On Saturday July 2, 2022 the City of Los Fresnos held their annual Independence Day Celebration and Fireworks display at Los Fresnos Memorial Park. All the fun started at 6:00 p.m. The event started off with the Invocation by Ramon Ortiz, posting of the colors by Scout Troop 61 and National Anthem by Melody Castillo. Everyone was invited to come out to the free event and enjoy some delicious food, entertainment and fireworks. This year they had a hot dog eating contest, jalapeno eating contest and a watermelon eating contest. Some of the other fun festivities were a 3-legged sack race, waiters' race, and tortilla toss. The kids were able to enjoy free train rides, bouncers, an obstacle course, rock climbing wall & more. Not only were there food vendors but craft & home-made goods vendors as well. The night ended with an amazing firework display. Mayor Alejandro Flores also shared a few words to social media regarding this year’s fourth of July: “As we approach Independence Day, we remember that day in history, July 4, 1776. Our country issued the Declaration of Independence. At that time this document states three basic ideas: God made all men/women equal and gave them the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We endured many obstacles as a country and community over the past years. It's good to know we have overcome and continue to move our country and community forward. I’ll leave you with a quote from former President Ronald Reagan, “We’re blessed with the opportunity to stand for something-for liberty, and freedom and fairness-and these are things worth fighting for, worth devoting our lives to.” The mayor would like to thank the Chamber of Commerce, Boys and Girls Club and City of Los Fresnos for such a great and memorable time. Photos are from the Los Fresnos Chamber of Commerce Facebook page. Juliet V. Garcia to
WEEK OF July 13, 2022 THRO u GH J uly 19, 2022 l OOK INSIDE Classified pg 3 Sports pg 4 Puzzles pg 5 Activity Page pg 6 Volume 18 Number 28 www.losfresnosnews.net 705 W. HWY 100 Los Fresnos, Tx 78566 956-233-5744 AUTO • HOME • LIFE • COMMERCIAL • FLOOD • WIND RIO INSURANCEUNDERWRITERSGRANDEGROUP,INC Member FDIC The only Community Bank with locations in Cameron, Hidalgo and Willacy Counties Fishing for Low Rates... Boat owners insurance for less than you think. State Farm® boat insurance doesn’t cost much, but covers a lot – like your boat, motor, and trailer. It also protects you and your passengers. Do you have the proper coverage? FREE QUOTE This 956-264-7720AVAILABLESpaceCALL CULLIGAN WATER OF THE RIO GRANDE VALLEY better water pure and www.culsimple liganrgv.com CULLIGAN® WATER OF THE RIO GRANDE VALLEY better p d www.culp liganrgv com www.culliganr gv.com CULL Generic 5x2 eng_Layout 1 10/30/12 11:27 AM Page 1 1300 W. Business 77 • San Benito, TX 956-399-1780 Call today for a FREE water analysis! CULLIGAN® WATER OF THE RIO GRANDE V CULL Generic 5x2 eng_Layout 1 10/30/12 11:27 AM Page 1 CULLIGAN® WATER OF THE RIO GRANDE VAL better water pure and www.culsimple liganr gv com CULL Generic 5x2 eng_Layout 1 10/30/12 11:27 AM Page 1 Page PagePage858 Poem: Valley Page 4 Page 2 Soaring High Fourth of July Event is a Great Success
Receive The Presidential Medal of Freedom STC On Verge Of Forging CulinariasIngredientsWorkforceInternationalPartnershipforMemorias
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“Your Community Newspaper” 705 W. Highway 100, Suite B-2 Los Fresnos, TX E MAIL: info@losfresnosnews.netWeareopen Monday - Friday from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. FOR IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE: Call 956-264-7720 SUBSCRIPTION RATES $2795 Yr. Valley l $3495 Out of Valley Single Copy Price ........ $.50 ea. Back Issues available . $.50 ea. CORRECTION POLICY Although the Los Fresnos News Staff strives for excellence in all stories and advertising, spelling or typographical errors can occur. If you find any confirmed factual or other type of error, please call 956-233-9928 during business hours or leave a message. WEEKLY COLUMNS printed in the Los Fresnos News contain the opinions of the Authors. They may or may not be the opinion of the Newspaper. HOW TO SUBSCRIBE: 1 year subscription delivered by U.S. Postal service...$27.95 or can be purchased at several convinent locations through out the cities of Los Fersnos and Brownsville for 50¢. The Los Fresnos News is mailed and delivered Tuesday, July 12, 2022, and published weekly by Los Fresnos Publishing, LLC. Periodical Postage Rates paid at Los Fresnos, TX. Post Office. Advertising deadline is noon Thursday at the office at 203 N. Arroyo, Los Fresnos, TX 78566. (POSTMASTER send address changes to Los Fresnos, P.O. Box 990, Los Fresnos, TX 78566.) TEXAS PRESS ASSOCIATIONMEMBER2020 PUBLISHER S Landon Jennings Sharice LosSuite705MAILINGJenningsADDRESSW.Highway100B-2Fresnos,TX7856 797-9920 l Fax 797-9921 NeldaEmilio956-264-7720VictorADVERTISINGMorenoCONTENTEDITORFloresOFFICEMANAGERBriones 2 • J ULy 13, 2022 • LOS FRESNOS NEWS
