Emilio Flores Los Fresnos News Los Fresnos, Texas — Los Fresnos Ethel Whipple Memorial Library has been hosting a kid's summer reading camp at the library. The camp is a 4-week program that runs Monday-Thursday from 10:30 AM to 2:30 PM. However, in order to serve more kids, Iris Garcia, the head of the Children's Department has decided to divide the week into 2 different sessions. Session A attends the program Mondays & Wednesdays and Session B attends the program Tuesdays & Thursdays.Eachday at camp the children have a new lesson and with each new lesson, Mrs. Garcia has organized different crafts for each of them.For example, she says, “Week 1 we went over the basics.. and learned about the different layers of the oceans and the sea animals that live in each layer, and the second lesson was the basic parts of a fish. I tie the lesson with a book during Storytime and a hands-on craft to allow the kids to express themselves and use their creativity.”
Join Los Fresnos in Celebrating Independence Day at Memorial Park Emilio Flores Los Fresnos News Los Fresnos, Texas — The City of Los Fresnos will be holding a great Independence day celebration at Los Fresnos Memorial Park on Saturday, July 2nd. The event will be for the whole family.Itwill start at 6 PM with an invocation from Ramon Ortiz, followed by Posting of the Colors by Scout Troop 61, and the National anthem will be sung by Ms. Melody Castillo. They will also have the Mayor, Alejandro (Alex) Flores as a guest Eddiespeaker.Barron, the Executive Director at the Boys & Girls club was reached out to by the Chamber to help with the different contests going on. Barron says this will be exciting because this is the first time they’ve put something like this together, and it’s going to be a Hotdogblast! eating contest and Jalapeno eating contest will be for adults, while they will have a watermelon eating contest for kids ages 10 years & under, 11-12, and 1316. There will also be a 3-legged sack race, waiter race, and a tortilla toss. Barron says that as of now the time limit for the adult events is 5 minutes, and for the children's watermelon eating contest, they will have only one minute to eat as much watermelon as theyThecan.winner of the Hotdog and Jalapeno eating contests will each receive a $100 visa gift card and the winner of each age group for the watermelon eating contest will receive a $50 JC Penny gift card. All eating contests will be timed.Eddie Barron also says they will have a waiter/ waitress relay race with one small detail added… the participants will be dressed in inflatable suits!
The Boy & Girls Club is encouraging any volunteers that would like to help to please not hesitate. Barron says you can come by or reach out to him directly. Patriotic costumes will also be contested, judging to have 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prize winners. Train rides, slides, and obstacle courses for all the kids. Live music by the Texas Show Down Band Rotary Club will be selling hotdogs & burgers along with other food vendors and arts & craft vendors. At 9 PM Los Fresnos will have a Fireworks display right there at the memorial park. The Display is provided by the Los Fresnos madethreetimeIndependence.theOurhistory,rememberIndependenceFourthregardssharedFresnos.andDevelopmentCommunityCorporationtheCityofLosLosFresnosMayorafewwordsintothisyear'sofJuly:“AsweapproachDay,wethatdayinJuly4,1776.countryissuedDeclarationofAtthethisdocumentstatesbasicideas:Godallmen/women equal and gave them the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We have endured many obstacles as a country and a community over the past years. It's good to know we have overcome and continue to move our country and community forward. I'll leave you with a quote from former President Ronald Reagan, ‘We're blessed with the opportunity to stand for something-for liberty, and freedom and fairness-and these are things worth fighting for, worth devoting our lives to.”
