The Courier Week 99

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Edition 99

Friday, January 11, 2013

NO SURVIVAL FOR REVIVAL Disco bosses point finger at Guardia ‘persecution’

By HEIDI WARDMAN THE never-ending party at Revival Discotheque in Los Montesinos is finally over. The town’s Socialist Mayor, José Manuel Butrón, has accepted the closure of the club from February 9. The decision follows ongoing investigations concerning irregularities in licensing and "continuous raids" on the premises by the Guardia Civil of Torrevieja. As the only venue to remain open to party animals for 24 hours solid, Revival has become the target of continued concern for the local authorities. Announcing the closure, the directors of the disco said: “Persecution by the Guardia Civil and employment inspectors has ultimately forced us to make this decision." News of Revival’s demise has come as a huge blow to disco fans, who have enjoyed 15 years of great parties and music at the venue provided by some

of Europe’s top DJs. During last weekend’s Macrofiesta to celebrate the King’s fiesta, some 50 Guardia Civil officers raided the Revival premises in search of drugs. “The party was stopped for several hours whilst all of our guests were searched,’’ claimed the directors. Sources reveal that the inspection led to the recovery of a “bag of pills, probably Ecstasy” lying on the floor of the DJ booth.

The 36-year old disc jockey was detained the same night, although venue officials maintain that the drugs did not belong to him. He has since been released although the investigation is ongoing. Alongside the Guardia Civil were a team of labour Inspectors from the Social Security department, although they did not report any irregularities in staffing or safety. However, Revival officials admit that the interventions by Guardia’s Judicial Police Unit in Alicante have affected them, with investigations indicating that the disco began without an opening license or planning permission for the project. In spite of this, the authorities insist that this was a “routine inspection” as opposed to a planned raid.


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Friday, January 11, 2013

Are you a snapper? Do you have a great photo? Send it to and if we think it is good enough we will publish it as our Picture of the Week TELEPHONE

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Picture of the Week


Is that a real crocodile? Photo byAlan Frapwell


Arctic Monkeys are back at Benicassim

Writers Donna Gee Sally Bengtsson Jeanette Erath Alex Trelinski Dave Silver Tony Mayes Heidi Wardman John McGregor

Mass murderer executed Affiliations

Publication Published by Rainbow Media, S.L. Printed by Localprint S.L Depósito legal A - 132 - 2011 The Courier, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.

A SERIAL killer who sold the flesh of his victims at a local market has been executed in southwest China. Zhang Yongming, 57, was found guilty of murdering 11 people and selling their remains to unsuspecting customers in his village in the province of Yunnan between 2008 and 2012. Many of his victims were teenagers and young men who had vanished from the village. A court in Kunming had previously heard how Zhang "cut his victims into pieces to cover his tracks". State-run news agency Xinhua also reported Zhang burned the bodies of some of his victims to hide evidence. Dubbed the "cannibal monster", Zhang had previously been sentenced to life imprisonment for murder in 1979 -

having also dismembered his victim but was released in 1997. Police who raided Zhang's home found human eyeballs preserved inside wine bottles and what appeared to be human flesh hanging up to dry. It is believed he fed some of his victims to his dogs and sold others parts on a local market as "ostrich meat". While it is not known how many people China executes a year, human rights group Amnesty claim the number is more than the rest of the world combined. US-based group The Dui Hua Foundation estimated there were 4,000 prisoners executed in China in 2011, a fall of 50 percent since 2007.

Friday Sunny High 16° Low 6° Chance of rain 0% Monday Sunny High 14° Low 4° Chance of rain 0%

Tuesday Partly cloudy High 14° Low 2° Chance of rain 0%

THE Arctic Monkeys are to be this year's headline act at the Benicassim festival, near Valencia. The event runs from July 18-21 and will be the second time The Arctic Monkeys have played the main stage. They performed in 2011 along with Arcade Fire and Mumford and Sons. Queens of the Stone Age and The Killers are also headlining with additional performances from Jake Bugg, Azealia Banks and Palma Violets. The Killers also played in 2009 when the site was hit by bad weather. There were worries over whether the festival would go ahead this year. It was under the control of administrators after promoter Vince Power's company Music Festivals PLC went under last September. But organisers say the festival's future has

Saturday Sunny High 17° Low 5° Chance of rain 0% Wednesday Cloudy High 13° Low 3° Chance of rain 4%

been secured after he bought it back. Last summer's Benicassim saw performances from The Stone Roses, Ed Sheeran and David Guetta.

Sunday Sunny High 16° Low 5° Chance of rain 0% Thursday Showers High 21° Lo 3° Chance of rain 60%


Friday, January 11, 2013


Piers the pest of British vows to continue fight for USA gun ban PIERS Morgan has vowed to carry on his fight to ban guns in America after thousands of people signed a petition to deport him from the country. The CNN television show host turned on gun lobbyists in the US following the shooting dead of 20 children at Sandy Hook school last month. His calls for a ban were met with fierce opposition from pro-gun groups, including the launch of a "deport Piers Morgan" petition by American radio host Alex Jones, who had a heated onair debate with Morgan about the issue. Speaking from New York on Daybreak, Morgan said the petition had been unsuccessful after being turned down by President Obama and he would remain in the country to carry on the battle. The former News of the World and Daily Mirror editor told the show: "We're in a country, in America, where there are 300 million guns in circulation and although I understand that the American constitution empowers Americans to believe they are entitled to have a handgun or a pistol to defend themselves at home, what it doesn't do is entitle deranged young people to get easy access to these killing machines, and that's what the assault rifles are. "They are really military-style machine

guns and you can then go and buy a magazine with 100 bullets, load yourself up, and commit carnage. And it's that specific thing I'm trying to help get banned here." He branded pro-gun advocate Jones "bordering on insane" after their on-screen meeting in which Jones shouted over Morgan, talked about 9/11 conspiracies and ranted about the rights of Americans to bear arms. Morgan said Jones represented an extreme section of the gun rights lobby and had a huge influence over the American public with his contributions to 160 radio networks around the country, and tens of millions of hits on the internet for blogs and his YouTube postings.

Morgan said such strong voices and the behaviour of pro-gun groups lead to the increase in sales of guns and ammunition as seen in the aftermath of massacres such as Sandy Hook because some people believe that if everybody was armed, they would be able to protect themselves better. "This whole logic of more guns, less crime is so deeply flawed and dangerous, it just has to change," he said. Asked if he felt fearful for the safety of his family in America, Morgan said he was worried his young daughter could be in danger if she goes to school in the country in a few years' time. "I'm already concerned about her safety in a country that has such lax gun control," he said. "The reason it has such lax gun control is that the National Rifle Association, the NRA and other gun rights people, is that they breed on fear and the reason they do that is because it guarantees more sales of ammunition and weapons, and you're living in a country now that is driven by these people into a sort of subconscious feeling that if you're not armed, then there's something wrong with you."


AROUND 55,000 Spaniards left the country for good in the first nine months of 2012, meaning the exodus has increased by over 20 per cent in the past year. With job vacancies practically non-existent and career progress unlikely in the current economic climate, more and more qualified young Spaniards are seeking their fortunes

Jobless youth fleeing economic mess in ever-growing numbers

abroad. Nine in 10 student nurses interviewed expressed a wish to work overseas to work when they qualify, with the UK, Norway, Germany, Canada, the USA and Latin America the favoured destinations. And Germany's government has been offering jobs they cannot fill in

the past year to unemployed Spaniards, with vacancies in engineering and the hotel and catering sector the mostadvertised. Between 5,500 and 7,000 people left Spain for good, or for the longterm, every month last year, according to the Institute of National

Statistics (INE). Nearly a million emigrated in 2012, although all bar 118,000 were expatriates returning to their home countries. Spain's population has fallen since last year, partly due to returning foreigners and Spaniards moving abroad, and partly due to the ever-falling

birth rate. A recent survey showed that eight in 10 couples or single women who want to have children have chosen not to because they could not afford to bring up a baby. Many of those interviewed fear that by the time the country is back on its feet financially and they have a stable job enabling them to afford to raise children, they will be past fertile age

LIFE IN SPAIN SOME 25 members of the Alicante q campaign group Stop Desahucios (Stop Evictions) were thrown out of the Caja Madrid branch in the city’s Avenida de la Estación. The group had congregated there to support a family with two babies, who the bank are due to evict from their home in Carolinas on February 7. Security forces were called to remove the group at the request of the branch manager. Stop Desahucios plan several more demonstrations over the coming weeks.


THE directors of Bankia, which now incorporates Bancaja and Banesto and is a subsidiary of Banco Santander, have commenced negotiations with unions in a bid to reduce their workforce. The move will affect 6,000 employees in the first phase and another 3,000 later in the year. The 9 000 redundant workers will be joined by another 6,000 from various other financial institutions that will be directly hit by the restructuring. The last bank to announce significant job losses was Banco de Valencia, which was the second such reform for the bank, as 360 people were also made redundant last year. The latest employment reshuffle saw 890 workers being laid off, which represents 50% of the workforce.


FERTILITY specialists at Sant Joan d'Alacant Hospital have discovered evidence that the current economic climate is causing fertility problems. This has been confirmed by the Ministry of Health, which says stress relating to employment and other economic factors has an adverse effect on the reproductive capacity of both men and women. The hospital has experienced an increase in demand for fertility treatment over the past five years, with 109 couples now attending the clinic compared with 26 in 2007. The number of artificial insemination patients has increased over the same period from 48 to 171. The delayed childbearing age for the nation, now around 33, has also affected demand for fertility treatment.


The Valencian Government has been likened to a “chronic illness” by the Spanish press, due to the regular transfusions of money being pumped in by Central Government, in a bid to repay bank loans and avoid heavy interest rates. Valencian President Alberto Fabra’s latest plea for help from the Community Contingency Fund is to the tune of €2,500 million, which is required to bridge the gap between income and expenditure, along with a further €1,500 million to settle supplier and company invoices. Spanish Finance Minister Cristóbal Montoro says the Treasury will lend some €23,000 million to the communities in most need this year..


Friday, January 11, 2013

Friday, January 11, 2013

Last Civil War Brit dies at 94 THE last known British survivor of the Spanish Civil War has died aged 94. Londoner David Lomon, originally from Hackney, was one of 2,500 UK volunteers to fight against General Franco’s fascist army during the 1936-1939 internal conflict. He signed up to the International Brigade in secret in 1936 following a run-in with Oswald Mosley’s fascist group, the Blackshirts, at the Battle of Cable Street, which took place just yards from his home. At the time he was also a member of the Young Communist Party. After signing up he fought in the battle of Teruel, which claimed 140,000 lives and marked a major turning point in Franco’s eventual victory. He was captured in 1938 and, as a POW, endured brutal beatings and starvation at a camp near Bruges before returning to the UK.

Car fire death ‘was suicide’

POLICE suspect that a man whose car was found on fire underneath a bridge committed suicide.

Officers near Velez Malaga were quickly on the scene, when they received an emergency call to the bridge beside

the motorway near Baviera Golf. Incredibly they managed to extinguish the flames and initially save the man, who was found unconscious inside the car.The 63year-old was flown by helicopter to hospital in Malaga with 80% burns to his body and died over the weekend.

We’ll pay €200m for ghost airport PLANELESS CASTELLÓN HEADS FOR PROFIT

CASTELLÓN Airport has yet to see a single plane land or take off at the €150 million installation. The project is the perfect example of rampant spending by local authorities, who were busy getting rich during the construction boom. But now a buyer may have been found for the failed project. According to Carlos Fabra, president of the public company that manages the site, “a corporate group” has made

an offer of around €200 million for the airport. The amount the regional government would get from a possible sale has not been announced. The proposal is said to include the purchase of the airport as well as the investments that still need to be made on the project (its runway is too short for planes to use). There are currently no agreements with any airlines at the facility.

FOUR Guardia Civil officers in Alicante have been sentenced to six months in jail, plus an additional six-month suspension from duty, for using "disproportionate" force against a young motorist. Their victim received the same prison sentence for resisting arrest. The incident occurred on the CV-83 in Monóvar in 2008, when the 27-year old driver was stopped in a random control. Checks of his vehicle revealed nothing untoward but the man considered that he was targeted because he was known to the police, after being dealt a restraining order against a former partner. He accused them of harassing him without motive and asked each officer to identify himself and provide his professional number. He then sat on the bonnet of a patrol car and blocked the grip of an officer who attempted to remove him.

This led to his arrest and severe beating with batons, in which he suffered severe injuries to the head, chest, shoulder, legs, hands and wrists. The court ruled the beating unnecessary as the defendant was unarmed and did not attack the Guardia men. The officers were also ordered to pay 1,500 euros compensation for injuries caused.

Guardia men jailed for beating up motorist



Friday, January 11, 2013


Friday, January 11, 2013

Start of a losing battle HOW would you go about losing 16 kilos? (That’s around twoand-a-half stone to metrically-challenged geriatrics like me). It’s not something I’ve thought about – which is a bit daft for someone who has just plunged herself into a sponsored diet. Particularly since my general health limits the amount of exercise I can take to practically zero. When The Courier’s medical guru Dr Machi Mannu heard the news of my diet, he admitted to being “a bit worried’’ because I have cardiovascular problems. But he added: “I can see you are bent on the idea and there is no stopping you, and so I support you all the way.’’ Dr Mannu’s biggest worry is that I will put too much

93.2 kilos, 14st 9lb, 205lb...HERE WE GO! The official weigh-in for Dumpy Old Gran’s Sponsored Diet took place in the Beauty & Wellness Centre at Pueblo Bravo on Wednesday - and as you can see from the figures pressure on my heart. So primarily I’ve got to attack the excess kilos by cutting down dramatically on my food intake rather than winging around a sweaty gym like a giant duck gone quackers. Basically, I have been eating too much. Much too much. That is obvious when I tell you I am not a bread, chips or fried food addict. I don’t stuff myself with carbohydrates - in fact, I don’t particularly like them. My problem is that if I do like something, I can’t stop. Put a packet of biscuits or a big bar of chocolate next to

above, it wasn’t a pretty sight! Keep up to date with my progress on this page each week. It’s going to be interesting, to say the least - but the only weigh is down.

me, and I’ll down the whole lot with a cuppa. The biscuits AND the chocolates. In other words, I’m a greedy bitch. And it has got to stop. NOW. In fact, to paraphrase the words of Steve Redgrave after he won his fourth Olympic rowing gold medal, if you ever see me eating chocolate or biscuits again, you have my permission to shoot me. With a camera, that is. The diet began yesterday, January 10 – the 13th birthday of my granddaughter Daisy, who suffers from

Crohn’s Disease. She is permanently in pain from chronic inflammation of the digestive system, is as much underweight as I am overweight - and spends more time in hospital than she does at home. As a result, she has been unable to go to school for the last two months and fears all her friends will desert her. CICRA, the Crohns in Childhood Research Association, survives purely on donations – and I hope to raise at least £500 over the next six months to help their research programme. If any-

DAISY: Crohn’s has devastated her life one would like to donate, the link to my Just Giving page is printed below this article.. I’ll be weighing in every Wednesday at the Beauty & Wellness Centre, where proprietor Lindsay Seaber and assistant Val Hill will supervise my drop from a size 22


to a size 16 (I wish!).. My target for the first week is to lose at least one kilo (hopefully a lot more). I said goodbye to the sticky toffee pudding at the weekend. From now on it’s sensible eating – not only for weight loss but also because my heart condition demands it. White meat, oily fish like salmon, mackerel and tuna – and lots of fruit and veg. Dining out will centre on salads and I’ll cut out alcohol (I’m not a big drinker anyway). I’m also going to try elements of the Slimming World diet which helped me lose a stone and a half in the late 1990s. The theory is not to eat proteins AND carbohydrates on the same day. And it works (well, it did in 1999). I would scoff a large tin of kidney beans for lunch and a can of baked beans for tea. I was so full of beans that I put the wind up everyone. But I also blew the pounds away.


Friday, January 11, 2013

Friday, January 11, 2013



HAPPY 2013, everybody. Which reminds me . . . The gloomiest New Year's Eve I had the misfortune to spend was at my childhood home many New Years ago. I say childhood home. I was actually 17 but a slow maturer. Anyway, I threw a yearend party for all of my friends. My parents were out, the cat was out and I was definitely out to have a fun time. My best pal Eric the future dentist was the first guest to arrive. 'The first of many,' I said. 'The others will be here very shortly.' 'I do hope so,' said Eric. 'It's already half an hour before midnight.' Twenty minutes later and still nobody else had crossed my threshold. 'We might as well get the party started,' I said and placed my favourite singalong LP onto the record player turntable. 'Do we seriously have to listen to this?' asked Eric as Max Bygraves launched into You’re a Pink Toothbrush. 'Have you not got the Beatles?' I waved a hand dismissively. 'One-hit wonders. We

Friday, January 11, 2013


Mother shouted above the hubbub at Auntie Bertha's. I shone my Doctor Who Dalek-finder torch under the sideboard. 'Tiddles is asleep right now but I'll leave him something in his bowl. I don't think there's any cat food in the house but I have plenty of grub left over from the party.' My parents arrived home at one o'clock. 'I'm surprised need proper party music to open a window.' hissed and yowled and fled Mother. Eric had a swooning you're not outside with your break the ice.' I helped Eric to his feet under the sideboard. episode. But never mind friends,' said Mother as she 'Break the ice?' queried and led him upstairs for a At 12.30am the phone that. How is your soiree at carried Dad over her shoulEric 'There's only the two of lie-down. Holding my nose, I rang. 'Happy New Year, our Auntie Bertha's going?' us here and we've known returned to the party table, David!' my mother's voice 'Brilliant, although I der into the living room and each other far too long for poured myself half a tumbler greeted me. 'How was the haven't seen your father dumped him onto the sofa. 'Huh?' I said. I went to the any new ice to have formed.' of finest plonk and waited by party? Have your guests since he disappeared to the Eric poured himself a the front door for my other gone yet?' pub five hours ago, ostensi- front door and peered up the beer, took a slurp -- and guests. 'They haven't even come bly to buy 10 Woodbines street. My party guests, or what promptly fainted. Midnight struck. Bong, yet,' I grumbled. 'Only Eric and a box of Swan Vestas. 'Have you already been bong, bong . . . has turned up and he's 'I'm missing you so very should have been my party drinking?' I enquired, waftI called upstairs: 'Eric, will either semi-conscious or much, our David,' sighed guests, were dancing on the ing the Max Bygraves you stop shouting "Bong." semi-unconscious.' Mother. 'But I suspect my cobbles to a transistor radio record sleeve in his face to I'm aware of the time with'Eric shouldn't booze if he rarely expressed maternal propped up on somebody's bring him round. out you providing the sound intends to become a dental feelings have something to window sill. 'What the heck is going 'It wasn't the ale,' he effects.' practitioner,' tutted Mother. do with Auntie Bertha's on?' I cried out so loudly groaned. 'I caught a whiff of In the meantime, the cat 'Can you imagine having a home-made hooch.' the refreshments on your had come home as there white-coated drunk bending 'And I miss you madly, that the cat woke up startled and jumped onto Dad's table.' wasn't much moggy action over you, waving a tongue too,' I yawned. 'Maybe the runny cheese going on in the neighbour- retractor in one hand and a There was a pause in our sleeping head. 'The police sealed our half wasn't such a good idea,' I hood. periodontal probe in the parent-child telephonic said. 'It was awfully difficult I grabbed hold of the other? It would leave me bonding session, interrupted of the street because of a getting the Camembert to feline's front paws as he open-mouthed in shock, I only by the sound of Max suspected gas escape,' said stay on the cocktail sticks entered through the cat flap can tell you. Just wait until I Bygraves breaking into Wait Mother. 'But to me that smell along with the triangles of and broke into a chorus of see Eric's mother.' outside is more like cheese Till the Sun Shines, Nellie. pineapple. I think I'd better Auld Lang Syne. The cat 'It's not the booze, 'Have you fed the cat?' and pineapple.'


Friday, January 11, 2013

SAY IT IN SPANISH Learn the lingo - with a little help from JEANETTE ERATH después me gusta volver a mi casa para bañarme. A veces corro en la playa también, me gusta hacer ejercicio y deportes, y la playa es un buen sitio para correr y andar.

LESSON 53 SO, how did you get on? I hope you had a great New Year’s Eve and are looking forward to continuing with me throughout 2013 to improve and revise your Spanish. It´s a lot of effort but an even greater reward when you find yourself talking to the Spanish. Here are the answers to last week’s questions, I hope you enjoyed it and be sure to revise any you didn´t get quite right. Any questions you have regarding any part of Spanish feel free to message me via The Courier. The first part was straightforward translation: I want to go to the shop – quiero ir a la tienda, I like cats – me gustan los gatos, I have a big house – tengo una casa grande, I prepare dinner - preparo la cena, I live in Spain – Vivo en España, I don´t work every day – No trabajo todos los días, do you drink tea or coffee? - ¿Bebes té o café?, I bring wine to the party – Traigo vino a la fiesta, I have to go now – Tengo que ir ahora, It is hot – hace calor, my travel agent always finds special rates (tarifas) – mi agente de viajes siempre encuentra tarifas especiales, I sleep in a bed – duermo en una cama, I am in Spain – Estoy en España, I am a woman – Soy una mujer, Tomorrow is my birthday – Mañana es mi cumpleaños, I am bored – estoy aburrido/a, I am leaving now – Estoy saliendo ahora, my wife is drinking a cup of tea – Mi esposa está bebiendo una taza de té, we don´t work Sundays – No trabajamos los domingos, I don´t speak German – No hablo alemán, It´s one o´clock – Es la una, A pear is a fruit – Una pera es una fruta, this house is mine – esta casa es mia,

¿Dónde está el Alhambra, en España? who wants to be a millionaire? - ¿quién quiere ser un millionario?, you are my best friend – eres mi mejor amigo/a, Next, you were asked to place the correct words in Spanish into the following paragraph: La semana que viene voy a la playa. Me gusta mucho la playa porque me gusta tomar el sol y leo mi libro tranquilamente. Cuando voy a la playa voy en mi coche. Tengo un coche pequeño pero está bien para mi. Hace frío en la playa ahora pero llevo mi abrigo y mi gorro y no siento muy frío. Me siento en una tumbona y a veces llevo una manta para poner sobre mis piernas. No voy temprano porque hace mucho frío por las mañanas, por eso normalmente voy después de las once. Estoy allí más o menos dos horas y

And finally there were a few questions to not only check your knowledge of the Spanish language but also about Spain itself: 1/ ¿Quién es el rey de España? - El rey de España se llama Rey Juan Carlos 2/ ¿Dónde está la Sagrada Familia? - Está en Barcelona 3/ ¿Cómo se llama el día 31 de diciembre en español? - Se llama nochevieja 4/ ¿Cuál es el nombre del actor español que es la voz de Puss in Boots en Shrek la película? - Se llama Antonio Banderas 5/ ¿Cuál es la capital de España? - la capital de España es Madrid 6/ ¿Dónde está el Alhambra, en España? - El Alhambra está en Granada, Andalusia 7/ ¿De dónde es el tenista Rafael Nadal? Rafael Nadal es de Manacor, Majorca, España 8/ ¿Cuál es el nombre del presidente de España? - El presidente de España se llama Mariano Rajoy 9/ ¿Qué deportes practican Pau Gasol y Fernando Alonso? - Practican baloncesto y fórmula uno respectivamente 10/ ¿ Más o menos cuántos habitantes hay en España? - Hay más o menos 46 millones de habitantes en españa. Next week we will continue with learning new words and phrases. Take your time, remember to revise. All of my past lessons can be accessed via the website Just click on my name. ¡Que tengas una buena semana!


