Edition 23
Friday, July 29, 2011
THE STING Jellyfish victims at record level By SALLY BENGTSSON AN unprecedented number of local bathers are being treated for painful stings following a mass jellyfish invasion of both the Mediterranean and Mar Menor. Many people are refusing to set foot in the water for fear of getting stung, despite the nets around swimming areas. Two years ago the problem seemed to have been resolved after town halls around the Mar Menor clubbed together and employed a jellyfish sweeper to rid the sea-water lake of the irritating creatures. But because the situation seemed to have been resolved, the Murcian government stopped subsidising the clearing boat, leaving the few remaining jellyfish to multiply dramatically. This has led to meltdown in various health centres around the Mar Menor over the past week, with huge numbers of bathers requiring medical attention. A spokesperson for the Socialist party in Cartagena said it was amazing that the government is saying beaches are
Continued on Page 4
FACING UP: Ruman Dhaliwal, 10, gets an envious look from his dad Hardev at El Raso’s family Funday. Story and more pictures on P12
ALEX IN COURIER LAND... THERE’S lots of news, features and fun in your everso-readable Courier again this week - plus news of yet another new face joining our team of professionals. Starting next week, TKO Radio’s ALEX TRELINSKI will be adding his voice to our impressive array of columnists. A former BBC broadcaster well known to Midlands audiences, Alex will be specialising in the two subjects he knows best - TV and politics. Inside today’s Courier are all our usual features, including Local News, Food and Motoring specials - plus a look at what’s been making news in the national Press in Spain and the UK. You’ll find regular columnists Tony Mayes, Donna Gee and Dave Silver on P6, P7 and P10 respectively - and our seven-page TV guide is on P35-42. Happy reading!