The Courier Week 38

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Edition 38

Friday, November 11, 2011


No Blatter of honour as FIFA back down BY AMANDA BLACK

SO England players will wear poppies on black armbands during tomorrow’s match against Spain after all. FIFA was eventually forced to back down and lift its ridiculous poppy ban, but what a blooming cheek outlawing the British symbol of peace in the first place! The FIFA board deemed the poppy unsuitable, insisting it would not tolerate overtly ‘political’, ‘religious’ or ‘commercial’ symbols on team strips. Just which of these it thought one of the world’s most benign images fitted is still unclear. FIFA’s climb down came only after a furious row; one that saw heavyweights of sport, politics and royalty wade in. David Cameron branded the ban ‘absurd’ and Prince William was said to be livid. Before FIFA relented, the Prime Minister called on the FA to defy the ruling and said the whole country ‘was completely baffled and frankly angry’. No kidding. The poppy has always been a symbol of unity, with people of all political and religious persuasions wearing the flower with pride. And once again it unified the country – this time against the idiocy of foot-

ball’s governing body. Both Prince William and David Cameron wrote to FIFA boss Sepp Blatter to share their dismay and urge the decision to be overturned. For the Prince it was particularly personal – not only is he president of the Football Association, but a serving officer in the Armed Forces who has lost friends to conflict. The Prince, who will take part in the Remembrance Day ceremony at the Cenotaph on Sunday, believes the poppy is a universal symbol of remembrance and has no other connotations. So what exactly was behind this outrageous ban? Surely Blatter understood the significance of the poppy. The symbol has been around long enough and Blatter did live through the Second World War, albeit in his native neutral Switzerland. There were suggestions that it could upset the Germans. Apparently FIFA worried that if England ever played Germany around the time of Remembrance Day and wore poppies it could cause offence. Ridiculous! And the Germans thought so, JUST a week after the Greek drama sent shockwaves too. German players and fans were quick to through the Eurozone, Spain is once again looking into Turn to Page 2 the economic abyss. With Italy’s borrowing costs becoming unsustainable and reports that countries could start to leave the euro, the market focus shifted to the next likely areas of debt contagion. And as the last of the so-called PIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain, the most at risk indebted states) still standing, Spain found itself in the maelstrom. Panicked investors shunned Spanish bonds and the cost of government borrowing rose back towards unmanageable levels, standing at 5.809 per cent yesterday morning. Markets believe Continued - Page 3


In today’s Courier...

THE BUFFOONS who run world football simply do not understand the British mentality. Sepp Blatter and Co are not fit to lick the boots of the hundreds of thousands of heroes who laid down their lives for our country. On this special weekend of remembrance, The Courier salutes every one of those who died for us. See our special tribute on page 6.


Friday, November 11, 2011


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Picture of the week

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share their bafflement at FIFA’s actions and team chiefs in Berlin insisted they could not understand the decision. Wolfgang Niersbach, general secretary of the German Football Federation, said he fully backed England’s move to have the symbols stitched on their shirts. “I am totally surprised (by the suggestion the German people may be offended) because it just hasn’t been mentioned here,” he said. “To my mind, this is a decision for England to make, and we would be happy for them to make it.” Niersbach confirmed that the German Federation had not been contacted by FIFA on the matter nor been involved in any negotiations.

Patrick Mercer, a former Army officer and Tory MP, said: ‘It is telling that our former foe is happy to honour those who have laid down their lives for peace. They are riding to our rescue. It is absolutely tremendous news. ‘Again it shows the extent to which FIFA have taken their eye off the ball. There is nothing political, religious or xenophobic about the poppy. It symbolises sacrifice, which is something Germany understands. It is a disgrace FIFA apparently does not.’ With Germany more than happy with the poppies, FIFA’s decision looked increasingly barmy. The FIFA boss is, of course, not too enamoured with Britain. The British press are always exposing FIFA’s corruption and the British Government did try to halt Blatter’s one-man FIFA re-election. Is that why the poppy became such an issue? If it was meant as a kick at Britain, the aim was way off. Blatter scored a monumental own goal; the ban, the stand-off and final climb

Monday Showers High Temperature: 21°C RealFeel: 20°C

down have turned into a huge, and greatly deserved, PR disaster for FIFA. One thing was certain, FIFA completely underestimated the strength of feeling in Britain about the importance of the poppy and all that it represents. The British people respect those who have fought and given their lives in the armed services and marking that sacrifice with a poppy is a matter of honour. George Batt, general secretary of the Normandy Veterans Association, described FIFA’s actions as “disgraceful”. The 86-year-old, who fought in the Second World War, said: “I don't really understand it. I can’t see any harm in wearing a poppy. You surely don’t need rules and regulations in FIFA like this. It’s so sad. “I would think about 90% of the population wear them. I’m lost for words. I think it’s a bit childish because, after all is said and done, if it wasn’t for us blokes FIFA wouldn’t be here. They wouldn’t be playing football.” Well said, Mr Batt.

Spanish royals visit London

Spain’s Prince and Princess of Asturias arrived in London this week on a visit to promote closer economic relations between Spain and the UK. The royal couple visited the World Travel Market, a leading trade fair for the tourism industry, which is taking place until November 10. They were accompanied by Joan Mesquida, general secretary for tourism and domestic trade. Speaking at a press conference, Mesquida hailed 2011 as an historic year for Spanish tourism, with almost 46 million visitors so far. That means growth in the tourism sector is almost four times greater than for the Spanish economy in general. The royals also attended a bilateral economic forum that has been set up between business leaders and politicians from Spain and the UK.

Today Partly Cloudy High Temperature: 18°C RealFeel: 20°C

Saturday Cloudy High Temperature: 19°C RealFeel: 18°C

Sunday Cloudy High Temperature: 21°C RealFeel: 18°C

Tuesday Mostly sunny High Temperature: 19°C RealFeel: 18°C

Wednesday Cloudy High Temperature: 20°C RealFeel: 19°C

Thursday Partly Cloudy High Temperature: 20°C RealFeel: 20°C


Friday, November 11, 2011

How's about that then guys and gals Hundreds of mourners gathered Wednesday for the funeral of TV host Jimmy Savile, a British cultural icon whose distinctive style weathered changing fashions and entertainment eras. Savile, known for his multicolored tracksuits, blonde locks, gold jewelry and everpresent cigar, died Oct. 29 in his hometown of Leeds, northern England, aged 84. He hosted "Top of the Pops" and "Jim'll Fix It" — two TV shows loved by multiple generations of British youth — and was, in the words of his obituary in the Daily Telegraph, "an eccentric adornment to British public life." Prince Charles was among those who paid tribute after his death, former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was among his friends, and the Bee Gees among those who sent flow-

ers to Leeds for his funeral. Savile's funeral cortege completed a circuit of the city before a requiem Mass at St. Anne's Roman Catholic Cathedral. Tony Prince, one of a generation of DJs Savile mentored, said Savile would have enjoyed the elaborate send-off. "If there's a heaven, he'll be laughing now if he's got time," Prince said. "Because if there is a heaven, he'll be introducing Elvis on the clouds." The Mass is part of a three-day memorial celebration planned by Savile, a vigorous self-mythologizer. He often claimed to have organized Britain's first discotheque and to have been the first DJ in the world to use two turntables, which has frequently been disputed. A working-class lad conscripted to work in a coal

mine during World War II, Savile was caught in an explosion and suffered spinal injuries. He then tried his hand as a touring disc jockey — first in pubs and dance halls and later on radio, including the renowned Radio Luxembourg. In the 1960s he moved into television, where his odd style — jocular, cigarwagging, occasionally yodeling — made him an improbable star. Savile was a longtime host of the BBC's weekly music show "Top Of The Pops," launching the program in 1964 and returning to present its final edition in 2006. For almost 20 years from 1975 he also hosted "Jim'll Fix It," in which he arranged for young viewers' wishes to be realized. Off-screen, he ran more than 200 marathons for charity, led work to collect

PET OWNERS WARNED AS HUNTERS POISON DOGS ANIMAL welfare campaigners are warning pet owners to be aware of poison being left for foxes in the La Marina area. The warning was issued by Mark Lewis and his daughter Yvonne after four dogs, three of them puppies, were killed by the poison. The four dogs ate the poison while out in fields near to their owner’s home. They all died agonising deaths and their bodies were later discovered by their distraught owner when she took her fifth dog, Mitzi, walking in the field to search for them. The dogs’ owner Anita Stearman realised her pets had been poisoned when Mitzi also ate poison, immediately falling ill and displaying signs of being in great pain. Only emergency veterinary treatment saved Mitzi’s life. According to Mark, the poison is being put down by hunters to kill foxes. The hunters want to keep the fox population down so there will be more rabbits to shoot for sport. The poison is put into meat which, as herbivores,

the rabbits don’t eat. When Mark, who runs the information website, was alerted to the deaths of the four dogs, he visited the field and found evidence of poisoned bait. The area where the poison was found is in the countryside just off the CV-853 La Marina to La Hoya road, behind the tennis courts. It is not known just how widespread the practice of poisoning is amongst hunters, so pet owners are warned to take great care with their animals in areas where hunting takes place.

20 million pounds ($32 million) for the creation of a national spinal injuries center at Stoke Mandeville Hospital in southern England and did regular shifts as a volunteer porter at Leeds General Infirmary and at Broadmoor, Britain's famous hospital for the criminally insane. He was knighted in 1990 for his charity fundraising and services to entertainment. At his funeral, cardiologist Alistair Hall announced that a new unit for heart patients, the Savile Institute, would be set up at the Leeds infirmary with a bequest from the entertainer's will. Despite his years on youth TV, Savile claimed more than once that he hated children. He never married — telling one interviewer he'd never been in love and had no emotions — and lived alone. Part of his home in Leeds was a shrine to his late mother, whom he called The

Duchess. After her death in 1973 he spent five days alone with her body. On Tuesday, several thousand people paid their last respects to Savile in Leeds' Queen's Hotel, where his gold-colored coffin sat surrounded by flowers, photos and the last cigar he ever smoked. In keeping with his last

wishes, Savile will be buried Thursday in the resort town of Scarborough — at a 45-degree angle in the earth, looking out over the sea. There is already a memorial bench to him in the town — he had it installed himself — bearing the words "Sir Jimmy Savile (but not just yet)."

EUROGEDDON anything over 6 per cent puts a country in the danger zone. Although Italy has not yet defaulted, its borrowing costs hit 7 per cent, the point at which Ireland and Portugal were forced to ask for a bailout. The European Central Bank (ECB) has started buying Spanish as well as Italian debt. Spain was originally thought to be at greater risk than Italy, but the Italian solvency crisis has been growing since the summer, exacerbated by political stagnation and inability to introduce measures to deal with the deficit. Italy is the world’s eighth largest economy (third largest in Europe) and with more than £1.5 trillion worth of debt, is thought by many to be too big to rescue. Silvio Berlusconi’s pledge to resign as prime minister on Wednesday failed to calm markets. The lack of a clear message from Europe is not helping matters, and there has been a real sense of Rome burning

while Europe fiddles. Amid reports that Germany and France were holding private talks about whether some countries could be ejected from the Eurozone to assure the single currency’s future, Jose Manuel Barroso, president of the European Commission, pleaded for countries to pull together to solve the crisis. Germany later denied it was looking for a smaller Eurozone but speculation continued and there were very real fears that the crisis could bring about a disorderly breakup of the euro if an answer is not found soon. The British PM, David Cameron, issued a stark warning identifying Italy as a clear and present danger to the Eurozone. He said the moment of truth was fast approaching and warned that Eurozone countries must act now if they want to save the currency. Emergency meetings on the crisis are continuing in Italy, Spain and across Europe continued as we went to press.


Friday, November 11, 2011

Cardinal rule

Save the rich but call on Robin Hood THE arrival of the anti-capitalism protesters camped on the steps of St Paul’s Cathedral has had the clergy’s cassocks in a right twist. On one hand it’s often said that on Sundays in the UK the CoE is the place to see the ‘great and the good’ in prayer. But these same ‘great and good’ are sometimes the very people that the church criticises for their greed praying on Sundays and spending the rest of the week getting richer at other people’s expense. (Praying on Sundays and preying on all of us the rest of the week!) On the other hand the anti-capitalists are the very people the church should have sympathy for. After all, wasn’t it Jesus who preached that the rich should help the poor and attacked the money-lenders (banks)? What a dilemma for the Church, you can’t bite the hand that feeds you by being seen to be too supportive of those who are attacking the institutions. It’s an interesting tightrope - all that the Archbishop of Canterbury could come up with was a call for a Robin Hood tax on the banks. Pretty safe that one, in the public’s eyes. But it’s pretty stupid taking more money from the banks at a time when they must both build up their reserves to bail out another crisis and lend more to businesses. Sorry, you can’t do all three things at the same time, and when we hear that a bank has actually made a profit, that really is a good thing. We need profits to build up private pension funds...remember? I suggest the church should stop meddling in politics and get back to basics - back to the preaching of Jesus and urging the great and good to avoid greed, sloth, gluttony, etc. They should be reminding the super-rich that putting a few coins in the offering, saying a prayer or two, or making a confession won’t buy them an eternal future. The church getting into a twist is nothing compared with the antics of Europe’s leaders. You expect those empowered with such responsibility, and earning so much in the process, would be able to agree on a plan to start getting the economy out of a mess. The exact opposite is the case - they have been acting more like clowns, or, to be more precise, putting their country’s self-interests first. If a country’s borrowing starts to reach the amount it can earn, then it’s blindingly obvious that there is no possible way of it being able to pay its debts. Greece, Italy, Portugal, et al, should never have allowed themselves to become so indebted; but more importantly, the rest of the Eurozone should have stuck to the selfimposed rules and not turned a blind eye to allow countries to keep on borrowing as if there were no tomorrow. If only countries had originally agreed not to continue to independently borrow but had done so under a Euro umbrella, we would not be in the mess now. Europe’s leaders have all acted as stupidly as the crazy let’s lend to anyone bankers. And what was even worse was that they had the gall to go cap in hand to the Chinese to bail them out.


Last Friday we saw one of the worst motorway crashes ever on UK roads. It happened when traffic suddenly went into a pocket of thick fog and probably smoke from a nearby

Bonfire Night celebration. There was a crash and then one vehicle after another ploughed in, all made worse when one of the vehicles caught fire. The blaze spread into a fireball, trapping people in vehicles. I don't know whether the UK accident involved overtaking lorries, but what I do know is that if all lorries were only in one lane the carnage in any accident would be lessened. Worth a debate in parliament at least, as would reducing speed limits by law in rain and fog and banning firework displays and bonfires within say 200 yards from main roads and motorways, don't you think?" Driving to Spain we travelled on a stretch of road in western France where lorries are required to stay on the inside lane and must not overtake. How much safer British and Spanish motorways would be if the same requirement was in force, there would be far less bunching. Many motorway tailbacks are caused when one lorry overtakes another, travelling at speeds only one or two mph greater and taking miles to complete the manoeuvre.

Government shambles This week I turn to something that has changed the face of Britain more than anything else and, arguably, has caused more problems than anything since the last war - immigration. The last Labour government, aided by do-gooders and social reformers, embarked on a social engineering project and created a virtual open door to anyone to come into Britain. Attracted by our benefit system and helped by those immigrants already in the UK, they came in their droves. Economic migrants, relatives, people who couldn’t speak a word of English, in they came, and it was all helped by a

very clever device. At the time, anyone who tried to raise one word of protest was immediately labelled a racist. And the end result is that the UK now has huge deprived areas, enclaves of immigrants living in a semi-tribal state. It comes complete with gang warfare, the use of guns, knives, and an army of people who do not hold life as sacrosanct as we do, and do not have the slightest idea of the British sense of fair play. It’s all so much crazier at a time of high unemployment, with immigrants taking low paid jobs and Brits preferring to live on benefits rather than take a job on the lowest pay scales. So, let’s just look at the continued appalling mess over immigration and trying to bolt the door, even though the horse has bolted... *The head of the UK Border Agency - the body charged with vetting every arrival into the UK - and two other officials, have been suspended following news that some passport checks were not carried out on non-EU nationals during the summer. Great! Where are the problem new arrivals likely to come from, the EU or the rest of the world? I’ll let you answer. Yet another government shambles. Heaven help Britain. * The Border Agency has been accused by MPs of losing track of 124,000 asylum seekers and migrants - the names of which have apparently been dumped into an ‘archive’- in other words quietly forgotten. The Agency has been accused of trying to hide the fact that there are so many immigrants who have disappeared. In reality, what has happened is that many have disappeared into the ethnic community, helped and hidden by community members and adding to the UK’s illegal black economy. It also results in more people living on crime and the proceeds of crime. Heaven help Britain. * More than 5,000 foreign criminals awaiting deportation still remain in the UK at the expense of the taxpayers. The number who are not deported, or who cannot be, is increasing because of the stupid Human Rights legislation. Because we are signed up to the Human Rights Act there are a growing number of criminals - some who have committed very serious offences - who cannot be deported because they have a ‘right to a family life’ under Human Rights legislation, which is backed by Lib Dems and Labour. Heaven help Britain. And finally, when I was a journalist covering local magistrates’ courts there were often cases brought by police who had caught drunken oiks urinating in public places, car parks, shop doorways, etc. I read last week that three senior members of a local council, including the mayor, were seen urinating behind bushes when they were caught short on a planning factfinding tour. Ironically, these same people had previously been discussing the closure of public loos because of the need for economy cuts. Where are the prosecutions? One law for the ‘great and good’ and another for oiks I suggest!

Friday, November 11, 2011

He, She or It? Now that’s the question My hubby Andres is sprawling smugly on the settee, reading my "boobs" so to speak, but he is about to come down to earth with a bang. Hold on tight Andres, this is going to hurt! My poor other half is the complete opposite to me. He hates to put his foot in it, so much so that for the 30 years that we lived in England he completely avoided using the words "fork" and "fox"! I'm sure that you can imagine why. "Pass me the knife thing", he would say and the fox was just never mentioned! Yet still my two mischievous children would bring their friends home and they would sneakily (with my encouragement) prise out the "prize" words that would never fail to have them all in stitches. Poor Andres, for him slippers have always and always will be flippers, so "where are my floody flippers?" caused a chuckle again and again, and for some unknown reason in" Andres world" daffodils are rafadelos! Woodpeckers are piggypeckers, and bless his size 11 cotton socks, after 34 years of constantly correcting him,” I thought" comes out as "me thinky". Quite endearing really. Oh! I mustn’t forget one very good word mix up that has caused lots of hysteria over the years. I'll tell the tale, you guess the word.


Andres went to the local supermarket on yet another sunny Manchester day (Honestly, there have been about seven in the last decade) with Brian, my daughter's then new boyfriend and now husband and father to our two adorable grandkids. Brian had only met Andres twice before so was on his very best behaviour. After filling up the trolley with picnic goodies they went to the till. When it was time to pay Andres began to fumble in his front pockets and looking very flustered and red-faced, said to Brian. Please you pay, I’ve left my WILLY at home. Poor, young Brian had to keep his face straight and explain to an even younger and very shocked female cashier what he actually meant to say. Brian recalls that he almost exploded keeping his face straight until they arrived home and he could tell my daughter Raquel what had happened, well out of earshot of Andres! However, one of the very best mistakes that he makes is that "he, she and it" are always HE! No matter what. "Is Bev in? my friends would ask him, when they called on the phone. More often

than not his answer would be "No, HE is not here. HE is in HIS mother's house.", and this leads to my all-time favourite boob, and I believe that it is unsurpassable (unless you guys have a better one). We had been asked to accompany an acquaintance to Elche hospital, about 3 years ago. While he sadly had to have his leg amputated after years of circulatory problems. The chap's sister, Irene, had flown over from Birmingham, to be here to care for him after the op. She hadn't visited Spain before and didn't even know how to say "si". Hence Andres or myself needed to be with her at the hospital while our friend had the op. I begged Andres to go with her, but he resisted claiming that he wouldn't be able to explain things to the bloke's sister well enough to keep her at ease. However he finally conceded after I assured him that he could. How much better it would have been if I hadn't pushed him into it... Andres "where Mind you I wouldn't are my floody be writing this now flippers?" if I hadn't, so it wasn't in vain. He arrived home after the op with his head cradled in his hands and a horrified look on his face. "What have I done" he cried shaking his head and fell onto the settee. "What the heck has happened?" I asked, panicking, more than slightly. And here is the tale..... David, the patient, was away for what seemed like forever, and unbeknown to Andres and Irene (the sister) although everything had gone well, David had been in the recovery room for rather a long time. Andres went to find a member of staff to see where David was, when a well-dressed man walked up to him and explained that after an amputation, legally, the limb had to be signed for and disposed of at the crematorium, and they needed David's sister to sign the consent form.


Andres returned to David's room to explain the situation, but PLEASE remember the "he she and it" problem that he has. He approached the poor, concerned lady, with the paperwork and explained, very clearly so that she would understand, "HE has to go to the crematorium,. HE has to be burnt in the oven!!!." The lady fell in a dead faint onto the floor before my panicking Andres could explain his gigantic mix-up. Of course, he sorted it out in the end and drove the poor shaking mess home to recover. She did see the funny side of it the following day, along with David and all the nurses, but I can assure you Andres did not. It took hem ages to get over what he had done. Needless to say it took me ages to get up off the floor after laughing. Yet another story to dine on. Pass me the gastric balloon someone.!! This is the only time when I can safely say that Andres' boobs are bigger and better than mine!!



Friday, November 11, 2011

We Will Remember Them


World War I, 1914-1918, changed many people's understanding of conflict. Young men from across the world enlisted, or were conscripted, to fight. Battles took place in many places - at sea, in Gallipoli (in Turkey) in the Middle East, in Eastern Europe and in the infamous trenches of Western Europe. Millions of people died in terrible conditions. The war introduced new technology, resulting in far more injuries in conflict than before, with medical science striving to keep up with new horrors. Battles lasted months rather than just hours or days. After the war ended, some people just wanted life to return to normal, but too many people had died or been injured for the war to be forgotten. Groups and associations were created, determined to remember what had happened and to commemorate the sacrifice that so many had made. The act of a two Minute silence began on the anniversary of Armistice Day, 11 November 1919. In 1921, The Royal British Legion lobbied the Government for 'Remembrance Day' which was then formally adopted as a national day of Remembrance. Shortly after the Legion was formed, the poppy was adopted as its symbol. The poem in Flanders Fields was part of the reason, but other poems had also mentioned poppies as they were one of the few flowers able to survive in an area severely damaged by fighting. The poppy was seen by many as a powerful symbol of hope. Today, the poppy has become an international symbol of Remembrance. Wreaths of poppies form a central role in Remembrance ceremonies held across the UK, parts of the Commonwealth and overseas.

In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields. by John McCrae, May 1915

important as it is a physical site for people to visit. For the first half of the 20th century, British Service men and women were buried near to where they fought and died, which means there are cemeteries all over the world that contain British war dead. It also means that it is sometimes difficult for relatives and friends to visit their graves. More recently, bodies of Service men and women killed abroad are returned to the UK to be buried or cremated. This is called 'repatriation'. Sometimes repatriation is not possible, due to the nature of battles and because people, especially those serving in the Royal Navy, are killed and buried at sea. Memorials in the UK are therefore

important reminders of the people that took part in conflicts, perhaps thousands of miles away, or from a previous generation whose families still want something visible to remind others of who those people were and what they did. In Alrewas, Staffordshire, there is the National Memorial Arboretum (NMA), part of The Royal British Legion family. It is an outdoor site that contains a large and varied number of memorials to commemorate those who have given their lives for their country and those who have suffered as a result of conflict. The site reflects the contribution of the Armed Forces and organisations connected with conflict from World War I through to the present day. As an arboretum, the NMA uses trees and plants as well as plaques, statues and other symbols, to remember those affected by war. There is a Garden of the Innocents for children affected by conflict, including a tree dedicated to Anne Frank, as well as memorials to those who lived and worked

on the Home Front during World War II. The largest memorial at the NMA is the Armed Forces Memorial. It records all the names of Service men and women killed on active duty since the end of World War II. Only half the memorial is full, as each year, the names of those killed in the previous twelve months are added.