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Q: I have recently become aware of a lump/sore in my mouth, on my cheek area. I am worried about the possibility of a tumor. Can you tell me more about oral ANSWEREDtumors?byDR.ADAM LALONDE: Although some “lumps” or “sore can be of a very serious nature, most tumors of the gums and tongue are benign. The most common are irritation fibromas or small papillomas which appear as mushroom shaped suspendedgrowthsbya stalk and attached to the lips, tongue, or inner cheeks. Fibromas are usually caused by biting or suckingFrequently,thehabits. growth occurs opposite a small space between the teeth where the tissue can be sucked in. The papilloma is a benign growth that usually occurs spontaneously without irritation.The patient first becomes aware of the fibroma or papilloma by feeling or seeing it or by accidentally biting the tissue growth. The usual cure is simple removal which is accomplished without difficulty. Avoidance of the area by the lips or teeth usually prevents recurrence. If recurrence does occur and is due to a space between the teeth, then closure of the space with a small fixed bridge maybe indicated. Once the growth is removed, seldom recurs, and no further treatment is necessary.Formore information, call our office 956233-4400 or visit us at www.losfresnosdental. com.
a junior majoring in Spanish, won top honors for the Memorias Culinarias/Culinary Memories literary contest at UTRGV. (UTRGV Photo by David Pike) SPONSORED BY If you have a Mexican saying you’d like to share, please call: 956-797-9920 ADVERTISERS: This spot is available. Call LA FERIA NEWS for more 797-9920information. Contribuido por: Alvino Villarreal “El que hambre tiene, en tortillas piensa.” “He who is hungry, thinks of tortillas.”
By Letty Fernandez RIO and tías gathered in the kitchen, cooking up a storm?AnaPeña-Oliva, a UTRGV co-faculty advisor for the literary contest, familyforMemories,Culinarias/CulinaryMemoriassaidfood,many,isallaboutandmemories.“Thememorygoes beyond the food itself to the associations we have to a long-ago memory, whether in the home we grew up in, our hometown, our family,” sheTosaid.tap into that experience, Peña-Oliva, Laura Garza, cofaculty advisor and the UTRGV student chapter of Sigma Delta Pi, the National Hispanic Honor Society, invited students, faculty and staff to submit, during the spring semester, an original essay in Spanish or English related to a specific cooking recipe and the memory related to the recipe.“Ithink one of the reasons why participants are attracted to the Culinary Memories contest is because cooking recipes make powerful food memories,” said Peña-Oliva, lecturer of Hispanic Linguistics in the Department of Writing and Language Studies, UTRGV College of Liberal Arts. Contest winner Maria Bolkcom, a junior majoring in Spanish, wrote about making tamales with her mother while growing up in Guadalajara, Mexico. Tamales, or “tapatíos” as they are called in her hometown, are her favorite food and evoke many emotions. “I never thought that I’d miss those flavors. It’s all about being grateful. It’s all about the appreciation for a meal so special and delicious that you can only get it at home,” Bolkcom wrote in her winning essay. “The process, dedication, effort and, above all, love, set an example for me not only in the kitchen, but also in my daily tookparents,writesprepdutiesalwaysormaketothatroundaboutMuchachoinandwhoaessay,Thelife.”second-placebySuyinCarrillo,UTRGVgraduateearnedabachelormaster’sdegreeSpanish,istitledRelleno,astuffedeyeofroast,arecipemeansagreatdealher.“Mymomwoulditforbirthdaysbaptisms.Wewouldsharekitchenandingredientequally,”sheinheressay.“Myforinstance,careofheavier
things such as meat and potatoes, while we, my sisters and cousins, would handle the veggie cutting, washing and chopping. I am proud of my roots, and I am proud to have Spanish as my mother tongue.” Pamela Herring, lecturer in Departmenttheof Writing and Language Studies, chose to write about lefse, a Norwegian dessert made from potatoes, that can be used like a tortilla to hold different types of food, or eaten with just butter. The recipe was passed down to her by her father, who died when she was just 11 years old. He knew she and her siblings had a sweet tooth, she recalled, so, to entice his children to be his captive audience, he always set aside enough “dough” for dessert lefse. “The cinnamoningredientmagicalwassugar,” she wrote in her essay, which earned third place in the contest. “All that could be heard now was the noises of happy little mouths chewing and indulging in the soft, warm, sweet delight our father made just for us. Perhaps, you could also hear him smile while he watched his three pena@utrgv.edu.Peña-Olivaoneventtonarratives,tellOlivaHispanicunderstandinginteresttoencouragingSpanishpromotesummer.beTheempanadastobarbacoaandrecipesfeaturingessaysbeenMemoriesCulinarias/Culinaryyearthroughmagicallytreasurestransformedhisgiftoflove.”ThiswasthethirdtheMemoriascontesthasheld.Thisyear,12weresubmittedavarietyoffromchickendumplingsanddeBorregosweetfarelikedecajeta.winningessayswillpostedonlinethis“Wealsowanttotheloveforthelanguage,whilestudentsacquireagreateranddeeperoftheculture,”Peña-said.“Peopleustheyenjoytheandwewantcontinuetodothiseveryyear.”Formoreinformationthecontest,contactatana.Bolkcom,
and food
Love for the
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learning, make the subject more fun and engaging, and demonstrate firsthand how science fits into the activities and interests they already love.
