The different teachers Nora Isabel Olivarez has her own Photography business NoraIsabelphotography,called that’s how you can find her Instagram and Facebook page.Mrs. Olivarez took time to teach students to feel comfortable and give feedback to the person you are taking pictures of; capturing the genuine moments. She encouraged students to suggest different poses and have them use lighting and camera angles to get a better shot. Throughout the three-day training, Olivarez kept her students having fun with a sense of light-heartedness. She says that a lot of the students were nervous at first, but after not much time they were trying different angles and having fun with it. Abe Hernadez is also a Photographer with his business Abehernanedz.cocalledand can be found on Instagram and Facebook.Hernandez’s class was focused on Photography.CommercialHeexposed the students to different styles and techniques in the Photography world and gave them insights into some of the differences between portrait photography and commercial photography. Students in the class also got the privilege to fly a drone, which is often used for making commercials for businesses.Thecamp also had two Graphic Design teachers, Yadira Hernandez and Froge Studios. Froge Studios was only able to participate on the first day, Trevino says that he designed the flyer and t-shirts for the students. Yadira Hernandez showed the students the starting steps in creating a logo from a Hernandezsketch.explains that she would sketch on paper first then upload a photo of the sketch and with Illustrator begin working on the final product. Students learned the process, then they had the chance to sketch their own design and build a logo on their own. Hernandez has much experience in graphic design, working with the city of Edinburg through the chamber, and also helping to make designs for the PD and summer rec center
howinterviewer,,like,interviewhisofWaldonamemuralistinterviewclassLastly,events.theVideographyhelpeddirectanwithalocalartistbytheofHectorGuerra.Trilla,thefounderTrillavision,instructedclassonwhatavideosetuplooksandhowtorunthemicrophone,andAlongwithquestionstoaskasanandultimatelytomakeaprofessionallooking short film. At the end of the camp on Thursday, June 9, they had a short ceremony showing what they had accomplished and received t-shirts for participating in the camp. the Camp was a great opportunity for students that may be interested in a future career in the Digital Media world. Trevino says she wants to make this a yearly event, and that she hopes to grow it. La Feria ISD’s Facebook posts “We are so proud of the work our students completed and we can't wait to see what they create in the future with their new knowledge.”
Waldo Trilla showing students a demo Abe Hernandez instructing students in photography.
WEEK OF Jun E 22, 2022 THRO u GH J un E 28, 2022 City Calendar pg. 2 Classified pg. 4 Sports pg. 5 Activity Page pg. 6 Puzzles pg. 7 VOLuME 99 nuMBER 25 Member FDIC The only Community Bank with locations in Cameron, Hidalgo and Willacy Counties Javier Trevino D.D.S. XDigitalRaysDentures Welcoming New Patients Dentistry for all Members of the Family 100 S. Main Street La Feria, TexasPh: (956)797-4444 Now Open Monday - Saturday Bridges Call for an Appointment Today!TeethWhiteningCrowns Your Community Newspaper, Serving the Heart of the Rio Grande Valley 5501 S. Expressway 77 Harlingen, TX (956) 365-1000 | BEST HOSPITAL The Community’s Choice. H ARLINGEN M EDICAL C ENTER Los 109956.797.1000RestaurantLeonesOrderstoGoN.MainSt.•LaFeria,TX78559Monday-Sunday7:00am-2:00pm Rudy Garza Funerals, Inc. LA FERIA 317 S. MAIN (956) TheFamily800-425-8202797-3122OwnedandOperatedbyRudyGarzaFamilyOurFamilyServingyourFamily Family Care Clinic, 200 W. 1st Street, Suite B, La Feria NOW ACCEPTING PATIENTS Juan Briones, PA-C Physicals | Well Visits | Sick Visits | Immunizations | and more... To schedule an appointment, call 956.370.7169 or visit Page 7 Page 2 Poem: Tears Page 2 Upgrades Underway at Local Parks Page 5 And Then There Were Eight. Page 8 Learn About Butterflies, Bring Them to Your Garden Celebrating traditions in every detail HEAVENLY GRACE FUNERAL HOME, MEMORIAL PARK & CREMATORY 26873 N. White Ranch Road La Feria, TX 78559 ADVERTISEwww.laferianews.netWITHUS!128 W. Oleander • (956) 797-9920 • Fx: (956)797-9921 Pick Tomatoes at Color Break LFHS Hosts a 4-day Digital Media Camp La Feria TX. — on Monday, June 6, La Feria High School started a fourday Digital Media Camp for students in 7th through 11th grade. The classes were from 12:30 to 3:30 and encompassed quite a bit of digital media itself. Mrs. Megan TreviñoTorres is a digital media teacher at La Feria High School, she says, “Digital media is something I am very passionate about,” But says It wasn’t until much later that she found out how much she really loved it. Offering these classes early on will give them the opportunity to explore the different career paths that are available after high“It’sschool.arather new program,” Torres mentions, “So we are trying to build it and let students know that the program is available.” She says that’s what drove her to bring in people with these career types; she both wants to inspire students with new opportunities and give them a taste of what digital media as a whole has to offer. The different classes the school had were Photography both portrait and commercial, Graphic Design, and Videography.
Students receiving Certificate of Completion and a t-shirt through the camp.
Ripening off the vine extends harvest, quality with no taste difference
One thing Sandoval mentioned in February was that some additional improvements may include installing new playscapes. To that, Sandoval responded, “Other park upgrades to follow in late July.” Uncertain of what exactly that might entail, further details will follow in the coming months.
