La Feria News 9-21-22

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La Feria ISD Receives JET Grant

La Feria, Texas — On Wednesday, August 31st La Feria ISD posted on their Facebook page that the School district has received grant money in the amount of $533,275. The purpose of the JET grant is to serve all students in the Health Science program of study.

Students can range from Freshmen to Seniors and must be in a Health Science course.

Health Science courses at La Feria ISD include the following, Principles of Health Science, Medical Terminology, Health Science Theory I, Anatomy and Physiology, and our Health Science Practicum.

In an interview with the College & Career Director, Cassandra Zuvieta, she shares the

different equipment they will be purchasing for their Health Science Lab. They will have a Zspace table that gives the students a full 3D experience of anatomy, allowing them to break down the diagrams and dissect them in 3D space. They will also have interactive "dummies" that students can practice on, as well as all of the supplies and equipment needed to prepare students for the EKG and Phlebotomy certifications.

The Health Science program offers students the opportunity to get ahead and learn more about potential health careers they wish to pursue in the future.

Zuvieta states that “Because we have only had one teacher available to do the practicum, only 30 students are able to

participate in real-world scenarios such as clinical and earning industry-based certifications such as a Certified Clinical Medical Assistant, Phlebotomy Certification, Patient Care Technician, and EKG certification.” She says, “The JET grant allows us to buy the supplies needed to support all of these endeavors.”

The School is also looking for a third teacher to come on board. “We originally had two teachers, but now the demand for this program has grown exponentially. By adding a third teacher, we will be able to offer four practicums, so students have more abilities to be in these real world scenarios and attempt to earn an IBC.”

The current teachers, Mrs. Jaclyn Perez and Mrs.

Rebecca Cavazos, have worked diligently with their students to ensure that they are ready to take on these certifications as seniors. Zuvieta says they have about an 80% passing rate on IBC exams amongst their senior class. She says, “We encourage parents to talk with their kids about the CTE possibilities at the high school level.”

Mrs. Perez and Mrs. Cavazos also offer experiences with their CTSOs. CTSOs are programs that allow students to have more hands on work experiences that align with the TEKS of the classroom. They currently offer a chapter of HOSA and SkillsUSA teams that will compete against others across the valley, region , and state and the students are encouraged to get involved in CTSOs as it gives them great opportunities to work in this field.

Zuvieta says, “We are excited to have received the JET grant yet again in our district. We know that opportunities like these greatly help the students

of our district and we are honored that our school board, staff, students, and community members continue to be supportive of CTE programs.”

Finally, La Feria News reached out to Superintendent, Cynthia Torres to chime in on the matter; this is what she said:

“La Feria ISD is excited to announce that the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) has selected the District for the Jobs and Education for Texas (JET) grant in the amount of $533,275. With the additional funding from the grant, La Feria High School will be able to expand our Health Science Program and offer additional opportunities for our students. The resources provided to our students and staff through grants are life-changing and will (provide) training for careers in the health care profession. Thank you to our CTE team and grant writers for playing a crucial role in this process to receive this grant.”

2022, the Texas Tribune released an article sharing that the “Texas Education Agency has dismissed the notion that

the accountability ratings are a poverty rating. As evidence, they point to districts like those in the Rio Grande Valley, which have achieved high marks while serving a high number of economically disadvantaged students.”

The Texas Education Agency notes that 18% of school districts with a high percentage of “economically disadvantaged” students earned an A rating when they released their first post-pandemic scores last month. Overall, 33.1% of school districts received an A, an 8% increase from 2019, the last time the TEA released these ratings.

According to a new

analysis, 95% of 38 school districts and 10 charter systems in what is known as the Region One Education Service Center area received rankings of either A or B, compared with 87% for school districts statewide.

The region also had the most campuses receiving an A grade, according to the Region One Education Service Center, one of 20 such centers funded by state, federal, and local governments that assist local school districts.

Rio Grande Valley school districts received the highest average accountability ratings

School districts in region 1, which includes the Rio Grande Valley,

received an average score of 88.8 out of 100.

The average for school districts across the state was 86.3.

Of the 1,195 districts that were evaluated, 42 districts across 17 regions received scores lower than 70.

“This region punches above its weight when you look at student demographics,” said Daniel King, executive director of the Region One Education Service Center. “School districts [here] — pretty much across the board — have a

Rio Emilio School
Emilio Flores La Feria News
Grande Valley — On September 5,
WEEK OF S E pt E mb E r 21, 2022 t H r OUGH SE pt E mb E r 27, 2022 City Calendar pg. 2 Classified pg. 4 Sports pg. 5 Activity Page pg. 6 Puzzles pg. 7 VOLUmE 99 NUmbEr 38 Member FDIC The only Community Bank with locations in Cameron, Hidalgo and Willacy Counties Javier trevino D.D.S. Digital X rays Dentures Welcoming New Patients Dentistry for all Members of the Family 100 S. main Street La Feria, texasph: (956)797-4444 Now Open Monday - Saturday bridges Call for an Appointment today! teeth Whitening Crowns Your Community Newspaper, Serving the Heart of the Rio Grande Valley 5501 S. Expressway 77 Harlingen, TX (956) 365-1000 | BEST HOSPITAL The Community’s Choice. H ARLINGEN M EDICAL C ENTER Los Leones Restaurant Orders to Go 956.797.1000 109 N. Main St. • La Feria, TX 78559 Monday - Sunday 7:00 am - 2:00 pm 1002 E. HARRISON AVE, HARLINGEN, TX 956-364-2444 | FAX: 956-216-8044 Elizondo Family (956)241-0978 Rudy Garza Funerals, Inc. LA FERIA 317 S. MAIN (956) 797-3122 800-425-8202 Family Owned and Operated by The Rudy Garza Family Our Family Serving your Family Page 2 Page 7 Texas Ramp Project Page 8 Celebrating traditions in every detail HEAVENLY GRACE FUNERAL HOME, MEMORIAL PARK & CREMATORY 26873 N. White Ranch Road La Feria, TX 78559 ►Highest Average Accountability Ratings CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 Poem: Rejection Remembrance Day at TSC Page 3
Flores La Feria News
Valley’s School Districts Received the Highest Average Accountability Ratings
Board takes a picture presenting their "17 stars, which are distinction designations awarded to campuses for being in the Top 25% in different areas.” Page 8 UTRGV Awarded NSF Grant To Increase The Representation Of Latina Faculty In STEM Snout Butterflies Again Nosing Through Texas Now Accepting New Patients Juan Briones, PA 200 W. 1st Street, Suite B, La Feria To schedule an appointment, call 956.370.7169 or visit our-providers/juan-briones-pa/ physicals | Well Visits | Sick Visits | Immunizations | and more..

