedroom villa with private pool, garage and underbuild in El Chaparral close to Torrevieja. To the rear of the property is the lovely spacious south-facing garden with pool. The lounge/dining room is bright and spacious and there is an American-style kitchen to the back with all necessary appliances.

Private residential area composed of bungalows, townhouses and villas located in a fantastic golf course in Balsicas – Costa Calida. The houses, of 1 or 2 bedrooms, will allow you to enjoy the most of G NIN UN of the the 320 days of sunshine per year T S Mediterranean coast. Also, you can find all the amenities you could need surrounding the complex.

Property ID: 573 - 215,000€

Property ID: Balsicas - 66,900€

1,2 and 3 Bedroomed Bungalows in Pilar de la Horadada

Luxury 3 Bed 2 Bath Semi-Detached Villa in San Pedro









Available soon these well-presented 1, 2 and 3 bedroom bungalows in Pilar de la Horadada. All bungalows are south facing. There are parking spaces within the complex with underground storage rooms as well. There are 2 large swimming pools and a children’s playground.

These beautiful new-build semi-detached villas are ideal as a family home or a holiday rental property.

Property ID: 551 - 108,000€

Property ID: 593 - 219,000€

The 3 bedrooms are extremely spacious and the property has 2 fully equipped bathrooms. There is a private pool and off-road parking.



Friday 13th April 2018

Eat Your Brussels Australian research shows eating vegetables including sprouts, broccoli and cabbage is beneficial Research has shown eating broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and brussels sprouts to be particularly beneficial for the hearts of elderly women. A University of Western Australia study of more than 950 women aged 70 and older found those who ate more vegetables had thinner artery walls. A thickening of the artery walls, known as atherosclerosis, is an underlying cause of cardiovascular disease. Published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, the study showed cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli proved the most beneficial. “This is one of only a few

studies that have explored the potential impact of different types of vegetables on measures of subclinical atherosclerosis, the underlying cause of cardiovascular disease,” said Lauren Blekkenhorst, study lead author and PhD candidate at the University of Western Australia in Crawley. For the study, researchers distributed food frequency questionnaires to participants. The women noted their vegetable intake in a range from “never eating vegetables” to “three or more times per day”. Vegetable types included cruciferous, allium (onions, garlic, leeks and shallots), yellow/orange/red, leafy

green and legumes.

Sonograms were used to

measure carotid artery wall thickness and severity of plaque build-up in the carotid artery. Researchers observed a 0.05mm lower carotid artery wall thickness between high and low intakes of total vegetables. “That is likely significant, because a 0.1mm decrease in carotid wall thickness is associated with a 10% to 18% decrease in risk of stroke and heart attack,” said Blekkenhorst. In addition, each increase of 10 grams per day in cruciferous vegetable intake was associated with 0.8% lower carotid artery wall thickness, on average. Other vegetable types did

not show the same association. “After adjusting for lifestyle, cardiovascular disease risk factors (including medication use) as well as other vegetable types and dietary factors, our results continued to show a protective association between cruciferous vegetables and carotid artery wall thickness,” Blekkenhorst said. However, this was only an observational study and a causal relationship cannot be established, she noted. “Still, dietary guidelines should highlight the importance of increasing consumption of cruciferous vegetables for protection from vascular disease.”

The cycling club helping homeless women regain independence A cycling session at Queen Mary homeless women’s hostel in London starts with some reflection in the tea room. Eleven women discuss how they’re doing this week, how the cycling went for them last week and what they’re hoping to build on in today’s session. Then they push their bikes to a local basketball court to practise

in the safety of an off-road environment. Supported by instructors from Westminster council’s training team, they practise riding by themselves; pushing off, cycling in a straight line, looking over one shoulder, turning, keeping going. Small achievements are important and depend on the starting point of each

woman; for some, keeping going is a key goal to address physical fitness, for others it is balance or specific cycling skills. They are all working towards Bikeability Level 1 which enables them to control a bike safely enough to progress on to quiet roads, making turns and negotiating traffic. In some sessions the women

learn about map-reading and planning journeys, pumping up tyres and other basic maintenance. Sometimes they are tired, emotional or sluggish from their medication. Sometimes they are upbeat, chatty and excited for their weekly dose of cycling. But they are all determined. “I love being part of the cycling club,” says Brandy, who has been living at the hostel for two years. “The club has given me the chance to ride a bike, which I hadn’t done since I was a child. “I now am able to explore our city’s parks and green spaces on my bike. Cycling helps me relax, stimulates my mind. It also makes me a bit tired in the evening, which means I can get a good night’s sleep.” Last year Queen Mary, which is run by the housing association Riverside, approached Sustrans to provide support in setting up and running a cycling club for women. We worked for the first time with women facing significant challenges. Many have low levels of fitness. All have survived challenging situations ranging from social isolation to dependence and abusive relationships. The hostel staff, who are experienced mental health practitioners, were keen to develop cycling to boost the women’s personal confidence and help give them access to other spheres of society, such as college, community groups or paid employment. The hostel is moving away from a traditional medicalised model of mental health to a more holistic model of wellbeing, and thought cycling could be

a really useful tool in helping move the residents towards more independent living. After the success of a 10week pilot project, mostly funded by the hostel themselves, the cycle club has recently received funding of £10,000 from Cycling Grants London to continue the club for another three years. According to the Mental Health Foundation, homelessness and mental health often go hand-in-hand. Poor housing or homelessness can increase the chances of developing a mental health problem, or aggravate an existing condition. Studies have shown that physical activity, including walking and cycling, can be used to overcome and even prevent stress, depression and anxiety. It can be as effective as medication and counselling, and a cheaper route to mindfulness. Women, however, are less likely than men to take part in physical activity and cycling is no exception. Women in the UK make nearly three times fewer cycling journeys than men. Recent research suggests the two main causes for this are logistical barriers – mostly because women still

undertake the majority of childcare and household tasks – and fear of judgment emanating from societal pressure around appearance. The expanding network of dedicated bike routes and schemes has increased cycling levels in London yet the “build it and they will come” approach ignores the fact that not all individuals start from the same point. Targeted social interventions are an important, yet often forgotten, part of the package to achieving equity of access to cycling. Riverside have expressed an interest in rolling out this project format to their maleonly hostels, an idea which the partners involved are considering for future funding bids. In an ideal world, potentially transformative projects such as this one would not be reliant on piecemeal funding and the determination of the partners and delivery staff involved. Statutory provision of social interventions such as this could be part of a preventive approach to the isolation and marginalisation which contribute to mental health problems, as well as combatting congestion and air pollution.

Property and Travel


Where to see the world's best sunsets Kick back and watch the sky turn orange, pink and purple at these perfect sunset viewpoints. East side, Angkor Wat, Cambodia

century BC, Debod Temple consists of a series of chapels, halls and beautiful reflective pools. The complex was gifted to Spain in 1968 and now rests in perfect alignment with the sun on a hillside outside of Madrid's city centre. Tamar’s Waterfront Gardens, Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong

Cambodia's ancient Khmer ruins are incomprehensibly crowded at sunrise; instead, swing by the complex's quieter east side at sundown for up-close views of pyramid-shaped Phimeanakas temple silhouetted against cerise skies.

distant cone, which rises to 3,776m, is a reminder of another world beyond the 21st-century bustle, and it adds an ethereal element to the view. It's best seen from a high-rise: the Sky Circus Observatory, at 251m, is one of the city's best viewpoints. Town Beach, Broome, Australia

As the sun descends in Broome, on the coast of Western Australia, a natural lunar phenomenon occurs. Known as the 'staircase to the moon', the optical illusion is created as the full moon rises casting its glow on exposed step-like mudflats.

Zambezi River, Zambia The city is at its most ravishing at sunset, when the neon waterfront starts to twinkle into life. Soak up the scene from Tamar's waterfront gardens for free or hop on Star Ferry crossing for 25p.

Gantry Plaza Park, Long Island, New York, USA

Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA

To take in the full, heady New York City mix – Hudson River, wrought-iron bridges, the Empire State Building, the Chrysler Building, the punchy Manhattan skyline – head to Gantry Plaza Park on Long Island to look back at Manhattan as the sun dips behind it.

Hop on a sunset speedboat cruise and feel like you're sailing on a river of molten gold. Skies burn flame red as the river ripples and rolls, creating mini rainbows as wild elephants, hippos and crocodiles wade past. Lookout Point Park, Newport Beach, California, USA

The first rule of Grand Canyon sunsets: pick a spot, such as Shoshone Point, that you have to walk to. Even it's only a 15minute stroll from the Desert View Drive, it'll filter out the crowds. The second rule: don't spend all your time taking photos. The yawning depth of the canyon, the mesmerising kaleidoscope of colours, the cooling of the evening air - these are things to be experienced with all your senses, not viewed through a lens.

Lofoten, Norway

Chapora Fort, Goa, India

When is a sunset not a sunset? When it happens from late May to early July in northern Scandinavia, most magnificently in Norway's Lofoten Islands. Known as the months of the 'midnight sun', the sun does not set. Instead, it gently lowers into mauve skies, casting fleck of gold over toothy mountains, rocky shores and mirrored lakes, before quickly rising again.

Throw down a picnic blanket at Lookout Point Park and gawp at frothy waves, blonde sands, rickety old Balboa Pier, Catalina Island and pelicans flapping past candy-floss clouds and coralorange skies.

Cala D'Hort, Ibiza Debod Temple, Madrid, Spain

From the 16th-century Chapora Fort, stationed at the top of dusty red cliffs towering over 10 kilometres of golden beach, the sun appears like a giant cherry drop sinking into a never-ending horizon. Tokyo, Japan

Built in Aswan, Egypt, to honour the goddess Isis in the 2nd

Even if Mount Fuji wasn't there, the sight of the setting sun over one of the world's great cities would be memorable. But the

You'll want an umbrella-topped cocktail and a chill-out soundtrack to watch the blazing orange sun sink over Es Vedra rock, a trifecta of limestone rock towers. Kick back and watch it from pretty Cala D'Hort beach.


Food & Drink

Friday 13th April 2018

Scotch Pancakes

Ingredients 200g plain flour 1 tbsp baking powder pinch of salt 1 tbsp caster sugar 1 tsp ground cinnamon 1 large egg 300ml milk vegetable oil, to fry Method Add the dry ingredients to

a mixing bowl. Beat the egg and milk into the mixture with a handheld or electric whisk. Heat a non-stick frying pan over a medium heat and add some oil. Spoon in a small ladleful of batter to make a pancake about 10cm across. Fry for about 1 min until the edges of the pancake

Turmeric Latte Jazz up brunch or breakfast with our yellow latte or 'golden milk'. Studies suggest the curcumin in turmeric has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

are firm and bubbles have started to appear on the surface. Turn over and fry for another 30 secs till golden on both sides. Serve with your favourite toppings.

Prep: 10 Mins Cook: 15 Mins Makes: 10

Vegetable Mexican Chilli with Tortilla Chips

Ingredients 350ml almond milk (or any milk of your choice) ¼ tsp ground turmeric ¼ tsp ground cinnamon ¼ tsp ground ginger ½ tsp vanilla extract 1 tsp maple syrup

grind of black pepper Method Put all the ingredients in a saucepan and whisk constantly over a gentle heat, ideally with a milk frother if you have one.

Once hot, pour into mugs and sprinkle with a little more cinnamon to serve.

Prep: 5 Mins Cook: 5 Mins Serves: 2

Chickpea and Sweetcorn Burgers

Ingredients For the chilli 2 small sweet potatoes, cut into 2cm/¾in cubes 2 tsp chilli powder 2 tsp paprika pinch ground cinnamon 4 tbsp olive oil 1½ red onions, finely chopped 2 celery sticks, finely chopped 2 carrots, finely chopped 2 garlic cloves, crushed 1 red chilli, finely chopped 1 red pepper, thinly sliced 1 yellow pepper, thinly sliced 150g/5½oz chestnut mushrooms, quartered 1 aubergine, cut into 2cm/¾in cubes 1 tsp ground coriander 1 tsp ground cumin 400g tin kidney beans in chilli sauce 400g tin plum tomatoes 2–3 dashes Worcestershire sauce 1–2 dashes Tabasco sauce dash red wine vinegar 200ml/7fl oz vegetable stock small bunch fresh corian-

der, leaves picked and stalks chopped salt and freshly ground black pepper For the tortilla chips vegetable oil, for deep-frying 3 large flour tortillas Method Preheat the oven to 200C/180C Fan/Gas 6. Put the sweet potatoes in a large roasting tin and sprinkle with a teaspoon each of the chilli powder and paprika, and the cinnamon. Season and drizzle with half the oil. Roast for 20 minutes, or until tender. Meanwhile, heat the remaining oil in a large saucepan over a low– medium heat. Fry the onions, celery and carrots gently for 10 minutes, or until softened. Add the garlic and chilli and fry for a minute before adding all the remaining vegetables. Cook for 10 minutes, or until everything is starting to soften.

Add the remaining chilli powder and paprika, the ground coriander, cumin and plenty of seasoning and cook for 1–2 minutes. Add the kidney beans, tomatoes, Worcestershire sauce, if using, Tabasco, red wine vinegar and stock. Bring to the boil, reduce the heat and simmer for 20–30 minutes. Add the roast sweet potato and coriander stalks to the chilli and cook for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, make the tortilla chips. Heat the oil in a deep saucepan until it reaches 180°C, or a cube of bread browns in 20 seconds. Cut the tortillas into small triangles and deep-fry in batches for 1–2 minutes, or until crisp. Drain on kitchen paper. Garnish the chilli with the coriander and serve with the tortilla chips and some cooked rice, if liked. Prep: 30 Mins Cook: 1 Hour Serves: 4

Ingredients 400g tin chickpeas, drained 160g tin sweetcorn, drained 1 tsp onion powder 1 tsp smoked paprika 1 tbsp lemon juice 2 tbsp gram flour 2 tbsp rapeseed oil To serve 4 wholemeal buns 1 head little gem lettuce, leaves separated 2 large tomatoes, sliced sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

Method Heat a barbecue until the flames have died down and the coals are glowing. If you’re not using a barbecue, heat a griddle pan until hot. Tip the chickpeas into a bowl and crush to a thick paste with a potato masher. Stir in the sweetcorn, onion powder, smoked paprika, lemon juice and plenty of salt and black pepper. Add the gram flour and mix well until everything starts to stick together. Divide

the mixture into four, then form each quarter into a burger shape. Brush the burgers with oil and place on the barbecue or griddle. Cook on each side for 2 minutes, until crisp and hot through. Split the buns and heat on the barbecue or griddle. Serve the burgers in the buns, topped with lettuce leaves and tomato. Serve immediately.

Prep: less than 30 mins Cook: 10 mins

Food & Drink




Friday 13th April 2018

Lamb Doner

Ingredients For the lamb doner 175g/6oz 20%-fat lamb mince 175g/6oz diced lamb leg meat, visible fat removed 2 garlic cloves, finely grated ½ tsp flaky sea salt ½ tsp bicarbonate of soda 2 tsp ground cumin 1 tsp ground paprika 1 tsp onion powder

1 tsp dried oregano pinch dried chilli flakes freshly ground black pepper For the yoghurt sauce 100ml/3½fl oz 0% fat plain yoghurt 2 tbsp finely chopped mint leaves pinch granulated sweetener pinch salt

To serve 2 medium corn tortillas 40g/1½oz iceberg lettuce, shredded 50g/1¾oz cucumber, thinly sliced 2 tomatoes, thinly sliced ½ small red onion, thinly sliced 6 pickled chillies hot sauce (optional)

Method Preheat the oven to 240C/220C Fan/Gas 9. To make the doner, place all ingredients into a food processor and pulse until smooth. Divide the mixture in half. Shape each portion into a ball and roll out between two large sheets of baking paper, until very thin. Remove the top sheet of baking paper from each

piece of meat. Bake for 3– 4 minutes until browned. Remove the trays from the oven and carefully use cook’s blowtorch over the surface of the lamb until blackened in small areas. Leave to rest for a couple of minutes. To make the yoghurt sauce, mix together all the ingredients and set aside. Warm the tortillas on the

top shelf of the oven for 1 minute and place between two warmed plates. Slice the lamb into strips, about 2.5cm/1in wide. Serve the lamb on the open tortillas and top with the serving ingredients, yoghurt sauce and hot sauce, if using. Fill generously until unable to wrap. Prep: 30 mins Cook: 20 mins Serves: 2

Easy Rocky Road

Ingredients 200g digestive biscuits (Rich Tea can also be used) 135g butter or margarine 200g dark chocolate (70% cocoa works best) 2-3 tbsp golden syrup 100g mini marshmallows (chopped regular marshmallows work too) icing sugar to dust Optional (up to 100g) raisins, dried cranberries or any dried fruit nuts popcorn honeycomb, broken into

pieces Method Grease and line an 18cm square brownie tin with baking paper. Place biscuits in a freezer bag and bash with a rolling pin or just the side of your fist until they're broken into a mixture of everything between dust and 50psized lumps. Set aside. In a large saucepan melt the butter, chocolate and golden syrup over a gentle heat stirring constantly until there are no or almost no

more lumps of chocolate visible, then remove from the heat. Leave to cool. Take the biscuits, marshmallows and any additional ingredients and stir into the chocolate mixture until everything is completely covered. Tip the mixture into the lined baking tin, and spread it out to the corners. Chill for at least 2 hrs then dust with icing sugar and cut into 12 fingers. Prep: 15 mins Cook: 5 mins Serves: 12



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Can’t find what you’re looking for? Visit

.com FAMAS FEST – THE FIRST FESTIVAL FOR FAMILIES AND PETS! For the majority of pet owners, their pet is not just an animal that they keep at home and look after; it is an important and valued member of the family, which wouldn’t be the same without them. And, the majority of people, even those without a pet in their home, understand this to be true.