The Legion and Remembrance The Royal British Legion was founded in 1921, so 2011 is its 90th anniversary. Its primary purpose was to provide welfare for veterans and their families and to ensure that the sacrifice made by those who serve in, or who are affected by conflicts, are not forgotten. Today the Legion is the national custodian of Remembrance. Many people think of Remembrance Day as a day to remember those men and women who lost their lives in the two World Wars, but Remembrance Day and the act of Remembrance also include all those who have been involved with, and affected by, the events of war and conflict since World War I. It's not just the dead who are remembered. In recent years, due to events in Iraq and Afghanistan, Remembrance has taken on a new significance. It has become increasingly clear that it should not just be the dead who are remembered, but all those injured whilst serving their country and all those affected by conflict, including the families of Service men and women and civilians. In today's conflicts, improved medical services mean that many people survive attacks or bombs - but often with terrible life-long injuries. It is just as important to remember the sacrifices those people and their families have made, as it is to remember those who do not return at all. The men and women injured today are usually between the ages of 18 and 40 years old and will need help for many years to come.

Taking part The act of Remembrance, held on Remembrance Day at 11am every 11 November, is intended for everyone to take part in. Everyone has a right to experience Remembrance and to reflect on the horrors of conflict. At many Remembrance services or events, the words on the left are read out from Lawrence Binyon's famous poem For the Fallen. It is often called the Exhortation. The poem is a powerful reminder that you don't have to have family or friends affected by war to want to remember those who have.

The Exhortation


They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.

Remembrance can too often focus on battles and conflicts rather than the men and women affected by them. Remembering all those involved can be difficult - there are millions of names to remember. It is why memorials are so important, as they often record the names of those who were killed or, just as importantly, act as a symbol for all those that fought and were affected by the conflict. Memorials can have many different shapes and forms some are of people or figures; some are symbols such as the Cenotaph in Whitehall, London. For many, a memorial is

Remembrance Day provides us all with an opportunity to remember loved ones, learn about the past as well as the present and, above all, the opportunity to reflect upon the human cost of war and the importance of working for peace. There are lots of different ways to take part in Remembrance: by taking part in an act of Remembrance (such as attending a service); wearing a poppy; visiting a memorial; reciting or writing a poem; preparing an assembly or creating a memorial poster.


Friday, November 11, 2011

Luis is legal after charity begins at home BACK in the summer, I exposed a bogus charity collector – at least I thought I did. In fact I didn’t …because the guy has turned out to be genuine. Well, I’m pretty sure he is, anyway. I had hatched a little plan earlier this year which I thought would prove one way or another whether this Spanish guy was for real. He regularly appears on a door-to-door mission around the urbanisation where I live purporting to collect for a charity called Asociación Marinar. I had decided I would to tell him I’m a journalist and that I wanted to take and publish his photograph with a caption telling readers it was OK to give money to him. I figured

that if he was genuine, he would be happy to have his picture in print and if he was bogus, he would run a mile. In the event he ran a mile (well 100 metres down the road, anyway), seemingly confirming my worst impressions. As he ran off, he thrust an Asociación Marinar leaflet into my hand, which I published alongside my article shaming the seeming conman.. Then, a few weeks ago, I received a letter containing a message from two Spanish ladies who work for Asociación Marinar saying they were concerned that my article had created bad vibes in their efforts to raise money for it. And last week, my bogus collector pal

was back at my front door, armed with a mass of identification ranging from ID cards to police and local authority authorisation. It turned out that his name is Luis and he is in fact Secretary of Asociación Marinar, whose declared aim is to raise funds for mothers with sick children. Our reunion ended up all smiles, with me making a donation and Luis presenting me with a gift of perfumed air fresheners. But he still would not let me take his photograph. And that leaves me with just the tiniest flicker of doubt as to whether he really is genuine. Hell, in Spain’s chaotic society, how does anyone know who or what to believe?

STICK IT UP YOUR GAZUMPER! How I was snared by the religion of greed

IN these depressing economic days, house buyers are as likely to be gazumped as they are to find a queue outside an estate agent’s office.

‘’Gazumped, what’s that?’’, did I hear some young whipper snap? Well, in what we wrinklies call the good old days, it was a ploy unscrupulous homeowners used to wangle as much money as they could from the host of potential buyers who flocked to their door. Gazumping is something I personally could never have sunk to. In fact, in my view it is morally criminal. And that is not just because it happened to me – perpetrated by, of all people, the widow of a minister of religion who had recently passed away. Mrs W clearly had no conscience… but her husband will no doubt be spinning in his grave until kingdom come. And long after it. Wikipedia describes gazumping as ‘‘a term used in the UK and Australia when a seller (especially of property) accepts a verbal offer of the asking price from one potential buyer, but then accepts a higher offer from someone else. ‘‘It can also refer to the seller raising the asking price at the last minute, after previously verbally agreeing to a lower one. In either case, the original buyer is left in the lurch, and either has to offer a higher price or lose the purchase.’’ It’s well over 30 years since the day I fell in love with that beautiful three-bedroom semi in north Manchester. It seemed so perfect for me, my partner and our two young daughters. We were living in London at the time and I was on a day trip to finalise my transfer from Fleet Street to the Daily Express’s

northern office. The professional niceties sorted, and me being the family’s chief breadwinner by some distance, I decided to spend the time I had before my train back to London looking at potential new homes. I called a local estate agent, who was happy to run me over to see some properties in the area we fancied moving to. The first couple I saw weren’t my cup of tea – but then David (I remember the agent’s name to this day) muttered: ‘‘We have a house which I think will be just what are looking for - but it’s not going on the market until tomorrow. ‘I’ll call Mrs W and see if she’ll

let you see it today because of your situation.’’ Mrs W agreed and off we went to see what I instantly knew was what I wanted to be our new home. It was an immaculate three-bed semi, with landscaped gardens and garage, in a safe friendly, middle-class area. And it was cheap…well, in the eyes of someone coming from London, it certainly was. My house in Enfield was worth around £14,000 and it wasn’t a patch on Mrs W’s £8.750 snip. She had seemed a nice lady – and when we discovered that we were both originally from South Wales, the ice seemed well and truly broken.

I don’t want to lose this house, I thought to myself, and offered Mrs W the full asking price. She accepted – well, how could she refuse? What I did NOT think of was how her greedy little mind would react. Thinking we had a deal, I headed off to Piccadilly Station laughing to myself at a remarkable day in which I had landed a new job and then bought a house as an encore. Just like that. The following afternoon I received a call from my solicitor. ‘‘I’ve just had a call from |Mrs W’s solicitor,’’ he said. ‘‘Mrs W says she has had an offer of £9,000, but she wants you to have it because she feels you are a friend. She says if you can match that figure, it’s yours.’’ I was furious. I didn’t believe for one minute that she had had a higher offer so soon. She had clearly decided that if the first person to see the property had offered the asking price, then it had been undervalued. Only it hadn’t. It was just that the person who had made the offer was locked into London prices. ‘‘Tell her to forget it,’’ I barked down the phone. ‘‘It’s a matter of principle. We agreed on the price and she’s gazumped me.’’ ‘‘Listen,’’ said my solicitor, ‘‘Do you want the house? That is the important thing.’’ ‘‘Yes, of course I do,’’ I replied. ‘‘But I’m not going to be held to ransom.’’ ‘‘Is it worth losing it for an extra £250?’’ he went on. ‘‘Not really – but then she’ll probably put it up again.’’ ‘‘I can assure you she won’t,’’ said my solicitor, words which have made me wonder many times since whether he knew more than he let on. Ultimately, I agreed to pay £9,000 for a property we sold eight years later for three times as much. And we all lived happily ever after. And with a clear conscience. How about you, Mrs W?



Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday, November 11, 2011

Painful deaths of migrating birds Up to 4 million birds trapped illegally this year face a slow, sticky end before being sold to restaurants for tapas, say campaigners Up to four million migrating birds will be killed by illegal Spanish hunters this year, with many dying a slow, sticky death in traps that literally glue the animals to the ground, according to campaigners. Thrushes flying south for a warm Mediterranean winter this week will, as usual, run a gauntlet of illegal hunters who kill some two million birds in their peak hunting season: the six late autumn weeks in which Spanish skies fill with migrating birds. Hundreds, if not thousands, of hunters in Castellón, eastern Spain, and neighbouring areas will have already set their socalled parany traps – copses filled with glue-covered twigs and spikes. Most of the illegally trapped birds will end up as tapas in Spanish bars, fried tidbits that locals claim are part of a cultural heritage stretching back to Roman times. "There are pictures of parany traps in the mosaics of Pompeii," said Miguel Angel Bayarri of the trappers' Apaval association. "This is a tradition that has existed for centuries and that we will continue to fight for." Hunting of song and mistle thrushes and their cousin the redwing is not illegal, but the methods used are, despite attempts by legislators to introduce exceptions. Campaigners say the painful deaths suffered by the birds, whose wings are glued together before their necks are broken or their heads squashed, contravene European wildlife laws. "There have been sentences against this in the courts in Madrid and at the European court in Luxembourg," said Mario Giménez, head of SEO/Birdlife in the eastern region of Valencia. Up to two of every five birds that fall into the parany traps will not be thrushes. Hundreds of thousands of other migrating insectivores such as robins, blackcaps, chiffchaffs and black redstarts will die. Local birds, including warblers and owls, also fall prey to the parany trick. "That only happens if the trap is badly operated," said Bayarri. "Our members only catch thrushes. This is just banning for banning's sake." But Giménez said few parany operators

went through the laborious process of cleaning glue off birds that may not be hunted. "Even those cleaned up with dissolvent often don't survive," he said. Campaigners say it is time politicians, whose attempts at legalising the traps in Valencia's regional parliament have been stymied by Spain's higher courts, publicly disavow a tradition that contravenes EU law. But protecting local traditions wins votes in rural areas where setting and emptying traps may also involve evenings or weekends of food, drink and partying. Hunting continues, even though Apaval has this year asked its members not to set the traps, where recordings of birdsong are used to lure passing birds into thickets of trees. Unable to use their glued wings, the birds fall to the ground and are killed by hand. At least 340 functioning parany traps have been identified in the past few weeks, according to Spain's Association of Environmental Officers. "They are only the first ones discovered so far this year," said a spokesman. "In previous years we have found some 2,000 traps." "The hunting continues, it is just not so flagrant," said Giménez. "We have seen the traps and heard the birdsong recordings that they use. Now when they hear a car, they do at least turn the machine off." Those caught using the illegal parany method can be fined up to €200,000 (£170,000) and may also end up with a criminal record. Previously, special whistles were used to attract the birds, but these were replaced by tape-recordings and, now, digital devices. While the thrushes were once an important food source in the countryside of eastern Spain, birds are now mostly sold secretly to bars and restaurants. Many are stored in freezers to be sold later. Campaigners fear that with a change in Spain's government due after a general election on 20 November, authorities will once more turn a blind eye to illegal hunting of migratory birds. "The People's party is expected to win, and that is the same party that has tried to legalise this in Valencia," said Giménez. "We don't want a new government turning the clock back."



Friday, November 11, 2011

I want to be alone I CONSIDER myself a happy chappy, a gregarious type of guy. Encounter me in the street and I shall greet you with a cheery hello and ask how your mother is keeping these days. And before you can assume a puzzled expression and ask 'Do I know you?' I shall proceed merrily on my way wearing a broad smile and warbling a jaunty melody. But there are times, I must confess, when I scurry through the back alleys like the elusive dwarf character in that splendid 1970s scary movie Don't Look Now. Just like that iconic but solitary film star Greta Garbo I simply want to be left alone. Not that I am suggesting for one moment that Garbo would have been suited to the role of the dwarf in Don't Look Now. My goodness, she was way too tall and anyway she stopped making movies in 1941. But I digress. (Or as most folk of my acquaintance would put it: 'Just shut up and get on with it.') The other day I was playing host to a visitor in my kitchen and I asked him: 'Have you noticed the apparent dichotomy in my character? One moment I'm quite affable and full of bonhomie and joie de vivre. 'The next moment I come over all introverted and monosyllabic as if riddled with angst?' My guest merely shrugged and stuffed a frosted corn flake up his nostril. 'Humour me,' I urged my grandson. 'I know you're only two-years-old but we are family.' The boy giggled, pointed a sticky finger at me and announced: 'Grandpa is a silly sausage.' Before I could digest his opinion the child sneezed violently. A grizzled green corn flake shot across the room and caught me square between the eyes. My grandson rubbed his own eyes and announced whingingly: 'Tired now.' And there was my answer! Talk about that saying 'Out of the mouths of babes and whatsits,' it had been obvious all the time. I WAS a nice guy, highly sociable and extroverted.

But when fatigue overtook me I became solitary and grumpy -- just like a tired infant. 'I beg to differ,' observed Mrs S when my grandson and I awoke from our afternoon nap. 'Oh,' I said. 'So what do you figure is my problem?' Mrs S shrugged. 'It's quite simple. You're a barmpot.' 'I can't agree,' declared Dave the barman that night at the pub. 'You're simply frazzled from a life of constant activity. 'Since I've known you, my friend and best customer, you have raised two children and three dogs. And these days you are kept busy with your three grandchildren.' 'Four,' I corrected him. 'You have a fourth grandchild?' said Dave most surprised. 'You never told me. When did this happen? I'd have bought you a pint.' 'No, Dave,' I said. 'I meant a fourth pet. I had four dogs not three. You never met the Yorkie because I never brought her into the pub. 'She was a dainty little thing but she wasn't keen on going out because she was embarrassed by her enormous paws. I reckon her father must have been a Great Dane or something.

'Anyway, I named her Greta -- after Greta Garbo the actress who was likewise self-conscious about her big feet.' 'Greta Garbo?' said Dave. 'Didn't she play the murdering midget in Don't Look Now?' At that point a stranger poked his head into our conversation. 'Excuse me,' he said long-sufferingly. 'Which one of you two gentlemen do I have to arm-wrestle with to get served around here?' 'Sorry about that, sir,' said Dave, holding out the solitary bowl of stale peanuts on the bar as an additional apology. 'It's just that my friend here is a serious journalist and we were collaborating on research for his latest piece of incisive reportage.' 'It sounded like you were talking a load of old tosh to me,' observed the stranger. 'Well that as well,' admitted Dave, grabbing back the peanuts. The stranger stared closely at me. 'Why do you have a congealed corn flake stuck to your forehead?' I scurried home through the back alleys and scrubbed my face over the bathroom basin. Blimey, I thought. Whatever natural substances lurked in my grandson's nostrils there could be no doubt that their adhesive properties were of industrial strength. 'By the way,' I said to Mrs S. 'Why did you call me a barmpot?' Mrs S looked surprised that I should even ask. 'Because you ARE one. You have only to ask a psychiatrist.' 'Really?' I said, towelling dry my face. 'Well show me a psychiatrist who uses the term barmpot and I shall show you a psychiatrist with limited vocabulary and little expertise.' Mrs S snorted. 'Trust you to get a second opinion.' 'But it's the SAME psychiatrist,' I argued. 'The point I am trying to make is that NO psychiatrist would ever call someone a barmpot.' 'Typical of you,' said Mrs S. 'You've gone from one psychiatrist to two psychiatrists and now there's no psychiatrist at all.' Exhausted by the cut and thrust of marital combat I informed my beloved that I was returning to the pub. 'Fine by me,' she said. 'But on the way would you stop off at the supermarket. We've run out of corn flakes.'

Authors booked for signing Local authors will be signing their books at Bookworld, Habaneras next Wednesday. The authors, all members

of the Costa Blanca writers’ group, WordPlay, will autograph their tomes in the store between 12 noon and 3pm. The featured books are Words on the Wild Side by Georgia Varjas, The Cardinals of Schengen by Michael Barton, and WordPlay ShowCase, the WordPlay anthology featur-

ing the work of fifteen writers. A free raffle on the day will give one lucky winner the chance to have a character in a soon to be released thriller named after them. Any books purchased on the day will come with a free bookmark, and there will be a special signing day

discount on creative writing workshops offered by WordPlay. WordPlay is dedicated to encouraging writers and getting them read. The group holds monthly meetings at The Emerald Isle, La Florida. WordPlay can be contacted by email at wordplayenquiries@mail. com

Water warning

Residents of Orihuela Costa have been receiving insurance sales letters from a company claiming to be Aquagest or acting on Aquagest’s behalf. The letters offer insurance for burst pipes and water leaks. However a check with Aquagest at Orihuela Costa town hall revealed that the water company knows nothing of these letters and does not offer insurance. A call to the number on the letter went through to insurance company Seguragua in Madrid. Seguragua specialises in this type of insurance. The caller was asked for their bank details over the phone, something that should never be done. It would appear that Seguragua is a legitimate company but the letters that seem to have come from them could be misleading. Private houses and apartments should have water damage included in their building insurance and so would not need this extra cover.

Friday, November 11, 2011



Friday, November 11, 2011


The world according to America World leaders met in the north of Spain last week for the G-20 summit – at least that’s what CNN viewers were told. The American news channel used a map when reporting on the summit that showed the G-20 meeting taking place in Spain instead of France. The explanation was that the tiny hamlet in Galicia called Cans O Porriño was confused with the more famous French Cannes – the real location of the summit. Curiously, the Spanish Cans also has a film festival. CNN’s team has said that of course it knew the summit was in France, and the label on the map did say Cannes, France. However, none of the journalists noticed it was plastered on a map of Spain. The gaff takes place not long after Fox news placed Egypt over Iraq and one of the ratings agencies referred to ‘The Republic of Spain’.

ETA chief jailed for 105 years A former ETA leader was sentenced to 105 years in prison on Monday for ordering the assassinations of a Socialist politician and his bodyguard in February 2000. This is the first conviction against an ETA member since the terrorist group’s announcement last month that it has renounced violence. Francisco Javier García Gaztelu, ‘Txapote’, was found guilty of the deaths of Fernando Buesa and Jorge Díez, who were killed in Vitoria, the Basque capital, in a bomb attack. Two other people were hurt in the attack. A vehicle loaded with 20 kilograms of dynamite and metal shrapnel went off as the politician and his bodyguard drove to the regional parliament. The ex-ETA leader was also ordered to pay compensation of 500,000 euros to each of the families. • Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero met with regional Socialist leader Patxi López in Vitoria on Monday to discuss the challenges that lie ahead following ETA’s announcement. Zapatero thanked “the vast majority of the Basque people” for achieving the end of terrorist violence. “I would say that the credit for this goes to Basque society,” he said.

It is only the second time in the history of Spanish democracy that the head of government has visited the Palace of Ajuria Enea, the Basque regional seat of power.

A farmer has died in Guadassuar, Tous, in Valencia after being attacked by a jabalí, a type of wild boar. Reports say the 60-year-old man was working in his orange grove when he was surprised by the beast. Named only as Miguel E, the victim suffered injuries to his groin. He was found with blood on his hands and face and witnesses said it looked as though he had tried to defend himself from the attack.

Ninety per cent of the population of Tous are thought to be hunters, but nobody can remember a wild boar attacking in this way before. Local police said the victim’s son reported that his father had phoned him on his mobile to say he had been injured, but when a neighbour arrived at the scene the man was already dead. Reports indicate that he had earlier suffered a heart attack.

Wild boar attack kills man

Caught on Camera Trafico fines Hollywood producers over publicity shot Spanish bureaucracy strikes again! This time it is the traffic authority (DGT) that has shown there is no limit to the enforcement of its laws. The DGT has fined the producers of Hollywood film Larry Crowne for failing to ensure the lead actors Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts were wearing helmets as they rode on a scooter on the film’s promotional poster. The 30,000 euro fine was issued because the poster contravenes traffic laws that ban “any publicity, in print, audio or video that may incite excessive speed, reckless driving, situations of danger or any other circumstance involving conduct contrary to the principles of the law”. Tripictures was so surprised by the fine that it initially thought it was a joke. A company spokesperson said that in the film, all actors riding on scooters wore helmets. The move comes after singer Shakira was fined last year for failing to wear a helmet in one of her music videos.


Friday, November 11, 2011



Spain agrees debt control at G-20 Spain ratified the G-20 summit last Friday, undertaking to control the Spanish debt and deficit. The undertaking is part of the ‘Action plan for growth and employment’. The plan promises ‘clear and believable’ financial consolidation in order to reduce the deficit in 2013 to half that of 2010. Speaking at his last G-20 summit, Spanish prime minister, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, said, ‘We have made it to November without asking for any international help’. He continued that Spain would meet her budgetary calendar. Thirteen Spanish protestors were arrested outside the G-20 summit in Cannes.

Spanish soldier shot dead by Taliban A Spanish soldier died on Sunday after being shot in Afghanistan, the Defence Ministry has reported. First Sergeant Joaquín Moya Espejo, 35, a native of Córdoba and father of one, died from his injuries after a gunfight with the Taliban. The attack occurred in northwest of Ludina, in Badghis province. Sergeant Moya was in Afghanistan with one of the Operational Mentor Liaison Teams tasked with training the Afghan army. His unit came under fire from light weapons operated at long range by rebels, and Sergeant Moya was shot in the chest. He died aboard the US helicopter evacuating him to the nearest hospital. Defence Minister, Carmé Chacón, cancelled a planned visit to the Canary Island of El Hierro to travel to Afghanistan. Sergeant Moya’s death takes the number of Spanish sol-

diers to be killed in Afghanistan to 98 since troops were first deployed at the end of January 2002. Moya Espejo was the fourth member of the Spanish military to die from gunfire in Afghanistan; most of the casualties have been due to accidents and bomb attacks. According to official figures published by the website, a total of 511 foreign troops have lost their lives in Afghanistan so far this year. Last year, nonetheless, remains the deadliest year for foreign military casualties with a death toll of 711. The number eclipsed the previous record of 521, set in 2009. In June, Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero announced that Spain plans to begin gradually withdrawing its 1,500 troops in 2012 and will complete the withdrawal by 2014.

Murderer caught in Torre del Mar A Romanian man wanted for murder and robbery in Portugal has been arrested in Torre del Mar. Named by El Mundo newspaper as 27 year old Ioan R., he fled to Spain after a Portuguese court sentenced him to 15 and a half years in prison for the death of a woman in 2005. The victim was smothered to death in her bed during the course of a robbery. The wanted man was traced to the Axarquía district of Málaga province and was arrested near a bar in Torre del Mar on November 4. He has now been transferred into the custody of the National Court for extradition to Portugal.

Migrant boats intercepted in Gibraltar Living not so easy in Spain The crew of a fishing boat came to the rescue of a group of migrants on Tuesday morning who they spotted trying to cross the Strait of Gibraltar in an inflatable toy boat which was in serious danger of sinking. The six men and one woman from Sub Saharan Africa were transferred on board to await the arrival of the Coastguard to escort them to port in Tarifa. Another three patera boats were intercepted in the Strait on Tuesday. Two were spotted some 4 miles off Ceuta, and the third 18 miles out to sea. Europa Press said all 15 passengers were escorted into the Autonomous City’s port.

