Edition 104
Friday, February 15, 2013
HOSPITAL LOCKED ME IN SHACKLES Coma doc sues over asthma nightmare
THE Courier’s medical guru Dr Machi Mannu has denounced Torrevieja Hospital after suffering what he describes as ‘’the most terrifying experience of my life’’. His nightmare included finding himself in SHACKLES when he regained consciousness following a massive asthma attack in which he was induced into a coma for five days. Dr Mannu, who writes one of this newspaper’s most popular columns, is in the process of suing the hospital for civil and penal damages, claiming there is a fundamental flaw in its management policies – and that it is HOSTILE towards foreign residents. The doctor was rushed to the hospital’s A&E department in the back of his partner Simone’s car last month scarcely able to breathe. He claims he was…
l l
Dr Machi Mannu... five-day coma
Refused assistance by a porter in getting to a wheelchair as he struggled to remain conscious on his arrival;
Not given the vital drugs used in the management of a severe asthma attack during all the time he remained conscious;
Horrified and petrified to find himself in shackles when he finally woke up – convincing him he had been kidnapped for removal of his organs and was going to be killed. In a lengthy statement submitted to the initial court hearing, Machi – the English-born son of a Nigerian chemistry professor – described his initial experience in the treatment room: “I was helped onto the treatment bed and a member of the nursing staff put a mask over my face,’’ he said. “Someone else came around and connected me to a monitoring device to check my vital signs (pulse rate, respiration, blood pres-
sure etc.). Many staff was hovering around, but none seemed to know what they were doing. I did not receive the vital drug injection of Aminophylline or its equivalent. I then fell unconscious.’’ Of his eventual return to consciousness, he recalled: “I was first aware of very intense pain in my back. I realised to my horror that I could not move any part of my body. “I realised that my hands and legs were shackled. I was terrified. I also realised that I was in a sort of medical establishment, but wondered what kind of medical establishment would have you shackled. I rationalised that the only reason I would be in a medical establishment and shackled was because I had been kidnapped for my organs to be
Turn to Page 6
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Friday, February 15, 2013
Are you a snapper? Do you have a great photo? Send it to design@thecourier.es and if we think it is good enough we will publish it as our Picture of the Week TELEPHONE
96 692 1003 679 096 309
'Basil and his first ever excursion to La Zenia beach. Here comes summer! Photo by DARREN WARD
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Picture of the Week
Foreign Office’s warning to defiant travellers TEN percent of British over 55s – many of them with medical conditions - risk bills of thousands of pounds by visiting friends and family in Spain without insurance cover. Research for the Foreign & Commonwealth Office reveals that a third (35%) of over-55s who sometimes travel with no cover do so because they are ‘only going on a short break’. A quarter (27%) claim it’s too expensive, whilst nearly one in five (18%) think they don’t need insurance because they are visiting friends or family. Many also think they can avoid buying a policy because they are covered by their bank. Equally concerning is that one in five (21%) who DO have travel
insurance then risk invalidating it by failing to declare an existing condition because they are on medication to manage it. Some 15% admit they wouldn’t update their insurance policy if they developed a medical condition or were prescribed new drugs for an existing condition. Every year around 5,000 British nationals, including over-55s who have failed to take out insurance cover or have invalidated their policies, find themselves seeking assistance from consular staff in Spain. Some end up with lifechanging bills for expensive medical treatment or specialist repatriation to the UK. Mark Simmonds, Minister for Consular Policy, said: “‘It won’t happen to me’ or ‘I’ll be
fine’ are risky assumptions to make when deciding whether or not to take out comprehensive travel insurance. Our consular staff around the world deal with thousands of cases each year that prove that things can and do go wrong. “Being prepared can mean the difference between the holiday of a lifetime and a holiday from hell. Being unwell abroad is stressful enough without the added pressure of having to find thousands of pounds to pay for treatment.” Dave Thomas, Consular Regional Director for Spain, added: “If you have over-55s visiting you this year, tell them to get insurance before they travel. Taking out a comprehensive policy and declaring any med-
Friday Sunny High 19° Low 6° Chance of rain 0% Monday Coudy High 17° Low 6° Chance of rain 2%
Tuesday Rain High 17° Low 8° Chance of rain 53%
ical condition may be an added expense but it’s a small investment compared to what you could end up paying if something goes wrong.” A spokesperson for the Association of British Insurers said: “Travel insurance is a must for all holidaymakers. Policies are widely available for people of all ages, but the insurance industry recognises that some older people need help finding cover. “Under the Age Agreement which we developed with the Government and British Insurance Brokers’ Association, older people who are unable to find cover at the first firm they approach should be directed to an alternative provider who will be able to offer insurance, or to a sign-
Saturday Partly cloudy High 17° Low 6° Chance of rain 0% Wednesday Sunny High 16° Low 8° Chance of rain 0%
posting service.” A British Embassy spokesman added: “Many people think an EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) is enough and don’t take out insurance. They will greatly regret it when they are forced to pay thousands of pounds for an air ambulance back to the UK or have to pay for extra accommodation to stay in Spain to look after a hospitalised family member or friend they are travelling with.”
Sunday Cloudy High 17° Low 7° Chance of rain 3% Thursday Showers High 21° Lo 5° Chance of rain 55%
Friday, February 15, 2013
THE BLADE GUNNER Pistorius murder rap stuns South Africa
home in a gated and guarded compound outside Pretoria. The sprinter became an inter-
national celebrity during last year's London Olympics, where he became the first doubleamputee to compete in a Summer Games. His arrest has rocked South Africa, where he had been considered a national hero. "Obviously we are shocked," his father Henke Pistorius told AFP. "He is with the police and the matter is in the hands of the authorities. Our thoughts are with the family of the woman involved in this tragedy.’’ Steenkamp, 30, once a FHM cover girl, was described by Sarit Tomlins of her management agency as "the kindest, sweetest human being; an angel on earth."
have a supportive network of family and friends, who rallied together and collected sufficient funds to enable them to stay in a guest house for a couple of weeks. However, this is only a shortterm solution, and the threat of
being forced to live in a shelter for the homeless is still hanging over their heads. The couple reportedly visit their baby every day, but have to leave the hospital at 6pm according to visiting hours, so cannot stay with her throughout the night. Friends and family are currently appealing for donated items, such as clothing, toys and bric-brac, which they hope to sell at a jumble sale to be held in Leeds in the coming weeks. The aim is to raise funds to provide food and necessities for the couple during their next few months in Spain. The appeal is also calling for any donations of premature baby clothing, nappies and other items which could be useful for little Ellizeah. Anyone wishing to make a donation to Ellizeah and her parents is invited to follow the link https://www.justgiving.com/Elliz eah-Lyons; for further information, email atreanor1@hotmail. co.uk
OSCAR PISTORIUS, the legless sprinter who who stole the hearts of the entire world, will this morning (Friday) appear in court charged with murdering his model girlfriend. Olympic and Paralympic hero Pistorius, known as the Blade Runner because of his carbon fibre prostheses, is alleged to have shot Reeva Steenkamp four times in the head. Police said the 9mm pistol used in the Valentine’s Day killing was registered to Pistorius, who spent last night in custody prior to today’s hearing. Police are opposing bail. Denise Beukes, a police
brigadier, said that there had been “previous incidents” of a “domestic nature” at Pistorius’
Zowie counts Costa staying In Spain with her 2lb baby By HEIDI WARDMAN
A LEEDS woman who gave birth 13 weeks early during a visit to Alicante, is now facing a double battle, as she struggles to find the money to stay with the baby, Ellizeah Hilton was delivered by emergency Caesarean at the General Universitario de Elche Hospital on January 26. Her mum, 24-year-old Zowie Lyons, had been given the all-clear to travel with her partner Sam to visit his relatives living here in Spain. Weighing only 930g (about 2lb), the baby battled for survival for eight days before being transferred to Alicante General Hospital for a life-saving operation on her intestines. Ellizeah also suffered heart and lung problems and a suspected bleed on her brain, and must remain in hospital for at least 10 weeks to undergo tests and gain strength and weight. However, that was not the full extent of the problems for Zowie and Sam, as the property where
they were staying is located some distance from Alicante Hospital, and aside from the restrictions on transport, Zowie is still unable to travel over long distances following the difficult birth. Thankfully the young couple
LIFE IN SPAIN A TOTAL of 34,852 toys were removed q from shop shelves in Alicante Province by the Valencian Government during 2012, following warnings by the National Consumer Institute. The Director General of Trade and Consumer Affairs, Silvia Ordiñaga, said seven products were recalled, including two dolls, two remotecontrol cars, a laser gun, a cuddly toy and a child’s bracelet. She explained that they did not conform to safety and quality regulations, and could pose health threats to children such as burning, scratching, wounding or poisoning.
THE number of flu cases in the Valencia region has grown for the fourth consecutive week, to reach 326.7 cases per 100,000 population. This represents 22.4% more than the end of January, when the situation had already reached "epidemic" levels. According to the latest data released by the General Directorate of Public Health, 94.61% of those affected were not vaccinated. The 5-14 age group most affected, with 0-4 year olds the fastest growing group. This week’s significant increase has been linked to the adverse weather conditions.
GUARDIA Civil and Local Police Officers in Torrevieja have been searching this week for a man thought to have carried out at least three robberies on commercial establishments in the city centre, and threatening employees with a carving knife. The suspect is said to be about 40, his face badly scarred from acne, and wearing a black hooded top. The attacks occurred within metres of each other, and police believe they are linked to substance abuse.
THE City Council of Torrevieja plans to relocate the Municipal Archives, from the building near the bus station where they have been stored on three floors since 2008. The building belongs to a Torrevejense businessman and costs the city €103,000 per year in rental fees. The archives’ new location will be in the current Semana Santa Tomás Valcárcel museum in Urbanisation Becisa, near Avenida de Baleares. The aim of the move is to reduce overheads relating to municipal buildings.
SIXTEEN Torrevieja local police officers shared €63,000 in overtime pay during 2012. One of the 16 clocked up €11,688 above his contracted salary - an extra €500 per month - having been appointed to manage files for traffic offences, with a total 900 overtime hours. Unions say the extra hours are not within the legal working time legislation and have proposed that increased patrols are needed to share the workload.
LOCAL Police in Orihuela arrested a 31- year old man, who was found to be transporting 12 marijuana plants in the back of his car. Each plant was around 30 centimetres tall.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Friday, February 15, 2013
ROLALES-based author Sandra Knott has launched a new children’s novel to follow her three earlier successes. The Planet of Dreams tells the tale of a planet destroyed by a meteor. The creatures of the doomed planet travel through time, seeking out a new planet to fulfil their dreams. They think they’ve found it, but it’s not as it seems. Excitement, danger, bravery and energy make this story a must have for any child over the age of 12. The Planet of Dreams will be part of a
trilogy. The second book will be released before Christmas. Sandra and her partner Dave are both are members of Charity 4 Charities - and every Tuesday Sandra is auctioneer at The Bull Flanagan bar, where they have raised over €100,000 for charity in five years. She has successfully published three previous books for children, Best House Ever, The Enchanted Garden and 12 Alive or Dead – The Witching Hour. Each is richly illustrated and available on Amazon Kindle
Cruz Roja give lift to vulnerable Brits
British Consul Paul Rodwell, has met with the Provincial president of the Spanish Red Cross, Emilio Bascuñana Galiano, to discuss how to work together to support vulnerable Brits. The Red Cross, or Cruz Roja, is very active in throughout Spain supporting people of all nationalities who find themselves in situations of need, working closely with local social services departments to provide basic services. The Red Cross representatives were very interested in hearing about the different English speaking associations in the area and how
to work more closely with them in areas with a high percentage of Brits on the padrón. They agreed that by working together with these charities, they would be able to offer better support to English speakers. Following the meeting,
the Consul said: “In these difficult times, the British Consulate in Alicante is focusing on helping British nationals who are vulnerable and are suffering. Closer collaboration with the English speaking charities is essential and the Spanish charities also have a key role to play. “Today´s meeting with the president of Cruz Roja is part of ongoing initiatives to ensure that British nationals who are in distress receive the best possible support.” For more information about the Spanish Red Cross, visit www.cruzroja.es
TORREVIEJA’S Easter Museum is still not ready to open its doors, after construction work was paralysed for over a year. The elaborate construction was meant to house the images and thrones used in the flamboyant Semana Santa processions, but lack of progress will see them remain in the former Town Hall building until 2014.
ORIHUELA Town Hall has spent €4,500 in an operation to clean up the Barranco Rubio, which had become a dumping ground for construction workers, gardeners and homeowners alike. The walkway, which runs between Campoamor
and Mil Palmeras, gradually became an illegal dump, accumulating over 140 tons of waste material. It took four technicians and two trucks to clear the debris.
NATIONAL Police Officers in collaboration with Orihuela’s local police, have dismantled a notorious band of drug dealers suspected of selling heroin in the San Antón neighbourhood.
THE 27 municipalities of the Vega Baja registered a total 40,136 people out of work during January. Torrevieja has the highest unemployment levels in the area, with 10,787 not working, followed by Orihuela with 8,022.
Friday, February 15, 2013
COMA DOC SHACKLED Machi: It’s not a case of racism From Page One harvested and then killed. It was the most terrifying experience of my life.’’ He went on: “I kept on trying to move but couldn’t, I was in incredible pain in my back. I must have passed out because when I awoke again, to my greatest relief, I saw my partner Simone’s face bent over me. “I was still shackled, and was still a bit apprehensive until she asked the nurses to untie me. She then told me that I had been in a coma since Tuesday and that it was now Saturday. “I was still in intensive pain in my back for the longest time until Simone realised that my waist was also tightly bound. She then got a doctor to remove the WINTER is yesterday’s restraint.’’ news and its time to step Dr Mannu confessed: “I up the action for spring - was terrified of the staff at by getting involved in the Torrevieja hospital. I had Lake Charity Challenge studied medicine for many Walk or Cycle! years and worked in several Organised by Help at hospitals in rural areas and Home Costa Blanca presi- towns in Nigeria, as well as dent Norah Bond and Jenni in hospitals in England, and Ray from Casa La Pedrera, knew that shackling was not the Challenge will take in any medical protocol for place around the Grand the management of a Design House from 11am coma.’’ on March 3. After his discharge and It is designed to raise treating himself for residual funds for HAHCB and the problems, Machi went to the Children’s Home in Elche, with a choice of a 5, 10 or 15km walk or a 20km cycle, start and finishing at Casa La Pedrera at various times during the day. Alternatively, you can sponsor one of the participating children from Elche Children´s Home; donate an item of food for the hamper which will be raffled off to raise additional charity funds; or simply turning up to support the participants and enjoy the entertainment. Further information on how to enrol or where to deliver donated items from www.thingstodoinspain.co m. Alternatively, call Jenni on 660 816 620 or email enquiries to granddesignhouse@gmail.com
Walking or riding, this challenge is for YOU!
EDITOR’S NOTE: Letters and emails will only be considered for publication if they contain the writer’s address and a contact number (not for publication).
‘The practice of shackling or strapping patients to the bed is inhumane, unethical and goes against the Hippocratic Oath’ police station ‘’as soon as I could’’ to denounce the hospital, which he said was “conspicuously absent’’ from the initial hearing at Torrevieja High Court on January 31. He added: “Anyone reading this story can easily conclude that this is a case of racism, but in my opinion, this is not so.’’ The doctor said that he had previously received numerous negative stories about Torrevieja Hospital from his patients. He also described an experience he had at Torrevieja Hospital a few weeks prior of his ordeal, after a couple from Northern Ireland came to him for a
Lions Club President Janette Bennett presents a bronze award to IBEX Inurance customer service adviser Jaimy Gubbels on the first anniversary of the opening of the La Zenia branch. IBEX sponsor the Lions and Jaimy, who is keen to become a member of the Torrevieja Costa Lions, received a certificate of appreciation. For information on Lions sponsorship packages contact Iain on 966 731 495. To join the Lions please contact membership director Dave on davedanie@gmail.com or go to www.torreviejacostalions. org
routine diagnostic scan. ‘’After the scan, I took their BP readings and discovered that the woman’s reading was extremely high. I was so alarmed I had to follow them to Torrevieja Hospital. On arriving at the desk, she was asked for her passport and SIP card which she had on her, and to my astonishment, she was then asked if she had insurance to pay for the treatment.’’ Machi says he was shocked and worried for his patient. ‘’I asked them if they knew that by EU law, my clients were entitled to emergency health care as EU citizens. I didn’t receive any intelligent answer from them.
“Although my patient finally received treatment from Torrevieja Hospital, I was left wondering what would have happened if I had not been with them. Would she have been refused treatment?’’ Dr Mannu said a key witness in his case is an Englishman who offered to help him out of the car when the porter refused to do so. The same porter allegedly refused to help him lift his mother-in-law aged 80 plus, who had fallen and had a bone literally sticking out of her leg, into the wheelchair. Dr Mannu’s pulls no punches in his summing up, saying: “In my opinion, Torrevieja Hospital has a hostile policy towards for-
eign residents. I do not believe that any staff in a government institution would make up the rules as they go along. And if this is the case, then there is clearly a failure in the leadership of the hospital. “However, this is not just about poor hospital management. “As a medical doctor I feel ashamed of the doctors, nurses, technicians and assistants who would have witnessed this medieval practice and accept it as standard medical procedure. They should have known better. Clearly they are medical professionals on paper and not by heart. “In my medical experience from hospitals in rural parts of Nigeria to those in London, I have never seen anyone tied up, strapped, or shackled while in a medically induced coma. “That such a practice is tolerated in any hospital in Spain is shameful and must discontinue. The practice of shackling or strapping patients to the bed, whether in a coma or not, is inhumane, unethical and goes against the Hippocratic Oath. “It demonstrates a loss of humanity wherever such a shameful act is practised.’’
An AA ad alert... UNTlL very recently you advertised in your paper the information of various meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous in the Costa Calida. For one reason or another these advertisements seem to have been discontinued. If this is a mistake on my part and I have missed them, I can only apologise and thank you for your continued support. However, the purpose of this email is to request that you carry these adverts once again so that people who wish to find us can do so. The advert might read... Do you want to stop drinking? We can help. Weekly meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous in Los Alcazares and Pilar de la Horadada, phone 0034 679385105 for more information. We are a registered charity and are self supporting, we cannot pay much but are willing to pay for this service. We do not expect something for nothing. If you could see fit to include this advert in your newspaper we would be very grateful. If you would like any further information for yourself or your paper I would be happy to
answer any queries that you may have. Thanks. SEAN W SEAN, we don’t have a section of the type you mention but I am publishing your letter as a goodwill gesture. I do hope the publicity is effective - but since advertising is our only source of income, we would have to charge you in future. If you’d like the ad in our Classified section, it’s just €5 per issue for 25 words. EDITOR I WAS recently reading once again in one of the free papers about Iberdrola sending out their letters demanding money and threatening to cut off the supply if it is not paid. We have had several of these and not once have they disconnected our supply - yet. We are that fed up getting them that we are now refusing to accept them and sending them back via our postman. You still need to sign to say he has delivered the letter, even though you are not taking receipt of it.Perhaps if more customers did this they would realise their bully boy tactics are not working and stop sending letters out K. LAMPEN (Quesada)
Friday, February 15, 2013
EVERY STITCH WAY I PROMISED last week that I’d come clean about my face-to-face with cosmetic surgery. So here, prompted by my friend Jane Lilley’s revelations on this page last week, is the true story of WrinkledGrumpSkin and her ever-youthful assistants Rhytidectomy and Blepharoplasty.
I feared I’d look like a cross between Jackie Stallone and Donatella Versace
I may not be as forthcoming about facelifts as Jane, but OK, I admit it. I’ve had one too. Not so much the old onetwo …more of a “fresh look”, as the surgeon described it at the time. It was roughly six years ago and I was beginning to do those things women of a certain age do. I’d stand in front of the mirror and stretch the wrinkles and creases out with my fingers so my skin looked young and vibrant. I felt like I’d regressed 30 years…until I opened my NEW FACES: Donna pictured just days after her sureyes and saw my chicken gery and (right) a month or so later neck. Applying eye shadow had under a local anaesthetic, I’d create the best effect always been a nightmare; it there was no way I wanted to lying in bed holding a hand- would smudge and then dis- be around to chat to my permirror above my face. What appear under those hanging sonal Dr Frankenstein as he wonders gravity do… no lids. I’d had enough of it and, ripped off the front of my stretching needed, this was having had surgery several head. the REAL me. If only people times previously – notably for The first job was to find a walked on their backs! life-threatening peritonitis suitable cosmetic surgeon to Then there was that give- caused by a a perforated away neck, a problem com- appendix – the thought of the perform the double procedure of rhytidectomy (facelift) pounded by a sagging chin- knife didn’t bother me. line and the biggest pain of However, unlike Jane, who and blepharoplasty (eyelid all – my hooded eyes. had her face rearranged modification). This was, after
PROMISE you won’t tell anyone and I’ll I HAD arguably the most embaradmit it. I had TWO weigh-ins this week rassing experience of my life at last with a bizarre result. week’s weigh-in. Thinking I would be unable to make The Beauty and Wellness Centre at my normal Wednesday appointment Pueblo Bravo has two loos, one for because of a court appointment, I women and one for the guys. Anxious to jumped onto the scales at the Beauty register as big a dip in weight as possiand Wellness Centre 24 hours early. ble, I headed for the Ladies and proceedShock, horror - I had PUT ON 200 grams ed to do what people do. since my previous official weigh-in. Everything went as panned, sorry The idea of the red box in the middle planned, until I went to flush the toilet – of this article showing negative equity and found the flusher missing. for the first time was I washed my hands unthinkable. So back I TOTAL LOSS, 5 WEEKS wondering what had hapsneaked before heading for pened and, horror of horcourt on Wednesday (as a rors, as I re-entered the witness by the way - not to salon, looked at the door be locked up). And you can I’d just come out of and (that’s 13lbs 7oz) see the good news in that saw a big Out of Order very same red box. sign staring at me. Unbelievably, my weight had plummetHow I hadn’t seen it when I went in I ed in less than 24 hours from 88.9 kilos have no idea. to 87.1 kilos! It’s a mystery why...but I’m Anyway, three buckets of water and certainly not complaining! several profuse apologies later, normal Next week I have a bigger problem. I’ll service was resumed. be in Manchester on a family visit so will And I was left wondering whether I’m be using my own scales. So expect me losing my sight altogether – or if it was to lose at least another stone by then... all just a flush in the pan.
6.1 kilos
IN the five weeks since starting her diet, Donna’s weight has or just under a stone. Her target is to lose 35 lbs (16 kilos) by the end of May. ONWARD AND DOWNWARD!
qdropped from 93.2 kilos on January 10 to 87.1 kilos -
all, the ultimate cut-throat business and I wanted someone with a good reputation. Not too expensive, though…we can’t all afford Joan Rivers prices, never mind want to resemble a drumskin. So I asked around, trawled the Internet, and eventually found a surgeon whose credentials appealed to me. It helped that Andrea Marando was Italian, good-looking and a perfect gentleman, but the main consideration was that he would do a good job. I checked his credentials as best as I could, made an appointment to see him, and was suitably impressed. A few weeks later I checked in to a private hospital in Gisburn, north
Lancashire – and a few hours later was walking into the operating theatre in the new maroon dressing gown and slippers I had bought especially for the occasion. A stretcher case with no stretcher, you might say. A few hours later I was sitting up in bed, my head bandaged like an Egyptian mummy, feeling very drowsy and wondering just what now lay beneath the wraps. Hopefully it was a new, more youthful Donna…but I feared a worst case scenario. A cross between Jackie Stallone and Donatella Versace. I was in a fair bit of discomfort for the first few days after the op but when the bandages were removed the
results looked really good. Even before the swelling died down I would look at the new me in the bathroom mirror and ask myself: “Where have all my wrinkles gone?’’ As the dreaded three score and ten approaches, I happily still have relatively few wrinkles. OK, the eyelids are beginning to sag again, but I rarely bother with eye make-up any more and in any case the droops are more like Babes in the Hood than full-blown Brittle Red Writhing Hoods. The problem is that, like the aforesaid Ms Rivers, my entire BODY now needs a facelift. Now there’s a challenge for Mr Marando. I must give him a call.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Friday, February 15, 2013
I ARRIVED home the other evening and gave Mrs S a friendly tickle under the chin. 'What the hell sort of a greeting is that!' she exploded. 'Oh, lumme,' I gulped as realisation dawned. 'I've only just gone and given the dog a kiss.' 'I'm getting really worried about you,' Mrs S sighed. 'Anyway, can I get you anything? A cup of tea? A psychiatrist?' 'Lord knows what I might have picked up from the dog,' I gurgled as I washed my lips under the cold water tap over the kitchen sink.
Friday, February 15, 2013
HIM INDOORS 'As long as your nose stays wet and cold,' said Mrs S. 'But if you start burying bones in the back garden I'll contact the vet for an emergency home visit.' Later, Mrs S and I settled down for supper but something was niggling at me.
'You know what concerns me most about kissing the dog on the lips?' I asked. 'Shurrup, I'm watching Benidorm ER on the telly. It's been a hectic week at the Clinica.' 'Well,' I sniffed. 'Seeing that you insist, I shall tell you. If memory serves me correctly, we don't own a dog these days!' Mrs S put the telly on pause. 'I know that. We're minding next door's mutt while they are out.' 'Our neighbours have gone out? Well there's a departure. Louis hasn't taken Hilda anywhere
for years.' And it was true. The guy next door had refused to leave the house after viewing the Mel Gibson film Conspiracy Theory some years back. He was not only convinced that all world events were triggered by shadowy figures on high but that those same powerful people were primarily out to get HIM. Poor guy. I felt really sorry for Louis. But then again we all have our idiosyncracies. A few people reckon that even I am disturbed. Anyway, Louis' aversion to leaving the house had earned him the uncharitable nickname Indoor Lou. I mean how callous and unfeeling is that? Folk can be so cruel. But tonight he and his long-suffering wife Hilda were not at
home. I couldn't wait for them to pick up their pooch so I could quiz the couple on where they had been. I wasn't just being nosey. I was an investigative journalist after all. 'YOU an investigative journalist!' howled Mrs S. 'If that's true then I'm the pilot of an Alaskan crab-fishing boat.' There was a knock at the door. Our next-door neighbours had returned. They each tickled their delighted dog under the chin. I ushered Indoor Lou into the kitchen. 'Well?' I said. 'What finally got you out of the house?' 'I'm sure to tell you,' Louis sniffed. 'You're the bloke who nicknamed me Indoor Lou and made me a figure of fun.' 'Just my little joke,' I winked, nudging him in the ribs. 'Tell me where you've been, Louis. I won't tell anyone, I promise.' My neighbour continued to hesitate so I grabbed him by the shoulders and looked deeply into his eyes. 'I am the soul of discretion,' I pronounced slowly and sincerely
while simultaneously itching to get at my keyboard to write that week's column for The Courier. 'It was my Hilda,' Indoor Lou confessed. 'She gave me an ultimatum. Either I accompanied her to bingo or she would run off with the handsome caller whom she claims gives her a cheeky grin whenever she gets a winning line.' 'The bingo caller?' I exclaimed. 'That lusty Lothario who lives down the road at Number (all-the-twos) 22?' I poured Indoor Lou a glass of brandy but because he was in such a delicate state I drank it myself. 'Anyway,' sighed Indoor Lou. 'I hope I can now start going places again. Let's venture to the pub tomorrow night, Dave, and I'll try not to be afraid that Big Brother is still watching me.' I was puzzled. 'But, Louis, you don't have a brother. Just a wife, a dog and your cousin the fresh-air fiend, Outdoor Lew.' 'Big Brother is a literary reference,' Indoor Lou said. 'It's 1984.' Blimey, I thought. Now the poor beggar doesn't know what year we're in.