That’s why we are certain that the organisers of FAMAS FEST have come up with a fantastic idea – creating an event specifically for families and their pets. Now you can go out for the weekend and take your pet with you. How great is that! No more sad eyes as you get ready to leave the house, no more whining, crying or even scratching at the front door as you close it behind you. Well, only for this weekend! This Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 April, the Jardines de Viveros in Valencia will be the setting of the first ever family and pet festival in Spain. So, what can you expect in the first edition of FAMAS FEST? Well, actually, there is a whole lot going on for everyone to enjoy including fun activities that you and your pets can participate in, live music and performances to suit all tastes, a leisure area where your pets will also be entertained, a shopping zone where you can buy all the latest products in pet food, toys and pet care, a gastronomy and dining area not only for you but for your furry friend too, an area for singles and their pet, demonstrations and talks, raffles, competitions, photoshoots and so much more! FAMAS FEST is being held in the Jardines de Viveros, a huge park and green area located just on the outskirts of the centre of Valencia, close to the Central Market. You will find it at: Calle de Cavanilles, 17, 46010, Valencia. The event is open from 11 am to midnight on Saturday 14 April and from 11 am to 9 pm on Sunday 15 April. The general entrance fee is 4,00€, with 1,00€ being donated to a local animal shelter. Children under the age of 12 will be allowed free entrance and there are discounts for large groups. For more information, please visit the FAMAS FEST website at:

.com Events Calendar Until 4 March, 2018 Torrevieja Art exhibition by Alina Plamada called “Looks That Scream” at the Virgen del Carmen

Official Sponsors of the What’s on Guide! Silverstones, the first motorsport-themed bar and bistro on the Costa Blanca, opened its doors on 1 March 2018. It offers a unique fine-dining experience with top quality food, fine wines and excellent service. The Bar and Bistro we have all been waiting for! You will find Silverstones Bar and Bistro in Montebello, just off Junction 745 on the AP7. Contact them now on: 965 729 140 or email: or find them on Facebook. An experience not to be missed! Friday 13 to Sunday 15 April Dolores IV Commercial and Vehicle Outlet Fair in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento Friday 13 April, 2018 Orihuela Costa Flea market with raffle in Blue Lagoon from 10.30-13.30 with Chris Batten to raise money for Happy Animales-Finca Villamartin El Raso Let’s Inform You ‘Brexit Special’ 11.30 - 1.30 pm Rojales Músicas Sin Fronteras concert by Al Firdaus Ensemble at the Teatro Capitol Saturday 14 to Sunday 15 April, 2018 Orihuela Costa 1st Irish Pub Tapas Route. During the weekend 31 pubs will be offering a drink and a Tapas for 2.50€. San Vicente de Raspeig Moors and Christians Festival - 21:30 Spectacular Correfoc (parade with fireworks). Saturday 14 April, 2018 San Miguel de Salinas III Tapas Route: Each of the 16 participating establishments will be offering at least 3 different tapas. Each tapa and a drink will cost 2.50€. The route will start at 12:00 and continue until the last tapas has been sold!

Torrevieja Concert by the Torrevieja Symphonic Orchestra at the Auditorium 19h - 21h. Mozart, Sibelius and Schubert. Guardamar Theatre performance of Moby Dick by Basque theatre company Gorakada at the Casa de Cultura. 19.00h Rojales The “Mariachi Show Latino” a show with music, ballet and dance from Mexico with special guests at the Teatro Capitol. 20.00h Sunday 15 April, 2018 Orihuela Costa Charity fashion show at Everybody’s Dance and Fitness Centre in Dehesa de Campoamor in memory of Bryn and Patsy Crossley. 17.00h. Tea, coffee, and raffle. Free entrance San Vicente de Raspeig Re-enactment of the Miracles of Sant Vicent on Avda. Libertad, followed by a mascleta display at 12.15 pm Grand open air dance in the Plaza de Espana at 22.00h Torrevieja Sleeping Beauty ‘La Bella Durmiente’ Musical in Spanish. 18h - 19.30h. Rojales Guided 30km walk organised by the town hall around Rojales that will take 7 hours! Setting off at 8 am from the Recinto Ferial. Must sign up by Thursday 12 April. Wednesday 17 April, 2018 Santa Pola Nature Route free guided tour in English leaving the Museo de la Sal beside the Natural Park at 11 am. You must reserve your place in advance by calling 966 696 052 or in person by visiting the Tourist Office in the town hall. Sea Route guided tour in English from 5 pm to 7 pm. Leaving from the Aquarium. 3€ Friday 20 to Sunday 22 April, 2018 Formentera de Segura III edition of ‘Primavera en la Calle’ (Spring in the Streets) celebrating the X Tapas and Cocktail Route. Friday 20 April, 2018 Orihuela Costa Spring Concert at 11.30 am at the Civic Centre in Playa Flamenca followed by 3-course lunch for 8€ Rojales Músicas Sin Fronteras concert by Daniel Amat y Francis Poset Trio at the Teatro Capitol.

Local Markets Friday Albatera, Almoines, Banyeres, Benejuzar, Beniarres, Benidoleig, Crevillente, Daimus, Denia (Rastro), El Verger, Finestrat, Gata de Gorgos, Granja de Rocamora, L’ Alfas del Pi, Monforte del Cid, Monstesinos, Moraira, Muro de Alcoi, Oliva, Onil, Petrer, Pilar de la Horadada, Playa de Daimus (summer evenings), Rafol d’ Almunia, Sella, Tibi, Torrevieja, Villalonga. Saturday Alcoi, Alicante, Almoradi, Alqueria, Banyeres, Bellreguard, Benifairo, Benissa, Callosa d’En Sarria, Calpe, Castalla, Castell de Castells, Catral, Elche, Elda , La Font d’En Carros, La Romana, Gaianes, Hondon de las Nieves, Novelda, Ondara, Pedreguer, Tavernes de la Valdigna (summer evenings), San Vicente del Raspeig, Salinas, Relleu, Santa Pola, Xalo (Jalon) Rastro Sunday Benidorm, Elche, La Nucia, Campoverde, Algorfa, La Marina, Zoco, Almoradí street market, Lemon Tree Road, Mil Palmeras. Monday Agres, Callosa d’En Sarria, Cox, Denia, Elche, Formentera, Granja de Rocamora, Ibi, La Nucia, Llocnou de Sant Jeroni, Parcent, Petrer, Penaguila, Playa de Miramar (summer evenings), Monover, Real de Gandia, San Pedro del Pinatar, Santa Pola, Sax, Torremendo, Xeraco Tuesday Alicante (Rastro), Aspe, Altea, Barx, Bellreguard, Benijofar, Campo de Mirra, Castalla, Elda, Orihuela, Palma de Gandia, Piles, Playa de Piles (summer evenings), Rafelcofer, Relleu, San Fulgencio, Sella, Tibi, Villalonga, Xalo(Jalon), Xeresa Wednesday Ador, Albatera, Alcoi, Alqueries, Almoines, Banyeres, Barx, Benjema, Beniaries, Benidorm, Benilloba, Benitatxell, Biar, Callosa de Segura, Calpe (Rastro), El Campello, Elda, Guardamar del Segura, La Font d’en Carros, La Mata, Muchamiel, Monforte del Cid, Novelda, Orba, Ondara, Petrer, Polop, Potries, Rotova, San Miguel de Salinas, Sella, Teulada Thursday Agost, Agres, Albatera, Alguena, Alicante, Aspe, Benidoleig, Campoamor near Cabo Roig medical centre, Cocentaina, Hondon de los Frailes, Llocnou de Sant Jeroni, Pego, Playe de Bellreguard (summer evenings), Rafelcofer, Rojales, Tavernes de Valldigna, Villajoyosa, Xabia (Javia), Xixona (Jijona)



Irish-Themed Pub-Disco Close to Torrevieja Town Centre

Go back to page 34 to read more!

SITUATIONS VACANT Radio Sales - RADIO COSTA MEDIA needs selfemployed salesperson for Torrevieja & surrounding areas. Call 685 901 265 or email Realtor vacancy - Proven track record, experience, local knowledge all essential. Car essential, multi-lingual desired. Send CV to: CHURCH SERVICES Torrevieja Christian Fellowship at Avenida de las Cortes Valencianas 68, Torrevieja 03183, all welcome to their friendly and lively 10.30 am. Service each Sunday morning. Tele: 966700391 or visit our website on International Christian Assembly, Calle Pilar de Horadada 5, Torrevieja. Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday services 11am. Children's church 11am.. For more inf please call: 966 799 273 or 660 127 276. QUIZ MASTER Experienced quiz-master /question setter with personality. If you would like a quiz master that is entertaining, and is available to host quiz nights in local bars. Tel: 664 838 581. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE DUE TO RETIREMENT New and Used Furniture Business, well known, repeat business from regular clientele. Trading for 10+ years. Only

serious applicants need apply. For more information Tel: 620 582 063 SERVICES STRUCTURAL SURVEYS Mark Paddon BSC Hons Building Surveying MCIOB. CAAT. Buyer’s and defect reports. Tele. 653 733 066 FOR SALE FANTASTIC 4-BEDROOM HOUSE ON THE MAR MENOR. Quiet location in a very nice area two minutes from the golf course. Fully furnished, with high quality fixtures and fittings. Airconditioning, built-in safe, garage and parking space. Outside is totally finished plants, tubs, non-slip flooring. Pool and pump house with storage. Sun all day long. This property must be seen. Price: 240,000€. Tel: 696 598 050. TUITION GUITAR LESSONS FOR BEGINNERS AND IMPROVERS. ALL STYLES TECHNIQUES - FROM 10 EUROS PER HOUR CALL PETER ON: 966 789 612 OR 629 975 378.

der Remin ere. tise h Adver 6 921

Call 96


der Remin ere. s ti e h Adver 003 6 921 Call 96



TV dramas with a dystopian theme seem to be all the rage these days and if you get something outstanding like The Handmaid’s Tale (back soon); Counterpart (which finished a fantastic series one recently and amazingly has no UK transmission planned); and Amazon’s The Man in the High Castle (series three, coming soon), then you are getting something straight out of the top drawer. Sadly that does not apply to The City and The City which premiered on BBC 2 last Friday, which in itself was a scheduling omen. A Friday night BBC 2 airing for an alleged premium drama means that it has been dumped out of harm’s way, because it’s a dud, and I award this boring mess my award for the drama turkey of the year….so far! The City and The City is a four-part adaptation of British author China Mieville’s award-winning sci-fi/detective-tale about a murder investigation caused by a US foreign exchange student turning up dead in the fictional European city of Besźel, having crossed the

This City Is Not For Me

border from the muchwealthier city of Ul Qoma. Besźel is as grim as a seventies Saturday night in Stoke on Trent, and the local powers are very dictatorial, as the comparisons to Cold War Berlin are obvious. The muddled and plodding plot makes last year’s SS GB storyline look like a Usain Bolt sprint, with the only saving grace being David Morrissey as the

inspector investigating what happened, along with his entertaing foul-mouthed assistant. T.C.A.T.C. seems to lift all kinds of concepts from the shows that I mentioned above, but they do it all miles better, and crucially I couldn’t really care less about what was going on, and the direction of the murder investigation. I suspect that the original novel deserved better than this

second-rate adaptation. Far more entertaining is the return of Mark Strong to the small screen after his outings in the Kingsman movies, and he has a good vehicle for his talent in the FOX Europe espionage caper, Deep State. Already commissioned for a second series, Strong is a British spy retired with his family in France, when he is forced back to London with the news that his son has

been killed in a spy operation in Iran. Of course not everything is what it seems, and with glossy locations, action, and twists, Deep State is a perfectly entertaining caper, which seems to have taken elements of the likes of Homeland and Spooks, and mixed them up with a big wooden spoon in a cooking bowl. Strong also brings some class to the lead role, and I can easily see Deep

State being around for a few seasons. If you are looking for something a wee bit different look out for AMC’s The Terror, an adaption of the bestselling 2007 novel by Dan Simmons. The Terror is set in 1847 and dramatizes a suspenseful and desperate game of survival as the crews of some British ships become trapped in the Arctic ice trying to force their way through the Northwest Passage and they end up being stalked by a mysterious predator. The cast is packed with familiar British talent in a slow-burner of a tale, which plays (in the first two episodes, anyway) on the classic horror fear of not knowing what is hiding around the corner, short of a flashing glimpse here and there. Ridley Scott has executive-produced this tenparter, which is a welcome addition to those wanting some horror and tension on the small-screen, but could have benefitted from some big-screen budgets in the staging.


Friday Aaron and Liv prepare for her day in court. Meanwhile, Chas makes a choice. Elsewhere, Rhona continues her efforts to help Ross.

Monday It’s the day of Gabby and Liv’s court case, but Aaron breaks the worrying news that Liv’s solicitor has been assigned to another case. When the new solicitor arrives, the Dingles are unhappy as he won’t allow Lisa to speak on her behalf in court. Later in the courtroom, Gabby’s defence makes an impressive speech but Liv’s solicitor nervously sifts through his notes, clearly not up to speed on the case. Things get worse for Liv when he gets her name wrong and mentions her evil father Gordon. As the proceedings come to an end, Gabby gives a repentant apology, but an upset Liv can’t bring herself to speak up. Will this affect the outcome of the case? Meanwhile, Jessie orders Marlon to explain everything to April’s class about the gerbil, secretly enjoying winding him up. Elsewhere, Rhona continues with her deception as she keeps Ross’s addiction a secret from Pete. Also today, Paddy announces that he’s moving in with Chas.

when she sees how much pain her mum is in. Later at the hospital, the doctor informs Lisa that she suffered an angina attack. Lisa knows things need to change to reduce her stress, so she makes a decision on how to keep herself well and confides in a distraught Belle about what she has planned. Meanwhile, Laurel tries to honour her promise to keep away from Bob. Will it be enough to satisfy Brenda?

Wednesday How will Zak react when Belle tells him about Lisa? Meanwhile, Sam is pleased when Lydia suggests she should move in. Elsewhere, Brenda’s behaviour causes concern for Bob and he fears that her cancer could be back. Also today, Jessie has good news for Marlon. Thursday Bob questions Brenda about the string of purchases he’s found hidden away in the cupboard, but she brushes him off and leaves him even more concerned. Later on, Bob visits Laurel and explains that he’s worried about Brenda’s recent behaviour. Will Laurel reveal that Brenda knows the truth about their affair? Meanwhile, at the surgery, Dr Cavanagh examines Ross’s face and explains that he’s healing nicely. Ross struggles to hide his anxiety when Cavanagh won’t prescribe more painkillers.

Friday Eva doesn’t know what to do for the best, but ultimately makes a big decision about the baby. Meanwhile, Carla is concerned when she sees bruises on Michelle’s wrists. Michelle says it was just the result of a night of passion, but Carla is taken aback and follows Robert. What will she discover? Elsewhere, as rumours of the steroid needle and David’s possible addiction spread, he goes to the hospital to see Gary. Carla speaks to Robert and demands to know what he is up to. Will Robert be able to wriggle out of this one? Meanwhile, Toyah tells Peter that she has had £20 stolen and suspects Simon. Simon denies all knowledge. Elsewhere, Shona tells David that she saw him at Gary’s bedside and asks him if he is hooked on steroids. He denies it. Gary asks Sarah to marry him and she tells Gail and Audrey they are engaged again.

