Edition 75
Olympic athlete out to do a runner AN Olympic athlete has walked into a Leeds police station in Britain and asked for asylum. According to The Sun, the male competitor turned up at Bridewell Police Station on Tuesday. He is believed to have entered Britain as a legitimate member of the Olympic squad of an East African country. The sportsman is currently having his application processed in the normal way after police passed the case to the UK Border Agency (UKBA). Immigration officials have warned that up to two per cent of athletes, team officials and supporters may claim refuge in the UK during and after the Games – or try to stay on once their visas expire. A number of international Olympic teams have training camps in Yorkshire, the largest being the Chinese team in Leeds. A Home Office spokesman said it was expected that all athletes taking part in the Games would leave when their accreditation expires and any applications for asylum would be dealt with according to standard immigration procedures. A spokesman for West Yorkshire Police said asylum applications were a matter for the UKBA.
Friday, July 27, 2012
BRITISH holidaymakers taking their cars to Spain this summer are being warned of the threat from motorway thieves who rob foreign-registered vehicles and hire cars of their possessions, passports and money.
Beware AP7 robbery scams, British motorists are warned
UK-registered cars using Spanish motorways are proving an easy target for gangs who use a wide variety of scams to distract unsuspecting holidaymakers - and then steal their belongings. The worst blackspot is the AP7 motorway between the French border and the Alicante region. More than 60 robberies on this motorway were reported to the British Consulate in Alicante last year - and the number of reported cases is increasing this summer. It is believed that hundreds more cases of thieves using distraction scams go unreported to Foreign Office staff because victims generally only contact a British Consulate if their passport has been taken. Foreign motorists are tricked by loud bangs, apparent accidents or vehicle problems, supposedly punctured tyres and pretend requests for help in motorway service areas. “We are warning drivers of UK-registered cars and hire cars to be on the alert on motorways in Spain, both while driving and taking a break”, said Paul help . They may well be part Rodwell, British Consul in of a gang operating a scam in which an unseen accomAlicante. “We also hope that Brits plice will rob you of your living in Spain will help us to things.” The Consulates in get the message out to any friends and family who may Barcelona and Alicante have drive to Spain this summer jointly designed a leaflet for visits. The most important called Driving safely and thing is to be on your guard avoiding roadside scams in against anyone who attempts Spain that can be downto stop you or ask you for loaded from UKinSpain travel
British Consul Paul Rodwell : ‘Be on your guard’
advice webpage. It provides useful advice that will help drivers to plan their journeys, stay safe and avoid common problems.Victims of crime should inform the police. Britons can also go to the UKinSpain website for advice or contact the local British Consulate via 902 109 356 for an emergency travel document or other assistance.
‘THEY ARE QUICK AND SLICK WHILE YOU ARE TIRED AND VULNERABLE’ STEPHEN and Helen Robinson from Leicestershire stopped at a service area between Barcelona and Valencia to exercise their dog. Both were at the boot of the car when they were distracted by a man apparently on the phone, asking them how to say something in English. Meanwhile their bag was taken from the front, despite the dog being inside. “It was quick and slick,” said Mrs Robinson. “Remember that on the second day of driving down from the UK, you may be more tired and therefore more vulnerable. Separate your valuables into different places in the car, and when you stop be aware you may be being watched. You won’t see the accomplice of the person who is distracting you.” In another robbery, Joy and Alan Horton from Suffolk were aware of a vehicle close to them on the motorway, then heard a loud bang. They pulled over. The other car stopped in front of them and while the driver talked animatedly to them, his passenger accomplice grabbed their belongings unseen. “Keep all jackets, bags and valuables in a locked boot and not on the back seat where they can be seen,’’ warned Mr Horton. “If you think your car may have been in a collision and you pull over, lock the car as soon as you get out and mount a guard on both sides of the vehicle.”
Friday, July 27, 2012
The game’s batty - it’s called King Kong ping pong TELEPHONE
96 692 1003 679 096 309 JUNGLE DRUMS E-MAIL office@thecourier.es WEB www.thecourier.es HEAD OFFICE Calle Luis Canovas Martinez 1. Urb Aguas Nuevas, Torrevieja 03183, ALICANTE PHONE: 96 692 1003 Email: office@thecourier.es OPENING HOURS Mon - Fri 1030 to 1730 EDITOR Donna Gee ADVERTISING SALES 966 921 003 office@thecourier.es TELESALES 966 921 003 679 096 309 Sally Los Alcazares, San Javier 618 391 491 Myra Quesada, Rojales, Torrevieja, San Miguel Tel. 618 583 765 Jean La Zenia, Playa Flamenca, Cabo Roig Tel. 618 898 034 Patrick International Rep 5 Languages Tel 685 901 265 Writers Donna Gee Amanda Black Sally Bengtsson Rebecca Marks Jeanette Erath Alex Trelinski Dave Silver Steve Bott Tony Mayes Jake Monroe
Picture of the Week
96 692 1003
PSYCHO KILLER Babyface and the Looney’s lunacy
A KILLER who called himself 'Psycho' was found guilty yesterday (Thursday) of murdering an Indian student at random in Salford.
A BRITISH man known known locally as ‘Cara de Niño’ (Babyface) has ben found not guilty of trying to kill a tourist in Benalmadena ten years ago. The Málaga Provincial Court decided after a highsecurity hearing that there was not enough evidence to prove Peter O’Toole fired the gun on the terrace of Looney’s Irish Pub in Benalmádena. The victim is now quadriplegic. The case was based on a single witness who said in court that he could not identify O’Toole as the aggressor. Curiously all the other witnesses to the shooting have since died or their whereabouts are unknown. The court noted that O’Toole himself did not have a ‘convincing’ defence. He admitted he had been in the bar, and did not explain why he left Spain the next day. ‘Babyface’ is currently serving life imprisonment for two attacks in the UK in which one victim was killed and a second survived.
Kiaran Stapleton walked up to stranger Anuj Bidve, 23, in the street and shot him in the head at point-blank range. Stapleton, 21, had admitted manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility but a jury at Manchester Crown Court convicted him of murder. Sentencing will take place today (Friday). Before the verdict was announced, Stapleton jogged up the steps to the dock from the cells, looked around the courtroom and grinned. As the verdict was delivered, Mr Bidve's mother wept.
Grinning gunman shows no remorse
Kiaran Stapleton and his victim Anuj Bidve Mr Bidve had arrived in the UK last September to embark on postgraduate studies in micro-electronics. He was visiting Manchester with a group of friends from Lancaster University. They left their hotel to queue early for the Boxing Day sales when Stapleton asked for the time.
When someone finally answered he pulled a handgun out of his pocket and fired one shot to Mr Bidve's left temple. He was then seen to smirk or laugh over his victim's body before running off to his nearby home in Ordsall. The weapon, which fired a 9mm bullet, has not been found.
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PETROL prices across Murcia can vary as much as 13 cents a litre, a consumer protection association has found. Consumur checked pump prices at 115 petrol stations in the region to discover the huge differences. Even in
the same town, stations were charging wildly differing amounts per litre. Inland town Caravaca de la Cruz had the cheapest average price, but the difference between its least and most expensive fuel was nine cents a litre.
Friday Sunny High 31° Low 21° Chance of rain 0% Monday Sunny High 29° Low 23° Chance of rain 0%
Tuesday Sunny High 28° Low 23° Chance of rain 0%
On the coast, San Javier’s pumps displayed an even bigger difference, with canny motorists getting their petrol up to 10 cents a litre cheaper than the less wary. The average price for petrol 95 is 1.38 a litre.
Saturday Sunny High 31° Low 22° Chance of rain 0% Wednesday Sunny High 32° Low 23° Chance of rain 0%
Sunday Sunny High 30° Lo 22° Chance of rain 0% Thursday Sunny High 32° Lo 25° Chance of rain 0%
Friday, July 27, 2012
Guardamar egg shelling ANGRY protestors shouted and hurled eggs last Friday during a visit to Guardamar by the president of the Generalitat Valenciana, Alberto Fabra. Fabra and Valencian councillor for tourism Lola Johnson were in the town to mark the 25th anniversary of the discovery of the Dama de Guardamar. But the celebrations were disrupted as some 200 demonstrators took to the streets in a display of fury against new austerity cuts
announced last week by the Spanish government. Guardia Civil, Local and National Police were called in to stop the protest getting out of control, and
Fabra’s schedule was changed at the last minute in a bid to avoid the demonstrators. But before he was able to leave Guardamar, protestors caught up with him. Wielding placards and banners, they shouted: “Who is going to pay for supplies?” The incident took place just hours before it was announced that the Valencia region would need a bailout from the central government.
WHAT A LOAD OF RUBBISH! BY JAMES BONE RESIDENTS of the Orihuela Costa are complaining that the area is falling into a state of disrepair. And they fear the mess will drive regular summer visitors and perhaps long-term residents away from the area. The main complaints relate to
Drying piles of seaweed and algae causing foul smells on the beaches;
Rubbish being left on the streets for too long due to the low frequency of the collections;
Unmaintained pavements with broken slabs and weeds growing through;
And scruffy looking signage. Another grouse is the seemingly increasing number of road closures in the area at the busiest time of the year. In Campoamor, in particular, ongoing drainage works have led to street closures and building materials being left in the road, causing disruption in accessing business premises. Local businesses argue that these issues are going to impact on their trade at a time when it is critical that they cash in on the tourist Euros. With Spain’s financial cri-
sis already hitting incomes hard, now more than ever, businesses cannot afford to lose custom. However, after speaking to a local Orihuela Costa resident, it appears that these issues may not be as wide-
spread across the area as first thought. Paul Williams from Cabo Roig told me: “It appears the council have stepped up to the mark. We have seen an increase in rubbish collections, daily road sweeps
End game for the King The World Wildlife Fund in Spain has voted overwhelmingly to sack King Juan Carlos as its honorary president. At a special meeting last Saturday of the assembly of the wildlife conservation charity, 94 per cent of members voted in favour of removing the Monarch. The vote was called after Juan Carlos was caught secretly hunt-
ing elephants in Botswana. Although not illegal, such hunting is seen as incompatible with the aims of an organisation that works to defend nature and the environment and is dedicated the conservation of endangered species. King Juan Carlos has been honorary president of WWF Spain since the organisation was founded in 1968.
along the major routes and a few signs have in fact been replaced.” Acting on these complaints, the Orihuela Town Hall has implemented a programme to clean up the area and make it more presentable for residents and tourists alike. A large part of this initiative is to collect the green waste left by summer residents tidying up their properties while on their breaks in the area. Garden waste of less than 1,000 litres will be removed on a defined schedule, while waste over 1,000 litres can be taken to a new area in Calle Turlnan, Lomas de Cabo Roig - where containers have been placed specifically for this purpose. The Council will also collect old furniture and household goods on the same days as the garden waste, as long as they are previously informed that items will be left out. To find out your collection day, please contact the Town Hall in Playa Flamenca in person or on 966 760 000 (ext 29 or 46).
Friday, July 27, 2012
Friday, July 27, 2012
Salamanca salutes the memory of an historic battle BRITAIN’S Rifles Regiment was given the Freedom of the City of Salamanca during a ceremony last Sunday to mark the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Salamanca. The showdown in the city in northern Spain was crucial in defeating Napoleon in The Peninsular War - or the War of Independence as Spaniards call it. The regiments that were to later become The Rifles played an instrumental role in the Battle of Salamanca, along with Spanish and Portuguese allies. So important was the battle to these regiments that Salamanca Day, July 22, became The Rifles Regimental Day on their formation in 2007. The Freedom ceremony and Battle commemorations began with the unveiling of a plaque to The Rifles at the entrance to the city. Some 60 representatives from The Rifles joined other British regiments who fought in the battle in a march through the city to the Plaza Mayor, accompanied by the Band of the Mando de Ingenieros. The Mayor of Salamanca, Alfonso Fernandéz Mañueco, and General Sir Nick Parker KCB, CBE, ADC Gen, Commander Land Forces and Colonel
Commandant of The Rifles, laid a wreath beneath the medallion in the Plaza depicting The Duke of Wellington, which was erected in commemoration of the allied victory. The ceremony concluded with the presentation of the Freedom of the City of Salamanca to The Rifles and an exchange of gifts. General Parker said: “The Rifles are greatly honoured to be granted the Freedom of the City of Salamanca on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of this key battle of the Peninsular War in which our forming and antecedent regiments fought together with our Spanish and Portuguese allies. “On behalf of The Rifles I thank the people of Salamanca for this great honour and their kind and generous hospitality. I look forward to the prospect of a long and happy relationship between The Rifles and the citizens of Salamanca.” Prior to the ceremony, a party of some 120 serving and retired members and supporters of The Rifles visited the battlefields of the Peninsular War, including Fuentes de Oñoro, Ciudad Rodrigo and the battlefield south of the city centred on the small village of Los Arapiles.
Pals left me all at sea! A MAN on a dinghy who was dumped in the open water by his 'friends' when he felt seasick has been rescued off the coast of Alicante. And the coastguard have sent his two companions the bill for the operation. They found a 38-year-old man wearing a life jacket in a small sailing boat, calling for help and when they questioned him, he said his two fellow passengers had sailed off in a nearby ship
and left him to his fate when he said he felt dizzy and sick. The other two men did not let anyone know what had happened to their companion, or where he was. Coastguard rescuers brought the lone sailor ashore, and say he was in good health other than feeling seasick. They then managed to track down his two companions and told them they
would be charged for the costs of the rescue.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Peter’s dog Utopia is just a dream WITH reference to the dog psychologist Peter Singh's column (editions 73 & 74), I feel that he has an unrealistic view of what life should be like here. I live in Campoverde, where the majority of people have a dog, in may cases two or more. A friend of mine, who is in her mid 70's, until last year had seven dogs. Now, due to losing some to old age, she has four. If Mr. Singh were to spend a
day here and speak to everyone he saw with a dog, he would find that they are all rescue dogs. As the saying goes, 'a dog is for life'. We cannot keep taking on more and more. In an ideal world there would be no animal cruelty and every dog and cat would be in a loving home. Sadly this is never going to happen. SUE, Campoverde
PETER SINGH replies: I fully appreciate that there are people in Spain doing what they can to help dogs who are in need - and I can assure you I spend a lot longer than a day in Spain. I work in Spain, so I see for myself what is going on. My words are directed at the people who could do more, but choose not to. If you are saying to me that
there are no people like that, then we will have to agree to disagree. What would readers prefer me to write about? Fluffy little stories or a problem that desperately needs to be addressed. We can't just shut our eyes to animal abuse and say "in an ideal world there would be no animal cruelty: I will fight animal cruelty until the day I die.
SINGLED OUT! Our neighbours think Jeremy Kyle sent us
I AM a mother of a 15 year old son, we live on an urbanisation mainly occupied by British expats. Life can be challenging to say the least. We came to live in Spain after our family one-by-one decided to ´up sticks´ and come to live the dream, leaving me and my son fending for ourselves in the wet and miserable Midlands. After a couple of years worth of tear-smudged letters from my Mum I decided to quit my job, rent out my house and come to live in Spain with dreams of sitting by the beach drinking sangria. Three years later I am working two, nearly full-time jobs to support us both and the beach is as rare a treat as it was in the UK. I have been having a few problems since moving into my lovely villa; the problems stem from the attitude of my mainly retired British neighbours towards myself and my son. They see a young, single parent family moving in next door
and imagine that someone from the Jeremy Kyle show is arriving and instead of giving us the benefit of the doubt have been really rude and have pretty much ignored us completely. If my son so much as looks at his football, in stream the complaints and it seems it´s OK for them to listen to Elvis full-blast but if anything slightly modern comes out of our speakers, forget it!. The families that were here are slowly but surely going back to the UK or moving into Spanish communities. Maybe the older generation could try giving the younger ones a break, we´re not so bad!! Or they could spend the energies they use on moaning on something more productive like organising some activities for the younger generation. Just a thought. JOANNE Guardamar Del Segura
Joanne and son Ashley ignored by their neighours
Who’d be a community President? HAVING read several letters recently both attacking and defending community presidents, it makes me wonder why ANYONE would take on such a job. Particularly since I understand many of them do not receive payment. I live in a small community of less than 50 homes and over the past six years we have had three presidents. Two of them (including the incumbent ) were wonderful – kind and considerate towards the elderly and struggling home owners but able to ‘get nasty’ with awkward customers. Sandwiched between them came a lovely lady who seemed the ideal choice to take over when our first president quit. But how mistaken we were! Virtually overnight, she turned
from a gentle non-confrontational housewife into a powermad dictator. For the next couple of years we felt like naughty schoolkids rather than intelligent, mature home owners. And were we glad to see the back of her! All I can think is that some people can handle community presidencies relatively easily – such as those who have held management positions in their professional lives. It’s the jobsworths that worry me. The ordinary people who are suddenly thrown into positions where they are in authority for the first time in their lives. L GREEN, Los Alcazares
The curse of noisy Spanish locals I HAVE a problem with Spanish neighbours who live opposite me. They often have family parties and make a lot of noise, even after midnight. And, as many Spaniards tend to do, they tend to shout at each other rather than talk. I have to keep my windows closed because of them and as a result cannot sleep properly, which is even more stressful since I work shifts and often have to be awake at 4 or 5am. Despite my reservations about Spaniards in general, I do at least respect them. But they don’t respect us. They like having fun but after midnight is too late, especially around here, where many people work early shifts. If this situation continues, I will call the Guardia Civil. Surely there must be someone there who speaks English. In the meantime, can Courier readers offer any advice? AJ, Gran Alacant
ENTRENARANJOS and Laguna Green are celebrating their summer fiesta tomorrow (Saturday) with a fun day for all the family. It features a Spanish street market, an arts and craft market at Vistabella Golf Club, live entertainment from flamenco dancing to a brass band and jazz - not forgetting bars, restaurants and paella! The bus will depart the Mercadona roundabout at Playa Flamenca to the Vistabella Golf Club, Entrenaranjos at 14:00. The return journey will depart the Orange Bar, Entrenaranjos to the Mercadona roundabout at Playa Flamenca at 20:00. You must reserve your seat in the bus either personally in the Tourist office at Playa Flamenca or via telephone: 966 760 000 – ext: 32 or via e-mail: dwesserling@orihuela.es Please note, seat reservations can be made until 13:00 on Friday July 27. ,DENISE MARIE WESSERLING, Orhuela Council
Friday, July 27, 2012
WHEN it comes to social events, there’s nothing I like more than a good quiz.
OK, call me a decrepit old bore, but there’s something exhilarating about trying to remember the name of Muffin the Mule’s sidekick or the first dog in space. No, Mrs Barker, it wasn’t the yapping Yorkie my cat Greyham whacked the other day because he didn’t Laika. (Note to self: Grow up). For the past four years, the Wednesday quiz at Ricardo’s in El Raso has been my big night out. Quizmaster Colin Fear (gosh, that name scares me) calls it a ‘fun quiz’ - and it is. Or rather it was because this week Colin pulled the plug on it all. No more picture and music rounds, alphabet quiz , cryptic section. No more Fear, either. And but for this article, it would all have ended with little or no recognition for the man who made it all possible. Colin, a retired engineer later, Colin has had enough. never again will from Cheltenham, had never And organised a quiz in his life Ricardo’s quizzers hear his until the idea was mooted by jolly, laidback catchphrase. Never again will the words friends Sue and Phill Smirk in ‘It’s only a fun quiz’ take the 2008. And amid the Fears and tension out of a moment of the Smirks, a new dynasty dispute. Colin has simply had was born... Two hundred quizzes and enough of putting 150 or 100 disputes with know-alls more questions together
each week in return for free drinks for himself and wife Sue. Over four years, that’s the best part of 30,000 useless bits of trivia – not to mention his legendary weekly trysts with 100 imaginary holidaymakers for the Family Fortunes section. I felt I had to jot down a few words because guys like Colin receive little recognition for all their hard work. Just try compiling a quiz yourself and you’ll realise what I mean about not being appreciated. We’re going to miss you big time, big man. Personally, I’m looking to let my brain cells (both of them) loose on a new challenge. My quiz credentials
No bridge over troubled water BACK in April, I wrote a biting piece about the ‘R Soul’ who complained to the police about the live folk music at Ricardo’s bar in El Raso – and effectively had the gentle weekly singalong closed down. I made no comment as to the identity of the ‘villain’ but merely echoed the opprobrium of the entire community towards the person or persons responsible. I had no idea who made the call to the police (or perhaps persuaded a Spanishspeaking neighbour to do it). And to be honest, I would rather have just tried to forget it. Unfortunately, however, the whole sad saga was thrust into my face again this week as I relaxed with my family in our community swimming pool. There was no logical reason
Th Courier, April 27
for the tirade of abuse suddenly thrown at me by a neighbour who I always thought was a friend. Yet, bizarrely, he accused me of ‘hiding behind’ this newspaper over the ‘R Soul’ saga - and he did it in such an aggressive manner that I feared for my safety. I still have no idea what my crime is supposed to be...but the whole episode has thrown up a host of new questions in my mind as to what actually happened on that ‘Night of the Noise That Wasn’t’. I have never written a word implicating this person or his associates with the Ricardo’s incident - but his totally unacceptable behaviour has reopened a can of worms. If he had a grouse about my April article, the place to air it was in the Letters to the Editor column at the time. Not to let his poison fester for three months and then - fuelled by imaginary ‘facts’ - to blow up like an over-inflated lilo in a public bathing area. If he wants to behave like an adult, then I am not a vindictive person and my door is open to him. But if he still wishes to behave like the Devil incarnate, then he can go to hell.
are impeccable - including a degree in General Knowledge awarded for knowing the army rank of Charles De Gaulle and George Armstrong Custer (Note to self: Grow up). With a bit of luck, I might get an offer from someone looking to supplement (I won’t say strengthen) a quiz team within easy reach of El Raso. My strong subjects are sport, geography and pot luck - i.e the art of avoiding arrest for dabbling with hashish, marijuana and weed. (Note to self: Grow up). Oh, and I am now ready to tackle every question without Fear. But I doubt I’ll ever grow up.
