Los Fresnos News 8-10-22

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WEEK OF August 10, 2022 t HRO ug H A ugust 16, 2022 LOOK IN s IDE Classified pg 3 Sports pg 4 Puzzles pg 5 Activity Page pg 6 Volume 18 Number 32 www.losfresnosnews.net 705 W. HWY 100 Los Fresnos, Tx 78566 956-233-5744 AUTO • HOME • LIFE • COMMERCIAL • FLOOD • WIND RIO INSURANCEUNDERWRITERSGRANDEGROUP,INC Member FDIC The only Community Bank with locations in Cameron, Hidalgo and Willacy Counties Fishing for Low Rates... Boat owners insurance for less than you think. State Farm® boat insurance doesn’t cost much, but covers a lot – like your boat, motor, and trailer. It also protects you and your passengers. Do you have the proper coverage? FREE QUOTE This 956-264-7720AVAILABLESpaceCALL CULLIGAN WATER OF THE RIO GRANDE VALLEY better water pure and www.culsimple liganrgv.com CULL Generic 5x2 eng_Layout 1 10/30/12 11:27 AM Page 1 CULLIGAN® WATER OF THE RIO GRANDE VALLEY better p d www.culp liganrgv com CULL Generic 5x2 eng_Layout 1 10/30/12 11:27 AM Page 1 CULLIGAN WATER OF T www.culliganr gv.com CULL Generic 5x2 eng_Layout 1 10/30/12 11:27 AM Page 1 1300 W. Business 77 • San Benito, TX 956-399-1780 Call today for a FREE water analysis! CULLIGAN® WATER OF THE RIO GRANDE V CULL Generic 5x2 eng_Layout 1 10/30/12 11:27 AM Page 1 CULLIGAN® WATER OF THE RIO GRANDE VAL better water pure and www.culsimple liganr gv com CULL Generic 5x2 eng_Layout 1 10/30/12 11:27 AM Page 1 Page PagePage758 Poem: Greatest Love Page 4 Page 2 Pasha Hawaii Announces Delivery Los Fresnos Swim Team Reaches State

Los Fresnos, Texas — Our Mighty Los Fresnos Swim Club, which features future LFCISD Swim Team Members, participated in the Region 2 TAAF Swimming Regional Meet at the new UTRGV Natatorium in Pharr on July 8 and 9th, 2022. Over 400 swimmers participated in hopes of swimming their personal best times and an opportunity to earn a trip to the STATE TAAF Swim Meet in Corpus, from July 21st to 24th, 2022. The completion was fast and furious for the athletes, ranging from ages 8 to 17 years old. All of the athletes had a lot of fun and swam their hearts out. Our girl's team scored 668 points and our boy's team scored 863 points, having them both earn 2nd place out of 11 regional teams.


Dominic Hernandez

Brandon Villanueva 9 qualifiers for NationalsDominic Hernandez, one of the several athletes is now the State Champion in the 25-meter freestyle for the 10-yearoldDominic’sgroup. mom, Abygail Lopez shares that the swimming team puts in a lot of hard work and dedication. Even during covid she’s seen how much time her son has put in and is very proud. Coach Perez share at one of the swimming meets how proud he is of Dominic. "This year for the first time, in a state championship, Los Fresnos finally earned the goldCongratulationsmedal!" to all the swimmers, great job representing the Valley and Los Fresnos! To all of our hard-working team members and their coaches on a job well done in developing strong, smart, safe, and fast swimmers who proudly represent the city of Los Fresnos in the beautiful sport of Swimmingswimming.coach,Jaime Perez, says that you can get information on how your child can join their year-round swim club by contacting Coach Cesar at 956 295-0530. GO Falcons!

A Star in the Valley Rocket the Space Giraffe Monarch Butterflies Facing Battle Royal For Survival

The following 26 swimmers earned a ticket to STATE and will be moving on to the next level:Mathew Balli Illiana Corona Gavin Barrera Ahlia Garcia Daniel

ANSWERED by DR.ADAM LALONDE: Unfortunately, many factors are at work to destroy the naturally white smile we were born with. The most common include aging, consumption of staining substances (coffee, tea, cola, and tobacco), trauma, nerve degeneration, and old restorations.Certainmedications may also cause tooth discoloration. Hot coffee & tea are especially hazardous to your smile because the increased temperature change of your teeth (hot and cold cycling) causes teeth to expand & contract. This cycling allows stains to penetrate tooth enamel. Cutting down on tea & coffee, accompanied by regular brushing and flossing, & professional cleanings at your dentist’s office, can go a long way to reducing these stains. If you decide you would like to go beyond this to make your smile look brighter you should investigate other options like professional tooth whitening or bonding. Almost anyone can benefit from either of these procedures, and your dentist can easily determine if you are a viable candidate during your regular exam. If you are a candidate for whitening, your dentist may suggest a procedure that can be done in- office or dispense a professional at-home product for you to use. The advantage of the in-office procedure, called Zoom Power Whitening is that amazing tooth whitening can be achieved in as little time as one hour. by DR. ADAM LALONDE Dr. Adam Lalonde Dentists the new Jones Act vessel surpasses the International Maritime Organization (IMO) 2030 emission standards for ocean vessels, representing the most vesselspropeller.high-efficiencypropulsionandanstate-of-the-artalsoEnergyvesselenvironmentallyadvancedtechnologicallyandfriendlytoserveHawaii.efficienciesareachievedwithaengine,optimizedhullform,anunderwatersystemwitharudderandThe‘OhanaClassarenamedin

