Los Fresnos News 7-6-22

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Texas,BROWNSVILLE,May23,2022 – The Brownsville Navigation District (BND) proudly announces the recipients of the 2022 Port of Brownsville Scholarship, aimed at making a difference in the lives of local students pursuing higherThirtyeducation.localhigh school graduating seniors will receive $1,000 scholarships upon enrollment in a college, university, or technical school. The scholarship winners – selected for their academic –aswellandextracurricularcommunityperformance,involvement,activities,workexperience,asasforessayspennedpartoftheirapplicationsattend15publicand private high schools in the Brownsville and Los Fresnos area. “The of2020program,setstheirtoBrownsvillesucceed,aredemonstrated“TheseChairmancareertheirforwardscholarsproudNavigationBrownsvilleDistrictistosupporttheseastheymoveinpursuitofacademicandgoals,”saidBNDEstebanGuerra.studentshavethattheyhighlymotivatedtoandthePortofiscommittedhelpingthemexpandknowledgeandskillforthefuture.”Todate,thescholarshipcreatedinbytheBNDBoardCommissioners,has awarded $94,000 benefiting 94 high school students attending schools within the navigation district. The 30 graduating seniors eligible for the Port of scholarshipsBrownsvilleinclude: CollegeDistrictIndependentBrownsvilleSchoolBrownsvilleEarlyHighSchool • Victor JenniferContrerasGarcia-Prado Gladys Porter Early College High School Amy PinedaLizethCastroA.Castillo Homer Hanna Early College High School Dan Thanh Cao • Luis Lopez James Pace Early College High School • Rubi Alicia Logan • Karyme Itzel Garza Lopez Early College High School • Manuel Candanoza • Jonathan Rodriguez Simon Rivera Early College High School • Kayla Guzman • Ethan Lai Veterans Memorial Early College High School Vivian Cardona-Orozco Diego Preciado First Baptist School John TovarAnnyaMacEachernDelgadillo Harmony Public SchoolsHarmony School of Innovation • Esmeralda Gomez • Jesus Mendoza Idea Public Schools Idea Frontier College Preparatory • Pedro Garcia • Mark Pena Idea CollegeBrownsvillePreparatory • Salvador Palomo • Esteban Garza Jubilee Academies Jubilee Brownsville Leilani CamilleGonzalezLeilani WEEK OF Ju Ly 6, 2022 THRO u GH J u Ly 12, 2022 LOOK INSIDE Classified pg 3 Sports pg 4 Puzzles pg 5 Activity Page pg 6 Volume 18 Number 27 www.losfresnosnews.net 705 W. HWY 100 Los Fresnos, Tx 78566 956-233-5744 AUTO • HOME • LIFE • COMMERCIAL • FLOOD • WIND RIO INSURANCEUNDERWRITERSGRANDEGROUP,INC Member FDIC The only Community Bank with locations in Cameron, Hidalgo and Willacy Counties Fishing for Low Rates... Boat owners insurance for less than you think. State Farm® boat insurance doesn’t cost much, but covers a lot – like your boat, motor, and trailer. It also protects you and your passengers. Do you have the proper coverage? FREE QUOTE This 956-264-7720AVAILABLESpaceCALL CULLIGAN WATER OF THE RIO GRANDE VALLEY better water pure and www.culsimple liganrgv.com CULL Generic 5x2 eng_Layout 1 10/30/12 11:27 AM Page 1 CULLIGAN® WATER OF THE RIO GRANDE VALLEY better p d www.culp liganrgv com CULL Generic 5x2 eng_Layout 1 10/30/12 11:27 AM Page 1 CULLIGAN® WATER OF T www.culliganr gv.com CULL Generic 5x2 eng_Layout 1 10/30/12 11:27 AM Page 1 1300 W. Business 77 • San Benito, TX 956-399-1780 Call today for a FREE water analysis! CULLIGAN® WATER OF THE RIO GRANDE V CULL Generic 5x2 eng_Layout 1 10/30/12 11:27 AM Page 1 CULLIGAN® WATER OF THE RIO GRANDE VAL better water pure and www.culsimple liganr gv com CULL Generic 5x2 eng_Layout 1 10/30/12 11:27 AM Page 1 Page 7 Native Bees Need Love Too! Page 5 NOAA predicts abovenormal 2022 Atlantic Hurricane Season Page 8 Poem: IndependenceTrue Day How to Raise a Reader Page 4 Page 2 Los Fresnos Football ►Honors High SchoolGraduates with $1,000 CONTINUEDScholarshipsONPAGE 8 LFHS Seniors Earn TSC Associate Degree Prior to Graduation Two Los Fresnos High School seniors are celebrating earning dual diplomas that will enhance their college experience. Aracely Garcia and Nicholas Gutteridge graduated with an Associate of Arts degree in General Studies from Texas Southmost College on Saturday, May 14, 2022. The two graduates were able to accomplish this through the Dual Enrollment program in which eligible students enroll in college courses while attending high school. Garcia and Gutteridge both had an early interest after hearing about the opportunity during their College and Career Readiness class in middle school. Both students took a few courses during their Freshman year, before taking a small break.When the pandemic hit, they took advantage of the remote learning opportunity to stack several courses. Courses included presidentalsoAll-StateGutteridge.Degree,”completeA&MonresponsibilitiestaughtheavyandcomponentMathematics,Government,English,History,sciences,areaoptionselectives.“ThechallengeoftheworkloadhasmehowtohandleasImovetocollegeatTexasCollegeStationtomyBachelor’ssaidNicholasAracelyGarciaisanmusicianwhoservedherclassasoftheChessClub and secretary for National Honor Society. In addition to earning her Associate’s, she earned certifications in EKG and EMT through Career and Technical Education.“Thetime invested in obtaining my Associate degree will allow me to ease the pressure of the considerable adjustment of leaving home for college,” said Aracely Garcia, who plans to attend Texas A&M Corpus Christi on a music scholarship.Highschool students admitted to the Dual Enrollment program must meet the same requirements as all other college students within the guidelines established by The Higher Education Coordinating Board. Garcia and Gutteridge’s TSC Associate Degree hours will transfer to their chosen colleges and universities. Two Los Fresnos High School seniors, Aracely Garcia and Nicholas Gutteridge graduated with an Associate of Arts degree in General Studies from Texas Southmost College on Saturday, May 14, 2022. Port of Brownsville Honors High School Graduates with $1,000 Scholarships

