La Feria News, May 14, 2014

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Your Community Newspaper, Serving the Heart of the Rio Grande Valley VOLUME 91 NUMBER 20

Power of a Dream Dynamic Team Visits C.E.Vail Elementary by William Keltner, LFN Feature Editor

dynamic team of motivational speakers presented a special program a combined Get Ready for audience toof inspire students from five 3rd BBQ Season grade classes at C.E.Vail Elementary School last week. The teachers with this PHWRZQ 5HFLSHV &RRNLQJ 7LSV DQG &RXSRQV were Norma Castillo, Linda Maza, Pasta Salad Rhonda Crow, Belia Levrier and %\ -DQHW 7KDUSH Marc Ortiz. Recipe RU %%4 6HDVRQ ZLWK WKLV 3DVWD 6DODG 5HFLSH Third grade teacher Rhonda Crow told the students they had JR been especially chosen to see and RU meet these outstanding profes ´ sional College and NFL football players and a local member of the Armed Forces. She then introduced the speakers. Each had a story of overcoming obstacles to stay with their goals page 2 Eric Castillo spoke about his improbable and unlikely career path to become a defensive back OLWWOH ELW RI VSLFH D OLWWOH ELW RI WDQJ DQG D ZKROH CITY OF LA FERIA ORW RI GHOLFLRXV LV ZKDW \RXÂśOO WDVWH ZKHQ \RX WU\ for the University of Incarnate (OVD 'UH\HUÂśV 3DVWD 6DODG ZLWK D 7ZLVW 7KLV UHFLSH LV Word in San Antonio. He is not DOVR Ă€H[LEOH HQRXJK WR DOORZ IRU WKH VXEVWLWXWLRQ RI RWKHU GENERAL ELECTION your typical college football player. YHJJLHV WKDW \RX PD\ KDYH RQ KDQG $ %%4 PXVW LQGHHG 6HH VWHS E\ VWHS SKRWRV RI (OVDÂśV UHFLSH SOXV WKRXVDQGV election results After college, Castillo related he had everything and then lost it all. PRUH IURP KRPH FRRNV QDWLRQZLGH DW Check your La Feria News What to do? At the age of 27 with ZZZ MXVWDSLQFK FRP SDVWDVDODG FaceBook page for latest no prior football experience, he <RXÂśOO DOVR ÂżQG D PHDO SODQQHU FRXSRQV DQG FKDQFHV WR ZLQ (QMR\ DQG UHPHPEHU XVH ÂłMXVW D SLQFK´ results chased an earlier dream to play collegiate-Janet football at UIW, and made it into a reality. He is an example DVWD 6DODG of the “power of a dream.â€? LWK D 7ZLVW The next speaker got special attention because he is a 1997 'LUHFWLRQV 1HHG NHWFKXS PL[WXUH graduate of La Feria High School. ‡ &RRN SDVWD SHU DQ\ RYHU SDVWD Gabriel Rodriguez addressed the LQVWUXFWLRQV RQ WKH ‡ 0L[ ZHOO FRYHU assembled third-graders dressed SDFNDJH 'UDLQ DQG OHW DQG UHIULJHUDWH IRU FKRSSHG for action in his U.S. Air Force FRRO 'R QRW ULQVH JUHHQ KRXUV “Rangerâ€? uniform. His message ‡ ,Q D VDXFHSDQ JH ‡ 6HUYH DW URRP was: Don’t give up, don’t give in, FRPELQH NHWFKXS SSHG WHPSHUDWXUH YLQHJDU VXJDU ROLYH stay focused. “I’ve fallen down RLO FXUU\ SRZGHU DQG many times, and you know what? VDPLF FKLOLHV I got right back up and stayed mo‡ %ULQJ WR D ERLO DQG page 4 tivated to get the job done,â€? He FRRN IRU PLQXWHV RQ applied his experience to the kids, PHGLXP KHDW /HW FRRO ZGHU saying, ‡ &RPELQH SHSSHUV DQG HV “And you kids can do the same RQLRQ ZLWK SDVWD 3RXU in whatever you choose to do with your life.â€? Lenny Walls, a former profesXEPLWWHG E\ (OVD 'UH\HU 9HQWXUD &$ 3RS

sional football player who had ZZZ MXVWDSLQFK FRP SDVWDVDODG played with the Denver Broncos, %URXJKW WR \RX E\ $PHULFDQ +RPHWRZQ 0HGLDthe Kansas City Chiefs, St. Louis Rams, Baltimore Ravens, brought his message of making right decisions to the students and teachers. “Right decisions as I grew up made me the man I am today,� he said. “Going ‘Pro’ was not an easy decision, but it was the right decision for me--and I struck with page 8 it..� Then he quoted from the Bible: “Bad Associations will spoil useful habits.� He related that to our choice of associates. “They can help you or hurt you,� he stressed, Classified................ pg. 5 adding, “Stay with positive people. Have a plan--don’t leave it up to chance, and, finally: “Hang around Cricket’s Corner...... pg. 5 with service! the right group.� Same great quality