Pick Tomatoes at Color Break
Written by Adam Russell Home gardeners should pick tomatoes sooner than later.There is a misconceptioncommonamong the public and home gardeners that vine-ripened tomatoes taste better. But picking tomatoes at color break does not hurt quality, reduces fruits’ exposure to damage and can extend their shelf-life, according to a Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service expert. Larry Stein, Ph.D., AgriLife horticulturist,ExtensionUvalde, said tomatoes are fully mature when they begin to break color. Tomatoes ripen as they begin to produce ethylene gas, which promotes the intoandturnchangetomatoes“Breakers,”process.maturestartingtocolors,begintoayellowishgreenthenbegintofadesalmon-to-pink
Tomatoes ripening on a window ledge. Tomatoes ripen best at room temperature on a solid surface.(Texas A&M AgriLife photo by Adam Russell)
636-1113 FRI DAYS LI n E DA n CI n G Sat • 1:00pm -
Picking tomatoes earlier reduces risks, damage Stein said he has picked his own tomatoes at the first hint of color change for decades. It is standard operating procedure to reduce fruit damage or losses in his garden and his recommendation to gardeners.Harvesting at color break reduces the chance of pests like stinkbugs and birds harming the fruit, he said. Breaker tomatoes are also less likely to experience radial cracks, splits in the fruit related to water conditions.waterwhenFruitconsistent,availabilitybecauseRadialuniformity.cracksoccurmoistureisnotSteinsaid.swellsandcrackssoilsreceiveexcessfollowingverydrySomegardenersbelieve birds target tomatoes and other garden vegetables for their water content, especially during drought, Stein said. He doesn’t have any data to suggest those beliefs to be right or wrong, but he did say birds targetPickingredness.atbreak will not prevent all blemishes from stinkbugs but it will reduce exposure to varmint and pest damages, including burrowing pests like fruitworms.Earlierharvest will also reduce fruits’ exposure to high winds and other various contributors to bruising, he said. “There are so many reasons to pick tomatoes at color break, and no reason not to,” he said. “It’s just how I have done it forever.”
hues before turning red. Tomatoes can be picked as soon as their green begins to yellow. There is a difference in taste and quality between some producedcommerciallytomatoes, but it is based on logistical necessities that do not apply to home gardeners, Stein said. For instance, many commercially grown tomatoes are picked green for shipping, then treated with ethylene gas or placed in “ripening rooms” to promote ripening. Harvests of commercial tomatoes in Texas bound for markets around the state may include a range of fruit break – from yellowing to ripe – because bulk picking and shipping is the only feasible option. There is a difference between tomatoes picked green and ripened via synthesis, Stein said, but no taste or tenderness difference between tomatoes pulled from the vine at color break and those allowed to reach full red color on the vine. “Over the years, the term ‘vine-ripened’ may have emerged as a branding tactic used to make something sound better or set a product apart, but it is just a marketing ploy when it comes to tomatoes,” Steins said. “The fruit is fully mature at break, and there are no benefits from leaving it on the vine, but there are drawbacks.”
• $3 Park Place Estates Ballroom • Harlingen S ATURDAYS ORDER OF EASTER n STAR HARLI n GE n CHAPTER #641 3rd Saturday • 2:00pm Masonic Temple 702 E. Harrison • Harlingen (956) 423-5544 Have a weekly community event you would like us to include in our calendar? email or call (956) 797-9920
The range of tomato ripeness from a “breaker” to fully ripe. Picking tomatoes earlier and ripening them off the vine can help growers avoid fruit damage and extend the shelf life of their harvest. (Texas A&M AgriLife photo by Larry Stein)
2 • June 22, 2022• LA FERIA NEWS CALENDAR of EVENTS JUN 28, 2022 6:30 PM City Commission Meeting Commission Meeting Room 115 E. Commercial Avenue • La Feria, TX JUL 02, 2022 8 A.M - 5 PM Backyard BBQ Cook-Off Veterans Memorial Sports Complex 115 E.Commercial Ave. • La Feria, Texas 78559 • (956) Phone:8:00a.m.797-2261-4:30p.m.(956)797-2261Fax:(956)797-1898 www.cityoflaferia.comMONDAYS K n IGHTS OF COL u MB u S CO un CIL 12135 1st & 3rd Mondays, 7:30pm St. Francis Xavier Parish Hall at the corner of West & Cypress (956) 797-266 LA SCHOOLFERIABOARD 2nd Monday, 6:30pm Board Room Central Administration Office 505 N. Villarreal St. (956) 797-8300 LA FERIA BA n D BOOSTERS 3rd Monday, 7:00pm La Feria HS Band Hall (956) 797-8300 SA n TA ROSA SCHOOL BOARD 3rd Monday • 6:30pm Santa Rosa HS Library (956) 636-9800 MAI n STREAM/PL u S DA n CE Mondays • 9:30am - noon Park Place Estates Ballroom • Harlingen TUESDAYS BL u EGRASS JAM SESSIO n S Every Tuesday, 1:30pm Kenwood RV Resort 1201 N.
Storage and ripening Stein said picking at color break can also allow gardeners to better extend their harvests. The shelf life of ripe tomatoes can be extended in a refrigerator. Refrigerating tomatoes picked earlier in the ripening process puts the ethylene gas production on hold.Stored tomatoes can then be sequentially ripened at the gardeners choosing. To ripen tomatoes, Stein suggests placing them on a countertop at room temperature. The process should take five to seven days from color break. “There will be naysayers, but there is no science to support ripening on the vine,” he said. “The quality will be as good, if not better, ripening your tomatoes off the vine rather than on the vine.” Main • La Feria (956) 797-1875 WEDNESDAYS CO un TRY JAM Wednesdays • 2-4pm by invite only TO Park Place Estates Ballroom Harlingen contact Charlie (308) 379-4589 LI n E DA n CI n G Weds • 9:00am - 11:30am • $3 Park Place Estates Ballroom Harlingen THURSDAYS SA n TA ROSA CITY CO un CIL MEETI n G 3rd Thursday • 7:00pm Santa Rosa City Hall (956) 3:00pm
Upgrades Underway at Local Parks
Back at the end of February, La Feria News touched on projects to be underway in the coming months, one of those being bathrooms installed at both Veterans Memorial Park and the Scott Sloan Park off South MainCitySt.Manager, Jaime Sandoval says that the bathroom facilities at both parks are scheduled to be in working order by Independence day weekend.“Theresurfacing of the basketball courts and walking trails and parking improvements are scheduled to begin sometime in July.” He says, “Cameron County Commissioner Gus Ruiz-Precinct #4 crews will be doing the park construction upgrades.”
Picture taken in front of Veterans Memorial Park sign. Photo taken by Emilio Flores, La Feria News. Picture taken by Emilio Flores, La Feria News
The City of Primera does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or national origin.