Monday Michelle plans a family dinner and invites Ali, Aidan, Carla, Roy, Jenny and Johnny. Soon afterwards in the cafe, Carla asks Ali about steroid abuse. He realises she is talking about Robert and agrees to help. Later at Michelle’s, Ali quizzes Robert about his gym routine and warns him not to overdo it. Alya is stunned to realise the truth about Rana’s sexuality and that her parents

Tuesday Lisa is struck down with pains after an argument with Zak, leaving her terrified. Belle arrives and calls an ambulance


Friday 13th April 2018

Ross continues to fight temptation. Meanwhile, a final decision causes heartbreak. Elsewhere, a villager endures a tense reunion.

already knew. Calling at the restaurant, Alya is shocked to discover that Zeedan was also aware of this. Meanwhile, having realised what is going on between Ali and Carla, Michelle sends everyone home except Carla. The pair have it out, but what will Carla do? Wednesday Zeedan is furious that Alya has blown apart his and Rana’s sham marriage. At the same time, Alya tells Kate that she needs to find somewhere else to live. Rana’s mother calls at Number 6 and says she has to go to Pakistan to be with her dying sister, but Rana’s father won’t go with her as he is so angry about what has happened. In a bid to win her mum round, Rana offers to go with her. Meanwhile, Michelle is not taking Carla’s calls. Carla confronts Robert in the Bistro and he confirms that he is still talking steroids. When Michelle sees Carla in the street, she has another go at her about Ali, but Carla stuns her with the news that Robert is taking steroids.

Yasmeen is suspicious of Rana’s mother’s story and asks Imran to check with his family in Pakistan if his aunt is really ill. When Imran discovers there is no truth in it, Yasmeen, Kate, Imran and Zeedan set off to try and stop Rana boarding the flight. Will they be in time to save Rana? Meanwhile, furious at his lies, Michelle confronts Robert over the steroids. Elsewhere, Nicola tells Eileen she should back the campaign to free Anna. Eileen refuses, saying she is too ashamed.

Friday Mel offers Billy a trial for the bar manager job at the club, but Billy’s good luck doesn’t last for long when Mel gives Woody the permanent position on Linda’s recommendation. Billy breaks the bad news to Honey, fearing that this will put the final nail in the coffin for their future. Honey insists that she doesn’t mind as, while she’ll always love Billy, there’s no chance they’re getting back together.

Monday Vincent has decided to solve his financial problems by teaming up with the police again, so he meets up with DI Franklin with information to share about the New Year heist. Vincent confirms that Aidan was the ringleader, with Phil also closely involved. He even has audio evidence to back up his claims. Despite this, DI Franklin wants even more from Vincent – handing over some cash as a tempting down-payment. How will Vincent respond? Tuesday Vincent turns his attentions to Luke Browning’s fate and starts quizzing people for information that he can pass onto the police.

Unfortunately for Vincent, he has no luck. Vincent is later left alarmed when the detective warns that he has a 24-hour deadline to find the information – or he’ll be going to jail himself. Thursday Vincent waits for another meeting with DI Franklin and soon finds himself in another clash with Phil. Later, Kim loses patience with Vincent’s secrecy and demands to know who he’s been meeting. Just as Vincent promises to tell Kim everything, he receives a call from the detective, who wants to meet with him again.

Desperate to impress Frieda as the new Darwin F1, Nicky helps with the tricky diagnosis of her first patient.

Later, when she is offered the chance to witness Professor Gaskell in action, Nicky is torn between loyalty to her department and her desire for validation. Meanwhile, Meena’s first official day on Neuro crashes when she’s ignored by Gaskell and temporarily traded back to Sacha’s team for an underwhelming procedure.

Week Days 08:00 Breakfast to Brunch with Dennis Christian 12:00 Tim´s Lunchbox with Tim Bridge 14:00 Afternoons with Alex Trelinski - Alex in the Afternoon. 17:00 Drivetime (AKA Tea Time) with Mark Nolan

Weekends Saturday 08:00 Paul Baker on the radio 10:00 The Gary Jackson Show 12:00 Saturday Afternoon with Paul Norman. 15:00 Sports with Alex Trelinski. 18:00 Paul Baker on the radio. 20:00 Northern Soul with Peter Marsham. 22:00 (10pm) to 24:00 (midnight) - The Love Zone. Sunday 09:00 Sunday Breakfast with Tim Bridge. 12:00 Sounds of the Seventies with Gary Jackson 13:00 Awesome 80´s with Paul Baker 14:00 (2pm) to 16:00 (4pm) - Northern Soul with Peter Marsham. 16:00 (4pm) to 18:00 (6pm) - Classic Charts with Richard Todd. 18:00 (6pm) to 20:00 (8pm) - Country with Tim Rogers. 20:00 (8pm) to 22:00 (10pm) - Dark Side of the Moon with Gary Jackson. 22:00 (10pm) to 24:00 (midnight) - The Love Zone.

Email: Facebook: tkospain Phone: 965 50 55 10 Text: 671 33 76 75

Friday TV 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Live: Commonwealth Games 14:00 News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 800 Words 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Money for Nothing 17:30 Flog It! 18:15 Pointless 19:00 News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Sounds Like Friday Night Brit award winner Lily Allen joins Greg James in the studio as the special guest and returning with her first new album in four years, Lily will perform two tracks including her latest single “Higher”. Meanwhile, Sam Smith treats Dotty to an exclusive performance as she meets him backstage at the O2 as he embarks on a world tour. 21:00 EastEnders Woody has his eyes set on a new venture. 21:30 MasterChef It’s the final and after an arduous seven-week journey, the search for the country’s best amateur cook reaches its climax. The finalists have to push themselves to the limit before the judges, John Torode and Gregg Wallace, crown the Champion. 22:30 Have I Got News for You Paul and Ian are joined by guest host Victoria Coren Mitchell and Richard Osman and Val McDermid. 23:00 News 23:35 Graham Norton Show 00:25 Wannabe 00:50 Live: Commonwealth Games

07:00 Live: Commonwealth Games 10:15 Oxford Street Revealed 11:00 Homes Under the HammerG 12:00 Britain’s Home Truths 12:45 Dom on the Spot 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 Live: Commonwealth Games 18:15 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 19:00 Eggheads

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 News 15:00 ITV Racing Live: Grand National Festival 18:00 The Chase 19:00 News

19:30 Commonwealth Games Clare Balding and Gabby Logan round up the best of the action from day nine of the Commonwealth Games in Queensland.

20:30 Coronation Street Eva reaches a big decision about the baby.

21:00 Gardeners’ World Monty gets to grips with a new project, beefs up his borders by dividing perennials and celebrates spring flowering shrubs. Frances Tophill is growing vegetables on an allotment and begins to prepare her plot. Adam Frost explores a tropical garden in Dorset and meets a man who is passionate about growing exotic plants. 22:00 The City and The City After attempting to illegally crossover into Ul Qoma, Mr Geary is taken by Breach and swiftly deported from Beszel with his wife. Borlú is desperate to know who Mr Geary was planning to meet, but it is out of his hands. 23:00 Episodes 23:30 Newsnight 00:05 Front Row 00:35 American Crime Story 01:30 Panorama 02:00 Civilisations 03:00 Picasso’s Last Stand 04:00 American Crime Story 04:45 Weather 04:50 News


20:00 Emmerdale Chas makes a choice.

21:00 Love Your Garden Alan comes to the aid of a couple who founded a charity to support bereaved families after the loss of their son. Claire and Ian have a busy schedule fundraising and running their organisation, meaning their garden has become a mix of children's play equipment, a neglected greenhouse and overgrown shrubs and trees. 21:30 Coronation Street Simon finds himself accused of stealing Toyah’s cash. 22:00 Lethal Weapon When Riggs visits his father-in-law in prison, a walk down memory lane reveals an old secret about his deceased wife. Meanwhile, Murtaugh tries to impress Captain Avery and Trish and Leo Getz try to solve a murder on their own. 23:00 News 23:45 Film Invictus (PG) 02:15 Jackpot247 04:00 Take on the Twisters 04:50 ITV Nightscreen

07:00 Countdown 07:45 3rd Rock From the Sun 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Frasier 11:05 Ramsay’s Hotel Hell 12:00 Undercover Boss USA 13:00 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Posh Pawnbrokers 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 17:00 Escape to the Chateau: DIY 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Star Boot Sale 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 News 21:00 I Don’t Like Mondays Chat show supremo Jonathan Ross joins host Alan Carr for the show in which everyone in the audience arrives with their resignation letter in hand. Alan and Jonathan whittle the participants down to the lucky chosen one via hilarious games, a celebrity executive board and the novel use of a filing cabinet. Eventually a lucky audience member gets to resign live on air and receive their whole year's salary in one go.

07:00 Milkshake 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 13:10 News 13:15 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 14:10 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:20 NCIS 16:20 Film - Patient Killer 18:00 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 News. 20:00 The Gadget Show With the help of an ethical hacker, Jon investigates how easy it is to gain remote access to smart devices. The G Team compare three gadgets for cleaning cars, and Ortis races an uphill cycling champion using technology. 21:00 Springtime on the Farm Three brothers reveal the difficulties faced by farmers when Spring arrives late, Kelvin Fletcher has a date at a rhubarb triangle, and JB Gill watches some alpacas “perform” at a country show.

22:00 Gogglebox The armchair critics share their opinions on what they have been watching during the week. The programme captures their instant reactions and lively discussions from the comfort of their own homes.

22:00 Jane McDonald: My Life Story Tracing the unique and remarkable career trajectory of perhaps the first and most successful reality TV star of all time. Friends, family and colleagues describe her fascinating life, with archive footage from every period of her career.

23:00 Lee and Dean 23:35 8 Out of 10 Cats 00:20 Rob Beckett’s Playing for Time 00:50 Rude Tube 01:50 Film - Oldboy (18) 03:35 Kiss Me First 04:30 Building the Dream

23:00 Will & Grace 00:05 Greatest Ever Celebrity Wind Ups 01:00 SuperCasino 04:10 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 05:00 Britain’s Greatest Bridges

07:00 The Planet’s Funniest Animals 07:20 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 08:10 Who’s Doing the Dishes? 08:55 Emmerdale 09:55 You’ve Been Framed! 10:25 Ellen DeGeneres 11:20 The Bachelor 13:15 Emmerdale 14:15 You’ve Been Framed! 14:45 Ellen DeGeneres 15:35 Jeremy Kyle 17:50 Judge Rinder 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Film - American Pie 2 (18) ITV 3 07:00 Classic Coronation Street 07:50 Heartbeat 08:55 The Royal 10:00 Judge Judy 11:20 Inspector Morse 13:35 The Royal 14:35 Heartbeat 15:40 Classic Coronation Street 16:50 On the Buses 17:55 You’re Only Young Twice 18:25 Rising Damp 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Agatha Christie’s Marple 23:00 The Syndicate ITV 4 07:00 The Chase 08:35 Pawn Stars 09:25 Ironside 10:30 ITV Racing 11:30 British Touring Car Crashes and Smashes 11:45 The Saint 12:50 The Avengers 13:50 Ironside 14:55 Quincy, M.E. 15:55 Minder 17:00 The Saint 18:00 The Avengers 19:10 Storage Wars Texas 20:05 Pawn Stars 21:00 The Virtual Grand National 2018 22:00 Car Crash Britain: Caught on Camera 23:00 Film Rambo Part II (15)


Friday 13th April 2018

ITV Racing Live: The Grand National 2018

Britain's Biggest Warship

Saturday - ITV Ed Chamberlin and Francesca Cumani present live coverage from Aintree of the Randox Health Grand National Steeple Chase, as the jockeys look to emulate 2017 winner Derek Fox on One for Arthur. With analysis from AP McCoy and Mick Fitzgerald, commentary by Richard Hoiles and reports from Matt Chapman, Oli Bell, Luke Harvey and Alice Plunkett.

The Keith and Paddy Picture Show

Sunday - BBC Two Film-maker Chris Terrill captures an intimate and personal portrait of life on board ultramodern super aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth, as its crew learns the intricacies of a warship that will change the way Britain goes to war.

In this first instalment, early 2016 sees sailors begin to arrive in Rosyth dockyard in Scotland where the ship is still in construction, but nearing completion. Captain Jerry Kyd and his 700 sailors are assembling to take the prototype warship to sea for the first time. These trials herald what should be 50 years of service.

My Year with the Tribe Sunday - BBC Two

Saturday - ITV Keith Lemon and Paddy McGuinness return to condense more iconic Hollywood films into half-hour mini-movies, beginning with classic musical Grease. They are joined by a cast of celebrity guests including Stacey Solomon, Nicole Scherzinger, Fearne Cotton, Marvin Humes, Emily Atack, Pat Oliver, James Crossley, Emma Willis, Adam C Booth, Hank Osasuna and George Potts.

Writer Will Millard lives with the treehouse-dwelling Korowai tribe in Papua, Indonesia, to understand the pressures they face in adapting to a modern world they have only come into contact with in the past 40 years. He visits the people four times over the course of a year to discover how much of their traditional huntergatherer culture remains, discovering they have become skilled at constructing an image of their society to appeal to outsiders.

Saturday TV 07:00 Breakfast 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30 Classic Mary Berry 13:00 Football Focus 14:00 News 14:15 Live: Commonwealth Games 17:30 Final Score 18:30 A Question of Sport 19:00 Doodlebugs 19:15 Ready or Not 19:45 News

07:00 Live: Commonwealth Games 14:15 MasterChef 16:15 Escape to the Continent 17:15 Money for Nothing 17:45 Flog It! 18:30 Living with the Brainy Bunch 19:30 Commonwealth Games Clare Balding and Gabby Logan introduce highlights from the penultimate day of the 2018 games, in which the Commonwealth’s elite athletes again showcase their pace, grace, power and precision.

20:05 Pointless Celebrities Presented by Alexander Armstrong and co-host Richard Osman. Featuring, Danny JohnJules and Nigel Lindsay, Liz Carr and Lisa Hammond, Trudie Goodwin and Lisa Maxwell, Bill Maynard and 21:00 The Forest Mark Tricia Penrose. Bonnar narrates a documentary following the peo20:55 Who Dares Wins ple who live and work in Nick Knowles hosts the quiz Galloway Forest Park, where two teams compete where 600,000 tons of timto win up to £100,000. ber is produced every year. Archie is leading a Forestry 21:35 Casualty Bea treats Commission team rebuilda shopkeeper who has col- ing steps on a well-worn lapsed during a robbery, but pathway at Fairy Knowe faces a dilemma when she begins to suspect two 21:30 Dad’s Army The van brothers in her care are the transporting the platoon men responsible for the breaks down outside what crime. looks like a deserted house. Mainwaring decides 22:30 Mrs Brown’s Boys that they should bed down Agnes and her friend for the night, but they get a Winnie gatecrash Dermot’s nasty surprise in the mornfiancée hen party but ing courtesy of some fourrealise that they have the legged friends. wrong venue. Later, having invited Maria’s snooty 22:00 Gettys: The World’s mother to dinner, a nervous Richest Art Dynasty The Agnes shores up her confi- story behind the world’s dence with alcohol, but richest art dynasty. chaos ensues. 23:15 Live: Commonwealth 23:00 News 23:20 Match of Games 00:45 Swingers the Day 00:45 Live: (15) 02:15 Civilisations Commonwealth Games 03:15 Weather 03:20 News


07:00 CITV 09:25 ITV 09:30 Zoe Ball on... 10:25 James Martin’s Saturday Morning 12:25 Who’s Doing the Dishes? 13:20 News 13:25 Change Your Tune 14:30 Britain’s Brightest Family 15:00 ITV Racing Live: Grand National Festival 17:35 ITV Racing Live: The Grand National 19:15 News 19:30 Ninja Warrior UK With brand-new obstacles to face, the course is more extreme than ever, and in this series celebrities will be among the competitors taking their turn and trying to defeat it.

07:15 Mini Challenge Motor Racing 07:45 The King of Queens 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:30 The Big Bang Theory 13:00 The Simpsons 14:00 Formula 1 Motor Racing 15:30 Car S.O.S 16:30 The Restoration Man 17:30 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 18:35 The Secret Life of the Zoo 19:30 News 20:00 Coastal Railways with Julie Walters Julie travels from Cardigan Bay in Wales to Liverpool. Her trips starts in Aberystwyth, where she was once 'banned from every pub.' Travelling north, she arrives at Tywyn, famous for its heritage steam railway and the inspiration behind Thomas the Tank Engine.