In accordance with the Order of the Office of the Governor issued March 16, 2020, the City of La Feria will conduct the meeting and provide audio/telephonic availability for the public using live stream in order to advance the public health goal of limiting face-to-face meetings (also called “social distancing”) to slow the spread of the Coronavirus (also known as Covid-19). To view the meeting via internet live streaming, please visit boards-and-commissions/city-commission/agendas-2020/ where you will find the agenda for the next meeting. The pdf for the agenda will include a link, meeting ID and passcode for the Zoom meeting. More information is available by calling 346-248-7799.

Members of the public may sign up for public comment on an agenda item or for another item of public concern by submitting an email to containing (1) the name of the individual wishing to comment; and (2) the item number or subject matter the individual wishes to comment on. Please submit requests for public comment no later than two hours before the meeting. Join the meeting at the time and login listed above and the Mayor will call on you when it is your turn to speak. A recording of the meeting will be made and will be available to the public in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act. If during the course of the meeting, any discussion of any item on the agenda is permitted to be held in executive or closed session, whether such item is already so identified on this Agenda or not, the City Commission will convene in such executive or closed session in accordance with Texas Government Code Section 551.001551.146.

2 • September 21, 2022• LA FERIA NEWS SPONSORED BY If you have a Mexican saying you’d like to share, please call: 956-797-9920 ADVERTISERS: This spot is available. Call LA FERIA NEWS for more information. 797-9920 Contribuido por: Gregory Jordan “La verdad no peca, pero incomoda.” “The truth does not sin, but it's uncomfortable.” CALENDAR of EVENTS 115 E.Commercial Ave. • La Feria, Texas 78559 • (956) 797-2261 MONDAYS KNIGH t S OF COLU mb US COUNCIL 12135 1st & 3rd Mondays, 7:30pm St. Francis Xavier Parish Hall at the corner of West & Cypress (956) 797-266 LA FE r IA SCHOOL b OA r D 2nd Monday, 6:30pm Board Room Central Administration Office 203 E. Oleander Ave. (956) 797-8300 LA FE r IA b AND b OOS t E r S 3rd Monday, 7:00pm La Feria HS Band Hall (956) 797-8300 SAN tA r OSA SCHOOL b OA r D 3rd Monday • 6:30pm Santa Rosa HS Library (956) 636-9800 m AINS tr EA m / p LUS DANCE Mondays • 9:30am - noon Park Place Estates Ballroom • Harlingen TUESDAYS b LUEG r ASS JA m SESSIONS Every Tuesday, 1:30pm Kenwood RV Resort 1201 N. Main • La Feria (956) 797-1875 WEDNESDAYS COUN trY JA m Wednesdays • 2-4pm Musicians by invite only OPEN TO PUBLIC Park Place Estates Ballroom • Harlingen contact Charlie (308) 379-4589 LINE DANCING Weds • 9:00am - 11:30am • $3 Park Place Estates Ballroom • Harlingen THURSDAYS SAN tA r OSA CI t Y COUNCIL m EE t ING 3rd Thursday • 7:00pm Santa Rosa City Hall (956) 636-1113 FRI DAYS LINE DANCING Sat • 1:00pm - 3:00pm • $3 Park Place Estates Ballroom • Harlingen S ATURDAYS O r DE r OF EAS t E r N S tA r HA r LINGEN CHA pt E r #641 3rd Saturday • 2:00pm Masonic Temple 702 E. Harrison • Harlingen (956) 423-5544 Have a weekly community event you would like us to include in our calendar? email or call (956) 797-9920 6:30 PM City Commission Meeting Commission Meeting Room 115 E. Commercial Avenue • La Feria, TX OCT 11, 2022
6:30 PM City Commission Meeting Commission Meeting Room 115 E. Commercial Avenue • La Feria, TX SEP 27, 2022 Members and friends of First Methodist and First Baptist Churches in La Feria worked together to build a wheelchair ramp through Texas Ramp Project for a local family. Since 1985 Texas Ramp Project has built more than 22,900 ramps in Texas. That is more than 116 miles of ramps! The teams in the Rio Grande Valley have built 170+ ramps from Penitas to Brownsville in the last 5 years. If you would like to volunteer, contact

‘no excuses’ attitude.”

Last month, the TEA released its first school ratings since 2019, which showed some improvement despite the pandemic that forced schools to close. These letter grades, the state’s accountability ratings, are tied in large part to results of the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness, or STAAR test.

La Feria ISD’s received

a ‘B’ as an overall rating with an 88-point score; raising the district one point from the previous year’s rating back in the 2018-19 rating.

Given the impact of COVID-19, all districts and schools received a label of ‘Not Rated’ for their 2019-20 and 2020-21 accountability ratings.

La Feria ISD shared on Facebook, “We are thrilled to announce that La Feria ISD has earned a district rating of an 88, letter rating B, on the Texas Education Agency 2022 Accountability

Rating, with a total of 17 stars, which are distinction designations awarded to campuses for being in the Top 25% in different areas.”

Below are listed the individual ratings for each campus:

CE Vail Elementary, earned a 93, letter rating A, with a distinction designation in the area of Reading, Math, Academic Growth , Postsecondary Readiness, and Closing the Gaps. Earning the highest letter rating possible and all 5 distinction designations

eligible for an elementary school. Furthermore, they ranked number 1 out of 40 comparison schools in the area of academic growth for their students.

Sam Houston Elementary earned an 83, letter rating B, with a distinction designation in the area of Math.

David Sanchez Elementary earned an 87, letter rating B, with a distinction designation in the area of Math.

Noemi Dominguez Elementary earned an 87, letter rating B, with a distinction designation

Remembrance Day at TSC

in the area of Reading, Academic Growth, and Closing the Gaps.