Any bee aside from a honeybee is considered a native bee, such as these bumblebees.

Too! Native

by DR.ADAM LALONDE: It’s true that diabetics are at an increased risk of gum and bone infections, a condition known as Periodontitis. Symptoms of this disease include bleeding gums, receding gums, sensitive teeth, bad breath, and ultimately, tooth loss. All of our mouths harbor bacteria, but in a diabetic, these bacteria start to overwhelm the body’s defenses. The destructive results of Periodontitis can make smiling, talking, and enjoying eating a challenge. Additionally, the severity of periodontal disease is increased in patients with uncontrolled diabetes.For example, patients with inadequate blood sugar levels develop periodontal disease more often and more severely, and they lose more teeth, than persons who have good control of their diabetes. But the good news is that you can take steps to maintain a healthy mouth and lower your risk of Periodontitis.Regularcheck-ups/cleanings are important to stop Periodontitis before it starts. And if dental disease does start, a dentist can treat Periodontitis with special procedures to ensure you keep all your teeth for life. If you don’t already have a dentist, I would be honored to help you with your oral health. For more information, call our office 956-2334400 or visit us at www.losfresnosdental.com.

“Your Community Newspaper” 705 W. Highway 100, Suite B-2 Los Fresnos, TX E MAIL: info@losfresnosnews.netWeareopen Monday - Friday from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. FOR IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE: Call 956-264-7720 SUBSCRIPTION RATES $2795 Yr. Valley l $3495 Out of Valley Single Copy Price ........ $.50 ea. Back Issues available . $.50 ea. CORRECTION POLICY Although the Los Fresnos News Staff strives for excellence in all stories and advertising, spelling or typographical errors can occur. If you find any confirmed factual or other type of error, please call 956-233-9928 during business hours or leave a message. WEEKLY COLUMNS printed in the Los Fresnos News contain the opinions of the Authors. They may or may not be the opinion of the Newspaper. HOW TO SUBSCRIBE: 1 year subscription delivered by U.S. Postal service...$27.95 or can be purchased at several convinent locations through out the cities of Los Fersnos and Brownsville for 50¢. The Los Fresnos News is mailed and delivered Tuesday, July 5, 2022, and published weekly by Los Fresnos Publishing, LLC. Periodical Postage Rates paid at Los Fresnos, TX. Post Office. Advertising deadline is noon Thursday at the office at 203 N. Arroyo, Los Fresnos, TX 78566. (POSTMASTER send address changes to Los Fresnos, P.O. Box 990, Los Fresnos, TX 78566.) TEXAS PRESS ASSOCIATIONMEMBER2020 PUBLISHER S Landon Jennings Sharice LosSuite705MAILINGJenningsADDRESSW.Highway100B-2Fresnos,TX7856 797-9920 l Fax 797-9921 NeldaEmilio956-264-7720VictorADVERTISINGMorenoCONTENTEDITORFloresOFFICEMANAGERBriones 2 • J ULy 6, 2022 • LOS FRESNOS NEWS SPONSORED BY If you have a Mexican saying you’d like to share, please call: 956-797-9920 1401 W. Business Hwy 77 | San Benito, TX Mon – Fri 8 am – 7 pm • Sat 9am – 5pm Here for Generations 956.399.2468 Contribuido por: Alvino Villareal “Barriga llena, contento.”corazon “A full belly, a happy heart.” Q: I was recently diagnosed with diabetes and learned from my doctor that gum disease is more destructive in diabetics. How can I maintain my oralANSWEREDhealth?