20:30 Harry Hill’s Alien Fun Capsule Helping Harry Hill fill the fun capsule to prevent an alien invasion are Micky Flanagan, Robert Peston, Sally Dynevor and 21:00 Britain’s Most Anneka Rice. Historic Towns In York, 21:00 Britain’s Got Talent Professor Alice Roberts The nation's favourite TV takes part in a Viking battle, talent show returns to our meets the metal detecscreens for a fun-filled 12th torists behind one of the series packed full of variety. UK’s greatest archaeological finds, and gets her 22:25 The Keith & Paddy hands on Viking poo. Picture Show This edition presents their version of 22:00 Film - Thor After his Grease featuring Stacey reckless actions reignite an Solomon, Nicole ancient war, the Norse god Scherzinger, Fearne is stripped of his powers, Cotton, Marvin Humes, cast out of Asgard and Emily Atack, Pat Oliver and forced to live among humans. (PG) many more. 22:55 News 23:15 Film Legally Blonde (PG) 01:05 Marcella 01:55 Jackpot247 04:00 Babushka 04:50 ITV Nightscreen

00:15 Film - Big Game (PG) 01:55 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 02:45 Hollyoaks Omnibus 04:55 Building the Dream

07:00 CITV 09:25 News 09:30 Zoe Ball on... 10:25 Love Your Garden 11:00 Peston on Sunday 12:00 Britain’s Got Talent 14:20 News 14:30 Ninja Warrior UK 15:30 You’ve Been Framed! 16:00 Tipping Point 17:00 Change Your Tune 18:00 The Chase: Celebrity Special 19:00 Harry Hill’s Alien Fun Capsule 19:30 News

07:15 The King of Queens 08:05 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:25 Eat the Week with Iceland 10:30 Sunday Brunch 13:30 The Simpsons 15:00 Formula 1 Motor Racing: Chinese Grand Prix Highlights 17:30 Speed with Guy Martin 18:30 Grand Designs 19:30 News

07:00 Milkshake 10:55 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:30 The Gadget Show 12:30 Traffic Cops 15:30 Live: Aviva Premiership Rugby Leicester Tigers v Northampton Saints 18:00 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 20:00 The Secret Life of Owls Missing Claw and Stripetail now have three chicks, who must learn how to fly, hunt and pounce. Meanwhile, five tawny owl chicks arrive from a local wildlife centre. 21:00 The QE2 Featuring interviews with the QE2's crew and the workers who built her, cameras reveal the story behind the strikes and the looting epidemics that almost spelled the end of the ship before she was even finished. 21:55 News 22:00 Football Colin Murray introduces highlights from the weekend’s games, including Norwich City v Cardiff City, Middlesbrough v Bristol City, Aston Villa v Leeds United, Hull City v Sheffield Wednesday and Queens Park Rangers v Preston North End. 23:30 20 Moments That Rocked the 00s 01:00 SuperCasino 04:10 Murder on the Internet 05:00 Countdown to Murder 05:45 House Doctor

07:00 You’ve Been Framed! 07:20 Emmerdale Omnibus 10:10 Coronation Street Omnibus 13:05 Ant and Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway 14:40 Britain’s Got Talent 15:40 You’ve Been Framed! 16:45 Film Looney Tunes: Back in Action 18:35 Film - Liar Liar (12) 20:15 Film - Arthur (PG) 22:25 Britain’s Got More Talent 23:30 Celebrity Juice 00:15 Family Guy 01:40 American Dad! 02:40 Plebs 03:40 Teleshopping 06:40 ITV2 Nightscreen ITV 3 07:00 Judge Judy 07:20 Murder, She Wrote 10:05 Lewis 12:00 A Touch of Frost 16:00 Columbo 18:00 Midsomer Murders 20:00 Midsomer Murders 22:00 Midsomer Murders 00:00 Vera 02:00 On the Buses 02:30 On the Buses 02:55 ITV3 Nightscreen ITV 4 07:00 The Protectors 07:25 Storage Wars Texas 09:00 British Touring Car Championship 10:30 ITV Racing 12:00 The Virtual Grand National 2018 13:00 The Big Fish Off 14:00 Pawn Stars 14:30 Film Red River 17:10 Film - The Last Sunset (12) 19:25 Film - The Man With the Golden Gun (PG) 22:00 Film - Lethal Weapon 3 (12) 00:20 Film - Eraser ( 15) 02:40 River Monsters

Sunday TV 07:00 Breakfast 08:30 Match of the Day 10:00 The Andrew Marr Show 11:00 The Big Questions 12:00 Homes Under the Hammer 13:00 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:15 MasterChef 16:15 Escape to the Country 17:00 Lifeline 17:10 Songs of Praise 17:45 Pointless Celebrities 18:35 News 19:00 The Big Painting Challenge 20:00 Countryfile Matt and Anita are in West Cumbria where Matt takes a wild and bracing walk along a brand new section of the England Coast Path on Walney Island, near Barrow.

07:00 Live: Commonwealth Games 16:00 Live: Women’s FA Cup Football 18:30 Flog It! 19:30 Commonwealth Games Clare and Gabby introduce highlights of the final day and the closing ceremony of the Games. 21:00 Britain’s Biggest Warship HMS Queen Elizabeth is still under construction at Rosyth Dockyard in Scotland as Captain Jerry Kyd and his 700 sailors prepare for dangerous sea trials. Before sailing, the crew have to undergo rigorous fire and flood training.

21:00 Antiques Roadshow The team visits 22:00 My Year with the the Black Country Living Tribe Will Millard discovers Museum in Dudley. that many of the Korowai who are still living “tradition22:00 Ordeal By al” lives have become used Innocence It is the morning to being visited by tourists of Leo and Gwenda’s wed- and filmed for other TV docding but Leo is preoccupied umentaries. They have with the discovery of become skilled at selling a Philip’s dead body. version of their culture to Meanwhile, Mary, Mickey, foreigners, delivering what Tina and Hester are still hid- they think people expect to ing in the woods con- see, but Will hears about fronting the past. When two old men, White Beard Kirsten comes to bring them and his brother, who are back to the house, the apparently still living in a events that led up to treehouse in the depths of Rachel’s death are finally the forest. revealed. 23:00 Famalam 23:20 Film 23:00 News 23:30 Match of - The Homesman (15) the Day 2 00:30 Film - The 01:15 Film - The Hunters Peacemaker (15) 02:25 (18) 03:05 Question Time Weather 02:30 News 04:05 Holby City

20:00 Catchphrase Guests include Jimmy Carr, Ellie Simmonds and Fay Ripley. 21:00 The Durrells Spiros spends time with a glamorous Italian family who have recently arrived on the island. Louisa is jealous of the attention he is paying their new neighbours and invites them over to learn more about them. She ends up convinced they are hiding something, Larry joins the fire service, and Gerry falls in love.. 22:00 The Good Karma Hospital A building collapses in Barco and the team is stretched to the limit. Ruby’s objectivity is put to the test when she discovers a secret about one of her patients. 23:00 News 23:20 Peston on Sunday 00:15 This Time Next Year 01:10 Jackpot247 04:00 Take on the Twisters

20:00 Escape to the Chateau Engineer Dick Strawbridge and his partner, designer Angel Adoree, have moved to France to do up a 45-room fairytale chateau. They have to do most of the renovation work themselves. The family has eggs every morning, but it’s a different story with the heating and water. 21:00 The Crystal Maze The Hauxwell family take on the physical, mental and mystery challenges, and in the process make their mark in The Crystal Maze history books. 22:00 Homeland Carrie has problems at home. Saul and Wellington work on Paley. 23:05 Lifeline 00:00 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 01:05 Film Out of the Furnace (14) 03:10 Film Hotel Salvation 04:50 KOTV Boxing Weekly 05:20 Gillette World Sport

07:00 Milkshake 10:55 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:30 Football 12:45 FIA Formula E Motor Racing: Rome 13:45 Traffic Cops 15:45 Film - A Royal Night Out (PG) 17:40 Film - The Journey Hundred-Foot (PG) 19:55 News Royals The 20:00 Celebrating the latest arrival of the Windsor family. 21:00 Meghan Markle: The First 100 Days An examination of the journey Meghan Markle has taken to become a royal. From the day of her engagement and her first public Royal engagements, watchers give their opinion on the impact Meghan is having on the Royal family and the public at large. 22:00 Meghan and Harry: In Their Own Words The story of Meghan and Harry, both from very different backgrounds, and how they grew to love each other and managed to withstand the glare from the media spotlight after the news of their relationship broke. 23:00 Film - Dater’s Handbook 00:45 Fit for a 02:10 Princess 04:10 SuperCasino Secrets of Great British Castles

Emmerdale 07:00 Omnibus 09:55 Coronation Street Omnibus 12:50 You’ve Been Framed! 13:20 Film - Looney Tunes: Back in Action 15:10 Film - Casper (PG) 17:05 Britain’s Got Talent 18:35 Britain’s Got More Talent 19:40 Film - The Mummy (PG) 22:00 Film Fast & Furious 7 (14) 00:40 Family Guy 02:10 American Dad! ITV 3 07:00 On the Buses 07:25 Murder, She Wrote 08:20 Heartbeat 10:20 Columbo 12:25 A Touch of Frost 16:40 Inspector Morse 19:00 Lewis 21:00 The Cruise 21:30 The Cruise 22:00 Tommy Cooper Forever 23:00 Film Changeling (14) 01:50 Blue Murder 03:35 Tommy Cooper Forever ITV 4 07:00 British Touring Car Championship 08:10 Pawn Stars 11:20 The Motorbike Show 12:25 Film - The Last Sunset (12) 14:45 Film - Bend of the River (PG) 16:35 Film - Jeremiah Johnson (PG) 18:50 Mr Bean 19:55 The Big Fish Off 21:00 River Monsters 22:00 Tremors (12) 00:00 Film - Universal Soldier: Regeneration (18) 01:55 The Saint 03:00 It’s Not Rocket Science


Friday 13th April 2018

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Health: Truth or Scare 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Heir Hunters 12:45 Dom on the Spot 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 800 Words 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Flipping Profit 17:30 Flog It! 18:15 Pointless 19:00 News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Nightmare Pets SOS Retirees Jo and Tony are being terrorised by their pet Archie whose biting is so bad it sent Jo to A&E. 21:00 EastEnders pressure mounts Vincent

The for

21:30 Panorama An investigation into allegations of modern-day slavery. It is thought that more than 100,000 North Korean workers are posted abroad to earn money for Kim Jong-un's cash-strapped regime - money that is being ploughed into the country's nuclear weapons programme. 22:00 DIY SOS: The Big Build The team help Scott Jones, a 17-year-old disabled athlete in Cheltenham, who is eager to become more self-sufficient at home. 23:00 News 23:45 Have I Got a Bit More News for You 00:30 Graham Norton 01:15 Weather 01:20 News

07:00 Flog It! 07:30 Escape to the Country 08:15 Flog It! 09:00 Hugh’s Wild West 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Perfection 14:45 Home Away From Home 15:30 Going Back, Giving Back 16:15 Trust Me I’m a Doctor 17:15 Tigers About the House 18:15 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Britain in Bloom 20:00 The Secret Helpers Lesley, seeks advice from the Secret Helpers as she prepares to move on in her life after the loss of her husband. 21:00 Only Connect Two returning teams compete to find the connections between things which seem utterly random. 21:30 University Challenge Quiz. 22:00 Secret Agent Selection: WW2 Training proper begins as the students are schooled in guns, explosives and silent killing techniques: skills which came together and helped SOE to pull off one of the most audacious assassinations of WWII. 23:00 QI 23:30 Newsnight 00:15 Gettys: The World’s Richest Art Dynasty 01:30 Countryfile 02:25 Wonder of Eggs 03:25 Murder, Mystery and My Family

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Tenable 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 News 20:00 Emmerdale Judgement is passed on Gabby and Li. 20:30 Coronation Street Carla and Ali agree to tackle Robert together. 21:00 Give it a Year Baroness Karren Brady meets the brave people who decide to go it alone and start a new business. While many take off, 30000 start-up businesses fail every year in the UK. 21:30 Coronation Street Alya realises that she is the last to know about Rana and Kate.

07:00 Countdown 07:45 3rd Rock From the Sun 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Frasier 11:05 Ramsay’s Hotel Hell 12:00 Undercover Boss USA 13:00 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Posh Pawnbrokers 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 17:00 Escape to the Chateau: DIY 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Buy It Now 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 News Dispatches 21:00 Reporter Antony Barnett investigates whether burning wood instead of coal is really an environmentally friendly answer to climate change. 21:30 Travel Man: 48 Hours in... Madeira Richard Ayoade heads to Portugal with Robert Webb for two days of wine, cake, fish, bananas, cable cars and embroidery lessons.

22:00 The Queen’s Green Planet Documentary following the Queen and an ambitious legacy project to create a global network of protected forests, spanning the 53 countries of the Commonwealth.

22:00 The Island with Bear Grylls In search of much-needed food, Barnes decides to risk strong currents and riptides on a journey by raft to a nearby island, but the voyage has disastrous consequences.

23:00 News 23:50 The Investigator: A British Crime Story 00:50 Last Laugh in Vegas 01:40 Jackpot247 04:00 Jeremy Kyle 04:55 ITV Nightscreen

23:00 Kiss Me First 00:00 Indian Summer School 01:05 First Dates 02:00 Lee and Dean 02:30 My Online Nightmare 03:25 I Don’t Like Mondays 04:20 Hidden Restaurants

Monday TV 07:00 Milkshake 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 Traffic Cops 13:10 News 13:15 The Gadget Show 14:10 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:20 NCIS 16:20 Film - Deadly Duplicate 18:00 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 News 20:00 The Yorkshire Vet Casebook Peter treats a poorly calf, Treacle, who is collapsed and weak. Julian helps a pair of alpacas who have over-indulged in their food store. Billy the lovable lhasa apso returns to the practice. 21:00 Police Interceptors Liam and police dog Vader bring down a fleeing suspect, Kev and Spike rescue a man trapped in an overturned car, Pete is forced to pull his taser, and Spike disguises himself as a pizza delivery boy to carry out an unconventional raid. 22:00 Paddington Station 24/7 A fatality on the line at Slough station means closing the station and the line, leading to a standstill. 23:00 Waco Inferno: The Untold Story 00:05 Criminals: Caught on Camera 01:05 America’s Toughest Prisons 02:00 SuperCasino 04:10 Restless Legs Syndrome: Can’t Stop Twitching

07:20 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 08:10 Who’s Doing the Dishes? 08:55 Emmerdale 09:20 Coronation Street 10:25 Ellen DeGeneres 11:20 The Bachelor 13:15 Emmerdale 13:45 Coronation Street 14:45 Ellen DeGeneres 15:35 Jeremy Kyle 17:55 Judge Rinder 19:00 Take Me Out 20:30 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Family Guy 22:30 American Dad! 23:00 Plebs 23:30 Family Guy ITV 3 07:00 Classic Coronation Street 07:55 Heartbeat 08:55 The Royal 10:00 Judge Judy 11:20 Inspector Morse 13:35 The Royal 14:35 Heartbeat 15:40 Classic Coronation Street 16:50 On the Buses 17:55 You’re Only Young Twice 18:30 Rising Damp 19:00 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Lewis 23:00 DCI Banks ITV 4 07:00 The Chase 07:45 Pawn Stars 08:30 Ironside 09:30 Quincy, M.E. 10:30 Minder 11:35 The Saint 12:40 The Avengers 13:45 Ironside 14:50 Quincy, M.E. 15:50 Minder 16:55 The Saint 17:55 The Avengers 19:05 Storage Wars Texas 20:00 Pawn Stars 20:55 Mr Bean 22:00 Film - Rambo III (18) 00:05 Film - Assassins (15)

Tuesday TV 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Health: Truth or Scare 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Heir Hunters 12:45 Dom on the Spot 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 800 Words 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Flipping Profit 17:30 Flog It! 18:15 Pointless 19:00 News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders Tensions run high between Michelle and Mel. 21:00 Holby City Frieda forces new mentee Nicky to question what kind of doctor she ultimately wants to be. 22:00 Stephen: The Murder That Changed A Nation A focus on the runup to Stephen’s murder and the police investigation that follows. As the suspects remain free, tip-offs from the community worry Doreen and Neville as to why the police are not making arrests. Meanwhile, a visit from Nelson Mandela seems to prompt action but Stephen’s friend Duwayne, also a victim of the attack, gets into difficulty with the police. 23:00 News 23:45 My Turban and Me 00:20 Double Mastectomy Twins 00:50 Getting High for God? 01:20 Weather for the Week Ahead 01:25 News

07:00 Flog It! 07:30 Heir Hunters 08:15 Health: Truth or Scare 09:00 Sea Cities 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 The Super League Show 14:45 Home Away From Home 15:30 Going Back, Giving Back 16:15 Trust Me I’m a Doctor 17:15 Tigers About the House 18:15 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Britain in Bloom 20:00 Antiques Road Trip Kate and Paul trip starts in Wales and heads to Somerset for auction, but some fake currency and a leg of mutton could cause them problems. 21:00 Top of the Shop with Tom Kerridge Four food producers with fledgling businesses come to test out their products on the locals in Malhamdale, in the heart of the Yorkshire Dales. They have two days in the shop to promote and sell their wares.

