The Jungle Drums June 2012

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June 2012 No. 96

In this month’s edition Subscribe to our new monthly newsletter on the Jungle Drums website

Want to look good this summer? Banish those Bingo Wings with our 7 handy tips. Discover Elche’s bejewelled dame in this month’s Out and About

Spain’s Forgotton Children A true insight into Spain’s civil war

BMW 1 Series Convertible. The best car for the summer! Pg 26

Gran Alacant, Santa Pola, La Marina, Torrevieja, La Siesta, San Luis, Quesada, Rojales, Orihuela Costa, Mar Menor

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The Jungle Drums

June 2012

Inside this month’s magazine Spains forgotton children The forgotton children of the civil war p4

Anti-Aging Foods How to stay young while eating p7

Health Go nuts withs nuts! p10

Brain Training Don’ t think too hard it might hurt! p14

Gardening The Hibiscus p18

Out and About Elche p20

7 ways to beat Bingo Wings


t’s June already! I just can’t believe how fast the year has gone. I’m sure this month will be a busy one with the Queen’s Jubilee and the start of the Euro 2012 Football.

If football is not really your thing but your other half is glued to the TV all summer, why not take a trip out to Elche. With several museums to visit, typical Spanish restaurants to eat in and a shopping centre big enough to shop ‘til you drop, i’m certain you won’t get bored! You could even travel there in style in the new BMW 1 Series Convertible. We have all the latest info on the motoring pages. As the weather starts to get a lot hotter this month most people tend to feel more body concious as the short sleeve tops and shorts come out of the wardrobe. But don’t fear, we have some healthy pastas for you to try in the Food Fix pages, as well as a range of anti-aging foods to keep you looking as young as ever! We also have some great tips and advice on how to banish those bingo wings! On a more serious note we have a great piece on Spain’s forgotten children, how the civil war tore many families apart and why they could never go back to how they once were. New out this month we have a monthly newsletter that you can subscribe to on the website. so you will always know when to look out for the next edition. That’s all for this month!

Get flapping! p24

In Gear BMW 1 - Series Convertible p26

Also in this issue Legal Jargon - p6 Inspektar Gadget - p12 Food Fix - p16 Movie and Book Reviews - p22 Bluemoon Solutions - 28

The Editor Have you got a story Why not share it with us, or just tell us what you think Call 966 923 796 or email Advertise in Jungle Drums For great rates and quality advertising Call 966 923 796 or email We offer a FREE design service The deadline for submitting adverts is the 18th of every month.

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A right roaring read!



June 2012

The Jungle Drums

SPAIN'S FORGOTTEN CHILDREN The year was 1938 and Herminio Martinez was one week from his eighth birthday when he hitched a lift in the local fishmonger’s van to the docks at Bilbao. There he and his brother boarded a ship to England, away from the Nazi bombs raining down on the Basque Country as the Spanish Civil War tore the nation apart. Three-quarters of a century later, now aged 82, the artist and former teacher sits in the bright studio he built on the back of his cosy north London flat. As commemorative events take place across the Basque country this month to mark a civil war that continues to divide Spain, he talks about the first mass evacuation of children from a war zone in modern Europe as if it was yesterday. In total between 20,000 and 30,000 children were sent away. Thousands went to Belgium and France and many others to the Soviet Union. But some went to Britain. “I wanted to go to Russia,” says Martinez. “My brother and I were taken down to the docks but the boat was full. So we went back the next day, were given a medical examination and put on a boat called La Habana to go to England.” Four weeks earlier, fascist leader General Francisco Franco, determined to wrest the Basque Country from Republican hands, had called in German and Italian bombers to attack the historic town of Gernika. On April 26 1937, 24 planes carrying 22 tons of explosives destroyed the market town. The attack came to symbolise the atrocity of war and inspired one of Picasso’s most famous paintings, Guernica. After the airstrikes, fears mounted for civilians in nearby Bilbao. “We used to see the planes coming over constantly to bomb Bilbao,” recalls Martinez, who lived in the nearby village of El Regato. The Basque authorities begged foreign governments to offer children temporary asylum. British Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin initially refused, citing a non-intervention pact with other European governments. However, under pressure from the National Joint Committee for Spanish Relief, a group of civil society organisations and MPs from all parties, he caved in. Martinez’s father, a worker at blast furnaces near Bilbao, accompanied his two sons in the fishmonger’s van. It wasn’t until the boys boarded the ship that the enormity of what was happening hit them. “I looked out from the deck and saw my father turn around and leave quickly. That’s when I



realised he must have been tremendously upset,” Martinez says. His mother, six months pregnant, stayed at home with three other siblings judged too young to flee or old enough to stay and help. It would be 23 years before he saw his parents again. “We were told it would only be for three months,” he remembers. Chaos onboard the recommissioned cruise liner soon took General Francisco Franco his mind off the traumatic separation. Designed for 400 passengers, it carried nearly 4,000 children aged five to 16, along with 200 teachers, carers and priests. “Everyone was crying. We were sleeping on the floor and rolling about. We encountered a dreadful storm and everyone was being sick, one girl was screaming to be taken back to her parents.” When they arrived in Southampton, the children were taken to a tented camp in nearby Stoneham. From there they were dispersed to children’s homes, known as “colonies.” Some were fostered to families. It was the first time Britain had dealt with a mass influx of refugees. The government refused to provide financial support, again citing neutrality, even as thousands of young British men and women joined the International Brigades to fight Franco. The task of feeding and clothing the children fell to local communities. Basque Children’s Committees sprang up in every major UK town. Conservative MP the Duchess of Atholl, a key figure in the evacuation cam-

The Jungle Drums - Tel: 966 923 796

June 2012

The Jungle Drums

paign, donated some funding. Adrian Bell, author of Only for Three Months, a book about the evacuees, says the conditions that the children lived in varied from “excellent to bloody dreadful. Sheer luck determined what their lives would be like,” Bell adds. “It was a question of organisation and leadership of each particular group running the colonies. Some were penniless. Others, in Cambridge for example, were run by academics and liberals and the children say it was the best time of their lives.” Their arrival made front-page news. “Initially the coverage was positive,” says Bell. “These were children who were victims of war, of their parents’ war, and it was our duty to look after them.” But within weeks the mood changed when Bilbao fell to Franco. “Kids in the Southampton camp went pretty wild and the papers ran headlines like ‘Basque children run amok’. They started to call for them to be sent back.” When Franco took power in 1939 he demanded the children’s return. His officials wrote false letters from their parents, many of whom had been killed, were in prison or exile. Martinez and his brother expected to return home after a letter arrived, apparently from their parents. It took them years to find out why the repatriation never happened. The International Red Cross, having got wise to the falsification of letters, had managed to track down Martinez’s mother. “She told them she hadn’t written a letter and that she didn’t want us back. She said she wouldn’t be able to cope -- my father was in prison, she had four other children to look after, there was no food and we would starve.” Around 250 to 400 children were still in the UK when World War II began, and many stayed for the rest of their lives. “The ones who stayed here have by and large done well,” says Bell. “For those who went back, anything could happen. Some were put in orphanages run by the Catholic Church and treated as the worst of the worst. They had the worst elements of Franco’s regime visited on them.” Although Franco’s regime ended 40 years ago, Spain is still struggling with its Civil War past. Campaigning former judge Baltasar Garzón was acquitted this year of exceeding his powers to investigate crimes under Franco’s regime. A nun is on trial, accused of stealing babies during and after the dictatorship. Five years ago the Spanish government passed a controversial law to acknowledge and make reparations for Franco-era injustices, reopening old wounds. Spaniards are divided about how to deal with their recent history. Organ-

isers of commemorative events in the Basque Country this month – such as an exhibition of images by Civil War photographers Robert Capa, David Seymour and Gerda Taro -- are trying to avoid creating a situation between those in favour of revisiting the past and those against.

Basque Children - 1937 Historian Dr Olivia Muñoz-Rojas credits international journalists and Picasso for the fact that the bombing of Gernika is being remembered at all. “Lots of other cities were bombed but Gernika became symbolic because of international media coverage. It was the first time the world saw civilians being killed in the war. Picasso’s painting Guernica was in part inspired by the black and white photos of the bombing and its aftermath.” Without the painting people today might not be talking about the bombing, the evacuation, and their impact, she says. Martinez remains deeply marked by his experiences. Despite having lived most of his life in the UK, bringing up a family and a long career teaching in London schools, he still feels he doesn’t fit in. “I still have a feeling of loneliness, of not belonging. When I’m with Spaniards I don’t belong, but when I’m here I’m not integrated into British society either. In other words, I’m a bit of a misfit.”

Do you have a story you would like to share? Contact us on or 966 923 796

Picasso’s Guernica




June 2012

The Jungle Drums

Legal Jargon

Sponsored by Professional Business Support Telf: 966 923 963

Made Simple

Buying Property Safely

Understanding the Legal Process of Buying a Property In Spain In Spain the purchase of a Spanish property is a regulated process. To ensure that the Spanish property you wish to buy is free of debts and restrictive clauses, it is essential to employ an English-speaking lawyer or solicitor to protect your own interests. For anyone buying a property in Spain, the single most important piece of advice is to find a good solicitor who will thoroughly research the property you intend to buy, and who can provide you with a Nota Simple. Do not simply rely on the real estate agency or the word of a friend. Make sure your solicitor checks the property registry, which will show immediately if the vendor owns the property and whether there is an outstanding mortgage (mortgages can be sold on / transferred with the property in Spain if required).

The Legal process for buying a Spanish property The legal side for buying a Spanish property falls into two parts, the preliminary contract or private contract (Contrato privado de compraventa) and the completion contract (Escritura de compraventa). Stage 1: Preliminary Contract (Contrato privado de compraventa) Once a price has been agreed with the vendor both parties are best advised to sign a preliminary private sales contract, a Contrato privado de compraventa. However, before signing this preliminary sales contract proof that the vendor owns the property and that it is free of charges should be demanded. In Spain debts are charged to the property and any outstanding mortgage will be passed on to the purchaser. A Nota Simple will confirm if a property has any outstanding debts on it. Then, unless you are paying in full and in cash immediately, a private preliminary sales contract (Contrato privado de compraventa) is drawn up containing all the details such as a description of the property, purchase price, and date of completion. At this stage you will be expected to pay a deposit of between 5% and 15% of the purchase price, and the solicitor / legal representative will hold these funds in a bonded client account. If you intend to raise finance for the purchase this private preliminary sales agreement should have an arres agreement (i.e. a 10% deposit) and a date specified for completion. It is possible to sign the private preliminary sales contract without such a deposit and technically you are permitted to sue a vendor who subsequently withdraws but with an arres agreement in place. Should the vendor decide to withdraw you are entitled to twice their deposit as compensation. Stage 2: Final Contract (Escritura de compraventa) On the completion date the balance of the purchase price (sales price minus deposit) and all fees must be payable by the purchaser. The vendor and purchaser then sign the Escritura de compraventa contract, which are the Deeds of the property. The purchaser is then issued with the public deed of conveyance (escritura) in front of a Notary Public, and a copy will then be passed to the tax office and on to the property registry. The Notary Public in Spain is a public official who will be required to witness the deed of sale, however expert, independent legal advice should be taken to protect your own interests. Costs related to buying a Spanish property The purchaser must pay the Notary's fees, land registry costs and property sales taxes.