In other words, don’t try to catch a native bee and you won’t have too much to worry about. However, if you are allergic to bees, it is smart to avoid all types, as well as wasps and other flying-insect venoms, Keck warned.Anative bee retains its stinger after a strike, whereas a honeybee sting is fatal for the bee. And male bees? Neither honey nor native has any sting at all.

However, there are far more female than male bees, so it is safe to assume a bee you see does have a stinger. Extinction concern? Keck said it’s important for every Texan to be aware of the need to protect bee habitats, although there is no threat of extinction in our state quite yet. “I think the amount of undeveloped land we have in Texas is part of the reason our numbers are still good,” she said. “But as urban areas expand and the sprawl increases, we could start to see the same bee population problems some other areas face.”

Written by Susan Himes A Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service expert wants people to better understand and appreciate our native bee pollinators. “When people see a bee in their garden, many assume it is a honeybee when, odds are, it is actually a native bee,” said Molly Keck, AgriLife Extension integrated pest management specialist and entomologist, SanSheAntonio.said,in the simplest of terms, a native bee is usually any bee except a honeybee since honeybees are not native to the Americas.Andwhile bees can look very similar or very different from each other, most bees have a “fuzzy” looking body, unlike wasps who are shiny and “smoother” looking. Giving credit where credit is due There are over 200,000 species of pollinators, and about 199,000 of them are insects.There are over 4,000 species of bees in the U.S., making them the MVP of pollinators. And a bee’s work is never done, considering that 90% of flowering plants require a pollinator.Honeybees play a key role in agriculture, but native bees are just as important, Keck said. “There are native bee species that are 17 times more efficient as pollinators than honeybees,” she said. Native bees are also better at pollinating some of the most beloved backyard crops — including tomatoes, blueberries and pumpkins — making them the heroes of home gardeners everywhere. Natives thrive on variety Whereas honeybees prefer blanketed areas of the same food source, such as a field of a single crop, native bees are all about variety. The more types of flowers, fruits and vegetables that grow in a garden, the more native bees you can expect to see. “Essentially, to attract native bees, you want to have many different minilandscapes inside your yard,” Keck said. She said to get an example of a native bee’s ideal habitat, picture an English garden with hedgerows, pasture, plants andBeesflowers.aredrawn to flowers because of their scent as well as the shape of their flower. They also are attracted to bright colors, especially blues and violets. Red they see as dark, like brown and black, and isn’t as “Nativeappealing.bees feed in ‘pockets,’ so you don’t need as much space to attract them as honeybees,” Keck said. “You’ll just need a variety of food sources for them.”Although bees may have a harder time finding their way to a garden balcony in a large city, a pollinator garden can be a success anywhere. Having gardens in cities also provides a key nutritional resource in what could be a food desert for nativeTexansbees.with yards may consider not having turf everywhere, leaving some land uncultivated and allowing some ground to stay bare. Some native bees, like the mason bee, use mud as mortar to build their homes and having mud on the ground when the weather allows is also attractive.Around 70% of bees nest underground rather than the traditional hives many people envision and that honeybees call home. That might (not) sting Although all female bees can sting, most native females won’t sting unless trapped, hurt or directly threatened.“Nativebees are unlikely to sting you,” Keck said. “Honeybees are more territorial and likely to defend with a sting.”

by DR. ADAM LALONDE Dr. Adam Lalonde Ask Our Dentists 956-233-4400 Bees Need Love pollinators as important as honeybees

(Michael Hodgins/pexels.com photo)

Bees are more attracted to flowers of certain colors. Shades in the blue and purple family can be especially successful in attracting pollinators to your garden. (Texas A&M AgriLife photo by Susan Himes)

Whereas honeybees have been domesticated or managed for thousands of years, native bees are still independent contractors. “Native bees do an equally important job as honeybees and for some crops like fruit, native bees are even better pollinators,” Keck said. “To create an environment for them to thrive is something every Texan can support.”

