WEEK OF August 3, 2022 t HRO ug H A ugust 9, 2022 City Calendar pg. 2 Classified pg. 4 Sports pg. 5 Activity Page pg. 6 Puzzles pg. 7 www.laferianews.net VOLuME 99 NuMBER 31 Member FDIC The only Community Bank with locations in Cameron, Hidalgo and Willacy Counties Javier trevino D.D.s XDigitalRaysDentures Welcoming New Patients Dentistry for all Members of the Family 100 s Main street La Feria, texasPh: (956)797-4444 Now Open Monday - Saturday Bridges Call for an Appointment today!teethWhiteningCrowns Your Community Newspaper, Serving the Heart of the Rio Grande Valley 5501 S. Expressway 77 Harlingen, TX (956) 365-1000 | www.harlingenmedicalcenter.com BEST HOSPITAL The Community’s Choice. H ARLINGEN M EDICAL C ENTER Los 109956.797.1000RestaurantLeonesOrderstoGoN.MainSt.•LaFeria,TX78559Monday-Sunday7:00am-2:00pm Rudy Garza Funerals, Inc. LA FERIA 317 S. MAIN (956) TheFamily800-425-8202797-3122OwnedandOperatedbyRudyGarzaFamilyOurFamilyServingyourFamily Family Care Clinic, 200 W. 1st Street, Suite B, La Feria NOW ACCEPTING PATIENTS Juan Briones, PA-C Physicals | Well Visits | Sick Visits | Immunizations | and more... To schedule an appointment, call 956.370.7169 or visit myvbpn.com Page Page27 Insurgence Of Mozena Bug Concerns Crop Producers Page 8 A First Step Into The STEM Field Page 8 UT Health HarmfulProtectiondermatologistRGVUrgesFromSun,UVRays Celebrating traditions in every detail HEAVENLY GRACE FUNERAL HOME, MEMORIAL PARK & CREMATORY 26873 N. White Ranch Road La Feria, TX 78559 www.prepaidfunerals.texas.gov ADVERTISEwww.laferianews.netWITHUS!128 W. Oleander • (956) 797-9920 • Fx: (956)797-9921 Poem: Birdsong World Class Tournament Page 5 Local Associate for Averitt Receives Special Recognition
takes pride in its associate's long-time commitment, each hat represents an associate from the company that has joined the 'Over 20 Team'.
Jaramillo shares the advice to go for whatever you want, you never know what kind of career you might make out of it but to do it while you’re young!
Emilio Flores La Feria La Feria, Texas — A recent press release put out by Averitt Express that a local associate here in La Feria, Dionicio Jaramillo, is now among more than 1,300 active Averitt associates who have served 20 or more years with Averitt across the US. The twenty-year mark is one of the great milestones, and Jaramillo shares that there has been so much that has come with it. Averitt Express takes pride in its associate's longtime commitment and even has a board featuring hats that signify all the ‘Over 20 Team’ associates from throughout the company. (When Jaramillo started) Jaramillo, who is a resident of La Feria, explains that it started as a part-time job back in 2000. After two years, in 2002 a full-time position came along, and Jaramillo put his name in the hat for the position.Now,fast-forward to the present day, he is a frontline leader in charge of all the inbound shipments coming through in the mornings.Frommanaging the drivers, and forklift drivers, to talking with customers over the phone making sure his guys get where they need on time. Jaramillo manages all the freight that come in the morning. He shares that he has worked in all different positions and experienced a bit of each part of his current job now, just in different ways. From being a truck driver to a mechanic, managing ships at a port, and also working with customers at a hotel, Jaramillo had a little taste of every part through previous jobs. He says that all those other jobs really led him to the position he has now as a manager and frontline leader.“Everything that I did just led me to this,” He says it really set him up for his career.Hesays it was a gradual learning process, it didn’t just happen overnight. He says that with the location still being rather new at the time, he really learned a lot.“Igrew as they grew,” Jaramillo says. He’s learned not only how to be a manager through his twenty years but also how to be a better leader as well. Not only has he seen his work grow but the Valley too.“I guess you could say, I look back twenty years and I’ve seen the Valley grow.” He says “We had three drivers back then, now we have sixteen,” That’s a testament to the growth of the whole Valley. More than anything, Jaramillo has learned to be patient through busy times and to “just do what you can” and to “Focus on the power of one,” that is, do what you can in the here and“Mynow.dad, he never quit; in anything.” He says, “Doesn’t matter what it was,” He says that the house his parents had, his dad built from the ground up.“The lights inside the house? — he put it on, so he was an electrician. The roof? He put all the tiles on.” His dad was a plumber, carpenter, mechanic, and rancher, Jaramillo says his dad did it all! And always had the patience to fix things, and if he didn’t know how, he wouldThatlearn.wasa part of growing up that he had to learn; how to problem solve.“Coming out of work after a 10hr shift, and then having to work on the car, just because you have to work on it.” He said those moments made an impact whether he noticed it then or not. He says, “Something stayed.”
Dionicio Jaramillo (left) is welcomed to the Averitt Over 20 Team by Harlingen service center director Art Leal (right). Leal has also been on the team for over 20 years according to
Siders said he has seen as many as 20-plus nymphs per cotton plant, which is a concern. “In a particular field I scout weekly, square set was perfect at 100% last week after the first 12 days of squaring,” he said. “Then this week it dropped to 79%. No other insects, drip cotton, good moisture, no environmental event to point a finger at, and yet squares were missing. Nothing was left to dissect to determine a possible cause of death.” Siders said he has not found egg masses in cotton and is unsure if the nymphs hatched in the cotton field or crawled in because immatures do not have functioning wings. They can move quickly on the ground, though. The leaf-footed bug is often treated like a stink bug; however, stink bugs typically do not feed on cotton squares but on bolls. Siders said treatment considerations might more closely resemble the Lygus when present at five-plus per plant, although they are not as damaging as a Lygus would be at these numbers.Portersaid seeing low numbers of the bugs is typical, and on a wide variety of plants, but they will only damage mesquite, peas, beans and now, apparently, cotton. They could be seen on all different kinds of crops and home plants.
