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Rudy Garza Funerals, Inc. R I N I T Y




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Your Community Newspaper, Serving the Heart of the Rio Grande Valley SINCE



50 cents

Historic Soccer Team takes to the Field

News Briefs

Soccer could arguably be one of the most popular sports in the Rio Grande Valley. In nearby Mexico the sport of soccer is definitely king, and that heavy influence reaches plenty of athletes in the region. Many schools throughout the RGV have soccer programs competing under the U.I.L. guidelines. And now for the first time in school history the La Feria Lions joins these programs

See page 4


as they now field a soccer team for the 2008-09 season. In two games the Lions have posted a 1-1 record, as they will compete in 324A against such schools as Mercedes, Weslaco East, Edcouch-Elsa, Progresso, Raymondville and Port Isabel. “I’ve been asking for this for many years,” said Lions’ soccer coach Sergio Rodriguez. “I love the

sport.” The soccer coach, who also teaches physical education at C.E. Vail Elementary, believes he has a good squad in this the inaugural season of La Feria soccer. The Lions lost their first game, 3-1, against Harlingen. Scoring the first goal in school history was senior Ray Rivera. In their second game, the Lions won, 3-1, over Donna as senior Julio Martinez scored two goals

NEEDS YOUR HELP! mEETING THUR., JAN. 15 6:30 P.M. at LFHS OLD GYM More info page 6

First United Methodist Church

Gonzalo Garcia and a Cardinal player both going for the ball

and junior Gonzalo Garcia scored the third goal. The Lions are made up of 22 players, mostly sophomores. The soccer program is in its early stages so there is only a varsity squad, no JV or freshmen team. Roughly 40 students tried out for the soccer squad. “I’ve played soccer, watch it on TV and it’s my favorite sport,” said Rodriguez. “Now I get to coach it.” Though the Lions are inexperienced when it comes to organized soccer, coach Rodriguez says his players have showed great promise. “So far, so good,” said the coach. “We are practicing hard, building our endurance by running and running. They don’t complain.” This Friday the Lions travel to Edinburg to compete in a tournament.

Daniel Cuervo saves a goal for the Lions.

16th Annual Fiesta de La Feria set for last Saturday in February

"Gospel Service" featuring the Gospel Truth Band -1st & 3rd Wednesdays @ 7:00 p.m. Call Church office at 797-1393 for more info. on this service and our Sunday Services.

Time to Register for Pie-baking Contest and the Classic Car Show! The 16th Annual Fiesta de La Feria will take place S a t u r d a y, F e b r u a r y 2 8 , 2009. The Fiesta Committee is working to secure the best in Valley talent covering the gamut of styles from Tejano to country to rock. The tentative entertainment line-up will include Shallow, Americanto, Grupo Culpable, Arnold & the Junction Band, The Cruisers, Los Angeles del Sur, La Senal and Zereno. Several other groups are pending. Returning again this year will be the popular La Feria High School Folkloric Dancers and the closes Main Street from Highway 83 to Magnolia Street Starfire Belly Dancers. for the once-a-year community party. Visitors and residents The City of La Feria can stroll from one end of downtown to the other enjoying Enter the the music, the fantastic car show, lots of food and craft Fiesta de La Feria vendors or checking out who won the pie baking contest. Pie-Baking Contest! The Art and Cultural displays will beheld in the the old Dollar General building which is now vacant. The student art contests will be held in this building along with other activities. I hear the high school students may plan to take over the “live wax museum” project. The children’s ‘hands-on” arts area will be set up on Oleander Street. Plans are being made to secure inflatable rides for young children. If you have questions about the Fiesta, would like to register as a vendor or participate in the pie baking contest, student art contest or the car show please contact Tabitha One of the great entries at City Hall 797-2261. from Fiesta 2008

St. Alban's 38th Annual Antique Show and Sale Fri., Jan. 23, - Sun., Jan. 25,

Casa de Amistad 1204 Fair Park Blvd. Harlingen, TX 78550 (956) 428-2305

Look Inside


Sports Classified............. pg.6 This N Cricket’s

Main Street filled with cars and people

13th Annual Parental Involvement Conference The La Feria ISD is pleased to announce that it will be hosting their 12th Annual Parental Involvement Conference on January 24, 2009 at the La Feria High School from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. This year we will be having presenters from across the valley and some from our very own district, including Dr. Nabor Cortez, Superintendent of Schools. We will be releasing the topics and presenters at next week’s edition of the La Feria News. This year’s Keynote Speaker will be Efrain Guerrero better know as “Happy”. We hope to see as many parents and community members attend this conference. We will also be providing food and have a raffle for door prizes. Please come and join us at the 13th Annual Parental Involvement Conference. We hope to see you there! See more on Happy on pg. 6.


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2 • January 14, 2009 • LA FERIA NEWS

This and That

Just A Pastor Ron

First United Methodist Church of La Feria

with Anna Bernice

♥ Can you believe that a whole week of 2009 has elapsed already? My Christmas cards in years past were often the first to be received. Boy, not this year! I was faced with deciding if the recipient was of the " Better late than never " philosophy, or" Better never than late" category for too many of them. ♥ In a "Jive to My Sneakers" contest by two New York City agencies, one ten-yearold summed up his feelings: " A shoe is just a shoe, but a sneaker is a friend." ♥ In 1977, The Mobile, Al. Public Library asked famous Americans to name five books that had influenced their lives as young adults. One reply was from Ronald Reagan. "I must confess that your request gave me some moments of mixed emotions. There must be a little snob in each of us, for my first reaction was to try to think of major classics I could list. Nothing was forthcoming, so I decided to come clean. "I've been an inveterate reader all my life {so have I.} In early boyhood I discovered knights in armor and read King Arthur....Another book that inspired me to the point of reading it several times was called "Northern Trails." It planted deep within me a love of the outdoors and nature." "My reading was undirected and went through phases. ----The names of books come to mind like a montage, but,

“Your Community Newspaper”

102 S. Main Downtown La Feria

Subscription Rates $2495 Yr. Valley $2795 out of Valley Also Distributed to each LFISD School Student Single Copy Price .50¢ ea. back issues available .50¢ea. Administration Publisher Don Wright Gen. Manager / Editor Mary Beth Wright Office Staff 797-9920 • Fax: 797-9921 Susie Briones Graphic Artist Art Rodriguez Lee Davis Advertising Director Frank Williams 956-536-8465 Advertising Consultants William R. Keltner 797-9920 Cristie Shelander 956-873-2003 Dave Holden 956-577-2825 Chris Yoder 816-564-6201 Circulation 797-9920 Distribution 797-9920 E-Mail Contact Mailing Address P. O. Box 999 La Feria, TX. 78559 Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00p.m.