From left, Eric Castillo, Lenny Walls, Rhonda Crow, Gabriel Rodriguez, John Hartsfield, Director of Breaking Down Walls Gabriel Rodriguez speaks to 3rd graders

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120 3rd graders hear “The Power of a Dream� presentation A young girl in the audience asked the panel a question that rather surprised them. It made them pause and think a bit before answering. Her question was: “When you were young did you dream about being what you are now?� Each answered in a different way, but the substance was:

Not really. They all agreed it was a learning process of making the right choices, learning from experience—and the decision not to be overcome.� This touring coalition of successful members of the military along with professional and college football players can be summed up

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La Feria, Texas

2 • May 14, 2014 • LA FERIA NEWS










GASOLINE THEFT RING DISMANTLED, MORE THAN $20,000 IN GASOLINE STOLEN of 7-Eleven corporate headquarters, are special agents with Homeland Security InvestigationsHarlingen and the Special Investigations Unit with the Cameron County District Attorney’s Office.

AUSTIN – They provide benefits for everything from the economy to the ecology, and a new report finds that the songbirds now migrating north from Texas need more protections in their summer nesting grounds. Iliana Pena, director of conservation Audubon Texas, says the birds are headed to Canada’s boreal forest - also known as “North America’s bird nursery.� “That’s their breeding range, and without good breeding habitat you just don’t get the production and the recruitment of young for your next generation,� Pena says, “so it’s very important.� The report from the Boreal Songbird Initiative and Ducks Unlimited concludes

“Siempre el plato ajeno estĂĄ mĂĄs lleno.â€?

115 E. Commercial Avenue La Feria, TX

“Your Community Newspaper since 1923� 102 S. Main, Downtown La Feria, TX

956-797-9920 • Fax 956-797-9921

Subscription Rates 2795 Yr. Valley l $3495 Out of Valley Single Copy Price ..................... $.50 ea. Back Issues available .............. $.50 ea. Also distributed to each LFISD School Student.

Publisher Donald R. Wright


6:30 PM City Commission Meeting

Commission Meeting 6:30 PM City Commission Meeting Room at

of our boreal species, that creeping can only go so far north. So you begin to see a limiting of habitat for those birds.� The vast majority of the boreal forest is in Canada, but Jeff Wells, science and policy director, Boreal Songbird Initiative, says the U.S. has a stake in its protection and must give that a voice. “There are ways for us to let people in Canada know that we think the boreal forest and its careful management is important to


If you have a Mexican saying, please send it to: Bill Keltner at 797-9920

mAY 27, 2014

that to maintain healthy bird populations, at least half of the boreal forest region must remain free of large-scale industrial disturbance. Among the threats to the boreal forest are mining, oil and gas and other development. Pena says habitat loss is also being driven by climate change. “Unfortunately as our temperatures get warmer, our habitat tends to be creeping northward for some species,� she explains. “For some species, like some

For Immediate Assistance: Call 956-330-6838

Contribuido por: Manuel Duran

Commission Meeting Room at 115 E. Commercial Avenue La Feria, TX

To know that our fellow Americans still support and care about the troops, has such a powerful feeling to all. You are truly appreciated and I will keep you in my prayers. As a young Sergeant in an Airborne Infantry platoon the work of God is not always welcomed. His presence is always felt and I thank him for giving me the opportunity to be used as His guide, to guide his love and story right into the hearts of so many great Americans. There are many guys from Texas in my platoon; there is always some form of rivalry between those from Texas and the dudes from California. I personally am from the amazing California, Santa Barbara County. My name is Kevin Lyons, I am 20 years old and could not be more proud and honored to serve my country. I hope you all have a blessed day.- Sincerely, Kevin Lyons.

e-mail: We are open Monday - Friday from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

“Sombody else’s plate is always fuller.�

mAY 13, 2014

standing individuals promoting the “Hugs Project�: I want to say thank you so much for your generous donation of time and creativity to put something such as the Hugs Project together. I am not too sure how many response letters you get back; I can imagine it is not a lot sadly. I speak for not only myself, but also for the other 31 men in my platoon. We are a random group of all ages from all over the country. We are based out of Fort Bragg, North Carolina, home of the 82nd Airborne Division “Americas Guard of Honor�. Every paratrooper in this platoon is more than proud to sacrifice and answer the call to serve in the most powerful and elite military fighting force ever known. The contributions you have sent us mean the world to each and every single man here. When we get mail or packages it is like Christmas for an 8 year old again.