Friday, February 15, 2013
SAY IT IN SPANISH Learn the lingo - with a little help from JEANETTE ERATH Spanish 58 Hi, welcome back to another week of learning Spanish. We are going to continue with adverbs this week, I hope you are managing to keep up with the lessons and use your Spanish as much as possible. We are going to learn about some of the most popular English adjectives when used as adverbs. This is by no means a comprehensive list of course but these are the ones I believe you will use the most. At least they´re the ones I use and hear the most. The first one we are going to look at is CHEAP. We often say cheap instead of cheaply, but in Spanish barato is most often used as an adjective not as an adverb. Las compro muy baratas – I buy them very cheap (cheaply) When the direct object is not mentioned barato can be used as an adverb, and as such does not change: Juan siempre compra barato – John always buys (things) cheaply CLEAR: the adverb clearly in Spanish is claramente when it means distinctly, without confusion however the adjective claro can also be used: Ella habla muy claramente/claro – she speaks very clearly No puedo ver claro a esta distancia – I can´t see clearly at this distance The expression loud and clear is alto y claro (not claramente) When we want to say obviously the adjective claro cannot be used, instead we say claramente / obviamente / evidentemente Claramente necesitamos tomar un decision – clearly we need to make a decision.
DEAD: when we use dead in English to mean dead sure/certain,etc. In Spanish we use, completamente, por completo, totalmente, etc. Estoy completamente seguro – I´m dead sure In other cases other translations are used: Estoy agotado – I´m dead tired (exhausted), Este tren es lentísimo (superlative of lento) – this train is dead slow, Debes ir todo recto/todo al frente – you must go dead ahead The adjective deadly translates as mortal, and the adjective fatally as mortalmente. FAR: The adverb far translates as lejos which can only be used as an adverb of place/distance, (physically and figuratively) Ellos van mucho más lejos – they go much further, lejos cannot be used as an adverb of degree, rather the word mucho is commonly used: Él conduce mucho mejor que tú – he drives far better than you The English words further/farther can mean more, in Spanish use the word más: no tenemos más noticias – we don´t have any further news FATAL: this is an important one because the use of the words fatal and fatalmente in Spanish is confined to talking about fate they do not mean deadly. Fatal can also mean very bad(ly), awful(ly), and so on: ¡Tienes unas notas fatales! - you have awful/terrible grades There is an expression una mujer fatal which mean a very attractive woman (who may be dangerous to get involved with) as in the French femme fatale. HARD: In Spanish hard is duro but with the Spanish uses involving work – trabajo and study – estudiar it is more common to use mucho: estoy estudiando mucho – I am studying very hard , Ella trabaja mucho en casa – she
works very hard at home. Hardly has nothing to do with duro or mucho. It has to be translated with apenas or casi no. Apenas tenemos dinero (or casi no tenemos dinero) – we have hardly any money Translations from from English using hardly ever, hardly anywhere, etc. are made by using casi followed by the adverb or adverbial construction, although apenas is also possible. Casi nunca salgo (apenas nunca salgo) – I hardly ever go out Ella no va a casi ningún sitio (Ella no va casi a ningún sitio) (ella apenas va a ningún sitio) – she hardly goes anywhere. Note: instead of sitio you can use lugar or parte When casi is used at the beginning of a sentence the verb is not negative, but when it is placed after the main verb the verb must be negative: casi nadie compra el libro – almost no one buys the book no hay casi nadie en el banco – there is hardly anyone in the bank. ILL: when used as an adverb is has nothing to do with the adjective meaning being sick which is enfermo, rather the word used is mal and in English we also use badly La casa es mal iluminada – the house is ill-lit (badly lit) mal hecho – ill-made (badly made) As you can see there are a lot of adverbs that need to be learnt along with various expressions. It all takes time which is why learning Spanish is not a sprint and it is very likely that you will always be learning new things however proficient you become. Don´t let that put you off even trying, if you can remember and use just a few of the above this week you will be improving your knowledge of the language and bit by bit you will become proficient. ¡Que tengas una buena semana! Hasta la próxima
Friday, February 15, 2013
Dogs have four strong lessons to teach us: 1. They have no ego, they SOME 75 dog lovers gathered at The Emerald Isle in La Florida last weekend to listen to a seminar on Dog don’t think of themselves with Psychology by Peter Singh, the Courier’s very own dog self importance. 2. Instant forgiveness. behaviour specialist. 3. Live for the moment. We The day proved to be inspiring, fun and educational, and everyone came away full of positive energy and lots of great humans live in the past and ideas and knowledge to help them understand their pets bet- the future. Dogs are always happy to see their owner and ter. don’t complain that we have Peter is a down-to-earth speaker, who tells you how it is. left them alone all day. He doesn’t claim to know it all, but his honesty and sincerity 4. They follow a network of shone through all day long. calm. First and foremost he is a dog lover, and he wants to help When Billy started to get everyone to understand their dogs, who he believes are our aggressive, Peter eventually greatest therapists. He wants us to understand how their realised that this was down to minds work so we can benefit from our dog’s wisdom and him being uptight, with a conlove, and ultimately treat this noble, loyal species in the way stant knot in his stomach. He realised that he needed to they truly deserve, and stop abandoning them and leaving transmit calm to his dog, and after trying various methods, them to die. started to meditate for ten minutes twice a day. This is hard Peter’s story starts off when he was 18. A Londoner with for anyone who has never meditated before, but the more an Irish mum and a South American dad, his life was going you do it the easier it becomes. As Peter says, we spend far nowhere, except perhaps behind bars. All this changed too much time worrying about how we look, and forget that when he got a German Shepherd puppy called Billy, who he we need to take care of our minds and just switch them off claims saved his life. Peter started to have a reason in his every so often. If a dog thinks you are unstable they want to life and began to think about another living being other than protect you, which is why some dogs are more aggressive than others. himself. If humans are constantly stressed and dogs are always calm it is impossible for us to meet in the middle. We are programmed to want, to need, to desire; yet all this brings us in the end is The AMERICAN GANG – Prince is a lovely Belgian Jack and Jill were rescued feelings of dissatisfaction These seven puppies have Shepherd Cross. from the streets in Murcia. and greed. If we can work recently come into our care He has a lovely nature and They are both approx 1 year on becoming calm this will as an unwanted litter. They loves people old, weigh just 4 and 5 kilos make a huge difference to are seven weeks old and He is just over 12 months and are devoted to each our lives. As he says, anyare so playful and curious old. He will make a very other so we would prefer to one who says he or she about their new world. We loyal pet. He has been cashome together. Call: 645 doesn’t have time, isn’t takexpect them to be medium trated and has had all his 469 253 ing into account that there sized dogs when fully grown injections. Ring Laurence www.petsinspain.com are 72 sections of 20 minand they are currently recei- 680856235 for more inforutes in a day, and if you can’t ving appropriate vaccinamation. spare one of them then you tions; there are five girls and aren’t trying very hard. two boys. 966 710 047 Peter’s website www.thedogyouneed.com explains the whole cycle you can fol-
Indiana Roxy was born approx. July 2011 and is medium sized. She’s a gentle very loving dog and would make a loyal companion. Roxy is health vaccinated and sterilised. For more information please telephone P.E.P.A. on 650304746. www.pepaspain.com
Jack and Jill
Peter Singh and Sally Bengtsson low in order to bring calm into your life and get the dog you really need. Each piece is like a jigsaw, but he has seen time and again that whoever follows all the recommendations notices a huge difference in their life and in the connection they have with their dogs. One of the most important points is exercise: if a dog is in an excited state of mind they are likely to do something naughty. Tire your dog out before you take it along to socialise with other dogs. Only put on the dog’s lead when he or she is in a calm state. Dogs need a least two walks a day, and Peter recommends feeding after walking, after which the dogs will rest. This is their natural cycle. If a dog is naughty you must correct him or her in the moment that they are doing it, otherwise they won’t know why they are being punished. Dogs are sociable animals. If they are frightened they will look at you for reassurance. Reward them when they are calm, giving them a toy, a treat, a stroke or even just a look. If a dog is showing signs of fear, do not give affection at this point. If you ignore a dog he or she will eventually approach you to sniff you. When their curiosity is awakened they will overcome their fear. Dogs are a really intelligent species. They are capable of detecting when someone is going to have an epilepsy seizure and cancer; they can save lives and calm people down. If everyone knew what dogs were really capable of there would be queues outside the dog rescue centres with people wanting to adopt them. For further information about this passionate dog psychologist visit the website www.thedogyouneed.com and follow Peter’s articles in The Courier each week. You can book a consultation through the website if you feel you need help with a more serious dog problem.
Friday, February 15, 2013
LÍNEA DIRECTA BECOMES THE FIRST INSURER TO SELL ITS PRODUCTS VIA MOBILE TELEPHONE Línea Directa has launched its new website for mobiles, which makes it the first insurance company to distribute its products via smartphones. The new site, which uses xhtml technology, is compatible with the iOS, Android and Blackberry operating systems and is capable of offering customers a price in under 3 minutes while asking them no more than ten questions. In addition, unlike other websites, which use “masks” in their mobile versions, Línea Directa’s new quoting system is 100% adapted to smartphone technology. The website will initially be available for offering car insurance quotes and will then be extended to cover the company’s motorbike and home insurance sectors. Linea Directa’s new page for smartphones also includes information on the insurer’s main products and services and offers a click-to-call service which allows users to send a request for the company to call them if they have any questions or if they wish to purchase the policy with the help of an operator. With this new tool, the insurer hopes to record over 150,000 quotes per year and strengthen its position as the leader in Internet and mobile applications. The new quoting system has been designed taking into account aspects such as Internet surfing habits, easy operability, simplicity and user-friendliness for the customer. Línea Directa’s commitment to mobile technology is part of the growing importance of Internet searches on smartphones, due to the fact that in 2015 over half of all organic searches on the Internet will be carried out using these devices.
Call now for more information on 902 123 104
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Friday, February 15, 2013
LIVING WITH BENEFITS I HEAR quite a lot from the UK, either in the papers or on media sites about lots of foreigners going over there to sponge off the benefits system and milk it for all it´s worth. However, reading something recently turned this on its head. I read that four million British people have never done a day’s legal work in their lives. Read it again – FOUR MILLION! That is more than the population of Wales., While that is sinking in I will continue with the sobering fact that more than a quarter of those who had never worked were aged between 25 and 64 and a staggering 205,000 people over the age of 65 had never worked before becoming pensioners. I suppose this is no surprise from a country where the benefits system means you are better off financially not working. This can be the only reason for these figures and in recent years has become more obvious with cases being cited almost weekly. With benefits rising and wages staying still, for the unskilled it kind of makes sense not to hold down a job. But what does that mean for the country? What sort of country breeds people who are happy to stay at home and let the rest of the population pay for them? I never even considered benefits as I grew up. Instilled into me was the sense that I had to work to earn my money and that nothing was going to be given to me. I felt, correctly I believe, that I would achieve a sense of pride by going out and earning money. I worked in hotels whilst still at school, evenings and weekends during term time and mornings and evenings during school holidays were filled with waitress and chambermaid work. I earned enough to buy my records, make up and clothes. It was the only way I was going to get anything as my mum didn´t have much and
my stepfather was already on benefits having lost his job as a cleaner. I knew that if I wanted something I would have to go out and earn it and that philosophy carried me through my 20s and 30s and continues with the person I am today. I can understand that a great many of those unemployed are young people just leaving college or university and who cannot find a job. My own niece is struggling to find anything, however she has worked in the past and it is only because she moved away from the area she was living that she is now without work. It appears that the worst affected area is the Midlands, with Birmingham having the most people never employed, at 144,000 adults never having had a payday. At least not a legal one. If immigration was the only problem facing the UK then I am sure the number of over 65s never having worked would be lower. To me it shows an inherent lack of drive and commitment and a laziness far greater than people would maybe like to believe. The only towns south of Birmingham on the list of the high-
est number of people never having had a job were Cardiff and Tower Hamlets in London, two of the most different areas one could imagine. What that means I dare not comment on as I am a Southerner and proud of it. However, I have lived in some slum areas in the South as well as some more affluent areas, and I was brought up on a council estate with lots of problems and one of the highest number of car crimes in the country. However, most people I know from school are working or have been. So are Northerners more lazy or are there less jobs? Spain, as everyone is aware, is struggling with unemployment figures going through the roof. Yet the Spanish appear to want to work, maybe they don’t work as hard as the Brits but they do want a job, it is their culture to work, as long as they get their siestas and long holidays they are happy to have a job. However, the difference in the UK is shocking, at least it shocked me. Britain has a population of around 63 million and of those roughly 82% are over the age of 15, that is around 51 million people who are or have been of working age - and four million of those have never worked. That is not to say there are four million unemployed, rather four million who have never been employed. It´s a sobering thought to those of you who may be here on holiday and are paying your taxes back in the UK, but to me, what is more worrying is that it is now acceptable to be part of that four million and that people are going on daytime TV proud of their decision and their ´why should I bother´ attitude. That is what is sadly happening in the UK, and until benefits change to make it viable to work then it will sadly continue. And more than likely the four million will be joined yearly, until maybe the country does run out of money. All I can say is I´m glad to be out of it.
A HELPING HAND FOR HOMELESS Here at The Courier we are strong believers that charity begins at home. That is why for this year, we have decided to pledge our support to the hundreds of people living on our doorstep who no longer have a doorstep. Reach Out Torrevieja is a very special and worthwhile cause which was established to support individuals and families in Torrevieja, who are living in extremely poor conditions or have been left homeless as a result of the crisis. This is not meant as a political statement, but rather our desire to offer additional assistance to the many support mechanisms, such as Cruz Roja, which are already doing everything within their means to improve living standards for families in need. Reach Out is a voluntary organisation, which relies on incoming donations to fund its activities, pledging every cent to the cause at hand. The founders have already established a drop in/outreach centre at Calle Bella Antonia 1, Local 5, Torrevieja, where people in need can obtain support from a concerned, understanding ear. From there, Reach Out Torrevieja offers a personalised service, extending a friendship where every single visitor is important to them, regardless of age, nationality or religion. As well as a reassuring chat accompanied by coffee and biscuits, the charity offers the opportunity for visitors to take a shower, shave, have a haircut or foot treatment and a clean change of clothes. Families are also offered a weekly basic food parcel to take away
with them, along with bedding, towels, furniture and other household necessities. A confidential counselling service is also extended to those who are having trouble coming to terms with their situation. Whilst all of this sounds wonderful, it is only the beginning as far as Reach Out Torrevieja is concerned, and they have dreams of expanding their assistance allowing them to reach even more people in need of help. Their visions include acquisition of larger premises with space for a cafeteria, storage space and workshop areas where volunteers could lend a hand in repairing furniture, clothes and blankets. They are also crying out for donations of any of the items noted. Food donations should ideally be non-perishable goods like rice, pasta, chick peas, lentils, beans, biscuits and flour, as well as processed cheese, UHT milk, eggs, cooking oil, tinned meats or fish. Toiletries, baby food, nappies and cooking utensils would all be gratefully received. The Charity stresses that the problem may be more serious than you think with people from all nationalities, including Brits, being forced to live on the streets. You can really make a difference by taking your donations to the outreach centre today. Opening times are Monday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 10:00 to 14:00. For further information or to request help, please email reachouttorre@hotmail.co.uk.
Friday, February 15, 2013
OPINION polls are always great fun. The political parties thrash them in public, but order loads of them in private. They’re always a good snapshot of what the public feels, and polling these days is very accurate. So when a recent survey suggested almost 80% of the Spanish people feel Mariano Rajoy should quit over the “bung” scandal and that an immediate election ought to be called, I’m sure it sent shudders around the Partido Popular HQ. Of course there’s more chance of Gibraltar becoming Spanish than the PP voting for its own death sentence by going to the country! I’m sure there’s more to come over those Swiss bank account ledgers, but no charges so far have been levelled against Rajoy or his colleagues - past and present. If that does happen, he would surely have to step aside because of the distraction a trial would bring. That’s unless, of course, he’s rung up Silvio Berlusconi in Italy to get a few tips about clinging onto power whilst having a daily appointment at the local courthouse! Over in the UK, I had a good read of a You Gov poll for The Sunday Times. Labour has a lead of just 9% over the Tories. That’s pretty small beer for the main opposition party where You
Cameron saying he would do something about this, and I’m pleased that he’s sticking to this promise, despite changing another one at the same time. Even a village simpleton can work out that the Spanish road toll system is a shambles. Most of the toll companies are bankrupt, and recent figures show that cash-conscious drivers, already hit by high pump prices, are making more attempts to bypass the feepaying routes. The AP7 between Los Montesinos and La Zenia is a great example of a ghost motorway, with people avoiding it like the plague.
Gov found that over 70% of the British people thought the economy was doing badly. Twice as many people thought that the Labour leader Ed Miliband was doing a bad job as opposed to a good one, with David Cameron doing better in that department. Nick Clegg’s ratings are below the Richter Scale, and I’d guess the Lib Dem leader might start smoking cigarettes yet again if his party continues to do as badly as it is at the moment. Here’s another UK election pledge that’s
changed. Before the 2010 vote, George Osborne promised to lift Inheritance Tax thresholds if the Tories came to power, and that he duly did. Now he’s changed his mind, despite recently announcing new increases, and it’s a change that most decent people will welcome. That’s because the savings will be used to help fund plans to improve care for the elderly and to keep down the costs involved. It will also go a big way to stopping the scandalous situation where retired folk have to sell off their own homes to pay for residential care. I remember David
The response from the companies is to put up fees still further in an act of economic madness. Why can’t they get it into their stupid heads that if they slash prices, motorists will flock to use their empty routes and therefore bolster their empty coffers? Or are they simply waiting for a bailout from Madrid, which hopefully won’t happen? Well done to Yorkshire Tory MP Anne McIntosh. In the middle of the horsemeat scandal, she’s suggested a temporary ban on all processed and frozen meat from the EU. Some goon from Brussels will veto that, but
wouldn’t it be a big boost for the hard-pressed British farmer? Excellent high-quality produce has been ignored by an unhealthy alliance of supermarkets and their customers wanting stuff that’s as cheap as possible. So, if it were Yak meat from Mongolia masquerading as beef, most folk wouldn’t give a damn so long as it cost half the price of a British product. It’s all down to the old adage of “you get what you pay for” and the bonus of this farce is at least people are now thinking about food chains and the need to buy British, even if it costs more.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Quick and easy dishes that will please all. SAUSAGE, MUSHROOM & TOMATO PASTA Ingredients 400g penne 1 tbsp olive or sunflower oil 454g pack good-quality sausages, cut into chunky pieces 250g chunky chestnut mushrooms, halved 500g pack cherry tomatoes 2 sprigs rosemary, leaves roughly chopped handful flat-leaf parsley, chopped
Method Cook pasta according to pack instructions. Heat the oil in a deep frying pan, then fry the sausages and mushrooms for 5 mins until golden. Add the tomatoes and cook for about another 3 mins on a high heat until the tomatoes pop and start to form a sauce. Season to taste, then add the herbs and drained pasta and stir well.
HOMEMADE FISH FINGERS Ingredients 1 egg, beaten 85g white breadcrumbs, made from day-old bread zest and juice 1 lemon 1 tsp dried oregano
1 tbsp olive oil 400g skinless sustainable white fish , sliced into 12 strips 4 tbsp mayonnaise 140g frozen peas, cooked and cooled 100g young leaf spinach
1. Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Pour the beaten egg into a shallow dish. Tip the breadcrumbs onto a plate. Mix the lemon zest into the breadcrumbs along with the oregano and some salt and pepper. 2. Brush a non-stick baking sheet with half the oil. Dip the fish strips into the egg, then roll them in the breadcrumbs. Transfer to the baking sheet and bake for 20 mins until golden. 3. Meanwhile, mix the mayo with a squeeze of lemon juice. Toss the spinach leaves and peas with a squeeze more lemon juice and the remaining oil. Serve the fish fingers with the spinach and peas and a spoonful of the lemony mayo.
BBQ CHICKEN WITH CORN RICE Ingredients 4 chicken leg portions, cut into thighs and drumsticks, skin removed 2 onions, 1 chopped, 1 cut into wedges 1 red and 1 green pepper, deseeded and thickly sliced 2 tbsp olive oil 200ml bottled barbecue sauce 2 tsp thyme leaves 250g long grain rice, rinsed 600ml chicken stock 340g can sweetcorn, rinsed and drained ½ red chilli, finely chopped (optional)
1. Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Slash each piece of chicken 2-3 times. Put the chicken, onion wedges and peppers in a roasting tin or ovenproof pan, then toss with 1 tbsp oil and the barbecue sauce. Roast for 40 mins, turning halfway, until sticky and tender. Add a splash of water if the sauce dries up a little at the edges. 2. Meanwhile, heat 1 tbsp oil in a medium pan, then soften the chopped onion for 5 mins. Stir in the thyme, rice, stock
and seasoning. Bring to the boil, cover and simmer for 12 mins. Turn off the heat, tip in the corn, add chilli if using, put the lid back on and let the rice steam for 10 mins more. Fluff up the rice, then serve with the chicken, vegetables and pan juices.
LAMB AND POTATO BAKE Ingredients 700g potatoes 400g lean lamb mince 1 tsp cinnamon 660g jar tomato pasta sauce 350g pot ready-made cheese sauce or white sauce 1 tbsp olive oil
1. Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Boil the potatoes for 10-12 mins or until half-cooked. Drain. 2. Meanwhile, heat a little oil in a large non-stick frying pan. Brown the mince in 2 batches, breaking up any lumps with the back of a wooden spoon. Tip all the mince back into the pan, add the cinnamon and fry for 1 min. Pour in the tomato sauce and simmer for 5 mins. Slice the potatoes as thinly as you can without breaking the slices. 3. Layer the mince and potatoes in a 1.5-litre baking dish. Season each layer and finish with a layer of potatoes. Spread the cheese or white sauce on top and bake for 35 mins until golden and the potatoes are tender.
TURKEY MEATBALLS IN TOMATO & FENNEL SAUCE Ingredients 400g turkey mince 25g fresh white breadcrumbs 2 garlic cloves, crushed 2 tbsp olive oil 1 onion, chopped 1 carrot, diced 1 tsp fennel seeds 400g can chopped tomatoes
Friday, February 15, 2013
1 tbsp tomato purée 400g spaghetti, cooked, to serve
1. Put the mince in a mixing bowl with the breadcrumbs and half the garlic. Season and mix well to combine. Using your hands, shape the mixture into 12 balls, then chill for 10 mins. 2. Meanwhile, heat 1 tbsp oil in a pan. Add the onion, carrot and remaining garlic. Cook for 5-6 mins until softened. Add the fennel seeds and cook for a few secs. Tip in the tomatoes with half a can of water, then stir in the tomato purée. Season and simmer for 15 mins until thickened. Using an electric hand blender, whizz until roughly smooth. 3. Meanwhile, heat the remaining oil in a non-stick frying pan and fry the meatballs for 8-10 mins until cooked through. Transfer to the sauce and simmer until piping hot. Serve with spaghetti.
PESTO CHICKEN KEBABS WITH ROASTED VEG PASTA Ingredients 1 butternut squash, around 700g/1lb 9oz, halved 2 courgettes, cubed 1 onion, chopped 2 red peppers, deseeded and cut into 2cm/1in pieces 4 thyme sprigs, leaves removed 4 tbsp olive oil 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into 2cm/1in pieces juice 1 and a 1/2 lemons 4 tbsp pesto 16 cherry tomatoes
600g penne pasta
1. Heat oven to 200C/fan 180C/ gas 6. Put the vegetables into a large roasting tin. Scatter with the thyme and season. Drizzle with 2 tbsp olive oil and roast for 40 mins, turning halfway. 2. Meanwhile, soak 8 wooden skewers. Put the chicken into a shallow dish, then mix with the lemon juice and pesto. 3. Thread the chicken and tomatoes onto the skewers, then put onto a roasting tray. Drizzle with the rest of the olive oil and roast for 20 mins, turning once, until the chicken is cooked through. Boil the pasta. Toss half of the roasted vegetables and pasta together, then serve with the pesto chicken kebabs.
EASY FISH PIE Ingredients 1kg Maris Piper potatoes, peeled and halved knob of butter splash of milk 25g butter 25g flour 4 spring onions, finely sliced 400ml milk 1 x pack fish pie mix (cod, salmon, smoked haddock etc, weight around 320g-400g depending on pack size) 1 tsp Dijon or English mustard ½ a 25g pack or a small bunch chives, finely snipped handful frozen sweetcorn handful frozen petits pois handful grated cheddar
Method 1. Preheat the oven to 200C/ 180 fan/ gas mark 6. Put the potatoes in a saucepan and pour over enough water to cover them. Bring to the boil and then simmer until tender. When cooked, drain thoroughly and mash with a splash of milk and some butter. Season with ground black pepper. 2. Meanwhile, put the butter, flour and spring onions in another pan and heat gently until the butter has melted, stirring regularly. Cook for 1 -2 mins. Gradually whisk in the milk using a balloon whisk if you have one. Bring to the boil, stirring to avoid any lumps and sticking at the bottom of the pan. Cook for 3 - 4 minutes until thickened. 3. Take off the heat and stir in fish, mustard, chives, sweetcorn and peas. Spoon into an ovenproof dish, or 6- 8 ramekins for make-ahead toddler meals. 4. Spoon the potato on top and sprinkle with cheddar cheese. You can allow to cool, cover and freeze at this point or pop in the oven for 20 - 25 mins until golden and bubbling at the edges. 5. If you have frozen the pie or pies, defrost them thoroughly. You can do this in the fridge overnight if you like. Preheat the oven to 200C/ 180 fan/ gas mark 6, uncover the pie and cook
Continued on Page 18
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for around 40 minutes until golden and bubbling.
FOR THE SCONE BASE 250g plain flour 1 tsp salt 2 tsp baking powder 50g butter, chopped 2 eggs 3 tbsp milk FOR THE CHEESY TOPPING 1 tbsp olive oil 1 green pepper, quartered, deseeded and thinly sliced 4 rashers streaky bacon, chopped 5 spring onions, thinly sliced (the white and green parts) 2 tbsp tomato ketchup mixed with 2 tbsp tomato purée about 6-8 cherry tomatoes , halved 85g mature cheddar, grated
toes, followed by the cheese. Bake for 15 mins until golden. Serve with a salad or coleslaw.