Although the La Feria News Staff strives for excellence in all stories and advertising, spelling or typographical errors can occur. If you find any confirmed factual or other type of error, please call (956) 7979920 during business hours or leave a message. Weekly Columns and advertising printed in the La Feria News contain the opinions of theAuthors. They may or may not be the opinion of the Newspaper.

all in all, as I look back, I realize that my reading left an abiding belief in the triumph of good over evil. I have encouraged our children to discover the joy of reading, because you can never be lonely if you have a good book. My idea of torture would be to find myself overnight in a room with nothing to read.." ♥ Cartoon. A male passenger sitting at check-in between two suitcases. Clerk to another clerk. "He's determined to go where his bags go." ♥ An ancient scroll recommends deer antler for 52 different diseases. It is a substance that has a creditable history of effective use in Chinese herbal medicine that goes back at least two millennium, and continues to be widely used throughout Asia. It has been scientifically proven to strengthen muscle contractions, improve nerve impulses, regulate blood pressure, and treat arthritis. What is antler velvet? The antler is a fuzzy membrane-on the outside of the antlers-that contains and distributes the blood and nutrients that support the new antlers growth. The antler velvet is rich with important growth factors, leutinizing hormone (the hormone stimulating testosterone synthesis) and prostaglandins and contains additional elements that could be effective against cancer and arthritis.. ♥ A patience booster. Put a pebble in your pocket. When irritation begins to rise, move the pebble from one pocket to another, which will help interrupt the anger cycle and give you a chance to regroup. ♥ January 14 SUSANA and PAUL ECHAVARRIA have a wedding anniversary. January 17 is TIFFANY NICKOL OLVERA''s birthday. January 17 is when JANIE and VICTOR GONZALEZ Jr. celebrate their wedding anniversary.


$1.00 per page Send or Receive

“We will open the book. Its pages are blank.” (Edith Pierce)

Wild Horse & Burro Adoption Jan. 15-17 in Mercedes! The U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will hold a wild horse and burro adoption in Mercedes, Texas, Jan. 15-17, 2009. The threeday event at the Rio Grande Valley Livestock Showgrounds will feature over 80 spectacular animals. These are adult and yearling horses and burros that once roamed free on public lands in the West. Adoption Schedule Preview all of the animals Thursday, Jan. 15, from 4 – 6 p.m. Gates reopen Friday, Jan. 16, at 8 a.m., with adoptions starting at 10 a.m., and ending at 6 p.m. Adoptions continue Saturday, Jan. 17, from 8 a.m. – noon. Adoption Qualifications Application approval is required and can be done on site. To qualify to adopt, one must be at least 18 with no record of animal abuse. Adopters must have suitable facilities and can adopt no more than four animals. All animals must be loaded in covered stock-type trailers with swing gates and sturdy walls and floors. Adoption Fees The minimum adoption fee for most animals is $125, as set by law. An initial round of competitive bidding will take place Friday at 10 a.m. to deter-

mine adoption fees for any animals sought by more than one person. Animals not selected through the bidding process Friday morning will be offered for adoption on a first-come-first-served basis for the flat fee of $125 for the rest of the weekend. Those interested in taking part in the competitive bid adoption are encouraged to come Thursday afternoon or early Friday to identify

their desired animals and to complete their adoption applications in time. For more information, call toll-free 866-4-MUSTANGS or visit www.blm. gov/nm. Directions to the Rio Grande Valley Livestock Showgrounds (1000 N. Texas Ave.): On US Hwy 81 in Mercedes, take the Texas Ave. exit and go north approx. 2 blocks. Road dead ends at the facility. Look for lighted marquee.

2nd Monday, 7:00pm Middle School Learning Resource Center. (956) 636-1113

LaFeriaSchool Board

2nd Monday, 6:00pm in Board Room -Central Administration Office, (956)797-2612.

La Feria Lodge #1197 A.F. & A.M.

Stated Meeting 2nd Monday, 7:30pm at Masonic Temple 113N. Main Street, 797-1704

La feria band boosters

3rd Monday, 7:00pm La Feria Band Hall. (956) 797-2233


american legion post #439 1st Tuesday, 7:30pm at American Legion Post, 145 E. Commercial Ave, (956)797-3701

La Feria Lions club

1st & 3rd Tuesday, 6:30pm at First United Methodist Church of La Feria

American Legion auxiliary

1st Tuesday, 7:30pm at American Legion Post, 145 E. Commercial Ave, (956)797-3701

Santa rosa school board

2nd Tuesday, 6:00pm in Board Room at the Superintendent’s Office.

(956) 636-9800

south texas united auto workers retirees 2nd Tuesday, 10:30am at Skateland Bingo, 1509 Morgan Blvd., Harlingen.


dialogue meetings

1st & 3rd Wednesday, 12:30pm September to May VBMC, East Tower, 1st Floor, Abbot Meditation Room.

Magic valley quilters

Every wednesday, at 10 am at the First Christian Church of San Benito, located at 400 N. Readan in San Benito.


Harlingen chapter #641 eastern star (La Feria Chapter has joined Harlingen)

Men’s support group Every Thursday, 7-9pm Men’s Resource Center of South Texas, 204 N. 1st St. Harlingen (956)425-6110.

Call 797-9920 for your FREE club listing or email us at



Rio Grande City - McAllen - Brownsville -Harlingen

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Two La Feria Alumni Graduate from Texas A&M Corpus

Serving All of Western Cameron County A Community Newspaper Since 1923 How to reach us:

9 AM - 4 PM – Monday-Friday

102 S. Main St., La Feria, TX. P. O. Box 999 • La Feria, Texas 78559 Tel.: (956) 797-9920 Fax: (956) 797-9921 email: For advertising call William R. Keltner, Advertising Consultant


HOW TO SUBSCRIBE: 1 year subscription delivered by U.S. Postal Service…$24.95 or can be purchased at several convenient locations throughout the cities of La Feria, Santa Rosa, Santa Maria & Blue Town for 50¢. The La Feria News is mailed and delivered Tuesday, January 13, 2008 and published weekly by Wright Ventures, Inc., President Donald R. Wright, Secretary Mary Elizabeth Wright. Periodical Postage Rates paid at La Feria, TX., Post Office. Advertising deadline is noon Thursday at the office at 102 S. Main St., La Feria, TX 78559. (POSTMASTER send address changes to La Feria, P.O. Box 999, La Feria, TX 78559.)