“They are crawling all over my 10 acres. There are thousands, probably hundreds of thousands of them invading my property. They are killing my vegetation, my trees, my plants. What are they, where are they coming from, and how do I treat and control to keep what trees they have not killed alive?” Crop producers, ranchers and homeowners are reaching out to Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service experts across the South Plains as aboveaverage numbers of the Mozena obtusa Uhler plant bugs are being seen. Pat Porter, Ph.D., AgriLife andentomologist,ExtensionLubbock,KerrySiders,AgriLife
In accordance with the Order of the Office of the Governor issued March 16, 2020, the City of La Feria will conduct the meeting and provide audio/telephonic availability for the public using live stream in order to advance the public health goal of limiting face-to-face meetings (also called “social distancing”) to slow the spread of the Coronavirus (also known as Covid-19). To view the meeting via internet live streaming, please visit https://www.cityoflaferia.com/ boards-and-commissions/city-commission/agendas-2020/ where you will find the agenda for the next meeting. The pdf for the agenda will include a link, meeting ID and passcode for the Zoom meeting. More information is available by calling 346-248-7799. Members of the public may sign up for public comment on an agenda item or for another item of public concern by submitting an email to amorales@cityoflaferia.com containing (1) the name of the individual wishing to comment; and (2) the item number or subject matter the individual wishes to comment on. Please submit requests for public comment no later than two hours before the meeting. Join the meeting at the time and login listed above and the Mayor will call on you when it is your turn to speak. A recording of the meeting will be made and will be available to the public in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act. If during the course of the meeting, any discussion of any item on the agenda is permitted to be held in executive or closed session, whether such item is already so identified on this Agenda or not, the City Commission will convene in such executive or closed session in accordance with Texas Government Code Section 551.001551.146.
Insurgence Of Mozena Bug Concerns Crop Producers, Homeowners Alike
2 • August 3, 2022• LA FERIA NEWS SPONSORED BY If you have a Mexican saying you’d like to share, please call: 956-797-9920 ADVERTISERS: This spot is available. Call LA FERIA NEWS for more 797-9920information. Contribuido por: Alvino Villarreal “El que hambre tiene, en tortillas piensa.” “He who is hungry, thinks of tortillas.” CALENDAR of EVENTS 115 E.Commercial Ave. • La Feria, Texas 78559 • (956) 797-2261 MONDAYS KNI g H ts OF COL u MB us CO u NCIL 12135 1st & 3rd Mondays, 7:30pm St. Francis Xavier Parish Hall at the corner of West & Cypress (956) 797-266 LA FERIA s CHOOL BOARD 2nd Monday, 6:30pm Board Room Central Administration Office 505 N. Villarreal St. (956) 797-8300 LA FERIA BAND BOO st ER s 3rd Monday, 7:00pm La Feria HS Band Hall (956) 797-8300 s AN tA RO s A s CHOOL BOARD 3rd Monday • 6:30pm Santa Rosa HS Library (956) 636-9800 MAIN st REAM/PL us DANCE Mondays • 9:30am - noon Park Place Estates Ballroom • Harlingen TUESDAYS BL u E g RA ss JAM s E ss ION s Every Tuesday, 1:30pm Kenwood RV Resort 1201 N. Main • La Feria (956) 797-1875 WEDNESDAYS CO u N t RY JAM Wednesdays • 2-4pm Musicians by invite only OPEN TO PUBLIC Park Place Estates Ballroom • Harlingen contact Charlie (308) 379-4589 LINE DANCIN g Weds • 9:00am - 11:30am • $3 Park Place Estates Ballroom • Harlingen THURSDAYS s AN tA RO s A CI t Y CO u NCIL MEE t IN g 3rd Thursday • 7:00pm Santa Rosa City Hall (956) 636-1113 FRI DAYS LINE DANCIN g Sat • 1:00pm - 3:00pm • $3 Park Place Estates Ballroom • Harlingen S ATURDAYS ORDER OF EA st ERN stAR HARLIN g EN CHAP t ER #641 3rd Saturday • 2:00pm Masonic Temple 702 E. Harrison • Harlingen (956) 423-5544 Have a weekly community event you would like us to include in our calendar? email news@laferianews.net or call (956) 797-9920 6:30 PM City Commission Meeting Commission Meeting Room 115 E. Commercial Avenue • La Feria, TX AUG 23, 2022
Extension integrated pest management agent in Hockley, Cochran and Lamb counties, said their phones have been busy with resident reports, questions and concerns. About the Mozena bug Literature and research is limited on the insect, so there is still much to be learned about the bug and how much harm, and to what, it might do if the infestation is large enough. The Mozena bug was last an issue for the South Plains in August 2014. The bug is in the family Coreidae, a group of insects given the common name of leaf-footed bugs. “The common thread from 2014 to 2022 is our drought conditions,” said Siders.While they can be quite annoying, they are not harmful to humans, pets or most homeowner plants unless the infestation levels are very high. The insects’ primary host is mesquite, a legume. They also feed on peas and beans.Both Porter and Siders documented them feeding on corn and cotton in 2014. “I noted them in cotton back in 2014, but not the sheer numbers I am seeing now, and it is a month earlier,” Siders said. “We are getting reports from the Midland and Odessa area indicating high populations there as well.” Porter said he got the first identification requests this year on July 1 for immature Mozena in their nymph stage. He’s received requests for bug identification as far south as “TheOdessa.requests this week are still for nymphs — adults yet to come,” he said. “The small landowners, like 5-10 acres with mesquite, say they are covered up — plants, grass, houses.” Why the concern?
Written by Kay Ledbetter
A nymph and adult Mozena obtusa Uhler plant bug on a cotton plant in Cochran County. (Texas A&M AgriLife photo by Suhas Vyavhare)
Room 115
Treating to prevent damage Suhas Vyavhare, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension cotton entomologist, Lubbock, began an insecticide trial July 12 to learn more about treatment options for Mozena bugs. The objective of the trial is to gather preliminary data on the efficacy of insecticide products against them and assess pest damage potential in “Currently,cotton.wedo not know how damaging this bug is to cotton and where the treatment threshold should be,” Vyavhare said. “Our preliminary data from the research trial will be available as early as Friday. Insecticides being tested imidacloprid,includebifenthrin, cypermethrin, sulfoxaflor, dicrotophos, acephate and oxamyl.”Siders said even for homeowners calling about this insect, he is telling them the most effective insecticides are the pyrethroidbased products. Some examples of pyrethroid active ingredients include bifenthrin, cypermethrincyhalothrin,lambda-permethrin,and cyfluthrin. Insecticides, including organic products, work best against the nymphal stages, so frequent scouting of host plants is recommended to detect the early stages of an intervals,”ratesforandusingblogspot.com/.focusonagriculture.postedinformationAsinfestation.moreislearned,willbetohttps://“Andasalways,whenaninsecticide,readfollowlabeldirectionssafetyprecautions,andpreharvesthecautioned.