Property Sales Tax The amount the purchaser pays will vary depending on the type of property and the nature of the vendor. If the property is a new build property, the tax paid is 7% IVA (Impuesto sobre el Valor Añadido), and if the property is a resale, the tax paid is 7% Impuestos de Transmisiones Patrimoniales. If the property includes a garage or storeroom, and it is bought at the same time as the property, and included in the same deeds, the tax applicable is still 7%. However, if a garage or storeroom is bought independently , the tax paid is 16%. Plusvalia Plusvalia is a tax levied by the local Town Hall based on the particular area where the property is located, on the surface area of the land, on the Catastral value and on the date of the previous title deed. This tax is essentially a tax on the increase in value of the land, which may vary widely depending on the abovementioned criteria. By law the vendor (seller) is obliged to pay this tax but it is common practise for the parties to negotiate on who is to assume this liability. If you are asked to pay this tax when buying a Spanish property, make sure you establish exactly how much it will be as it can vary substantially, and that this agreement is written into the purchase contract.

The Notary's legal fees In addition to the property sales tax the purchaser also has to pay the Notary (usually between €400 and €800) and the land and property registry inscription fees (65% of the notary fee). If you take out a Spanish mortgage a further nominal cost will be passed on to you by your notary for registering the charge of the lender with the land registry.

The solicitor’s fees

Solicitor’s fees are separate from the Notary fees. Most good solicitors will give you a total price for their work during the buying process. Differences between buying in Spain now and before. The main difference between now and then is that before, the majority of the properties were new builds bought off plan directly from developers. These days the majority of the properties on the market are either key ready new builds, or even more likely, resale properties. Nowadays, many Spanish banks are selling off stocks of distressed properties at greatly reduced prices. Here at Professional Business Support we can help you buy direct from the banks - even negotiate the prices down on your behalf. See our web page for more information, or call us on 966 923 963.



The Jungle Drums - Tel: 966 923 796

June 2012

Anti-Aging Foods

The Jungle Drums

These all contain a natural pink pigment and powerful antioxidant which has been found to protect skin against sun damage and improve its condition.

Both pumpkin seeds and avocados are excellent sources of vitamin E, omega fats and zinc, all of which are essential for skin renewal and repair. Add an avocado to your salad this evening and snack on pumpkin seeds throughout the day. Not only will you see the difference in your skin, but your hair and nails will show off the results of your new diet too.

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June 2012

The Jungle Drums

Photographer Michel Denis-Huot, who captured these amazing pictures on safari in Kenya's Masai Mara in October last year, said he was astounded by what he saw: "These three brothers (cheetahs ) have been living together since they left their mother at about 18 months old,' he said. 'On the morning we saw them, they seemed not to be hungry, walking quickly but stopping sometimes to play together. 'At one point, they met a group of impala who ran away. But one youngster was not quick enough and the brothers caught it easily'." These extraordinary scenes followed.



The Jungle Drums - Tel: 966 923 796

June 2012

The Jungle Drums

1. What is artist Daddy Yankee's real name? 2. Who performed "Change The World," which won a 1997 Grammy Award for Song of the Year? 3. In what year did "Beauty And The Beast" win a Best Original Song Academy Award? 4. How many siblings did Michael Jackson have? 5. From what movie did "When You Believe" win a Best Original Song Academy Award? 6. What Suzanne Vega song was later remixed in a hit by DNA? 7. Who was the harmonica-playing lead singer of Blues Traveler? 8. What group's original members included Jon, Joey, Donnie, Danny and Jordan 9. What group was an ABBA cover band? 10. Who is the featured artist in Timbaland's hit "If We Ever Meet Again"?

Answers 1. Raymond Ayala 2. Eric Clapton 3. 1991 4. 8 5. The Prince of Egypt 6. Tom's Diner 7. John Popper 8. New Kids On The Block 9. A*Teens 10. Katy Perry

TKO’s Music Trivia Quiz...Can You Answer Them All??



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The Jungle Drums

June 2012

Go nuts with nuts! Nearly all nuts are a great health food. They are an excellent source of protein. A handful of nuts will energize you and are powerpacked with nutrients. Nuts in general and peanuts in particular, are high in the bioflavonoid 'resveratrol'. This bioflavonoid has a number of beneficial health effects, such as anti-cancer, antiviral, anti-aging, and is believed to help prevent the formation of arterial plaques. Adding nuts to a balanced, healthful diet can aid in the prevention of heart disease. Almonds Almonds are packed with nutrition. Besides a good source of vegetable protein, almonds are high in riboflavin, fibre, folic acid, iron, zinc, thiamine, niacin and magnesium. Almonds are also rich in potassium, manganese, copper and the antioxidants vitamin E and selenium. Almonds are an excellent source of calcium, containing nearly as much calcium in a quarter cup of almonds as there is in a quarter cup of milk. Almonds offer the most nutrition eaten raw but have a crunchier and more enhanced flavour when roasted. They blend well with both spicy and sweet foods, so be creative. Use almonds in appetizers, side dishes and or main entrees. Peanuts Peanuts are actually a legume. They are high in protein and a great source of energy. They contain niacin (B3) and vitamin E. One ounce of peanuts contains about 9% of the fibre you need each day. Peanuts are rich in antioxidants, which aid in preventing heart disease and cancer. Hazelnuts Hazelnuts are rich in vitamin E and are a useful source of thiamine (enhances energy) and vitamin B6. They are a good source of protein, fibre, iron, calcium and potassium. Although

hazelnuts are high in fat, they contain no cholesterol. Like other varieties of nuts, hazelnuts also contain antioxidant properties. Since these nuts are relatively high in fat, include one serving of hazelnuts in the diet no more than three times per week.

Pecans Over 90% of the fat found in pecans is unsaturated (heart healthy fat). Pecans therefore are an important health food. Just a handful of pecans contain vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, fibre, and more antioxidants than any other nut. Because these nuts are so rich in heart-healthy fat, it doesn't take many to feel full. Pistachios The pistachio is a member of the cashew family. As with other nuts, pistachios are associated with a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Pistachios are available roasted and salted in their shells, which are

often dyed red and are generally available year-round. About 30 pistachios contain a good source of protein, vitamin B6, thiamine, and fibre. Walnuts The walnut is at the top of the list for health benefits. It's a great source of the healthy omega-3 essential fatty acids, which have been found to protect the heart, promote better cognitive function, and provide anti-inflammatory benefits for asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, eczema and psoriasis. Walnuts are one of the best plant sources of protein. They are rich in fibre, B vitamins, magnesium, and antioxidants. Macadamia Macadamia nuts are a good source of protein, fibre, and thiamine. They are very high in fat and one ounce of macadamia nuts contains 204 calories, so substitute macadamia nuts for another high calorie food instead of merely adding them to your diet. Macadamia nuts are sweet and crunchy and can be added to salads, stews, rice dishes, and desserts. Cashews Cashews are lower in fats than most nuts and approximately 75% of their fat is unsaturated fatty acids, plus about 75% of this unsaturated fatty acid content is oleic acid, the same hearthealthy monounsaturated fat found in olive oil. Cashews contain magnesium, zinc, iron and biotin and phosphorus. They are also rich in copper which plays an important role in antioxidant defences, energy production, healthy bones and blood vessels. Brazil Nuts Brazil nuts are high in protein, fibre, healthy monounsaturated fats, zinc, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and selenium. Brazil nuts taste rich and creamy, and their meat is similar in texture to coconut. These nuts can be eaten raw, roasted and salted.

Health Benefits

Broccoli is a veritable goldmine of nutrition. Here are 10 reasons why broccoli should be an essential part of your diet.

min C, an antioxidant necessary for fighting against free radicals. Moreover, vitamin C is an effective antihistamine for easing the discomfort of the common cold.

Nervous System - Broccoli contains a high amount of potassium, which helps maintain a healthy nervous system and optimal brain function, as well as promotes regular muscle growth.

Bone Health - Broccoli contains high levels of both calcium and vitamin K, both of which are important for bone health and prevention of osteoporosis.

Blood Pressure - Along with a high amount of potassium, Broccoli also contains magnesium and calcium that help regulate blood pressure. Vitamin C - One cup of broccoli contains the RDA of vita-

Sun Damage - Broccoli is helpful in repairing skin damage thanks to the glucoraphanin it contains which helps the skin to detoxify and repair itself. Immune System - One cup of broccoli bolsters the immune system with a large dose of beta-carotene. Trace



The Jungle Drums - Tel: 966 923 796

June 2012

The Jungle Drums

The Benefits of Holistic Massage The Benefits • Reduces overall stress & anxiety • Increases energy levels • Increases mental clarity • Alleviates muscular tension & stiffness • Increases mobility & flexibility • Encourages better circulation • Encourages deeper & more efficient breathing • Improves skin elasticity • Boosts the immune system • Balances the digestive system • Promotes general relaxation • Improves sleep pattern

Contra-indications Like most treatments there are some people which massage and reflexology may not be suitable for or who may require their G.P.’s consent to receive either so it is imperative that ALL your medical history should be given to your therapist on your initial consultation so he/she can make an informed judgement on your suitability for treatments. G.P. consent is required for any client who is taking prescribed medication for a medical condition. If you have a current infection and are taking antibiotic you are not suitable for treatment until you have completed the course of antibiotics and the infection has subsided.

Contra-actions These are the normal reactions which you may experience following holistic treatments as each individual reacts uniquely. • Emotional/tearful/laughter/coughing • Fatigue/ sleepy/energised • Pain relief • Twitching/tingling of limbs/ cramp • Warmth/movement in corresponding area • Headache due to release of toxins - minimise this by drinking plenty of water following

Who can benefit from holistic therapy? • People of all ages enjoy healthy touch, including infants, children & seniors • People under stress • People who sit or stand for long periods of time • People with repetitive strain injuries • Athletes • Pregnant women • Anyone desiring improved health & feelings of well-being

of Broccoli

Homecare Advice • Drink plenty of water/ herbal teas to help flush out toxins and minimise the risk of negative contra-actions •Relax/Rest as this allows the treatment to continue working positively • Eat Light meal only following treatment • Avoid Alcohol • Contact therapist if unduly worried about a reaction.

minerals, such as zinc and selenium, further act to strengthen immune defense actions.

more, a cup of broccoli has as much protein as a cup of rice or corn with half the calories.