IT’S ONLY A FUN PHOTO! Colin on his final night at Ricardo’s
Friday, July 27, 2012
Friday, July 27, 2012
Friday, July 27, 2012
I LOOKED at my hairbrush in horror. It had been transformed into a hairy brush. With the brush's bristles poking through my cast-off curls, the implement resembled an hirsute hedgehog in rigor mortis. I grimaced into the mirror and my reflection scowled back. 'I'm losing my locks at a rapid rate,' I observed to the spider who had recently set up home on the ceiling of the bedroom between the light fitting and the wardrobe. I felt an attack of the dark moodies coming on. I didn't have much going for me looks-wise to start with. Now I was going bald. 'In a month or two I'll be totally unprepossessing,' I said to the spider. But the creature seemed baffled. 'Un-pre-possess-ing,' I repeated slowly. 'It means unlovely, unseemly, unsightly. You're a spider -- go check it out on the Web.' On the off-chance that my reader(s) might be interested to learn of this, the spider and I have deep and meaningful discussions on a wide range of issues. The conversations usually take place in the early hours when I cannot get to sleep. But it's all pretty much one way. I tend to do all of the talking. My one comforting thought is that I've told nobody about our relationship. Can you imagine the reaction if I revealed to my cronies at the pub that I had befriended an arthropod. And I reckon Mrs S would have me sectioned if she ever found out I talked to the animals -- Dr Dolittle notwithstanding. 'Your breakfast is getting cold!' Mrs S yelled from the kitchen. 'Sorry, luv, I'm just finishing up brushing my bonce,' I called back down. 'It shouldn't have taken you that long, Baldy,' she responded. 'I reckon you've been talking to that spider again.' I legged it into the kitchen and sat down. 'By the way, how can my breakfast be getting cold? I ordered a jam sandwich.' Mrs S shrugged. 'Your breakfast is getting warm, then.' She thrust a scalding-hot coffee into my hand. 'And don't
drop any hairs into the mug.' My whole body felt numb with despondency apart from my right hand which was now throbbing furiously from clutching the cappuccino. What did I have to look forward to now that my already time-ravaged features were once again on the slide. I patted my thinning thatch. 'Maybe my only prospect is the leading role in The King and I.' 'But you look nothing like Deborah Kerr,' pointed out Mrs S. My main (mane?) concern was what was causing me to lose my tresses. My father had possessed a full head of hair as had my two grandfathers. It just made no sense. Mrs S mulled over the mystery and suggested: 'It might be something to do with your mother's mother ending up bald at 42.' 'I don't want to even think about THAT,' I mumbled. 'I'm going back to bed.' Mrs S called after me: 'Before you pull the duvet over your head, please get rid of that spider. Knowing you, I bet you've even given it a name.' 'Don't be daft,' I snapped. 'I'm not a child.' I marched into the bedroom and stared up at the ceiling. 'Incy, we've got a problem.' But the spider had gone. The poor wee feller must have heard Mrs S having a go at him and being a sensitive soul he had done a runner. I jumped onto the bed and carefully dismantled Incy's web with the intention of storing it in the spare room for when he returned for a sleepover. 'Next time you visit, Incy, I'll find you a nice juicy fly for your dinner and you can drop the remains into Mrs S's ointment.' Despite my low mood I giggled at my audacity in being cheeky at Mrs S's expense. But I also cautiously looked over my shoulder just in case she'd followed me up the stairs. And she had!
Mrs S was standing in the shadows with a huge feather duster in her hand. She looked like the proprietor's mother brandishing the knife on the other side of the shower curtain
at the Bates Motel. Mrs S addressed me coldly. 'Either that spider goes or I'm leaving you. It's your choice.' 'It's a major decision. How long have I got to make up my mind?' But then I went on: 'However, your ultimatum turns out to be quite academic because the little creature has already flown the coop . . . upped sticks . . . taken a powder. Or whatever expression one uses to convey the decampment of a spider.' I waited until Mrs S had put down the duster then I crawled out from under the bed and fled to the chemist's. 'Excuse me,' I whispered to the sales assistant. 'Can you suggest anything that will make my hair look bushier?' 'Cheryl!' she yelled across the crowded shop. 'This slaphead gentleman needs advice about his barnet.' She turned back to me. 'Do you want fries with that? Oooh, what am I saying. It's my first day here. My last job was in a cafe.' That afternoon I found myself still balding and back under the bed. But this time I was playing hide and seek with my three visiting grandchildren. I called out: 'Hey, kids! I reckon I've won. I've been hiding here for nearly an hour.' Mrs S poked her head under the bed. 'You bald buffoon! The kids got fed up playing with you ages ago. They've been watching Dora the Explorer on the telly since three o'clock.' I marched downstairs with the intention of telling them off for wasting my valuable time when my eldest grandchild jumped off the sofa and held out a tissue-wrapped object. 'Got you a present, Grandpa,' he said. 'Bought it with my own pennies.' I opened the gift. It was a plastic comb. 'Thank you,' I said, scratching my head. 'I shall never . . . er . . . part with it.'
Friday, July 27, 2012
SAY IT IN SPANISH Learn the lingo - with a little help from JEANETTE ERATH LESSON 30 ¡HOLA! I hope you have had a good week and are looking forward to carrying on with your learning. Firstly I will give you the answers to last week’s homework, then, as promised to Joyce and all of you wondering, I will tell you where to put the word ´it´ in relation to verbs. Answers: I am from England – soy de Inglaterra, do you have a car? - ¿Tienes un coche?, London is in England – Londres está en Inglaterra, It´s cold – hace frio, I have to go to the shop – Tengo que ir a la tienda, are you eating at the restaurant? - ¿estás comiendo al restaurante? There are a lot of books in the library (lot of = muchos/as) – hay muchos libros en la biblioteca, I have to go to the supermarket - Tengo que ir al supermercado, there are a lot of dogs – Hay muchos perros, I am going to the fiesta for the first time - voy a la fiesta por la primera vez, thank you for the help – gracias por la ayuda, I don´t speak a lot of Spanish – No hablo mucho español, I am learning Spanish – estoy aprendiendo español, there are a lot of people in my family- hay muchas personas en mi familia. Hope you got on OK and are remembering your Spanish words. We touched on the use of IT in Spanish with our lessons on the present participle but here is where you put IT with other verb tenses. This is a basic introduction to IT; as you go into Spanish more you will learn more but for now this is the basic lesson: There are four ways to say ´it´ in Spanish. As you are aware, everything in Spanish is either masculine or feminine and singular or plural, therefore the four ways to say ´it´ are lo , la , los and las. Firstly, you need to know where to put the direct object (in this case - ´it´). When the verb is conjugated, the direct object goes first. Examples: John has the book – Juan tiene el libro; John has IT – Juan LO tiene; John has the chair – Juan tiene la silla; John has IT – Juan LA tiene (remember tiene means
he/she has). John has the books – John tiene LOS libros; John has THEM – Juan LOS tiene; John has the chairs – Juan tiene LAS sillas; John has THEM - Juan LAS tiene. This goes for all conjugated verbs except the present participle which we did in weeks 25 and 26 and the order tense as I call it - that is the verb conjugation that gives orders, e.g. Sit! Read! Do! In these tenses the word for ‘it’ goes at
the end of the verb attached to it. Examples: The order for to do is HAZ (verb hacer, to make/to do), so to order someone to ´do it´ is ¡HAZLO! To order someone to put something somewhere is PON (verb poner, to put), so to order someone to put it is ¡PONLO! For example, PONLO en la mesa – put it on the table; HAZLO ahora – do it now. Hopefully that is all pretty straightforward, but what about
when there are two verbs together, where do we put IT? There are two ways you can use ´it´ in this case. In this situation the first verb is always conjugated and the second verb is always in the infinitive. The first way to use ‘it’ is to add it to the end of the infinitive attached to it. Examples: I am going to do it – voy a HACERLO, I´m going to read it – Voy a LEERLO The other way is to use the direct object first, e.g: LO voy a leer – I am going to read it, LO voy a hacer – I´m going to do it. The choice of where to put ´it´ when dealing with infinitives is up to you. I personally tend to add it to the end but as long as you know both ways are correct, when you hear one way you are not confused as to what is being said. Of course where I’ve used LO I could have used LA, LOS or LAS depending on what ´it´ is or ´they´ are. So here are a few translations for you to complete: ´it´ in this case is always masculine: I have to see it, Are you coming to do it?, Who is going to see it? We are going to eat it. Now we have the words for ´it´ I am going to touch on the other direct object pronouns, these work the same way as ´it´. Me – me; te – you (familiar); lo/la – him/her/it/you-formal; nos – us; os – you all (familiar); los/las – them/you all-formal. Here are some examples: Ella lo ama - she loves him; Ellos nos llaman – They call us;, and maybe the one we have hopefully all heard at some point! Te amo – I love you (they also use the verb querer for to love, therefore you may have heard Te quiero) Next week we are going to carry on with verbs and I´m going to start with a funny story e-mailed to me by one of my regular readers, Joyce. I love getting your messages and any requests. Feel free, as ever, to let me know via The Courier. I hope you have a good verb book and are building your vocabulary with me every week. Como siempre, que tengas una muy buena semana. Hasta la próxima.
Friday, July 27, 2012
WHY DO THEY DO THAT? Top dog psychologist PETER SINGH writes exclusively for The Courier. Check out www.thedogyouneed.com or email Peter at peter@thedogyouneed.com
DOG AND MOAN Some owners just don’t want to get it right on the bite THE puppy pictured in my article last week, sadly passed away on Friday morning. She was the sister of my puppy, Nelly, who died ten days before. Their deaths could have been avoided had they been properly looked after from birth, but they were just left to fend for themselves in a council-run dog pound, with no medical attention whatsoever. I have received a few responses this week, one from a woman in San Fulgencio, who said: “There are thousands of dogs needing help in Spain, why do you feel we have to help yours!” This is a comment with no compassion at all and is EXACTLY the problem I was writing about over the past two weeks. This is the same person who booked me for a consultation on my last Spanish visit, because her two dogs were behaving in a negative, dominant way and had started to nip her. During the consultation, it took me two minutes to calm her dogs down and after that they were the calmest dogs in Spain for the remainder of the two-and -a-half hour consultation. Despite that fact, this lady and her partner disagreed with most of the points I was making to them, even though their two dogs were right in front of me, now showing superb behaviour! At the end of the consultation I asked was there anything else they would like me to do and the answer was no. Fast forward ten days and a letter arrived from my bank, stating that the cheque she gave me had been stopped. I
The puppy who died on Friday morning. There IS something you can do!
called her to ask why and she said she was very disappointed in the results! How could this be, when I clearly showed her how well her dogs could behave and how to achieve this herself? She then went on to say that my report was pathetic. The reports I give out to clients are the most comprehensive you will see in the dog world, because I care passionately about the job I do. She also said that my article last week was terrible and that it was written in a temper. What do readers want? Someone who writes with passion
about their subject or someone just filling a page for the sake of it? I have never received one complaint from hundreds of clients across Europe, simply because the job I do is a labour of love. The reason I received abuse from this lady during our telephone conversation was simple. They strongly disagreed with giving their dogs affection at the right times and said, “How can you only give affection to a dog when they are calm”? Due to their views, that is why they have dogs that
Continued on Page 13
PETS’ CORNER: CAN YOU TAKE IN A HOMELESS DOG OR CAT? PERA is a very loving large bitch of about 18 months. She was found wandering by a dog-loving Spanish lady. She is being cared for by her saviour, but needs more space. She is a real gentle giant. Call Silvena on 695 377 170 or Jean on 637 137 969.
LUCY is a beautiful xx German Shepherd cross. She is good with animals and people and would make a lovely companion. Although used to living outside, she would quickly adjust to a home environment. Call 633 936 501, k9clubinfo@gmail.com, www.k9club.es
TINKER is about nine weeks old and was dumped on a doorstep. She’s had a vet check and is in good health, very friendly and loves to have cuddles. Call 645 469 253. Dandy is sadly back up for adoption after his new home fell through. He is
about 10 weeks old, weighs just 1.4 kilos and will be small when fully grown. To give Dandy a home call 966 725 975. www.petsinspain.com info@petsinspain.info
INCA and Isha are two of six puppies born to an abandoned mother in Almoradi. Four of the litter have found new homes, Isha we would love the same for these adorable girls who are now five months old, fully vaccinated and micro chipped. Please call the kennels on 966 710 047, visit our w e b s i t e w w w. s a t a n i malrescue.com or like us on Inca facebook.
Friday, July 27, 2012
I solved their problem in two minutes,but...
“When a car has been written off you have the chance to give customers back the trust that they have placed in you.” An accident in which a car has been written off is always the worst kind, because it implies the disappearance of the insured car. Francisco Valencia, Línea Directa’s Corporate Governance Director, describes to us the quality measures taken by his company, a leading insurance company for foreigners.
Nelly...the first to die
Losing your vehicle in a foreign country is undoubtedly a major setback for anybody. What makes Línea Directa different from other companies?
From Page 12 bite them, rather than respect them and as I always have to remind myself, some people will never change their actions towards their dogs. Regarding the unpaid invoice, that is fine. Luckily I am not money motivated, but it was the negative comment she made asking why I felt people had to help the puppies I and my friends Anne & Les Wager had rescued, that hurt. For readers who sent me negative messages, my point again is very simple. What I am saying is that there are people in Spain who could help but choose not to. I am aware that there are many wonderful people in Spain who help as many abused animals as possible, but if readers are telling me that there is no one left who can help in any way then there’s a chance you have been in the sun too long! There ARE people who could help more, but they choose not to. After two articles about these dying puppies,
I have still not received one offer of a home for any of those who remain. The attitude of some, not all, is poor. People can’t just sit back and say, “Oh, isn’t it sad all these animals are dying”, as they sit back and neck another beer or glass of red wine. Let’s do something about it. Stop buying dogs from pet shops or back yard breeders and go and rescue one instead. For those of you who think my comments are unrealistic, that is up to you. We are all entitled to our opinion. But if anyone thinks I am going to fill this page every week with fluffy stories and rhymes about Mary having a little lamb, you will be disappointed. If there is an issue that needs to be addressed, then I will address it. If I can help dogs by being their voice, in some small way, then that is what I will do. To the readers who sent positive messages this week, thank you. They mean a lot.
First of all, the personalised service. Línea Directa offers customer service over the telephone entirely in English and German, and also acts as an intermediary and translator with garages and scrap merchants. In addition to this, we also offer different cover options which no other insurer offers, such as our amount of compensation, which is never below €1000, or when appropriate, double the price paid by customers for their insurance. You also have a purchasing centre if customers wish to acquire a new vehicle after theirs has been written off. At Línea Directa we believe that when a car has been written off, it is an opportunity to give customers back the trust that they have placed in you. As a result, if customers ask us to, we take care of all the processes involved in buying a new vehicle in their name, including the paperwork and delivery of the vehicle to their home address. And finally, how does Línea Directa pay compensation? Línea Directa is committted to paying compensation within 40 days at the very most, although the average waiting time is always much less. If the car is less than 2 years old, either we pay its value when new in compensation or we take care of all the processes involved in purchasing another vehicle. In addition, if the car is between 2 and 3 years old, we offer 15% more than its official value, as a quality measure.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Was I a boy in 1896? LAST week I explained how I have always wanted to have previous life regression and how I arranged it. this week I will tell you how I fared. I met Laura Boyle and went to her flat where she explained what was going to happen. I was hoping that someone would come through but ready for the disappointment if there was nothing there. I made myself comfortable and closed my eyes ready for the hypnosis and as I lay down I suddenly felt a bit nervous. Naturally I think I was worried that nothing would happen but also was a bit wary of what WOULD happen, However I soon began to relax and with Laura´s calm voice soothing me I felt the tension go and carried out her instructions to the letter. I noticed at times she began to lose me or spoke too fast and this I now put down to me relaxing and my mind wandering. Eventually it was time to find out if indeed I have lived before and almost immediately a young boy came to me, I was fully aware that I was lying on a sofa but I could see the world now through this boy’s eyes, I saw the streets, smelt the air, occasionally I looked at the boy but for most of the time I was seeing what he saw.
I was asked my name and replied immediately, along with the year and where I was. As I was being asked about this boy I felt almost as if I was him. For those interested, it was 1896, he was 14 years old and had no family. I found myself wanting to talk like a young street boy but was always comfortable and relaxed. Eventually Laura brought me out of this life and we moved on. We went on through three other lives, one of which was very short, but for each the feelings I got from talking about these people were very real. In two of my lives I got the impression of dying young and there was a sadness about them. However, in my last life I was a highwayman in the 17th century and I felt a bravado as I spoke and laughed about being hanged for my crimes.
all Through my lives I felt the take people over, yet I was still in control. I could hear the traffic if I stopped talking although when I was in the only I lives remember hearing Laura. As I was gently talked out of the relaxation I stayed lying down for a while. I felt drained and Laura commented on how my had attitude from changed before the regression. I was quieter now but I explained this was because there was a lot to take in. I remembered most of what I had said, the dates I couldn´t remember but the names and where they were I did. There was no rush to leave once it was
over and Laura made me a copy of my previous life regression experience on a CD which I took away and left for a day or two before listening to. But the thoughts stayed with me for many days after and I would be doing housework and suddenly some thought would occur to me and I wondered if that´s why I feel a certain way sometimes or why something affects me so much. I would advise previous life regression to everyone - but go with an open mind, and once it is over, try not to think too much about what you have said. There is the CD to remind you but if you leave your mind open you will find thoughts coming to you and worries you may have in this life can suddenly become clearer. It is almost like a light bulb coming on over your head. Rightly or wrongly I have put down some of my feelings and fears to past lives and one in particular has reassured me immensely. That feeling alone, for those of us with a mind open to new experiences and willing to believe, is a huge comfort. I am extremely glad I got the opportunity to live out my previous existences and hope maybe one or two of you feel encouraged to do likewise. I would love to know how you get on. Laura´s website is www.lauraboyle.com
Friday, July 27, 2012
WELL, well, well! What a surprise that the Valencian Government has become the first of the Spanish regional administrations to go dancing to Madrid for financial support…just short of €3 billion, in fact! Look at all the money that has been flushed away over recent years, like the ghost airport at Castellon, a costly F1 Grand Prix at Valencia and a vastly expensive regional TV and radio network (which is belatedly shedding most of its staff). And those are just some of the more obvious bits of stupidity that ex-President Francisco Camps and his friends got involved with. You certainly can’t blame the nasty banks or the property slump for their financial woes. Murcia has its problems as well and looks set to ask for something around €250 million. The chickens have come home to roost, clucking away vociferously. Certainly for Camps, who had eggs thrown at him in Javea by demonstrators who are quite rightly baying for blood and honest answers. And yes, I’m sure the already hardpressed people will be asked to dig even deeper into their already hole-ridden pockets, to help bail out administrations which make the English rotten bor-
oughs of the 19th century seem legitimate. Labour leader Ed Miliband is at times an opportunistic little twerp. Virtually everything that happens in the UK has to have a political spin on it, and to be totally at odds with what the Government is saying. Over the farce of the House of Lords reform, which Labour support, Miliband got his colleagues to dance into the opposition lobbies with the Tory rebels to get a defeat over the coalition, just for the hell of it. Then, with the shambles over the Olympic security arrangements, Miliband goes into attack mode against the Tories over a decision for a private contractor that was nodded through by his colleague, Tessa Jowell, when she was the Olympics minister in the last Labour government. For Miliband, everything always seems to be black and white, with opposition and points scoring at the top of his agenda. He reminds me of student politics from the sixties and seventies, which at times was totally laughable, and he just doesn’t come across as a serious Prime Minister ‘in waiting’, which he should be, looking at the increasing shambles of the coalition. With the Olympics starting tonight, top marks to London Mayor Boris Johnson for sticking two fingers up at more stupid British bureaucracy. Asked about people using Olympic symbols and logos without permission, Boris said he didn’t care a jot and that his office
wouldn’t help any of the “logo police” in tracking down potential offenders like pensioners with home-made flags or bagels shaped like the Olympic rings. Well said, Boris, and some common sense, which once again reinforces his position as one of the few British politicians who actually have their finger on the pulse. David Cameron and Ed Miliband please take note! DID you know that David Cameron has an adviser on family matters called Louise Casey? I’d never heard of her, but it seems like this lady has something about her! She’s done a report on “troubled families” for the PM, and says that such families have too many children and that the government should interfere by telling women not to have babies when they’re already having trouble coping. Good for her, and she’s gone further by saying that this group of people are costing some £9 billion a year for the UK taxpayer and that ought to be looked at. Casey has decided to talk about a subject that seems to have been a British taboo for years, yet the silent majority would whole-heartedly agree with her. Yet, because politicians have no backbone, you can bet quite a few handouts on the report being binned and forgotten as being just too dangerous for the cowards to swallow.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Gun-toting madness of America’s jokers HOW many more people have to die before Americans realise they must stop this ridiculous obsession in allowing anyone to own guns. What happened in Colorado last week was the latest in a long string of mindless crimes where a mentally deranged person armed to the teeth goes on the rampage, killing and injuring anyone and everyone he sees. Americans may have needed guns to protect themselves from Indians, gun-toting cowboys and perhaps the occasional rampaging bear, but the only reason they need them today is to protect themselves from each other - and that's sad. The 24-year-old former university student who massacred 12 innocent filmgoers and injured 54 at the premiere of a Batman film, was the classic culprit - a loner with no friends who presumably had a bitter, growing grudge against society. What sparked it and made it grow into something so terrible, probably no-one will ever really know. But I'm sure there are many similar sad gits out there. There are no doubt many like him in America - and this side of the Atlantic too. The difference is that in the States, anyone can build an arsenal of weapons, capable of killing scores of people. In the UK, thankfully, it's illegal to own a firearm without a licence and therefore so much more difficult to obtain one.
Therefore, the risk to society is so much less. I hope this massacre will be the catalyst for action to finally curb the American obsession with firearms. The belief that a person is safer if he or she carries a gun is a fallacy and makes American streets far more dangerous than the more civilised side of the Atlantic. IT started with British dogooders stopping all forms of corporal punishment in schools. Once they achieved that, they made it almost impossible for a parent to smack a child for fear of child abuse accusations and social services workers looking for abusers everywhere. But now comes a wake-up call from a leading clinical psychologist that the whole process has gone too far. Professor Tanya Byron says a generation of children is growing up badly behaved because their parents are afraid to discipline them. Instead, these 'modern' parents have turned to being a 'friend-parent' trying to be the child's equal rather than their boss. And the result is that youngsters reach adolescence illequipped for the real world. Prof. Byron says she is treating children at her clinic as a direct result of these modern parenting tactics. Many parents are so obsessed with trying to get kids on their side that they wait on them hand and foot - and in the process deny them important life skills. The result is that the parents run around doing all the work, while the kids get lazier and fail to grow up properly. Incredibly, the professor says that some children, while attending intellectually-challenging schools, cannot take themselves to the toilet or clean themselves afterwards, don't dress or feed themselves independently and haven't a clue how to do a task like tying a shoelace (no, I couldn't believe it either!). The problem, she says, is that such children remain at an immature stage of emotional intelligence and when they face the challenging adult world, just regress back into the safety of the childhood world. She says the situation is getting worse because more women are choosing to start a family later in life and, in an attempt to have a peaceful life, don't discipline the children properly. And children, always used to getting their own way and never being told 'no', bring all manner of problems into adulthood. Last week I wrote about feral parents breeding the next feral generation (and there are an estimated 400,000 of them in the UK). Now the professor has laid bare another growing problem being created by British social reformers who have got things badly wrong. The sooner we go back to some good old-fashioned discipline, the better. READING the British newspapers it would seem the person who pulled the plug on the Bruce Spingsteen /Sir Paul McCartney concert in Hyde Park was the most hated person in the world. How dare he do such an evil thing - to be such a killjoy and end the fun for tens of thousands of people! Many would have loved to have lynched him on the spot. A jobsworth at Westminster Council was initially blamed for turning the amplification off when the clock went past 10.30. In fact, the culprit was the event organiser, who knew he only had a licence from the council for music to go on until 10.30 and feared that if festival organisers did not obey the terms of the licence the council would be reluctant to agree to future events.