5. Bring science to life. Hands-on projects help bring science to life. Look for science competitions and programs that allow young minds to explore and develop real-world experience. For example, the 3M Young Scientist Challenge, a national science competition for students in grades 5 through 8 created with Discovery Education, asks students to identify a problem and come up with a unique innovation to solve it. It can be something they’re already passionate or curious about. The best part is anyone can get involved; all you need is an idea to getLaststarted.year’s winner, 13-year-old Sarah Park, started with the idea to create a treatment to help people with mental health disorders. During the competition and a once-ina-lifetime opportunity to work with a 3M scientist, she went from idea to prototype developing a new solution called Spark Care+, a personalized music therapy treatment that uses pursueencouragementchildeverybody,Forheroesandscientists,communityclimatecenturyyoungscientistlab.com.Topandchanceyear’sLearnyourlearningactivelyrealphotoplethysmography.skinintelligence,artificialgalvanicresponse,andBringlearningintotheworldofinnovatingbypresentingSTEMopportunitiestobuddingscientist.moreaboutthiscompetition,thetowin$25,000,thetitleof“America’sYoungScientist”atAsweconfront21stchallengeslikechangeandhealthcrises,engineers,doctorswillbetheonthefrontlines.abrighterfutureforgiveyourtheresourcesandneededtoSTEM.
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3. Promote gender equity in STEM education. Gender should never affect a child’s goal to pursue STEM. Yet, young girls often feel limited in their ability to excel in STEMrelated activities due to the gender gap in the sciences and a lack of
advertisers are reputable, we cannot guarantee products or services advertised. We urge readers to use caution and when in doubt, contact the Texas Attorney General at 800-621-0508 or the Federal Trade Commission at 877-FTC-HELP. The FTC web site is www.ftc.gov/bizop. Additional stories and content on our website &scanvisit Find Us On Twitter! BRING THIS AD & RECEIVE A FREE SOUVENIR, COURTESY OF VISIT LAREDO! WCN AutoSamesArena JULY 15 & 16: 11am–8pm JULY 17: 10am–5pm 800-361-3360 FREE ADMISSION! SPONSORED BY 5
Vamos Hooks
By Ruben Rodriguez Los Fresnos News
Soaring High Lady Falcon Krystal Perez represents Los Fresnos one last time
Recently, Rio Sports Live Held their inaugural STARS Softball Showcase in Raymondville Texas. For the RGV Rebels, one star athlete represented the community of Los Fresnos. Krystal Perez, who graduated this past spring, was able to represent Los Fresnos on the diamond one last representedKrystaltime.PerezLos Fresnos and the Rio Grande Valley as a member of the RGV Rebels. Perez, also was the lone Lady Falcon at the Showcase. “I felt so honored being selected to play for the first ever RSL STARS Showcase and being the only LF Player who was able to attend this event”, said Perez. “I was super excited to go out and represent my school and the Los Fresnos Community.” Although being the inaugural STARS
324 W Ocean Blvd Ste 102 Los Fresnos, TX 78566-3668 Phone (956) 233-1916 Installment Loans Serving Customers Since 1955! 4 • J ULy 13, 2022 • LOS FRESNOS NEWS Gabby Guevara Andrea Guevara Tuesday - Saturday | 7am-1pm 233-9988 32184 State Hwy 100 | Los Fresnos /tapiascafe
Corpus Christi Hooks look to turn around the second half
Volleyball Time!!