If you have questions about your pension, 401(k) or profit sharing plan, call the South Central Pension Rights Project at (800) 443-2528 to get free legal advice. Funded by the U.S. Administration on Aging, SCPRP staff provides free legal assistance to anyone with a question about their retirement plan. CALL US TODAY 1.800.443.2528
Jun E 22, 2022 • LA FERIA NEWS • 3
Santa Rosa united Methodist Church 408 Main Street (Hwy. 107/506) Santa Rosa, across from High School Sunday Coffee and Fellowship 9:30 AM Worship10 AM (Communion fi rst Sunday) Wednesday Prayer Service 9:00 AM Pastor: Carole Lahti (956) 279-3407 Casa de EsperanzaChurchApostolic 416 W. Spruce La Feria 965-639-4301 Bilingual Services Sunday at 1:00pm Daniel Martinez Pastor St. Mary’sChurchCatholic FR. Edouard 956-636-1211Atangana, 101 San Antonio Ave., Santa Rosa Saturday Mass 5pm Bilingual, Sunday Mass 8am Spanish, 10am English. First Baptist Church of La Feria 797-1214 Main St. & Magnolia, La Feria Wednesday 6:30pm Youth Bible Study & Mission Friends, 9:45am Sunday School, 11am Morning Worship Service St. EpiscopalAlbansChurch Reverend Scott 956-428-2305,Brown 1417 E. Austin, Harlingen,TX Holy Communion 8am, Sunday School 9:15, Holy Eucharist 10:30am. Hope in the Word Church Pastors Jose & Bertha Belmares 797-3621, 28354 S. Bixby Rd., La Feria Services Friday 6pm, Sunday 10am. All services are Bilingual, English & Spanish. PrimeraBautistaIglesia 956-797-1740 519 N. Main, La Feria Bilingual Services: Sunday 9:45am Sunday School, 10:45am Worship Service, 5:00pm WMU, 6:00 pm Evening Worship Service, Iglesia Generacion En Conquista Pastor Samuel y Magda Cervantes, Phone (956) 536-2215 2803 W. Exp. 83 Suite A. La Feria Sunday Service 10am Bible Study, 11am Worship Service, 7pm Wednesday Family Service Living Water Church and Ministry Pastor Henry and Rosie 2805 Memorial Suite B. La Feria Sunday Service 11am, 6pm Spanish Worship Service, 7pm Wednesday Service St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Fr. Rodolfo Franco 797-2666, offi ce: 502 S. Canal church: 500 South Canal St., La Feria, Saturday Mass 5:30pm, Sunday Mass 8am Spanish, 10am English, 12pm Bilingual. Christ In Our Midst Missionary Church Pastor: Rev. Daniel 956-742-6311Carrizalez 1 mile N. of FM 506, La Feria Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Sunday Worship - 11:00 a.m., Wednesday Service - 7:00 p.m., Monday Prayer - 7:00 p.m. new PresbyterianHopeChurch 208 West Central Ave, La Feria,TX, 956-277-0208 Services Sunday 4:30 pm Sunday School 3:15 pm Communion on the 1st Sunday of every month Cowboy Church 11235 Swift Ln. Santa Rosa, Tex. Service at 11:00am Sunday 6:30pm pm www.westernoutreach.org956-975-6144Monday St. Paul Lutheran Church Pastor Nathan Wendorf Sundays 8:00AM (Traditional) HC fi rst, third & fi fth 10:30AM (Contemporary) HC second, fourth & fi fth (956) 423-3924 602 Morgan Blvd. Harlingen, TX church@saintpaulharlingen.com78550
First Baptist Church, La Feria
To promote fair housing practices, The City of Primera encourages potential homeowners and renters to be aware of their rights under the National Fair Housing Law. Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended, prohibits discrimination against any person on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status or national origin in the sale or rental of units in the housing market. For more information on fair housing or to report possible fair housing discrimination, call the Texas Workforce Commission at (888) 4524778 or (512) 463-2642 TTY: 512-371-7473.
First Baptist Church of Santa Rosa Pastor Harold 956-636-1603Parker 118 Jesus R. Cruz, Santa Rosa Sunday Services 9:30am Bible Study, 10:30am Morning Worship, 7pm Wednesday Evening Worship. ApostolicTabernacleFaith Pastor Ramon 357-6384Zarate 621 South Main, La Feria Sunday School 10am Sunday Worship 4pm, Wed. Evening 7:30pm. All services are bilingual. Iglesia Oracion en Su MissionaryPresenciaChurch,Inc. Pastors Frank & Janie Gonzalez 797-0044 4th Street, La Feria,TX Sunday 10am & 6pm, Monday 7 pm Prayer Service, Wednesday 7 pm, Friday 7 pm. Church of Christ Minister Gene 536-9832Head 912 N. Parker Rd., La Feria, Wednesday 6:30 pm Bible Study, Sunday 9:30am Bible Study, 10:30am Service, 5pm Evening Service Los Domingos: 12:00 Medio Dia Los Jueves: 7:00 pm Estudio De Biblia Faith Church of Christian & MissionaryChurchAlliance Pastor Oscar 797-1739Loredo 125 W. First St., La Feria,Tx Bilingual Ministry Sunday 10am Sunday School, 11am Worship, Wednesday 7 pm Bible Study, Friday 7 pm Prayer.
Póliza de No Discriminar a Base de Estado de Discapacidad La Ciudad de City of Primera no discrimina por motivos de discapacidad en la admisión, el acceso o el empleo en sus programas o actividades con asistencia federal. Mayor ha sido designado para coordinar el cumplimiento de los requisitos de no discriminación contenidos en los reglamentos del Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano (HUD) que implementan la Sección 504 (24 CFR Parte 8). Participación Ciudadana y Procedimientos de Quejas Aviso
Public Service Announcement: Fair Housing, It's the Law
scan & visit
First United Methodist Church Pastor Fred Perez 331 S. Main St., La Sunday956-797-1393Feria,Service10am Kids Korner 10am (ages 4 and up) Sunday FUMC Youth 4:30pm (ages 12-18yrs) Communion on the 1st Sunday of every month
La Ciudad de City of Primera ha adoptado procedimientos de quejas y reclamos relacionados con sus programas de Texas Community Development Block Grant (TxCDBG). Los ciudadanos pueden obtener una copia de estos procedimientos escritos en 22893 Stuart Place Road, Primera, TX, 78552 durante el horario comercial habitual. Los ciudadanos también pueden solicitar que se les envían los procedimientos por correo llamando al Administrador de la Ciudad, Oficial de Derechos Civiles, en (956) 423-9654. Estos procedimientos describen los pasos que debe seguir un ciudadano si desea presentar una queja o reclamo sobre las actividades de TxCDBG. Una persona que tenga una queja o reclamo sobre cualquier servicio o actividad relacionada con un proyecto del programa TxCDBG, puede presentar dicha queja o reclamo durante el horario comercial habitual, o por escrito a City Manager, a 22893 Stuart Place Road, Primera, TX 78552 o puede llamar a (956) 423-9654. La Ciudad de City of Primera hará todo lo posible para responder con plenitud a las quejas dentro de los quince (15) días hábiles cuando sea posible. Declaración de Igualdad de Oportunidades de Empleo La Ciudad de City of Primera no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, religión, sexo, orientación sexual, identidad de género u origen nacional.