Library Holds Summer Reading Camp for Kids
WEEK OF Jun E 29, 2022 THRO u GH J u LY 5, 2022 LOOK I n SIDE Classified pg 3 Sports pg 4 Puzzles pg 5 Activity Page pg 6 Volume 18 number 26 www.losfresnosnews.net 705 W. HWY 100 Los Fresnos, Tx 78566 956-233-5744 AUTO • HOME • LIFE • COMMERCIAL • FLOOD • WIND RIO INSURANCEUNDERWRITERSGRANDEGROUP,INC Member FDIC The only Community Bank with locations in Cameron, Hidalgo and Willacy Counties Fishing for Low Rates... Boat owners insurance for less than you think. State Farm® boat insurance doesn’t cost much, but covers a lot – like your boat, motor, and trailer. It also protects you and your passengers. Do you have the proper coverage? FREE QUOTE This 956-264-7720AVAILABLESpaceCALL CULLIGAN WATER OF THE RIO GRANDE VALLEY better water pure and www.culsimple liganrgv.com CULL Generic 5x2 eng_Layout 1 10/30/12 11:27 AM Page 1 CULLIGAN® WATER OF THE RIO GRANDE VALLEY better p d www.culp liganrgv com CULL Generic 5x2 eng_Layout 1 10/30/12 11:27 AM Page 1 CULLIGAN® WATER OF T www.culliganr gv.com CULL Generic 5x2 eng_Layout 1 10/30/12 11:27 AM Page 1 1300 W. Business 77 • San Benito, TX 956-399-1780 Call today for a FREE water analysis! CULLIGAN® WATER OF THE RIO GRANDE V CULL Generic 5x2 eng_Layout 1 10/30/12 11:27 AM Page 1 CULLIGAN® WATER OF THE RIO GRANDE VAL better water pure and www.culsimple liganr gv com CULL Generic 5x2 eng_Layout 1 10/30/12 11:27 AM Page 1 Page 7 Health Matters Column Page 7 Don’t Leave Children Unattended in Vehicles Page 8 RGV CAF Holding Event for the Whole Family Independence Day Celebration Page 5 Page 3 Poem: The Greatest Gifts Add a Spark of Fun to Your Fourth of July
She also shares that in last week’s lesson they learned about“Onepirates.ofthe biggest goals for our Summer Reading program is to keep the kids engaged during the summer with literacy and learning to help fight the "summer slide"-a-reader-blog/summer-books-and-reading/raise-scholastic.com/parents/(https://www. slide.html ). Mrs. Garcia says that according to the article, children in 3rd to 5th grades showed that students lost, on average, about 20 percent of their school-year gains in reading during summer break.“Our program schedule Reading
by DR. ADAM LALOn DE Dr. Adam Lalonde Ask Our Dentists 956-233-4400 www.losfresnosdental.com
Q: My son drinks “sports” drinks everyday while. How nutritious are these drinks?
Tim was born on August 14, 1957, in Dyer, Indiana to Herbert and Patricia W. He is preceded in death by both parents. Tim is missed by his loving wife Pamela. Tim is one out of six children, him being the oldest. Marge Lane and Phil, Joan W, Mary and Rick Bearhead, Tom W, Pat, and Pattie W. Tim was a loving and helpful husband, friend, and neighbor; always there to help. He had a big heart and was kind to all. His passion was landscaping and he was very good at growing just about anything. You could always tell Tim was happy when outside working on anyone's lawns and/or gardens. The memorial service will be held at the Church of Christ on North 7th Street on September 17th, 2022. NEED HELP WITH RETIREMENTYOURPLAN?
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“Your Community Newspaper” 705 W. Highway 100, Suite B-2 E MAIL: info@losfresnosnews.netWeareopen Monday - Friday from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. FOR IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE: Call 956-264-7720 SUBSCRIPTION RATES $2795 Yr. Valley l $3495 Out of Valley Single Copy Price ........ $.50 ea. Back Issues available . $.50 ea. CORRECTION POLICY Although the Los Fresnos News Staff strives for excellence in all stories and advertising, spelling or typographical errors can occur. If you find any confirmed factual or other type of error, please call 956-233-9928 during business hours or leave a message. WEEKLY COLUMNS printed in the Los Fresnos News contain the opinions of the Authors. They may or may not be the opinion of the Newspaper. HOW TO SUBSCRIBE: 1 year subscription delivered by U.S. Postal service...$27.95 or can be purchased at several convinent locations through out the cities of Los Fersnos and Brownsville for 50¢. The Los Fresnos News is mailed and delivered Tuesday, June 28, 2022, and published weekly by Los Fresnos Publishing, LLC. Periodical Postage Rates paid at Los Fresnos, TX. Post Office. Advertising deadline is noon Thursday at the office at 203 N. Arroyo, Los Fresnos, TX 78566. (POSTMASTER send address changes to Los Fresnos, P.O. Box 990, Los Fresnos, TX 78566.) TEXAS PRESS ASSOCIATIONMEMBER2020 PUBLISHER S Landon Jennings Sharice LosSuite705MAILINGJenningsADDRESSW.Highway100B-2Fresnos,TX7856 797-9920 l Fax 797-9921 NeldaEmilio956-264-7720VictorADVERTISINGMorenoCONTENTEDITORFloresOFFICEMANAGERBriones 2 • J UNE 29, 2022 • LOS FRESNOS NEWS