Showcase, many big names from across the Rio Grande Valley and Coastal Bend were featured in six star-studded teams. Perez on being among some of the best of the best in the showcase: “Just being able to compete against some of the best players in the region was great! Playing alongside some of them was an honor, it just shows how much softball is growing on this side of Texas.”Inthe few weeks leading up to the showcase, The Rebels, as well as every other team were given opportunities to practice. With each team going up against the best players in the region, Perez and her team had to sharpen up their skills for the showcase. “During team practice, I just worked on the simple things to prepare for the tournament; by staying true to fundamentals on my field work, and staying true to mechanics with my batting.”Perez, had twice the practice as not only was she just competing for the RGV Rebels, but was also selected to participate in the RSL STARS Home Run Derby. The Derby, which featured eight of the best Power Hitters in South Texas, included some big names like Iliana Saucedo, Lilly Rocha, Jo Montes, Alyssa Burge, Brookelynn Meador, Evelyn Valadez, and Ava Hernandez. “To even be considered as one of the top eight power hitters in South Texas is such an Honor and a blessing. To me, it means so much personally , because it shows a lot of the dedication and failures behind the scenes in my softball journey has paid off.”Perez, who was more than deserving of being in the Home Run derby, displayed her hitting power through 2022 with a batting average of .641, 14 home runs, 46 RBIs, 12 Doubles and four triples. “I wouldn’t be here tonight without my dad and Coach Joey, who have helped me develop into the hitter that I am today.”Perez fought her way through the final rounds of the Derby, where she faced off against Harlingen’s Lilly Rocha in a final round that certainly was the icing on the cake to an amazing derby. “It was just an amazing feeling making it into the final round, my mindset was just to keep everything simple and let everything that i’ve trained for take its course.’’ Perez and Rocha combined for 43 home runs in the final round alone. Perez belted 60 home runs out of the park alone during the derby.Amemorable weekend for every athlete, parent and everyone involved in the Inaugural STARS Showcase. From the opening matchup, to the derby, to the championship trophy being presented, the Showcase was filled with great moments and memories. Perez also shared some of her favorite memories and moments. “My Favorite moment was definitely competing in the home run derby, also having the chance to create new friendships and being able to play with a great group of talented girls.”
By Ruben Rodriguez Los Fresnos With Major League Baseball nearing the all star break, we shift gears towards Minor League Baseball and look at the Texas League. The 2022 Texas League season has been competitive as we near the halfway point as well. We take a look at the team to represent South Texas, The Corpus Christi Hooks.With the Texas League split in half. The Hooks, after a slow start, managed to tie up with the Amarillo Sod Poodles for third place in the Southern Division of the TXLG. Corpus Christi finished off the first half with a record of 32-37. The second half of Texas League Play kicked off last week with Corpus sitting in fourth place with a record of 3-4. Current Standings in the Texas League Southern Division show Midland in first, Frisco in second, Amarillo in third, Corpus in fourth and San Antonio in Whenfifth. looked at Overall Standings, combining both halves of play. San Antonio is in front with a 40-35 record, Frisco in second with a record of 41-36, Amarillo in Third with a record of 36-40, Midland in fourth with a record of 36-40 and Corpus Christi in fifth with a record of 35-41. In the Texas League Northern Division, Tulsa Leads in first, Arkansas in second, Wichita in third, Northwest Arkansas in fourth and Springfield in fifth,With the second half of Texas League play just underway, the Hooks still have plenty of time to turn things around and stage a late season rally.
By Ruben Rodriguez Los Fresnos News With July now on the calendar, Volleyball season slowly starts to make its way towards the RGV. And no better way to bring in the new season with the 21st Annual Highway 83 League.WithDonna High School and Donna North playing host to this year's Highway 83 League, Some of the schools participating this year have been announced. Some teams set to compete in the 2022 Highway 83 are PSJA North, Donna, Mission, Brownsville Rivera, Weslaco East, Mercedes, Palmview, Donna North, Edinburg, Brownsville Lopez, Monte Alto, San Perlita, and Valley View. The Highway 83 League always provides an exciting taste and preview of what’s to come in the 2022 UIL Volleyball Season, featuring teams from 6A Down to 1A. Catch all the action on Rio Sports Live, who will provide the coverage for the 21st season of the Highway 83 Volleyball League.