The cars were lined up for what appeared to be miles, but actually it was only a few blocks. Volunteers at First Baptist Church were distributing food donated by sister churches, members, and generous sponsors. Two pickups were in line with their hoods up. Never a good sign. I asked the driver of the first truck what the problem was? “My battery is dead; I need a jump.” I asked the second driver the same question. He told me that his truck would not start either. That was an odd coincidence. But then the one driver explained. “I was trying to jump start the other guy’s truck. But instead of starting the other truck. Now, my truck will not start.” There is an expression, “No good deed will go unpunished.” Try to help someone and you end up needing help. Try pulling someone out of the ditch and you end up in the ditch. Try and save someone drowning and you nearly go under yourself. Once, Jesus asked, “Who touched me? I felt power leave me.” To most of us that is odd. Jesus was supposed to be this source of unlimited power. Instead, he was like us. Helping costs him something. The difference is that Jesus knew that was his purpose. “I have not come to be served. But to serve and give my life as a ransom for many.” Not all of us have worked that are looking for a way to never lose money, time, or your good health, then do not help anyone. Helping others always costs. However, the rewards are out of this world, maybe even eternal. -Mark S. Ross DMin. Oleander La Feria, La C HURCH SERVICE D IRECTORY 1st MethodistunitedChurch Pastor Federico Perez, 797-1393 331 S. Main St., La Feria, Sunday School 10am, Traditional Worship Service 9am, Contemporary Service 11am, UM Youth 5pm WorshipInternationalCenter Bishop Ronaldo 956-797-1204Ortiz 116 W. Seventh St., La Feria Services Sunday (English) 9:30am Domingo (Espanol) 11am, Miercoles Interdenominational7pmWorshipExtremeYouthSat.6pm
Policy of Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability
The City of Primera does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or employment in, its federally assisted programs or activities. The Mayor has been designated to coordinate compliance with the nondiscrimination requirements contained in the Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) regulations implementing Section 504 (24 CFR Part 8).
Citizen Participation & Grievance Procedures Notice
Templo Getsemani Pastor Julio y Claudia Mendoza Phone (956) 589-5016 11418 Fifth St. La Feria TuesdayServicios:&Thursday 7pm Friday Pray at 7pm Sunday Bible Study at 10am & 6pm Immanuel Lutheran Church & School Rev. Ed Weber 956-565-1518 Offi ce (M-F; 8-12 noon) 956-565-3208 School (Grades: PK-5th 703 W. 3rd St., Mercedes, TX Sunday Worship Services 9am Sunday Bible Class 10:30
Equal Employment Opportunity Statement
Aviso Publico: La Equidad en la Vivienda, Es La Ley Para promover prácticas de vivienda justa, La Ciudad de City of Primera anima a los posibles propietarios de vivienda e inquilinos a que conozcan sus derechos conforme a la Ley Nacional De Vivienda Justa. El Título VIII de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1968, según enmendada, prohíbe la discriminación contra cualquier persona por motivos de raza, color, religión, sexo, discapacidad, estado familiar u origen nacional en la venta o renta de unidades en el mercado de la vivienda. Para obtener más información sobre vivienda justa o para informar sobre una posible discriminación de vivienda equitativa, llame a la Comisión Laboral de Texas al (888) 452-4778 o (512) 463-2642 TTY: 512-371-7473.
The City of Primera has adopted complaint and grievance procedures regarding its Texas Community Development Block Grant Programs (TxCDBG). Citizens may obtain a copy of these written procedures at 22893 Stuart Place Road, Primera, TX, 78552 during regular business hours. Citizens may also request the procedures be mailed to them by calling the City Manager, Civil Rights Officer at (956) 423-9654. These procedures outline the steps for a citizen to follow if s/he wishes to file a complaint or grievance about TxCDBG activities. A person who has a complaint or grievance about any services or activities with respect to the TxCDBG project, may during regular business hours submit such complaint or grievance, in writing to the City Manager, at 22893 Stuart Place Road, Primera, TX 78552 or may call (956) 423-9654. The City of Primera will make every effort to respond fully to such complaints within fifteen (15) working days where practicable.
Feria, P.O. Box 999, La Feria, TX 78559.) TEXAS PRESS ASSOCIATIONMEMBER2020 SUBSCRIPTION RATES $2795 Yr. Valley l $3495 Out of Valley Single Copy Price $.50 ea. Back Issues available .............. $.50 ea. Also distributed to each LFISD School Student. 2022
By _/s/Martin Obregon___, Deputy Martin Obregon NEED HELP WITH RETIREMENTYOURPLAN?
912 N. Parker Rd., La Feria Sunday 10:30am Service Sunday 5pm Evening Service Los Domingos 2:00pm Medio Dia Los Minister Roger Goodwin
CORRECTION POLICY Although the La Feria News Staff strives for excellence in all stories and advertising, spelling or typographical errors can occur. If you find any confirmed factual or other type of error, please call 956-233-9928 during business hours or leave a message. WEEKLY COLUMNS printed in the La Feria News contain the opinions of the Authors. They may or may not be the opinion of the Newspaper. Your Community Newspaper since 1923” 128 W. Oleander Ave. E MondayMAIL-Friday from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. FOR IMMEDIATE P u BLISHER S Landon Jennings Sharice Jennings MAILI n G ADDRESS P.O. Box 999 La Feria, TX 78559 956-797-9920 ADVERTISI n G Victor 956-264-7720MorenoGRAPHICDESIG n ER Jazmin Perea CO n TE n T EDITOR Emilio OFFICEFloresMA n AGER nelda Briones HOW TO SUBSCRIBE: 1 year subscription delivered by U.S. Postal Service…$27.95 or can be purchased at several convenient locations throughout the cities of La Feria, Santa Rosa, Santa Maria & Blue Town for The50¢.LaFeria News is mailed and delivered Monday,June 20 , 2022 and published weekly by La Feria Publishing, LLC . Periodical Postage Rates paid at La Feria, TX., Post Office. Advertising deadline is noon Thursday at the office at 128 W.