North America’s Bird Nursery summer nesting grounds in danger


pad apparatus to bypass security measures at a gasoline pump to steal gasoline from his employer. He was caught by law enforcement today utilizing the apparatus to provide Rodriguez, 43, with $244 in stolen gasoline at the convenience store. Munoz and Rodriguez were both charged with theft and are currently being held at the CarrizalesRucker Detention Center. The gasoline theft ring remains under investigation. Conducting the investigation, with the assistance

As our Winter Texans are enjoying the great weather and friendly atmosphere in La Feria, they are also continuing their generous work to make life a little easier for our troops at home and abroad. Since 2007, the Palmera Park Ladies Hugs Group has sent 122 boxes of goodies to soldiers at a cost of $1854 in postage alone. The boxes contained more than 522 hand knitted hats, 1628 cool ties, 107 knitted pillows, 295 flat bears, 216 hot hand warmers, 1738 packages of food snacks, 1970 articles for personal hygiene, 502 crosses, 142 games and 486 funnies and magazines. The boxes weighed just short of 1000 pounds! Funds for this project are earned by the group’s annual bake sale which netted $1123 this year. A recent letter received from Kandahar Airfield from Sgt. Kevin Lyons made it clear why the ladies want to help our troops. To all the group of out-

Greater Protections Needed


Local and federal law enforcement conducted an investigation that led to the dismantling of a gasoline theft ring in Brownsville today. More than $20,000 in gasoline had been stolen over the last few months. Olmito residents Larry Munoz and Cesar Augusto Rodriguez were arrested today for their participation in the theft ring. Munoz, 41, worked as the manager of the 7-Eleven convenience store located at 745 W. Elizabeth St. in Brownsville. Munoz used a key-

Palmera Park Receives Touching Letter from ‘Hugs Project’ Recipient

RAymondville, TX


Drive a little Save a lot! RAymondville, TX


Administration Gen. Manager / Editor Mary Beth Wright

Office Staff Nelda Briones Admin. Assistant 797-9920 l Fax 797-9921

Advertising Director William R. Keltner 956-797-9920

Mailing Address P.O. Box 999 La Feria, TX 78559

mANAGINGeDITOR Shawn Munguia

Circulation & distribution 797-9920 Correction Policy Although the La Feria News Staff strives for excellence in all stories and advertising, spelling or typographical errors can occur. If you find any confirmed factual or other type of error, please call 956-233-9928 during business hours or leave a message. weekly columns printed in the La Feria News contain the opinions of the Authors. They may or may not be the opinion of the Newspaper.

HOW TO SUBSCRIBE: 1 year subscription delivered by U.S. Postal Service‌ $27.95 or can be purchased at several convenient locations throughout the cities of La Feria, Santa Rosa, Santa Maria & Blue Town for 50¢. The La Feria News is mailed and delivered Monday, May 12, 2014 and published weekly by Wright Ventures, Inc., President Donald R. Wright, Secretary Mary Elizabeth Wright. Periodical Postage Ratespaid at La Feria, TX., Post Office. Advertising deadline is noon Thursday at the office at 102 S. Main St., La Feria, TX 78559. (POSTMASTER send address changes to La Feria, P.O. Box 999, La Feria, TX 78559.)

May 14, 2014 • LA FERIA NEWS • 3


ENDOVASCULAR NEUROLOGIST TO SPEAK FOR STROKE AWARENESS MONTH IN HARLINGEN HARLINGEN – Dr. Wondwossen Tekle, Endovascular Neurologist, will speak on prevention and treatment of stroke, or “brain attack”, on Tuesday, May 20, at 6 p.m. at Valley Baptist Medical Center in Harlingen (on the first floor of the hospital, enter through the South Tower, in the Woodward Conference Center). The meeting is free to the public, and refreshments will be provided. Dr. Tekle’s talk is being held by the H.O.P.E. (Haven Offering Patient Encouragement) Stroke Support Group as part of “Stroke Awareness Month” activities in the Valley for the month of May. Dr. Tekle attended medical school at Addis Ababa University, in the capital of Ethiopia. After finishing a residency at George Washington University in Washington, D.C., Dr. Tekle went on to complete two fellowships in vascular neurology and endovascular surgical neuroradiology, at the University of Minnesota. Stroke is a type of cardiovascular disease which affects the arteries leading to the brain and the arteries within the brain. Stroke is a medical emergency – call 911 immediately if you or someone you know experience symptoms. It is critical to keep in mind that the sooner treatment begins, the better the patient’s chances of surviving without disabilities. At Valley Baptist Medical Center, a clot-busting medication called tPA is used when medically indicated to reverse strokes – but the medication must be given as soon as possible. Valley Baptist is also the only hospital in the Valley with endovascular stroke procedures, with are performed by specially-trained neurologists such as Dr. Tekle in a state-of-the-art “biplane” cath lab. For more information about Dr. Tekle’s talk or the Stroke Support Group, please contact Debbie Diehl at, call (888) 902-5433 (LIFE), or visit .