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Tenable 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 News 20:00 Emmerdale Zak piles on the pressure 20:30 100 Year Old Driving School 91-yearold Bill Drake-Brockman gets her car ready for her first-ever driving test at the assessment hub in Bristol. Meanwhile, in Ruislip, nononsense former teacher Patricia Deacon is determined to prove that she is a good driver. 21:00 This Time Next Year Davina McCall hosts a brand new series featuring ordinary people on a mission to transform their lives. In the first episode Davina meets a lady with a pledge to lose ten stone.

22:00 Hospital Cameras follow Paediatrician Patrick Davies and some of the patients, including 22month-old Amaya, who has contracted pneumonia.

22:00 Last Laugh in Vegas The entertainers continue rehearsals for the biggest performance of their lives, but with nothing going to plan, American producer Frank Marino threatens to pull the show.

23:00 Cunk on Britain 23:30 Newsnight 00:20 Double Mastectomy Twins 00:50 Getting High for God? 01:20 Weather Ahead 01:25 News

23:00 News 23:45 The Cruise: Sailing the Caribbean 00:15 The Durrells 01:10 Jackpot247 04:00 Loose Women

07:00 Countdown 07:45 3rd Rock From the Sun 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Frasier 11:05 Ramsay’s Hotel Hell 12:00 Undercover Boss USA 13:00 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Posh Pawnbrokers 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 17:00 Escape to the Chateau: DIY 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Buy It Now 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 News 21:00 Class of Mum and Dad The pupils have settled into their term at Blackrod primary school, but a few members of class 6M are beginning to test the boundaries. Jonny admits he likes trouble, disregarding the school uniform regulations and not doing his homework, resulting in him being sent to the head teacher's office.

07:00 Milkshake 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 Traffic Cops 13:10 News 13:15 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 14:10 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Film - The Lease 18:00 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 News 20:00 The Yorkshire Vet Casebook Peter must battle a blizzard to reach a patient on a remote farm. Cynthia the pigmy goat is cute and loveable but has a problem. In an out-ofhours emergency, poorly puss Emily is unsteady on her paws. 21:00 The Yorkshire Vet Griff the terrier has swallowed a tennis ball, but is it safe to leave it there? Wendy the wallaby is under the weather, but Peter has trouble catching the crafty critter.

22:00 Paradise Hunters Two people quit the daily grind looking for paradise. Katie leaves London for a horse ranch in Mexico, and Charlie departs Brighton to become a salmon farmer in a remote part of Scotland.

22:00 Made in Yorkshire John Prescott continues on his voyage of discovery into the heart of Yorkshire, and the factories making some of the regions' most well-known foods on a massive scale.

23:00 Gogglebox 00:05 One Born Every Minute 01:10 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 02:00 999: On the Frontline 02:55 The Supervet 03:50 Hidden Restaurants 04:45 Building the Dream

23:00 The Murder of Becky Watts 00:05 Meet the Psychopaths 01:05 When Kids Kill 02:00 SuperCasino 04:10 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 05:00 My Mum’s Hotter Than Me!

07:20 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 08:10 Who’s Doing the Dishes? 08:55 Emmerdale 09:20 Coronation Street 10:25 Ellen DeGeneres 11:20 The Bachelor 13:15 Emmerdale 13:45 Coronation Street 14:45 Ellen DeGeneres 15:35 Jeremy Kyle 17:55 Judge Rinder 19:00 Take Me Out 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Film American Pie 2 (18) ITV 3 07:55 Heartbeat 08:55 The Royal 10:00 Judge Judy 11:20 Inspector Morse 13:35 The Royal 14:35 Heartbeat 15:40 Classic Coronation Street 16:45 On the Buses 17:55 You’re Only Young Twice 18:25 Rising Damp 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Midsomer Murders 23:00 Scott & Bailey ITV 4 07:45 Pawn Stars 08:30 Ironside 09:30 Quincy, M.E. 10:35 Minder 11:35 The Saint 12:40 The Avengers 13:50 Ironside 14:50 Quincy, M.E. 15:55 Minder 16:55 The Saint 18:00 The Avengers 19:05 Storage Wars 20:00 Pawn Stars 21:00 FIM Superbike Championship World Motorcycle Racing 22:00 Film - Lethal Weapon 3


07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Health: Truth or Scare 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Heir Hunters 12:45 Dom on the Spot 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 800 Words 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Flipping Profit 17:30 Flog It! 18:15 Pointless 19:00 News 20:00 The One Show 21:00 Watchdog Live Matt Allwright, Steph McGovern and Nikki Fox return for another series of topical reports and investigations, live from the studio in Salford. This time, the team uncover stories of shocking behaviour at one of Britain's best known establishments, and also reveal an extraordinary new way parking companies can hit people with charges they should not have to pay. 22:00 Stephen: The Murder That Changed A Nation Questions about the failure of the first police investigation mount and “The Daily Mail” stages a dramatic intervention. Meanwhile, a public inquiry shines an uncomfortable light on the police and leads to some devastating revelations. Including interviews with Paul Dacre, Imran Khan QC, Michael Mansfield QC and former Home Secretary Jack Straw. 23:00 News 23:45 A Question of Sport 00:15 Nightmare Pets SOS 00:45 Getting High for God? 01:15 Weather 01:20 News

07:00 Flog It! 07:30 Heir Hunters 08:15 Health: Truth or Scare 09:00 Great British Railway Journeys 09:30 Classic Mary Berry 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 News 12:30 Daily Politics 14:00 Lifeline 14:10 Coast 14:45 Home Away From Home 15:30 Going Back, Giving Back 16:15 Trust Me I’m a Doctor 17:15 Tigers About the House 18:15 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Britain in Bloom 20:00 Antiques Road Trip Paul and Kate search for items to sell at auctions in Windsor and Brighton, they both hope to capitalise on some risky buys. 21:00 Top of the Shop with Tom Kerridge Cheese makers compete against each other for one place in the final. Gillian is a scientist from West Yorkshire, and is a goat’s cheese purist. She makes unpasteurised goats’ cheese from her own herd, putting 40 hours a week into her small scale business alongside her day job. 22:00 The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story A parallel portrait of two childhoods - those of renowned fashion designer Gianni Versace and Andrew Cunanan, the serial killer who shot him dead in 1997. 23:00 Live at the Apollo 23:30 Newsnight 00:15 Hospital 01:15 MasterChef 01:45 Imagine... 03:25 This Is BBC Two

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Tenable 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 News 20:00 Emmerdale Belle faces the fallout of Lisa’s actions 20:30 Coronation Street Rana jumps at the chance to reconcile with her mother. 21:00 Britain’s Brightest Family The second semifinal sees two brilliantly bright families fight for a place in the final of the knockout quiz tournament. 21:30 Coronation Street Michelle confronts Robert about his steroid abuse. 22:00 Benidorm Joyce is furious after Sammy’s disastrous performance in Neptune’s and soon discovers that Monty has given him a Solana contract. Mateo is petrified at the prospect of having to go on another cruise with Crystal Hennessy-Vass until Joyce gets him off the hook with an ingenious plan to send Sammy instead! Meanwhile, Pauline finishes her book in lightning-quick time. 23:00 News 23:45 Exposure 00:40 British Touring Car Championship 02:00 Jackpot247 04:00 Tenable 04:50 ITV Nightscreen

07:00 Countdown 07:45 3rd Rock From the Sun 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Frasier 11:05 Ramsay’s Hotel Hell 12:00 Undercover Boss USA 13:00 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Posh Pawnbrokers 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 17:00 Escape to the Chateau: DIY 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Buy It Now 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 News 21:00 The Secret Life of the Zoo Orangutan sisters Emma and Subis are both expecting babies by male Puluh at the same time. Two-horned chameleon Ruby arrived at Chester after being transported illegally by pet traders. The zoo wants to breed her to help preserve the species. 22:00 One Born Every Minute Jess and Leon’s lives are about to change when they welcome a new baby into the world. After a string of failed relationships, Jess, who’s 27, met perfect gentleman Leon, who’s 33, on a bus. Leon’s a drummer from a musical family, but doesn’t yet have the rock “n” roll lifestyle he dreams of. 23:00 First Dates 00:05 Paradise Hunters 01:05 Live from Abbey Road Classics 01:35 My Online Nightmare 02:35 Film Admission (PG) 04:20 Building the Dream 05:15 The Question Jury 06:10 Steph and Dom's One Star to Five Star

07:00 Milkshake 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 Traffic Cops 13:10 News 13:15 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 14:10 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Film - 10 Year Reunion 18:00 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 News 20:00 The Yorkshire Vet Casebook Peter castrate an over-amorous chinchilla. An owner faces putting down his much-loved sheepdog Millie. Grumpy Norman, a three-foot-monitor lizard, tends to bite and not let go. 21:00 GPs: Behind Closed Doors During Orchid Male Cancer Awareness Week, Tim’s simple fungal infection rings alarm bells, Martin is reluctant to address his over-drinking, and baby Jasper’s mum is worried about a lump in his groin. 22:00 Housing Yorkshire: Somewhere to Call Home Emma hunts for evidence to evict a family who are terrorising a Wakefield estate. Jas finds a tenant still in a repossessed property and advises her on how to find a bed for the night. Michelle dons a hazard suit to clear out an abandoned flat. 23:00 Violent Child, Desperate Parents 00:05 Meghan and Harry: In Their Own Words 01:05 Meghan Markle: The First 100 Days 02:00 SuperCasino

07:00 The Planet’s Funniest Animals 07:20 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 08:10 Who’s Doing the Dishes? 08:55 Emmerdale 09:20 The Cube 10:25 Ellen DeGeneres 11:20 The Bachelor 13:15 Emmerdale 13:45 You’ve Been Framed! 14:45 Ellen DeGeneres 15:35 Jeremy Kyle 17:50 Judge Rinder 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Hell’s Kitchen USA 23:55 Family Guy ITV 3 07:00 Classic Coronation Street 07:55 Heartbeat 08:55 The Royal 10:00 Judge Judy 11:20 Inspector Morse 13:35 The Royal 14:35 Heartbeat 15:40 Classic Coronation Street 16:45 On the Buses 17:55 You’re Only Young Twice 18:25 George and Mildred 19:00 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Endeavour 23:00 The Street ITV 4 07:00 The Chase 07:50 Pawn Stars 08:35 Ironside 09:35 Quincy, M.E. 10:40 Minder 11:45 The Saint 12:50 The Avengers 13:55 The Protectors 14:30 ITV Racing: Live From Newmarket 17:00 The Saint 18:05 The Avengers 19:05 Storage Wars Texas 20:05 Pawn Stars 21:00 British Superbikes Motorcycle Racing 22:00 The Motorbike Show 23:00 The Americans

Nail Bar and Hairdresser’s in Popular and Busy Area on the Orihuela Costa

Busy Gymnasium Fitness Centre Costa Blanca South

Well-Established Ink and Toner Delivery Business

This popular and busy nail bar and hairdresser’s with all amenities is in a prime position on the Orihuela Costa and is for sale due to retirement. The business has been trading for 15 years with regular clientele. The freehold is for sale at a good price.

Without a doubt, one of the busiest gymnasium/fitness clubs in the area. The frontage of the gym is on a main road and highly visible. High volume of clients due to the facilities offered, which include cardio and resistance equipment, a private studio for other fitness-based activities and a treatment room. The gym has various sources of revenue.

Well-established ink and toner delivery business for sale based around the Torrevieja area. Excellent price of only 49,000 euro, which includes over 12,000 euro worth of stock. Regular business includes supplying computer shops and newsagents. Genuine reason for sale - retirement. Great potential in this business.

Property ID: 1096 - 89,000€

Property ID: 1095 - 69,500€

Property ID: 1012 - 49,000€

Very Busy Car Repair Vehicle Parts Warehouse and Shop

Upgraded Bar/Restaurant in Busy Shopping Centre - Costa Blanca South

Established Family Butcher’s on Main Road Position, Costa Blanca South

A well-established and respected provider of automotive services to both private motorists and to trade and fleet companies including repairs, servicing and diagnostics. The business has been operating for five years and has a very good client base, with many long-term customers. Sale includes stock at value (approximately 75k) and equipment.

A well-presented, recently refurbished bar in one of the busiest holiday areas. With a total area of 225m2; internal 137m2 and the external terrace of 88m2. The restaurant has full licences to operate and meets all h&s, food hygiene, and disabilities regulations. The restaurant has an office area, storage area and is fully air-conditioned.

Well-established butcher’s trading for many years. Serves English cuts of meat and is famed for its burgers and sausages. Also selling pies, pastries , tinned and packet products. It has its own refrigerated delivery van. With regular customers, passing trade and holidaymakers, it also supplies to local bars, restaurants and other food outlets.

Property ID: 1043 - 100,000€

Property ID: 1073 - 495,000€

Property ID: 1076 - 84,500€

Highly Profitable Drainage Service Business

Very Popular Town Centre Restaurant Costa Blanca South

Well-Placed Restaurant High Street Position Costa Blanca South

This fantastic business is on the market due to the retirement of one of the partners. It has successfully traded for many years. This business is advertised well below the market value having established annual contracts to the value of more than the asking price. It comes with five vehicles and a lot of spare necessary expensive equipment.

This is a typical Spanish-style restaurant located in the centre of Torrevieja. With seating for 60 customers: 40 inside 20 outside (with the possibility to extend the outside seating arrangements). The restaurant comes fully equipped and is ready to go. This business is also available FREEHOLD - see Business ID: 1080.

This is an ideal first-time venture for the right people. This restaurant is located on a high street in a typical Spanish town that is very popular with tourists, as well as having all-year trade with people of all nationalities. There is comfortable seating for 50 people inside the air-conditioned restaurant and 25 on the outside covered terrace.

Property ID: 1051 - 149,000€

Property ID: 1079 - 35,000€

Property ID: 1090 - 29,000€

Irish-Themed Pub-Disco Close to Torrevieja Town Centre This is a very rare opportunity to buy one of the most wellknown and popular Irish-themed pubs in Torrevieja. This large, fantastic unit is located right in the heart of where it all happens and there is no competition within this area, which has lots of foot traffic. Although food is not served, there is a possibility to serve light snacks/mealsy. In addition, there is also potential for showing Sports TV, Karaoke and for the daytime hours to be extended. This is one of only a handful of locations with a music licence until 4.00am and live acts and bands could be introduced legally. A full sound-proof system has been installed. This establishment needs to be viewed as soon as possible as for anyone interested in this type of business, it is an opportunity not to be missed. It is one of the busiest nightclubs in Torrevieja, trading for a decade from 2007 and has an inside area of 250 square metres for the pub and 350 square metres on the terrace, with an opening license until 4 am. The business is currently open only on weekends but has a huge potential for more business during the week and opening during day-time hours. The present relocation of the Friday market in Torrevieja to this area is also a massive potential to run a special promotion day. For further information on this and other similar businesses in the area please contact us. Leasehold - Looking for a very quick sale.

