Los Fresnos News 8-17-22

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Partnerships with local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies have been a key component of the new plan of action. District administration has participated in meetings and presentations with outside agencies to plan for potential McDonough.mayneededsupportmayon-campustoparentsthem.children,notavailableandaccessOutreachidentifyandseekoutreachemergencies.on-campusInaddition,newcampaignswillstudent,parent,staffparticipationtopotentialthreats.posterswitheasytoonlinebullyingthreatformswillbeonallcampuses.“ParentsentrustusjusttoeducatetheirbuttoprotectWeencourageandstudentsspeakupandreportthreatssoweprovideadditionalandservicesastoanyonewhoneedassistance,”said

The expansion of the Los Fresnos CISD Police department continues, as newly hired officers join the ranks and complete trainings to ensure student and campus safety for the 2022-23 school year is met. The Los Fresnos CISD police officers cleared the hallways of an empty Los Cuates Middle School as they participated in the Customs and Border Protection Active Shooter Training Program (ASTP). The two-day, interactive training is part of ongoing efforts to enhance multiagency response to a reported active shooter emergency on campus ahead of the first day of school on Monday, August 15th.The LFCISD officers and CBP agents completed the ASTP, which is similar to SMART training. The group was educated on how to assess active threat situations, communicate efficiently, and worked in tandem to negotiate realworld scenarios in hallways and in toandofficersthemselvesPD,withoutsideisfor“Offeringclassrooms.ourfacilitiesactiveshootertrainingskeybecauseanytimeagenciestrainLosFresnosCISDtheywillfamiliarizewithourandourcampuses,ourofficersareableimprovetheirskillsand practice our protocols” said Jimmy McDonough, Deputy Superintendent for Operations.

Los Fresnos Police Department Expansion District administration and Police Chief Joe Vasquez have devoted much attention to growing the LFCISD Police Department, successfully hiring nine new officers over the summer. In May, Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Gonzalo Salazar, made the recommendation following the active shooter tragedy in Uvalde that took 22 lives. The Board of Trustees approved the addition, which amounts to over $400,000 in recurring salary costs to the“Thebudget.presence of a police officer on each of our fourteen campuses not only enhances the safety of our students and staff, but provides peace of mind to concerned parents. We are immediately implementing new strict security and safety measures this year,” said Superintendent Dr. Gonzalo Salazar. The noticeable changes will start when students arrive on Monday, greeted by one Los Fresnos CISD police officer at each of the district’s fourteen campuses. They will be stationed at a desk in the hallway and will actively patrol the perimeter throughout the day. In addition, it is standard practice that all classroom doors remain locked through the day. Exterior doors have been assessed and alarms are being installed on strategically identified exterior doors. The district will continue to utilize surveillance cameras to oversee hallways, and the RAPTOR identification system to clear on-campus visitors. Soon, a Knox Box that holds the set of master keys to each campus will be installed for law enforcement to access in the event of an active shooter emergency. The Los Fresnos CISD actively participates in safety and security meetings, with audits executed every three years. “We take commitmentourto meeting safety protocols seriously. We have Memorandums of Understanding and constant communication with surrounding law enforcement agencies that will allow us to keep lines of communication open and provide additional training opportunities and support to all staff,” said McDonough.

WEEK OF August 17, 2022 t HRO ug H A ugust 23, 2022 LOOK IN s IDE Classified pg 3 Sports pg 4 Puzzles pg 5 Activity Page pg 6 Volume 18 Number 33 www.losfresnosnews.net 705 W. HWY 100 Los Fresnos, Tx 78566 956-233-5744 AUTO • HOME • LIFE • COMMERCIAL • FLOOD • WIND RIO INSURANCEUNDERWRITERSGRANDEGROUP,INC Member FDIC The only Community Bank with locations in Cameron, Hidalgo and Willacy Counties Fishing for Low Rates... Boat owners insurance for less than you think. State Farm® boat insurance doesn’t cost much, but covers a lot – like your boat, motor, and trailer. It also protects you and your passengers. Do you have the proper coverage? FREE QUOTE This 956-264-7720AVAILABLESpaceCALL CULLIGAN WATER OF THE RIO GRANDE VALLEY better water pure and www.culsimple liganrgv.com CULLIGAN® WATER OF THE RIO GRANDE VALLEY better p d www.culp liganrgv com www.culliganr gv.com 1300 W. Business 77 • San Benito, TX 956-399-1780 Call today for a FREE water analysis! CULLIGAN® WATER OF THE RIO GRANDE V CULL Generic 5x2 eng_Layout 1 10/30/12 11:27 AM Page 1 CULLIGAN® WATER OF THE RIO GRANDE VAL better water pure and www.culsimple liganr gv com CULL Generic 5x2 eng_Layout 1 10/30/12 11:27 AM Page 1 Page PagePage758 Poem:Apostrophe to Age Page 4 Page 2 5th Annual Los Fresnos Cowboy Cook Off Stack ‘em up Back To School Schedule Los Fresnos CISD School Security & Safety Los Fresnos CISD PD Participates in Active Shooter Training