THE number of Spaniards living below the poverty line has reached nearly 22 per cent – over two per cent more than in 2009 – according to latest figures from the National Statistics Institute. The poverty threshold is currently set at 7,533 euros a year for a single-parent home, 11,300 euros for homes with two adults and 15,820 euros for those comprised

of two adults and two children. Despite this, the number of families failing to budget for the month has dropped by 1.5 per cent – suggesting families are managing their finances better. The survey also found that almost 39 per cent of families cannot afford to take a week’s holiday – that’s over five per cent more than in 2008


Friday, November 11, 2011

A General blunder

For five years a man named in a British court as "the general" has been pursued by detectives in a multimillion-pound operation. Over the past decade Robert Dawes has moved from a two-up, two-down terraced house on an estate outside Nottingham to a base in Dubai and finally to a villa on the Costa del Sol. Police believe he has left a trail of destruction as one of the heads of a crime syndicate that flooded the UK with millions of pounds of cocaine, heroin and cannabis. He has been identified in nine UK investigations involving large scale shipments. Dawes is wanted in the Netherlands in connection with the murder of a teacher, Gerard Meesters; in Spain, where police have identified him as "the boss of an important English drug trafficking organisation"; and in the UK, where Nottinghamshire detectives are seeking him over the alleged commissioning of the murder of David Draycott in October 2002. So when investigators from the Serious Organised Crime Agency, working with Spain's Guardia Civil, had Dawes secured in a Madrid prison this spring to face trial over the seizure of 200kg of cocaine, the belief was that the reign of a man described by Soca as a "highly significant international criminal" had ended. But it has been discovered that Spanish judges have been forced to drop the trial and free 39-year-old Dawes because the British authorities had failed to respond for months to a request for assistance. Dawes is now back in his enormous villa near Benalmádena on the Costa del Sol with his wife and three children, enjoying his freedom. After Dawes's release a few weeks ago, the Spanish courts issued a statement which made clear their hand had been forced by the failure of the British to respond to a request for documents sent in April through the highest diplomatic channels. "The provincial court in Madrid has revoked the indictment of Robert Dawes ... and so he is at liberty," the statement said. "The magistrates ... understand that... it is necessary to wait for a response from the Commission of Dubai, with ref-

Robert Dawes now back in Benalmádena

London, where he is known to have associated with some of the UK's most notorious crime syndicates including the London-based Adams family. By this time Dawes and his brother John – later jailed for 24 years for drug dealing and money laundering – had allegedly moved into large scale shipments of heroin, cocaine, amphetamines and cannabis. In the Netherlands he became known in thousands of phone taps carried out by Dutch police as the "Derbyman". In 2001, fearing the police net was closing in, Dawes left the UK for the Mijas Costa area of Spain – but could not resist making fleeting trips back to his old estate where he still owned two terraced houses that had been knocked together.

Receiving intelligence

erence to the searches in the case, and, above all, the Commission of the United Kingdom.

Bureaucratic bungling "When the judicial authorities of those countries respond with evidence the case will be taken up again, but neither of the two commissions has yet commented and there is no indication of when they might do so." Soca officials have been left embarrassed by the bureaucratic bungling. They say the request via a letter rogatory – the official method of requesting assistance between countries – was only received by the Home Office in August before being forwarded on to them in the same month. The letter rogatory was sent to the Home Office via Eurojust, an organisation based in The Hague that is supposed to speed up co-operation on major criminal investigations between EU countries. Asked this week about the case, Soca officials said they were planning to send an official to hand deliver the documents. A spokesman said: "We are supporting this Spanishled investigation. Upon receipt of their request for evidence we took immediate action, in conjunction with the Crown Prosecution Service, to collate the material required. "This process must take into account various legal and operational issues but it is Soca's intention to provide the material to the Spanish at the very earliest opportunity." But it is not the first time that Dawes has slipped through the net, and some of his former associates have refused to co-operate with the authorities in the past because they believed he was an "asset" who was being protected. Dawes grew up on the Leamington estate in Sutton-inAshfield, Nottinghamshire, and is thought to have began his criminal career in the 1990s working as an enforcer. By 2000 his name was cropping up in investigations from Scotland to

Soca began Operation Halbert in 2006 to target Dawes and his lieutenants. In August 2007 they seized £13m worth of drugs including 65kg of heroin in a major raid in Ruddington, Nottinghamshire. A month later, after receiving intelligence from Soca, officers from the Guardia Civil drug unit seized almost 200kg of cocaine just outside Madrid that was allegedly linked to Dawes. But by then Dawes had fled Spain to set up a base in Dubai. He was eventually extradited in April this year to face trial in Madrid until his release by the Spanish a few weeks ago.


A youngster was rushed to Los Arcos Hospital on Sunday after his car veered off a bridge on the AP-7, at the exit to the centre of Los Alcazares. An ambulance transported the driver to hospital in a very serious condition. The car was travelling towards Cartagena. The car fell onto waste ground, rolling onto its roof. The causes of the crash are not yet known. The driver was unconscious when emergency workers arrived on the scene. It is not believed that any other vehicles were involved in the accident.

Horsing around

Calling all you horsey types, Palms Equestrian Centre in Catral is holding a horse show on Sunday. There will be gymkhana games, dressage and show jumping events. Anyone can enter on the day, or just go along to watch. Food and drinks will be available. Show starts 9.30am and finishes around 5.30pm. So for a great day out, hoof it down to Palms. For more details call 636 311 751 or visit


Friday, November 11, 2011

Flower power trip When it comes to international organisations, the world governing body of football, FIFA, must come pretty much top of the list for corruption and total unaccountability. Just as disgraceful has been the lack of media outlets that have been prepared to roll their sleeves up and to show everybody what exactly their President, Sepp Blatter and his puppets are up to. One journalist, Andrew Jennings, along with the BBC’s Panorama programme have been steadfast in exposing their dirty dealings over a number of years. The whole sordid business reached a crescendo when Jennings and Panorama produced another programme last year on the eve of the decision of where the 2018 World Cup was going to be staged, with England stupidly believing they had a chance of hosting the tournament. Once again, Panorama pulled no punches about the corruption within FIFA(a lot of which has been subsequently confirmed), and England were then hammered in the voting, despite apparently having made a very professional bid. All old news you might say, but it’s been revealed this week that the dirty finger of a second-rate politician has been stuck into this story as well. It’s come out that David Cameron’s worst Cabinet member, the Culture Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, had the cheek to ring the BBC’s Director-General, Mark Thompson to stop the programme being screened before the vote. This was the sort of stuff that Soviet Television had to put up with for years, as the Kremlin would run a ruler down their version of the TV Times to see what was suitable fodder for the masses or not. Hunt’s department of course have told porkies this week by denying this happened in the first place, but it’s exactly the sort of stunt that this useless and arrogant man would do in the first place. Credit to Thompson as well for telling him exactly what to do with his request. Meanwhile, the vastly superior Sports Minister, Hugh Robertson, followed by the Prime Minister, David Cameron, have managed to achieve something of a victory over FIFA. The Zurich-based clowns had refused England permission to have embroidered poppies on their shirts this weekend, because they don’t allow overtly political or religious symbols to be worn. Perhaps the UK Government

ought to send a history book over to Switzerland so that these stupid men can learn some facts about the significance of poppies? I’d don’t think there’s anything religious or political about them last I checked. Anyway, Cameron, backed up by the FA President, Prince William, showed their disgust at FIFA’s stance, and both wrote letters expressing

their strong views on the matter. Then the news came that a compromise had been reached where poppies would be worn on black-arm bands, as opposed to ones embroidered on the shirts. Still not perfect, but at least a rare show of humanity by FIFA. I really would have liked to have seen the cowardly UK footballing bodies given a copper-bottomed guarantee by the Government that they would have backed them up if they choose to wear poppies, and even fork out for any fines if FIFA handed them out. I’m glad in this case, having helped to remove a Libyan dictator, that Cameron has become the first world leader of note to stand up to a pathetic crooked cabal as opposed to many others who kiss the hands of Sepp Blatter and his cronies in the hope of landing lucrative tournaments. Just give me a sharp poke with a stick when the Spanish General Election campaign manages to approach something that could be described as close to exciting. Perhaps it is the absolute inevitability that the opposition Partido Popular are going to sweep to power in just over eight days time that is making everything as dull as dishwater, as well as a collection of politicians that would have made Gordon Brown appear to be a man of unlimited charisma. The party leaders Rubalcaba and Rajoy provided little stimulation in what was fortunately their one televised debate, with the PP’s Rajoy crucially not making a slip, as he has one hand already on the Prime Minister’s crown….or should that be poisoned chalice?? The main regret though for many is that Prime Minister Zapatero decided not to run for a third time, thus avoiding a humiliating defeat at the hands of the voters. Who says that politicians don’t have a sense of timing, especially when it suits them? It’s certainly all change around Europe at the moment. With the Greek Prime Minister, Papandreou, having hung himself high with his daft referendum idea, and the professional gigolo, Silvio Berlusconi on his bike, the ‘Mork and Mindy’ of European politics, Sarkozy and Merkel must be soiling themselves as they get ready to face their voters over the next eighteen months. At least they’ll have plenty of familiar deposed ex-colleagues around the continent to chew over their many mistakes with!

Drug mules gang bust

A drug trafficking gang gave a whole new meaning to the term ‘drug mules’ by disguising a shipment of cocaine as designer shoes. The Manolo Blahnik copies were sculpted from cocaine paste then given to airline passengers travelling from Colombia to Spain. With a street value of around 50,000 euros a pair the cocaine copies were even more expensive than the pricey designer brand made famous by Sex in the City’s Carrie Bradshaw. The shoe scam ran out of tread when police swooped on the gang in Gorliz in the Basque country last week following a two-year investigation. Six people were arrested and 4kgs of drugs seized. This is not the first time cocaine smugglers have got creative with the drug. Police have previously discovered the paste moulded into replica sculptures by

The container’s owner was unaware of the drugs. Three firearms, seven vehicles and 16,000 euros in cash were seized by police. Bank accounts containing 600,000 euros have been frozen. Due to its proximity to Morocco, a key source of hashish, and its close ties with its former colonies in Latin America, a major cocaine-producing region, Spain has become a main gateway into Europe for drug traffickers.

Police were hot on the heels of the fake shoe drug gang Colombian artist Fernando Botero, a plaster cast for a broken leg, and even a 42piece crockery set. In a separate raid this

week, police seized 213 kilos of cocaine hidden in a shipment of tinned artichokes from Colombia. The drug was intercepted

at the Port of Valencia and six people have been arrested, one of whom is understood to be a member of the state security forces.


Friday, November 11, 2011


Thriller killer: Murray is guilty MICHAEL Jackson's doctor Conrad Murray has been placed on suicide watch after he was hauled off to jail in handcuffs when he was found guilty of killing the star. Grim-faced Murray, 58, sat unblinking last night as the jury of seven men and five women returned a unanimous verdict on a charge of involuntary manslaughter. They decided after nine hours of deliberations and a six-week trial that he killed

The Sun

Jacko, 50, with a massive dose of hospital anaesthetic propofol. Jacko's former personal physician has now reportedly been put on suicide watch at the LA County Jail as he faces up to four years in prison. The Jackson family were jubilant. Inside the Los Angeles courtroom the star's sister La Toya let out a yelp of "Yes!" as the verdict was read at 9.17pm. Daily Mirror Outside, hundreds of banner-waving Jacko fans cheered and whooped in delight. Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor refused bail I’m a Celebrity 2011 hasn’t even kicked off yet but and remanded Murray in cusjungle fever has already swept the internet. tody for sentencing in three Websites and social networks are rife with speculaweeks. tion over who will be packing their bags and heading The judge told him: "The Down Under for this year’s series. public should be protected. Favourite to head into the jungle is former Big This is a crime that ended in Brother beauty Imogen Thomas, who has reportedly the death of a human being." been offered a six-figure sum to appear on the show. The killer doctor, in smart Bookies William Hill are currently offering Even grey pinstripe suit, was money on the Welsh glamour model taking part after immediately surrounded by she topped the ITV wishlist following the fallout from three uniformed officers who her affair with Ryan Giggs. pulled his arms behind his Imogen Thomas is rumoured to be taking part in I'm back and cuffed him. a Celebrity His lawyer Ed Chernoff Another rumoured looked tearful as the verdict participant, who is sunk in. sure to provide endless entertainment, Wagner might be heading is X Factor star to the jungle Wagner. Comedian Freddie Starr is Fans have even believed to have agreed a started a Facebook £250,000 deal to take part group campaigning in the 11th series of the for the Brazilian to reality TV show. join the show, with The 68-year-old should one writing: “his have no trouble with the total sexyness Bushtucker trials, after he would be great in reportedly ate a friend’s the jungle”. live hamster in a sand-

Jungle Fever


The Jackson family — dad Joe, mum Katherine, and siblings Randy, Jermaine, Rebbie and La Toya — were in court. Jermaine said: "Justice was served. Michael is with us." La Toya, 55, said she was "overjoyed", and added: "Thank you America. Thank all the fans. Thank you the prosecuting team. Michael loves everybody and we love him. He was in that courtroom and that's why victory was served." It was believed Jacko's wich. A source told the Sunday Mirror: "That story is absolutely legendary. Producers just can't wait to test him out with some really grue-some meals. Chrissy Rock could be taking part in Bushtucker trials “If he can stomach some of the horrible creepy

children Prince, 14, Paris, 13, and Blanket, nine, were told not to watch the verdict on TV at home so their grandmother could break the news to them in person later. The court had heard how Murray administered the dangerous sedative in the singer's bedroom on June 25, 2009, before abandoning him. The doctor claimed Jacko injected the drug himself. As Murray was led out of the court he looked at his mother, who whispered: "I love you." crawlies that they plan to serve up then he really will cement his reputation.” Benidorm actress Chrissy Rock has also reportedly signed a £60,000 contract to head Down Under while billionaire’s daughter Tamara Ecclestone has said she would be interested in appearing.

The teenager had "broken competition rules", according to producers of the show. Cocozza admitted: "I no longer deserve my place in the show." His antics have already prompted an Ofcom investigation into the series. The young wannabe has been pictured on a string of nights out since finding fame in the contest. He made an impact in the early stages when he boasted that the names of some of his many lovers were tattooed on his bottom. He said that his life had "gone out of control" while taking part in the show. As he left, he said sorry to his mentor, Gary Barlow, and fans who had been voting for him. Many viewers were astonished that the singer remained in the competition following a below-par performance at the weekend. Other acts were advising him to curb his behaviour to concentrate on the contest.



M5 crash: emotional Facebook plea Emma Barton, 19, is still seriously ill following the 34vehicle pile-up which killed her dad Michael and older sister Maggie. The carer, from Berkshire, is in a coma and unaware that she has been orphaned, after she also lost her mother Teresa to cancer in 2005. Emma’s fiance Chris Burbull, who has been keeping a vigil at her bedside, yesterday posted a series of heartbreaking notes on her Facebook page. The 23-year-old wrote: “Baby please pull through I can't live without you. I love you so much – please, for me.” Chris, who was also involved in the crash but escaped with minor injuries, added: “Emma u are my everythin u mean more than the world to me please pull out and let me take u in my arms. “I've missed u so much and have always been cryin for u like so many others back home.” The family were returning home from a funeral on Friday when they were caught up in the devastating crash, which killed seven people and left more than 50 injured. Wheelchair-bound Michael, 67, and 23-year-old Maggie were among the dead. Two lorry drivers were also killed in the horror smash, leaving nine devastated chidlren without a father. The pair, who worked for the same firm, were named as father-of-five Terry Brice, 55, of Patchway, Bristol, and colleague Kye Thomas, a 38-yearold dad-of-four from Bedminster, Cornwall.

AFTERMATH: Police investigators clearing the scene A retired couple returning home to Newport, Gwent, also died in the crash at Taunton, Devon. Churchgoers Anthony Adams, 73, and 70-year-old wife Pamela had been to visit their daughter Tonia White in the town. The seventh victim was 46year-old Malcolm Beacham, a father-of-two who lived in Woolavington, Somerset. Police suspect smoke from a fireworks display next to the motorway may have caused it. But in a Commons statement, Transport Secretary Justine Greening said: “It may be some weeks until the investigation can conclude on any cause or causes of this incident. “While Avon and Somerset Police have indicated the presence of smoke on the carriageway is a significant line of inquiry, Assistant Chief Constable Bangham has been clear to me that, in his words to me early today, ‘it is far too early to jump to conclusions on the causal factors of this incident’.”


Friday, November 11, 2011

TERROR NUTS JUST WALTZ INTO BRITAIN HOME Secretary Theresa May was last night accused of allowing terrorists and other criminals to “waltz” into the UK. MPs reacted with fury after it was revealed passport checks were relaxed during the busy summer. Mrs May admitted: “We will never know how many people entered the country who should have been prevented from doing so.” She blamed the fiasco on the UK Border Force’s head Brodie Clark, who has been suspended. But Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper claimed checks were being

The Sun scaled back to “cut corners”. Ms Cooper also suggested a cover-up was under way with “shredders on and internal emails banned”. She claimed that one border guard whistleblower admitted he was letting in at least “10 people a day” that he had concerns over. Ms Cooper said instead of strengthen-ing the checks, the Home Secretary, pictured right, “decided to water them down as official Government policy, even though she never told this House”.

Venables to stay behind bars Venables, who has been living under a false name since he was freed early from his life sentence in 2001, went back to prison last year after he was caught in possession of child pornography. Shortly before his arrest he had blown his own cover by telling friends who he really was. While he could be considered for release from his latest sentence next year, prison sources said his “fragile mental state” means he is expected to remain behind bars. The Daily Telegraph has also been told that if Venables does eventually regain his freedom, he will not be given a second false identity because it has been deemed too released on licence and given new identities to protect them costly. The decision has been welcomed from vigilantes. by James Bulger’s mother, Denise Last year Venables rang his Fergus, who said the parole board probation service handler to “shouldn’t take any more chances” say he feared his true identity had been discovered by a with Venables, 27. Venables and his accomplice friend. As he was being moved Robert Thompson abducted, tor- to a safe house, he aroused tured and murdered two-year-old suspicion by trying to destroy James in Bootle, Merseyside, in his computer, which led to the discovery of the child pornogra1993. Both were sentenced to life impris- phy. onment but in 2001 they were He was jailed for two years at

The Telegraph the Old Bailey after pleading guilty to possessing the images in July last year, but could be held indefinitely because he breached the terms of his licence. It later emerged that Venables, who had become addicted to cocaine and mephedrone, had started telling people who he really was after becoming paranoid. “His progress is being reviewed every six months at the moment,” a source told the Telegraph. “He won’t be released until he can be trusted not to disclose his identity again. “But because of his fragile mental state it doesn’t look as though he is going to be released in the near future. For his own safety, it is better that he is kept behind bars. “If he does eventually get released, he will live under the same false identity he has been using since 2001. The feeling is that only a very few people know the name he is using, and the risk can be managed. “


Friday, November 11, 2011

Spanish Winter Warmers POLLO A LA CERVEZA Ingredients

Warm you and your family up this winter with some wonderful Spanish recipies.

For two people: Half a chicken cut into various sizes 1 can of beer 1 green pepper 1 carrot 1 onion 1 clove of garlic 1 spoonful of flour 3 tablespoons of olive oil Salt Peppercorns

Method Peel and chop the onion into large pieces, dice the pepper and peel and cut the clove of garlic. Peel the carrot and cut lengthways.

ALBONDIGAS CON SALSA RUBIA Ingredients 200g of minced beef 100g of minced pork 2 slices of bacon Half green pepper, half red pepper 2 potatoes 3 onions 3 shallots 20g flour Water 250ml of beer olive oil Salt and Pepper Mixed herbs

Heat a little oil in a wide frying pan, add the chicken and fry untill brown. Remove the chicken and add the vegetables on medium heat. Add the peppercorns and the flour, mix well. Return the chicken to the pan and add the can of beer. Put a lid on the saucepan and continue to cook for 15 mintues until sauce thickens and chicken is cooked.

Method Chop the bacon and fry in a pan with a little oil. Dice the peppers and shallots and add to pan. When browned add to a bowl with the minced meat, salt and pepper, make into meatballs. Cover in flour and leave. Boil the potatoes (with skin) in a saucepan. Once cooked cut into pieces and add some mixed herbs. For the sauce dice the onions and soften in a pan with a little oil. Season and cook over a low heat. When brown add a tablespoon of flour and herbs, mix and add the beer, water and a sprinkle of pepper. Add the meatballs and cook through. Serve with potatoes.

Friday, November 11, 2011

CHULETAS DE CERDO CON TOMATE AL HORNO Ingredients 4 Pork Chops Tomato Puree 2 onions 2 potatoes 2 cloves of garlic Flour Half a spoonful of sugar 1 glass of white wine Olive oil Salt Rosemary

LASAÑA BOLOÑESA Ingredients 6 Lasaña pasta sheets. 200g of minced beef 200g of minced pork 4 slices of cheese Half a chopped onion 2 cloves of garlic 120g of tomatoe puree 2 tablespoons of flour 2 knobs of butter 1/4 l of milk Water Olive oil Salt Pepper Nutmeg Basil Leaves

Method Place the pasta sheets in a saucepan of water, drizzle with oil and salt. Once cooked drain and leave on a cloth. To make the bechamel fry chopped onion and butter. Add chopped garlic and the flour pour the milk and grate a little

Method For the sauce, cut up a onion and add to a pan of oil. Peel and half the garlic and sitr in. Add the puree, season and add the sugar. Cook on a medium heat for 25 - 30 mintues. Once cooked removed from pan. Dice the other onion and cook in the pan with oil. Season the chops on both sides, coat with flour and add to the pan untill brown. Remove when done. Peel and cut the potatoes into large pieces and cook in the same pan used for the chops. In an oven proof dish place the chops and onions, place the potatoes around the edges, then on top pour the tomato and white wine. Bake for 15 minutes on 200 ° C.

nutmeg, season. GUISO DE CERDO Cook for 3-4 mintues, CON ALMEJAS continually stirring. Ingredients Next whisk with an elecServes 4 to 6: tric mixer and keep warm. 700g of lean pork Chop one garlic clove 700g of clams and place in a pan with a 2 onions little oil. Add the minced 1 green pepper meat, tomato puree and 4 cloves of garlic basil leaves. 1 tablespoon of flour Place on pasta sheet in 2 glasses of white wine an oven proof square pan, Olive oil top with the minced meat Salt nd bechamel, add another Black pepper sheet on pasta then the 2 bay leaves same as before, minced 2 tablespoons of paprika meat and bechamel.Cover parsely with another sheet of pasta then top with bechamel Method finally add two slices of Cut the pork into cubes, cheese. Repeat this season and place in a bowl. process in another pan. Chop two cloves to garlic Place in oven and cook and add. Stir in the paprika, untill ready. bay leaf and white wine

(keep a little for later). Cover with clingfilm and leave to marinate overnight. The next day drain the meat but keep the sauce. Add the meat to a frying pan with a little oil and cook for 56 minutes. Chop the onion and green pepper and add to the pan. Season then add the marinade, cook for another 5 mintues. In a separate pan add two chopped cloves of garlic, cook untill brown. Then stir in the flour, the left over white wine and the clams. Cover and cook until clams open. Add chopped parsley. Pour everything into the pan with the meat and cook for 2 mintues. Once done serve with parsley.



Friday, November 11, 2011

Spanish Eating Customs Meals A normal day's breakfast- or desayuno- typically consists merely of a cup of coffee, although it's also commonplace to accompany your steaming café con leche with a croissant or other pastry. While an American traditional breakfast has pancakes, bacon, and eggs, the Spanish "traditional" breakfast consists of the vastly popular churros, served sprinkled with sugar or dunked in hot chocolate.

like a salad, a sandwich, or a selection of tapas. Spaniards eat late for this final meal of the day- even more so on weekends and during the summer- sitting down to eat anytime from 9:00 until 11:00 in the evening.