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Great Classifieds... List Yours Today by Calling 956-233-9928 or 956-797-9920 REMEMBER: Deadline is Thursday at NOON for ads to be published in the following week’s edition. J ULy 6, 2022 • LOS FRESNOS NEWS • 3 PUBLIC NOTICE Riowww.ValleyShredding.comWesupplytheGrandeValleyandSouthTexaswithSecureMobileDocumentDestruction.“YourOn-site Answer to CallDestruction”DocumentUsToday! 1-956-233-4780 TexSCAN Week of July 3-9, 2022 ACREAGE Own your piece of Texas TODAY! Prices start ing at $650/acre. Trans Pecos region. Also the Hill Country (Edwards, Menard, Coke, Val Verde Counties - free ranging exotics), South Texas (Duval County - whitetail, hogs). Large acreage or small. 30 year fixed rate owner financing, only 5% down. Call toll free or email for individual prices and terms. www.ranchenterprisesltd.com, 800-876-9720. ARROWHEADS Indian Arrowheads Wanted – Point Type: Clovis, Yuma, Firstview & Eden. Must be old, authentic & unbroken. Absolute TOP DOLLAR paid – up to 5 figures for one point. I am a very serious high-end collector. Call 979-218-3351. GENERATORS Prepare for power outages today with a GENERAC home standby generator. $0 Money Down + Low Monthly Payment Options. Request a FREE Quote. Call now before the next power outage: 1-855-704-8579.

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The Style being: IN THE ESTATE OF L.V. DURHAM, Jr., Deceased

The nature of said proceeding being substantially as follows, to wit: Determine who the heirs and only heirs of decedent are and their respective shares and interests in this estate; that no appraisers be appointed; and for all other relief to which applicant may be entitled. Issued on this the 24th day of June, 2022. Given under my hand and seal of said Court at Office in the City of Brownsville, Texas on this the 24th day of June, 2022. Sylvia Garza-Perez, Clerk Cameron County, Texas. By _/s/Martin Obregon___, Deputy Martin Obregon

Los Fresnos Football twitter account tweets: "Falcon Football Camp 2022 was a success! BIG thanks to the Los Fresnos community and parents for supporting this event & to our high school and middle school coaching staffs for running it! Our future Falcons from grades K-9 gave great effort and had FUN! Softball Showcase a Home Run

324 W Ocean Blvd Ste 102 Los Fresnos, TX 78566-3668 Phone (956) 233-1916 Installment Loans Serving Customers Since 1955! 4 • J ULy 6, 2022 • LOS FRESNOS NEWS Gabby Guevara Andrea Guevara Tuesday - Saturday | 7am-1pm 233-9988 32184 State Hwy 100 | Los Fresnos /tapiascafe Los Fresnos Football Los Fresnos' Football Twitter account tweeted: "Six of our seniors (Ryan, Angel, Frank, Thomas, Vicente, & Daniel) representing your Falcons today at the @Riosportslivepreseasonphotoshoot…season’s just around the corner! GO FALCONS GO!"

STARS By Ruben Rodriguez Despite Softball Season being long gone, The queens on the diamond took over one last time in the Rio Sports Live South Texas Area Regional Showcase in Raymondville Texas. 6 Teams which included the best softball players from the Rio Grande Valley and Coastal Bend faced off in a funfilled Tournament Style weekend.5Games on Saturday had some exciting matchups as the opening game saw a 4-2 Shootout between the Coastal Bend Storm and Coastal Bend Breeze. Game Two saw the RGV Racers take on the Coastal Bend Barracudas, who would defeat the RGV 6-1 after a destructive six-run opening inning. Despite allowing six runs in the first inning, Arlette Hernandez of La Joya had a dominant outing with 10 wentMeganbysquadwhoLightning.theylookedThree,Headingstrikeouts.intoGameTheBreezetogo2-0asfacedtheRGVTheBreeze,wereapowerhousewerepropelledRaeganTennillandGeyerwhobothtwofortwoand cranked a two run home run led the breeze to an 8-0Thewin.RGV Racers then faced off against the RGV Rebels, who were entering their first matchup of the night. After a lengthy and intense matchup. The Rebels took control and won in a tiebreaking 2-1 MatchupThena big matchup between the Coastal Bend Storm and RGV Lightning saw the Coastal Bend Storm go up 2-0 with a 5-2 Victory. Following the matchup the Rebels and Barracudas faced off in a battle in which Weslaco’s Katia Reyes struck out six hitters and hit a home run to lead the Rebels to a 5-1 game. To Cap off night one, RSL had the inaugural Softball Home Run Derby. 8 Participants faced off in a battle that had some explosive firepower. Some Key names in the derby were Ilianna Saucedo from Harlingen South, Krystal Perez from Los Fresnos, Lilly Rocha from Harlingen High, Brookelynn Meador from Calallen, Alyssa Burdge from Corpus Christi Veterans, Ava Hernandez from Alice, Jozanna Montes from San Benito and Evelyn Valadez from Bishop. The Power was displayed early on as Saucedo, Perez, Meador and Rocha moved on to round two, The Final Round saw Perez and Rocha hitting 43 combined home runs as Rocha defeated Perez to claim herself the 2022 Derby Champion. Day two saw the Lightning and Barracudas face off in Sunday's opening matchup. A Full seven inning game. The Lightning captured the win 7-5. Game Two was climate change with rain coming into play and the Racers getting the thepower,beenTheCoastalRebelsSundayChampionshipwin.sawtheRGVtakeontheBendBreeze,Breeze,whohaveloadedwithlookedtokeeptrifectaandgo 3-0. Off a Dominant performance, The Breeze got the victory 3-1 and captured the STARS championship.Showcase A fun filled weekend filled with great softball and an exciting home run derby. The STARS Showcase certainly was the epicenter of the Sports World.