William B Green Junior High earned an 81, letter rating B, with a distinction designation in the area of Reading.

La Feria High School earned an 84, letter rating B, with a distinction designation in the area of Reading, Math, Science, Social Studies, Postsecondary Readiness, and Closing the Gaps.

La Feria Academy earned a 91, letter rating of an A.

Lastly, the District

says ‘thank you’ to “all of our students, teachers, staff, and community who play a role in the education of our La Feria ISD students. It takes a team of people working together to achieve this level of success. The power of growing and moving students has been even more critical after the pandemic and here at La Feria ISD it is evident tremendous growth and closing of gaps has occurred for our students.”

Texas Southmost College community honors 9/11, encourages service

up having lost a parent,” Chief Sauceda said. “Imagine how intimate this day is to him or her. It’s things that remind us that we can never forget. I always take it as a calling, it’s our duty and our responsibility to turn it into a commitment to always remember and not let that day define who we are as a nation.”

Dr. Rodriguez made remarks about how the solemn day in 2001 was painful, stressful and invoked anxiety through the nation but it also marked a turning point.

The red, white and blue was displayed prominently on Friday morning as Texas Southmost College welcomed guests from on-campus and beyond to remember, honor and reflect on the events and impact of September 11, 2001.

Honor Guard students from La Feria High School

marched in unison and brought out the Texas and American flag ‘colors’ to the stage.

Speeches were made by TSC President Dr. Jesus Rodriguez and Brownsville Chief of Police and TSC alumni Mr. Felix Sauceda.

In Chief’s Sauceda speech he brought forward specific numbers of first

responders, military and civilians that were lost in the attacks and the aftermath. He also mentioned the thousands of survivors that battled cancer following their heroic efforts.

“I made reference to some specific numbers because imagine those 3,000 plus kids that grew

The President spoke of the courage and strength Americans showed during times of uncertainty and anxiety. Dr. Rodriguez also called on the TSC community to find ways to volunteer on the Fort Brown Campus or in the greater Brownsville area.

Students from La Feria High School brought in both flags. Joe Sanchez serves as assistant director

Santa rosa United methodist Church 408 Main Street (Hwy. 107/506) Santa Rosa, across from High School Sunday Coffee and Fellowship 9:30 AM Worship10 AM (Communion Prayer Service 9:00 AM Carole Lahti (956) 279-3407

Casa de Esperanza Apostolic Church 416 Albans Episcopal Church Reverend Scott Brown 956-428-2305, 1417 E. Austin, Harlingen,TX Holy Communion 8am, Sunday School 9:15, Holy Eucharist 10:30am.

Living Water Church and ministry Pastor Henry and Rosie 2805 Memorial Suite B. La Feria Sunday Service 11am, 6pm Spanish Worship Service, 7pm Wednesday Service

St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Fr. Rodolfo Franco 797-2666, offi ce: 502 S. Canal church: 500 South Canal St., La Feria, Saturday Mass 5:30pm, Sunday Mass 8am Spanish, 10am English, 12pm Bilingual. Christ In Our midst missionary Church Pastor: Rev. Daniel Carrizalez 956-742-6311 1 mile N. of FM 506, La Feria Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Sunday Worship - 11:00 a.m., Wednesday Service - 7:00 p.m., Monday Prayer - 7:00 p.m.

of Honor Guard alongside director Carlos Ramon. The La Feria HS honor guard consists of Isabella Rodriguez, Jacquelin Leija, Jamie Gonzalez and Ashlyn Garza.

“It means a lot that TSC did invite us here,” Sanchez said. “We’re a small school and it means a lot to our Honor Guard. It makes them feel great and that all the practice they go through is meant for something special like this.”

It was acknowledged that at this point high schoolers and even college students might have been born after the attacks of 9/11.

“Even though they weren’t born,” Sanchez said. “You can see in their faces that they’re paying attention and it hits home, their parents have told them as well. They feel emotional as well.”

Texas Southmost College music instructor Victor Martinez played TAPS following a moment of

silence. Brownsville’s Police Chief told the story about he remembers the September day in 2001 while he was a TSC student.

Mr. Sauceda spoke about his pride in coming back to his alma mater, TSC, during such a meaningful event.

“It’s my honor,” Chief Sauceda said. “Any time and every time I can do something more personal, more intimate for my community, I’m there. Our community is No. 1. It’s great to be able to invest into our future and show them ‘looks it’s possible, I was there with you all, I was there in that chair’ years ago. If I could do it, you all could most definitely do it.”

Students who want to volunteer or join a club can visit the Office of Student Life or contact student services specialist Bryanna Woodman bryanna.

First Baptist Church, La Feria

As a child, I remember Ivory Soap. Not in the soap dish but in my mouth. When I said something that I should not say, my mother washed my mouth out with it. I learned to choose my words carefully.

Pastors Frank & Janie Gonzalez 797-0044 4th Street, La Feria,TX Sunday 10am & 6pm, Monday 7 pm Prayer Service, Wednesday 7 pm, Friday 7 pm.

New Hope presbyterian Church 208 West Central Ave, La Feria,TX, 956-277-0208 Services Sunday 4:30 pm Sunday School 3:15 pm Communion on the 1st Sunday of every month Cowboy Church 11235 Swift Ln. Santa Rosa, Tex. Service at 11:00am Sunday 6:30pm pm Monday 956-975-6144 St. paul Lutheran Church Pastor Nathan Wendorf Sundays 8:00AM (Traditional) HC fi rst, third & fi fth

The parents of our grandchildren do not buy Ivory. Nor, wash out their children’s mouths. Parents are smarter than they used to be. But so are their children. The children choose their words carefully.

Church of Christ Minister Gene Head 536-9832

912 N. Parker Rd., La Feria, Wednesday 6:30 pm Bible Study, Sunday 9:30am Bible Study, 10:30am Service, 5pm Evening Service Los Domingos: 12:00 Medio Dia Los Jueves: 7:00 pm Estudio De Biblia

Faith Church of Christian & missionary Alliance Church Pastor Oscar Loredo 797-1739

125 W. First St., La Feria,Tx Bilingual Ministry Sunday 10am Sunday School, 11am Worship, Wednesday 7 pm Bible Study, Friday 7 pm Prayer.