Friday, January 11, 2013

WHY DO THEY DO THAT? Top dog psychologist PETER SINGH writes exclusively for The Courier. Check out or email Peter at

THE STORM BEFORE THE CALM Fiona Canney contacted me regarding her Labradors, Belle and Minnie. They are Sisters and are two-and-a-half years old. Fiona was having many problems with the two dogs and her confidence was rock bottom, which was affecting other areas in her life as you will read. Fiona had never 'lived in the moment', which is something I teach my clients to do. When I first spoke with her, it was then another week before I could go and see her, but within that week Fiona had already started working on the things I talked with her about on the phone, such as practising calm and living in the moment. This story is a reminder that our dogs are in our life to teach us calm and how to 'live in the moment'. This is Fiona's story in her own words. It is truly inspirational and proves that your dogs will always pick up their energy from you! Thank you Fiona. The Journey of Calm Background: Partner to Regan, working Mum of one nine-year-old boy, Alex, and owner (guardian) of two 2.5-year-old Labradors Minnie and Belle (the girls). Reason for consultation request: Assistance with walking the girls as they constantly pull and have knocked me to the ground and dragged me more times than I care to count. My shoulders hurt from the sheer force of them pulling. They are very energetic and can get over-excited with their play both indoors and outdoors. They have knocked Alex over several times when they are in full swing of their play. Looking to have more confidence in me dealing with them. Reduce the nervous/anxiety and "on guard" behaviour of Belle. Get them to behave when we have visitors.

The Story Ever had your head spinning in a continuous loop of neverending to do lists, internal critic "beating" you up over something you did or didn’t do? Want to know how to make it all stop? Open you mind to being calm, it doesn’t come naturally to us in this modern society. The person who set me on my journey of calm was Peter. He used phrases like "live in the moment", "take 20 minutes a day just to relax, listen to the silence", "if you can’t afford 20 minutes out of your day, you

need to question what you are doing in your life!" "Your dogs are a reflection / mirror of you". I took those phrases on board and started to look at what was going on in my life. From getting up in the morning feeling tired, rushing around at work, rushing back for the school run, trying to get a healthy dinner on the table, watching soaps, along with the never-ending to do lists, looking at my Blackberry viewing emails and listening to the internal negative critic within. Where would I find 20 minutes? What does living in the moment mean? What does calm feel like? The bit about the mirror got me. One of my dogs (Belle) is so nervous, always up tight and on high alert. OMG, that is a reflection of me! She was a clean slate as a puppy and look what I have done to her. I need to change as she/we deserve to be free of this burden. For the week before my consultation with Peter, I put a lot of effort into living in the moment, catching myself running lists through my head and purposely stopping to look at the wonderful autumn leaves, the various colours, the way they just float down from the trees, looking at all the people rushing by totally oblivious to the fantastic events that were taking place in front of their eyes. I kicked a beer-bottle top on the pavement and walked in wonder as I watched it roll along and then go into a spin before it stopped, waiting be kicked in another direction by a busy passerby. I arrived at work ready to face whatever was there for me in that moment. I think I felt relaxed, but as I hadn’t experience much of being relaxed, I don’t think I realised what it was. My day felt more productive and I noticed I had slightly more energy in the evening. To be continued next week.

PETS’ CORNER: CAN YOU TAKE IN A HOMELESS DOG OR CAT? Rosie is a beautiful, sweet natured Belgium Malonois Shepherd, she is approx 18 months old, great with other dogs and loves kisses and cuddles. Call: 690 142 522.


JIP is just over 1 year old and was tied to a tree and abandoned. He is loving and playful and would make a very loyal companion. He is fully vaccinated, micro chipped and castrated. 966 710 047

Blitzen (left) and Rudolf are in need of homes, Blitzen is approx 14 weeks old and will be small/medium size when fully grown, Rudolf is approx 11 weeks old and will be medium size when fully grown. Call: 966 725 975.

Gracie is 5 years old and is a very loving little dog with a gentle personality. She has Leishmaniosis and now needs just a pill each day to maintain her good condition. Call: 645 469 253


Blitzen & Rudolf


JAKE is a small crossbreed who is approximately 10 years old. When the elderly owners of Jake were no longer able to care for him he was left chained to a tree on an old finca in the campo for a number of years. 966 710 047


Holly is a 6 year old German Shepherd. She was found abandoned on Xmas Eve. She is gentle and docile and just wants to be loved. She was very thin and weak, but is making a great recovery. Please phone Sally on 616596647.

Paddy and Martha Paddy and Martha are 11 weeks old, they were found on a doorstep at just 6 days old, Paddy and Martha love to be cuddled. They have had both injections. We are also looking for foster homes for our other puppies, all costs are covered by APAH. 616210850


7 PUPS Looking for homes at the beginning of February. Please contact K9 or PHONE 600 84 54 20 for more info

Friday, January 11, 2013


Línea Directa reports: HOW TO COMPLETE AN ACCIDENT REPORT FORM • This document is essential for determining who is responsible for a traffic accident, which has a direct effect on the price that customers pay when renewing their insurance.

What is an accident report form? An accident report form is a document which outlines the circumstances which have occurred in a car accident. In addition to the personal details of the drivers and their vehicles, the document includes a jointly agreed description of the manoeuvres carried out by the drivers when the accident took place, which plays a key role in determining who is responsible for a traffic accident.

How should it be completed? Línea Directa offers the following advice to complete the form: 1. Columns A and B (blue and yellow), are for the personal details of the drivers and their vehicles. 2. In section 12, (Circumstances) the numbered column on the left describes the manoeuvres of car A and the one on the right those of car B. If you are unsure which box to mark, leave it blank. Make a drawing of the accident in section 13 indicating the manoeuvre of each car. 3. If anybody has been injured or if you think they might have been injured, complete section 24. 4. If there is more than one car involved in the accident, also complete section 23, on the reverse side of the form, and include it in the sketch. 5. Sign the form and keep a copy.

Call now for more information on 902 123 104


Friday, January 11, 2013


WHEN I take my son to ´Chasers´, the big indoor play area we go to, I usually take him alone, I have in the past brought one of his friends but usually it is just him. He is a gregarious little boy who loves to play with other children and so I feel a bit sorry for him when we arrive and he is the only child there. However, he is soon joined by more youngsters, he immediately makes friends and they go off playing together like old pals even though they have only just met. Watching him play one day made me sadly reflect that the no-strings-attached we have as children are soon extinguished as we grow and become more aware of people, more suspicious and less friendly. I love seeing my son make friends and every time we are somewhere new and he has been playing with a new child, he introduces them to me as his friend, or he tells me he has been playing with friends, even though he has never seen the child before and is never likely to see him or her again. For that brief moment they are best mates sharing a laugh and having fun, the age or sex of the child is immaterial, they just get on and have fun playing. How great would it be if adults could talk to strangers and make friends even if only for a few hours. How great if we could keep some of the innocence of youth. However, as we

age, so grow our suspicions and we become less amiable and less inclined to want to make friends. We feel less able to trust people and we become aware of gossip and realise that some people are not to be trusted. That some people if they don´t know facts will make up stories and some people are just not nice people. So we learn to trust no one until we get to know them and that innocence of youth is slowly eroded until one day it has disappeared and cynicism and a mistrust has taken its place. I am quite a friendly person, but in my youth I was very shy and quiet and it has taken many years for me to finally talk

to people and become more open. I have realised that I do have a voice and my opinion is as valid as the next person’s. I´ve never felt the need to lie about people and I like talking to people and still trust people. I have been known to start conversations in cafés with people who are on their own just to pass some time and show that not everyone is cocooned in their own little bubble with no interest in anyone but themselves. I am trying to get back to that feeling of childhood when you can make a friendship in a minute with no strings and that it´s OK to talk to someone to pass the time; that there doesn´t have to be an agenda and that it´s all right to start a conversation with a stranger. Of course I wouldn´t talk to just anyone. I am more inclined, for example, to talk to a single female than a male and someone my age or older than a younger person, so there are still some barriers that not even I will break down that my son has no problem with. I guess that is part of growing up, but I can´t help but think how much nicer this place would be if, instead of berating children for making a noise or being a nuisance, we could take a leaf out of their book and learn to live together without resorting to making up or listening to gossip. Then maybe we could accept each other for who we are and live our lives in friendly harmony. Or am I living a different sort of dream?


Friday, January 11, 2013


IF Queen Elizabeth II had the infamous “annus horribilis” back in 1992, then the King of Spain suffered from an almighty “annus cockupus” last year. Whilst his British counterpart was rightly wallowing in Diamond Jubilee glory, Juan Carlos was festooning himself in one botch-up after another. You could tell that he’s feeling the heat as he gave a rare TV interview last weekend with the excuse being his 75th birthday. Of course the real reason for the chat was a dreadful year of PR disasters whilst his subjects have been wondering whether they could afford to buy basic foodstuffs. Elephant hunting in Botswana (whilst being President of

the Spanish World Wildlife Fund); allegations of extramarital relations; and accusations of corruption within the family are on the King’s list of shame, and with many Spaniards having strong Republican tendencies, the useless PR machine at the

Palacio Real has belatedly swung into action. The King had key things to say about youth unemployment, as well as giving us a tutorial on his vital role in the transition from dictatorship to democracy, including scuppering the 1981 coup. There was also a predictable swipe at those regions that want independence from Madrid, with the King offering energy and hope to continue ruling. All well and good, but it was a badly missed opportunity to apologise for his recent mistakes, with the veteran interviewer Jesus Hermida having zero credibility for not asking the obvious questions about the monarch’s transgressions. The broadcaster TVE was clearly prevented from being given a free hand, and so they shouldn’t have taken part in a Soviet-style TV charade which did nothing

CYNTHIA SHERRY was the toast of Torrevieja Writers’ Circle this week after writing a moving poem about a tragic victim of blind prejudice. Said fellow member John McGregor: ‘’ The week’s suggested subject was ‘Scarlet Ribbons’. Cynthia felt moved to write about the poor woman raped and killed in India, and we all burst into spontaneous applause when she had finished.’’ Cynthia, 72, has lived in Sucina, Murcia for eight years. A former court reporter in the UK, she worked for the General Medical Council until last year and has travelled widely with her husband, who was in the RAF. ‘‘I have worked with all nationalities and that is why I have an interest in feminist issues,’’ she says. This is her poem…

SCARLET RIBBONS In memory of the unnamed woman raped and killed in Delhi

I wore a scarlet ribbon, scarlet ribbons in my hair But to show them to the world outside I just didn’t dare I hid them under my hijab so nobody could see But still I needed punishing for no reason clear to me My death was justified it seems for one reason or another, because I was on a bus without my father or a brother What did I do that was so wrong, was it for being clever? And for knowing more than some men I was damned forever? I did well at my exams and enrolled at medical school And sat with men I did not know and broke the sacred rule I did not stay at home unseen and take my allotted place, So my sentence was to be raped and killed, and my body defaced Because of something I said or something that I wore I deserved to be assaulted and the fault was at my door If religion is used by men so they can wield their power What hope is there for mankind at this precarious hour? I have a message from up here; there is one God for all And he doesn’t ask when you arrive what religion is your call I am here with women and men, with old folk and children too And we don’t wear badges to say that we are Muslim, Christian or Jew Let all women wear scarlet ribbons to celebrate free will So that our sisters throughout the world can finally climb that hill And be free to learn, to work, to love, to think without a care To be themselves as equals and put ribbons in their hair

to enhance the reputation for honest journalism in Spain. If the King had bared all, then he would have earned a lot of respect, but once again his palace advisers have let him down. Juan Carlos could do a lot worse than to give Buck House a call and ask Liz how it should be done! We had to put up with the annual bit of political pantomime last week over the usual above inflation rise in UK train fares. For years, the Tories called Labour every name under the sun for approving such increases, and with the roles now reversed, Labour are attacking the Government for stiffing the long-suffering commuters. It’s another great example of how the parties are all as bad as each other and love to grab a quick headline, but do absolutely nothing to listen to the concerns of the ordinary traveller.


The Shadow Health q Secretary, Andy Burnham, has declared war

on Tony the Tiger. A pack of Frosties is not just Gr-r-reat! but full of sugar, and so Burnham thinks its time for statutory regulation to cut down on sugar and fats in foods aimed at kids. It’s more of the old Labour vision of a nanny state, as well as saying that parents are just downright irresponsible in the stuff that they buy for their youngsters. Is he really saying that mummy and daddy are so dumb that they can’t read the clearly marked ingredients on a box or bottle? David Cameron told the BBC last Sunday that he wants to be Prime Minister for the next seven years. What he’d like and what he’ll get might be very different. Labour’s bloated whale, Ed Balls, has snorted up a quick gimmick

q q

that makes no sense and smacks of a move that would make even Robin Hood wince! The Shadow Chancellor wants to guarantee work for every long-term unemployed person for six months, and that would be paid for by raiding the pension pots of the better-off. Where would these jobs come from? And how has he calculated that it would only cost one billion pounds? You’d have thought that Balls would have learnt from the disastrous stealing of pension funds from his old picketpocket friend, Gordon Brown, which has left millions of people robbed of a comfortable retirement. Of course, the whole idea could end up in a skip, as Labour hasn’t even committed to it for the next election manifesto. So, not surprisingly, it’s all about headline grabbing, rather than helping folk get back to work.

LOCAL FOCUS THE education reform giving parents q the option to select a school for their children, is not as simple as it sounds. The Ministry will only provide free transport for those living within two miles of their chosen centre, meaning that only those who can afford the transport fees actually have freedom of choice. Public school parents leader Ramón López said that the way the ruling has been promoted gives parents a false impression. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Education insisted that parents wishing to send their children to schools outside the area

they live must expect to pay the transport fee as the Municipal budget does not cover it. DOCTORS have been promised compensation for working outside their normal timetable, and for prescribing cheaper but equally effective forms of medication. Health Minister Manuel Llombart said his department will distribute €18.5 million to health care professionals in order to “encourage them to implement efficiency measures”. The Ministry would also like to see fewer referrals to specialists and promised to reimburse practitioners who work overtime.



Friday, January 11, 2013

Traditional British MINI PORK PIES WITH PICCALILLI Ingredients

few dots of butter 600g shortcrust pastry , bought or homemade little flour , for dusting 85g dried white breadcrumbs 400g good C u m b e r l a n d sausages (about 6) 200g smoked bacon lardons ¼ tsp each ground mace, ground pepper and dried sage 1 egg , beaten with a fork few pinches sesame seeds piccalilli , homemade or bought, to serve


1. Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Line each hole of a 12hole muffin tin with a thin strip of baking parchment across the middle that's long enough so the ends stick out a centimetre or two - use a dab of butter to stick in place. Roll out two thirds of the pastry on a lightly floured surface and stamp out 12 x 10cm circles (you may need to re-roll trimmings). Press a circle into each hole to line. 2. Sprinkle 1 tsp of breadcrumbs into the base of each pie. Tip the rest of the crumbs into a mixing bowl. Squeeze in the sausage meat, discarding the skins, along with the bacon, mace, pepper, sage and just a little salt. Get your hands in and mash and squish everything together until the breadcrumbs have just about disappeared. Divide mixture between the holes, packing in firmly and shaping to a dome in the middle. 3. Roll out the remaining pastry and stamp out 12 x 7cm circles. Brush with a little egg and add a top to each pie, eggside down to stick, carefully pressing pastry edges together to seal. Brush with more egg (don't throw away leftovers) and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Bake for 30 mins until golden then carefully remove the pies from the tin, using the parchment ends to help you lift them out. Sit on a parchment lined

Recipes baking tray, brush all round the sides with more egg and put back in the oven for 8 mins. Cool completely then eat with piccalilli, or your favourite pickle.

HERBY TOAD IN THE HOLE Ingredients 140g plain flour 3 eggs 300ml milk 2 tsp Dijon mustard 2 tbsp vegetable oil 8 Cumberland sausages 8 sage leaves 4 rosemary sprigs


1. Heat oven to 240C/220C fan/gas 9. In a food processor, combine the flour, eggs, milk, mustard and some salt and pepper, blitz until smooth, then leave to rest for 30 mins. 2. Pour the oil into a metal roasting tin about 30 x 23cm and 7.5cm deep. Brush the oil all over the sides and bottom, then place in the oven. When the roasting tin is very hot and smoking, place the sausages inside, evenly spread out, and cook for 5 mins. 3. Give the rested batter a stir and pour into the really hot tin - take care as it may spit. Quickly sprinkle over the sage leaves and rosemary, then place in the middle of the oven. Do not open the door for 25 mins, then check - if needed, cook for a further 5-10 mins. Cook until puffed up and brown and the batter is completely cooked through. Serve straight from the dish.


2 celery sticks, sliced into 1cm pieces 1 onion , chopped 2 really big carrots , halved lengthways then chunkily sliced 5 bay leaves 3 thyme sprigs 2 tbsp vegetable oil 1 tbsp butter 2 tbsp each plain flour, tomato purée and Worcestershire sauce 2 beef stock cubes , crumbled 850g feather blade beef , or other braising cut, cut into large chunks 850g large potatoes 25g each mature cheddar and Parmesan , finely grated


1. Heat oven to 160C/140C fan/gas 3. Soften the celery, onion, carrots, bay and 1 thyme sprig in a casserole with 1 tbsp oil and the butter for 10 mins. Stir in the flour, followed by the purée, Worcestershire sauce and stock cubes. 2. Gradually stir in 600ml hot water, then tip in the beef and bring to a gentle simmer. Cover and cook in the oven for 2 hrs 30 mins, then uncover and cook for 30 mins -1 hr more until the meat is really tender and sauce thickened. 3. Meanwhile, cook potatoes in a pan of boiling water until they're not done but about ¾ of the way there. 4. Transfer meat to a baking dish. Slice spuds into 1cm thick rounds and gently toss with seasoning, the remaining oil and thyme leaves. Layer on the beef, scattering with the cheese as you layer. You can cover and chill the pie now for 1 day, or freeze for up to 3 months. 5. Increase oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6 and bake for 30-40


Friday, January 11, 2013

mins until golden and crispy, and sauce bubbling if the dish went in cold. Serve with peas.

ST CLEMENT’S PIE Ingredients FOR THE CRUST 250g light digestive biscuits 100g cornflakes 85g butter , melted 140g caster sugar FOR THE FILLING 1 large egg , plus 4 large egg yolks 397g can light condensed milk zest and juice 3 lemons zest and juice 2 oranges FOR THE TOPPING 150ml pot extra-thick double cream 100g 0% fat Greek yogurt 4 tbsp icing sugar more lemon and orange zest, to decorate


1. Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Sit a fluted 20cm round loose-bottomed tin (about 5cm deep, or a slightly shallower 22cm tin) on a baking sheet. Break the biscuits into a big bowl, or double-bag them in food bags, and bash to big crumbs with the end of a rolling pin or small saucepan. Add the cornflakes and bash a bit more to crumbs. Mix with the melted butter and sugar and press into the base and sides of the tin. Bake for 15 mins, then remove and reduce oven temperature to 160C/140C fan/gas 3. 2. Whisk egg and yolks in a big bowl until pale and frothy. Whisk in the condensed milk, followed by the zests and juices. Pour in the tin and bake for 20 mins. Cool in the tin, then chill for at least 5 hrs, or overnight. 3. Whip the cream, yogurt and icing sugar together. Dollop on the pie and scatter with zest to serve.

SCAMPI WITH TARTARE SAUCE Ingredients 15-20 langoustine or Dublin Bay prawn tails vegetable or sunflower oil , for frying 140g plain flour 85g cornflour 150ml beer 100ml sparkling water lemon wedges and chips , to serve FOR THE TARTARE SAUCE 6 tbsp mayonnaise 1 gherkin or 6 cornichons, finely chopped 1 tbsp capers , rinsed and chopped 1 tsp lemon juice 1 tbsp chopped parsley 2 tsp chopped tarragon

Method 1. To prepare the langoustines, pull off the head and pincers. Lay the tail flat on a chopping board and use a sharp pair of scissors to cut a line straight down the back of the shell. Carefully peel the langoustine, score down the back, then remove the grit sac. 2. Get the oil heating in a large saucepan or wok - you will need enough to come 2-3in up the side of the pan. For the tartare sauce, mix all ingredients in a bowl and season. 3. Place the flours in a bowl with a good pinch of salt and pepper. Add the beer and sparkling water, and whisk to a smooth batter. 4. To test if the oil is hot enough, put a drop of batter into the pan - it should crisp and brown within 30 secs. Dip each langoustine or prawn tail into the batter, then carefully drop it into the oil. Drizzle a little extra batter over each one while they are cooking - this will give you a really crispy coating. Cook them in batches, making sure you don't overcrowd the pan. When golden and floating to the surface, scoop out and drain well on kitchen paper. Sprinkle the scampi with salt and serve with the tartare sauce, lemon wedges and chips.

EASY TREACLE SPONGE Ingredients 250g golden syrup zest 1 lemon , plus juice ½ lemon 5 tbsp breadcrumbs 200g pack butter , softened 200g golden caster sugar 3 medium eggs 200g self-raising flour 5 tbsp milk

liquid. When the ham is tender enough to pull into shreds, it is ready. 2. Lift out the ham, peel off and discard the skin. While it is still hot (wear a clean pair of rubber gloves), shred the meat. Remove bay from the soup and stir in the frozen peas. Simmer for 1 min, then blend until smooth. Add a splash of water if too thick, and return to the pan to heat through if it has cooled, or if you are making ahead. 3. When you are ready to serve, mix the hot soup with most of the ham - gently reheat if made ahead. Serve in bowls with the remaining ham scattered on top, and eat with crusty bread and butter.

LANCASHIRE HOTPOT Ingredients 100g dripping or butter 900g stewing lamb, cut into large chunks 3 lamb kidneys, sliced, fat removed 2 medium onions, chopped 4 carrots, peeled and sliced 25g plain flour 2 tsp Worcestershire sauce 500ml lamb or chicken stock 2 bay leaves 900g potatoes, peeled and sliced



1. Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Mix the syrup, lemon zest, juice and breadcrumbs and spread over the base of a 1.5 litre baking dish. 2. Beat the butter and sugar until pale and fluffy, then beat in the eggs, one by one. Stir in the flour and milk and dollop over the syrup. Bake for 35-40 mins until golden and risen, and a skewer poked into the sponge comes out clean-ish. Eat with lots of custard, cream or ice cream and extra dribbles of syrup.

SPLIT PEA AND GREEN PEA SMOKED HAM SOUP Ingredients 1kg gammon or ham hock 200g split peas , soaked overnight 2 onions , roughly chopped 2 carrots , roughly chopped 2 bay leaves 1 stick celery , roughly chopped 300g frozen peas crusty bread and butter, to serve


1. Put the gammon in a very large pan with 2 litres water and bring to the boil. Remove from the heat and drain off the water - this helps to get rid of some of the saltiness. Recover with 2 litres cold water and bring to the boil again. Put everything but the frozen peas into the pan and bring to the boil. Reduce to a simmer and cook for 1½-2½ hrs, topping up the water as and when you need to, to a similar level it started at. As the ham cooks and softens, you can halve it if you want, so it is all submerged under the

1. Heat oven to 160C/fan 140C/gas 3. Heat some dripping or butter in a large shallow casserole dish, brown the lamb in batches, lift to a plate, then repeat with the kidneys. 2. Fry the onions and carrots in the pan with a little more dripping until golden. Sprinkle over the flour, allow to cook for a couple of mins, shake over the Worcestershire sauce, pour in the stock, then bring to the boil. Stir in the meat and bay leaves, then turn off the heat. Arrange the sliced potatoes on top of the meat, then drizzle with a little more dripping. Cover, then place in the oven for about 1½ hrs until the potatoes are cooked. 3. Remove the lid, brush the potatoes with a little more dripping, then turn the oven up to brown the potatoes, or finish under the grill for 5-8 mins until brown.


Friday, January 11, 2013



To go or not to go - the big decision DONNA GEE’S recent article about expats returning to the UK for health reasons poses some interesting questions and I am sure a lot of soul searching has to be done to come to a final decision. We returned in 2012, just after a two-year stint on the Costa Del Sol. We had previously lived in South Africa for 22 years and had been in Northern Ireland for nine years before going to Spain. We have returned to Northern Ireland to get our daughters through their A levels and after which we will hopefully return to Spain. As I have a condition myself and my daughter is diabetic, I was very aware of the medical services and the bureaucracy that goes with it.

