Los Fresnos News | August 15, 2018

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CITY OF LOS FRESNOS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER The City of Los Fresnos will be accepting proposals for an official newspaper for the City. Specifications are on file with the City Secretary and may be obtained at the City CITY OF LOS Hall, 200 N. Brazil, Los Fresnos, Tx. 78566 or FRESNOS by calling 233-5768. Sealed proposals REQUEST FORAugust PROPOSALS will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, 30, 2018 at City Hall. Please mark FOR OFFICIAL on outside of envelope “SEALED PROPOSALNEWSPAPER FOR OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. The City of Los Fresnos will beCITY accepting proposals for an official newspaper for the OF LOS FRESNOS City. Specifications are on file with the City and may be obtained at the City REQUEST FORSecretary PROPOSALS Hall, 200 N. Brazil, Los Fresnos, Tx. by calling 233-5768. Sealed proposals FOR78566 LOT or MOWING will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 30, 2018 at City Hall. Please mark on envelope PROPOSAL FORfor OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. Theoutside City ofofLos Fresnos“SEALED will be accepting proposals mowing of weeded lots and trimming of trees in the City that are in violation of City Ordinance. For information in CITY OFcontact LOS FRESNOS reference to details for proposals, please Jacqueline Moya, City Secretary at 233REQUEST FOR 5768 or come by City Hall, 200 N. Brazil, LosPROPOSALS Fresnos, Tx. 78566. Sealed proposals will FOR LOT MOWING be accepted until 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 30, 2018 at City Hall. Please mark on outside of envelope “SEALED PROPOSAL FOR LOT MOWING:” The City of Los Fresnos will be accepting proposals for mowing of weeded lots and trimming of trees in the City thatCITY are inOF violation of City Ordinance. For information in LOS FRESNOS reference to details for proposals, please contact Jacqueline Moya, City Secretary at 233REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS 5768 or come by City Hall, 200 N. FOR Brazil, Los Fresnos, Tx. 78566. Sealed proposals will CHEMICALS be accepted until 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 30, 2018 at City Hall. Please mark on outside “SEALED FOR LOT The Cityofofenvelope Los Fresnos will bePROPOSAL accepting proposals for MOWING:” chemicals for water, wastewater, and swimming pool. For information in reference to details for proposals, please contact CITY OF LOS FRESNOS Carlos Salazar, Public Works Director at 233-5768 or come by City Hall, 200 N. Brazil, REQUEST FOR Los Fresnos, Tx. 78566. Sealed proposals willPROPOSALS be accepted until 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, FOR CHEMICALS August 30, 2018 at City Hall. Please mark on outside of envelope “SEALED PROPOSAL FOR CHEMICALS”. The City of Los Fresnos will be accepting proposals for chemicals for water, wastewater, and swimming pool. For information in reference to details for proposals, please contact Carlos Salazar, Public Works Director at 233-5768 or come by City Hall, 200 N. Brazil, CITY OF LOS FRESNOS Los Fresnos, Tx. 78566. Sealed proposals willPROPOSALS be accepted until 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, REQUEST FOR August 30, 2018 at City Hall. Please outside of envelope “SEALED FORmark PESTonCONTROL PROPOSAL FOR CHEMICALS”. The City of Los Fresnos will be accepting proposals for pest control maintenance. For information in reference to detail for proposals, please contact Jacqueline Moya, City CITY LOS FRESNOS Secretary at 956-233-5768 or come byOF City Hall, 200 N. Brazil, Los Fresnos, Texas 78566. Sealed proposals willREQUEST be acceptedFOR untilPROPOSALS 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 30, 2018

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CITY OF LOS FRESNOS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER CITY OF LOS FRESNOS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The City of Los Fresnos will be accepting for an official newspaper for the FOR VEHICLEproposals MAINTENANCE City. Specifications are on file with the City Secretary and may be obtained at the City GENERAL REPAIRS, OIL CHANGE, ETC. Hall, 200 N. Brazil, Los Fresnos, Tx. 78566 or by calling 233-5768. Sealed proposals will City be accepted until 2:00 p.m. Thursday, Augustfor 30,vehicle 2018 atmaintenance City Hall. Please mark The of Los Fresnos will be on accepting proposals (general on outside of envelope “SEALED PROPOSAL FOR OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. repairs, oil change, air filter change, lube and other maintenance). For information in reference to details for proposals, please contact Carlos Salazar, Public Works Director CITY FRESNOS at 233-5768 or come by City Hall, 200OF N. LOS Brazil, Los Fresnos, Tx 78566. Sealed REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS proposals will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 30, 2018 at City Hall. FOR LOT MOWING Please mark on outside of envelope “SEALED PROPOSAL FOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FOR OIL AND FILTER CHANGE, AIR FILTER CHANGE LUBE The City of LosCHECK Fresnos ON will HOSES be accepting AND VISUAL ANDproposals BELTS”.for mowing of weeded lots and trimming of trees in the City that are in violation of City Ordinance. For information in reference to details for proposals, please Jacqueline Moya, City Secretary at 233CITY OFcontact LOS FRESNOS 5768 or come by City Hall, 200 N. Brazil,FOR LosPROPOSALS Fresnos, Tx. 78566. Sealed proposals will REQUEST be accepted until 2:00 p.m. FOR on Thursday, August 30, 2018 at City Hall. Please mark on VEHICLE MAINTENANCE outside of envelopeFLAT “SEALED PROPOSAL FOR LOT MOWING:” REPAIRS, ROTATION AND ALIGNMENT