Cancer - Broccoli contains glucoraphanin, which with the body processes into the anti-cancer compound sulforaphane. This compound rids the body H. pylori, a bacterium found to highly increase the risk of gastric cancer. Furthermore, broccoli contains indole-3-carbinol, a powerful antioxidant compound and anti-carcinogen found to not only hinder the growth of breast, cervical and prostate cancer, but also boosts liver function.

Vision - Studies have shown that the carotenoid lutein helps prevent age-related macular degeneration and cataracts, as well as possesses anti-cancer effects. Additionally, broccoli is a good source of vitamin A that is needed to form retinal, the light-absorbing molecule that is essential for both low-light and color vision.

Diet Aid - Broccoli is high in fiber, which aids in digestion, prevents constipation, maintains low blood sugar, and curbs overeating. Further-

Heart Disease - The carotenoid lutein may also slow down or prevent the thickening of arteries in the human body, thus fighting against heart disease and stoke. The B6 and folate in broccoli also reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, heart attack, and stroke.




June 2012

The Jungle Drums

do you introduce yourself with your last name first? ie: bond, james bond? IF SO WE HAVE ALL THE GADGETS YOU NEED!

SPY VIDEO WATCH Spy Video Watch is literally indistinguishable from a normal (and actually quite swanky) watch, but the crucial difference is that you can craftily record video and take photos thanks to the almost-invisible camera hidden in the number '2' of the watch face. In fact, all the features on this genius little watch are extremely well-hidden. There's a microphone and an LED indicator on there somewhere too, but they're sufficiently unnoticeable for you to get on with the very important business of mucking about. The video quality is pretty amazing for such a tiny camera, and you'll have no-end of fun trying to catch people up to no good (if that's what you like doing). The stills are excellent too, so any Top Secret documents you might happen upon won't go un-snapped (though it's just as handy if you see Neville from accounts picking his nose and need some blackmail material… the choice is yours). 77.99€

spy pen - hd video camera If Bond had this gadget we don't think it'd be far from his grasp, sitting casually in his jacket pocket ready to whip out whenever the situation required it. The beauty of the Spy Pen is that you can be a sleuth without anyone suspecting you are doing anything other than writing! When in fact, you will be recording both audio and visual evidence to gather against any suspected foul play. 38.39€

undercover laptop sleeve Without sounding too paranoid, thieves are everywhere. On the streets, on the bus, and sometimes hiding in the rubbish like Oscar The Grouch. We think. Anyway, it's never a bad idea to be security-conscious, most of all when it comes to something precious like your laptop. The Undercover Laptop Sleeve is a neat, light-hearted solution that makes your laptop look no more conspicuous than a big, battered letter - and nobody wants to steal one of those unless they're a couple of stamps short of the full postage, if you see what we mean. 15.59€

key tool and shackle set The Key Tool has no less than 8 tools including a bottle opener, a nail file and three different sized screwdrivers and slots very neatly over whichever key you fix it to - perfect for on-thespot jobs. The multi-clip shackle allows you to attach and easily detach whatever else you might need on your exceptionally useful key ring. 9.09€



The Jungle Drums - Tel: 966 923 796

June 2012

The Jungle Drums

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Answers Twins

The Jungle Drums - Tel: 966 923 796



The two babies are two of a set of triplets

The Elder Twin At the time she went into labor, the mother of the twins was travelling by boat. The older twin, Terry, was born first early on March 1st. The boat then crossed the International Date line (or any time zone line) and Kerry, the younger twin, was born on February the 28th. In a leap year the younger twin celebrates her birthday two days before her older brother.

Once. After you subtract 2 from 32, you subtract 2 from 30, from 28, and so on.

Birthday He was born on December 31st and spoke about it on January 1st.

A [ping - pong ball in a hole

All the tools are random things that are not going to help you. All you have to do is pour some water into the pipe so that the ball swims up on the surface. And if you say that you don't have any water, then think about what you drank today and if you can use that somehow

One day Kerry celebrated her birthday. Two days later her older twin brother, Terry, cel-

The day before yesterday I was 25 and the next year I will be 28. This is true only one

Your last good ping-pong ball fell down into a narrow metal pipe imbedded in concrete one foot deep. How can you get it out undamaged, if all the tools you have are your tennis paddle, your shoe-laces, and your plastic water bottle, which does not fit into the pipe?


ebrated his birthday. How come?

day in a year. What day is my birthday?

Two girls were born to the same mother, on the same day, at the same time, in the same month and year and yet they're not twins. How can this be?


A Ping-Pong Ball in a Hole

The Elder Twin

Birthday How many times can you subtract the number 2 from the number 32?

Brain Teasers

Brain The Jungle Drums

June 2012

June 2012

The Jungle Drums

Training Quiz Questions UK No.1 In 2000 With 'Fill Me In' And '7 Days'? 8. Which Animals Do You Associate With Chicago's American Football Team?

3. In Olympic Competitions, What Is The Height Of A Diving Board?

9. What Does A Blue Flag Indicate On A Beach?

4. What type of creature is a Garibaldi?

10. What film was a California cinema showing when it caught on fire?

5. Queen Alexandrias are the world's largest what?

11. Who Released An Autobiography Entitled 'A Boy From Bolton'?

6. In Hamlet who is Ophelia's father? 7. Which Southampton Star Had

12. The body of the Egyptian Sphinx was based on which animal?


2. Lake Ladoga Is The Largest Lake In Which Country?

1. Laughing Gas 2. Russia 3. 10m 4. A fish 5. Butterfly 6. Polonius 7. Craig David 8. Bears 9. It’s Clean And Pollution Free 10. The Towering Inferno 11. Amir Khan 12. Lion

1. What Is The Chemical Compound Nitrous Oxide Better Known As?




June 2012

The Jungle Drums

Looking for new recipes for pasta? We have rounded up a few to get your teeth into! Remember to email your recipes in to

Chicken and Mushroom Stroganoff Ingredients 4 chicken skinless fillets cut into strips 1 knob of butter 2tsp oil 1 small onion, finely sliced 150g (5oz) mushrooms, sliced 75ml (0.15pt) white wine 75ml (0.15pt) chicken stock 1tsp whole grain mustard 150ml (0.3pt) soured cream Bunch of fresh parsley or thyme, chopped Salt and freshly ground black pepper

1. Heat the butter and oil in a large frying pan. Cook the onion for 3 - 4 mins until soft and beginning to colour. Add the chicken and cook for 5 - 7 mins until golden brown. 2. Add the mushrooms; cook until soft and most of the liquid has simmered off. 3. Add the wine and boil for 5 mins to reduce by half. Then add the stock, mustard and soured cream and bring to the boil. Season and add the parsley. 4. Serve immediately over noodles or rice.

Crab and Broccoli Tagliatelle 1.Bring a saucepan of salted water to the boil and cook the tagliatelle until al dente (see note, above). 2.Meanwhile, heat 2tbsp of extra-virgin olive oil in a frying pan over a medium heat. Cut the broccoli into small pieces, about 1-2cm long. Add to the pan, along with the garlic, and fry until the broccoli is becoming tender, and colouring slightly on the tips.

3.Increase the heat and add the diced tomatoes to the pan. Fry for just a minute or so before adding the crab meat, lemon zest and lemon juice. 4.Toss gently until the crab is heated through. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper before mixing into the tagliatelle, basil and the remaining 1tbsp olive oil. Serve straight away.

Ingredients 200-300g tagliatelle pasta 3tbsp extra-virgin olive oil 200g pack broccoli 2 cloves of garlic, finely sliced 3 ripe tomatoes, quartered, deseeded and diced 100g white crab meat, fresh or frozen Grated zest and juice of half a lemon 1 small bunch of basil leaves, finely sliced

Cabbage, Bacon and Mozzarella Ingredients 350g (12oz) dried penne pasta 1tbsp olive oil 150g (5oz) smoked streaky bacon, chopped A few sprigs fresh thyme, leaves picked from the stem

1 cabbage (outer leaves removed), quartered, cored and finely sliced 125g (5oz) mozzarella, cut into 1cm dice 25g (1oz) pine nuts, toasted Salt and freshly ground black pepper

1. Cook the penne in plenty of salted boiling water for 10-12 mins until al dente. 2. Meanwhile heat the olive oil in a large pan and fry the bacon for 3-4 mins until golden and crisp. Add the thyme and the sliced cabbage and season well. Stir, cover with a lid and cook over a low heat for 5-7 mins, shaking occasionally until the cabbage is just tender but still bright

green. 3. Drain the pasta well and add to the pan with the cabbage. Add the mozzarella and pine nuts, season and toss to combine all the ingredients. Tip into a warmed serving dish and serve immediately. 4. For a crisp, cheesy topping, sprinkle with 50g grated cheddar cheese and grill until golden.

Tuna, lemon and Basil Spaghetti


Ingredients 150–200g spaghetti 225g jar tuna in extra virgin olive oil 1 tsp capers, chopped Grated zest and juice of 1 lemon ½ x 25g pack fresh basil 16

1. Add the spaghetti to a large pan of boiling water for 10 minutes until just cooked. Drain. 2. While the pasta is cooking, drain the tuna, reserving the oil, and flake the fish. Mix the flaked fish with the capers, lemon zest and juice and most of the shredded basil. 3. Toss the drained pasta with the tuna mixture and 2 tablespoons of the reserved oil. 4. Season, garnish with the reserved basil and serve.

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June 2012

Full English Carbonara crushed 150g (5oz) button or cup mushrooms, sliced 300g (10oz) dried spaghetti 2 medium eggs, plus 1 egg yolk, beaten 60g (2oz) Grana Padano cheese, grated Salt and ground black pepper 2 ripe tomatoes, chopped A few parsley leaves, optional

Wild Mushroom Lasagne Ingredients 110g (3¾ oz) unsalted butter, plus extra for greasing the dish 60g (2¼ oz) plain flour 1.2l (2pt) whole milk Salt and freshly ground black pepper Pinch of freshly grated nutmeg 284ml (10oz) carton double cream 3tbsp roughly chopped flatleaf parsley 75g (2¾ oz) grated Parmesan cheese or vegetarian equivalent 1tbsp olive oil 600g (1lb 5oz) mixed Wild mushrooms, trimmed

and thickly sliced 1 clove garlic, crushed 50ml (2fl oz) dry white wine 25g (1oz) dried porcini mushrooms, soaked in 100ml (3½fl oz) hot water 300g (10½ oz) fresh lasagne sheets

back in the pan. 4. Beat the eggs, add the cheese with lots of seasoning and stir into the pasta quickly to coat the strands in the sauce. Add the sausage, bacon, mushroom and tomatoes. Garnish with parsley leaves if you like.