How can we catch up with Spanish lessons? WE have been avid followers of your Say it in Spanish language course with Jeanette Erath and have found it erextremely helpful and have so far collected copies of it up to number 20. However, since then we had to return to UK because my wife was not well and needed hospital treatment, fortunately everything is now sorted out and we have returned to Santa Pola and would like to catch up with the Say it in Spanish articles that we have missed. Is there any way you can help us in obtaining the back copies? We would appreciate your help. ROBERT and PATRICIA GLEN Glad to hear all is OK with you both. Unfortunately we don’t have back issues for distribution but you can read all the back issues here:


We were assigned a clinic according to where we lived {Ojen} and it was abysmal to say the least. I guess the experience for many expats is probably localised with services in some places better then others. For us it was not a good experience. Of course, as a family we were not fluent in Spanish and this affected our experience as well. We loved Spain and will return but we may have to go down the route of private health care, expensive I know and if hospitalised we all end up in the same place anyway. My daughter had an episode while we were there and spent the guts of 24 hours lying on a

chair with no one explaining to her what was happening. There were aspects of Spain that I loved but the medical system was not one of them! Donna, I feel you may be making the right decision. Not only will you have a good care system but you will be with your family as well and that’s important. By the way, The Courier is great stuff ! KATHY DONNA comments: Quite a few readers took my article as saying I am moving back to the UK. What I said was that if and when my health deteriorates to a level where I need constant care, then I’d prefer to be with my family, rather than alone in the sun.


BUMS ON SEATS: A DIFFERENT VIEW THIS is an answer to the PAWS cat charity putting down ‘bums on seats’ for charity performances. I have never answered a letter before, but in fairness to all of us who donate a lot of money to charities, feel I must defend their point of view with my own... IT is very sad to hear that a very worthwhile charity finds it is unable to keep going because of not receiving enough support, be it financial or for lack of volunteers, Life behind bars can be uncomas is the case with the PAWS cat charity. fortable...but I’ll sleep anywhere They state they are not officially registered. One of the easiest and very inexpen- whatever we can give them. We sign an agreesive things to do in Spain is become a non-profit ment with the charity stating in writing exactly association. All one needs to do is go to your how and what we will be donating so there are Town Hall, fill in the forms and for less than €20 never any problems. So my advice to charities is put it in writing and become legal. We have done just that with no problems in very clearly state exactly what you will be receivtwo municipalities, and received all the informa- ing - be it the total take, a percentage or an tion and help free of charge. So why did this agreed-upon donation. If PAWS had done this, there would never have been this problem. In the charity not do this? At the same time, we have raised millions of end, many charities would receive with a grateful pesetas and thousands of euros through our thank you the €450. The Raquel Peña Flamenco Dance "bums on seats" performances for many charities. I can only guess the problems that PAWS Company’s next major professional concert is on state about the little money received for “bums Sunday, May 19 at 5:30pm at the Municipal on seats’’ is due to not having discussed with the Theatre in Torrevieja with a donation of €2,500 donating parties the exact conditions, as we for Torrevieja’s Alzheimers Association. Prereservations are now being accepted. Call 630 always do with each participating charity. We make it very clear that we give a donation 689 431 to reserve or for information. RAQUEL PEÑA, Artistic Director and all the charities we help are grateful for

The joys of toys... THE Town Hall at Playa Flamenca would like to say a very big thank you to all the neighbours and residents who kindly donated toys and gifts for needy children over the Christmas period. All the donated toys were given to

children in the area so that every child this Christmas received a gift from the Three Kings. Once again thank you for your kind genorosity which brought a smile to many small faces! Kind regards, DENISE WESSERLING

Drink problem? AA may be able to help l

DO you think you may have a drinking problem? Does your personal or professional life bring you into contact with one or more heavy drinkers who you believe need help? On January 25 at 1pm, at Calle San Miguel No. 2 (corner of Calle Santomera, near the Centro Salud and Playa Acequion), the meeting of the


Torrevieja Friday English Speaking

of Alcoholics Anonymous will be THE OPINIONS EXPRESSED Group open to non-members who are genuinein the activities of A.A. ON THIS PAGE ARE PURELY ly interested The meeting will last around 60-75 lminutes. You are welcome to attend THOSE OF THE WRITERS. without prejudice. Just sit and listen to how the fellowship is helping people WE ARE A PLATFORM recover from the illness of Alcoholism. AND DO NOT TAKE SIDES


Friday, January 11, 2013

New Year New You Best Weight Loss Foods FOR the next few weeks we are going to be considering some aspects of our appearance and telling you what beauty treatments are available that might be useful to you. The beauty industry is one of the fastest growing areas of commercial businesses but there is so much information out there it is very difficult to know what to go for and many thousands of people have wasted their hard earned money on products and treatments that make amazing claims that are just not true. Take face creams for example. You can spend hundreds of pounds on a jar of face cream that does less than a much cheaper brand available from a local shop. Internet purchasing is huge business but with beauty products it is important to see, smell and feel them and if you buy from the internet this just isn’t possible. We don’t profess to know intimately about every product and treatment but we have a pretty good idea about a lot of them because we are beauty professionals and as such in a position to advise and help you to make good decisions. In order to do this we are going to start from the head and work down the body and we are going to use some of the many enquiries we get from clients about products and treatments. The logical place to start is the forehead and so please read this letter from one of our clients Dear Medaesthetics, I have really deep lines on my forehead and also a lot of brown spots. I am female aged 63 and apart from this I feel quite good about myself. I do live in Spain but my brown spots

started before I moved here. Signed Mrs.D.S. Algorfa This client has obviously got problems with pigmentation and photo ageing. When Mrs DS was a child little was understood about the effects of sun damage and very few products were available to protect her skin. What she is seeing now is the effects over many years of sunshine. To some extent how well we age is down to our genes, what type of skin and colouring we have inherited from our parents and how well we have protected our skin and whether we have smoked. The good news is that there are things that can help to improve both the pigmentation and the lines. The aim is to depress the cells that cause pigmentation. This can be done by the use of certain products and or a treatments called IPL (Intense Pulsed Light ) the other mechanical method is by the use of skin peels which contain products known as Alpha Hydroxy Acids. There are several products available and we personally use recommend 2. One is a depigmenting product called Yellow Cream which can be applied to small specific areas. The other one for larger areas is a Dermalogica product. If you buy from the internet the word DEPIGMENTING is needed to be on the product. In terms of the lines probably the easiest real improvement would by having Botulinum Toxin A (botox) placed into the forehead. The results are noticeable and last for several months. Next week we are going to discuss eyebrows and eyelids please email us with any questions you might like us to deal with.

The choices you make when deciding on which foods to eat can have the biggest impact on your fat loss results. Good choices for lean p r o t e i n s o u r c e s include skinless, boneless c h i c k e n breasts, lean ostrich, grilled fish as well as lean cuts of beef. If you are a vegetarian, there are also some protein options that are meat free, such as tofu, egg whites or dairy products like low fat or fat free, plain cottage cheese that you can consume. When cooking up your meals, remember that the cooking method you choose can add fat onto a non-fat meal. So, be smart and grill your meat instead of frying it and avoid using oil as much as possible, especially sun flower oil. Use a non-stick

MSM: THE MIRACLE SUPPLEMENT FOR ARTHRITIS PAIN Arthritis is a term for the DR MACHI MANNU’S ADVICE CLINIC inflammation of one or more joints. There are several forms of arthritis, but the commonest are Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis. Arthritis causes a lot of pain, and can be very disabling for sufferers. Even performing simple everyday tasks such as having a shower or walking a few steps from one room to another can lead to excruciating pain. The debilitating nature of arthritis can be very challenging for family members of sufferers to understand, leading to a lack of sensitivity and well needed

Email your questions and comments to

family support. My experience while performing full body diagnostic scans is that most people with joint pains have varying forms of osteoarthritis. This is not unusual as most of them tend to be in their 50s and over, and osteoarthritis rarely occurs below the age of 45. Osteoarthritis (OA) used to be thought of as a disease of wear and tear, but now researchers believe it occurs when there is a problem with

the active repair of broken down cartilage rather than a destructive process. The ends of bones that meet to form joints are covered by cartilage, which stops the bones from rubbing against each other. The cartilage allows joints to work smoothly and painlessly. Joints are also surrounded by capsules, and the space created within is known as a ‘joint cavity’. This space is filled with fluid – synovial fluid,

which nourishes the joint and cartilage. In OA, there is a progressive degeneration of the articular cartilage that protects bone ends. As a result the cartilages becomes pitted, cracked and starts to flake away, exposing the raw underlying bone. When the cartilage is lost, the synovial fluid leaks into the underlying bone causing inflammation, bone thickening and the formation of small cysts and bony outgrowths known as Osteophytes. Eventually all the structures associated with the joint may be affected – cartilage, membranes and related muscles and ligaments. Osteoarthritis causes the affected joints to become increasingly painful, stiff and deformed. Furthermore, the muscles around the affected joints may become weak and wasted from lack of use. In hospitals, OA is normally treated with Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or in severe cases a joint replacement is considered. Steroidal and Non-steroidal antiinflammatory medications can have unpleasant and dangerous side-effects and for most people, they stop working after a while.

pan spray instead that is lower in fat and calories and is just as effective as oil for cooking. Good choices for complex carbs include sweet potatoes, whole-wheat pasta, brown rice, millet and oat bran. Try to avoid pre-packaged carbs such as biscuits and crackers and remember, if they come in a box, they are packed in empty calories that you don’t need. Avoid "white" starches such as white rice, white potatoes and pasta as these

have been stripped of their nutritional values and rank higher on the glycemic index. This means that they will spike your insulin levels and provide you with energy in one quick go, which, if you do not burn straight away will ultimately get stored as fat. Good choices for vegetables include green, leafy veggies such as spinach, lettuce, broccoli and cauliflower. Patty pans are also good options as is tomato, cucumber and celery. Invest in a low fat, low calorie cookbook to help you create new and exciting meals and remember that just because a certain meal is healthy, doesn't mean it has to be bland and boring. Use spices and interesting food combinations to create delicious meals that will tempt your taste buds.

However, since 2006 a number of clinical trials and research studies have documented the incredible benefits of MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) for managing arthritis. Sulphur in the form of MSM is the third most abundant mineral in the body after calcium and phosphorus. It is also found in many foods, but is easily destroyed by cooking. MSM is only known to relieve the pain caused by arthritis. At our clinic-MedB we do more than relieve the pain. We combine MSM with very powerful natural anti-inflammatory formulations, special joint formulas and concentrated protein extracts containing FGF (Fibroblast

Growth Factor), a natural protein known to stimulate the synthesis of new tissue such as cartilage. There are many brands of MSM in the market today, but it is now known that only the purest form of MSM stops arthritis pain. My clinical experience with MSM is that it certainly works for arthritis pain. And like the Actor James Coburn said in a recent interview regarding his experience with MSM… ‘’ it really really does the job. It’s non-toxic, totally, and it stops the pain’’ To order high-quality MSM, call 965071745 For Full Body Diagnostics and Therapy, Contact Dr Machi, Tel: 9650717,630118439

Friday, January 11, 2013


What is causing my groin pain? Q

Since 2009, I have suffered from pain around my groin. I also have hard lumps down both thighs. Sometimes the pain gets so bad I can barely walk. I have also experienced pain while urinating. I have seen several specialists in England and here in Spain, and they haven’t been able to tell me anything. My prostate is normal and I don’t have any urinary infections. I will appreciate your response.


The symptoms you described are very typical of non-specific urethritis caused by a group of bacteria known as mycoplasma. If so, it is not surprising that so far no one has been to diagnose your condition. The diagnosis of mycoplasma through laboratory analysis can be extremely difficult and is usually one of the last investigations carried out in genitourinary cases. But in our clinic at Punta Prima we can detect mycoplasma in the body using advanced computerized diagnostics. A particular strain of mycoplasma known as Ureaplasma Urealyticum is known to cause Non-specific urethritis in men. This is also my finding in clinical diagnosis. Ureaplasma Urealyticum is also known to cause infertility, recurrent pregnancy loss and persistent pelvic pain in women. The organism is part of the normal bacteria flora found in the genitals of 70% of sexually active people, and can be transmitted sexually although it is not classed as an

STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease). Many deadly pathogens reside in the body, and usually do not cause any problems unless the body’s immune system is compromised. In hospitals, infections with mycoplasma are usually treated with a course of Doxycycline antibiotics, and sometimes with other antibiotics such as Azithromycin. Infections with mycoplasma can be very difficult to treat. If it turns out that mycoplasma infection is really the cause of your ill health, my advice to you will be to consider boosting your immune system in addition to taking antibiotics. There are also natural antibiotic formulations that can enhance the effects of prescribed antibiotics. Certain herbs have been very well studied and found to be immune boosters. These include Echinacea and Astragalus. Vitamins A and E are also powerful immune system enhancers. Douglas Laboratories has some special formulations that contain immune enhancing herbs and vitamins. You can find out more about these from the website: www.


Last year I started taking multivitamins to improve my health, although I do not have any major health issues. But I am 69 and do suffer from the occasional aches and pains and tiredness (...More like extreme tiredness!). I don’t think I have felt any different in the last 6 months since I started taking multivitamins. I admit I buy mine from health

shops and they may not be the best quality out there. But at the very least one would expect some form of benefit from any quality of multi-vitamin than no multivitamin at all. Wouldn’t you think so? I look forward to your opinion.


Taking supplements purchased from a health shop may be a likely reason why you have not noticed any improvement in your state of health, assuming you do not have any other health problems. What is not commonly known is that nutritional supplements are legally produced in 3 different grades. Pharmaceutical grade supplements are the highest grade available in the market. Their purity, bioavailability and absorption meet the highest regulatory standards, verified by an outside party. This grade is typically prescribed by health care practitioners and not available in health shops and pharmacies. Nutritional or food grade is the lowest grade of supplements and typically sold in health shops and pharmacies. These supplements are not always tested for absorption, and purity. Additionally they can contain questionable but legal fillers, binders and dyes as well as chemicals such as sodium benzoate and propylene glycol. Purity and bioavailability is important because the ability of a supplement to work properly can vary greatly depending on the form used. For example, synthetic Vitamin E is normally used to manufacture food grade multivita-

mins. But it is well known that the natural form of Vitamin E is better absorbed into the body. Magnesium Oxide is a form of magnesium used in food grade supplements, but very poorly absorbed by the intestines. This is in contrast to Magnesium Malate or Aspartate used to make pharmaceutical grade supplements and very well absorbed by the body. The absorption of nutrients into the body is a very complex affair. Most nutrients are only properly absorbed in the presence of other nutrients. Vitamin C is only properly absorbed in the presence of food nutrients known as bioflavonoids. Co enzyme Q10 is a vital nutrient required by every cell in the body and is commonly used to prevent heart disease. But CoQ10 locks with MSM before it can be utilized by the body. MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) is the natural form of sulphur in the body. Other nutrients such as Vitamins A, D and E, amino acids, enzymes and important elements such as calcium and selenium also need to lock with MSM before the body can properly use them. The best way to make sure you are purchasing high quality nutritional supplements is to buy pharmaceutical grade forms from a licensed health care practitioner who can also give you professional advice on the supplement. For high grade pharmaceutical supplements, please visit


Friday, January 11, 2013


Bluemoon Solutions

BlueMoon Solutions is the computer and IT services company on the Costa Blanca, they provide quality computer services at realistic prices and specialise in working with home users and small businesses.

Richard moved to Spain seven years ago having left his management background behind in the UK and decided to use his IT skills to help home users and small businesses with their PC problems. Now a relaxed 'computer man' he is out and about in the Spanish sun every day, making house and shop calls and using his vast experience and qualifications to (usually) sort out the problem there and then. Computers are his hobby as well as his work so don’t be surprised to get an answer to your email in the early hours!

ADVICE: Paul was having some pretty complicated prob- Bill wanted to know how to stop a McAffee error he was lem with Windows 7 receiving every time he went into the Internet

Hi Richard, I am a regular reader of your column in the Courier, and a reasonably knowledgeable PC user, and I hope that you can shed some light on a problem I have got with the 'Blue Screen of Death!' Some weeks ago my laptop was crashing at least two times per session, and was showing the infamous 'Blue Screen of Death' on each occasion, and when the 'Windows is looking for a solution' screen came up, it could not find a solution. I downloaded the program "WhoCrashed" in order to analyse the crash minidump reports (copy attached of the latest one), and you will see that it would appear that I have a problem with a third party driver, as every report received is exactly the same. In an effort to make sure that there was no 'nasties' in the system, I carried out a clean reinstallation of Windows 7, then re-installed all my programs, but the problem is still there, although now, after the BSD and the automatic re-boot, Windows now does find an immediate solution to the problem, however, it is only temporary, and subsequently often crashes again. I have checked the system driver information and the driver which is causing the problem i.e. genhc.sys, does not appear on this list, as it just shows those drivers installed with the Windows re-install, and what they relate to. When searching the file path it shows up (screen print attached), but when looking at the properties, it gives no indication of which program it is attached to. Looking up the driver on the web doesn't find it either. I have also downloaded 'driveragent' and used this to update all the drivers that it can do successfully, but as I am still having the dreaded 'BSD', it obviously hasn't updated the GenHc.sys driver. I am running the latest purchased version of AVG, and regularly scan the hard disk, and also run AVG cleaner, and CCleaner at least once a week. I need to find the third party supplier so that I can get their latest version of the problem driver. Do you have any ideas? Regards, Paul


Hi Paul, as you will be aware “Blue Screen Of Death” related errors can be very tricky to solve, especially given that you have reinstalled Windows. I’ve done a bit of searching for you and it seems that GenHC.sys is a generic USB driver, if you have on-board USB then I would pop over to the motherboard manufacturer’s website and download the relevant Windows 7 drivers from there. I also found the following article that might be of use if you have the driver verifier turned on…


Hello Richard, I keep reading your article each week in the Courier and found your answers to be very helpful. Here’s hoping you can help me. Whilst appreciating that I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer regarding computers. I would appreciate your help. This is a, “what have I clicked on and how do I get rid of it?” Question. When I click on my icon to go onto the Internet I get the irritating message… "The specified resource language ID cannot be found in the image McShield.dll" This also appears when I go to a link. All I do is close the item and all is o.k. Please how do I get rid of the message permanently? Regards Bill


Hi Bill, this error most likely relates to a McAffee Add-in that is installed in your browser, you need to disable the Add-in and that should resolve the problem. You don’t mention what program you use to browse the Internet so I will assume you use Internet Explorer, here are the instructions… 1. Launch Internet Explorer and click Tools, Internet Options 2. Click the Programs tab 3. Click Manage add-ons 4. Click the Add-on you wish to disable, and then click the Disable radio button. Note that this option will only be available when an Add-on is selected 5. Click OK to exit the Manage Add-ons menu 6. Click OK to exit the Internet Options menu 7. Close Internet Explorer and restart it for changes to take effect.

Don’t forget you can follow me on twitter @bluemoonspain Alternately why don’t you sign up for my newsletter. You can do this by going and fill in the form that is on any page except the front page. Mobile: 655 044 970

Office: 902 906 200


Friday, January 11, 2013


WHAT on earth is wrong with the UK? Why are all the values British people have held dear for generations being eroded one by one? I refer to the decision by the Girl Guides to start a consultation exercise - the same as the Scouting movement which could lead to the abandonment of the oath to God and Queen. It's been part of Guiding tradition for 102 years, but "reformers" want to change the oath to allow the movement to be acceptable to all. What exactly do these crazy reformers want Britain to become? Are they ashamed of their country? Do they want the UK to be an atheist nation? To become a Muslim state? Adopt Sharia law? Or turn Communist? Tearing down our institutions one by one is a dangerous path to follow, and who knows what the outcome will be? And frankly, I don't think I would want to know anything about that Britain of tomorrow.

The rot started with Tony Blair and his Socialist cronies opening the floodgates for all and sundry and ever since we have had to bow down to every conceivable minority and give up all our cherished traditions in case it upsets someone or other. It's utterly crazy and it's time the majority said enough is enough. If the minorities, whoever they are, don't like Britain and its traditions, then

they can get the hell out. They do the changing, not us.

A walk on the piled side LAST week we decided to take part in two organised walks - we thought it would do us good after all the Christmas and New Year overeating. It hasn't done much good yet, the weight loss is negligible. But that's not the reason I am writing this particular note. One of our walks was from La Mata around the lake and as we approached El Chaparral we couldn't believe our eyes. One walker joked "You can tell we are getting near civilisation." Civilisation is one way of describing it - I am referring to all the dog filth along the footpaths. It was impossible to

look ahead because not watching where you were putting your feet would have been a disaster. It looked as though every dog in Torrevieja and beyond had done its business there. Why can't these wretched dog ‘lovers’ clear up after their pets? During our walks (the other was on the foothills beyond Elche) we were most concerned at the balls of caterpillars which can cause serious rashes if touched and are lethal to pets. They emerge from their silk cocoons in a few weeks and start their migrations, walking in ‘convoys’. So watch out – particularly if you are allergic to them. Walking at the northern end of La Mata, we were appalled at all the plastic bottles thrown away on waste ground and on the beach. At least five for every square metre at one spot. We also picked up two handfuls of nylon fishing line along the beach, one with a barbed hook. If a bird gets entangled in a line it's a death sentence.


THE Anglican Chaplaincy of St. Peter and St. Paul To r r e v i e j a held its first service at the new Centro Ecumenico between Cabo Roig and La Zenia on the Feast of the Epiphany - or Los Tres Reyes as it is known in Spain, The January 6 service of Holy Communion was led by the Chaplain, Rev Christopher Scargill, assisted by reader Irene King. Evening Worship services are planned every Sunday at 6pm and services of Holy Communion every Thursday at 11am. Rev Scargill commented: “We would be pleased to welcome anyone to join us

at these services, whatever nationality, whether they are Anglican, from a different

church background or even if they have not been to church before.”

T h e Chaplaincy thanks the Roman Catholic parish of Cristo Resucitado for the use of its church centre and its staff for their assistance in starting this new venture. For more information and directions to the Centro Ecumenico , call Rev Scargill on 966 925 205, Casandra Hopkins 965 720 673 or Derek King 968 546 866. Enquiries may also be made to or Enquiries about baptisms, wedding blessings or funerals should be directed to Rev Scargill

Battle to beat the bottle

deterrent is to make the prison regime so harsh that people are petrified of being HATS off to the city fathers sent down. Either that or find of Concord in America, which a new Australia where we has banned the sale of botcan send all our criminal tled water in quantities less unwanted. than one litre. How many times have we I can understand it in Africa been told that the vast majorand Asia, where tap water is ity of released prisoners either non-existent or suscommit another crime within pect, but in Europe and weeks? America the bottled water Why? Because it is a relaindustry is ridiculous and an tively comfortable life and an absolute waste of money. escape from fending for I drink tap water wherever I themselves. Precious little am in Europe and I'm 68 and deterrent. in the rudest of health. So do The do-gooders will argue yourself a favour, stop wastthat we have to lavish loads ing money and help the enviof time and money on them ronment as well in cutting to change their lives for the down on polluting the planet better. My answer would be with unwanted empty plastic to make it plain to them their bottles. next conviction would result As for anglers - for goodin a long spell in a harsh work ness sake don't leave your camp. And followed by repafishing lines behind to kill triation for immigrants, withwildlife. out exception and regardless of Human Rights legislation.. Time for jails to Also on this theme, I was get tough fascinated to hear from one HATS off to the govern- of the newly-elected Police ment for attacking the worst and Crime Commissioners aspects of Socialism. The that oiks who are arrested for assault on benefits culture drunken Friday and Saturday and the tightening of immi- night mayhem should pay gration is most welcome. And the cost of a night in the cells, the announcement from estimated at up to £400. Justice Secretary Chris On one level, it's brilliant Grayling that prisoners will that trouble-makers should not be allowed out early pay the price rather than unless their behaviour war- cash-strapped tax payers. rants it was music to my But it should only happen ears. upon conviction for a crime, We've been soft on prison- not at the whim of police. ers for far too long. Judges The commissioner also have been too soft, the called for greater confiscaprison system is far too soft tion of assets of criminals. and allowing people out This I can agree with - anyyears before their sentence thing which deters people is up is just plain crazy. breaking the law should be In my book the only real adopted.