More than 20 Mozena bugs infest a mesquite branch. (Texas A&M AgriLife photo by Brooke Vasquez) PM City Commission Meeting Commission Meeting E. Commercial Avenue La Feria, TX 9,
1st MethodistunitedChurch Pastor Federico Perez, 797-1393 331 S. Main St., La Feria, Sunday School 10am, Traditional Worship Service 9am, Contemporary Service 11am, UM Youth 5pm WorshipInternationalCenter Bishop Ronaldo 956-797-1204Ortiz 116 W. Seventh St., La Feria Services Sunday (English) 9:30am Domingo (Espanol) 11am, Miercoles Interdenominational7pmWorshipExtremeYouthSat.6pm
A friend gave me a six-pack of canned water. It is called “Liquid Death”. The cans are tall with a skull logo and the motto, “Murder your thirst.” Despite the ominous labeling, the water is good. Last week, I was drinking one at work. A coworker caught a glimpse of the can and his eyes widened. Knowing I am a minister, he began to shake his head at me and said, “Hermano Falso.” My Spanish is weak so I asked him to repeat and translate. “False brother.” I was confused. My friend was sure my can of Liquid Death was cerveza or beer. He was being funny when he called me a false brother. Still, I had to convince him that I was drinking water. The label stuck.
August 3, 2022 • LA FERIA NEWS • 3
First Baptist Church, La Feria
THE STATE OF TEXAS County Court at Law IV of Cameron County, Texas UNKNOWN HEIRS, IF ANY VenkataOFRavindra Kumar Panchumarthi, Deceased, YouGREETINGS:arecommanded to appear and answer to the Amended Application for Independent Administration and Letters of Administration Pursuant to Section 401.003 of the Texas Estates Code and to Determine Heirship, filed by Vijaya Panchumarthi, at or before 10 o’clock A.M. of the first Monday after the expiration of 10 days from the date of service of this citation, before the Honorable County Court at Law IV of Cameron County, at the Courthouse in Brownsville, Texas, Said Application For Decedents' Estates-Independent Administration was filed on July 22, 2022. The file number of said Matter being No. 2022-CPC-00253 County Court at Law IV The Style being: IN THE ESTATE OF:Venkata Ravindra Kumar Panchumarthi, Deceased, The nature of said proceeding being substantially as follows, to wit: Determine who the heirs and only heirs of decedent are and their respective shares and interests in this estate; that no appraisers be appointed; and for all other relief to which applicant may be entitled. Issued on this the 22nd day of July, 2022. Given under my hand and seal of said Court at Office in the City of Brownsville, Texas on this the 22nd day of July, 2022. Sylvia Garza-Perez, Clerk Cameron County, Texas. By _/s/ Yvette Donovan__, Deputy Yvette Donovan
Hermano falso.
CITATION BY PUBLICATION CLERK OF THE COURT Sylvia Garza-Perez ATTORNEY OF PERSON FILING THE CAUSE Arthur Eugene "Gene" McCullough 974 E. HARRISON STREET BROWNSVILLE, TX 78520 323 EJACKSON ST PO Box HARLINGEN2244TX 78551-2244 THE STATE OF TEXAS County Court at Law IV of Cameron County, Texas UNKNOWN HEIRS, IF ANY JohnOF Charles De La Rosa, Deceased, YouGREETINGS:arecommanded to appear and answer to the Application for Letters of Dependent Administration and Determination of Heirship, filed by Jennifer De La Rosa Covino, at or before 10 o’clock A.M. of the first Monday after the expiration of 10 days from the date of service of this citation, before the Honorable County Court at Law IV of Cameron County, at the Courthouse in Brownsville, Texas, Said Application For Decedents' Estates-Dependent Administration was filed on June 29, 2022.
Kids Korner 10am (ages 4 and up) Sunday FUMC Youth 4:30pm (ages 12-18yrs) Communion on the 1st Sunday of every month www.laferiafumc.com COURT Sylvia Garza-Perez ATTORNEY OF PERSON FILING THE CAUSE 974 E. HARRISON STREET BROWNSVILLE, TX 78520
Living Water Church and Ministry Pastor Henry and Rosie 2805 Memorial Suite B. La Feria Sunday Service 11am, 6pm Spanish Worship 7pm Wednesday Service st. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Fr. Rodolfo Franco 797-2666, offi ce: 502 S. Canal church: 500 South Canal St., La Feria, Saturday Mass 5:30pm, Sunday Mass 8am Spanish, 10am English, 12pm Bilingual. Christ In Our Midst Missionary Church Pastor: Rev. Daniel 956-742-6311Carrizalez 1 mile N. of FM 506, La Feria Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Sunday Worship - 11:00 a.m., Wednesday Service - 7:00 p.m., Monday Prayer - 7:00 p.m. New PresbyterianHopeChurch 208 West Central Ave, La Feria,TX, 956-277-0208 Services Sunday 4:30 pm Sunday School 3:15 pm Communion on the 1st Sunday of every month Cowboy Church 11235 Swift Ln. Santa Rosa, Tex. Service at 11:00am Sunday 6:30pm pm www.westernoutreach.org956-975-6144Monday st. Paul Lutheran Church Pastor Nathan Wendorf Sundays 8:00AM (Traditional) HC fi rst, third & fi fth 10:30AM (Contemporary) HC second, fourth & fi fth (956) 423-3924 602 Morgan Blvd. Harlingen, TX church@saintpaulharlingen.com78550 templo getsemani Pastor Julio y Claudia Mendoza Phone (956) 589-5016 11418 Fifth St. La Feria TuesdayServicios:&Thursday 7pm Friday Pray at 7pm Sunday Bible Study at 10am & 6pm Immanuel Lutheran Church & school Rev. Ed Weber 956-565-1518 Offi ce (M-F; 8-12 noon) 956-565-3208 School (Grades: PK-5th 703 W. 3rd St., Mercedes, TX Sunday Worship Services 9am Sunday Bible Class 10:30 immanuelmercedes@gmail.comamlutheranmercedes.com