Hope in the Word Church Pastors Jose & Bertha Belmares 797-3621, 28354 S. Bixby Rd., La Feria Services Friday 6pm, Sunday 10am. All services are Bilingual, English & Spanish.

primera Iglesia bautista 956-797-1740 519 N. Main, La Feria Bilingual Services: Sunday 9:45am Sunday School, 10:45am Worship Service, 5:00pm WMU, 6:00 pm Evening Worship Service, Iglesia Generacion En Conquista Pastor Samuel y Magda Cervantes, Phone (956) 536-2215 2803 W. Exp. 83 Suite A. La Feria Sunday Service 10am Bible Study, 11am Worship Service, 7pm Wednesday Family Service

Their family has been talking a lot about heaven. The children lost a grandparent. They also lost a pet. They are too young to understand death and eternity. But they do know that heaven is a place where dead people go. No one comes back from heaven.

Maybe they understand more than we think. Now when the children become angry with their parents, they do not say bad things. They say, “I wish you would go to heaven.” The words are different but the emotions are the same. “Go to heaven!” I do not know how to wash that out.

Students for La Feria Honor Guard, TSC President Dr. Jesus Rodriguez, La Feria Honor Guard Assistant Director Joe Sanchez, TSC Board of Trustees Chairwoman Adela Garza and Brownsville Police Chief Felix Sauceda Highest Accountability Ratings
S E pt E mb E r 21, 2022 • LA FERIA NEWS • 3
CORRECTION POLICY Although the La Feria News Staff strives for excellence in all stories and advertising, spelling or typographical errors can occur. If you find any confirmed factual or other type of error, please call 956-233-9928 during business hours or leave a message. WEEKLY COLUMNS printed in the La Feria News contain the opinions of the Authors. They may or may not be the opinion of the Newspaper. “Your Community Newspaper since 1923” 128 W. Oleander Ave., Downtown La Feria, tX 956-797-9920 E MAIL: We are open Monday - Friday from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. FO r I mm EDIA t E ASSIS t ANCE: Call 956-330-6838 p U b LISHE r S Landon Jennings Sharice Jennings m AILING ADD r ESS p.O. box 999 La Feria, tX 78559 956-797-9920 ADVE rt ISING Victor moreno 956-264-7720 G r A p HIC DESIGNE r Jazmin perea CON t EN t EDI tO r Emilio Flores OFFICE m ANAGE r Nelda briones HOW TO SUBSCRIBE: 1 year subscription delivered by U.S. Postal Service…$27.95 or can be purchased at several convenient locations throughout the cities of La Feria, Santa Rosa, Santa Maria & Blue Town for 50¢. The La Feria News is mailed and delivered m onday,September 19 2022 and published weekly by La Feria publishing, LLC. Periodical Postage Rates paid at La Feria, TX., Post Office. Advertising deadline is noon Thursday at the office at 128 W. Oleander Ave., La Feria, TX 78559. (POSTMASTER send address changes to La Feria, P.O. Box 999, La Feria, TX 78559.) TEXAS PRESS ASSOCIATION MEMBER 2020 SUBSCRIPTION RATES $2795 Yr. Valley l $3495 Out of Valley Single Copy Price $.50 ea. Back Issues available $.50 ea. Also distributed to each LFISD School Student. 2022 C HURCH SERVICE D IRECTORY 1st United methodist Church Pastor Federico Perez, 797-1393 331 S. Main St., La Feria, Sunday School 10am, Traditional Worship Service 9am, Contemporary Service 11am, UM Youth 5pm International Worship Center Bishop Ronaldo Ortiz 956-797-1204 116 W. Seventh St., La Feria Services Sunday (English) 9:30am Domingo (Espanol) 11am, Miercoles 7pm Interdenominational Worship Extreme Youth Sat. 6 pm First baptist Church of Santa rosa Pastor Harold Parker 956-636-1603 118 Jesus R. Cruz, Santa Rosa Sunday Services 9:30am Bible Study, 10:30am Morning Worship, 7pm Wednesday Evening Worship. Apostolic Faith tabernacle Pastor Ramon Zarate 357-6384 621 South Main, La Feria Sunday School 10am Sunday Worship 4pm, Wed. Evening 7:30pm. All services are bilingual. Iglesia Oracion en Su presencia
fi rst Sunday) Wednesday
W. Spruce La Feria 965-639-4301 Bilingual Services Sunday at 1:00pm Daniel Martinez Pastor St. mary’s Catholic Church FR. Edouard Atangana, 956-636-1211 101 San Antonio Ave., Santa Rosa Saturday Mass 5pm Bilingual, Sunday Mass 8am Spanish, 10am English. First baptist Church of La Feria 797-1214 Main St. & Magnolia, La Feria Wednesday 6:30pm Youth Bible Study & Mission Friends, 9:45am Sunday School, 11am Morning Worship Service St.
10:30AM (Contemporary) HC second, fourth & fi fth (956) 423-3924 602 Morgan Blvd. Harlingen, TX 78550 templo Getsemani Pastor Julio y Claudia Mendoza Phone (956) 589-5016 11418 Fifth St. La Feria Servicios: Tuesday & Thursday 7pm Friday Pray at 7pm Sunday Bible Study at 10am & 6pm Immanuel Lutheran Church & School Rev. Ed Weber 956-565-1518 Offi ce (M-F; 8-12 noon) 956-565-3208 School (Grades: PK-5th 703 W. 3rd St., Mercedes, TX Sunday Worship Services 9am Sunday Bible Class 10:30 am 912 N. Parker Rd., La Feria Sunday 10:30am Service Sunday 5pm Evening Service Los Domingos 2:00pm Medio Dia Los Minister Roger Goodwin First United Methodist Church Pastor Matt Ratliff 331 S. Main St., La Feria, 956-797-1393 Sunday Service10am Kids Korner 10am (ages 4 and up) Sunday FUMC Youth 4:30pm (ages 12-18yrs) Communion on the 1st Sunday of every month

NOTICE employ on the Monday next after the expiration of 42 days after the date of issuance of this citation before the Honorable 103rd District Court of Cameron County, at the Courthouse in said County in Brownsville, Texas. Said Original Petition was filed in said court on the 1st day of June, 2022 in the above entitled cause.