Friday, January 11, 2013

Orihuela’s Three Kings balloon goes up - and kids taste the high life MORE than 100 happy revellers got to enjoy a rare experience at Orihuela’s Three Kings celebrations … a bird’s eye view of the action. The hot-air balloon was only airborne for 90 minutes or so. But that was long enough for dozens of children and teenagers to clamber aboard for a unique sky ride. The Three Kings Parade was full of lovable characters from Sponge Bob and Mickey Mouse to Buzz Lightyear…plus six not so cuddly real live bulls.

The atmosphere was electric. Dancers, drummers, brass bands and marching bands created a cacophony of sound, while sweets flew through the air from floats manned by characters in colourful costumes. Santa Claus was there as, of course, were the main men – the Three Kings themselves. It really was a cracker of an occasion… lit up by two fireworks displays, one from Via Park 2 and a spectacular encore from the car park opposite Leroy Merlin’s.

Spangles provide some cool music at Iceland with MABS volunteers in the background. Picture: ADRIAN CHORLEY

A grand national winner as Kenz raise €1,000

David Feest receives the €1,000 cheque from Jan and Ken KENZ Bar’s first race night of the year in aid of the Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre was a grand occasion – literally. The centre’s David Feest was on hand at the San Luis hostelry to accept a cheque for €1,000 and to thank regulars who have helped to raise this amazing amount over the past year. Ken and Jan at Kenz have become tremendous supporters of the Rescue Centre and last year held several Race Nights in aid of the Foundation. Said David: “It is down to the generosity of Kenz Bar and customers who are willing to host such events on our behalf that our rescue and rehabilitation work continues.’’ And Ken said: “Hopefully we will beat the amount we raised last year that is certainly our aim.’’ Their next race night is planned for March. Pop in to Kenz for more details – and don't forget the Rescue Centre is open every Sunday between 1pm and 4pm. Call Sue on 652021980 or email

CHRISTMAS CHEER FOR MABS MURCIA THE lead-up to Christmas brought festive cheer aplenty to MABS Cancer Support Group in Murcia. On December 14 Iceland Overseas in San Javier provided mulled wine and Christmas nibbles while Spangles Ladies’ Harmony Chorus sang seasonal songs to their customers. Laurence from Murcia Today donating the proceeds of his plant sales to MABS and with a raffle, raised more than €600 to add to Iceland’s total for 2012. A Christmas raffle for 12 hair and beauty treatments at Ascension, Hair, Beauty & Holistic Centre in Los Alcázares raised €189 for MABS Murcia. Janet B thanked Jo Rea and Sheena Sample for all their hard work selling tickets and for choosing MABS as their charity. In Murcia North West, 120 guests enjoyed a Christmas party at The Sanctuary restaurant in Calasparra, with a delicious menu and excellent service from Paco and his staff. ‘Woody’ provided the music and everyone was up and dancing to his Buddy Holly tribute. A grand total of €700 was raised

MABS Murcia NW Christmas Party guests at The Sanctuary towards the good work that MABS volunteers are doing in the Calasparra and Cehegin area. MABS Murcia NW’s next fundraising event is the Valentine’s Dinner Dance at Bar Cantero in the Gran Via, Calasparra on February 16, with entertainment from Tony Kelly (Rat Pack tribute). These events are always popular, so please make sure you book your tickets early by calling: Sandra on 628 792 687, Lyn on 622 751 273, Pat on 676 541 146, or Astrid on 628 744 906.


MABS Cancer Support Group is looking for volunteers and we'd love to hear from you! MABS is a registered charity and has been working with cancer patients and their families in Spain since 1999 and is currently looking for new volunteers in the Mar Menor, Cartagena and Mazarrón areas. How about volunteering to drive patients to hospital appointments or perhaps providing support in the home?

Maybe you're an exnurse, who'd be willing to give up a few hours to help with the care of a cancer patient after release from hospital, or someone who speaks good Spanish and could help with translations. Are you good at fundraising? WHATEVER YOUR SKILLS - WE NEED YOU! PLEASE GIVE US A CALL: MAR MENOR/CARTAGENA: 615 016 035 OR CALL IN AT THE MABS CENTRE IN SAN JAVIER.

Friday, January 11, 2013


By MIKE SMITH THE Footwork Dance Studio’s magnificent show, Around the World, took the packed Los Montesinos theatre audience to places from Paris (Can-Can) to Madagascar (Move It ) and from India (Jai Ho) to Thailand (One Night in Bangkok). The performers, aged from two and 75, gave their all and much credit must go to Erica Dorrill, who choreographs the routines and teaches all the students. Also to her mother Carole, who designed the stunning and authentic costumes and to her husband John, who mixes the music and stages the lighting and sound. To make it truly a family affair, their daughter Rhiane helps her mother with the teaching and performs with the senior girls. The younger students took us to

Neverland with a beautiful piece of music from Peter Pan and the younger ones got the audience clapping with their Hillbilly Rock amongst many others. The adult dancers were fantastic with their American Tributes, Show Business and Rock ‘n’ Roll to name just a couple. They were also involved in the company numbers, Olympics Opening, Lord of the Dance and the British Finale. It all ran so smoothly. I congratulate all those parents and helpers in the wings. It must be so difficult to organise, with so many people on stage and backstage changing for the next number. I thoroughly enjoyed the show. All the performers should be exceptionally proud of themselves for putting on such a professional display. I look forward to the next.



Friday,December January 11, Friday, 16,2013 2011

Friday, January 11, 2013

Movie characters who should be in the Olympics



Forrest Gump


Such an obvious choice, but you can’t deny it would be pretty awesome watching him weightlift the entire stadium and outrun Usain Bolt by a clear nine seconds, let alone the throwing events. It wouldn’t be a very compelling contest, but it would make cracking television. And Lex Luthor is bound to take the Prime Minister hostage, so everyone’s a winner.

He may not be the sharpest tool in the box, but he sure can do wonderful things with a ping-pong ball. It’s a guaranteed crowd pleaser. Failing this he would also make a great long distance runner and he wouldn’t even need a medal, just some new shoes and a few Dr. Peppers.

Sure it would be entertaining to see Popeye compete in the sailing, but the interviews are the real reason for watching. Not only would his speech take longer than the actual race, but throw in Clare Balding and some spinach and we’ll have ourselves a brand new event – water wrestling.


Regan Macneil


Are we the only ones who think fencing should be much more thrilling than it currently is? At least Zorro would give it the unpredictability and excitement that it badly needs. Plus he could really add some pizzazz to those dull white costumes.

Mrs. Macneil could have made a fortune out of the whole devil’s-got-my-daughter debacle, had she just popped her in the gymnastics team. If the head-spinning, crab-walking, and levitating were just party tricks, imagine what she would have done at the Olympics. The mind boggles.

Not sure what the eligibility rules are for aliens, but I think we would all want to see E.T. in the cycling. Speed may not be on his side, but he can defy gravity and he’s someone the whole family can root for. The roof on the Velodrome would need to come off though.

Ariel & Sisters

Mr. Miyagi


Karate may not be in the Olympics yet, but Judo and Taekwondo both are, and to most people they’re all basically the same. He doesn’t even need funding, with a couple of car washes he can pay his own way.

Another super obvious choice, but unlike Superman we know Rocky will give us a struggle, an emotional battle against the odds, overcoming adversity to achieve his dream. And then he’ll milk it by doing it five more times, by which point nobody cares and we’ll all be so bored with the same formula recycled over and over and over and over again that you just want him to lose and get slow-motion punched so badly that he can’t inflict any more stupid films on us.

There are two reasons why these little mermaids should be in the Olympics. First they would just be remarkable at synchronised swimming, and second we all love a bit of drama and there’s no guarantee Ariel will show up and remember the routine. Also, it will make the event very pleasing to watch, in a beach volleyball kind of way, if you know what I mean (don’t judge, you’re all thinking it).


Friday, January 11, 2013


BALL OF DEATH Dad falls off cliff in zorbing horror

A THRILL-SEEKING dad was killed in a zorbing accident when he fell off a cliff in a giant inflatable ball.

The Sun

Denis Burakov, 27, was powerless to stop the ball rolling down a mountain and died after breaking his neck and spine. But miraculously a second man inside the zorb, Vladamir Shcherbov, escaped with only concussion, cuts and bruises. Dad-of-two Denis died when the zorb rolled out of control at a ski-resort in southern Russia. The huge ball was supposed to come to a stop at the bottom of the specially-made watched from the top of run - but veered away and off the run. a cliff. As Denis and Vladamir The horrific accident was get strapped in, a friend can filmed by one pal while others be heard saying: "Denis,

someone to catch it at the bottom. But as it travels down, a man can be heard saying: "Oh f***, it's gone in the wrong direction again." The video shows the ball jerking to the right before it careers off to the left and leaves the run. As it spins out of control and towards the cliff's edge a voice asks: "What's going on there?" Another voice replies: "Nothing," but adds, "A catastrophe." Local police commander Sergei Shuvayev said the zorb travelled "oneand-a-half kilometres, jumping on the rocks and hitting them." Rescuers eventually reached the pair after they you'll be like Jackie Chan in had come to rest on a frozen the Armour of God movie!" lake at the resort of Dombai. Denis was still breathing at An instructor is heard saying that the zorb "cannot go this point, but died on his that far" and that there is way to hospital.

RAPED BARMAID PLAYED DEAD A British barmaid told a Spanish court this week how she pretended to be dead to stop a knifewielding rapist killing her. Cheryl Maddison was followed home at 4am after finishing her shift on the party island of Magaluf and forced inside her apartment by her attacker, the court heard. “He followed me up the stairs. He punched me and dragged me inside.

He said, ‘Shhh... or I kill you’,” she said. Cheryl, 25, speaking from behind a screen to protect her from coming face-to-face with her alleged attacker, claimed he put her in the shower before pushing her into the bedroom and raping her. She told the court in the capital Palma: “I bit and scratched him but then I passed out. When I woke

up I was by myself in the bedroom. I was confused and crying. “There was blood coming out my chest. That’s when he entered the room. He put a knife in my neck. It went right into my neck. I thought he wanted me to die. “My breathing was making gargling sounds because he had stabbed me in the lung so I held my breath so he thought I

wasn’t breathing any more. I pretended to be dead. It felt like forever.” When her attacker fled she crawled out of her flat naked and collapsed in a pool of blood outside a nearby kebab shop. She needed surgery for stab wounds to her neck, throat, chest and back and spent two weeks in hospital before being allowed home to Murton, County Durham.

Left to die for two days by drug lesbians BATTERED, slashed and bleeding, Barry Reeve lay dying in his home for up to 48 hours after being attacked and tortured, a court heard this week. And the lesbian couple accused of murdering him to steal his cash returned to the house while he was still alive to raid his fridge, jurors were told. Drug addicts Kelly Barnes, 32, and civil partner Jodie Barnes, 31, allegedly killed the retired bus conductor because they believed he had a secret stash of money after the 67-year-old had been heard bragging about having access to large sums. The court heard they turned up the volume of his TV to mask his screams while they tortured him with a knife for his bank card PIN. The grandad’s body was not found until two weeks later. He had suffered severe brain damage. Prosecutor Karim Khalil QC told the court: “He was brutally beaten, cut with a sharp blade and left to die in his home, unable to summon help. "It is a sad fact that he was not found until two weeks later when his daughter, Julie Reeve, called round."She found the back door unlocked, opened it and saw blood on the inner door. “She could not bear to go in any further and called on a neighbour. "Together they went back, called for him but got no answer and decided to call the emergency services. His injuries reveal that whilst he was still alive he was beaten savagely and that he was scored with a sharp blade to his face and torso in a manner akin to torture. He must have suffered dreadfully. “Both of these defendants went to his home uninvited. He was alive when they arrived and was left dying when they departed. They were so callous they later returned to his home in a taxi and cleared out what items they wanted, including food from his freezer.”

Friday, January 11, 2013



Police hunt bag-puss after callous mother steals kitten from pet shop Daily Mail

A WOMAN has been captured on CCTV cameras stealing a cat from a pet shop. Young children were filmed picking the kitten up from its basket in the shop ...and then their mother snatches it from them and throws it into her handbag. Police and the RSPCA are investigating the callous theft and appealing for information about the mystery woman. The timid black and white kitten called Little Boy - was not even for sale. Pet shop owner Carol Ivory was You’re nicked... the looking after the young moggy and helpless kitten is its mum for a friend. flung into the Carol, 60, said: 'I noticed the kitten woman’s handbag was missing and checked the CCTV system to see where he had gone. 'I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw what happened. 'The children obviously took a shine to the kitten and you can see on the film that they want it and she is going to steal it. 'But the way she chucks it in the bag so roughly is really upsetting. 'You just know that Little Boy won't be cared for and looked after properly if that's the way he will be treated.' The woman was in a group of people who entered Carol's shop to hand over her handbag, the shop, with one of the chilin Roath, Cardiff, at 11am dren holding the handbag. which she does. last Saturday. One of the men pays for an Holding the kitten in one The shop's video shows item before following the rest hand, she opens the handtwo men, two women and of the group out of the shop three children walking bag and throws the animal with the other man. inside before closing it again. around looking at the aniLifelong animal lover Carol The video then switches to mals on display. only noticed the kitten was After three minutes and 40 another camera angle, overmissing an hour later. seconds, one of the children looking the shop entrance, She said: 'It was the shock is seen holding the male kit- where the two men are as much as anything - you ten. standing. don't think anyone would do One of the women takes About a minute later, the that. the animal from the child and footage shows the women 'The thought of a defencemotions for the other woman and children walking out of less little kitten being with

them is just horrifying.' A reward has been put up yesterday for information leading to the safe return of the kitten to the Albany Pets shop in the Welsh capital. Carol was looking after the kitten, and its mother, for a friend who was away on a three-week holiday. She added: 'He's so good and very quiet, he doesn't stand up for himself. 'What are they going to do to him if he makes a mess on

the carpet out of fright?' Carol yesterday said she was so upset she would not be renewing her licence to sell pets. South Wales Police confirmed the incident had been reported and an investigation was ongoing. A spokeswoman said: 'We are examining the CCTV footage and appealing for information about the people filmed inside the shop at the time.'


Thieving bride gets away with 90% of wedding bill A BLUSHING bride who left her employers' business with 'life-threatening injuries' has been ordered to pay back less than a tenth of the money she stole to finance her wedding. Kirsty Lane, 30, put 25 jobs at risk when she used her position to siphon off almost £200,000 from the business to pay for the sumptuous ceremony at The Great Hall at Mains. Now, Peter Sutton, company director of Pure AV in Walton Summit, near Preston, said the order to repay just £17,831 was 'extremely disappointing', adding: 'I hope she has learnt her lesson.' With magicians, a harpist and a spectacular firework display, no expense was spared for the lavish wedding of Kirsty and Graham Lane. Smiling for the photographer, Lane looked every bit the happy bride as she tied the knot at the lavish ceremony. But her smiles hid a secret which was soon to be uncovered this spectacular celebration was to cost two of her colleagues their jobs and put her employers’ business under threat. She has now been ordered to pay back less than a tenth of the money she stole from the business, which boss Mr Sutton said was left in a difficult position following the fraud.


Friday, January 11, 2013


DRIVING BY DESIGN At last – a cosy shoe for girls behind the wheel

A YOUNG Valencian businessman has found a solution to one of the female motorist’s biggest problems - by inventing the first shoes especially for women to drive in. Rafa Guillem has christened the shoes Nubhes. Many women carry with them a pair of comfortable shoes when they are wearing heels, and change into these when they have to drive. But, Rafa points out, these shoes aren’t really designed for driving. “I wanted to create a safe and comfortable shoe which would allow women to drive better,” added the designer, who joined forces with a shoemaker from Elche. The Nubhe incorporates a rubber part on the toe and

TWO men dressed as Father Christmas tried to rob a Mercadona shop in Barcelona on the night of Three Kings. The two merry thieves were looking for the safe, and entered the supermarket carrying training rifles. They shot one security guard in the arm, but a colleague of the wounded man wrestled one of the red-suited gentlemen to the ground and he was subsequently arrested. Catalan police. Officers are still looking for the other Santa.

DRUGS POLICE TURN THE EAT ON VEG LORRY heel to allow the shoe to grip the pedals better. The shoes also take into account that women’s ankles get tired, and have been designed to stop this happening. They are slip-ons, with no laces, they are light and they let your feet breathe.

Nubhes are available on the internet in two colours. They have reflective stripes to increase night-time visibility if the driver needs to get out of the car, and come with a special bag in which they can be kept when not in use, and which can be hung on the back of the car seat.

euros. Fast forward a month, and of the 3,000 copies they had made of the calendar, 1,800 have been sold. That’s given them enough cash to pay for a school bus

we could have given the children,” said Silvia Cisneros, who proudly explained that she was the December calendar girl. Speaking to reporters the women said that they were “very happy” that they had raised enough money so that 35 of the more than 80 children affected by the cuts are able to take the bus once for the children for the next more, and made clear that three months. The first bus they were planning to continjourney for the kids since the ue with their protests in an cutbacks came into effect effort to force the region’s education department to was taken on Monday. “It’s the best Kings’ Day gift make a U-turn.

Women who have tried them say that driving in Nubhes is like walking in slippers. They can also be used for doing pilates and taichi. “They are called Nubhes because when you wear them you will feel like you’re walking on clouds (nubes),’’ says Rafa.

Bussed-off mums settle for nothing but the bust

WHEN wide-reaching publicspending cuts left a group of elementary school pupils in the Valencian provincial town of Montserrat without their school bus, a group of mothers decided they weren’t going to suffer the inconvenience of having to make the six-kilometre journey on foot every day lying down. So how did the women, dubbed “yummy mummies” by the press, decide to raise money for their youngsters? By posing wearing little or nothing for a calendar, which they then put on sale for five

Red alert for thief Santa

SEVEN people were arrested in Sangonera la Seca near Murcia last Saturday over the discovery of 110 kilos of cocaine hidden inside vegetables being transported from Cadiz. According to police officers, the drugs were camouflaged inside 18 tonnes of vegetables which had been imported from Colombia to Algeciras. They were intercepted inside a lorry which was transporting the vegetables to Murcia. It appears that a Murcian businessman had joined forces with the owner of a transport company introducing cocaine and hashish into Spain from Morocco and South America. Detectives followed the loaded lorry from Algeciras to Murcia. When it drove into the company headquarters the police arrested the seven people who were awaiting it. Of the seven, one was from the Dominican Republic, two were Colombian and four were Spanish.

DEATH RIDDLE AS HIKER DIES IN MOUNTAIN FALL A 58-year-old man died while hiking in the mountains outside Murcia last weekend. The body of the man, identified only by his initials RMC, was discovered by a couple as they walked along a footpath near the El Valle Park visitors’ centre. They immediately phoned 112, but emergency workers were unable to do anything as the hiker had been dead for hours. It appears that he fell down a 15 metre deep crevice, but the cause of his death has not yet been confirmed.

Friday, January 11, 2013


Smack in the job! 6.1 million in work queue THE European Union’s statistics office Eurostat said Tuesday that Spain’s jobless rate hit 26.6 percent in November, up from 26.2 percent in October and 23.0 percent for the same month a year earlier. On that basis, the total number of people out of work in the country amounted to 6.157 million, after topping the six-million mark for the first time ever in October. Spain accounts for about a third of the 18.820 million people looking for work in the European Union. Spain has also extended its woeful lead as the EU member with the highest unemployment rate. The average in the EU in November was 10.7 percent, and 11.8 percent in the euro zone. Both figures were unchanged from the previous month.

Despite the Spanish economy continuing to hemorrhage jobs, the EU commissioner for employment, Laszlo Andor, said Tuesday the increase in unemployment in Spain is probably close to peaking based on the latest available figures. However, Andor said the levels of youth unemployment in Spain were extremely worrying. The jobless rate for those under 25 climbed from 55.8 percent in October to 56.5 percent in November. The average in the EU was 23.7 percent.


THE KING AT 75 KING Juan Carlos celebrated his 75th birthday quietly last week, keeping a low profile after his annus horribilis. However, the Spanish monarch did give a television interview which was widely seen as a bid to reconnect with his fellow countrymen, after his popularity plummeted in 2012. He spoke of the deep economic crisis that has left 25 per cent unemployed, saying: "The lack of work, which means millions of families cannot live with dignity and that young people have to leave Spain to find whatever they can working abroad, that hurts us a lot ...hurts me especially”. During the interview, broadcast on state television late last Friday night, the King avoided discussion of subjects closer to home that will have undoubtedly troubled him over the last year. He was forced to issue a public apology last April following public outrage after it emerged he had been on an expensive safari to hunt elephants in Botswana, where he broke his hip after a fall in camp. The trip served to highlight the extravagant lifestyle of Spain's royals during a time

Juan Carlos in bid to heal rift with public

of deep austerity and led to calls for his abdication. No mention was made either of the corruption scandal that has engulfed Inaki Urdangarin, husband of the King's youngest daughter, who was in court last February accused of embezzling public funds. But Juan Carlos used the interview as an opportunity to

remind Spaniards of his role in smoothing Spain's transition to democracy after the 1975 death of dictator Francisco Franco. "I would like to be remembered as the king who has united Spaniards, that with him democracy and the monarchy have been recovered," he said. And he added that he had no intention of abdicating

and handing the throne over to his son Crown Prince Felipe, 45 although he said his heir was "very well prepared to reign". Recent polls show that popularity for the monarchy is at an all-time low and that only 50 per cent of Spaniards have a good opinion of the King, down from 72 per cent a year ago.

Bank of Spain ‘looked the other way’ The Association of Inspectors at the Bank of Spain, which covers 80 percent of the professionals at the lender, has produced a damning report about the institution's practices. Its findings include the

accusation that when evidence of wrongdoing is discovered in Spanish banks, "the usual reaction is to look the other way." The new governor of the Bank of Spain, Luis Linde, announced in

July 2012 that a commission would be created to investigate the failings of the institution. Under its watch, a number of regional savings banks have been blighted by cases of corruption, while the taxpayer has

had to stand by and watch as the government spends billions of euros of public money shoring up the banks, whose balance sheets were devastated after the collapse of the construction sector.


Friday, January 11, 2013

Market Commentary 11th January 2013

US senate agrees deal on fiscal cliff Welcome to your market analysis from Currencies Direct where you can stay one step ahead of your friends on the latest news and reviews of the financial markets. Our aim is to provide you with an easily digestible update of how the financial market is performing using the expertise of our dealers who make it their sole aim to keep on top of the market movements.


During the festive period President Barack Obama was in a race against time to agree a deal on the upcoming fiscal cliff, amidst stiff opposition against planned tax reforms and spending cuts. The FX market swung like a pendulum as details about the deal emerged and sentiment moved from one extreme to another. Finally, after lengthy negotiations the US senate reached an agreement on a fiscal package, helping to avoid a potential dip in growth in 2013. With the US Treasury hitting its ceiling on its $16.4 trillion debt limit, the US House did pass a bill as per Obama’s plan of increased taxation on households. As per 2012 projections, the tax hike will bring in $620 billion in the next 10 years. With the tax bill being passed, the next battle is likely to ensue on the spending cuts to be implemented, for the deficit reduction program. Although the cliff has been averted the debt ceiling issue is still looming and this problem has simply been kicked down the road to be dealt with in February and March. Last Friday the ever important jobs report known as Non-Farm Payrolls showed the US economy adding 155,000 jobs in December. This brought the total number of jobs in 2012 to 1.84 million. The unemployment rate was unchanged at 7.8%. This result follows a separate survey by payroll processor ADP showing that private employers boosted their hiring last month, adding 215,000 jobs.