Property ID: 1070 - 150,000â‚Ź

36 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Health: Truth or Scare 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Heir Hunters 12:45 Dom on the Spot 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 800 Words 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Flipping Profit 17:30 Flog It! 18:15 Pointless 19:00 News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders Ian tries to thwart Masood’s interview slot with the investor. 21:00 Would I Lie to You? Joining Lee and David are Denise Lewis, Richard Osman, Robert Rinder and Katherine Ryan. 21:30 Not Going Out Encouraged by Anna, Lucy considers whether a breast augmentation is for her. 22:00 Stephen: The Murder That Changed A Nation Final part exploring Stephen Lawrence's murder and the police investigation. The public inquiry leads to a change in the law meaning the suspects can be retried. Detective Clive Driscoll takes on the case, and with the help of advances in forensic science he arrests Gary Dobson and David Norris. But as justice seems to have finally been done, revelations that the police spied on the Lawrence family begin to surface. 23:00 News 23:45 Question Time 00:45 This Week 01:30 Weather 01:35 News

Friday 13th April 2018

07:00 Flog It! 07:30 Heir Hunters 08:15 Health: Truth or Scare 09:00 David Attenborough’s Natural Curiosities 09:30 Kate Humble: Off the Beaten Track 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Perfection 14:45 Home Away From Home 15:30 Going Back, Giving Back 16:15 Trust Me I’m a Doctor 17:15 Tigers About the House 18:15 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Britain in Bloom 20:00 Antiques Road Trip Kate and Paul’s final trip sees them plot a course through Kent, where Paul hears about a plucky swimmer who believed bagpipes would help him across the Channel. 21:00 Nature’s Biggest Beasts The world’s biggest beasts have always captured imaginations. But whilst being big can have its advantages, it also comes with sizeable challenges. Nature’s biggest beasts must go to extraordinary lengths to thrive. 22:00 Civilisations David Olusoga explores the artistic reaction to 19th-century imperialism, revealing the growing ambivalence with which artists reacted to the idea of progress. 23:00 The Premier League Show 23:30 Newsnight 00:15 Agent Selection 01:15 MasterChef 01:45 Amazing Hotels 02:45 The Secret Helpers

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Tenable 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 News 20:00 Emmerdale Laurel is on the warpath. 20:30 Tonight We rely heavily on processed food as a nation, it is available to us 24/7. How much do we really know about what we are eating? 21:00 Emmerdale Ross continues to fight temptation. 21:30 The Cruise: Sailing the Caribbean As Captain Bob Oliver steers the ship to the US Virgin Islands and St Thomas, it is his last tour of duty after 46 years at sea. 22:00 The Investigator: A British Crime Story Mark Williams-Thomas discovers another brutal Glasgow murder that threatens to derail his investigation into serial killer Angus Sinclair. The Investigator previously linked Sinclair to the murders of Anna Kenny, Agnes Cooney and Hilda McAuley, who were all abducted and killed in similar circumstances within four months of each other. 23:00 News 23:45 The Late Debate 00:15 Lethal Weapon 01:10 Give it a Year 01:30 Tonight 01:55 Jackpot247

07:00 Countdown 07:45 3rd Rock From the Sun 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Frasier 11:05 Ramsay’s Hotel Hell 12:00 Undercover Boss USA 13:00 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Posh Pawnbrokers 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 17:00 Escape to the Chateau: DIY 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Buy It Now 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 News 21:00 Location, Location, Location Kirstie Allsopp and Phil Spencer revisit two sets of home-hunters. Lia and Andrew were hunting in London in 2014, and Sue and Allan were searching across Surrey and Hampshire in 2015. 22:00 999: What’s Your E m e r g e n c y ? Documentary following the emergency services in Wiltshire, beginning with mother-son relationships and some of the crimes that result when that bond breaks down. Daniell has a big decision to make when her 15-year-old son Kendall smashes up her house and assaults her friend, while 40-year-old Shane is released from prison and moves in with his long-suffering mum but she soon regrets having him home. 23:00 True Horror 00:05 Countdown to Murder 01:00 SuperCasino 04:10 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 05:00 Witch Hunt: A Century of Murder 05:45 House Doctor

Thursday TV 07:00 Milkshake 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 Traffic Cops 13:10 News 13:15 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 14:10 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Film - Patricia Cornwell’s At Risk (15) 18:00 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 News 20:00 The Yorkshire Vet Casebook Peter needs to act fast to save a cow with heart failure, but finds the unexpected in the animal’s stomach. Ella the beagle is in the middle of a difficult birth, and has lost puppies before. 21:00 Bad Tenants, Rogue Landlords Landlords fall foul of two young tenants who are using their rental property as a film set. Eviction lawyer Chris receives a shock at an abandoned printworks. Harrow Council tackles a bad case of flytipping, and landlord Paul has the fight of his life getting a violent tenant out of his property. 22:00 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! Stewart and Vic see through a debtor’s lies in Manchester, before tracking down a landlord who owes his tenants £5,000 odd in Liverpool. Gareth and Mitch are in for a surprise in Wiltshire. 23:00 Undercover: Nailing the Fraudsters 00:05 Countdown to Murder 01:00 SuperCasino 04:10 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 05:00 Witch Hunt

07:00 The Planet’s Funniest Animals 07:20 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 08:10 Who’s Doing the Dishes? 08:55 Emmerdale 09:20 Coronation Street 10:25 Ellen DeGeneres 11:20 The Bachelor 12:10 You’ve Been Framed! 13:15 Emmerdale 13:45 Coronation Street 14:45 Ellen DeGeneres 15:35 Jeremy Kyle 17:50 Judge Rinder 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Family Guy 23:00 Celebrity Juice 23:50 Family Guy ITV 3 07:00 Classic Coronation Street 07:55 Heartbeat 08:55 The Royal 10:00 Judge Judy 11:20 Film Goodnight Mister Tom (PG) 13:25 The Royal 14:35 Heartbeat 15:40 Classic Coronation Street 16:45 On the Buses 17:55 You’re Only Young Twice 18:30 George and Mildred 19:00 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Vera 23:00 Joe Maddison’s War ITV 4 07:00 The Chase 07:45 Pawn Stars 08:35 Ironside 09:35 Quincy, M.E. 10:40 Minder 11:45 The Saint 12:50 The Avengers 13:55 The Protectors 14:30 ITV Racing: Live From Newmarket 17:00 The Saint 18:05 The Avengers 19:10 Storage Wars Texas 20:05 Pawn Stars 21:00 The Big Fish Off 22:00 Film - The Spy Who Loved Me

Home Computing



BlueMoon Solutions

BlueMoon Solutions is the computer and IT services company on the Costa Blanca. BlueMoon Solutions comes to you at home or at work. Their personal service covers from Alicante to Pilar de la Horadada.

Richard moved to Spain ten years ago having left his management background behind in the UK and decided to use his IT skills to help home users and small businesses with their PC problems. Now a relaxed 'computer man' he is out and about in the Spanish sun every day, making house and shop calls and using his vast experience and qualifications to sort out the problem there and then. Computers are his hobby as well as his work so don’t be surprised to get an answer to your email in the early hours!

ADVICE: Doug had a laptop with a very small hard drive that ADVICE: George was having problems with AVG licences. he wanted to update Windows 10 on. .



I have an ACER ASPIRE laptop ES 11 with eMMC 32 GB. Can you advise how I can use my external 1 TB hard drive to assist the Laptop to download and update Windows 10 to the latest version? When I try, it says that they need a minimum of 8 GB of disc space. Can you please help, as they say my version of Windows 10 will no longer be supported at the end of the month! Look for ward to your excellent service, thanks in advance. Doug


AVG is not able to recognise your License number.

Hi Doug, sorry but the short answer is that you can’t. The operating system won't run from an external hard drive, not practically anyway, and the problem with these laptops is that their hard drives are so small they don't have enough space in order to allow you to upgrade the oper ating system - it’s a real problem. I can see that you're in the UK (if you were here in Spain I might be able to help you directly). I'd recommend finding a local computer expert who can attempt to reinstall from scratch the updated version of windows directly over the top of your cur rent installation - this way it would take up much less space and has a good chance of working - after backing up safely all your data of course.

Email: Mobile: 655 044 970

Hi Richard, I wonder if you can help me. For some reason the AVG (Free Edition) has stopped working on my PC and I am getting the following popup message on screen:


My PC is an HP desktop (with Windows 10). I am not aware of a license num ber for AVG so therefore cannot proceed. Also, I have Windows Defender Security running, so do I actually need AVG (Free Edition) as well? If I do not need both, which of the two would you recommend? Thanks for your help. George Hi George, yes, the free version of AVG does have a licence number. It sounds like your installation has got its knickers in a twist. There are a couple of options, you could use the ‘repair’ option from within the add/remove programs in the control panel or remove, re-download and install the up to date version of AVG. Windows defender is a perfectly adequate anti-virus nowadays (it used to be truly awful), but if you decide to use it in preference to AVG I would still rec ommend removing AVG from your computer. NEW: Tel: 965 987 032

Don’t forget, you can follow me on Facebook: Alternatively, why don’t you sign up for my newsletter. You can do this by going



Fit the words into the boxes.

Code Cracker is a crossword puzzle with no clues; instead, every letter of the alphabet has been replaced by a number, the same number representing the same letter throughout the puzzle. All you have to do is decide which letter is represented by which number.

2 letter words Be Is Ma So

DOUBLE CROSS-WORD Solve the Double Cross-Word puzzle using either the standard or cryptic clues, the answers are exactly the same.

3 letter words Ace Ale Amp Ant Any Ash Bag Can Cot Dam Eel

Emu End Era Gap Her Ire Ivy Key Lee Nan Not Oak Oat Ova Pat Pep Rib Sea

She 4 letter words Aloe Amok Arms Bale Bare Bars Byte Cane Care Cyst Dens Elan Else Herb Lace

Loan Loch Mare Mute Name Nous Onus Pace Pass Seer Sore Stab Tale Taps Tend They Thus Tops

Cryptic Clues Across 1 A Republican takes a breather, then stops all together (7) 5 Sam is sort of wrong (5) 8 Bird with a new strong man (5) 9 A cinema remake lacking colour (7) 10 Lizard’s new, clean home (9) 12 Visiting nurse’s secret animal (3) 13 Petrified sacred ruins (6) 14 Waste of darn time (6) 17 Catch some wine tasters (3) 18 Cutting a crass act I arranged (9) 20 A gentle style getting stylish (7) 21 Gone by a staple food (5) 23 Cut corner for the bishop’s headgear (5) 24 Could start with getting slimmer and smarter (7)

Down 1 A sober man in charge is the top story (5) 2 Some Trotskyites go off (3) 3 Evil church about to become free of hypocrisy (7) 4 Plant part of Old Testament (6) 5 A profit once more (5) 6 Person making an income in the country! (9) 7 Isolate city district in riotous duels (7) 11 Flat cocktail meant trap (9) 13 Ray destroyed submarines? No sir (7) 15 Lesson? Half, please, following test (7) 16 Citric mixture for a fault finder (6) 18 Moth-eaten old Bob volunteers with the French (5) 19 Preside over a seat (5) 22 Bad behaviour in the casino (3)


Caress Carpet Estate Riches Skeans

5 letter words Aches Apart Aspen 7 letter words Batty Beano Customs Ivory Tartlet Lupin 8 letter words Opera Pasta Threaten Upstairs Sieve Taint Teens 6 letter words Boreal

Standard Clues Across 1 Apprehends (7) 5 Awry (5) 8 Colossus (5) 9 Pallid (7) 10 Small lizard (9) 12 Large African antelope (3) 13 Frightened (6) 14 Liquid waste (6) 17 Mesh (3) 18 Ironical (9) 20 Stylish (7) 21 Spaghetti, macaroni etc (5) 23 Bishop’s pointed headdress (5) 24 Not as dirty (7) Down 1 Loft (5) 2 Decay (3) 3 Earnest (7) 4 Flower’s male reproductive organ (6) 5 Once more (5) 6 Incomer (9) 7 Hide away (7) 11 Flat (9) 13 Bright ray (7) 15 Instance (7) 16 Reviewer (6) 18 Far from fresh (5) 19 Seat (5) 22 Act immorally (3)

Quiz Word

Across 1 What name is often applied to a strong alcoholic drink taken after a weaker one? (6) 5 Which herbaceous plant with upright stems bearing narrow pointed leaves and spikes of blue or purple flowers shares its name with a cloth supposedly impressed with an image of Christ’s face? (8) 9 Which white, waxy, odourless, tasteless solid substance, obtained chiefly from the distillation of petroleum, is used for making candles, sealing preserving jars, waterproofing paper? (8) 10 Which verb meaning ‘divide into two parts’ comes from the Latin for ‘to cut’? (6) 11 Professional darts player, nicknamed The Power, has won the world championship a record 15 world times? (4,6) 12 Name the Shaftesbury Memorial fountain in London’s Piccadilly Circus, one of the first statues to be cast in aluminium, is normally known? (4) 13 Second-largest island in the Mediterranean Sea, after Sicily? (8) 16 Measuring around 9,000,000 sq km and covering most of Northern Africa, which is the world’s largest hot desert? (6) 17 The name of which feeling of sickness with an inclination to vomit comes from the Greek for ‘seasickness’? (6) 19 Adult male singing voice in between tenor and bass? (8) 21 What name is given to an outdoor public function to raise funds for a charity or institution, typically involving entertainment and

the sale of goods? (4) 22 Fratton Park is the home ground of which English football club? (10) 25 Which city is the capital of Turkey and the country’s second largest city after Istanbul? (6) 26 What name is often used to refer to the ‘unenlightened’ period in Europe between the fall of the Roman Empire in the fifth century and the Italian Renaissance in the 14th century? (4,4) 27 What title is often applied to a competitor thought to have little chance of winning a fight or contest? (8) 28 What name is given to any open plain, park or square, near a town in Persian, Arabic, Turkish, Urdu, Telugu and several Indian languages? (6) Down 2 What was the surname of the Conservative politician who was prime minister of the UK from 1970 to 1974? (5) 3 Which word can precede: beer, change, fry, hours, print, talk and time? (5) 4 Which word can mean both ‘stop oneself from doing something’ and ‘a repeated line or section in a poem or song, typically at the end of each verse’? (7) 5 Which substance obtained from the pods of a tropical climbing orchid or produced artificially, is used as a flavouring and in the manufacture of cosmetics? (7) 6 What surname connects Coronation Street’s Alf, American actress Julia, motorcycle racer Kenny and Girls Aloud’s Nicola?

QUICKIE Across 1 Dessert topping (7) 5 Stays the same (5) 8 Effusively emotional (7) 9 Border on (5) 10 Overly fat (5) 11 Downpour (7) 12 Cunning (6) 14 Season (6) 17 Amid (7) 19 Demarcation point (5) 22 Meat from pig's head (5) 23 Old German coin (7) 24 Spanish table wine (5) 25 Utter lack of hope (7)

Down 1 Gem carved in relief (5) 2 Dress food with a relish (5) 3 Complaint (7) 4 Give to a charity (6) 5 Large body organ (5) 6 Overabundant supply (7) 7 Refuge (7) 12 Sleeping room (7) 13 Pear-shaped tropical fruit (7) 15 Condition of being sick (7) 16 Lacking intelligence (6) 18 Italian seaport (5) 20 Irrational preoccupation (5) 21 Large wild feline (5)


Improve your Spanish - Clues in Spanish, answer in English or vice versa. Across 1 Cangrejos (de mar) (5) 4 Lápiz (6) 9 Enemy (7) 10 Wagon (horse-drawn) (5) 11 Lado (lateral) (4) 12 Mayor (7) 13 Ginebra (3) 14 Turkey (bird) (4) 16 Abbot (4) 18 Because of (3) 20 Fan (air) (7) 21 Water (4) 24 Leader (of group, party) (5) 25 Campesino (7) 26 Corner (inside) (6) 27 Costuras (puntadas) (5)

Fill It In


Down 1 Queso (6) 2 Delante (5) 3 Six (4) 5 To listen to (8) 6 Match (for lighting) (7) 7 Lions (6) 8 Mujer (persona hembra) (5) 13 Government (8) 15 Abandonar (7) 17 To dance (6) 18 Amapola (5) 19 Blankets (6) 22 Attractive (f) (5) 23 Country (nation) (4)

(7) 7 Which prefabricated steel structure made from a half-cylindrical skin of corrugated steel was used extensively during the Second World War by the military to build army camps and airbases? (6,3) 8 What name is given to the apparatus in which charged atomic and subatomic particles are accelerated by an alternating electric field while following an outward spiral or circular path in a magnetic field? (9) 14 According to Greek mythology, what was the name of the hero who led the Greeks against Troy in the Trojan War? He was the son of King Atreus of Mycenae and Queen Aerope, the brother of Menelaus and the husband of Clytemnestra. (9) 15 The Dandy’s cowboy character with a beard so tough that he has to shave with a blowtorch is known as (What) Dan? (9) 18 Verb meaning ‘show approval by clapping’ comes from the Latin for ‘to clap’? (7) 19 ‘Johnny is a joker’ is the first line of which 1958 British hit single by the Everly Brothers? (4,3) 20 Name given to the raised platform a person stands on to make a public speech, play music, or conduct an orchestra? (7) 23 Large mammal of the giraffe family that lives in the rainforests of northern Zaire (Democratic Republic of Congo) has a dark chestnut coat with stripes on the hindquarters and upper legs? (5) 24 Which is the eighth letter of the Greek alphabet? (5)


Last Week’s Solutions Quizword Across: 1 Roger Bannister, 10 Easel, 11 Life peers, 12 Scratch, 13 Abridge, 14 Magic, 16 Ziggurats, 19 Sans serif, 20 Essen, 22 Isobars, 25 Hospice, 27 Retriever, 28 Adage, 29 Pins and needles. Down: 2 Oestrogen, 3 Éclat, 4 Balthazar, 5 NAFTA, 6 Importune, 7 Tweed, 8 Rashers, 9 Jetsam, 15 Costa Rica, 17 Gift horse, 18 Aestivate, 19 Stirrup, 21 Nieces, 23 Often, 24 Saved, 26 Stand. Double Crossword Across: 1 Lashes, 4 Titter, 9 Stubble, 10 Trait, 11 India, 12 Rooster, 13 Armed escort, 18 Chapter, 20 Lance, 22 Moist, 23 Special, 24 Namely, 25 Red sky. Down: 1 Lassie, 2 Sound, 3 Embrace, 5 Intro, 6 Traitor, 7 Retort, 8 George cross, 14 Realism, 15 College, 16 Acumen, 17 Really, 19 Total, 21 Nails. Quickie Across: 7 Karate, 8 Yonder, 9 Nine, 10 Elevator, 11 Whisker, 13 Boxer, 15 Eager, 17 Parsley, 20 Indicate, 21 Puck, 22 Marine, 23 Leaves.