The reason the event was timed to end at 10.30pm was to enable the huge crowds to disperse at a reasonable hour and allow local residents the chance to get some sleep. Good for the council and good for the event organisers for displaying such common sense. It really is about time that organisers of noisy and disruptive gigs - and the younger people who attend them - learned that they are not the only people in the world. The rest of us also have a life and want to get a good night's sleep. The same goes in the Costas. Every year local residents have to contend with three months of bedlam as they are descended upon by boozy, noisy holidaymakers who can't understand that people actually live here, have to go to work, want more than two or three hours sleep at night and haven't the luxury of being able to stay in bed until midday to recover from the previous night's excesses. Too many bar owners forget that noise travels great distances on still nights when doors and windows are wide open, and think it acceptable to keep the music going until the last customer drops through pure exhaustion, alcohol, drugs or whatever. They also care nothing about neighbours in the pursuit of profits. There is a balance between looking after the well-being of residents and providing fun and entertainment for visitors. The former must accept that in summer there has to be some tolerance; the latter must realise there are other people on the planet other than themselves. It's a very difficult policing balance. AND now some comments in brief... The left wing Public and Commercial Services Union has called thousands of border guards out on strike on the eve of the Olympic Games over job cuts, pay and privatisation. Only 20 per cent of relevant members voted and of these only 57% backed the strike - a total of 1,800 out of 18,000 balloted members. Hardly a mandate, but this hasn't stopped the militant leadership going ahead. I believe such strikers are guilty of anti-social behaviour and ASBOs should be slapped on them! Seriously, strikes should be made illegal unless more than 50 per cent of a union's membership votes in favour. A SURVEY has revealed that a quarter of those claiming sickness benefits in the UK have criminal records. Sick enough to shirk off work but not sick enough to commit a crime, methinks. AND finally, it has been revealed that globally 100,000 of the world's super rich have ÂŁ21trillion stashed away in tax havens. It's enough money to lift the world's poorest out of poverty and starvation and could sort out the debt of the western world. If ever there was something that needs sorting, this is it by ridding the planet of tax havens and the super rich tax fiddlers.
q q
Friday, July 27, 2012
Magic of the Mediterranean Mediterranean food is exotic and vibrant with flavours that dance a medley around your mouth. With so many fresh ingredients, from pomegranate to beans and pulses it’s not only light but incredibly good for you. Why not try these light Mediterranean recipes for a lunch time treat or light dinner.
This is stunning, and the flavours are a real wake-up call: salty feta; sweet, crunchy pomegranate seeds; and bitter leaves and herbs.
1. 2 pomegranates, halved 2. 1 red onion, finely diced 3. 3 tbsp olive oil 4. 2 tbsp red wine vinegar 5. 200g vegetarian feta 6. 2 large chicory heads, 1 red and 1 white, large leaves roughly torn 7. Small bunch of fresh mint, leaves picked
1. Working over a bowl, knock out the seeds from each pomegranate half by smacking the skin quite decisively with the back of a wooden spoon. Pick out any strands of pith that escape. Mix the seeds with the onion, oil and vinegar and season to taste. Set aside for 30 minutes, as the maceration will create a dressing. 2. Slice or break the feta into bite-size pieces and add to the pomegranate. Add the chicory to the bowl along with most of the mint leaves, gently combine and transfer to a serving dish. Serve garnished with the remaining mint leaves.
The chicken and bulgur wheat combination make this easy-to-prepare salad a substantial meal for dinner.
1. 8 boneless free-range chicken thighs 2. Zest of ½ lemon, juice of 1½ lemons 3. 2 tbsp olive oil 4. Small handful fresh thyme leaves 5. 3 garlic cloves, unpeeled 6. 190g bulgur wheat, rinsed 7. 800ml vegetable stock, hot 8. 2 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil 9. 1 small bunch each fresh parsley and mint leaves, roughly chopped
10. 100g feta, crumbled 11. 2 tbsp roasted hazelnuts, chopped 12. 2 cooked and peeled beetroot, grated
1. Preheat the oven to 200°C/fan180°C/gas 6. In a dish, marinate the chicken in the juice of 1 lemon for 20 minutes. Transfer to a roasting tin, drizzle with the olive oil, scatter with the thyme and season. Add the garlic and roast for 25 minutes until cooked through. 2. Meanwhile, place the bulgur wheat in a bowl and cover with the hot stock. Cover and stand for 15 minutes until tender. Drain in a sieve, squeezing out the excess liquid. 3. Fork through the extra-virgin olive oil, herbs, lemon zest and the rest of the lemon juice. Squeeze out the roast garlic and stir in. Fold through the feta and chopped hazelnuts. 4. Cut the chicken into pieces and spoon onto the salad along with the beetroot. Drizzle with the juices from the roasting tin, and serve.
A Mediterranean-style steak supper? On the table in 20 minutes? Hard to resist, isn't it.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
2 x 175g rump steaks, trimmed of fat 150g cherry tomatoes, halved Small bunch of fresh basil leaves Juice of 1 lemon 250g pack Merchant Gourmet Puy Lentils Cooked with Sun Dried Tomatoes & Basil 50g crème fraîche 6 sunblush tomatoes, roughly chopped 50g feta, crumbled
Continued on P18
Friday, July 27, 2012
Magic of the Mediterranean Method
1. Rub the steaks all over with 1 tbsp olive oil and season. Heat a griddle until smoking hot, turn the heat down to medium, and then cook the steaks for 1-2 minutes on each side. Set aside to rest and keep warm. 2. In a frying pan, heat 1 tbsp olive oil, then add the cherry tomatoes, most of the basil leaves and the lemon juice. Cook for a couple of minutes to warm through. 3. Meanwhile, heat the Puy lentils in the microwave for 1 minute or according to the packet instructions. Stir through the tomato mixture, and then add the crème fraîche and sunblush tomatoes. Fold in the crumbled feta, then serve topped with the sliced, seared steak and the remaining fresh basil leaves.
MEDITERRANEAN HALOUMI SALAD This lovely vegetarian salad recipe is bursting with fresh sunshine flavours.
1. ½ small red onion, finely sliced 2. 6-8 medium vine tomatoes, sliced 3. 100g roasted red and yellow peppers in oil, drained and sliced 4. 15-20 caper berries 5. Handful small black olives 6. 3 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil 7. 2 x 225g packs haloumi 8. Handful fresh basil leaves 9. Crusty bread, to serve
1. Place the onion in a small bowl and pour over enough freshly boiled water to cover. Leave for a minute, then drain and rinse in cold water. Lay the sliced tomatoes on a platter and scatter over the blanched onion, roasted peppers, caper berries and olives. Drizzle with 2 tbsp of the olive oil, season
well and set aside. 2. Thickly slice the haloumi. Heat a frying pan over a high heat and cook the cheese in batches for a minute on each side until golden. Add the cooked haloumi to the platter, drizzle with the rest of the olive oil and sprinkle over some basil leaves. Serve with crusty bread.
LAMB SOUVLAKI SKEWERS WITH TZATZIKI Eat these souvlakis with a Greek salad, followed by gooseberry fool, as part of our Greek grill fast menu, ready in an hour.
1. 600g lamb leg steaks, excess fat removed, cut into chunks 2. 2 tbsp olive oil 3. 2 tsp ground cumin 4. Grated zest of 1 lemon 5. 2 red onions, cut into chunks 6. 4 flatbreads/tortillas 7. 1 little gem lettuce, leaves torn For the tzatziki 1. ½ cucumber, grated 2. ½ garlic clove, finely chopped 3. Bunch of fresh mint leaves, chopped 4. Zest of ½ lemon and squeeze of juice 5. 300ml Greek yogurt
1. Coat the lamb in the oil, cumin and lemon zest. Season. Thread onto 8 skewers, alternating with onion chunks. Set aside to marinate. 2. Light/preheat the barbecue or grill, or heat a griddle pan over a medium-high heat.
Make the tzatziki. Mix the cucumber, garlic, mint, lemon zest and juice, and yogurt in a 3. Barbecue, grill or griddle the lamb for 3-4 minutes on each side until cooked. Serve on the flatbreads with the lettuce leaves and tzatziki.
CHARGRILLED LEMON CHICKEN WITH ANTIPASTI COUSCOUS This lemon chicken recipe is a great-tasting dish that's perfect for quick and easy entertaining.
1. 4 skinless chicken breasts 2. Grated zest and juice of 1 large lemon 3. ¼ tsp chilli flakes 4. 2 tbsp olive oil 5. 1 garlic clove, finely chopped 6. 3 fresh rosemary sprigs 7. 500ml vegetable stock, hot 8. 200g giant couscous (also called mograbiah) 9. 125g ball mozzarella, torn 10. 2 x 225g jars mixed antipasti, drained and finely chopped 11. Small handful fresh parsley leaves
1. Place the chicken breasts between sheets of cling film and carefully flatten with a rolling pin until they are about 5mm thick. Place in a dish with the lemon juice, half the lemon zest, chilli, olive oil, garlic and leaves from 1 sprig of rosemary. Set aside for 20 minutes. 2. Heat a griddle pan until smoking, and then reduce the heat. Add the chicken and cook for 6 minutes, turning halfway, until cooked through. Transfer to a board to rest. 3. Meanwhile, pour the stock into a large saucepan. Add the couscous and simmer for 6-8 minutes until tender. Drain off any excess liquid and stir through the remaining rosemary, leaves finely chopped. Fork through the remaining lemon zest, mozzarella, chopped antipasti and parsley. Season well and serve with the chargrilled chicken.
Friday, July 27, 2012
DR MANNU, what is your medical background and what are your qualifications - and why did you decide to practise in Spain? I qualified as a medical doctor with Bachelors of Medicine and Surgery from The University of Nigeria. Since graduating, I have received specialist training in the fields of Medical Diagnostics and Bioenergetics therapy. I consider myself an integrative medical researcher and practitioner in the sense that I investigate all healing techniques with a scientific or rational basis to its healing protocols. While working as a research consultant for The Imperial College in London studying the impact of ADHD on care providers, I became aware of other alternative and effective non-drug methods of treating ADHD using neurofeedback or brainwave entrainment technologies. These and other similar diagnostics and healing methods are based on the subtle energies that are known to emanate from the body. Current medical technologies that employ subtle energies include EEG (Electroencephalogram), measuring brain waves, and ECG (Electrocardiogram), which measures energy waves from the heart. Today we use a similar technology at our clinic for advanced medical diagnostics and therapy. Like many others from the UK, I decided to move to Spain because of the sea and sun, and enjoy living here.
WHAT are your general opinions about prescription drugs? Prescription drugs are medicines prescribed by licensed medical practitioners and sold by a pharmacy. The term is used to
Friday, July 27, 2012
How prescription drugs can save you - or kill you differentiate it from non-prescription or overthe-counter drugs (OTC) that can be obtained without a prescription. Pharmaceutical companies manufacture prescription drugs and sell them to the public after a series of clinical trials to determine how safe they are. Prescription drugs have saved the lives of millions of people, and have also caused misery and ill health to countless millions. In the United States, for instance, they cause more that two million hospitalisations and over 100,000 hospital based deaths every year. They cause harm to the body through side effects, adverse drug reactions, drug interactions, addictions and poor body tolerance. Several reports have described how most drugs approved by the regulatory bodies are under-tested for adverse drug reactions, yet offer very few benefits. Experts have also pointed out how current regulations reward drug companies for developing marginally better drugs rather than discovering breakthrough, life-saving drugs. Furthermore, women and the elderly are very poorly represented in clinical trials, making up less than 20% of participants in the early stages. Prescription drugs are useful for acute health problems but can become deadly if taken over any length of time.
I WAS diagnosed with Polymyalgia Rheumatica about four months ago after suffering agonising pains for about six weeks. My doctor has put me onto dacortin steroids 5mg, I am presently taking two a day plus one omeprazole 20mg a day to protect my stomach. In about two weeks’ time I have to reduce the dose to 1.5 a day. I am always careful what I eat and limit my calories daily but even though I am doing this I am still putting on weight. Is there any other way I can control this condition without taking steroids? Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR), which literally means ‘pain in many muscles’ in Greek, is now recognised as an auto-immune disorder affecting the muscles and joints and characterised by pain and stiffness. It nor-
mally affects the neck, shoulders and hips, and usually occurs in women over 50. Steroids are well known for causing weight gain by distorting the body’s metabolic processes and causing abnormal fat deposits, especially in the abdomen, and are most likely the reason why you are putting on weight. It is also important that you are aware of other side effects of the long term use of corticosteroids such as osteoporosis, infections, stomach ulcers, insomnia and altered response to physical stress. Because PMR is an auto-immune disorder affecting the immune system, therapies that stimulate the immune system have been found to be very helpful in managing the disorder. Herbal remedies with immune-stimulating properties, such as Cat’s Claw and Valerian, are known to be very useful for alleviating the symptoms of PMR. Enzyme preparations like Wobenzym are also very effective for enhancing the immune system and providing anti-inflammatory benefits. A revolutionary method for treating auto-immune disorders such as PMR employs the use of a device known as Cosmodic-Scenar to stimulate and repair damaged organs and systems. This form of therapy is not widely available at the moment, however we will be providing this service very soon.
Friday, July 27, 2012
HEALTH EXTRA with Dr Machi Mannu
HOW TEA PROTECTS THE HEART FOR hundreds of years people all over the world have been brewing and drinking some form of tea. In fact, archeological evidence traces the first use of tea as far back as early humans, over 500,000 years ago. Even though the health benefits of tea may not have been known that long ago, scientific investigations in the last 20 years have been uncovering fascinating links between the consumption of tea and tea-derived products and improvements in health. One of the most compelling areas of tea research that is beginning to emerge is the relationship between tea consumption and reductions in the risk of cardiovascular disease. The term “tea” describes the plant, leaf, or beverage originating from a specific plant species known as Camellia Sinensis, and is generally categorized into three types – green, black and oolong. Although the color and taste of these three types of tea vary greatly, they all originate from the same basic plant, a fact often misunderstood. The differences in color and taste between these types of tea are determined by the degree of fermentation that the tea leaves are allowed to undergo after harvesting. The health benefits of tea are due to a high content of a complex group of compounds known as flavonoids. These compounds are commonly found in nature, and help plants by providing antifungal and antibacterial properties. Catechins are the flavonoids found in tea, and they are most abundant in green tea. While the manufacturing process of green tea is designed to conserve and maintain
catechins, the same cannot be said of Black tea. The process of making black tea focuses on breaking down catechins into other compounds allowing for its characteristic taste and colour. On average, a typical cup of brewed black tea contains 10 times less catechins than a cup of green tea. One of the major ways by which tea consumption is thought to confer protection to the heart is through its antioxidant protection as catechins have been shown to have very powerful antioxidant properties. By mopping up free radicals (toxins) in the body, anti-oxidants protect the body against many chronic diseases. However, in addition to having the ability to directly quench free radicals, flavonoids such as catechins have been shown to bind toxic heavy metals, enhance the supply of oxygen to the body, inhibit the production of certain harmful enzymes in the body, as well as help in the detoxification of cell. One particularly impressive study known as the Rotterdam study in the Netherlands showed a 70% reduction in fatal myocardial infarction-a type of heart disease for those that consumed more than 2 cups of tea daily. Current research is also showing that in addition to containing antioxidants, components in tea may also be able to alter cholesterol levels, and this may be another key pathway by which tea is able to modify the risk of heart disease. It is still possible that we are yet to scratch the surface regarding the health benefits of drinking tea. To find out more about anti-oxidant supplements discussed as well as for questions, please email contact@medb.es
CAMBRIDGE Weight Plan, one of the leading weight management solutions in the UK – developed at Cambridge University in the 1960’s and founders of The Obesity Forum, has launched a range for the Spanish market. The Spanish product is Cambridge 800, part of the successful range of Cambridge Weight Plan products. Cambridge has helped thousands of people lose weight and more importantly keep it off. Available in more than 26 countries worldwide, Spain is one of the latest countries to provide weight management solutions with Cambridge. At the product’s launch in Marbella in January 2012,
Britain’s trade ambassador in Andalucía, director Joe Cooper described the company as ‘groundbreaking’. He said: “This is a positive and exciting arrival. I am sure it will do very well.” According to data released from the EU in December 2011, the levels of obesity in Spain have doubled since 1987 with now more than 15% of both men and woman classed as obese. Rising levels of overweight and obesity have created a ticking time bomb, affecting the quality of people’s lives and increasing the burden on public health services in Spain and around the world. It is well documented that obesity has a significant effect on
the health of the overweight and increases the likelihood of developing Type II Diabetes, heart disease and strokes to name but a few. Cambridge 800 ® is proven to be successful in helping people from all walks of life achieve and manage a healthy weight and lifestyle. A range of five-step weight management plans, Cambridge is only available from Cambridge 800 Accredited Consultants. Cambridge is now available at Medaesthetics, Orihuela Costa who will be happy to talk to you. You can contact Lynda or Lauren on 965 326 082 for
a free no obligation consultation and no joining fee applies. If you live out of this area and want to find your local consultant, please call Cambridge Head Office on 952 586 324 or visit the web site on www.cambridge800.es
Friday, July 27, 2012
Friday, July 27, 2012
Bluemoon Solutions www.bluemoonsolutions.es
BlueMoon Solutions is the computer and IT services company on the Costa Blanca, they provide quality computer services at realistic prices and specialise in working with home users and small businesses.
Richard moved to Spain seven years ago having left his management background behind in the UK and decided to use his IT skills to help home users and small businesses with their PC problems. Now a relaxed 'computer man' he is out and about in the Spanish sun every day, making house and shop calls and using his vast experience and qualifications to (usually) sort out the problem there and then. Computers are his hobby as well as his work so don’t be surprised to get an answer to your email in the early hours!
ADVICE: Tom was having problems getting his old printer ADVICE: Andrea was using Windows Live Mail to store all to work in Windows 7 of her contact information, she didn’t want to lose it and wanted to know how to back it up.
Hello Richard, I wonder if you can help. I am running Windows 7 on an 18 month old computer Acer all in one touch screen. My printer is a Canon Pixma MP500 printer scanner copier is about 6 years old. I have tried reinstalling drivers from the disc supplied with printer but windows says the disk is not compatible with windows
7. My problem is that until 2 weeks ago all was fine but now printer will only print first page of a multipage document. Also it will not print out bank statements from any of my three banks, but it will still print very high quality photographs. I get so frustrated with this problem. I even tried connecting printer to another computer running windows Vista but I had same problems. I do hope you can suggest a remedy.
Hi Richard, we use Windows Live Mail for our email and contacts, we are putting a lot of information into the contacts (addresses, email addresses, phone numbers etc) and it occurred to me that perhaps we should be taking a back up of this information, could you tell me how we do this please? Andrea Hi Andrea, these are the steps that you need to take to back up the contacts within Windows Live Mail…
• Launch Windows Live Mail • In the lower-left corner, select Contacts. • Click Export on the ribbon. • Select a file format in the drop-down menu (Windows .csv is probably the best)
Hi Tom, the drivers for your printer are built in to Windows 7, however they are limited functionality drivers and to get the full function driver you need to go along to…
• Click Browse and select where to save your contacts.
• Enter a file name and then click Save.
…and download the driver, hopefully that will fix your problem, if not then please get back to me with the software that you are using to print your bank statements.
• Click Next, and then select the check boxes next to the fields that you want to export. Only selected fields are exported, so make sure to select everything you might want later.
ADVICE: With regards to the FBI turn off of virus infected • Click Finish. servers, Trevor wanted to know whether this would affect ADVICE: Karl wanted to know whether he could use a 3G his phone. dongle with his Galaxy tablet computer
Hi, I bought a new phone on June 8th that has Internet access, and I did not access any virus sites on my phone. Does the Internet connection being disabled on July 9th apply to cell phones as well, or is it just computers only? Have a great day Trevor Hi Trevor, the problem should not affect mobile phones unless they are using an infected router to get their Internet connection – it’s very unlikely in this case.
office@bluemoonsolutions.es www.bluemoonsolutions.es Mobile: 655 044 970
Office: 902 906 200
Don’t forget you can follow me on twitter @bluemoonspain Alternatively why don’t you sign up for my newsletter. You can do this by going to:www.bluemoonsolutions.es and fill in the form that is on any page except the front page.
I wonder if you could advise me, as is it possible to have a dongle with a Samsung galaxy tablet? If so what connectors do i need. Look forward to your answer. Thank you and kind regards Karl
Hi Karl, tablets generally don’t use Dongles as the software stored on them is usually specific to Windows or Mac computers (and not Android computers); however some tablets are 3G enabled and are therefore able to accept a SIM card (the thing that’s essentially inside the dongle anyway). If your tablet has the 3G ability built in then you can go to any of the mobile phone dongle providers like BlueMoon and get a SIM card sorted out.
Friday, July 27, 2012
On holiday
Cheque mates
TORREVIEJA Stroke Support Group meetings are in summer recess until September 7; when weekly support meetings will recommence in the annex, municipal buildings, C/Paganini, Urb. La Siesta, at 2.45pm. During the recess contact and information is still available by e-mail at strokesupportgroup@hotmail.com or by telephone on 966 718 964. And a date to put in your diary there will be a TSSG Open Day and Family Fun Day on September 22 at the annex and in the forecourt from 11am to 3pm. Keep an eye out for more details closer to the time.
CANTABILE treasurer Kay Reeves, chair Phyl Webb, member Yvonne Sanderson and musical director Jennifer Morton presented a cheque for €120 to congregational warden Bruce Heath - the proceeds from a successful concert in aid of La Siesta Church funds. The choir are now taking a well-earned rest before resuming rehearsals in September, when new members would be most welcome. They meet at El Paraiso restaurant near Carrefour on Friday afternoons. For further details on Cantabile, contact Jennifer Morton on 966 796 866, email jen-morton@hotmail.co.uk, or Phyl Webb on 965 077 457.
Running for life, brothers help cancer care
SPORTY brothers Tyler and Hayden Stapleton put their love of action to good use at a recent fun run. The pair raised more than 300 euros in sponsorship money for cancer charity MABS Mazarrón. “It’s a fabulous achievement for two young lads,” said MABS treasurer Bev Thompson. “We are currently helping 84 cancer patients in the Mazarrón area, so this donation will be a tremendous help and we are very grateful to Tyler and Hayden for thinking of us.” And while collecting €321.70 in sponsorship money was certainly an achievement, for these fit, sport-mad boys, running the 4km Fiesta Fun Run around Camposol was relatively easy. At just ten years old, Tyler even finished the run in third place, a result he is rightly very proud of. Tyler is a keen table tennis player, while Hayden, 13, loves football, BMX and skateboarding. But really, both boys are happy taking part in just about any outdoor activity. When they’re not kicking or hitting balls, skateboarding or running races, the boys are busy studying at school. Hayden goes to Domingo Valdivieso x2, while Tyler is a pupil at Gines Garcia Martinez school, both in Mazarrón. The brothers have lived in Spain for seven years, and their dad, David Stapleton, is known to many locals for running Decklid Autos in Mazarrón. The two boys quickly embraced the Spanish way of life. They love to get involved and had no trouble learning to speak Spanish fluently. This is the first time that the brothers have made a donation to help MABS Mazarrón, but the community-minded lads have previously raised money for other deserving charitable causes, including Murcia Dance and Camposol Kids. MABS Mazarrón is a registered charity (No. 7261) that offers help and support to local people of all nationalities who have been diagnosed with or are being treated for cancer. If you or someone you know would like some confidential help or support call the MABS helpline on 620 422 410 or visit the MABS website at www.mabsmurcia.com to learn more about their work.