21st Annual Highway 83 League set to go Underway
J ULy 13, 2022 • LOS FRESNOS NEWS • 5 ADVERTISE WITH US! 203 N. Arroyo Blvd P.O. Box 990 (956) 233-9928 (956) 797-9920 THEME: TV SHOWS 1.ACROSS*Shari lewis' TV puppet, ____ Chop 5. Black gunk 8. Not kosher 12. Chills and fever 13. Misbehavior on 14.roadNear the wind 15. Ship's steering 16.wheelSign of escape 17. *"How to Get Away with Murder," starring ____ Davis 18. *Featuring Jerry, Elaine,,TheoriesMakeawakeMaifollower*FeaturingSam, Diane, Cliff, Norm, 26.CarlaScary creature 30. Salmon on a bagel LAST WEEK’S SUDOKU ANSWERS LAST WEEK’S CROSSWORDS ANSWERS 48. *"____ Previews" with Siskel and Ebert 50. Same as taboo 52. *Featuring Dre, Rainbow, Zoey, Andre, Diane, Jack 55. New Testament king 56. Is not, colloquially 57. At hand 59. Pond buildup 60. Microscope part 61. *"Hogan's Heroes," set in _____ Germany 62. Coin opening 63. like some martinis 64. Big Bang's original 2.1.DOWNmatter____-di-dahAwfullylong time 3. Stubborn beast 4. Make soiled, in the olden days 5. At the heart of Boston Tea Party 6. Quick or nimble 7. No longer working, 8.shortened*Featuring Rebecca, Jack, Kate, Randall, 9.Kevin*ABC comedydrama, "____ 222" 10.(1969-74)90-degree pipes, e.g. 11. Public health agency, acr. 13. "The wretched ____ of your teeming 14.shores"Ofa bird 19. Relating to 22.Scandinavialookout point 23. Necklace lock 24. Great esteem 25. Napoleon's time on,Smith,36.33.JohnSawyer,"Thedefense____"*FeaturingHurley,Kate,Sayid,lake,inProvence*FeaturingStubing,Washington,BrickerFine-tuneFinishline,e.g.BuildsDodge 46. Certain jeans fit 48. More than sly 49. *"The ____," featuring Fran, Maxwell, C.C., Niles 50. *"To ____ the Truth," game show 51. Golden Fleece ship 52. *like,GeorgeHomerorCaptainCloseanenvelopeMentalconfusionPossessesCanyonfeature 31. Etsy member 34. Craving 35. Old and feeble 37. Quaker Man's grain 38. Romanov rulers 39. Without help 40. Stay clear of 42. *"The ____ life" on Animal Planet 43. Keep 47.45.happeningfromSetstozeroOldage,inthe olden days GET SCHEDULES, SCORES & LIVE BROADCASTS OF LOS FRESNOS GAMES LIVE BROADCASTS SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY CULLIGAN® WATER OF THE RIO GRANDE VALLEY better water pure and simple www.cul® liganr gv.com CULLIGAN® WATER OF THE RIO GRANDE VALLEY better water pure and www.culsimple liganrgv com CULL Generic 5x2 eng_Layout 1 10/30/12 11:27 AM Page 1 www.culliganr gv.com 1300 W. Business 77 • San Benito, TX 956-399-1780 Call today for a FREE water analysis! CULLIGAN® WATER OF THE RIO GRANDE V better water. pure and www.culsimp liganr gv.com CULL Generic 5x2 eng_Layout 1 10/30/12 11:27 AM Page 1 CULLIGAN® WATER OF THE RIO GRANDE VAL better water. pure and www.culsimple.® liganr gv.com CULL Generic 5x2 eng_Layout 1 10/30/12 11:27 AM Page 1 Want your story in the paper? The Next Chapter is a column featuring a serialized continuing short story/poems from a local author. you can submit your own original story for publication at news@laferianews.net. news@laferianews.net The Next Chapter Poem Valley One deep point, one deep dive. A shallow point; how will I survive? A mountain top, a valley low. Every day, everything so slow. How much more? Follow through, wait till tomorrows dew. -Selene Olguin (13 years old)
6 • J ULy 13, 2022 • LOS FRESNOS NEWS Additional stories and content on our website... IF y OU WOULD LIKE TO ADVERTISE ON OUR ACTIVITY PAGE PLEASE CONTACT US AT (956) 797-9920 OR (956) 233-9928 956-801-2284 3340 Pablo Kisel Blvd B105 Brownsville, Tx 78526 956-545-0155 3525 International Blvd. STE D Brownsville, Tx 78526 956-626-2289 33478 FM 803 Los Fresnos, Tx 78566 @lapalefrozenfruitbar @lapalefrozenfruitbar @lapale-international @lapalefrozenfruitbarLosFresnos,TX 29th Annual Narciso Martinez Conjunto Festival October 7, 8, 9 2022 Featuring the best conjunto bands in Texas! Memorial Park 900 N. Arroyo Blvd. Los Fresnos, TX For more information call: 956.367.0335 www.narcisomartinezculturalartscenter.org
“This pageant started it for me…I love the world of pageants so much, I couldn’t stop,” she said. “This is when I got introduced to Debi Lou Productions in McAllen, and when other doors started opening for me. And it was the scholarship I received as Queen Citrianna that also inspired me to go to college.”Leossaid college was never in her future, coming from a family who didn’t put much emphasis on school, but she realized that she was the person who could inspire and influence her brother and cousins to follow in her footsteps toward a college education.“Ididn’t even know what I wanted to be when I grew up, but I knew from watching my parents struggle to make ends meet, I didn’t want that for myself, so I enrolled at STC,” she said. “This is my chance to become the first, ever, in my family to graduate from college. That’s something I’m proudLeosof.”expects to graduate with an associate degree spring 2023 from myselfwhatandhelpedleader,”relationssomedayCommunicationdecidedSTCDepartment.RelationsholdspositionhersocialsaidSTCearnedthetimeupvaluablethatrunnerTexastitlesothersheRelations.AdvertisingwithCommunicationSTC’sprogramaconcentrationinandPublicDuringhertimeatSTC,hasparticipatedinpageantswinningsuchasMissSouth2019,amongotherupstandingsshesaidtaughtherlessonsleadingtoMissTEXASUSA.ItwasalsoduringthisthatherreputationinpageantcommunityheraspotinafewcommercialsthatshegainedpopularityonmediaandlandedthecontentcreatorshecurrentlywiththeSTCPublicandMarketing“IenjoywhatIdoatsomuch,thatI’vetopursueadegreetobecomeapublicexecutiveandshesaid.“STCmediscovermyselfhelpedmediscoverI’mgoodat.IfoundatSTCandonthe
Bryceidee Leos is a Communication student at South Texas College and the current MISS RGV USA 2022. She will be competing this weekend in Houston for the MISS TEXAS USA 2022 title.