Ask Our

Q: Will my teeth naturally get darker with age? If yes, then is there anything I can do to slow down the process or prevent it?

honor of George Pasha, III and Janet Marie, the late parents of The Pasha Group President and CEO George Pasha, IV, marking three generations of service to Hawaii. “Today marks a moment in time that will be remembered by many of us, including my family and our incredible team members at Pasha Hawaii who worked tirelessly to bring MV George III to life,” said George Pasha, IV. “As we welcome the new MV George III to the Pasha Hawaii fleet, we stand incredibly proud of the perseverance and commitment of our partners at Keppel AmFELS, and the skilled men and women at the shipyard on this accomplishment.tremendousWe look forward to beginning service to Hawaii in August and taking delivery of the Janet Marie later this year.” “We are pleased to deliver Pasha Hawaii’s first containership,”LNG-poweredsaid David Wedgeworth, President of Keppel AmFELS. “By working closely with Pasha Hawaii, we were able to resolve operational challenges posed by COVID-19 and deliver the vessel to their satisfaction. Built to Keppel O&M’s proprietary design, M/V George III exemplifies our engineering and design expertise as well as our indepth experience in LNG.”

About Pasha Hawaii Pasha Hawaii, an independent operating subsidiary of The Pasha Group, is one of the nation’s leading domestic ocean shipping companies serving Hawaii from the continental United States. The company operates a fleet of six fully Jones Act-qualified vessels and operates out of multiple port terminals.

“Your Community Newspaper” 705 W. Highway 100, Suite B-2 Los Fresnos, TX E MAIL: info@losfresnosnews.netWeareopen Monday - Friday from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. FOR IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE: Call 956-264-7720 SUBSCRIPTION RATES $2795 Yr. Valley l $3495 Out of Valley Single Copy Price ........ $.50 ea. Back Issues available . $.50 ea. CORRECTION POLICY Although the Los Fresnos News Staff strives for excellence in all stories and advertising, spelling or typographical errors can occur. If you find any confirmed factual or other type of error, please call 956-233-9928 during business hours or leave a message. WEEKLY COLUMNS printed in the Los Fresnos News contain the opinions of the Authors. They may or may not be the opinion of the Newspaper. HOW TO SUBSCRIBE: 1 year subscription delivered by U.S. Postal service...$27.95 or can be purchased at several convinent locations through out the cities of Los Fersnos and Brownsville for 50¢. The Los Fresnos News is mailed and delivered Tuesday, August 9, 2022, and published weekly by Los Fresnos Publishing, LLC. Periodical Postage Rates paid at Los Fresnos, TX. Post Office. Advertising deadline is noon Thursday at the office at 203 N. Arroyo, Los Fresnos, TX 78566. (POSTMASTER send address changes to Los Fresnos, P.O. Box 990, Los Fresnos, TX 78566.) TEXAS PRESS ASSOCIATIONMEMBER2020 PUBLISHER S Landon Jennings Sharice LosSuite705MAILINGJenningsADDRESSW.Highway100B-2Fresnos,TX7856 797-9920 l Fax 797-9921 NeldaEmilioJazmin956-264-7720VictorADVERTISINGMorenoGRAPHICDESIGNERPereaCONTENTEDITORFloresOFFICEMANAGERBriones 2 • A UGUST 10, 2022 • LOS FRESNOS NEWS

Pasha Hawaii is a trusted partner for many of the nation’s leading retailers, manufacturers and U.S. government agencies, providing containerizedreliableand roll-on/ roll-off cargo services that leverage its unique combination of ocean transportation and inland distribution capabilities to deliver goods that are vital to the people of the State of Hawaii and the prosperity of the Hawaii market it serves. About Keppel AmFELS Keppel AmFELS is a subsidiary of Keppel O&M, a wholly owned company of Keppel Corporation Limited. Located in Brownsville, Texas, Keppel AmFELS reinforces Keppel O&M’s presence in the Gulf of Mexico and its strategy to be near its markets and customers.Sinceits establishment in 1990, Keppel AmFELS has built up its facilities and equipment to become the most well equipped offshore and marine shipyard in the Gulf of Mexico. The yard engages in the processingunits,semisubmersibleofincludearecomprehensiveSpreadvesselsmobileofliferefurbishment,construction,conversion,extensionandrepairacompleterangeofdrillingrigs,andplatforms.over165acres,itsfacilitiesworldclassandadrydockcapabledockingthelargestdrillingandamodernsteelplant.