Hayden (in yellow) and Tyler (blue teeshirt) set the pace
MEGAN PUTS HER BEST PAW FORWARD THERE can’t be too many branches of the Royal British Legion with German members. But in the Orihuela Costa branch there are three, Klaus Nickel, his lovely wife and Megan. Whilst Klaus and his good lady hail from the northern city of Hamburg, the origins of Megan are rather less easily identified. Quite possibly because she’s a seven-year old Irish Wolfhound. The threesome were introduced to the RBL after first making enquiries with branch recruiting officer Jim Watt, who brought them along to a recent meeting.
After receiving a warm welcome from branch members Megan was invited, through Klaus of course, to become the branch mascot, an invitation she quickly accepted. Megan now has her own embroidered RBL jacket and as well as attending monthly meetings, her duties include marching alongside the standard bearers at all official branch outings. The photograph shows Orihuela Costa chairman Keith Carter with Klaus and Megan acknowledging the tremendous amount of publicity they have recently brought to the branch.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Team Torry second TORREVIEJA Swimming Club triumphed at the weekend in the VIII Travesia Puerto de la Torre from the beach at Torre de la Horadada. Twenty three of the club’s swimmers from all age groups, seven to 70 years, worked hard and won second place in the team trophy competition. This outstanding result for the club also saw individual swimmers win seven trophies. Amy Connolly won bronze; Paula Garcia, silver; Emma Cagigao, bronze; Yuriy Lymar, gold; Raul Tereba, gold; Vicki Connolly silver; and Beth Altabas, gold. Beth also won a special prize as the oldest competitor in the day’s event.
Club members also headed to Benidorm to compete in the XIII Juan Fuster Zaragoza Memorial Trophy at the home of the swimming club Deportivo Lopa de Vega. Seventeen clubs and 429 swimmers participated, and the 20 Torrevieja swimmers achieved good positions for their age. Although no trophies were won, every member of the club improved upon their personal best times. An outstanding result from everyone who swam. For details on the Torrevieja Swimming Club, contact Eddie Cagigao on 637 869 602, Rosa on 665 454 126, Felipe on 609 418 776 or email info@clubnataciontorrevieja.com
MOLLY WON’T GO TO DOGS! Pound finds horse a new home
MOLLY, the newest arrival at Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre in Rojales, found her way to the shelter via the Orihuela municipal DOG pound. The little horse was taken to the pound by police, and volunteer Joop Breedvelv quickly set about finding her a more suitable home. “We don't really know her history,” explained Joop, “but we got a call from the police saying that they had this pony and they needed to bring it in to the shelter. “The policy is set by city hall and we cannot say no to an animal that is found abandoned within the area.” The Orihuela pound does have three stables. However, with more than 200 abandoned dogs to care for, every last bit of room is needed, so the spacious stables are normally home to a group of dogs. And, while the little horse may not have been much bigger than some of the dogs, she really needed to be with her own kind. “In order to keep the popu-
lation down a little bit we have to be very active in getting animals adopted,” said Joop. “We have contacts in Spain, Holland and Germany.” Since Joop and his wife Caroline began volunteering a year ago they have rehomed well over 250 dogs, largely at their own expense. So, for them, finding a new home for the pony was just another day at the office!
Don’t be alone! LADIES and gentlemen over 50 years of age who are on their own don’t have to go solo thanks to the 50+ Solos group. This sociable bunch meets in a different restaurant in the Torrevieja area twice a month. The group’s first August get-together is on Saturday 11, 1pm at The Columbus Bar, Torretta 3. Then on August 25, they are off to Ternasco Bar next to Hoggies on San Luis. If a big enough group comes along, they are hoping to hold a raffle for Help for Homeless Veterans. They also support Help for Heroes. On September 8, they are off to a Chinese Wok. Contact Anne Brace on 966 786 281 for further information and to book.
“She’s a super little miniature pony,” says Sue Weeding from Easy Horse Care, “but she does have a condition called stringhalt where her joints stick on her back legs so she struggles to walk. But our equine vet Dorothea will be out to look at her and get her on the right course of treatment to help her.” For more information on the Orihuela dog pound, check out their Facebook page where you can see some of the animals they are looking to re-home. Search ‘Orihuelaanimalshelter’. For more information on Easy Horse Care call Sue on 652 021 980 or visit www.easyhorsecare.net
Roll up and enjoy all the fun of the fair HELP Murcia Mar Menor is holding a Carnival at La Zona Bar, Calle Penelope, Los Alcazares today (Friday). The action starts at 6pm and will go on until late. There will be something for everyone, with attractions including face painting, line dancing, tin-can alley, skittles, ball in a jar, fish for the duck, and more. Join in the fun and games and try your luck at winning a prize on all the ‘fun at the fair’ stalls.
BUDDY Holly, Elvis, Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee Lewis, Eddie Cochran, the Beatles and The Rolling Stones are among the Legends of Rock ’n’ Roll performing at the Corazon next week. The show, in aid of Emaus Children’s Care Homes, takes place on Thursday August 2 at the restaurant hotel in Rojales. Organisers promise dancing, jiving, more dancing and more jiving, as Jimmy Mac and Trace Graham bring you the sounds of all the best rock ´n´roll stars. Tickets cost just €5, with a barbeque supper available for another €5. Buy tickets now from the
Legendary night out Hotel El Corazón, call 966 713 957 or 672 454 285, or from the Post Room in Benijófar, call 966 712 382, or call David on 616 001 223. Show starts at 7.30pm. So put on your dancing shoes, dig out you jive skirt and get ready to rock ´n´roll. The EMAÚS children’s shelters house children from six to eighteen years who have no other home to go to either because of an impossible family environment or because they have no family.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Debt riddled regions push Spain closer to the edge
FOUR people have been killed and many more injured by wildfires that devastated the Catalonia region early this week.
THERE were renewed fears of a full-blown Spanish bailout this week as three of Spain’s semi-autonomous regions admitted they could no longer pay off their debt. Fire broke out on Sunday and winds of up to 55mph quickly On Friday Valencia became the first to go fanned flames into an uncontrollable blaze. cap in hand to the Madrid government, with Roads were engulfed and terrified motorists forced to abanMurcia and Catalonia quickly following suit. don cars and flee the inferno on foot. Just as the Spanish government refused to Among the dead are a 60-year-old Frenchman and his 15call the 100bn euro European bank rescue year-old daughter who leapt from a cliff rather than be burnt package a bailout, so too the regions insisted alive after being cut off by the fire. The father died instantly that their call for help with debts they could no when he hit the rocks in the double tragedy that saw his daughlonger pay was not a bailout. ter drowned. But that did not fool markets, which plunged The girl’s mother and two other children survived after being at the news. And the euro fell to historic lows plucked from the sea by rescuers. The mother remains in a critagainst several currencies. It was at its lowest ical condition with back injuries. level against sterling since October 2008. The family, who were on holiday, were among some 150 The news also sent Spain’s borrowing tourists forced out of cars by flames close to the French border. costs soaring to well above levels that have A 64-year-old who received 80 per cent burns after his car seen other countries request bailouts. was engulfed in the fire died in hospital. And in the town of Spain’s 17 semi-autonomous regional govLlers, Girona, a 75-year-old man suffered a fatal heart attack ernments spend four out of every ten euros of as he watched his house consumed by fire. Firefighters struggle to beat back flames fanned by high winds public money. Many are on the verge of bankAll the dead were French nationals. ruptcy and it is thought likely At least 23 more people have been injured in what is being that other regions, including described as the worst wildfire in the region in 20 years. Andalusia and Castilla La Hundreds of firefighters and water bombing aircraft battled Mancha, will be forced to seek the blaze, which has destroyed more than 32,000 acres of bailouts from Madrid, further land. threatening to destabilise the Some 150,000 people were told to stay at home with the country and force Spain into a doors and windows shut, while scores more have been evacfull-blown sovereign debt uated. bailout. Several major roads have been closed and the high speed l Demonstrators who came LORCA was the location for a love rail link between Spain and France stopped. Around 4,000 out in protest at the latest message from the Gods last homes have been left without power. tranche of austerity cuts last week. The fire is believed to have been started by discarded cigaWednesday, continued to In the devastated town, anyrette butts thrown from car windows. protest on the streets of thing that takes the residents’ By Tuesday, firefighters began to get the blaze under control Madrid and in other cities minds off insurance claims and as the high winds began to drop. across Spain. economic problems Protests turned violent in comes as welcome Madrid and Barcelona with relief. riot police firing rubber bullets In the neighbourts. cke po to disperse the crowds. n’s ma old the o hood of Campillo, hearts dug deep into the land. a ar was found int Many public workers, ria Varón collected AN 88-year-old begg Ma se Jo local farmer Jesus Murcia he At first he thought someone ned shed a month, ros eu including firemen and even 400 dead in the abando of ion ns decided it was time to harvest was playing a trick on him, but he las Torres, pe of it, preoff-duty policemen were slept in at Villa de t spent next to none bu his land last Saturday. could find no footprints around of among demonstrators who rely on handouts Valladolid last week. But as he approached the the mysterious impression. en emer- ferring to and urs bo igh wielded placards declaring ne The surprise came wh m fro d foo field for harvesting, he saw in ckpo He still has no idea how the ed his “No Cuts” and “United, that’s gency workers check by. rssse the distance what he describes hearts got there, but they are me form of pa to enough”. Demonstrations of kin has appeared ets in search of so xt ne No s as a strange figure. les proving a welcome distraction found no money. the were prompted by the latest to im identification. They cla a ke As he got closer, he was from the worries that the local rescash stuffed ma 65 billion euro package of cuts than 22,000 euros in astonished to see two huge love idents face. announced last week.
Mystery love hearts help heal broken city of Lorca
s Dead hobo comes up tramp
Friday, July 27, 2012
BANNED JUDGE IS ASSANGE AID INTERNATIONALLY celebrated Spanish human rights lawyer Baltasar Garzón has been appointed to lead the defence of Wikileaks and its founder Julian Assange, it was announced on Tuesday. Garzón recently met with Assange in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, where Assange has claimed asylum, to discuss the new legal strategy, according to a statement signed by both. The ex-Spanish National Court judge had previously expressed concern about the lack of transparency in actions against Assange. WikiLeaks and Assange angered the United States by publishing secret information related to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Baltasar Garzón is famed for revolutionising the international justice system two decades ago by issuing an international arrest warrant for the former Chilean dictator, Augusto Pinochet. His actions spearheaded the fight against impunity for political figures in Latin America and the rest of the world. In February, Garzón was sentenced to an eleven year ban from acting as a judge by the Spanish Supreme Court for allowing listening to conversations between defence lawyers and their clients in the Gurtel political corruption case. The ex-judge said he would appeal the decision to the Spanish Constitutional Court. Garzón was also investigated for breaking an amnesty on Franco era crimes after formally declaring in 2008 that the regime had committed crimes against humanity and ordering the exhumation of 19 unmarked graves.
Good gaudy, they just love our kit!
Developers courting Mar Menor’s last virgin shore
THE last piece of virgin land on the shores of the Mar Menor is under threat of development following a Supreme Court ruling. For decades, El Carmoli Marina was spared because it was expropriated by the ministry of defence in the 1940s for use as an airfield. But the land was never used and the descendants of the previous owners demanded it back. Since the 90s they have argued the expropriation was illegal if the land was not required. And now the Supreme Court has agreed. The ‘new’ owners – more than 100 of them – will have to pay a sum that has not yet been agreed to get the land. But even with
The garish design of the Spanish Olympic tracksuit and sports suits has not gone down well with Spaniards, who fear it will make them the laughing stock of visiting Olympians. Ever since the gaudy designs were unveiled they have been the centre of criticism. However, the design is being heralded as a huge success in London, with the tracksuit flying off shop shelves and becoming a best seller almost overnight. The most popular piece is the patterned polo T-shirt, which is setting purchasers back no less than 70 euros.
l l
details still to be finalised, it has already been put on the market. Agents are seeking offers in the region of 116 million euros, and are targeting overseas investors to build a theme park, or something similar.
SINCE the earthquake that shook Lorca two years ago, 140 dogs have been rescued from the streets of the crumbling town. And many of the abandoned animals are not only leaving the area but leaving the country, too. Lorca Animal Rescue, which is run by five girls, all working out of the goodness of their hearts to stop the suffering of these bewildered creatures, has no land or headquarters. The girls take the dogs to their own homes in the hope that someone will adopt them. And they are finding it easier to re-home them in France than anywhere else. Toñi Gago, president of the association, admits it is extremely difficult to get people to adopt the dogs. However, the support group have managed to form close links with a sanctuary in France called APDA. Some 30 dogs a month
Unwanted dogs say au revoir to Lorca are sent there, and APDA find it considerably easier to find French owners for them. The animals are flown to their new homes with adoption papers, a pet passport, micro-chipped, wormed, vaccinated and neutered. Part of the arrangement is that the new owners keep in touch with the rescuers by sending photos and regular updates on the dog’s well-being. This helps ensure that the animal is well-looked after and loved in its new home. For more information or to adopt a dog, see h t t p : / / w w w. l o r c a - a n i mal.com/
Ancient ostrich egg sparks big shell-ebration SIX pieces of a 2,700 year old ostrich egg have been dramatically uncovered during the building of a reservoir for rainwater in Villajoyosa. The eggciting archaeological discovery was heralded as unique by town-hall workers and local councillor Jose Lloret claimed the egg remnants were the oldest thing ever found in the area. Ostrich eggs were commonly used in Phoenician burials in cities in North Africa, but it was not known that this custom was also carried out in Spain. According to archaeologists from the town museum, the eggs were placed next to the deceased’s ashes. The find gives further evidence that the area was a busy commercial zone in the centuries 700 and 600 BC.
Friday, July 27, 2012
No grin, just grim for jaded Joker BATMAN cinema killer James Holmes, who dubbed himself ‘The Joker’, sat in the dock on Monday without smiling or saying a word.
Daily Mirror
her head as they were confronted with the sight of the alleged Relatives of his victims leaned forward in mass murderer. It was the world’s first look at their chairs as the orange-haired young man Holmes, who police say shot was slowly led into the courtroom in chains dead 12 people during a bloody and a red jailhouse jumpsuit - looking like a massacre with no apparent real-life comic-book villain. motive. He appeared dazed at times Two women held hands tightly, one shaking and bobbed his Daily Express head strangely uttering not a single word during the entire hearing. bizarre staring in the court- “I think death is.” He was groggy and emoThe unlikely killer, a PhD room, Chambers said she had tionless as he stared into the no information on whether he student said to be highly inteldistance - careful to avoid eye ligent, is alleged to have is on medication. contact with any of the 60 relDavid Sanchez, who waited walked into a cinema in atives of victims who were sitoutside the courthouse during Aurora, Colorado, to commit BRITAIN is facing its longest double-dip recession in fifty ting in the courtroom. years after official figures showed GDP shrank another Formal murder charges will the hearing, said his pregnant one of the worst mass shoot0.7 per cent. be filed to the court next daughter escaped uninjured ings in US history. His victims included sixGross Domestic Product shrank by 0.7 per cent Monday as District Attorney but her husband was shot in between April and June - a figure much greater than the Carol Chambers prepares to the head and was in critical year old Veronica Moser, who expected 0.2 per cent. was killed, and a three-monthconsult those same relatives condition. The news will come as yet another blow for Chancellor on whether to seek the death Asked what punishment old baby, who miraculously George Osborne (pictured), who has pledged to get penalty. was appropriate if Holmes survived after being shot in Britain back on track with a policy of cuts and austerity. Asked about Holmes’ gets convicted, Sanchez said, the back. The dire performance which has seen Britain’s economy shrink for the third quarter in a row and is believed to be the worst double dip since the Second World War is the BATMAN star Christian Bale visited some The Sun biggest quarterly fall since the of the victims of the cinema massacre on Tuesday. A spokeswoman for Warner Brothers depths of the financial crisis The 38-year-old actor made the unex- said the trip to the Aurora Medical Centre during the first quarter of 2009. The last double-dip reces- pected trip to Aurora after expressing his was the actor’s idea and had not been organised by the film studio. sion was in the 1970s when the economy was hamstrung “horror” at the attack. She said: “Mr Bale is there as himself, The Dark Knight Rises, in which British amid soaring oil prices and a miners’ strike. George Osborne blamed the country's ‘deep-rooted’ actor Bale plays the lead role, was screen- not representing Warner Brothers.” Hospital chief Bill Voloch said: “The economic problems, he said: “We all know the country ing when gunman James Holmes opened patients were really happy to meet Bale. has deep-rooted economic problems and these disap- fire. pointing figures confirm that. Among those the actor met on his sur- They are obviously big fans of his movies “We’re dealing with our debts at home and the debt cri- prise visit to the cinema shooting victims — they wanted to see Batman. “It was good for the patients. sis abroad. was Carey Rottman, who was shot in the “We hope it was therapeutic for them, “We’ve made progress over the last two years in cut- leg during the attack. ting the deficit by 25% and businesses have created over Christian and his wife Sibi Blazic, 42, and all the staff really appreciated him coming.” 800,000 new jobs.” also spent time with doctors and police.
UK suffers worst slump since WWII
Batman visits victims
The Sun
Even PM cashes in on trade DAVID Cameron, Boris Johnson and Nick Clegg admitted on Tuesday that they had paid tradesmen cashin-hand. They owned up hours after a Treasury minister said the prac“morally was tice wrong”. David Gauke attacked people who give plumbers, builders and electricians cash in return for a discount — claiming it helped tax dodgers. comments His plunged the Government into turmoil — with some ministers admitting paying cash, while others insisted they did not. A Downing Street spokesman said: “The PM has probably paid cash-in-hand. But he has never done it to get a discount or avoid tax.” for Spokesmen Deputy PM Mr Clegg and Chancellor George Osborne gave the same answer. London Mayor Boris admitted: Johnson “I’ve certainly paid a lot of cash in hand.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Cops called as Jacko’s family goes a bit wacko
The Sun
Daily Mail
USING a sunbed once under the age of 35 almost doubles your risk of developing skin cancer later, a study shows. Scientists found skin in younger people is more susceptible to cell damage that could eventually trigger tumour growth. The chance of it becoming cancerous went up by 87 per cent — and every extra sunbed session under the age of 35 upped the risk by 1.8 per cent. For users over 35 there was at least a 20 per cent greater chance of developing cancer. Some 100,000 adults in the UK have skin cancer, and the number has quadrupled since the late 1970s with the advent of sunbed use and cheap package holidays abroad. Experts based at the International Prevention Research Institute and the European Institute of Oncology studied more than 12,000 skin cancer victims between 1981 and 2012. They analysed the impact of sunbed use on men and women from the UK, France, Germany and other European nations. The study found almost 65,000 cases of the deadliest form of skin cancer — melanoma — can be directly linked to sunbed use and it accounts for almost 900 deaths every year in Europe. The Sun campaigned for a ban on sunbed use by under-18s and coin-operated booths that were being used by children as young as nine. This became law in 2011. Research director Mathieu Boniol urged other countries to follow the UK. He said: “The 87 per cent should be a warning to people. “Sunbeds cause cancer and pose a greater risk the younger you start using them. They are very powerful devices that people often use at a very young age. “This research must help push a change in behaviour.” He added: “Our research shows that skin cancers can be prevented by avoiding exposure to indoor tanning devices.”
Stabbing girl, 12, ‘like slicing butter’ Daily Mail
A MAN repeatedly stabbed a 12-year-old girl innocently playing out in the street because he decided he wanted to kill someone, a court heard on Tuesday. Lawrence Wood, 31 (pictured) later told police he had been surprised how easily the knife blade went into the youngster’s back, describing it as “like slicing butter”. The girl was playing in the street in Wigan, Greater Manchester, with her threeyear-old brother when the horrific attack took place. Liverpool Crown Court heard that security the girl made Wood “feel stabbing at ctly rre co ed has not been check gh good”. The boy went throu ed onto a flight to te. ga eak sn ing y ard bo bo ld r-o the and pasor AN 11-yea He considered stabbing again but ing so the safety of without a passport full security screen Rome on his OWN ver comproran away ne s ran wa rco ft Co cra m instead handed himself in to Wigan air Lia the tle d an rs ge sen to boarding pass. Lit nt opping trip, then we police. mised.’’ ring ty from his mum on a sh from his mother du ssed through securi pa rt, po Air Wood pleaded guilty to attempted r ste Liam had run away e ntr y Ce Manche ic wa Civ his we de ha ma ns the ed, and shopping trip at Wy Sentencing him, Judge John murder. a ord acc without being check rt, po ay. air esd y to the ht on Wedn and made his own wa Roberts told Wood, who showed no onto the Jet2.com flig rt spokesman said: News. He foling en Ev r ste po he nc Air ing to the Ma urity, A Manchester being emotion, that he must serve 15 years was scanned by sec ious matter is now lowed a family and d. tice “This extremely ser air no t the no m s fro wa before he can apply for parole but ls nts icia me off cu by do ted of k iga lac est his inv t tly bu urgen t documentation tha warned him that he may never be ar cle is It . line d air
drama t h ig fl ’ e n lo a e m o ‘R in , 1 1 Liam,
port an
THE feud tearing apart Michael Jackson’s family descended into violence this week as his siblings were accused of “ambushing” the late singer’s children. In the latest drama, police were called to break up a fight between security staff and family members who had turned up at the children’s home. According to reports, Jacko’s son Prince Michael, 15, was responsible for ordering guards to fend off his uncles, Jermaine and Randy, and aunt, Janet. Jermaine and Janet were pictured arguing outside the property. Prince, his sister Paris, 14, and brother Blanket, 10, have been living in the house in Los Angeles without their legal guardian, Jacko’s mother Katherine, 82, since she “went missing” nine days ago. lawyer A for acting Katherine (pictured) said in a statement that J a n e t , Jermaine and R a n d y Jackson had confronted Michael’s children on Monday. She said the children had at one stage been forced to leave the family home for their own safety. The statement said: “Certain Jackson family members ambushed Katherine Jackson’s home. They ran up to Michael’s children as they yelled and began to aggressively grab at the cell phones in their hands. “An altercation ensued shortly thereafter and law enforcement arrived at the scene.” The statement added: “Following the incident, it was learned that one of the family members who was part of the ambush admitted a plan has been in place for the last three years to remove Katherine Jackson from her home and her beloved grandchildren.”