Law PartnershipsEnforcementand Outreach Campaigns

Los unds S 9 0 S00 ember 17th 2022 Freee to o the Public PC LOS FRESNOS Regular School Hours


Q: My husband says that I grind my teeth together while I am sleeping at night, but I am not aware of this. Does this pose any risk to my teeth?



by DR. ADAM LALONDE Dr. Adam Lalonde

— The Los Fresnos Cowboy Cook-Off presents the 2022 KIDS Q This event will challenge the next generation of BBQ competitors to practice and refine their BBQ talent. Each team will consist of no more than 1 (one) individual & one supervisor over 18 years of age. Teams will compete by age in one of the two age divisions, 6-11 and 12-16. Limit of 10 (ten) teams for each division and the first ten to submit registration and payment on each division will be allowed to compete. (Registration and check can mailed, done on-line or in person on day of event) An adult (at least 18 yrs. old) must accompany the children, but the children will have to do all of the preparation, seasoning & cooking on their own. Each team will be provided with a BBQ Charcoal Grill, Charcoal and Meat for that division, one Kids Q T-shirt and Competition Space. Judging CriteriaPresentation, Taste, & TextureAwards in each age

GroundsHallCook’sbeinvehiclesRibbonsdivision:1stPlaque2ndPlaque3rdPlaque4th-10thPlaceRulesandRegulations1.NomotorizedwillbeallowedtheKidsQcompetitionarea.2.Competitorswillrequiredtoattendthemeetingat8:00amattheLionsattheRodeoonSaturday,September17, 2022. 3. Entry fee to participate in the Kids Q is $25.00 per team. 4. Each participating team will receive 1 (one) 9”x9”judgingStyrofoamcontainer for turn-in entry,cookedusing the provided Theseasoningmustseparatecooking.degreesiceandentryprepare,designatedCanopyBBQ(i.e.Grill,andassignedStyrofoamfitStyrofoamnumberedjudgingcontainer.Entrymustinthe9”x9”providedcontainer.9.Eachteamwillbeacookingspaceisaskedtokeeptheirequipmentchairs,icechest,equipmentorEZupwithintheirarea.10.Teamsmustclean,andcooktheirattheirassignedcookingsitemeatmustbeheldonatatemperatureof40orlesspriortoMeatmustbeheldinitsowncooler.11.Teamparticipantsdoallpreparations,andcookingoftheirentry.supervisingadult may only assist in the sectioning of the any meat and any emergencydealings with the lit or hot BBQ pits. Adult boundariesparticipationoutsideofthesewillcause the entire team to 12.disqualified.beTheofficial turn in time will be ________ pm. No late entries will be accepted. 13. Teams must hold their cooked items at a temperature of 140 degrees (f) or higher until turn in. Each team must turn in a minimum of ________ pieces of their cooked entry in the numbered container. Only the entry meat allowed in the turn in box. The judging for this event will be address changes to Los Fresnos, P.O. Box 990, Los Fresnos, TX 78566.)

ANSWERED by DR.ADAM LALONDE: The grinding & clenching of teeth, also termed Bruxism does pose an oral health risk to your teeth. Bruxism can cause teeth to become painful or loose, & sometimes parts of the teeth can literally be groundSevereaway.bruxism may also be associated temporomandibularwith (jaw) joint disorder (TMD). It is estimated that 30- 40 million people in the U.S. suffer from bruxism, & many of them don’t even know it! Some people grind or clench their teeth during the day, but others grind their teeth only during sleep, & aren’t even aware they do so until someone comments that they make a grinding sound while sleeping. Other potential signs of bruxism include aching in the face, head & neck.Bruxism can be linked to a variety of causes such as stress & anxiety, sleep disorders or by the body’s reaction to an abnormal bite or teeth that are missing or crooked. Your dentist can help you determine the potential source of your bruxism by asking careful questions and thoroughly examining your teeth. Your dentist may suggest a mouth guard to protect your teeth during sleep or suggest ways to even out your bite.