956-233-4400 www.losfresnosdental.com 2022 Pasha Hawaii Announces Delivery of LNG-Fueled MV George III at Keppel AmFELS BROWNSVILLE – July 28, 2022 – Hawaii-based Pasha Hawaii, together with Texas-based Keppel AmFELS, naturalMainlandservingPashacontainershipsofcontainershipThethefuel(LNG)firstofannouncedproudlythedeliverytheMVGeorgeIII,theLiquefiedNaturalGaspoweredvesseltoontheWestCoastandfirsttoserveHawaii.774-footLNG-fueledisthefirsttwonew‘OhanaClasstojoinHawaii’sfleet,theHawaii/tradelane.Operatingfullyongasfromdayone,

Pasha Hawaii is a wholly owned subsidiary of the family-owned global logistics and transportation company, The Pasha Group, one of the nation’s leading Jones Act shipping and integrated companieslogisticsandisproud to support U.S. shipyards.

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The City of Los Fresnos will be accepting proposals for an official newspaper for the City. Specifications are on file with the City Secretary and may be obtained at the City Hall, 520 E Ocean Blvd., Los Fresnos, TX. 78566 or by calling 956-233-5768. Sealed proposals will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. on Monday, August 29, 2022 at City Hall. Awarding of contract will be September 13, 2022 at 6:00 pm in City Hall. Please mark on outside of envelope “SEALED PROPOSAL FOR OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER”. CItY OF LOs FREsNOs REQuEst FOR PROPOsALs FOR VEHICLE MAINtENANCE FLAt REPAIRs, tIRE BALANCE/ROtAtION FRONt-END ALIgNMENt




The City of Los Fresnos will be accepting proposals for washing, vacuuming and other detailing of all city vehicles. Specifications are on file with the City Secretary and may be obtained at the City Hall, 520 E Ocean Blvd., Los Fresnos, TX. 78566. For more information, contact Carlos Salazar, Public Works Director at 956-233-5768. Sealed proposals will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. on Monday, August 29, 2022 at City Hall. Awarding of contract will be September 13, 2022 at 6:00 pm in City Hall. Please mark on outside of envelope “SEALED PROPOSAL FOR WASHING OF CITY VEHICLES”.

The City of Los Fresnos will be accepting proposals for vehicle maintenance for tire balance and rotation, font-end alignment, and flat repairs. For information in reference to details for proposals, please contact Carlos Salazar, Public Works Director at 233-5768 or come by City Hall, 520 E Ocean Blvd., Los Fresnos, TX. 78566. Sealed proposals will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. on Monday, August 29, 2022 at City Hall. Awarding of contract will be September 13, 2022 at 6:00 pm in City Hall. Please mark on outside of envelope “SEALED PROPOSAL FOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FOR TIRE BALANCE AND ROTATION, FRONT-END ALIGNMENT, AND FLAT REPAIRS”.


The City of Los Fresnos will be accepting proposals for chemicals for water, wastewater, and swimming pool. For information in reference to details for proposals, please contact Carlos Salazar, Public Works Director at City Hall, 520 E Ocean Blvd., Los Fresnos, TX. 78566 or by calling 956-233-5768. Sealed proposals will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. on Monday, August 29, 2022 at City Hall. Awarding of contract will be September 13, 2022 at 6:00 pm in City Hall. Please mark on outside of envelope “SEALED PROPOSAL FOR CHEMICALS”.

The City of Los Fresnos will be accepting proposals for pest control maintenance. Specifications are on file with the City Secretary and may be obtained at the City Hall, 520 E Ocean Blvd., Los Fresnos, TX. 78566 or by calling 956-233-5768. Sealed proposals will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. on Monday, August 29, 2022 at City Hall. Awarding of contract will be September 13, 2022 at 6:00 pm in City Hall. Please mark on outside of envelope “SEALED PROPOSAL FOR PEST CONTROL”.

3. An ordinance to adopt a Comprehensive Plan of the Town of Indian Lake, Texas addressing the plan of the general direction for the future of the Town, to promote sound development of the Town and public health, safety, and welfare to reflect the goals and objectives of the Town for its long-range development.

The City Council of the Town of Indian Lake, Texas will hold a public hearing on August 22, 2022, at 4:30 p.m. in the Town Hall Building located at 62 S. Aztec Cove Drive, Los Fresnos, Texas 78566. All interested citizens of the town and interested parties are invited to attend this public hearing in person and participate in same. The public hearing will be for consideration of the following:



The City of Los Fresnos will be accepting proposals for cleaning supplies. For information in reference to details for proposals, please contact Carlos Salazar, Public Works Director, City Hall, 520 E Ocean Blvd., Los Fresnos, TX. 78566. Sealed proposals will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. on Monday, August 29, 2022 at City Hall. Awarding of contract will be September 13, 2022 at 6:00 pm in City Hall. Please mark on outside of envelope “SEALED PROPOSAL FOR CLEANING SUPPLIES”.


town of Indian Lake Public Notice

1. An ordinance to adopt a “Zoning Ordinance” of the Town of Indian Lake, Texas to establish 4 districts for the purpose of zoning and classifying all lots or parcels of land within the corporate limits of the Town as A-0 Agricultural and Open Space District, R-1 Single Family Residential District, R-2 Multifamily Residential District, C-1 General Business and Commercial District, for the regulation of land use in the Town, and providing for a penalty of not more than two thousand dollars ($2,000) for a violation, and each violation to be considered a separate offense.