By Amanda Sotelo (McAllen, TEXAS)Bryceidee Leos is known around the community as the “STC Tik Tok Girl,” but her other titles include South Texas College student, STC content creator, Miss Rio Grande Valley (RGV) U.S.A. 2022 and hopefully soon, Miss TEXAS USA 2022. The communicationSTC student will be competing July 1 and 2 in Houston for the title of Miss TEXAS USA 2022 against 88 other women from across the state.“I’ve prepared for months leading up to Friday, I think I’m as prepared as I can be,” said the 24-year-old. “This has been something I’ve wanted for a long time. It’s taken some time to get here, and now I hope to make the most of the experience.”Frompracticing for interviews and her speaking points to making sure she’s in shape and healthy and finding the perfect outfits, Leos said the journey this far has been inQueenhighjourneystartedthanksway.encouragedsupportersmyIandaligningfordoorsGod“I’mincredible.reallythankingforopeningalltheseofopportunityme.Everythingisintherighttimethat’sbecauseofhim.alsocan’tfailtomentionfamily,friendsandwhohavemealongtheThisisallpossibletomyvillage.”TheMissionnativeherpageantasaseniorinschoolwhenshewonCitriannathe80th2016.
J ULy 13, 2022 • LOS FRESNOS NEWS • 7
Located next to Los Fresnos Pharmacy
Great Hiking Gear That Helps You Move Fast! (StatePoint) Hiking fast isn’t necessarily about clocking your best time or the bragging rights, it’s about experiencing more goodness with friends and family. More alpine lakes, more craggy peaks and more wildflowers. More high fives at the summit, more victory snacks and more unexpected patches of wild blueberries. If your bulky, heavy hiking gear is holding you back, consider trading it in for these lighter -- yet still rugged -selections:•Fastand free footwear: Oh, the hiking shoe conundrum. Your trail runners feel light and free, but they don’t protect your feet on rugged trails. Your hiking boots hold up to the roughest terrain, but they aren’t meeting your need for speed. Carry two pairs of shoes? No one has the backpack space for that. With this dilemma in mind, KEEN developed the NXIS Collection, its lightest hiking sneakers to-date. Fast and stable, these hiking shoes with a running shoe feel can handle any terrain -- from asphalt to trail to rock to stone steps, yet they’re light enough for city hikes and just hanging out too. With a comfort fit that holds your heel firmly in place while giving your toes the space they need to stretch out, an all-terrain tread for extra grip on any trail surface, (think slippery roots, wooden bridges and boulder fields) along with serious toe protection, you can move fast with confidence. Using lightweight mesh, they’re breathable, and nearly all the shoes in the collection feature a waterproofKEEN.DRYmembrane to keep out water. To learn more, visit keenfootwear. com/nxis.•Reduce your load: Take the weight off your shoulders with a running belt. Bounce-free and chafe-free, running belts can be worn on the front, back or even on the hips, giving you the choice to shift the load. They also offer sufficient space for essentials, snacks and hydration to support you all day, without tempting you to pack more than what you actually need. Want an even lighter load? Opt for on-the-go hydration fill-ups with a portable water filter system.•Versatile trail shorts: Breathable and waterrepellent, Patagonia trail shorts are ultralight so they won’t weigh you down. And because they’re designed to improve range of motion, they also won’t hold you back. • Snack smart: Snacking smart on the trail is all about two things when you’re hiking far: optimal nutrition and density. And when you’re hiking fast, it should also require zero prep. Take the guesswork out of the equation with Range Meal Bars, which pack 700 calories, 19 grams of protein and other vital nutrients like potassium and iron, in each vegan, gluten-free bar. Made of such natural ingredients as almond butter, crystallized ginger and chia seeds, they offer the fuel you need to keep going, without adding unnecessary bulk to your dayWhetherpack. you’re scurrying up a slope to catch a sunset view or mudsliding your way back to the tea thermos in the car, packing light can help you go farther, faster.
STC student, Miss RGV 2022 Set To Compete For The Miss Texas USA Title
pageant stage; both have shaped who I am.”