Tapas A tradition begun long ago in the southern city of Seville, Spaniards have since perfected the art of snacking. Going out for tapas consists of travelling from bar to bar and sharing plates of the bars' specialties with a small group of friends.

Siesta No, it's not a myth. Yes, the infamous siesta really does exist. It began long ago as after eating the large mid-day meal farmworkers needed to rest and digest before going back out to work the fields. While this daily break doesn't necessarily include a nap, businesses and stores do shut down for about two hours and many people return home to eat with their families.

Wine Whether out at a restaurant or in the home with the family, it is very typical to drink wine along with a meal. So common, in fact, that restaurants offering a menú almost always include wine in the advertised price.


Spaniards eat their lunch, or comida, between 2:00 and 4:00 in the afternoon. Serving as the day's main meal, it is traditionally quite a bit larger than the dinner meal, or cena. A typical lunch will have several courses. The first course is the lighter part of the meal, usually consisting of a salad or soup, while the second course is normally your typical fish or meat dish. A dessert can be a simple piece of fruit, a typical Spanish flan, or a sweet pastry or cake. While there are of course many people who eat full meals, the Spanish dinner (cena) is traditionally much smaller than the midday comida. It often consisting of something lighter

Sobremesa The name says it all. The word sobremesa literally means "over the table" and refers to the art of conversation after a meal. Instead of taking the last bite and leaving, Spaniards often stay at the table conversing, savoring each other's company, and perhaps sharing a drink. If good conversation ensues, be prepared to stay for hours!

Coffee is quite the Spanish phenomenon. Many Spaniards drink several cups of their favorite caffeinated beverage in the course of a single day. Coffee also traditionally follows a Spanish meal and is served after the dessert. To fit in with the locals, ask for a café con leche (coffee with milk), a café solo (coffee without milk), or a café cortado (coffee with some milk).

Tipping While its practice is completely voluntary, many restaurant patrons choose to leave a modest tip of around 5-10% after a meal.



Tornado in Guardamar?

Expats urged to fight for voting rights British citizens living overseas are being urged to fight for their voting rights in the UK. In a report last Friday, the Select Committee on Political and Constitutional Reform noted that the postal vote system for overseas voters was inadequate, and also mentioned the dissatisfaction of many overseas British citizens with the 15year-rule. The rule states that only citizens who have lived outside of the UK for less than 15 years are entitled to vote. The Minister for Constitutional and

Hi, I just thought you might be interested in the this picture I took from my terrace in La Marina Urb overlooking the apartments by the Marina at Guardamar last week when we had the heavy rain, I think they look like mini tornado’s, but maybe they are just large water spouts, I hope they might be of interest to your paper. Yours James R Thomas

Political Reform, Mark Harper, said that the government is considering the 15-year-rule but has not reached a decision. Many expats continue to have interests in the UK despite living outside of the country, and many plan to return at some point so have an interest in the future of the country. Anyone wishing to add their voice to the campaign to change the rule can write to Mark Harper, Cabinet Office, House of Commons, London SW1A OAA, email or contact local MPs.

Cut-off clowns at it again Donna, Loved your article on "Cut off the cut-off clowns", it would be hilarious if it wasn't true. I have several "HC Electric" horror stories just from my immediate neighbours. Case 1 - Us. When we bought the house we were told to give HC notice and the power would be put on for our arrival. We gave them 4 months’ notice. When we arrived on a cold February evening - no electric. For 8 days we would phone HC in the morning and ask if we would have power today. The reply was always, "Probably, but if the engineer hasn't arrived by 1930 he's not coming". We alternated each evening between booking a hotel and wrapping up in a duvet and the power was not on when we returned to the UK. OK, this was a few years ago, but the following cases are very recent. Case 2 - A neighbour who comes over for 2 months each November arrived - he had been cut off. A

GOTTA GET PIPES AND DRUMS IN! Dear Editor, This may be of interest to British expats seeking to employ a lawyer in Spain. Please contact the office of the Consulate who can supply a list of reliable and trustworthy lawyers. Furthermore I now understand that expats registered as residents can apply for legal aid or partial legal aid. Details are obainable via the consulate's office. Legal aid is available for most criminal and civil matters. Yours faithfully G.A. Marques

bill for the standing charges a few months previous had erroneously been for 1200 instead of 12 euros (approximate amounts). The bank rejected the payment due to insufficient funds and the switch was pulled. Power was restored 3 days after his arrival. Case 3 - This is my favourite. A few days after our new neighbours moved in, mother and 3 children were sitting out in the afternoon winter sun; husband was at work with dinner in the oven. My wife spotted a man crouching below the wall to get to the meter unseen. He said nothing to the family. He pulled the switch and then swiftly sneaked back to his van further down the road, still crouching below the wall. My wife ran to tell the neighbour that the electricity had been cut off. The neighbour burst into hysterical tears and stood in front of the van so the driver could not move off. She said, "You can't do this, I've got 3 young children. I'll pay any outstanding amount". The driver gave her a number to ring. Had my wife not spotted the engineer my neighbour would have called out an electrician to investigate the power cut. A sign that the power had been cut had

been hung inside the meter cupboard which is not accessible to the residents. The problem was that a bill for 12-euros standing charge from a few months earlier had not been paid. If the unpaid amount rolled forward it would have been paid the following month. If my neighbour had been asked for the money, she would have paid it. The power was restored the following day after several threatening phone calls. Another neighbour recently came out to discover he had no electric and his meter had been removed. He called HC daily, but after his 10 day romantic candle-lit holiday the power had still not been restored. Once again, a direct debit for small bill for standing charges from several months previous had not been paid, although subsequent bills had. The power companies are acting in an unnecessarily despicable manner, perhaps there is an ombudsman you could send your findings to. Bob Harrison El Raso

And it’s not just HC Electric Hi, we had our power cut recently, we pay by direct debit and have done for eight years. We contacted the bank immediately and they told us IBERDROLA had not requested payment, the bank manager said he would sort it out and rang us back to say, the power would be re-connected in 3 hours, which it was. We were told this happens fairly often and we had no chance of recovering the twenty euro re-connect charge from Iberdrola. A solicitor told us the same and even said those who tell you they got it back are lying to you. Iberdrola blamed our bank for not paying the bill and the bank repeated their statement that the payment had not been requested by Iberdrola, they had even done an in depth

investigation and there was no trace of any payment request. WE HAVE SINCE BEEN INFORMED THIS PRACTICE IS WIDE SPREAD AND HAPPENS TOO OFTEN TO BE A COINCI-

DENCE (a very nice little earner). Maybe I am being a little cynical but there is a mounting feeling of resentment over this unorthodox way of extracting even more dinero from us. It is particularly hard for restaurant and cafe businesses when they are cut off for at least a day in some cases. There must be an accountability system in this country, it would at least go some way to reducing the systemic corruption. MAY YOU SUCCEED IN YOUR EFFORTS TO DETHRONE THESE CROOKS AND MAKE THEM ACCOUNTABLE. Regards Pete Stone.


Friday, November 11, 2011


Friday, November 11, 2011


Bluemoon Solutions

BlueMoon Solutions is the computer and IT services company on the Costa Blanca, they provide quality computer services at realistic prices and specialise in working with home users and small businesses.

Richard moved to Spain four years ago having left his management background behind in the UK and decided to use his IT skills to help home users and small businesses with their PC problems. Now a relaxed 'computer man' he is out and about in the Spanish sun every day, making house and shop calls and using his vast experience and qualifications to (usually) sort out the problem there and then. Computers are his hobby as well as his work so don’t be surprised to get an answer to your email in the early hours!

ADVICE: Berenice wanted to use her Internet Explorer ADVICE: Marie was having trouble with her Linux based favorites in Google Chrome Acer Aspire One

Q A 2.

Hi Richard, could you please email me with "simple" instructions as to how I can get my favourites toolbar from internet explorer over to Google chrome. Thank you. Hi Berenice, in order to move the favorites from Internet explorer to Google Chrome, just follow these simple steps… 1.

Open google chrome

Click on the ‘wrench’ icon (top right) and select Import bookmarks & Settings

Hi, I have an Acer netbook Aspire one there is an icon in the left top corner like a star when i put the mouse over it, it says new item this item has not yet been configured i cannot get it off and cannot get on in internet it is a ten point star in a rectangle box that just appeared.


Hi Marie, I assume from your question that you are using the Linux operating system with your Acer? This is not an easy problem to resolve and you may need to get in touch with a computer engineer to come and fix it for you. After researching your problem I have found this possible solution... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

3.Ensure that Internet Explorer is selected at the top of the next page, tick to select the items that you want to import and click on the Import button

In files open "my files" In the view menu select show hidden files open ".config" folder open ".xfce" folder delete "panel" folder Restart PC and the desktop panel should be back.

ADVICE: Jeannette wanted to change the folder name associated with her user account in Windows 7 Hi Richard, How can I change the folder name associated with my account, its currently ‘admin’ and I want it to be my name? I have changed the administrators name to Jeannette but that is all and that doesn’t seem to have changed the name of the folder.


Hi Jeannette, the folder that is created when a new user is made cannot easily be changed, what you would need to do is to create a new user account (this can be done in the control panel), once created you will need to login as that account in order to create its folder and profile files. That will give you a user account with a name that suits the folder, then you will need to move all of the data from the “old” user account into the new account and probably the easiest way to do this would be to use a memory stick, just login as the old user, copy the files to the memory stick then login as the new user and copy them back. Once you have successfully moved everything over to the new account you can then delete the original account.


…that’s it – good luck.

Don’t forget you can follow me on twitter @bluemoonspain Alternatively why don’t you sign up for my newsletter. You can do this by going and fill in the form that is on any page except the front page. Mobile: 655 044 970

Office: 902 906 200


Friday, November 11, 2011

Hard work pays off for ADHOC Dave Knights of TKO Gold will present a cheque on behalf of the ADHOC Theatre Company on Saturday 19th of this month, at the end of the final performance of "Run For Your Wife" in Los

Montesinos. The Company are raising funds for ADISMON (Asociacion para Discapalitados de Los Montesinos) or as we understand it disabled children in Los Montesinos.

Dave and Kyle Knights

The ADHOC Company was formed officially this year and are still fledgling when it comes to experience, however they have plenty experience in the back room staff pushing the new and future actors who will be debuting very soon. 5 of the 8 actors on stage have never acted before and 3 of them are in main roles. "This is one of the most difficult of scripts to perform in my opinion", said Director Debbie Payton and all our company are volunteers and keen to get on stage, they are very brave taking on such large parts on their stage debuts. Former Model Chrissie Taylorwright is one of the ladies treading the

boards for the first time, said "This has all been hard work, but I am looking forward to opening night" Ray Cooney wrote the script, this is one of his many Whitehall Farce's and many famous actors have performed in the play. The show will be performed on Thursday the 17th, Friday 18th & Saturday 19th of November at 8pm in the Teatro de Musica, Los Montesinos. Tickets are 8 Euro and are available from the following locations: Kennedy's in Los Montesinos, The Theatre in Los Montesinos, The Post Room in Benijofar, Card Place in Benimar, Cards & things Quesada, The Christmas Shop in San Luis. Or you can book your tickets on the website m or you can phone 966 712 382.

'BIG BAND DANCE NIGHTS' Christmas Fayre Friday 18th; November is the FIRST of these 'Special Nights' with SWINGTET-PLUS BIG BAND at La Rustika, Avda. Los Baleares, Torrevieja - 9.00 to 11.30 pm For the past 2 years, these 'special evenings' of live music for dancing, have proved very successful and popular, with the people in the Los Alcazares area of the Costa Calida. 'Swingtet-Plus Big Band' - this 9 piece band of very expe-

Comes to Torrevieja

rienced musicians with the very big band sound, bring the best- of- the best in entertainment value to the Costa Blanca, with Music for dancing. - Gil Monks (band leader) alto sax, flute, clarinet, -Barry Bretton, keyboard/piano -, Arthur Buck, drums -, Geoff Hull, bass -, Andy Briant, trombone -,John Atkins, Inge Sunde, trumpets -,Mike Hutchins, tenor sax -, and the vocal support of Mr. Larry Wright all presenting their own renditions of the music of Count Basie, Duke Ellington, Glenn Miller, Buddy Rich. Not forgetting a selection of good old Rock N' Roll and the Beatles music - along with a few rumbas, and a touch of the 'Vida Loca' as well - something for everyone - an evening not to be missed! Tickets - 7 euros. Available from La Rustika. Tel. 96 - 570 - 3685 / 622 -760 -340 There will be a raffle with the proceeds for HELP Vega Baja Organization.

Race Night a runaway success Damian’s family before the Race Night

The third annual Damian Murphy Memorial Race Night attracted guests from around the world and raised an incredible €4,819.70 for charity. Held at Damo’s Bar and Restaurant, Via Park III, Los Altos, the event was in aid of Paul Cunningham Nurses. Damo’s is named after Damian, who was nursed by Paul Cunningham Nurses during the final days of his life. It has become a family tradition to hold the Race Night to raise funds for the charity. Damian’s dad, John, flew over from Ireland for the event, two other family members came from the UK and one flew all the way from the US. The event was supported by local businesses including Spud Murphy’s in Los Altos and Playa Flamenca, Doniba, the Lime Bar, Stevie the Barber, Paddy’s Point,


The first HELP MMM Christmas Fayre held at the Lodosol Restaurant in San Pedro del Pinatar on the 3rd November proved to be a successful event raising €240 through their various stalls. There were numerous other stalls there and many Christmas bargains to be had. HELP MMM is involved in another Christmas Fayre at the Novo Carthago/Paddy Singh’s Restaurant, Los Urrutias on Wednesday 23rd November starting at 12.30 when there will be more Christmas bargains available. Ceresa S.L., Comaskey Properties, The Buying Group and The Snack Man. Family friends, Rosie and Paul, who couldn’t make it from Ireland, started the fundraising ball rolling with a generous 100 euro gift and the donations kept on coming all evening. Paul Cunningham Nurses fundraiser, Susan Reader, said she was delighted with the donation from the event and thanked everyone involved for their continued support of the charity. • Paul Cunningham Nurses and The Gold Centre, Quesada, are running a Money 4

Your Mobile campaign. By recycling old, disused mobile phones, they hope to raise money to help the charity’s work. They will be distributing posters and buckets to collect old mobiles. Any business, organisation or individual wishing to take part should email


Friday, November 11, 2011

Miss Saigon helicopters to whirl at Broadway & Hollywood tour

Broadway & Hollywood, one of the most successful shows to tour the Costas this year, is to return for a further three events in November. The tour, promoted by Jukebox Promotions is as a direct result of the public asking time and time again for the show to come back this year. It was a sell out tour in June with standing ovations at every show and, it had the same result when it was brought back for one fund raising event in September. Now, Peter from Jukebox Promotions urges everyone who wants to see the show to book early as it will have to be the last time until next year. "There is an added part to the show this time with music and drama from Miss Saigon including the amazing sound of helicopters flying overhead - it's truly incredible. Those that have seen the show will be even more amazed and those that

haven't should certainly not miss it this time around" says Peter. The fantastic voice and acting of Andy Jones will feature again in the show. It will illustrate the fabulous songs that have hit the stage of Broadway and The West End with such splendour and have many great costume changes! Andy is just the singer to bring it all to life on the Costa Blanca too as over Andy 37 years, he has been on stage with the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company and performed in almost every Gilbert and Sullivan Show inc Carousel,

Jones Guys and Dolls,Oklahoma, Camelot, Merry Widow, The Card,Calamity Jane, and lots more. Such a powerful voice from such a small guy


is amazing. He will simply "blow you away" at this show! Broadway & Hollywood also features great songs from musical movies made famous in the 60s and 70s. Films that you will know and love and songs that will bring memories flooding back will be performed by Jukebox Legends. Peter & Fiona (Jukebox Legends) will once again show their amazing versatility as they support the incredible talent that is Andy Jones for this three hour spectacular. Tickets are just 7.50 Euros and there is a special block booking deal where you can pay for 10 or more and get 2 tickets FREE. All shows start at 8-30pm (8-00pm seating) Tickets are available at the venues or call info line on 695 135 134 - info at uk The show details are: Saturday 12th Nov "AREA", The Filton Centre,

Fiona McLean sings to a pcaked audience at Broadway & Hollywood

Los Balcones (fabulous underground venue) 608 908720 Thursday 17th Nov - El Paraiso, Av Los Angeles, Torrevieja 645 299 805 (Angelique) Friday 18th Nov - Emerald Isle, La Florida 965 327 138

Pre-show meals are available at all venues at 7-00pm - ask venues for menu details Jukebox Promotions are proud to assist the venues raise money for Help at Home (Costa Blanca) at these shows

volunteer, or who would just like to meet people and have a bit of extra company, is more than welcome, please just turn up on the day�. Last month alone HAH volunteers gave 203 FREE hours of care to the community, and this figure is representative of the amount of people we are

currently helping Over the past year, we are delighted to have been able to help over 100 people on the road to recovery. If you would like help, or advice please tel: 633 673 034 Email us on or visit our website www to find out more about HAH Help at Home.


Models parade in the glorious sunshine at SOS boutique SOS in Mercadona Square, Los Alcazares held an open morning and fashion show on behalf of HAH help at Home last week, and along with a raffle raised a fantastic total of 200â‚Ź. Almost 100 people sat outside in the glorious autumn sunshine, whilst staff and friends modelled some stunning evening wear, shoes and accessories. HAH fundraiser, Celia Ryan thanked Julia, Christina and the staff of SOS for their hard work in putting on the show, organising the raffle, and then she invited everyone into the shop for a glass of Cava, and to enjoy searching through the many rails with such a variety of clothes to choose from.. HAH volunteers

and friends then went on to the Angela’s Pizzeria at the end of Rio Nalon, where they enjoyed a special menu-del-dia, and another contribution to HAH. If you are struggling to cope, please call 633 673 034. If you are interested in volunteering a little time to HAH, please call Angela on 603 51 7770, or email For future reference, HAH volunteer meetings will be held upstairs at The Arches in Los Narejos on the 1st Tuesday each month. There will not be a meeting in December, and because of holidays, the New Year meeting will be at 11.45 on Tuesday Jan 10tth.

HAH are delighted to announce that their new SOCIAL GROUP, CHATTERS is up and running, and will now be held the 3rd Wednesday of the month (next one being November 23rd). The venue is The Garden Bar (formerly El Jardin) and is situated behind Euromarina in Los Alcazares. Starting at 11am, all will be welcome, and our aim is to provide you with the chance to meet and make new friends, to have a bit of fun, a chat over a cup of coffee, or a chance to talk to our Nurse Practitioner Lynda if you have any medical issues. As the group grows, we hope to arrange trips, talks, lunches out etc., any ideas will be welcome. Please don’t be afraid to come if you are on your own, so are lots of other people, and our volunteers will be on hand to make you welcome. Mary Westcott who suggested the group said “we have had so much success helping people in their own homes that we thought now was the time to branch out further. This group is not only for HAH clients, but also for anyone wishing to become a

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Friday, November 11, 2011

What The Colors of Gemstones Portray Jewelry allows people to extend a bit of their personality and inherent traits to a visible level. While what we wear does not say everything about us, it does, indeed, say something. The colors that we wear reveal intimate details about us and about our desires and needs. Throughout the centuries, people have come to believe that colored gemstones have magical powers that transform our energies when we wear them. A kaleidoscope of colors with myriad symbolisms gives vibrant expression to our inner psyches. While the vibrancy of the color may intensify its symbolism, it does not transform it totally. We can explore the meaning of colors in several ways — what they symbolize, the properties they have, the mood they reflect, and the energy they transmit. Red, the warmest color,

has intensity unrivaled by any of the other colors. It symbolizes vitality and confidence. The vitality of red is often portrayed by a willingness to take action. The confidence red reflects is seen as courage and the ability to take action without fear of reprisal. Red gemstones provide strength and an increased level of energy and confidence.

Blue, cool and pleasant, symbolizes a spirituality that transcends to peace and truth. This color has a calming effect that inspires sincerity. Blue gemstones offer relaxation and a peaceful mood to those who use them. Yellow, bright and sunny, symbolizes happiness and joy. This color, easy on the eyes, is full of creativity, wisdom, and energy — all things that lend themselves to happiness. Yellow gemstones provide relief from depression and the lack of energy that comes with it. Purple and violet, varying shades, symbolize inspiration, imagination, and magic. This color lends itself to good judgment and meditation. Violet gemstones heighten a sense of the magical and sharpen the imagination. Indigo symbolizes a deep sense of intuition and penetrating meditation. Selfreflective in nature, indigo reflects a deep sense of contemplation. Indigo gemstones provide a gateway to the subconscious and are used as a pathway to cos-

mic learning. Orange, sister to red, symbolizes a vitality and endurance that is coupled with creativity and playfulness. Dynamic in nature, orange acts as a catalyst to change. Orange gemstones promote self-esteem and personal power through increased alertness and creativity. Brown, an earthy color, symbolizes order and convention. It reflects the comfort that resonates from having a totally ordered world, one in which everything has a place. Brown gemstones provide a stabilizing force and the ability to blend in with natural surroundings. Black, in essence, the color that contains all colors, symbolizes stability and even death. In the world of fashion, however, it has come to symbolize elegance. Black gemstones symbolize resilience and the power to hold steady. White, color of purity, symbolizes truth and all that it reflects. White is reflective of innocence and untold kindness. Good fortune follows the wearer of white gemstones. Gray symbolizes security and neutrality, the qualities that reflect sensibility and responsibility. Gray gemstones offer the ability to improve relationships and create a sense of stability. Green, long associated with new life, symbolizes well-being, reflected in its restful nature. Fertility and life also find meaning in this color of new growth. Green gemstones attract wealth and promote positive growth. Pink, pastel or bright and bold, reflects love and beauty. Pink has a world-wide acceptance as the color of beauty; and all things beautiful can be symbolized by this delicate shade. Pink gemstones can offer protection from aggression and permeate a sense of calm. Gold, a positive color, symbolizes prosperity. The prosperity is reflected in good health, the success of wealth, and an innate supply of wisdom. Wearing gold promotes and reinforces a feeling of good health. Wearing jewelry has an uplifting effect upon the spirit, the heart, and the soul. The aura surrounding gemstones may be influential in promoting health, wealth, or growth. Select your gemstones wisely and wear them in glamorous fashion.