From the UK, Sterling managed to gain on the back of the fiscal cliff sentiment. British factory activity jumped unexpectedly in December to grow at its fastest pace since September 2011 raising the chance that the economy managed to grow at the end of 2012. The Markit/CIPS Manufacturing Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) rose to a 15-month high of 51.4 in December – a far stronger increase than any predicted in a Reuters poll of 24 economists. According to data out last week, house prices in the UK sunk back into decline in the final month of 2012. According to Nationwide, prices edged down 0.1% across the country contributing to an overall decline of 1% in over the year. The data also showed a market starkly divided between North and South with the capital defying the gloomy outlook on house prices.


Tentative signs emerged in December that the eurozone economy may have passed the worst of its downturn; however talk about a sustained recovery is still premature. Markit's eurozone Composite PMI rose in December to 47.2 from 46.5 in November. While this figure is still below the 50 line dividing growth from contraction for an 11th month, December's reading was the highest since March 2012. Southern European bond yields also seem to be the main beneficiary of the US budget deal and they have been falling steadily since the New Year. Spain needs to place another €110 bn this year so a move towards and below the 5% level will be very welcome indeed. The EU’s statistics office Eurostat confirmed that annual inflation in the 17 euro countries was 2.2% in December, the same level as in November. Inflation remained steady despite expectation of a fall with rising prices for food and services offsetting a drop in energy costs. Information provided by Currencies Direct, leading providers of foreign exchange. Call to find out how we can help you get the best rates and save your transfer fees. Contact the La Zenia office on +34 965 994 830 or email The contents of this report are for information purposes only. It is not intended as a recommendation to trade or a solicitation for funds. Currencies Direct cannot be held responsible for any loss or damages arising from any action taken following consideration of this information.


Friday, January 11, 2013

Horoscopes Aries March 21 - April 19 You will be glad of a loved one's ability to almost painlessly remove splinters from your backside. Your lack of self-control "down there" may mean you're limited to small forays to the bathroom today. Sitting at a computer in order to read websites is not advised. Correlating facts is an awesome responsibility. Are you sure you're up to it?

Taurus April 20 - May 20 An application to receive an award from a website may go very successfully today. A masterplan is forming inside your head and you'll be ready to put it into action any day now. Your favourite place may change today as you have new reason for utter joy. Your lucky goat name for today is: Penelope.

Gemini May 21 - June 20 When things are looking down, sit yourself down on the nearest swivelling chair and spin. If that doesn't raise a smile, then I'm all out of ideas. Dogs will find themselves inexplicably attracted to your shins, this week. Massaging figures is something that both Accountants and Masseurs do. But they are NOT the same thing. Honestly.

Cancer June 21 - July 22 Your future may be tainted by a mistake in your past. Now is the time for a new resolution. Money is a source of evil you can't do without. Credit card companies may seize on your lack of self-control. Your mother is proud of you. All the email addresses in the world won't make up for the fact that you are socially retarded. The way that aliens think is none of your business.

By Pandora Leo July 23 - August 22 Gloomy times lay ahead. The word "Wobble" might mean something to you today that it simply hasn't meant before. You will be plagued by happy people, but don't be swayed by them, stay miserable. The day is as long as the night. Damage To The Central Nervous System - a phrase you're going to be hearing a lot over the coming days.

Virgo August 23 - September 22 Your friends will call you Jumbo. The number you are thinking of is an odd number below 50. Fire is your symbol for today. The more money you get this month, the more you realise you should be doing something more constructive with it. Your "rustic charms" are not an excuse for being smelly and dirty.

Libra September 23 - October 22 Combovers will suddenly attract you this week as you attempt to get a hospital appointment for an eye problem. If you're missing an element to your life, why not choose tin? Seek comfort in clothing today. Release your anger safely, write a story for TheSpoof.

Scorpio October 23 - November 21 Weird is not a word you'd normally associate with your behaviour. That's because you're completely normal and sane and don't give a dog's dooberie about having fun. Unruly behaviour by your closest friends can be solved using cake-forks. Go with that animal instinct. You're Tony the tiger?and you're GRRRRREEEAT

Sagittarius November 22 - December 21 In the land that time forgot, everyone had a hard time. Your selfish ways will not improve this week as you win a sizeable jackpot on the lottery. Fire is a hazard you won't want to ignore this week, so watch out for those big conflagrations! There's no harm in taking the day off.

Capricorn December 22 - January 19 Life throws us all crazy things now and then. Like swords made of ham. And dogs on skateboards. For what it's worth, today is going to be very short. Which is a very good thing for you. The legend of the baked bean may trouble you today as last night's meal tries to catch up with last week's. Don't take everything you have for granted.

Aquarius January 20 - February 18 Weather can change in an instant, so be prepared for every eventuality today. Even and especially if that means dressing up in 3 different types of clothing. Love may be in the air for one lucky person tonight. I'm talking world-wide here, not about you - UGLY! You dig? Your lucky horse for today is: Sombrero's Lid.

Pisces February 19 - March 20 Spreading lies about colleagues or friends may see dwindling relationships with those around you. And, yes, of course I know that's obvious - but you're the one who's going to do it! Crossing your arms, legs and fingers is fine. The colours you see around you are intended to give you an idea of three dimensional space.


Friday, January 11, 2013

TOP 10 PROFESSIONS MOST LIKELY TO SPEED High-powered execs dominate the list of drivers most likely to speed - but it's good news for students!

Operations directors, surgeons and sales directors are the drivers most likely to have been caught speeding – and students are among the least likely, a new survey has revealed. MoneySupermarket has analysed 14 million car insurance quotes run over the past year and discovered the professions most likely to have points on their licence because of speeding. It seems professions such as MDs, directors, chief executives and barristers have the speediest people amongst their ranks. Clearly, high-pressure positions means every minute counts – which is perhaps why so many are going over the limit.

MoneySupermarket car insurance expert Kevin Pratt said people are living up to stereotypes. “Our data shows that professionals in high paid jobs driving fast, powerful cars are more likely to be caught speeding than the average family car, or a car with a smaller engine. “Your profession can say a lot about you: the type of car you drive, your age and very often your gender.” However, more sympathy will perhaps be given to speeding medical professionals such as surgeons and hospital consultants: both also featured in the top 10 and it’s easy to understand why.

At the other end of the scale sit café workers, building society clerks and, yes, students: they’re all among the least likely drivers to have been caught speeding. The survey comes as MoneySupermarket reveals that 7

in 10 of ALL driving convictions are for speeding. In the gender split, 9.2% of men have a speeding conviction: a full 3% more than women. It’s 40-49 year olds who are most likely to have a conviction, followed by

people in their 30s and then 50-64 year olds. Younger drivers? They are LEAST likely to have a conviction for speeding, with male drivers aged 20-24 having a conviction rate of 7.2%, and females a 4.4% rate… Top 10 professions registering a conviction for speeding 1 Operations director 2 Surgeon 3 Sales director 4 MD 5 Chartered surveyor 6 Chief executive 7 Commissioned officer 8 Financial adviser 9 Hospital consultant 10 Barrister

‘Drugalyser’ kit approved

A new kit to test for the presence of drugs in a driver’s system has been approved for police use, according to the Home Office. The new system – dubbed the ‘drugalyser’ – will analyse mouth swabs for traces of cannabis, and is leading the way ahead of further developments to test for other banned substances. The machine will be used in police stations and negates the need for a doctor to be on duty to take a blood sample – previously the only way authorities could determine if drugs are present in a driver’s blood. Testing using this method can take time to call a doctor out, meaning drugs could have left the alleged offender’s system by the time a medical professional is present and blood has been taken. The new real-time test will eradicate this potential loophole in the system. Department for Transport statistics for 2011 show at least 640 accidents – including 49 deaths – were caused by driving under the influence of drugs, including both illegal and medicinal substances.

Policing and criminal justice minister Damian Green on drug-driving: “Those who take drugs and go out on the roads are a menace to pedestrians, other motorists and themselves.” The testing kits will be introduced as part of a wider crackdown that will see driving under the influence of drugs become a crime under new legislation. Offenders could face up to six months in jail and a maximum £5,000 fine – as well as an automatic driving ban of at least 12 months, similar to the penalties for drinkdriving. Hertfordshire-based firm Draeger has developed the equipment, which tests for THC, the active ingredient in cannabis. The analysis would immediately notify police that a suspect has provided a positive sample, allowing them to ask for a blood test without seeking prior medical approval. However, this would still need to be taken as further evidence (although the process will now be speeded up) as a blood sample is still required for prosecution at this stage.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Jailed after Facebook speeding scam

A 32-year-old man has been jailed after breaking the speed limit and then posting on Facebook for someone to take his penalty points. Scott Woodburn advertised on the social networking site for a volunteer – and paid £250 to another man who responded to his offer. Woodburn was jailed for five months after police charged him with perverting the course of justice. The other man was also given an 11-week prison sentence, suspended for 12 months. The police reportedly

used forensic evidence to catch Woodburn, who was caught speeding on the A61 in Sheffield back in November 2011. Apparently, Woodburn refused to cooperate with police and only pleaded guilty once the strength of evidence against him proved overwhelming. Interestingly, the other man doesn’t actually hold a driving licence. A spokesperson for South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership said: “Hopefully this case will send a warning to anyone who would consider anything so irresponsible.

“Woodburn showed no regard for anyone else. He was prepared to drive at excessive speed, once caught rather than changing the manner of his driving he selfishly paid to have someone else to take the blame so that he could continue behaving as before. “South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership aim to improve road safety on South Yorkshire’s roads by tracing and prosecuting serial offenders who provide false information in an attempt to avoid prosecution.” You have been warned…



Friday, January 11, 2013

CODE CRACKER Code Cracker is a crossword puzzle with no clues; instead, every letter of the alphabet has been replaced by a number, the same number representing the same letter throughout the puzzle. All you have to do is decide which letter is represented by which number. In this week’s puzzle, 7 represents Z and 24 represents N, when these letters have been entered throughout the puzzle, you should have enough information to start guessing words and discovering other letters.




1 Altruistic (8) 7 Love (5) 8 Harmless (9) 9 Passenger vehicle (3) 10 Level (4) 11 Annoy (6) 13 Standard (6) 14 Set free (6) 17 Smear (6) 18 Baby powder (4) 20 Feline (3) 22 Position (9) 23 Ensnares (5) 24 Carte blanche (4,4)

1 Move (5) 2 Oil lamp (7) 3 Intertwine (4) 4 Catchphrase (6) 5 Explosive devices (5) 6 Show disapproval (7) 7 Feeling guilty (7) 12 Dishearten (7) 13 Impose sanctions (7) 15 Goblet (7) 16 More rapidly (6) 17 Pilfer (5) 19 Church regulation (5) 21 Be bothered (4)

Last weeks Solution Across: 1 Lash, 3 Garrison, 9 Servant, 10 Barge, 11 Lapse, 12 Cancel, 14 Second, 16 Apathy, 19 Dangle, 21 Limit, 24 Extra, 25 Insular, 26 Parasite, 27 Area. Down: 1 Listless, 2 Scrap, 4 Attach, 5 Robin, 6 Surfeit, 7 Need, 8 Tavern, 13 Hysteria, 15 Chapter, 17 Polish, 18 Desist, 20 Goads, 22 Molar, 23 Help.

Scribble Pad

DOUBLE CROSS-WORD Solve the Double Cross-Word puzzle using either the standard or cryptic clues, the answers are exactly the same.

CRYTPIC CLUES Across 1 Windlass disturbed catnaps (7) 5 Enters names in writing that slopes? (5) 8 A lock up and just the place to keep a criminal (7) 9 French pen with a feather? (5) 10 Fools dock judge (5) 11 Mix-up; the prisoner is armed, we hear (7) 12 Former PM on head of state’s case (6) 14 Insignificant rugby score by a friend (6) 17 Remarkable, but hardly competent (7) 19 That’s Bill, next to Tom’s mate (5) 22 Rather cautious animals in the market (5) 23 Run and preach about exercise (7) 24 Fellows new leader gets around (5) 25 Neglected Susie injured in dead ends (7)

Down 1 Company’s foundation garment in snake skin (5) 2 Care for a spin around (5) 3 Unconventional start in passage (7) 4 Refusal to play the game, and the reason why (2,4) 5 Flower seen in a dell up in the Lake District (5) 6 Some Honshu touts are prevented from entering (7) 7 Style we adapted in a melodious way (7) 12 Athens and Baghdad contain ballast (7) 13 Tanner I spun to get on locomotive (7) 15 Unfeeling Cockney sounds uncultured (7) 16 Further than yon in bed (6) 18 Police searches reveal sculptures (5) 20 Savage beast thumps it’s way to victory (5) 21 Surrender the return on one’s investment (5)




1 Venomous snake (5) 2 Aches (5) 3 Pass through (7) 4 Refusal (2,4) 5 Plant of the pea family (5) 6 Exclude (7) 7 Pleasantly (7) 12 Ambush (7) 13 Get on board (7) 15 Uncultured (7) 16 On the far side of (6) 18 Breaks (5) 20 Pulsates (5) 21 Surrender (5)

1 Winch (7) 5 Inventories (5) 8 Robber (7) 9 Feather (5) 10 Donkeys (5) 11 Dream up (7) 12 Scabbard (6) 14 Meagre (6) 17 Famous (7) 19 Brindled cat (5) 22 Carries (5) 23 Function (7) 24 Fellows (5) 25 Obsolete (7)

Last weeks Solution Across: 1 Cellars, 5 Tomes, 8 Penance, 9 Moral, 10 Rooks, 11 Despair, 12 Coccyx, 14 Bridge, 17 Paragon, 19 Sable, 22 Tenor, 23 Trivial, 24 Lotto, 25 Segment. Down: 1 Caper, 2 Lingo, 3 Amnesty, 4 Speedy, 5 Times, 6 Mermaid, 7 Splurge, 12 Capital, 13 Coronet, 15 Risking, 16 Unites, 18 Garbo, 20 Bride, 21 Eclat.


Complete the crossword grid by using the given words:

2 letter words As Is Me Ta 3 letter words Ace Air Aka Ale Ant Awe Bat Dot Duo Emu Era Ink Key

Let Mar Ode Oft Ore Rod Roe Sap Ski Sty Tic Tie Urn Wit Wok Yet Yon 4 letter words Aids Aloe

Area Arid Arms Arts Bars Base Bays Both Caps Cede Coke Cuss Fuss Hart Lira Mead Meet Nose Ours Sear Shin

Skit Some Taps Tent This Tree Trio Twee Wife Wise Wren 5 letter words Acrid Idols Miaou Nasal Oakum Pends Sales Saudi

Shade Tamer Tatty Tenon 6 letter words Basket Francs Harass Settee Torpid Warmth 7 letter words Outlook Teatime 8 letter words Hairless Splendid

SPANISH-ENGLISH CROSSWORD Improve your Spanish - clues in Spanish, answers in English or vice versa.



1 Castillos (7) 5 Snobbish (person) (5) 8 Naranjas (7) 9 Late (5) 10 Sauce (savoury) (5) 11 Lectores (7) 12 Cesto (6) 14 Alcades (6) 17 Gafas (7) 19 Canciones (5) 22 Dos veces (5) 23 Avenue (7) 24 Robar (objeto, dinero) (5) 25 Ostras (7)

1 Cruz (figura) (5) 2 Pequeño (5) 3 Equipaje (7) 4 Tailor (6) 5 De más (5) 6 Norwegian (7) 7 Bendice (7) 12 Moustaches (7) 13 Playa (7) 15 Respuestas (a pregunta, en examen, test) (7) 16 Tin (ore) (6) 18 Cáscara (de huevo, nuez) (5) 20 Ruido (sonido) (5) 21 Estrellas (5)


Friday, January 11, 2013 Across 1 Which professional rugby union team play their home games at Vicarage Road, in Watford? (8) 5 By what other name is the punctuation mark the full stop known as in the US? (6) 10 In the children’s television programme Sesame Street, what is the name the green ‘Grouch’ who lives in a trash can? (5) 11 Which Latin phrase that means ‘seize the day’, is often used to urge someone to make the most of the present time and give little thought to the future? (5,4) 12 Which short comic or nonsensical verses, typically in two rhyming couplets with lines of unequal length and referring to a famous person, are named after a 20th century English novelist and humorist? (9) 13 The down feathers of which northern sea duck are often used to fill pillows and quilts? (5) 14 Which small carnivorous mammals of the weasel family have chestnut fur with white underparts and blacktipped tails? (6) 15 What is the surname of the 16th century English poet

who is best known for his allegorical romance The Faerie Queene? (7) 18 Friends and I Will Survive were both UK Top 20 hit singles for which close-harmony pop-rock band? (7) 20 Sarajevo is the capital of which mountainous republic of south-central Europe, formerly part of the Ottoman Empire and then a part of Yugoslavia? (6) 22 Albrecht who was the leading German artist of the Renaissance, important for his technically advanced woodcuts and copper engravings and also noted for his watercolours and drawings? (5) 24 Which is the lowest female singing voice? (9) 25 What was the surname of the Icelandic-born television presenter who was best known as the question-master of the BBC television quiz programme Mastermind, which he hosted for 25 years? (9) 26 According to the lyrics of a 1969 hit single for soul singers Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell: The world is just a great big [what]? (5) 27 According to Greek mythology, what was the


Quiz Word

name of the only mortal gorgon, whom Perseus killed by cutting off her head? (6) 28 Which 1962 Gregory Peck/Robert Mitchum thriller

film was remade in 1991starring Robert De Niro as Max Cady and Nick Nolte as Sam Bowden? (4,4)

Down 1 Which verb means ‘to burn the surface of (something) with flame or heat? (6) 2 What name connects Jack Benny’s valet (played by comedian Eddie Anderson) and the master of Thornfield Hall in Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre? (9) 3 According to Christian tradition, the chief moral attributes of scholastic philosophy, justice, prudence, temperance (or restraint) and fortitude (or courage), are collectively known as what? (8,7) 4 In physics, what name is given to the positively charged central core of an atom that contains most of its mass? (7) 6 At the beginning of Charles Dickens’s 1843 novel A Christmas Carol, which of the principal characters is a coldhearted, tight-fisted and greedy man, who despises Christmas and all things that give people happiness? (8,7) 7 Which Greek epic poem in 24 books, traditionally ascribed to Homer, tells how Achilles killed Hector at the climax of the Trojan War? (5) 8 Which former Dutch colony in South America, now part of Guyana, gives its name to a

light brown cane sugar? (8) 9 In the US, thin crisp slices of potatoes fried in deep fat are known as ‘potato chips’, what are they called in the UK? (6) 16 What name is usually applied to a painting or drawing of an arrangement of objects, typically including fruit and flowers and objects contrasting with these in texture, such as bowls and glassware? (5,4) 17 The aromatic seeds of which plant of the ginger family are used as a spice and also medicinally? (8) 19 The name of which large, mainly tropical grasshopper with strong powers of flight, comes from the Latin for ‘crustacean’? (6) 20 Which western television series that ran from September 1959 to January 1973 centred on the Cartwright family, who lived a ranch called the Ponderosa on the eastern shore of Lake Tahoe in Nevada? (7) 21 According to the nursery rhyme, where did Little Jack Horner sit to eat his Christmas pie? (6) 23 Which adjective means ‘incapable of or resistant to bending’? (5)


COMIDA SANA - HEALTHY FOOD Match these words with their Spanish translations then find them in the wordsearch. (Answers below)

el aguacate

las fresas

el arroz integral

las naranjas

el pan integral

las uvas

el pescado

las verduras

la avena

leche desnatada

la ensalada

los nueces

la fruta

pechuga de pollo

las almendras

zumo de fruta

movies/tv QUIZ

ANSWERS: 1. Indiana Jones 2. The Virginian 3. C-P3O 4. Marlene Dietrich 5. Twelve Monkeys 6. The Dark 7. Road Runner 8. Fraggle Rock 9. Grease 10. Yensid - Disney reversed 11. Play Misty for Me 12. Jack Jones

Last Week’s Solutions Code Cracker Last weeks Quiz Word Solution Across: 1 Supine, 4 Overlord, 9/23 Ngaio Marsh, 10 Raconteur, 11 Ibis, 12 Typo, 13 Ozone, 15 Goulash, 16 Iota, 19 Fats, 20 Carry On, 24 Cook, 25 Call, 27 Abattoirs, 28 Equus, 29 Assonant, 30 Bowery. Down: 1 San Diego, 2 Platinum, 3 Nook, 5 Victoria Cross, 6 Ringo Starr, 7 Ocelot, 8 Dorset, 10 Rhythm section, 14 Kazakhstan, 17 Syracuse, 18 Anglesey, 21 Impala, 22 Broads, 26 Nero.

Empareja estas palabras - Match the Spanish and English words You will find the answers at the bottom of the quiz. 1. el aguacate,

14.los nueces,

k.walnuts, l.wholemeal rice,

2.el arroz integral,

15.pechuga de pollo,

m.oranges, n.salad, o.grapes,

3.el pan integral, 4.el pescado,

16.zumo de fruta.

p.skimmed milk, avena, ensalada, fruta, 8.las almendras,

a.chicken breast, b.strawberries,

9.las fresas, 10.las naranjas,

c.fruit, d.oats, e.almonds,

11.las uvas, 12.las verduras,

f.avocado,, h.vegetables,

13.leche desnatada,

i.fruit juice, j.wholemeal bread,


Span - Eng


Answers: 1f, 2l, 3j, 4g, 5d, 6n, 7c, 8e, 9b, 10m, 11o, 12h, 13p, 14k, 15a, 16i

1. What fictional archaeologist trained under Professor Abner Ravenwood? 2. James Drury starred in which TV western series? 3. What character did Anthony Daniels play in a series of films? 4. What actress said "I acted vulgar, Madonna is vulgar"? 5. In what film did Bruce Willis play a time travelling criminal? 6. In the TV show Bonanza, Hoss Cartwright was afraid of what? 7. Geococcyx Californicus is what (cartoon) animal? 8. What was the first US, TV series screened in the USSR? 9. Vaselina and Brillantino were alternate names from which film? 10. In Disney's Fantasia what is the Sorcerer's name? 11. What was Clint Eastwood's first film as a director? 12. Who sang the theme song for 'The Love Boat'?