719 W. Ocean Blvd. • (956) 233-2795
RGV is home to Leos, and she holds the community near and dear to her heart, inspiring her community service work and education activism, which is her platform for the Miss TEXAS USA educationalwhileresourcespeershercanadmissionssaidcollegepageant.Asafirst-generationstudent,Leossheknowscollegeandprocessesbeintimidating,butgoalistoinformherandothersaboutandservices,advocatingforopportunities
among the community. “I hope to inspire others with my journey to help them start or continue their education,” she said. “Education is key to growth and what I want for my community is to see it grow, and I think as a student and by having a voice for my community, I am in the right position to help make this happen.” Win or lose, Leos said she is already ecstatic on how far she has come with pageants and with school, and she hopes to continue breaking barriers, serving her community and continuing her education.
Bryceidee Leos is known as STC’s Tik Tok girl, but is also MISS RGV USA 2022 and will be competing this weekend for the title of MISS TEXAS USA 2022 in Houston.
NEW LOCATION AT CAMERON PARK 2302 Delia Ave - Brownsville, TX. 78526 -Tel (956)620-3735 Fax (956)620-3778 384 Military Hwy. - Brownsville, TX. 78520 Tel (956)544-4400 - Fax (956)544-4508 3831 Boca Chica Blvd. Brownsville, TX. 78521 - Tel (956)554-3964 Fax (956)554-3992 2814 International Blvd. - Brownsville, TX. 78521 - Tel (956)542-8695 - Fax (956)554-3160 3244 Southmost Rd. - Brownsville, TX. 78521 - Tel (956)541-7535 - Fax (956)541-6010 719 W Hwy. 100 Los Fresnos, TX. 78566 - Tel (956)233-2795 Fax (956)233-2797 860 S. Sam Houston Blvd. - San Benito, TX. 78586 Tel (956)399-4111 - Fax (956)399-4481 MAIN OFFICE 1737 Boca Chica Blvd. Brownsville, TX. 78520 - Tel (956)546-3120 - Fax (956)546-3980
RIO GRANDE VALLEY – JULY 1, 2022 – Dr. Juliet V. Garcia, former longtime president of The University of Texas at Brownsville, will be presented with the nation’s highest civilian honor, The Presidential Medal of Freedom, on Thursday, July 7, in Washington D.C. The Presidential Medal of Freedom is the Nation’s highest civilian honor, presented to individuals who have made exemplary contributions to the prosperity, values, or security of the United States, world peace, or other significant societal, public or private endeavors. “I’ve always believed that educating the next generation of citizens was our primary mission because once educated, they would help nurture, defend, and sustain the democracy of the United States. I believe that now more than ever,” said Garcia.It’sbeen a great privilege to spend a lifetime in advocacy working with hundreds of honorable and courageous people.” Garcia, a current UTRGV
(Courtesy Photo)
sustainable love by gifting a plant to that hard-tobuy-for-friend or neighbor, or even give something green as a surprise for someone special.
plastic cushioning and packing foam usage by incorporating Flourish Brand
South Texas College hosted the Cámara Mexicana de la Industria de la Construcción (CMIC) delegation recently at its Institute for totourMexicochapterReynosacampus.college’sfacilityManufacturingAdvanced(IAM)housedattheTechnologyCMICdelegatesfromandthestatewidefromTamaulipas,gatheredforaoftheIAMcampusgetaninsidelookat
what STC has to offer in terms of customized and hands-on training for their employees.STCrecently extended its workforce development training and roboticsrecentlyinternationally,servicesmostcustomizingandEnglish as a Second Language (ESL) courses for employees at Reynosa factories and manufacturing facilities. “STC President Ricardo Solis is the mastermind behind this initiative,” Luisa Fernanda Rodriguez, STC global
With three CMIC Tamaulipas chapters along the U.S./Mexico border in Reynosa, Matamoros and Nuevo Laredo, the collaboration between CMIC and STC will greatly impact the neighboring regions.“Giving our employees access to this type of training and giving them the opportunity to gain new skills and obtain a certificate, is going to take CMIC and the work we do along the border to a new level,” said Lopez. “The overall aspect of STC expanding its training across the border will have a great impact on everybody.”STCPresident Ricardo J. Solis, Ph.D., said STC is creating bold solutions to have a global impact with its workforce development and new “Wetraining,”ourenteringpartnerships.international“WeareexcitedtobeanewphaseinworkforcedevelopmentsaidSolis.aregrowingthis department tenfold and Luisa, Dr. Carlos Margo and their team are focused on ensuring we meet the demands of industry. We are proud of the work we’re doing, the impact we’re making and we’re excited that organizations like CMIC and others along our border will have the opportunity to benefit from our customized training and all STC has to offer.” For more information on STC’s southtexascollege.edu.IndustryWorkforcecustomizedandtraining,visit
8 • J ULy 13, 2022 • LOS FRESNOS NEWS
• Enjoy the Outside: Being active is always easier on warm, sunny days. Take advantage of summer weather to reduce your personal carbon footprint and get some healthy exercise! Find ways to do this by walking or biking instead of taking a car to the store. If you need to travel a longer distance, opt for public transport or carpool instead.