in accordance LFRODEO.COMvisitregistrationsandofexpectingteamstheyconcerningteams."EventChampionshipcookRodeoCantu,funsupporthavingWePedersonWalsdorf,Corporation,CommunitytheCityThesesupportingsomeGREATexpectedteam.causeanythecontainershotwaterupresponsibleTenderness.onaccordancewillpm.beginningSaturdayOffduringrest–willtheevent.proceduresAllianceChampionswithBarbecuejudgingtoensuretheintegrityoftheAlldecisionsby“Judges”arefinal.PlagueAwardsbepresentedfrom1st3rdplacesandribbonsfortheineachagedivisiontheLosFresnosCowboyCook-awardsceremony,September17,2022at_______16.JudgingscoresbetabulatedinwithCBAJudgingProceduresAppearance,Taste&17.Eachteamisfortheclean-oftheirassignedcookingarea,greydisposal,trashandashdisposalindesignatedplacedwithinKidsQarea.18.Failuretofollowoftheseruleswillfordisqualificationofthe19.EachteamistoHAVEATIME!Asoftoday,wehavegreatsponsorsthisevent.includetheofLosFresnos,LosFresnosDevelopmentHEB,RMBootJackandConstruction.lookforwardtomoresponsorsthisgreatfamilyevent.AccordingtoLarryLosFresnosChairman,theoffis"aStateQualifyingforthecookingCantusayssign-upsthathavealreadyseveralsignedup."Weareagoodnumberentriesthisyear."Formoreinformationforcookingteampleasetherodeowebsite:“Your Community Newspaper” 705 W. Highway 100, Suite B-2 Los Fresnos, TX E MAIL: info@losfresnosnews.netWeareopen Monday - Friday from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. FOR IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE: Call 956-264-7720 SUBSCRIPTION RATES $2795 Yr. Valley l $3495 Out of Valley Single Copy Price ........ $.50 ea. Back Issues available . $.50 ea. CORRECTION POLICY Although the Los Fresnos News Staff strives for excellence in all stories and advertising, spelling or typographical errors can occur. If you find any confirmed factual or other type of error, please call 956-233-9928 during business hours or leave a message. WEEKLY COLUMNS printed in the Los Fresnos News contain the opinions of the Authors. They may or may not be the opinion of the Newspaper. HOW TO SUBSCRIBE: 1 year subscription delivered by U.S. Postal service...$27.95 or can be purchased at several convinent locations through out the cities of Los Fersnos and Brownsville for 50¢. The Los Fresnos News is mailed and delivered Tuesday, August 16, 2022, and published weekly by Los Fresnos Publishing, LLC. Periodical Postage Rates paid at Los Fresnos, TX. Post Office. Advertising deadline is noon Thursday at the office at 203 N. Arroyo, Los Fresnos, TX 78566. (POSTMASTER send

Ask Our Dentists 956-233-4400 www.losfresnosdental.com 2022 5th Annual Los Fresnos Cowboy Cook Off Los unds Startting at 9:0 S00am ember 17th, 2022 Freee to o the Public PC PedersonConstruction Company,Inc. Cook Off Sponsors s Los Fresno Rodeo Grounds September 16th & 17th 5thAnnual $6500 Guaranteed Payout $175-EntryFee CBAMeats:Brisket,Pork Butt,PorkRibs,Chicken $25-Jackpots 80%Payout Fajitas,Beans&Cooks ChoiceCowboyBreakfast $25-KidsQ PorkChops Grills&MeatProvidedby LosFresnosCowboyCookOff $600-GrandChampion-BeltBuckle $500-ReservedGrandChampion-BeltBuckle $450-FirstPlace-Plaque $350-SecondPlace-Plaque $200-ThirdPlace-Plaque $100-FourthPlace-Plaque $75-FifthPlace-Plaque 6thto10thPlace-Plaques $200-Peoples'Choice FirsttoThirdPlace-Plaques 4thto10thPlace-Ribbons KidsQ CookingTeamsPayout MapsofCookingSpots&MoreInformation: lfrodeo.com TurnInTimes Friday16th 07:00PM-Fajitas Saturday17th 09:00AM-Breakfast 10:00AM-Beans 11:00AM-Chicken 12:00PM-PorkRibs 01:00PM-KidsQ 02:00PM-PorkButt 03:00PM-Brisket 2022