1. Melt 100g (3½ oz) butter in a pan over a low heat. Add the flour and stir with a wooden spoon for 1 min, until the mixture is a light biscuity colour. Remove from the heat and slowly stir in the milk, a little at a time, until smooth. Return the pan to a medium heat and continue stirring until the sauce becomes thick and velvety. 2. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg, then stir in the double cream, parsley and 30g (1oz) Parmesan. Remove the pan from the heat and allow to cool to room temperature. 3. Heat the remaining butter and the olive oil in a large, heavybased frying pan. Sauté the mushrooms for 2 mins on a high heat. 4. Stir in the garlic and cook for 1

min more. Season with salt and pepper, pour in the wine, porcini and their soaking liquid and cook, stirring until the liquid has evaporated. Stir this mixture into the cooled white sauce. 5. To assemble the lasagne, butter a rectangular oven dish, approx 25cm x 15cm (10in x 6in), and cover the bottom with a layer of slightly overlapping lasagne sheets. Top with a quarter of the mushroom sauce, then continue layering the pasta and the sauce, finishing with a layer of sauce. Scatter with the remaining Parmesan, cover with clingfilm and chill. 6.Remove the clingfilm and cook the lasagne in a preheated oven at 200°C (400°F, gas mark 6) for 30 mins.




Ingedients 3 good-sized sausages, skinned and broken into small chunks 100g (31⁄2oz) smoked bacon bits or streaky bacon, chopped 1 small onion, peeled and chopped 1 clove garlic, peeled and

1. Heat a frying pan, add chunks of sausage and cook for about 5 mins until browned. Take out of pan and set aside. 2. Pour off all the fat from the pan. Add the bacon to the pan and fry it for a min, then add the onion and cook for 5 mins. Finally, add the garlic and mushrooms, cover and fry gently for a few mins, then take the lid off and cook until the juices have been absorbed. 3. Meanwhile, cook the pasta in boiling salted water for about 10 mins, until just tender. Drain it, but leave a little water in the pan. Put the pasta

The Jungle Drums

June 2012

The Hibiscus If you wish to have a beautiful garden then there is one plant that you really must not miss out, the hibiscus. This plant originates from China and Japan and is from the Malvåceas family. It is the national flower of Malaysia and was introduced to the western world in the 17th centuary where it is commonly known as the Chinese or Pacific rose. It’s beautiful and delicate flowers will add charm and distinction to your garden.

The Canaries and the Balearic Islands offer the most favorable climate within Spanish territory for the cultivation of hibiscus plants. In these islands they flower profusely throughout the entire year. On the mainland they tend to flower only during the summer. In tropical and

subtropical climates the plants can grow up to three metres in height. Hibiscus is an evergreen that requires little attention. However, its flowers are paper like and very fragile. In this area we can enjoy them from the middle of summer to the middle of autumn. The serrated leaves of the plant are a lush green. The flower petals can measure up to twelve centimeters but the most noticeable feature are the extremely long stamens. The flowers are eye catchingly coloured. Cultivating hibiscus This plant likes to be in direct sunlight but must be watered more frequently during the hot days of summer. They thrive best in temperatures between 13 and 21 degrees centigrade. If, in winter, the temperature falls to six degrees the plant will appear to die off but will revive itself the following year. If the temperature falls even lower the plant will certainly die. If the temperature rises in excess of 21 degrees it will benefit from being sprinkled with water from time to time. Hibiscus should be planted in ground with good drainage but watered regularly to maintain humidity. The time to prune is in spring as

well as transplanting to a larger pot or to the garden. There are specific fertilizers available for these types of plants and it is important to follow the correct dosage. Be always vigilant for infestations of aphids, white fly and red spider. To encourage abundant flowering between July and October prune fairly aggressively each year, but slightly less so with older plants which just need to be shaped in readiness for when they bloom in springtime. The branches will multiply, especially in the younger plants. Hibiscus plants are often used to create colourful hedges or as ornamental bushes in avenues and parks.



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by Sally Bengtsson

me a d d le el ew ej b a h it w The City of palms

Elche is the third major city of the Valencian autonomous region in terms of population, territory and resources. It has an array of interesting places to visit, many of which few tourists get to see. The city is known as the City of Palms due to the fact that it is located within the largest Palm forest in Europe. The Palmeral of Elche is surpassed in size only by some in Arab countries, and includes the Parque Municipal and many other orchards (huertos), covering over 3.5 km². It contains more than 11,000 palm trees, most of which are date palms, with a few trees up to 300 years old. At its peak, in the 18th century, it may have covered an area twice as large, with up to 200,000 trees. The dates are harvested in December. It is thought that palms were originally planted in this location as early as the 5th century BC by Carthaginians who settled in south-east Spain. The plantation survived under the Romans and was expanded under the rule of the Moors, including the irrigation system extended in the times of Abd ar-Rahman I and which remains in use today. The formal landscape of the Palmeral that still exists today was created when the city was under Moorish control in the 10th century. You can best explore Elche on foot. Why not climb the narrow steps up to the roof of the Basilica, from where you get a wonderful view over the city and its palms. You can visit the various museums including the award winning Archaeological and History Museum or get to know more about the palms at the Huerto del Cura. Stroll through the Municipal Park and go into the Visitors Centre for an audio visual introduction to the city or take the small Tourist Train. Elche has some great shopping. The Salvador Artesano shoe factory outlet is the largest of all the Salvador Artesano shops and is a must for all shoe lovers as it is about the size of a football pitch! Nearby is the El Corte Ingles, and The L’Aljub is a large indoor mall with Eroski, Bershka, C&A, Zara, H&M, Primark and many more shops, plus a Comic Park to keep the Children entertained, and free parking! Elche had two major emplacements throughout its history. The first one was in the archaeological site of l’Alcudia, situated 2 kilometres (1.24 mi) south of the present city centre, from the Neolithic period until the Visigoth period and it offered the strategic advantage of easy defence thanks to the Vinalopó River. Up until 280 B.C was the splendid period of the Iberian civilization in which sculptures such as the Dama de Elche (Lady of Elche) were created. This sculpture is the main example of this period and it is kept in the National Archaeological Museum of Madrid and it represents the bust of a richly bejewelled woman. The Christian conquest by James I of Aragon in 1265 forced the Moors to move to the Raval de Sant Joan and the Jews to the present Church of El Salvador. In the early 17th Century, Elche lost one third of its population due to the expulsion of the Moors. In the 19th Century appeared the important activity of making espadrilles and it led to the present footwear industry that boosted the growing of the city. PAGE


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Traditions The religious festivities mark the city calendar with unavoidable dates such as “Palm Sunday” that has been declared of International Tourist Interest. In this celebration thousands of Elche’s citizens parade along the streets bearing their blanched palm leaves in a beautiful prelude to Holy Week. The festivities reach their zenith in August with the celebrations in honour of the patron saint the Virgin of the Assumption. Celebrations begin with a procession of Moors and Christians. The streets are filled with lights, colours, splendour, fireworks and music for days. The Nit de l’Albà (the Night of Daybreak) is one of the most remarkable moments of the festivities: the Elche sky lights up with hundreds of fireworks honouring the Patron Saint and making magical the night of August 13th. The main event of the fiestas is the Misteri d’Elx (Mistery Play of Elx), a lyrical medieval drama depicting the Dormition and Assumption in Heaven of the Virgin Mary. Many citizens of Elche participate in this ceremony processing through the streets of the old Vila Murada, or walled city, bearing lit candles. There is also a pagan side of the fiesta since many of the citizens remain awake until dawn having fun. As well as its rich cultural heritage, Elche also offers a wide range of local dishes using the great variety produced in the area. Its fertile region and proximity to the coast has historically influenced the local cuisine. The most widely known dish of Elche is “Arroz con costra” (literally, rice with a burnt base) but there also other delicious dishes such as “Arroz con Conejo y Caracoles” (rice with rabbit and snails) and “Puchero con Pelotas” (a type of stew with meatballs wrapped in cabbage leaves). Another exquisite dish is the “Mujol del Hondo” (mullet from El Hondo with garlic mayonnaise and local seafood). For dessert the locally grown fruits are delicious (dates, figs, pomegranates, etc.) as well as the “Tortada de Elche” (a tasty local sweetmeat) and the “Pan de Higo” (a cake of compressed figs with slivers of almond). Traditional drinks include the distilled flowers of Arabian lavender, distilled aniseed (the popular “Nugolet”) and date liquor. Places of Interest • Tourist Office: more information about the museums, cathedral and buildings, as well as the walking routes, a summary of which is after the

Ideas of things to do in Elche section. Remember that most museums are closed on a Monday and for siesta which is generally 14.00-16.00 in the winter and 14.00-17.00 in the summer. • Tourist Train: something different and an introduction to Elche’s Municipal park. It departs everyday from the Municipal park near the dove cote. The journey last about 30 mins and costs 2.50€. The Tourist Office for information about the museums and other places of interest: • Archaeological Museum MAHE: located in the Palacio de Altamir it has permanent displays of Iberian and Roman pieces. • Arab Bath Museum: displays the remains of an Arabic bathing house. • Museum of Contemporary Art: has a large collection of vanguard art, especially by Spanish artists. • La Alcudia Museum: archaeological site where the bust of the ‘Dama de Elche’ was discovered. • Palaeontological Museum: displays in chronological order the history of the earth including fossils and archaeological finds. • Palm Grove Museum: reveals the origins, history, development and culture of the Elx Palm Groves. • Huerto del Cura Museum: is an artistic garden, covering 13,000m2 with displays of Mediterranean and tropical plants including the famous Imperial Palm. • Visitors Centre: houses a detailed audiovisual presentation on the city: its history, traditions, culture, fiestas and economy. • Basilica de Santa Maria: the cathedral of the city, you can walk up the stairs to the bell tower for great views over the city. • Municipal Park: covering an area of approximately 20,000m2 these plantations were bequeathed to the city in 1661, a beautiful green space for all to enjoy. • Palm Grove: declared a World Heritage Site in 2000 by UNESCO it is the largest in Europe, boasting more than 200,000 palm trees, best explored via the walking route. • Torre de la Calahorra Building: The square Moorish Tower from the late 12th century defended the city’s most important gate to the road to Alicante.




The Jungle Drums

June 2012

New Movie Reviews

What to Expect When You're Expecting Description

Comedy / Drama / Romance Due release date: 20th July 2012 Critics Reviews

A look at love through the eyes of five interconnected couples experiencing the thrills and surprises of having a baby, and ultiBoxoffice Manhattan: “What to expect from mately coming to understand the universal truth that no matter What to Expect When You're Expecting: what you plan for, life doesn't always deliver what's expected. laughs, heart and a terrific ensemble of actors doing what they do best.” Slant Magazine: “Mostly the movie's varied storylines cough up the same platitudes: being pregnant sucks, having young children is a misery, but it's all worth it when you're holding that newborn in your arms.” The Hollywood Reporter: “Amid the wouldbe and actual laughs, the screenplay tries to drum up drama, but every disagreement and tension is treated superficially and summarily resolved.” Jungle Drums


The Dictator

Comedy. Due release date: 13th July 2012 Description

The heroic story of a dictator who risks his life to ensure that democracy would never come to the country he so lovingly oppressed.