J ULy 6, 2022 • LOS FRESNOS NEWS • 5 ADVERTISE WITH US! 203 N. Arroyo Blvd P.O. Box 990 (956) 233-9928 (956) 797-9920 THEME: 16.15.being14.13.golf12.8.5.1.ACROSSCHILDREN'SCLASSICBOOKSKitchenbossChurchill's"sofew"Epochs"Watchout!"onacourseEastofJava*Pinocchio'sstateofHardcurrencyEmanation 17. TV and radio 18. *Mr. Popper's birds 20. Newspaper piece 21. *Like "Goosebumps 23.22.Classic""What?"*Richard Scarry's Things That Go 26. Oxygenate, as in 29.lawnSkin cyst 30. Middle Eastern meat dish, pl. 33. Antonym of "yup" LAST WEEK’S SUDOKU ANSWERS LAST WEEK’S CROSSWORDS ANSWERS nut trees 50. Off-color 52. Bemelmans'*Ludwig Parisian boarding school 55.residentMiddle Eastern 56.porterMovie""____KarlofpoliticsInacoldmannerObscenityMiddleofMarch 62. Fringe benefit 63. *Side for Green 64.EggsPut in the outbox DOWN 1. Chlorofluorocarbon, 2.abbr.Obstacle to jump 3.throughGreat Lake 4. Tiny fox with large 5.earsTwo halves of a 6.diameterLikeone in isolation 7.cellEvergreen trees 8. *Babar, e.g. 9. Thumb-up catch 10. Full of enthusiasm 11. *"The 13.Mermaid"LittledomainStockexchange, in Paris 14. Affair, to Emmanuel 19.MacronMichael Douglas' 1987 greedy role 22. "For ____ a jolly 23...." *Clement Clark Moore's Paddington31.and28.*Athos',Porthos'Aramis'swords*Corduroyor 32. Stiff grass bristle 34. husband46.44.41.40.purple38.to36.sword*D'Artagnan's*Itends,accordingShelSilversteinNorthAmericanberry____atWork,bandGiveinWorshipfulIsis'brotherand 48. Cause and effect 50.49.cycle?AbhorrenceRBG'scollar, e.g. 51. Arabic 53.52.commanderforScreenLymphatic swelling 54. Like certain Steven 55. Senior's fragile body part 58. New york time 35. Dispatch boat 37. Female sheep 38. Throat infection 39. Searching for E.T. 40.org.*"I think I can, I think I can...", e.g. 42. *"____ Spot run!" 43. Accounting journal 45. *The Plaza Hotel resident of kids' book 47.fameLong, long time 48. Caffeine-containing GET SCHEDULES, SCORES & LIVE BROADCASTS OF LOS FRESNOS GAMES LIVE BROADCASTS SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY CULLIGAN® WATER OF THE RIO GRANDE VALLEY better water pure and simple www.cul® liganr gv.com CULLIGAN® WATER OF THE RIO GRANDE VALLEY better water pure and www.culsimple liganrgv com CULL Generic 5x2 eng_Layout 1 10/30/12 11:27 AM Page 1 www.culliganr gv.com 1300 W. Business 77 • San Benito, TX 956-399-1780 Call today for a FREE water analysis! CULLIGAN® WATER OF THE RIO GRANDE V better water. pure and www.culsimp liganr gv.com CULL Generic 5x2 eng_Layout 1 10/30/12 11:27 AM Page 1 CULLIGAN® WATER OF THE RIO GRANDE VAL better water. pure and www.culsimple.® liganr gv.com CULL Generic 5x2 eng_Layout 1 10/30/12 11:27 AM Page 1 Want your story in the paper? The Next Chapter is a column featuring a serialized continuing short story/poems from a local author. you can submit your own original story for publication at news@laferianews.net. news@laferianews.net The Next Chapter Poem True Independence Day To a world that’s so divisive of late, May we turn from anger, killings, and debate, When innocents do die beneath bluest skies, May it bring tears to our eyes. May we turn from war’s hell To mend the crack in Liberty’s Bell, To be free every day In a loving, compassionate way. For in God may we trust. Poem by James E. Arnold