The City of Los Fresnos will be accepting proposals for mowing of weeded lots in the City that are in violation of City Ordinance. Specifications are on file with the City Secretary and may be obtained at the City Hall, 520 E Ocean Blvd., Los Fresnos, TX. 78566. For more information, contact Carlos Salazar, Public Works Director at 956-2335768. Sealed proposals will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. on Monday, August 29, 2022 at City Hall. Awarding of contract will be September 13, 2022 at 6:00 pm in City Hall. Please mark on outside of envelope “SEALED PROPOSAL FOR LOT MOWING:”

The City of Los Fresnos will be accepting proposals for vehicle maintenance for general repairs, oil change, oil filter change, air filter change, lube and visual inspection on hoses and belts. For information in reference to details for proposals, please contact Carlos Salazar, Public Works Director at 233-5768 or come by City Hall, 520 E Ocean Blvd., Los Fresnos, TX. 78566. Sealed proposals will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. on Monday, August 29, 2022 at City Hall. Awarding of contract will be September 13, 2022 at 6:00 pm in City Hall. Please mark on outside of envelope “SEALED PROPOSAL FOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE GENERAL REAPIRS, OIL CHANGE AND FILTER CHANGE, AIR FILTER CHANGE, LUBE AND VISUAL CHECK ON HOSES AND BELTS”.

2. An ordinance to adopt the official map of the Town of Indian Lake, Texas identifying the boundaries of the proposed zoning districts in the Town.

With the second half of the MLB in full swing, two words that are sometimes great or dreadful seem to ring, Trade Deadline. The 2022 MLB Trade deadline was full of blockbuster deals that shook the baseball world. While the San Diego Padres were in the spotlight with the acquisitions of Juan Soto, Josh Hader, Josh Bell and Brandon Drury. The Houston Astros also made some big deals in the 2022 MLB Trade Deadline. The Astros, who are in the Driver’s seat of the American League West, certainly are a star studded team with big names such as Alex Bregman, Jose Altuve, Jeremy Pena, Justin Verlander, and Yordan Alvarez. Now looking to boost the powerhouse lineup, Houston added three stars to add to their firepower.Firstly,The biggest addition at this Trade deadline was first baseman/ Designated hitter Trey Mancini out of Baltimore. Mancini, who this season is batting .268, 10 home runs and 95 hits, is truly an efficient addition for the Astros. Mancini was acquired through a three team trade deal between Houston, Baltimore and TampaHouston’sBay. next trade acquisition was Boston Red Sox Catcher Christian Vazquez. The Puerto Rico native this season has been batting .281 with eight home runs and 83 hits. Vazquez was acquired by Houston in exchange for two Astros Prospects; infielder Enmanuel Valdez and outfielder Wilyer Abreu. Both Abreu and Valdez were Key members of the Corpus Christi Hooks, Double A affiliate of the Astros. The third and final big trade of the Trade Deadline was with the defending World Series Champion Atlanta Braves. Will Smith, the lefty reliever for the Braves was acquired through a trade for veteran pitcher Jake Odorizzi. Smith, who currently holds an ERA of 4.36, looks to strengthen up the Astros’ Bullpen.Anexciting trade deadline in 2022 for MLB fans. The Astros certainly got their money’s worth with some big acquisitions on their quest to capture their second World Series title.

Troy Aikman awaits to sign autographs.

2023 World Baseball Classic Pools and Venues announced

Reenforcing the ‘Stros Astros Acquire Mancini, Smith and Vasquez in 2022 Trade Deadline

A Star in the Valley

After a long pause, The 2023 World Baseball Classic will be making its long awaited return in March 2023. Originally planned to play in 2021, the Classic was postponed due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The 2023 tournament, which will be the fifth edition of the classic, has just had the pool seeding and venues announced. The Classic will be taking place from March 8 to the 21. With four venues across the world. In addition, the 2023 Classic will feature 20 teams for the first time, with 16 teams already qualified. Pool Play will be from March 8-15, Elimination play will be March 15-18, Semifinal round will be March 19-20 while the Championship game will be March 21. Pool A will be taking place in Taichung, Taiwan, and will feature Chinese Taipei, Cuba, Italy, 2017 semifinalist Netherlands and a qualifier team. Pool B will take place in Tokyo, Japan and feature 2017 semifinalist Japan, Korea, Australia, China and a qualifier team. Pools C and D will take place in The United States. Pool C will be in Phoenix, Arizona, and will feature defending champion USA, Mexico, Colombia, Canada, and a qualifier team. Pool D will take place in Miami, Florida. Being considered the “group of death”, Pool D will feature powerhouses Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Dominican Republic. Israel and a qualifier team. The tournament,Qualifyingwhich will feature two pools, will take place in Regensburg, Germany and Panama City, Panama, will feature 12 teams all trying to punch their tickets to the Classic. Pool A will feature Germany, Czech Republic, Spain, France, Great Britain and South Africa. Pool B will feature Panama, Nicaragua, Brazil, Argentina, Pakistan and New Zealand. South Africa and Panama, who appeared in the first two Classics, look to return to the WBC for the first time since 2009. Spain looks to reach their second WBC after their first and only appearance in 2013. The top two teams of each pool will qualify automatically to the 2023 WBC. The United States heads into the 2023 Classic as the defending champion, defeating Puerto Rico in the 2017 Championship game. Team Japan, who won the inaugural tournament in 2006 and the second in 2009, look to win their third WBC Title. Trying to bounce back are Puerto Rico, who have finished as the runner up in the last two Classics in 2017 and 2013. With rosters yet to be announced, Multiple Major Leaguers are expected to participate and make their debuts in the World Baseball Classic. Some names expected to make their first appearances will be Shohei Ohtani for Japan, Trevor Story and Mike Trout for the USA. Juan Soto and Fernando Tatis Jr for the Dominican Republic. Luis Urias, Alex Verdugo and Christian Villanueva for Mexico.