Fill It In


Friday, January 11, 2013

TRELI ON THE TELLY What brought Tom to a dive like this?

with ALEX TRELINSKI OWN up if you sat through the whole 90 minutes of ITV’s new Saturday night diving competition, Splash, just to see if cohost Vernon Kay might be pushed off the top of the ten-metre board? Perhaps the nudge could have come from Vern’s wife, Tess Daly. She was reportedly annoyed that her hubby had taken the gig, meaning they had to postpone their holiday after her stint on Strictly Come Dancing. I hope she had plenty to say to him about this rubbish once he got back home to a cup of cocoa and a bit of nookie. Close to six million people in the UK tuned in, most of them members of the Tom Daley fan club, as the Olympic diver mentored the celebrities brave enough to take part. Some looked really weird,

like the comedy actress Helen Lederer, who appeared to be on some kind of medication - or perhaps she was on a day-release from Broadmoor? The concept of Splash isn’t a bad one, but for around one minute in total of competitive diving, we got 89 minutes of waffle and ad breaks. A tightly pro-

duced three quarters of an hour would have worked, along with nice guy Tom telling some of the divers they’re useless, rather than having the permanent expression of a Southern Region Gurning champion. The novelty factor soon wore off in a show that made Dancing on Ice look like a Royal Ballet command performance, and who on heck thought it would be a good idea to have Jo Brand as one of the judges? BBC1 was just as bad, resorting to the gutter in showing stuff that even Sky One would have rejected over a decade ago. Being imprisoned in the Celebrity Big Brother house would be better


than a second viewing of Animal Antics - another cheap clip show with the corpse of Tim Brooke Taylor exhumed to provide some allegedly witty quips, where even the canned laughter lacked sincerity. Even worse was to follow with a fifth-rate clone of the old Candid Camera and Beadle’s About, called Secret Service, fronted by the hapless Richard Hammond. Did they really pull Total Wipeout to put this mindless rubbish on? Forty years ago in the early evening BBC 1 Saturday slot, I could have watched Basil Brush, Dr.Who, The Generation Game and Dixon of Dock Green. Memories can play tricks with us, but I’ve no doubt which schedule I’d rather see. Things got a lot better on Sunday with the return of Dancing on Ice to


ITV1. Nasty Jason was back on the judging panel along with a weird hairstyle in his failing battle against baldness. We even had Pamela Anderson displaying her artifacts and suffering the biggest humiliation of her career (besides trying to act), when Cheggers easily dumped her out of the skateoff. The standard of the skaters looked high, which is more than could be said for the wooden co-presenter, Christine Bleakley. You could tell from Philip Schofield’s body language that the only chemistry between them is that of a bottle of sulphuric acid, and that he wants Holly Willoughby back. Failing that ITV, just let Phil do the show on his own! Methinks that ITV are onto a winner with their new drama, Mr.Selfridge. Jeremy

Piven plays the American department store owner with great gusto, but the scenestealer is Katherine Kelly, a million miles away from Becky in Corrie, as Selfridge’s backer, Lady Mae Loxley. Comparisons are inevitable with The Paradise on BBC1, and the autumn hit was more believable and better executed. In fact, the Beeb rushed it out early to “spike” the ITV offering, and that move paid off. But Mr.Selfridge will most certainly do as the sort of Sunday night escapism that ITV badly need, and with American money backing the project, you can rest assured that it’ll be back for a second series. Maybe I’m getting deaf, but I couldn’t make out half the dialogue in the first couple of episodes of the BBC’s boring new Victorian police drama, Ripper Street. It’s a shame to see my first hero from Spooks, Matthew Macfadyen, wasted in the starring role of this show that seems to be more interested in trying to shock as opposed to giving us a decent and comprehensible storyline.


The Courier Friday TV

January 11

00:35 This Week 01:20 Skiing Weatherview 01:25 DIY SOS: The Big Build 02:25 Countryfile 03:25 Antiques Roadshow 04:25 You've Been Scammed 04:55 Sport Today 05:30 HARDtalk 05:50 BBC News 06:30 World Business Report 06:45 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 11:58 BBC News; Weather 12:00 Rip Off Britain 12:45 Cowboy Trap 13:13 BBC News; Weather 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:30 Regional News and Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Privates 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Perfection 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 A Question of Sport 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Room 101 22:00 Silent Witness 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News and Weather 23:30 The National Lottery Friday Night Draws 23:35 The Graham Norton Show BBc 2 00:20 Darts: BDO World Championships 01:10 Darts Extra

03:10 BBC News 03:30 Asia Business Report 03:45 Sport Today 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Asia Business Report 04:45 Sport Today 05:00 Schools: Make a Musical 06:00 Schools: Compose Yourself 06:25 Schools: Curious Cat - TV, Bricks, Crayons 06:55 Primary English Promo Learning Zone Broadband 07:00 Close 07:35 Homes Under the Hammer 08:35 Rip Off Britain 09:20 Cowboy Trap 09:50 Badman's Territory 11:25 Bombardier 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Darts: BDO World Championships 17:15 Rivers with Griff Rhys Jones 18:15 Antiques Roadshow 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 Heir Hunters 21:00 Mastermind 21:30 Life in a Cottage Garden with Carol Klein 22:00 Italy Unpacked 23:00 QI 23:30 Newsnight

00:45 The Golden Rules of TV 01:10 Jackpot247 04:00 Tonight 04:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 05:20 ITV Nightscreen 07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 Meridian News and Weather 15:00 Storage Hoarders 16:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 16:59 Meridian Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 Meridian Tonight 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Wild Britain with Ray Mears 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Great Night Out 23:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23:30 Meridian Tonight and Weather 23:35 The Specialist

ITALY UNPACKED Art critic Andrew Graham-Dixon and chef Giorgio Locatelli begin another civilised Italian amble to feast on the best food and finest sights. After pottering around Sicily in their last series, the pair start a three-part journey in Bologna at the heart of one of Italy’s most abundant regions.

00:40 Random Acts 00:45 The Undateables 01:45 Millionaire Boy Racers 02:40 The Horse Hoarder 03:05 Dispatches 03:35 Time Team 04:30 The Churchills 05:25 Deal or No Deal 06:20 Countdown 07:05 Sali Mali 07:10 The Hoobs 08:05 Will & Grace 08:30 According to Jim 08:55 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:55 Frasier 11:00 Undercover Boss Australia 12:00 A Place in the Sun 13:00 Channel 4 News Midday Summary 13:05 Jamie's 15 Minute Meals 13:35 Kirstie's Handmade Treasures 13:40 I Was Monty's Double 15:40 Countdown 16:30 Face the Clock 17:00 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 21:00 First Time Farmers 22:00 16 Kids and Counting 23:00 Rude Tube

00:00 Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side 01:00 SuperCasino 04:55 House Doctor 05:20 Divine Designs 05:45 Michaela's Wild Challenge 06:10 Wildlife SOS 07:00 Thomas & Friends 07:10 Igam Ogam 07:20 Fireman Sam 07:30 Jelly Jamm 07:45 Peppa Pig 07:50 Olive the Ostrich 07:55 Little Princess 08:10 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 08:20 The Mr Men Show 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:45 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:35 Roary the Racing Car 09:45 Milkshake! Monkey 09:50 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 All-New Trisha 13:00 5 News Lunchtime 13:05 Looney Tunes 13:15 Celebrity Big Brother 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Reza, Spice Prince of India 15:15 CSI: Miami 16:15 Mystery Woman: Sing Me a Murder 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Andy Bates Street Feasts 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News at 6.30 20:00 The World's Biggest Bomb: Revealed 21:00 Ice Road Truckers 22:00 Celebrity Big Brother 23:00 Celebrity Wedding Planner


The Courier Saturday TV

January 12

00:25 The Village 02:05 Weatherview 02:10 Who Do You Think You Are? 03:10 Queen Victoria's Children 04:10 Question Time 05:10 BBC News 05:30 Five Minutes With 06:00 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30 The Good Cook 13:00 BBC News; Regional News and Weather 13:15 Football Focus 14:00 Brazil: Welcoming the World 14:30 Bargain Hunt 15:30 Live Darts: BDO World Championships 17:30 Final Score 18:15 BBC News; Regional News and Weather 18:30 Animal Antics 19:00 Richard Hammond's Secret Service 19:45 Britain's Brightest 21:00 The National Lottery: In It to Win It 21:50 Casualty 22:40 Mrs Brown's Boys 23:10 BBC News; Weather 23:30 National Lottery Update 23:30 Match of the Day BBC2 00:00 The Review Show

00:45 Weather 00:50 Darts: BDO World Championships 01:40 Darts Extra 03:40 Hillsborough - The Fight for Justice 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Click 07:00 The Hitch-Hiker 08:15 On Dangerous Ground 09:35 Armored Car Robbery 10:40 The Sky at Night 11:00 A History of Britain by Simon Schama 12:00 Meet the Ancestors 12:30 Map Man 13:00 Indian Food Made Easy 13:30 Talking Pictures 14:15 Scott of the Antarctic 16:00 Coast 17:00 Stargazing Live 20:00 Flog It! 21:00 Dad's Army 21:30 Fawlty Towers 22:00 QI XL 22:45 Oranges and Sunshine

01:35 Jackpot247 03:35 That's Carry On 05:10 ITV Nightscreen 07:00 Handy Manny 07:25 The Hiveve 07:40 Dino Dan 08:05 Almost Naked Animals 08:40 Matt Hatter Chronicles 09:05 Ultimate Spider-Man 09:30 Victorious 10:00 Jessie 10:25 ITV News 10:30 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 12:20 Saturday Cookbook 13:20 ITV News and Weather 13:24 Meridian Weather 13:25 Columbo: Suitable for Framing 14:55 My Tasty Travels with Lynda Bellingham 15:55 Hulk 18:30 Meridian News and Weather 18:45 ITV News and Weather 19:00 You've Been Framed! 20:00 Splash! 21:30 Take Me Out 22:45 The Jonathan Ross Show 23:59 Meridian Weather

01:10 01:40 01:45 02:45 03:30 04:15 05:00 05:55 06:40 07:05 07:10 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 14:30 17:00 19:30 19:55 20:00 22:00 23:55

The New Normal Random Acts The Ricky Gervais Show Bob's Burgers Glory Daze St Elsewhere Deal or No Deal Countdown Baking Mad with Eric Lanlard Sali Mali The Hoobs Beach Volleyball The Morning Line Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Undercover Boss USA The Big Bang Theory The Simpsons Channel 4 Racing Come Dine with Me: Ireland Channel 4 News Night at the Museum 2 World Without End The 51st State

WORLD WITHOUT END If you have a weakness for these hokey medieval sagas, settle down for a treat. World without End follows in the muddy footsteps of Channel 4’s previous The Pillars of the Earth. Adapted from another Ken Follett doorstop, it’s a Canadian-German co-production, scripted by an American and directed in Hungary by a Scotsman.With that parentage, it could be forgiven for being a bit of a pudding, but it isn’t.

00:00 Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side 01:00 SuperCasino 04:55 Motorsport Mundial 05:20 Divine Designs 05:45 Michaela's Wild Challenge 06:10 Wildlife SOS 07:00 Peppa Pig 07:05 Roary the Racing Car 07:15 Fifi and the Flowertots 07:25 Bert and Ernie's Great Adventures 07:30 The Mr Men Show 07:45 Olive the Ostrich 07:50 Abby's Flying Fairy School 08:00 Roobarb and Custard Too 08:05 Bananas in Pyjamas 08:20 Animal Antics 08:25 Make Way for Noddy 08:40 City of Friends 08:55 Little Princess 09:10 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:25 Angelina Ballerina 09:45 Rupert Bear 10:00 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 10:15 Toby's Travelling Circus 10:25 Roary the Racing Car 10:40 Jelly Jamm 11:00 Power Rangers: Super Samurai 11:35 Batman: The Brave and the Bold 12:10 Inside Hollywood 12:20 Celebrity Big Brother 13:15 The Gadget Show 14:20 Brave Warrior 15:50 Mutiny on the Bounty 19:10 Attack on the Iron Coast 20:50 5 News Weekend 20:55 NCIS 22:45 Celebrity Big Brother 23:45 50 Shocking Facts About Diet and Exercise

The Courier Sunday TV

January 13

and Weather 23:25 Match of the Day 2 00:50 The Football League Show 02:05 Weatherview


02:10 BBC News

00:25 Darts: BDO World

02:30 Brazil: Welcoming the World


03:00 BBC News

01:15 Sugarhouse

03:30 Dateline London

02:45 Close

04:00 BBC News

07:05 I Remember Mama

04:30 Five Minutes With

09:15 Life in a Cottage Garden with

05:00 BBC News

Carol Klein

05:30 Click

09:45 A to Z of TV Gardening

06:00 BBC News

10:30 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites

06:30 Brazil: Welcoming the World

12:00 EastEnders

07:00 Breakfast

13:55 Live Snooker: The Masters

08:40 Match of the Day

18:00 Ski Sunday

10:00 The Andrew Marr Show

18:45 Live Darts: BDO World

11:00 The Big Questions


12:00 Sunday Politics

21:00 The Battle for Malta

13:25 Countryfile

22:00 Tankies: Tank Heroes of WWII

14:25 Bargain Hunt

23:00 Speed Dreams: The Fastest

15:25 Escape to the Country

Place on Earth

16:25 Chatsworth 17:25 Songs of Praise 18:00 Africa 19:00 BBC News; Regional News and Weather 19:30 Blandings 20:00 Countryfile 21:00 Antiques Roadshow 22:00 Ripper Street 23:00 BBC News; Regional News

00:00 Beowulf 02:05 The Store 03:20 In Plain Sight 04:05 Pushing Daisies 04:50 ITV Nightscreen 07:00 Handy Manny 07:25 The Hive 07:40 Dino Dan 08:05 Almost Naked Animals 08:40 Matt Hatter Chronicles 09:05 Rated A for Awesome 09:30 Big Time Rush 10:00 The Aquabats Super Show 10:25 ITV News 10:30 There's No Taste Like Home 11:25 Dinner Date 12:25 May the Best House Win 13:25 Dickinson's Real Deal 14:25 Rosemary & Thyme 15:25 ITV News and Weather 15:29 Meridian Weather 15:30 Agatha Christie's Sparkling Cyanide 17:30 All Star Family Fortunes 18:15 You've Been Framed! 18:45 Meridian News and Weather 19:00 ITV News and Weather 19:15 Dancing on Ice 20:45 All Star Family Fortunes 21:30 Dancing on Ice: The Skate Off 22:00 Mr Selfridge 23:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23:14 Meridian Weather 23:15 The Constant Gardener

UNKNOWN American botanist Liam Neeson awakens after a Berlin car accident to find no one recognises him in Orphan director Jaume Collet-Serra's solid Euro thriller. Shifting between identity-theft mystery and geo-political intrigue before propelling headlong into an assassination-bureau conspiracy plot, this well-maintained puzzler remains tautly suspenseful even through some preposterous moments.

01:45 Pan's Labyrinth 03:45 Hollyoaks 05:50 Smallville 06:30 Countdown 07:15 The Hoobs 08:05 Will & Grace 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:25 Frasier 10:30 Sunday Brunch 13:05 The Big Bang Theory 14:40 The Simpsons 15:40 Honey, I Blew Up the Kid 17:25 Deal or No Deal 18:25 Time Team 19:25 Channel 4 News 19:55 20:00 Come Dine with Me 21:00 The Hotel 22:00 Unknown

00:45 Comedy Kings: Best of Just for Laughs 01:15 SuperCasino 04:55 Michaela's Wild Challenge 05:20 Great Artists 05:50 Rough Guide To 06:05 Hana's Helpline 06:15 The Milkshake! Show 06:40 Thomas & Friends 06:50 Roary the Racing Car 07:00 Peppa Pig 07:05 Roary the Racing Car 07:15 Fifi and the Flowertots 07:25 Bert and Ernie's Great Adventures 07:30 The Mr Men Show 07:45 Olive the Ostrich 07:50 Abby's Flying Fairy School 08:00 Roobarb and Custard Too 08:10 Bananas in Pyjamas 08:20 Animal Antics 08:30 Make Way for Noddy 08:40 City of Friends 08:55 Little Princess 09:05 Mio Mao 09:10 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:25 Angelina Ballerina 09:40 Castle Farm 09:45 Rupert Bear 10:00 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 10:15 Toby's Travelling Circus 10:30 Roary the Racing Car 10:45 Jelly Jamm 11:00 Power Rangers: Super Samurai 11:35 Batman: The Brave and the Bold 12:10 Meerkat Manor 12:40 Celebrity Big Brother 13:40 Once Upon a Time 14:40 Little Man 16:25 Mannequin 18:10 Loch Ness 19:55 5 News Weekend 20:00 Bulletproof Monk 22:00 Celebrity Big Brother 23:00 Over Her Dead Body


The Courier Monday TV

January 14

23:35 Have I Got Old News for You 00:25 01:05 02:30 02:35 03:00 03:30 03:45 04:00 04:30 04:45 05:00 05:30 06:00 06:30 06:45 07:00 10:15 11:00 11:58 12:00 12:45 13:13 13:15 14:00 14:30 14:45 15:10 16:00 16:45 17:30 18:15 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:30 23:00 23:25

Room 101 - Extra Storage The Celebrity Apprentice USA Weatherview Our World BBC News Asia Business Report Sport Today BBC News Asia Business Report Sport Today BBC News HARDtalk BBC News World Business Report BBC News Breakfast Wanted Down Under Homes Under the Hammer BBC News; Weather The Sheriffs Are Coming Cowboy Trap BBC News; Weather Bargain Hunt BBC News; Weather Regional News and Weather Doctors Father Brown Escape to the Country Perfection Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News BBC London News The One Show Inside Out EastEnders Rip Off Britain Miranda Mrs Brown's Boys BBC News Regional News and Weather

BBC2 00:00 Snooker: The Masters 00:50 Snooker Extra 02:50 Holby City 03:50 Who Do You Think You Are? 04:50 Close 07:05 Homes Under the Hammer 08:05 Rip Off Britain 08:50 Cowboy Trap 09:20 Don't Get Done, Get Dom 10:05 MasterChef: The Professionals 10:35 Return to Forgotten Britain 11:35 Click 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Live Snooker: The Masters 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 The Polar Bear Family and Me 21:00 University Challenge 21:30 Winterwatch 22:30 Why the Industrial Revolution Happened Here 23:30 Newsnight

01:30 The Store 03:30 Monk 04:20 Pushing Daisies 05:05 ITV Nightscreen 07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 Meridian News and Weather 15:00 Storage Hoarders 16:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 16:59 Meridian Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 Meridian Tonight 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Cornwall with Caroline Quentin 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Lewis 23:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23:30 Meridian Tonight and Weather 23:35 Happy Birthday ET

00:15 Beverly Hills Cop 02:15 Four Brothers 04:05 Smallville 04:45 St Elsewhere 05:30 Deal or No Deal 06:25 Countdown 07:10 The Hoobs 08:00 Will & Grace 08:30 According to Jim 08:55 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:00 Undercover Boss USA 12:00 A Place in the Sun 13:00 Channel 4 News Midday Summary 13:05 Jamie's 15 Minute Meals 13:35 An American Guerrilla in the Philippines 15:40 Countdown 16:30 Face the Clock 17:00 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 21:00 Dispatches 21:30 SuperScrimpers 22:00 Embarrassing Fat Bodies 23:00 What Happens in Kavos

WINTERWATCH It’s hard enough putting a brave face on winter from the comfort of a house with a telly. Imagine if you lived in a wood. Or a nest. Chris Packham, Martin Hughes-Games and Michaela Strachan are back in the Highlands to capture four days in the coldweather lives of our native wild things. Live cameras are on hand to catch up with the beaver family, birds, red squirrels and pine martens that made last year’s Autumnwatch so charming.

00:55 Bizarre Burials 01:55 SuperCasino 04:55 House Doctor 05:20 HouseBusters 05:45 Rough Guide To 06:00 Hana's Helpline 06:15 The Milkshake! Show 06:35 Thomas & Friends 06:50 Roary the Racing Car 07:00 Thomas & Friends 07:10 Igam Ogam 07:20 Fireman Sam 07:30 Jelly Jamm 07:45 Peppa Pig 07:50 Olive the Ostrich 07:55 Little Princess 08:05 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 08:20 The Mr Men Show 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:45 Noddy in Toyland 08:55 Milkshake! Monkey 09:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 09:10 Milkshake! Show Songs 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:35 Roary the Racing Car 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 09:55 Little Lodgers 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 All-New Trisha 13:00 Looney Tunes 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Celebrity Big Brother 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 CSI: Miami 16:15 Jane Doe: The Wrong Face 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News at 6.30 20:00 Cowboy Builders 21:00 The Gadget Show 22:00 Celebrity Big Brother 23:00 Botched Up Bodies

The Courier Tuesday TV

January 15

00:05 Blandings 00:35 The Graham Norton Show 01:25 The Celebrity Apprentice USA 02:45 Weatherview 02:50 ABC World News with Diane Sawyer 03:00 BBC News 03:30 Asia Business Report 03:45 Sport Today 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Asia Business Report 04:45 Sport Today 05:00 BBC News 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC News 06:30 World Business Report 06:45 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 11:58 BBC News; Weather 12:00 The Sheriffs Are Coming 12:45 Cowboy Trap 13:13 BBC News; Weather 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:30 Regional News and Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:10 Father Brown 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Perfection 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Holby City 22:00 Death in Paradise 23:00 BBC News 23:25 National Lottery Update 23:35 Harry & Paul's Magnificent Sporting Moments

00:20 Snooker: The Masters 01:10 American Football 02:10 Snooker Extra 04:10 Film 04:40 Close 05:00 Materials 05:55 Schools: Your Paintings 06:55 Primary Maths Promo Schools TV 07:00 Close 07:05 Homes Under the Hammer 08:05 The Sheriffs Are Coming 08:50 Cowboy Trap 09:20 Don't Get Done, Get Dom 10:05 MasterChef: The Professionals 11:05 You've Been Scammed 11:35 HARDtalk 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Live Snooker: The Masters 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 The Polar Bear Family and Me 21:00 Winterwatch 22:00 Locomotion: Dan Snow's History of Railways 23:00 The Sarah Millican Television Programme 23:30 Newsnight

00:35 Monk 01:30 Jackpot247 04:00 The Jeremy Kyle Show 05:45 ITV Nightscreen 07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 Meridian News and Weather 15:00 Storage Hoarders 16:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 16:59 Meridian Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 Meridian Tonight 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Live FA Cup Football 23:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23:30 Meridian Tonight and Weather 23:35 River Monsters

SUPERSIZE VS SUPERSKINNY In the feeding clinic, meal-skipping 23-year-old Ross Clarke goes up against 41-year-old Joanne Leadley, who gorges on giant portions. Dr Christian Jessen shows Ross the damage his diet of nothing but a little bit of chocolate is doing to his body and sends Joanne to America to meet a woman whose life has been destroyed by overeating.

00:05 One Born Every Minute 01:10 Random Acts 01:15 On the Verge of a Midlife Crisis with Sharon Horgan 02:10 Scandal 03:05 The Promise 04:35 Supersize vs Superskinny 05:30 Supernanny US 06:15 Deal or No Deal 07:10 The Hoobs 08:00 Will & Grace 08:30 According to Jim 08:55 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:55 Frasier 11:00 Undercover Boss USA 12:00 A Place in the Sun 13:00 Channel 4 News Midday Summary 13:05 Jamie's 15 Minute Meals 13:35 Kirstie's Handmade Treasures 13:50 The Thirty-Nine Steps 15:40 Countdown 16:30 Face the Clock 17:00 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 21:00 Supersize vs Superskinny 22:00 The Undateables 23:00 Utopia

00:00 Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side 01:00 Celebrity Wedding Planner 02:00 SuperCasino 04:55 House Doctor 05:20 Divine Designs 05:45 Michaela's Wild Challenge 06:10 Wildlife SOS 07:00 Thomas & Friends 07:10 Igam Ogam 07:20 Fireman Sam 07:30 Jelly Jamm 07:45 Peppa Pig 07:50 Olive the Ostrich 07:55 Little Princess 08:05 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 08:20 The Mr Men Show 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:45 Noddy in Toyland 08:55 Milkshake! Monkey 09:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 09:10 Milkshake! Show Songs 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:35 Roary the Racing Car 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 09:55 Little Lodgers 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 All-New Trisha 13:00 Looney Tunes 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Celebrity Big Brother 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Nora Roberts' High Noon 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News at 6.30 20:00 Great Northern Cookbook 21:00 Benidorm ER 22:00 Body of Proof 23:00 Celebrity Big Brother


The Courier Wednesday TV

January 16

BBC2 00:05 Flightplan 01:40 Weatherview 01:45 HARDtalk 02:00 Newsday 02:30 ABC World News with Diane Sawyer 03:00 BBC News 03:30 Asia Business Report 03:45 Sport Today 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Asia Business Report 04:45 Sport Today 05:00 BBC News 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC News 06:30 World Business Report 06:45 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 11:58 BBC News; Weather 12:00 The Sheriffs Are Coming 12:45 Cowboy Trap 13:13 BBC News; Weather 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:30 Regional News and Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:10 Father Brown 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Perfection 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 21:00 The Food Inspectors 22:00 Africa 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News and Weather 23:25 National Lottery Update 23:35 A Question of Sport

00:20 Snooker: The Masters 01:10 Snooker Extra 03:10 Wonderland 04:10 Robbed, Raided, Reunited 04:40 Close 05:00 Strictly Soulmates 05:25 Schools - Rock Types at Great Heights 06:20 Schools - Vikings 07:00 Homes Under the Hammer 08:00 The Sheriffs Are Coming 08:45 Cowboy Trap 09:15 Don't Get Done, Get Dom 10:00 MasterChef: The Professionals 11:00 You've Been Scammed 11:30 See Hear 12:00 BBC News 12:30 Daily Politics 14:00 Animal Park 14:30 Live Snooker: The Masters 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 The Polar Bear Family and Me 21:00 Winterwatch 22:00 Funny Business 23:00 Mock the Week - Again 23:30 Newsnight

00:05 Weight Loss Ward 01:05 Jackpot247 04:00 Loose Women 04:50 ITV Nightscreen 07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 Meridian News and Weather 15:00 Storage Hoarders 16:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 16:59 Meridian Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 Meridian Tonight 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Midsomer Murders 23:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23:30 Meridian Tonight and Weather 23:35 FA Cup Highlights


00:25 Random Acts 00:30 What Happens in Kavos 01:30 European Poker Tour 02:30 KOTV Boxing Weekly 02:55 Beach Volleyball 03:50 Cottage to Let 05:20 Smallville 06:05 Deal or No Deal 07:00 The Treacle People 07:10 The Hoobs 08:00 Will & Grace 08:25 According to Jim 08:55 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:55 Frasier 11:00 Undercover Boss USA 12:00 A Place in the Sun 13:00 Channel 4 News Midday Summary 13:05 Jamie's 15 Minute Meals 13:35 SuperScrimpers 14:00 Passport to Pimlico 15:40 Countdown 16:30 Face the Clock 17:00 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 21:00 Gok's Style Secrets 22:00 One Born Every Minute 23:00 Saving Face: True Stories

The series that loves to terrify us with everyday foods this week explores the lethal possibilities of chicken. In Gravesend, an inspector visits a Chinese takeaway and finds a box that once contained frozen food is used to store cooked chicken. She’s not happy. Back at the food lab, presenter Chris Hollins meets a woman who believes ordering chicken and noodles left her hospitalised with kidney failure.