The word hypocrite began as a Greek compound word used for stage actors in Greece. Greek actors wore masks representing their characters. The masks were heavier than makeup but a lot easier to change. A hypocrite is someone who acts like someone else. As an actor, they may look like a brother but really, they are a hermano falso. None of us are perfect, all of us fall short. In fact, perfection is out of reach. Just being genuine is a good goal. Pull the mask down, -Markbrother.S.Ross IRECTORY
First United Methodist Church Pastor Fred Perez 331 S. Main St., La Sunday956-797-1393Feria,Service10am
The file number of said Matter being No. 2022-CPC-00228 County Court at Law IV
DMin. CORRECTION POLICY Although the La Feria News Staff strives for excellence in all stories and advertising, spelling or typographical errors can occur. If you find any confirmed factual or other type of error, please call 956-233-9928 during business hours or leave a message. WEEKLY COLUMNS printed in the La Feria News contain the opinions of the Authors. They may or may not be the opinion of the Newspaper. “Your Community Newspaper since 1923” 128 W. Oleander Ave., Downtown La Feria, tX 956-797-9920 E MAIL: Welaferianews@aol.comareopen Monday - Friday from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. FOR IMMEDIA t E A ss I st ANCE: Call 956-330-6838 P u BLI s HER s Landon Jennings sharice MAILINJenningsgADDRE ss P.O. Box 999 La Feria, tX 78559 956-797-9920 ADVER t I s IN g Victor 956-264-7720MorenogRAPHICDE s I g NER Jazmin Perea CON t EN t EDI tOR Emilio OFFICEFloresMANA g ER Nelda Briones HOW TO SUBSCRIBE: 1 year subscription delivered by U.S. Postal Service…$27.95 or can be purchased at several convenient locations throughout the cities of La Feria, Santa Rosa, Santa Maria & Blue Town for The50¢.LaFeria News is mailed and delivered Monday,August 1, 2022 and published weekly by La Feria Publishing, LLC . Periodical Postage Rates paid at La Feria, TX., Post Office. Advertising deadline is noon Thursday at the office at 128 W. Oleander Ave., La Feria, TX 78559. (POSTMASTER send address changes to La Feria, P.O. Box 999, La Feria, TX 78559.) TEXAS PRESS ASSOCIATIONMEMBER2020 SUBSCRIPTION RATES $2795 Yr. Valley l $3495 Out of Valley Single Copy Price $.50 ea. Back Issues available $.50 ea. Also distributed to each LFISD School Student. 2022 C HURCH SERVICE D
The nature of said proceeding being substantially as follows, to wit: Determine who the heirs and only heirs of decedent are and their respective shares and interests in this estate; that no appraisers be appointed; and for all other relief to which applicant may be entitled. Issued on this the 25th day of July, 2022. Given under my hand and seal of said Court at Office in the City of Brownsville, Texas on this the 25th day of July, 2022. Sylvia Garza-Perez, Clerk Cameron County, Texas. By /s/ Yvette Donovan___, Deputy Yvette Donovan
912 N. Parker Rd., La Feria Sunday 10:30am Service Sunday 5pm Evening Service Los Domingos 2:00pm Medio Dia Los Minister Roger Goodwin
The Style being: IN THE ESTATE OF John Charles De La Rosa a/k/a Juan Carlos De La Rosa, Deceased
First Baptist Church of santa Rosa Pastor Harold 956-636-1603Parker 118 Jesus R. Cruz, Santa Rosa Sunday Services 9:30am Bible Study, 10:30am Morning Worship, 7pm Wednesday Evening Worship. ApostolictabernacleFaith Pastor Ramon 357-6384Zarate 621 South Main, La Feria Sunday School 10am Sunday Worship 4pm, Wed. Evening 7:30pm. All services are bilingual. Iglesia Oracion en su MissionaryPresenciaChurch,Inc. Pastors Frank & Janie Gonzalez 797-0044 4th Street, La Feria,TX Sunday 10am & 6pm, Monday 7 pm Prayer Service, Wednesday 7 pm, Friday 7 pm. Church of Christ Minister Gene 536-9832Head 912 N. Parker Rd., La Feria, Wednesday 6:30 pm Bible Study, Sunday 9:30am Bible Study, 10:30am Service, 5pm Evening Service Los Domingos: 12:00 Medio Dia Los Jueves: 7:00 pm Estudio De Biblia Faith Church of Christian & MissionaryChurchAlliance Pastor Oscar 797-1739Loredo 125 W. First St., La Feria,Tx Bilingual Ministry Sunday 10am Sunday School, 11am Worship, Wednesday 7 pm Bible Study, Friday 7 pm Prayer. santa Rosa united Methodist Church 408 Main Street (Hwy. 107/506) Santa Rosa, across from High School Sunday Coffee and Fellowship 9:30 AM Worship10 AM (Communion fi rst Sunday) Wednesday Prayer Service 9:00 AM Pastor: Carole Lahti (956) 279-3407 Casa de EsperanzaChurchApostolic 416 W. Spruce La Feria 965-639-4301 Bilingual Services Sunday at 1:00pm Daniel Martinez Pastor st. Mary’sChurchCatholic FR. Edouard 956-636-1211Atangana, 101 San Antonio Ave., Santa Rosa Saturday Mass 5pm Bilingual, Sunday Mass 8am Spanish, 10am English. First Baptist Church of La Feria 797-1214 Main St. & Magnolia, La Feria Wednesday 6:30pm Youth Bible Study & Mission Friends, 9:45am Sunday School, 11am Morning Worship Service st. EpiscopalAlbansChurch Reverend Scott 956-428-2305,Brown 1417 E. Austin, Harlingen,TX Holy Communion 8am, Sunday School 9:15, Holy Eucharist 10:30am. Hope in the Word Church Pastors Jose & Bertha Belmares 797-3621, 28354 S. Bixby Rd., La Feria Services Friday 6pm, Sunday 10am. All services are Bilingual, English & Spanish. PrimeraBautistaIglesia 956-797-1740 519 N. Main, La Feria Bilingual Services: Sunday 9:45am Sunday School, 10:45am Worship Service, 5:00pm WMU, 6:00 pm Evening Worship Service, Iglesia generacion En Conquista Pastor Samuel y Magda Cervantes, Phone (956) 536-2215 2803 W. Exp. 83 Suite A. La Feria Sunday Service 10am Bible Study, 11am Worship Service, 7pm Wednesday Family Service