Friday, July 27,16, 2012 Friday, December 2011
Ferrari F40 world record set at Silverstone classic THIS was the moment 60 Ferrari F40 owners took part in a world record parade of the Italian car maker's most famous model. The F40 was the first production car capable of 200mph when it was launched in 1987. And to celebrate the iconic machine's 25th birthday, 60 owners from around the world descended on Silverstone for an anniversary parade.
Nigel Chiltern-Hunt, who spent two-years organising the event, arrived in the 1990 Ferrari F40 he has owned for ten years. He said: "We set the previous record in 2007 when 44 owners arrived in their F40s but 60 is amazing. "Owners travelled from as far as Switzerland, Sweden and the USA. One English owner came here from Romania. "It was hard work getting everything together but it was a perfect day and a marvellous sight." Despite being launched in 1987, the F40 is still regarded by many as the world's greatest supercar. It was also Enzo Ferrari’s 'swansong' car - with the company boss passing away aged 90 the following year. Designed to be the closest thing to a Formula One car
for the road, the F40 was fitted with a twin-turbocharged 3-litre V8 engine developing 478bhp. This gave the two-seat supercar a 0-60mph time of 3.7 seconds and a top speed of 201mph - making it the first car capable of the then fabled double-ton. Mr Chiltern-Hunt, 67, a retired businessman from Hertfordshire, has owned two F40s over the years. He added: "The F40 was Enzo Ferrari's last statement and he signed every owners' handbook. It is the only car car he did it with. "I bought one from new but sold it and realised what a mistake I'd made so I bought another one soon after - it is the original supercar. "I only really bring it out for special events. My daily drive is a ten-year-old Ford Focus."
new that Lamborghini has delivered the 1,000th Aventador just 15 months after production started in Sant’ Agata – just half the time it took to sell the first 1,000 Murcielagos. Not only is Lamborghini now building an impressive 4.5 cars a day – even with the Gallardo coming to the end of its life – but they have a full order book for the Aventador for the next eighteen months.
The 1,000th Aventador is going off to live in the garage of Hans Scheidecker, a Bavarian architect, who has bought his shiny new Argos Orange Aventador to keep his Diablo company. We guess Herr Scheidecker will now be relegating the Diablo to high days and holidays and using the Aventador as his daily driver. Impressive though the sales figures for the Aventador are, they pale in to insignificance compared to the sales of the (much cheaper) Gallardo and the likely sales of the new Lamborghini Urus SUV. But 1,000 Aventadors in just 18 months in the face of the worst recession since the 1930s is an impressive achievement.
Lamborghini Aventador hits 1,000 THE boys (and girls) in Bologna re celebrating the production of 1,000 Lamborghini Aventadors, just 15 months after production started. Italy has no money, and nor does most of Europe, but Supercars still sell even when they have a list price of £253,000 – and at a greater rate than ever before. That’s been brought sharply in to focus with the
Friday, July 27, 2012
Bugatti Type 51 barn find up for auction THIS dilapidatedlooking classic is a Bugatti Type 51 Grand Prix car and it's going up for auction at Brightwells on the 26th September with a guide price of between £100,000 to £150,000. Cheap for a classic Bugatti, you might be thinking? Well, this barn find isn't quite what it seems... Plenty of people have a garage full of junk, but not quite to this extent. This Bugatti was found in Worcestershire and was left unused for around nine years - the building in which it was stored had trees growing in front of it, prompting some liberal chainsaw action to free the car once it was uncovered. The car belonged to Alan Riley - former Austin BMC employee and serial classic car collector, having owned numerous Bentleys, Lagondas, Delahayes and Bugattis - before he passed away earlier this year. Riley acquired the Type 51 in the '80s - swapping it for a 1931 Alfa Romeo 8C
2600 and a 1954 Maserati 250F, with a combined value of up to £4.4 million today believing it was the car that won the 1931 Casablanca Grand Prix, as driven by Count Stanislas Czaykowski. It wasn't the car driven by Count Stanislas Czaykowski. It turns out the Bugatti is actually a replica albeit a very faithful one. Maybe it's best Mr Riley isn't around to find out that his alleged Type 51's true history... The car was inspected by Bugatti expert David Sewell who concluded the vehicle was built using some substantial parts of the original '31 Czaykowski car and was probably built in the early '80s by renowned
builder of replica Bugattis, Keith Butti. Like an original Type 51, this recreation uses a 160hp 2.3-litre supercharged straighteight engine, evolved from the same unit in the famous 1927 Type 35B. Roughly 40 examples of the Type 51 were built in all variants (Type 51 and 51A) making it one of the rarest cars around. Riley's Type 51 replica was in regular use throughout the 1990s and made many appearances at shows and events before being put into storage for nine years. The Bugatti barn find goes up for auction on the 26th September this year, with no reserve price.
Friday, July 27, 2012
CODE CRACKER Code Cracker is a crossword puzzle with no clues; instead, every letter of the alphabet has been replaced by a number, the same number representing the same letter throughout the puzzle. All you have to do is decide which letter is represented by which number. In this week’s puzzle, 5 represents M and 17 represents N, when these letters have been entered throughout the puzzle, you should have enough information to start guessing words and discovering other letters.
DOUBLE CROSS-WORD Solve the Double Cross-Word puzzle using either the standard or cryptic clues, the answers are exactly the same.
CRYTPIC CLUES Across 1 It sounds as though father trades in small packages (7) 5 Currency of a type so seldom seen nowadays (5) 8 Horseman gets a written recommendation in addition (5) 9 It’s nicer as it turns into poison (7) 10 Made a lens for the show? (9) 12 Find a farm animal in the sewer (3) 13 Of very rare occurrence in the middle of Madagascar cemetery (6) 14 Troubles seem to start with tender touch (6) 17 Biblical character from Belize (3) 18 I left foolish apologists for net support (9) 20 Messy, idle rat followed behind (7) 21 Cancel every year, lacking answer (5) 23 Thinks about cold chops (5)
24 Flower gathered in small numbers for example? Yes, in the past (7) Down 1 Harbours sweet wines (5) 2 Back five hundred or some fishing gear (3) 3 Fickle Eric acquires unusual art (7) 4 Spiritualist meeting Irishman before church (6) 5 Spread mangled tapes (5) 6 Crumbling Essen, less unconscious (9) 7 Mischievously cheat on board for packets (7) 11 Get rid of a Crete aid mysteriously (9) 13 The ICC step wrongfully on the doubting Thomas (7) 15 A paper’s mistake crops up (7) 16 A let-off? You can say that again (6) 18 A leg’s easily broken in such winds (5) 19 Moody carriage (5) 22 Go on, old horse! (3)
Complete the crossword grid by using the given words:
3 letter words Bee Cap Ebb Era Has Icy Lie Old Ply Red Rid Sin Sly Son Sub Two 4 letter words Acre Alee Anon Aria Bole
Cobs Cool Cred Echo Elan Elks Eves Hare Hats Ibis Iced Knee Less Lobe Mass Odds Oral Pert Pies Rare Real Rent Rile
Oared Ropy Orate Sale Pares Seed Sense Sent Sleds Sirs Sober Skit Stamp Stir Threw Tapa Tonal Tore Weave Weds 5 letter words 6 letter words Footed Arose Health Bairn Horsed Blast Sunset Boots 8 letter words Class Benchers Close Bonemeal Coney Mantissa Eerie Selfless Irony Korea Lined Loath
SPANISH-ENGLISH CROSSWORD Improve your Spanish - clues in Spanish, answers in English or vice versa.
Across 1 Tribal healer (6) 4 Only one of its kind (6) 9 One more (7) 10 Finish (5) 11 Disgrace (5) 12 Playhouse (7) 13 Wilderness (11) 18 Voluntarily refrain (7) 20 Past its prime (5) 22 Upper body (5) 23 Germ-free (7) 24 Respite (6) 25 Fraudulence (6)
Down 1 Thin (6) 2 Odour (5) 3 Accomplish (7) 5 Recess (5) 6 Foursome (7) 7 XI (6) 8 Central character (11) 14 Nose part (7) 15 Indecent (7) 16 Exchange goods (6) 17 Imperfection (6) 19 Higher up (5) 21 Endure (5)
Last weeks Solution Across: 1 Packet, 4 Scream, 9 Triceps, 10 Alter, 11 Tibia, 12 Austere, 13 Fleet Street, 18 Home run, 20 Piece, 22 Stain, 23 Thistle, 24 Loosen, 25 Damage. Down: 1 Petite, 2 Climb, 3 Elevate, 5 Chaos, 6 Extreme, 7 Merger, 8 Assassinate, 14 Lumbago, 15 Replica, 16 Chisel, 17 Delete, 19 Range, 21 Extra.
Scribble Pad
1 Harbours (5) 1 Packets (7) 2 Shaft (3) 5 Latin American monetary 3 Changeable (7) unit (5) 4 Spiritualist’s event (6) 8 Horseman (5) 5 Glue (5) 9 Chemical element (7) 6 Unconscious (9) 10 Performance (9) 7 Bags (7) 12 Sheep (3) 13 Uncommon (6) 11 Eliminate (9) 14 Stroke (6) 13 Doubter (7) 17 Biblical priest (3) 15 Seems (7) 18 Uprights (9) 16 Forgive (6) 20 Chased (7) 18 Winds (5) 21 Nullify (5) 19 Brooding (5) 23 Gnaws (5) 22 Scold (3) 24 Bouquet (7) Last weeks Solution Across: 1 Glasses, 5 Sheet, 8 Epaulet, 9 Iliad, 10 Samba, 11 Pothole, 12 Coster, 14 Forest, 17 Charger, 19 Sacks, 22 Prune, 23 Squirts, 24 Trend, 25 Stetson. Down: 1 Guess, 2 Alarm, 3 Salvage, 4 Sit-ups, 5 Saint, 6 Epitome, 7 Tidiest, 12 Cockpit, 13 Statute, 15 Obscure, 16 Arises, 18 Greed, 20 Carps, 21 Susan.
1 Unloading (8) 5 Plano (llano) (4) 9 Zanahorias (7) 10 Spider (5) 11 Love (between people) (4) 12 Regime (7) 15 Cantante (6) 16 Blouses (6) 19 Street lamps (7) 21 Tía (4) 24 Aceituna (5) 25 Third (f) (7) 26 Plomo (metal) (4) 27 Promesas (ofrecimiento) (8)
1 To have a shower (8) 2 Solomillo (7) 3 Átomo (4) 4 Evangelio (6) 6 Key (door, car) (5) 7 Equipo (4) 8 Aisle (aeroplane, theatre, plane, supermarket) (7) 13 Clocks (7) 14 Ceniceros (8) 17 Platillos (para tazas) (7) 18 To feel (emotion, sensation, pain) (6) 20 Friend (f) (5) 22 Divieso (médico) (4) 23 De (relación) (4)
Friday, July 27, 2012 Across 1/5 Which US playwright, who combined social awareness with a searching concern for his characters’ inner lives, is best known for his 1949 play Death of a Salesman? (6,6) 10 The name of which card game is also the name given to a float supporting a seaplane? (7) 11 What name is given to a performance of music or dance especially by soloists? (7) 12 In physics, what name is given to a compound that exists in forms having different arrangements of atoms but the same molecular weight? (6) 15 Which sea, an arm of the Mediterranean between Greece and Turkey, was a main trade route for the ancient civilisations of Crete and Greece and Rome and Persia? (6) 16 Which record label was originally formed in 1960 by Frank Sinatra in order to allow more artistic freedom for his own recordings? (7) 17 The name of which plumbing fixture also means to fall or drop to a lower place or level? (4) 18/19 Which former world number one tennis player won a record 14 Grand Slam men’s singles titles, including Wimbledon a record seven times, the US Open five times
and the Australian Open twice? (4,7) 20 Gothic, horseshoe, lancet and Tudor are all types of which, usually curved, masonry construction? (4) 22 What was the surname of the 17th/18th century English architect who designed over 50 London churches, including St Paul’s Cathedral? (4) 25 Boolean and linear are both types of which branch of mathematics? (7) 27 What was the surname of the American actress who is remembered mostly for being the comic foil to Groucho Marx in seven of the Marx Brothers movies? (6) 28 An American football team is allowed how many players on the field at one time during play? (6) 31 Jean-Baptiste Poquelin was the real name of which 17th century French actor and playwright? (7) 32 Slippery When Wet, Keep The Faith and New Jersey are all best selling albums by which American rock band? (3,4) 33 In The Canterbury Tales, what was the name of the inn in Southwark where a group of about 30 pilgrims gathered to engage in a storytelling contest as they travelled to the shrine of Thomas à Becket in Canterbury, Kent, and back? (6)
Quiz Word
34 Often used to describe plants, hairstyles or cuisine, which word means ‘strikingly strange or unusual’? (6)
Down 2 Which city, located in the south near the Irrawaddy River delta, is the capital and largest city of Myanmar? (7)
3 What surname is shared by the 31st president of the United States and the director of the FBI from 1924 to 1972? (6) 4 What is the basic unit of currency in South Africa? (4) 5 What name is applied to a female horse or other equine animal especially when fully mature or of breeding age? (4) 6 Which oval to round tropical fruit, native to southern China and adjacent regions, is strawberry red in colour and about 25 mm in diameter? (6) 7 Which American hard rock band’s biggest hit single was the 1991 ‘power ballad’ More Than Words? (7) 8 In acrobatics, which movement involves extending the legs at right angles to the trunks, one in front and the other in back? (6) 9 In machinery, what name is given to a rib or rim for strength, for guiding, or for attachment to another object? (6) 13 Which vehicle manufacturer produces models called Clio, Mégane, Scénic and Twingo? (7) 14 In many religions, what name is given to someone who speaks by divine inspiration or someone who is an interpreter of the will of God? (7) 15 What stage surname was adopted by the American film and Broadway stage dancer,
choreographer, singer and actor Frederick Austerlitz, who was born in Omaha, Nebraska on May 10, 1899? (7) 20 Which fictional ‘family’ consisted of Gomez, Morticia, Pugsley, Wednesday, Uncle Fester and Grandmama? (6) 21 What is the first name of the Duchess of Cornwall? (7) 23 Which type of pasta, commonly rectangular or circular in shape, is comprised of a filling, commonly though not always meat based, sealed between two layers of pasta dough. (7) 24 In the Roman Catholic Church, what name is given to a diplomatic representative of the Pope having ambassadorial status? (6) 25 What forename connects actress Lansbury and German chancellor Merkel? (6) 26 What is the surname of the Spanish Formula One racing driver who won the World Drivers’ Championship in 2005 and 2006? (6) 29 What name is given to a legal document signed and sealed and delivered to effect a transfer of property and to show the legal right to possess it? (4) 30 Derived from the French for ‘high wood’, which double reed musical instrument of the woodwind family is a descendant of the shawm? (4)
SALLY’S SIMPLE SPANISH Opuestos - Opposites
Match these words with their Spanish translations then find them in the wordsearch. (Answers below)
general QUIZ
ANSWERS 1. A Dragon 2. Mr Tambourine Man 3. Bar Codes 4. The Pickwick Papers 5. Up Her Nose 6. Round, Square, Arch 7. Brussels 8. Barnes Williams 9. Murmuration 10. Own Goal 11. Mickey Mouse 12. The Northern Line
Last Week’s Solutions Code Cracker Last weeks Quiz Wordsolution Across: 1 Fourmost, 7 Emery, 8 Cervantes, 9 Ohm, 10 Sage, 11 Detour, 13/16 Mother Teresa, 14 Siding, 17 Setter, 18 Jaws, 20 Tit, 22 Grenadine, 23 Grieg, 24 Max Ernst. Down: 1 Focus, 2 Upright, 3 Mead, 4 Settee, 5 Tenor, 6 Wyoming, 7 Estonia, 12 Nest egg, 13 Montage, 15 Italian, 17 Stein, 19 Sweet, 21 Hare.
Empareja estas palabras – Match these Spanish and English words for word suffixes. You will find the answers at the bottom of the quiz.
1.caliente, 2.frio, 3.alto,
18.temprano, 19.lejos,
n.easy, o.expensive,
4.bajo, 5.bueno, 6.malo,
p.difficult, q.bad, r.tall, s.cheap, t.soft.
7.blanco, 8.negro, 9.duro, 10.blando, 11.caro,
a.fast, b.cold, c.early,
12.barato, 13.fácil
d.white, e.black, f.near,
14.difícil, 15.rápido,
g.good, h.slow, i.hot, j.late,
16.lento, 17.tarde,
k.short, l.far, m.hard,
Span - Eng
Answers: 1i, 2b, 3r, 4k, 5g, 6q, 7d, 8e, 9m, 10t, 11o, 12s, 13n, 14p, 15a, 16h, 17j, 18c, 19l, 20f.
1. What Creature Appears On The Flag Of Wales? 2. Who Did The Byrds Ask To 'Play A Song For Me'' In 1965? 3. Which Stock Control System Was Introduced In American Supermarkets in 1974? 4. Alfred Jingle appears in which Dickens novel? 5. If a Husband was to caress his wife's Vomer where would he have to insert his finger? 6. What Were The Shape Of The 3 Windows In Play School (PFE) (There Were NOT 4 Windows)? 7. In which European city can you be jailed for not killing furry caterpillars? 8. Who invented the bouncing bomb in the second World War? 9. What is the generally accepted collective term for a group of starlings? 10. What Do The Letters "OG" Stand For In A Game Of Football? 11. What was the last program shown on British TV before WW2? 12. What is the longest line on the London Underground?
Fill It In
Friday, July 27, 2012
TRELI ON THE TELLY brought us a woman dressed up as a man in a disguise that surely wouldn’t even have conned David Blunkett; some torturing involving a back passage; the poisoning of a Borgia enemy; a lesbian kiss; and some skullduggery between two of the Borgia brothers, as well as the Pope eyeing up a fresh mistress. Historians like David Starkey, who started a riveting new series about the Churchills on Channel Four last night, have had cardiac THE best laughs of the arrests about such series, week didn’t come from the but I don’t see the problem. Absolutely Fabulous It’s fun knockabout entertainOlympic Special on BBC1. ment, and if it gets you to Of course it was great, with make some serious studying the whole team on top form about historical families like and June Whitfield yet again the Borgias, then all well and showing off her wonderful good. comedic timing. I’ve no complaints with Ab Fab, and after the successful Xmas specials, I hope we get more in the future. But for sheer hilarity, it was eclipsed by the return of The Borgias to Sky Atlantic. It’s the campest romp around and the producers know exactly what we want, having honed their skills with The Tudors. There are liberal lashings of black humour and the whole cast, led by Jeremy Irons, go totally over the top. The second series opener
Horoscopes Aries March 21 - April 19 Gibberish may possibly occur to you at some point during the next 12 days as you attempt to do something new, or possibly old. Horoscopes have always had a tendency to be wrong for you, but today's will be a peach. The gift you have that allows you to speak to the animals will today be unveiled as a fraud. Your brother is heavy, no matter what you hear on the radio today.
Taurus April 20 - May 20 Sing a song inside and to hell with the dark clouds that await you. Personal warranties don't mean that you're ever going get your money back on that piece of crap you bought of the "man in the funny hat". It's all one big crap chute anyhoo. Cold winds encircle your future. The pain in your foot will lessen today as the pain in your hand grows.
Gemini May 21 - June 20 When walking down the street, trying not to step on the cracks in the stone, you must take care to avoid all steaming piles. "Have a good day!" is not something you'll want to hear from anyone as you suffer from a bottom related illness. Your neighbour's taste for loud music may cause them to incur an unfortunate accident.
Cancer June 21 - July 22 Don't trust little birdies, they're renounded liars. The right moment could grab you at any moment. In the grand scheme of things, today rates as a 0.001. The day is as long as the night. You're incredible. The loony-left is a phrase that you quite like. Sorry, run out of space now to tell you all the details - I'll let you kn...
ITV sensibly switched their acclaimed Tour de France coverage last weekend over to ITV1, with the great achievements of Bradley Wiggins and his Team Sky colleagues. Le Tour has done great business for ITV4 over recent years, and in Phil Liggett, ITV have one of the best TV commentators around. With the dramatic finish to the Open Golf at Lytham, plus England’s cricketers being put to the sword by the South Africans, I really was getting in some early couch potato practice ahead of what I’m sure will be peerless coverage of the London Olympics from the BBC. I was angry by the snub to Downton Abbey in
Ab Fab the ab fabbest? Not quite!
last May’s laughable BAFTA TV awards. With only three nominations, it was even beaten for best programme in the viewer vote category by the idiotic Celebrity Juice. Fast forward to this month, and the American Emmy TV awards, and Downton is everywhere, with some 18 nominations! For a start, it’ll be up for best drama against gems like Mad Men, Homeland, and Game of Thrones, but win or lose, it’s an example that rubbishes the view that the Yanks have no common sense when it comes to TV. Downton’s achievement is unprecedented for a nonAmerican show, and it’s ironic that it’s received the respect it deserves from our
friends across the water, as opposed to a BAFTA jury of Notting Hill wine drinkers that are absolutely out of touch with what constitutes quality television. I was sad to hear about the death of the wonderful news broadcaster, Sir Alastair Burnet. When I was still wearing short trousers, I had an unhealthy passion for politics and news, and Burnet’s work for ITN (and also the BBC) made me a massive fan as his enthusiasm and painstaking research always came to the fore on elections and special occasions. He was also the first copresenter of the pioneering News at Ten, which started in 1967, and which the BBC for
many years didn’t know how to compete with. How many British TV news anchors these days have Burnet’s qualities of total authority and knowledge, matched with the ability to think calmly in a crisis? He once famously sat in ITN’s studios for some 18 hours fronting their Budget coverage and then into the night with the rescue mission for Apollo 13, ad-libbing everything. As he walked out of the studio in the early morning, he was given a standing ovation from the whole crew. That says it all really. I don’t see autocue cuties like Kate Silverton or Natasha Kaplinsky reaching those standards, do you?
By Pandora Leo July 23 - August 22 There is a saying in Texas: "Kill a man and he's dead. Teach a man to fight and he can kill...stuff" Shame on me. Shame on you. The future is what you make of it - and if it's anything like what you made of the rest of your life, I'd consider buying in materials for the nuclear winter.
Virgo August 23 - September 22 This week is going to be one of those "trials by fire" type nightmares that happen every so often. I wish I could give you more details but then you'd have no good reason to return over the coming days, would you? The likelihood is that you're going to feel very miserable about it and for a few days you might sport a "pout" that could actually win awards.
Libra September 23 - October 22 "Hunky-dory" - a beautiful phrase that will sum up the day, week and month for you. You see, it's just going to be tip-top from here-on-in and the smile on your face is going to bug the living hell out of everyone. Today is not your lucky day. It's tomorrow instead! So that's something to look forward to whilst your picking up your teeth with your broken arm.
Scorpio October 23 - November 21 Don't believe anything you read today. Most of the things you're doing are going well, so there's no need to give up now. When asked if you're OK today, you may feel tempted to respond with physical violence. Stock up on junk food and alcohol. Your lack of modesty will cause you problems today, jackass.