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YouGREETINGS:arecommanded to appear and answer to the Application to Determine Heirship and for Letters of Dependent Administration , filed by Radonna D. Fillmore, at or before 10 o’clock A.M. of the first Monday after the expiration of 10 days from the date of service of this citation, before the Honorable County Court at Law IV of Cameron County, at the Courthouse in Brownsville, Texas, Said Application For Decedents' Estates-All Other Estate Proceedings was filed on May 18, 2022.
The Style being: IN THE ESTATE OF: Pamela C. Briant, Deceased
The nature of said proceeding being substantially as follows, to wit: Determine who the heirs and only heirs of decedent are and their respective shares and interests in this estate; that no appraisers be appointed; and for all other relief to which applicant may be entitled. Issued on this the 10th day of June, 2022. Given under my hand and seal of said Court at Office in the City of Brownsville, Texas on this the 10th day of June, 2022. Sylvia Garza-Perez, Clerk Cameron County, Texas. By _/s/ Yvette Donovan__, Deputy Yvette Donovan NOTICE APPLICATION HAS BEEN MADE WITH THE TEXAS ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE COMMISSION FOR A MIXED BEVERAGE PERMIT AND A LATE HOURS CERTIFICATE BY RINO PRODUCTION INC DBA NIRVANA 81, TO BE LOCATED AT 3341 PABLO KISEL BOULEVARD, SUITE N, BROWNSVILLE, CAMERON COUNTY, TEXAS. PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY IS EDUARDO A. NUNEZ.
The file number of said Matter being No. 2022-CPC-00179 County Court at Law IV
THE STATE OF TEXAS In the County Court at Law IV of Cameron County, Texas To: UNKNOWN HEIRS, IF ANY OF Pamela C. Briant Deceased
Legal Notice 4 • Jun E 22, 2022 • LA FERIA NEWS Services Mobile HoMe INSURANCE Pay Less....CheCk√oorhes Insurance Agency 518 N. 1ST ST. • HARLINGEN (956)428-7475 •(800)880-0938 Great Classifieds... List Yours Today by Calling 956-233-9928 or 956-797-9920. REMEMBER: Deadline is Wednesday at NOON for ads to be published in the following week’s edition. Riowww.ValleyShredding.comWesupplytheGrandeValleyandSouthTexaswithSecureMobileDocumentDestruction.“YourOn-siteAnswertoDocumentDestruction”CallUsToday! 1-956-233-4780 THE HAIR CENTER Betsy OPEN Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 956-797-4036 122 W. Oleander • La Feria, TX LEGAL NOTICE APPLICATION HAS BEEN MADE WITH THE TEXAS ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE COMMISSION FOR A WINE AND MALT BEVERAGE RETAILER’S ON- PREMISE PERMIT BY PIZZA BOYS LLC, DBA: LOLITA PIZZA TO BE LOCATED AT 915 E. ELIZABETH ST., CAMERON COUNTY, BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS 78520. MANAGING MEMBER, BEING CHARLES CHRISTIAN CORBEIL. TexSCAN Week of June 19-25, 2022 ACREAGE Own your piece of Texas TODAY! Prices starting at $650/acre. Trans Pecos region. Also the Hill Country (Edwards, Menard, Coke, Val Verde Countiesfree ranging exotics), South Texas (Duval County - whitetail, hogs). Large acreage or small. 30 year fixed rate owner financing, only 5% down. Call toll free or email for individual prices and terms., 800-876-9720. ARROWHEADS Indian Arrowheads Wanted – Point Type: Clovis, Yuma, Firstview & Eden. Must be old, authentic & unbroken. Absolute TOP DOLLAR paid – up to 5 figures for one point. I am a very serious high-end collector. Call 979-218-3351. EVENT Wylie Jubilee – Bluegrass on Ballard – Sat., June 25, Historic Downtown Wylie on Ballard Ave. Music 1-9 p.m., Arts & Crafts 9 a.m.-9 p.m., Classic Car Show 4-9 p.m. (pre-register for car show).
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/s/ Michael Glass Pate Independent Executor
NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary in the Estate of Sam Glass Pate AKA Sam G. Pate, Deceased, were issued to Michael Glass Pate, on May 6, 2022, in Cause No. 2022 CPC 00125 now pending in the County Court at Law Number Four of Cameron County, Texas. Claims should be addressed to the Independent Executor, c/o Hamilton & Lucio, P.C., 805 Old Port Isabel Road, Brownsville, Texas 78521 3557. All persons having claims against such Estate, which is currently being administered, are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by law.