COELIAC disease is a condition that affects the small intestine, caused by an abnormal immune response, or sensitivity, to a dietary protein known as gluten. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley. Gluten may also be used in products such as vitamin and nutrient supplements, lip balms, and some medicines. Coeliac disease is a significant medical condition that can result in a number of serious consequences if not diagnosed and treated properly. In people with coeliac disease, the small intestine becomes inflamed when foods containing gluten are consumed. This inflammation damages the lining, making it much more difficult to absorb nutrients. The exact cause of coeliac disease is not known. However, there are some factors that can put you at increased risk, including: a family history of the disease (if someone in your immediate family is affected, you have about a 10 per cent chance of having coeliac disease); being of European or West Asian descent; and

having another medical condition that is related to problems with the immune system, such as certain types of thyroid disease, type 1 diabetes, or rheumatoid arthritis. People of all ages can be affected, but symptoms only appear after gluten has been introduced into the diet. Sometimes a stressful event, such as an infection, injury, or surgery, will trigger symptoms of coeliac disease. The symptoms of coeliac disease vary widely from person to person. Some people may have no symptoms at all, while others complain of tiredness or gastrointestinal symptoms. Some of the more common symptoms include: tiredness, intermittent diarrhoea, weight loss, abdominal pain, flatulence, bloating and abdominal pain. Coeliac disease can be hard to diagnose because some of its symptoms are like the symptoms of other diseases. People with coeliac disease may go undiagnosed and untreated for many years. If your doctor thinks you have coeliac disease, you will need a blood test. You must be on your regular diet before the test. If not, the results could be wrong. If the blood tests show high levels of antibodies, you will probably be advised to have a biopsy taken off your small intestine to confirm the diagnosis. Further blood tests to check for nutritional deficiencies may also be necessary. There is no cure for coeliac disease, but it can be treated with a gluten-free diet. Most people find that once gluten is excluded from their diet, their symptoms improve dramatically because the inflammation in the small intestine resolves quickly, and any damage to its lining can heal. People with coeliac disease need to stick to the gluten-free diet for the rest of their lives to prevent further inflammation. Gluten is generally found in foods made from grains such as bread, pasta, cereals, pastry and biscuits. However, it is possible to buy gluten-free alternatives to these foods, which are made from corn, rice, soy or other glutenfree grains. There are also other food ingredients and food additives that may contain gluten, such as malt flavouring and modified food starch — your dietitian can advise you on what to look for on food labels. In addition, there are some medicines and vitamin supplements that contain gluten, so you will need to check with your doctor or pharmacist before taking any new medicines. Dr. Machi Mannu is a neuro repatterning Specialist. Email for any question.


Friday, November 11, 2011

Corvera check-in for

La Vida Local

Pop hunk becomes a local so he can wed and support PM’s gay rights record Singer Ricky Martin was granted Spanish nationality last Friday at a Cabinet meeting presided over by Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero. After the meeting, reporters were told that the Cabinet had given Spanish nationality to the 39-year-old Puerto Rican singer, who had requested citizenship in order to marry his partner,

Spanish economist Carlos González. It was also announced that citizenship had been granted to 44-year-old actor Benicio del Toro, another Puerto Rican. Ricky Martin first gained fame as a member of Latin boy band Menudo, going on to sell more than 60 million albums worldwide in his solo career. He has also worked

as an actor; he got his first break on US television in 1994 when he played a Puerto Rican singer, Miguel Morez, on the popular soap opera General Hospital. Martin filed for Spanish nationality last March on the basis that he has family, including his grandmother, residing in Spain. The Living La Vida Loca singer said that although he could have married González - with whom he is raising his two three-year-

old children - in the various US states that recognise gay marriage, he chose to do so in Spain to show his support for the Zapatero government’s work in defence of gay rights. Martin publicly recognized his homosexuality last year in a post on his website that stated: “Today I accept my homosexuality as a gift that life has given me. I feel blessed to be who I am.” The singer said on Friday that he has begun to write his memoirs, something he believes will help him release “things that have burdened me for a long time, things that were very heavy to bear”. He said he kept quiet about his sexuality because loved ones warned him against speak-

ing out, telling him that “many people in the world were not ready to accept my truth, my nature”. “Letting myself be seduced by fear destroyed my life,” he said, adding that he takes full responsibility for all his decisions and actions, and no longer fears his nature. On the contrary, it gives him “courage and strength,” something he values more than ever since becoming a father. “This is exactly what I need for myself and my loved ones, especially now that I am a father to two little ones, who are true beams of light. I have to live up to them.” Martin’s twin sons, Matteo and Valentino, were born to a surrogate mother in 2008.

Storm in a D cup After visiting the new Corvera airport on Monday, directors of have confirmed the airline will transfer its Murcia flights to the new international airport next year.’s will start operations at the new airport in November 2012, with the move being delayed so as not to disrupt the busy summer season. The airline currently flies direct to Murcia San Javier airport from Belfast, Blackpool, East Midlands, Edinburgh, Leeds, Manchester and Newcastle.

Dirty tricks campaigns have always been a part of political campaigning, but PP candidate Francisca Pol Cabrer went too far when she gave her opponent a dressing down. The PP candidate for Palma placed a photo on her Facebook page showing defence minister Carmé Chacón with her shirt hanging open and breast clearly on show. The caption ‘What a socialist minister has to do to win votes’ was added to the picture. The picture was a Photoshop fake and naturally Chacón didn’t agree with the point. Socialists fully supported their minister and described the photo as ´sexist, offensive, insulting and humiliating’. They have called for the immediate resignation of the

PP candidate. Pol Cabrera later admitted she had made a bit of a boob and gave ‘a thousand apologies’. The photo has now been removed from Facebook.

Restaurant Portico Mar Just south of Guardamar nestled along the coast of Moncayo Urbanizacion is where you`ll find the most talked about Restaurant Portico Mar.

A well-kept secret or hidden jewel? Since its launch in 2004 this family run business has earned a fabulous reputation serving fantastic cuisine at an affordable price. I recently had the pleasure to experience this fine dining for myself and from the minute you walk in the door you know you’re in for a real treat. The restaurant is immaculate, fresh and airy with a feeling of grandeur. 6 chandeliers adorn the main restaurant with huge oil paintings in chunky gold guilded frames especially commissioned by the owners. As the waitress took our order and returned with a cut glass decanter of red wine, followed by bread and alioli, I couldn`t but note all the details that have made this restaurant so popular for so many people, the beautiful swags and tails that adorned each window, the plush seating and table settings that would equal any of the finest restaurants around the world. The waiting staff are very

pleasant and attentive, making your night a very memorable one. The menu is full of choices including Pork, beef, chicken, lamb, fish and vegetarian dishes. Our starters of Serrano ham with Melon (which was like a work of art on a plate) and Pan fried Mushrooms in a creamy sauce were beautifully presented. Our choice of main courses, were Goulash (steamed beef with onions, paprika, tomatoes made the Hungarian way) and Tenderloin (Grilled pork fillet medallions with a choice of sauce). The meats were cooked beautifully, succulent and

tender, with the main dishes you have a selection of vegetables cooked to perfection with a choice of mash potatoes, chips or rice. If you have any room left, order from the dessert menu, hot cherries with ice cream, homemade cheesecake, Apple strudel, to mention just a few. The restaurant is open every day from 12noon till midnight. 3 course Day menu costs 14.95€ serving from 12 noon -6pm. The Evening 3 course menu is served from 6pm and starts from as little as 17.95€. Both Day and Evening menus include wine, beer or soft drink. The main restaurant seats 80 people comfortably and is available for private function or a truly amazing setting for that special Day. Incredibly they are fully booked for Christmas Day, but still have some reservations available for New Year’s Eve. Also they have a loyalty card system in place, where you can avail of one free meal with every ten purchased. For Reservations call 966 725 603 or email


Friday, November 11, 2011

What were they thinking? Every now and then a really strange photograph is released by a car maker to the media. This unlucky 11 made us wonder out loud: what were they thinking? Hyundai

Anyone that's been to Pisa has stood at a distance and had a friend photograph them as if they're pushing the leaning tower back upright. It's mildly humorous for a minute, but it just doesn't translate to Ssangyong's attempts to show its off-roader in the best light, even when it is world famous horse jockey Willie Carson doing the grinning.

Toyota Remember Atomic Kitten? We found a list of cars they've posed with through the years including MGs, Rovers and Toyota's 'Greatest Hits' collection. The Prius may be the

Yes, that is a llama in the foreground of a photograph that is supposed to make the 2008 Hyundai i10 look good. Why, Hyundai, why?


presumably paid for himself - in return for the free use of a Hyundai Santa Fe. He'll never fit in that, will he?

Peugeot 407 CoupĂŠ poster boy of green motoring and the love of Hollywood, but it's not quite so sexy in Liverpool on a rainy November, despite the Kittens' presence.

Hyundai Santa Fe Peter Crouch of Tottenham Hotspur fame and six-foot seven in height supposedly gave up his Bentley - which he


Friday, November 11, 2011 We believe this is supposed to be a photograph of the rather stylish Peugeot 407 CoupĂŠ, but it could just as easily be all about the men's attire in the window.

Peugeot 207 CC

Renault Kangoo

This is Christopher Biggins, the actor. Remember that old dame pantomime saying, "he's behind you"? He heard that being shouted at him regularly while on stage dressed in women's clothes. Would that encourage you to buy a Peugeot 207 CC?

We'd love to know how much Kerry Katona was paid to pose all in pink on the bonnet of the, erm, fetching pink Renault Kangoo for Pink Ladies, 'the UK's first women-only private hire franchise'. Not enough is the answer.

Skoda's Yeti crossover

Ssangyong Let's be honest; Ssangyong makes cheap and rugged offroaders better suited to the demands of rural farmers and the like. Would the same buyer need - or have the means to buy - a high-end speed boat? We're not so sure.

As much as we love Skoda's Yeti crossover, we think that the Czechs may have gone too far by employing a mansized yeti costume to parade any time the press or a camera is nearby. Did someone say abominable?

Rover Metro In this picture, it looks like the photographer is (not so) subliminally publicising his mum's fancy hat shop. The Rover Metro seems to be of secondary interest. Not that we blame him.

Citroen Citroen issued a selection of highly stylised shots of its cool new DS3 when it was launched, but this one especially caught our eye as it appears to be an advert for a woman's handbag. Did someone leave it in the frame on purpose?


Friday, November 11, 2011

Continuing with our winter essentials theme, this week we are talking about Accessories! In all shapes and forms! Also every week from now we will be bringing you The Latest Fashion Headlines to keep you up to date in the fashion world! Bershka 12.99€

Bershka 9.99€

Keep your head warm

Stradivarius 9.95€

Blanco 9.99€ H&M 9.95€

Look cool keep warm s




H&M 9.95€

va di

Blanco 19.99€

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5€ 19.9





Winter Bling

Next Tuesday will see the world premier of Duran Durans new video “Panic Girl!”, starring five of the 1990’s most iconic supermodels. You can see a trailer for the video which includes, Naomi Campbell, Cindy Crawford, Eva Herzigona, Helena Christensen and Yasmin Le Bon at The Yves Saint Laurent-Pierre Berge Foundation have announced, Loulou de la Falaise, who created jewellery and hats for fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent, died last Saturday at the age of 63.

Bershka 7.99€

99 €

Blanco 4.99€

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Zara 29.95€

Blanco 8.99€


Zara 9.95€

New York based company Apparel Dynasty have created a new line of scratch and sniff shoelaces. Flavours range from bubble gum to pickle relish. The new inventions are available at and are sure to be a craze with pre teens! “Truth or Dare by Madonna” is the name of her new fashion line which will be launched worldwide next year. The line is aimed at women aged 27 to 50 and will initially feature footwear,handbags, intimates, accessories and fragrances.

Stradivarius 5.95€

Stradivarius 7.95€



Hi Freya I’m a 40 year old woman who still feels like a gangly teenager! I used to be very slim, but now I’m a size 10-12 with a thicker waist than I’d like. I also have a size 30E chest, which means I’m quite narrow and petite above the waist, but with boobs! I’m 5′ 7” too. I really struggle to find clothes which make me feel beautiful and feminine. Somehow things never quite fit me, and because of that I never feel comfortable and confident in what I’m wearing. I’m sure there are some shops out there which stock clothes to fit me, and I would really welcome some advice before the last bloom of my relative youth has gone! Susan

Hello Susan, Take a look at Their clothing collection is specifically designed for a larger bust while the back, shoulders and waist of the garments are based on standard dress sizes 8-16. Within each dress size there are different sizes to account for the fullness of your bust. They have some really chic and stylish options for all sizes. Hope this helps!


GOT A FASHION PROBLEM YOU CAN’T FIX? Maybe you have got a big event coming up and don’t know what to wear. Or you have recently lost a lot of weight and are not sure what clothes you can now wear Email all your problems to Freya at

If you’ve got a problem, Freya can fix it!


Friday, November 11, 2011

As you may have read before, TKO FM has moved studio premises, because of this, you may be experiencing reception problems on 91.9 FM and 89.9 FM. If you are, please retune your radio to 87.7FM and listen on air for further details.



The perfect way to get you through your busy morning, whether you are at work or play. A fantastic selection of sounds that will be guaranteed to get you singing out loud! Mornings just wouldn't be the same without Andy starting your day!

Lock yourself into the sounds of Davy Jones as he cruises through every weekday afternoon. Constant Total Knockout Hits and you can chat live with the chatterbox in the TKO Chat room or on Facebook.

1100 - 1400 AM to PM with DENNIS CHRISTIAN


Turn on the AC and relax while DC entertains you with his wit and chill's you out with classic and new tracks. DC brings you music tracks and quizzes that will over heat the brain so turn up the aircon, relax and enjoy!

Join the bubbly and vibrant Rachel Angus as she gets you home with The Ultimate Drive time show. Bringing you old classics and new choons. She´s guaranteed to cheer you up every weekday evening!

MONDAY TO FRIDAY PROGRAMMING ON TKO GOLD 0800 - 1100 THE BREAKFAST SHOW with CHRIS ASHLEY Our Ex BBC & Talkradio presenter Mr Ashley will be waking you up with top tunes that will jog your memory, along with a daft joke or two & of course you can join in the fun...text, phone, or email Chris.

1100 - 1400 THE GOLDEN LUNCH with ALEX TRELINSKI Alex continues those feel good tunes and musical memories as well as inviting his friends from around the world to give you the inside track on all the latest news. On Monday's, Paul Smith from "Soaplife" magazine gives you all the latest soap gossip, Tuesday's coming live and direct from Los Angeles, top showbiz reporter Linda Harris has all the Hollywood gossip and Friday's sees Paul Darby "The Feng Shui Doctor", the UK's leading Feng Shui expert giving you tips on how this ancient system of aesthetics can change your life

1400 - 1800 AFTERNOON TEA with DARREN JAMES Darren invites you to join him for a civilised and sophisticated 4 hours every weekday afternoon. Playing you some of the widest variety of both established and contemporary Easy Listening / Middle-Of-The Road music from Frank Sinatra to Will Young, Barbra Streisand to Katie Melua, ABBA to Take That, along with his notorious competitions, Spanish Lottery Results (and how to play them) The History of UK No1's, Tomorrow's News Today and much more, coupled with an innuendo or two slipped in for good measure! Get out the Duraglit and polish up that Tea Service

1800 - 2100 SUNDOWNERS with DAVE KNIGHTS Join Dave as he takes you through 3 hours of music guaranteed to help you recover from the stresses and strains of another hectic Costa Blanca day! With competitions, great feel-good music and a little of something to help you relax. Sundowners is the perfect cocktail every single day.

2000 - 2300 Mondays only THE LOVE ZONE with LEE FOX Three hours of classic and modern-day love songs. The perfect Monday night in...NEW!!

2000 - 2300 Tuesdays only OLD SCHOOL DISCO with ANDY JAMES Let Andy take you back to those old school classics from the 70s and 80’s.

Calling all DJ’s, Presenters and Broadcasters! Are you new to the Costa Blanca fresh from having a career in radio in the UK? Perhaps you’re already working in radio in the area and looking for a fresh challenge? Once you have the radio bug, it’s very difficult to lose it! Do you fancy continuing the passion and becoming a radio presenter with TKO? The TKO Media Group will be extending its programming schedule very soon and are looking for experienced people to be considered for those slots, as well as for holiday and sickness cover work. Please send your CV in the first instance to All applications will be treated in the strictest of confidence.

Let’s see if you can win youself a meal for two and a bottle of wine at Quesada Fish & Chips

POP QUIZ November 11 Welcome to the famous TKO Gold pop quiz! We sure did have some fun with last week’s questions. All you have to do is take the first letter from each answer to find the name of a band or artist. Once you have found the key word, listen in to Chris Ashley´s show on TKO Gold, Saturday mornings 9am – 12pm 1. She gave Russell Harty a good slapping in 1981 live on TV. 2. Roddy Frame was lead singer with this 80s group. 3. The Cascades waxed lyrical about this bout of syncopated precipitation. 4. Guitar legends Clapton, Beck & Page all came to our attention through this group. 5. The Boss from New Jersey. 6. They drove along Ventura Highway in 1972. 7. This band took their name from an early 20th century fire truck. 8. Tamla Motown moved their H.Q. from Detroit to this city. 9. Oh What A Beautiful Morning comes from which musical? 10. In 1991 Vic Reeves helped this group get to dizzy heights in the charts.


Friday, November 11, 2011

CODE CRACKER Code Cracker is a crossword puzzle with no clues; instead, every letter of the alphabet has been replaced by a number, the same number representing the same letter throughout the puzzle. All you have to do is decide which letter is represented by which number. In this week's puzzle, 6 represents C and 24 represents B, when these letters have been entered throughout the puzzle, you should have enough information to start guessing words and discovering other letters.


Across 1 Flavourless (5) 4 Summit (4) 8 Disrobe (7) 9 Firearm (5) 10 State of quiet (5) 11 Non-believer (7) 12 Hurt (6) 14 Idle talk (6) 18 Rubbish (7) 20 Teetotal (5) 22 Representation (5) 23 Tell (7) 24 Encounter (4) 25 Rain mingled with snow (5)


1 Russian spirit (5) 2 Come before (7) 3 Dreary (6) 4 Balance (5) 5 Romances (7) 6 Disturbance (6) 7 Tidy (4) 13 Oven (7) 15 Watch (7) 16 Package (6) 17 Racket sport (6) 18 Obtain (4) 19 Skilled (5) 21 Brag (5)

Last weeks Solution Across: 1 Topic, 4 Bare, 8 Service, 9 Irate, 10 Arena, 11 Specify, 12 Either, 14 Status, 18 Surface, 20 Aroma, 22 Aware, 23 Pancake, 24 Boat, 25 Nurse. Down: 1 Terse, 2 Private, 3 Cheese, 4 Bribe, 5 Realist, 6 Escape, 7 Defy, 13 Tornado, 15 Trainer, 16 Scared, 17 Weapon, 18 Scam, 19 Alert, 21 Orate.

DOUBLE CROSS-WORD Solve the Double Cross-Word puzzle using either the standard or cryptic clues, the answers are exactly the same.

CRYTPIC CLUES Across 1 Petrified chopped up cedars (6) 4/15 Considers acquiring another appliance, that’ll sum things up (6,7) 9 Eminent performer in some art form (7) 10 Letters on a screen? (5) 11 Endless foam machine (5) 12 Nits are possibly more unpleasant (7) 13 Main content dealt with control (11) 18 Upset when it’s in an entrance (7) 20 End reveals words of advice, as expected (5) 22 It takes a general to form the power brokers (5) 23 Anyway, I chance cheat (7) 24 A set-back about net basic principles (6) 25 Take out permit to be in the Scottish river (6)

Down 1 Comparative construction is back a long way (6) 2 Turn away from a green (5) 3 At about 10, shed a tear, I beseech you! (7) 5 Andres Segovia reveals his clothes (5) 6 European language is one with a Latin derivation (7) 7 Or in a strong wind, you’ll see it in abundance (6) 8 Baffled police once in cine is a fluke (11) 14 Work in India on view (7) 15 See 4 Across 16 Really regret mental problem (6) 17 Hero worship noted silversmith (6) 19 In art, the French are at the ready (5) 21 Parts of Delaware are well informed (5)


Down 1 Figure of speech (6) 2 Turn away (5) 3 Beg (7) 5 Apparel (5) 6 European language (7) 7 In abundance (6) 8 Happenstance (11) 14 Belief (7) 15 See 4 Across 16 Mourn (6) 17 Respect (6) 19 Attentive (5) 21 Conscious (5)

Across 1 Afraid (6) 4/15 Totaliser (6,7) 9 Expert (7) 10 Electronic communication (5) 11 Shaping machine (5) 12 More unpleasant (7) 13 Restraint (11) 18 Worry (7) 20 Stop (5) 22 Best (5) 23 Trick (7) 24 Dogmas (6) 25 Erase (6)

Last weeks Solution Across: 1 Same, 3 Emphasis, 9 Unclear, 10 Agate, 11 Broadcasting, 13 Recoup, 15 Starve, 17 Narrow minded, 20 Atone, 21 Ragtime, 22 Stresses, 23 Mess. Down: 1 Stubborn, 2 Micro, 4 Mortar, 5 Heartstrings, 6 Spanner, 7 Shed, 8 Headquarters, 12 Needless, 14 Clamour, 16 Swerve, 18 Drive, 19 Dais.


Complete the crossword grid by using the given words:

Eels Sob 3 letter words Egos Sol All Errs Tea Apt Lamp Tot Are Lino Toy Arm 6 Nail 4 letter words Ate Oops Aced Bad Page Alga Cap 7 Pure Area Cue Rapt Atop Dab Reap Awls Den 9 Rues Beta Eat Scar Byte Fen Sown Cafe Lab 5 letter words Clue Nil Apace Cues Nod Blend Data Pug Circa Dine Ran

Demob Emcee Meats Slain Space letter words Appeal Recess letter words Acrylic Paroled letter words Permanent Staircase 10 letter words Cannelloni Crystalise

SPANISH-ENGLISH CROSSWORD Improve your Spanish - clues in Spanish, answers in English or vice versa.