Giffords,Simonearepubliccelebrities,recipientsMedaleliteBiden’shonoraredistinguishedprofessor,communicationsand16AmericansthefirsttoreceivetheunderPresidentJoeterm.ShejoinsangroupofPresidentialofFreedomthatincludespoliticians,andservants.AmongthehonoreesDenzelWashington,Biles,GabrielleMeganRapinoe, and“Julietothers.has enriched the lives of many Rio Grande Valley students, from elementary to college,” said UTRGV President Guy Bailey. “Her contributions to higher education in South Texas and beyond are long lasting and have created pathways of success among a new generation of Latino leaders. On behalf of everyone at UTRGV, I congratulate Juliet on this well-deserved national award.”
• Make Small Changes: Living sustainably can sound intimidating at first. Like any shift in habit though, changing behavior may take a while to stick, but small, consistent adjustments will mean the most over time, especially when it comes to everyday things like reducing your use of single-use plastics, and switching to reusable shopping bags and food containers. Take things one small step at a time. For example, commit to recycling one additional item each day.
STC On Verge Of Forging International Workforce Partnership
sustainably by choosing an eco-friendly option like Flourish Honeycomb Recyclable Mailers. These mailers feature 100% recyclable material packaging and include a die-cut honeycomb layer to create space and cushioning that helps protect items during shipment, without using unnecessary plastic. Additionally, they can easily be tossed into the recycling bin after use.
Dr. Juliet V. Garcia to Receive The Presidential Medal of Freedom
CMIC Tamaulipas and CMIC Reynosa are interested in partnering with STC for customized construction training that will take their organization to new Gerardoheights.Holguín Lopez, chairman of the CMIC Tamaulipas steering committee, said he was impressed with everything STC has to offer. “What STC has to offer is top-notch, state-of-theart. We are so impressed with everything,” he said. “What the college has, especially for construction, is everything we need.”
STC recently hosted delegates from CMIC Tamaulipas and CMIC Reynosa for a tour of the STC Institute for Advanced Manufacturing to learn more about the campus and customized training the college is now providing across the border.
Delegates from CMIC Tamaulipas and CMIC Reynosa recently toured STC’s diesel labs at the college’s Technology campus.
ABOuT DR. J ulIET V. GARCIA She was the Mexican-Americanfirst woman to serve as a college president in the United States. During her tenure as president, Garcia pioneered a partnership between UT Brownsville and Texas Southmost College, a community college where she served as president from 1986 to 1992, when she assumed the presidency of UTRGV’s legacy institution UT Brownsville. She stepped down as UTB president in 2014 when UTRGV was established.
“My job was always to thrust open doors of opportunity for students to learn, compete, and succeed in the classics, chess, physics, or the performing arts. We did this by building a campus that inpresidentsonemagazinenumerousborderlands.”issuesadvocateeconomiccommunitiescapital,potentialwayscomplexdialoguestogeographicpeoplecommittedregionanchorGarcia.dedicatedwithandenvironmentalhonorsunapologeticallyourculturalandheritage,thenbyfillingitupbrilliantfacultyandstaff,”saidServingasaforemostinstitutioninourmeantthatweweretoconveningacrosspoliticalandboundariesengageindifficulttotackletheissuesoffindingtomaximizethefullofourhumandevelopsustainabletopropelgrowthandfortheuniqueofournation’sTherecipientofawards,TIMEnamedGarciaofthetop10collegeinthenation2009andshewas named one of the top 50 world leaders by Fortune magazine. In 2008, García was selected to join President-elect Barack Obama's transition team. Garcia, a Brownsville, Texas native, received her Ph.D. in communication and linguistics from The University of Texas at Austin and her M.A. and B.A. in speech and English from the University of Houston.“Juliet Villarreal Garcia personifies the American dream. As the Mexican-Americanfirst woman to lead a U.S. college or university, Dr. Garcia has been the inspirational force behind countless individuals who made public service their life’s work and students who realized their academic potential,” said UT System Chancellor James B. Milliken. “I am proud to call her one of our own – as a distinguished alumna of The University of Texas at Austin and President of UT Brownsville – and I congratulate Dr. Garcia on this prestigious and welldeserved honor.”
• Store décor.orfragilewhenareSingle-useSustainably:plasticsdifficulttoavoidprotectinghouseholditemsdelicateholidayCutdownon
Dr. Juliet V. Garcia, former longtime president of The University of Texas at Brownsville, will be presented with the nation’s highest civilian honor, The Presidential Medal of Freedom, on Thursday, July 7, in Washington D.C..
(StatePoint) You don’t have to be a sustainability expert to incorporate elements of eco-friendly living into your everyday routine. This summer, think about the small changes you can make that can add up to make a bigger difference.
By Amanda Sotelo
5 Ways to Be More Sustainable This Summer
• friendlyorexcessmanyday,brightenaaSendingFriendlyEnvironmentallyConnection:apackagetodistantlovedoneisdelightfulwaytosomeone’sbutunfortunatelymailersfeatureplasticwrappingaren’tmadeofearth-materials.Ship