2022 ►Summer ReadingCONTINUEDCamp
ANSWERED by DR.ADAM LALONDE: While sports drinks help athletes re-hydrate after a long workout, if consumed on a regular basis they can damage teeth. These beverages may cause irreversible damage to dental enamel, potentially resulting in severe tooth decay, according to a recent study in the respected dental publication, General Dentistry. Dental enamel is the thin, outer tooth layer that helps protect the tooth from decay. The most destructive beverages, listed in order of severity, include the following: lemonade, energy drinks, sports drinks, fitness water, ice tea and cola. Most cola-based drinks may contain one or more acids, commonly phosphoric and citric acids; however, sports beverages contain other additives and organic acids that can advance dental erosion. These organic acids are potentially very erosive to dental enamel because of their ability to breakdown calcium, which is needed to strengthen teeth and prevent gum disease. As an alternative, I suggest starting a new habit based on good old fashioned water. Not only is water the cheapest way to re-hydrate, it won’t leave the sugary, acidic film on your teeth associated with sports drinks and enamel decay. The benefits will be fewer cavities, a purer body, and healthy, long-term habits. For more information, call our office 956-2334400 or visit us at www.losfresnosdental.com.
FROM PAGE 1 gives students time to read on their own, giving them access to a whole variety of books. We started a Reading Challenge to encourage students to read.” She says, “In this challenge, students can earn points for each book they finish and test on. When they finish a book, they sign on to one of the computers, access a program, similar to the Accelerated Reader program they use in their schools, sign in to their account, and take a 5-question quiz on the book. If they pass, they earn points. Depending on their grade level, each student has a designated number of points they need to earn to complete the Reading Challenge. Once they complete the challenge, they get a prize!”Lastly, Mrs. Iris Garcia wants to share with children that, “Reading is fun! Kids sometimes just need a little nudge or kickstarter.” She says, “Bring them to visit the Library and expose them to the different kinds of books available. Anyone who claims not to like reading just hasn't found the right book yet.” Angie Lugo, Head Librarian thanks the local Walmart for awarding Ethel L. MemorialWhippleLibrary with a Summer Reading Program Grant once again.
Los Fresnos News is seeking a motivated AdvertisingCommissionedSalesRepresentative Must have your own dependable, economical, insured transportation and be able to cover large sales areas. Must be knowledgeable and fluent in electronic communications, website navigation and social media platforms. Must understand and be able to work within deadlines, coordinate and manage daily/weekly sales and operations tasks. Please call (956) 264-7720 for appointment Additional stories and content on our website Great Classifieds... List Yours Today by Calling 956-233-9928 or 956-797-9920 REMEMBER: Deadline is Thursday at NOON for ads to be published in the following week’s edition. J UNE 29, 2022 • LOS FRESNOS NEWS • 3 Riowww.ValleyShredding.comWesupplytheGrandeValley and South Texas with Secure Mobile Document Destruction. “Your On- site Answer Destruction”Documentto Call Us Today! 1-956-233-4780 Because Your HealthChristineMattersMartinez Community Health Worker 956-407-3348 For cmartinez@citylf.usChristineinformationmorecontactMartinez,LosFresnosCommunityHealthWorkerat956-312-1406oremailatorLosFresnosCity Hall at 956-233-5768 Community Health Outreach Program The City of Los Fresnos offers a free Community Health Outreach Program within its community. The program offers a variety of free classes/activities, nutrition support, cooking classes and diabetes prevention classes. It also offers free health screenings such as blood pressure screenings, BMI screenings, A1C testing and follow-up care to both men and women 18 years of age and older.Exercise classes are offered both virtually and in person. Pre-recorded