Across 1 Juguetes (4) 3 Shepherds (8) 9 Mayor (7) 10 Bisonte (5) 11 Desván (5) 12 German (6) 14 Sugar (6) 16 Flowerpot (6) 19 Admirar (estimar) (6) 21 Valiente (persona, acción, decisión) (5) 24 Donde (5) 25 Tattoo (on body) (7) 26 Younger (3,5) 27 Hormigas (entomología) (4)

Down 1 To work (8) 2 Barco de vela (5) 4 Scarcely (barely) (6) 5 Mesa (5) 6 Rescue (7) 7 Enviar (4) 8 Arrow (weapon, sign) (6) 13 Descuidado (despreocupado) (8) 15 Desnudar (persona) (7) 17 Abades (6) 18 Ortiga (6) 20 Unhurt (5) 22 Otra vez (5) 23 Nadar (4)


Friday, November 11, 2011 Across 1 What was the surname of the American politician who was notorious for his sensational charges of communist subversion in high government circles in the 1950s? (8) 7 What name is given to the flat expanded part of a leaf as distinguished from the petiole? (5) 8 What was the name of the ship that carried the English Separatists (better known as the Pilgrims) from England to Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620? (9) 9 By what name is the high explosive trinitrotoluene usually known? (3) 10 What name is given to the burrow or home of a badger? (4) 11 Which son of Anchises and Aphrodite was the defender of Troy and hero of Virgil’s Aeneid? (6) 13 See 2 Down 14 In Greek mythology, which nymph was transformed into a laurel tree to escape the amorous Apollo? (6) 17 What name is given to a light meal served late in the evening? (6) 18 What is the surname of the 41st and 43rd presidents of the USA? (4) 20 The Beastie Boys, Run DMC, De La Soul and LL Cool J are all exponents of which genre of African-American music? (3) 22 Which 18th century French chemist was known as the father of modern chemistry? (9) 23 Which crown-like jewelled headdress is worn by women on formal occasions? (5)


Quiz Word

24 What name is given to something given voluntarily or beyond obligation usually for some service? (8) Down 1 Which acute contagious disease, characterised by

inflammatory swelling of the salivary glands, is also known as epidemic parotitis? (5) 2/13A Which giant glass-and-iron exhibition hall in Hyde Park, London, housed the Great Exhibition of 1851? (7,6) 3 What name is often applied to a very small brook? (4) 4 Derived from the Old French for ‘to hoist’, what name is given to a large rope for towing, mooring, or securing a ship? (6) 5 Daddy Cool, Boy from New York City and Duke of Earl were all UK top 10 hits for which British doo-wop group? (5) 6 The leaves of which cultivated plant (Lactuca sativa) are often eaten in salads? (7) 7 Which Scottish village includes the royal residence of Balmoral Castle and is home to the most prestigious Highland Games? (7) 12 What is the medical name for the shoulder blade? (7) 13 Which Latin phrase means ‘proportionately according to an exactly calculable factor (as share or liability)’? (3,4) 15 See 19 16 Which large, semi-aquatic, herbivorous rodent that has webbed hind feet and a broad flat scaly tail, constructs dams and partially submerged lodges? (6) 17 Which small European herring is also called a brisling? (5) 19/15 Erik Weisz was the real name of which famous American magician noted for his sensational escape acts? (5,7) 21 Which Italian automobile company was founded by Agnelli, Giovanni in 1899? (4)

SALLY’S SIMPLE SPANISH centro comercial -shopping centre Match these words with their Spanish translations then find them in the wordsearch. (Answers below)

1. True Or False Michael Bolton To Be The Lead Singer Of Bon Jovi? 2. Chris Stein Worked With Which Sex Siren To Produce A String Of 80's Hits? 3. Which Band Relaased The Albums 'Bleach, Nevermind & The Muddy Banks Of Wishkah'? 4. Who Joined Queen in their 1981 hit Under Pressure? 5. Who Did Michael Jackson Team Up With For The Hit 'The Girl Is Mine'? 6. In The 1960's who Released The Albums 'Twist', 'Twistin Round The World', 'Your Twist Party'? 7. What was the Shadows first hit without Cliff Richard? 8. Higher Love' Was A Hit For Which Uk Artist? 9. Which Family Group Had Hits On The Stax Label With 'Respect Yourself' & I'll Take You There? 10. Eurovision:- Which Country Won The Eurovision Song Contest In 1978? 1. FALSE 2. Deborah Harry 3. Nirvana 4. David Bowie 5. Paul McCartney 6. Chubby Checker 7. Apache 8. Steve Winwood 9. The Staple Brothers 10. Israel


Last Week’s Solutions Code Cracker Last weeks Quiz Wordsolution Across: 1 Firedamp, 7 Ghost, 8 Epicentre, 9 DDT, 10 Asia, 11/19 Morris Minor, 13 Surtax, 14 Milton, 17 Balham, 18 Tram, 20 Dee, 22 Circadian, 23/5 White goods, 24 Reindeer. Down: 1 Freya, 2 Rainier, 3 Drey, 4 Mutton, 6 Stetson, 7 Georgia, 12 Wallace, 13 Shadows, 15 Turbine, 16 Barrie, 17 Benin, 21 Dawn.



16. supermercado, 17. cafeteria, 18. optica, 19. tintoreria, 20. cajero, 21. joyería. a. shoe-shop, b. hairdresser, c. jewellers, d. toilets, e. opticians, f. bowling alley, g. cashpoint, h. restaurant, i. public phone,


j. cinema, k. cafe, l. lingerie shop, m. dry cleaner’s, n. supermarket, o. key cutter’s, p. cake shop, q. fast food, r. perfume shop, s. bar, t. bank, u. walkway. Answers: 1f, 2s, 3l, 4r, 5b, 6j, 7u, 8h, 9q, 10t, 11p, 12d, 13a, 14i, 15o, 16n, 17k, 18e, 19m, 20g, 21c.

geography QUIZ

1. bolera, 2. bar, 3. lenceria, 4. perfumeria, 5. peluqueria, 6. cine, 7. pasillo, 8. restaurante, 9. comida-rapida, 10. banco, 11. pasteleria, 12. aseos, 13. zapateria, 14. telefono-publico, 15. cerrajeria,
























Fill It In


Friday, November 11, 2011

Horoscopes By Pandora

Aries March 21 - April 19 When trying to take the top off a bottle of paracetamol, you may find yourself contemplating destroying the universe. Take your time over getting where you're going today. You're only going to have crappy things happen when you get there.

I am hiding debt

Taurus April 20 - May 20

I have been hiding how much money I owe from my wife. The las time we talked about it we only owed €5000 and she freaked out then. We owe about 4 times that now and it is down to me. I have to get to the post before her every morning so she won't find out. What can I do without her finding out? BRIAN San Pedro

Sasquatch will not befriend you and live peacefully in your house. You will be plagued by happy people, but don't be swayed by them, stay miserable. Most of the things you're doing are going well, so there's no need to give up now.

Gemini May 21 - June 20 Oil in your lamp may keep you burning till the break of day. Or it could spill over and set fire to your new shoes. The darkness you experience when you close your eyes might be accompanied by a low demonic growl today.

Cancer June 21 - July 22 Today will be fraught with exciting wonderment and thrills for at least somebody you know. Many of your feelings can be expressed in the form of haikus. However, you'll be lucky if you can find anyone who gives a flying hoot, or who actually finds them impressive in any way.


Hello Brian. You probably can do something behind her back but I don't think that is the best way forward. You should sit down and work out what you are going to do together. You have to work out a plan and if she does not know anything about it it is going to be hard for her to stick to it. You may be pleasantly suprised by her reaction. Then again you may not. Good luck

Copy cat friend

One of my closest and trusted friends seems to copy me. She mimics my outfits and has bought many similar or the same items of clothing as me. She copies my hairstyles, she reads the same magazines and watches the same TV too. When I first met her, her style was the same as her last friend, but it has changed radically since we have been friends. It really frustrates me when I see her look the same as me, especially as my dream is to be a fashion designer. How do I make her find her own identity without speaking to her about it? STEPH El Raso


Hello Steph. Yeah, its GREAT she copies you! It means you can be a fashion designer as people want to be like you, and wear the kind of clothes you like etc. If you can maybe take her out on a shopping trip and suggest clothes for her - slightly different from you of course!

Hit in a row Dear Rose. We had a heated argument and we started shouting and he hit me. It all went quiet and then he started to apologise and he knew what he had done. He has not stopped saying sorry since and promises that he will never do it again. I can’t think straight at the moment but should I forgive him and give him another chance. Each time I think about it I shudder. DORIS. Gran Alacant


Hello Doris. If you do decide to stay I would suggest the follwoing. 1. Tell him you will still be you and if there is an argument of that level again you will not be backing down because of what he did. 2. Tell him that you will never mention it again. 3. Tell him that if he ever raises a finger to you or even threatens you - you will leave, never to return and that you will go to the police. Good luck and keep being you.

Worried for my child

My daughter lives with me and sees her Dad on alternate weekends. He is lucky that he sees her that much, he exposed her to danger a couple of years ago and the court said he could only have this amoung of contact. He also has a diagnosis of Bi-Polar

If you have a problem Romany Rose can help you with, email her at Disorder. He is going to court for more contact when he can barely handle the contact he gets now. The other night our daughter came home with writing all over her legs that I could not get off. I know he will put on a good show for the courts and am scaared that they will let him see more of her. He is not a good influence. What should I do? SOPHIE Torrevieja


Hello Sophie. Did you ask her or him who did the writing on the leg? If it was her then quite rightly he should get more access that what you want to give him, she is his daughter as well so its not fair that only you get proper access. If It was him then I wouldn’t worry about the courts letting him see more of her. Just by reading your letter, I think you are playing on his bipolar to justify your actions of denying him access, be thankful he wants a relationship with your daughter so she gets to know her dad, lots of other daughters go without the love of a Dad

Falling for another fella Dear Rose. My husband and I have been together for almost 7 years but were just married this June. I've never thought about or even looked at another

man before. He was all I needed. But I met someone. Someone I work with. And I can't stop thinking about him or what it would be like to just sit and spend time with him. Hear him laugh. I know I'm betraying my husband just having these thoughts. The other guy has told me that he is into me to but holds back because he knows I'm married. We used to talk as friends but when we both realized there was more to it, we cut our friendship off and I'm sad and I miss him. I just don't know how this could happen. Does it mean I should leave my husband? Not to be with this other guy, but because I can even feel for someone else? Does it mean that I'm not happy or that I'm no longer in love? PATRICIA San Luis


Hello Patricia. Somtimes our feelings amaze us, when we are with someone a long time, its easy to take them for granted and the newness of another person seems very inviting. After seven years, you married a man you obviously love and you dont mention that he is a bad husband. is it worth throwing it all away for a moments madness? Try and find the spark again with your husband because if you lose him, I’m more than sure you will live to regret it. Good luck.

Leo July 23 - August 22 Make yourself a coffee, sit down and read the internet. Hell, it's what you do everyday, right? Day time television can motivate you to rethink the monotony of your life. You may decide to pep up your life by going on a short cookery course.

Virgo August 23 - September 22 All your wishes can come true if you're willing to briefly take on a life of crime. The number I am thinking of is 12. This is not the number you are thinking of, especially if you are not thinking of a number.

Libra September 23 - October 22 Your ability to think up lies on the spot may be challenged this week. Don't be afraid to run really fast - problems will catch up, but at least you've given yourself a few minutes to think up some bulls**t explanation.

Scorpio October 23 - November 21 Nobody can stop you as you make that important break through this week. You are at a point in your life where you feel you are only there to serve. So get moving! Serve away! Please remember today that most of your god-like powers have been taken from you in order to make you a better demi-god.

Sagittarius November 22 - December 21 Think of a number. Now times that number by eighteen. I can confidently predict that your number does not rhyme with "Golfing Umbrella". God may try to speak to you today through a kitchen appliance.

Capricorn December 22 - January 19 All the ideas you've ever had will be totally blown out of the water today. IBM will never stop making fast computers. You're thinking of MFI. You're generally hopeless with money, so this week should come as a shock to you.

Aquarius January 20 - February 18 "Saucy!" should not be used as a synonym for sweaty. Any rumours you may have heard about a certain special someone may come true this week. Kindling is always useful when lighting fires. However, metaphorical fires can be started using a baseball bat or a 2x4 plank.

Pisces February 19 - March 20 Gurning championships are no place for someone like you and yet you'll be tempted to find out not only *what* they are, in detail, but where they take place, entry fees, and who in your family has a talent for gurning.


Friday, November 11, 2011

TRELI ON THE TELLY Downton to Down Under

OH what am I to do on a Sunday night, now that ‘Downton Abbey’ has finished its second series? It’s probably the same question that the ITV1 boss, Peter Fincham, is asking as well, as the drama’s final episode produced a record figure of close on eleven million viewers, something that dramas have long stopped doing on UK TV. I was slightly disappointed in the finale, as I was expecting Doctor Death to strike in every orifice of the Abbey, with the dreaded Spanish Flu killing off cast members who were not having their contracts renewed for the third season! Contrary to all the press speculation, we only got Matthew’s wife-to-be, Lavinia, predictably snuffing it, leaving the door ajar for Lady Mary to make her long awaited move on the heir to the family fortune. I did get seriously worried though that Carson the Butler might end up getting an unwelcome visit from the Grim Reaper, but once the ninety minutes were up, it was obvious we had been teased into a game of guessing who would die or not. The final scene with Bates being lead away by the police for the suspected murder of his ex-wife had frankly been telegraphed for the last three weeks, and so it wasn’t the gob-stopping moment to keep us on the edge until the series returns. But these are all trifling points which should not detract from a quite brilliant piece of entertainment. Strange then that the normally gobby ITV1 announcers who spout any old bilge over the closing credits of their programmes, didn’t see it relevant to tell their mass audience that


‘Downton’ would be back next month for a Christmas special, and for a full series(as revealed here weeks ago) next autumn. One of my highlights of the week was seeing Tess Daly make an absolute botch of reading a fireworks gag from the autocue on last Saturday’s ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ on BBC1, with Bruce Forsyth milking it for all that it was worth. The original line was not worthy of even being put into a Christmas cracker, but Brucie made it the funniest moment of the night. That’s experience for you, and sadly there’s only Ant & Dec that have that kind of witty ‘off the cuff’ ability on a live tv entertainment show. By the way, the guys are back in business hosting a new series of ‘I’m a Celebrity’ from this Sunday night on ITV1. It’s fair to say that the audience profile for this will be somewhat different from ‘Downton Abbey’, and with the exception of the Geordie duo, the whole concept is somewhat tired and should be consigned to a tv waste basket. ‘Waste’ and ‘Basket’ are two words that would aptly describe the ‘X-Factor’ contestant, Frankie Cocozza. I won’t take too much of your time on this talentless substance-

BAD TEACHER 15 Cameron Diaz gets another chance to show off her underappreciated comic talents in Jake Kasdan’s rude new comedy Bad Teacher. As its title implies, Bad Teacher is centred on a middle school teacher who is anything but a role model to her students. Foulmouthed, self-centred and motivated by greed, Diaz’s Ms. Halsey works as something of a corrective to decades of saint like screen teachers. Diaz seizes this opportunity to be bad, and her drink-

CAST: Cameron Diaz, Jason Segel, Justin Timberlake, Lucy Punch DIRECTOR: Jake Kasdan GENRE: Comedy RATING: 3.5/5 RUNNING TIME: 89 min.

swilling anti-heroine offers her the sort of broadly defined, physical role that she excels in. Diaz sacrifices any need to be sympathetic or retain dignity here, and her performance is that much better for it. Diaz’s sassy turn is clearly the best thing in Bad Teacher, and she taps into the politically incorrect vibe that runs throughout its screen-

play. Bad Teacher is less noteworthy for its weak plot (in which Ms. Halsey competes for both romance and professional approval against a well-liked co-worker played by Lucy Punch) than for its generally

malignant outlook on life and education. Rest assured, there are no heart-warming inspirational conversations between students and teachers to be found here. Indeed, the students barely register at all. If the screenwriters let the enterprise down by forcing a three act structure upon this material and at least mildly reigning in Ms. Halsey’s bad behaviour by the film’s end, at least we can be thankful that they resist

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abusing moron who can’t sing, who was fortunately thrown out this week for boasting about taking cocaine. After a dreadful performance last weekend, he achieved the greatest miracle since water was turned into wine, as he avoided getting into the bottom three on what is meant to be a singing competition. What a farce, and the even bigger idiots were the half-wits wasting their money voting for this fool. How I laughed when I heard on Tuesday that their cash had been totally wasted with this teenage twit being exiled into total ignominy! I’ve always loved impressionists on the box since the days of Mike Yarwood at the height of his success back in the seventies. I was a big fan, even though some of the scripts were pretty average. And that many years on, is the identical problem for ‘The Impressions Show’ on BBC1. A lot of money has been spent on the settings and make-up, as people like Jon Culshaw do some brilliant mimicry, with the expressions and voices far superior to whatever Yarwood used to do. But the sketches and writing seem to have been penned by a second-rate amateur dramatics society, with genuine laughs at a premium. The show is also spoilt by a superimposed laughter-track which at times verges on the kind of mass hysteria that is produced at a Jim Davidson gig. It’s a pity really, as it all could have been so much better. I forgot to mention last week in my list of new American shows, something that I stumbled on by accident, and have become absolutely hooked on from episode one. It’s called ‘Ringer’, and stars old Buffy herself, Sarah Michelle-Gellar as twin sisters who are very different. It’s running on Sky Living(no news yet of a Spanish channel), and it’s an utterly preposterous mixture of murder, role-reversal and intrigue. I don’t have a spare day to explain it all to you, but it is entertaining popcorn tv, with Brit actors Ioan Gruffudd and Jaime Murray popping up as well.

selling out completely. Ultimately, Bad Teacher is easy to like precisely because it doesn’t try very hard to be liked. While some of the supporting turns ( J u s t i n Timberlake’s and Jason Segal’s, specifically) seem like missed opportunities, the bulk of the material here works. While there is the hint of a better, more ruthless movie lurking delivers is still here, what Bad Teacher enjoyable indeed.



The Courier Friday TV

11th November

00:35 This Week 01:20 Holiday Weatherview 01:25 What's Fuelling Your Energy Bill? - Panorama 01:55 Countryfile 02:55 Antiques Roadshow 03:55 James May's Things You Need to Know 04:25 Home Cooking Made Easy 04:55 Sport Today 05:00 Newsday 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC News 06:30 World Business Report 06:45 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Remembrance Week 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Filthy Rotten Scoundrels 12:45 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:30 Regional News and Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:10 Land Girls 16:00 BBC News; Weather; Regional News 16:05 Junior Bake Off 16:40 Prank Patrol Down Under 17:00 Stuck on Sheep Mountain 17:30 The Sarah Jane Adventures 18:00 Newsround 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 Regional News Programmes 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Nigel Slater's Simple Cooking 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Sir Jimmy Savile: As it Happened 22:00 Have I Got News for You 22:30 Live at the Apollo 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News and Weather 23:35 The Graham Norton Show 00:20 00:50 01:25 02:25 02:30 02:45 03:00 03:30 03:45 04:00 04:30 04:45

Burnistoun Women! Damages Newsday Asia Business Report Sport Today Newsday Asia Business Report Sport Today Newsday Asia Business Report Sport Today

05:00 Schools: History File 07:00 Little Robots 07:10 The Large Family 07:20 Garth and Bev 07:35 Dipdap 07:40 Gigglebiz 08:00 Project Parent 08:30 Trust Me I'm a Genie 08:40 Leon 08:45 Pet Squad 08:55 Newsround 09:00 Trapped Ever After 09:30 Mr Bloom's Nursery 09:50 Dirtgirlworld 10:00 Tinga Tinga Tales 10:15 Driver Dan's Story Train 10:30 Charlie and Lola 10:45 Zingzillas 11:05 Big Barn Farm 11:20 Louie 11:25 Baby Jake 11:40 Waybuloo 12:05 In the Night Garden 12:35 The Pink Panther Show 13:00 Daily Politics 13:30 GMT with George Alagiah 14:00 To Buy or Not to Buy 14:45 Royal Upstairs Downstairs 15:15 Weakest Link 16:00 Wanted Down Under 16:45 Escape to the Country 17:30 Flog It! 18:15 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Strictly Come Dancing - It Takes Two 20:00 Art for Heroes: A Culture Show Special 21:00 Mastermind Children in Need Special 21:30 Autumnwatch Live 22:30 Autumnwatch Unsprung 23:00 QI 23:30 Newsnight

00:35 The Choir That Rocks 01:30 The Zone 03:35 Life After the Riots: Tonight 04:00 ITV Nightscreen 05:35 The Jeremy Kyle Show 06:30 ITV Morning News 07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 Meridian News and Weather 15:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 16:00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 16:59 Meridian Weather 17:00 Ade in Britain 18:00 Best Dish: The Chefs 19:00 Meridian Tonight and Weather 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Wild Britain with Ray Mears 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 The Jury 23:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23:30 Meridian Tonight and Weather 23:35 Falling Down

SIR JIMMY SAVILE: AS IT HAPPENED A tribute to the DJ and broadcaster, who died last month at his home in Leeds, aged 84. The programme includes footage of the former Jim'll Fix It presenter and interviews with family, showbiz friends and representatives of the many charitable organisations for which he raised millions of pounds.

00:05 Rory Peck Awards 00:10 The Secret Millionaire 01:10 The Film Show 01:40 Professor Green Unseen: After Hours 02:10 Inside SBTV: From Bedroom to Boardroom 02:35 4Play: Birdy 02:50 4Play: Maverick Sabre 03:00 The Crush 03:55 Accidentally on Purpose 04:20 Southland 05:05 St Elsewhere 05:55 Unreported World 06:20 Countdown 07:05 Sali Mali 07:10 The Hoobs 08:00 Freshly Squeezed 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:25 Frasier 10:00 Undercover Boss USA 11:00 Location, Location, Location 12:00 The Renovation Game 13:00 Drop Down Menu 14:00 Channel 4 Racing 16:10 Countdown 17:00 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:30 Unreported World 20:55 21:00 Come Dine with Me 22:00 Derren Brown: The Secret of Luck 23:00 8 Out of 10 Cats 23:35 Pete Versus Life

00:00 Big Brother's Bit on the Side 01:00 SuperCasino 05:00 Chinese Food in Minutes 05:05 HouseBusters 05:30 HouseBusters 05:55 Rough Guide to Eco Escapes 06:10 House Doctor 06:35 House Doctor 07:00 Thomas & Friends 07:10 The WotWots 07:20 City of Friends 07:35 Elmo's World 07:50 Peppa Pig 07:55 Little Princess 08:10 The Mr Men Show 08:30 Thomas & Friends 08:45 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:20 Peppa Pig 09:30 Roary the Racing Car 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 LIVE with Gabby 13:05 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Big Brother 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Meerkat Manor 15:50 Animal Rescue Squad 16:05 The Maldonado Miracle 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 OK! TV 20:00 5 News at 7 20:30 Lost Heroes of World War One 20:30 5 News Update 21:00 Ice Road Truckers: Deadliest Roads 21:00 5 News at 9 22:00 Big Brother: Live Final 23:30 Tamara Ecclestone: Billion $$ Girl


The Courier Saturday TV

12th November

00:20 The National Lottery Friday Night Draws 00:30 Deep Impact 02:20 Weatherview 02:25 Question Time 03:25 Hairy Bikers' Meals on Wheels 04:25 Home Cooking Made Easy 04:55 Newswatch 05:00 BBC News 05:30 The Bottom Line 06:00 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 11:00 Bargain Hunt Famous Finds 11:45 Lord Mayor's Show 2011 13:10 BBC News; Regional News and Weather 13:15 Formula 1: The Abu Dhabi Grand Prix - Qualifying 15:30 Live Boxing 17:00 Remembrance Week 18:05 BBC News; Regional News and Weather 18:25 The Impressions Show with Culshaw and Stephenson 18:55 Tonight's the Night 19:55 Strictly Come Dancing 21:20 Merlin 22:05 The National Lottery Saturday Night Draws 22:15 The Royal British Legion Festival of Remembrance 23:50 BBC News; Weather

00:00 The Review Show 00:45 Weather 00:50 Later with Jools Holland 01:55 The Triangle 03:20 Art for Heroes: A Culture Show Special 04:20 BBC News 04:30 Click

05:00 Close 07:00 Little Robots 07:10 The Large Family 07:20 Garth and Bev 07:35 Little Charley Bear 07:45 Rastamouse 08:00 Roar 08:30 Arthur 08:50 Dennis and Gnasher 09:05 Pixelface 09:35 Splatalot 10:00 Live 'n' Deadly 11:00 Who Let the Dogs Out? 11:30 I Want My Own Room 12:00 Deadly Art 12:15 MOTD Kickabout 12:30 Football Focus 13:15 The Sky at Night 13:35 Coast 13:40 Carefree 15:05 Singin' in the Rain 16:45 Escape to the Country 17:30 Great British Food Revival 18:30 Flog It! 19:30 Dad's Army 20:00 Dam Busters: The Race to Smash the German Dams 21:00 Come Fly with Me (The Story of Pan Am) 22:00 QI XL 22:45 Arena: George Harrison Living in the Material World

01:40 The Zone 03:45 The Whole Ten Yards 05:20 ITV Nightscreen 06:30 ITV Morning News 07:00 Mini CITV 08:15 CITV 10:25 Coronation Street 12:45 This Morning: Saturday 13:45 ITV News and Weather 13:49 Meridian Weather 13:50 Free Willy 2: the Adventure Home 15:40 Stop! or My Mom Will Shoot 17:20 Meridian News and Weather 17:30 ITV News and Weather 17:45 Live International Football 20:15 New You've Been Framed! 20:45 Harry Hill's TV Burp 21:15 The X Factor 22:45 Piers Morgan's Life Stories: Paul Gascoigne 23:45 ITV News and Weather 23:59 Meridian Weather

PIERS MORGANS LIFE STORIES The former England footballer talks about the battles he has faced in his private life, including drug addiction and how he used to consume four bottles of whisky daily without food or water. He also looks back on his heyday as a player, discusses his failed marriage and reveals what made him attempt to talk to gunman Raoul Moat during his stand-off with police in Northumberland in July 2010.