1¼kg lean beef mince 1 onion, finely chopped 140g breadcrumbs 100g mature cheddar, grated small bunch parsley, chopped 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce 1 egg, lightly beaten with a fork 1 tsp mild chilli powder 2½kg bag of potatoes, cut into chunky chips 3 tbsp plain flour 10 tsp olive or sunflower oil burger buns, lettuce, sliced red onion, tomatoes, gherkins, and sauces or relishes, to serve
1. Heat oven to 220C/fan 200C/gas 7. Mix the flour, salt and baking powder in a bowl, then rub in the butter until it disappears. Mix the eggs and milk together, then stir into the dry ingredients to make a soft dough. Shape into a round on a lightly floured surface, lift onto a non-stick baking tray, then press out to a circle about 24cm across to make the pizza base. 2. Heat the oil in a frying pan, then stir-fry the pepper and bacon until the pepper is soft. Take off the heat, then stir in the spring onion. 3. Spread the ketchup over the pizza base, then evenly tip over the pepper and bacon mixture. Scatter over the toma-
1. Tip the mince into a large bowl with the onion, breadcrumbs, cheese, parsley, Worcestershire sauce, egg, chilli powder, ½ tsp salt and some pepper. Mix together well with your hands, then divide the mixture into 10 and shape into burgers. 2. Bring 2 large saucepans of water to the boil (or prepare the chips in batches if you don't have enough big pans). Add the chips, bring the water back to the boil and set your timer for 3 mins. After 3 mins, drain the potatoes well and tip onto one or two large kitchen-papercovered trays. Scatter with the flour and some seasoning and gently toss to coat.
3. Freeze the burgers and chips (see freezing tips, below) or, to cook straight away, heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. In a baking tray, toss the chips in a little oil, then roast for 35-40 mins until crisp and golden. Meanwhile, heat a griddle pan, grill or barbecue until hot, then cook the burgers for about 58 mins on each side, or until cooked to your liking. Sandwich the burgers in toasted buns with salad and sauces, then serve with the chips.
TURKEY AND PEPPER PITTAS Ingredients 1 tbsp olive oil 200g turkey breast steaks, cut into strips pinch chilli flakes 1 red and 1 yellow pepper, deseeded and cut into strips 3 spring onions, trimmed and sliced 1 avocado, stoned, peeled and sliced handful coriander leaves 2 wholemeal pitta breads, toasted and halved to form pockets 2 tbsp soured cream
1. Heat the oil in a wok or large frying pan and fry the turkey and chilli flakes for 5-6 mins. Add the peppers and spring onions and stir-fry until the turkey is cooked but the peppers still have crunch. Season. 2. Divide the avocado and coriander between the pitta halves, then spoon in the turkey and pepper mix. Add a dollop of soured cream to each and serve straight away.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Friday, February 15, 2013
I’m a man in Tips if You're Going for Blonde a booby trap! This week we will deal with another of the questions that comes up more often than you might think. Summer seems a long way away but some people are already dreading it! How strange you might think, isn’t that why we live in Spain? I am a middle aged married man who dreads summer because of my man boobs (moobs) I think they are called. I have had them since I was a teenager and although I am only a tiny bit overweight they are huge. I am embarrassed to wear T shirts and never go to the beach as this would require me to remove my top. Is there anything that you can suggest as even when I lost a couple of kilos they didn’t go any smaller? Over the years we have worked in our clinic in Spain we have dealt with several men for whom this was a problem. Male breast tissue can be very obvious and more so if you are carrying a little extra weight. It can also be influenced by certain hormone treatments given for medical problems.
The only way this excess tissue can be removed is surgically. The most usual way is to perform liposuction and remove most of the fat tissue. This is a simple procedure done under local anesthetic and sedation and takes only an hour to do. Patients are admitted to the clinic as a day case and go home the same night therefore no overnight stay. Afterwards it is important to wear the compression band that is applied immediately after the operation as this allows the skin to retract properly and the results are excellent. The liposuction is performed through the tiniest of incisions and needs only one or two tiny stitches that are removed after one week. We normally suggest that the best time to have the procedure is in the cooler months and give the tissues time to settle before the weather gets very hot. If you would like to know more about this procedure email us at info@medaestheticsacademy.com for our information sheet or call to book in with our surgeon for a confidential free of charge consultation.
It's no secret that blondes have more fun. Although brunettes are beautiful too, blonde hair stands out more and therefore gets you noticed. If you've never gone blonde before, but are dyeing to try it out, here are some tips to help you on your way to blonde, beautiful hair.
whole head at once. Bleaching damages your hair, therefore it makes more sense to change your colour slowly, which will help you avoid damaging.
Don't expect miracles
Know the score
Before you go over to the light side, it is important to realize that changing your hair colour from dark to blonde will involve the use of chemicals that contain bleach and other harmful substances. For this reason it is vitally important to [Blond] care for your new blonde locks by doing an intense colour treatment straight after your colour and continue to use hair repairing shampoos, conditioners and masques afterwards too.
Choosing your colour
Now that that's out of the way, make sure you know
what colour you want. Try on different wigs until you find a shade of blonde you like. That platinum blonde shade may look stunning on Gwen Stefani, but may not be quite the same on you.
Be patient
If your hair is dark, and you are going light, be prepared to allow this process to gradually happen. It is better to highlight your hair in multiple treatments to achieve your desired shade rather than to just bleach the
If you hair is very dark, and you've decided to go platinum blonde, don't expect the outcome to be as you imagined. Many hair dressers will tell you that the optimal shade to go is two to three shades lighter than your natural hair colour. While you could go platinum, it will be very difficult to maintain, because as soon as your hair starts growing you will get those unsightly dark roots.
Go for highlights
As mentioned above, it's better to highlight your hair gradually than to do a full head of colour at once. The nice thing about highlights is that you can opt for two, or even three different shades to give your hair a nice, textured effect.
Prostate Gland – Disorders, PSA and Management The prostate gland is a male organ, essential for the production of semen and ejaculation. In the adult male, it is the size and shape of a walnut, and is located just below the urinary bladder. The prostate grows very little from birth until puberty when it undergoes a growth spurt, doubling its size. In some men the prostate never increases in size again. There are four main problems that can affect the
DR MACHI MANNU’S ADVICE CLINIC Email your questions and comments to machimannu@gmail.com
prostate gland – Prostatitis, Prostatodynia, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) and Prostate Cancer. Prostatitis is the inflammation of the prostate gland, and can occur on its own or caused by bacteria. It can cause fever, pain in the scrotum and on ejaculation, as well as a watery discharge
from the penis. Prostatodynia literally means prostate pain, and can occur with no obvious cause. BPH occurs after the age of 45, and is thought to develop when the male hormone, testosterone is converted to a more powerful form, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which in turn triggers
the prostate to produce more cells and enlarge. The result is that the urethra, which runs through the penis and carries urine out, is squeezed, causing interference in urine flow. The symptoms of BPH include; Straining or difficulty when starting to pass water, weak urinary stream that may start and stop mid-flow, having to rush to the toilet, passing urine more often than normal, dribbling of urine, and a feeling of not emptying the bladder fully. Prostate cancer is the most serious of prostate disorders, and the most commonly diagnosed male cancer. However only about 10% of those diagnosed will develop any significant prostate symptom, and less than 3% of those diagnosed will succumb to it. The cause is unknown, but several studies have shown that the risk of prostate cancer rises with increasing body weight. There are few symptoms of early prostate cancer as 90% of tumours arise on the outside of the gland and do
not interfere with urinary flow. When symptoms occur, they are similar to those of BPH. In general, men over the age of 50 are advised to go for a PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) screening test, and if the reading is high, may opt for a biopsy. However according to experts, PSA is a flawed test for Prostate Cancer, and screens more for BPH. Furthermore, a number of other factors can increase PSA value such as prostate infection, recent ejaculation, and even bicycle riding. The scientist who invented PSA screening test, Professor Richard Ablin, has called the screening test a ‘Public Health Disaster’. According to him, ‘PSA test cannot detect prostate cancer, and more important, it cannot distinguish between the two types of prostate cancer – the one that will kill you and the one that won’t’. He says that the screening test has a place after the treatment of prostate cancer when a rising value indicates the return of the disease. The advice from experts is never to take any action based on one abnormal PSA reading.
Several natural and dietary changes can help maintain prostate health, reduce the risk of prostate symptoms and also treat prostate disorders when diagnosed. Men who eat a lot of fish have been reported to have a low risk of prostate cancer due to the high omega-3 content. Taking Omega-3 supplements is equally helpful. Cruciferous vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower contain anti-cancer compounds, and may protect against prostate cancer. Eating a diet high in fibre will bind male hormones in the gut, reducing their reabsorption and preventing prostate enlargement. Tomatoes contain lycopene and other carotenoids that protect against prostate cancer. Saw palmetto, pumpkin seed extracts, zinc, and several amino acids and vitamins help maintain the health of the prostate. These nutrients and herbs are available as a special formulation called Euro-Pro from Douglas laboratories. For more information call 965071745 For A Full Body Diagnostic Scan, Contact Dr Mannu
Friday, February 15, 2013
Relief from polymyalgia – without steroids Q
I was diagnosed with polymyalgia ten years ago and was put on steroids for 3yrs and then gradually reduced off them. I am now in a lot of discomfort but do not wish go back ion to steroids. Can you help with another remedy?
Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) literally means ‘many aching muscles’ in Greek. It is an inflammatory condition, causing pain and stiffness in the neck, shoulders, arms and buttocks. There may be weight loss, lethargy and depression. It typically occurs after the age of 50 and women are more likely to be affected than men. PMR is recognised as an autoimmune disease, with the body attacking its own immune system. When symptoms first appear, they are similar to other anti-inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or fibromyalgia. The onset of pain may be abrupt or may gradually increase in intensity over a few weeks. Although the cause of PMR is unknown, a number of factors are known to be associated with the disorder. Viruses, such as those that cause respiratory infections have been implicated in PMR. What is not clear is whether the viruses are as a result of the lowered immune response or a cause of it. Food sensitivities have also been implicated in PMR. It is a good thing you’ve stopped taking the steroids you were prescribed. They are associated with a number of severe side effects such as depression of
the immune system, high blood pressure, weight gain, osteoporosis and infections. There are a number of natural supplements, herbal extracts and other formulations that have equally strong anti-inflammatory properties without the side effects of steroids. Omega-3 fatty acids have strong anti-inflammatory properties and can reduce generalized inflammation in the body over a few months. It is important to take an appropriate dose. Bromelain is a combination of enzymes from pineapple, known to support healthy inflammatory responses. Bromelain prevents the absorption from the intestines of antigens that may trigger an inflammatory reaction from the body. It also helps break down injury causing protein complexes in the intestines. Methyl-Sulfonyl-Methane (MSM) is the natural form of sulphur in the body, and as a supplement is used to provide pain relief and reduce inflammation in disorders such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, back pain and allergies. Sulphur is a main component of proteins, and plays a vital role in the maintenance and repair of muscles and connective tissues. It is also involved in the proper functioning of the immune system. Resvera-Gold is a combination of standardized herbal extracts known to have strong anti-inflammatory effects. These extracts include Resveratrol, Tetrahydrocurcuminoids (turmeric), Quercetin, Green Tea, and Boswellia (Frankincense). Resveratrol is a constituent of Red wine and has been studied extensive-
ly with results showing numerous health benefits, including its ability to reduce the production of inflammation causing chemicals in the body. Quercetin is a type of bioflavonoid. And bioflavonoids are nutrients derived from many plants such as citrus fruits. Bioflavonoids such as quercetin, inhibit the production of pro-inflammatory agents, and are used to treat many types of antiinflammatory and autoimmune disorders. Boswellia has a long history of use as a potent anti-inflammatory agent. A friend recommended Carnitine for me, can you tell me more about it please.
L-Carnitine is regarding as a non-essential amino acid, which means that it can be made in the body by the liver. However several nutrients such as vitamins B3, B6, C
and Iron are also required for its production. Good food sources of l-carnitine are red meat especially lamb and beef, and avocado. Its most important role is in the regulation of fat metabolism. It helps transport fat into cells that burn them as an energy source. When more l-carnitine is available, more fat is burned for fuel-especially in heart muscle cells. L-Carnitine also helps break down proteins for the production of energy when other energy sources are in short supply. By helping the body break down fat stores and boosting the production of energy, l-carnitine plays a useful role in weight loss. L-Carnitine also increases the levels of ‘good cholesterol’ (High Density Lipoprotein), while lowering the levels of overall cholesterol and triglycerides. By so doing, it plays a role in preventing cardiovascular problems such as atherosclerosis, poor circulation and coronary heart disease. Carnitine has also been shown to improve the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy such as pins and needles, pain, burning sensations and numbness. It appears to promote the regeneration of nerves as well as reducing pain sensation. By producing energy, it helps relieve fatigue in fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. It is popular among athletes as it increases the efficiency of muscle contraction during intensive exercise. Clinical studies have shown that it significantly increases total sperm count and increases response to sildenafil (Viagra) in diabetic men who have not responded to the drug on its own.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Bluemoon Solutions www.bluemoonsolutions.es
BlueMoon Solutions is the computer and IT services company on the Costa Blanca, they provide quality computer services at realistic prices and specialise in working with home users and small businesses.
Richard moved to Spain seven years ago having left his management background behind in the UK and decided to use his IT skills to help home users and small businesses with their PC problems. Now a relaxed 'computer man' he is out and about in the Spanish sun every day, making house and shop calls and using his vast experience and qualifications to (usually) sort out the problem there and then. Computers are his hobby as well as his work so don’t be surprised to get an answer to your email in the early hours!
ADVICE: Derek was having problems removing the ADVICE: Dennis wanted to know whether there was any Searchamong.com browser hijacker way to control the amount of spam he was receiving.
Hi Richard I wonder if you can help me please I have got lumbered with the virus/malware SEARCHAMONG.COM and I just can’t get rid of it I have googled it and the answers given state to go in to control panel and uninstall from programs done and also remove from web browsers and reset defaults etc. all done. Avast scan done also full scans of super antispyware and malware bytes all have found nothing but it’s still there when I open up Google chrome to go on to the Internet. I am running windows 7 and my wife is running XP with the same problem we believe it came in on a video link attachment sent on Hotmail. I am sorry that I didn’t get a chance to speak to you after your presentation at the ARPO meeting but I had to go as I had a plumber coming to see me. It was a very interesting talk. Derek
Hi Derek, apologies for the delay in replying, it’s by far our busiest time at the moment! Of course, due to their very nature to infect your computer and either attempt to cause chaos or steal valuable information viruses are indeed difficult to remove. Your particular virus is a “browser hijacker” and certainly appears after installing some unknown video players so that fits with your description. There are a number of websites that describe the process to follow to attempt to remove it from your system and I wouldn’t necessarily say that any one site is better than another, they all describe the processes that a professional would take to attempt to remove the virus. I suspect that your antivirus software is not picking it up because browser hijackers are not really regarded as viruses (the strict definition does get complicated so it’s not worth going into here). What I can suggest is that you arrange to get your local computer professional to have a look at it or pop it along to our market shop on the Moncayo market any Saturday between 9 and 2 and I can take a look, you can find more details here… http://www.bluemoonsolutions.es/tech-shop
Hi my name is Dennis and I have a problem with spam mail I get e-mails from people selling drugs, handbags, watches etc. and I would like them to stop but they don’t have an unsubscribe link - have you any ideas that I might use to stop them from coming to me. Thank you, Dennis
Hi Dennis, it’s part of modern life I’m afraid, we all get spam, even though it’s against the law to send unsolicited email without an unsubscribe link, it still happens. You can mark the email as spam in your email client and that will result in that email address being automatically marked as spam and it will also send a complaint back to the sender of the spam email (i.e. Movistar for example, if it was sent from one of their accounts) and eventually that address will be blocked if enough people mark it as spam. If you download your email to an email client (Outlook Express, Windows Live Mail, Thunderbird etc.) rather than checking your email online then there are some additional tools that are available with this type of email receipt to help with controlling spam, like MailWasher for example.
ADVICE: Chris was having problems with her screen rotating!
Hi Richard, one little problem, I was using my lap top and I have hit a key by mistake that has turned my screen sideways, would you be able to tell me how to correct it. Hi Chris, try holding down the CTRL and the ALT keys at the same time and then press the arrow keys on the keyboard, you will notice that your display should change with each press of the arrow key.
Update: Thanks for the information, it worked, you’re a star
Don’t forget you can follow me on twitter @bluemoonspain Alternately why don’t you sign up for my newsletter. You can do this by going to:www.bluemoonsolutions.es and fill in the form that is on any page except the front page.
ADVICE: Alan was having problems with junk email in Hotmail.
Hi, my problem is junk emails I am getting an average of 25 per day. They all go into junk folder which I then use sweep on Hotmail to block further mail from these people but following day they all come back but with different sender address. Help please.
Hi Alan, spam is something that we all have to deal with, usually on a daily basis and although you seem to be receiving more than some there is nothing practical that you can do about it other than changing the settings available in the "preventing junk mail" section in your set up. In order to access these settings, log onto your account at www.outlook.com (best to use this now as you will be forced to move over to it soon enough along with all the other Hotmail users. Once logged on you should click the "cog" icon in the top right hand portion of the screen and then select an option under the junk mail section. Of course you always have the extreme option of changing your email account, however over time you will tend to receive more and more junk email so this is not really a long term solution.
office@bluemoonsolutions.es www.bluemoonsolutions.es Mobile: 655 044 970
Office: 902 906 200
Friday, February 15, 2013
DESPICABLE, deceitful, downright dishonest - just some 'Ds' to sum up the practice of palming people off with horsemeat in products they thought contained beef raises many questions, among which are - how long has this been going on without discovery? What other food will not be what we expect from the label? What else will be discovered in food which we knew nothing about - and how much is actually harmful to public health? Here is yet another example of private enterprise at its very worst. Because, undoubtedly, swapping beef for horsemeat has profit motive as its root cause. Using beef in processed foods is far more expensive than using horsemeat (and other meats for that matter) so it's pretty obvious that fraud was the motive. But every consumer is to blame too, because we are all looking for bargains at the checkouts and supermarkets are constantly trying to cut costs to keep prices down. So there is always a risk that in the never-ending pursuit of profits and maintaining a price edge over the competition, inferior products will be used. And supermarkets have a real problem because there must be a trust between them and food suppliers that what is written on the packet is what's inside. Each supermarket up and down the country cannot be expected to carry out DNA tests on all the products they sell. What I find annoying is that these food products came from the continent. A good few French are probably laughing at how the wool was pulled over the eyes of the British and how they had us eating horsemeat for years thinking it was prime beef. Back to seriousness; here's how the food chain apparently worked. A Swedish brand Findus, supplying British supermarkets, employed a French company, Comigel, to make its ready meals. To get meat for its factory in Luxembourg, Comigel called on the services of another French firm. Spanghero. This company in turn used an agent in Cyprus, who in turn used an agent in the Netherlands, who placed the order at an abattoir in Romania. In Romania there's a new law trying to remove horses as a means of transport, so many animals are going for slaughter causing a glut of horsemeat, which is obviously very cheap. This sorry tale is another sad example of the crazy world we are living in where food we eat has to travel hundreds if not thousands of miles between rearing and consumption. British farmers are more than capable of producing vast amounts of food and could provide a lot more if it was not constantly having EU pains in the neck, politicians, environmentalists, animal lovers and crackpots on their case 24/7. Later this week horsemeat allegedly turned up in an abatoir and food processing plant in the UK, and the Environmental Agency had a much easier time tracing that food chain. A straightforward food clain from British fields to British supermarkets, makes lot of the problems disappear. But just as important is that private enterprise and big business must learn to be honest. There's so much dishonestly or deviousness in business today. The crass dishonesty of the banking industry is a prime example. So is the food industry which fights tooth and nail against making content labelling as transparent as possible, and multi-nationals doing all they can to avoid tax.
These are the obvious examples, not to mention all the rogue builders and dodgy car mechanics and the insurance industry which wriggles out of claims via small print. And, on the subject of the big companies trying to avoid corporation tax in the countries in which they operate, I cannot think of anything worse than a company deliberately
avoiding paying tax in a third world country which desperately needs all the revenue it can muster. Will the day come when we have absolute honesty in business and in public life? I doubt it, but what a goal to aim for. Talking of honesty in public life, there's not much of it going on in British town halls nowadays. They have been asked by government to pull their horns in and spend less, but are they? Are they hell! Listen to any Labour-controlled council and you would think they haven't a penny left to spend on anything. But the truth is that councils in Britain are spending more than ever before. How are they doing it? By stealth. In the past six years, despite the recession, council spending in England alone has risen by more than 25 per cent to an all-time record of more than £170 billion. Local government really is big business, the biggest growth 'industry' in Britain today. Businesses and the public are being bled dry with ever increasing bureaucracy. Here are just a few of the ploys councils use to grab more income, which is now almost as much as raised by council tax. * Wardens issuing £75 tickets for dropping litter. Council fines for dropping litter have, in recent years, risen 90-fold - or a jaw-dropping 9,000% increase. * In Bristol, in three years, the city council has made £1.5 million from catching motorists straying into bus lanes. In Edinburgh, under a new council scheme enforced by a team of 12 'environmental wardens', householders have been warned that if they continue to put out bags of rubbish next to their approved bins, they face on-the-spot fines of £50. Westminster council spent £825,000 upgrading CCTV in
the hope of raising £40m a year in fines. On and off-street car parking now nets a staggering £1.3 billion a year for councils just in England. Big pop festivals such as Glastonbury or Reading must pay £64,000 for a council licence. Much of the £1.2 billion given to councils in England by central government for road maintenance and filling in potholes is now being illegally diverted to swell general council revenues. Planning is a big money earner. Even applying for a garden shed or a loft conversion now costs a minimum of £185, while for larger applications, such as for a housing estate, councils can charge up to £250,000. The total sum planning applications raise for councils in England alone is more than £200m. Councils have come up with all manner of ways to raise money by licencing - from traders for placing sale items on pavements, for car boot sales, running riding stables or even establishing a sex shop. And they are putting up advertising hoardings everywhere, charging big bucks for the privilege of placing an ad there. Put these and countless similar instances together and you arrive at one of the most extraordinary government cash-generating operations in British political history. Councils are fast becoming a huge burden on British life. They attract the worst of busy-bodies into their ranks to sit as councillors who delight in dreaming up all sorts of ways to spend other people's money. It's vital that central government drastically clips the wings of these spend, spend councils and ends the huge burden they are inflicting on council taxpayers and those forced to pay their ever more extortionate charges. Local government is fast becoming a curse on society. The danger of having a pet dog anywhere near a newborn baby is well documented, following many tragedies. But who would imagine an urban fox would get into a house and begin to eat a four-week-old baby? But that's just what happened last week in south London. Thankfully the fox did not go for the windpipe to kill the baby first before having its meal it simply began chewing the baby's fingers. These animals are vermin and quite capable of spreading diseases, and wherever possible should be culled. Unfortunately there are the foolish who think they are nice cuddly animals, who feed them, encouraging more, just like soppy people (mainly Brits) who feed feral cats here in Spain. The urban fox is also surviving very well because people are so filthy and will not properly dispose of unwanted fast food. Fox numbers are on the rise after the ban on foxhunting, and it means more problems for farmers losing their newlyborn lambs and chicken to the pests. It's about time that the British stop dreaming up laws with their emotions at full throttle, and instead, start acting with some hard-headed common sense.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Focus on
De Toppers is tops for a Dutch treat NEW
Bar/Restaurant on January 1 this year - after seven months working in the restaurant. Since then she has worked extremely hard to make it the successful business it is today, providing a quality service enjoyed by locals and holidaymakers alike. Sylvia’s speciality Dish of the Day is her famous Chicken Satay and French Fries, priced at only €6.75. Many other typical Dutch dishes are also available on a daily basis. De Toppers is taking part in the Benijofar Tapas Wheel Run on October 12/13/14, when a small beer and tapas will cost just €1.80.
Bar and Brunch, Benimar! Situated in Benimar, The So Bar is a contemporary, fully airconditioned bar; with a sun terrace overlooking the beautiful Canada Marsa Park. They have a wide selection of freshly baked wholemeal breads, paninis and ciabattas available. The all day breakfast can be enjoyed when you start the day, or anytime that hunger sets in! The So Bar offers a selection of international delicacies, such as Spicy Chicken or Lamb Koftee Kebabs, served with chunky chips or why not try out the generous Tai Fish Platter. The So Bar is currently treating diners to a special ‘Credit Crunch Meal Deal’, when they can choose from a selection of main meals and deserts for a euro stretching £5.50. On Tuesday evening at 7pm it’s eyes down for ‘Rock n Roll Bingo’- this is not Bingo as you know it, as all the numbers are replaced with your favourite songs. The So Bar is also available for private functions! For more information Tel: 966 189 503
A Citroen service that’s pure silver BENIJOFAR’S official Citroen dealer will this year celebrate 25 years of continued service to thousands of clients on the Costa Blanca. With an outstanding reputation for the best customer service, the highly-recommended company is always ready to take care of your motoring needs. From an engine service to a professional body and paint job, you can trust us with what we do best! "DONT FORGET PLAN PIVE CONTINUES WITH LOTS OF DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE FROM THE GOVERNMENT !!!! THATS RIGHT... NOW UP TO 5900€ FOR YOUR OLD CAR OVER TEN YEARS OLD !!!! "* *CONDITIONES APPLY
Ensure you insure with Jennifer Cunningham! STAFF at Jennifer Cunningham are much more than a voice on the phone. With all the worry and concerns about the banks in Spain, why not pop into our Benijofar office (near the Church) and ask for an insurance quote from one of the world’s largest Insurance Companies, Liberty Seguros (part of Liberty Mutual Group). At the same time, if you discover you have no health cover, we can offer special terms and prices on both Health and Funeral Plans. So come along to the office and discover what excellent policies and prices are available. We are open 9am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday Tel: 966 724 734
A taste of Italy in benijofar Enrico, owner of the new Sinfonia De Roma Restaurant in Benijofar opened his doors 3 months ago. Enrico has been in the family restaurant business for many years and is very customer focussed. Live Entertainment is available every week-end, with music to make you dance until you drop. Bookings for private functions are welcome with prices negotiable for large parties of people. The restaurant is very nicely furnished with an Italian theme that makes you feel like you are sitting in a restaurant in the streets of Rome. So for those of you who would like to enjoy a typical Italian style evening out in a relaxed friendly atmosphere, the new Sinfonia de Roma Italian Restaurant in Benijofar is well worth a visit. For reservations Tel: 966 111 453
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Friday, February 15, 2013
Insurance... what is it? IN simple terms insurance allows someone who suffers a loss or accident to be compensated for the effect of their misfortune. It lets you protect yourself against everyday risks to your health, home and financial situation. Do you need it - legally yes for some items like car insurance, but for others products like home and life insurance, travel and pet insurance or even the subject none of us like to talk about, funeral insurance we would like to think that the answer is yes, but its finding the right product, with the
right price and the right level of service which is where right move insurance can help. At right move insurance our approach is all about flexibility and we are passionate about making our products suit our clients’ needs and not the other way around. Our dedicated, personal service is combined with an easily accessible website, support via the phone, email or in person. The difference is in the detail. Our organisation is focused on the delivery of excellent service to clients, and by working with premier providers of insur-
ance products we would like to believe that we offer a service to the expat community in Spain which stands heads above everything else you would have experienced up to now. At right move insurance we can offer you excellent rates for cover on: • Car Insurance (English & Spanish Plates) • Motorbike and Quad Bikes • Home Insurance • Travel • Marine Insurance • Pets & Dangerous Dogs Insurances • Business & Community Insurance • Health & Dental Insurance • Life Cover and Pension Plans • Funeral Insurance For us, it's about going the extra mile. As part of our service we will also come to you, whether it is at home or work to organise a quotation or hand delivery of your insurance documents. We are authorised and regulated by the Direccion General de Seguros and are happy to put you in touch with existing clients for testimonials. We are also looking for business affiliates, so if you’re an estate agent, lawyer or a business looking for an additional income stream, we would love to talk to you.