Dr. Wondwossen Tekle, Endovascular Neurologist, will speak on prevention and treatment of stroke, or “brain attack”, on Tuesday, May 20, at 6 p.m. at Valley Baptist Medical Center in Harlingen.

Dear Friends, Since taking office, I have visited many Head Start and Early Head Start centers across the District and have urged the House Appropriations Committee to fully fund the Head Start program. NINOS Head Start, which stands for Neighbors In Need Of Services, was established in August of 1990 and has grown to include approximately 30 Head Start centers, 7 Head Start/Early Head Start centers, and 3 Early Head Start centers. The programs serve approximately 3,000 students. During a volunteer banquet hosted by NINOS, over 100 volunteers were honored. It was a pleasure to be among individuals dedicated to improving the lives of students within the Head Start program. One of the duties of Member’s of Congress is to nominate a limited number of students from the district to be considered for appointment to one of four U.S. service academies - the U.S. Military Academy (Westpoint), the U.S. Naval Academy, the U.S. Air Force Academy, and the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy. The honor of attending a service academy comes with an obligation and commitment to serve in the military for a minimum of five years upon graduation. I am proud to say that several students from TX-34 have been accepted to U.S. service academies this year. One of those students is Victoria Reyes. Victoria, who also interns in my Brownsville office, will be attending the U.S. Naval Academy this fall. I am very proud of Victoria and know she will excel. Students interested in pursuing a nomination from me to attend a service academy should contact my office. During the April district work period, I continued to meet with TX-34 students to help them better understand the role that Congress plays in our democracy. The presentation, which can be viewed here, explains many ways my office helps constituents and works to promote local projects. I met with students at Cummings Middle School and then visited three different high school classes at my alma mater, Saint Joseph Academy. I graduated from St. Joe’s in 1981, and it was great to see my former teacher, Mr. Kevin Hickson, who still teaches history at Saint Joe’s and remains a favorite of the students. It was a busy and productive district work period in South Texas.

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Encouragement for the Week Think about this: “Some people succeed because they are destined to, but most people succeed because they are determined to.” “Finally, be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of His might.”

Ephesians 6:10

6th Annual Tamale Festival

Sincerely, Filemon Vela Member of Congress

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Come See Us!

By Pastor Samuel Thomas First Baptist Church, La Feria

Sponsors: Lufkin Daily News, Temple Inland Federal Credit Union, First Bank & Trust, and LaUnica Express

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3rd Thursday City Hall

wednesdays 1st United Church of Christ Methodist Church Minister Gene Head Pastor Harold Dailey, 797-9890 797-1393 912 N. Parker Rd., La Feria, 331 S. Main St., La Feria, Wednesday 6pm Bible Study, Sunday School 10am, Sunday 9:30am Bible Study, Traditional Worship Service 9am, 10:30am Service, 6pm Evening Contemporary Service 11am, Service Los Domingos: 12:00 UM Youth 5pm Medio Dia y 7:00pm Los Jueves: 7:00 pm Estudio De Biblia International Worship Center Faith Church of Bishop Ronaldo Ortiz Christian & Mission956-797-1204 ary Alliance Church 116 W. Seventh St., La Feria Pastor Oscar Loredo Services Sunday (English) 9:30am 797-1739 Domingo (Espanol) 11am, 125 W. First St., La Feria,Tx Miercoles 7pm Bilingual Ministry Sunday 10am Interdenominational Worship Sunday School, 11am Worship, Extreme Youth Sat. 6 pm Wednesday 7 pm Bible Study, Friday 7 pm Prayer. First Baptist Church of Santa Rosa Santa Rosa United Pastor Harold Parker Methodist Church 956-636-1603 408 Main Street (Hwy. 107/506) 118 Jesus R. Cruz, Santa Rosa Santa Rosa, across from High Sunday Services 9:30am School Sunday Coffee and Bible Study, 10:30am Morning Fellowship 9:30 AM Worship10 Worship, AM 7pm Wednesday Evening (Communion first Sunday) Worship. Wednesday Prayer Service 9:00 AM Apostolic Faith Pastor: Carole Lahti Tabernacle (956) 279-3407 Pastor Ramon Zarate 357-6384 Casa de 621 South Main, La Feria Esperanza AposSunday School 10am tolic Church Sunday Worship 4pm, Wed. 416 W. Spruce La Feria Evening 7:30pm. 965-639-4301 Bilingual Services All services are bilingual. Sunday at 1:00pm Daniel Martinez - Pastor Iglesia Oracion en Su Presencia St. Mary’s Catholic Missionary Church Church,Inc. FR. Edouard Atangana, Pastors Frank & Janie Gonzalez 956-636-1211 797-0044 4th Street, La Feria,TX 101 San Antonio Ave., Santa Rosa Sunday 10am & 6pm, Saturday Mass 5pm Bilingual, Monday 7 pm Prayer Service, Sunday Mass 8am Spanish, Wednesday 7 pm, Friday 7 pm. 10am English.