of entries at the cooks meeting on Saturday 17th. 5. An adult over the age of 18 must be present onsite at timesall– from set up to tear down for each participating team. Any team not under adult supervision will be disqualified.6.AllBBQ Grills will be lit by a Kids Q Official only7.Teams MUST use provided Grills and Charcoal. Ingredients such as seasonings, rubs, etc are responsibIlitytheof the Teams. Each MUST use the provided meat for the appropriate age division.8.Teams will turn-in at least ______ pieces of their


Saturday, September 17th starting at 9:00 am where besides the Cowboy Cook Off we will be hosting local Live Bands, Pony Rides, Classic Car Show, Food Vendor and a Market Place where local artisans will be peddling their wares. The public can also vote for their favorite participating People’s Choice Cooking Team which will be handing out samples of the food they prepare at the cook off. We will be handing out tickets where the public can pick their favorite team by placing their People’s Choice Ticket in the cooking teams spot. The team with the most tickets is the People’s Choice Winner. This year we have a new event for kids to participate in the cook off. We have slots for 20 kids in two age groups (6 - 11) and (12 - 16). There is a small entry fee of $25, but we will be giving the kids a grill, the meat (Pork Chops) and charcoal, plus a Kids Q T-Shirt. All the kids need to bring is their barbecue knowhow and spices. This should be a great addition to our Cowboy Cook Off.



PUBLISHER S Landon Jennings Sharice LosSuite705MAILINGJenningsADDRESSW.Highway100B-2Fresnos,TX7856 (956)233-9928

Los Fresnos, August 3, 2022: The Los Fresnos Rodeo will be hosting its 5th Annual Los Fresnos Cowboy Cook Off at the Los Fresnos Rodeo Grounds on September 16th and 17th, 2022 sanctioned by the Champions Barbecue Alliance “CBA”, The Los Fresnos Cowboy Cook Off is also a State of Texas


A tax rate of $0.715000 per $100 valuation has been proposed for adoption by the governing body of CITY OF LOS FRESNOS. This rate exceeds the lower of the no-new-revenue tax or voter approval tax rate, and state law requires one public hearing be held by the governing body before adopting the proposed tax rate. The governing body of CITY OF LOS FRESNOS proposes to use revenue attributable to the tax rate increase for the purpose of covering the City operations.


Great Classifieds... List Yours Today by Calling 956-233-9928 or 956-797-9920 REMEMBER: Deadline is Thursday at NOON for ads to be published in the following week’s edition. A UGUST 17, 2022 • LOS FRESNOS NEWS • 3 PUBLIC NOTICES Riowww.ValleyShredding.comWesupplytheGrandeValleyandSouthTexaswithSecureMobileDocumentDestruction.“YourOn-site Answer to CallDestruction”DocumentUsToday! 1-956-233-4780 CLERK OF THE COURT ATTORNEY FORLISAPETITIONERM.MORAN 100 E FERGUSON STE 1200 Tyler TX 75702 PENNY CLARKSTON SMITH COUNTY DISTRICT CLERK 100 N. BROADWAY, RM. 204 TYLER, TEXAS 75702 903-590-1660 903-504-5004 CAUSE NO. 22-1315-F T H E S T A T E O F T E X A S CITATION FOR PERSONAL SERVICE NOTICE TO RESPONDENT: "You have been sued. You may employ an attorney. If you or your attorney do not file a written answer with the Clerk who issued this citation by Ten O'clock (10:00) A.M. on the Monday next following the expiration of twenty (20) days after you were served this citation and petition, a default judgment may be taken against you. In addition to filing a written answer with the Clerk, you may be required to make initial disclosures to the other parties of this suit. These disclosures generally must be made no later than thirty (30) days after you file your answer with the Clerk. Find out more at TexasLawHelp.org."

cityoflosfresnos com urged proposed tax rate: Hearing: At 520 E. Ocean Los Fresnos 6:00 p.m. TX 361-289-2256 Ammo Calibers

The no-new-revenue tax rate is the total tax rate needed to raise the same amount of property tax revenue for CITY OF LOS FRESNOS from the same properties in both the 2021 tax year and the 2022 tax year.