Make The Property Shop Your First Stop!
The Property Shop, Spain, is an independent, family run Estate Agent, specialising in Property in Ciudad Quesada. The company extends a professional, honest service, where solid relationships are forged with clients to ensure that they receive the best possible attention throughout the sales process. Their vision is not only in selling a property, but to pair a particular buyer with the perfect property to meet their needs, and thus ensuring that they remain content long into the future. In this sense, the bilingual sales team do not put pressure on clients to make a decision, but rather provide them with all of the information and unbiased advice required, allowing them to make an informed decision which is right for them. The Property Shop supports clients through each phase in the purchasing process, from locating the ideal property,
through to assisting them with all legal, banking, financing and translation needs. They extend an extensive portfolio of new and resale properties, as well as commercial premises, which are located right along the Coast Blanca and inland. Plus, their current house prices start from under 40,000 euros, making now the perfect time to make that move! A comprehensive property management and rental service is also available, which is perfect for those who use their Spanish property as a second home or investment and wish to receive a regular income without the hassle of liaising with tenants themselves. With all of this at your finger tips, you are guaranteed a seamless sales process with The Property Shop. So give them a call today on Quesada Office: 966 718 836 / El Raso Office: 965 501 006
Friday, February 15, 2013
Friday, February 15, 2013
POSITIVE SIGNS FOR THE PROPERTY MARKET Things are on the up for the Spanish property market, with sales figures in tourist spots like the Costa Blanca being particularly positive. The latest figures have revealed that the Spanish property market is on an upward curve once again, with foreign investors continuing to show an interest and providing a much-needed boost to the sector. Between January and September 2012, sales figures for resale property in the Costa Blanca came top out of all of the country’s designated tourist resorts. In Alicante Province a total of 2,501 sales were made to foreign buyers, with this trend continuing during the opening weeks of 2013. This is almost double the number of sales that were made by its closest competitor, Málaga, where 1,111 properties were sold to foreigners.
SALES During the first nine months of last year, 225,297 property transactions were made in Spain, resulting in a drop of 6.8% during the same period the previous year. However, in spite of the global deficit, when broken down into regions, figures relating to the sale of coastal apartments in Valencia actually rose by 8%, with the bulk of these being completed in Torrevieja and Orihuela Costa. Statistics released by the Ministry of Development and the Asociación de Promotores y Constructores de Torrevieja y Comarca (Procosta) at the start of this year, highlight a total of 2,824 contracts being exchanged for resale properties, of which 1,705 were in Torrevieja and 1,119 in Orihuela Costa. During the second quarter of 2012, 860 resale properties changed hands in Torrevieja, dropping only marginally in the third quarter, to
attracting buyers to the Costa Blanca, especially those from colder parts of Europe. The largest foreign investment markets are currently Scandinavia and Russia, with as many as 14,300 Russian people now registered as living in the Province. During the first half of 2012, 849 properties had been sold to Russian investors, representing 20% of the total investment by foreigners for the Valencian Community. They are also the group that is tending to go for the larger, more expensive properties, with the average spend pegged at around 202,000 euros. This could be partly due to the Spanish Government’s pledge to grant temporary residency to Russian investors who buy Spanish homes with a value in excess of 160,000 euros. 845. The neighbouring town of Los Montesinos registered the sale of 17 second hand properties in the second quarter, dropping to 14 in the third; and San Miguel registered 36 resales in the second quarter, rising to 57 in the third. In Orihuela, which also take in the coast, 655 resale homes were sold in the second quarter, dropping to 539 in the third. Meanwhile, figures relating to the sale of new properties tell a very different story, with Torrevieja attracting only 58 new build buyers in the second quarter of 2012, and another 118 in the third. This was well behind Orihuela and Costas, where 133 new homes were snapped up in the second quarter, rising to 299 in the third, but still far short of the resale market.
This is of course only a fraction of the sales figures recorded prior to the economic crisis, when literally thousands of properties were being sold every month. However, it is certainly a step in the right direction. Procosta suggests that it is the beautiful beaches and amenable climate which keeps
MARKETING All of this, along with the effective marketing campaign developed by Property Plus, has been great news for the Estate Agents featured here. Each of the companies that advertised in the first edition of this supplement has been delighted with the end product, confirming that we have helped to deliver prospective buyers to their doorstep and restore faith in the property market. Property Plus aims to unite reputable Agents operating on the Coast and present them to our readers, who in-turn are the first to hear about the most attractive deals available each month. If you own a property related business, and also want to take advantage of the effective marketing techniques demonstrated in Property Plus, please telephone Janine McKenzie on 616 332 178. She can advise you on how to get the best results and market your properties through the pages of the area’s favourite newspaper; and online at www.thecourier.es and www.propertyplus.es.
Friday, February 15, 2013
SOME SIMPLE STEPS TO A SMARTER PURCHASE Simple by name but not necessarily by nature, many foreign buyers get confused over what is actually meant when vendors and solicitors refer to the “Nota Simple”. Many foreign buyers who choose to invest in Spain, go ahead under the illusion that the process will be much the same as in their home country. WRONG! Spain has its own set of procedures and legal formalities, which can sound quite alien, even to people who are used to working within the property sector. The confusion is increased by the fact that buyers receive such conflicting information from different sources. The Town Hall may tell you something slightly different from what the bank has said, and then Barbara who lives at number 32 gives you a different story entirely! So where do you go if you are looking for totally reliable and unbiased advice?
ON-LINE CHECK One of the main barriers that foreign investors have confronted in the past is obtaining valid searches of property or land, to ascertain whether they are fully legal: meaning that they have no outstanding debts held against them and with all of the correct planning permission in place. This check is known as a “Nota Simple” or “Land Registry Extract”. The good news is that unlike five years ago, information from Land Registry is now more readily available in English and other languages, allowing potential buyers to personally conduct a background check on any property that they are interested in, prior to making any financial commitment. The Public Law Corporation of Land and Mercantile Registrars of Spain has launched an informative interactive website https://buyingahouse.registradores.org/ where property seekers can submit an on –line enquiry relating to any property in the country. The website displays a homepage with instructions given in English, explaining how to apply for a “Nota Simple” and also includes an example detailing what it actually means. It costs 29€ plus IVA and usually takes two days to process before you receive the document.
WHAT TO LOOK FOR An official Nota Simple should include the following information: • Whether the property has any outstanding debts, such as unpaid community charges, mortgages or local property taxes. Note that in Spain, debts are attached to a property rather than a person, so any buyer may stand to inherit debts which are not theirs if they do not study the Nota Simple properly! • The full name of the current owner • Information concerning the size of the plot, built area, floors and boundary wall.
• Classification of the property/ plot (rústico, urbano, or urbanizable). This step is extremely important, particularly if you intend to build on the land, as you could face all manner of legal problems if you go ahead without reading the small print. Hundreds of people in the Valencian Community have lost their homes to demolition orders due to land not being properly classified for construction. • Find out if any other party has rights of access to the property, such as public paths, railway lines, pipes or waterways. This is again quite common of the infrastructure in the Valencian Community.
SOLICITOR As you can see, the Spanish tax and legal systems are very different from those operating in other countries, with people who own cars or property being able to pass their debts onto the next buyer. You could for example, find that your swanky new sports car comes complete with a string of unpaid speeding fines, whilst your lovely new home saddles you with spiralling council tax fines. With this is in mind, you are still firmly advised to enlist the assistance of an experienced conveyance Solicitor to walk you through the process and help to avoid any nasty surprises later on. However, all of this does show that the Spanish Government is finally recognising how difficult the house buying process has been for foreign investors in the past, and should help to avoid the kind of Land Grab horror stories which were common place a few years ago.
Friday, February 15, 2013
No Fuss Property Sales Impeccable Customer Start With Encompass Satisfaction Guaranteed Encompass Estate Agents extends a professional, no fuss route to purchasing a Spanish property. Established as Encompass International Property more than 12 years ago. The company has grown. Even during the recession. They streamlined the company name to “Encompass”. Moved into new modern premises located on the ground floor of the Citrus Commercial Centre in Playa Flamenca, and have not looked back. They use a very straight forward approach with clients. Yes sellers want the best price possible for their property. Yes buyers want the lowest best quality property they can buy. Yes “Encompass” are selling property. 24hour advertising from the office, vehicles and numerous publications around the world, getting property seen is the key. Company director David Kay takes pride in getting it right, each property is unique, each buyer is unique, paying strict attention to each individual purchase and ensuring that every property is presented in a way that promotes its most attractive and unique features. Not just the price. He is joined by a friendly, multilingual team who support clients throughout the sales process, offering guidance in all manner of issues, including obtaining a mortgage, residency, legal advice and translations. Paired hundreds of discerning buyers with their dream home.
Working hand in hand with property owners and buyers is important. Encompass boasts an impressive selection of properties, located, not only in Playa Flamenca, along the Orihuela Costa, but from Alicante, Torrevieja to Murcia. Inland Elche, Hondon, Fortuna to Pinoso. If you wish to add your property to this portfolio, listing is completely free of charge. You can list your property with as many agents as you want. Encompass want to sell your property, why not give them an opportunity? Listing and advertising is free. The expert team will take care of everything on your behalf. The most important thing is once they have devised the ideal profile for your property it is then, sent to their agents around the world, and uploaded to their dynamic website www.encompass.es where it can be viewed by potential buyers all round the world. Plus, new features of an innovative 360 degree virtual property tour, (FREE to their clients) you can view the property more closely, from the comfort of your computer! The key to gaining a quality property and attracting buyers to those properties is very simple, sensible price and good presentation. With a plethora of stunning properties currently available, and all at unbeatable prices, there has never been a better time to buy. So give Encompass a call today on 965 326 900 or email enquiries to info@encompass.es.
For Sellers wanting to sell their property: Costa Blanca Sales was established in 2001, this wealth of experience right here in the Costa Blanca South offers the seller realistic advice and expectations. Use of their languages ensure that there are no barriers between themselves and buyers and sellers as their team are fluent in Spanish, English, French and German, which attracts any nationality of buyer visiting or living in Spain. Their office is based in Campoamor next to the La Fuente Commercial Centre, which ensures a busy footfall into their premises generating enquiries for their properties all year round. Properties listed with Costa Blanca Sales can expect a pro-active approach to marketing, which includes newspaper and radio advertising locally, internet listings on all of the available portals, and their own website www.costablancasales.com. Creating worldwide, international exposure to your property. It is also in their marketing mix to attend exhibitions all over Europe including, the UK, Sweden, Belgium and Norway, taking your property on the road to a captive audience, who visit the event with the intention to buy. They also focus all their efforts on selling properties, and don't offer a rentals service or property management however they can recommend reputable companies who do offer this service. For Buyers wanting to buy property
Costa Blanca Sales have extensive knowledge and experience in and around the Costa Blanca South area, and can offer advice on all aspects of life in and around the area. When buying a property through Costa Blanca Sales, a company that you can trust, you can be rest assured that they will tend to your every need. And the buyer will not be discharged from the care of Costa Blanca Sales until the buyer is absolutely 100% happy will all aspects of their purchase! Specialising on the Costa Blanca South and Inland Properties, and with in excess of 200 properties on their books, they are well worth a visit. Their commitment to after sales service is second to none, and can assist in any area required by the purchaser including the introduction of solicitors, schools, etc etc Their properties can also be viewed on their website www.costablancasales.com They can also assist in any work that may be required on a property. From small repairs, to full refurbishments their Reforms Division are on hand to help. Of course only fully qualified tradesmen are employed by Costa Blanca Sales and any legal requirements such as Architects Permits from the Town Hall can be dealt with, all as part of the service. This is why their customer satisfaction is time and time again referred to as impeccable, and which shows in the vast amount of recommendations they receive.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Friday, February 15, 2013
Friday, February 15, 2013
Focus on
A labour of Love for prints charming
IN the seven years Karen and Norman Love have been running The Post Room Benijófar they have transformed it from a simple mail-box rental space into a village-style post office which has become the heart of the community. And that includes its dedicated passport service, dealing directly with the British Embassy in Madrid. Norman is a Consulateapproved photographer for UK & Dutch passports and also provides photos for NIE, driving licences, visas etc. Each stage of expansion has been driven by customer needs and the latest service is no exception. Found within The Post Room Benijófar, the Print Room Spain offers a wealth of printing services from basic colour printing to: business cards, flyers, leaflets, business information, brochures, menus and specialist printing processes such as car wraps and exhibition or branded merchandise. For further information visit www.printroomspain.com or email info@printroomspain.com To contact The Post Room Benijofar, call 966 712382
Feel at home with Casas Manuel THE family-run Casas Manuel was started by Linda Rodriguez-Fitz-Henry and Manuel Rodriguez (English/Spanish) 11 years ago. The rest of the team include daughters Sophie and Charlotte Rodriguez Fitz-Henry and son-in-law, Damon Haymes. Casas Manuel offer a range of services to help in the buying and selling of houses - including mortgage advice, arranging NIE numbers, help with arranging the transfer of monies from overseas, free valuation service and translations. The company currently collaborate with a continually growing network of European and Scandinavian professional estate agents in Norway, Sweden, France, Belgium, UK, Russia, Iceland, Holland, Czech Republic, Finland and Germany. Casas Manuel are a much liked and well-respected part of the local community and are sponsors of Benijófar Athletics Club and Los Bandidos Petanca Club.
Dr Madsen’s pain relief is a winner IF you suffer from Osteoarthritis in the joints, it’s well worth a visit to Dr Madsen at Benijofar Chiropractic Clinic. Over time, calcification can build around the joints, resulting in restricted movement and pain. But there’s no need to suffer. Treating the affected area with Shockwave therapy helps to disperse the calcification, leading to more movement and less pain. The area is then subjected to laser therapy, which helps to regenerate new cell growth. If you ‘d like to know more about these and other treatments available , please visit the Clinic’s website or alternatively e-mail or telephone 966 185 242
Let’s Eat at Europe’s best! Voted Best European International Restaurant 2012 in the local culinary awards, Let's Eat is one of the most popular dining spots in the area. The Head Chef has put together a well-balanced menu offering dishes to suit all tastes and can cater for all dietary requirements, as well as large groups and special occasions. The restaurant offers a warm and relaxing atmosphere and the friendly, welcoming staff will ensure you have a memorable dining experience. Let's Eat is open for lunch, 1-3pm Tuesday - Friday and 1-4.30pm Sunday and in the evenings Tuesday - Sunday from 6.30pm. for details of special events and the popular music evenings please visit their website. Due to Let’s Eat’s ever increasingly popularity bookings are strongly advised.
Friday,December February 15, Friday, 16,2013 2011
X-Factor ends with A QUICK LOOK-IN a Cherry picking! q THERE was no standing room at El Mundo’s in Benimar when the final of the ‘X’ Factor competition was staged. The four acts making it through so rightly deserved their places on this special occasion. The place was buzzing with excitement, as each of the acts performed three songs each, making a choice extremely difficult for the judges. Outright winner was
Cherry K, with runners-up in order of merit being Snowblind, Andy Jones and Ed Williams. Cherry received 500 euros and will be cutting a CD. International singing star Peter Saul was a guest judge, and was able to offer very sound, constructive advice to the finalists. The competition has been so successful, that it will be held again later this year at El Mundo’.
Ricky takes Country road back to Costas JUKEBOX Promotions’ 2013 season opens with a fabulous Country Music tour of five venues during the first days of March. Spokesman Peter Day says: “We have just returned from a ten-week tour of the UK taking in 74 shows during that time. Now, it's back to kick off the new programme for the Costas and we are very excited about the line-up of tours planned for 2013.’’ Once again, Jukebox Promotions tours will be fundraising events for Help at Home (Costa Blanca) and their new Special Needs and Respite division for children. The Country Music Tour will star Ricky Valance and feature Fiona McLean and Elvis 2000. It will give Country fans a taste of how Nashville affected the Country
music market years ago and in more recent times. After many years as a 60s star,
Valance moved into the Country music world and had some great hits internationally (including on the US Country scene via Nashville) as recently as 2001. He leaves for the UK for a large range of activities the day after completing the tour. Tickets are only 8.50€ and available at the venues, which are: Friday 1st March - Casa de Cultura Theatre, La Romana - 634349578 Saturday 2nd March - Restaurante San Miguel Cooperativa Murla, Murla, Jalon Valley - 633076588 Sunday 3rd March - The Rendezvous, Campoamor (nr La Fuente Centre) – 608467597 (Tickets for this show are 10€ and include a great buffet)
ROJALES Sandstormers Gerry Graves and Richard Colborne set off on the six-day Maroc Challenge ‘Aid Raid’on March 23 aiming to raise €2,000 for charity. A departure party for the veteran rally enthusiasts will be held at MG Wines in Benijofar three days earlier, at which their car will be on show, ready for their 4,000-mile test of endurance. Meanwhile,a race night at El Mundo de Espana in Benimar last week brought in €290 for the Emaus children's home in Elche.
50+ Solos lunch dates for March (1pm for 1.30pm): March 2 – Nando’s Restaurant near Lomos Medical Centre, Torrevieja; March 16 – Quesada Country Club. For information or to book, please contact Ruth on 966789063. No subs or fees to attend. The group normally meet on the first and third Saturday of each month. The get-togethers are open to anyone on their own aged over 50.
LEGIONNAIRES Bowls have moved their playing venue from La Siesta to St Luis Bowls Club, Casa Ventura. The Legionnaires are affiliated to the Torrevieja branch of the British Legion and will be meeting for friendly practice games every Thursday and Saturday at 1.30pm. New players are welcome, even complete novices, and do not need to be British Legion members. Further information from Harry Epsom on 966849075 or harry.epsom@gmail.com
Ladybirds soar away for Karen
THEIR faces may appear familiar to readers, that is because they were founder members of the Pink Ladies and their photographs have been in the local press on many occasions. As a group they worked together for two and a half years raising over €57,000 for the AECC and their early detection of cancer programme. Three months ago, eight of the original Pink Ladies decided to do something different, and as there are many other charities all trying to raise money for good causes, they thought they would get involved in helping different charities along the way. Linda, Violet, Pat, Audrey, Sue, Jenny, Pearl and
Angela have now embarked on a fresh path as fundraisers - calling themselves the Ladybirds Orihuela Costa and helping others less fortu-
nate than ourselves. Their plan is to choose a different charity each year and do their best to raise what funds we can for them.
This year their chosen charity is the Felix Mantilla Skin Cancer Foundation - for and on behalf of Karen Boczkowski (also an original pink lady) who sadly lost her battle with cancer in June 2012, aged 56. “We are doing this with the full support and blessing of Karen's husband Steve and their family,’’ say the Ladybirds. They will be organising various events for this very good cause throughout the year, the first of which was a sellout Valentines Dinner/Dance last night (Thursday) at the Real Campoamor Golf Club. For further information please telephone Linda 966791897 or Sue 966764843.
RUNNING Wild AC’s Ingrid Patursson finished an excellent second in 1hr. 52´23” in the Veterana D category at last weekend’s Orihuela Half Marathon event.. Teammate Helen Giles (Veterana `A´) followed her Santa Pola personal best of three weeks ago, by going another three minutes quicker in clocking 1hr. 58´19”. Comparative newcomer Peter James (Veterano `B´) ran at a steady 6´12´´per kilometre for a 2hrs. 11´25” finish and should gradually improve with regular training. These three will be joined by several other Running Wild members for both the Torrevieja Half Marathon and 10K races on February 24. (start / finish at Hombre del Mar area from 10am).
Friday, February 15, 2013
MAGIC OR TRAGIC? A PET LOVERS’ POSER Volunteers and donations are crucial to charities like APAH
IN an ideal world, the APAH animal rescue charity would love a donation of a million euros! However, realistically only a very generous Lottery winner is ever going to offer them such a wonderby MARGARET McCABE ful lifeline. have been shaped by the cats, who were suddenly So what would be the next ‘thrown away’ like rubbish best thing? The simple actions of others. no longer wanted. Family Abused or neglected answer is more help and support. More animal lovers dogs; traumatised through pets who have known a lovwith time on their hands and years of violent abuse, or ing home, left confused and alone, perhaps tied up a willingness to donate that pitifully thin and undernourished because no-one cared somewhere, for someone to time to a charity struggling enough to feed them proper- find, not understanding what to survive in what are very has happened to them, or ly. difficult times for everyone. Abandoned dogs and why. So what makes the Unsterilised female Associacion cats, abandoned Protectora De Dying of starbecause of the belief A n i m a l e s vation...Brady that ‘cats can look Horadada’s pleas for when he was after themselves’ help and support so rescued becoming pregnant important? It’s a very and taking up resisimple answer. They, dence in a corner of and many other anisomeone’s garden, mal charities like where they will have a them, have taken on litter of anything from the responsibility to two to eight (or even care for animals, more) kittens. whose innocent lives Without interven-
tion, the females within that litter will very soon become pregnant themselves, but for an animal charity to be in a position to intervene, it needs two things; space and money. Space within a cattery for a mother and kittens, and money for ALIVE AND food, the eventual spay- WELL: ing of the mother, and Brady after vaccinations for the being whole family. nursed Some of the animals back to rescued as kittens or good health puppies will never be lucky enough to be offered a home, which means that and veterinary care, multithey will be cared for in plied not just by one, but by APAH’s Kennels or Cattery all the dogs and cats that throughout their entire life - pass through an animal which could well be 10 – 15 shelter’s doors. years, or more. That’s up to APAH and charities like 15 years or more, of food them receive calls every day
Torrevieja’s swim stars make Barcelona splash
Four days of competitive swimming saw the Torrevieja Masters Team win seven medals in the 19th Winter Spanish Masters National Competition. This year the event was hosted by the CNB Barcelona Swimming Club on the seafront of the previous Olympic village. More than 1,000 swimmers took part from 128 different swimming clubs across the whole of Spain. Club Natacion Torrevieja swimmers Beryl Altabas, Vicki Connolly, Gillian McNiece and Adam Stewart worked hard throughout the event to gain 54th position of 128 clubs and in the Female category a ranking of 28th of 94 clubs. Adam Stewart crossed new territory and became one of the first Down Syndrome swimmers to compete in this competition. Beryl, once again took control of the 65+ 100m Freestyle (1;34:84), 100m Medley (1:53:65), 200m Freestyle (3:22:43), 800m Freestyle (14:34:83) and second in 100m Backstroke (1:49:73) events, winning four gold medals and a silver. This was followed by Vicki Connolly excelling in the
800m (11:57:22) and 400m(5:47:35) freestyle events winning gold and bronze medals and knocking 15-18 seconds off her previous best times. Vicki then went on to achieve fifth position in 50m freestyle(34:67) and 1 0 0 m freestyle(1:18:58) and sixth in 200m freestyle(2:49:56). The two newest members of the team, Gillian McNiece and Adam Stewart, set themselves new personal bests in their events. Gillian excelled in her 100m Backstroke, winning fourth position(1:21:71), fifth in 2 0 0 m freestyle(2:35:52), seventh in 100m freestyle (1:10:84) and in the last event, 10th position in 50m freestyle (32:28). Adam, the first Down Syndrome swimmer to compete in this competition, worked very hard and made three new personal bests in 50m Butterfly (46:60), 100m freestyle (1:25:68) and 100m Butterfly (1:51:33). For more information regarding Torrevieja Swimming Club please contact Rosa on 665454126 or President Felipe on 609418776 or by e-mail on info@clubnataciontorrevieja.com
demanding that they resolve problems caused by abandonment, abuse or neglect. They can only help if they themselves receive help. There is no money tree growing in someone’s garden, only a small group of volunteers, many of whom came to Spain for a quiet retirement, but who have found themselves working harder than ever. What APAH desperately needs are more people willing to help. Both the Charity Shop in Pilar de la Horadada, which is open from Monday to Saturday between 10am and 1.30pm. and the APAH Charity Stall on the Sunday Market at Pinar de Campoverde, need extra volunteers to keep them open. If you can offer some help to APAH please call Yvonne on 630 422 563 or Natasha on 616 210 850.
Peter the great is Saul the rage! AD HOC Theatre Company staged a fund-raising night at Restaurante Los Rosales with top acts enthralling the audience. Top of the bill was the fabulous Peter Saul, who entertained with songs from the musicals. The ever popular Nick Gold rushed from his radio show to perform on the night, and didn't disappoint with his rich, golden voice. Ronnie Taylor (‘Justin Sane’ & ‘Elton Ron’) opened the show with his comic routine – and closed it with his excellent tribute to Elton John. Special thanks go to Nigel Weekes of Night Out Promotions, who provided and controlled the superb sound. All artistes gave their services freely to help AD HOC raise money for various charities, and the night’s raffle money went directly to Elche Children’s Home.
Friday, February 15, 2013
The Sun
THE mum of a baby savaged by a fox has been reliving just how she dragged him from the snarling beast’s jaws. Hayley Cawley, 28, kicked and hit the fox as it tried to pull screaming Dennie from the family home in Bromley, South East London. She said: “It wouldn’t let go so I grabbed Dennie’s wrist and tore it out of the fox’s mouth.” Hayley told of the horrifying moment she found the fox dragging her blood-spattered baby son along “like a 10lb chicken”. She had left five-week-old Dennie propped up on a sofa after his feed and popped upstairs to tidy up. But Hayley came running down when she heard screaming and stumbled on a scene from a nightmare. The mum of three said: “The quilt I had placed around Dennie to cushion him was on the floor and the baby wasn’t in it. “I looked around and could see his head disappearing around the living room door into the porch. “I ran towards Dennie and saw a fox trying to pull him through the front door. It had Dennie’s left hand in its jaws. Dennie’s head was covered in blood and it was running down his cheeks. “His head was lodged in the corner of the door frame and the fox couldn’t get him out of the door. “I kicked it hard but it wouldn’t let go. I was scared it would sink its teeth in even further so I lashed out at it with my hand and kept hit-
ting it. I was screaming, ‘Help me!’ I got hold of Dennie’s wrist and I tore it out of the fox’s mouth. “I had no other choice. The more I hit the fox, the more he pulled Dennie. His head was just banging against the door frame every time. “Its teeth were all showing and it was making this awful noise, hissing and growling. “I bent down and picked the baby up and it all went quiet. I remember looking at the fox and just shutting the door calmly. If I’d got there a few seconds later my baby would have been out of the door and I might never have seen him again. “The fox would have found a way of getting him out of that door. It saw Dennie as a 10lb piece of chicken to eat.” As the fox fled from the two-bedroom council house in Bromley, South East London, shocked Hayley desperately tried to staunch the flow of blood from Dennie’s hand. She said: “There was blood all up the door and door frame and on the outside step where it had dragged his hand out. “He was losing a lot of blood and I thought the fox might have taken his finger.