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Sylvia Garza-Perez, Clerk Cameron County, Texas. By __/s/Miguel Chapa___, Deputy Miguel Chapa
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CItAtION BY PuBLICAtION tRC 109 & 114 THE STATE OF TEXAS 2022 DCL 02838 Jaclynn Heyes § IN THE 197TH DISTRICT COURT VS § OF terrance E Heyes § CAMERON COUNTY, TEXAS TO: terrance E Heyes 159 Chippewa Circle Harlingen tX 78550, DEFENDANT GREETINGS: NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: "You have been sued. You may employ an attorney. If you or your attorney do not file a written answer with the clerk who issued this citation by 10:00 am on the Monday next following the expiration of 42 days after the date this citation was issued, a default judgment may be taken against you. In addition to filing a written answer with the clerk, you may be required to make initial disclosures to the other parties of this suit. these disclosures generally must be made no later than 30 days after you file your answer with the clerk. Find out more at texasLawHelp.org." " You are hereby commanded to appear by filing a written answer to the Original Petition at or before 10:00 o'clock A.M. on the Monday next after the expiration o f 42 days after the date of issuance of this citation before the Honorable 197th District Court of Cameron County, at the Courthouse in said County in Brownsville, Texas. Said Original Petition was filed in said court on the 8th day of June, 2022 in the above entitled cause. A brief statement of the nature of this suit is as follows, to wit: trespass to try title as is more fully shown by Original Petition on file in this suit. Issued and given under my hand and seal of said Court at Brownsville, Texas, on this the 29th day of June, ATTORNEY:2022 Laura Perez Reyes tRAVIs BENCE District Clerk of Cameron County 24029441 974 E Harrison Street 956 440 8900 Brownsville, Texas 78520 1018 East tyler Harlingen tX 78550 By:_________________________ samantha Rodriguez, Deputy Clerk HAS MADE WITH THE TEXAS ALCOHOLIC COMMISSION FOR A MIXED PERMIT BY LOTUSVILLE LLC, DBA: LOTUS INN TO BE LOCATED AT 905 N. EXPRESSWAY, CAMERON COUNTY, BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS 78520. MANAGING MEMBER, BEING PETER SHUTU YAO. at Law IV of Cameron County, Texas To: UNKNOWN HEIRS, IF ANY OF Daniel P. Castillo Deceased to appear and answer to the Application for Dependent Administration and Letters of Dependent Administration Pursuant to Section 301.052 of the Texas Estates Code and Application to Determine Heirship, filed by Lucia Chapa Castillo, at or before 10 o’clock A.M. of the first Monday after the expiration of 10 days from the date of service of this citation, before the Honorable County Court at Law IV of Cameron County, at the Courthouse in Brownsville, Texas, Said Application for Dependent Administration and Letters of Dependent Administration Pursuant to Section 301.052 of the Texas Estates Code and Application to Determine Heirship was filed on September 01, 2021. The file number of said Matter being No. 2021-CPC-00290 County Court at Law IV The Style being: IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: DANIEL P. CASTILLO, DECEASED, The nature of said proceeding being substantially as follows, to wit: Determine who the heirs and only heirs of decedent are and their respective shares and interests in this estate; that no appraisers be appointed; and for all other relief to which applicant may be entitled. Issued on this the 1st day of September, 2021. Given under my hand and seal of said Court at Office in the City of Brownsville, Texas on this the 1st day of September, 2021.
NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: "You have been sued. You may employ an attorney. If you or your attorney do not file a written answer with the clerk who issued this citation by 10:00 am on the Monday next following the expiration of 42 days after the date this citation was issued, a default judgment may be taken against you. In addition to filing a written answer with the clerk, you may be required to make initial disclosures to the other parties of this suit. these disclosures generally must be made no later than 30 days after you file your answer with the clerk. Find out more at texasLawHelp.org." " You are hereby commanded to appear by filing a written answer to the Original Petition at or before 10:00 o'clock A.M. on the Monday next after the expiration o f 42 days after the date of issuance of this citation before the Honorable 197th District Court of Cameron County, at the Courthouse in said County in Brownsville, Texas. Said Original Petition was filed in said court on the 8th day of June, 2022 in the above entitled cause. A brief statement of the nature of this suit is as follows, to wit: trespass to try title as is more fully shown by Original Petition on file in this suit. Issued and given under my hand and seal of said Court at Brownsville, Texas, on this the 29th day of June, ATTORNEY:2022 Laura Perez Reyes tRAVIs BENCE District Clerk of Cameron County 24029441 974 E Harrison Street 956 440 8900 Brownsville, Texas 78520 1018 East tyler Harlingen tX 78550 By:_________________________ samantha Rodriguez, Deputy Clerk
NOTICE: While most advertisers are reputable, we cannot guarantee products or services advertised. We urge readers to caution and when in doubt, contact the Texas Attorney General at 800-621-0508 or the Federal Trade Commission at 877-FTC-HELP. FTC web site is www.ftc.gov/bizop.