First Baptist Church of La Feria Pastor: Samuel W. Thomas 797-1214 Main St. & Magnolia, La Feria Wednesday 6:30pm Youth Bible Study & Mission Friends, 7 pm Evening Bible Study & Prayer Service, Sunday 9:45am Sunday School, 11am Morning Worship Service, 6 pm Evening Worship Service. St. Albans Episcopal Church Reverend Scott Brown 956-428-2305, 1417 E. Austin, Harlingen,TX Holy Communion 8am, Sunday School 9:15, Holy Eucharist 10:30am.

church: 500 South Canal St., La Feria, Saturday Mass 5:30pm, Sunday Mass 8am Spanish, 10am English, 12pm Bilingual. Christ In Our Midst Missionary Church Pastor: Rev. Daniel Carrizalez 956-742-6311 1 mile N. of FM 506, La Feria Sunday School - 9:45 a.m., Sunday Worship - 11:00 a.m., Wednesday Service - 7:00 p.m., Monday Prayer - 7:00 p.m. New Hope Presbyterian Church Mary Breden, Interim Pastor 208 West Central Ave, La Feria,TX, 423-0348 Sunday Services 10 am Communion 1st Sunday

Hope in the Word Church Cowboy Church Pastors Jose & Bertha Belmares 11235 Swift Ln. Santa Rosa, Tex. 797-3621, Service at 11:00am Sunday 28354 S. Bixby Rd., La Feria 6:30pm pm Monday Services Friday 6pm, Sunday 956-975-6144 10am. All services are Bilingual, English & Spanish. Primera Iglesia Bautista 956-797-1740 519 N. Main, La Feria Bilingual Services: Sunday 9:45am Sunday School, 10:45am Worship Service, 5:00pm WMU, 6:00 pm Evening Worship Service, Iglesia Generacion En Conquista Pastor Samuel y Magda Cervantes, Phone (956) 536-2215 2803 W. Exp. 83 Suite A. La Feria Sunday Service 10am Bible Study, 11am Worship Service, 7pm Wednesday Family Service. St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Fr. Rodolfo Franco 797-2666, office: 502 S. Canal

St. Paul Lutheran Church Pastor Nathan Wendorf Sundays 8:00AM (Traditional) HC first, third & fi fth 10:30AM (Contemporary) HC second, fourth & fi fth (956) 423-3924 602 Morgan Blvd. Harlingen, TX 78550 church@saintpaulharlingen. com Templo Getsemani Pastor Julio y Claudia Mendoza Phone (956) 589-5016 11418 Fifth St. La Feria Servicios: Tuesday & Thursday 7pm Friday Pray at 7pm Sunday Bible Study at 10am & 6pm

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4 • may 14, 2014 • LA FERIA NEWS

Lions Crowned Bi-District Champs La Feria off to area after winning playoff series over the Grulla Gators

The La Feria Lions not only made it to the playoffs, finishing 2nd in district to Valley power Hidalgo, but played well enough to claim the Bi-District Championship over the Grulla Gators. The Lions knew the gators would be tough in a best of 3 series, but were very confident going into the playoffs. Game 1 proved to be a battle between La Feria ace Briar Holt and Grulla stud George Lopez. Both pitchers came into the game knowing

how important winning game 1 would mean to their teams. La Feria pitcher, Briar Holt came through for the Lions by pitching 7 innings and only allowing 3 hits and no runs. He also had 9 strikeouts for the game. Both teams battled pitch by pitch with the score notched at 0 - 0 entering the bottom of the 8th inning. That’s when the Lions players proved to be clutch. Ozzie Cisneros started things off by taking a pitch to his shoulder and reaching base on a hit by pitch. Briar Holt then followed on a bunt single that moved Cisneros

meet the


to second base. With the pressure on the gators, Lopez then through a wild pitch to move Cisneros to third base and Holt to second. That’s when Joey Velasquez stepped up to the plate in the most opportune time. With two strikes, Velasquez battled and hit a ball just over the infield to bring in Cisneros to win the game for the Lions in extra innings. The Lions players cleared the bench to congratulate their teammates after the game winning hit. The Lions then traveled the following morn-

ing the finish things off in Grulla. In another close game the Lions came through once again winning 6 -5, therefore becoming Bi-District champs. The Lions now travel to San Antonio to face the Devine Warhorses on at 5 p.m., May 9 at San Antonio Southwest High School. Game 2 will follow approximately 30 minutes after. If necessary, a game 3 will be played the following day on at 10 p.m. May 10. Good luck to the Lions and congratulations on an amazing season thus far.





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Go Lions GO!

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Go Lions Go! O A MD I L F nly t

c onalds n a eria

may 14, 2014 • LA FERIA NEWS • 5

Great Classifieds... List Yours Today by Calling 797-9920. Remember Deadline is Thursday at NOON for following week.