Span - Eng

Down: 1 Vanish, 2 Bare, 3 Jezebel, 4 Types, 5 Infamous, 6 Remote, 12 Specific, 14 Gazelle, 16 Annual, 18 Exceed, 19 Gavel, 21 Peak.

Code Cracker


Friday 13th April 2018

A vending machine – of test-drive Fords Order on your phone, collect from a vending machine.

Alibaba Group, which owns Tmall, opened the Super Test-Drive Centre in Guangzhou this week, allowing potential buyers to pick from 100 cars using their mobile phone and take one for a three-day test drive. ‘We are looking for ways to simplify customers’ lives and give them the ultimate trybefore-you-buy experience,’ said Dean Stoneley, vice-president of marketing at Ford Asia Pacific, at the launch event. ‘It’s about having them try Ford vehicles and ultimately buying the vehicle at a Ford dealership.’ The customer can search for a new Ford on the Alibaba app. The system then uses face recognition when the customer arrives at the vending machine and the car is delivered straight to them. When the partnership was announced in December 2017, Ford Motor Company executive chairman Bill Ford said: ‘China is not only the largest car market in the world, it’s

also at the heart of electric vehicle and SUV growth and the mobility movement. ‘The progress we have achieved in China is just the start. We now have a chance to expand our presence in China and deliver even more for customers, our partners and society.’ Ford of Britain announced a partnership with Next stores to increase its representation in a similar way but on a much smaller scale – and without the vending machine. It will start with a five-car showroom in the refurbished Next store in Manchester’s Arndale shopping centre, where test drives will be available and new cars can be handed over. The hope is also that Alibaba’s analytics and marketing resources can be used by car brands and distributors to better target car buyers. This car vending machine isn’t the first to be put into practice, with Carvana opening a 24-hour machine in the United States in 2017.



2016 Dacia Sandero Low Mileage

2014 Ford Mondeo 62,005 km



2009 Citroën C5 150,000 km

2012 Peugot 5008 159,000 km



2009 Toyota Avenses 59,500 km

2011 Jaguar XFS 97,000 km


A specially commissioned Aston Martin Vanquish S, which pays homage to the Royal Air Force and the Red Arrows Display Team, will take pride of place on the ‘Built In Britain’ feature at The London Motor Show 2018. The special-edition Aston Martin Red10 is the perfect tribute to the iconic Red Arrows, displaying the Éclat red colour seen on the Hawk jets, a Union Jack tail fin motif, ‘Smoke Trails’ on side skirts and an Ejection Seat Detonator cord. The V12 engine boasts a top speed of 201mph and can go from 0-60 mph in 3.5 seconds, giving the feeling of going as fast as the RAF plane. This one-of-a-kind vehicle is personalised in part of the famous “Diamond Nine” flying formation of the Red Arrows. With attention to detail, the car features a carbon roof with a zig-zag ‘charge’ pattern mimicking the explosives

set into jet cockpits fitted to shatter the canopy in case of the pilot needing to eject. The Aston Martin Red10 will be the closest connection to a Royal Air Force jet you can get at this year’s event. Unique in its reverence to the prowess of the Royal Air Force, which this year celebrates 100 years, the Aston Martin Red 10 not only represents the role of the men and women in the RAF, but the creativity and innovation of UK engineering, design and technology. All the attributes that make it a perfect fit for the all-new ‘Built In Britain’ feature. The car on display was offered to the public in a raffle where more than 70,000 tickets were bought and over £1.5 million was raised for the RAF Benevolent Fund. The London Motor Show is from 17-20 May.


British Number 1 and Australian Open Semi-Finalist, Kyle Edmund has signed an endorsement deal with luxury and sports car manufacturer, Jaguar, to become the brand’s latest UK brand ambassador. Jaguar, the Official Car to the All England Lawn Tennis Club (AELTC) are looking to reinforce the brand’s commitment within UK tennis and will work with Edmund on a number of projects in the build-up to The Championships, Wimbledon. Edmund’s remarkable run at the 2018 Australian Open made him just the sixth British man in history to reach a semi-final of a grand slam. Edmund announced his latest partnership on his social media channels on Wednesday morning ahead of this week’s ATP tour event in Marrakech. Edmund will be looking to build on his successful start to the year in Australia, as we move into the clay and then grass court seasons this summer. Kyle Edmund said: “I have always been passionate for cars and I am delighted to be associated with a British brand I admire and look forward to working together in the build-up to Wimbledon. Jaguar’s presence within tennis will provide me with the extra support I am looking for and I hope I can build on the success I had earlier in the year

in Australia.” Scott Dicken, Jaguar Land Rover Global UK Marketing Director said: “We are excited to partner with Kyle as we head into Jaguar’s fourth season as the Official Car of The Championships, Wimbledon. Kyle, 23 is the current British Number 1 and a rising star within the tennis world. We look forward to being part of that journey and supporting him along the way.” The 23-year-old will be entering The Championships, Wimbledon for the first time as British Number 1 and will be looking to better his most successful Grand Slam performance at this year’s Australian Open. Edmund who competes a lot more on clay is committed to adapt his grass court game in time for The Championships, Wimbledon later this year. Jaguar is entering its fourth season as the Official Car of The Championships, Wimbledon which runs from Monday 2 July to Sunday 15 July. Jaguar will supply 170 vehicles from its award-winning range, including the XE, XF, XJ and F-PACE as well as the new, all electric I-PACE driving over 30,000 journeys during the tournament.

AUDI TO RACE ROME FOR THE FIRST TIME WITH FORMULA E Formula E celebrates premiere in the Eternal City in race seven of the season Formula E is arriving in Europe. Tomorrow, Saturday April 14, the electric racing series will make its debut in the streets of Rome. The German Audi Sport ABT Schaeffler team with Daniel Abt and Lucas di Grassi wants to focus on further success in Italy’s capital city. Most recently, they scored victory in Mexico and a second place in Uruguay. Asia, Africa, South and Middle America and now Europe: On its world tour, Formula E will stop in Rome for the first time. A race of 33 laps is to be covered by the drivers on the 2.860-kilometer city circuit that leads right through the “Esposizione Universale di Roma (EUR)” world fair district and along the spectacular “La Nuvola” convention center. It is the seventh race of a total of twelve this season. Following victory in Mexico and second place in Uruguay, Daniel Abt and Lucas di Grassi are traveling to the Eternal City highly motivated. “Italy is like a second home for me. My grandparents were born there, I have an Italian passport and plenty of Italian blood running in my veins,” says the the reigning champion, di Grassi. “The track looks incredibly challenging: fast sections, slow sections, several overtaking opportunities – the fans are going to experience a real Formula E highlight.” The aim following the podium in Punta del Este is clear: “A look at the champi-

onship standings shows that we’ve got a lot to win and little to lose. I’m going to give my all to clinch my first victory this season and to make the many fans and guests of Audi proud.” His teammate, Daniel Abt, is currently the best German in the overall standings. “A new city and a completely new circuit are always a real challenge for the drivers and engineers. It’s great that Formula E is now traveling to Europe with its very large fan community and huge interest,” says Abt. “As a racer, the last event in Uruguay with zero points is water under the bridge for me. Now I’m set on returning with my team to where we were in Mexico: on podium.” For Team Principal Allan McNish, the season is only now really picking up momentum. “In the last two races, we found our old strength again and Daniel and Lucas were fighting at the front in qualifying and the race and that is exactly how we want to continue in Rome. But to be on the podium the whole team needs to have a fast and clean weekend because the intense Formula E race format punishes mistakes,” says the Scotsman. In addition, there is huge interest in the Italian premiere. McNish: “There will be a great amount of attention from fans, media and of course from Audi employees at this new and fascinating race in Rome. I am sure it will be a close, hard-fought race.”


Friday 13th April 2018


Not A Fan Pleaser

Sunday’s Augusta victor Patrick Reed was a villain long before he won the US Masters and beat out fan favourites like Jordan Spieth and Rickie Fowler, not to mention a final-round faltering Rory McIlroy. It goes back to his troubled year at the University of Georgia, amid accusations of cheating and stealing from his teammates, and has followed him throughout his professional career. In the book “Slaying the Tiger: A Year Inside the Ropes on the New PGA Tour,” by Shane Ryan, Reed’s alleged travails at Georgia are detailed. It all began when he was a freshman, at a qualifying round before a tournament. He hit a ball deep into the rough; there was another ball closer to the fairway. According to sources Ryan spoke to, Reed prepared to hit the other ball when a few teammates confronted him. Reed pleaded ignorance, but they didn’t buy it. Reed has been asked about it since and has strongly denied cheating, yet Jason Payne, an assistant golf coach at Georgia while Reed was there, confirmed the teammates’ story. “The story that has been reported by Shane Ryan is an accurate account of his college career at UGA — including the suspicions held by his former teammates,” he said in a statement to

Kuhn Retires

Teenage Torrevieja tennis star, Nicola Kuhn, had to retire at the last sixteen stage of his latest tournament, the ATP Challenger event at Barletta in Italy, after falling over on the clay court. The recently-turned 18year-old was in control of his match on Wednesday against Portugal’s Goncalo Oliviera, having taken the first set, 6-4, and getting an early break in the second, to go up 2-0. The youngster fell awkwardly at the back of the court, and started to limp badly. He took a medical timeout, but despite trying to

restart the contest, he realised that he was not fit enough to continue against Oliviera, who he beat last year on his way to winning his first Challenger title.ChAt the time . Ironically, his first round match against the experienced Spaniard , Marcel Granollers, saw Kuhn’s opponent have to retire, after the teenager led 6-5 in the first set. Prior to the tournament, the La Mata youngster posted a picture on his Twitter feed sporting a new Bovet watch, with the manufacturer signing a deal to sponsor one of the rising stars of world tennis.

blogger Stephanie Wei. There were also allegations of theft, with items and $400 cash going missing from the locker room. Teammates blamed Reed, who denied it. The run-ins with teammates, combined with a pair of arrests for intoxication, led Reed to leave Georgia. According to Ryan, he kept the second arrest hidden from his coaches and teammates, but the golf coach, Chris Haack, found out, and trust was lost. Reed transferred to Augusta State College, which he led to Division I titles in 2010 and 2011. On the Tour, Reed’s reputation for abrasiveness and cockiness continued. During the 2014 Ryder Cup, he put his finger to his mouth and shushed the European crowd. In November 2014, he was heard uttering a homophobic slur after a missing a putt in the WGC-HSBC Champions in China, for which he apologised. A month ago, at Bay Hill, the 27-year-old Reed wasn’t given relief by an official after hitting a shot in the bushes. “I guess my name needs to be Jordan Spieth, guys,” he said to the gallery, which was picked up by a fan who was filming it.

Sunday Rugby

San Javier is going to be a busy place for local rugby this Sunday as the FERRMUR Murcia Federation stages an under-18 (cadets) tournament at the San Javier sports centre. The first semi-final will see XV Murcia play Rugby Murcia at 9.30 am, with the second match an hour later between the teams from Cartagena University and ITV Orihuela Vega Baja (pictured). The defeated semi-finalists will play at 3.00 pm, with the final scheduled for 4.00 pm, followed by the presentation ceremony an hour

later. At lunchtime at the same venue, with a noon start, the senior side of the Mar Menor Squalos will take on ITV Orihuela Vega Baja in a FERRMUR Five clash. Two matches remain for both sides, and it’s all about pride with the Squalos third in the table, and Orihuela behind them one place down. This will be the penultimate fixture of the season for the two teams, with Rugby Murcia having already secured the title ahead of Cartagena University.



Preferente Group Four

Looking Good

ORIHUELA CF 3 CREVILLENTE DEP 2 Orihuela maintained their second place in the Valencia Regional Group Three with a Sunday derby win over Crevillente, watched by a crowd of over thirteen-hundred people. It was all straightforward as an Antonio header (pictured above) put them in Two goals early in a second-half minute dealt a major body blow to CD Thader’s bid to front after just eight minutes, make it into the play-offs in the Valencia Preferente Group Four on Sunday. The Rojales side entertained UD Ilicitana, and the first half produced no goals, but the visitors struck within 60 seconds with goals from Raul (53 mins) and Javier Solana (54 mins) to send the home team reeling. UD Ilicitana added a third from Fran in the 82nd minute, as Thader suffered one of their most disappointing results of the season at a crucial time. They are five points behind third-placed Villajoyosa, but have a chance to bounce back against local side Benferri this Sunday morning in an 11.30 am kick-off.

and then five minutes later, Brian made it two-nil. José Carlos made it three on the hour, but Crevillente fought back with strikes from Cristo (67 mins) and Edu Mesas (74 mins), leaving the Los Arcos faithful biting their fingernails. Orihuela, a point behind leaders Castellón, now go to

eighth-placed Villarreal this Saturday (6.00 pm kick-off), whilst 12th-placed Crevillente entertain Alzira on Sunday. There’s a key match for Elche Ilicitano away to fourth-bottom Almazora, with Elche three points above them, after a one-one draw with Paterna.

Derby Day Win

CD Almoradi (pictured above celebrating a goal on Sunday) notched up a league double this season against Orihuela B, with a two-nil victory at the Sadrian stadium. The goals came from Semi on the hour mark, with Álvaro Polo sealing the win with a couple of minutes remaining. They lie 12th in the table with 35 points, and should continue their rejuvenated form under coach Roberto Cases, with a win at second-bottom Monforte this weekend. Also on 35 points are CD Torrevieja, who despite signing some new players, started a successive league match with just 10 men, and got the champagne corks popping at bottom side Petrelense, who recorded only their fifth win of the season, with a two-one margin. To be fair, Torry were undone right at the end, and their debutants (including a goalkeeper playing as an outfield player) gave their all, and they took the lead through Tomi in the 65th minute, who had a penalty saved by keeper Luis, but managed to net through the rebound. Josu missed a golden chance to double Torry’s advantage a few minutes later, but there was a sting to come in the tail, as Joshua levelled up for Petrelense in the 87th minute, and then got the winner two minutes into added time. Torry finished the game with nine men straight after that second strike, as Josu got involved with a fight with the assistant Petrelense coach, and the visitors day was now complete. Leaders Jove Espanol come to the Vicente Garcia stadium this Sunday for an 11.30 am kick-off, and hopefully the home side may have 11 men in their starting line up. Needless to say, the club continue to have nothing to say about their financial predicament.

CD MONTESINOS 3 CD DOLORES 1 Four matches remain in the Valencia Primera Regional Eight campaign, and CD Montesinos are looking a decent bet to keep the third-place slot in the table in their debut season, after their home derby win over Dolores last Sunday. Leaders San Joan won the big match of the weekend, one-nil, at secondplaced UD Horadada, who are eight points clear of Montesinos, and they would

have to stage a remarkable blow out, as well as Monte gaining all 12 points for things to change. Dolores put on the early pressure in Sunday’s match and after successive corners they took the lead, after home keeper Dani had made a string of great saves to defy the visitors. Vaz at the other end was busy as always, and after a variety of chances he got the leveller.