Sagittarius November 22 - December 21 Beauty and misery are a package pair for you today. Hope for look in all your endeavours. If it were possible to hold onto your charm, then you'd find fortune. However, people will soon start to find you predictable and eminently hateable. You've got as much right as anyone to stamp your feet and demand retribution. Wearing a hat will only bring true happiness.
Capricorn December 22 - January 19 Opportunity is waiting round every corner. All you've got to do is catch up with him, put him in a big box and beat him with big sticks. I sense a feeling of delight in you. Back in school when people would bully you about your hair and possibly jacket, you swore you would have your vengeance. Make today that day.
Aquarius January 20 - February 18 A new love will present itself today, grab it with both hands, in all possible places. You have many more years ahead of you. Employee of the month awards carry a penalty - the penalty of ridicule. Places like Megacity and Coolopolis don't exist... but they do, inside the head of the person who's stood nearest to you right this second.
Pisces February 19 - March 20 The capital of you is your heart - never forget that. Hobbies may have to take a back seat this week as your spleen dissolved into your gastric juices. There a lots of sweet delights in the air today, especially if a trip to the sweet shop is in the offing. And if not, well, it might not be quite so true.
The Courier Friday TV 00:05 A Question of Sport 00:35 Millions 02:10 Holiday Weatherview 02:15 Bert and Dickie 03:45 Countryfile 04:35 Britain's Heritage Heroes 05:05 BBC World News 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC News 06:30 World Business Report 06:45 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Heir Hunters 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 11:58 BBC News; Weather 12:00 Cash in the Attic 12:30 You've Been Scammed 13:00 Olympics 2012 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:30 Regional News and Weather 14:45 Bargain Hunt 15:15 Escape to the Country 16:00 BBC News; Weather; Regional News 16:05 Horrible Histories 16:35 12 Again 17:00 My Life 17:30 CBBC's Olympic Games Challenge 18:00 Olympics 2012 19:00 BBC News 19:30 Regional News Programmes 20:00 Olympics 2012 22:00 Olympics 2012
00:20 00:55 01:55 02:25 02:30 02:45 03:00 03:30 03:45 04:00 04:30 04:45 05:00 05:05 07:00 07:10 07:25
A Running Jump Engineering Giants The Culture Show Newsday Asia Business Report Sport Today BBC World News Asia Business Report Sport Today BBC World News Asia Business Report Sport Today BBC World News Close The Pingu Show Zigby Timmy Time
07:35 Dirtgirlworld 07:50 Rastamouse 08:00 Deadly Top 10 08:30 Shaun the Sheep 08:55 League of Super Evil 09:05 Frankenstein's Cat 09:15 Pet Squad 09:30 Nina and the Neurons Go Inventing 09:45 Big & Small 10:00 Tinga Tinga Tales 10:10 Little Charley Bear 10:20 Raa Raa the Noisy Lion 10:30 Bob the Builder 10:45 The Koala Brothers 10:55 Lunar Jim 11:05 Kerwhizz 11:30 Louie 11:40 Driver Dan's Story Train 11:50 Waybuloo 12:10 In the Night Garden 12:40 Animal Park 13:25 The Saint's Double Trouble 14:30 To Buy or Not to Buy 15:15 Weakest Link 16:00 Show Me the Monet 16:45 The Hairy Bikers' Food Tour of Britain 17:30 Flog It! 18:15 Antiques Road Trip 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 Coast 20:30 The Great British Story: A People's History 21:30 Gardeners' World 22:00 A Year in the Wild 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Weather 23:30 Newsnight
00:35 Britain's Greatest Gold Medallists 01:30 Jackpot247 04:00 Tonight 04:25 ITV Nightscreen 05:35 The Jeremy Kyle Show 06:30 ITV Morning News 07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Let's Do Lunch with Gino & Mel 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 Meridian News and Weather 15:00 Murder, She Wrote 16:00 Secret Dealers 16:59 Meridian Weather 17:00 Midsomer Murders 18:00 Tipping Point 19:00 Meridian Tonight 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:30 Vera 23:30 ITV News and Weather
A YEAR IN THE WILD The first of three films exploring life in Britain's National Parks. Snowdonia in north Wales is a landscape formed by extinct volcanos, and is home to creatures including otters, hen harriers and peregrine falcons. The programme explores the area over the course of a year through the eyes of people who live and work there, including a warden, a farmer, a climber and a poet. Narrated by Hermione Norris.
00:05 Undercover Boss 01:05 Random Acts 01:10 Party Paramedics 02:10 True Stories 03:20 A Short History of Everything Else 03:50 Channel 4 Presents 03:55 Can You Trust Your Bank? C4 Dispatches with Jon Snow 04:25 Time Team 05:20 A Short History of Everything Else 06:15 Countdown 07:00 Channel 4 Presents 07:05 The Treacle People 07:15 The Hoobs 08:05 Freshly Squeezed 08:35 According to Jim 09:00 Will & Grace 09:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:55 Frasier 10:30 Come Dine with Me 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Channel 4 Presents 13:10 A Place in the Sun 14:10 Quick Bakes with Eric Lanlard 14:20 Cat Ballou 16:10 Countdown 17:00 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 22:00 The Million Pound Drop Live 23:35 The Angelos Epithemiou Show
July 27
00:00 Big Brother's Bit on the Side 01:00 SuperCasino 04:55 Nick's Quest 05:20 Michaela's Wild Challenge 05:45 Michaela's Wild Challenge 06:10 House Doctor 06:35 House Doctor 07:00 Thomas & Friends 07:10 The WotWots 07:20 City of Friends 07:35 Jelly Jamm 07:45 Peppa Pig 07:50 Castle Farm 08:00 Little Princess 08:10 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 08:20 The Mr Men Show 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:45 Make Way for Noddy 09:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:20 Peppa Pig 09:30 Roary the Racing Car 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Igam Ogam 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Ultimate Police Interceptors 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Big Brother 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 The Mentalist 16:15 The Wild Girl 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News at 6.30 20:00 Cowboy Builders 21:00 Ice Road Truckers: Deadliest Roads 22:00 Big Brother 23:00 The Bachelor
The Courier Saturday TV
July 28
01:30 Weatherview 01:35 HARDtalk 02:00 BBC News 02:30 Click 03:00 BBC News 03:30 The Record Review 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Click 04:45 Newswatch 05:00 BBC News 05:30 On the Road With 06:00 BBC News 06:30 Our World 07:00 Olympic Breakfast 10:00 Olympics 2012 12:30 Olympics 2012 14:00 BBC News; Regional News and Weather 14:15 Olympics 2012 17:45 BBC News; Regional News and Weather 18:00 Olympics 2012 20:00 Olympics 2012 23:00 BBC News; Weather 23:20 The National Lottery Saturday Night Draws 23:30 Olympics Tonight
00:00 The National Lottery Friday Night Draws 00:10 The Shipping News 01:55 Orchestra Seats 03:35 Close 07:00 Postman Pat 07:15 Timmy Time 07:25 The Adventures of Abney &
Teal 07:35 Octonauts 07:45 Rastamouse 08:00 Roar 08:30 Project Parent 09:00 The Scooby-Doo Show 09:20 Dennis and Gnasher 09:30 The Slammer 10:05 Who Let the Dogs Out? 10:30 Incredible Edibles 11:00 My Genius Idea 11:30 Splatalot 11:30 Deadly 60 Bites 12:00 Copycats 12:30 OOglies 12:45 Diddy Movies 13:00 Run of the Arrow 14:20 El Cid 17:15 Escape to the Country 18:15 Formula One 19:30 Flog It! 20:30 Dad's Army 21:00 BBC Proms 2012 22:20 Barenboim on Beethoven: Nine Symphonies That Changed the World 23:50 National Lottery Update 23:50 TOTP2
00:00 Meridian Tonight and Weather 00:05 The Big Sports Quiz - Boys v Girls 01:05 Grimefighters 01:35 ITV News Headlines 03:35 American Graffiti 05:30 ITV Nightscreen 06:30 ITV Morning News 07:00 Mini CITV 08:20 CITV 09:25 Saturday Cookbook 10:25 ITV News 10:30 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 12:20 The Real Housewives of New York City 13:20 ITV News and Weather 13:29 Meridian Weather 13:30 All Star Family Fortunes 14:10 Dancing on Ice Goes Gold 16:10 The Spy Who Loved Me 18:30 Meridian News and Weather 18:45 ITV News and Weather 19:00 Agatha Christie's Marple 21:00 Midsomer Murders 23:00 ITV News and Weather 23:14 Meridian Weather 23:15 Mad Mad World 23:55 Alexander
THE WOMEN Comedy drama starring Meg Ryan, Eva Mendes and Annette Bening. When successful designer Mary Haines discovers that her wealthy husband is having an affair with a New York shop girl, divorce is the only option. During the couple's separation, she finds comfort in the friendship of her girlfriends, but soon realises that loyalty only goes so far.
00:10 Friday Night Dinner 00:40 New Girl 01:10 Random Acts 01:15 Margot at the Wedding 02:55 My Name Is Earl 03:15 Crash Bang Wallow 03:20 The Million Pound Drop Live 04:40 St Elsewhere 05:25 Deal or No Deal 06:20 Countdown 07:05 Channel 4 Presents 07:10 The Hoobs 07:35 British Formula Ford Championship 08:00 The Grid 08:30 That Paralympic Show 08:55 The Morning Line 09:55 Ibiza Rocks 10:10 Shooting Calvin Harris and Example 10:45 New Girl 11:15 Revenge 12:15 Suburgatory 12:45 Summer Daze 13:20 The Big Bang Theory 13:50 The Big Bang Theory 14:20 The Simpsons 14:55 Channel 4 Racing 17:15 Channel 4 Presents 17:20 Come Dine with Me 19:20 Come Dine with Me 19:50 Channel 4 News 20:20 4thought.tv 20:25 The Million Pound Drop Live 22:00 The Women
00:00 Big Brother 00:30 Big Brother's Bit on the Side 01:15 SuperCasino 04:55 Motorsport Mundial 05:20 Michaela's Wild Challenge 05:45 Michaela's Wild Challenge 06:10 House Doctor 06:35 House Doctor 07:00 Peppa Pig 07:05 Roary the Racing Car 07:15 Fifi and the Flowertots 07:25 City of Friends 07:35 Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs 07:50 Abby's Flying Fairy School 08:00 Bananas in Pyjamas 08:20 Family! 08:30 Noddy in Toyland 08:45 Bert and Ernie's Great Adventures 08:55 Little Princess 09:10 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:30 Angelina Ballerina 09:45 Rupert Bear 10:00 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 10:15 The Mr Men Show 10:30 Roary the Racing Car 10:45 Jelly Jamm 11:00 Meerkat Manor 11:30 Monkey Life 12:00 Big Brother 13:00 The Hotel Inspector 14:00 Murder 101 15:45 Live Football 18:15 Jesse Stone: Night Passage 20:00 5 News Weekend 20:05 NCIS 20:55 NCIS 21:55 5 News Weekend 22:00 Big Brother 23:00 CSI: Miami
The Courier Sunday TV
July 29
Teal 07:35 Octonauts 01:00 BBC News 07:45 Rastamouse 01:10 Olympic Sportsday 08:05 Roar 01:55 Weatherview 08:30 Paradise Cafe 02:00 BBC News 08:55 The Scooby-Doo Show 02:30 Five Minutes With 09:20 Dennis and Gnasher 03:00 BBC News 09:30 Wingin' It 03:30 Dateline London 09:50 Shaun the Sheep 04:00 BBC News 10:00 Who Let the Dogs Out? 04:30 Our World 10:30 Junior Bake Off 05:00 BBC News 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 05:30 Click 12:30 Raymond Blanc: The Very 06:00 BBC News Hungry Frenchman 07:00 Olympic Breakfast 13:30 Escape to the Country 10:00 Olympics 2012 14:15 The Man from Laramie 12:30 Olympics 2012 15:55 Great British Railway Journeys 14:00 BBC News 16:25 Oceans 14:05 Weather for the Week Ahead 17:25 Songs of Praise 14:10 Olympics 2012 18:00 Olympics 2012 18:00 Formula One 20:00 Antiques Roadshow 19:30 BBC News; Regional News 21:00 Engineering Giants and Weather 22:00 The Dark: Nature's Nighttime 20:00 Olympics 2012 World 23:00 BBC News; Regional News 23:00 MotoGP and Weather 23:25 Olympics Tonight
02:50 ITV News Headlines 03:55 In Plain Sight 04:40 ITV Nightscreen 06:30 ITV Morning News 07:00 Mini CITV 08:20 CITV 09:25 Dinner Date 10:25 ITV News 10:30 House Gift 11:25 There's No Taste Like Home 12:20 The Hungry Sailors 13:20 ITV News and Weather 13:29 Meridian Weather 13:30 Baby Boom 15:35 Columbo and the Murder of a Rock Star 17:30 Doc Martin 18:30 Doc Martin 19:30 Meridian News and Weather 19:45 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Royal Greenwich 21:00 The Zoo 22:00 A Touch of Frost
00:50 02:30 04:20 07:00 07:15 07:25
Jersey Girl Golden Door Close Postman Pat Timmy Time The Adventures of Abney &
Documentary exploring the phenomenon of EL James's erotic novel, which is the UK's fastest-selling paperback of all time. The programme examines the sociological and cultural effects that Fifty Shades of Grey is having on the nation, with visits to a spanking class for novices and an S&M couple who have had contracts for sex drawn up for each other. Psychologist Pamela Stephenson, Belle de Jour author Brooke Magnanti and members of a North Yorkshire book club offer their views on the novel.
00:10 Red Cliff 02:50 The Million Pound Drop Live 04:05 Southland 04:50 St Elsewhere 05:35 Deal or No Deal 06:30 Countdown 07:15 The Hoobs 07:40 Ironman Triathlon 08:05 FIM World Superbikes 08:35 Road to London 2012: Paralympics Extra 09:00 Will & Grace 09:55 Frasier 11:00 Sunday Brunch 13:35 Jamie Does 14:35 The Big Bang Theory 15:35 The Simpsons 16:30 Three in a Bed 17:35 Deal or No Deal 18:35 Channel 4 News 19:05 4thought.tv 19:10 17 Again 21:00 Come Dine with Me 22:00 Thelma's Gypsy Girls 23:00 Sex Story: Fifty Shades of Grey
00:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 01:00 SuperCasino 05:00 HouseBusters 05:25 Great Scientists 05:50 Rough Guide to Beaches 06:00 Hana's Helpline 06:10 The Milkshake! Show 06:35 Thomas & Friends 06:45 Roary the Racing Car 07:00 Peppa Pig 07:05 Roary the Racing Car 07:15 Fifi and the Flowertots 07:25 City of Friends 07:35 Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs 07:50 Castle Farm 07:55 Abby's Flying Fairy School 08:05 Roobarb and Custard Too 08:15 Bananas in Pyjamas 08:25 Family! 08:35 Noddy in Toyland 08:45 Mio Mao 08:50 Bert and Ernie's Great Adventures 09:00 Little Princess 09:10 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:25 Angelina Ballerina 09:45 Rupert Bear 10:00 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 10:15 The Mr Men Show 10:25 Roary the Racing Car 10:40 Jelly Jamm 11:00 Inside Hollywood 11:05 Monkey Life 11:35 Ice Road Truckers: Deadliest Roads 12:35 Big Brother 13:35 Doctor Who and the Daleks 15:15 Zoom 17:00 Police Academy 5: Assignment Miami Beach 18:50 Ghostbusters II 20:55 5 News Weekend 21:00 Once Upon a Time 22:00 Big Brother 23:00 Bulletproof
The Courier Monday TV
July 30
01:00 01:10 01:55 02:00 02:30 03:00 03:30 03:45 04:00 04:30 04:45 05:00 05:30 06:00 06:30 06:45 07:00 10:00 12:30 14:00 14:30 14:45 17:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 23:00 23:30 23:40
00:00 01:00 01:30 03:00 04:00 04:30 07:00 07:15 07:20 07:30 Teal
BBC News Olympic Sportsday Weatherview BBC News Five Minutes With BBC News Asia Business Report Sport Today BBC News Asia Business Report Sport Today BBC News HARDtalk BBC News World Business Report BBC News Olympic Breakfast Olympics 2012 Olympics 2012 BBC News; Weather Regional News and Weather Olympics 2012 Olympics 2012 BBC News Regional News Programmes Olympics 2012 BBC News Regional News and Weather Olympics Tonight
Line of Duty Twenty Twelve Formula One Holby City Britain's Heritage Heroes Close Postman Pat Chuggington: Badge Quest Timmy Time The Adventures of Abney &
07:40 Octonauts 07:50 Rastamouse 08:05 Deadly 60 08:30 Horrible Histories 09:00 The Scooby-Doo Show 09:25 Tree Fu Tom 09:45 Justin's House 10:15 Heir Hunters 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Cowboy Trap 12:45 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 Olympics 2012 14:45 Escape to the Country 15:15 Flog It! 16:00 Ultimate Sports Day 16:30 Shaun the Sheep Championsheeps 16:30 Copycats 17:00 The Sarah Jane Adventures 17:30 Project Parent 18:00 Newsround 18:05 Shaun the Sheep 18:15 Antiques Road Trip 19:00 Olympics 2012 20:00 Coast 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Panorama 22:00 Horizon 23:00 Olympics 2012 23:40 Weather
00:00 ITV News and Weather 00:19 Meridian Weather 00:20 Take Me Out 01:25 Premiership Rugby Sevens Series 02:15 ITV News Headlines 02:15 The Store 04:05 British Superbike Championship Highlights 04:55 Motorsport UK 05:45 ITV Nightscreen 06:30 ITV Morning News 07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 60 Minute Makeover 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 Meridian News and Weather 15:00 Murder, She Wrote 16:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 16:59 Meridian Weather 17:00 Midsomer Murders 18:00 Dinner Date 19:00 Meridian Tonight 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Countrywise 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 We Love the Monkees 23:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23:30 Meridian Tonight and Weather 23:35 Real Crime
WE LOVE THE MONKEES The story of the 1960s pop group, who were put together in Los Angeles for a TV show as America's answer to the Beatles, had a string of hits and made a star of Manchester-born actor and singer Davy Jones, who died in February. The film includes new interviews with fellow band members Micky Dolenz and Peter Tork, insiders reveal how the musicians first came together and Davy's sisters and daughters talk about his rise to fame and what it was like growing up with a celebrity dad.
00:00 02:10 03:00 03:30 05:35 06:25 07:10 07:15 07:40 08:05 08:30 08:55 09:25 09:55 10:30 13:00 13:05 13:10 13:25 16:10 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:55 21:00 21:30 22:00 23:00
Indecent Proposal Camelot The Big C Hollyoaks St Elsewhere Countdown Channel 4 Presents The Hoobs The Hoobs Freshly Squeezed According to Jim Will & Grace Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Come Dine with Me Channel 4 News Channel 4 Presents River Cottage Bites Anna and the King Countdown Deal or No Deal Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News 4thought.tv Dispatches Simply Italian Undercover Boss Jimmy Carr: Being Funny
00:35 Undisputed 02:20 SuperCasino 04:50 Sons of Anarchy 05:50 Rough Guide to Cities 06:00 Hana's Helpline 06:10 The Milkshake! Show 06:35 Thomas & Friends 06:45 Roary the Racing Car 07:00 Thomas & Friends 07:10 The WotWots 07:20 City of Friends 07:30 Jelly Jamm 07:45 Peppa Pig 07:50 Castle Farm 07:55 Little Princess 08:05 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 08:20 The Mr Men Show 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:45 Make Way for Noddy 09:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 09:10 Peppa Pig 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:25 Peppa Pig 09:30 Roary the Racing Car 09:40 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Igam Ogam 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Builders 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Big Brother 14:15 Extraordinary Dogs 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 The Mentalist 16:15 Rosamunde Pilcher's Spring 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Monkey Life 19:30 5 News at 6.30 20:00 Police Interceptors 21:00 Arctic Icebreakers 22:00 Big Brother 23:00 The Walking Dead
The Courier Tuesday TV
July 31
01:00 01:10 01:55 02:00 02:30 02:45 03:00 03:30 03:45 04:00 04:30 04:45 05:00 05:30 06:00 07:00 10:00 12:30 14:15 14:45 15:00 17:00 19:00 19:30 19:30 20:00 23:00 23:30 23:40
BBC News Olympic Sportsday Weatherview BBC News Asia Business Report Sport Today BBC News Asia Business Report Sport Today BBC News Asia Business Report Sport Today BBC News HARDtalk Extra BBC News Olympic Breakfast Olympics 2012 Olympics 2012 BBC News; Weather Regional News and Weather Olympics 2012 Olympics 2012 BBC News Regional News Programmes Weather Olympics 2012 BBC News National Lottery Update Olympics Tonight
Teal 07:40 Octonauts 07:50 Rastamouse 08:05 Deadly 60 08:30 Horrible Histories 09:00 The Scooby-Doo Show 09:25 Tree Fu Tom 09:45 Justin's House 10:15 Heir Hunters 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Cowboy Trap 12:45 Cash in the Attic 13:30 Bargain Hunt 14:15 Olympics 2012 15:00 Flog It! 16:00 Ultimate Sports Day 16:30 Shaun the Sheep 17:00 The Sarah Jane Adventures 17:30 Serious Explorers: Livingstone 18:00 Newsround 18:05 Shaun the Sheep 18:15 Antiques Road Trip 19:00 Olympics 2012 20:00 Helicopter Rescue 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Holby City 22:00 The Midwives 23:00 Olympics 2012 23:40 Newsnight 23:40 Weather
00:35 In Plain Sight 01:20 ITV News Headlines 01:20 Jackpot247 03:35 The Jeremy Kyle Show 04:30 ITV Nightscreen 05:35 The Jeremy Kyle Show 06:30 ITV Morning News 07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 60 Minute Makeover 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 Meridian News and Weather 15:00 Murder, She Wrote" 16:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 16:59 Meridian Weather 17:00 Midsomer Murders 18:00 Dinner Date 19:00 Meridian Tonight 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Trash to Treasure 21:00 Love Your Garden 22:00 Benidorm 23:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23:30 Meridian Tonight and Weather 23:35 The Fugitive
LOST CHILDREN 00:30 01:30 World 02:30 03:30 04:30 05:00 07:00 07:15 07:20 07:30
Prince: A Purple Reign The Dark: Nature's Nighttime Coast Alex Polizzi: The Fixer Britain's Heritage Heroes Close Postman Pat Chuggington: Badge Quest Timmy Time The Adventures of Abney &
First in a two-part documentary following the work of High Close School in Berkshire, a residential and day school run by Barnardo's that looks after children with a range of emotional and behavioural difficulties. Twelve-year-old Courtney from Liverpool has been diagnosed with ADHD and was excluded from primary school for disruptive behaviour. Although her key worker believes she has great potential, as she approaches her teens, the girl's behaviour is deteriorating fast.