“But I didn’t look, I just knew I had to stop the bleeding. I thought, ‘He’s not going to make it.’ There was too much blood. “I rang 999. I was hysterical by that point. I told them a fox had attacked my baby and I thought he was going to die. The operator tried to calm me down but I just kept screaming.” Paramedics raced Dennie to the trauma unit at King’s College Hospital in Camberwell. Hayley said: “The sirens and lights were going and they put an oxygen mask on him. “That’s when they showed me his wedding ring finger had turned blue. It was almost severed. “They had to cut his vest off and he was so pale. He looked like a ghost. At the hospital he was given a load of injections. I was too shocked to even nurse him.” Medics later told Hayley and partner Paul Dolan, 27, the fox had severed two of Dennie’s arteries. The fox grabbed him after slipping in through the family’s front door. Paul had left earlier to collect older children Ellouise, nine, and fiveyear-old Lee from school and had slammed the door shut behind him.
But Hayley believes the latch did not catch properly and the fox was able to slip into the house. Roofer Paul was waiting for a train home with the children when he got a call from frantic Hayley. He said: “She was in a state and could barely speak. I thought my boy was dead. I was in a bit of mess. But I didn’t want to scare the other two, so I told them everything was OK. “We had to wait seven minutes for the train — it was the longest seven minutes of my life. When we got home it looked like a crime scene. There was blood dripping down the front step and smeared along the hall. “I didn’t know if Dennie was alive or dead. When I got through to Hayley she told me to get to the hospital. I asked her if it was going to be OK. She said, ‘I don’t know’.” Dennie was transferred to the Evelina Children’s Hospital in South London for surgery. Hayley and Paul endured an agonising fivehour wait while surgeons tried to save their son’s finger. She said: “Afterwards they told us there was a 70 per cent chance he will recover full use of it and that he was very lucky. I kept crying and crying and blaming myself. I thought, ‘I should never have left him for a second’. “But I never thought in a million years a fox would come through the front door to snatch him.” Dennie was released from hospital on Monday and is now back with his parents.
You could eat a horse? For £70, I’ll sell you one
IT seems an entrepreneurial spirit is up and trotting in the midst of the horsemeat scandal. In a move the Huffington Post compared to Derek 'Del Boy' Trotter in the TV show Only Fools and Horses, one eBay user is attempting to sell a Findus beef lasagne for £70 on the auction website. The poster offers standard delivery on the frozen, “limited edition” ready meal, which supermarkets withdrew from sale last week after it was revealed they contain up to 100% horsemeat. The also encourage users to purchase quickly saying: “this item may get booted off eBay so you need to act fast.” Other eBay users are reportedly advertising ‘horse meat lasagnes’ for Buy It Now prices of around £100, while three bids have already been made on an unreserved Tesco Value spaghetti bolognese ready meal. One Tesco ready meal posting came with the words “MAY CONTAIN HORSE MEAT” written in huge red letters at the top of the page. The frozen foods are all beef-based ready meals that have recently been withdrawn from sale after analysis revealed they contained traces of horse meat. Yesterday, police and food hygiene officers raided and shut down a British abattoir and a meat manufacturer as part of an inquiry into the adulteration of beef products with horsemeat. The Food Standards Agency said it had uncovered apparently “blatant misleading of consumers” by the manufacture of kebabs and burgers that allegedly contained horse. Owen Paterson, the Environment Secretary, called it “absolutely shocking”, as he prepared to fly to Brussels for a horsemeat summit.
Friday, February 15, 2013
‘Deeply regrettable’ to show bikini bump pics, says Holmes
The Mirror
THIS Morning has apologised "unreservedly" to pregnant Kate Middleton after her bikini bump photos were accidentally broadcast to millions on Wednesday. The gaffe happened while presenters Eamonn Holmes and Ruth Langsford were reviewing the morning's headlines. The front cover of Italy's Chi magazine which published the pictures Tuesday night flashed up on viewers' screens without the offending snaps being blacked out. It meant millions of people were able to see two pictures of the Duchess of Cambridge on a private holiday with Prince William on the island of Mustique. After the ITV show was contacted by Mirror.co.uk, presenter Eamonn read out an on air apology. He said: "Earlier during today's news review we were discussing photographs of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on a beach in Mustique published in an Italian
magazine. "Unfortunately we accidentally showed an unblurred image of the magazine cover, which briefly showed the photographs. This was a deeply regrettable error and we are very sorry. "We apologise unreservedly to the Duke and the Duchess."
Spiderman?No, it’s cider man!
PRANKSTER Lee Bassett was left dangling from a rope above a busy main road for 90 minutes after a drunken bet went wrong, a court heard. Bassett, aged 29, was found hanging eight feet above three lanes of speeding traffic after a friend was unable to pull him back up onto a pedestrian footbridge above the road. Startled motorists raised the alarm when they saw Bassett swinging above their heads with a rope harness round his waist. Police and paramedics raced to the scene and fire-fighters used a turn-table ladder to free Bassett after a rescue operation which cost taxpayers almost £5,000.
Roads were closed and traffic had to be diverted from the scene. Bassett told police: "It was supposed to be a joke - it's a bet that went wrong. "I had a few jars and did it for a dare." Bassett put the harness on and lowered himself over the railing of the footbridge above one of the main roads into Plymouth city centre at 9pm on January 24, the court heard. After Bassett completed the stunt a pal was supposed to haul him back up onto the bridge. But the friend was not strong enough to pull Bassett up - and he was left stranded above the road.
TV regulator Ofcom received 415 complaints about the incident and launched an investigation into it. Mr Fincham said at the time he was "confident this sort of thing won't happen again". Gossip rag Chi - owned by former Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi- was the first magazine to print Kate and Wills' holi-
Prosecutor Will Rose told Plymouth magistrates: "Spiderman, Mr Bassett is not. "As a result of this dangerous and reckless act Gdynia Way had to be closed as well as roads in the nearby area. "It was an acutely foolish, reckless and dangerous act causing great concern to motorists and pedestrians and was resolved at great expense. "This bizarre prank cost the public purse £4,875."
day snaps yesterday. On a website publicising Chi, Kate is pictured on the magazine's front cover in a blue bikini, which shows her slight baby bump , striding knee-high through the sea above the headline "the belly grows". A second image shows the Duke , wearing a pair of shorts, with his left arm around his wife as they walk along a beach, under the headline "Kate and William honeymoon in three". The magazine, which hits newsstands today, also gives details of the luxury £19,000-a-week luxury villa the couple are staying in. St James's Palace would not comment on whether William had been informed about the issue or if they were considering any form of legal action against the magazine. But a spokesman condemned the magazine for breaching the royal couple’s privacy. He said: “We are disappointed that photographs of the Duke and Duchess on a private holiday look likely to be published overseas. “This is a clear breach of the couple’s right to privacy.”
Wheeler squealer
Bassett's lawyer said: "It was a misjudged escapade from a foolish wager by two friends. He wholeheartedly regrets the matter." The court heard the rescue operation cost the fire service £2,400, the police £1,800 and the ambulance service £675. Bassett, from Plymouth, admitted causing danger to road users. He was freed on bail and will be sentenced on March 11.
THIS little pig was born without the use of his back legs, but a kind vet has made him a wheelchair. The piglet, called Chris P Bacon, has become an internet sensation since his owner posted a video showing him snuffling and grunting happily as she learns to use his wheels. Dr Len Lucero, 41, who lives in Clermont, Florida, told the Orlando Sentinel: "He gave a lot of snorts and grunts, and people just ate it up." A client took the piglet to Dr Lucero last month because she was unable to care for him. The vet used the K'nex toy system and a veterinary bandage used for sprains to fashion the wheelchair.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Spain takes big step in preserving bullfights SPAIN took a key first step Tuesday toward enshrining bullfighting as a key part of the nation's cultural heritage, a move that could roll back a ban on the blood-soaked pageants in the northeastern region of Catalonia. Lawmakers in Parliament accepted a petition from bullfight supporters asking for the special status in a 180-40 vote that included 107 abstentions. A parliamentary cultural commission will now begin work on proposed legislation over the coming months with expectations that it will go to a vote this year. In theory, a new law giving bullfights the protection would take precedence over regional government laws and could be used to overturn the Catalonia ban that went into effect last year. The petition, promoted by the Federation of Bullfighting Entities of Catalonia following the ban, received 590,000 signatures
of support -- included among them those of now Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy and Nobel winning author Mario Vargas Llosa. Popular initiatives need 500,000 signatures to be considered by Parliament. Bullfighting is no longer as popular in Spain as it was in the past mainly because of the country's crushing eco-
nomic crisis and changing tastes. Some 2,000 fights are still held yearly although crowd attendances have fallen drastically. In practice, the Catalonian ban had little impact because bullfighting had declined drastically in popularity. Even though Catalonia banned bullfights in rings,
regional lawmakers passed separate legislation protecting "correbous," small town fiestas in which flaming balls of wax or fireworks are attached to the horns of bulls. Released in town squares or rings, the frightened bulls charge, taunted and teased by boisterous crowds. But the bullfight ban irked Spaniards, with many seeing it more as an intentional affront by Catalonian nationalists opposed to Spain as a country rather than a move to protect animals. Catalonia, whose capital is Barcelona, prides itself on its distinct identity. Its national government has recently begun moves toward staging a pro-independence referendum, something which Spain says is unconstitutional and will be opposed. Prior to Catalonia, bullfighting was outlawed in 1991 in the Canary Islands region, but the fights were never popular there.
REDOVAN town is giving away 40 USB memory sticks to the first 40 citizens who carry out municipal paperwork online through the town’s webpage. Redovan has been one of first councils to implant a system of electronic administration. Civil servants and citizens can carry out most procedures 24 hours a day. For further information see: http://www.redovan.es/
If you are from Murcia, you are less likely to read this…
PEOPLE from the Murcia and Extremadura regions do less reading than residents of all other areas of Spain, according to a study carried out by a Spanish association of editors. Just 54.2% Murcians read in their free time -- is 5% below the national average, and more than 20% below the Madrid’s 71.3%.
When it comes to literature other than school textbooks, the most books are bought in Madrid, followed by Cantabria, Catalonia and Basque country. The study revealed that women read more in their free time, 64.1% compared to 54% of men. This difference is greatest between the ages of 25 and 54, and narrows the older people get.
Mystery of missing Murcia windsurfer GUARDIA Civil agents are investigating the disappearance of a 46year-old Spaniard as he windsurfed off the coast of Mazarron. Jose Ignacio Nuño Peñalver, who lived in Murcia city centre, was reported missing by a relative, and the police immediately began a land, air and sea search, which is still continuing, more than two months after he vanished. Jose was last seen at Alamillo de Puerto beach in Mazarron, practising on his Starboard-go-2012Ltr, which sported a transparent Tribord sail with an orange border. He was wearing a blue
and black wet suit and was last spotted between 5.30 and 6.00pm on December 8. Jose is 1.66 metres (5ft 6in) tall, slim, with short, straight brown hair, blue eyes and pale skin. Anyone who has seen him or his board, or knows of a similar board being washed ashore, should call 062.
Two suicides in one day JUST hours after news broke about the suicide of a Basque man as his home was about to be repossessed, a retired couple were found dead in their apartment in Mallorca after taking massive overdoses after their bank foreclosed on their mortgage. A post-mortem is due to be carried out to confirm the cause of death, but police are treating it as a suicide pact between a man aged 68 and his wife, 67. The couple's son found them dead at their home in the Cas Català district of Calvià at 14.20hrs today and raised the alarm. They had left a suicide note, saying they had both decided to end it all as they knew they were about to lose their home due to being unable to pay the mortgage with their pensions. This is the third suicide in less than a week by homeowners whose properties were due to be repossessed by their mortgage lenders, and the seventh in Spain since September. Aside from last week's victim, a 36-year-old man with an eight-year-old daughter, all the others have been aged over 50.
Friday, February 15, 2013
LOCK THEM UP! Murcia marchers in war on corruption
MURCIA CITY centre was brought to a standstill last weekend by a mass march to protest against corruption in Spain. The organisers estimated that 2,500 people took part, carrying banners and shouting slogans like “Everyone get down, this is a robbery” and “Corrupt people to prison, government‘s resignation”. Police put the attendance figure at 1,500.
SUSTO, the first rhinoceros to be born in captivity in Spain, celebrated his first birthday at Terra Natura in Benidorm last weekend. He was given a huge fruit and vegetable tart for the occasion - in the shape of number one. Susto, who now weighs 380 kilos
(almost 60 stone), showed his generous side by allowing his mum to share it. His dad, a senior citizen in rhino terms, surprised everyone by fathering a baby rhino at 27. Rhinos have a life expectancy of 30 to 40 years.
IF YOU want to up your defences when everyone around you seems to be full of coughs and colds La Verdad newspaper recommends eating onion, garlic and legumes (beans, lentils and chick peas). These should increase your antibodies and act as natural flu jabs, according to the Instituto Tecnológico Agroalimentario, who also recommend beetroot, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cereal. The Institute says these foods have anti-viral and antibacterial properties, which everyone needs during the autumn and winter, when colds and flu are rife, especially amongst children and elderly people. Even if you consume them when you have a cold they will reduce the length of time of the infection and increase your immunity. Other recommended food is anything rich in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, green leafed vegetables, vegetables containing vitamin A, like carrots, and fish liver. Also suggested are nuts and skimmed milk, which are rich in protein. But it is important to drink lots of liquids, especially juices and water.
The protesters are disgusted at the corruption scandal which has dirtied national and regional politics. Most of their anger was aimed at the Barcenas scandal, with banners saying “In your envelopes are our rights” and “It’s not a political party it’s a mafia”, referring to the reported payments of thousands of euros which were passed under the table in brown envelopes to top PP politicians. It is believed the money was taken from the country’s tax bill.
ROO-LIGAN Five die as cruise JIBE SPARKS drill goes wrong FAN FURY
A SPANISH newspaper columnist has sparked outrage across Manchester - and Liverpool - by writing off Wayne Rooney as a "hooligan" who shouldn't even be on the same pitch as the likes of Cristiano Ronaldo and Iker Casillas. Under the headline "This young man is a demon", Marca journalist Hugo Cerezo embarks upon a character assassination of the Manchester United and England striker. "A devil with freckles and a barrel-shaped body full of gunpowder is coming to Madrid to dynamite the Bernabeu. He is a hooligan." the piece begins. "By the look of him, he should be there penned-in at kick-off among the 4,000 English fans who will support Manchester United shouting and drinking the beer that they will have smuggled into the entrance of Tower D." Cerezo bases his analysis on Rooney's appearance in a Spain v England friendly back in 2004, in which he apparently shoved a steward. The piece immediately began to generate huge anger on social networking sites, even though after the controversial opening the piece becomes somewhat more balanced, with Cerezo admitting that Rooney is, "a physical marvel who plays the game at a furious pace," and a player who is, "as dangerous in front of the opponents' goal as he is terrifying if rubbed up the wrong way, which has happened several times in the course of his career." The paper, clearly enjoying what the realised would be a notorious piece, also put it on their back page with the following huge splash. The translation? "The nutter and his 5,000 friends - 1,000 of whom will sneak in without tickets."
FIVE people died and three others were seriously injured on Sunday during an emergency drill on a cruise ship that was anchored in the port of Santa Cruz de La Palma in the Canary Islands. The victims were all crew members of the Thomson Majesty, who were demonstrating how to evacuate the ship safely in the event of an emergency. For reasons that remain unclear, the capstan holding up the lifeboat in which they were sitting malfunctioned and the cables snapped, sending the small ves-
sel into a 20-meter freefall. The boat reportedly landed upside down. Five sailors died on impact, while two others sustained serious injuries. Another crew member was left with light injuries. The casualties were nationals of Indonesia, the Philippines and Ghana. The injured crew are two Greeks and one Filipino. Around 2,000 passengers were aboard the cruise ship, which is operated by the British tourism group TUI and flies a Maltese flag. No passengers were involved in the incident.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Market Commentary 15 February 2013
UK service sector swings back into growth Welcome to your market analysis commentary from Currencies Direct where you can stay one step ahead of your friends on the latest news and reviews of the financial markets. Our aim is to provide you with an easily digestible weekly overview of how the financial market is performing using the expertise of our dealers who make it their sole aim to keep on top of the market movements.
It’s been a rollercoaster week for the pound. At the beginning of last week the UK service sector swung back into growth. PMI Service data for the month of January came in at 51.5 (up from the expected reading of 49.5), banishing fears of a triple-dip recession. The survey summarises the opinions of Purchase Managers on future demand and orders and therefore a view on the sector as a whole. This means a higher PMI suggests that material purchases are increasing and the economic outlook is positive. Last Thursday we saw the eagerly anticipated testimony of incoming Bank of England governor Mark Carney. The current governor of the Bank of Canada proved to be less dovish than the market anticipated and this sent the pound higher. There were speculations that Mr Carney would propose a radical shake up of the UK monetary policy perhaps even implementing such unorthodox measures as GDP targeting. However, Mr Carney’s responses to the Treasury committee questions seemed to suggest a more conventional approach and he noted that the two core responsibilities of the Old Lady were price and financial stability and emphasized the need for markets to have confidence in the capital markets.
Risk assets faded in the second half of the week as a result of fresh political strains in Italy and Spain. Election uncertainty in Italy increased as former PM Berlusconi plots a return to power and government corruption allegations in Spain hit equity markets and peripheral bonds. The single currency fell 126 points from its highest close in 14 months on Friday, hurt by comments from the French finance minister warning about the dangers of Euro strength. Poor Spanish employment data did not help matters while service sector confidence indices in the Euro zone today will also stoke further concerns exposing both continued contraction for most countries and divergence in the bigger economies, namely Germany and France. Caution will succeed in the short term as markets start to query the legitimacy of the rally in risk assets listed over recent weeks. Last Thursday’s ECB meeting left rates at a record low 0.75%. The Euro weakened as Draghi rekindled the possibility of an interest rate cut. Draghi signalled quite clearly that the rise in the Euro was a sign of a return of confidence but cautioned that the ECB will closely monitor whether the appreciation is sustained and will alter their risk assessment as far as price stability is concerned.
The lack of US economic data surprises made the dollar the least interesting currency last week. According to the latest report, jobless claims fell slightly to 366K from 371K. Continuing claims increased from 3.216 million to 3.224 million. ISM manufacturing index improved and as a result of the improved economic outlook, the US trade numbers were positive. In the month of December, the US trade deficit narrowed to -$38.5B from -$48.6 making it the biggest month on month change in history and the best reading since January 2010. Information provided by Currencies Direct, leading providers of foreign exchange. Call to find out how we can help you get the best rates and save your transfer fees. Contact the La Zenia office on +34 965 994 830 or email costablanca@currenciesdirect.com. The contents of this report are for information purposes only. It is not intended as a recommendation to trade or a solicitation for funds. Currencies Direct cannot be held responsible for any loss or damages arising from any action taken following consideration of this information.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Horoscopes Aries March 21 - April 19 Today is a series of blunders that follow each other. Your lucky bus number for today is: 212 There are lots of ideas screaming to be let out of your head. Let them free, and they'll scream in other people's heads too! Sandwiches often seem harmless until they force their way into your stomach and start screaming and banging. You'll keep on fighting till the end.
Taurus April 20 - May 20 Your choice of reading material is starting to swerve dangerously into the "blue" section. The partner of your dreams will realise you are unworthy of attention, today. Stock up on junk food and alcohol. The best way to undo your mistakes is to stand up, take a good look around, and then shout "Sorry chaps!
Gemini May 21 - June 20 Catch-22 is better in at least 2 ways than Catch-20. Don't be caught in the Catch-20 loop - you're unlikely to ever see your family again. If you pick yourself up by your shoe-strings you are likely to fall flat on your arse. You are not anyone's "bitch". Your spoiled and selfish ways must change if you are to become a better person.
Cancer June 21 - July 22 Your appetites may diminish today as you fall into a vat of gravy with no inside ladder. All this week you are set for uncontrollable setbacks to all your plans. There's nothing you can do, so you might as well start being awful to people you suspect might cause your setbacks. Clean up the database!
By Pandora Leo July 23 - August 22 Spreading lies about colleagues or friends may see dwindling relationships with those around you. And, yes, of course I know that's obvious - but you're the one who's going to do it! You have many more years ahead of you. Smiles help the world go round, especially when the smiles are accompanied by dirty big wads of cash.
Virgo August 23 - September 22 Praying to false gods never seemed so good after this week. You may become friends with a self-proclaimed tribal warrior named Alf. "Have a good day!" is not something you'll want to hear from anyone as you suffer from a bottom related illness. Everywhere you go you seem to run into trouble - try not to mess up your life by falling into any kind of trap.
Libra September 23 - October 22 You claim that no-one is able to see the future, and yet I foresee that you will understand this never to be not untrue in your own destiny. In all my time I've never had anyone like you reading my horoscopes you are bedevilled, a hustler of reputation. You are not wanted here. This week may cause some problems for you as your secrets are shared across the internet.
Scorpio October 23 - November 21 You may hear good news today from an excitable old lady who may turn out to be drunk. You may think later this month that your computer has been hacked by some 12 year old American girl. However, you will soon come to realise that actually a family pet has chewed through the cord of your mouse.
Sagittarius November 22 - December 21 By agreeing to read this horoscope you may be bringing on yourself several levels of suffering and/or pleasure. If you agree to this, please stop reading now. Or carry on, depending on whether you're willing to take that chance. Honestly. If you can't tell your arse from your elbow, it might be time to lose some weight.
Capricorn December 22 - January 19 The older you get the more you're starting to realise that everyone else is an idiot. Why not pick up the phone and yell into it wildly before dialling your required number. Admitting to shooting the sherrif is not a good alibi when being accused of shooting the deputy. Your friends will call you Jumbo.
Aquarius January 20 - February 18 Any beer consumed tonight may come back to haunt you, possibly in the form of a dead comedian or Max Bygraves. The colours you see around you are intended to give you an idea of three dimensional space. Close your eyes and you become a dangerous walking buffoon. Your ability to speak may be impaired today as you attempt to swallow half of a live hedgehog.
Pisces February 19 - March 20 You should buy some new electronics. Looking for a saviour is a commendable past-time. However, ignoring your personal hygiene is a forfeit that you really shouldn't have made. It's all one big crap chute anyhoo. Screaming seems to be on the agenda for you, too. Fire is your symbol for today.
Friday, February 15, 2013
The most annoying Cape Town to London record smashed in-car gadgets These days our cars are loaded with gadgets – you either love them or you don’t. Some are helpful, some are irritating and some could potentially save your life. And in the case of the new Fiat 500L, one could actually make you a cup of coffee. No, really. But a poll conducted by car leasing firm CentralContracts.com suggests that 31% of drivers are regularly annoyed by an over-sensitive seat belt alarm, making it the most annoying gadget in the UK. Second on the list was an ‘over chatty’ satellite navigation system, driving 21% of people nuts by repeating the same instructions and interrupting the stereo. It’s hard to disagree, although the sat-nav is often more interesting than the passenger you’re travelling with. Meanwhile, 15% of drivers reportedly find gearshift indicators annoying – the little lights that tell you the best time to swap cogs for maximum efficiency. “If you use it, you really shouldn’t be driving” claimed one respondent, saying that getting gear changes right was “the reason they took
their driving test 20 years ago”. Other irritants include flashing temperature gauges (12%) and out of date song information on the dashboard (9%). The shame. Many such features are trying desperately hard to make our lives easier, but surely we could do without the constant chimes and flashing lights? Yes, we know our doors open – we just opened them. And yes, you don’t need to tell us the keys are in the ignition – we just put them there. But why oh why doesn’t someone invent a gadget that tells drivers they’re driving along in clear conditions with their fog lights blazing? A light on the dashboard clearly doesn’t cut it – something more elaborate is required. Suggestions on a postcard, please. Or how about a gadget that alerts people to the fact that they’re doing a steady 50mph on the centre lane of the M4 motorway and there’s nobody on the inside lane? Surely these are gadgets we would welcome with open arms?
TWO MEN from the South East have smashed the Cape Town to London drive-time record in a 10,000-mile charity effort. Philip Young, 63, and Paul Brace, 49, arrived at Marble Arch in London late on Monday afternoon after a 10-day journey across 13 countries. Driving a Fiat Panda, the pair had set off from Cape Town on the morning of February 1 to raise money for the Farm Africa charity. They broke the Cape Town to London record which previously stood at 14 days and was set by a British husbandand-wife team in 1983. Mr Young, from Kingsdown, near Deal, in Kent, and Mr Brace, from Bexhill in East Sussex, also broke the London to Cape Town record which stood at 11.5 days and was set in 2010.
The pair were able to take advantage of a new land crossing between Egypt and Sudan and also had special permission to drive across Libya without
hold-ups at the border. The pair have so far raised more than £12,500 for Farm Africa which helps families in rural Africa produce food more effectively. More money is expected to be raised now the journey has been completed.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Friday, February 15, 2013
CODE CRACKER Code Cracker is a crossword puzzle with no clues; instead, every letter of the alphabet has been replaced by a number, the same number representing the same letter throughout the puzzle. All you have to do is decide which letter is represented by which number. In this week’s puzzle, 9 represents N and 1 represents Z, when these letters have been entered throughout the puzzle, you should have enough information to start guessing words and discovering other letters.
DOUBLE CROSS-WORD Solve the Double Cross-Word puzzle using either the standard or cryptic clues, the answers are exactly the same.