CITY OF LA FERIA “Mucho Ruido y Pocas Nueces”


“He Makes a Lot of Noise and Produces Little” Contribuido por: Eduardo Ruiz

If you have a Mexican saying, please send it to:

every third Saturday of the Month at 2:00 pm, at Masonic Temple, 702 E. Harrison, Harlingen, 423-5544 sorosis literary club 2nd Thursday,starting in September. Margaret Lopez (956)797-4075.

from my hobby (archery), is that once an arrow leaves the bow you can’t call it back. You place it on the string, pull it back and let it fly at the target. While the arrow is in flight you can only sit and watch, and perhaps pray that it doesn’t fly over the fence and land in the neighbor’s back yard. Opportunity is like the arrow in flight. Once it leaves, you can’t call it back. My guess is that as this year ends some of the pages of our book will contain stories of lost opportunities. But if you miss one, and you will, don’t despair. There are other arrows in the quiver. Opportunities abound. As each day passes and you turn the page, be done with it. You did what you did. You missed what you missed. Tomorrow is a new day and you have to much to do to be weighed down by the regrets of yesterday. Today is to precious to waste one moment of it on yesterday. Have a great week. And if you have time, visit me on our web-site at

Julie Diane Cavazos, Cum Laude, College of Liberal Arts, Bachelor of Arts; Melody Ann Maldonado, College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences graduated during the 2008 Fall Commencement, Saturday, Dec. 20 from Texas A&M University –Corpus Christi. Both students call La Feria home. Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi awards bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees from the Colleges of Business Education, Liberal Arts, Nursing and Health Sciences and Science and Technology. A&M-Corpus Christi, the only university in the United States located on its own island, is a member of the Texas A&M University System.


Library Hours: Mon., Wed., & Fri....12 - 6pm; Tues., & Thurs. 12 - 8pm; Sat., 9 - 3pm City of La Feria mondays Utilities Board Knights of Columbus 2nd Tuesday, 5:15pm City Hall, (956)797-2261 Council 12135 1st & 3rd Mondays, 7:30pm, St. City of La Feria Francis Xavier Parish Hall at the corner city commission of West & Cypress (956)797-2666 2nd & 4th Tuesday, 6:30pm City Santa Rosa City Hall, (956)797-2261 Council Meeting

How is your book going? Which book you ask? Why the one you are writing. Right now most of the pages are blank, but you will write wonderful stories on them and funny moments. Failures and unbelivable achievements will fill some of the pages. Some of the pages may have few words on them. Sometimes the hurt, sometimes the joy is to great for words. Sometimes only silence can speak loudly enough. Each of us has begun to write a great novel. The book we write is called Opportunity and the first chapter is New Year’s Day. (Edith Pierce) On page one I had black eyed peas and fried chicken with my oldest daughter and her family. On page two I came home to La Feria. And as the days pass, each page will be filled with the days of my life, the 2009 version. This will be my 63rd edition. One after another the pages will turn, and is it just me, or do the pages turn a little faster with each edition? Something I have learned

Calendar of Events

January 13, 2009 5:15 PM

Utilities Board Meeting

6:30 PM

City Commission Meeting Commission Meeting Room at 115 E. Commercial Avenue La Feria, TX.

January 27, 2009 6:30 PM

P. O. Box 999 La Feria, TX 78559

Sponsored by:

MV EC 1-866-225-5683

Commission Meeting Room at 115 E. Commercial Avenue La Feria, TX.

City Commission Meeting Commission Meeting Room at 115 E. Commercial Avenue La Feria, TX.

February 5, 2009 6:30 PM

La Feria Industrial Development Corp. Commission Meeting Room At 115 E. Commercial Avenue La Feria, TX.

February 10, 2009 5:15 PM

Utilities Board Meeting

Commission Meeting Room at 115 E. Commercial Avenue La Feria, TX. 6:30 PM

City Commission Meeting Commission Meeting Room at 115 E. Commercial Avenue La Feria, TX.

The Public







Valley Baptist training benefits mental health patients

A recent training program conducted by Valley Baptist Behavioral Health Services has increased the number of certified mental health peace officers in Cameron County from two to 44 officers. The training, which was sponsored by Valley Baptist Behavioral Health Services and the Cameron County Sheriff’s Department, was held at the Valley Baptist Medical Center-Brownsville East Campus on 1 Ted Hunt Blvd. in Brownsville. The increase in certified mental health peace officers will benefit mental health patients across the county, as law enforcement officers are often among the first to come into contact with certain patients when they are going through crisis situations. “There are so many calls we respond to for mental illness subjects,” said Lieutenant Carlos Garza of the Cameron County Sheriff’s Dept. “This class is about the training and getting together with other agencies working on a common problem we all share.” Lt. Garza said the training will be useful to officers in numerous situations. “We could use this training in a hostage situation – or a criminal investigation where the subject may have mental illness,” he said. “This training will help us tell the difference … if it is mental illness the person is suffering from we can call for the medical attention needed.” Carlos De León, a patrol sergeant for the Brownsville Independent School District, characterized the mental health training as enlightening. “It has opened my eyes to what procedures we need to take to better serve the community,” Sgt. De Leon said. “With this class, we found out we need to take a more active role. It will help us to spot if a student needs another kind of help, rather than strictly enforcing the law for a violation.” The most exciting part is that we were able to unite all of these law enforcement agencies to take this training,” added Rosie Cavazos, Behavioral Business Development Coordinator for Valley Baptist. “We need more officers with an increased understanding of the best action to take when they encounter mental health patients.” For more information on the training and mental health services available in Cameron County, contact Valley Baptist Inpatient Behavioral Health Services at (956) 698-4705.

Mia Villasenor-Jupe of La Feria downed her first buck while accompanied by her dad Charlie Jupe. The buck had 12 points and field dressed 172 pounds. It was taken from the Double Arrow J Ranch on Dec 21, at 7:47 A.M.

Vance A. McNeil (1941-2009): Vance graduated from La Feria High School in 1959 and from Texas A&M in 1963. Vance was married 45 years to Georgana Faye Dettman (McNeil). Together they raised two children and had three grandchildren. He worked for Mustang Tractor and later PLM International for 43 years. The Celebration of Vance's life was held at 11:30 CST Friday ,January 9th, at St. Francis Episcopal Church , 345 Piney Point Road, Houston, Texas 77024. In lieu of flowers the family asks you to make donations to the American Cancer Society in his name Iowa on Jan. 26, 1919 and moved to the Rio Grande Valley in 1936. He served in the U.S. Army during WWII. He returned to the Valley where he farmed in the Lyford and La Feria areas until the early 60's. He was a truck driver until his retirement in 1990. He was preceded in death by his wife of 50 years, Betty Ann Cherrington of La Feria, Tx.; parents, Delmar C. and Audrey M. Cherrington; brothers, Don, Frank (Bud), Harold; sister, Alma Mae, and nephew, Wesley Cherrington, all of

the Valley. Survivors include: daughters, Patricia Ann Cherrington of Dallas, Tx., Michelle (Chris) Christensen of Ft. Worth, Tx., Cindy (Greg) Griffi n of Uvalde, Tx.; grandchildren, Kiki (Brandon) Kibler of Velma, Ok., Brad and Tanya Christensen of Ft. Worth, Tx., Kami (John) Buri of Houston, Tx., Tyson (Kelly) Griffin and great-grandson, Carson Lee of Southaven, MS. Memorial and internment services will be held at a later date.