CLERKATTEST:OF THE COURT PENNY CLARKSTON Smith County District Clerk 100 N. Broadway, Rm. 204 Tyler, Texas 75702 By: /s/ Stephanie Landeros Stephanie Landeros, Deputy Clerk CLERK OF THE COURT ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONER LISA M. MORAN 100 E FERGUSON STE 1200 TYLER TX 75702 PENNY CLARKSTON SMITH COUNTY DISTRICT CLERK 100 N. BROADWAY, RM. 204 TYLER, TEXAS 75702 903-590-1660 903-504-5004 CAUSE NO. 22-1315-F T H E S T A T E O F T E X A S NOTICE OF AMENDED NOTICE OF HEARING FOR TEMPORARY ORDERS AND ORDER TO APPEAR TO: DANIEL WILLIAMS RESPONDENT 15537 HWY 64 WEST #5 , TYLER, TX 75704 OR WHEREVER HE MAY BE FOUND GREETINGS: WHEREAS, MARY WILLIAMS of the County of Smith, State of Texas, did on the 20th day of June, 2022, file in the County Court at Law 2 of Smith County, Texas, in Cause No. 22-1315-F on the Civil Docket of said Court, wherein MARY WILLIAMS as Petitioner, and DANIEL WILLIAMS as Respondent, and alleges as follows: SEE TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF ORIGINAL PETITION FOR DIVORCE AND ORDER TO APPEAR AND AMENDED NOTICE OF HEARING FOR TEMPORARY ORDERS AND ORDER TO APPEAR ATTACHED HERETO; and WHEREAS, the Honorable Taylor Heaton, Judge of said Court, has entered the following order, to-wit: AMENDED NOTICE OF HEARING FOR TEMPORARY ORDERS AND ORDER TO APPEAR; and WHEREAS the said ORIGINAL PETITION FOR DIVORCE will be heard by the said Court, in the Smith County Courthouse, located at 100 N. Broadway, Tyler, Texas 75702, on this date: SEPTEMBER 19, 2022, at 1:30 pm THEREFORE, YOU ARE HEREBY REQUIRED to appear at the time and place as above stated, and answer said ORIGINAL PETITION FOR DIVORCE showing cause, if any you can, why same should not be granted. The Court has the authority in this suit to render an order in the child’s interest that will be binding on you, including the termination of the parent-child relationship, the determination of paternity, and the appointment of a conservator with authority to consent to the child’s adoption. Given under my hand and seal of said Court at Tyler, Texas, this date: August 04, 2022 ATTEST: CLERK OF THE COURT PENNY CLARKSTON Smith County District Clerk 100 N. Broadway, Rm. 204 Tyler, Texas 75702 By: /s/ Stephanie Landeros Stephanie Landeros, Deputy Clerk

TAXES OWED UNDER ANY OF THE ABOVE RATES CAN BE CALCULATED AS FOLLOWS: property tax amount= (rate) x (taxable value of your property)/100 For assistance or detailed information about tax calculations, please contact: Tony Yzaguirre Jr Cameron County Tax Assessor Collector 835 E Levy (1st Flr); Brownsville TX 78520 (956)



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The nature of Petitioner’s demand is fully shown by a true and correct copy of the ORIGINAL PETITION FOR DIVORCE accompanying this Citation and made a part hereof. The Officer executing this Citation shall promptly serve the same according to the requirements of law, and the mandates thereof, and make due return as the law directs. Issued and given under my hand and seal of said Court at Tyler, Texas, this date: June 22, 2022

on Tuesday September 6, 2022 at

TO: DANIL WILLIAMS RESPONDENT 15537 HWY 64 WEST #5, TYLER, TX 75704 or WHEREVER HE MAY BE FOUND YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to appear by filing a written answer to the ORIGINAL PETITION FOR DIVORCE at or before TEN O’CLOCK (10:00) A.M., on the Monday next after the expiration of twenty (20) days after the date of service of this Citation, before the County Court at Law 2 of Smith County, Texas, at the Courthouse of said County located at 100 N. Broadway, Tyler, Smith County, Texas. Said Petition was filed on the 20th day of June, 2022, in this case numbered 22-1315-F on the Docket of said Court and styled: IN THE MATTER OF THE MARRIAGE OF MARY WILLIAMS AND DANIL WILLIAMS