324 W Ocean Blvd Ste 102 Los Fresnos, TX 78566-3668 Phone (956) 233-1916 Installment Loans Serving Customers Since 1955! 4 • A UGUST 10, 2022 • LOS FRESNOS NEWS Gabby Guevara Andrea Guevara Tuesday - Saturday | 7am-1pm 233-9988 32184 State Hwy 100 | Los Fresnos /tapiascafe

By Ruben Rodriguez Los Fresnos News

By Ruben Rodriguez Los Fresnos News

By Ruben Rodriguez Los Fresnos News With the 2022 NFL Season around the corner, fans are in preparation for the Sunday Tailgates. Here in the Rio Grande Valley, Football Fever is alive and well. So, what better way to ring in the new season than a star studded tour. Former Dallas Cowboys Quarterback Troy Aikman made appearances across the Rio Grande Valley as part of his tour to Promote Eight Elite Lager, a beer founded by Aikman. Aikman appearancesmadelast week across the RGV with stops in Mission, McAllen, Weslaco, Harlingen and Brownsville. Hours prior to his appearances, fans arrived in full force in Dallas Cowboys memorabilia and apparel, anxiously awaiting the arrival of the Dallas Cowboy legend. The Rio Grande Valley, which has always been home to faithful Dallas Cowboys Supporters, definitely showed their love for Aikman and the Cowboys. Troy Aikman, who was drafted first overall by the Dallas Cowboys in the 1989 NFL Draft, spent his entire 12 season career as a Cowboy. During this Time, Aikman alongside Emmitt Smith and Michael Irvin led the Cowboys to three Super Bowl titles. The Dallas Dynasty eventually led to the Cowboys to be named “The Team of the 1990s”. Aikman’s other Accolades include 1989 All Rookie team member, six Pro Bowl selections, Super Bowl 27 MVP, NFL’s Man of the Year in 1997, and an induction in the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 2006. Aikman’s promotional tour will continue across Texas before stepping back into the broadcast booth for the 2022 NFL Season.

A UGUST 10, 2022 • LOS FRESNOS NEWS • 5 ADVERTISE WITH US! 203 N. Arroyo Blvd P.O. Box 990 (956) 233-9928 (956) 797-9920 tHEME: AMERICAN HIstORY 101 1.ACROssFrillon a blouse 6. Consumed 9. Toothy freshwater fish 13. *site of famous texas Revolution battle 14. "Losing My Religion" band 15. Opposite of crazier 16. Marine polyp 17. "____ te Ching", 18.bookgastric woe 19. *First Catholic 23.Railroad21.President*undergroundconductorKnot-tyingvow (2 24.words)Cold transmitter 25. Definite article 28. Popular fairy tale beginning LAST WEEK’S SUDOKU ANSWERS LAST WEEK’S CROSSWORDS ANSWERS 50. 53.52.contributionCharitableWrath,e.g.Americangirl, e.g. 55. Life story, for short 57. *Louisiana Territory's previous 60.owner*Infamous 1995 Oklahoma City event 64. Olympic torch, e.g. 65. toni Morrison's "____ Baby" 67. The press 68. Fake duck, e.g. 69. "Home of the brave" 70. Choose by a vote 71. stink to high heaven 72. third degree 73. Hazards 1.DOWN"Boxed" clown 2. Burn-soothing plant 3. Owl's hangout 4. saudi neighbor 5. Canadian city on Lake 7.6.ErieBohemian*1773cargo overboard 8. Bring character to life 9. Rodeo Drive tree 10. Machu Picchu 11.builderHiking 25.s24.22.hit20.15.12.manufacturersandalsMakeamistakeHandoverRitchieValens'1958Modernaddress*grant,Pattonorheridan*"Ain'tIaWoman?" 26.speakerCapital of Vietnam 27. Marks on a manuscript 29. *Bay of Pigs location 31. Clarified butter 32. Connection in a 33.seriesWombs 34. *Dixon's partner 36. Dance move 38. g o yachting 42. Lou Bega's "_____ No. 5" 45. Actor Poitier 49. Brown of "Back to the Future" 51. Cook on low heat 54. Reduce pressure (2 words) 56. Obelus, pl. 57. What refugees do 58. Speed test 59. Crazily 60. Actor Pitt 61. "____ of March" 62. One of Jonas brothers 63. Gangster's pistols 64. *the New Deal Pres. 66. Campfire residue 30. Woody tissue 35. X-ray units 37. Women in habits 39. It follows eta 40. Quantity 41.measurementofCrosswise,on deck 43. Old flames 44. Carryalls 46. Pavarotti's song 47. European money 48. Hairy, of plants and animals The Next Chapter Poem Greatest Love No greater love hath a man Than to lay down his life for a friend. But our God Above Far exceeded that love, When His Son He did send, To die for our sins; When He hung upon the tree, Those mocked Him— He could see, As He hung in agony, And in pain He cried. For both friends and enemies He died. -James E. Arnold Bake Sale CraftC Sale And Yard Sale Fund Raiser for Friendly Quilters Missions AUGUST 20, 2022 8 AM to NOON EASTGATE MOBILE HOME PARK CLUBHOUSE 2801 E HARRISON AVE HARLINGEN, TEXAS For more information please call Myra @ 434 632 4271 We will have coffee, drinks and breakfast treats for sale till they run out Riowww.ValleyShredding.comWesupplytheGrandeValleyandSouthTexaswithSecureMobileDocumentDestruction.“YourOn-site Answer to CallDestruction”DocumentUsToday! 1-956-233-4780