Place Nursery, Bluebonnet Flowers and Kay's Bokay, Arnold created beautiful arrangements that were amazing to behold. He will be remembered by his happy smile, gracious disposition and friendly manner. Survivors include his parents: Pedro and Angela Leija of La Feria, sisters: Angela Reyna of La Feria, Rafaela

Guerrero of La Blanca, Josefina Gutierrez of Dallas, Juanita Segura of Weslaco, Sylvia Hernandez of Weslaco and Jesusa Barrientos of Sugarland, TX, brothers: Santos Leija of Harlingen, Manuel Leija, Ernesto Leija, Dionicio Leija, Pedro Leija Jr., Shadrock Leija, Alberto Leija all of La Feria, and Leonel Leija of Houston, TX.

McHenry Taylor Tichenor Sr. ROUND ROCK/HARLINGEN, TX. - Radio broadcasting pioneer McHenry ("Mac") Taylor Tichenor, one of the foremost developers of the Hispanic radio industry in the United States, died in Round Rock, Texas, of natural causes on January 3, 2009, at the age of 76. The only son of McHenry and Genevieve Tichenor, Mac was born in Boulder, Colorado, and grew up in Harlingen, in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas. Mr. Tichenor attended Washington and Lee University and earned a BBA degree from the University of Texas at Austin. After a twoyear enlistment in the Navy during the Korean conflict, he returned to UT Austin to earn a law degree. During his senior year, he was voted "Most Likely to Succeed." While attending college, Mac met his future wife, Carolyn White of Dallas, whom he married in 1954. They had four children, Mac Jr., Warren, Jean, and Bill. Years later, Mac remarried and had another son, David. After graduating from law school in 1956, Mr. Tichenor returned to the Rio Grande Valley to work in the family broadcasting business started by his father. He worked in sales and later in management at the company's CBS television station and its Spanish-language radio station, both with the call letters KGBT. Mr. Tichenor became President of his family's company, Tichenor Media System (TMS) in 1967 at the age of 35 and oversaw its expansion in both English and Spanish language media. In 1982, Mr. Tichenor

stepped back from his dayto-day role in the company and focused on strategy as its Vice-Chairman of the Board, while taking time to enjoy his hobbies, sailing and astronomy. During this time, he resided in Jensen Beach, Florida and Hilton Head, South Carolina, where he was a member of the Lowcountry Presbyterian Church. In 1997, TMS merged with Heftel Broadcasting to become the nation's largest Hispanic radio group with 38 radio stations in every major U.S. Hispanic market. In 2004, HBC merged with Univision Communications. During the last years of his life, Mr. Tichenor pursued a dream of bringing a professional sports franchise to the Rio Grande Valley. Throughout his life he had a strong faith and engaged in quiet philanthropy. In 2005 the Tichenor Family was inducted into the Library of American Broadcasting Foundation's "Giants in Broadcasting." Most recently, in 2006 Mac received the prestigious Broadcaster's Foundation of America Pioneer Award which was presented at the National Association of Broadcasters Convention April, 2006. Mr. Tichenor enjoyed the friendship and devotion of his long-time companion, Priscilla Flores. He is survived by fi ve children, McHenry T. Tichenor, Jr., Warren White Tichenor, Jean Tullis Tichenor, William Edward Tichenor, and David Tucker Tichenor, and numerous grandchildren. Visitation hours were held on Tuesday, January 6, 2009 from 5 PM to 8 PM at Buck Ashcraft Funeral Home. Graveside services werescheduled for Wednesday, January 7, at 11:00 a.m. at Mont Meta Memorial Park in San Benito, Texas. Memorial donations may be made to Frank Ferree Border Relief, 2403 N. 7th St., Harlingen, Texas, 78550-3909.

Arnold Leija LA FERIA, TX. - 48, passed away on Thursday, January 1, 2009 at Valley Baptist Medical Center. Arnold was a lifetime resident of La Feria, TX born to Mr. and Mrs. Pedro and Angela Leija. A floral designer with the Flower Shop, Stuart

First United Iglesia Oracion en Methodist Church Su Presencia

Pastor Ron Welborn, Missionary 956-797-1393, 331 Church,Inc. S. Main St., La Feria, Sunday School 10am, Pastors Frank & Janie Traditional Worship Ser- Gonzalez 797-0044, 4th vice 9am, Contemporary Street, La Feria,TX Sunday Worship Service 11am, 10am & 6pm, Monday 7 pm UM Youth 5pm, Good Prayer Service, Wednesday Time Gospel 1st & 3rd 7 pm, Friday 7 pm. Wednesday 7 pm.

International Worship Center

Church of Christ

Bishop Ronaldo Ortiz, 956-797-1204, 116 W. Seventh St., La Feria, Services Sunday (English) 9:30am, Domingo (Espanol) 11am, Miercoles 7pm Interdenominational Worship Extreme Youth Sat. 6 pm

Minister Eugene Head, 797-9890, 912 N. Parker Rd., La Feria, Wednesday 6pm Bible Study, Sunday 9:30am Bible Study, 10:30am Service, 6pm Evening Service

First Baptist Church St. Francis Xavier of La Feria Catholic Church

Interim pastor Jerry Johnson, 797-1214, Magnolia & Main St., La Feria, Tx, Wednesday 7pm Evening Bible Study & Prayer Service, Sunday 9:45am Sunday School, 11am Morning Worship Service, 7pm Evening Worship Service.

St. Albans Episcopal Church

Reverend Scott Brown & Asst. Rector Judy Sessions, 956-428-2305, 1417 E. Austin, Harlingen,TX Holy Communion 8am, Sunday School 9:15, Holy Eucharist 10:30am.

Fr. Gabriel I. Ezeh, 797-

2666, office 317 West Magnolia, church 500 South Canal St., La Feria, Saturday Mass 5:30pm, Sunday Mass 8am Spanish, 10am English, 11:30am English.