The voter approval rate is the highest tax rate that CITY OF LOS FRESNOS may adopt before holding an election.YOUR

PROPOSED TAX RATE $0.715000 per $100 PRECEDING YEAR'S TAX RATE $0.715000 per $100 NO NEW REVENUE TAX RATE $0 673087 per $100 VOTER APPROVAL $1.013516 per $100

in all

to attend and express your views at the following public hearings on the

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Stack ‘em up MLB Power Rankings released

The New York Mets come in at number four. Led by Francisco Lindor and Pete Alonso, the kings of Queens look to make their way back to October as the NL East Champions. At the number five seed are the San Diego Padres. The Friars, who earned the spotlight during the trade deadline with the acquisitions of Josh Hader, Juan Soto and Josh Bell, suffered a skid but have bounced back. “Slam Diego” as known by fans are a stacked contender in the NL Wild Card with Machado, Soto and the close arrival of Fernando Tatis Jr, who is on assignment with the San Antonio Missions, Double A affiliate of the Padres. The Atlanta Braves come in at number six. The defending World Champions are on a mission to return back to October but look to get past the New York Mets in the NLAtEast.number seven are the St. Louis Cardinals. In the final seasons of Adam Wainwright, Yadier Molina and Albert Pujols, the Red Birds look to make a run as they continue to battle for the number one seed in the NL Central against the Milwaukee Brewers. The Toronto Blue Jays sit at number eight and look to carry the momentum led by Bichette, Springer and Guerrero Jr. Toronto battles in the AL East against the New York Yankees. At the ninth spot, the Seattle Mariners remain strong as the number two seed behind the Houston Astros in the AL West. The Mariners, who look to reach the postseason for the first time since 2001, have been playing solid ball throughout the summer. Rounding up the power rankings are the Milwaukee Brewers, The Brewers are led by Luis Urias, Christian Yelich and Willy Adames to punch their ticket back to the postseason.Trulyanexciting power rankings. Six of these teams are anticipated to make the postseason on automatic bids while four are expected to enter via the Wild Card.


By Ruben Rodriguez Los Fresnos News

^Homecoming %Middle

By Ruben Rodriguez Los Fresnos News As we throughoutcontinueAugust, The Corpus Christi Hooks look to continue their dominance as they look to move up the standings in the Texas League Southern division. After winning the last two against the Amarillo Sod Poodles. Corpus looked to continue their win streak as they hosted the Springfield Cardinals. The Bats came hot as Corpus took control early on and captured game one in shutout fashion 10-0. Game two saw the Hooks and Cardinals in a shootout and a nail biter as both teams managed secure hits in their opening innings. Edwin Diaz of the Hooks hit two homeruns on back to back at bats. Corpus would win the thriller 5-4. Game three saw Corpus again dominate on offense and defense to win 7-2. Game four on Friday night was a thriller as the Hooks managed to win 7-6. Corpus would eventually lose the last two games but still won the series over Springfield.Withtheseason winding down, the Hooks have a few key matchups left with San Antonio, Frisco, Wichita, Tulsa and Arkansas. The Hooks offense has been led by Edwin Diaz, Will Wagner, Grae Kessinger, CJ Stubbs, Joe Perez and Cesar Salazar. Pitching for the Hooks has been stellar by Cody Deason, Freyline Garcia and Michael Horrell.Despite losing Enmanuel Valdez, Wilyer Abreu and more recently Justin Dirden, the Hooks still look like a strong contender in the Texas League South. Frisco still remains as the number one seed.


Los Fresnos Falcons 2022 Varsity Football Schedule Time Site Fri, 8/12 Edinburg Bobcats 7pm Away Scrimmage Thur, 8/18 Brownsville Pace Vikings 7pm Home Week 1 Fri, 8/26 Weslaco East Wildcats 7pm Away Week 2 Fri, 9/2 + PSJA North Raiders 7pm Home Week 3 Thur, 9/8 PSJA Bears 7pm Away Week 4 Fri, 9/16 ^ La Joya Coyotes 7pm Home Week 5 Fri, 9/23 Mission Eagles 7pm Home Week 6 BYE Week 7 Thur, 10/6 Brownsville Rivera Raiders 7pm Away Week 8 Fri, 10/14 Weslaco Panthers 7pm Away Week 9 Fri, 10/2 Brownsville Hanna Eagles 7pm Home Week 10 Fri, 10/28 Benito Greyhounds 7pm Away Week 11 Fri, 11/4 Harlingen Cardinals 7pm Home #Parents Night Game School FB Night