6 • A UGUST 10, 2022 • LOS FRESNOS NEWS Additional stories and content on our website... IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ADVERTISE ON OUR ACTIVITY PAGE PLEASE CONTACT US AT (956) 797-9920 OR (956) 233-9928 956-801-2284 3340 Pablo Kisel Blvd B105 Brownsville, Tx 78526 956-545-0155 3525 International Blvd. STE D Brownsville, Tx 78526 956-626-2289 33478 FM 803 Los Fresnos, Tx 78566 @lapalefrozenfruitbar @lapalefrozenfruitbar @lapale-international @lapalefrozenfruitbarLosFresnos,TX 29th Annual Narciso Martinez Conjunto Festival October 7, 8, 9 2022 Featuring the best conjunto bands in Texas! Memorial Park 900 N. Arroyo Blvd. Los Fresnos, TX For more information call: 956.367.0335 www.narcisomartinezculturalartscenter.org


The impact of fewer monarchs “Monarch butterflies are visually stunning insects that help us learn to appreciate pollinators as important parts of our ecosystem and agriculture,” said Molly Keck, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service entomologist for Bexar County. “They are a type of environmental canary in the coal mine to show our ofstartbeautifulterriblyenvironment.naturalwantinglessonstheytobealoneKecktheythat’sknowndestinationtoacrossfornaturalinspiresispreserveurbanizationreducesymbolbutterfliespopulations.”declinepopulationsandbeenstewardshipenvironmentalhasn’tstrongenough,decliningmonarchparallelainotherpollinatorKecksaidmonarcharealsoaoftheneedtodeforestationandandbetternaturalareas.Themonarchmigrationanaturalmarvelthatgreatinterestintheworld.“Theseinsectsthattravelthousandsofmilesandmultiplegenerationsarriveatanunknownareawell-sightinTexas,andpartofthereasonareourstateinsect,”said.“Whilethatisreasonenoughtointerestedinthemandwanttoprotectthem,alsoprovideimportantforyoungpeopletoknowaboutscienceandtheItwouldbesadtoseesuchaanduniqueinsecttoapproachthepointextinction.”

have long

A UGUST 10, 2022 • LOS FRESNOS NEWS • 7 719 W. Ocean Blvd. • (956) 233-2795 NEW LOCATION AT CAMERON PARK 2302 Delia Ave - Brownsville, TX. 78526 -Tel (956)620-3735 Fax (956)620-3778 384 Military Hwy. - Brownsville, TX. 78520 Tel (956)544-4400 - Fax (956)544-4508 3831 Boca Chica Blvd. Brownsville, TX. 78521 - Tel (956)554-3964 Fax (956)554-3992 2814 International Blvd. - Brownsville, TX. 78521 - Tel (956)542-8695 - Fax (956)554-3160 3244 Southmost Rd. - Brownsville, TX. 78521 - Tel (956)541-7535 - Fax (956)541-6010 719 W Hwy. 100 Los Fresnos, TX. 78566 - Tel (956)233-2795 Fax (956)233-2797 860 S. Sam Houston Blvd. - San Benito, TX. 78586 Tel (956)399-4111 - Fax (956)399-4481 MAIN OFFICE 1737 Boca Chica Blvd. Brownsville, TX. 78520 - Tel (956)546-3120 - Fax (956)546-3980 Located next to Los Fresnos Pharmacy

on its Red List of threatened species, classifying it as endangered.TheIUNC’s Red List is a andimportanttheseothersandbutterflydeclineconcernedentomologiststhechangeconservationpromotingspecies.ofglobalinformationcomprehensivesourceontheconservationstatusanimal,fungiandplantItisatoolforthebiodiversityandpolicyneededtoprotectworld’sfloraandfauna.TexasA&MAgriLifeareabouttheinmonarchpopulationswantTexansandtounderstandwhy“regal”insectsaretoagriculturetheenvironment. About the