00:10 Stand Up for the Week 01:00 Unmade Beds 02:45 Channel 4 Presents - Jonnie Peacock 'Hit the Ground Running' 02:50 Music on 4 Favourites: The Kooks 03:15 On Track 03:40 4Play: Oh Land 03:55 Fuel 04:00 My Name Is Earl 04:45 Without a Trace 05:30 St Elsewhere 06:20 Countdown 07:05 The Hoobs 07:30 The Film Show 07:55 British Rallycross Grand Prix 2011 08:20 Extreme Sailing Series 08:50 Channel 4 Presents - Oscar Pistorius 'Blade Runner' 08:55 The Morning Line 09:50 Smallville 10:40 Made in Chelsea 11:50 Inside SBTV: From Bedroom to Boardroom 12:25 T4 Favourites: Snow Patrol 13:00 The Big Bang Theory 14:05 The Simpsons 14:40 Channel 4 Racing 16:55 Come Dine with Me 19:25 Jamie's Great Britain 20:25 Channel 4 News 20:55 21:00 World War II: The Last Heroes 22:00 Twilight

00:30 Big Brother's Bit on the Side 01:15 SuperCasino 05:00 Motorsport Mundial 05:30 Great Scientists 05:55 Rough Guide to Weekend Breaks 06:10 House Doctor 07:00 Peppa Pig 07:05 Roary the Racing Car 07:15 Fifi and the Flowertots 07:25 Fireman Sam 07:40 Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs 07:50 Castle Farm 07:55 Igam Ogam 08:05 Roobarb and Custard Too 08:15 The Save-Ums! 08:30 Make Way for Noddy 08:45 Hana's Helpline 09:00 Little Princess 09:15 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:30 Angelina Ballerina 09:50 Rupert Bear 10:00 Olivia 10:15 The Mr Men Show 10:30 Roary the Racing Car 10:45 Animal Families 11:00 Arthur Christmas: Movie Special 11:30 How Not to Decorate 12:20 The Gadget Show 13:15 Big Brother: The Final 14:40 Every Time We Say Goodbye 16:30 Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure 18:15 Mulan 19:55 Lara Croft: Tomb Raider 21:50 5 News Weekend 21:55 NCIS 22:45 Live International Boxing


The Courier Sunday TV

13th November

00:15 Signs 01:50 Weatherview 01:55 Frost on Nixon 03:55 Dateline London 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Our World 05:00 BBC News 05:30 Click 06:00 BBC News 06:30 The Record Europe 07:00 Breakfast 10:00 The Andrew Marr Show 11:25 Remembrance Sunday: The Cenotaph 11:25 Weather for the Week Ahead 13:15 Formula 1: The Abu Dhabi Grand Prix - Live 16:10 The Politics Show 17:10 Frozen Planet 18:10 Points of View 18:25 Songs of Praise 19:00 BBC News; Regional News and Weather 19:25 Countryfile 20:25 Strictly Come Dancing 21:00 Antiques Roadshow 22:00 Garrow's Law 23:00 BBC News; Regional News and Weather 23:25 Have I Got a Bit More News for You

00:20 01:20 02:25 02:30 03:00

Sings the Beatles Later with Jools Holland BBC News The Bottom Line BBC News

03:30 Dateline London 04:00 Close 07:00 Little Robots 07:10 The Large Family 07:20 Garth and Bev 07:35 Little Charley Bear 07:45 Rastamouse 08:00 Roar 08:30 Arthur 08:50 Dennis and Gnasher 09:05 League of Super Evil 09:15 Jinx 09:35 Wingin' It 10:00 Sam & Mark's Big Friday Wind Up 11:00 Something for the Weekend 12:30 Great British Food Revival 13:30 On Moonlight Bay 15:05 EastEnders 17:00 Rugby League 18:00 Peter Jones: How We Made Our Millions 19:00 Remembrance Sunday: The Cenotaph Highlights 20:00 Top Gear 21:00 How to Build a Super Jumbo Wing 22:00 Arena: George Harrison - Living in the Material World

00:00 International Football Highlights 01:00 The Cube 02:00 The Zone 04:00 Kojak 05:00 ITV Nightscreen 06:30 ITV Morning News 07:00 Mini CITV 08:15 CITV 10:25 Monk 10:30 Finger Tips 10:45 The Adventures of Brer Rabbit 12:00 ITV News and Weather 12:04 Meridian Weather 12:05 Live FA Cup Football 16:00 The X Factor 17:30 Downton Abbey 19:00 Meridian News and Weather 19:15 ITV News and Weather 19:30 Harry Hill's TV Burp 20:00 The Cube 21:00 The X Factor 22:00 I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! 23:30 ITV News and Weather 23:44 Meridian Weather 23:45 FA Cup Highlights

ICE AGE 3 Sid the sloth discovers three eggs - but when they hatch into dinosaurs, he struggles to keep them under control. The creatures' mother comes looking for her offspring, and takes them and Sid to an underground world where the giant reptiles never became extinct. Sid's friends, aided by a crazed one-eyed weasel, head for this strange new land to rescue him.

00:30 Let the Right One In 02:40 Thirst 04:55 The Island 05:10 Shapes 05:15 Amnesia 05:25 St Elsewhere 06:10 Countdown 06:55 The Treacle People 07:05 The Hoobs 07:30 The Hoobs 07:55 Adidas Terrex Coast to Coast 08:20 The Crush 08:45 Hollyoaks 11:40 Professor Green Unseen 11:55 Live and Lost: Parade 12:00 The Simpsons 12:35 Shipwrecked: The Island 13:35 The Simpsons 14:05 Channel 4 Racing 16:35 Channel 4 Presents - Oscar Pistorius 'Head Strong' 16:40 Grand Designs 17:45 Deal or No Deal 18:45 Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs 20:25 20:30 Channel 4 News 21:00 River Cottage Veg 22:00 The Secret Millionaire 23:00 Alan Carr: Chatty Man

00:15 UFC 137 01:15 SuperCasino 04:55 Great Artists 05:20 Divine Designs 05:45 Rough Guide to Luxury Destinations 06:00 Hana's Helpline 06:10 The Milkshake! Show 06:35 Thomas & Friends 06:45 Roary the Racing Car 07:00 Peppa Pig 07:05 Bert and Ernie's Great Adventures 07:10 Fifi and the Flowertots 07:20 Fireman Sam 07:30 Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs 07:45 Castle Farm 07:50 Igam Ogam 08:00 Roobarb and Custard Too 08:10 The Save-Ums! 08:25 Make Way for Noddy 08:40 Hana's Helpline 08:55 Little Princess 09:10 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:25 Angelina Ballerina 09:45 Rupert Bear 10:00 Olivia 10:15 The Mr Men Show 10:30 Roary the Racing Car 10:45 Animal Families 11:00 The Hotel Inspector 12:00 Paul Merton's Adventures 13:00 Ice Road Truckers: Deadliest Roads 14:00 Bomber Boys: Revealed 14:55 Zoo Days 15:00 Mary Higgins Clark's Moonlight Becomes You 16:50 Avalanche Express 18:25 5 News Weekend 18:30 The Great Escape 22:00 Hang 'Em High


The Courier Monday TV

14th November

00:10 Ask Rhod Gilbert 00:45 Management 02:10 Weatherview 02:15 Film 2011 with Claudia Winkleman 02:55 The Queen's Palaces 03:55 Holby City 04:55 Sport Today 05:00 Newsday 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC News 06:30 World Business Report 06:45 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 You've Been Scammed 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 11:58 BBC News; Weather 12:00 Filthy Rotten Scoundrels 12:45 Cash in the Attic 13:13 BBC News; Weather 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:30 Regional News and Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Moving On 16:00 BBC News; Weather; 16:05 Barney's Latin America 16:40 Prank Patrol Down Under 17:00 Deadly Top 10 17:30 Blue Peter 18:00 Newsround 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 Regional News Programmes 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Inside Out 20:30 BBC News; Regional News 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Meet the Burglars Panorama 22:00 Young Apprentice 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News and Weather 23:35 A Question of Sport BBC 2 00:05 00:55 01:25 03:05 03:30 03:45 04:00 04:30 04:45 05:00

Timewatch: Beatlemania Never Mind the Buzzcocks Romance & Cigarettes Newsday Asia Business Report Sport Today Newsday Asia Business Report Sport Today Close

07:00 Wibbly Pig 07:10 The Large Family 07:20 Garth and Bev 07:35 Little Charley Bear 07:45 Rastamouse 08:00 Project Parent 08:30 Trust Me I'm a Genie 08:40 Leon 08:45 Pet Squad 08:55 Newsround 09:00 Trapped Ever After 09:30 Iconicles 09:50 Dirtgirlworld 10:05 Tinga Tinga Tales 10:20 Something Special 10:40 Charlie and Lola 10:55 Zingzillas 11:15 Big Barn Farm 11:25 Louie 11:35 Baby Jake 11:45 Waybuloo 12:05 In the Night Garden 12:35 The New Pink Panther Show 13:00 Daily Politics 13:30 GMT with George Alagiah 14:00 To Buy or Not to Buy 14:30 Britain's Killer Roads 15:15 Weakest Link 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Hairy Bikers' Best of British 17:30 Flog It! 18:15 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Strictly Come Dancing - It Takes Two 20:00 Great British Food Revival 21:00 University Challenge 21:30 MasterChef: The Professionals 22:00 The Choir: Military Wives 23:00 Never Mind the Buzzcocks 23:30 Newsnight

00:45 Real Crime with Mark Austin: The Game Show Killer 01:45 The Zone 03:00 Motorsport UK 03:55 ITV Nightscreen 06:30 ITV Morning News 07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 Meridian News and Weather 15:00 May the Best House Win 16:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 16:59 Meridian Weather 17:00 Ade in Britain 18:00 Best Dish: The Chefs 19:00 Meridian Tonight 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Little England 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! 23:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23:30 Meridian Tonight and Weather 23:35 Real Crime with Mark Austin: The Jigsaw Murder


Chefs and cooks help to bring traditional British produce back to the nation's kitchens, highlighting the gastronomic and cultural richness of local ingredients. Award-winning chef Michel Roux Jr sets out to uncover the secrets of handmade bread, and demonstrates how easy it is to bake at home, while Hairy Bikers Si King and Dave Myers focus on cauliflower and provide three recipes.

00:05 Teenage Vampires 01:05 Derren Brown: The Secret of Luck 02:10 American Football Live 05:45 Post Modern Pastimes 06:00 Freesports on 4 06:25 Countdown 07:10 The Hoobs 07:35 The Hoobs 08:00 Freshly Squeezed 08:25 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:55 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:25 Frasier 09:55 Undercover Boss USA 10:55 Location, Location, Location 11:55 The Renovation Game 13:00 Drop Down Menu 14:25 The Return of Frank James 16:10 Countdown 17:00 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 21:00 Brave New World with Stephen Hawking 22:00 Confessions of an Undercover Cop 23:00 Rude Tube

00:15 Young Guns 02:15 SuperCasino 05:00 Chinese Food in Minutes 05:10 Nick's Quest 05:45 Divine Designs 06:00 Hana's Helpline 06:10 The Milkshake! Show 06:35 Thomas & Friends 06:45 Roary the Racing Car 07:00 Thomas & Friends 07:10 The WotWots 07:20 City of Friends 07:35 Elmo's World 07:50 Peppa Pig 07:55 Little Princess 08:10 The Mr Men Show 08:25 Bert and Ernie's Great Adventures 08:45 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:20 Peppa Pig 09:30 Roary the Racing Car 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 LIVE with Gabby 13:05 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Extraordinary People: Hope for Hayley 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 CSI: NY 16:10 Blessed Stranger: after Flight 111 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 OK! TV 20:00 5 News at 7 20:30 Celebrity Wish List 21:00 The Gadget Show 22:00 New Hotel Inspector 23:00 A Perfect World


The Courier Tuesday TV

15th November

00:05 John Bishop's Britain 00:50 The Graham Norton Show 01:35 Weatherview 01:40 Paul Merton's Birth of Hollywood 02:40 The Impressionists - Painting and Revolution 03:40 The Story of Ireland 04:40 Nigel Slater's Simple Cooking 05:10 Newsday 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC News 06:30 World Business Report 06:45 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 You've Been Scammed 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 11:58 BBC News; Weather 12:00 Filthy Rotten Scoundrels 12:45 Cash in the Attic 13:13 BBC News; Weather 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:30 Regional News and Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Moving On 16:00 BBC News; Weather; Regional News 16:05 Deadly 60 Bites 16:35 Prank Patrol Down Under 17:00 Copycats 17:30 Blue Peter 18:00 Newsround 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 Regional News Programmes 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Holby City 22:00 Death in Paradise 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News and Weather 23:35 Imagine: Alan Ayckbourn Greetings from Scarborough

00:20 00:50 Wing 01:50 02:00 02:30 02:45 03:00 03:30 03:45 04:00 04:30 04:45

Rev How to Build a Super Jumbo HARDtalk Newsday Asia Business Report Sport Today Newsday Asia Business Report Sport Today Newsday Asia Business Report Sport Today

05:00 Newsday 05:10 Close 07:00 Wibbly Pig 07:10 The Large Family 07:20 Garth and Bev 07:35 Little Charley Bear 07:45 Rastamouse 08:00 Project Parent 08:30 Trust Me I'm a Genie 08:40 Leon 08:45 Pet Squad 08:55 Newsround 09:00 Trapped Ever After 09:30 Iconicles 09:50 Dirtgirlworld 10:05 Tinga Tinga Tales 10:20 Something Special 10:40 Charlie and Lola 10:55 Zingzillas 11:15 Big Barn Farm 11:25 Louie 11:35 Baby Jake 11:45 Waybuloo 12:05 In the Night Garden 12:35 The New Pink Panther Show 13:00 Daily Politics 13:30 GMT with George Alagiah 14:00 To Buy or Not to Buy 14:30 Britain's Killer Roads 15:15 Weakest Link 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Hairy Bikers' Best of British 17:30 Flog It! 18:15 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Strictly Come Dancing - It Takes Two 20:00 MasterChef: The Professionals 21:00 James May's Man Lab 22:00 Double Agent: The Eddie Chapman Story 23:00 Life's Too Short 23:30 Newsnight

00:35 The Zoo 01:30 The Zone 01:30 ITV News Headlines 03:35 Champions League Weekly 04:00 ITV Nightscreen 05:35 The Jeremy Kyle Show 06:30 ITV Morning News 07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 Meridian News and Weather 15:00 May the Best House Win 16:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 16:59 Meridian Weather 17:00 Ade in Britain 18:00 Best Dish: The Chefs 19:00 Meridian Tonight and Weather 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Live International Football 23:10 ITV News and Weather 23:40 Meridian Tonight and Weather 23:45 International Football Highlights

LIFES TOO SHORT Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant's followup to Extras, a spoof documentary following the showbiz life of actor Warwick Davis. With his career on the slide, a massive tax bill and a wife who is divorcing him, the star of Willow has no choice but to open his doors to a film crew 24 hours a day in the hope the exposure will get him back to the top of the showbiz ladder. He begins by seeking advice from old pals Gervais and Merchant - only to discover Liam Neeson has beaten him to it.

00:05 My Transsexual Summer 01:10 Fresh Meat 02:00 Random Acts 02:05 Late Night Poker 03:00 Hare Raama Hare Krishna 05:15 Accidentally on Purpose 05:35 Without a Trace 06:20 St Elsewhere 07:10 The Hoobs 08:00 Freshly Squeezed 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:25 Frasier 09:55 Undercover Boss USA 10:55 Location, Location, Location 11:55 The Renovation Game 13:00 Drop Down Menu 14:25 Channel 4 Presents - Jonnie Peacock 'Hit the Ground Running' 14:30 The Story of Robin Hood and His Merrie Men 16:10 Countdown 17:00 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 21:00 The Food Hospital 22:00 Jamie's Great Britain 23:00 My Transsexual Summer

01:45 Comedy Kings: Best of Just for Laughs 02:10 SuperCasino 04:55 Chinese Food in Minutes 05:10 Grey's Anatomy 05:55 Rough Guide to Adventures 06:10 House Doctor 06:35 House Doctor 07:00 Thomas & Friends 07:10 The WotWots 07:20 City of Friends 07:35 Elmo's World 07:50 Peppa Pig 07:55 Little Princess 08:10 The Mr Men Show 08:30 Thomas & Friends 08:45 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:20 Peppa Pig 09:30 Roary the Racing Car 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 LIVE with Gabby 13:05 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Extraordinary People: The Tiniest Boy in Britain 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Law & Order 16:15 Jane Doe: The Harder they Fall 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 OK! TV 20:00 5 News at 7 20:30 How to Take Stunning Pictures 21:00 London: The Inside Story 22:00 CSI: Miami 23:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation


The Courier Wednesday TV

16th November

00:45 Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil 03:15 Weatherview 03:20 Mixed Britannia 04:20 Andrew Marr's Megacities 05:20 Nigel Slater's Simple Cooking 05:50 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC News 06:30 World Business Report 06:45 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 You've Been Scammed 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 11:58 BBC News; Weather 12:00 Filthy Rotten Scoundrels 12:45 Cash in the Attic 13:13 BBC News; Weather 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; Weather" 14:30 Regional News and Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Moving On 16:00 BBC News; Weather; Regional News 16:05 Junior Bake Off 16:35 Prank Patrol Down Under 17:00 Roy 17:30 Serious Explorers: Raleigh 18:00 Newsround 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 Regional News Programmes 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Waterloo Road 20:30 BBC News: Regional News 21:30 The Impressions Show with Culshaw and Stephenson 22:00 Frozen Planet 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News and Weather 23:35 The National Lottery Wednesday Night Draws 23:45 Who Do You Think You Are?

00:20 01:20 01:30 02:00 02:30 02:45 03:00 03:30 03:45 04:00 04:30

The Choir: Military Wives BBC News HARDtalk Newsday Asia Business Report Sport Today Newsday Asia Business Report Sport Today Newsday Asia Business Report

04:45 Sport Today 05:00 Newsday 05:30 HARDtalk 05:50 Close 07:00 Wibbly Pig 07:10 The Large Family 07:20 Garth and Bev 07:35 Little Charley Bear 07:45 Rastamouse 08:00 Project Parent 08:30 Trust Me I'm a Genie 08:40 Leon 08:45 Pet Squad 08:55 Newsround 09:00 Trapped Ever After 09:30 Iconicles 09:50 Dirtgirlworld 10:05 Tinga Tinga Tales 10:20 Something Special 10:40 Charlie and Lola 10:55 Zingzillas 11:15 Big Barn Farm 11:25 Baby Jake 11:40 Waybuloo 12:00 In the Night Garden 12:30 Mr Blandings Builds His Dream House 14:00 See Hear 14:30 Britain's Killer Roads 15:15 Weakest Link 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Hairy Bikers' Best of British 17:30 Flog It! 18:15 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Strictly Come Dancing - It Takes Two 20:00 Great British Food Revival 21:00 MasterChef: The Professionals 22:00 Pan Am 23:30 Newsnight

00:45 Caddyshack 02:25 The Zone 04:30 Kojak 05:25 ITV Nightscreen 06:30 ITV Morning News 07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 Meridian News and Weather 15:00 May the Best House Win 16:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 16:59 Meridian Weather 17:00 Ade in Britain 18:00 Best Dish: The Chefs 19:00 Meridian Tonight 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 21:00 New You've Been Framed! 21:30 I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! 23:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23:30 Meridian Tonight and Weather 23:35 Cops with Cameras

PAN AM Drama following the fortunes of four air stewardesses in the rapidly changing world of 1960s America. New recruit Laura struggles to deal with a taste of fame. Meanwhile, rebellious purser Maggie receives an unexpected call, French stewardess Colette spots a face from her past, and newly promoted pilot Dean frets over the whereabouts of Bridget, the woman he hopes to marry. Starring Christina Ricci, Margot Robbie, Kelli Garner, Karine Vanasse and Mike Vogel.

00:05 Random Acts 00:10 True Blood 01:25 UK & Ireland Poker Tour 02:25 Sailing 02:50 Extreme Sailing Series 03:20 Beach Volleyball 04:10 KOTV Boxing Weekly 04:35 Adidas Terrex Coast to Coast 05:05 British Rallycross Grand Prix 05:30 That Paralympic Show 06:00 Ultimate Frisbee 06:05 Great Scottish Swim 06:55 Channel 4 Presents - Liz Johnson 'Magic Numbers' 07:05 The Hoobs 07:55 Channel 4 Presents - Jonnie Peacock 'Hit the Ground Running' 08:00 Freshly Squeezed 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:25 Frasier 09:55 The Secret Millionaire USA 10:55 Relocation, Relocation: It's Never Too Late 11:55 The Renovation Game 13:00 Drop Down Menu 14:20 Channel 4 Presents - Oscar Pistorius 'Head Strong' 14:25 Cottage to Let 16:10 Countdown 17:00 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 21:00 Kirstie's Handmade Britain 22:00 Grand Designs 23:00 Fresh Meat 23:55 Alan Carr: Chatty Man

00:00 CSI: Miami 00:55 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 01:45 Inside Hollywood 01:55 SuperCasino 05:00 The Hotel Inspector 05:50 Rough Guide to Activity Holidays 06:05 Michaela's Wild Challenge 06:30 Michaela's Wild Challenge 07:00 Thomas & Friends 07:10 The WotWots 07:20 City of Friends 07:35 Elmo's World 07:50 Peppa Pig 07:55 Little Princess 08:10 The Mr Men Show 08:25 Bert and Ernie's Great Adventures 08:30 Thomas & Friends 08:45 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:25 Peppa Pig 09:30 Roary the Racing Car 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 LIVE with Gabby 13:05 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Extraordinary People: The Rainman Twins 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Law & Order 16:10 A Perfect Day 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 OK! TV 20:00 5 News at 7 20:30 New Highland Emergency 21:00 Dangerous Drivers' School 22:00 Big Brother: The Winner's Story 23:00 Paul Merton's Adventures


The Courier Thursday TV

17th November

00:15 Film 2011 with Claudia Winkleman 00:55 The Weather Man 02:30 Weatherview 02:35 See Hear 03:05 Planet Dinosaur 03:35 Hairy Bikers' Meals on Wheels 04:35 Home Cooking Made Easy 05:05 Newsday 05:30 Cops Behaving Badly Panorama 06:00 BBC News 06:30 World Business Report 06:45 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 You've Been Scammed 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 11:58 BBC News; Weather 12:00 Filthy Rotten Scoundrels 12:45 Cash in the Attic 13:13 BBC News; Weather 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:30 Regional News and Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Moving On 16:00 BBC News; Weather; Regional News 16:05 Junior Bake Off 16:35 Prank Patrol Down Under 17:00 Copycats 17:30 The Sarah Jane Adventures 18:00 Newsround 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 Regional News Programmes 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Children in Need Rocks Manchester 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News and Weather 23:35 Question Time

00:20 Come Fly with Me (The Story of Pan Am) 01:20 BBC News 01:30 Stephanomics 02:00 Newsday 02:30 Asia Business Report 02:45 Sport Today 03:00 Newsday 03:30 Asia Business Report 03:45 Sport Today 04:00 Newsday

04:30 Asia Business Report 04:45 Sport Today 05:05 Close 07:00 Wibbly Pig 07:10 The Large Family 07:20 Garth and Bev 07:35 Little Charley Bear 07:45 Rastamouse 08:00 Project Parent 08:30 Trust Me I'm a Genie 08:40 Leon 08:45 Pet Squad 08:55 Newsround 09:00 Trapped Ever After 09:30 Iconicles 09:50 Dirtgirlworld 10:05 Tinga Tinga Tales 10:20 Something Special 10:40 Charlie and Lola 10:55 Zingzillas 11:15 Big Barn Farm 11:25 Louie 11:35 Baby Jake 11:45 Waybuloo 12:05 In the Night Garden 12:35 Sylvia Scarlett 14:00 To Buy or Not to Buy 14:30 Britain's Killer Roads 15:15 Weakest Link 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Hairy Bikers' Best of British 17:30 Flog It! 18:15 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Strictly Come Dancing - It Takes Two 20:00 Great British Food Revival 21:00 MasterChef: The Professionals 22:00 Rev 22:30 Life's Too Short 23:00 Frank Skinner's Opinionated 23:30 Newsnight

00:35 Homes from Hell 01:30 The Zone 03:35 Anne of the Thousand Days 06:00 ITV Nightscreen 06:30 ITV Morning News 07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 Meridian News and Weather 15:00 May the Best House Win 16:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 16:59 Meridian Weather 17:00 Ade in Britain 18:00 Best Dish: The Chefs 19:00 Meridian Tonight 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Waking Up to Insomnia: Tonight 21:00 Emmerdale 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! 23:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23:30 Meridian Tonight and Weather 23:35 Piers Morgan's Life Stories: Paul Gascoigne


The world of travelling fairs, meeting some of the families who have been in the business for generations. Anna Carter and her sons, of Carters Victorian Steam Fair, receive a royal visitor when they roll up in Wiltshire, and Henry Danter, owner of Treasure Island funfair, introduces viewers to his heirs - children Kimberley and Harry. Third family the Couplands are gearing up for the grand opening of Mitcham Fair in London. But with preparations well under way, they hear widespread rioting and looting have broken out in the capital, meaning the event may have to be cancelled.