00:05 Coming Up 00:40 What If 01:10 Random Acts 01:15 Embarrassing Bodies 02:10 The Good Wife 02:55 The Good Wife 03:35 The Big C 04:05 St Elsewhere 04:50 Living Free 06:20 Deal or No Deal 07:15 The Hoobs 08:05 Freshly Squeezed 08:30 According to Jim 08:55 Will & Grace 09:20 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:50 Frasier 10:20 Come Dine with Me 13:00 Channel 4 News Midday Summary 13:05 A Place in the Sun 14:00 Jamie's 30 Minute Meals 14:35 Channel 4 Racing 17:00 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Beauty & the Beast: Ugly Face of Prejudice 22:00 Secrets of the Shoplifters 23:00 Lost Children
00:00 Once upon a Time in Mexico 01:55 SuperCasino 05:00 Great Scientists 05:20 Michaela's Wild Challenge 06:10 Wildlife SOS 07:00 Thomas & Friends 07:10 The WotWots 07:20 City of Friends 07:30 Jelly Jamm 07:45 Peppa Pig 07:50 Castle Farm 07:55 Little Princess 08:05 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 08:20 The Mr Men Show 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:45 Make Way for Noddy 09:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 09:10 Peppa Pig 09:30 Roary the Racing Car 09:40 Bananas in Pyjamas 09:55 Bert and Ernie's Great Adventures 10:00 Igam Ogam 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Traders 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Big Brother 14:15 Extraordinary Dogs 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 The Mentalist 16:15 A Place Called Home 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Monkey Life 19:30 5 News at 6.30 20:00 The Hotel Inspector 21:00 Half Built House 22:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 23:00 Big Brother
The Courier Wednesday TV
August 1
01:00 01:10 01:55 02:00 02:30 02:45 03:00 03:30 03:45 04:00 04:30 04:45 05:00 05:30 06:00 07:00 10:00 12:30 14:00 14:30 14:45 17:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 23:00 23:30 23:40
BBC News Olympic Sportsday Weatherview BBC News Asia Business Report Sport Today BBC News Asia Business Report Sport Today BBC News Asia Business Report Sport Today BBC News HARDtalk BBC News Olympic Breakfast Olympics 2012 Olympics 2012 BBC News; Weather Regional News and Weather Olympics 2012 Olympics 2012 BBC News Weather Olympics 2012 BBC News Regional News and Weather Olympics Tonight
Teal 07:40 07:50 08:05 08:30 09:00 09:25 09:45 10:15 11:00 12:00 12:45 13:15 14:00 14:45 15:15 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:05 18:15 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:40 23:40
Octonauts Rastamouse Deadly 60 Horrible Histories The Scooby-Doo Show Tree Fu Tom Justin's House Heir Hunters Homes Under the Hammer Cowboy Trap Cash in the Attic Bargain Hunt Olympics 2012 Escape to the Country Flog It! Ultimate Sports Day Copycats Championsheeps The Sarah Jane Adventures 12 Again Newsround Shaun the Sheep Antiques Road Trip Olympics 2012 Coast Restoration Home Vexed Olympics 2012 Weather Newsnight
02:00 Jackpot247 04:00 Golden Balls 04:50 ITV Nightscreen 06:30 ITV Morning News 07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 60 Minute Makeover 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 Meridian News and Weather 15:00 Murder, She Wrote 16:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 16:59 Meridian Weather 17:00 Midsomer Murders 18:00 Dinner Date 19:00 Meridian Tonight 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 The Lakes 21:00 Agatha Christie's Poirot 23:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23:30 Meridian Tonight and Weather 23:35 Deep Blue Sea
VEXED 00:30 The Super League Show 01:15 Word Up! - Black American Pop at the BBC 02:15 Indian Ocean with Simon Reeve 03:15 Alex Polizzi: The Fixer 04:15 Britain's Heritage Heroes 04:45 Close 07:00 Postman Pat 07:15 Chuggington: Badge Quest 07:20 Timmy Time 07:30 The Adventures of Abney &
Charming but idle cop Jack Armstrong gets a shock when he meets new partner Georgina Dixon, a highly ambitious officer who has just been promoted to detective inspector. She has no reservations about expressing her disdain for his sloppy approach to crime-solving, but the duo have to put their differences aside when they are given their first case - the suspicious death of an egotistical car salesman.
Beyoncé - Dance For You This song was recorded for the deluxe edition of Beyoncé’s 4th studio album ‘4'. The original album track is over six minutes long and written by Beyoncé herself. The track is a mid tempo R&B song in which she speaks of the love she has for her man and about all the things she will do to show him her appreciation. TKO GOLD - FUTURE GOLD TRACK TKO GOLD -
Alfie Boe & Kimberly Walsh One Vision Girls Aloud star Kimberley Walsh and leading tenor Alfie Boe have joined forces to sing the official single for Team GB. They are accompanied by the Youth Music Voices choir, Walsh and Boe debuted their version of the classic Queen track at London's Royal Albert Hall.
00:05 Random Acts 00:10 Thelma's Gypsy Girls 01:15 Poker 02:15 Road to London 2012: Paralympics Extra 02:40 KOTV Boxing Weekly 03:10 Sailing 03:35 FIVB Beach Volleyball 04:30 The Grid 04:55 British Formula Ford Championship 05:25 Ironman Triathlon 05:50 Road to London 2012: That Paralympic Show 06:15 Deal or No Deal 07:10 The Hoobs 07:35 The Hoobs 08:00 Freshly Squeezed 08:25 According to Jim 08:50 Will & Grace 09:20 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:50 Frasier 10:20 Come Dine with Me 13:00 Channel 4 News Midday Summary 13:05 A Place in the Sun 14:05 Jamie's 30 Minute Meals 14:35 Channel 4 Racing 17:00 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 SuperScrimpers 22:00 24 Hours in A&E 23:00 Secrets of the Shoplifters
00:00 Big Brother's Bit on the Side 01:00 Banged Up Abroad 01:55 SuperCasino 04:55 Great Scientists 05:20 Michaela's Wild Challenge 06:10 Wildlife SO 07:00 Thomas & Friends 07:10 The WotWots 07:20 City of Friends 07:30 Jelly Jamm 07:45 Peppa Pig 07:50 Castle Farm 07:55 Little Princess 08:05 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 08:20 The Mr Men Show 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:45 Make Way for Noddy 09:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 09:10 Peppa Pig 09:30 Roary the Racing Car 09:40 Bananas in Pyjamas 09:55 Bert and Ernie's Great Adventures 10:00 Igam Ogam 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Traders 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Big Brother 14:15 Extraordinary Dogs 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 The Mentalist 16:15 Lies and Deception 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Monkey Life 19:30 5 News at 6.30 20:00 Ice Road Truckers: Deadliest Roads 21:00 Britain's Strangest Pets 22:00 Big Brother 23:30 Big Brother's Bit on the Side
Let’s see if you can win yourself a meal for two and a bottle of wine at Quesada Fish & Chips
POP QUIZ July 28th Welcome to the famous TKO Gold pop quiz! All you have to do is take the first letter from each answer to find the name of a band or artist. Once you have found the key word, listen in to Chris Ashley´s show on TKO Gold, Saturday mornings 9am – 12pm. 1. Original home city for Tamla Motown. 2. Where were Danny & The Juniors bopping in 1958. 3. Richard Ashcroft was lead singer with which group. 4. Where was the girl from that Astrud Gilberto sang about. 5. Jon Lord who died recently was the founder of this rock band. 6. Her first hit was Your Love Is King. 7. If Mr. Pitney had not dallied 24 hours from Tulsa in which state would he have wound up in. 8. Kenny Lynch wanted to be where in 1962 9. This singer was the first Scouser to have a UK number one.
The Courier Thursday TV
August 2
01:10 01:55 02:00 02:30 02:45 03:00 03:30 03:45 04:00 04:30 04:45 05:00 05:30 06:00 06:30 06:45 07:00 10:00 12:30 14:00 14:30 14:45 17:00 19:30 19:30 20:00 23:00 23:30 23:40
Olympic Sportsday Holiday Weatherview BBC News Asia Business Report Sport Today BBC News Asia Business Report Sport Today BBC News Asia Business Report Sport Today BBC News HARDtalk BBC News World Business Report BBC News Olympic Breakfast Olympics 2012 Olympics 2012 BBC News; Weather Regional News and Weather Olympics 2012 Olympics 2012 Regional News Programmes Weather Olympics 2012 BBC News Regional News and Weather Olympics Tonight
07:50 Rastamouse 08:05 Deadly 60 08:30 Horrible Histories 09:00 The Scooby-Doo Show 09:25 Tree Fu Tom 09:45 Justin's House 10:15 Heir Hunters 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Cowboy Trap 12:45 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 Olympics 2012 14:45 Escape to the Country 15:15 Flog It! 16:00 Ultimate Sports Day 16:30 Copycats 16:30 Shaun the Sheep Championsheeps 17:00 The Sarah Jane Adventures 17:30 Roy 18:00 Newsround 18:05 Shaun the Sheep 18:15 Antiques Road Trip 19:00 Olympics 2012 20:00 Helicopter Rescue 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Hairy Dieters: How to Love Food and Lose Weight 22:00 Amish: A Secret Life 23:00 Olympics 2012 23:40 Newsnight
01:25 Jackpot247 04:00 Before Sunset 05:20 ITV Nightscreen 06:30 ITV Morning News 07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 60 Minute Makeover 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 Meridian News and Weather 15:00 Murder, She Wrote 16:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 16:59 Meridian Weather 17:00 Midsomer Murders 18:00 Dinner Date 19:00 Meridian Tonight 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Tonight 21:00 Emmerdale 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 The Briefs 23:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23:30 Meridian Tonight and Weather 23:35 The Talent Show Story
00:35 01:35 02:35 03:35 04:10 07:00 07:15 07:20 07:30 Teal 07:40
The Midwives DIY SOS: The Big Build Alex Polizzi: The Fixer Food Factory Close Postman Pat Chuggington: Badge Quest Timmy Time The Adventures of Abney & Octonauts
HOW TO LOVE FOOD AND LOSE WEIGHT New series. Si King and Dave Myers embark on a quest to lose weight while still enjoying the food they love by creating healthier versions of their favourite recipes, and ask fellow dieters to test the new, lowcalorie dishes. The duo also search for ways to make their lifestyles more active - including swapping their motorbikes for pedal-powered machines - and learn why obesity is an increasingly serious problem in 21stcentury Britain.
00:05 Random Acts 00:10 2 Broke Girls 01:10 New Girl 01:40 Summer Daze 02:05 Mercury Prize Sessions 02:15 Ibiza Rocks 02:30 The Album Chart Show: Spotlight 02:45 Fade to Black 04:35 Dish 04:45 St Elsewhere 05:30 Countdown 06:15 Deal or No Deal 07:10 The Hoobs 08:00 Freshly Squeezed 08:30 According to Jim 08:55 Will & Grace 09:20 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:50 Frasier 10:25 Come Dine with Me 13:00 Channel 4 News Midday Summary 13:05 A Place in the Sun 14:05 Jamie's 30 Minute Meals 14:35 Channel 4 Racing 17:00 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 The Churchills 22:00 Embarrassing Bodies 23:00 24 Hours in A&E
00:30 Police Academy 5: Assignment Miami Beach 02:15 SuperCasino 05:00 Great Scientists 05:25 Michaela's Wild Challenge 05:45 Michaela's Wild Challenge 06:10 Wildlife SOS 07:00 Thomas & Friends 07:10 The WotWots 07:20 City of Friends 07:30 Jelly Jamm 07:45 Peppa Pig 07:50 Castle Farm 07:55 Little Princess 08:05 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 08:20 The Mr Men Show 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:45 Make Way for Noddy 09:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 09:30 Roary the Racing Car 09:40 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Igam Ogam 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Traders 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Big Brother 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 The Mentalist 16:15 Trust 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Monkey Life 19:30 5 News at 6.30 20:00 Cricket on 5 21:00 Born to Kill 22:00 The Hotel Inspector 23:00 Big Brother
Friday, July 27, 2012
ACCOUNTANTS Are you running a business? Let us simplify things for you – accountancy, taxes, payroll services and more. We cater for companies and individuals. Established in 1984 on the Costa Blanca. Call us on 966 923 963 for your first consultation free of charge.
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groups meet during the week. All welcome from any church background or none. For further information contact Pilar ChristianCommunity Church@gmail.com or contact Reverend Eddie on 966 7693 00 or 650 509 606. Reg No:2009-SG/A
Try Professional Business Support for your quick quote for car insurance. Excellent prices for expats, all policies available in English or German. We will call you back with a price. 966 923 963 Seat Ibiza 1.9 TDI (100 BHP) 2006 5 DR, 1 owner, 84,000 kms, FSH, alloys, climate, electric windows, remote central locking, front fogs, rear head restraint, tow pack, finished in beautiful light pearlescent blue 7450 euros 661 321 036 / 965 687 976 www.fwreurocars.com Ford Focus 1.6 auto tiptronic 2005, facelift model, 1 owner 68,000 kms FSH, fully equipped with air con, Cruise control, CD multi airbag, rear luggage cover, rear head
International Christian Assembly, Calle Pilar de Horadada 5, Torrevieja. Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday services 11am. Children's church 11am. House groups in Torrevieja, Los Balcones, San Javier. Ladies meeting Thursdays 11am. Craft club, Tuesdays, 2pm. Pastor, Rafael Restrepo. All nationalities welcome. Call 966 799 273 or 660 127 276. Pilar Christian Community Church Calle Canalejas 3. Pilar de la Horadada. Sunday Service at 11am, and Thursday at 5pm for Bible study and Prayer. Home
restraint, alloys, silver 7,450 euros 661 321 036 / 965 687 976 www.fwreurocars.com Looking for a car? We have a good selection of LHD & RHD vehicles for sale or exchange Tel 661 321 036 / 965 687 976 www.fwreurocars.com Renault Megan Gran Scenic 7 seater, June 2011 latest model, 1.6 dci 6 spd, dynamque, 1 owner, 21,000 kms, fully serviced, cruise control, front fogs, cd, rear picnic table, rear light sensors, ISOFIX stunning condition, pearlescent white with half leather, Cost 25,000 euros new - 18,950 euros with manufacturers warranty 661 321 036 / 965 687 976 www.fwreurocars.com
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PROPERTY FOR RENT Viva Villa and Vacation Services, For Short or Long Term Rentals visit: www.villaandvacation.com or Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 2 or 3 bed/2 bath apartments in San Miguel. Lift, communal rooftop pool & solarium, video entry system. Available for short or long term rent from 300 pcm. Tel 966723437 or 636615716. (77) 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms fully furnished villa to let on a small urb €500 per month plus bills. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 El Chaparel/La Siesta Two bedroom apartment in a quiet gated urbanisation for rent €350 per month plus bills. Reference No 17 Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 49, 2nd floor one bedroom apartment situated conveniently located in the town centre of Torrevieja, with a small sun balcony overlooking the lovely communal pool. Short or long term rental available. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref 33, Ground floor spacious 2 bedroom apartment, located
in Torre la Mata. Close to all amenities and beach. 3 month rental €300pcm Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 112, Spacious 3 bedroom detached villa with its private pool is located on the El Raso urbanisation near Guardamar. Convenient for all amenities, shops, supermarket, restaurants and bars. Short term rental available. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 63, Two bedroom 1st floor apartment situated in Monino Blanco. The property overlooks a superb communal pool area, in within walking distance of bars, restaurants and shops. Short or long term rental available. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 155, Luxurious Three Bedroom Villa With Private Pool, in Quesada Close to shops and restaurants within a five minute drive, and Guadamar Beach is within a ten minute drive. Long term rental €800PCM, Short term available. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref 702: Beautiful 2 bedroom apartment, located near los Locos beach, beautifully furnished. Short term rentals from 175€ per week. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 104, 2 Bedroom apartment in Torrevieja, (near gypsy lane), small balcony, near all amenities and Friday market. €350pcm Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 709, A lovely 1 bedroom apartment in Aguas Nuevas, within a 5 minute walk of the beach. There is a terrace outside with views to the sea. Short or long term rental available. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397
Friday, July 27, 2012 Ref: 117, A Lovely 3 Bedroomed 1st floor apartment on the outskirts of Torrevieja (Mar Azul). The Apartment is in walking distance of the excellent beaches and a good selection of restaurants, shops and bars. Long and short term rental available. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 61, A lovely two bedroomed ground floor apartment, located in the centre of the small Spanish town of Los Montesinos, With a pleasant communal swimming pool adjacent & all amenities in
walking distance. Long and short term rental available. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397
PROPERTY FOR SALE Excellent cover for your house and home, includes travel assistance for when you go away. Interesting prices for expats; policies available in English or German. Call 966 923 963 for a quote We urgently require properties for sale or rent in Orihuela Costa & surrounding areas for
waiting clients. Please contact Sitara Properties on 966723437 or 636615716. (77) Lovely Corner property in Novamar V, Gran Alacant. 2 bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms Being sold fully furnished including appliances, Has secure underground parking and faces large oasis communal pool. Walking distance to beach. 139.000 Euros, Call 627 711 155 and quote Ref No. K10 Ground floor duplex, with splendid views. Quiet location in Gran Alacant. Immaculate condition. Price has just been reduced to 105.000 and includes everything. For viewing call 627 711 155 Ref. No K27 Rare opportunity to purchase on Mediterrania III, Gran Alacant. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Private Parking, F/Furnished, Large communal pools & Tennis courts S/W facing, Dramatically reduced for quick sale to 126.000 euros. Ref No. K58 Call 627 711 155 for immediate viewing Don Pueblo, Gran Alacant. 3 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, Large Kitchen with Galleria, Secure underground parking,
Gas Central Heating, Glazed in Porch, Solarium with stunning views. Viewings absolutely essential. Very large property at reduced price of 190.000 euros. Ref No. K38 Call 627 711 155 Opportunity to purchase at the off plan price of 195.000 euros. Large 4 Bed, 3 Bath Brand new property. Secure underground parking for 2 cars and communal pool. Situated opposite Gran Alacant and over looks projected golf course. Ref No. K52. 627 711 155 2 Bed, 1 Bath Ground floor duplex. Central heating, Grills, Fully furnished, Glazed in Galleria, 2 communal pools, private parking and walking distance to the Gran Alacant commercial centre. Situated in the popular urbanisation of Puerto Marino. Now only 96,500 euros for quick sale Ref No. K46. 627 711 155 Immaculate ground floor Duplex, 2 beds, 2 bath, Private Parking, Situated in Novamar, Gran Alacant. Price includes very tasteful furniture and white goods. Walking distance to all local amenities and beach. Now only 129,750 euros. Ref No K24. 627 711 155 Gran Alacant Detached villa, located in a very sought after location.Situated on a 560m2 S/W facing plot and constructed in 2005. Comprising of 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms (2 full baths), Lounge-Diner, fully equipped Kitchen, Porch and Solarium with Alicante & Sea Views. ref.L81. €258,000 neg. Tel. 680333242 Ref 533: Lovely 2 bedroom Townhouse located in the popular area of Punta Prima, the property has a large lounge and fully equipped kitchen, 2 double bedrooms, one with balcony, bathroom with double shower. €126,000 Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Gran Alacant Opportunity to purchase a beautiful 3 bedroomed, 3 bathroomed,large kitchen, detached property with roof- top solarium. Well established gardens and drive
way for 2 cars, whilst also overlooking the projected 18 hole golf course. Comprising of fitted wardrobes, utility room, air con H/C, alarm system, electric wall heaters, intercom system, fireplace, ceilings fans, 8x7 gazebo, use of 2 large communal pools, immaculate condition with many extras. ref K12. €180,000 Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant bargain, detached villa with pool on 400m2 plot. Briefly comprising of 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, Lounge Diner, independent kitchen, solarium with views, well maintained gardens. Quiet location yet within walking distance of all amenities. Top quality furniture and appliances included in the price. Extras include, mosquito nets, grills, toldos blinds, built in wardrobes, gas fire, electric heating, ceiling fans, English & Spanish TV, tastefully tiled & graveled garden with irrigation system. ref K43. €229,000 Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant South facing attractive corner house Situated in the sought after urbanization of Monte Faro, this secure gated urbanization offers a stunning oasis pool, with mountain views, tennis courts and football courts.
Consisting of 3 double beds with balconies, 2 bathrooms, kitchen leading onto court yard which can easily be converted into an extra room, lounge diner with working fireplace, front garden with private parking for 2 cars. Being sold fully furnishes with white goods, built in 2006 so immaculate condition hardly lived in. Ref K48 €168,000 priced for quick sale Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant Gem! Fabulous detached Villa, with Alicante sea views to the front and wood land views to the rear, means this immaculate villa is very private and un-overlooked. Comprising of 2 large bedrooms with fitted wardrobes, 2 bath, large fully equipped kitchen,glazed porch sitting area, solarium, Attractive Pool with cover, well maintained Gardens. Central Heating, Air Con, Ceiling fans, Private Parking, Alarm system, Decorative working Fire Place complete with electric Fire. Outdoor work- shop/storage area, Quality Pergola & BBQ. Constructed in 2006, on plot size of 380m2 and being sold fully furnished including white goods. ref L80. €234,995 Tel 680333242
Friday, July 27, 2012
Gran Alacant immaculate villa, 3 bedroomed, 3 bathroomed property maintained to a very high standard inside and out and the interior furnishings are top quality, offering a feeling of luxury and good taste. The plot size is 400m2 and has been beautifully tiles, and graveled and has established
palms and plants. Oil fired central heating throughout, log effect fire place, ceiling fans in all rooms, towel heater rails, glazed in shower units, instant hot water, water purifier, free English TV, phone & internet lines, fitted double hanging wardrobes, safe, glazed in front porch, vanity units and much more. The pool is an 8 X 4 m2 salt water pool, meaning maintenance is much easier plus outside toilet and shower. Sea views to front with Greenland views to the rear. ref K51. €245,000 Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant immaculate outstanding south facing villa in sought after road. Set on a 350m2 plot with 4 bedrooms, 3 baths,large porch, solarium and terraces. The large under build includes a lounge,
kitchen, bedrooms, bathroom and patio doors leading to pool area. Internal & external access for under build. Extras include electric radiators, air con H/C, ceiling fans, gas fire, heated towel rails, extended walk-in shower, fitted wardrobes. Decorative tiling inside and out. Panoramic views towards Alicante Bay, Sky TV, phone line and Internet & Private parking, established gardens, water features and fruit trees. Being sold with exquisite furniture and all white goods. Immaculate finishes and decor. ref L84. €278,000 Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant South facing attractive corner house Situated in the sought after urbanization of Monte Faro, this secure gated urbanization offers a stunning oasis pool, with mountain views, tennis courts and football courts. Consisting of 3 double beds with balconies, 2 bathrooms, kitchen leading onto court yard which can easily be converted into an extra room, lounge diner with working fireplace, front garden with private parking for 2 cars. Being sold fully furnishes with white goods, built in 2006 so immaculate condition hardly lived in. Ref K48 €168,000 priced for quick sale Tel 680333242 Viva Villa and Vacation Services are pleased to offer property sales for the Torrevieja and Oriheula areas of the Costa Blanca, Spain. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 or Visit : www.villaandvacation.com Balsares is opposite Gran Alacant where the proposed golf course is now being started so this property will virtually be on the golf course, it is an investment not to be missed. The property is on a small gated urbanisation of 18 houses with private underground parking for 2 cars and direct access to the house, communal pool and toilets/changing rooms etc.