Christ In Our Midst Missionary Church

Pastor: Rev. Daniel Carrizalez, 956-200-4504, 1 mile N. of FM 506, La Feria, Sunday School - 9:45 a.m., Sunday Faith Church Worship - 11:00 a.m., of Christian & Hope in the Word Wednesday Service Missionary - 7:00 p.m., Monday Church Prayer - 7:00 p.m. Pastors Jose & Bertha BelAlliance Church First Baptist Church Pastor Oscar Loredo, 797- mares, 797-3621, 28354 of Santa Rosa PRIMERA Pastor Ernest Ruben, 1739, 125 W. First St., La S. Bixby Rd., La Feria, 956-636-1603, 118 Jesus Feria,Tx, Bilingual Minis- TX, Services Friday 6pm, IGLESIA R. Cruz, Santa Rosa, Tx, try Sunday 10am Sunday Sunday 10am. All services BAUTISTA Sunday Services 9:30am School, 11am Worship, are Bilingual, English & Omar Izaguirre, Pastor Bible Study, 10:30am Wednesday 7 pm Bible Spanish. 956-797-1740, 519 N. Morning Worship, 7pm Study, Friday 7 pm Prayer. Main, La Feria, BilinSt. Mary’s Catholic Wednesday Evening Apostolic Faith gual Services: Sunday Church Worship. 9:45am Sunday School, Tabernacle Fr. Andre Kazadi, 956-636- 10:45am Worship SerFirst Pastor Ramon Zarate, 357Presbyterian Church 6384, 621 South Main, La 1211, 101 San Antonio Ave., vice, 5:00pm WMU, Rev. David Mann, 797- Feria. Sunday School 10am Santa Rosa,TX, Saturday 6:00 pm Evening Wor2712, 208 West Central Sunday Worship 4pm, Wed. Mass 5pm Bilingual, Sun- ship Service, WednesAve, La Feria,TX, Sunday Evening 7:30pm. All ser- day Mass 8am Spanish, day, 7pm Bible Study 10am English. & Prayer Service Services 9am vices are bilingual. Rudy Garza Funerals, Inc. 219 S. Main, La Feria, TX 1-800-425-8200

Family Owned and Operated by the Rudy Garza Family Since 1974 236 S. Ohio Mercedes, TX 78570

1702 E. Harrison Harlingen, TX 78550

Quality Linens & Uniforms

Queen City Services Quality Linens & Uniform Rental

956-565-0666 Fax:956-565-6865 1-888-955-0666 546 South Illinois ♦ Mercedes, Texas 78570

by Jerry Johnson, Interim Pastor First Baptist Church, La Feria

Running-Off at The Mouth or Really Communicating


Robert Merrill Cherrington UVALDE, TX. - 89, formerly of La Feria, Tx. died at Uvalde Memorial Hospital on Wed., December 31, 2008. He was born in Cromwell,



One Proud Girl


January 14, 2009 • LA FERIA NEWS • 3

During the holiday season when we have all the family present and are all having fun, there seems to always be someone in the group that will put their foot in their mouth and say something that is hurtful. The book of Proverbs is such a practical book with so many truths that can help us along this line in our daily life. There is no better place to learn about communication skills than in Proverbs. Good communication skills can drastically improve our chances of success and happiness in life. Ineffective communication is often our number one problem in life. Saying the wrong thing at the wrong time or not saying anything at all tremendously affects our relationships at home, church, school, work, and even at play. Every aspect of our communication, our words, tone of voice, our gestures and facial expressions, our spirit, our timing, and all the nonverbal communication habits we utilize, affect

whether or not we succeed in achieving what it is we believe God wants us to attain. There is another role communication plays in our happiness and success. We can wound or heal people by our words. That’s the formidable power of verbal communication. Our communication can wound or heal others. What a word picture that word is – healing! Healing words are a vital God-given tool for happiness and success. Proverbs 12:18 says, “Careless words stab like a sword, but wise words bring healing.” This book offers a world of good advice and can help us to be more positive communicators. “Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding. Cry out for insight, and ask for understanding. Search for them as you would for silver; seek them like hidden treasures.” Proverbs 2:2-4. “A gentle answer will calm a person’s anger, but an unkind answer will cause more anger.” Proverbs 15:1

Honored to serve as pallbearers were his brothers and his brother-in-law: Jorge Barrientos. Visitation were held on Friday, January 2, 2009 from 11 AM to 9 PM at Trinity Funeral Chapel with a Prayer Service at 7 PM on Friday evening. A Chapel Service was conducted at 2 PM on Saturday,

January 3, 2009, with Pastor Luis Cavazos officiating at Trinity Funeral Chapel of the Holy Spirit with burial to follow to Heavenly Grace Memorial Park Cemetery in La Feria, TX. Funeral arrangement were entrusted to Trinity at Harrison Funeral Home located at 1002 E. Harrison, Harlingen, TX 956-364-2444.



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Photos by V. Briones



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We’ve Got Them. It’s Worth The Trip To Raymondville To See Them.

Go Team Go!

January 14, 2009 • LA FERIA NEWS • 5

The Lower Valley Cotillion Club Celebrates its 55th Year With “An Enchanted Evening”

The Lower Rio Grande Valley Cotillion Club held its Annual Presentation Ball on Saturday, January 10, 2009 at the Jacob Brown Auditorium in Brownsville. The Cotillion Club was founded 55 year ago in September 1954 by Mrs. Byron Campbell of Raymondville as a social organization designed to bring together and present to society Lower Rio Grande Valley women have fond memories of their own Cotillion presentation in years past. The Cotillion Club continues to be a twoyear social club for selected junior and senior girls. The highlight of each year is the Presentation Ball. The theme for the 2009 Predestination Ball was “An Enchanted Evening.” The Jacob Brown Auditorium was transformed into a lovely enchanted ballroom filled with beautiful flowers and crystals for 118 junior debutants. Each girl, wearing a traditional long, white ball gown and carrying a long stemmed rose, was formally presented by her father as enchanting classical music played in the background. The first dance after the presentation was reserved for the fathers. They danced with their lovely daughters to the tune of “My Girl.” The father then relinquished their

daughters to their escorts for the remainder of the evening. The young ladies and their escorts, as well as the senior members and their escorts , danced the remainder of the evening to the music of Take Two. Beautiful floral arrangements of pink roses, hydrangeas and curly willow atop crystal cases and Crystal Chandeliers, adorned tables draped in white with beautiful garden green silk topper. Armando’s catered an elegant sit down dinner for the debutantes, senior members and their dates. Master of Ceremonies were Mr. Richard Rodriguez and Mr. Daniel Tijerina. The ball chairpersons were Mrs. Debbie Groves and Mrs. Sonia Rodriguez, both of Harlingen. Receiving guests for the evening were the Cotillion executive board officers: Mrs. Veronica Torres, President; Mrs. Cindy Salinas, presidentelect; Mrs. Shaun and San Benito/Rio Hondo senior advisor; Mrs. Dolores Ramirez, past president; and Mrs. Angel Sanchez, historian. Also in the receiving line were Senior Advisory Board Members, Mrs. Susie Houston, Port Isabel; Mrs. Cindy Torres, La Feria/Santa Rosa; and Mrs, Tracey Lassing, Willacy County.