A brief statement of the nature of this suit is as follows, to-wit: Trespass of Title as is more fully shown by Original Petition on file in this suit. given under my hand and seal of said Court at Brownsville, Texas, on this the 30th

Notice is hereby given that original letters testamentary upon the Estate of HOLLIS GRAY SULLIVAN, SR., Deceased, were issued to the undersigned on the 31ST day of August, 2022 in the proceeding indicated below my signature hereto, which is still pending, and that I now hold such letters. All persons having claims against said estate, which is being administered in the county named below, are hereby required to present the same to me respectively, at the address below given, before suit upon same are barred by the general statutes of limitation, before such estate is closed, and within the time prescribed by law. The address for such notification is 515 E. Harrison, Ste. A, Harlingen, Texas 78550

DATED this 9th day of September, 2022

Phyllis Sullivan, Independent Executor the Estate HOLLIS GRAY SULLIVAN, SR., Deceased

Cause No 2022 CPC 00237 the County Court Law 4, Cameron County,



NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: "You have been sued. You may employ an attorney. If you or your attorney do not file a written answer with the clerk who issued this citation by 10:00 am on the Monday next following the expiration of 42 days after the date this citation was issued, a default judgment may be taken against you. In addition to filing a written answer with the clerk, you may be required to make initial disclosures to the other parties of this suit. These disclosures generally must be made no later than 30 days after you file your answer with the clerk. Find out more at" "

You are hereby commanded to appear by filing a written answer to the Original Petition at or before 10:00 o'clock A.M. on the Monday next after the expiration of 42 days after the date of issuance of this citation before the Honorable 103rd District Court of Cameron County, at the Courthouse in said County in Brownsville, Texas. Said Original Petition was filed in said court on the 29th day of July, 2022 in the above entitled cause.

A brief statement of the nature of this suit is as follows, to-wit: Trespass to Try Title as is more fully shown by Original Petition on file in this suit.

Issued and given under my hand and seal of said Court at Brownsville, Texas, on this the 22nd day of August, 2022.

ATTORNEY: Laura Perez-Reyes TRAVIS BENCE District Clerk of Cameron County 24029441 974 E Harrison Street 956-440-8900 Brownsville, Texas 78520 1018 East Tyler Harlingen TX 78550 Adriana Munoz Deputy Clerk the or before 10:00 the Monday the the date of issuance of the Honorable 103rd of Cameron County, at the Courthouse in said County Brownsville, Texas. Said Original Petition was filed in said court on the 1st day of June, 2022 in the above entitled cause.

A brief statement of the nature of this suit is as follows, to-wit: Trespass of Try Title as is more fully shown by Original Petition on file in this suit.

Issued and given under my hand and seal of said Court at Brownsville, Texas, on this the 30th day of August, 2022.

ATTORNEY: Laura Perez-Reyes TRAVIS BENCE District Clerk of Cameron County 24029441 974 E Harrison Street 956-440-8900 Brownsville, Texas 78520 1018 East Tyler Harlingen 78550

NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST THE ESTATE OF HOLLIS GRAY SULLIVAN, SR., DECEASED 128 W. Oleander (956) 797-9920 4 • S E pt E mb E r 21, 2022 • LA FERIA NEWS Services Mobile HoMe INSURANCE Pay Less....CheCk√oorhes Insurance Agency 518 N. 1ST ST. • HARLINGEN (956)428-7475 •(800)880-0938 Great Classifieds... List Yours Today by Calling 956-233-9928 or 956-797-9920. REMEMBER: Deadline is Wednesday at NOON for ads to be published in the following week’s edition. We supply the Rio Grande Valley and South Texas with Secure Mobile Document Destruction. “Your On- site Answer to Document Destruction” Call Us Today! 1-956-233-4780 THE HAIR CENTER Betsy & Ryan OPEN Monday To Friday 956-490-9047 956-792-5842 122 W. Oleander • La Feria, TX TexSCAN Week of Sept. 18-24, 2022 ACREAGE Own your piece of Texas TODAY! Prices start ing at $650/acre. Trans Pecos region. Also the Hill Country (Edwards, Menard, Coke, Val Verde Counties - free ranging exotics), South Texas (Duval County - whitetail, hogs). Large acreage or small. 30 year fixed rate owner financing, only 5% down. Call toll free or email for individual prices and terms., 800-876-9720. MEDICAL Portable Oxygen Concentrator May Be Covered by Medicare! Reclaim independence and mobility with the compact design and long-lasting battery of Inogen One. Free information kit! Call 866-747-9983. DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Coverage for 350 plus proce dures. Real dental insurance - NOT just a discount plan. Do not wait! Call now! Get your FREE Dental Information Kit with all the details! 1-855-901-0467 #6258 GENERATORS Prepare for power outages today with a GENERAC home standby generator. $0 Money Down + Low Monthly Payment Options. Request a FREE Quote. Call now before the next power outage: 1-855-704-8579. WANTED Old Signs Wanted – Cash paid for porcelain, neon and tin signs. Also buying neon clocks, old slot machines and jukeboxes. Any condition. Call Mark 314-707-0184. FREON WANTED: Certified buyer looking to buy R11, R12, and R500 and more. Call Joe at 312-625-5322. Need Extra Cash – I Buy RVs & Mobile Homes –Travel Trailers, 5th Wheels, Goosenecks, Bumper Pulls. In Any Area, Any Condition – Old/New, Dirty or Clean! I PAY CA$H. No Title – No Problem, we can apply for one. We go anywhere in Texas. ANR Enterprises, 956-466-7001. Texas Press Statewide Classified Network 221 Participating Texas Newspapers • Regional Ads Start At $250 • Email NOTICE: While most advertisers are reputable, we cannot guarantee products or services advertised. We urge readers to use caution and when in doubt, contact the Texas Attorney General at 800-621-0508 or the Federal Trade Commission at 877-FTC-HELP. The FTC web site is
CITATION BY PUBLICATION - TRC 109 & 114 THE STATE OF TEXAS 2022-DCL-02695-D Felix M Gonzalez § IN THE 103RD DISTRICT COURT VS § OF Felix Gonzalez, Sr. § CAMERON COUNTY, TEXAS TO: Bibiana C. Gonzalez, DEFENDANT – GREETINGS: NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: "You have been sued. You may employ an attorney. If you or your attorney do not file a written answer with the clerk who issued this citation by 10:00 am on the Monday next following the expiration of 42 days after the date this citation was issued, a default judgment may be taken against you. In addition to filing a written answer with the clerk, you may be required to make initial disclosures to the other parties of this suit. These disclosures generally must be made no later than 30 days after you file your answer with
clerk. Find out more at" " You are hereby commanded to appear by filing a written answer to the Original Petition at
o'clock A.M. on
next after
expiration of 42 days after
this citation before
District Court
Adriana Munoz, Deputy Clerk CITATION BY PUBLICATION - TRC 109 & 114 THE STATE OF TEXAS 2022-DCL-02695-D Felix M Gonzalez § IN THE 103RD DISTRICT COURT VS § OF Felix Gonzalez, Sr. § CAMERON COUNTY, TEXAS TO: Felix Gonzalez Sr., DEFENDANT – GREETINGS:
TO DEFENDANT: "You have been sued. You may
an attorney. If you or your attorney do not file a written answer with the clerk who issued this citation by 10:00 am on the Monday next following the expiration of 42 days after the date this citation was issued, a default judgment may be taken against you. In addition to filing a written answer with the clerk, you may be required to make initial disclosures to the other parties of this suit. These disclosures generally must be made no later than 30 days after you file your answer with the clerk. Find out more at" " You are hereby commanded to appear by filing a written answer to the Original Petition at or before 10:00 o'clock A.M.
Issued and
day of August, 2022. ATTORNEY: Laura Perez-Reyes TRAVIS BENCE District Clerk of Cameron County 24029441 974 E Harrison Street 956-440-8900 Brownsville, Texas 78520 By:________________________________________ 1018 East Tyler Harlingen TX 78550 Adriana Munoz, Deputy Clerk
Texas NARCISO MARTINEZ CULTURAL ARTS CENTER October 7-9, 2022 | Los Fresnos, TexasNarciso Martinez Cultural Arts Center OCTOBER 7-9, 2022 Admission $10 | Memorial Park | (956)367-0335