Critics Reviews New York Daily News: “The easily offended will be appalled. The rarely offended may be appalled. But they'll have to stop laughing long enough to realize it. “ San Francisco Chronicle: “The Dictator's over-the-top rant against the rank lunacy of authoritarianism deploys comedy like an act of violence; it's outrageous, quick and leaves us breathless, whether from laughter or shock. “ Chicago Sun Times: “The Dictator is funny, in addition to being obscene, disgusting, scatological, vulgar, crude and so on.”

Jungle Drums Rating:

Men In Black III

Action / Comedy / Sci-Fi. Due release date: 25th May 2012 Description

Agent J travels in time to MIB's early years in the 1960s, to stop an alien from assassinating his friend Agent K and changing history.

Critics Review No reviews yet! But we think this movie will definitely be a hit.

Jungle Drums Rating:



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June 2012

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Book Reviews Red Mist

GoodRead Readers Reviews

by Patricia Cornwell

Determined to find out what happened to her former deputy chief, Jack Fielding, murdered six months earlier, Kay Scarpetta travels to the Georgia Prison for Women, where an inmate has information not only on Fielding, but also on a string of grisly killings. The murder of an Atlanta family years ago, a young woman on death row, and the inexplicable deaths of homeless people as far

White Wedding

“Red Mist is another strong entry in the Scarpetta Series. In some ways I liked it more than last year’s Port Mortuary because the action is more consistent throughout.” “Red Mist by Patricia Cornwell is a roller coaster ride that will keep the reader guessing until the very end.”

GoodRead Readers Reviews by Milly Johnson

It's the day they've always dreamed about. But will it turn out to be a nightmare … ? Bel is in the midst of planning her perfect wedding when disaster strikes and everything she thought she knew is turned on its head. Can she hold it all together and, with the help of her friends, and a mysterious man she meets unexpectedly, turn disaster into triumph? Bel's best friend, ice-cream parlour

owner Violet, is engaged to Glyn, who is besotted by her although Violet fell out of love with him long ago. But however trapped she feels in the relationship, she can't quite say the words, 'I don't want to marry you anymore.' Then, just when she's about to give up and resign herself to married life, she finds love in the most surprising of places. Will duty rule her heart or will she allow herself to be swept off her feet?

The Midnight Palace Set in Calcutta in the 1930s, The Midnight Palace begins on a dark night when an English lieutenant fights to save newborn twins Ben and Sheere from an unthinkable threat. Despite monsoon-force rains and terrible danger lurking around every street corner, the young lieutenant manages to get them to safety, but not without losing his own life. . . .

“Loved it! As usual, great characters, humour....all a bit daft...” “The warmth in her writing is what makes it so readable”

GoodRead Readers Reviews

by James Patterson Hays Baker and his wife Lizbeth possess super-human strength, extraordinary intelligence, stunning looks, and two beautiful children. Of course they do - they're Elites, endowed at birth with the very best that the world can offer. The only problem in their perfect world: humans. The top operative for the Agency of Change, Hays has just won the fiercest battle of his career. He has been praised by the President,

“I think I have read all Millys books, they are so funny always easy to read and follow, and this one was the same really enjoyed it, definetely recommend.”

and is a national hero. But before he can savour his triumph, he receives an unbelievable shock that overturns everything he thought was true. Suddenly Hays is on the other side of the gun, forced to leave his perfect family and fight for his life. Now a hunted fugitive, Hays is… more » thrown into an existence he never dreamed possible - fighting to save humans from extinction.

by Carlos Ruiz Zafon Years later, on the eve of Ben and Sheere’s sixteenth birthday, the mysterious threat reenters their lives. This time, it may be impossible to escape. With the help of their brave friends, the twins will have to take a stand against the terror that watches them in the shadows of the night—and face the most frightening creature in the history of the City of Palaces.

“The story was fell into place a bit too easily, a bit too pat and contrived. The most intriguing thing was that one of the Elite characters, Lizbeth, had violet hair.” “Another title Mr. Patterson did not write alone, but from the cover art it's hard to tell his co-author was there.”

GoodRead Readers Reviews “The Midnight Palace is an emotional roller coaster. You have to fasten your seat belt and enjoy the ride, because you won’t see the clock running.” “The Midnight Palace by Carlos Ruiz Zafon is a fantastic book filled with suspense, thrill, and mystery. You will become a fanatic once you start reading this book.”





away as California seem unrelated. But Scarpetta discovers connections that compel her to conclude that what she thought ended with Fielding's death and an attempt on her own life is only the beginning of something far more destructive: a terrifying terrain of conspiracy and potential terrorism on an international scale. And she is the only one who can stop it

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June 2012

Best Friends Forever!



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June 2012

The Jungle Drums

7 ways to beat

1. Stretching

OK, so a bit of stretching isn't going to melt your bingo wings away but regular stretching, say five times a day, will make muscles longer and leaner and it's a great way to release stress and stay flexible


2. Go Walking

6. Use your own body weight

Don't think that walking is just good for your legs, if you swing your arms while you walk you'll firm up and burn more calories. But you have to walk briskly and for at least 20 mins to get your heart rate up. After about 20 mins your body starts to burn fat, so try to keep going for another 5 or 10 mins..

Press-ups are one of the best exercises to lose the fat on your arms. If you find it difficult to do the traditional version of a press-up, i.e. pushing yourself up from lying on the floor, try standing up press-ups. 1. Lean against a wall, standing at arm's length, legs shoulderwidth apart. 2. Push yourself away from the wall using just your arms. Do three lots of 8-10 press-ups.

3. Eat Less! If you want slimmer upper arms you may need to lose weight too. So, although it might sound obvious, you need to take in fewer calories as well as exercising. And drink lots of water, 1-2 lt a day, this will help fill you up, detox and get your digestion and circulation working properly.

4. Get some wrist weights Just wearing light weights on your wrists while doing the housework will help tone up the arms and burn fat. Your muscles will have to work harder because they are carrying extra weight and you'll burn more calories this way too. There are lots of varieties, start with 1lb or 2lb weights. or water or a can of beans in each hand - anything with a bit of weight. 3. Start with your arms at your sides, flex your arms from the elbows up to the shoulders and down to your sides, repeat 10-15 times.

1. Sit on the edge of your bed or a sturdy chair, put your hands by your side, with your fingers facing forward and hanging just over the edge. 2. Walk your feet out a little so that your hips and bottom are off the chair. 3. Now use your arms to lower yourself down so that your bottom is just a few inches from the floor. 4. Use your arms to slowly pull yourself up again. Try to keep your back straight and don't tense your shoulders. This is quite a tough exercise, so don't worry if you can only do five, aim to build up to 10.


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5. Flex and tone We all love the easy exercises you can do while watching the telly, so try this one: 1. Sit up straight or stand with feet hip-width apart. 2. Hold a small dumbbell, a bottle

7. Chair dips

The Jungle Drums

June 2012

BMW 1-Series Covertible BMW announced several modifications to the 2012 BMW 1-Series Convertible that accentuate efficiency and premium quality.



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June 2012

The Jungle Drums

The unmistakable profile of the BMW 1-Series Convertible, represents the purest expression of BMW DNA is now sharper than ever. The new design of the front fascia includes BMW's innovative Air Curtain that counters turbulence near the wheel arches and so reduces the aerodynamic resistance of the vehicle. New exterior design accents have been incorporated into the headlight and tail light clusters. In the interior, new switches and controls have a more refined look and feel. For drivers whose definition of Joy includes wind in the face and sunshine above, the BMW 1- Series Convertible continues the tradition established by the iconic BMW 2002 sport sedan. The essence of such driving purity - a responsive inline-6 engine perfectly positioned within a rear-drive chassis to provide balanced, sporty dynamics - is at the heart of this compact four-seat convertible. For the 2012 model year, two versions are available with inline-6 power: the 128i and the 135i. The 135i features BMW's newest, 3.0-liter inline-6 engine. Equipped with a single, twin scroll turbocharger and BMW's revolutionary Valvetronic throttle-less intake technology, the engine produces 300 horsepower. For the 135i Convertible, acceleration from 0-60 mph is accomplished with the standard 6-speed manual transmission in 5.4 seconds. The M Sport Package is standard on the 135i and optional on the 128i, the features of the MSport Package include an Aero kit for reduced lift at speed (standard on 135i), an increased top speed limiter, better brake cooling, and enhanced aesthetics while the Sports Suspension offers higher traction and reduced body roll with unique wheels and performance tires. On the 135i Convertible, the Sports Suspension also includes a high-performance brake system incorporating 6-piston fixed calipers on the front and 2-piston calipers at the rear. Additionally, the M Sport Package for both models includes BMW Individual high-gloss Shadowline exterior trim, sport seats, and M branded trim components including driver footrest, gearshift knob (for manual transmission), and door sills. Finally, LeMans Blue Metallic exterior paint is available exclusively when the M Sport Package is ordered.

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June 2012

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BlueMoon Solutions is the computer and IT services company on the Costa Blanca. We aim to provide high quality computer services at realistic prices - we specialise in providing services to small businesses and home users

For all your home and business computer needs Welcome to this month’s computer article written by Richard from BlueMoon Solutions

Watch out on 9th July! 9th July – put this date in your diary – the FBI could stop your computer from working! It sounds like something out of a Hollywood film or the title of one of those “dodgy” emails doesn’t it - well this time it’s true and I’ll explain why.

the DNSChanger virus could provide a false IP address information and then the user has no way of knowing whether the sites they are visiting are legitimate or not. The good news is that the FBI have taken control of the servers that are controlling the infected computers, the bad news is that they

There is a virus that has been flying around the Internet for the past four years that has been silently hijacking people’s computers – some 4 million computers to date. The virus is called DNSChanger and it has managed to alter the DNS (Domain Name Server) on the computers it has infected. Now for the technical bit (it’s not that bad honest!) - DNS is the part of your computer that instructs your web browser where to go when we type a web page address in – for example if you type into your web browser or do an Internet search, your computer first asks the DNS service for the IP address (the unique Internet number) of that website, in the case of it would be given something like – after your computer has the correct IP address it can show you the website you asked for. What happens with infected computers is that

Contact Us

By the time this article is printed we should have a new place for you to visit should you have any computer related problems – BlueMoon Solutions and SpanishInk.Com are opening a unit at the new Moncayo market, on the Lemon Tree road just outside of Guardamar. Its open every Tuesday, Friday and Saturday – if you have any problems or just want to get some new ink cartridges then why not pop down and see us. can’t just turn them off – if they did that then all of those computers, remember that’s over 4 million of them, would immediately stop working on the Internet.

That’s about it for this month, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email them over to me, you never know they may appear in The Courier on Friday!