classes are available on the City of Los Fresnos Community Health Outreach Program’s Facebook group. In person classes are offered at the Los Fresnos Memorial Park. The current exercise class schedule offers Walking 2 Fitness, Zumba, Body Sculpting, Cardio Kickboxing, DanceFitness,2 Water Aerobics, Lap Swimming, Family Open Swim, Boot Camp and Kids Fit Camp.Allclasses are taught by Certified Fitness Instructors.Toregister for the City’s Community Health Outreach Program contact Los Fresnos Community Health Worker Christine Martinez at 956-312-1406 or email at cmartinez@citylf. us. Once enrolled in the program participants are able to participate in all classes/activities at no charge as offered by the City of Los Fresnos. The current schedule offers a wide variety of classes to choose from! &scanvisit Find Us On Twitter! Free Movie! Join us at the Los Fresnos Community Center for a free movie hosted by Los Fresnos Police Department! June 16 & June 30th 204 N. Brazil St. at 3:00 P.M. Free snacks for everyone! 956-233-4473 SUMMERJUNEEVENTS 2022 Kids Fit Camp Sessions beginning June 6th! 6 Week Program Mondays & Wednesdays! Time: 9am & 6pm Children Ages: 4-12 For more information contact Christine Martinez 956-312-1406 Location: Los Fresnos Memorial Park 900 N. Arroyo Blvd. Adult Workout Classes Workout classes available mornings and evenings! Join us for zumba, boot camp, kickboxing, lap swimming, & water aerobics! Los Fresnos Memorial Park 900 N. Arroyo Blvd. For more information contact Christine Martinez 956-312-1406 Senior Center All seniors are invited to enjoy coffee, Chalupa/Loteria,cookies,music,andgames!JoinusTuesdays&Thursdaysfrom8am-12pmAllindividuals60&over 204 N. Brazil St. Lupita Garcia 956-233-4350 SwimmingSessionLessons1: June 6 - June 9, June 13 - June 16 Session 2: June 20 - June 23, June 27 - June 30 Class 1: 8am - 9am Class 2: 9am - 10am Class 3: 10am - 11am Register at City Hall | 956-233-5768 Summer Reading Program Week 1: June 13 - June 16 “An Ocean of Wonders” Week 2: June 20 - June 23 “Seven Seas, Infinite Wonders” Week 3: June 27 - June 30 “Our Blue Planet” 402 W Ocean Blvd. | 956-233-5330 EXT 1602 Session A: Mon & 10:30amWed-2:30pm Session B: Tues & Thur 10:30am - 2:30pm
Cleveland Ball Club. Next up, we go to the American League West, which has been the Wild West as two Texas titans are currently in a clash for first place. The first place Houston Astros who have taken control and grabbed first from the Los Angeles Angels, have held it since April. Meanwhile, the Texas Rangers have been on a tear with a “small ball’ style of play. Texas, who are above .500 for the first time since August of 2019 look to keep it that way. Sitting in third are the Los Angeles Angels, who have had a nightmarish 2022. After Suffering a 14 game losing streak which also included the firing of Manager Joe Maddon and season ending injury to Anthony Rendon. Trout and Othani still remain hot and optimistic despite theAsodds.wenow turn the tables to the National League East, New York seems to be leading the Majors in best records as the Mets currently hold the second best record in Major League Baseball. New York currently find themselves battling out with the defending champion Atlanta Braves. The Philadelphia Phillies sit in third right behind Atlanta.Inthe National League Central, the St. Louis Cardinals and Milwaukee Brewers are in a fist fight for first, both holding the same records. St. Louis, who look for their first Playoff appearance since 2014, are trying to hold off Milwaukee’s explosive offense led by Christian Yelich, Willy Adames and Luis Urias. Meanwhile the Cardinals are veteran heavy with Adam Wainwright, Yadier Molina, Albert Pujols, all who are in their final season.Inthe National League West, which should also be considered the Wild West as the Los Angeles Dodgers and San Diego Padres are currently battling it out for first. San Diego, who despite losing key stars Fernando Tatis Jr. and Manny Machado, have been on a dominant run and have captured first in the NL West. However, due to a big loss against the Colorado Rockies, The Dodgers recaptured first and now hold it. But, due to a crucial series loss to the Guardians in interleague play, San Diego remains in striking distance to retake the first place spot in the NL West. With the 2022 MLB All Star Game on July 19 in Los Angeles, Multiple teams look to capture first and attempt to hold it and lead into the All Star Break.