Big Win for the Roll Pride

La Feria Lionettes pick up big District win

As 32-4A Volleyball continues on, The La Feria Lionettes collected a big district win over 32-4A Rival Grulla. Both teams, Who have faced off on numerous occasions, looked to write another chapter in what has been somewhat of a new rivalry.

The Lady Gators and Lionettes opened up the night with an evenly matched contest. Strong offense was the weapon of

choice for both teams as a high scoring affair began early on. Grulla, thanks to a tough offense, captured set one 25-17.

Set two also was a back and forth battle as both the Lady Gators and Lionettes struggled for control, La Feria picked up the pace and captured set two 25-23.

La Feria went on a roll and again held off the tough Lady Gator Offense to win 25-21. Heading into set four, Grulla took control right out of the gate and never looked back. Despite

the strong offense of La Feria, Grulla slipped away to win 25-17.

Heading into set five, Both teams came out swinging as fast paced offense and defense was the theme all night and eventually cultivated in a thrilling fifth set. La Feria would take control in the late stages of the final set to win 15-13 and capture the game 3-2. Next games for La Feria includes Brownsville Jubilee, Harmony School of Innovation and Port Isabel.

The Lion's Roar La Feria gets a big road win over Brownsville Pace

The La Feria Lions kicked off week three of the 2022 Texas High School Football Season. After the big 27-25 win over PSJA Southwest, the Lions were looking to capture their second straight win of the season. Week three, La Feria headed to Sams Stadium to take on the Brownsville Pace Vikings. A Historymaking matchup, La Feria and Brownsville Pace have never met on the gridiron

prior to this matchup.

Brownsville Pace Scored first on their opening drive, La Feria got their offense started in the second quarter with the Lions picking up a touchdown.

Defense was the key factor for La Feria and Brownsville Pace in the First half, as both teams managed to only score one touchdown in the first half.

Brownsville Pace scored first in the first half to take the lead 14-7. La Feria then responded to tie the game up 14-14. With defense again setting the tempo,

the third quarter remained scoreless to make it 14-14.

La Feria took complete control in the fourth quarter, scoring four touchdowns in four minutes, with the Lions also forcing five turnovers in the process. La Feria would hold on to win 42-21.

The La Feria Lions now sit 2-1 on the young season. La Feria will take on Mercedes for the final tuneup game before the Lions will kick off District Play against Alice.

Now offering flu and pneumonia vaccinations! Mario A. Sanchez, D.O. and Staff GO MIGHTY LIONS! (956) 797-2002 La Feria 106 N. Main St 2022 LIONETTES POWERLIFTING MEET THE LIONETTES S E pt E mb E r 21, 2022 • LA FERIA NEWS • 5
THIS WEEK’S ACTIVITY PAGE BROUGHT TO YOU BY THESE SPONSORS: IF YOU WOULD LIKE t O ADVE rt ISE ON OU r NEW ACTIVITY PAGE p LEASE CON tAC t LA FERIA NEWS At (956) 797-9920 Septic Services by R&R (956) 226-9468 La Feria Service you can trust by Rene Taguilas • Sales of Septic Tanks, Grease Traps, Blocks & Bases • Septic Tank Cleaning • Service Repairs 6 • S E pt E mb E r 21, 2022 • LA FERIA NEWS CULLIGAN® WATER OF THE RIO GRANDE VALLEY better t p d i www.culpl liganr gv com 10/30/12 11:27 AM Page 1 CULLIGAN® WATER OF THE RIO GRANDE VALLEY better t p d i www.culpl liganrgv com eng_Layout 1 10/30/12 11:27 AM Page 1 CULLIGAN® WATER OF TH www.culliganr 1 10/30/12 11:27 AM Page 1 1300 W. Business 77 • San Benito, TX 956-399-1780 Call today for a FREE water analysis! OF THE RIO GRANDE VA better water pure and WATER OF THE RIO GRANDE VALL better water pure and gsimple anr 1002 E. HARRISON AVE, HARLINGEN, TX 956-364-2444 | FAX: 956-216-8044 Elizondo Family (956)241-0978 Acoustic Jam - Mondays1-3pm Musicians by Invitation Only All Listeners Welcome FREE! YELLOW ROSE RV PARK 1609 N Main St | La Feria, TX GET SCHEDULES, SCORES & LIVE BROADCASTS OF LA FERIA GAMES LIVE BROADCASTS SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY

The Next Chapter Poem LA Rejection

by James E. Arnold

If I feel rejected, May it not make me wroth. For anger is a fire from hell The Devil fans, at great cost. He loves to lead the soul astray, And anger makes him smile each day.