Now offering flu and pneumonia vaccinations! Mario A. Sanchez, D.O. and Staff GO MIGHTY LIONS! (956) 797-2002 La Feria 106 N. Main St 2022POWERLIFTINGLIONETTES MEET LIONETTESTHE BILL BUNTON AUTO SUPPLY & MACHINE, INC. LIONSGOGO! Brian Bunton (956) 565-2473 Septic Services by R&R Service You Can Trust by Rene ValleywideTaguilasServiceLa Feria • Sales of Septic Tanks, Grease Traps, Blocks & Bases • Septic Tank Cleaning • Service Repairs Supports the Lions and Lionettes. (956) 226-9468 August 3, 2022 • LA FERIA NEWS • 5 World Class Tournament By Ruben Rodriguez La Feria News With the High School Softball Season long gone, fans got to experience the queens of the diamond with the 2022 PONY International Softball World Series in McAllen. Teams from The United States, Mexico, and even the Czech Republic took part in the four day tournament. With coverage on Rio Sports Live, Let’s break down the PONY International World Series. Thursday saw the opening day of the tournament. From the start, multiple teams showed they were powerhouses with well rounded offenses and defenses. Teams like Premier Fastpitch 18U, American Gulf Coast Thunder 18U, Glory Adkins 18U, and RGV Pride.Early on in the World Series, Mexico displayed its dominance as teams from Mexico City, Culiacan, Hermosillo, Mexicali and Chihuahua played standout softball. In the elimination rounds of the 14U Tournament, Texas Thundersticks faced off against Chihuahua. In the First two innings, Texas collected three runs in the first two innings. After a defensive battle, Chihuahua pulled off a walkoff comeback 5-3 to advance to the next round. In the 12U Title game, Hermosillo Sonora Mexico would win to capture Mexico’s second championship in the 2022 WorldSaturdaySeries.saw the 14U World Series title between Mexicali and Culiacan, heading into the qualifiers for the PONY World Series, Culiacan and Mexicali met on three different occasions, with all three games going into extra innings. Mexicali’s offense wasted no time, scoring five runs within the first two innings. Mexicali’s potent offense was led by the dominant pitching of Yadira Estrella, who recorded seven strikeouts. Mexicali would go on to defeat Culiacan to capture the 14U International World Series betweenincredibleChampionship.SundaysawanmatchupChihuahua and RGV Xtreme Heat out of the Rio Grande Valley. Chihuahua, who has been a formidable opponent, rode into the matchup with confidence from Tobi, a stuffed pig who is the team’s official mascot. The only team to carry a mascot to the PONY World Series, Chihuahua defeated Xtreme Heat to force one more game. Xtreme Heat would go on to win 5-0 to capture the 16U championship. With the win, Xtreme Heat was the only RGV Team to capture a championship.The18UTitle game saw Glory Adkins take on RGV Premier Fastpitch in a back and forth battle that went into eight innings in what was supposed to be a timed game of 75 minutes. As time went on, borth Premier and Glory loaded up the bases and collected hit after hit but the teams remained scoreless. Both teams finally scored runs in extra innings. For Premier Fastpich, Sarah Menard pitched a complete game and played exceptional defense, Menard recorded a total of eight outs herself, including one strikeout, five 1-3 groundouts, two pop-ups and one line drive back to the circle. Despite the hard fought efforts of Menard and company, Glory would win 3-2 off a wild pitch, bringing in Anissa Hill from Third. Truly and exciting weekend for softball fans around the RGV. The 2022 PONY International World Series delivered and lived up to its billing, Four days of great softball, and experiences of cultures and hearing the stories of the teams journey through the qualifiers. Fans are already looking ahead to 2023.
Game two saw the Racers take on the Coastal Bend Barracudas. Same case as the first matchup, the Racers took control early on, but the Barracudas took control in the top of the fifth, scoring seven runs. The Racers mounted a three run comeback but were shut down by the Barracudas to win 7-5. Day two saw the RGV Racers and Lightning face off in the Third Place Game. The Racers ran away with the lead, before the Lightning would mount a comeback capped by a three run home run by La Joya Palmview’s Christian Perez to give the Lightning the win 7-5. Now for the main event, the Barracudas faced off against the Breeze in a Coastal Bend bragging rights matchup. Errors played a key factor with the Barracudas as the Breeze would take a big lead 9-1. An explosive bottom of the third inning which was propelled by exceptional hitting forced an eight run comeback to tie the game up. The Barracuda’s rally fueled the rest of the game as The Barracudas held on to winTruly14-9.a fun two days of baseball, Showcasing the best baseball players from across South Texas.
PONY International Softball World Series a Big Hit.
RGV Xtreme Heat with their 16U championship banner Team Mexico with mascot A Thrilling Showcase
Softball byBendZamarripa.RacersMilanLightningBarracudas.CoastalLightning,theandtheofFourinBaseballShowcase,tookitsturnfrontofthespotlight.teamscomposedthebestplayersinRioGrandeValleyCoastalBendsawRGVRacersandagainsttheBendBreezeandTheRGVwereledbyGuerra,whilethewereledbyRaulTheCoastalBreezewereledLauroGuerraandthe
By Ruben Rodriguez La Feria News After the Success of the 2022 RSL STARS Barracudas by Javier Guzman.Dayone saw the Breeze take on the Lightning, while the Barracudas took on the Racers. Both games are timed at Two hours, winners advance to the championship game on day two. The Lightning would be first to score in the top of the third, but an explosive bottom third and fourth innings saw the Breeze break the game open. Defensive dominance on the mound from Carsen Flores of Rockport-Fulton would shut down the Lightning’s rally as the Breeze would hold on to win 7-5.
THIS WEEK’S ACTIVITY PAGE BROUGHT TO YOU BY THESE SPONSORS: IF YO u WO u LD LIKE t O ADVER t I s E ON O u R NEW ACTIVITY PAGE PLEA s E CON tAC t LA FERIA NEWS At (956) 797-9920 Septic Services by R&R (956) 226-9468 La Feria Service you can trust by Rene Taguilas • Sales of Septic Tanks, Grease Traps, Blocks & Bases • Septic Tank Cleaning • Service Repairs 6 • August 3, 2022 • LA FERIA NEWS CULLIGAN® WATER OF THE RIO GRANDE VALLEY better t p d i www.culpl liganr gv com 10/30/12 11:27 AM Page 1 CULLIGAN® WATER OF THE RIO GRANDE VALLEY better t p d i www.culpl liganrgv com eng_Layout 1 10/30/12 11:27 AM Page 1 CULLIGAN® WATER OF TH www.culliganr gv.com 1 10/30/12 11:27 AM Page 1 1300 W. Business 77 • San Benito, TX 956-399-1780 Call today for a FREE water analysis! OF THE RIO GRANDE VA better water pure and simple.com WATER OF THE RIO GRANDE VALL better water pure and gsimple anr gv.com GET SCHEDULES, SCORES & LIVE BROADCASTS OF LA FERIA GAMES LIVE BROADCASTS SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY 29th Annual Narciso Martinez Conjunto Festival October 7, 8, 9 2022 Featuring the best conjunto bands in Texas! Memorial Park 900 N. Arroyo Blvd. Los Fresnos, TX For more information call: 956.367.0335 www.narcisomartinezculturalartscenter.org