The second half started at a frentic pace and a brilliant piece of individual dribbling skills from Vaz saw the division’s top scorer net his second, and then defender Joao made it three for the home side from a corner. An entertaining game saw Montesinos keep third slot, and they now go to secondbottom CD Cox this Saturday afternoon with kick-off taking place at 5.30 pm.


Friday 13th April 2018

Dream Smashed

A Real Squeaker



Roma pulled off a sensational second-leg comeback to beat Barcelona 3-0 and reach the Champions League semi-finals on away goals on Tuesday night. Barca were heavy favourites to progress after a 4-1 first-leg win, but fell apart to Roma's brilliant showing. Defender Kostas Manolas scored the crucial third goal, heading in at the near post with eight minutes remaining. Edin Dzeko struck early to give Roma hope and Daniele de Rossi added a second-half penalty. Roma became only the third team in Champions League history to overturn a first-leg defeat of three goals or more Deportivo La Coruna against AC Milan in 2004 and Barcelona against Paris St-Germain last season. On this occasion, runaway La Liga leaders Barcelona were on the receiving end of an unthinkable result. They had no answer to Roma's high-tempo, energetic performance which brought a richly deserved victory, and Barca’s Champions League dreams in tatters.

Cristiano Ronaldo's injury-time penalty put holders Real Madrid through to the Champions League semi-finals after holding off a stunning Juventus comeback on Wednesday. Ronaldo's coolly taken 97th-minute penalty into the top corner came after Medhi Benatia brought down Lucas Vazquez in the box. Juve goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon, in what might be his last Champions League appearance, was sent off by English referee Michael Oliver after awarding the spot-kick, for foul and abusive language. Real, Champions League winners in three of the past four seasons, came into the second leg leading 3-0, helped by Ronaldo's stunning bicycle kick. But the Serie A leaders got off to a perfect start when Mario Mandzukic headed in from Sami Khedira's cross after just two minutes and Mandzukic got a second before halftime. Blaise Matuidi pounced to capitalise on Keylor Navas' fumble to level the tie on aggregate before the dramatic ending. Real join Liverpool, Roma and Bayern Munich in the lastfour draw, which takes place in Nyon this Friday lunchtime at 1.00 pm.


Sory Strikes

FORMENTERA 0 ELCHE 1 This victory at struggling Formentera was far more convincing for the Ilicitanos than can be read into the final score. The result keeps Elche in third place in Segunda Division B, with a noon home clash to come against leaders Real Mallorca to come this Sunday. One of Elche’s bright lights of the season, Sory Kaba, got the only goal in the 23rd minute, but at the other end, keeper José Juan was barely troubled, as the home side had little to offer up front. It was Elche’s first away win since January 14th, and keeps them a point behind second-placed Villarreal, and more importantly six points ahead behind fifth-in-the table Badlona who are trying to break into the top four play-off group. The Ilicitanos board, much to the disquiet of the long-suffering fans, have decided to “cash in” on their the Real Mallorca clash by making season ticket holders pay for their entry, as well as for May’s showdown against rivals Hercules.

Messi Record Unhappy Ronaldo

Torres Leaves

BARCELONA 3 LEGANES 1 Lionel Messi netted a hat-trick as Barcelona beat Leganes 3-1 at the Nou Camp to make it a record-equalling 38 games unbeaten in La Liga. Barcelona cruised to victory that saw them equal Real Sociedad's streak across 1978/79 and 1979/80, and move seven games away from the first unbeaten La Liga season in history. Messi did the damage in the first half, curling home a sublime free-kick in the 27th minute - his sixth goal directly from a free-kick this season - before firing in a second five minutes later. Barcelona took their foot off the gas in the second half and they were caught cold when Nabil El Zhar got Leganes back in the 68th minute, but Messi made sure of the win three minutes from time as he completed the hat-trick to take his tally to 39 goals in all competitions this season. There’s a tasty match to come this Saturday afternoon, and a chance to get their Champions League exit out of their system, as they entertain third-placed Barcelona.

REAL MADRID 1 ATLETICO MADRID 1 Zinedine Zidane insisted that Cristiano Ronaldo needed a rest after substituting him during Real Madrid's draw with Atletico Madrid at the Bernabeu on Sunday. Ronaldo opened the scoring in the Madrid derby, smartly converting Gareth Bale's cross with a volley from close-range after 53 minutes - but ten minutes later, after Antoine Griezmann's equaliser, he was replaced by Karim Benzema. Ronaldo did not appear happy at the decision and was seen mouthing something in Zidane's direction a few minutes later. Speaking post-match, Zidane said: "Cristiano is Cristiano, he has been this player all his life, scoring 50 goals a season. It is true that there is nobody else who does that.” "But others can score, have done recently, and we must think about the positives. It's better to have Cristiano with us. Real are fourth in the table, and are now 14 points adrift of Barcelona, with a trip to bottom club Malaga to come on Sunday.

Fernando Torres will quit Atletico Madrid at the end of the season. The 34-year-old Torres said on Monday that it "wasn't an easy decision" to make but he felt it was time to make way for other players at the club. The striker said he wants to keep playing but needed a change because he wasn't getting many chances under coach Diego Simeone. "There is never a good moment to say goodbye," Torres said. "I'm not having a very prominent role with the club recently. Perhaps it is time to make way for others. I see myself with the ability to continue playing, but here this is not happening. I think this was key when I made the decision." Torres did not give any details about his future. Rumours about Torres' departure began after Simeone said a couple of months ago he would not go out of his way to try to keep the player after his contract expired at the end of the season. Simeone hinted that it might not be in the club's best interest to renew Torres' contract. Torres said Simeone's words did not influence his decision.

Hero David

Costa Blanca’s David Ferrer toppled Philipp Kohlschreiber in a thrilling five-hour marathon on Sunday, as Spain roared back from 2-1 down in their Davis Cup tie against Germany to reach the semi-finals on Sunday at Valencia City. After world number one Rafael Nadal put Alexander Zverev firmly in his place with a 6-1 6-4 6-4 humbling, Ferrer edged Kohlschreiber 7-6(1) 3-6 7-6(4) 4-6 7-5 in the final rubber at a sun-drenched Plaza de Toros in Valencia to wrap up a 3-2 victory. 36-year-old Ferrer, from Javea, held firm in the eighth game of the decider to save three break points and then pounced at 5-5 to secure the break before serving out for victory. Nadal (pictured below) was playing his first event since retiring with a hip problem against Marin Cilic in the last eight of the Australian Open in January. Spain will meet France in the semis after the holders reached the last four for a third year in a row after Lucas Pouille came back to beat Fabio Fognini 2-6 6-1 7-6(3) 6-3 in Genoa to clinch their tie with Italy 3-1.

Rojales Award

Golfing star Miguel Ángel Jiménez was handed over the title of “adopted son” of the Rojales municipality last week in recognition of his connections and relationship with the area for 25 years. Rojales council agreed to give Ángel Jiménez (pictured with Rojales mayor Antonio Pérez, on the right, and sports councillor Pedro Llopis on the left) in recognition for his contribution in spreading the word about Rojales. Llopis said that Ángel Jiménez fully met the criteria to receive the award both for his professional career and for his long connection to Rojales, and specifically the La Marquesa course at Quesada. "For more than 25 years we have seen this world-renowned professional player be selflessly involved in promoting the development and knowledge of golf, and also to spread the name of Rojales that is linked to him, " added Llopis.


Crash Clash

Italy's Valentino Rossi has accused Marc Marquez of deliberately crashing into riders at the Argentina MotoGP, saying he is "scared" to race with him. Spain's Marquez finished in 18th on Sunday, after being given a 30-second penalty for clashing with Rossi as he tried to overtake during the race, which was won by Britain's Cal Crutchlow, with Spain’s Maverick Vinares finishing sixth. Nine-time champion Rossi, who finished 19th, accused the current MotoGP champion of "destroying" the sport. Marquez said Rossi's claims were wrong. Earlier in the race, which was delayed by heavy rain, Honda rider Marquez was penalised for making contact with compatriot Aleix Espargaro. The fourtime champion had started at the back of the grid for riding the wrong way down the track before the delayed start. Rossi said: "Because he [Marquez] does it purposely, it is not a mistake. So if you start to play like this, you raise the level to a very dangerous point. "I'm scared on the track when I am with Marquez." Marquez was seen trying to apologise to Rossi after the race, but was ushered away by Movistar Yamaha staff without speaking to the 39-year-old. When asked about the Italian's comments, Marquez said he was "completely disappointed". "In my career I never, never, never go straight to a rider thinking that he will crash. Always I try to avoid," he said. "Today what happened with Valentino was a mistake, a consequence of the track conditions because I locked the front. "But in my career, what he's saying, I think is wrong." Rossi, who urged MotoGP to take action against Marquez, added: "This is a very bad situation, because he destroyed our sport, because he doesn't have any respect for his rivals, never." Marquez denies intentionally knocking into the Yamaha rider and causing the crash. "I touched a wet patch, locked the front, and released the brakes. I tried to turn, again making my best effort to avoid contact. When he crashed I immediately apologised," said the defending world champion. "It was a tricky Sunday. Of course today I made some mistakes, which I recognise.” The third race of the season is a week on Sunday at the Circuit of the Americas in Austin, Texas. "Other mistakes were made by race direction on the grid, and others were due to the difficult conditions, but one thing I know for sure: never in my career have I intentionally hit another rider." In 2015 both riders were summoned to a meeting amid a "damaging feud" between the two after Rossi knocked Marquez off his bike during the Malaysian Grand Prix in October that year.

FIXTURES Friday 13 April English Football League - Championship 20:45 Aston Villa V. Leeds United Saturday 14 April English Premier League 13:30 Southampton V. Chelsea 16:00 Burnley V. Leicester City 16:00 Crystal Palace V. Brighton and Hove Albion 16:00 Huddersfield Town V. Watford 16:00 Swansea City V. Everton 18:30 Liverpool V. Bournemouth 20:45 Tottenham Hotspur V. Manchester City Scottish FA Cup 13:15 Motherwell V. Aberdeen English Football League - Championship 14:00 Sheffield United V. Millwall 16:00 Barnsley V. Bolton Wanderers 16:00 Burton Albion V. Derby County 16:00 Hull City V. Sheffield Wednesday 16:00 Middlesbrough V. Bristol City 16:00 Norwich City V. Cardiff City 16:00 Nottingham Forest V. Ipswich Town 16:00 Queens Park Rangers V. Preston North End 16:00 Reading V. Sunderland 18:30 Fulham V. Brentford English Football League - League One 16:00 Blackpool V. Fleetwood Town 16:00 Bristol Rovers V. Blackburn Rovers 16:00 Bury V. Northampton Town 16:00 Charlton Athletic V. Scunthorpe United 16:00 MK Dons V. Doncaster Rovers 16:00 Oldham Athletic V. Gillingham 16:00 Oxford United V. Southend United 16:00 Peterborough United V. Rochdale 16:00 Plymouth Argyle V. Portsmouth 16:00 Walsall V. AFC Wimbledon 16:00 Wigan Athletic V. Rotherham United English Football League - League Two 14:00 Chesterfield V. Mansfield Town 16:00 Accrington Stanley V. Exeter City 16:00 Cheltenham Town V. Forest Green Rovers 16:00 Colchester United V. Notts County 16:00 Crawley Town V. Coventry City 16:00 Grimsby Town V. Barnet 16:00 Luton Town V. Crewe Alexandra 16:00 Morecambe V. Carlisle United 16:00 Newport County V. Swindon Town 16:00 Port Vale V. Lincoln City 16:00 Stevenage V. Cambridge United 16:00 Yeovil Town V. Wycombe Wanderers Scottish Premiership 16:00 Hamilton Academical V. Kilmarnock Scottish Championship 16:00 Dundee United V. Falkirk 16:00 Dunfermline Athletic V. Brechin City 16:00 Inverness Caledonian Thistle V. Dumbarton 16:00 Morton V. Queen of the South 16:00 St. Mirren V. Livingston Scottish League One 16:00 Airdrieonians V. Albion Rovers 16:00 Ayr United V. Stranraer 16:00 East Fife V. Arbroath 16:00 Forfar Athletic V. Alloa Athletic 16:00 Raith Rovers V. Queen's Park Scottish League Two 16:00 Clyde V. Stirling Albion 16:00 Elgin City V. Edinburgh City 16:00 Montrose V. Berwick Rangers 16:00 Peterhead V. Cowdenbeath 16:00 Stenhousemuir V. Annan Athletic Sunday 15 April English Premier League 14:30 Newcastle United V. Arsenal 17:00 Manchester United V. West Bromwich Albion Scottish FA Cup 15:30 Celtic V. Rangers English Football League - Championship 13:00 Wolverhampton Wanderers V. Birmingham City Monday 16 April English Premier League 21:00 West Ham United V. Stoke City Tuesday 17 April English Premier League 20:45 Brighton and Hove Albion V. Tottenham Hotspur English Football League - League One 20:45 Bradford City V. Portsmouth 20:45 Doncaster Rovers V. Bury 20:45 Gillingham V. Rotherham United 20:45 Rochdale V. Oldham Athletic 20:45 Shrewsbury Town V. Charlton Athletic 20:45 Wigan Athletic V. Oxford United

Information correct at time of publication but subject to change at short notice.



NATIONAL COUNTDOWN Lewis Hamilton insists he cannot afford to lose any more points to Sebastian Vettel at this weekend's Chinese GP in Shanghai, a race that Hamilton has won five times. The German's perfect start has seen him victorious in the first two races of the season, the first time a Ferrari driver has started a campaign with back-to-back victories since 2004. "There are good things to come, but I am 17 points behind and I can't afford to lose any more points to Sebastian," said Hamilton.

Gold Present was the only withdrawal as a field of 40 runners was named yesterday for Saturday’s Grand National at Aintree (6.15 pm on ITV). Trainer Nicky Henderson has decided not to run his horse, who was around a 25-1 chance for the famous race. It means Road To Riches is the last contender to make the cut. There are four reserves - Thunder And Roses, Delusionofgrandeur, Walk In The Mill and Vintage Clouds - in case

any horses are pulled out before 2.00 pm this Friday afternoon. The bookmakers' favourites for the race, at about 10-1, are Total Recall, Anibale Fly, Blaklion and Tiger Roll. Baie Des Isles, the mount of jockey Katie Walsh for her trainer husband Ross O'Sullivan, has been well backed this week from odds of 33-1 to 16-1. Walsh, who finished third on Seabass in 2012, is seeking to become the first female jockey to win the race in the

171st running. She is one of three women riding in the National, alongside Bryony Frost on Milansbar and Rachael Blackmore, with Alpha Des Obeaux. The National is a handicap chase, with each runner allotted a different weight to carry by the official handicapper Phil Smith. Minella Rocco, with 11st 10lb, will bid to become the first top weight to win since the legendary Red Rum in 1974.


BANISHING THE BLUES Everton are reportedly becoming increasingly confident of signing Arsenal midfielder Jack Wilshere. Wilshere is yet to agree a new contract at the Emirates Stadium, and the England international will see his current deal expire at the end of June. The 26-year-old has worn the captain's armband in recent weeks, but Everton are prepared to offer Wilshere a sizeable signing-on fee, and the Toffees will also match his wage demands as they look to secure his signature.

Manchester City head to Tottenham this Saturday night, a wounded team after derby and Champions League heartache (live on Sky Sports, 8.45 pm kick-off). Expecting to either be crowned champions at Wembley or already claiming the title against Manchester United, City now find themselves still two wins away and knocked out of Europe. Tottenham, meanwhile, have not lost in 2018 and avoiding defeat on Saturday evening will mark a new club-record unbeaten run of 15 games, bettering 2015's run from August to December. City were, of course, the last team to beat Spurs in the league, a 4-1 hammering at the Etihad in December (pictured above) and Pep Guardiola will be hoping not to match his worst-ever run as a coach with a fourth consec-

utive loss. Manchester City will be without Fernandinho as the Brazilian serves the first of his two-match ban for picking up 10 yellow cards this season. Tottenham are monitoring Kieran Trippier's fitness ahead of tomorrow, with the right-back struggling with fatigue. Serge Aurier may start in any case, given the counterattacking approach likely on show. Otherwise, Mauricio Pochettino has no fresh injury concerns. With the Champions League placings all sewn up, the focus is on the battle at the bottom, with doomed West Brom having a Sunday trip to Manchester United; secondbottom Stoke go to West Ham on Monday, and third-bottom Southampton kick-off the weekend tomorrow lunchtime at home to Chelsea.

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