By Ruben Rodriguez La Feria News
Now offering flu and pneumonia vaccinations! Mario A. Sanchez, D.O. and Staff GO MIGHTY LIONS! (956) 797-2002 La Feria 106 N. Main St 2022POWERLIFTINGLIONETTES MEET LIONETTESTHE Jun E 22, 2022 • LA FERIA NEWS • 5
After a long first two weeks in the 2022 NCAA Baseball Tournament, we have reached the best part of the annual tournament. The 2022 College World Series is now set to take place. 64 teams started the exciting tournament, now eight teams have successfully punched their ticket to Omaha, Nebraska.Ofthose eight teams, two stand proud as they represent the Lone Star State. Those teams being, the Texas Longhorns and Texas A&M Aggies. The Other six teams in the College World Series are Arkansas, Ole Miss, Notre Dame, Oklahoma, Stanford and Auburn. The Longhorns started their CWS journey hosting the Austin Regional, going against Air Force, Dallas Baptist University and Louisiana Tech. Texas, who has gone to 35 of 70 College World Series', looked to advance back. The Longhorns used the home field advantage successfully qualified to the Super Regionals after a clean sweep in Pool Play. Texas A&M qualified out of the College Station Regional in a sweep fashion as well.Heading to the Super Regionals, The Longhorns were slated against East Carolina University. The Pirates were looking to clinch their first CWS Berth since 2001. Texas Struck first in the opening game with a 2-0 lead in the first inning. ECU would later turn up the heat, scoring multiple runs, holding Texas Scoreless for multiple innings. The Longhorns would bite and chip away at the lead, however ECU dominated and captured game one with a 13-7 victory. Game Two saw ECU take an early lead with the Longhorns winning off a walkoff home run 9-8. Game Three Texas took the lead off hot bats, and despite a 4 hour rain delay, Texas punched their ticket to Omaha on an 11-1Texasvictory.A&M went up against ACC powerhouse Louisville in the Super Regional, Getting the home-field advantage again due to being ranked higher than Louisville. The Cardinals got the lead early on and maintained control, with great hitting and solid defense. The fighting Aggies responded, mounting a comeback and a walk off on an RBI Single to win game one 5-4. Coming off the walk off in Game one, Texas A&M rode in on the momentum into game two and had a solid execution on offense and defense. Capturing game two with a 6-3 victory. Other major moments during the tournament saw the Number one ranked VolunteersTennesseegodown in the Super Regionals off a comeback mounted by Notre Dame in game three. Stanford getting a major win over a tough UConn ballclub. Auburn upsetting PAC-12 Powerhouse Oregon State. With the College World Series a mere few days away, Eight powerhouse teams will converge on TD Ameritrade Ballpark in Omaha, Nebraska to crown themselves the 2022 NCAA Baseball Champions. The Longhorns will be looking for their seventh National Championship, while Texas A&M makes their first appearance in the CWS since 2017 as they look to capture their first National Championship.
Fantastic Finals
By Ruben Rodriguez La Feria News
The NBA Finals have been nothing short of an exciting series. The Warriors, who are in their fifth finals in seven years are also looking for their fourth NBA Title in five final appearances. Golden State is Led by Stephen Curry, Klay Thompson, Andrew Wiggins, Dray mond Green and Jordan Poole. The Celtics, who have been red hot in 2022, look to capture their 18th NBA Title, their first since 2008. Boston is led by the trio of Marcus Smart, Jayson Tatum and Veteran AlGameHorford.One was a fast paced attack by both teams. It being a home game for Golden State, The Warriors lit up the charts and dominated the majority of the game. The fourth quarter saw Boston play solid two way basketball to come from behind and capture game one 120-108. Horford led the Celtics’ offense with 26 points, Jaylen Brown followed with 24 points. Despite the loss, Curry and Wiggins combined for 54 points.Game Two saw Golden State again take the early lead as Boston constantly closed in on the Warriors and nearly took the lead on multiple occasions. The Warriors managed to hold on to tie the series with a 107-88 win over Boston. Jayson Tatum led Boston’s offense with 28 points, while the victorious War riors were propelled by Curry’s 29 point perfor mance.Now heading into Game Three in Boston at the legendary TD Garden. The Celtics and Warriors were in a fist fight from the start with Boston on top. The Celtics withstood the at tack led by Stephen Curry, who again led the scoring with 31 points alongside Klay Thompson’s 25 points. The Celtics, who used the home court to their advantage, held on to win 116-100. Marcus Smart finished with 24 points, Jaylen Brown with 27 and Jayson Tatum with 26.With Boston now lead ing the series 2-1 head ing into Game Four, The Celtics looked to win two consecutive games. The First quarter was an ex hilarating one with Boston leading 28-27 heading into the second. The Celtics again maintained the lead, out scoring the Warriors 26-22 to lead 54-49 at the half. The second half saw the Warriors offense erupt as Curry put up a dominant show on offense, scoring 43 points to lead the Warriors series tying win 107-97. Klay Thomp son and Andrew Wiggins combined for 35 points.. Game Five, back in San Francisco saw the Warriors again dominate on offense, led by Andrew Wiggins’ 26 point performance. Klay Thompson followed suit with 21 points. Despite Jayson Tatum’s solid 27 point performance, Golden State managed to capture Game Five to lead the se ries 3-2 with a 104-94 win.
And Then There Were Eight. Two Texas Schools among teams qualified for 2022 College World Series
By Ruben Rodriguez La Feria News With the 2022 FIFA World Cup just 151 Days away. The United States have their eyes set on Qatar in November. For the United States, This will mark their first World Cup appearance for the first time since 2014 after failing to qualify for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. The USA has been on fire since 2021, capturing their 7th Gold Cup title, the inaugural CONCACAF Nations League Cham pionship and qualifying for the 2022 World Cup back in March. Led by the young trio of Christian Pulisic, Giovanni Reyna and Weston McKennie, The Stars and Stripes look to make a deep run into the Elimination Rounds after back to back losses in the Round of 16 in their last two FIFA World Cup Appearances. Team USA is currently led by Head Coach Gregg Berhatler, who alongside Reyna, Pu lisic and McKennie, will make his first World Cup Appearance.ForSeeding, the United States was drawn into Group B, where they will go against England, Iran and the winner of a play in later on down the road. Other Teams to lookout for are Spain, Germany, France, Japan, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina andAsPortugal.statedearlier, The United States looks to make a deep run in the tournament. In their last two FWC appearances in Brazil 2014 and South Africa 2010, The U.S. Lost in the Round of 16. In Germany 2006, The United States were elimi nated in the Group Stage. Their best World Cup Per formance came in KoreaJapan 2002 where they lost in a thriller to Ger many in the Quarterfinals. The 2002 USA Squad was led by the young Duo of Landon Donovan and Brian McBride. In 2010 and 2014, Team USA was led by Clint Dempsey, Mi chael Brsdley and Josey Altidore.WithWorld Cup fever slowly starting to take place, Team USA Has their sights set on lifting the Title in December.
Road to Qatar!