The FBI have given notice that they will turn off the DNSChanger servers on the 9th July 2012. So what can you do to check that your computer is not infected? Well we’ve made that easy for you, just go to the

I hope you have found this useful. Remember that you can see all of our articles on our website at

•Internet Setup •New PC & Laptop Sales mobile: 655 044 970 •Office Training / Macros Office: 902 906 200 •Backup Solutions •Web and Email Hosting •Server Configuration •Anti - Virus / Security PAGE

28 website, if you get a message warning that you are infected then call your computer engineer, if you don’t then you are clean. If you want to double check then you could also use the address – if you get a message saying “DNS Resolution = GREEN” then you’re clean, if you see otherwise then you have a month the get the problem sorted out before the FBI turn off the servers.

•Digital Photos •Repairs & Upgrades •Internet & Email Training •Phone Calls on your PC •Website Design •Internet / Wireless Setup •Low Cost printer inks

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The Jungle Drums

June 2012

You’ve got A couple was going out for the evening. The last thing they did was to put the cat out. The taxi arrived, and as the couple walked out of the house, the cat shoots back in. So the husband goes back inside to chase it out. Occasionally, airline flight attendants make an effort to make the "in-flight safety lecture" a bit more entertaining. Here are some real examples that have been heard or reported: "As we prepare for takeoff, please make sure your tray tables and seat backs are fully upright in their most uncomfortable position." "There may be 50 ways to leave your lover, but there are only 6 ways out of this airplane..." "Your seat cushions can be used for floatation, and in the event of an emergency water landing, please take them with our compliments." "We do feature a smoking section on this flight; if you must smoke, contact a member of the flight crew and we will escort you to the wing of the airplane." "Smoking in the lavatories is prohibited. Any person caught smoking in the lavatories will be asked to leave the plane immediately." Pilot - "Folks, we have reached our cruising altitude now, so I am going to switch the seat belt sign off. Feel free to move about as you wish, but please stay inside the plane till we land... it's a bit cold outside, and if you walk on the wings it affects the flight pattern." And, after landing: "Thank you for flying Delta Business Express. We hope you enjoyed giving us the business as much as we enjoyed taking you for a ride." As we waited just off the runway for another airliner to cross in front of us, some of the passengers were beginning to retrieve luggage from the overhead bins. The head attendant announced on the intercom, "This aircraft is equipped with a video surveillance system that monitors the cabin during taxiing. Any passengers not remaining in their seats until the aircraft comes to a full and complete stop at the gate will be strip-searched as they leave the aircraft." Once on a Southwest flight, the pilot said, "We've reached our cruising altitude now, and I'm turning off the seat belt sign. I'm switching to autopilot, too, so I can come back there and visit with all of you for the rest of the flight." As the plane landed and was coming to a stop at Washington National, a lone voice comes over the loudspeaker: "Whoa, big fella...WHOA..!" "Should the cabin lose pressure, oxygen masks will drop from the overhead area. Please place the bag over your own mouth and nose before assisting children or adults acting like children." "As you exit the plane, please make sure to gather all of your belongings. Anything left behind will be distributed evenly among the flight attendants. Please do not leave children or spouses."

The wife, not wanting it known that the house would be empty, explained to the taxi driver "He's just going upstairs to say goodbye to my mother." A few minutes later, the husband got into the taxi and said, "Sorry I took so long, the stupid thing was hiding under the bed and I had to poke her with a coat hanger to get her to come out!"

Sarahella After watching the movie Cinderella, five-year-old Sarah started using her pinwheel as a magic wand, pretending she was a fairy godmother. "Make three wishes," she told her mother, "and I'll grant them." Her mom first asked for world peace. Sarah swung her wand and proclaimed the request fulfilled. Next, her mother requested for a cure for all ill children. Again, with a sweep of the pinwheel, Sarah obliged. The mother, with a glance down at her rather ample curves, made her third wish, "I wish to have a trim figure again." The miniature fairy godmother started waving her wand madly. "I'll need more power for this!" she exclaimed.

A Really Bad Day There was this guy at a bar, just looking at his drink. He stays like that for half of an hour. Then, this big trouble-making truck driver steps next to him, takes the drink from the guy, and just drinks it all down. The poor man starts crying. The truck driver says, "Come on man, I was just joking. Here, I'll buy you another drink. I just can't stand to see a man cry." "No, it's not that. This day is the worst of my life. First, I fall asleep, and I go late to my office. My boss, outrageous, fires me. When I leave the building, to my car, I found out it was stolen. The police said that they can do nothing. I get a cab to return home, and when I leave it, I remember I left my wallet and credit cards there. The cab driver just drives away." "I go home, and when I get there, I find my wife in bed with the gardener. I leave home, and come to this bar. And just when I was thinking about putting an end to my life, you show up and drink my poison."

Wittle Wabbit A little girl walks into a pet shop and asks in the sweetest little lisp: "Excuthe me, mithter, do you keep wittle wabbits?" And the shopkeeper gets down on his knees, so that he's on her level, and asks: "Do you want a wittle white wabby or a soft and fuwwy bwack wabby or maybe one like that cute wittle bwown wabby over there?" The little girl puts her hands on her knees, leans forward and says in a quiet voice: "I don't fink my pyfon really giveths a thit."



The Jungle Drums - Tel: 966 923 796

June 2012

The Jungle Drums

to be joking Electric Train A few days after Christmas, a mother was working in the kitchen listening to her young son playing with his new electric train in the living room. She heard the train stop and her son said, "All of you sons of b*****s who want off, get the hell off now, cause this is the last stop! And all of you sons of b*****s who are getting on, get your a****s in the train, cause we're going down the tracks." The mother went nuts and told her son, "We don't use that kind of language in this house. Now I want you to go to your room and you are to stay there for TWO HOURS. When you come out, you may play with your train, but I want you to use nice language." Two hours later, the son comes out of the bedroom and resumes playing with his train. Soon the train stopped and the mother heard her son say, "All passengers who are disembarking from the train, please remember to take all of your belongings with you. We thank you for rid

Crazy Patients A doctor of psychology was doing his normal morning rounds when he entered a patient's room. He found Patient #1 sitting on the floor, pretending to saw a piece of wood in half. Patient #2 was hanging from the ceiling, by his feet. The doctor asked patient number 1 what he was doing. The patient replied, "Can't you see I'm sawing this piece of wood in half?" The doctor inquired of Patient #1 what Patient #2 was doing. Patient #1 replied, "Oh. He's my friend, but he's a little crazy. He thinks he's a lightbulb." The doctor looks up and notices Patient #2's face is going all red. The doctor asks Patient #1, "If he's your friend, you should get him down from there before he hurts himself" Patient #1 replies, "What? And work in the dark?"

Little Johnny and April Little April was not the best student in Sunday school. Usually she slept through the class. One day the teacher called on her while she was napping, "Tell me, April, who created the universe?" When April didn't stir, little Johnny, a boy seated in the chair behind her, took a pin and jabbed her in the rear. "GOD ALMIGHTY!" shouted April and the teacher said, "Very good" and April fell back asleep. A while later the teacher asked April, "Who is our Lord and Saviour," But, April didn't even stir from her slumber. Once again, Johnny came to the rescue and stuck her again. 'JESUS CHRIST!" shouted April and the teacher said, "very good," and April fell back to sleep. Then the teacher asked April a third question. "What did Eve say to Adam after she had her twenty-third child?" And again, Johnny jabbed her with the pin. This time April jumped up and shouted, "IF YOU STICK THAT F*****G THING IN ME ONE MORE TIME, I'LL BREAK IT IN HALF AND STICK IT UP YOUR ARSE!"

Impossible to Please A group of girlfriends are on holiday when they see a 5-story hotel with a sign that reads: "For Women Only." Since they are without their boyfriends and husbands, they decide to go in. The bouncer, a very attractive guy, explains to them how it works. "We have 5 floors. Go up floor by floor, and once you find what you are looking for, you can stay there. It's easy to decide since each floor has a sign telling you what's inside." So they start going up and on the first floor the sign reads: "All the men on this floor are short and plain." The friends laugh and without hesitation move on to the next floor. The sign on the second floor reads: "All the men here are short and handsome." Still, this isn't good enough, so the friends continue on up. They reach the third floor and the sign reads: "All the men here are tall and plain." They still want to do better, and so, knowing there are still two floors left, they continued on up. On the fourth floor, the sign is perfect: "All the men here are tall and handsome." The women get all excited and are going in when they realize that there is still one floor left. Wondering what they are missing, they head on up to the fifth floor. There they find a sign that reads: "There are no men here. This floor was built only to prove that there is no way to please a woman."

Definitely Nursery school teacher says to her class, "Who can use the word 'Definitely' in a sentence?" First a little girl says "The sky is definitely blue" Teacher says, "Sorry, Amy, but the sky can be gray, or orange..." Second little boy..."Trees are definitely green" "Sorry, but in the autumn, the trees are brown." Little Johnny from the back of the class stands up and asks: "Does a fart have lumps?" The teacher looks horrified and says..."Johnny! Of course not!!!" "OK...then I DEFINITELY s*** my pants..."


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The Teacher fainted.

ing with us today and hope your trip was a pleasant one. We hope you will ride with us again soon." She hears the little boy continue, "For those of you just boarding, we ask you to stow all of your hand luggage under your seat. Remember, there is no smoking on the train. We hope you will have a pleasant and relaxing journey with us today." As the mother began to smile, the child added, "For those of you who are pissed off about the TWO HOUR delay, please see the b***h in the kitchen."

The Jungle Drums

June 2012

Monthly Caption Competition Sponsored by

Can you think of a witty caption to go with this picture? For a chance to win a “10€ voucher to be spent on cards and gifts” in News Express, send your ideas to or call 966 923 796

Last month’s winner:

Joseph King “Mooooooooooove over, coming through!”



The Jungle Drums - Tel: 966 923 796

June 2012

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18





Spot the Ball E







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solution on page 38

For your chance to win a tenner, just tell us where you think the ball is on the grid. You can email or call 966 923 796 with your answer. One entry per person.