2022 MLB Season has had an up and down first half.
Heading into Game Six of the NBA Finals, the Warriors led 3-2 after a solid Game Five win at home. Now Game Six takes place at the iconic TD Garden with the Warriors one game away from another NBA Title From the Jump, Golden State took control by out-scoring Boston by five points to end the first quarter. Golden State again took control in the second quarter off solid defense and great offense. Despite the Celtics taking control in the third quarter, the Warriors managed to bounce back and win game six 103-90 to capture their Seventh NBA Title. Golden State without a doubt has been one of the greatest teams in the last Decade.TheWarriors have made Six NBA Finals appearances, captured Four NBA Championships, six Western threewhoThompson.MVP,BillbeingdivisionalChampionshipsConferenceandfivetitles.BesidesStephenCurrynamedthe2022RussellNBAFinalsthebigstoryisKlayThompson,hashadaroughpastyearsplaguedby
A Wild Ride By Ruben Rodriguez Los Fresnos News As we are less than a month away from the MLB All Star Break, The first half of the 2022 MLB Season has been nothing short of exciting. From the American League East to the National League West, There has been without a doubt some exciting storylines.Firstlywe start with the American League East, where the team with the most wins this season resides. The New York Yankees have been electric in 2022. The Bronx Bombers who have crossed into the golden number of 50 wins continue to remain hot and show no signs of slowing down. Hot on their tails are the Toronto Blue Jays. Toronto who is only 11 games behind New York are led by the young infield trio of Calvan Biggio, Bo Bichette and Vladimir Guerrero Jr. One game behind the Jays are the Boston Red Sox. Heading into the American League Central, which has been a fight between the first place anitonsecondTwins.GuardiansClevelandandMinnesotaTheTwinswhoareplace,havebeenarollandlooktokeepgoingtotrytoovertakeequallyelectric
Supports the Los Fresnos Falcons! Advertise your Business Here! Call 956-264-7720 324 W Ocean Blvd Ste 102 Los Fresnos, TX 78566-3668 Phone (956) 233-1916 Installment Loans Serving Customers Since 1955! 4 • J UNE 29, 2022 • LOS FRESNOS NEWS
By Ruben Rodriguez Los Fresnos News
7 on 7 Fever By Ruben Rodriguez Los Fresnos News As we draw closer on the road to the 2022 Texas High School Football Season, the 25th installment of the annual 7 on 7 State Football Tournament in College Station is just around the corner. The tournament, which has been a staple on the road to the Friday night lights of fall, will consist of 128 teams from across Texas, divided into 32 pools and three divisions. Division one will contain 16 pools with four teams each, while divisions two and three will contain eight pools with four teams each. Of the 128 teams across the State of Texas, Five will represent the Rio Grande Valley. Of those five teams, four will be in Division one, while one team will be in Division three. Representing the Valley in Division one will be McAllen Rowe, PSJA North, San Benito and Sharyland. The lone Valley representative in Division three will be Santa Rosa. Santa Rosa, who made history by being the first 3A team from the Rio Grande Valley to qualify for the State Tournament in College Station. This also marks Santa Rosa’s first ever appearance in the Tournament. The Warriors will be competing in Pool G of Division Three alongside Childress, Henrietta and Chilton. For the Valley teams in Division one, McAllen Rowe will compete in Pool C alongside Austin Anderson, Crandall and Dickinson. PSJA North will be competing in Pool H with Byron Nelson, Round Rock Westwood and Shadow Creek. San Benito was sorted into Pool J with Aldine Eisenhower, Midlothian Heritage and Red Oak. Lastly Sharyland was drawn into Pool M with Grand Oaks, Rockwall Heath and Temple. PSJA North will also be making history as they will be making their first appearance in the 7 on 7 State Tournament.
injuries which included a torn ACL in Game six of the 2019 NBA Finals. Then prior to the 2020-2021 NBA Season, Thompson suffered a torn achilles during a preseason workout. Thompson made his return to the court 949 days after the Game six injury on January 9th, 2022.The Warriors were led by a potent offense in Stephen Curry, who scored 43 points in Game three of the Finals. Other Contributors were Andrew Wiggins, Klay Thompson, Jordan Pool and Draymond Green.