OF LOS FRESNOS The City of Los Fresnos will beCITY accepting proposals for vehicle maintenance (flat REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS repairs, tire rotation and balance, and front end alignment). For information in FOR CHEMICALS reference to details for proposals, please contact Carlos Salazar, Public Works Director at 233-5768 or come by City Hall, 200 N. Brazil, Los Fresnos, Tx 78566. Sealed proposals The be City of Los Fresnos will be on accepting proposals for Hall. water,Please wastewater, will accepted until 2:00 p.m. Thursday, Augustfor 30,chemicals 2018 at City mark and swimming pool. For information in reference to details for proposals, please contact on outside of envelope “SEALED PROPOSAL FOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FOR Carlos REPAIRS, Salazar, Public DirectorAND at 233-5768 or come by FRONT City Hall, 200 N. Brazil, FLAT TIREWorks ROTATION BALANCE, AND END Los Fresnos, Tx. 78566. Sealed proposals will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, ALIGNMENT”. August 30, 2018 at City Hall. Please mark on outside of envelope “SEALED PROPOSAL FOR CHEMICALS”.

CITY OF OF LOS LOS FRESNOS FRESNOS CITY REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR PEST FOR WASHING OFCONTROL CITY VEHICLES OF LOS FRESNOS The City City of of Los Los Fresnos Fresnos will will be beCITY accepting proposals for washing, pest control maintenance. For The accepting proposals for vacuuming and other REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS information in reference to detail for proposals, please contact Jacqueline Moya, City detailing of all city vehicles.FOR ForVEHICLE information in reference to detail for proposals, please MAINTENANCE Secretary at 956-233-5768 or come by City Hall, 200 N. Brazil, Los Fresnos, contact Mark Milum, City Manager at 233-5768 or come by City Hall, 200 N.Texas Brazil, Los GENERAL REPAIRS, OIL CHANGE, ETC. 78566. Sealed proposals will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, 30, 2018 Fresnos, Tx 78566. Sealed proposals will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. onAugust Thursday, at City Hall. Please markHall. on outside of envelope “SEALED PROPOSAL FOR PEST August 30, 2018 at City Please mark on outside of envelope “SEALED The City of Los Fresnos will be accepting proposals for vehicle maintenance (general CONTROL”. PROPOSAL FOR WASHING OF CITY VEHICLES”. repairs, oil change, air filter change, lube and other maintenance). For information in reference to details for proposals, please contact Carlos Salazar, Public Works Director at 233-5768 or come by City Hall, 200 N. Brazil, Los Fresnos, Tx 78566. Sealed proposals will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 30, 2018 at City Hall. Please mark on outside of envelope “SEALED PROPOSAL FOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FOR OIL AND FILTER CHANGE, AIR FILTER CHANGE LUBE AND VISUAL CHECK ON HOSES AND BELTS”. CITY OF LOS FRESNOS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FLAT REPAIRS, ROTATION AND ALIGNMENT The City of Los Fresnos will be accepting proposals for vehicle maintenance (flat repairs, tire rotation and balance, and front end alignment). For information in reference to details for proposals, please contact Carlos Salazar, Public Works Director at 233-5768 or come by City Hall, 200 N. Brazil, Los Fresnos, Tx 78566. Sealed proposals will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 30, 2018 at City Hall. Please mark on outside of envelope “SEALED PROPOSAL FOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FOR FLAT REPAIRS, TIRE ROTATION AND BALANCE, AND FRONT END ALIGNMENT”.

CITY OF LOS FRESNOS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR WASHING OF CITY VEHICLES The City of Los Fresnos will be accepting proposals for washing, vacuuming and other detailing of all city vehicles. For information in reference to detail for proposals, please contact Mark Milum, City Manager at 233-5768 or come by City Hall, 200 N. Brazil, Los Fresnos, Tx 78566. Sealed proposals will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 30, 2018 at City Hall. Please mark on outside of envelope “SEALED PROPOSAL FOR WASHING OF CITY VEHICLES”.