Team USA is in preparation for the FIFA World Cup Celtics and Warriors in an Exciting Series
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The file number of said Matter being No. 2022-CPC-00101 County Court at Law IV
Tears To when an innocent child dies bring To teardrops pray. away Poem by James Arnold
The Style being: IN RE ESTATE OF JAVIER CASARES, JR. DECEASED The nature of said proceeding being substantially as follows, to wit: Determine who the heirs and only heirs of decedent are and their respective shares and interests in this estate; that no appraisers be appointed; and for all other relief to which applicant may be entitled. Issued on this the 10th day of June, 2022. Given under my hand and seal of said Court at Office in the City of Brownsville, Texas on this the 10th day of June, 2022. Sylvia Garza-Perez, Clerk Cameron County, Texas. By _/s/ Yvette Donovan__, Deputy Yvette Donovan
do fall At a time when death calls, May we lift up our eyes To blue Heavenly Skies, And for peace we do
tears to the most hardened eyes. May our hearts fill with sorrow
May our hearts love each day, And from violence turn
scan and visit! Jun E 22, 2022 • LA FERIA NEWS • 7 THEME: AT THE 1.ACROSSBEACHLikeacertain eagle 5. *Beach-goer's protective acronym 8. "To ____ and to hold" 12. Arabian bigwig 13. Indian lentil staple 14. Wild West grazer 15. TV prize 16. Between Illinois and 17.NebraskaQuickand light on one's feet 18. *Wooden walkway by the beach 20. Not this 21. 22.examinationsUnwrittenCherrymiddle LAST WEEK’S SUDOKU ANSWERS LAST WEEK’S CROSSWORDS ANSWERS 40. Twisted or meandered 42. Chill, with 'out' 43. Seat by day, bed by 45. Modifies 47. *Just out of the water 48. Parallel grooves 50. Arrival times 52. *Wave rider 56. Nitrogen, in the olden 57.daysIn____ of 58. Hipbones 59. Parcel of land 60. Et alibi 61. 64.63.62.exclamationAuctioneer'sA.C.T.sectionTietheknot*Casualbeach tops 1.DOWNBritish Broadcasting Corporation, colloquially 2. Shells in a magazine 3. Capital of Peru 4. Fungus damage (2 words) 5. *Same as sandbar 6. Catch for a ratchet's notch, pl. 7. Criticism 8. *Water at its highest (2 words) 9. The largest continent 10. Retired electric Chevy 11. Compass dir. 13. Hindu Festival of 14.LightsDyed fabric 19. Type of TV show 22. Eating contest staple 23. *Decapod on a beach 24. *Propelled like a paddle board 25. Plural of sputum 26. Type of bin in a grocery store 27. Bundle of axons 28. Slipperier 31. *Building material found at the beach 32. Jack Ryan's and Jason Bourne's org. 34. Barrels of beer 36. *Hasselhoff's beach TV's"Don't____OnMe"PoetPoundToperfection(3words)Abunch*End-of-daysummertimesootherRubthewrongwayPopsCashdispenser23. Relating to a rib 26. *Beach suit type 29. Kanye's genre 30. Pool hall mishap 33. 52 cards 35. *Sunny 39.38.37.destinationCaribbeanDutchvacationBeunwellEagle'shomePrecedescarotene? ADVERTISEwww.laferianews.netWITHUS!128 W. Oleander • (956) 797-9920 • Fx: (956)797-9921 The Next Chapter Poem &scanvisit Find Us On Twitter! CITATION BY PUBLICATION CLERK OF THE COURT Sylvia Garza-Perez ATTORNEY OF PERSON FILING THE CAUSE Chester R. Gonzalez; SANTIAGO GALARZA 974 E. HARRISON STREET BROWNSVILLE, TX 78520 117 E Price Rd Brownsville TX 78521-3527 50 East Elizabeth Street BROWNSVILLE TX 78521 THE STATE OF TEXAS In the County Court at Law IV of Cameron County, Texas To: UNKNOWN HEIRS, IF ANY OF Javier Casares, Jr., Deceased, YouGREETINGS:arecommanded to appear and answer to the Application for Letters of Independent Administration and Application to Determine Heirship , filed by Emma Casas Casares, at or before 10 o’clock A.M. of the first Monday after the expiration of 10 days from the date of service of this citation, before the Honorable County Court at Law IV of Cameron County, at the Courthouse in Brownsville, Texas, Said Application For Decedents' Estates-Independent Administration was filed on March 28, 2022.
know for them there is no morrow, So when
Learn About Butterflies, Bring Them to Your Garden
This is the driving idea behind “Backyard Smart,” a free online video series. These short explainer videos are full of facts and relevant information to answer your most common lawn and garden questions. The following planting strategies come directly from two recent “Backyard Smart” episodes:
Tips to Start or Expand Your Garden and Make it Thrive
One of those project goals is providing more mental health resources across the United States. “The project has a set of goals that the nation wants to see happen in the next 10 years, and one we showcased was increasing treatment for people with depression,” Mittal said. “For this reason, we had mental health providers talking about those resources, as well as addressing bullying and how to combat that in our environment.”Mittalhasbecome part of the Gay and Lesbian Medical
morehealth.apediatrictheirhealthtoindividualssexualfortoorganizationprogram(GLMA)Organizationfellows’–anationalcommittedensuringhealthequityLGBTQIA+andallandgenderminoritythataimsfurtherLGBTQIA+–andiscontinuingstudiestobecomeaphysicianwithfocusonLGBTQIA+“IfIcanbejustonepersontoprovidethis specific care, especially in this region,” Mittal said, “it will make a huge difference to those patients.”
The Common Orders of Butterflies section of the course covers 30 Texas species, which includes monarchs, leafwings and painted“Participantsladies. will also learn the most common butterflies for each region of the state,” she said. How does your garden grow? The third section of the course, Host Plants, covers best practices for creating a butterfly garden, including the plants to select that will attract the adult butterflies, such as swallowtail and milkweed butterflies. “It’s important to choose plants that not only attract butterflies, but will do well here,” Keck said. In the course Keck covers Texas Superstar plants that will serve as good butterfly attractors. “These are the plants that grow well all across Texas and are water efficient,” she said. “In addition to attracting butterflies, other pollinators will also be drawn to the right plants.”