6 • J ULy 6, 2022 • LOS FRESNOS NEWS Additional stories and content on our website... IF y OU WOULD LIKE TO ADVERTISE ON OUR ACTIVITY PAGE PLEASE CONTACT US AT (956) 797-9920 OR (956) 233-9928 956-801-2284 3340 Pablo Kisel Blvd B105 Brownsville, Tx 78526 956-545-0155 3525 International Blvd. STE D Brownsville, Tx 78526 956-626-2289 33478 FM 803 Los Fresnos, Tx 78566 @lapalefrozenfruitbar @lapalefrozenfruitbar @lapale-international @lapalefrozenfruitbarLosFresnos,TX

A summary graphic showing an alphabetical list of the 2022 Atlantic tropical cyclone names as selected by the World Meteorological Organization. The official start of the Atlantic hurricane season is June 1 and runs through November 30. (NOAA)

• To improve MeteorologicalOceanographicNOAA’shurricanespredictionunderstandingtheandofhowintensify,AtlanticandLab and Pacific Marine Environmental Lab will operate five Saildrone uncrewed surface vehicles during the peak of the 2022 hurricane season and coordinate for the first time with uncrewed ocean gliders, small aircraft drone systems, and NOAA Hurricane Hunter aircraft to measure the ocean, atmosphere and areas where they meet. The WeatherHurricaneResearch and Forecast Modeling System and Hurricanes in a Ocean-coupledMulti-scale Nonhydrostatic model, which have shown significant skill improvements in terms of storm track and intensity forecasts, have been System,SupercomputingClimatethenewesttransitionedsuccessfullytotheversionofWeatherandOperationalallowing for operationaluninterruptedforecasts.

• Additionally, NOAA has enhanced the following products and services this hurricane season:

“As we reflect on another potentially busy hurricane season, past storms — such as Superstorm Sandy, which devastated the New York metro area ten years ago — remind us that the impact of one storm can be felt for years,” said NOAA Administrator Rick Spinrad, Ph.D. “Since Sandy, NOAA’s forecasting accuracy has continued to improve, allowing us to better predict the impacts of major hurricanes to lives and livelihoods.”

• The Excessive Rainfall Outlook (ERO) has been extendedexperimentallyfromthree to five days of lead time, giving more notice of rainfall-related flash flooding risks from tropical storms and hurricanes. The ERO forecasts and maps the probability of intense rainfall that could lead to flash flooding within 25 miles of a given point.

NOAA predicts above-normal 2022 Atlantic at NOAA’s Prediction confidence. “Early preparation and understanding your risk is key to being hurricane resilient and climateready,” said Secretary of Commerce Gina M. Raimondo. “Throughout the hurricane season, NOAA experts will work around-the-clock to provide early and accurate forecasts and warnings that communities in the path of storms can depend on to stay informed.” The increased activity anticipated this hurricane season is attributed to several climate factors, including the ongoing La Niña that is likely to persist throughout the hurricane scientists.areacyclonesfrequencyimpactsinmostlivedstrongestwhichAfricansupportswestmonsoon.enhancedtradeweakerandinseawarmer-than-averageseason,surfacetemperaturestheAtlanticOceanCaribbeanSea,tropicalAtlanticwindsandanwestAfricanAnenhancedAfricanmonsoonstrongerEasterlyWaves,seedmanyoftheandlongesthurricanesduringseasons.ThewaywhichclimatechangethestrengthandoftropicalisacontinuousofstudyforNOAA

