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Volume 11 Number 29
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Insuring your life helps *U T OPU UPP FBSMZ UP protect their PRE PA RE FO R future. TH E S E A S O N.
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David Armendariz, Agent 224 W Ocean Blvd Los Fresnos, TX 78566 Bus: 956-233-3276
It )VSSJDBOF TFBTPO JT VQPO VT 4UBUF 'BSN can also provide for today. Ž DBO IFMQ CFGPSF I’ll show you how a life BT XFMM BT BGUFS JU TUSJLFT $POUBDU NF UPEBZ UP MFBSO IPX UP QSFQBSF Ž insurance policyPS WJTJU with living .
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Sharing Hometown Recipes, Cooking Tips and Coupons By Janet Tharpe
Sensational Summertime Fried Green Tomato BLT Sandwich “These turn out great!�
Allisha Bordelon Coushatta, LA (pop. 1,964)
ried green tomatoes are one of my alltime favorite summertime indulgences. And, Allisha Bordelonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Fried Green Tomato BLT Sandwich has quickly become a favorite sandwich! The tomatoes are the star thanks to a light panko breadcrumb coating. The roasted red SHSSHU PD\R LV WKH SHUIHFW ÂżQLVKLQJ WRXFK See step-by-step photos of Allishaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s recipe plus thousands more from home cooks nationwide at: <RXÂśOO DOVR ÂżQG D PHDO SODQQHU FRXSRQV DQG chances to win! Enjoy and remember, use â&#x20AC;&#x153;just a pinchâ&#x20AC;?...
- Janet
Fried Green Tomato BLT Sandwich
What You Need 2 small green tomatoes 1 c buttermilk 1/2 c panko bread crumbs F VHOI ULVLQJ Ă RXU Vegetable oil for frying Salt Red pepper 4 slices bacon 1 c lettuce leaves 2 tbsp mayonnaise 2 tbsp roasted red pepper vinaigrette 4 slices bread
and let the excess liquid be drawn RXW 7KLV VKRXOG WDNH DERXW PLQXWHV Â&#x2021; 3RXU WKH EXWWHUPLON LQ RQH ERZO In another bowl, mix together the SDQNR EUHDG FUXPEV Ă RXU VDOW WR WDVWH DQG UHG SHSSHU Â&#x2021; +HDW DSSUR[LPDWHO\ FXS YHJHWDEOH RLO LQ D VNLOOHW Â&#x2021; 3ODFH WRPDWRHV LQ WKH EXWWHUPLON then dredge through the panko PL[WXUH 3DQ IU\ XQWLO FULVS\ 'UDLQ RQ D FRROLQJ UDFN Â&#x2021; 0L[ WRJHWKHU URDVWHG UHG SHSSHU YLQDLJUHWWH DQG PD\R Directions Â&#x2021; 7RDVW EUHDG VOLFHV Â&#x2021; 6OLFH JUHHQ WRPDWRHV 3XW Â&#x2021; $VVHPEOH VDQGZLFK ZLWK UHG in a colander and set in the pepper mayo, lettuce, bacon VLQN (2 slices per sandwich) and Â&#x2021; 6SULQNOH VDOW RYHU WKHP WRPDWRHV Submitted by: Allisha Bordelon, Coushatta, LA (pop. 1,964)
Brought to you by American Hometown Media
1322 N. Ed Carey Dr. • Harlingen
2921 Boca Chica Blvd., Suite 23 B • Brownsville
1669 Central Blvd. • Brownsville
Summer 2015 Schedule For Children Ages *2 And Up (Adult Lessons Available)
Swimming Lessons Class 1 Time: 9:00am-10:00am Class 2 Time 10:00am-11:00am Session I: June 9-June 12, June 16-June 19 Session II: June 23-June 26, June 30- July 7 Session III: July 7-July 10, July 14-July 17
FEE: $60 (2 Weeks Tues-Fri) Sign up at Los Fresnos City Hall, 200 N. Brazil, Los Fresnos, TX 78566
Swimming Friday June 5th 2015 through Sunday August 23, 2015
Public Swimming Tuesday to Friday 2pm - 7pm Saturday to Sunday 2pm - 8pm Lap Swimming Tuesday to Friday 7pm - 8pm Saturday 7am - 9am FEE: $2 Per Person (Children and Adults) Season Passes $45 (Children and Adults) Good for Tuesday to Friday Only
Water Aerobics Tuesday to Friday 7:15am - 8:15am
For more information on the Summer Swimming Schedule call 956-534-4619. Los Fresnos City Pool 900 N Arroyo Blvd Los Fresnos, TX 78566
Cristin Lumbreras
Alex Cano
*Orthodontics done by General Dentist
# Ʉ-* Ʉ/*Ʉ )&$)"Ʉ *)1 )$ ) Ʉ' .Ʉ/*Ʉ 4*0-Ʉ#*( Ʉ *0Ʉ )Ʉ( & Ʉ/- &.Ʉ/*Ʉ Ʉ+' Ʉ2# - Ʉ )& -.ƖɄ#*0-.Ʉ - Ʉ4*0-Ʉ*2)Ʉ#*0-.ƆɄ ..Ʉ4*0-Ʉ *0)/.Ʉ!-*(Ʉ#*( Ʉ0.$)"Ʉ/# Ʉ *)1 )$ ) Ʉ*!Ʉ*0-Ʉ 3 '0.$1 Ʉ*)'$) Ʉ ) Ʉ/ ' +#*) Ʉ )&$)"Ʉ. -1$ .ƆɄ Ʉ ''Đſ '$ &ſ*-ſ./*+ſ 4ſ ) ſ/ '&ſ2$/#ſ ſ )& -ďſ Ʉ Los Fresnos • 203 N Arroyo Blvd • 956-233-3600
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