For Survival Pollinators placed on international conservation organization’s Red List as endangered Written

How to help increase monarch populations “Nectar from flowers provides the fuel monarchs need to fly, so if there are not any blooming plants to collect nectar from during the stops in their migration, the butterflies will not have the energy to continue,” Coulson said. “Planting flowers that attract monarchs as they pass through on their migration will help them reach their destination. In addition, creating more monarch habitats will help reverse their decline. Include butterfly or pollinator plants in your garden and avoid using pesticides.”


According to

Coulson also reiterated the importance of there being adequate milkweed for the monarchs. “We noted there are four particular types of milkweed the monarchs prefer as they travel through Texas during springtime,” he said. “You can learn what species of milkweed grow best in your region of Texas or the rest of the U.S. and learn how to plant it so the monarch caterpillars can have food to grow into butterflies.”Kecksuggested planting a variety of flowering plants so adult monarchs have numerous food sources as they make their way to and from Mexico. “Here in Texas, you want to be sure to cut your milkweed down in October,” she said. “Otherwise, the monarchs will lay eggs before making it to Mexico. Those eggs usually hatch and then die because the food dries up, or we get a freeze before they complete their lifecycle. This is especially true when we have warm late falls or early winters, and milkweed doesn’t die back.”More information on what can be done to help restore monarch populations can be found at: www.monarchwatch. org. The monarch butterfly has been placed on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s Red List as endangered. (Texas A&M AgriLife photo by Laura McKenzie

of Texas during their annual migration. However, their population has been in steady decline, and recently the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, IUCN, placed the monarch



Monarch Butterflies Battle Royal by SchattenbergPaul butterflies graced skies butterfly monarch IUCN the eastern monarch population in the U.S. has declined by anywhere from 22% to 72% over the past decade, with the western U.S. monarch population declining by anywhere from 66% to 91%. Habitat loss, climate change, pesticides and disease were cited as some of the major factors in the species’ frombutterfliesnorthwardsTexaswilleasternwithnorthernoverwinteringmigrationannualsites.migrationbemonarchmultipleDependingthebetemperatewhichlocations,migrateMonarchdecline.butterfliesfromoverwinteringthelargestofisinMexico,tomoreregionsthatcanthousandsofmilesfromoverwinteringareas.ontheregion,generationsofbutterfliescanseenbeforethefalltooverwinteringThemonarchbutterfly’sspringandsummerfromitssitestomoresitesoverlapsmostofTexas.ManymigratingmonarchspassthroughCentralbeforespreadingtoCanada.Inthefall,monarchbegintheirtreknorthernlocations

across the U.S. and Canada to their overwintering sites in Mexico. As they move southward, most of these butterflies will converge in north Central Texas and continue their flight south into Mexico. Factors affecting monarch populations “Monarchs are very susceptible to environmental changes, especially during the times in their annual cycle when millions of them collect in the same general location,” said James Tracy, Ph.D., a postdoctoral research associate in the Department of Entomology of Texas A&M’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.Tracysaid temperature and precipitation can influence the monarchs’ spring and fall migrations and breeding season success.“Asudden winter storm in Mexico can kill millions of monarchs overwintering there,” Tracy said. “There is also a significant amount of habitat loss from logging. Habitat loss and climate change are two major factors in the monarch’s population decline.”Another factor affecting monarch populations is the huge reduction in supplies of one of its main sources of nutrition – milkweed. “Monarch caterpillars need milkweed for nourishment so they may grow and develop, but the increased use of herbicides and pesticides, habitat conversion and adverse land management have all taken a toll on this important food source,” said Robert Coulson, Ph.D., professor and director of the Knowledge Engineering Laboratory in the Department of Entomology.Coulsonalso noted that “roadkill” of the monarch butterfly in Texas, primarily during the fall migration, is responsible for a 2% to 3% annual decline in the population. He said he and others in the entomology department are working with the Texas Department of Transportation to find ways to keep butterflies away from highly traveled roadways and highways. “Our research and that of many “citizen scientists” watching their migration have shown monarchs are attracted to certain particular locations due to abundant food and water,” he said. “The use of flight diversion netting has helped protect migrating Asian purple crow milkweed butterflies from roadkill on a riverine bridge in Taiwan. We are collaborating with the Texas Department of Transportation to see if something like that may work here.”

“My favorite thing about our meat science programming, specifically with barbecue, is the people,” said Jeffrey W. Savell, Ph.D., vice chancellor and dean for Agriculture and Life Sciences. “We bring together people from different walks of life to experience and learn Texas barbecue. We see relationships forged in this classroom among people who would have never met except for this camp. It is inspirational to see the walls come down as everyone shares about their unique experience with barbecue.”