La Feria Front (L-R) Victoria Hernandez, Alex Vargas, Priscilla Loredo, Megan Treviño, Lily Rodriguez, Claudia Rangel Back (L-R) Cassandra Torres, Kathryn Durham, Monique Ramos, Tasha Comstock, Hannah Wolf, Mia Villasenor-Jupe, Selina Rodriguez, Briana Villarreal

New members are selected their junior year by an advisory board that considers leadership, community activities, college intentions and suggestions by senior advisory members. They represent Harlingen. Port Isabel, San Benito/Rio Hondo, La Feria/Santa Rosa and Willacy County. During their senior year, Cotillion members return to renew acquaintances at the fall luncheon and the formal ball. At the spring luncheon, they are familiarized with college requirements Santa Rosa Front (L-R) Natalie Cepeda, Myrah Guerra, Erica Reyna Back (L-R) Monique Perez, Sarah Treviño, Alexandria Obregon, Brittany Rickford and activities.

Valley Wildlife with Richard Moore at the Edinburg Scenic Wetlands & World Birding Center Richard Moore professional wildlife photographer, videographer, writer, and host of “News from the Outdoors” on KRGV, will be at the Edinburg Scenic Wetlands and World Birding Center to share some of his valley nature experiences. As a Rio Grande Valley native, his knowledge and enthusiasm for South Texas flora and fauna is extensive. Take advantage of this great opportunity to see some of Moore’s spectacular footage featured in his recent DVD release: A year in the South Texas Wildlands! Please call in advance and let us know if you plan on attending this program from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, on Saturday, January 24th. The fee is $5.00 per person.

The Edinburg Scenic Wetlands & World Birding Center is located at 714 S. Raul Longoria Rd. (in the Edinburg Municipal Park), Edinburg Texas. For more

information about the Valley Wildlife with Richard Moore or other programs, please call us at (956)381-9922 or visit us on the web at www.

Fiesta de La Feria A Community Celebration

February 28, 2009 DOWNTOWN LA FERIA

(Main Street & Commercial Avenue)

Classic Car Show Registration Name/Contact Person:__________________________________________________ Mailing Address:________________________________________________________

Join us as Richard Moore shares some of his wildlife experiences!

TDHCA Announces Web Site Redesign

New Web site eases access to housing and community services resources, assistance In response to shifts in today’s economy that may increase the need for affordable housing and community services information, the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs has redesigned its Website - - to better guide Texans to local resources and help. TDHCA’s ramped up site enhances user friendly navigation by providing dedicated content sections based on target audience profiles and needs. Texans can find the housing-related assistance they need by clicking on the “Help for Texans” tab or the

16th Annual

“Quick Assistance” drop menu. “Our site is one of the first places Texans visit when they need to find affordable housing, rental assistance, or help paying utility bills,” said Michael Gerber, TDHCA Executive Director. “The fresh, user-friendly site will take them quickly to the informa-

tion that serves them best.” The Department’s other audiences, developers and builders, communities and nonprofits, and those interested in manufactured housing, can also easily access information about the TDHCA’s programs and services they need by selecting their tab on the homepage.

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6 • January 14, 2009 • LA FERIA NEWS


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Business Opportunity Looking for people (entrepreneurs) to go into business (part-time to start) A service that everyone uses and pays for it’s use every month. (Business is recession proof.) Call John Johansen 956-650-0079

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I came with a skin condition which is being treated right now. I am crate trained, leash trained, friendly and use to being together with Dixie I’m at Tip of Tex K-9 Rescue!!!

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Ottawa was selected as the Canadian capital by Queen Victoria.

The rainiest spot in the U.S. is Mount Waialeale, Hawaii, with an average annual rainfall of 460 inches.

The newly organized La Feria All-Sports Athletic Booster Club will be having a meeting on Thursday, January 15, 2009 at 6:30 p.m. in the old gym at the high school. Election of officers and a membership drive are on the agenda for the Thursday evening meeting. All interested individuals are encouraged to attend the important meetWant A New Look for Fall? ing. Come See Us! The group would like to Tues. thru Fri. 9:00 - 4:00 organize an annual All-Sports Come See Banquet to honor La Feria Betsy, Irma & Mirna athletes and work to offer Stylist scholarships to deserving Spa •Clipper Cuts/Style Cuts boys and girls. Wax • Color • Hi-Lites Please plan to attend this Appts. & Walk-Ins Welcome meeting. For more informa122B W. Oleander St. tion, call Brenda Barnum at La Feria • 956-797-4036 the high school, 797-3650.

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Beneficial bacteria, known as probiotics, naturally live in our digestive tract, but they need regular replenishing. This dynamic community of micro-organisms is disrupted by antibiotics, stress, alcohol, smoking, pollution and simply growing older. Fortunately, it’s possible to achieve the optimal balance you need for digestive and immune health, simply by eating a cup of organic yogurt. All organic yogurts in-

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La Feria Graduate named to the Presidents List at TAMUK for the Fall of 2008 Kimberly Gail Brandt, the 18-year-old daughter of Bill and Gail Brandt of La Feria, received a letter from Steven H. Tallant, President of Texas A & M University at Kingsville congratulating her on GPA for her first fall semester. The December 23rd letter notified the college freshman that she had been named to the President’s List at TAMUK for the Fall of 2008. "This high honor is reserved for undergraduate students who earn a 4.0 grade point average on 15 or more semester credit hours," Tallant said. "I am very proud of your academic achievement, and I know that your family is proud of you as well." The university president went on to say, "A great deal of hard work goes into earning an excellent academic record, and I want to commend you for your efforts." He concluded the notice by saying, "You have my very best wishes for continued success!" Kimberly is a 2008 May graduate of La Feria High School and was ranked 6th in her high school class. When she was accepted at TAMUK, she took with her two high school scholarship awards (the Mattie Robinson Memorial Scholarship and the McDonalds Scholarship) and

another from the RGV Livestock Show worth $1,000. The university in Kingsville awarded her the Presidential Blue Scholarship as well. According to her official transcript, at present, she is majoring in interdisciplinary studies. "As we understand how the university education system works," her parents commented, "her transcript cannot reflect her

true desire to become a kindergarten teacher until her junior year. At that time, the kind of degree she chooses to earn will officially be recorded on her transcript as a student who is interested in elementary education." "We are very proud of our youngest and are pleased that she has chosen to remain in the family business of education," her parents agreed.