01:00 Random Acts 01:05 On Track 01:40 Ed Sheeran Live at Shepherds Bush Empire 02:10 Live and Lost: Rizzle Kicks 02:35 The Album Chart Show: Spotlight 02:50 4Play: Dry the River 03:05 Willard 04:50 The Guides 05:05 Accidentally on Purpose 05:30 St Elsewhere 06:25 Countdown 07:10 The Hoobs 07:35 The Hoobs 08:00 Freshly Squeezed 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:55 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:25 Frasier 09:55 The Secret Millionaire USA 10:55 Relocation, Relocation 11:55 The Renovation Game 13:00 Drop Down Menu 14:15 Millions like Us 16:10 Countdown 17:00 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 21:00 Beeny's Restoration Nightmare 22:00 The Queen's Hidden Cousins 23:00 The Joy of Teen Sex

00:00 Banged Up Abroad 01:00 Poker: The Big Game 01:55 SuperCasino 05:00 The Gadget Show 05:50 Rough Guide to Short Breaks 06:05 Michaela's Wild Challenge 06:35 Michaela's Wild Challenge 07:00 Thomas & Friends 07:10 The WotWots 07:20 City of Friends 07:35 Elmo's World 07:50 Peppa Pig 07:55 Little Princess 08:10 The Mr Men Show 08:25 Bert and Ernie's Great Adventures 08:30 Thomas & Friends 08:45 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:20 Peppa Pig 09:30 Roary the Racing Car 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 LIVE with Gabby 13:05 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Extraordinary People: The Fastest Man on No Legs 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Law & Order 16:15 Mystery Woman: Oh Baby 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 OK! TV 20:00 5 News at 7 20:30 New Highland Emergency 21:00 Fairground Attractions 22:00 The Mentalist 23:00 NCIS 23:55 NCIS


Friday, November 11, 2011


ACCOMODATION Pensión La Oficina (The Black Bull)situated on the CV951, San Miguel de Salinas. Modern air-conditioned and ensuite rooms available, 35 € per night. Call 966 842 070 for reservations. (40)

Bar for sale. Quesada area. Going cheap. For information pack, email: . Tel: 688 800 960 (40) Brand new clothing for Sale. 10,000 pieces of mixed childrens, ladies and mens wear. Ideal for market traders. Bargain price 1€ per item. Call now on 651 885 200. (38)

ACCOUNTANTS Bogged down in paperwork? Let us simplify things for you – accountancy, taxes, payroll services and more. We cater for companies and individuals. Established in 1984 on the Costa Blanca. Call us on 966 923 963 for your first consultation free of charge.(40)

11:00am. House groups in Torrevieja, Los Balcones, San Javier. Ladies meeting Thursdays 11:00am. Pastor, Rafael Restrepo. All nationalities welcome 966 799 273 // 660 127 276. Pilar Christian Community Church Calle Canalejas 3. Pilar de la Horadada. Sunday Service at 11am, and Thursday at 5pm for Bible study and Prayer. Home groups meet during the week. All welcome from any church background or none. For further information contact Pilar ChristianCommunity or contact Reverend Eddie on 966 7693 00 or 650 509 606. Reg No:2009-SG/A


ALARMS Protect your home with PROSEGUR Alarm Systems. Don’t have just any alarm ringing out to no one - get connected to the professionals. Immediate connection to the police via



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BOATING LICENSES ARE NOW A LEGAL REQUIREMENT IN SPAIN Serenity Sailing RYA Training Centre, Competent Crew to Yachtmaster, VHF & ICC Own boat tuition on sail and power. If you have a yacht or powerboat get qualified and certified Contact Richard 0034 638 056 224 enquiries@serenitysailing.c om/

CHURCH SERVICES International Christian Assembly. Calle Pilar de Horadada 5, Torrevieja. Evangelical non-denominational. Sunday services 11:00am. Children’s Church

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Viva Villa and Vacation Services, For Short or Long Term Rentals visit: or Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 TipTop Villa Care, for all your property needs. e-mail Tel 667848582 (39)

FORMENTERA de la SEGURA. 2 bedroom apartment 350€/mth* Near to town, Pool. Linda 667848582 (39) Ref: 49, 2nd floor one bedroom apartment situated conveniently located in the town centre of Torrevieja, with a small sun balcony overlooking the lovely communal pool. Short or long term rental available. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 112, Spacious 3 bedroom detached villa with its private pool is located on the El Raso urbanisation near Guardamar. Convenient for all amenities, shops, supermarket, restaurants and bars. Short or long term rental available. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 63, Two bedroom 1st floor apartment situated in Monino Blanco. The property overlooks a superb communal pool area, in within walking distance of bars, restaurants and shops. Short or long term rental available. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 155, Luxurious Three Bedroom Villa With Private Pool, in Quesada Close to shops and restaurants within a five minute drive, and Guadamar Beach is within a ten minute drive. Long term rental €800PCM, Short term available. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 709, A lovely 1 bedroom apartment in Aguas Nuevas, within a 5 minute walk of the beach. There is a terrace outside with views to the sea. Short or long term rental available. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397



FOR SALE Climbing frame with slide, fireman`s pole, climbing net ,etc ...900€ Double Swing...100€ ph 966 789 728 or 606 797 371 or email m a r i a _ c a w l e y




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Friday, November 11, 2011

Ref: 708, A lovely two bedroom, one bathroom corner ground floor apartment in Algorfa, with a spacious patio & Residents off road parking. Communal pool near by. Short or long term rental available. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 70, Superb 3 bedroom detached villa set on a large plot in San Luis. The Property is close to the Habaneras Shopping Centre, Aquapark and other amenities. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 117, A Lovely 3 Bedroomed 1st floor apartment on the outskirts of Torrevieja (Mar Azul). The Apartment is in walking dis-

tance of the excellent beaches and a good selection of restaurants, shops and bars. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 33, A lovely large 2 bedroom, ground floor apartment within walking distance to the beach. Large lounge, 1 double bedroom and 1 twin bedroom on a gated community. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 61, A lovely two bedroomed groundfloor apartment, located in the centre of the small Spanish town of Los Montesinos, With a pleasant communal swimming pool adjacent & all amenities in walking distance. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 516, Well situated studio apartment in San Luis. The property has a balcony which has been glazed to create another room. Close to all shops and amenities, on a local bus route & 10 minutes from the beach. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 La Finca. 2 bed, 3 bath townhouse. Long let. Fully furnished. Air con. Lovely

location. Gated community. NO PETS. T.V. Views. Communal pool, Solarium, Contracts. €450 month. 690 731 160 (34) Luxury appartments, 2/3 bedrooms in San Miguel De Salinas. Floor heating, Elevator, Roof terrace with swimmingpool, from 385 euros/month Also holiday rentals and appartments in San Miguel de Salinas from 350 euros/month. 966 723 437 and 616 487 493 110,000€ PRICED TO SELL. SANTIAGO de la RIBERA. 3 bedroom 2 bathroom Villa 1km from beach 5 minutes from Dos Mares Shopping Centre. Linda 667848582 (39)

PROPERTY FOR SALE Gran Alacant, corner semi detached 3 bedroomed, 2 bathrooms, large garden, enclosed terrace, fully furnished, private drive for 2 cars, on gated desirable urbanisation Monte Faro, many facilities priced for quick sale 185,000 Tel 680 333 242

for 2 cars, newly refurbished, established garden with fruit trees, set in a cul de sac on 1000m2, the overall plot can be divided, as registered as two plots, so this house could be a substantial investment opportunity, situated in the Dona pepe area close to Quesada town centre, priced 255,000 negotiable Tel 680 333 242 Viva Villa and Vacation Services are pleased to offer property sales for the






Torrevieja and Oriheula areas of the Costa Blanca, Spain. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 or Visit : Ref: 513, €115,000. Two bedroom ground floor apartment, in Aguas Nuevas, close to all amenities including the beach. It has a good size lounge, kitchen and has off road parking facilities. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397





Balsares, terraced 4 bedroomed house, 3 bathrooms, large underbuild, private underground parking direct to house, small gated urbanisation, directly over looking proposed new golf course opposite Gran Alacant, priced for quick sale at original off plan price 195.000 Tel 680 333 242 Gran Alacant, 3 bedroomed, 3 bath mid terraced Altomar 1, views of Alicante Bay, close to communal pool, walking distance to bars and resturants opportunity at reduced price 125,000 Tel 680 333 242 Gran Alacant, front line, 2 bed, 1 bath, downstairs toilet, fully furnished, roof terrace, walking distance to beaches, large communal and resturants, beach front property priced for quick sale 125,000 Tel 680 333 242 Quesada, detached 3 bedroomed, 2 bath, all large rooms, front enclosed conservatory, fully furnished, oiled fuelled heating, outdoor poolside kitchen and bbq area enclosed, large pool, outside toilet, garage










Friday, November 11, 2011

Ref: 521, €105,000. This comfortable bungalow is located in San Luis with a new roof and solarium tiles. It is close to supermarkets, bars, restaurants and is on the local bus route. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 520, €85,000. Two bedroom apartment in Dream Hills, with a fully equipped kitchen, large lounge, glazed-in terrace and a large solarium. This property comes with a large communal swimming pool. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 30, €119,000. Two bedroom detached house with large front terrace. This villa is in the Punta Marina area close to Playa Flamenca , Close to amenities. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397

Ref: 78, €120,000. Three bedroom Quad in Jardin Del Mar VII. There is off-road parking and small storage shed in the enclosed garden area, communal pool nearby. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 709, €60,000 A lovely 1 bedroom apartment in Aguas Nuevas, within a 5 minute walk of the beach. There is a terrace outside

with views to the sea. Short or long term rental available. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref. 526, €49,900. A lovely bright 1 bedroom apartment in the area of Torreblanca.There is a large communal pool and well maintained gardens, with tennis courts and childrens play area. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397



Need English Speaking Solicitors in Torrevieja? Let us help to solve your problems with debt recovery, divorce, property, accident claims, legalise land. Call us on 966 923 963, give us brief details and get in touch with your specialist solicitor. (40)

A private buyer looking to buy a cheap car directly from the owner (middleman please do not call)Tel 638 811 881(35) Urgently wanted: Female Singer between 18 and 25 years who loves Latin

rhythms a la Jennifer Lopez, Gloria Estefan, etc. Ready for production use at National level. Send your resume to freddydupont@hotmail.c om or call 675 150 614 (40)





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Friday, November 11, 2011


WHICH B won man of the match in this year’s FA Cup final?

WHICH G was sacked by Inter Milan as coach in September?

WHICH U’s list of national team managers includes Don Revie, Carlos Queiroz, Dick Advocaat and Roy Hodgson?

WHICH amusingly-named H team has represented Finland in the Europa League for the last four seasons?

WHICH V of the Dutch Premier League bizarrely signed a oneyear-old in April?

WHICH I accepted the resignation of Bobby Houghton as national coach in April of this year?

WHICH C is the city of Verona’s other club in Serie A?

WHICH JJ racked up his 500th start for his club against Manchester United in March? WHICH P name is shared by two Bulgarian internationals in the WHICH K team in America inclu- English Premier League? ded Rangers exiles Richard Gough and Mo Johnston in 1997? WHICH Q played in defence for Middlesbrough, Fulham and Birmingham between spells for Lens?

WHICH X-ending Christian name is shared by notable German football names Kroos and Magath?

WHICH R is the current captain of the Czech national team?

WHICH D was a towering presence in goal for Brazil and Milan spanning the years 1995-2010?

WHICH S is the only nation to have reached four World Cup quarter finals but no semi final?

WHICH E - an unfashionable outpost of the English leagues - bizarrely had Michael Jackson and Uri Geller as honorary directors? WHICH F club's striking colours led it to be known as La Viola?

WHICH W was phased out en route to retirement by the signing in his specialist position of Sylvinho and Ashley Cole?

WHICH L team has as its most famous fans the No1 band Kasabian?

WHICH T cartoon character became Robin van Persie’s nickname because of a perceived likeness to it?

WHICH M was arrested in 2007 for trying to stop animal welfare officers putting his dog into quarantine? ...AND which Brazilian N was said to be his ‘special’ target to sign this year from Villarreal, though it never happened? WHICH O is Kiev’s third Premier League club after Dynamo and Arsenal?

WHICH Y - an Ivory Coast midfielder - was a mainstay of Basel’s bid for the Swiss title last season? WHICH Z is the oldest player to have appeared in a World Cup final? ANSWERS Angola (2); Mario Balotelli; Chievo; Dida; Exeter City; Fiorentina; Gian Piero Gasperini; Honka Espoo; India; Jussi Jaaskelainen of Bolton; Kansas City Wizards; Leicester City; Jose Mourinho; Nilmar; Obolon; Petrov Stiliyan and Martin; Franck Queudrue; Tomas Rosicky; Switzerland; Tintin; VVV-Venlo; Nigel Winterburn; Felix; Gilles Yapi Yapo; Dino Zoff.

WHICH A nation has conceded fewest goals in World Cup finals history?

RUGBY SEVENS FIRST AT ELCHE by Mark carey ON Tuesday 1st November, All souls day, Elche held it's first International rugby 7's tournament With 6 mens teams from the Northern hemisphere and 4 ladies teams. It was held at the football stadium Martinez Valero and about 2500 people turned out to support the competition. The Spanish girls were crown champions after beating Holland in the final 26 – 10. The Spanish men could not do the double on the day and lost to England 42 – 5 in the last match of the day after winning their previous three games in the day, Portugal, Wales, and France. The Spanish team is nicknamed the Lions and are hoping to progress further in the 7's game, going off to another tournament this weekend in Narobi. All aiming for the rugby 7's world cup in 2013 which will be held in Moscow. Wales are the current world champions at 7's winning against Argentina in 2009. All in all this was a great day out, and lets hope this can become an annual event. 5 Euros for 9 hours of rugby in the sun with support from the local Spanish and ex pat communities."


Friday, November 11, 2011

Make mine a Martinez to go! By STEVE BOTT ROBERTO Martinez's job at Wigan is hanging by a thread. Martinez is the only Spanish manager in the Premier League and his reign is set to be a brief one after being poached by Latics owner Dave Whelan from Swansea to return to the club where he starred as a player. Wigan have done wonderfully well to survive in the Premier League for as long as they have on crowds of 8-12,000 but they narrowly escaped the drop last season and have made a terrible start to the 2011-12 campaign and are rock bottom after a record-equalling eight losses in a row. No club has done that and stayed in the Premier League, so the writing is well and truly on the wall for Martinez and Wigan. Whelan is known to be a ruthless boss. He doesn't suffer fools gladly and while Martinez is no fool, when it comes to football managers Mr Whelan has no qualms about waving goodbye and moving on to the next man if things go wrong. Whelan used his then relatively meagre wages from his days as a player with Blackburn Rovers wisely, buying a shop that

developed into a chain of supermarkets before selling them and doing the same with JJB Sports which he developed into a multi-

million pound business empire that included gyms and credit cards as well as sports goods stores before selling up just before

the company hit the rocks. The question is if Wigan do go down would they ever come back? The danger is they would plummet back down and return to the days of non-league, which would make a good storyline for a book - but would it sell? Certainly the people of Wigan don't seem to care judging by the attendance figures and the old chestnut that Wigan is a rugby league town doesn't wash anymore as Wigan RLFC's crowds have plunged from 30,000 in the mid-70s and 80s to around the 12,000 mark now. The truth is people have more things to do with their time and money now and paying out £15-25 to watch a team get hammered every week isn't high on their list of priorities. I tip Wigan to go down in May along with Blackburn Rovers and one of either Wolves or West Brom. But just who Whelan would attract to replace Martinez is anybody's guess. They are not exactly the most appealing prospect right now and while they have some admirers for their style of play a tough, no-nonsense approach is needed. Maybe Mr Whelan should take over the reins himself!

Rangers danger is highly taxing

RANGERS are in massive financial trouble and are in danger of going to the wall in an on-going dispute with the Inland Revenue over a tax bill reported to be in the region of £45m. Former chairman David Murray walked away, probably quite happily, as the matter escalated and now with things still unresolved the talk is just how badly would Rangers be affected if the worst case scenario happened and the authorities and banks foreclosed on them. The truth is would it really matter? How many clubs throughout the world never mind in Britain are in a similar state financially yet seem to carry on regardless? Football matters in Scotland more than most things but the truth is the product is, to use a popular phrase up there, PISH, but nevertheless it wouldn't matter if Rangers were plying their trade in the Scottish Premier League or the Irn Bru Third Division, the fans would still turn out in their thousands to watch them and they still wouldn't have a cat in hell's chance of coming anywhere near Europe's best. But there is a bigger question here and one that has puzzled me throughout my 53-year love affair with football. How is that successful businessmen suddenly

become headless chickens, no pun intended Messrs Venkey and Co at Blackburn, when they are put in charge of a football club? Instead of being wise and astute they suddenly throw caution to the winds, throw money about willy-nilly and employ people with fewer brains than your average rocking horse to run the show. Methinks it may well be a similar scenario to how so many Indian, Chinese and various other takeaways survive in small towns when you find more than half a dozen within yards of each other in a town with a population of 30,000 or less! If my theory is correct it would make the Cayman Islands look like Toytown and I am not soft soaping you here! I reckon the current trend of agents dictating the terms in football transfers is beneficial to all involved. It goes something like this. The player, his agent, the two managers and chairmen involved all sit round a table and the agent says 'Now how much did we say for this player? Five million? Let's make that seven and there's £200,000 for you, £200,000 for me and

£200,000 for him.' Nice work if you can get it and one manager has allegedly got FIVE houses on one of the world's richest property areas to show for it! Now to me there's nothing

wrong with spreading the wealth a bit if they feel like it. It's their money and they can do what they want with it. But if the taxman isn't getting his slice then that's another matter and it's likely

to end up with lots of iron bars and several large helpings of porridge rather than steak, caviar and champagne! So while Rangers work out how to keep the said tax-

man happy I am just off to consult Ken Dodd and Lester Piggott about my financial dealings - when I get my next GIRO through that is! Don't spend it all at once lads and lasses!

DISAPPOINTING WEEKEND FOR ITV ORIHUELA RFC ITV Orihuela RFC entertained Cartagena RFC last weekend with the juveniles kicking off first. Before ITV Orihuela RFC juveniles were able to draw breath Cartagena struck first with a try and conversion, which was how the score stayed until half time. All this could have been different if it was not for some disgraceful refereeing, but to be fair the ref was equally bad for both teams. In the second half it was much of the same, with both teams counter attacking. But it was Cartagena that struck again with a penalty, and that is how it stayed until the end with Cartagena winning 10-0. Up next were the seniors who had just lost their first game the week before against Lorca away, and were looking to get back on

the winning track. But it was not to be. The Orihuela forwards continued their dominance of previous weeks in the scrum and lineout, but for the second week running it was the backs that let them down with more holes in the defence than a sieve. This was strange as this is usually their strength. Half

time saw them down 22-0. ITV Orihuela RFC in the second half put the Cartagena defence under a lot of pressure to try and claw back the game. It was not to be and the home side went down 41-12. This coming weekend Orihuela RFC entertain Albacete juveniles and seniors starting at 17.00. The club is training on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at the Miguel Hernandez University from 20.30, juveniles and seniors, while the juniors train on Tuesday and Thursday at 18.15. New players are always welcome, no matter of what age or skill level. For more information contact Garry on 692 767 242. Juniors should contact and Oscar on 600 871 606 (Spanish).

Friday, November 11, 2011



PC rubbish is making a nonsense of the game JOHN Terry will be wearing a poppy tomorrow but more importantly he will also be wearing the England captain's armband - and quite rightly so. Following on from the kerfuffle surrounding his alleged liaison with Wayne Bridge's girlfriend and the calls to remove him from the By STEVE captaincy and the team, the PC brigade appear to be out to get him BOTT again judging by the current fuss over the alleged racist remarks made to Anton Ferdinand. Now let’s get one thing straight, Ferdinand IS mixed race, to use the correct term, or half caste to use an equally applicable phrase. Just the same as I am white, a Chinaman is yellow and most Africans are black. And what goes on on a football pitch as one set of players attempt to get the upper hand on the other makes this little spat pale, and I use

that word deliberately, into insignificance. What the centre half is going to do to the centre forward's mother, wife, sister and, Yes, even daughter would make Chubby Brown blush so I would say as much as we would like to see racism wiped out in all walks of life, if Anton Ferdinand can't stand the heat he should get out of the kitchen and take up origami or some such activity where his sensitive nature would not be so rudely challenged. No, I don't think that is the case somehow, with Ferdinand and lots of others using the racist card right now. More like some money-grubbing agent has spotted a chance for some publicity and an opportunity to make another fast buck or two and dived right in to do just that. Whatever the rights and wrongs of the matter, we are talking about a competitive, combatative football match here where the stakes are high so no amount of PC pampering is going to change anything and if it does the game in general will go even further downhill in the sense that it will become a softer and less attrac-

tive proposition for its true fans and followers. Somehow I just can't see AC Milan's Gennaro Ivan Gattuso or QPR's Joey Barton offering his opponent another cucumber sandwich as he urges him on with cries of 'Oh NO, after YOU Claude' as they chase a ball through the middle in the semi-finals of the European Champions League or some such competition. It’s time the PC brigade woke up and smelt the coffee. Nobody wants em, nobody likes em and like the Green lot and the charity begging whingers they are just out to gain as much kudos and make as much money from their ridiculous statements and actions as they can. I was seriously thinking of adopting a snow leopard, or whatever extinct species the latest campaign is centred on. But has anyone asked the snow leopard if it wants to be adopted by me! FIFA for once were exactly right in their declaration that sport should be impartial in the current row over whether England should be allowed to wear embroidered poppies on their shirts in tomorrow's game against Spain at Wembley.

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