NOTICE OF 2018 TAX YEAR PROPOSED PROPERTY TAX RATE FOR CITY OF LOS FRESNOS A tax rate of $0.715000 per $100 valuation has been proposed for adoption by the governing body of CITY OF LOS FRESNOS. This rate exceeds the lower of the effective or rollback tax rate, and state law requires that two public hearings be held by the governing body before adopting the proposed tax rate. The governing body of CITY OF LOS FRESNOS proposes to use revenue attributable to the tax rate increase for the purpose of covering debt requirements for street repairs. PROPOSED TAX RATE PRECEDING YEAR'S TAX RATE EFFECTIVE TAX RATE ROLLBACK TAX RATE

$0.715000 per $100 $0.715000 per $100 $0.662254 per $100 $0.820309 per $100

The effective tax rate is the total tax rate needed to raise the same amount of property tax revenue for CITY OF LOS FRESNOS from the same properties in both the 2017 tax year and the 2018 tax year. The rollback tax rate is the highest tax rate that CITY OF LOS FRESNOS may adopt before voters are entitled to petition for an election to limit the rate that may be approved to the rollback rate. YOUR TAXES OWED UNDER ANY OF THE ABOVE RATES CAN BE CALCULATED AS FOLLOWS: property tax amount= (rate) x (taxable value of your property)/100 For assistance or detailed information about tax calculations, please contact: Tony Yzaguirre Jr Cameron County Tax Assessor Collector 835 E Levy (1st Flr); Brownsville TX 78520 (956) 544-0800 assessor_collector@co.cameron.tx.us www.citylf.us You are urged to attend and express your views at the following public hearings on the proposed tax rate:

CITY OF LOS FRESNOS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER The City of Los Fresnos will be accepting proposals for an official newspaper for the City. Specifications are on file with the City Secretary and may be obtained at the City Hall, 200 N. Brazil, Los Fresnos, Tx. 78566 or by calling 233-5768. Sealed proposals will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 30, 2018 at City Hall. Please mark on outside of envelope “SEALED PROPOSAL FOR OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER.

First Hearing: At 200 N. Brazil, Los Fresnos on Thursday August 23, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. Second Hearing: At 200 N. Brazil, Los Fresnos on Tuesday August 28, 2018 at 6:00 p.m.


2018 Property Tax Rates in CITY OF LOS FRESNOS This notice concerns the 2018 property tax rates for CITY OF LOS FRESNOS. It presents information about three tax rates. Last year's tax rate is the actual tax rate the taxing unit used to determine property taxes last year. This year's effective tax rate would impose the same total taxes as last year if you compare properties taxed in both years. This year's rollback tax rate is the highest tax rate the taxing unit can set before taxpayers start rollback procedures. In each case these rates are found by dividing the total amount of taxes by the tax base (the total value of taxable property) with adjustments as required by state law. The rates are given per $100 of property value. Last year's tax rate: Last year's operating taxes


Last year's debt taxes


Last year's total taxes


Last year's tax base


Last year's total tax rate This year's effective tax rate:


Last year's adjusted taxes (after subtracting taxes on lost property)


÷ This year's adjusted tax base (after subtracting value of new property)


=This year's effective tax rate (Maximum rate unless unit publishes notices and holds hearings.) This year's rollback tax rate:


Last year's adjusted operating taxes (after subtracting taxes on lost property and adjusting for any transferred function, tax increment financing, state criminal justice mandate, and/or enhanced indigent healthcare expenditures)


÷ This year's adjusted tax base


=This year's effective operating rate


x 1.08=this year's maximum operating rate


+ This year's debt rate


= This year's total rollback rate


-Sales tax adjustment rate


=Rollback tax rate


CITY CITY OF OF LOS LOS FRESNOS FRESNOS REQUEST REQUEST FOR FOR PROPOSALS PROPOSALS FOR VEHICLE FOR PESTMAINTENANCE CONTROL FLAT REPAIRS, ROTATION AND ALIGNMENT The City of Los Fresnos will be accepting proposals for pest control maintenance. For The City of Los Fresnos will be accepting proposals forcontact vehicleJacqueline maintenance (flatCity information in reference to detail for proposals, please Moya, repairs, tire rotation and balance, and front end alignment). For information in Secretary at 956-233-5768 or come by City Hall, 200 N. Brazil, Los Fresnos, Texas reference to details for proposals, please contact Carlos Salazar, Public Works 78566. Sealed proposals will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, AugustDirector 30, 2018at 233-5768 or come Cityon Hall, 200 N. Los Fresnos, Tx 78566. Sealed at City Hall. Pleasebymark outside of Brazil, envelope “SEALED PROPOSAL FOR proposals PEST will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 30, 2018 at City Hall. Please mark CONTROL”. on outside of envelope “SEALED PROPOSAL FOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FOR FLAT REPAIRS, TIRE ROTATION AND BALANCE, AND FRONT END ALIGNMENT”.