00:00 Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side 01:00 Botched Up Bodies 02:00 SuperCasino 04:55 House Doctor 05:20 Divine Designs 05:45 Michaela's Wild Challenge 06:10 Wildlife SOS 07:00 Thomas & Friends 07:10 Igam Ogam 07:20 Fireman Sam 07:30 Jelly Jamm 07:45 Peppa Pig 07:50 Olive the Ostrich 07:55 Little Princess 08:05 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 08:20 The Mr Men Show 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:45 Noddy in Toyland 08:55 Milkshake! Monkey 09:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 09:10 The Milkshake! Show 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:35 Roary the Racing Car 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 09:55 Little Lodgers 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 All-New Trisha 13:00 Looney Tunes 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Celebrity Big Brother 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 CSI: Miami 16:15 Seventeen and Missing 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News at 6.30 20:00 Ice Road Truckers 21:00 Charley Boorman's Extreme Frontiers 22:00 Celebrity Big Brother 23:30 Celebrity Wedding Planner

The Courier Thursday TV

January 17

00:05 Film 00:40 When a Man Loves a Woman 02:40 Weatherview 02:45 ABC World News with Diane Sawyer 03:00 BBC News 03:30 Asia Business Report 03:45 Sport Today 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Asia Business Report 04:45 Sport Today 05:00 BBC News 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC News 06:30 World Business Report 06:45 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 11:58 BBC News; Weather 12:00 The Sheriffs Are Coming 12:45 Cowboy Trap 13:13 BBC News; Weather 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:30 Regional News and Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:10 Father Brown 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Perfection 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Waterloo Road 22:00 Silent Witness 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News and Weather 23:35 Question Time

00:20 Snooker: The Masters 01:10 Snooker Extra 03:10 Dara O Briain's Science Club 04:10 See Hear 04:40 Close 04:55 How God Made the English 05:30 Divine Women 06:00 Schools - Counting with Rodd 07:00 Close 07:05 Homes Under the Hammer 08:05 The Sheriffs Are Coming 08:50 Cowboy Trap 09:20 Don't Get Done, Get Dom 10:05 MasterChef: The Professionals 11:05 You've Been Scammed 11:35 HARDtalk 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Live Snooker: The Masters 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 Live Snooker: The Masters 21:00 Winterwatch 22:00 Winterwatch Unsprung 22:30 Married in Britain 23:30 Newsnight

00:35 Safari Vet School 01:05 Jackpot247 04:00 Serenity 06:00 ITV Nightscreen 07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 Meridian News and Weather 15:00 Storage Hoarders 16:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 16:59 Meridian Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 Meridian Tonight 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Tonight 21:00 Emmerdale 21:30 Nursing the Nation 22:00 Inside Death Row with Trevor McDonald 23:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23:30 Meridian Tonight and Weather 23:35 The Jonathan Ross Show

INSIDE DEATH ROW WITH TREVOR MCDONALD Part one of two. The broadcaster ventures inside Indiana State Prison, meeting 12 condemned men awaiting execution and some of the other inmates in the maximum security facility. Among those Trevor talks to are Benjamin Ritchie, who murdered a policeman, and John Stephenson, who killed three people on the orders of a gang boss.

00:10 Random Acts 00:15 Embarrassing Fat Bodies 01:15 Abbey Road Studios: In Session 02:10 Mercury Prize: 2012 Albums of the Year Live 02:40 Revenge 03:25 Tristan + Isolde 05:25 Deal or No Deal 06:20 Countdown 07:05 Sali Mali 07:10 The Hoobs 08:00 Will & Grace 08:25 According to Jim 08:55 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:55 Frasier 11:00 Undercover Boss USA 12:00 A Place in the Sun 13:00 Channel 4 News Midday Summary 13:05 Jamie's 15 Minute Meals 13:35 Lover Come Back 15:40 Countdown 16:30 Face the Clock 17:00 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:55 21:00 Location, Location, Location 22:00 The Restoration Man 23:00 Rude Tube

00:30 Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side 01:30 Comedy Kings: Best of Just for Laughs 01:55 SuperCasino 04:55 House Doctor 05:20 Divine Designs 05:45 Michaela's Wild Challenge 06:10 Wildlife SOS 07:00 Thomas & Friends 07:10 Igam Ogam 07:20 Fireman Sam 07:30 Jelly Jamm 07:45 Peppa Pig 07:50 Olive the Ostrich 07:55 Little Princess 08:05 Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 08:20 The Mr Men Show 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:45 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:35 Roary the Racing Car 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 09:55 Milkshake! Monkey 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 All-New Trisha 13:00 Looney Tunes 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Celebrity Big Brother 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 The Mentalist 16:15 Accused at 17 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News at 6.30 20:00 Benidorm ER 21:00 Great Northern Cookbook 22:00 Celebrity Big Brother 23:00 My Secret Past


Friday, January 11, 2013

ACCOUNTANTS Are you running a business? Let us simplify things for you – bookkeeping, taxes, wage slips and more. We also cater for individual’s personal taxes – residents and non residents. 1984. Call us on 966 923 963 for first consultation free of charge.


ALARMS ADT Authorised Distributor Fully fitted alarm systems, approved by the Guardia Civil. Master keypad with remote control, wireless handset, 2 image movement detectors with sound, wall base unit and GPRS/GSM transmitter sends message to your mobile phone. All this for only 99 € - call now on 966 923 963.966 923 963

in Torrevieja, Los Balcones, San Javier. Ladies meeting Thursdays 11am. Craft club, Tuesdays, 2pm. Pastor, Rafael Restrepo. All nationalities welcome. Call 966 799 273 or 660 127 276. Pilar Christian Community Church Calle Canalejas 3. Pilar de la Horadada. Sunday Service at 11am, and Thursday at 5pm for Bible study and Prayer. Home groups meet during the week. All welcome from any church background or none. For further information contact Pilar ChristianCommunity or contact Reverend Eddie on 966 7693 00 or 650 509 606. Reg No:2009-SG/A The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) meet at 10.00 each Sunday at their Torrevieja meetinghouse in the Torreaguas building on the corner of Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia 104, close to the windmill in Torrevieja, 667 533 597.


International Christian Assembly, Calle Pilar de Horadada 5, Torrevieja. Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday services 11am. Children's church 11am. House groups

Call Professional Business Support now for your quick quote for car insurance. Excellent prices for expats, all policies available in English or German. We will call you back with a price. 966 923 963 Renault Megane Scenic 2.0 litre AUTO prestige 2006, 2 owners, FSH, alloys, 6CD, cruise control, rear park sensors, electrics windows, electric mirros, rain light sensors, half leather, met black 7750 euros Tel 600 726 221 / 965 687 976 Renault Clio 1.5 dci diesel emotion 5 door hatch, 2007, 1 owner, 41,000 kms, FSH, air con, PAS, ABS,CD player, front fog lights, rear privacy glass, metallic black, showroom condition 7750



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nished, room, 350€ pcm. 966 923 963 Ref. CBR3 – 2 bedroom 2 bathroom townhouse located in Algorfa, communal pool, fully furnished, 300 € pcm. 966 923 963 Ref. RS20 – 2 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment within private enclosed residential in San Luis, large terrace, 350 € pcm. 966 923 963 Ref: 49, 2nd floor one bedroom apartment situated conveniently located in the town centre of Torrevieja, with a small sun balcony overlooking the lovely communal pool. Short or long term rental available. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 CBR23 : Stylish new house in Los Montesinos, 3 bed 2 bath with large 65m2 garage, front and back terraces. 500 € pcm. 966 923 963 Ref 33, Ground floor spacious 2 bedroom apartment, located in Torre la Mata. Close to all amenities and beach. 3 month rental €300pcm Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 104, 2 Bedroom apartment in Torrevieja, (near gypsy lane), small balcony, near all amenities and Friday market. €350pcm Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397

Ref: 112, Spacious 3 bedroom detached villa with its private pool is located on the El Raso urbanisation near Guardamar. Convenient for all amenities, shops, supermarket, restaurants and bars. Short term rental available. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 155, Luxurious Three Bedroom Villa With Private Pool, in Quesada Close to shops and restaurants within a five minute drive, and Guadamar Beach is within a ten minute drive. Short term rental €800PCM. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref 702: Beautiful 2 bedroom apartment, located near los Locos beach, beautifully furnished. Short term rentals from 175€ per week. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 El Chaparel/La Siesta Two bedroom apartment in a quiet gated urbanisation for rent €350 per month plus bills. Reference No 17 Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 709, A lovely 1 bedroom apartment in Aguas Nuevas, within a 5 minute walk of the beach. There is a terrace outside with views to the sea. Short or long term rental available. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397



Viva Villa and Vacation Services, For Short or Long Term Rentals visit: or Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref. RS69 – Spacious towncentre apartment only a two minute walk from the beach and well known Marina



International in Torrevieja centre. 2 large bedrooms, 1 full bathroom, fully furnished, 350 € pcm. 966 923 963 Ref: 61, A lovely two bedroomed ground floor apartment, located in the centre of the small Spanish town of Los Montesinos, With a pleasant communal swimming pool adjacent & all amenities in walking distance. Long and short term rental available. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref. KBJ3 – Luxury duplex penthouse apartment located near the marina in Guardamar. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, amazing panoramic views, inc.parking and storage. 600 € pcm. 966 923 963 Ref. CBR21 – A rare chance to rent a frontline beach apartment in Torrevieja! Ground floor with large terrace, 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, direct and full-on sea views. 500 € pcm. 966 923 963 Ref. CBR20 – Spanish style 4th floor apartment right on the beach! 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, lovely balcony to soak up the amazing sea views. 500 € pcm. 966 923 963 Ref. CBR19 – 2 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment in sought after area beachside Punta Prima, with communal pool and fully furnished, only 400 € pcm. 966 923 963 CBR22 : Modern 2 bed apartment only 500m from Los Locos Beach. Fully fur-




Friday, January 11, 2013

Ref: 117, A Lovely 3 Bedroomed 1st floor apartment on the outskirts of Torrevieja (Mar Azul). The Apartment is in walking distance of the excellent beaches and a good selection of restaurants, shops and bars. Long and short term rental available. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 63, Two bedroom 1st floor apartment situated in Monino Blanco. The property overlooks a superb communal pool area, in within walking distance of bars, restaurants and shops. Short or long term rental available. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397

PROPERTY FOR SALE Comprehensive cover for house and contents with CASER Seguros - excellent prices for expats; policies available in English or German. Call 966 923 963 for a quote. Ref. BRJ1 – 1 bedroom top floor renovated apartment in San Luis. Great sea and lake views. 55.000 €. Tel. 966 923 963

Ref. RS96 – Charming 1 bedroom top floor bungalow, 300m from the sea in La Mata. 55.000 €. Tel. 966 923 963 Ref: 510, €70,000. Bungalow located in San Luis. It is close to the supermarkets, bars and restaurants and is on the local bus route. An Opel Corsa car is included in this sale. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref. RS63 – 2 bedroom 2 bathroom townhouse in Torrevieja, with communal pool and lots of extras. 95.000 €. Tl. 966 923 963 Ref. RS59 – Detached 3 bedroom 2 bathroom villa in San Luis, plot of 350m2, private pool, and additional “granny annex”. 169.000 €. Tel. 966 923 963 Ref. RS1 – Detached 3 bedroom 2 bathroom villa with 900m2 plot located in Toretta Florida. Has private pool, Jacuzzi, sauna and much more! 345.000 € .Tel. 966 923 963 Ref. RS67 – 2 bedroom apartment with lovely sun terrace located in Playa Flamenca urb with communal pool. All amenities nearby. 61.500 €. Tel. 966 923 963 Ref. RS58 – 2 bedroom 1 bathroom second floor apartment located in La Mata, communal pool, fully furnished, 79.000 €. Tel. 966 923 963 Ref. RS84 – Large 3 bedroom 2 bathroom apartment of 100m2 situated in Los Montesinos. Communal

solarium upstairs with pool. 79.900 €. Tel. 966 923 963 Ref. RS20 – 2 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment within private enclosed residential in San Luis, large terrace, 90.000 €. Tel. 966 923 963 Ref. RS65 – 2 bedroom 1 bathroom penthouse apartment, communal pool and parking area, located near the beach in Guardamar. 79.950 €. Tel. 966 923 963 Ref. RS90 – 2 bedroom detached villa all on one level, fully furnished, as new! Located in El Raso (Guardamar) 145.000 €. Tel. 966 923 963 Ref. KEIGUA – Luxury duplex atico apartment in Guardamar. 3 bedroom 2 bathroom, 118 m2, private parking, storage room, communal pool, magnificent views of forest, beach and sea. 169.000 € Tel. 966 923 963 Lovely Corner property in Novamar V, Gran Alacant. 2 bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms Being sold fully furnished including appliances, Has secure underground parking and faces large oasis communal pool. Walking distance to beach. 139.000 Euros, Call 627 711 155 and quote Ref No. K10 Ground floor duplex, with splendid views. Quiet location in Gran Alacant. Immaculate condition. Price has just been reduced to 105.000 and includes everything. For viewing call 627 711 155 Ref. No K27 Rare opportunity to purchase on Mediterrania III,

Gran Alacant. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Private Parking, F/Furnished, Large communal pools & Tennis courts S/W facing, Dramatically reduced for quick sale to 126.000 euros. Ref No. K58 Call 627 711 155 for immediate viewing Ref: 521, €105,000. This comfortable bungalow is located in San Luis with a new roof and solarium tiles. It is close to supermarkets, bars, restaurants and is on the local bus route. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Don Pueblo, Gran Alacant. 3 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, Large Kitchen with Galleria, Secure underground parking, Gas Central Heating, Glazed in Porch, Solarium with stunning views. Viewings absolutely essential. Very large property at reduced price of 190.000 euros. Ref No. K38 Call 627 711 155 Opportunity to purchase at the off plan price of 195.000 euros. Large 4 Bed, 3 Bath Brand new property. Secure underground parking for 2 cars and communal pool. Situated opposite Gran Alacant and over looks projected golf course. Ref No. K52. 627 711 155 Viva Villa and Vacation Services are pleased to offer property sales for the Torrevieja and Oriheula areas of the Costa Blanca, Spain. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 or Visit : 2 Bed, 1 Bath Ground floor duplex. Central heating, Grills, Fully furnished,

Glazed in Galleria, 2 communal pools, private parking and walking distance to the Gran Alacant commercial centre. Situated in the popular urbanisation of Puerto Marino. Now only 96,500 euros for quick sale Ref No. K46. 627 711 155 Immaculate ground floor Duplex, 2 beds, 2 bath, Private Parking, Situated in Novamar, Gran Alacant. Price includes very tasteful furniture and white goods. Walking distance to all local amenities and beach. Now only 129,750 euros. Ref No K24. 627 711 155 Gran Alacant Detached villa, located in a very sought after location.Situated on a 560m2 S/W facing plot and constructed in 2005. Comprising of 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms (2 full baths), Lounge-Diner, fully equipped Kitchen, Porch and Solarium with Alicante & Sea Views. ref.L81. €258,000 neg. Tel. 680333242 Ref 533: Lovely 2 bedroom Townhouse located in the popular area of Punta Prima, the property has a large lounge and fully equipped kitchen, 2 double bedrooms, one with balcony, bathroom with double shower. €126,000 Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Gran Alacant Town House with a difference. 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Glazed in Porch, Quiet Location, Extra storage areas, and South Facing Private Pool as well as 2 communal pools. Fully

Furnished, All mod cons. Greenland Views and all local amenities close by. Ref. No L79. 179.000 euros 680 333 242 Top floor Duplex. Very good price of 108.000 euros for a quick sale. Furnished to a very high standard, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, Lounge Diner, Glazed in Porch, Large Roof Top Solarium. Choice of Communal Pools, Private Parking. Walking distance to all amenities and on the First urbanisation as you enter Gran Alacant. Viewing essential. Ref No. K44. Tel. 627 711 155 Gran Alacant immaculate villa, 3 bedroomed, 3 bathroomed property maintained to a very high standard inside and out and the interior furnishings are top quality, offering a feeling of luxury and good taste. The plot size is 400m2 and has been beautifully tiles, and graveled and has established palms and plants. Oil fired central heating throughout, log effect fire place, ceiling fans in all rooms, towel heater rails, glazed in shower units, instant hot water, water purifier, free English TV, phone & internet lines, fitted double hanging wardrobes, safe, glazed in front porch, vanity units and much more. The pool is an 8 X 4 m2 salt water pool, meaning maintenance is much easier plus outside toilet and shower. Sea views to front with Greenland views to the rear. ref K51. €245,000 Tel 680333242


Friday, January 11, 2013

Balsares is opposite Gran Alacant where the proposed golf course is now being started so this property will virtually be on the golf course, it is an investment not to be missed. The property is on a small gated urbanisation of 18 houses with private underground parking for 2 cars and direct access to the house, communal pool and toilets/changing rooms etc. The house is brand new and consists of 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, lounge with working fire place, large kitchen 12 m2, large galleria/ utility room, bedroom balcony and front tiled terrace. This property also has a converted under build for an extra lounge or bedroom. ref K52 €198,000 Tel 680333242 Ref: 516, €39,999. Studio apartment in San Luis, close to amenities. Open plan fully equipped kitchen. Good sized lounge, bedroom and out onto balcony which has been glazed to create another room. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: KP3100, €183,000. Three bedroom, two bathroom detached villa, located in San Luis, on a 450sqm plot, with communal pool. Garage to side of house. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 520, €85,000. Two bedroom apartment in Dream Hills, with a fully equipped kitchen, large lounge, glazed-in terrace and a large solarium. This property comes with a large communal swimming pool. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 78, €120,000. Three bedroom Quad in Jardin Del

Mar VII. There is off-road parking and small storage shed in the enclosed garden area, communal pool nearby. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Ref: 709, €60,000 A lovely 1 bedroom apartment in Aguas Nuevas, within a 5 minute walk of the beach. There is a terrace outside with views to the sea. Short or long term rental available. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Gran Alacant Opportunity to purchase a beautiful 3 bedroomed, 3 bathroomed,large kitchen, detached property with roof- top solarium. Well established gardens and drive way for 2 cars, whilst also overlooking the projected 18 hole golf course. Comprising of fitted wardrobes, utility room, air con H/C, alarm system, electric wall heaters, intercom system, fireplace, ceilings fans, 8x7 gazebo, use of 2 large communal pools, immaculate condition with many extras. ref K12. €180,000 Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant bargain, detached villa with pool on 400m2 plot. Briefly comprising of 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, Lounge Diner, independent kitchen, solarium with views, well maintained gardens. Quiet location yet within walking distance of all amenities. Top quality furniture and appliances included in the price. Extras include, mosquito nets, grills, toldos blinds, built in wardrobes, gas fire, electric heating, ceiling fans, English & Spanish TV, tastefully tiled & graveled garden with irrigation system. ref K43. €229,000 Tel 680333242

Gran Alacant South facing attractive corner house Situated in the sought after urbanization of Monte Faro, this secure gated urbanization offers a stunning oasis pool, with mountain views, tennis courts and football courts. Consisting of 3 double beds with balconies, 2 bathrooms, kitchen leading onto court yard which can easily be converted into an extra room, lounge diner with working fireplace, front garden with private parking for 2 cars. Being sold fully furnishes with white goods, built in 2006 so immaculate condition hardly lived in. Ref K48 €168,000 priced for quick sale Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant, Large detached villa with beautiful gardens set on 550m2 plot, built in BBQ area and large 10x6 pool.Comprising of 3 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, Lounge Diner with fire place, Independent Kitchen, air con H/C, Solarium, front


porch, converted under build with 3 extra rooms, private covered parking, irrigated gardens, close distance to beach and amenities. Ref. K18 €250,000 Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant Gem! Fabulous detached Villa, with Alicante sea views to the front and wood land views to the rear, means this immaculate villa is very private and un-overlooked. Comprising of 2 large bedrooms with fitted wardrobes, 2 bath, large fully equipped kitchen,glazed porch sitting area, solarium, Attractive Pool with cover, well maintained Gardens. Central Heating, Air Con, Ceiling fans, Private Parking, Alarm system, Decorative working Fire Place complete with electric Fire. Outdoor workshop/storage area, Quality Pergola & BBQ. Constructed in 2006, on plot size of 380m2 and being sold fully furnished including white goods. ref L80. €234,995 Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant, Ground floor south west facing apartment in Puerto Marino close to G.A commercial centre, comprising of 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, Lounge-Diner, Independent Kitchen with Galleria, Porch area and large tiled front garden, The property is being sold fully furnished and includes all





kitchen appliances, H & C Air con is fitted as well as sky TV. The apartment enjoys the use of 2 large communal pools and has private parking in an enclosed electronically gated car park. Competitively priced for a quick sale. Ref. K40 €91,000 Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant, this mid terraced Puerto marino townhouse has been priced low purely for a quick sale. Briefly comprising of: 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Lounge-Diner, Independent Kitchen with Galleria, Porch area, Front tiled garden, Private gated Parking & the use of 2 large communal pools Ref. K22 €123,000 Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant, corner property in Don Pueblo with no expense spared, comprising of 3 double bedrooms with fitted wardrobes, 2 decoratively tiled bathrooms, very large independent kitchen with galleria. Included in the price are all kitchen appliances such as large fridge freezer, washing machine, dishwasher, microwave to name just a few. There is a huge lounge complete with chimney, plus large fully transformed under build,and small workshop. Front and rear private garden area, secure underground garage, tennis courts, football pitch and communal pools. Ref. K14 €209,00 Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant, Situated in the "Alto" part of Gran Alacant, this 3 bedroomed, 4th floor apartment, offers luxury accommodation, with absolutely stunning sea views, as well as views of Alicante bay and the famous Santa Barbara Castle.The apartment is 89 square meters with open plan kitchen / living room and includes all electrical appliances & furniture also there

is a utility room, open terrace, and private parking. The urbanisation also offers many communal pools, tennis courts, restaurants and bars. Ref. K20 €109,000 Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant large detached villa with 3 double bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge-diner, fully equipped kitchen, large porch, roof top solarium, 400 m2 Plot, with established low maintenance very private gardens with irrigation system, electronic gates, private parking, outside wc, sink & shower, terraces, air con ( h & c ), mosquito nets, grills, alarmed, large spa pool with separate Jacuzzi section. Within easy walking distance to Gran Alacant commercial centre and close to local bus and tram route. Ref K33. €260,000 neg Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant, Rare investment!! corner south facing opportunity on Novamar urbanisation.This immaculate ground floor duplex has been kept and maintained to a very high standard inside and out the position is fantastic, enjoys views over the lovely oasis communal pool, surrounded by lawned gardens. Comprising of plot size 100m2 Build Size 90m2, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, fully furnished, AntiGlare Windows, Security Door, Security Grills, Built-in Wardrobes, Extra Storage, Galleria, Electric Panel Heaters, Heated Towel Rails, Air Con (h&c), Ceiling. Fans. Thermo Shower, Vanity Units and decoratively tiled throughout, exquisite garden, Underground private parking. Ref.K10 €139,000 Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant, detached villa in desirable road close to all amenities, comprising of 3 double bedrooms, 3 baths, lounge diner with working