The new Major League Baseball Power Rankings released and some new and interesting changes in the top 10 power rankings. So let’s cut to the power rankings.TheLos Angeles Dodgers take the number one seed and rightfully so as they have been on a tear in the National League West. With big sweeps over divisional rivals San Francisco Giants and San Diego Padres. With the wins, the Dodgers now hold the best record in all of Major League Baseball. Coming in at number two are the New York Yankees, despite losing 6 of their last seven games, the Bronx Bombers still hold the number two seed. Coming in at number three are the Houston Astros. The Space City squad looks to work their way back to the number one spot in the power rankings.The Astros are on track to capture the AL West pennant for the sixth consecutive season.

324 W Ocean Blvd Ste 102 Los Fresnos, TX 78566-3668 Phone (956) 233-1916 Installment Loans Serving Customers Since 1955! 4 • A UGUST 17, 2022 • LOS FRESNOS NEWS Gabby Guevara Andrea Guevara Tuesday - Saturday | 7am-1pm 233-9988 32184 State Hwy 100 | Los Fresnos /tapiascafe



1 *


+Band Night


Date Opponent

Hot Hooks Corpus Christi plays strong throughout August Play


A UGUST 17, 2022 • LOS FRESNOS NEWS • 5 scan and visit! ADVERTISE WITH US! 203 N. Arroyo Blvd P.O. Box 990 (956) 233-9928 (956) 797-9920 tHEME: BACK tO 1.ACROsCHOOLss*Beginning of a computer class? 6. Mandela's org. 9. Horned birds 13. Silly and insignificant 14. u s. counterpart to British M15 15. Inuit skin boat 16. Long oar 17. Acronym, abbr. 18. Movie "____ Day 19.Care"*End of a pencil, 21.sometimes*"Back to school" 23.starAsian restaurant frying pan 24. Anne ____ of gothic fiction fame 25. ____ Beesly of "the Office" LAST WEEK’S SUDOKU ANSWERS LAST WEEK’S CROSSWORDS ANSWERS 46. Reflect deeply 47. stake driver 48. Dismiss (2 words) 50. Not want 52. Albanian money 53. *Cafeteria ware 55. Rare find 57. *Paper holder 60. *Fictional high school in"grease"Pope'scourtBarleybrewRun-of-the-millBoatcontentsLittlebittale,inFrancesmallislandI,toClaudiusterminatedFleur-de-____sometimesit'senoughWildoxofIndiaOnspouse'ssideInfamousBabyFace 6. A long way off 7. Network at 30 Rock 8. Wispy clouds 9. Yemen's neighbor 10. ____ receiver 11. the dollar62.'sLimit,tosomeBovinemilkIncreasingMonthXReverberate*studentscent,usuallyMalaysianative"Keep____andOn"*OneathighschoolsmallAsianungulateseptemberedition,*Dry-erasemarkertoyconstructionsetHavingtheknow-howLamentforthedeadWhenoneisnot(2words)JokertoBatman,e.g.*DothisinMathclass*Dothisinspeechsubatomicparticlesableandbeaver,e.g.*typeofexamLikesNL*grader'ssuggestionCityinsweden"Aday____andashort" 63. Some special effects, 65.acr.Fall behind 67. type of Christmas lights 28. Cote d'Azur city 30. Opposite of comic 35. Major mountain chain in Russia 37. It 39.Columbus,launchedacr.Walkthrough slush 40. Lindsey Vonn's prop 41. *geography class 43.propBear in the sky 44. Idealized imaged of someone CULLIGAN® WATER OF THE RIO GRANDE VALLEY better water pure and simple www.cul® liganr gv.com CULLIGAN® WATER OF THE RIO GRANDE VALLEY better water pure and www.culsimple liganrgv.com CULL Generic 5x2 eng_Layout 1 10/30/12 11:27 AM Page 1 www.culliganr gv.com 1300 W. Business 77 • San Benito, TX 956-399-1780 Call today for a FREE water analysis! CULLIGAN® WATER OF THE RIO GRANDE V better water. pure and www.culsimp liganr gv.com CULL Generic 5x2 eng_Layout 1 10/30/12 11:27 AM Page 1 CULLIGAN® WATER OF THE RIO GRANDE VAL better water. pure and www.culsimple.® liganr gv.com CULL Generic 5x2 eng_Layout 1 10/30/12 11:27 AM Page 1 the Next Chapter Poem Apostrophe to Age by James E. Arnold Blessed be thy graying head Thy thoughts to eternity Of love ‘twas shared for many years With times of joy and times of tears A flaming candle still burning clear. The folded hands of quiet repose That rest so gracefully With lines of care by memory worn That clapped so joyfully And wrested from the cares of life To give the gift of love And guided children safely through With gentleness of dove. The eyes now dim That brightly shone Yet sparkle happily, When prompted by a vision past Recalled so lovingly. And though the candle flickers And shadows move about, The light it gives doth warm and guide Until it flickers out. DECLARINg MOtOR ABANDONEDVEHICLEs