(AUSTIN) — Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar is reminding shoppers they can save money on clothes and school supplies during the state’s sales tax holiday on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Aug.State5-7.law exempts sales tax on qualified items — such as clothing, footwear, school supplies and backpacks — priced below $100, saving shoppers about $8 on every $100 they spend. The dates of the sales tax holiday and list of taxexempt items are set by the Texas Legislature. “Most Texans won’t hear the back-to-school bell for another month, but it’s never too early to take advantage of the opportunity to save money on everything from book bags to ballpoint pens,” Hegar said. “With inflation driving prices higher on just about everything, this sales tax holiday provides Texas families some small relief managing the costs associated with kids heading back to the classroom. As the father of three school-aged children myself, I know how these expenses can addTheup.”Comptroller’s office estimates that shoppers will save $112 million in state and local sales tax during this sales tax suppliesApparelholiday.andschoolthatmay be purchased taxfree are listed on the Comptroller’s website at purchases)(includingormail,onlinebequalifyingsalesTexasTaxHoliday.org.Duringtheannualtaxholiday,itemscanpurchasedtaxfreeorbytelephone,customorderanyothermeansin-storewheneither:•theitemisbothdeliveredto,andpaidforby,thecustomerduringtheexemption
period; or, • the orderscustomerandpays for the item, and the seller accepts the order during the exemption period for sincebeenholidayTexas’ends.exemptionmadeifshipment,immediateevendeliveryisaftertheperiodsalestaxweekendhasanannualevent1999. August 3, 2022 • LA FERIA NEWS • 7 THEME: THE 1970s 1.ACROSSComeclean, with "up" 5. launched*_____-a-Soup,in1972 8. Hefty volume 12. Maui party 13. 15.14.assignmentDetective'sOnethatinsistsSeedcovering 16. Dull pain 17. Waltz, in France 18. *Francis Ford Coppola's "The ____" 20. Part of an eye 21. H. pylori consequence 22. Labor org. 23. *"Feathered" 1970s 26.iconOne who delivers 30.coal*1978's "Night LAST WEEK’S SUDOKU ANSWERS LAST WEEK’S CROSSWORDS ANSWERS 42. Golf accessory 43. Gracefully thin 45. Meat and vegetable*Typeof1970sshoesTopdogLaughingontheinside,inatextBye,toSophiaLauren*1971's"Sooneror____"bytheGrassRoots*"BeneaththePlanetofthe____"VerylightbrownResearchfacil.*Progressiverockbandof"Roundabout"fameFishingpolespoolCapturethe____ContinentalcapitalAforementionedSubstancewithrotteneggsmellSecretstashTheateremployeeJurymember*OliviaNewton-John's1978co-starEyeamorouslyTablehillBefore,toabard 13. Can't-get-it-off-one'smind kind 14. Throat dangler 19. Winged 22. Charge carrier 23. Young horses 24. *One of three 1970s TV crime-fighting 26.25.womenPlunder*"I'dlike to buy the world a ____" 27. "Semper Fidelis" to U.S. Marines, e.g. 28. Bye, to Edith Piaf 29. Group of nine singers 32. *"Rich Man, ____ Man" miniseries 33. As opposed to mishap 36. *Salvador Allende 38.successorChowdown 40. Game official, for short 41. Inflammation of iris 44. Capital of Senegal 46. Footstuffs merchant 48. North face, e.g. 49. Intensely dislikes 50. 52.51.drawingArchitecturalPrefers*NeilSimon's "The Sunshine Boys," e.g. 53. *"Interview with the Vampire" author 54. Kate Winslet as ____ of Easttown 55. *"____ Train" 56. *"Thrilla in Manila" winner Fever" spent 8 weeks in this Billboard slot 31.,Fire-breathingGreekTypeoflistOpen-mouthedAcornproducerGlossyfabricDeniminnovatorEnlistortalkinto (2 words) ADVERTISEwww.laferianews.netWITHUS!128 W. Oleander • (956) 797-9920 • Fx: (956)797-9921 The Next Chapter Poem NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that Letter Testamentary in the Estate KATHLEEN L. KLIMOVICH Deceased, were issued to Gail A. Ruiz, on July 19, 2022, in Cause No. 2020 CPC 00168 now pending in the County Court at Law Number Four of Cameron County, Texas. Claims should be addressed to the Dependent Administrator, c/o Hamilton & Lucio, P.C., 805 Old Port Isabel Road, Brownsville, Texas 78521 3557. All persons having claims against such Estate, whic h is currently being administered, are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. /s/Gail A. Ruiz Dependent Administrator Texas Sales Tax Holiday is Aug. 5-7 Birdsong by James E. Arnold I hear a bird— It sings to me Such a beautiful song In rapturous antiphony. And though at times it might seem odd, It is a symphony That’s sent from God. I see some flowers In a sunny field— Such beauteous moments To make the day— For Nature’s beauty Can take your breath away. Such great pure white clouds In the deepest blue sky, Like ships on the ocean As they go passing by. Such beauteous creation Is a marvelous thing, For it plucks at your heartstrings And can make you sing.
TYPES OF UV RAYS UV rays are all around us, both indoors or outdoors, she said. Some are from the sun, while others come from artificial, everyday sources like cellphones, tablets and house lights.
UT Health RGV dermatologist Urges Protection From Sun, Harmful UV Rays
• Slop on sunscreen.
8 • August 3, 2022 • LA FERIA NEWS
According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, there are two main types of UV rays that can affect the skin: UV-A and UV-B. The sun releases UV-A and UV-B rays, which can damage the skin and eyes. UV-A rays are long wavelengths that infiltrate the skin's middle (dermis) layer. UV-B rays have smaller, shorter wavelengths that can reach the skin's outer (epidermis) layer.Athird type of ray, UVC, is the most damaging. The ozone layer protects us from UV-C rays, but UV-C radiation can also come from artificial sources – like tanning beds and sunlamps.“Overexposure to UV radiation can cause cornea (eye) inflammation and can cause skin cells to grow abnormally and lead to skin cancer," Villegas said. "Skin cancers can cause destruction to surrounding skin and deeper tissues and can even spread to other parts of the body and, potentially, lead to death."
dermatologist, in an effort to mitigate those harmful effects – including wrinkles and premature aging, suppression of the immune system, eye damage, and, ultimately, skin cancer –said the sun’s UV damage also can occur indoors and cautions everyone in the Valley to take precautions against exposure to the sun.
Dr. Maria Villegas, division chief of Dermatology at UT Health RGV and assistant professor of OHS-Dermatology, knows the importance of protecting herself from UV rays and their side effects. She is a board-certified dermatologist providing skincare to the community of the Rio Grande Valley. (Courtesy photo)
START NOW Villegas said the skin has "memory" and will remember sun damage over the years resulting from chronic, intermittent sun exposure and sunburns. Therefore, it is urgent to follow safety routines to protect you skin from UV rays, starting "now," she said."The damage from UV rays is cumulative over the years, and the skin will remember sunburns in childhood. This is why it is so important to start protecting your skin at a young age and instill sun-safety measures in children," she said. "As an adult, it is still not too late. Starting sun-safety measures in adulthood can still decrease future over-exposure to UV rays," Villegas said.