CRYTPIC CLUES Across 1 Throw in the direction of the steamer (4) 3 Work out a step to a person who abandons his principles (8) 9 Someone else is a stranger on Earth (7) 10 Grace's topless contests (5) 11 Romanian without Ron causes hysteria (5) 12 Place of refuge in a greasy lumber-room (6) 14 Bleats about learning how to multiply at school (6) 16 Packet of great weight at back of vehicle (6) 19 Badly slap mother and there will be some blood (6) 21 Trees manage to conceal skinhead (5) 24 Artist meant to be abstract (5) 25 A game of bridge (7) 26 Exchange rate sure to provide wealth (8) 27 Grain ground for dinner (4) STANDARD CLUES
Down 1 Fellow-player - tame, wild, tame, wild (8) 2 Contempt for a small cereal plant (5) 4 Father with strange hair makes him an outcast (6) 5 Alley cat upsets trays (5) 6 An explanation of financial credit (7) 7 Convenient pastime as youngster? Not altogether (4) 8 Saying about a Sherpa (6) 13 Bury the new head gangster, but not on the outside (8) 15 Bachelor blade has poise (7) 17 A trail for a dog going up (6) 18 Hold up picnic container? (6) 20 Point ties out on locations (5) 22 Tending, as before, to carry on (5) 23 Produce Time Out (4) Down
Complete the crossword grid by using the given words:
3 letter words Doe Dos Eel Era Ewe Fly Had Phi Rob Sat Sri Yet 4 letter words Acid Alps
Beer Bone Colt Dame Egos Else Idea Iris Labs Lace Less Line Lode Loom Lore Mast Ogle Once
Plea Plus Prow Rear Roam Rote Rule Site Stem Taco Toga Told Tons Tool Tree Wear 5 letter words
Airer Amass Anode Auger Blame Chase Dowse Elect Flare Oasis Rotor Shan't Sleet Style Tacit Taste Tease Tenor
Tibia Units 6 letter words Dearly Eaglet Gentle Stereo 7 letter words Restart Starter 8 letter words Splatter Starters Streamer Talented
SPANISH-ENGLISH CROSSWORD Improve your Spanish - clues in Spanish, answers in English or vice versa.
1 Catastrophe (8) 7 Cuss (5) 8 Large boil-like infection (9) 9 Hatchet (3) 10 Twelve months (4) 11 Impassioned (6) 13 Attach (6) 14 Food shortage (6) 17 Type of fish (6) 18 Discover (4) 20 Collection (3) 22 Continue to stress (9) 23 Upper class (5) 24 Fidgety (8)
1 Lure (5) 2 Exceed (7) 3 Avoid contact with (4) 4 Go beyond (6) 5 Wide (5) 6 Set aside (7) 7 Middle (7) 12 Disapprove of (7) 13 Agitate (7) 15 Mimic (7) 16 Relating to cattle (6) 17 Blemish (5) 19 Clothing (5) 21 Overwhelm (4)
Last weeks Solution Across: 1 Mist, 3 Lambaste, 9 Sincere, 10 Serve, 11 Issue, 12 Second, 14 Assume, 16 Eczema, 19 Cattle, 21 Urges, 24 Often, 25 Embargo, 26 Forecast, 27 Shed. Down: 1 Mystical, 2 Sends, 4 Averse, 5 Basic, 6 Strange, 7 Even, 8 Redeem, 13 Password, 15 Shatter, 17 Chubby, 18 Recess, 20 Tunic, 22 Girth, 23 Loaf.
Scribble Pad
1 Fellow member of a side (8) 1 Flip (4) 2 Contempt (5) 3 Heretic (8) 4 Outcast (6) 9 Additional (7) 5 Roam (5) 10 Contests (5) 6 Explanation (7) 11 Madness (5) 7 Simple (4) 12 Place of refuge (6) 8 Idiomatic expression (6) 14 Pieces of furniture (6) 13 Inside (8) 16 Box (6) 15 Equalise (7) 19 Blood component (6) 17 Climb (6) 21 Thicket (5) 18 Hinder (6) 24 French painter (5) 20 Places (5) 25 Blackjack (7) 22 Face down (5) 26 Cherish (8) 23 Discharge (4) 27 Repast (4) Last weeks Solution Across: 1 Engross, 5 Relic, 8 Gaunt, 9 Propose, 10 Disciples, 12 Art, 13 Chalet, 14 Myriad, 17 Imp, 18 Believers, 20 Kernels, 21 Digit, 23 Nudge, 24 Tidings. Down: 1 Egged, 2 Gnu, 3 Outline, 4 Supple, 5 Rooks, 6 Look-alike, 7 Cheated, 11 Scampered, 13 Chicken, 15 Yielded, 16 Closet, 18 Breve, 19 Sites, 22 Gen.
1 Iglesia (6) 4 Barrel (6) 7 Courgette (9) 9 Carbón (4) 10 Oar (pala) (4) 11 Playa (orilla del mar) (5) 13 Examination (school, university) (6) 14 Casas (viviendas) (6) 15 Broccoli (6) 17 Ensaladas (6) 19 Galleta de barquillo (5) 20 To love (4) 22 Reindeer (4) 23 Papel de lija (9) 24 Marinero (6) 25 Andrew (6)
1 Chewing gum (6) 2 Royal (4) 3 Cielo (6) 4 Rama (de árbol) (6) 5 To laugh (4) 6 Limones (6) 7 Waitresses (en restaurantes) (9) 8 Periódico (diario) (9) 11 Debajo (5) 12 Home (5) 15 Barbas (6) 16 Escalera de mano (6) 17 Week (6) 18 Cigüeñas (6) 21 Baranda (de balcón) (4) 22 Junco (planta) (4)
Friday, February 15, 2013 Across: 1 What name is often given to a road passing round a town or its centre to provide an alternative route for through traffic? (6) 4 What name is given to a thin flat piece of plastic, tortoiseshell or other slightly flexible material that is held by or worn on the fingers and used to pluck the strings of a musical instrument such as a guitar? (8) 9 With which musical instrument would you principally associate the names Fender, Gibson and Rickenbacker? (6) 10 Which range of hills in northern England, extending from the Scottish border southwards to the Peak District in Derbyshire, is known as the ‘backbone of England’? (8) 12 By what name is a motorway known as in German-speaking countries? (8) 13 Derived from the French for ‘to place’, what name is often applied to a person who habitually pretends to be something he is not? (6) 15 What is the name of the clarified butter made from the milk of a buffalo or cow, which is used in Indian cooking? (4) 16 Vanessa atalanta is the scientific name of which migratory butterfly that has dark wings
marked with red bands and white spots? (3,7) 19 First published in 1867, what is the title of Karl Marx’s critical analysis of political economy, meant to reveal the economic laws of the capitalist mode of production? (3,7) 20 The English soul singer, songwriter and actress originally named Jocelyn Eve Stoker, is better known as [What] Stone? (4) 23 Which 2009 film science fiction film, directed by James Cameron, was nominated for a total of nine Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director? (6) 25 Which Indian dish consists of cooked, flaked fish, boiled rice, parsley, hard-boiled eggs, curry powder, butter or cream and occasionally sultanas? (8) 27 What name is given to a room in a church where a priest prepares for a service, and where vestments and articles of worship are kept? (8) 28 By what nickname was the pre-decimal coin the sixpence commonly known? (6) 29 What name, often used for a person’s secondary or alternative personality, is derived from the Latin for ‘other self’? (5,3) 30 What was the surname of
Quiz Word
the English writer of detective fiction who created the aristocrat and amateur sleuth Lord Peter Wimsey? (6)
Down 1 In astronomy, what name is often given to the cosmic explosion that is hypothesised to have marked the origin of the
universe? (3,4) 2 Which BBC One quiz show, first broadcast in August 2009, is hosted by Alexander Armstrong and Richard Osman? (9) 3 Which adjective means ‘showing signs of wear and tear’? (6) 5 Which vegetable of the onion genus, with broad flat leaves and a slim white bulb that extends into a long stem, is used as the national emblem of Wales? (4) 6 Which clear broth made from reduced meat or vegetable stock, is served either hot as a soup or chilled as a jelly? (8) 7 What is the name of the backing group of the American singer/songwriter Bruce Hornsby? (5) 8 What is the name of the strong cold north-westerly wind that blows through the Rhône valley and southern France towards the Mediterranean, mainly in winter? (7) 11 Which legendary Arabian bird is said to periodically burn itself on a funeral pyre and rise from the ashes with renewed youth to live through another cycle? (7) 14 Which musical, originally produced on Broadway in 1966, was based on John Van
Druten’s 1951 play I Am a Camera, which in turn was adapted from the 1939 short novel Goodbye to Berlin by Christopher Isherwood? (7) 17 Which river of North America that rises in the Rocky Mountains of southwest Colorado and flows 3,030 km (1,880 miles) generally southeastwards to the Gulf of Mexico, forms the US–Mexico frontier from El Paso to the sea? (3,6) 18 What name was given to a supporter of King Charles I in the English Civil War? (8) 19 The surface of which salt lake or inland sea in the Jordan valley on the Israel–Jordan border, is 400 m (1,300 ft) below sea level? (4,3) 21 What name is often applied to long jagged mountain chains, especially in Spanish-speaking countries or the western US? (7) 22 Which large arboreal tropical American lizard has a spiny crest along the back and greenish colouration? (6) 24 Which town in southern England, famous for its racecourse, shares its name with a man’s broad silk necktie? (5) 26 By what name is a male deer, especially a male red deer after its fifth year, usually known? (4)
Match these words with their Spanish translations then find them in the wordsearch. (Answers below)
general QUIZ
ANSWERS: 1. Sparrows 2. The Quarterback 3. Windpipe 4. Butcher 5. 1388 6. Red, Blue and Green 7. Greg Norman 8. Rhode Island 9. Vinegar & Brown Paper 10. Oxygen 11. A Suit 12. The Strokes
Last Week’s Solutions Code Cracker Last weeks Quiz Word Solution Across: 1 Mick, 3 Espadrille, 10 Red tape, 11 Leotard, 12 Holy See, 13 Settle, 15 Skate, 16 Samaritan, 18 Agamemnon, 21 Jewel, 23 Catsup, 25 Secular, 27 Douglas, 28 Uranium, 29 Atkins diet, 30 Isis. Down: 1 Murphy's Law, 2 Cedilla, 4 Stevenson, 5 Atlas, 6 Rooster, 7 Leaflet, 8 Eddy, 9 Lassie, 14 Uncle Remus, 17 Mint sauce, 19 Ataturk, 20 Epsilon, 21 Jackal, 22 Wilkins, 24 Posed, 26 Idea.
una estrella
la tierra
una luna
la via lactea
un asteroide
un astro
un cohete
Empareja estas palabras - Match the Spanish and English words You will find the answers at the bottom of the quiz. 1.el sol, 2.jupiter,
10.una estrella, 11.una luna,
f.Uranus, g.Neptune,
3.la tierra,
12.un asteroide, 13.un astro,
h.the Earth, i.Jupiter,
4.la via láctea,
14.un cohete, 15.urano,
j.the sun, k.a star,
l.a heavenly body, m.a rocket,
6.mercurio, 7.neptunio,
a.Mars, b.Mercury,
n.an asteroid, o a moon.,
8.pluton, 9.saturno,
c.Pluto, d.Venus, e.Saturn,
p.the Milky Way.
Span - Eng
Answers: 1j, 2i, 3h, 4p, 5a, 6b, 7g, 8c, 9e, 10k, 11o, 12n, 13l, 14m, 15f, 16d.
1. A host is a group of what kind of animal? 2. In American Football What Name Is Given To The Player Who Directs The Attacking Moves Of A Team? 3. In the human body what is the Trachea? 4. Dick Turpin the highwayman served and apprenticed in what trade?? 5. In what year was the first English translation of the Bible completed? 6. What are the three primary colours of light? 7. Who Did Tiger Woods Replace As The World's Number One Ranked Golfer In 1998? 8. Which Is The Smallest State In The USA? 9. In the nursery rhyme, what was used to mend Jack's head? 10. What Type Of Gas Did Joseph Priestly Discover In 1774? 11. In Cockney Rhyming Slang What Is Known As A Whistle & Flute? 12. Which band had a hit with Last Nite in 2001?
el sol
Fill It In
Friday, February 15, 2013
with ALEX TRELINSKI DERREN Litten is the guy who created the very enjoyable Benidorm for ITV, and so it was with keen anticipation that I looked forward to his new project, The Spa, for Sky Living. Set in a health club, the show is a massive letdown with a collection of secondrate gags, mainly of a sexual nature, that were better done years ago by Sid James and the Carry On team. Tim Healy as a very direct odd-job man was the standout character, but it was pretty poor stuff with even Litten taking a role as an instructor. Perhaps they couldn’t find another actor desperate enough to be part of this major disappointment. I also hope that this is not an indicator of what is going to happen in the sixth series of Benidorm, which starts shooting next month.
Meanwhile, after just two weeks, Dallas has been relegated to a late evening slot on a Tuesday night due to poor ratings for the first two episodes of the second series. In these days of recording, I suppose it doesn’t really matter, but the bigger mystery for me is the non-appearance so far of CSI and CSI-New York. I suspect that Five are waiting for the audience-winning Death in Paradise to finish its Tuesday run in just over two weeks time! What a curious series Mr.Selfridge has turned out to be. After a fun opening, it got really boring, but it’s got some mojo back in the last two episodes. And as I predicted weeks ago, ITV have picked it up for a second run, which I think it deserves, especially since the story is going to take us forward nearly ten years. It’s also been good to see Channel Four’s The Last Leg being given some extra time after my plea a fortnight ago (as if somebody at C4 HQ really read my article…if only!); and was Mark Wahlberg really drunk on Graham Norton’s show last Friday? It made for some great TV!
After enduring The Spa, I had my spirits lifted by watching the new Stephen Poliakoff drama, Dancing on the Edge, on BBC2. Everybody raves about Poliakoff’s work, but I can take it or leave it, with the glorious exception of The Lost Prince. Dancing on the Edge tells the tale of a black jazz band in ’30s Britain, with some gorgeous photography and locations along with a top line cast including John Goodman and Jacqueline Bisset. It’s not necessarily
groundbreaking, but why should it be? It’s just a nice way of passing by a few hours, topped up by some fine music. There are more big changes around the corner for UK sports fans on satellite TV, with the likely closure of the ESPN channel. That will come as no great surprise, as their main sports rights have been pinched by the new services to be launched by BT. I wish them well in their battle against SKY, but they don’t have a prayer.
The ITV Sports Channel, Setanta Sports and the Disney-owned money-rich ESPN have all tried to take on BSKYB and failed because SKY have the major portfolio of sports rights. BT have a limited Premier League package (and Italian, French, Brazilian and US soccer), WTA tennis and English Premiership Rugby Union. Is that really going to be enough to persuade cash conscious people to top up their SKY subscriptions with their channels? I don’t think so.
Finding your way around Channel Five to watch your favourite American shows is something of an art these days. They’ve messed around with one of my favourites, Person of Interest, by giving it a midseason break and moving it from a Tuesday night to a Sunday (where it’s done really well with the viewing figures in the competitive 9pm slot). The show, by the way, just gets better and better, and is also given multiple screenings by Five USA.
Friday TV
February 15
00:45 This Week 01:30 Skiing Weatherview 01:35 HARDtalk 02:00 Newsday 02:30 ABC World News with Diane Sawyer 03:00 BBC News 03:30 Asia Business Report 03:45 Sport Today 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Asia Business Report 04:45 Sport Today 05:30 HARDtalk 05:50 BBC News 06:00 BBC News 06:30 World Business Report 06:45 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under Revisited 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 11:58 BBC News; Weather 12:00 Saints and Scroungers 12:45 Cowboy Trap 13:13 BBC News; Weather 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:30 Regional News and Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Only Fools and Horses 16:15 Perfection 17:00 Escape to the Country 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 Weather 20:00 The One Show 20:30 A Question of Sport 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Room 101 22:00 New Tricks 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News and Weather 23:25 National Lottery Update 23:35 The Graham Norton Show
00:20 The Railway: Keeping Britain on Track 01:20 Brain Doctors 02:20 The Culture Show 02:50 Panorama 03:20 Close 05:00 Schools - Body Matters 05:30 Schools - Coping 06:00 Schools - True Stories 07:00 Homes Under the Hammer 08:00 Saints and Scroungers 08:45 Cowboy Trap 09:15 Show Me the Monet 10:00 Antiques Roadshow 11:00 Question Time 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 The One Show 14:30 Weakest Link 15:15 Mastermind 15:45 Reel History of Britain 16:15 The Marvellous Mrs Beeton, with Sophie Dahl 17:15 The Living Planet 18:15 Antiques Roadshow 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Flog It! 20:30 Great British Menu 21:00 Mastermind 21:30 Sea City 22:00 Monty Don's French Gardens 23:00 QI 23:30 Newsnight
00:45 The Golden Rules of TV 01:15 Jackpot247 04:00 Tonight 04:50 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 11:25 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 ITV News Meridian 15:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 16:00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 16:59 ITV Meridian Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News Meridian 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Wild Britain with Ray Mears 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Great Night Out 23:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23:30 ITV News Meridian
PADDYS TV GUIDE Paddy McGuinness takes a comic look at love and romance, from `husbands of the year' and `wives of the week' to a man with a large collection of sex dolls. Searching the archives for inspiration, he highlights the good and bad from the small screen and airs clips of rarely seen shows.
00:05 Random Acts 00:10 Richard III: The King in the Car Park 01:40 Inside Nature's Giants 02:35 Dispatches 03:05 Tony Robinson's Gods and Monsters 04:00 Time Team 04:55 Deal or No Deal 05:50 Countdown 06:35 Kirstie's Vintage Gems 06:45 Baking Mad with Eric Lanlard 07:10 The Hoobs 07:35 The Hoobs 08:00 According to Jim 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:55 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:25 Frasier 11:00 Undercover Boss USA 12:00 Come Dine with Me 13:00 Channel 4 News Midday 13:05 Kirstie's Vintage Gems 13:25 Halls of Montezuma 15:40 Countdown 16:30 Face the Clock 17:00 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Big Fat Gypsy Weddings 22:00 8 Out of 10 Cats 22:30 The Last Leg 23:20 Paddy's TV Guide
01:30 SuperCasino 05:00 House Doctor 05:20 House Doctor 05:45 Michaela's Wild Challenge 06:10 Wildlife SOS 06:35 Wildlife SOS 07:00 Thomas & Friends 07:10 Igam Ogam 07:20 Fireman Sam 07:30 Jelly Jamm 07:45 Peppa Pig 07:50 Olive the Ostrich 07:55 Little Princess 08:10 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 08:20 The Mr Men Show 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:45 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:25 Peppa Pig 09:30 Milkshake! Monkey 09:35 Roary the Racing Car 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Trisha 13:00 Looney Tunes 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Britain's Strangest Pets 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Person of Interest 16:15 Ambulance Girl 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News at 6.30 20:00 Winter Road Rescue 21:00 Ice Road Truckers 22:00 The Losers
Saturday TV February 16
00:20 Tropic Thunder 02:00 Weatherview 02:05 BBC News 02:30 Click 03:00 BBC News 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Click 04:45 Newswatch 05:00 BBC News 05:30 Five Minutes With 06:00 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30 The Good Cook 13:00 BBC News; Regional News and Weather 13:15 Football Focus 14:00 Live Athletics 17:30 Final Score 18:10 Animal Antics 18:40 BBC News; Regional News and Weather 19:00 Pointless Celebrities 19:50 Let's Dance for Comic Relief 21:10 The National Lottery: In It to Win It 22:00 Casualty 22:50 Mrs Brown's Boys 23:20 BBC News; Weather 23:40 Kevin Bridges - The Story So Far 23:40 National Lottery Update
00:50 The Notorious Bettie Page 02:20 Question Time 03:20 Close 07:00 Close 08:30 Great British Menu 09:00 Great British Menu 09:30 Great British Menu 10:00 Great British Menu 10:30 Great British Menu 11:00 A History of Britain by Simon Schama 12:00 Meet the Ancestors 12:30 Map Man 13:00 Indian Food Made Easy 13:30 Mastermind 14:00 University Challenge 14:30 Talking Pictures 15:15 She Wore a Yellow Ribbon 17:00 Restoration Home 18:00 Flog It! 19:00 The Culture Show 20:00 Top Gear 21:00 Dad's Army 21:30 Natural World 22:30 Howard Goodall's Story of Music 23:30 Funny Business
01:30 Jackpot247 04:00 Half Light 05:50 ITV Nightscreen 07:00 Handy Manny 07:25 The Hive 07:40 Dino Dan 08:05 Almost Naked Animals 08:15 Almost Naked Animals 08:30 Almost Naked Animals 08:40 Matt Hatter Chronicles 09:05 Ultimate Spider-Man 09:30 Victorious 10:00 Jessie 10:25 ITV News 10:30 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 11:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 12:20 Saturday Cookbook 13:20 ITV News and Weather 13:24 ITV Meridian Weather 13:25 Murder, She Wrote 14:25 My Tasty Travels with Lynda Bellingham 15:30 Dinner Date 16:30 The Chase 17:30 You've Been Framed! 18:00 ITV News Meridian 18:15 ITV News and Weather 18:30 Live FA Cup Football 21:05 Take Me Out 22:20 The Jonathan Ross Show 23:20 ITV News and Weather 23:34 ITV Meridian Weather 23:35 FA Cup Football Highlights
00:10 Shooter 02:30 Random Acts 02:35 2 Broke Girls 03:00 Happy Endings 03:20 Don't Trust the B**** in Apartment 23 03:45 Smallville 04:25 St Elsewhere 05:15 Deal or No Deal 06:10 Countdown 06:55 Kirstie's Vintage Gems 07:10 The Hoobs 08:00 Will & Grace 08:30 Football Short: Kingsmeadow 09:00 The Morning Line 09:55 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:55 Frasier 11:50 The Big Bang Theory 12:50 The Simpsons 13:45 The Secret Millionaire 14:50 Channel 4 Racing 17:10 Come Dine with Me 19:50 Channel 4 News 20:10 4thought.tv 20:15 Porridge 22:00 World Without End 23:55 AVPR: Aliens vs Predator Requiem
00:05 Police Interceptors 01:05 SuperCasino 04:55 Motorsport Mundial 05:20 House Doctor 05:45 Michaela's Wild Challenge 06:10 Wildlife SOS 06:35 Wildlife SOS 07:00 Peppa Pig 07:05 Roary the Racing Car 07:15 Fifi and the Flowertots 07:25 Bert and Ernie's Great Adventures 07:30 The Mr Men Show 07:45 Olive the Ostrich 07:50 Abby's Flying Fairy School 08:00 Roobarb and Custard Too 08:05 Bananas in Pyjamas 08:20 Animal Antics 08:25 Make Way for Noddy 08:35 Milkshake! Monkey 08:40 City of Friends 08:55 Little Princess 09:15 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:30 Angelina Ballerina 09:45 Rupert Bear 10:00 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 10:15 Toby's Travelling Circus 10:25 Roary the Racing Car 10:40 Jelly Jamm 11:00 Power Rangers Samurai 11:35 Batman: The Brave and the Bold 12:10 Britain's Strangest Pets 13:05 Dangerous Drivers' School 14:05 Black Widow 15:50 A River Runs through It 18:05 5 News Weekend 18:10 Columbo: Prescription Murder 20:10 CSI: NY 20:55 NCIS 21:50 NCIS 22:50 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 23:50 Law & Order: Criminal Intent
01:50 Get Rich or Die Tryin' 03:45 A Ninja Is for Life, Not Just for Christmas 03:50 Hollyoaks 06:00 Countdown 06:45 Baking Mad with Eric Lanlard 07:10 The Hoobs 08:05 Will & Grace 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:25 Frasier 09:55 Frasier 10:30 Sunday Brunch 13:05 The Big Bang Theory 13:35 The Big Bang Theory 14:05 The Big Bang Theory 14:30 Maggie Simpson in 'The Longest Daycare' 14:35 The Simpsons 15:05 The Simpsons 15:35 Penelope 17:20 Time Team 18:20 Deal or No Deal 19:20 Channel 4 News 19:50 4thought.tv 19:55 The Political Slot 20:00 The Year Britain Flooded 21:00 The Hotel 22:00 Complicit 23:55 True Lies
00:45 True Crimes: The First 72 Hours 01:15 SuperCasino 05:00 HouseBusters 05:25 Divine Designs 05:50 County Secrets 06:05 Hana's Helpline 06:15 The Milkshake! Show 06:40 Thomas & Friends 06:50 Roary the Racing Car 07:00 Peppa Pig 07:05 Roary the Racing Car 07:15 Fifi and the Flowertots 07:25 Bert and Ernie's Great Adventures 07:30 The Mr Men Show 07:45 Olive the Ostrich 07:50 Abby's Flying Fairy School 08:00 Roobarb and Custard Too 08:10 Bananas in Pyjamas 08:20 Animal Antics 08:25 Make Way for Noddy 08:40 City of Friends 08:55 Little Princess 09:05 Mio Mao 09:10 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:25 Angelina Ballerina 09:40 Milkshake! Monkey 09:45 Rupert Bear 10:00 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 10:15 Toby's Travelling Circus 10:30 Roary the Racing Car 10:45 Jelly Jamm 11:00 Power Rangers Samurai 11:35 Batman: The Brave and the Bold 12:10 Looney Tunes 12:20 Monkey Life 12:50 Once Upon a Time 13:50 Winter Road Rescue 14:50 My Dog Skip 16:40 Daddy Day Care 18:25 Ace Ventura: Pet Detective 19:55 5 News Weekend 20:00 Ghost Busters 22:00 Person of Interest 23:00 Snatch
LETS DANCE FOR COMIC RELIEF Alex Jones and Steve Jones host the charity competition in which famous faces re-create classic dances of stage and screen, hoping to make it through to the final in three weeks' time and follow in the fancy footsteps of last year's winner Rowland Rivron, who dazzled audiences with his routine to Fatboy Slim's Weapon of Choice.
00:00 The Review Show 00:45 Weather
Sunday TV
February 17
00:40 The Football League Show 01:55 Weatherview 02:00 BBC News 02:30 The Bottom Line 03:00 BBC News 03:30 Dateline London 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Our World 05:00 BBC News 05:30 Click 06:00 BBC News 06:30 Politics Europe 07:00 Breakfast 10:00 The Andrew Marr Show 11:00 The Big Questions 12:00 Sunday Politics 13:25 Countryfile 14:20 Call the Midwife 15:20 Bargain Hunt 16:20 Escape to the Country 17:20 Lifeline 17:30 Songs of Praise 18:05 Penguins - Spy in the Huddle
00:30 The Infidel 02:10 Close 07:00 Close 08:00 The Long Voyage Home 09:45 Life in a Cottage Garden with Carol Klein 10:15 A to Z of TV Gardening 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 12:30 The Little Paris Kitchen: Cooking with Rachel Khoo 13:00 EastEnders 14:50 Coast 15:00 Great British Food Revival 15:30 Rick Stein's Mediterranean Escapes 16:30 Flog It! 17:15 Natural World 18:15 A History of Ancient Britain 19:15 Ski Sunday 20:00 Food & Drink 20:30 Open All Hours 21:00 Top Gear 22:00 Wonders of Life 23:00 Dancing on the Edge
00:50 Girls 01:40 04:00 04:45 07:00 07:25 07:40 08:05 08:40 09:05 09:15 09:30 10:00 10:25 11:25 12:30 15:15 15:29 15:30 16:30 19:05 19:05 19:10 19:15 20:45 21:30 22:00 23:00 23:14 23:15
The Big Sports Quiz - Boys v Jackpot247 In Plain Sight ITV Nightscreen Handy Manny The Hive Dino Dan Almost Naked Animals Matt Hatter Chronicles Rated A for Awesome Rated A for Awesome Big Time Rush The Aquabats Super Show House Guest in the Sun 60 Minute Makeover Live FA Cup Football ITV News and Weather ITV Meridian Weather You've Been Framed! Live FA Cup Football ITV Meridian Weather ITV News Meridian ITV News and Weather Dancing on Ice All Star Family Fortunes Dancing on Ice: The Skate Off Mr Selfridge ITV News at Ten and Weather ITV Meridian Weather FA Cup Football Highlights
19:05 BBC News; Regional News and Weather 19:30 Blandings 20:00 Countryfile 21:00 Call the Midwife 22:00 Ripper Street 23:00 BBC News; Regional News and Weather 23:25 Room 101 - Extra Storage
Supernatural comedy starring Bill Murray, Sigourney Weaver and Dan Aykroyd. Three university professors researching parapsychology set up in business for themselves when their grant is withdrawn, and soon realise there's a burgeoning market for "ghost busters" in New York City.