Friday, January 11, 2013 fire place, brand new kitchen with all appliances and black granite work tops, private pool, plot of 550m2, established irrigated gardens and fruit trees, private parking, solarium, also there is a converted under build giving more bedrooms ,bathroom & kitchen, this house has many extras and is being sold fully furnished. Ref.k47. €280,000 neg Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant south-facing, very private villa, with woodland and Alicante views. Situated at the end of a small cul-de-sac which means this villa enjoys a very peaceful location.3 Bedrooms with fitted wardrobes, 3 Bathrooms, lounge-diner with working fireplace, fully fitted kitchen with including white goods, large front porch, solarium,workshop and storage in under build, central heating, air con H/C, ceiling fans, grills, UK T.V, off road parking and plenty of outside parking also. Due to its orientation of this property enjoys full sun, all day, something very important in the winter months. Ref.K24. €237,000 Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant detached villa with converted under build and pool. Comprising of 3 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, Lounge- Diner, Front Porch, Large Solarium, decoratively tiled, Irrigated Garden. BBQ and Log Storage Cupboard. Raised walls for Privacy. Also many extras, toldos blinds, freshly decorated interior, Grills, Mosquito Nets, Air Con H/C, Ceiling Fans, Log Burner Fire, Electric Radiators, Heated Towel Rails, Alarmed, Phone Line, Satellite UK TV, private parking. Plot size 310m2 under build 100m2. price includes all furniture.The under build consists of 2

beds, lounge, kit/utility room. ref L79. €250,000 Tel. 680333242 Gran Alacant immaculate outstanding south facing villa in sought after road. Set on a 350m2 plot with 4 bedrooms, 3 baths,large porch, solarium and terraces. The large under build includes a lounge, kitchen, bedrooms, bathroom and patio doors leading to pool area. Internal & external access for under build. Extras include electric radiators, air con H/C, ceiling fans, gas fire, heated towel rails, extended walk-in shower, fitted wardrobes. Decorative tiling inside and out. Panoramic views towards Alicante Bay, Sky TV, phone line and Internet & Private parking, established gardens, water features and fruit trees. Being sold with exquisite furniture and all white goods. Immaculate finishes and decor. ref L84. €278,000 Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant South facing attractive corner house Situated in the sought after urbanization of Monte Faro, this secure gated urbanization offers a stunning oasis pool, with mountain views, tennis courts and football courts. Consisting of 3 double beds with balconies, 2 bathrooms, kitchen leading onto court yard which can easily be converted into an extra room, lounge diner with working fireplace, front garden with private parking for 2 cars. Being sold fully furnishes with white goods, built in 2006 so immaculate condition hardly lived in. Ref K48 €168,000 priced for quick sale Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant limited edition villa, not very often available on the market. Only a few of this type were ever constructed- Very large 5 bedrooms, 4 bathroom(2 ensuit) property, situated on a



large corner plot with a 10 x 5 private pool and private parking. Lounge-diner with working fireplace, fully equipped kitchen with utility room. Large landing area, leading onto solarium, with extra storage external room. Front porch area leading into large well established gardens with irrigation system and fruit trees. Being sold fully furnished. Within walking distance to Gran Alacant commercial centre and 5 minute drive to Carabassi beaches. ref. K11. €270,000 Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant, Situated on the very first urbanisation as you enter Gran Alacant, this 2nd floor duplex offers taste and quality. Comprising of 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, lounge-diner, independent kitchen, full roof-top solarium with superb views and recently glazed in porch offering extra living area as well as extra privacy as the glass is mirrored. Ref.K44 €108,000 Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant beautiful detached villa with very large pool and within walking distance to the Gran Alacant Commercial Centre. This villa comprised of 3 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, lounge-diner, Independent kitchen, roof top storage, solarium, porch & terrace. Large private pool, BBQ area, established gardens and private terraces, Private Parking, Solarium with Views to Alicante. 450m2 plot, fully furnished including white goods. Located in very quiet desirable road. ref.L96. €255,000 Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant Limited edition bungalow. Only six of this type available in Gran Alacant. Constructed in

2003 and immaculately maintained on a large plot size of 500m2 with a 10 x 5 pool.Comprising of 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge-diner leading out onto front porch, independent kitchen including white goods, outside galleria, court yard, large garage with electric door, roof top solarium and private parking. Also built in wardrobes, Toldos blinds, air con H/C, security grills, alarm, security doors, bathrooms heaters, outside toilet, outdoor lighting, irrigation system, attractive and well kept gardens, beautifully tiled inside and out, fire place, English TV, phone line. Being sold with top quality furniture. ref L95. €275,000 Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant villa located in a very quiet area , situated at the end of a cul-de-sac means there is no through traffic.3 bed, 3 bath, 330m2 plot, established large gardens, working fireplace, solar panel for hot water,private parking, south facing great views, fully furnished, fantastic opportunity. ref. L85. €215,000 Tel 680333242 Gran Alacant, Situated in the central area of Gran Alacant and within walking distance to all local amenities such as a selection of different cuisine restaurants, bars, pharmacies, banks, popular GA market and Carabassi Beach. Comprises of 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms with a private garage and roof-top solarium. This property is part of a small urbanization which has the use of a large decorative communal pool. Ref. K36 €149,000 Tel 680333242 Ref: 513, €115,000. Two bedroom ground floor apart-


ment, in Aguas Nuevas, close to all amenities including the beach. It has a good size lounge, kitchen and has off road parking facilities. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397 Beach front Line property, over looks Carabassi Beach, Gran Alacant. 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Secure Underground Parking, Fully furnished, Roof Top Solarium. 3 Large Communal Pools, Fantastic communal Gardens, Tennis Courts and much more. 125.000 Euros Ref No. K23. Tel. 627 711 155 Gran Alacant, Situated front line to the famous blue flag beaches of Carabassi, the real beauty of this property is its proximity to the beach, but also on offer is a fantastic communal pool situated in beautifully kept gardens with little Spanish walk ways.Comprising of 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge diner, American style kitchen including all appliances, roof top solarium with stunning views, front porch area with front garden and a secure underground garage. fully furnished Ref. K23 €125,000 rare opportunity Tel 680333242 Ref: 520, €85,000. Two bedroom apartment in Dream Hills, with a fully equipped kitchen, large lounge, glazed-in terrace and a large solarium. This property comes with a large communal swimming pool. Call: 965 707 188 or 626 397 397


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Friday, January 11, 2013

Greenside Gossip IVIE DAVIES takes a weekly look at the golf scene -

What the stars need for the New Year EVERYBODY makes New Year's resolutions. Lose weight, save more, drink less booze — there are many popular options. Professional golfers aren't exempt to such things, even though most probably wouldn't admit to it. Since they won't tell you, I took it upon myself to put together a list of resolutions for some of the top golfers on the Official Golf World Rankings. So here they are…

LUKE DONALD'S best finish in a major was a tie for third in the 2006 PGA Championship. He missed the cut in the 2012 Open Championship. He was No.1 in the world for a time and goes into 2013 as a guy who needs to validate his place in the golf hierarchy. Resolution: Find some resilience when in contention in major championships. TIGER WOODS' biggest New Year's resolution would be addressing what appears to be the most serious deficiency in his game - the lost ability to close out the game at the weekends. He used to close out any tournament he led after 54 holes, He led three of four majors in 2012,

LET’S SWING! but couldn’t put any of them away. (Mind you, in my opinion he will not win a Major in 2013). Resolution: Find a way to close the game.

JUSTIN ROSE has had three really good years in a row on the PGA Tour. At 32, he's ready to step up and win his first major. He’s played in 60 major championships in his career. His best finish came in the final major of the year, the PGA Championship. Despite making £2,632,472 in 2012, Rose’s resolution is to work out what’s going on with his putter. In the strokes gainedputting category, he ranked 128th. Resolution: Improve putting

ADAM SCOTT'S gutwrenching final four holes of the 2012 Open Championship, all of which he bogeyed, resulted from a


combination of bad decisionmaking and the inability to make good swings under pressure. Get those two areas in better shape, and Scott is definitely good enough to win his first major. Resolution: Become mentally stronger, and learn from mistakes

LOUIS OOSTHUIZEN needs to make a search for consistency his No. 1 aim for the 2013 season. After winning the 2010 Open Championship, his play dropped considerably, leading him to miss five cuts in 15 starts in 2011. He came back with a solid year in 2012, registering five top 10s and losing the Masters in a playoff to Bubba Watson. He obviously has plenty of game, but needs to avoid that swoon that has kept him from moving up with the game’s best players. Resolution: Search for consistency. LEE WESTWOOD resolves to find a good shortgame teacher and learn how to play the game like a professional from 100 yards to the green. He was 191st in scrambling in 2012 on the PGA Tour—dead last in that category. Westwood has been a marginal contender in golf’s majors, but has been marginal only because

of his non-professional short game. He is as good a ballstriker as there is in professional golf, but that's not enough to overcome those short-game deficiencies. Resolution: Learn the short game (and you could be worth watching!)

UNWATCHABLE PLAYERS IN 2013 There are many golfers who play the professional circuits every year. They range from superstars to anxious wannabes. It doesn't take golf fans long to latch onto their favourites and to quickly designate those who they can't or won't watch. Reasons? How they dress. How they putt. How they play. How they behave. Here are a few of the most unwatchable in my mind.

Kevin Na: put on one of the more ugly shows in the history of golf at the 2012 Players Championship.He developed a mental block of some sort that prevented him from taking the club back and initiating a swing. He waggled and waggled, backed off, set up again and waggled and waggled. He’s a very deliberate player to begin with, but then when adding the starts and restarts, it’s very tough on the eye

A Doctor is talking to his golfing mates at the Club "The material we put into our stomachs is enough to have killed most of us sitting here years ago. Red meat is awful. Soft drinks corrode your stomach lining. Chinese food is loaded with MSG. High fat diets can be disastrous, and none of us realises the long-term harm Lee Westwood: How can caused by the germs in our drinking water” He continues: “But there is one thing that is the most dangerous of all and we all have, or will, eat it,. Can anyone here tell me what food it is, that causes the most Question: A player is on the putting green and asks his grief and suffering for years after eating it?" partner the line of the putt. In doing so his partners shows After several seconds of silence, a 75-year-old member him the line of the putt by touching the putting surface with of the group, raises his hand, and softly says, "Wedding his putter. What is the penalty if any? Cake." A. No penalty because your partner can show you the line B. One stroke penalty because your partner cannot give advice C. In stroke play a two stroke penalty and in match play loss of hole. Answer: A Rule 8-2b Your partner can show you the line but not touch the putting surface (Green) Penalty for Breach of the Rule Match play – Loss of Hole. Stroke play. Two stroke penalty


the No. 7-ranked player in the world be unwatchable? Well, it’s certainly not because he hits the ball over the lot. No, it’s because of his short game. He ranked dead-last,191st in scrambling. During the weeks of golf majors, the question is always asked: Why hasn’t Lee Westwood won one? He’s been in marginal contention on a number of occasions in golf’s biggest events, but a player can’t be that clumsy in getting up and down and expect to win It’s tough to watch a player that good perform that badly in the short game.

John Daly: We could start with the clothing, but all kinds of fashion tastes exist and obviously John Daly’s loud collection has appeal in some areas. The 46-yearold Daly still has something of a fan base, His statistics can’t hide the fact that he just doesn’t play very well any more. His scoring average of 70.879 barely gets him inside the Top 100 on the PGA Tour. His driving accuracy is 164th and his green in regulation is 163rd.

Mr. Grip It and Rip It had his day, but unless you enjoy self destruction, he’s tough to watch.

Boo Weekley is a guy who came from nowhere and captured lightning in a bottle, winning the 2007 and 2008 Verizon Heritage at Hilton Head. He’s made over $8 million since turning pro in 1997, but really hasn’t been much of a factor anywhere since that 2008 victory. Other than the fact that he’s a player who’s just not playing well, there are occasional camouflage prints that he brings out. Camouflage at a Tour event, sorry, that’s not watchable to me. Michelle Wie made a lot of noise as an amateur golfer, competing at levels far beyond her age group and creating a lot of headlines. She made a lot of money when she signed her first endorsement contracts.Since turning professional in 2009, she’s won twice. But, what makes her unwatchable, however, is her putting. Calling her the worst putter on the LPGA Tour wouldn’t be quite accurate because she is ranked 126th and LPGA putting statistics end at 140. She has to lead the world, however, in most putts to not touch the hole .The list is not endless but thankfully there are quite a few that are worth watching


Friday, January 11, 2013


SHH! Don’t blab (or brag) about it, but our very own Elche are now TEN points clear of second-placed Alcorcon in the race to reach La Liga with 48 points from only 20 games this fantastic season. Since Cardiff City recently lost at to Peterborough (sorry, Donna), the Illicitanos now have the best home record in Europe - played 10, won 10, goals for 23, against 6. Won’t bore you with the away form, but they’ve only lost twice, both 1 – 0. All sorts of records are being broken and almost everything is going well. Almost? Que pasa, Juan? ‘Well, you see doctor, I can’t shift these worrying dreams, call it déjà vu, where my team blow it again in spectacular fashion, just like last year...’ My bank manager, a diehard supporter of Elche’s mosthated rivals Hercules of Alicante, keeps reminding about last year, where the

Surely Elche won’t blow it this time

Illicitanos slipped from top at the New Year to mid-table obscurity in the second

half of the season. Mind you, Carlos (helps to be on first-name terms with your bank manager) can talk. His Hercules are rock-bottom of our league. Still, mustn’t extract the urine too

much, never know when you might need a loan. Well, the first game back after the three week lay-off went OK-ish. Unlike the UK,

where footballers get a hard time over the festive period (shame, eh? All that money), here in Spain

Hitman Andres

they’ve got it right. But last year that didn’t work well, as Elche then began to unravel. Fortunately on Sunday t h e Franjiverdes began where they left off, bombarding the opposit i o n (Sabadell, a d e c e n t Catalonian team) from the first whistle, scoring three in the first 45 minutes. However, there were hangovers to sort out at the back, as the vibrant visitors hadn’t


Sporting de San Fulgencio 3 Thader 1 GOALS from new signing Andres, Marco Aurelio and Carl Kirby earned San Fulgencio a great win against neighbours Thader in a warm-up for the second half of the season, writes JORDAN LUCAS. Andres, who had already cleared off his own line, opened the scoring with a wonderful long-range strike which crashed off the underside of the bar. Thader then hit the outside of the post– and just before half-time guided a dubious free-kick beautifully into the top corner to level the match. Saints retook the lead through top scorer Aurelio and then Englishman Kirby smashed a third after Aurelio had intercepted a sloppy Thader clearance. Saints’ next league game is at home against Algorfa on Sunday (January 13), kick-off 12 noon.

SPORTING de San Fulgencio FC treasurer Terry Lockwood passed away on January 1 after a short battle with cancer. “Tel’, as everyone knew him, was a much-loved, larger than life character who will be greatly missed, as both a football fan and a friend. He moved to Spain with wife Ann ten years ago, the last eight on phase five Urb. La Marina, where he took over the post of President later this month. before becoming Treasurer. Fans were encouraged by the disciHe held this position until pline and forcefulness of the team. his return to the UK last Notably, Ernesto and Javi Rosa did not month when his health figure in the 16-man squad, watching started to deteriorate. from the stand as their fates are decided. In 2009, Tel became Joserra, the opposite of the previous involved with the Football manager, was constantly on his feet, Club, helping out on the directing and urging the players. commercial side as well as It’s home again on Sunday to Acero, becoming club treasurer. whom Torry defeated 3-1 in the season’s He loved his football and opening game. A repeat would see them was a lifelong Spurs supwell and truly back in the play-off picture. porter. Second half season tickets are now In life you need characrequired for those who opted for this ters like Tel. It would be a facility and can be bought at the gate on dull place without them; we Sunday for €50. have just lost a big one.

NEW BOSS LINES UP TORRY SWOOP UNDER experienced manager Joserra, Torry battled for every ball and broke the resistance of Burriana just before the interval, Koeman poking home from close range, writes JEFF SCOTT. Dani headed a super second midway through the second period to ensure the new-look Torry jumped to within six points of the play-off places. Pedro Lopez and Inarejos have both departed the club and two more will follow shortly with Joserra seeking to bring in three or four more competitive players. One of them will be a forward to support the tireless Koeman in his quest for goals. Joserra already has two new recruits lined up to make their debuts

read the script and Elche’s Fort Knox-like defence was unbelievably breached twice , the first by a free-kick Beckham/Greece style, the second plain bad marking. Only once have Elche conceded two in a game this season, last time on the opening day, but that day the Illicitanos scored four. It was a bit worrying on Sunday for a while, but as Elche scored three for the first time since October, I’ll settle for that right now. So we now go into two away games against Guadalajara and Ponferredina, but then the traditional biggie: nastyneighbours Hercules are coming! On current form I doubt the Hercules faithful will want to visit Elche, but in the past the Alicantinos have been known to bring 18 crammed coaches. Local derbies, whether in Glasgow, Manchester,

London, Madrid or wherever, always prove to be great levellers, where form goes out of the window. The reverse fixture has already taken place in Alicante early in the new season and it rightly ended 2 – 1 to deserving Elche. Biased, moi? Elche have been out of La Liga for over 30 years – but were big once in Spanish football, and have been so close in recent seasons to getting back. Why not get along to the mighty Martinez Valero in Elche to see ‘em whack Hercules? It’s easy to find - hit the ring road, turn right and follow the traffic till you see the huge stadium rising like Phoenix from the Ashes, and you’re there. Parking’s still relatively easy despite the upsurge from bandwagon-jumping armchair fans lately. Come and support yer local team, as this surely must be the season - the first in my 12 years of supporting the Illicitanos – that Elche get right back up there where they deserve, to take on the mighty once more: Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo et al. See you there?

Every Day’s a Football Day January

13th 1991 In South Africa, 40 fans were trampled to death as they tried to escape crowd trouble during a friendly between Kaiser Chiefs and the Orlando Pirates. Fighting erupted after the referee awarded a dubious second half goal for Kaiser putting them 1-0 ahead 14th 1950 A crowd of 27,305 watch Queens Park in a second division match against Kilmarnock, at the time a record for a non top division match in Scotland. 15th 1959 Liverpool lose 2-1 away to Worcester City of the Southern League in the FA Cup. Worcester scorers were Skuse and a White own goal, with Liverpool – then a second division side – replying through Twentyman. 16th 1993 Having played 24 matches, Norwich find themselves in the unusual position of leading the Premier League but doing so with a negative goal difference. 17th 1917 John Morgan of Partick replaced a teammate during their match at Rangers to become the world’s first substitute. However, there was no rule permitting substitutes in Scottish football until 1966. 18th 1989 Brian Clough lands himself in trouble after he punches a fan who ran onto the pitch. 19th 1993 Vinnie Jones is booked after just five seconds of Sheffield United’s division one game with Manchester City. He held himself in check for 53 minutes 55 seconds, when he was sent off for a second bookable offence Compiled by STUART EVANS


Friday, January 11, 2013

BANTASTIC! HALO, WEMBLEY! Bantams boss Phil Parkinson and his Swansea counterpart Michael Laudrup are heading for a Cup Final showown

Brad’s army march on as flying Swans wait in the wings BRADFORD City’s brave Bantams bagged their third Premier League prize in the prestigious-not Capital One Cup firstleg semi-finals, pummelling poor Aston Villa 3 – 1 at Valley Parade, while super Swansea did a QPR over cheerless Chelsea, 2 – 0 at Stamford Bridge. But Rafa the Gaffer and Boyo Brendan bought bargains at the January sales as Chelsea and Liverpool seem to have strengthened their sides soundly. But not Newcastle, who sold leading scorer Demba Ba to the European Champions: he appeared to have settled in well quickly at Stamford Bridge with two debut goals in the 5 – 1 FA Cup slamming at Southampton. That lifted the load to let Daniel Sturridge leave for Anfield, where he too scored early doors on his debut. Brendan Rodgers will be delighted to have secured his first major signing – an experienced striker who presumably will take the weight off Luis Suarez . (What weight?) Lucky Luis seems to be ‘handling’ it all well, wonder if he’ll extend the hand of friendship to Patrice Evra on Super Sunday. See below…

John McGregor reports

Losing leading scorer Ba looks a disaster for Newcastle’s Alan Pardew at exactly the wrong time. The Senegalese striker has already scored 13 this season versus 16 in total last season, and the Magpies boss is left with only two recognised strikers, Papiss Cisse and Shola Ameobi. Recent results have been disastrous, dumped out of the FA Cup by Championship side Brighton, a 7-3 hiding from Arsenal and sustaining further Premier League defeats by Everton, Manchester United and Fulham. It’s left Newcastle perilously placed, plunging to 15th place, just two points above Wigan who only have Reading and QPR below ‘em. The Geordies travel to Norwich on Saturday, where the Canaries are chirping well this season. Reading host West Brom, while wayward Wigan have a tricky ‘un at fallible Fulham. Can Houdini Harry Redknapp spike Spurs spirits, similar to sinking Chelsea, as his Quite Possibly Reviving team take a short tube ride to White Hart Lane at lunchtime tomorrow to take on third-placed Tottenham? Mind you, I heard Gareth Bale was glued to the TV last Saturday night watching ‘Splash’: I think Omid Djalili is joining Spurs as the new diving coach… Super Sunday seems certain to supply stunning soccer early doors, as leaders Man United ‘enter-

tain’ even-more-hated-than-City rivals Liverpool, while later at the Emirates Arsenal host Manchester City, sin Sergio Aguero. The Blues are ‘battling’ – led by infighting Italians ‘Rocky’ Roberto Mancini and ‘Mental’ Mario Balotelli – to close the sevenpoint gap on the Red Devils. Talking of Man U, did you see the Cup game against West Ham? Samsammers really took it to United and scored two after falling behind to a Tom Cleverley goal. They must have thought they’d won it (I did), but in yet another master class from football’s finishing school’s finest, Robin van Persie effortlessly controlled a cracking through ball from fellow sub Ryan Giggs, and swept it home imperiously in injury time – yet again! En Espana, Lionel Messi is mesmerising millions at the minute, the Argentinian winning his fourth Balon d’Or (Golden Ball to you) and sweeping all before him in La Liga. His 26 goals to date this season have propelled Barcelona to an 11-point lead over Atletico Madrid, and 16 ahead of Real in third. Cristiano Ronaldo? A paltry 16 goals, one behind Atletico’s Falcao. Trouble at t‘mill, though, at t‘Bernabeu, fast-becoming-unpopular Jose Mourinho has badly fallen out with superstar goalie Iker Casillas. City calling?

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