The house is brand new and consists of 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, lounge with working fire place, large kitchen 12 m2, large galleria/ utility room, bedroom balcony and front tiled terrace. This property also has a converted under build for an extra lounge or bedroom. ref K52 €198,000 Tel 680333242 Ref: 513, €115,000. Two bedroom ground floor apartment, in Aguas Nuevas, close to all amenities including the beach. It has a good size lounge, kitchen and has off road parking facilities. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 521, €105,000. This comfortable bungalow is located in San Luis with a new roof and solarium tiles. It is close to supermarkets, bars, restaurants and is on the local bus route. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 516, €39,999. Studio apartment in San Luis, close to amenities. Open plan fully equipped kitchen. Good sized lounge, bedroom and out onto balcony which has been glazed to create another room. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 510, €70,000. Bungalow located in San Luis. It is close to the supermarkets, bars and restaurants and is on the local bus route. An Opel Corsa car is included in this sale. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: KP3100, €183,000. Three bedroom, two bathroom detached villa, located in San Luis, on a 450sqm plot, with communal pool. Garage to side of house. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 78, €120,000. Three bedroom Quad in Jardin Del Mar
VII. There is off-road parking and small storage shed in the enclosed garden area, communal pool nearby. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 709, €60,000 A lovely 1 bedroom apartment in Aguas Nuevas, within a 5 minute walk of the beach. There is a terrace outside with views to the sea. Short or long term rental available. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref. 526, €49,900. A lovely bright 1 bedroom apartment in the area of Torreblanca. There is a large communal pool and well maintained gardens, with tennis courts and childrens play area. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397
Gran Alacant, Situated in the "Alto" part of Gran Alacant, this 3 bedroomed, 4th floor apartment, offers luxury accommodation, with absolutely stunning sea views, as well as views of Alicante bay and the famous Santa Barbara Castle.The apartment is 89 square meters with open plan kitchen / living room and includes all electrical appliances & furniture also there is a utility room, open terrace, and private parking. The urbanisation also offers many communal pools, tennis courts, restaurants and bars. Ref. K20 €109,000 Tel 680333242 Ref: 520, €85,000. Two bedroom apartment in Dream Hills, with a fully equipped kitchen, large lounge, glazed-in terrace and a large solarium. This property comes with a large communal swimming pool. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397
Ref 532: 3 Bedroom Detached villa Located on the edge of a small Spanish village with 3,800 sqm of landscaped gardens, Private Pool, Bargain €180,000 Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397
Gran Alacant, Large detached villa with beautiful gardens set on 550m2 plot, built in BBQ area and large 10x6 pool.Comprising of 3 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, Lounge Diner with fire place, Independent Kitchen, air con H/C, Solarium, front porch, converted under build with 3 extra rooms, private covered parking, irrigated gardens, close distance to beach and amenities. Ref. K18 €250,000 Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant, this mid terraced Puerto marino townhouse has been priced low purely for a quick sale. Briefly comprising of: 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Lounge-Diner, Independent Kitchen with Galleria, Porch area, Front tiled garden, Private gated Parking & the use of 2 large communal pools Ref. K22 €123,000 Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant villa located in a very quiet area , situated at the end of a cul-de-sac means there is no through traffic.3 bed, 3 bath, 330m2 plot, established large gardens, working fireplace, solar panel for hot water,private parking, south facing great views, fully furnished, fantastic opportunity. ref. L85. €215,000 Tel 680333242
Friday, July 27, 2012 Gran Alacant, detached villa in desirable road close to all amenities, comprising of 3 double bedrooms, 3 baths, lounge diner with working fire place, brand new kitchen with all appliances and black granite work tops, private pool, plot of 550m2, established irrigated gardens and fruit trees, private
parking, solarium, also there is a converted under build giving more bedrooms ,bathroom & kitchen, this house has many extras and is being sold fully furnished. Ref.k47. €280,000 neg Tel 680333242 Top floor Duplex. Very good price of 108.000 euros for a quick sale. Furnished to a very high standard, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, Lounge Diner, Glazed in Porch, Large Roof Top Solarium. Choice of Communal Pools, Private Parking. Walking distance to all amenities and on the First urbanisation as you enter Gran Alacant. Viewing essential. Ref No. K44. Tel. 627 711 155 Beach front Line property, over looks Carabassi Beach, Gran Alacant. 2
Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Secure Underground Parking, Fully furnished, Roof Top Solarium. 3 Large Communal Pools, Fantastic communal Gardens, Tennis Courts and much more. 125.000 Euros Ref No. K23. Tel. 627 711 155 Gran Alacant Town House with a difference. 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Glazed in Porch, Quiet Location, Extra storage areas, and South Facing Private Pool as well as 2 communal pools. Fully Furnished, All mod cons. Greenland Views and all local amenities close by. Ref. No L79. 179.000 euros 680 333 242 Gran Alacant south-facing, very private villa, with woodland and Alicante views. Situated at the end of a small cul-de-sac which means this villa enjoys a very peaceful location.3 Bedrooms with fitted wardrobes, 3 Bathrooms, lounge-diner with working fireplace, fully fitted kitchen with including white goods, large front porch, solarium,workshop and stor-
age in under build, central heating, air con H/C, ceiling fans, grills, UK T.V, off road parking and plenty of outside parking also. Due to its orientation of this property enjoys full sun, all day, something very important in the winter months. Ref.K24. €237,000 Tel 680333242 Ref: 513, €115,000. Two bedroom ground floor apartment, in Aguas Nuevas, close to all amenities including the beach. It has a good size lounge, kitchen and has off road parking facilities. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Gran Alacant detached villa with converted under build and pool. Comprising of 3 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms,
Lounge- Diner, Front Porch, Large Solarium, decoratively tiled, Irrigated Garden. BBQ and Log Storage Cupboard. Raised walls for Privacy. Also many extras, toldos blinds, freshly decorated interior, Grills, Mosquito Nets, Air Con H/C, Ceiling Fans, Log Burner Fire, Electric Radiators, Heated Towel Rails, Alarmed, Phone Line, Satellite UK TV, private parking. Plot size 310m2 under build 100m2. price includes all furniture.The under build consists of 2 beds, lounge, kit/utility room. ref L79. €250,000 Tel. 680333242 Gran Alacant beautiful detached villa with very large pool and within walking distance to the Gran Alacant Commercial Centre. This villa comprised of 3 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, lounge-diner, Independent kitchen, roof top storage, solarium, porch & terrace. Large private pool, BBQ area, established gardens and private terraces, Private Parking, Solarium with Views to Alicante. 450m2 plot, fully furnished including
white goods. Located in very quiet desirable road. ref.L96. €255,000 Tel 680333242
SOLICITORS Need English Speaking Solicitors in Torrevieja? Let us help to solve your problems with debt recovery, divorce, property, accident claims, legalise land. Call us on 966 923 963, give us brief details and get in touch with your specialist solicitor.
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Friday, July 27, 2012
Greenside Gossip IVIE DAVIES takes a weekly look at the golf scene - golfdavies@gmail.com FOR me, The Open is the best sporting event anywhere and last weekend’s was no exception with more drama and intrigue than any Shakespeare or scripted TV series. There have been and will be many words written as well as spoken about the way the Claret Jug was won and lost. But along the way I watched the event unfold in glorious BBC with knowledgeable pundits such as Peter Alliss (the master), Tony Jacklin, Ken Brown and Wayne Grady, plus good on-course commentators like David Howell, Philip Parkin and Maureen Madill. Over 40 hours of uninterrupted live coverage and great camera work, both on and off the fairways. My only criticism is since its move to Manchester the production team are getting lax, reporters trying to talk without clip-on microphones and at the presentation the microphones were not switched on. Get your act together BBC Sport! Here are my personal highlights and lowlights throughout the four days. The obvious highlight was Ernie Els winning, re-kindling his golf and the way he empathised with Adam Scott, who did not burst into emotional tears (how he didn’t I do not know). One of the major lowlights was the entrance at Royal Lytham of Tiger Woods on Sunday, he walked to the putting green not by the pathway like everyone else, but straight across the manicured garden with no respect for the plants or work that had gone into its preparation, followed like rats behind the pied piper by his entourage, it would have had Alan Titchmarsh screaming abuse at him. That for me was awful and epitomises all the things that are bad about Tiger. This was followed up with the continuing spitting and lack of rapport with the golfing spectators, non smiling straightfaced walk up fairways, if only he would lighten up then perhaps, and only perhaps, he may win another major. In my opinion he is a super golfer, but has always had a massive attitude problem, being what appears no respecter of the very people who support him. Probably the quirkiest moment was seeing the Manchester City striker Carlos Tevez grinning broadly and giving the thumbs-up to the galleries lining the fairway as he carried the bag of Andres Romero. Very few rounds of 82 receive - or indeed deserve - a rous-
TITTER ON THE TEE A man was walking down the street when he was accosted by a particularly dirty homeless man who asked him for some Euros for dinner. The man took out his wallet, extracted ten Euros and asked, "If I give you this money, will you buy some beer with it instead of dinner?" "No, I had to stop drinking years ago," the homeless man replied. "Will you spend this on green fees at a golf course instead of food?" the man asked.
"Are you NUTS!" replied the homeless man. "I haven't played golf in 20 years!" "Well," said the man, "I'm not going to give you money. Instead, I'm going to take you home for a shower and a terrific dinner cooked by my wife" The homeless man was astounded. "Won't your wife be furious with you for doing that? The man replied, "That's OK. It's important for her to see what a man looks like after he has given up drinking and golf."
Els bells, Tiger’s attitude is hell! NICE LITTLE ERN: Open champ Els consoles runner-up Adam Scott
ing welcome to the 18th green at The Open and it is almost unheard of for a caddie to be the focus of all the attention. Tevez was at Royal Lytham Saturday to watch his compatriot shoot 77 - easily his worst score in three rounds by seven shots - but went one step further on the final day as he got onto the fairway as Romero’s caddie. If he was hoping to inspire the 31-year-old to a last-day rally he failed miserably as the Argentinian, who five years ago had a two-shot lead on the 17th tee in the final round at Carnoustie only to suffer a late collapse, carded a woeful 12over round which dropped him to last. Romero, however, refused to blame his occasional bag-
man - who did little else apart from carry the clubs and attract unnecessary attention. Walking down the last there were shouts of “Carlos” - or “Carlito” from the Spanish-speakers - even while the players were lining up their approaches. Said Tevez: “The chance to walk along the course and to be around these great players is a pleasure and something unforgettable. It was good to enjoy the last day with him. This was the dream of everybody who plays golf. It was my first major!” Romero was playing so badly that Tevez, a 13-handicapper, could probably have done just as a good a job with the clubs in his hands as opposed to in the bag. Tevez is not the first to swap sports and have a go carrying the bag - and he is certainly not the first in The Open. Famously tennis star Todd Woodbridge was enlisted to caddie for 1991 champion Ian Baker-Finch in 1997 at Troon. Seeing Adam Scott miss his putt on the 18th made me think - and he was not the first player to choke at a
major Adam Scott wasted a four-shot lead with four holes to play to hand the 141st Open Championship to Ernie Els at Royal Lytham. So let’s look at other famous collapses in major championships over the years. Jean van de Velde - 1999 Open, Carnoustie Greg Norman - 1996 US Masters, Augusta Rory McIlroy - 2011 US Masters, Augusta Thomas Bjorn 2003 Open Royal St. Georges Arnold Palmer - 1966 US Open, Olympic Club Ed Sneed - 1979 US Masters, Augusta
Brooms and bellies on way out? DURING the commentaries we were provided with varying views on the putters that were being used. It will take enormous mental strength from the 32-year-old to overcome this disappointment and Scott's task may be made all the harder by future rule changes over putters. An announcement is expected this autumn which will determine whether the use of broom-handle and belly putters is to be outlawed. In the Open just gone it was Els's belly putter that sank the decisive putt to thwart Scott and his broom-handle implement. Following the successes of Keegan Bradley at last year's US PGA and Webb Simpson at this year's US Open, Els's triumph means three of the last four majors have been won by players anchoring an extended putter in their midriff. The R&A and our co-governing body, the USGA (United States Golf Association), have this firmly back on our radar, said the R&A's chief executive Peter Dawson. From a method of stroke standpoint the issue is the
anchoring of one end of the putter and is this a conventional golf stroke? No final decision has been taken but there is a strong feeling that the authorities are about to call time on the anchoring method. This, of course, would have a detrimental effect on the new Open champion but any rule change could not come into effect until the beginning of 2016. The implications are far reaching. Els has saved his career by adopting the anchoring method to cure his problems on the greens and with his Lytham victory the 42-year-old should now be able to look forward to an Indian summer to his playing days. Woods, by the way, has lobbied the USGA to do something about the long putters -- perhaps by legislating their length. If it were up to him, Tiger Woods would outlaw belly and other long putters The last item which is note worthy is regarding a player that seems to be in reverse but was unkind and kind to a spectator Rory McIlroy's madcap season (claiming the No: 1 ranking, but missing the U.S. Open cut) continued at Royal Lytham and St. Annes as he crept his way onto the leader board on the Thursday only to find his drive at the par four 15th go far to the right, his ball thumping a young spectator in the head. The lie was so bad McIlroy chose to return to the tee box and try again—though not before awarding the fellow 16 year old Jason Blue struck by the drive, an autographed glove with the word “sorry” on it and a fully paid stay at a luxury hotel, when he heard he was camping... As yet unknown: whether McIlroy yelled fore!
Friday, July 27, 2012
On yer bike, Wiggins – I won the Tour de Sedburgh-Middleton! TWO great sporting feats this past week - Bradley Wiggins’ victory in the Tour de France and South Africa's unbelievable total in the first Test against England. Chorley-based Wiggins became the first Briton to win the Tour de France - a supreme test of endurance that ranks among the highest in sporting terms. There were claims that his achievement made him the greatest British sportsperson ever. He is right up there and quite rightly so - but what about other greats such as Sir Roger Bannister, Bobby Moore, Denis Compton, Jackie Stewart, Ian Botham and Mary Peters, to name but a few? I can ride a bike - and at 56 rode 60-plus miles in one day from the hills of Sedbergh in the Yorkshire Dales to Middleton in North Manchester in 12 hours. Now while I am not claiming the yellow jersey, I am simply saying that with practice and not a little fortitude it is possible for any able-bodied individual to do what I and Wiggins did. Other sports demand far greater skills and that is limited to a few lucky individuals. Just like the three batsmen who steered SA to that incredible total of 637 for two and led to an embarrassing innings defeat for England. In Britain we have had the 1966 football World Cup winners and all 11 members of that team deserve to be ranked among the greatest. Ian Botham was a true cricketing great. He had true all-round ability and was a one-man team in himself on many occasions. Jackie Stewart won numerous Grand Prix and in a sport inherent
with constant danger it takes not a little skill not just to win but to steer clear of death and other serious injury which Stewart managed to do. The Tour de France is regarded as the ultimate test of a cyclist and while Wiggins' team-mates played their part in protecting their star man once he had pedalled into a commanding overall lead it is still an individual effort that takes some beating. There have even been claims that darts player Phil "The Power" Taylor should be ranked among Britain's sporting greats. And why not? Many still rank darts among the slob sports such as wrestling, snooker and cage fighting, but there is no doubting its popularity and the number of people who play the game must surely be coming close to the alltime biggest participant pastime known to man - fishing! Snooker has done a lot to rid itself of the image many have of smoky halls filled with layabouts with nothing better to do than knock a few balls around a table with a stick. The competitors at the highest level are smartly-dressed young men now minus the beer guts and of course the cigarette dangling from their mouth - at least while playing! Darts players still possess bellies a Sumo wrestler would be proud of in the main but the coverage it receives from television and the rest of the media means the sport or activity has to be taken seriously. Whether it should be an Olympic sport is debatable but who knows in this age of anything goes and the craving for instant stardom in all walks of life. Another great sporting occasion took place this week and commiserations to the young Australian golfer Adam Scott who let a six-shot lead slip on the final round and handed the Open golf title to another South African, Ernie Els. Congratulations to Ernie but he has been around for a long time and a fresh new face at the pinnacle of the sport would have done wonders for the game and sport in general. Better luck next time Adam and if you do come again
Connor’s after honours as Torry look to youth FC Torrevieja started the new season's training at 7pm on Monday at the Nelson Mandela, across the way from the Vicente Garcia. Torry have almost a full squad, including half a dozen new recruits and 11 players from last season. The club will be operating with a 20-man squad for the 2012/13 season, more than half of whom will be 23
years and under. So it is an exciting and energetic young side that fans can expect to see this coming term, with the aim of bettering last season's seventh-place finish and making the promotion play-offs. Young Brit Connor Heffernan is determined to become a regular fixture in the starting line-up. Connor, 20, lives in Villamartin and came over from the UK in April and impressed manager Casimiro, who has included him in the squad. Another new face to note will be Gasch, Crevillente’s 16-goal marksman of last term (who at 29 is a lot younger than Torrevieja’s previous centre forward) – while the evergreeen Corcoles has hung up his boots at the grand old age
DETERMINED: New boy Connor Heffernan of 40. Midfielder Luis Carlos, 21, is another young player with immense potential and will have a lot on his plate trying to fill the boots of a Carrasco or Juande. Two lads from Mar Menor joining Torry are Josemi and Cuco Ros. Josemi was with the club as an 18 year-old in
2005 and now returns to the town of his birth to make a big impression. Cuco Ros was a prolific marksman last term and hopefully will continue in goal scoring mood when donning the white of the Salineros. Returning favourites will be Manolo, Jorge, Vicente Boix, Rafa, Manu, Manu Amores, Corella, Ramiro, Burguillos and Sergio. The last named made a couple of appearances last term and has earned himself a slot in this new look outfit. Joining them will be two other juveniles from last year in Santos and Brando. That makes 17 for now, with the manager in negotiations for the remaining places, including a back-up goalkeeper.
IAN BOTHAM ...all-time great
it will at least prove you are not just a one tournament wonder! And good luck to all the bright young things competing in the London Olympics which got under way today on our sceptred isle back in Blighty. Let's hope amidst all the damaging publicity over the Games we can at least witness and acclaim a few more great sporting achievements in the coming month. Let's face it the country does need a big lift right now. It’s too late to moan about the cost so let's just hope for the best of British and the rest of the world now the event is finally with us.
JAPAN scored one of the greatest upsets in Olympic football history yesterday (Thursday) - after stunning world and European champions Spain 1-0 at Hampden Park. A first-half goal from Yuki Otsu secured a famous victory that revived memories of their famous Olympic upset of mighty Brazil at the 1996 Games in Atlanta. With a young side bolstered by the likes of Jordi Alba and Juan Mata, both members of Spain's victorious Euro 2012 squad, the Spanish had been expected to collect a straightforward three points in their Group D opener. However, despite dominating possession 65 percent to 35 percent the Spaniards were rocked back by the ferocity of Japan's play throughout, and the Asians were well worth their victory. Spain were left reeling on 34 minutes when Japan punished slack defending from a corner to score through Otsu. Takahiro Ohgihara swung in an inviting corner from the right and Otsu managed to get goalside of Martin Montoya to jab a low shot past the stranded Manchester United goalkeeper David De Gea. Japan's players celebrated wildly and it got worse for Spain just before half-time when defender Inigo Martinez was sent off after a clumsy tangle with Kensuke Nagai. The dismissal looked harsh but Martinez was clearly grabbing a handful of Nagai's shirt so could have few complaints with the decision. Japan continued to look threatening after the break and should have made the game safe in the final few minutes only for Nagai and Hotaru Yamaguchi to squander golden chances. Nagai ought to have found the net when clean through, only for De Gea to save two minutes from time. Then in injury time, Yamaguchi blazed high and wide with the goal at his mercy after another swift Japanese counter-attack.
Friday, July 27, 2012
United new boy’s quicksilver start SHINJI Kagawa was an instant hit for Manchester United as he scored the only goal in a win over Shanghai Shenua to give the Red Devils their first cup of the season. The midfield man, who cost United £10m-plus from German outfit Borussia Dortmund, hit a deflected shot past home goalkeeper Qui in the 68th minute to earn United the China Chevrolet Cup. The hosts started without former Chelsea pair Didier Drogba and Nicolas Anelka so United fans shouldn't get too excited and expect the other major trophies to come rolling in this coming season. They are more likely to go to Chelsea or Manchester City, who have the money and the playing strength to dominate the 2012-13 season at home and abroad. Chelsea are going for cartoon characters to bolster their bid. After signing Brazilian Oscar they are now targeting an incredible purchase in Hulk, who also hails from Brazil. City, the new Premier League champions, are said to be fighting it out with United and Juventus for the signature of Robin van Persie. The Arsenal striker is definitely moving on but personally I wouldn't spend
STEVE BOTT reports
more than £20 million on a 29-year-old striker who is injury prone. He scores goals but will he score enough in the two seasons or so he has left in him up front? Alan Pardew is talking up a move back to Newcastle United for Liverpool misfit Andy Carroll. It might be a good financial move for the Toon Army team as they would get their man for some £15m less than they raked in for him. But West Ham United would be a better option for Carroll himself. Less pressure than a move back home or to AC Milan who were also linked with him when the transfer talk all started. New Liverpool manager Brendan Rodgers put his cards on the table straight away and looks to be a nononsense hard man. He told the Liverpool hierarchy that he would not do the job unless he had total control and backed that up by saying that, much as he admires Carroll's attributes as a player, he would listen to cash offers for him but no loan deals. It is going to take a strong man to turn Liverpool's fortunes around again and point them in the right direction - back to the top as big winners. The fans are bad enough. Amongst the worse when it comes to turning on a manager after a few bad results - especially if he has no Liverpool connections from the past. But the board? Haven't got a clue, as is the norm in football. We will see what American owner John Henry does now after his bedding in spell at
Anfield and with all these new facets to control. We may have the Olympics to take in before the focus switches back to football in mid-August but the much-vaunted London extravaganza kicked off with a big boob up in Glasgow on Wednesday night when the wrong Korean flag fluttered over the stadium prior to a women's football match. Oops! And I have a feeling that won't be the last time that word and worse will be uttered over the Olympics! Back to the footie and Gareth Bale made the right decision, or Tottenham did, when he was blocked from turning out for the Great Britain football team in the Olympics. There was a big fuss over that when Bale played in a friendly for Spurs the other night, but Tottenham are his club and if they don't want him to play for fear of injury or whatever in the Olympics, so be it. I was looking forward to seeing top quality players compete in the Olympic football event, but after watching GB's painful attempts in the friendly defeat against Brazil I'll stick to origami until the Premier League kicks off! My top tips for the coming season? Chelsea to top the Premier League, Man United to win either or both of the League and FA Cups and to sneak Champions League qualification alongside Man City, Newcastle and of course Chelsea. But watch out for Accrington Stanley coming up on the rails. They have the MILK bottle to do it this season!