Monday TV
February 18
00:05 Match of the Day 2 00:35 The Apprentice USA 02:00 Weatherview 02:05 Newsday 02:30 The Bottom Line 03:00 BBC News 03:30 Asia Business Report 03:45 Sport Today 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Asia Business Report 04:45 Sport Today 05:00 BBC News 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC News 06:30 World Business Report 06:45 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under Revisited 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 11:58 BBC News; Weather 12:00 Saints and Scroungers 12:45 Britain's Empty Homes Revisited 13:13 BBC News; Weather 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:30 Regional News and Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Only Fools and Horses 16:15 Perfection 17:00 Escape to the Country 17:30 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Inside Out 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Panorama 22:00 Penguins - Spy in the Huddle 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News and Weather 23:35 Being Eileen
00:05 In the Valley of Elah 02:00 Holby City 03:00 Being Eileen 03:30 Close 07:00 Close 07:10 Homes Under the Hammer 08:10 Saints and Scroungers 08:55 Cowboy Trap 09:25 Show Me the Monet 10:10 Countryfile 11:05 Robbed, Raided, Reunited 11:35 Click 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 13:00 Animal Park 14:00 The One Show 14:30 Weakest Link 15:15 Mastermind 15:45 Reel History of Britain 16:15 Rick Stein's Mediterranean Escapes 17:15 The Living Planet 18:15 Antiques Roadshow 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Flog It! 20:30 Great British Menu 21:00 University Challenge 21:30 Food & Drink 22:00 Dancing on the Edge 23:00 Mock the Week - Again 23:30 Weather 23:30 Newsnight
00:15 Perspectives 01:15 Premiership Rugby Union 02:20 The Store 04:05 Monk 04:50 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 ITV Meridian Weather 15:00 Dinner Date 16:00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 16:59 ITV Meridian Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News Meridian 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Cornwall with Caroline Quentin 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Her Majesty's Prison Aylesbury 23:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23:30 ITV News Meridian 23:35 The Agenda
02:30 Al Murray: My Funniest Year 04:20 4Funnies 04:50 Smallville 05:30 Deal or No Deal 06:25 Countdown 07:10 The Hoobs 07:35 The Hoobs 08:00 According to Jim 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:55 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Frasier 10:00 Frasier 10:30 Frasier 11:00 Undercover Boss USA 12:00 Come Dine with Me 13:00 Channel 4 News Midday Summary 13:05 The Silent Enemy 15:15 Face the Clock 15:40 Countdown 16:30 The Common Denominator 17:00 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Dispatches 21:30 Wild Things 22:00 Embarrassing Bodies 23:00 Black Mirror
HER MAJESTY’S PRISON Documentary filmed over five months at the young offenders' institution in Buckinghamshire, as officers try to keep control of some of Britain's most dangerous criminals, including murderers, rapists, gangsters and paedophiles - the oldest of whom are just 21. Many of these young men have been abandoned by their families, so prison staff endeavour to act as surrogate parents and role models
01:05 Ice Road Truckers 02:05 SuperCasino 05:00 HouseBusters 05:25 Divine Designs 05:50 County Secrets 06:00 Hana's Helpline 06:15 The Milkshake! Show 06:35 Thomas & Friends 06:50 Roary the Racing Car 07:00 Thomas & Friends 07:10 Igam Ogam 07:20 Fireman Sam 07:30 Jelly Jamm 07:45 Peppa Pig 07:50 Olive the Ostrich 07:55 Little Princess 08:10 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 08:20 The Mr Men Show 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:45 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:25 Peppa Pig 09:30 Bert and Ernie's Great Adventures 09:35 Roary the Racing Car 09:50 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Trisha 13:00 Looney Tunes 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Being Liverpool 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Jane Doe: Now You See It, Now You Don't 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News at 6.30 20:00 Rory & Will - Champions of the World 21:00 Police Interceptors 22:00 Shrinking My 17-Stone Legs: An Extraordinary People Special 23:00 Speidi: Scandal, Secrets & Surgery!
Tuesday TV
February 19
00:05 Blandings 00:35 The Graham Norton Show 01:20 The Apprentice USA 02:05 Weatherview 02:10 Newsday 02:30 ABC World News with 03:00 BBC News 03:30 Asia Business Report 03:45 Sport Today 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Asia Business Report 04:45 Sport Today 05:00 BBC News 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC News 06:30 World Business Report 06:45 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under Revisited 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 11:58 BBC News; Weather 12:00 Saints and Scroungers 12:45 Britain's Empty Homes Revisited 13:13 BBC News; Weather 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:30 Regional News and Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Only Fools and Horses 16:15 Perfection 17:00 Escape to the Country 17:30 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 Weather 20:00 The One Show 20:30 BBC News; Regional News 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Holby City 22:00 Death in Paradise 23:00 BBC News 23:25 National Lottery Update 23:35 Litter Wars
00:20 Wonders of Life 01:20 Film 01:50 Who Do You Think You Are? 02:50 Close 04:55 Schools: I Never Said Yes 07:00 Close 07:05 Homes Under the Hammer 08:05 Saints and Scroungers 08:50 Britain's Empty Homes Revisited 09:20 Show Me the Monet 10:05 The Flowerpot Gang 11:05 Robbed, Raided, Reunited 11:35 HARDtalk 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 13:00 Animal Park 14:00 The One Show 14:30 The Super League Show 15:15 Mastermind 15:45 Reel History of Britain 16:15 Rick Stein's Mediterranean Escapes 17:15 The Living Planet 18:15 Antiques Roadshow 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Flog It! 20:30 Great British Menu 21:00 Alex Polizzi: The Fixer 22:00 The Railway: Keeping Britain on Track 23:00 The Sarah Millican Television Programme 23:30 Newsnight
00:05 Monk 01:00 Jackpot247 04:00 Champions League Weekly 04:25 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 ITV Meridian Weather 15:00 Dinner Date 16:00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 16:59 ITV Meridian Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News Meridian 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Live UEFA Champions League 23:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23:30 ITV Meridian Weather 23:35 UEFA Champions League: Extra Time
THE FRIED CHICKEN SHOP: LIFE IN A DAY Cutting Edge documentary exploring the popularity of fried chicken in Britain, with access to a fastfood chain's flagship takeaway in south London. Flooded with regulars in the week and revellers at the weekend, manager Ali and his seven-strong team talk about serving up to 1,000 customers a night and working until 6am at peak times.
00:05 Random Acts 00:10 True Stories 01:30 The Shooting Gallery 02:40 Scandal 03:25 Get Your House in Order 04:20 The Renovation Game 05:20 How to Look Good Naked 06:15 Deal or No Deal 07:10 The Hoobs 08:00 According to Jim 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:55 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Frasier 11:00 Undercover Boss USA 12:00 Come Dine with Me 13:00 Channel 4 News Midday Summary 13:05 River Cottage 13:35 The Tall Stranger 15:15 Face the Clock 15:40 Countdown 16:30 The Common Denominator 17:00 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Supersize vs Superskinny 22:00 The Fried Chicken Shop: Life in a Day 23:00 Utopia
00:00 A Perfect Getaway 01:55 SuperCasino 04:55 House Doctor 05:20 House Doctor 05:45 Michaela's Wild Challenge 06:10 Wildlife SOS 06:35 Wildlife SOS 07:00 Thomas & Friends 07:10 Igam Ogam 07:20 Fireman Sam 07:30 Jelly Jamm 07:45 Peppa Pig 07:50 Olive the Ostrich 07:55 Little Princess 08:10 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 08:20 The Mr Men Show 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:45 Noddy in Toyland 08:55 Mio Mao 09:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:30 Bert and Ernie's Great Adventures 09:35 Roary the Racing Car 09:50 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Trisha 13:00 Looney Tunes 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Being Liverpool 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Murder 101: Locked Room Mystery 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News at 6.30 20:00 Monkey Life 20:30 Highland Emergency 21:00 Benidorm ER 22:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 23:00 Brain Hospital: Saving Lives
Wednesday TV February 20
00:25 Who Do You Think You Are? US 01:05 The Breakfast Club 02:40 Weatherview 02:45 ABC World News with Diane Sawyer 03:00 BBC News 04:30 Asia Business Report 04:45 Sport Today 05:00 BBC News 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC News 06:30 World Business Report 06:45 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under Revisited 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 11:58 BBC News; Weather 12:00 Saints and Scroungers 12:45 Britain's Empty Homes Revisited 13:13 BBC News; Weather 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:30 Regional News and Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Only Fools and Horses 16:15 Perfection 17:00 Escape to the Country 17:30 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC London News 19:30 Weather 20:00 The One Show 21:00 Holiday Hit Squad 22:00 Meet the Izzards 23:00 BBC News 23:25 National Lottery Update 23:35 A Question of Sport
00:20 The Culture Show
01:20 Britain's Hidden Heritage 02:20 Close 05:00 Schools - Simon Armitage, Writing Poems 05:30 Schools - Just a Few Drinks 06:00 Schools - Counting with Rodd 06:55 Schools - Primary Maths Promo 07:00 Homes Under the Hammer 08:00 Saints and Scroungers 08:45 Britain's Empty Homes Revisited 09:15 Show Me the Monet 10:00 An Island Parish 11:30 See Hear 12:00 BBC News 12:30 Sons of the Musketeers 13:50 Lifeline 14:00 The One Show 14:30 Weakest Link 15:15 Mastermind 15:45 Reel History of Britain 16:15 Rick Stein's Mediterranean Escapes 17:15 Coast 17:45 Live Cycling 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Flog It! 20:30 Great British Menu 21:00 The Hairy Bikers: Everyday Gourmets 22:00 Brain Doctors 23:00 The Culture Show 23:30 Newsnight
00:35 01:00 04:00 04:50 06:05 07:00 09:30 10:25 11:30 13:30 14:30 14:55 15:00 16:00 16:59 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 23:15 23:45 23:50
Grimefighters Jackpot247 Loose Women ITV Nightscreen The Jeremy Kyle Show Daybreak Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning Loose Women ITV News and Weather ITV Meridian Weather Dinner Date The Alan Titchmarsh Show ITV Meridian Weather Tipping Point The Chase ITV News Meridian ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Coronation Street Brit Awards 2013 ITV News and Weather ITV News Meridian The Cube
00:25 Random Acts 00:30 Derek 01:00 One Born Every Minute 02:00 European Poker Tour 02:55 KOTV Boxing Weekly 03:25 Sailing 03:50 Football Short: Kingsmeadow 04:20 Inside Nature's Giants 05:15 Great Migrations 06:10 Deal or No Deal 07:05 Sali Mali 07:10 The Hoobs 08:00 According to Jim 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Frasier 11:00 Undercover Boss USA 12:00 Come Dine with Me 13:00 Channel 4 News Midday Summary 13:05 Kirstie's Vintage Gems 13:25 The Ladykillers 15:15 Face the Clock 15:40 Countdown 16:30 The Common Denominator 17:00 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners 22:00 One Born Every Minute 23:00 Derek
Two more of Linda Dykes' sharp-eyed recruits tackle homes in dire need of attention. Denise, who was diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder in 2002, is taking four days out of her own cleaning regimen to make life easier for 82year-old former British Aerospace engineer Frank from Chipping Sodbury, South Gloucestershire, while hairdresser Adam heads to Buckinghamshire to help Helen with her piles of clutter.
00:00 Dallas 01:00 CSI: NY 01:55 SuperCasino 04:55 House Doctor 05:45 Michaela's Wild Challenge 06:10 Wildlife SOS 06:35 Wildlife SOS 07:00 Thomas & Friends 07:10 Igam Ogam 07:20 Fireman Sam 07:30 Jelly Jamm 07:45 Peppa Pig 07:50 Olive the Ostrich 07:55 Little Princess 08:10 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 08:20 The Mr Men Show 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:45 Noddy in Toyland 08:55 Mio Mao 09:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:30 Bert and Ernie's Great Adventures 09:35 Roary the Racing Car 09:50 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Trisha 13:00 Looney Tunes 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Being Liverpool 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Crimes of Passion 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News at 6.30 20:00 Shrinking My 17-Stone Legs: An Extraordinary People Special 21:00 Killers Behind Bars: The Untold Story 22:00 NCIS 23:00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 23:55 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Thursday TV February 21
00:05 Film 00:40 Rounders 02:35 Weatherview 02:40 ABC World News with Diane Sawyer 03:00 BBC News 03:30 Asia Business Report 03:45 Sport Today 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Asia Business Report 04:45 Sport Today 05:00 BBC News 05:30 Panorama 06:00 BBC News 06:30 World Business Report 06:45 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under Revisited 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 11:58 BBC News; Weather 12:00 Saints and Scroungers 12:45 Britain's Empty Homes Revisited 13:13 BBC News; Weather 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:30 Regional News and Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Only Fools and Horses 16:15 Perfection 17:00 Escape to the Country 17:30 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Waterloo Road 22:00 Meet the Izzards 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News and Weather 23:35 Question Time
00:20 The Genius of Invention
01:20 See Hear 01:50 World's Most Dangerous Roads 02:50 Close 05:00 Schools 07:00 Close 07:05 Homes Under the Hammer 08:05 Saints and Scroungers 08:50 Britain's Empty Homes Revisited 09:20 Show Me the Monet 10:05 An Island Parish 10:35 An Island Parish 11:05 An Island Parish 11:35 HARDtalk 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 13:00 Animal Park 14:00 The One Show 15:00 Coast 15:15 Mastermind 15:45 Reel History of Britain 16:15 Rick Stein's Mediterranean Escapes 17:15 Live Cycling 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Flog It! 20:30 Great British Menu 21:00 The Planners 22:00 Murder on the Victorian Railway 23:00 Charlie Brooker's Weekly Wipe 23:30 Weather
00:50 01:15 04:00 05:40 06:05 07:00 09:30 10:25 11:30 13:30 14:30 14:55 14:55 15:00 16:00 16:59 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 19:45 20:45 23:10 23:40 23:50
Safari Vet School Jackpot247 Pillow Talk ITV Nightscreen The Jeremy Kyle Show Daybreak Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning Loose Women ITV News and Weather ITV News Meridian ITV Meridian Weather Dinner Date The Alan Titchmarsh Show ITV Meridian Weather Tipping Point The Chase ITV News Meridian ITV News and Weather Emmerdale UEFA Europa League Live ITV News and Weather ITV Meridian Weather The Jonathan Ross Show
JACK TAYLOR New series. The first of three feature-length dramas based on Ken Bruen's novels. Former garda Jack Taylor investigates the disappearance of a woman's teenage daughter, a task that leads him into the underworld of Galway City. When four bodies turn up in the river and Jack's favourite barman dies in mysterious circumstances, everything he believes in begins to unravel - making him question those closest to him. Starring Iain Glen, with Ralph Brown and Tara Breathnach.
00:20 The Last Leg 01:10 Random Acts 01:15 Launched at Red Bull Studios 01:30 Launched at Red Bull Studios 01:45 Mercury Prize: 2012 Albums of the Year Live 02:00 Revenge 02:50 In Her Shoes 05:00 Deal or No Deal 05:55 Countdown 06:40 Baking Mad with Eric Lanlard 07:05 Sali Mali 07:10 The Hoobs 08:00 According to Jim 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:25 Frasier 11:00 Undercover Boss USA 12:00 Come Dine with Me 13:00 Channel 4 News Midday 13:05 The Third Man 15:15 Face the Clock 15:40 Countdown 16:30 The Common Denominator 17:00 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Britain's Secret Shoppers 22:00 Hugh's Fish Fight 23:00 Walking Wounded: Return to the Frontline
00:55 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 01:50 True Crimes: The First 72 Hours 02:15 SuperCasino 04:55 House Doctor 05:20 House Doctor 05:45 Michaela's Wild Challenge 06:10 Wildlife SOS 06:35 Wildlife SOS 07:00 Thomas & Friends 07:10 Igam Ogam 07:20 Fireman Sam 07:30 Jelly Jamm 07:45 Peppa Pig 07:50 Olive the Ostrich 07:55 Little Princess 08:10 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 08:20 The Mr Men Show 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:45 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:25 Peppa Pig 09:30 Bert and Ernie's Great Adventures 09:35 Roary the Racing Car 09:50 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Trisha 13:00 Looney Tunes 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Being Liverpool 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 The Mentalist 16:15 Murder without Conviction 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News at 6.30 20:00 Police Interceptors 21:00 Dangerous Drivers' School 22:00 Jack Taylor 23:45 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Friday, February 15, 2013
ACCOUNTANTS Are you running a business? Let us simplify things for you – bookkeeping, taxes, wage slips and more. We also cater for individual’s personal taxes – residents and non residents. Est.in 1984. Call us on 966 923 963 for first consultation free of charge.
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MEDICAL Having problems with obtaining or using you SIP card? CASER Healthcare offers you a quick and affordable solution, using the best private hospitals in the area. All policies available in English. Call us now on 966 923 963, and we will call you back with your quote.
CHURCH SERVICES International Christian Assembly, Calle Pilar de Horadada 5, Torrevieja. Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday services 11am. Children's church 11am. House groups in Torrevieja, Los Balcones, San Javier. Ladies meeting Thursdays 11am. Craft club, Tuesdays, 2pm. Pastor, Rafael Restrepo. All nationalities welcome. Call 966 799 273 or 660 127 276. Pilar Christian Community Church Calle Canalejas 3. Pilar de la Horadada. Sunday Service at 11am, and Thursday at 5pm for Bible study and Prayer. Home groups meet during the week. All welcome from any church background or none. For further information contact Pilar ChristianCommunity Church@gmail.com or contact Reverend Eddie on 966 7693 00 or 650 509 606. Reg No:2009-SG/A The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) meet at 10.00 each Sunday at their Torrevieja meetinghouse in the Torreaguas building on the corner of Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia 104, close to the windmill in Torrevieja, 667 533 597.
Call Professional Business Support now for your quick quote for car insurance. Excellent prices for expats, all policies available in English or German. We will call you back with a price. 966 923 963 Looking for a car we have a good selection of LHD and RHD for sale or exchange, quality used cars bought for cash, all transfer paperwork legally undertaken.Tel 600 726 221 / 965 687 976 www.fwreurocars.com AUTOMATICS We have a good selection of AUTOMATICS including 7 Seaters, petrol and diesel all available for sale or exchange. Tel 600 726 221 / 965 687 976 www.fwreurocars.com
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PROPERTY FOR RENT Viva Villa and Vacation Services, For Short or Long Term Rentals visit: www.villaandvacation.com or Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Kitchen for rent in popular Irish Bar, Gran Alacant. March to October. Call 630 030 631(105) Brand new 2 bed, unfurnished / furnished apartment. Algorfa town centre, swimming pool, rent €250 +150€ bills per month or yearly advanced €2700 plus bills. 0044-7949-589-539 londonangels@hotmail.com (111) DUTCHMAN LIVING IN SAN FULGENCIO/LA MARINA IS LOOKING FOR DUTCH AND BELGIAN CLIENTS RENTALS FOR RENT MORE INFORMATION SEE MY WEBSITE WWW.LAMARINACASA.NL OR CALL 682 763 987 (104) 2 bed, 2 bath apartment fully furnished in Algorfa. Solarium with view and parking. Available from mid
April til end of October. 375 euros a month including bills. Call 622 105 716 (104) 2 or 3 bed / 2 bath apartments in San Miguel. Lift, communal rooftop pool & solarium, video entry system. Available for short or long term rent from 350 pcm. Tel 966723437 or 636615716. (110) Ref: 61, A lovely two bedroomed ground floor apartment, located in the centre of the small Spanish town of Los Montesinos, With a pleasant communal swimming pool adjacent & all amenities in walking distance. Long and short term rental available. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref. KBJ3 – Luxury duplex penthouse apartment locat-
ed near the marina in Guardamar. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, amazing panoramic views, inc.parking and storage. 500 € pcm. 966 923 963 Ref. CBR21 – A rare chance to rent a frontline beach apartment in Torrevieja! Ground floor with large terrace, 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, direct and full-on sea views. 500 € pcm. 966 923 963 Ref. CBR20 – Spanish style 4th floor apartment right on the beach! 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, lovely balcony to soak up the amazing sea views. 500 € pcm. 966 923 963 Ref. CBR19 – 2 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment in sought after area beachside Punta Prima, with communal pool and fully furnished, only 400 € pcm. 966 923 963 CBR25 – Torrevieja town centre, 3 bed 2 bath apartment, bright and modern decor, only 10m from Playa Acequion, inc. Garage parking, unfurnished, long term rental only, 500 € pcm. 966 923 963
Friday, February 15, 2013 Ref. CBR3 – 2 bedroom 2 bathroom townhouse located in Algorfa, communal pool, fully furnished, 300 € pcm. 966 923 963 Ref. RS20 – 2 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment within private enclosed residential in San Luis, large terrace, 330 € pcm. 966 923 963 Ref: 49, 2nd floor one bedroom apartment situated conveniently located in the town centre of Torrevieja, with a small sun balcony overlooking the lovely communal pool. Short or long term rental available. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref 33, Ground floor spacious 2 bedroom apartment, located in Torre la Mata. Close to all amenities and beach. 3 month rental €300pcm Call: 965 707 188 Ref: 117, A Lovely 3 Bedroomed 1st floor apartment on the outskirts of Torrevieja (Mar Azul). The Apartment is in walking distance of the excellent beaches and a good selection of restaurants, shops and bars. Long and short term rental available. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397or 626 397 397 Ref: 104, 2 Bedroom apartment in Torrevieja, (near gypsy lane), small balcony, near all amenities and Friday market. €350pcm Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 112, Spacious 3 bedroom detached villa with its private pool is located on the
El Raso urbanisation near Guardamar. Convenient for all amenities, shops, supermarket, restaurants and bars. Short term rental available. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref 702: Beautiful 2 bedroom apartment, located near los Locos beach, beautifully furnished. Short term rentals from 175€ per week. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 El Chaparel/La Siesta Two bedroom apartment in a quiet gated urbanisation for rent €350 per month plus bills. Reference No 17 Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 709, A lovely 1 bedroom apartment in Aguas Nuevas, within a 5 minute walk of the beach. There is a terrace outside with views to the sea. Short or long term rental available. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 63, Two bedroom 1st floor apartment situated in Monino Blanco. The property overlooks a superb communal pool area, in within walking distance of bars, restaurants and shops. Short or long term rental available. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 CBR23 : Stylish new house in Los Montesinos, 3 bed 2 bath with large 65m2 garage, front and back terraces. 500 € pcm. 966 923 963
PROPERTY FOR SALE Comprehensive cover for house and contents with CASER Seguros - excellent prices for expats; policies available in English or German. Call 966 923 963 for a quote. Ref. BRJ1 – 1 bedroom top floor renovated apartment in San Luis. Great sea and lake views. 55.000 €. Tel. 966 923 963 Ref. RS96 – Charming 1 bedroom top floor bungalow, 300m from the sea in La Mata. 55.000 €. Tel. 966 923 963 Ref: 510, €70,000. Bungalow located in San Luis. It is close to the supermarkets, bars and restaurants and is on the local bus route. An Opel Corsa car is included in this sale. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref. RS63 – 2 bedroom 2 bathroom townhouse in Torrevieja, with communal pool and lots of extras. 95.000 €. Tl. 966 923 963 Ref. RS59 – Detached 3 bedroom 2 bathroom villa in San Luis, plot of 350m2, private pool, and additional “granny annex”. 169.000 €. Tel. 966 923 963 Ref. RS1 – Detached 3 bedroom 2 bathroom villa with 900m2 plot located in Toretta Florida. Has private pool, Jacuzzi, sauna and much more! 345.000 € .Tel. 966 923 963 Ref. RS67 – 2 bedroom apartment with lovely sun
terrace located in Playa Flamenca urb with communal pool. All amenities nearby. 61.500 €. Tel. 966 923 963 Ref. RS98 - Spacious 2 bed, ground floor apartment 250m from La Mata beach, inc private parking and storeroom. 115.000€ Tel. 966 923 963 Ref. RS58 – 2 bedroom 1 bathroom second floor apartment located in La Mata, communal pool, fully furnished, 79.000 €. Tel. 966 923 963 Ref. RS84 – Large 3 bedroom 2 bathroom apartment of 100m2 situated in Los Montesinos. Communal solarium upstairs with pool. 79.900 €. Tel. 966 923 963 Ref. RS20 – 2 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment within private enclosed residential in San Luis, large terrace, 90.000 €. Tel. 966 923 963 Ref. RS65 – 2 bedroom 1 bathroom penthouse apartment, communal pool and parking area, located near the beach in Guardamar. 79.950 €. Tel. 966 923 963 Ref. RS90 – 2 bedroom detached villa all on one level, fully furnished, as new! Located in El Raso (Guardamar) 145.000 €. Tel. 966 923 963 Ref. KEIGUA – Luxury duplex atico apartment in Guardamar. 3 bedroom 2 bathroom, 118 m2, private parking, storage room, communal pool, magnificent views of forest, beach and sea. 169.000 € Tel. 966 923 963
Lovely Corner property in Novamar V, Gran Alacant. 2 bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms Being sold fully furnished including appliances, Has secure underground parking and faces large oasis communal pool. Walking distance to beach. 139.000 Euros, Call 627 711 155 and quote Ref No. K10 Rare opportunity to purchase on Mediterrania III, Gran Alacant. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Private Parking, F/Furnished, Large communal pools & Tennis courts S/W facing, Dramatically reduced for quick sale to 126.000 euros. Ref No. K58 Call 627 711 155 for immediate viewing Ref: 521, €105,000. This comfortable bungalow is located in San Luis with a new roof and solarium tiles. It is close to supermarkets, bars, restaurants and is on the local bus route. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Don Pueblo, Gran Alacant. 3 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, Large Kitchen with Galleria, Secure underground parking, Gas Central Heating, Glazed in Porch, Solarium with stunning views. Viewings absolutely essential. Very large property at reduced price of 190.000 euros. Ref No. K38 Call 627 711 155 Opportunity to purchase at the off plan price of 195.000 euros. Large 4 Bed, 3 Bath Brand new property. Secure underground parking for 2 cars and communal pool.