The Jungle Drums

June 2012

Thinking caps on for this one! Answers in next month’s edition. Across

drinks such as whisky? (5)

7. What name is given to the movable indicator on a com-

23. How is a person who betrays someone or something,

puter screen identifying the point that will be affected by input

such as a friend, cause, or principle, normally known? (7)

from the user? (6)

24. Which large, round juicy citrus fruit has a tough bright

8. On which make of motorcycle did Kenny Roberts win the

reddish-yellow rind? (6)

World 500cc Championship in 1978, 1979 and 1980? (6)

25. The Red Cross, the United Nations and the World Health

10. In Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, what is

Organisation all have their headquarters in which Swiss city?

the name of the queen of the fairies? (7)


11. Which city is the capital of Bulgaria? (5)


12. Constructed by Ferdinand de Lesseps, which shipping

1. By what other, more common, name is the illegal ampheta-

canal connects the Mediterranean at Port Said with the Red

mine-based synthetic drug methylenedioxymethampheta-

Sea? (4)

mine usually known? (7)

13. Which sweet, dark brown, oval fruits containing a hard

2. Which foodstuff consists of a piece of fruit, vegetable or

stone, are usually eaten dried? (5)

meat that is coated in batter and deep-fried? (7)

17. What name is given to a musical composition for nine

3. Which word can mean ‘a point at which parts of an artificial

voices or instruments? (5)

structure are joined’ or ‘the slang term for a cannabis ciga-

18. Which prestigious US university is located in New Haven,

rette’? (5)

Connecticut? (4)

4. Which European grassland plants have flowers with a yel-

22. What name is given to an apparatus for distilling alcoholic

low disc and white rays? (7) 5. Which organisation runs canteens and shops for British service personnel? (5) 6. What name was given to a governor in India during the Mogul empire? (5) 9. Giovanni Antonio Canale was the real name of which Venetian painter? (9) 14. Neanderthal Man was which pop group’s only British hit single? (7) 15. Which Apostle was a tax-gatherer from Capernaum in Galilee, and the traditional author of the first Gospel? (7) 16. What name is given to information received from other people that one cannot adequately substantiate? (7) 19. On which Berkshire racecourse is the Gold Cup run? (5) 20. Which large, long-necked Indian lute with movable frets, is played with a wire pick? (5) 21. What was the first name of the female half of the pop group The Carpenters? (5)

Solutions to last month’s crossword Solution Across: 7 Raptor, 8 Bamako, 10 Chimera, 11 Spurs, 12 Laos, 13 Faces, 17 Ypres, 18 Dada, 22 Court, 23 Tornado, 24 Ribble, 25 Juliet.

Down: 1 Dracula, 2 Epsilon, 3 Bower, 4 Bass Sea, 5 Tagus, 6 Holst, 9 Canaletto, 14 Spatula, 15 Gazania, 16 Gavotte, 19 Ochre, 20 Dumbo, 21 Freud.



The Jungle Drums - Tel: 966 923 796

June 2012


The Jungle Drums

Aries 21 March - 19 April Coupled Rams will find that this is a great month to spend time with friends, especially around the 3rd of the month. Visions of earning more money in a dream may inspire you especially around the 10th of the month. On the 30th of the month, your will again be inspired.

_ `

Taurus 20 April - 20 May On the 9th of this horoscope year 2012 month, the Taurus will find an inspiring day that is bliss. On the 12th you will sparkle and shine. On the 20th do not hesitate to practice your writing skills. Possibly surprise a loved one with a surprise note.

Gemini 21 May - 21 June On the 12th creativity is especially strong. On the 14th be careful with your words and actions to avoid what may lead to an unpleasant argument with your mate. On the 23rd of the month during horoscope 2012, you will find that your levels of intuition are especially high. On the 30th, do not believe everything you may hear on the work front.


Libra 23 September - 23 October


Scorpio 24 October - 21 November


Sagittarius 22 November - 21 December

On the 9th of the month during horoscope year 2012, you will experience unique creativity. On the 17th of the month, avoid purchases, as you will find that you will later be disappointed. On the 20th of the month you may find that your past efforts may yield unexpected gains. On the 23rd of the month you will have a day that you sparkle and shine. On the 10th, you will find that you are particularly attractive and your sex appeal is strong. Pay attention to your dreams on the 17th as they may hold special messages. On the 26th you sparkle and shine. On the 30th you will find that your level of creativity is extremely high. On the 2nd of the month during horoscope 2012 careers ideas flow to you. On the 9th friends become more important. On the 18th pay attention to a dream as it may help you in your career. After the 23rd of the month, you should focus on rest, as it is more important than ever.





Cancer 22 June - 22 July During this horoscope´s 2012 month, the Crab will find that on the 10th your creativity is very strong. Take advantage of this day. On the 16th you glow. On the 20th positive past deeds could bring unexpected rewards. On the 25th you will experience that your levels of energy are much greater.

Leo 23 July - 22 August The 3rd is a wonderful day for coupled Leos and you will find that you are in total harmony with your partner. On the 6th you will find that you are crabby which is a result of a subconscious origin. On the 11th, creativity is yours. On the 22nd writing and other forms of communication are strong.


Virgo 23 August - 22 September On the 12th during horoscope 2012 you will find an inspiration concerning more money from your career. On the 14th, avoid an argument with friends, which may be provoked by the friends. On the 17th you will find solutions to your personal problems. On the 22nd, your intuition level is high.

A Senior Moment


Capricorn 22 December - 19 January On the 6th of the month you may find that your partner is a bit testy. Keep your calm and do your best to maintain control. On the 17th, a career change may benefit. On the 20th coupled Capricorns will find a wonderful time with friends. On the 29th you sparkle and shine. Take advantage!

Aquarius 20 January - 18 February On the 4th, avoid an argument with your partner. On the 12th, a creative idea could bring you more money on the job front. On the 23rd or 24th avoid spending as what you purchase you will end up being dissatisfied with.

Pisces 19 February - 20 March On the 4th or the 7th of the month during horoscope year 2012 you will find that behind the scenes activities could be a little confusing. On the 12th of the month a good time is in store. On the 22nd, you will also find that you may have a very good time. On the 26th of the month take all precaution to avoid a battle of the sexes!

Signs your getting older

A senior citizens group charters a bus for an overnight gambling casino trip.

1. Everything hurts and what doesn't hurt doesn't work.

9. Your favorite part of the newspaper is "20 Years Ago Today."

An elderly woman comes up to the bus driver and says, 'I've just been molested!'

2. The gleam in your eyes is from the sun hitting your bi-focals.

10. You turn out the lights for economic rather than romantic reasons.

3. You feel like the morning after and you haven't been anywhere.

11. You sit in a rocking chair and can't get it going.

4. Your little black book contains only names that end in M.D.

12. Your knees buckle, and your belt won't.

5. Your children begin to look middle aged.

13. You're 17 around the neck, 42 around the waist, and 95 around the golf course.

The driver felt that she had fallen asleep and had a dream. So he tells her to go back to her seat and sit down. A short time later, another old woman comes forward and claims that she was just molested. The driver thought he had a bus load of old wackos, but who would be molesting these old ladies? About 10 minutes later, a third old lady comes up and says that she'd been molested too. The bus driver decides that he'd had enough and pulls into the first rest area. When he turns the lights on and stands up, he sees an old man on his hands and knees crawling in the aisles. 'Hey gramps, what are you doing down there?' says the bus driver. 'I lost my toupee. I thought I found it three times, but every time I tried to grab it, it gets up and runs away!'

6. You finally reach the top of the ladder and find it leaning against the wrong wall.

14. Your back goes out more than you do.

7. Your mind makes contracts your body can't meet.

15. Your ears are hairier than your head.

8. You look forward to a dull evening.

16. People call at 9 p.m. and ask, "Did I wake you?"




The Jungle Drums

June 2012

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Viva Villa and Vacation Services, For Short or Long Term Rentals visit: or Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Viva Villa and Vacation Services, For Short or Long Term Rentals visit: or Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 49, 2nd floor one bedroom apartment situated conveniently located in the town centre of Torrevieja, with a small sun balcony overlooking the lovely communal pool. Short or long term rental available. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref 33, Ground floor spacious 2 bedroom apartment, located in Torre la Mata. Close to all amenities and beach. 3 month rental €300pcm Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 112, Spacious 3 bedroom detached villa with its private pool is located on the El Raso urbanisation near Guardamar. Convenient for all amenities, shops, supermarket, restaurants and bars. Short or long term rental available. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 63, Two bedroom 1st floor apartment situated in Monino Blanco. The property overlooks a superb communal pool area, in within walking distance of bars, restaurants and shops. Short or long term rental available. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 78, Three Bedroom Quad house in Jarden Del Mar. Close to all amenities, bars, shops, restaurants. €425pcm Call 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 155, Luxurious Three Bedroom Villa With Private Pool, in Quesada Close to shops and restaurants within a five minute drive, and Guadamar Beach is within a ten minute drive. Long term rental €800PCM, Short term available. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 709, A lovely 1 bedroom apartment in

Aguas Nuevas, within a 5 minute walk of the beach. There is a terrace outside with views to the sea. Short or long term rental available. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 708, A lovely two bedroom, one bathroom corner ground floor apartment in Algorfa, with a spacious patio & Residents off road parking. Communal pool near by. Short or long term rental available. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 117, A Lovely 3 Bedroomed 1st floor apartment on the outskirts of Torrevieja (Mar Azul). The Apartment is in walking distance of the excellent beaches and a good selection of restaurants, shops and bars. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 61, A lovely two bedroomed ground floor apartment, located in the centre of the small Spanish town of Los Montesinos, With a pleasant communal swimming pool adjacent & all amenities in walking distance. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 516, Well situated studio apartment in San Luis. The property has a balcony which has been glazed to create another room. Close to all shops and amenities, on a local bus route & 10 minutes from the beach. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 104, 2 Bedroom apartment in Torrevieja, (near gypsy lane), small balcony, near all amenities and Friday market. €350pcm Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref 702: Beautiful 2 bedroom apartment, located near los Locos beach, beautifully furnished. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397

Property for Sale Excellent cover for your house and home, includes travel assistance for when you go away. Interesting prices for expats; policies available in English or German. Call 966 923 963 for a quote Lovely Corner property in Novamar V, Gran Alacant. 2 bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms Being sold fully furnished including appliances, Has secure underground parking and faces large oasis communal pool. Walking distance to beach. 139.000 Euros, Call 627 711 155 and quote Ref No. K10 Ground floor duplex, with splendid views. Quiet location in Gran Alacant. Immaculate condition. Price has just been reduced to 105.000 and includes everything. For viewing call 627 711 155 Ref. No K27 Rare opportunity to purchase on Mediterrania III, Gran Alacant. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Private Parking, F/Furnished, Large communal pools & Tennis courts S/W facing, Dramatically reduced for quick sale to 126.000 euros. Ref No. K58 Call 627 711 155 for immediate viewing Don Pueblo, Gran Alacant. 3 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, Large Kitchen with Galleria, Secure underground parking, Gas Central Heating, Glazed in Porch, Solarium with stunning