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Back on the Throne Golden State Warriors defeat Celtics in Game Six, Capture Fourth NBA Title in Eight Years
ADVERTISE WITH US! 203 N. Arroyo Blvd P.O. Box 990 (956) 233-9928 (956) 797-9920 THEME: FOu RTH OF J u 1.ACROSSLYCutting the mustard 5. French vineyard 8. Expression of 11.satisfactionChicago's navy 12. not that 13. Lock horns 15. Sound of pride 16. Tom characterHanks'hadthis in 17."Philadelphia"Dre'sheadphones 18. *Handheld firework 20. Eurozone money 21. Chinese weight 30.26.Fourth23.22.unitsCampaigned*PopularJulysaladLtdAinI.P.A. LAST WEEK’S SUDOKU ANSWERS LAST WEEK’S CROSSWORDS ANSWERS 45. *Bottle ____ 47. Ill temper 48. Olive branch 50. Campaign worker 52. *Declaration signer 55. Extinct Italic 56.languageForsaken or 57.desolateRumpelstiltskin's 59.weaverBetween Egypt and 61.60.AlgeriaHeedAtthe summit 62. ____12...."'s"IThee____"*LibertyBelldidtomarkDeclarationnCalendarabbr.Lifestories,forshortFaithjump?Misprints*Coolerpurpose*FairattractionsCCCP,inEnglishLabcultureTypeofpilot"For____ajollyHit80'ssong"____Me" 13. Crosswise, on deck 14. *Popular type of July Fourth gathering 19. Two to one, e.g. 22. Antonym of keep 23. *"Common Sense" 24.author*Like the days of 25.1776Crocodile ones are 26.insincerePlace, in French 27. Race course 28. Causing fear 29. "That thou ____, do quickly" 32. Like a certain 36.33.rangerFuss*4th of July, e.g. 38. Sudden upset 40. The night before 41. Dad's mom 44. Gladiators' battlefield 46. Cold storage 48. Space exploration 49.missionDog-____ pages 50. "Heat of the Moment" band 51. acronym58.,toaGreekHighpartofdayLikeMethuselahFueleconomy 31. Type of embellished 34.surfaceDunking treat 35. Potato state 37. Type of poem 38. Rabbit trap 39. "I, Claudius" role 40. As much as 42.necessaryOpposite of transin 43.chemistryBringinto servitude GET SCHEDULES, SCORES & LIVE BROADCASTS OF LOS FRESNOS GAMES LIVE BROADCASTS The next Chapter Poem The Greatest Gifts Fathers Day, a special time of year When families gather For time so dear, For gifts of children From the God of Love Can sow such seeds Of happiness and Love. And also Mothers Day, And this is true, Gives greatest blessings For me and you. Poem by James E. Arnold
6 • J UNE 29, 2022 • LOS FRESNOS NEWS Additional stories and content on our website... IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ADVERTISE ON OUR ACTIVITY PAGE PLEASE CONTACT US AT (956) 797-9920 OR (956) 233-9928 956-801-2284 3340 Pablo Kisel Blvd B105 Brownsville, Tx 78526 956-545-0155 3525 International Blvd. STE D Brownsville, Tx 78526 956-626-2289 33478 FM 803 Los Fresnos, Tx 78566 @lapalefrozenfruitbar @lapalefrozenfruitbar @lapale-international @lapalefrozenfruitbarLosFresnos,TX
Likelihood of heat stroke, death rises with temperatures
• Make sure your vehicle is locked while nobody is using it so kids can’t get into it on their own.
“Children are especially vulnerable to heatstroke,” she said. “And Texas has a greater overall number of child deaths from children being left in hot cars than any other state.” She said temperatures in parked vehicles rise very quickly, and a child’s body temperature increases three to five times faster than an adult’s.“That combination can be deadly, and in hot weather, the temperature inside a vehicle can increase by almost 20 degrees in as little as 10 minutes,” Kellner said. She noted children are far more vulnerable to heatstroke than adults, even when
Located next to Los Fresnos Pharmacy RGV CAF Holding Event for the Whole Family Los
nothingapopularsaid.isposeasexteriordegrees,temperaturesstrokeexcessivelytemperaturesexteriorarenothot.“Hyperthermiaorheatcanoccuratbodyabove104andevenmildertemperaturesoflowas80degreescanathreatifavehicleparkedoutside,”she“Andcontrarytobelief,crackingwindowdoeslittleortodispeltheheat from the interior of the vehicle.”Tipsfor avoiding child hot-carKellnerdeathssaid more than half of child deaths from hot cars are due to caregivers forgetting they had a child in the vehicle.“These deaths are entirely preventable if a few precautions are taken,” she said. Kellner preaches the “ACT” approach of the Safe Kids forwithitemsotherbag,—childaforalonebyrelatedavoidingvehicle.beingtheorganizationWorldwidetoreducepossibilityofachildleftaloneinahotThe“A”standsforheatstroke-injuryanddeathneverleavingachildinacar,notevenaminute.The“C”isforcreatingvisualreminderthataisinthebackseatplacingaphone,gymbriefcase,purseorfrequentlyusedinthebackseatthechild.The“T”standstakingaction, particularly calling 911 if you see a child alone in a vehicle.“And if your own child is locked in a car, get him or her out as quickly as possible and dial 911 immediately,” Kellner said. personnel“Emergencyaretrained to evaluate and check for signs of heat stroke.”