Uniting people with fire-cooked food

a live-fire cuisine and fire is the most recognized smell in the world. Your brain is hardwired to recognize that smell for safety, for community, for food and for protection, so if you are Turkish in Argentina eating barbecue then you have a sense of nostalgia to home because of the live-fire element.”


Barbecue Summer Camp attracts novices, professionals from as far away as Dubai

Jeffrey W. Savell, Ph.D., vice chancellor and dean for Agriculture and Life Sciences

Meat science expertise craved across the world Barbecue Summer Camp is one event among a handful of popular experiences that has been created by the meat science expertise homed within the Department of Animal Science at the Texas A&M College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.TheDepartment of Animal Science is one of the largest and most complex departments teaching animal science in the nation. As such, it draws people from across the world to seek out the expertise of the faculty andThisstudents.typeof program demonstrates how important food is to us as humans. We have a university dedicated to the study of animal husbandry, veterinary sciences, animal nutrition … I’m blown away by the animal science teachings at Texas A&M. I’ve never seen anything like this in my life, to be honest, and I’m not saying that because you’re here.

Hattem Mattar, 2022 Barbecue Summer Camp attendee from the United Arab cultureyounoeverybodybarbecuethemeatsbarbecueheArabformadeBarbecue,SouthsideBracewellCampBarbecueAccordinginsuccessfulownerArabthebroughtJulyEmirates2022’scampHattemMattar,self-dubbed“firstpitmaster”andofseveralrestaurantsDubai,toTexas.tolongtimeSummersupporterBryan’98ofMarketandMattarhasaculinarynamehimselfintheUnitedEmiratesbecausefusesCentralTexasconceptswithandspiceslocaltoarea.“Itellpeoplethatbelongstoontheplanet,matterwhatcountrycomefrom.Everyontheplanethas

Hattem Mattar “We were honored to have Hattem join us. He spoke about how food and barbecue can save the world, and his message was incredibly well-received by our attendees,” said Savell. “Every camp, we celebrate the diversity of our attendees and we listen to their individual experiences as they relate to barbecue because. By celebrating the diversity, we celebrate our similarities.”

A space for both barbecue experts and beginners This camp session boasted a healthy amount of barbecue novices and beginners while attracting a wide range of barbecue veterans, from a Food Network competitor to professional chefs. The attendees spent their time learning from the best of the industry, including listening to panels of pitmasters. For more information on the annual camp, go to barbecue-summer-camp/.https://bbq.tamu.edu/

Written by Mary Leigh Meyer Food is Throughpowerful.thetiniest bite or the slightest aroma, food can remind us of our most incredible memories while creating new shared experiences that transcend socialEverybarriers.summer, a diverse group of barbecue enthusiasts assembles on the Texas A&M University campus for one reason: Barbecue Summer Camp. These enthusiasts come from all over the world, serve in various careers and embrace their unique human experience while bonding over their mutual love and respect for barbecue. Attracting both hobbyists and professional chefs alike, the camp attendees often spend years on the waiting list to get the opportunity to learn the basics of barbecue from the best in the thishaveamongforgedWecountry.seerelationshipsinthisclassroompeoplewhowouldnevermet,exceptforcamp.

Gladys Porter Zoo Giraffe

Rocket the Space Giraffe New Children’s Book Features

Brownsville, Texas (July 27, 2022) – Rocket, a beloved giraffe at the Gladys Porter Zoo, is now the main character of her own children’s book, Rocket the Space Giraffe. The book was written by Suzanne Shepard, Board President of the Valley Zoological Society, and illustrated by Tilia RandBell, an comethattheylemur.MadagascanbestrocketmoonGiraffe”asAmazon.Children’sspothasRocketofZoo’sillustrator.award-winningSincethepublicunveilingthebookonJuly21st,theSpaceGiraffeskyrocketedtothe#1inNewReleasesofZooBooksonInthebook,Rocket“RockettheSpaceexplorestheandstarsinhershipwithherfriendCosmo,aring-tailedAlongtheway,havefunandlearndreamsreallycantrue.Rocket,therealgiraffe, was named by Mary Muratore, who won the honor of naming her at Zoofari 2018, the Zoo’s annual fundraiser. Rocket made her public debut in January 2019 and has since captured the hearts of many Gladys Porter Zoo visitors. She is always first in line at the Giraffe Landing Feeding Station and loves interacting with the public, especially if there are treats involved. Rocket’s curious and outgoing personality makes her easy to love, and that’s precisely what gave Shepard the inspiration for the book. “Rocket is such a friendly and amazing giraffe who really touched my heart. I hope that, in addition to enjoying the book, everyone can come out to the Gladys Porter Zoo and meet her,” said Shepard.Allproceeds from book sales will go directly back to the Gladys Porter Zoo for the care and feeding of Rocket and the animals at the Zoo. The book is available for purchase on Amazon and in the Zoo’s gift shops.

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