The Jungle Drums - Tel: 966 923 796

June 2012

The Jungle Drums

To advertise here please telephone 966 727 334 or 626 397 397 or email

views. Viewings absolutely essential. Very large property at reduced price of 190.000 euros. Ref No. K38 Call 627 711 155 Opportunity to purchase at the off plan price of 195.000 euros. Large 4 Bed, 3 Bath Brand new property. Secure underground parking for 2 cars and communal pool. Situated opposite Gran Alacant and over looks projected golf course. Ref No. K52. 627 711 155 2 Bed, 1 Bath Ground floor duplex. Central heating, Grills, Fully furnished, Glazed in Galleria, 2 communal pools, private parking and walking distance to the Gran Alacant commercial centre. Situated in the popular urbanisation of Puerto Marino. Now only 96,500 euros for quick sale Ref No. K46. 627 711 155 Immaculate ground floor Duplex, 2 beds, 2 bath, Private Parking, Situated in Novamar, Gran Alacant. Price includes very tasteful furniture and white goods. Walking distance to all local amenities and beach. Now only 129,750 euros. Ref No K24. 627 711 155 Gran Alacant Detached villa, located in a very sought after location.Situated on a 560m2 S/W facing plot and constructed in 2005. Comprising of 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms (2 full baths), Lounge-Diner, fully equipped Kitchen, Porch and Solarium with Alicante & Sea Views. ref.L81. €258,000 neg. Tel. 680333242 Gran Alacant villa located in a very quiet area , situated at the end of a cul-de-sac means there is no through traffic.3 bed, 3 bath, 330m2 plot, established large gardens, working fireplace, solar panel for hot water,private parking, south facing great views, fully furnished, fantastic opportunity. ref. L85. €215,000 Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant Opportunity to purchase a beautiful 3 bedroomed, 3 bathroomed,large kitchen, detached property with roof- top solarium. Well established gardens and drive way for 2 cars, whilst also overlooking the projected 18 hole golf course. Comprising of fitted wardrobes, utility room, air con H/C, alarm system, electric wall heaters, intercom system, fireplace, ceilings fans, 8x7 gazebo, use of 2 large communal pools, immaculate condition with many extras. ref K12. €180,000 Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant bargain, detached villa with pool on 400m2 plot. Briefly comprising of 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, Lounge Diner, independent kitchen, solarium with views, well maintained gardens. Quiet location yet within walking distance of all amenities. Top quality furniture and appliances included in the price. Extras include, mosquito nets, grills, toldos blinds, built in wardrobes, gas fire, electric heating, ceiling fans, English & Spanish TV, tastefully tiled & graveled garden with irrigation system. ref K43. €229,000 Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant Gem! Fabulous detached Villa, with Alicante sea views to the front and wood land views to the rear, means this immaculate villa is very private and un-overlooked. Comprising of 2 large bedrooms with fitted wardrobes, 2 bath, large fully equipped kitchen,glazed porch sitting area, solarium, Attractive Pool with cover, well maintained Gar-

dens. Central Heating, Air Con, Ceiling fans, Private Parking, Alarm system, Decorative working Fire Place complete with electric Fire. Outdoor work- shop/storage area, Quality Pergola & BBQ. Constructed in 2006, on plot size of 380m2 and being sold fully furnished including white goods. ref L80. €234,995 Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant immaculate villa, 3 bedroomed, 3 bathroomed property maintained to a very high standard inside and out and the interior furnishings are top quality, offering a feeling of luxury and good taste. The plot size is 400m2 and has been beautifully tiles, and graveled and has established palms and plants. Oil fired central heating throughout, log effect fire place, ceiling fans in all rooms, towel heater rails, glazed in shower units, instant hot water, water purifier, free English TV, phone & internet lines, fitted double hanging wardrobes, safe, glazed in front porch, vanity units and much more. The pool is an 8 X 4 m2 salt water pool, meaning maintenance is much easier plus outside toilet and shower. Sea views to front with Greenland views to the rear. ref K51. €245,000 Tel 680333242 Top floor Duplex. Very good price of 108.000 euros for a quick sale. Furnished to a very high standard, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, Lounge Diner, Glazed in Porch, Large Roof Top Solarium. Choice of Communal Pools, Private Parking. Walking distance to all amenities and on the First urbanisation as you enter Gran Alacant. Viewing essential. Ref No. K44. Tel. 627 711 155 Beach front Line property, over looks Carabassi Beach, Gran Alacant. 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Secure Underground Parking, Fully furnished, Roof Top Solarium. 3 Large Communal Pools, Fantastic communal Gardens, Tennis Courts and much more. 125.000 Euros Ref No. K23. Tel. 627 711 155 Gran Alacant Town House with a difference. 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Glazed in Porch, Quiet Location, Extra storage areas, and South Facing Private Pool as well as 2 communal pools. Fully Furnished, All mod cons. Greenland Views and all local amenities close by. Ref. No L79. 179.000 euros 680 333 242 Gran Alacant south-facing, very private villa, with woodland and Alicante views. Situated at the end of a small cul-de-sac which means this villa enjoys a very peaceful location.3 Bedrooms with fitted wardrobes, 3 Bathrooms, lounge-diner with working fireplace, fully fitted kitchen with including white goods, large front porch, solarium,workshop and storage in under build, central heating, air con H/C, ceiling fans, grills, UK T.V, off road parking and plenty of outside parking also. Due to its orientation of this property enjoys full sun, all day, something very important in the winter months. Ref.K24. €237,000 Tel 680333242 Ref: 513, €115,000. Two bedroom ground floor apartment, in Aguas Nuevas, close to all amenities including the beach. It has a good size lounge, kitchen and has off road parking facilities. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397

Gran Alacant detached villa with converted under build and pool. Comprising of 3 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, Lounge- Diner, Front Porch, Large Solarium, decoratively tiled, Irrigated Garden. BBQ and Log Storage Cupboard. Raised walls for Privacy. Also many extras, toldos blinds, freshly decorated interior, Grills, Mosquito Nets, Air Con H/C, Ceiling Fans, Log Burner Fire, Electric Radiators, Heated Towel Rails, Alarmed, Phone Line, Satellite UK TV, private parking. Plot size 310m2 under build 100m2. price includes all furniture.The under build consists of 2 beds, lounge, kit/utility room. ref L79. €250,000 Tel. 680333242 Gran Alacant beautiful detached villa with very large pool and within walking distance to the Gran Alacant Commercial Centre. This villa comprised of 3 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, lounge-diner, Independent kitchen, roof top storage, solarium, porch & terrace. Large private pool, BBQ area, established gardens and private terraces, Private Parking, Solarium with Views to Alicante. 450m2 plot, fully furnished including white goods. Located in very quiet desirable road. ref.L96. €255,000 Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant large detached villa with 3 double bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge-diner, fully equipped kitchen, large porch, roof top solarium, 400 m2 Plot, with established low maintenance very private gardens with irrigation system, electronic gates, private parking, outside wc, sink & shower, terraces, air con ( h & c ), mosquito nets, grills, alarmed, large spa pool with separate Jacuzzi section. Within easy walking distance to Gran Alacant commercial centre and close to local bus and tram route. Ref K33. €260,000 neg Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant limited edition villa, not very often available on the market. Only a few of this type were ever constructed- Very large 5 bedrooms, 4 bathroom(2 en-suit) property, situated on a large corner plot with a 10 x 5 private pool and private parking. Lounge-diner with working fireplace, fully equipped kitchen with utility room. Large landing area, leading onto solarium, with extra storage external room. Front porch area leading into large well established gardens with irrigation system and fruit trees. Being sold fully furnished. Within walking distance to Gran Alacant commercial centre and 5 minute drive to Carabassi beaches. ref. K11. €270,000 Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant Limited edition bungalow. Only six of this type available in Gran Alacant. Constructed in 2003 and immaculately maintained on a large plot size of 500m2 with a 10 x 5 pool.Comprising of 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge-diner leading out onto front porch, independent kitchen including white goods, outside galleria, court yard, large garage with electric door, roof top solarium and private parking. Also built in wardrobes, Toldos blinds, air con H/C, security grills, alarm, security doors, bathrooms heaters, outside toilet, outdoor lighting, irrigation system, attractive and well kept gardens, beautifully tiled inside and




The Jungle Drums

June 2012

Classifieds To advertise here please telephone 966 923 796 or email

out, fire place, English TV, phone line. Being sold with top quality furniture. ref L95. €275,000 Tel 680333242 Balsares is opposite Gran Alacant where the proposed golf course is now being started so this property will virtually be on the golf course, it is an investment not to be missed. The property is on a small gated urbanisation of 18 houses with private underground parking for 2 cars and direct access to the house, communal pool and toilets/changing rooms etc. The house is brand new and consists of 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, lounge with working fire place, large kitchen 12 m2, large galleria/ utility room, bedroom balcony and front tiled terrace. This property also has a converted under build for an extra lounge or bedroom. ref K52 € 198,000 Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant, corner property in Don Pueblo with no expense spared, comprising of 3 double bedrooms with fitted wardrobes, 2 decoratively tiled bathrooms, very large independent kitchen with galleria. Included in the price are all kitchen appliances such as large fridge freezer, washing machine, dishwasher, microwave to name just a few. There is a huge lounge complete with chimney, plus large fully transformed under build,and small workshop. Front and rear private garden area, secure underground garage, tennis courts, football pitch and communal pools. Ref. K14 €209,00 Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant, Situated on the very first urbanisation as you enter Gran Alacant, this 2nd floor duplex offers taste and quality. Comprising of 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, lounge-diner, independent kitchen, full roof-top solarium with superb views and recently glazed in porch offering extra living area as well as extra privacy as the glass is mirrored. Ref.K44 €108,000 Tel 680333242 Viva Villa and Vacation Services are pleased

to offer property sales for the Torrevieja and Oriheula areas of the Costa Blanca, Spain. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 or Visit : Ref: 521, €105,000. This comfortable bungalow is located in San Luis with a new roof and solarium tiles. It is close to supermarkets, bars, restaurants and is on the local bus route. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 520, €85,000. Two bedroom apartment in Dream Hills, with a fully equipped kitchen, large lounge, glazed-in terrace and a large solarium. This property comes with a large communal swimming pool. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 516, €39,999. Studio apartment in San Luis, close to amenities. Open plan fully equipped kitchen. Good sized lounge, bedroom and out onto balcony which has been glazed to create another room. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 510, €79,999. Bungalow located in San Luis. It is close to the supermarkets, bars and restaurants and is on the local bus route. An Opel Corsa car is included in this sale. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: KP3100, €198,000. Three bedroom, two bathroom detached villa, located in San Luis, on a 450sqm plot, with communal pool. Garage to side of house. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 78, €120,000. Three bedroom Quad in Jardin Del Mar VII. There is off-road parking and small storage shed in the enclosed garden area, communal pool nearby. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 709, €60,000 A lovely 1 bedroom apartment in Aguas Nuevas, within a 5 minute walk of the beach. There is a terrace outside with views to the sea. Short or long term rental available. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref. 526, €49,900. A lovely bright 1 bedroom

apartment in the area of Torreblanca.There is a large communal pool and well maintained gardens, with tennis courts and childrens play area. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref 532: 3 Bedroom Detached villa Located on the edge of a small spanish village with 3,800 sqm of landscaped gardents, Private Pool, Bargain €180,000 Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref 533: Lovley 2 bedroom Townhouse located in the popular area of Punta Prima, the property has a large lounge and fully equiped kitchen, 2 double bedrooms, one with balcony, bathroom with double shower. €126,000 Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397


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June 2012

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