J UNE 29, 2022 • LOS FRESNOS NEWS • 7
• Never leave keys in the car and store them out of children’s sight and reach.
• Look technologiesinto that can help remind you that a child is in the back seat, such as the WAZE traffic app reminder and sensor Kellnersystems.said other ways to help avoid children being accidentally locked in hot vehicles are to use drive-thru services when available and pay for gas at the pump with a debit or credit card instead of going inside.
Don’t Leave Children Unattended in Vehicles
719 W. Ocean Blvd. • (956) 233-2795
NEW LOCATION AT CAMERON PARK 2302 Delia Ave - Brownsville, TX. 78526 -Tel (956)620-3735 Fax (956)620-3778 384 Military Hwy. - Brownsville, TX. 78520 Tel (956)544-4400 - Fax (956)544-4508 3831 Boca Chica Blvd. Brownsville, TX. 78521 - Tel (956)554-3964 Fax (956)554-3992 2814 International Blvd. - Brownsville, TX. 78521 - Tel (956)542-8695 - Fax (956)554-3160 3244 Southmost Rd. - Brownsville, TX. 78521 - Tel (956)541-7535 - Fax (956)541-6010 719 W Hwy. 100 Los Fresnos, TX. 78566 - Tel (956)233-2795 Fax (956)233-2797 860 S. Sam Houston Blvd. - San Benito, TX. 78586 Tel (956)399-4111 - Fax (956)399-4481 MAIN OFFICE 1737 Boca Chica Blvd. Brownsville, TX. 78520 - Tel (956)546-3120 - Fax (956)546-3980 Fresnos, Texas — Come visit the Open House & Fly-In this July 2nd at the Cameron County Airport. Rio Grande Valley Wing of in the air and on the ground. Visit the museum and take advantage of some terrific photo ops. Bring an umbrella for shade, a chair to sit in, and maybe a cooler with snacks and drinks to kick back and enjoy the event. Museum tours and vintage car rides will be available. Mini car show special withmakebeandLightningguestsMcQueenBumbleBeewillinattendanceandforgreatpicturesthekids!The Commemorative Air Force is a netat(956)454-4443Col.Operationstheevent,informationinVeteransAirportCameronmemorabilia.militarytoorganizationnon-profitdedicatedpreservinghistoricalaircraftandTheCountyislocatedat1AirportDriveLosFresnos.ForfurtherontheyoucancontactWingLeader&Officer,ChrisHughstonatoremailc.hughsten@hiains.
Kellner and Safe Kids offered these additional safetyTeachtips:children not to play in and around dangerousothervehicles,missing,IfsafecargoforthatInstructvehicles.childrentrunksaretransportingandarenotplacestoplay.yourchildischecktrunksandpotentiallyplaces.
Adults must take extra efforts to remember not to leave a child unattended in a vehicle, especially on hot days. (Photo courtesy National Highway Traffic Safety Administration)
• Identify and use safe play areas for children — away from parked or moving vehicles.
• If you have a small child, always look in the vehicle — front and back — before locking the door and walking away.
andauthenticAM,event.casualairthesponsorslocalfreeForceCommemorativetheAirisprovidingthiseventtothankthecommunitiesandforsupportingCAFmuseumandshowswiththisandup-closeBeginningat10therewillbeWWIIaircraftvintagevehicles displayed
Written by SchattenbergPaul Each year, children get heat stroke or die from being left unattended in a hot car, but a Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service passenger safety expert says there are ways to avoidBevtragedy.Kellner, AgriLife Extension traffic safety project director, said as temperatures increase, so does the likelihood of heat stroke and death for children left alone in a vehicle.
• When parking underonchildrenvehicle,multi-passengeraensurenoaresleepingtheseatsorhidingthem.
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