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DAISY is a cute little Chi mix that was surrendered and really needs a forever home. At about four years old, Daisy is fully grown and will stay on the small side. She has an outgoing personality and gets along great with other dogs. Daisy is very bright and ready to learn anything you can teach her. Daisy’s adoption includes vaccinations, spay and microchip ID. Stop by HSH this afternoon to take her for a stroll.

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misty is new face in town MISTY is a peace loving, mature kitty. At about seven years old, she has quite a few years ahead of her. But she’s definitely past the crazy kitten antics and just wants a nice home to call her own. Misty is declawed, so must remain an indoor-only kitty. She is spayed and her adoption also includes vaccinations and microchip ID. Visit HSH this afternoon to meet little Misty girl.

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La Feria I.S.D. request for Proposals REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The La Feria Independent School District is now accepting bids for SY 2014-2015 on the following; STUDENT ATHLETIC INSURANCE Bid specifications may be obtained at:

TexSCAN Week of May 11, 2014 AUCTIONS 316+/- ACRe White River Ranch Auction, Calico Rock, AR. Minimum Bid $800,000. Sealed Bids Due by May 27. Atlas RE Firm, #2276. 5%BP. 1-501-840-7029,

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La Feria Independent School District Central Administrative Business Office P.O. Box 1159 – 203 East Oleander La Feria, Texas 78559 956-797-8310 Bids will be opened at 2:00 p.m. on May 30, 2014 and recommendations will be made at the next Board meeting. The District reserves the right to accept and/or reject any or all bids.

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6 • may 14, 2014 • LA FERIA NEWS

USDA Announces Funding to Spur Local and Regional Economic Growth in America’s Rural Communities WASHINGTON – Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced the availability of funding to promote long-term economic growth and community vitality in ru-

ral areas. With the announcement, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) invites applications for funding through three community and economic development pro-

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grams administered by USDA Rural Development. “USDA is committed to helping rural communities access the resources they need to implement strategies that will invigorate the economy, reduce poverty and enhance the quality of life in our small towns and rural areas for years to come,” Vilsack said. The announcement includes $30.6 million in zero-interest loans and $9.2 million in grants to establish revolving loan funds that finance business and economic development activities in rural areas. Applications for these funds will be accepted through the Rural Economic Development Loan and Grant (REDLG) Program. Rural utilities that are eligible for USDA financing under the Rural Electrifica-

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tion Act and have the capacity to serve as intermediary lenders may apply to USDA Rural Development to administer the funds locally for the benefit of specifically identified projects. These intermediaries re-lend REDLG funds at zero percent to assist with business startup and expansion, business technical assistance and job training, and community facilities projects that support economic development. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis through USDA Rural Development State Offices and are evaluated for funding consideration monthly. Through the Rural Business Opportunity Grant (RBOG) Program, USDA Rural Development is accepting competitive grant applications to improve economic conditions

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in designated Rural Economic Area Partnership Zones and for members of Native American tribes in rural areas. Government entities, nonprofit corporations, institutions of higher education, rural cooperatives and Native American tribes may apply for grants of up to $100,000. Funding may be used to support business incubators, feasibility studies and business plans, long-term strategic business planning, leadership and entrepreneurial training, and other related efforts. Just over $1.3 million is reserved for projects benefiting Native American communities. Another $919,820 is reserved for projects with Rural Economic Area Partnerships. In addition, USDA announces the availability of two grants from funds appropriated for the Rural Business Enterprise Grant (RBEG) program: a $500,000 grant for rural transportation projects and a $250,000 grant for Federally Recognized Native American Tribes. Funds may be used to provide technical assistance and training to help rural communities improve passenger transportation services or facilities.


These USDA programs provide key support needed to create rural jobs and promote local and regional economic growth. For instance, the nonprofit Ecotrust estimates that RBEG and RBOG funding for its FoodHub website is allowing it to connect more than 2,100 farmers, ranchers, fishermen, dairies and specialty producers to more buyers, distributors and industry suppliers. Between 2010 and 2012, the service reported helping producers in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Alaska and California increase full-time employment by 23 percent and part-time employment by 38 percent. Application deadlines and details for all three programs will be available May 2 when the funding notices are published in the Federal Register. President Obama’s plan for rural America has brought about historic investment and resulted in stronger rural communities. Under the President’s leadership, these investments in housing, community facilities, businesses and infrastructure have empowered rural America to continue leading the way – strengthening America’s economy, small towns and rural communities. USDA’s investments in rural communities support the rural way of life that stands as the backbone of our American values.