Statement of Increase/Decrease If CITY OF LOS FRESNOS adopts a 2018 tax rate equal to the effective tax rate of $0.662254 per $100 of value, taxes would decrease compared to 2017 taxes by $-167,989.

Schedule A - Unencumbered Fund Balance The following estimated balances will be left in the unit's property tax accounts at the end of the fiscal year. These balances are not encumbered by a corresponding debt obligation. Type of Property Tax Fund Balance General Fund Unencumbered funds


Schedule B - 2018 Debt Service The unit plans to pay the following amounts for long-term debts that are secured by property taxes. These amounts will be paid from property tax revenues (or additional sales tax revenues, if applicable). Principal or Contract Interest to be Other Amounts Description of Debt Payment to be Paid Paid from Total Payment to be Paid from Property Taxes Property Taxes Series 2005 Comb Tax Series 2014 Comb Tax Series 2017 Comb Tax

115,000 145,000 80,000

31,950 96,144 135,184

0 0 0

Total required for 2018 debt service - Amount (if any) paid from Schedule A - Amount (if any) paid from other resources - Excess collections last year = Total to be paid from taxes in 2018 + Amount added in anticipation that the unit will collect only 100.00% of its taxes in 2018 = Total debt levy

The City of Los Fresnos will be accepting proposals for mowing of weeded lots and trimming of trees in the City that are in violation of City Ordinance. For information in reference to details for proposals, please contact Jacqueline Moya, City Secretary at 2335768 or come by City Hall, 200 N. Brazil, Los Fresnos, Tx. 78566. Sealed proposals will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 30, 2018 at City Hall. Please mark on CITY OF LOS FRESNOS outside of envelope “SEALED PROPOSAL FOR LOT MOWING:” REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FORCITY VEHICLE MAINTENANCE OF LOS FRESNOS GENERAL REPAIRS, CHANGE, ETC. REQUEST FOROIL PROPOSALS FOR CHEMICALS The City of Los Fresnos will be accepting proposals for vehicle maintenance (general repairs, air filter change, lubeproposals and other For information The Cityoil of change, Los Fresnos will be accepting formaintenance). chemicals for water, wastewater, in to details for proposals, contact to Carlos Salazar, Public Works andreference swimming pool. For informationplease in reference details for proposals, please Director contact at 233-5768 or come City Hall, 200 at N.233-5768 Brazil, Los 78566. Sealed Carlos Salazar, PublicbyWorks Director or Fresnos, come by Tx City Hall, 200 N. Brazil, proposals willTx. be 78566. acceptedSealed until 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 2018 at on City Hall. Los Fresnos, proposals will be accepted until30, 2:00 p.m. Thursday, Please on outside envelope PROPOSAL FOR VEHICLE Augustmark 30, 2018 at CityofHall. Please“SEALED mark on outside of envelope “SEALED MAINTENANCE FOR OIL AND FILTER CHANGE, AIR FILTER CHANGE LUBE PROPOSAL FOR CHEMICALS”. AND VISUAL CHECK ON HOSES AND BELTS”.

146,950 241,144 215,184

$603,278 $0 $205,000 $0 $398,278 $0 $398,278

Schedule C - Expected Revenue from Additional Sales Tax In calculating its effective and rollback tax rates, the unit estimated that it will receive $1,038,511 in additional sales and use tax revenues.

This notice contains a summary of actual effective and rollback tax rates' calculations. You can inspect a copy of the full calculations at 835 E Levee (1st Floor) BROWNSVILLE TX 78520. Name of person preparing this notice: Pablo A. Garza Title: Director of Finance Date Prepared: 08/02/2018

CITY OF LOS FRESNOS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR WASHING OF CITY VEHICLES The City of Los Fresnos will be accepting proposals for washing, vacuuming and other detailing of all city vehicles. For information in reference to detail for proposals, please contact Mark Milum, City Manager at 233-5768 or come by City Hall, 200 N. Brazil, Los Fresnos, Tx 78566. Sealed proposals will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 30, 2018 at City Hall. Please mark on outside of envelope “SEALED PROPOSAL FOR WASHING OF CITY VEHICLES”.

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