Center, a division of the National Weather Service, are thesehigher).winds(category3mphhurricanes6mphstormsrangeforecastingseason,normalaaseason,of30,fromseason,2022NOAA’saverageconsecutivewouldactivityabove-averagepredictinghurricanethisyear—whichmakeittheseventhabove-hurricaneseason.outlookfortheAtlantichurricanewhichextendsJune1toNovemberpredictsa65%chanceanabove-normala25%chanceofnear-normalseasonand10%chanceofabelow-season.Forthe2022hurricaneNOAAisalikelyof14to21named(windsof39orhigher),ofwhichto10couldbecome(windsof74orhigher),includingto6majorhurricanes3,4or5;withof111mphorNOAAprovidesrangeswitha70%

• In June, NOAA will enhance an experimental graphic that depicts the Peak Storm Surge Forecast when storm surge watches or warnings are in effect. Upgrades include an updated disclaimer and color coding that illustrates the peak storm surge inundation forecast at the coast. This tool is currently only available in the Atlantic “Hurricanebasin.Idaspanned nine states, demonstrating that anyone can be in the direct path of a hurricane and in danger from the remnants of a storm system,” said FEMA importantDeanneAdministratorCriswell.“It’sforeveryone to understand their risk and take proactive steps to get ready now by visiting Ready.gov and Listo. gov for preparedness tips, and by downloading the FEMA App to make sure you are receiving emergency alerts in realtime.”NOAA’s outlook is for overall seasonal activity and is not a landfall forecast. In addition to the Atlantic seasonal outlook, NOAA has also issued seasonal hurricane outlooks for the eastern Pacific and central Pacific hurricane basins. NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center will update the 2022 Atlantic seasonal outlook in early August, just prior to the historical peak of the season.

Hurricane Season Ongoing La Niña, above-average Atlantic temperatures set the stage for busy season ahead Forecasters


J ULy 6, 2022 • LOS FRESNOS NEWS • 7 719 W. Ocean Blvd. • (956) 233-2795 NEW LOCATION AT CAMERON PARK 2302 Delia Ave - Brownsville, TX. 78526 -Tel (956)620-3735 Fax (956)620-3778 384 Military Hwy. - Brownsville, TX. 78520 Tel (956)544-4400 - Fax (956)544-4508 3831 Boca Chica Blvd. Brownsville, TX. 78521 - Tel (956)554-3964 Fax (956)554-3992 2814 International Blvd. - Brownsville, TX. 78521 - Tel (956)542-8695 - Fax (956)554-3160 3244 Southmost Rd. - Brownsville, TX. 78521 - Tel (956)541-7535 - Fax (956)541-6010 719 W Hwy. 100 Los Fresnos, TX. 78566 - Tel (956)233-2795 Fax (956)233-2797 860 S. Sam Houston Blvd. - San Benito, TX. 78586 Tel (956)399-4111 - Fax (956)399-4481 MAIN OFFICE 1737 Boca Chica Blvd. Brownsville, TX. 78520 - Tel (956)546-3120 - Fax (956)546-3980 Located next to Los Fresnos Pharmacy

A summary infographic showing hurricane season probability and numbers of named storms predicted from NOAA's 2022 Atlantic Hurricane Season Outlook. (NOAA)

A visible satellite image of Hurricane Ida approaching land in the Gulf of Mexico taken by NOAA's GOES-16 (GOES East) satellite at 4:10 am (EDT) on August 29, 2021. (NOAA)

How to Raise a Reader


The two Senior graduates from Los Fresnos that received a $1,000 scholarship from Port of Brownsville. The Brownsville Navigation District (BND) says they are "Proud to support these scholars as they move forward in pursuit of their academic and career goals. Congratulations to all!"

Buy your kids books with abandon While we took our kids to the library a lot when they were little, as they’ve gotten older and developed the ability to read on their own, we more often take them to the bookstore and let them pick out books that we then buy for them. Not because we’re spendthrifts, mind you, but because there are a few reasons I think buying books for your kids is a goodThereidea.seems to be something about buying a book for your kids that gets them more pumped to read it. I’m guessing it’s the dopamine that comes with buying stuff. I’ve noticed that my kids are more likely to jump into a book that we’ve bought them than a book they check out at the Buyinglibrary.books also helps your children build their own home library. Our kids often enjoy reading the same book twice (or more). Additionally, the fact that we buy books for our kids, while making them use their own allowance money to purchase things like toys and video games, makes books seem less like a special treat indulgence, and more like the other basic necessities we fund like clothes and food. By my lights, books are a real bargain, especially children’s books. A new children’s paperback costs just $10 (or less!) and will give your kids hours of entertainment, all sorts of cognitive, emotional, and academic benefits, and another nudge along the path to becoming lifelong readers.