Sunday, May 18, 2014 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Schedule of Events (Horario de Eventos): 8:00 a.m.—Breakfast - Parish Hall(Delicioso Almuerzo - Salon) 9:00 a.m.—Country Store (Pulga) 10:00 a.m.—Festival Booths Open (Se abren los puestos) 12:00 noon — DJ Music by Armando (Música con DJ ARMANDO) 1:00 p.m. — Live Country Music by SOUTH TEXAS STORM RIDERS 3:00 p.m. — CCE Children Presentation (Presentación de Niños del CCE) 4:00 p.m. — Clown Show presenting “Bombón and Estrellita” (Presentación de Payasitos “Bombón y Estrellita”) 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. — Prize Chalupa Game (Chalupa de Premios 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. — Prize Bingo Game (50 cents per game x 15 games) 5:00 p.m. — Live Music Continues (Música en Vivo Continua) 6:00 p.m. — Música Veracruzana con el Grupo JAROCHOS DEL VALLE 6:00 p.m. — Música de la region con el Grupo ARZENAL 6:00 p.m. — Cake Walk (Puesto de los Pasteles) 8:00 p.m. — Closing of Festival Music by Mariachi LOS POTRILOS 9:00 p.m. — Drawing of Parish Raffle (Sorteo de los Premios de la Rifa Parroquial)

Annual Spring Festival Raffle (Rifa Anual del Festival de Primavera) Prizes – Premios 1st Prize…………….………....$2,000.00 Gift Card 2nd Prize…………….…………..$1,500.00 Gift Card 3rd Prize..............................................Washer & Dryer 4th Prize………….……...……………...$500.00 Gift Card 5th Prize…….……. 12 x 42 Above Ground Swimming Pool 6th Prize ……….……..…...……………………...……… I Pad 7th Prize……….………...….……...……...… $ 300.00 Gift Card 8th Prize………………...…...…..….. South Padre Island Getaway 9th Prize……………………………….……….……….… BBQ Gas Pit 10th Prize…..……………….…..……………………...………… Patio Set

Donation $5.00 Per Ticket (Drawing held at 9:00 p.m.) Need not be present to win. Must present stub to claim prize. For Tickets call us at (Para boletos llámenos al): 956-797-2666 Or stop by our office at (O pase a nuestra oficina ): 502 S. Canal Street - La Feria, Texas. FUN, for the Entire family and Friends. (ALEGRIA, para toda la Familia y amistades.)

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Gold Stars Drill Team Summer Dance Camp

When: June 16-20, 2014 Where: David Sanchez Elem. GYM Time: 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. *Parent Program will be on Friday, June 20th at 10:00 a.m.* Cost: $40 (includes t-shirt) For: Girls in Kinder-7th grade *Girls enrolled in the summer rec program (held at Dominguez) will be bused to the gym for dance camp & will be bused back afterwards.* *Medals will be given to ALL participants & trophies will be given to girls named “All American Dancers”.

Registration will be Wed, May 28, Thurs, May 29 & Wed, June 4 from 4-6pm at the LFHS New Gym. Call 793-5354 or 497-1099 for more info.

may 14, 2014 • LA FERIA NEWS • 7

feature story and photos by Bill Keltner

Podiatrist Highlights Latest Advancements ‘Laser Treatment of Fungal Toenails’

Dr. Sandra Blanco lectures on “Laser Treatment of Fungal Toenails”

“It is a minimally invasive, safe and effective procedure, usually done in the doctor’s office.”

– Dr. Sandra Blanco

sure how– but it works for some.” And the latest is Laser treatment she said. “It is a minimally invasive, safe and effective procedure, usually done in the doctor’s office,” she said, adding, “We shine the beam directly across the nail bed, and it kills the pathogen The in-office procedure is safe, quick and painless. However, it may not be covered by your insurance – check them out first she cautioned.” The doctor added a couple of thoughtful caveats to her lecture: “Don’t cut your toenails too short. Don’t walk around barefoot in public areas like swimming pools. Use antifungal creams or sprays after going to a public swimming pool or after getting a pedicure in a Mall or elsewhere. Finally, always check the sanitary and sterilization practices of your pedicurists – ’Nuff said.” There are good treatment procedures for the annoying condition known as Fungal Toenails assures the doctor. For more information call the doctor at 956 504 1469 or visit her at Rio Grande Medicine, 5505 South Expressway 77, suite 305, Harlingen.