Situated opposite Gran Alacant and over looks projected golf course. Ref No. K52. 627 711 155 Viva Villa and Vacation Services are pleased to offer property sales for the Torrevieja and Oriheula areas of the Costa Blanca, Spain. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 or Visit : www.villaandvacation.com 2 Bed, 1 Bath Ground floor duplex. Central heating, Grills, Fully furnished, Glazed in Galleria, 2 communal pools, private parking and walking distance to the Gran Alacant commercial centre. Situated in the popular urbanisation of Puerto Marino. Now only 96,500 euros for quick sale Ref No. K46. 627 711 155 Immaculate ground floor Duplex, 2 beds, 2 bath, Private Parking, Situated in Novamar, Gran Alacant. Price includes very tasteful furniture and white goods. Walking distance to all local amenities and beach. Now only 129,750 euros. Ref No K24. 627 711 155 Gran Alacant Detached villa, located in a very sought after location.Situated on a 560m2 S/W facing plot and constructed in 2005. Comprising of 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms (2 full baths), Lounge-Diner, fully equipped Kitchen, Porch and Solarium with Alicante & Sea Views. ref.L81. €258,000 neg. Tel. 680333242
Friday, February 15, 2013
Ground floor duplex, with splendid views. Quiet location in Gran Alacant. Immaculate condition. Price has just been reduced to 105.000 and includes everything. For viewing call 627 711 155 Ref. No K27 Ref 533: Lovely 2 bedroom Townhouse located in the popular area of Punta Prima, the property has a large lounge and fully equipped kitchen, 2 double bedrooms, one with balcony, bathroom with double shower. €126,000 Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Gran Alacant Town House with a difference. 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Glazed in Porch, Quiet Location, Extra storage areas, and South Facing Private Pool as well as 2 communal pools. Fully Furnished, All mod cons. Greenland Views and all local amenities close by. Ref. No L79. 179.000 euros 680 333 242 Top floor Duplex. Very good price of 108.000 euros for a quick sale. Furnished to a very high standard, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, Lounge Diner, Glazed in Porch, Large Roof Top Solarium. Choice of Communal Pools, Private Parking. Walking distance to all amenities and on the First urbanisation as you enter Gran Alacant. Viewing essential. Ref No. K44. Tel. 627 711 155 Gran Alacant immaculate villa, 3 bedroomed, 3 bathroomed property maintained to a very high standard inside and out and the interior furnishings are top quality, offering a feeling of luxury and good taste. The plot size is 400m2 and has been
beautifully tiles, and graveled and has established palms and plants. Oil fired central heating throughout, log effect fire place, ceiling fans in all rooms, towel heater rails, glazed in shower units, instant hot water, water purifier, free English TV, phone & internet lines, fitted double hanging wardrobes, safe, glazed in front porch, vanity units and much more. The pool is an 8 X 4 m2 salt water pool, meaning maintenance is much easier plus outside toilet and shower. Sea views to front with Greenland views to the rear. ref K51. €245,000 Tel 680333242 Ref: 520, €85,000. Two bedroom apartment in Dream Hills, with a fully equipped kitchen, large lounge, glazed-in terrace and a large solarium. This property comes with a large communal swimming pool. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 78, €120,000. Three bedroom Quad in Jardin Del Mar VII. There is off-road parking and small storage shed in the enclosed garden area, communal pool nearby. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Balsares is opposite Gran Alacant where the proposed
golf course is now being started so this property will virtually be on the golf course, it is an investment not to be missed. The property is on a small gated urbanisation of 18 houses with private underground parking for 2 cars and direct access to the house, communal pool and toilets/changing rooms etc. The house is brand new and consists of 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, lounge with working fire place, large kitchen 12 m2, large galleria/ utility room, bedroom balcony and front tiled ter-
race. This property also has a converted under build for an extra lounge or bedroom. ref K52 €198,000 Tel 680333242 Ref: 516, €39,999. Studio apartment in San Luis, close to amenities. Open plan fully equipped kitchen. Good sized lounge, bedroom and out onto balcony which has been glazed to create another room. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 709, €60,000 A lovely 1 bedroom apartment in Aguas Nuevas, within a 5 minute walk of the beach. There is a terrace outside with views to the sea. Short or long term rental available. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Gran Alacant Opportunity to purchase a beautiful 3 bedroomed, 3 bathroomed,large kitchen, detached property with roof- top solarium. Well established gardens and drive way for 2 cars, whilst also overlooking the projected 18 hole golf course.
Comprising of fitted wardrobes, utility room, air con H/C, alarm system, electric wall heaters, intercom system, fireplace, ceilings fans, 8x7 gazebo, use of 2 large communal pools, immaculate condition with many extras. ref K12. €180,000 Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant bargain, detached villa with pool on 400m2 plot. Briefly comprising of 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, Lounge Diner, independent kitchen, solarium with views, well maintained gardens. Quiet location yet within walking distance of all amenities. Top quality furniture and appliances included in the price. Extras include, mosquito nets, grills, toldos blinds, built in wardrobes, gas fire, electric heating, ceiling fans, English & Spanish TV, tastefully tiled & graveled garden with irrigation system. ref K43. €229,000 Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant South facing attractive corner house Situated in the sought after urbanization of Monte Faro, this secure gated urbanization offers a stunning oasis pool, with mountain views, tennis courts and football courts. Consisting of 3 double beds with balconies, 2 bathrooms, kitchen leading onto court yard which can easily be converted into an extra room, lounge diner with working fireplace, front
garden with private parking for 2 cars. Being sold fully furnishes with white goods, built in 2006 so immaculate condition hardly lived in. Ref K48 €168,000 priced for quick sale Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant, Large detached villa with beautiful gardens set on 550m2 plot, built in BBQ area and large 10x6 pool.Comprising of 3 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, Lounge Diner with fire place, Independent Kitchen, air con H/C, Solarium, front porch, converted under build with 3 extra rooms, private covered parking, irrigated gardens, close distance to beach and amenities. Ref. K18 €250,000 Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant Gem! Fabulous detached Villa, with Alicante sea views to the front and wood land views to the rear, means this immaculate villa is very private and un-overlooked. Comprising of 2 large bedrooms with fitted wardrobes, 2 bath, large fully equipped kitchen,glazed porch sitting area, solarium, Attractive Pool with cover, well maintained Gardens. Central Heating, Air Con, Ceiling fans, Private Parking, Alarm system, Decorative working Fire Place complete with electric Fire. Outdoor workshop/storage area, Quality Pergola & BBQ. Constructed in 2006, on plot size of 380m2 and being sold fully furnished including white goods. ref L80. €234,995 Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant, Ground floor south west facing apartment in Puerto Marino close to G.A commercial centre, comprising of 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, Lounge-Diner, Independent Kitchen with Galleria, Porch area and large tiled front garden, The
Friday, February 15, 2013
property is being sold fully furnished and includes all kitchen appliances, H & C Air con is fitted as well as sky TV. The apartment enjoys the use of 2 large communal pools and has private parking in an enclosed electronically gated car park. Competitively priced for a quick sale. Ref. K40 €91,000 Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant, this mid terraced Puerto marino townhouse has been priced low purely for a quick sale. Briefly comprising of: 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Lounge-Diner, Independent Kitchen with Galleria, Porch area, Front tiled garden, Private gated Parking & the use of 2 large communal pools Ref. K22 €123,000 Tel 680333242
Ref: KP3100, €183,000. Three bedroom, two bathroom detached villa, located in San Luis, on a 450sqm plot, with communal pool. Garage to side of house. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Gran Alacant, corner property in Don Pueblo with no expense spared, comprising of 3 double bedrooms with fitted wardrobes, 2 decoratively tiled bathrooms, very large independent kitchen with galleria. Included in the price are all kitchen appliances such as large fridge freezer, washing machine, dishwasher, microwave to name just a few. There is a huge lounge complete with chimney, plus large fully transformed under build,and small workshop. Front and rear private garden area,
secure underground garage, tennis courts, football pitch and communal pools. Ref. K14 €209,00 Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant, Situated in the "Alto" part of Gran Alacant, this 3 bedroomed, 4th floor apartment, offers luxury accommodation, with absolutely stunning sea views, as well as views of Alicante bay and the famous Santa Barbara Castle.The apartment is 89 square meters with open plan kitchen / living room and includes all electrical appliances & furniture also there is a utility room, open terrace, and private parking. The urbanisation also offers
many communal pools, tennis courts, restaurants and bars. Ref. K20 €109,000 Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant villa located in a very quiet area , situated at the end of a cul-de-sac means there is no through traffic.3 bed, 3 bath, 330m2 plot, established large gardens, working fireplace, solar panel for hot water,private parking, south facing great views, fully furnished, fantastic opportunity. ref. L85. €215,000 Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant limited edition villa, not very often available on the market. Only a few of this type were ever constructed- Very large 5 bedrooms, 4 bathroom(2 ensuit) property, situated on a large corner plot with a 10 x 5 private pool and private parking. Lounge-diner with working fireplace, fully equipped kitchen with utility room. Large landing area, leading onto solarium, with extra storage external room. Front porch area leading into large well established gardens with irrigation system and fruit trees. Being sold fully furnished. Within walking distance to Gran Alacant commercial centre and 5 minute drive to Carabassi beaches. ref. K11. €270,000 Tel 680333242
Gran Alacant, Situated in the central area of Gran Alacant and within walking distance to all local amenities such as a selection of different cuisine restaurants, bars, pharmacies, banks, popular GA market and Carabassi Beach. Comprises of 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms with a private garage and roof-top solarium. This property is part of a small urbanization which has the use of a large decorative communal pool. Ref. K36 €149,000 Tel 680333242 Ref: 513, €115,000. Two bedroom ground floor apartment, in Aguas Nuevas, close to all amenities including the beach. It has a good size lounge, kitchen and has off road parking facilities. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Beach front Line property, over looks Carabassi Beach, Gran Alacant. 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Secure Underground Parking, Fully furnished, Roof Top Solarium. 3 Large Communal Pools, Fantastic communal Gardens, Tennis Courts and much more. 125.000 Euros Ref No. K23. Tel. 627 711 155 Gran Alacant, Situated front line to the famous blue flag beaches of Carabassi, the real beauty of this property is its proximity to the beach, but also on offer is a fantastic communal pool situated in beautifully kept gardens with little Spanish walk ways.Comprising of 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge diner, American style kitchen including all appliances, roof top solarium with stunning views, front porch area with front garden and a secure underground garage. fully furnished Ref. K23 €125,000 rare opportunity Tel 680333242
Ref: 520, €85,000. Two bedroom apartment in Dream Hills, with a fully equipped kitchen, large lounge, glazed-in terrace and a large solarium. This property comes with a large communal swimming pool. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397
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Friday, February 15, 2013
Greenside Gossip IVIE DAVIES takes a weekly look at the golf scene - golfdavies@gmail.com
THE CRAWL GUYS THAT old nutmeg Slow Play raises its ugly head again and you have to ask the question: “Who is to blame?” I can understand when two professionals playing for millions of dollars take their time to complete a round of golf, but five to six hours for the rest of us seems a bit extreme. First, let’s look at the problem. In my opinion slow play has become cultural, created by the professional golf tours on TV and their hesitation in enforcing slow play rules and penalties. Only a small percentage of the people that play (most carrying single digit handicaps) have read the rules of golf from cover to cover. They rely more on what they see on TV when watching the pros play to guide their conduct on the course. Slow play on TV results in slow play at home. A concerted effort between the governing bodies of golf to put clearly defined and measurable parameters in place for slow play and the European and PGA Tour enforcing them with the pros on a regular basis would do a great deal to fix the issue. A few instances where one of the favourites loses a tournament due to additional strokes added by slow play infractions will change the culture faster than anything. Leading by example! An effort to encourage them to move along set the etiquette example and the pace and usually it works out well. Suggest "ready " golf. Most golfers who are oblivious to the etiquette of the game and like to play will take the suggestions well and heed the advice. There are also those who hit a poor shot and are so pre-occupied in showing their disgust, they neglect to watch where the ball goes and rely on those with them to help find it. Regardless of
Golf must conquer the culture of slow play
decency to wave the waiting group through. Even if they do, it still holds up play for everyone else. One thing that courses can do is to make sure singles or two balls are not going out behind four balls. No matter what, someone is going to be unhappy... the foursomes because the twosome is pushing them or the twosomes because they are being held up. It helps to make sure that singles and twosomes are paired into foursomes - especially on busier days - to help control pace of play.
how much you duck-hooked or banana-sliced your tee shot...watch your ball. Time wasting is a result of people who are simply ignorant and have no consideration for others. Some say it's an affliction known as "Head up the bum syndrome". It can be treated so long as it is not at an advanced stage. Mobile / Smart phones should be banned on course or at least be switched off. If it's business or something less serious than impending childbirth or death, there is no reason to be using a phone. If they are so busy, why are they on course anyway? You could also question the need to consult a rangefinder for every shot. Three-and-a-half to four hours is plenty of time for any half competent two ball. Fourball speed even on a longish course should be no more than 4 - 4.5 hours absolute max - and that's with lost balls.
Some people I have played with take so long over club selection and set up you would think they are playing chess, not golf - and then often duff the shot which leads to further delays. Joining a club or society, they would receive enough hints and advice from more experienced (but not necessarily good) players to sort themselves out. They would even find that they enjoyed the game more, improve and become better players. Too many people turn up and expect golf to be easy. It's not. It's not even supposed to be. It's no great surprise that some take so long on a round. Swimming isn't easy from the outset but few would simply just leap into the deep end of the pool and expect to survive. Why so with golf? It would help if golf courses had signs saying that you should finish in no more than 4.5 hours.
Also ingrain in the player that he/she should be ready to play the shot within 20 seconds of arriving at their ball. In my opinion, most time is lost on the greens. Players are waiting until it is their turn, this is OK when playing tournaments, but in a casual round it should be like this: First guy on the green removes the pin. The player who is ready to play putts (don't wait for the guy who was in the bunker to rake it, then to make it to the green, pick up the ball, clean it etc,etc). As soon as you finish, get off the green and mark the card on the way to the next tee, the last person to place the flagstick back in the hole. Most important: Place your golf bag or park your buggy near the next tee, not at the front of the green. Same goes for the rest of the game - play ready golf and forget about the honour. How many times have we
A golfer has a meeting with the coroner, who asks about his wife's recent death on the golf course. "We were on the third tee,'' the widower relates. "My wife was standing on the ladies tee about 30 yards ahead of the men's when I hit my drive. “From the sound when the ball hit her head and the way she dropped like a stone I knew immediately that she was dead. God only knows where the ball ended up.'' The coroner replies: "That explains the injury to her head, but what about the Titleist ProV1 ball embedded in her rectum?'' "Oh!'' says the man. "That was my provisional.''
A player removes a partially embedded acorn on the green as it is in the line of his putt. He goes to repair the depression, what is the ruling? A: He is allowed to remove the acorn and repair the depression. B: The player cannot remove the acorn. C: The player can remove the acorn but not repair the depression. ANSWER C: Any other damage to the putting green, except an old plug hole or impact from a ball, cannot be repaired to assist the player.
seen a group ahead of us with three balls on the fairway and one in the rough, woods, hazards and the like? They look for it at the same time; no one is hitting their ball that’s in play. Players should go to their own balls and play them before going to help their playing partner, taking more than five minutes looking for a ball and not having the
• Keep up with the group in front of you • Get your yardage and be ready to play before it is your turn to play • If someone isn’t quite ready to play, another player should play before them. • When any shot heads toward rough, a water hazard or trees, all players should watch closely where the ball lands • Read your putt before it is your turn to play • If your ball might be lost outside a water hazard or out of bounds, play a Provisional Ball (Rule 27-2) Check out this link: http://www.randa.org/Rule s-and-AmateurStatus/Pace-of-Play.aspx and let’s work to eradicate SLOW PLAY
Friday, February 15, 2013
SOME years ago I listened to a radio interview in which Jimmy Greaves, my boyhood idol, was being interviewed by Michael Parkinson. It was all about Jimmy’s football career, afterwards becoming a sports pundit, and the nearly-fatal drink problem that threatened to destroy the man and everything he stood for. The subject of George Best, who was then showing serious signs of drink-related problems, came up. ‘Do you think George can stop drinking?’ asked Parkinson, a good friend to Best. ‘Well’, said Jim. ‘It all depends on whether George wants to – and I’m not sure he does.’ In that frank statement, clearly not comprehended by Paul Gascoigne’s circle of wealthy, well-meaning friends, is the key to Gazza’s life. It is crystal clear to me that the oncegreat English footballer is on a self-destruction route,
slowly killing himself because he cannot face the reality of his life today. It wasn’t always like that. Do you remember when Gascoigne burst onto the scene as a fresh-faced Newcastle teenage footballer, with bold newspaper pictures of his credentials being squeezed by the loathsome Wimbledon hardman, Vinnie Jones. Paul moved to the bright lights of London to join Tottenham Hotspur, a starry team with big names like Gary Lineker and manager Terry V e n a b l e s . Showbiz antics beckoned with new fun-loving, fairweather friends l i k e
Danny Baker and Chris Evans, and Gazza’s stunts and drink-fuelled expensive ‘fun’, like driving cars into lakes with his new gang egging him on, began to occur regularly. On the f i e l d G a z z a delivered, winning the hearts o f
the nation, crying in Italia ’90, then ensuring he’d never need to buy a drink again – well, in England anyway, as he scored a wonder goal against the auld enemy Scotland in Euro ‘96. In those golden days he seemed to be able to do what few couldn’t any more, running at defences, dribbling at speed, and finishing in devastating fashion. Gazza was never happier then when away with the l a d s
Monte make it torrid for Torry CD Montesinos 2 Torrevieja CF 2
PLAYING against the division leaders and missing three of their top players, CD Montesinos were very unfortunate not to have won. Monte were by far the better side up to half time as they went into a 2-0 lead. But goals from Rubi and Rodrigo in the
first 45 minutes were cancelled out as Torrevieja levelled it up against the run of play. But the main talking point in the second half was the eccentric application of the laws of the game by the match official, Sr Selva, who had "an unfortunate"
second half which always appeared to benefit the visitors. It certainly incensed the home supporters and players alike. Next week CD Montesinos are away at Albatera against Albaterense. Kick off details from the website and forum at www.cdmontesinos.com
TORRY'S first away win since August 25 was much more emphatic than the 2-1 scoreline suggested with Koeman running riot at the head of affairs, writes JEFF SCOTT. This invigorated unit moved with cohesion and precision, easily outplaying Jove, who were seeking a win and a top six position. Koeman netted both Torry goals, contrasting his first half bullet penalty blast with a delicate and well timed second half toe poke that was exquisite in its execution. Former manager and now Director of Football at the club, Jose Antonio Alvarez, has been assisting manager Joserra rebuild the side following a winter of discontent. All three new recruits, Juanfran, Dani Meseguer and Villanueva,
played with distinction, whilst Patri belied his tender years with a performance of skill and maturity. It was he who jinked into the box and was scythed down to win Torry's 11th minute penalty. Matias and Guillem, both 18, have also been getting valuable first team experience as the new squad begins to take shape, demonstrating more invention and penetration. Another big test lies ahead this Sunday when Torry must defeat visitors Denia, who are stuck in the relegation places, but only five points behind the Salineros who are now 14th. It is a 5pm kick off at the Nelson Mandela stadium, where all Torry's home matches will now be played until the season end.
Six-hit San batter Bigastro nine Sporting de San Fulgencio 6 Bigastro 1
AFTER a run of poor results, San Fulgencio revived their promotion hopes with an emphatic victory over the bottom side. The game was effectively over at half time, as Gary Williams’ men struck FIVE in the opening period, writes JORDAN LUCAS. Marco Aurelio opened the scoring after 20 minutes, firing his half-volley over the keeper from Fernando Mora's through ball. Then Jose Bonmati's lovely flick was knocked to the back post by Mora and
Carl Kirby was there to bundle the ball home. Moments later, Braulio picked the ball up just inside Bigastro's half and spotting the goalkeeper's advanced position, caught him out brilliantly. The impressive Mora then got himself another assist with a delightful chip over the defence that Hector Silva slotted into an open net. The Saints were playing some lovely stuff, but Bigastro’s wasn't helped when heir No.4 was sent off for kicking
Bonmati. A foul on enabled Marco to send the keeper the wrong way from the penalty spot before the break. San Fulgencio then continued from where they left off, Aurelio scoring his third from a corner. And another perfect Fernando ball was headed into the bottom corner to make it six. After the hour mark Bigastro went down to nine men, this time a foul on Alex Hall saw their No.2 receive a second yellow.
George Best: Parallel story preparing for a big match, causing naughty mayhem, the bane of serious-butalways-forgiving coaches and managers. I was at the infamous 1991 FA Cup final supporting my beloved Nottingham Forest against Spurs when Gazza was carried off after 10 minutes. He should have been sent off, so out of control was he that day – and doing untold damage to his knee on the brink of his lucrative transfer to Lazio that eventually proved a disaster. If you’ve read his autobiography ‘Gazza: My Story’, the clues are all there. My take is that he has a boy’s mind in a man’s body, and has never really grown up mentally. This was savagely exposed when marriage and then children happened: Gazza was never cut out to be a husband, and as a child himself, how could he be expected to be a father? I have watched TV documentaries on his domestic life, and could cry at the despair of the long-suffering Sheryl and the disgust of his children, as once again he went missing, being irre-
sponsible, binge-drinking as Paul Gascoigne always does. He would much rather be in a bar than anywhere, trying to convince himself he’s having fun through the bottom of a glass. The football career went a long time ago, leaving a huge gap which only alcohol and self-delusion can try, vainly to fill. As a passionate fan of football I was devastated to read the stories and see the pictures last week of the shell of a man destroyed by alcohol. Gazza is not the first, nor will he be the last, but there is only one person who can put it right – and I don’t think he wants to.
Zero heroes Elche 0 Cordoba 0
DESPITE much Elche pressure and the occasional worrying Cordoba counterattack there were no goals. This time last year thenleaders Elche began to lose crucial games like this by the odd goal, usually in the final minutes. Now, though, the Illicitanos’ mean-man defence has only conceded 12 in 25 games with fight and spirit there in abundance. Goalkeeper Herrera and his superb defence are the rock on which this super season has been founded. Almeria slayed Sabadell 5-1 so the gap at the top is a cool ten points. Next week its Sporting Gijon down in 14th. Mucho Elche!
Every Day’s a Football Day February
18th 1982 Bristol Rovers become the first British side to play a match in a British jail when they defeat a team of prisoners 11-0 at Erlestoke prison, Wiltshire. 19th 1910 Some 50,000 fans witness the official opening of Old Trafford. Things don’t start too well for Manchester United as they go down 4-3 to Liverpool 20th 1940 Chelsea, Tottenham and former AC Milan hero Jimmy Greaves is born 21st 1995 Arsenal sack manager George Graham following bung allegations regarding the transfers of Pat Lydersen and John Jensen from Brondby in 1991 22nd 1956 The first game under floodlights takes place. The match, between Portsmouth and Newcastle United, is held up for 30 minutes when a fuse blows 23rd 1987 It is announced that Fulham will drop out of the league after the season and merge with QPR at Loftus Road as Fulham Park Rangers. Following fan protests and the football league expressing concern, the idea is scrapped 24th 1993 England legend Booby Moore dies of cancer at the age of 51 Compiled by STUART EVANS
Friday, February 15, 2013
THE REAL DEAL! Fergie’s fearless fighters need Mour of the same
Miserable Mourinho’s men meet match MANCHESTER United’s 1 – 1 draw with Real Madrid at the Bernabeu was terrific. The Reds took the lead in the first half with a superb Danny Welbeck header, only for Cristiano Ronaldo to power his reply for the equaliser and set up a pulsating second half. Robin van Persie could and perhaps should have won it several times as United had the best of the second half. All eyes on Old Trafford in three weeks time… United look in better shape! Poor old Celtic learnt a lesson in finishing as Juventus beat the Hoops 3 – 0 in Glasgow. Scottish hearts were big and brave but in the end the silky skills of the Italians showed with a master class in counterattacking and finishing. Fifth Round FA Cup this weekend: The biggies still in are the two Manchester clubs, Chelsea, Arsenal, and Everton, mostly playing lower division opposition. Man United v Reading’s about the most challenging - on Monday. Football’s full of funny foibles, isn’t it? Fr’instance, ‘ooda thought that when Man City beat Southampton 3 – 2 on the opening day of the season, six months later
John McGregor reports
the reverse fixture would almost certainly end City’s lingering hopes of retaining the Premier League title they so dramatically stole from ‘cross’ city rivals United. The team that Nice Nigel Adkins built blew the Blues away 3 – 1 with a demonstrative display of how-to-doit-honestly: no big expensive names and huge egos, just sheer basic professional ability, backed with very hard work and the right attitude – hey, new boss Mariccio Pochettino’s doing well. Beleaguered and baffled Roberto Mancini is looking greyer and more clueless every week as City’s sad season slides away: the FA Cup on Sunday at Leeds is his only possible salvation from a short-memoried, baffled club who, having tasted success at last, naturally want more... At ‘top o’tree Ryan Giggs set a new record by scoring in every year of the Premiership, his golden goal soon followed by a rasper from Reliant Robin to end Everton’s efforts, and take the Red Devils 12 points clear of City. Surely that’s more than enough? Newcastle didn’t heed recent Bale warnings that had blown away Norwich and West Brom as Gareth Bale single-handedly force two’d the Magpies away. Could’ve been six! That’s 13 so far for Gareth, good job as Emanuel Adebayor’s African jaunt returned him late to grace the bench with his presence, Jermain Defoe’s
injured, and Clint Dempsey’s not much help. Talking of the Baggies, did youse see they bounced back to beat Liverpool the other night at Anfield? Ben Foster saved a 76th-minute Steven Gerrard penalty, so Gareth McAuley and Romelu Lukaku promptly partied with a pair of goals. Hot new Reds striker Daniel Sturridge, 4-in-6-games, missed this one injured, the result restraining the Reds’ recent revival. T’other end of the table, Quite Probably Relegated were found out 4 – 1 at spirited Swansea, the main man Michu mischievously master-minding the mayhem. Aggregate over two games 9 – 1! Houdini Harry’s Hoops hoping 13 games left is lucky: ‘Sonly United Sat’day - surely hungover from Everton and Real Madrid? Villa did ‘emselves a huge favour at woeful West Ham’s expense, Samsammers not really at the races realistically as the Andy Carroll prophesy poses problems. Cardiff are running away with the Championship, 11 points clear of Leicester, Watford and Hull, all on 53 points. In La Liga Barcelona are still marmalising the Madrids, 12 points over Athletic and superior 16 over Real. Big trouble at the Bernebau, Jose Mourinho’s already talking out...