By Dimitra Trejo RIO VALLEY,GRANDETEXAS – JUNE 13, 2022 – Third-year UTRGV med student Isha Mittal is the most recent recipient of the U.S. Public Health Service Excellence in Public Health Award. The award was established to recognize the contributions to public health from medical students across the country. The UTRGV School of Medicine nominated Mittal for their commitment to meeting the Healthy People 2030 initiative established by the U.S. Public Health Service.Mittal’s passion and work for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual (LGBTQIA+) health and advocacy stood out among the many nominees for the award. Mittal, who comes to UTRGV from Colombia University with a master’s degree in public healthsaid it has always been a goal to uplift those who identify as LGBTQIA+. “My program focused on sexual and reproductive health – and that work continued here for me in the Rio Grande Valley,” Mittal said. “My goal is to be a pediatrician and to work in adolescent health. I want to work with queer youth, and I plan to do this work pretty much for my entire life.”
A course covering butterflies is now available for online learning. It covers the basics of butterflies, helps Texans to identify which species are in their region, and how to garden to attract them. (Texas A&M AgriLife photo by Laura McKenzie)
NEXT STEPS Mittal hopes to continue organizing LGBTQIA+ specific events to raise awareness and bridge the healthcare gaps not only in the South Texas region, but also around the country. “Our conference was the cornerstone of the work we are doing in the Valley and why we were recognized,” Mittal said. “The efforts we are putting into highlighting resources for LGBTQIA+ people are one I’m passionate about, but it also simultaneously meets the priorities of the Public Health Service’s Healthy People 2030 goals.”
Who’s who among butterflies “I think people will be amazed at how many different species of butterflies we have here in Texas,” Keck said. She said they can be tricky to identify sometimes because many can look similar.
• Start With Seeds: Looking to add new plants to your garden and flower bed? Try starting from scratch. While most nurseries have limited species of mature plants to select from, there are literally thousands of varieties of seeds available at dirt cheap prices. A quick trip to the seed kiosk in your local hardware store offers the potential for you to enjoy flowers you’ve never seen and vegetables you’ve never tasted. “It’s easy to be intimidated by the prospect of growing plants from seeds but the truth is that all you need is soil, just the right amount of water and lots of sunshine,” says Briggs. “Nature will handle the rest.”
Butterfly biology The first section covers the biology of butterflies and provides an understanding of the insect’s lifecycle. It is a butterfly’s body parts that make it an “accidental pollinator” since it only seeks out nectar, Keck explained. Pollen can become attached to a butterfly’s legs, body or mouthparts, which in turn can pollinate otherSheplants.saidthe insect’s defense mechanisms will also be explored, as will butterfly classifications.
Written by Susan Himes A Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service online learning course on butterflies is now available. The course covers butterfly biology, how to identify different species and what plants will attract them to a garden.Thecost for the course is $25, and it is available at
The two-and-a-halfhour course consists of three modules, allowing participants to watch the videos and learn at their own pace. “The course was born from years of people asking me about butterflies and creating a butterfly garden,” said course creator Molly Keck, AgriLife Extension entomologist, Bexar County. “When I speak at a Texas Master Gardeners or a garden club event, I can only give them a teaspoon of information on butterflies, I can’t get as indepth as I can in a course, so I created this one.” The online course consists of three parts: Butterfly Biology, Common Orders of Butterflies and Host Plants.
New online course covers the “B to Y” of a butterfly
The course also has an interactive portion, which allows participants to virtually explore a garden. Keck said she hopes butterflies will serve as a gateway for people to also become more interested in other“Everyoneinsects. enjoys butterflies — no one is afraid of butterflies; they are like the birds of the insect world,” she said.
Conference attendees received Peopletosounderservedaimmigrantatifbetheyintersectionsresidents,resourcesLGBTQIA+uniquetoValleyMittalsaid.“WehavealotofintheRGV,”said.“Englishmayasecondlanguage,theyspeakEnglishall.Wehaveabigpopulationandhistorically,medicallycommunity,it’saveryuniqueplacebringtheseresourcesto.wereverygrateful.”
8 • Jun E 22, 2022 • LA FERIA NEWS
Third-year UTRGV medical student Isha Mittal and Dr. Michael Hocker, dean of the UTRGV School of Medicine, display Mittal’s recent U.S. Public Health Service Excellence in Public Health Award. (Photo by Raul Gonzalez)
GETTING TO WORK Mittal hopes to use the award to highlight the importance of training physicians to be more aware of the differences within in our communities. “A lot of the battle is educating people, increasing said.LGBTQIA+peopletheproviders,competencyculturalforourandnormalizingfactthatLGBTQIA+exist…especiallyyouth,”Mittal“So,oftentimes,the first step is just starting that conversation.”Sincethebeginning of medical school, Mittal has been passionately working to cast light on queer health, even re-starting the UTRGV Medical Student Pride Alliance group on campus, the local chapter of the national MSPA organization.“Itookonthe role as lead for MSPA right before the pandemic, and student engagement has been difficult,” Mittal said. “Nonetheless, we persevered and that is why we are being highlighted by the U.S. Public Health. In 2021, we put on an LGBTQIA+ UTRGV Conference in partnership with the UTRGV Office of Diversity. It was a daylong virtual event, and we invited local speakers to focus on what the experience of being queer in the Valley is like.”
UTRGV Medical Student Advocates for LGBTQIA+ Health
(StatePoint) Starting a garden for the first time or expanding an existing plot is easier than you may think. With a little love and care, your green space will bloom and thrive. “For anyone with the inclination, a beautiful lawn and garden is always within reach,” says Jamie Briggs, director of marketing, Exmark, a leading manufacturer of commercial mowers and equipment for landscape professionals and homeowners with a lot of lawn to cut.
• Practice “Companion Planting”: Whether it’s growing marigolds alongside tomatoes to block bad bugs or planting corn next so squash to provide shade, plants are kind of like people, they do better with a buddy. Companion plants help block weeds, prevent pests, create fertile soil, promote pollination and offer plants a place to climb. In fact, people have been practicing this technique for centuries to create vigorous gardens. For more easy-to-understandentertaining, approaches to making the most of your outdoor spaces, check out the Exmark Backyard Life site at’vealwaysdreamed of having your own, homegrown, fruits and vegetables in your cooking, or brightening your home with fresh-cut flowers, there is no better time than the present to pursue this dream. The long sunshiny days of summer are ideal for developing your green thumb.