Calabaza Con Pollo

Motivational Presenter

Efrain Guerrero, better known as Happy, is an international award-winning entertainer and public speaker who presents throughout Texas and the United States. Happy, a member of the Texas Magicians Association has won numerous awards in comedy and night club magic. He has written articles for Calliope magazine which instruct and share his many innovations and ideas, and has been on the cover of the same magazine. He is the author of the comedians’ short handbook called "Punny Stuff." Happy has written and produced five comedy CD’s, they are: Happy Live Disconnected, El Pachuco Dude, Dalé Gas, Happy Live! Chisquitito and his most recent CD release, Barely Reality. Happy also has two comedy DVD’s, Happy Live! I and Happy Live! II. Recently, Happy was featured in Harvest of Redemption, an independent film released in April 2005 Some of the numerous organizations that have enjoyed Happy’s motivational presentations include: • Minnesota State University-Heros Latinos • Lancing Michigan Governors Dinner-A Tribute to Cesar Chavez • U.S. Department of Agriculture Washington DC-National Hispanic Heritage Celebration • U.S. Department of Commerce Washington DC • Social Security Administration National Conference, Los Angeles California • El Paso ISD Parental Involvement Conference • Austin, Texas Network for Youths Conference Happy incorporates relevant topics with comedy in his presentations and brings a fascinating and fresh perspective to his audiences. The inclusion of his musical and comical talents in his motivational presentations creates a totally unique and unforgettable experience for his audience. Happy’s singing impersonation of stars; Willie Nelson, Julio Iglesias, Luis Miguel, Juan Gabriel, Roy Orbison, Louis Armstrong, Rod Stewart, and others, are repeatedly requested in return engagements..

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cont. from pg. 1 Organic yogurt fortified with probiotics, or beneficial bacteria, can help improve digestive health.

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Contact this rescue group to adopt...Rescue Group: Tip of Tex K-9 Rescue. Contact: DEE LABUNSKI Phone: (956) 245-4809 E-mail: Website: http:// www.TIPOFTEXK9RESCUE.ORG Address: 1514 S. 77 Sunshine Strip, Suite 24 Harlingen , TX 78550 Cricket

South Texas College’s Mid-Valley Campus located at 400 North Border in Weslaco is LA FERIA ALL-SPORTS ATHLETIC open on Jan. 19 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. to help students prepare for the spring 2009 semester. BOOSTER CLUB NEEDS YOUR HELP! Students can register for classes, receive counseling and advising and take needed placement THURS., JAN. 15 6:30 P.M. LFHS OLD GYM tests. Additionally students can receive assistance with financial aid, including applying for

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Lake Baikal in Siberia, Russia, is the deepest lake in the world. Its deepest part measures 5,371 feet-slightly more than one mile.

Happy has appeared at the famed Improv Comedy Clubs in Los Angeles, California, and Houston Texas. In addition, he recently completed a twelve show stint at the Improv in Harrah’s Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada where he performed to a full house every night. Happy’s dynamic presentations are guaranteed to entertain, inform and amaze his audience.

January 14, 2009 • LA FERIA NEWS • 7

feature story by Bill Keltner

Adventurous German Couple Visits La Feria “We Love People and Nature”

Gaby and Paul Gerst relax with Bobby in their well-travelled RV. Gaby and Paul Gerst of Dusseldorf, Germany found La Feria and the Valley just the place to pause briefly and plan the rest of their adventure in North America. The globetrotting couple checked into Kenwood RV Park.with the third member of their crew-their faithful travelling companion, Bonny. Bonny is a French Shepherd—not German Shepherd, but French, mind you. It was a delight for LA FERIA NEWS to visit and learn the story of this retired, vibrant couple, and story it is. “This is our second extended tour of your country;” Gaby related. “We came here 6 years ago, but didn’t get to see everything we wanted.” she continued. “There are such interesting, pleasant people in America and Mexico, and such beautiful natural treasures to

see that we just had to come back and see more. At that time we went coast-to-coast and visited all of Mexico and parts of Canada in six months in our motorhome—it was wonderful, we love people and nature.” You rented an RV somewhere over here, right? “No, we shipped our own RV from Germany both times.” You did what? Then she explained that they sent their RV ahead by steamship to the port of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada; and then they flew by plane to meet it. That has to be a first, we ventured. “Perhaps,” they said modestly. Their current tour of North America began in April 2008. “After we picked up our RV in Halifax, we followed the Saint Lawrence Seaway in order to see the famous white Beluga Whales that time of

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year. We crossed Canada to Calgary, Alberta, then north to Alaska,” she said. The weather was lousy, but good for snow, ice and spectacular glaciers— what a beautiful, almost unreal place.” Then she related an uncomfortable experience there with an aggressive Grizzly bear that wanted the fish her husband had just caught—we had to run to our RV and stay till he chose to leave. “Believe me, the bear got the fish” With a destination of South Texas, they travelled through national parks like Yellowstone and Black Canyon, the Petrified Forest and the famous gun museum in Cody, Wyoming. The Gersts had heard about the German settlements around San Antonio, Texas. So they stopped in New Braunfels, Luckenbach and Fredericksburg. “The German food was very authentic in a couple of restaurants, but I fear the Germans moved out long ago,” they laughed, and Paul added: “We couldn’t find any Germans to talk with, not even in German restaurants. “But we did

hear a little “Tex-German.” at a couple of places Paul said with a knowing smile.” Paul is a retired architectural engineer with a good sense of humor. How did we get to La Feria? It is like this they explained: They wanted to see the Gulf of Mexico, so they came to Corpus Christi. There they met another German couple who told them they must see the Rio Grande Valley and South Padre Island. That was all it took for this adventurous couple to hitch up and head south. They shopped around and chose Kenwood RV Park in La Feria as their resting stop. They have been here a few weeks and love it. “We love to go shopping at El Centro Foods and the farmers’ markets around town. They have some real values,” Gaby said.. “We travel everywhere on our bicycles or motorcycle and enjoy meeting people and practicing our Spanish.” “We both love hot, spicy food, and when we discovered the hot, spicy chicken at Church’s Chicken—that was a mistake,” she said, “because we have both picked up a couple pounds.” Did you ask anyone where the mountains are if this is a valley? “No, not at all,” they said and explained, “in Germany, we also call any land bordering a river a”Valley.” Our word for valley is “Tal.” There are a number of places in our country with the suffix “Tal”-- likewise with no mountain nearby.” Thanks for the lesson. This remarkable couple was married in Dusseldorf in 1986. Both of them discovered they had distant relatives who had emigrated to the United States

over the years. Part of their quest was to try to locate any remaining kin. They only had some weathered, yellowed letters and post-marked envelopes with old addresses to begin the search. “It may be a futile gesture, but it is fun,” she said. “Our sojourn will end next summer when we return to Halifax, Nova Scotia to send the Motorhome back by ship, and we fly Lufthansa home. What have you learned that you will remember and tell your friends? “We will always remember the beautiful natural places we have seen in Canada, Mexico and especially the national parks in America,” she said. “You have such a beautiful country.” “In Europe, all the animals live in horrid little cages called zoos,” she said. “Here we saw so many incredible animals living free and wild as nature meant it to be. We also met so many beautiful people who wanted to help us have a good time on our trip.