Celina Sanchez

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Harlingen Medical Center regularly schedules topics of interest in their Doc Talk Lecture series. As this is National Foot Care Month, the chosen topic of discussion was “Laser Treatment of Fungal Toenails.” One of the most sought after Podiatrists in the Rio Grande Valley was chosen to lead a program explaining various treatment options to patients. The HMC conference room was jampacked as the subject was obviously of great interest to the attendees. The speaker for the presentation was Dr. Sandra Blanco, The doctor is wellqualified to speak on the subject as she earned a Doctorate of Podiatric Medicine from New :York College of Medicine in New York, New York. She has also written about her research in prestigious medical journals. Her writings include “Osteocure for the Treatment of Osteochondral Defects of the First Metatarsal Head.” The noted podiatrist detailed the many risks that can lead to the medical condition known as Onychomycosis. The name of the disease itself is enough to scare the daylights out of anyone clinically diagnosed with it. But the doctor assured the condition can be successfully treated with a wide array of procedures and some new techniques. Blanco first explained to the audience why the condition is so wide-spread in the Rio Grande Valley. “First of all, Onychomycosis is a disease of age,” she said, then added: “Perspiring heavily and living in a humid, moist environment increases the risk – (Hello, Rio Grande Valley). Persons with Athlete’s Foot and peripheral vascular diseases are at increased risk for fungal infection.“ The doctor stated that those patients with Diabetes, HIV, AIDS, and any of the immunosuppressive diseases are at risk. Disturbingly, the doctor said that melanomas can also be present under infected toenails. The only way to diagnose and target the problem is a visit to a certified podiatrist. To be sure, after a visual examination, the podiatrist will probably send toenail clippings and scrapings to a laboratory for microscopic examination. After a diagnosis of fungal toenails, there are three treatment options: (1) Systemic prescribed medication, (2) Topical medication, including many over-the-counter medicines, and even Tea Tree Oil. Blanco said that many get results from this product, and “we don’t know for



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Celina Sanchez, a 2013 La Feria High School graduate was crowned 2014 Señorita Cinco de Mayo. The event was hosted by Ms. Gloria G. Canales at the Harlingen Performing Arts Theatre in Harlingen, Texas on May 3, 2014. As the top winner, she won a $2,000 scholarship to UTPA, which she is now attending. Celina was also winner of the Miss. Congeniality. Celina represented her hometown of La Feria. Celina is the daughter of Ms. Mesalina Erazo and Dr. Mario A. Sanchez. Her family is very proud of her and wishes her the best.

La Feria ISD Presents: 1st Annual District Science Expo


ent Fun ific

Dem Stude ons nt trat ion s

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May 15, 2014; 5:30-7:00 p.m. N. Dominguez Elementary Gym Contact: Dr. Esequiel Garcia @ 797-8340

8 • may 14, 2014 • LA FERIA NEWS

9 - Ariel Zimmerlie La Feria High School

8 - Matthew Cano

W. B. Green Jr. High

7 - Amada Moreno

W . B. Green Jr. High

6 - Alex Perez Noemi Dominguez Elementary

5 - Arleth Lara Dominguez Elementary

Students of the Month

4 - Delilah Romayor C.E. Vail Elementary

3 - Keyci Rodriguez C.E. Vail Elementary

D. Sanchez Elementary

1 - Devin Sidney

2 - Elia Gonzalez D. Sanchez Elementary

Pre-K - Ashley E. Martinez Sam Houston Elementary

Kinder - Julian Chavez Sam Houston Elementary

May 2014 Brought to you by: 10 - Guillermo Mata La Feria High School

11 - Jonah Trevino La Feria High School

“A Beautiful Smile Is Your Best Friend” 12 - Lorenzo Villalpando La Feria High School

(956) 428-5322

Elizabeth Losoya La Feria Academy

Tradition of Excellence La Feria High School UIL Science Team earns sixth straight Regional Team Championship

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El Distrito Escolar de La Feria Presenta: El Primer Expo de Ciencias

UIL Regional Science Team Champions: Andrea Guerrero, Ricardo Ibarra, Julie King, Danielle De La Rosa The La Feria High School UIL Science team continues a tradition of academic excellence. They just won their 6th consecutive Regional Team Championship, at Texas A&M, Corpus Christi. “If you think about it, there are nearly 50 schools in our region, that means that our science students have beaten 50 schools, for six years straight.” Roumaldo Guerrero, Science Team Sponsor. “I really enjoy seeing students work hard and accomplishing their goals” Guerrero adds. Individually: Ricardo Ibarra: 1st Place Overall, Top Chemistry Score, Top Physics Score, Julie King: 5th Place Overall, Andrea Guerrero 8th Place Overall. Ricardo Ibarra also advanced in two other events by placing 1st in Mathematics and 2nd in Number Sense. The UIL Science Team will now travel to the University of Texas at Austin to compete at the State UIL Academic Meet. Good Luck at State!!!

Letter to the Editor

Thank You from Palmera Park Thanks so much for all the front page advertising done for the Palmera Park. The Men’s BBQ cook-off was a big success as well as the Ladies Ground Hog Soup and Pie Luncheon and the “Hugs” Bake Sale with flag raffle. We can’t thank you enough! The money earned bought supplies for new ceiling tiles and a new lighting system. Of course the guys did all the hard work. May God Bless you all-Palmera Heights MHP.

Become a Charter Member NOW! CIE DIV NCIA ERT IDA D

EM OS DE TRAC ALU ION E MN OS S EL 15 DE MAYO DEL 2014 DE LAS 5:30 P.M.-7:00 p.m.

Lugar: la escuela N. Dominguez Gimnasio Por favor de comunicarse con: el Dr. Esequiel Garcia @ 797-8340

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