►Honors High SchoolGraduates with $1,000 CONTINUEDScholarshipsFROMPAGE

Brett and Kate McKay Art of Manliness A recent survey by the National Assessment of Educational Progress found that reading for pleasure among kids is at an alltime low. The decline is, no surprise here, likely attributed to the increased use of screens. It’s likely that these non-reading children will become nonreading adults. I don’t want my kids to be those kids who don’t read for pleasure and then go on to become adults who don’t read for pleasure either. I want them to be readers.Reading not only enhances a child’s academic performance and cognitive development, but even more important, to me at least, reading is simply one of life’s most enriching and edifying activities. Reading has had a huge impact on my own life. I’ve had my world expanded by reading. I’ve been entertained for hours by reading. I’ve made friends thanks to reading. I’ve even made a career out of Ireading.wantmy kids to experience that same lifeaffirming power of reading. It seems like they’re — fingers crossed — on their way to becoming lifelong readers. Both Gus and Scout have their noses in a book before they go to sleep at night. When we go on long road trips, they willfully mix shorter sessions of screen time with longer stretches of reading. One of my favorite sounds is Gus laughing out loud at something he’s reading in a book. If you’re looking for some advice on how to raise a reader, here’s what’s seemed to work for us so far in nudging along the reading habit in our kids: Keep a well-stocked home library When I read the biographies of eminent men who were voracious readers (which interestingly enough, nearly all were — there’s definitely a correlation between reading and success), so many of them talk about growing up in households that were filled with books. It’s not just that keeping a home library allows your kid access to lots of books (while they hypothetically could pull a book off our shelves, my children have yet to do so — they have their own taste in literature), it’s that the library acts as a potent signal that reading is important to you as parents, and is important in your family culture. And it’s a reminder that tons and tons of knowledge exists in the world — more than they might imagine trodding the familiar, well-worn courses carved by their digital surfing habits — and it’s all there for the discovering andWhiletaking!you could build a digital library of books, this is one of the many reasons concrete, paperbound copies are really superior. Your Kindle app is never going to act as a continual pique to your kids’ curiosity.Ofcourse, a home library isn’t going to have a big effect, if its books are merely decorative, and your kids never see you actually opening them. So: Be a reader yourself Your kids are always watching you. They’re more likely to do what you do than do what you say. So set an example for them and be a reader yourself. Let your kids catch you reading.I’mgrateful to my parents for many things, but one thing I’m especially thankful for is their example of being readers. Growing up, I always saw both of my parents with their noses in books. They made it seem like reading was a normal part of life — just something you do. They never lectured my siblings and me to read, but we all followed their lead and read ourselves. Read out loud to them when they’re little (and beyond). Just because your kids are too young to read themselves, doesn’t mean you can’t start inculcating the reading habit in them. Read out loud to your kids when they’re little. It will set a pattern for them that reading is just a normal part of life’s routine. Like brushing your teeth. Even when your kids are old enough to read on their own, keep reading aloud to them. It’s a great way to spend time with your kids, and it reinforces the idea that reading is just something you do in your family. We’ve been reading out loud to our kids since they were tykes. We’re now reading chapter books to them before they go to bed. It’s been a chance for Kate and me to expose our kids to books that we enjoyed ourselves as children (and to discover new books we missed when we were growing up). Let your kids read what they want Some well-intentioned parents have this idea that if their kids are going to be readers, then they’re only going to read the Great Books or only the classics of children’s literature. So they put their kids on some reading program and make their children slog through books they have no interest in.That’s a great way to turn your kids into nonreaders. If you go that route, you’re turning reading into something like eating your lima beans or taking medicine. Not something you want to do, but something you should do.Instead,Yuck! let your kids read whatever they want. Well, not whatever they want. I don’t recommend letting a nine-year-old read Devil in a Blue Dress (though I do recommend reading that and other hardboiled detective novels when you’re an adult). But let them read whatever they want . . . that’s ageappropriate. You want them to learn to enjoy reading. As professor of literature Alan Jacobs puts it, let your kids read based on Whim. This hands-off approach means your kids may read some lowbrow books for a while. Gus went through, and Scout is still in the midst of, the little kid graphic novel phase. Think Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Captain Underpants, Big Nate, etc. Are these books that I would personally pick out for my children? No. But they enjoyed reading these books, so we let them read them. Gus eventually emerged into straight text chapter books, and Scout is getting there too. Your kids have the rest of their lives to read the Great Books. Your primary focus as a parent is to make reading something your kids enjoy doing so that when they get old enough to read the Iliad, they’ll actually want to read it. Get them a library card Most libraries allow your kids to get a library card when they’re fairly young. Get your kid one and take them to the library frequently. Free books! The idea here again is to make books a regular part of life.

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