The summers,overphysics,coursesintroducedcomplete.eachschoolcanAgencybycurriculumSTEM-drivenisaccreditedtheTexasEducation(TEA)andstudentsearnone-unithighelectivecreditsforprogramyeartheyStudentsaretonewintensiveinengineering,algebraandmorethecourseoffourCastañedasaid.“Thestudentschooseto be here, and it’s because they have a lot of fun,” Castañeda said. “We have students that have built model homes and miniature rockets. They’ve done egg drops and have built a marshmallow tower. They’ve had a number of different projects that help them better understand the (engineering) concepts that the instructors are providing.”Thekeynote speaker at the graduation ceremony was Menton J. “Trey” Murray III, senior vice president of Halff Associates, Inc., an awardwinning firm that provides full-service engineering, architecture and other related services across the country.“Justlike you, I come from the (Rio Grande) Valley,” Murray told the students. “And with hard work, with a great education and then maximizing your opportunities, you can accomplish almost anything.”Murrayhas been a practicing engineer for 22 years, and Halff Associates has been a part of numerous architectural projects in the region, including the McAllen Performing Arts Center and STC buildings. “Each of you are only limited by the commitment you are willing to make, and the effort you extend,” Murray said. “And, I’ll say it all starts now. Your path in STEM has already started, but what you choose will chart the course for your life. What you do in the next two years (of high school) will put in place your foundation for college. It all startsTanianow.”Cano, a junior at Weslaco East High School, said being a part of STCPREP has strengthened her interest in pursuing engineering as a career. The graduation ceremony was bittersweet, though, as she has spent years bonding with her fellow classmates. “During the program we got to know each other and have fun, but at the same time we were learning,” Cano said. “We also had field trips, and it was just really enjoyable for all four years.”However, pandemic restrictions did cause the students to engage in virtual learning last summer, Castañeda said. Which was a new type of challenge.“Ithink a lot of students had, at that point, virtual fatigue,” Castañeda said. “However, it really spoke to their commitment, their dedication to completing thisAshleyprogram.”Solis of Weslaco East High School said while she loved the challenge of the experiments and projects she completed, graduation was her favorite moment because of the sense of accomplishment she felt, knowing she earned those cords. But, she will also miss spending summers with her core group. “We spent years trying to complete it, and it’s more fun when you celebrate with your friends next to you,” Solis said. The original Prefreshmen Engineering Program (PREP) was started in 1979 by UTSA mathematics professor Manuel P. Berriozábal. Seven years later, PREP expanded throughout the state of Texas and became known as the Texas Prefreshmen Engineering Program, or TexPREP for short.
Dr. Maria Villegas, chief of Dermatology at UT Health RGV, recommends wearing broad-spectrum sunscreen SPF 30 or higher daily and reapplying every two hours. Wear a broad-rim hat, sunglasses, and protective clothing, and seek shade. (Courtesy photo)
The skin is the body’s largest organ, and according to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, changes in the skin often can be a warning sign of a medical condition or changes in the body's health."Inorder for our skin to protect our internal organs, we must take care of our skin," Villegas said. "And the most preventable cause of skin cancer is overexposure to UV rays." Villegas said Hispanics, just like any other group, can get skin cancer and are not melanoma"Riskimmune.ofdevelopinginHispanics has risen by 20 percent in the past two decades," she said. "Hispanics need to wear sunscreen and practice other UV radiation safety measures."
Thirteen students from Weslaco Independent School Districts recently completed the STC-Prefreshmen Engineering Program at the South Texas College Mid-Valley campus.
After four years of dedication to the six-week summer enrichment program, the students earned their Certificates of Completion and an honor cord to be worn at their high school graduation ceremony.
• Slap on a hat. • And wrap sunglassesonto protect the eyes and skin around them. In addition, Villegas recommends:Seekingshadewheneverpossible.ProtectingchildrenfromUVraysandteachingthemhow to protect themselves. And avoiding artificial UV sources like tanning beds, which cause long-term skin visitUTwithexposure,safeonFordamage.moreinformationavoidingandstayingfromUVradiationvisitACS.TomakeanappointmentDr.VillegasandotherHealthRGVphysicians,UTHealthRGV.org.
Dr. Maria Villegas, M.D., division chief of Dermatology at UT Health RGV and assistant professor of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery-Dermatology at The UTRGV School of Medicine, knows the importance of protecting herself from UV rays and their side effects. The board-certified
Aside from wearing sunscreen SPF 30 or higher, there are other effective safety measures. The ACS recommends following a simple phrase to help us remember the protective steps to take: "Slip! Slop! Slap!® and Wrap." That means:•Slip on a shirt.
STC-PREP is offered in partnership with the University of Texas at San Antonio and participating school districts, said Leonardo Castañeda, director of Academies and Career Technical Pathways. “The curriculum gives students rigorous instruction,” Castañeda said. “It’s designed to be hands-on, chock-full of activities. So, throughout the six weeks of the program, the students are engaged in a number of different projects.”
cancer in the United States, with more than 5 million skin cancers diagnosed annually. Fortunately, it also is one of the most preventable, so knowing how to stay protected is an essential first step. “Avoid sunbathing and the use of tanning beds. Use sun safety measures, like wearing broadspectrum sunscreen SPF 30 or higher every day and reapplying it every two hours," she said. "Wear a broad-rim hat, sunglasses, protective clothing, and seek shade."
ULTRAVIOLET RAYS "Ultraviolet rays are a form of radiation that is emitted by the sun," Villegas cancerSocietycancer."thecells,toimportantly,agingrays"Overexposuresaid.toUVcancauseprematureoftheskin.ButmoreoverexposureUVraysdamagesskinwhichcanleadtodevelopmentofskinTheAmericanCancerfoundthatskinisthemostcommon
A First Step Into The STEM Field (Weslaco, Texas) – It was 24 weeks and four summers in the making. Thirteen DistrictIndependentWeslacoSchoolstudentswere presented with certificates of completion and honor cords during the South Texas College Prefreshmen Engineering Program (STC-PREP) graduation ceremony held recently at the Mid-Valley campus in Weslaco.TheTexas Prefreshmen Engineering Program (TexPREP) is a statewide, six-week summer enrichment program for middle and high school students that focuses on science, mathematicsengineeringtechnology,and(STEM).
By Saira Cabrera RIO VALLEY,GRANDETEXAS – JULY 22, 2022 – As the sun shines down on us, so do its ultraviolet rays. This month, Ultraviolet (UV) Safety Month, highlights the importance of keeping safe from UV exposure and reminds the community to stay protected from the sun’s potentially harmful ultraviolet rays.