From Cain to Abel—and shootings now—

He revels in violence and lifts his brow.

Don’t dwell in doubt—it makes you mad.

The faith that moves mountains will make you glad!


The City of Combes is soliciting sealed bids to be received by the City Secretary’s Office located at 21626 Hand Rd. Combes, Texas 78535. City of Combes normal business days are Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Bids will be received until 3:00 p.m. Central Time, on October 5, 2022 shortly thereafter all submitted bids will be gathered and taken to the Combes City Hall Courtroom, to be publicly opened and read aloud. Any bid received after the closing time will not be accepted and will be returned to the bidder unopened. It is the responsibility of the bidder to see that any bid submitted shall have sufficient time to be received by the City Secretary’s Office prior to the bid opening date and time. The receiving time in the City Secretary’s Office will be the governing time for the acceptability of the bids. Bids will not be accepted by telephone, email or facsimile machine. All bids must bear original signatures and figures. The Bid shall be for: PURCHASE OF FOUR (4) PICKUP TRUCKS

You may contact AIDA GUTIERREZ, CITY ADMINISTRATOR, LOCATED AT 21626 HAND RD., COMBES, TX 78535 by calling (956) 425-7131 or via e-mail to the following e-mail address: For Bid Instructions and Specifications

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The City of Combes reserves the right to refuse and reject any or all bids and to waive any or all formalities or technicalities and to accept the bid deemed most advantageous to the City, and hold the bids for a period of 90 days without taking action.

Bids must be submitted in an envelope sealed with tape and prominently marked on the lower left hand corner of the bid envelope with corresponding bid number and title.

S E pt E mb E r 21, 2022 • LA FERIA NEWS • 7 THEME: OUTDOOR FUN ACROSS 1. Relating to Vatican's Francis 6. Denouement 9. HVAC tunnel 13. Lesser Antilles destination 14. Big Island necklace 15. Truth without proof 16. Luciano Pavarotti, e.g. 17. Distressing acronym 18. Acrylic fiber 19. *Outing in a wagon 21. *Overnighting outdoors 23. "____ Te Ching" 24. RC or Jolt 25. Tax pro 28. Lowest brass instrument LAST WEEK’S SUDOKU ANSWERS LAST WEEK’S CROSSWORDS ANSWERS pseudonym 47. Snaky swimmers 48. Geisha's garb 50. Kids' construction block 52. Caustic chemical 53. Display displeasure 55. Blunder 57. *S'more cooker 61. *U-Pick destination 65. Yahoo! message 66. Hyperactivity acronym 68. Relating to hilum 69. To the point 70. Make a pigeon sound 71. Silly 72. Ancient eternal life symbol 73. H in British HMS 74. Socially inept DOWN 1. *Promenading route 2. Atlas stat 3. Small and weak 4. Cut short 5. Cowboy's catcher 6. Additional 7. Opposite of paleo 8. "Xanadu" music genre 9. Village, mostly in South Africa 10. Tangerine plus grapefruit 11. Colloquial "Follow me!" 12. NASA's orange drink 15. Master's area 20. Meryl Streep/Philip Seymour Hoffman 2008 movie 22. *Climbing peak 24. Fashion week stage 25. *Sidewalk artist's medium 26. Mushroom caps 27. Indian black tea 29. Unwelcome reception, pl. 31. Give a quote 32. Handrail post 33. In an unfriendly manner 34. Incense without prefix 36. Comme ci, comme ça 38. *Nature walk 42. Detroit mascot 45. Store as fodder 49. Not their 51. Lady Slipper, e.g. 54. "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" host 56. Horny odd-toed ungulate, for short 57. Between Phi and Kappa 58. Bad luck predictor 59. Police informer 60. *Angling reward 61. O in b.o. 62. Having wings 63. Military status 64. Squirrel's nest 67. Rudolph's Clarice, e.g. 30. *Alfresco meal 35. Kaa's warning 37. This and that 39. Extended family member 40. "The Sun is ____ a Star" 41. Namely (2 words) 43. "The Parent Trap" child 44. Renter's paper 46. H. H. Munro's ADVERTISE WITH US! 128 W. Oleander • (956) 797-9920 • Fx: (956)797-9921
Our 99th ANNIVERSARY serving the community of

Snout Butterflies Again Nosing Through Texas

This year’s emergence likely smaller than years past

have recently seen swarms of Libytheana carinenta, more commonly known as the American snout butterfly, nosing their way through large swaths of the state, said Molly Keck, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service entomologist for Bexar County.

“Large numbers of snouts have been spotted throughout the Central Texas corridor, the Hill Country and Austin,” Keck said. “But this emergence will most likely be smaller than those we have seen in past years.”

to look for food and a place to mate and lay eggs,” Keck said.

Keck said this year’s emergence was likely initiated by changes in weather, an increase in moisture and other environmental cues.

radiators, they also play a positive role in the ecosystem.

“Like bees, butterflies are good pollinators and provide a service to both agriculture and the homeowner through plant pollination,” she said.

typically grow leaves back quickly so there is no permanent damage,” Keck said. “These plants are also mainly found in natural areas and would not be a plant in a home landscape, so damage is rarely even seen.”

Snouts do not have a directional migration per se but instead emerge in masses and appear to move together in a generally northward direction.

“They are simply flying

“We see this every year, but some years it is more noticeable than others,” she said. “Only time will tell how long this emergence will be. It could be just a few days, or it could be longer. Some years these emergences can last for weeks. In other years, they may only be hours long.”

Keck said while the butterflies “have a face only an entomologist could love” and cause grief to drivers who have to scrub them off their windshields, grills and

About the snout Keck said the snout gets its name from the elongated mouthparts called palps extending from its head. The American snout butterfly is brown, and the upper side of its wings are a dull orange, and the wings have a distinctive, squared-off, hook-like tip.