Maybe it was because of our accent, or perhaps, the big sign saying Deutschland on the front of our RV—whatever; it has been wonderful.” Next year? “The three of us will load up and tour Europe from Spain to Greece, and

then on to the Scandinavian countries—our own backyard,” they said confidently as their fingers traced out their route. With their moxie, they will make it. Write us and Gluckliche Reise!

The couple’s motorcycle is just for fun around town.


Their motorhome away from home in Germany

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8• January 14, 2009 • LA FERIA NEWS

Gold Stars perform at Capital One Bowl Game Distrito Escolar de La Feria Duodecima Conferencia Anual para Padres

La Llave Para el Exito: Padres y Escuelas Trabajando Juntos

Nos da mucho gusto en invitarlos para que estén con nosotros en la Duodecima Conferencia Anual para Padres de este Distrito Escolar que se llevara acabo en La Feria High School el Sábado 24 de enero del 2009 de 7:30 a.m. a las 12:30 pm. Esta conferencia será una buena experiencia que tendrá recompensas con aprendizaje y diversión. Por favor venga a reunirse con nosotros.

Sábado 24 de enero de 2009 Localización: La Feria High School 901 N. Canal Street La Feria, Texas 78559

Marque la Fecha

Orador Principal

Efrain Guerrero “Happy” Cynthia H. Guajardo Directora de Programa de Involucramiento de Padres y Servicios Migrantes Telefono: 956-797-3042

Puntos de Importancia: • Sesiónes Informativas • Representantes de la comunidad con Información • Entretenimiento • Habra desayuno y comida • Servicios de guardería • Premios


On December 29th the Gold Stars Drill Team packed up and headed to Orlando, Florida. The team had qualified back in June to perform at the Capital One Bowl game due to their superior rating at a U.D.A. (Universal Dance Association) competition. Their trip included a 5-day stay at the All-Star Sports Resort in Disney World, tickets to all 4 Disney World theme parks, and tickets to the bowl game. The Gold Stars and their parents worked extremely hard during football season in fund-raising the money for the trip. Each day in Orlando the girls were up by 5 o’clock due to their early morning dance rehearsals. Each rehearsal was about 4 hours long. The Gold Stars practiced with over 500 other cheerleaders and dancers from around the U.S. who had also previously received a U.C.A. or U.D.A. superior rating. After each dance rehearsal the girls were thrilled to spend the rest of the afternoon and evening at a Disney World theme park. On New Year’s Day the Gold Stars took the field at Orlando’s Citrus Bowl Stadium for the Capital One Bowl pre-game performance. As they ran out onto the field, they felt proud and excited to be there. They performed 2 dances and did exceptionally well. The girls also were up close with the MSU & Georgia football team and their bands too. Dancing at such a big and televised event was a great experience for the Gold Stars. They realized that their hard work had certainly paid off. Mrs. Scarlet Sanchez, Mrs. Norma Tamez, and the Gold Stars would like to thank several people for making their trip a success: Dr. Nabor Cortez, the La Feria ISD school board, faculty & staff of La Feria ISD, and the community for your constant support and encouragement. And a huge thanks to the parents of the Gold Stars for all the help in our fundraisers! We appreciate each and every one of you!

State-Fish Art Contest Aims to Draw Student Interest

ATHENS, Texas—Deadline for entering the Texas State-Fish Art Contest is March 31, and students and teachers should take time now to review the contest rules and regulations.

Texas students who enter the contest can win prizes of up to $1,000. Entries are judged in three grade-level divisions: 4—6, 7—9 and 10—12. Thanks to funding from the Toyota Texas Bass

Quintanilla Convention Center

La Feria Independent School District 12th Annual Parental Involvement Conference

Key to Success: Parents and Schools Working Together

Accepting Reservations For Your

SPECIAL EVENT in 2009 and 2010

We are delighted to invite you to join us for our 12th Annual District Parent Conference being held at La Feria High School on Saturday, January 24, 2008 from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The conference will be a learning, rewarding and fun experience. Please come and join us.

Save the Date

Saturday, January 24, 2008 Location: La Feria High School 901 N. Canal Street La Feria, Texas 78559

Keynote Speaker


Efrain Guerrero “Happy” Cynthia H. Guajardo Parental Involvement/Migrant Director Phone: 956-797-3042

• • • • • •

Informational sessions Community Representatives with Information Entertainment Breakfast and Lunch will be provided Childcare Services will be available Door Prizes



Make Your Reservation office (956) 636-2590 or cell 244-1404 Santa Rosa ♦ 1 Mile South FM Rd 506

Classic, the three first-place winners from Texas receive financial assistance for travel to Minneapolis, Minnesota, to compete in the national competition. “It’s important that entries be prepared in the format specified in the rules,” said Texas Parks and Wildlife Department’s Zoe Ann Stinchcomb, Texas coordinator for the contest. “For example, artwork must be the proper size and have the entry form glued to the back. The complete set of rules is posted on our web site, www.tpwd. Links on that page contain everything you need to know to prepare entries and enter the contest.” Stinchcomb noted that a poster teachers can use to promote the contest to students can be found on the contest page as well. “However, home-schooled students are also eligible to enter the contest,” she said. The State-Fish Art Contest is a program of Wildlife Forever, a multi-species nonprofit conservation organization that works to preserve America’s wildlife heritage through conservation education, preservation of habitat and scientific management of fish and wildlife species. Working at the grassroots level, Wildlife Forever has funded more than 800 conservation projects in all 50 states, Canada and Mexico.

THANK YOU! A big “Thank You” to the U.S. Marine Corp, Felipe and Gary Alaniz- Villistas Motor Cycle Club for their donations and to the Santa Rosa Police Department, Volunteer Fire Department and to all other volunteers who gave so much of their time to make this event happen and make many children happy in Santa Rosa.

From: Mayor Ruben Ochoa, Jr., Aldermen Antonia Tijerina, Andres Marroquin, Oscar Ovalle, Refugio Rickford and Robert Ochoa

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