The primary host for the American snout is the spiny hackberry, but it also feeds on other hackberry species.

“Snouts can defoliate these trees, but the trees

While snout butterflies move in large masses, unlike the monarch butterfly they don’t have any particular destination.

“In past years, most notably in 2006 and 2020, dispersal migrations of the American snout through southern and central parts of the state have been thick enough to obscure the sky.” she said. “In some years, there will be two generations of snouts migrate before the fall is over.”

UTRGV Awarded NSF Grant To Increase The Representation Of Latina Faculty In STEM

and Latina faculty in STEM, the new project expands the scope beyond UTRGV to the national level. The initiatives include the national ‘Advancing Latina Faculty in STEM’ Community of Practice Summit, as well department chair trainings, among others,” he said.

UTRGV President Guy Bailey said projects and awards like this one are critical to the university’s central goals.

VALLEY, TEXAS – SEPT. 12, 2022 – UTRGV has been awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) titled "ADVANCE Partnership: Transforming HSI STEM Departmental Climate for Faculty Success.”

This is the second ADVANCE grant UTRGV has obtained that focuses on increasing the representation of Latina faculty in STEM, which is the ultimate goal of the project.

The previous NSF ADVANCE Institutional Transformation grant, awarded in 2012, focused on increasing the representation, retention and advancement of women in STEM fields across faculty and leadership ranks, with a special focus on Latinas.

While Latinas represent one of the fastestgrowing populations in the United States, Latina faculty in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) careers remain underrepresented.

This grant, set to start

Sept. 1, will recognize the importance of academic departmental climates in the recruitment, retention and advancement of Latinas.

“We are grateful to the National Science Foundation for entrusting us with a second ADVANCE grant at UTRGV,” said Dr. Ala Qubbaj, dean of the UTRGV College of Engineering and Computer Science and principal investigator (PI) on the project.

“While both focus on increasing the representation of women

“We are grateful to the National Science Foundation for recognizing UTRGV’s efforts and dedication to success for the entire university community. As a HispanicServing Institution, UTRGV continues to create innovative pathways and possibilities in the STEM fields for our students and faculty,” he said. “We continue to build UTRGV as a university that will serve South Texas, now and well into the future.”

According to the grant summary, the project leverages the influence, expertise and resources embedded within a multifaceted, multiorganizational partnership of academic and

professional organizations, and strategically draws on the knowledge and insights gained from, but not limited to, NSF-ADVANCE projects.

Dr. Marci McMahon, co-PI of the project and professor of Literatures and Cultural Studies in the UTRGV College of Liberal Arts, said the goal of this grant is to build department climates in which Latinas thrive, at UTRGV and beyond.

“We are excited to partner with major academic and professional organizations committed to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in STEM, to put this work in action in department climates in which Latina STEM faculty thrive,” she said. "If the Latina students of today are taught by STEM Latinas, they can see themselves as the Latina STEM faculty of tomorrow.”

Another Co-PI and university partner on the project is Dr. Christiane Spitzmueller from the University of California Merced, and two UTRGV faculty who are part of the project as senior personnel: Dr. Laura Benitez, lecturer from the UTRGV College

of Engineering and Computer Science, and Dr. Teresa Feria Arroyo, associate professor in the UTRGV College of Sciences.

The project also is designed to facilitate broader adaptation of evidence-based gender equity and systemic change strategies, resulting in more diverse and inclusive STEM academic workplaces and professions.

“This project has a national impact beyond UTRGV and even the State of Texas,” Qubbaj said. “By increasing the representation of Latina faculty in STEM, we will enhance the STEM pipeline, improve student outcomes, and ultimately strengthen the U.S. STEM workforce and global competitiveness.”

To learn more about the grant, read the full summary here.

5 Ways Traditions Help Us Stay Healthy and Happy

(StatePoint) Health experts say that establishing and maintaining family traditions can boost overall well-being and vitality, especially as we age.

“As children become adults and move out of the house or away, the family traditions that bind us can sometimes get lost in the process,” says Aparna Abburi, president of Medicare and CareAllies with Cigna, which provides insurance to hundreds of thousands of older adults through its Medicare plans.

“Forming new traditions or reigniting old ones can keep

us connected to loved ones, ultimately helping us feel more fulfilled, happier and healthier.”

Here are some insights into the importance of traditions to well-being and vitality as we age, along with tips for keeping those connections going in your own circle of family and friends:

Traditions help combat loneliness: According to a 2020 survey by Cigna, 61% of adults reported being lonely – a 7 percentagepoint increase from 2018. That feeling was likely exacerbated by the

pandemic that followed. Traditions can help to combat feelings of isolation. Consider setting up weekly video calls or trading letters and notes with relatives who live far away. Regular trips to a favorite destination, such as a lake or beach, or celebrating important holidays together every year, can provide meaningful time together.

Traditions pass on family values: Having shared values can help us feel connected to one another. Telling stories from the past or practicing cultural, spiritual and religious

traditions are great ways to pass these values down from one generation to the next.

Traditions can make us feel young again: From cooking and gardening to sports and games, family traditions often evoke old memories and make us feel young again. Sensory memories can be particularly powerful. Whether it’s a cookie bakeoff, ballpark peanuts and hot dogs, or a singalong around the piano, family rituals that include special sights, sounds and aromas are often the ones we think

of most fondly.

Traditions strengthen communities: Traditions are not just for families; they can also strengthen ties among friends and communities. Consider getting a group of neighbors together for morning walks or meeting friends for shopping excursions. Make visiting the farmers market, attending free concerts in the park, playing community center bingo and gathering for other recurring local events part of your routine.

For more information about how to stay healthy

while aging, visit www.

As you embrace the rituals that matter most to you, remember that traditions don’t need to be rigid or set in stone.

“Just as you might modify a family recipe to suit your dietary needs or switch from weekly phone calls to weekly video calls, don’t be afraid to tweak and expand on older traditions so they’re relevant and interesting today – and for years to come,” says Abburi.

Many Texas residents The American snout butterfly emergence this year is expected to be smaller than in previous years. (Texas A&M AgriLife photo)
8 • S E pt E mb E r 21, 2022 • LA FERIA NEWS

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