The registered owner or lien holder has the right to claim the motor vehicle within (10) days from the date of this publication by payment of the impounding law enforcement agency. Unclaimed vehicles will be turned over to the Police Department to be declared abandoned and sold at public auction to satisfy the charges against the said. By: Janie E. brownsvilletowing@yahoo.com(956)541-2034Trejo

1st Notice To Whom It May Concern: Ace Towing and Recovery at 2850 Dana Ave.-A, Brownsvi|le.TX 78526 With the phone number (956)641-4215. Pursuant to the provisions of article V of the Texas Abatement Act, V.C.s 447-9a, Sec. 5.05, we hereby notify you that we took custody of the following vehicle on AUG. 01, 2022- CUSTOMS LOS TOMATES BRIDGE @ 2:30pm. .

6 • A UGUST 17, 2022 • LOS FRESNOS NEWS ADVERTISE WITH US! 203 N. Arroyo Blvd P.O. Box 990 (956) 233-9928 (956) 797-9920 IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ADVERTISE ON OUR ACTIVITY PAGE PLEASE CONTACT US AT (956) 797-9920 OR (956) 233-9928 956-801-2284 3340 Pablo Kisel Blvd B105 Brownsville, Tx 78526 956-545-0155 3525 International Blvd. STE D Brownsville, Tx 78526 956-626-2289 33478 FM 803 Los Fresnos, Tx 78566 @lapalefrozenfruitbar @lapalefrozenfruitbar @lapale-international @lapalefrozenfruitbarLosFresnos,TX

Superintendent Gonzalo Salazar, photo taken by Kayla Trevino.

Los Fresnos CISD School Security & Safety

Assistant Chief for Los Fresnos PD, Rodriguez. Photo taken by Kayla Trevino.

Engineering Building at UTRGV Edinburg Campus.

Deputy Superintendent Operating, Jimmy McDonough spoke with LFCISD Police Chief Joe Vasquez beside him. Photo taken by Kayla Trevino.

RIO VALLEY,GRANDETEXAS –AUG. 9, 2022 – UTRGV has been awarded a $1,199,998 grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to establish the Center for Equity in Engineering: Engage, Educate, Enrich (CEE-E3).Thenew center is designed to engineeringparticipationbroadeninstudies and bolster early engagement in engineering for middle to high school students. “I am thrilled, honored and appreciative to have a part in the creation of the Center for Equity in Engineering,” said Dr. Ala Qubbaj, dean of the UTRGV College of Engineering and Computer Science and principal investigator (PI) on the project. The center is set to open on Oct. 1, 2022, and will be housed within the UTRGV College of Engineering and Computer Science building on the Edinburg Campus.Oneof the center’s main goals is to support UTRGV engineering students connectionsthroughand programs that increase engagement, retention and overall success in engineering. In addition, the center will help increase placement rates in the engineering workforce and graduate programs.Qubbajsaid CEE-E3 will be among the first in the country to be awarded funding from the NSF to address the inequities that hinder the participation of Hispanics in the engineering workforce. “This center is also important at the national level, evidenced by the NSF’s funding, as Hispanics represent one of the Unitedpopulationsfastest-growingintheStates,yetone of the least represented in engineering,” he said. “Increasing the participation of Hispanics in engineering serves the national interest of strengthening America’s STEM workforce and global competitiveness.” Dr. Alyssa Cavazos, director of the UTRGV Center for succeed.wherecreateexperiences,voices,willtheasaidpersonnelExcellenceTeachingandseniorontheproject,sheisthrilledtobepartofthecreationofnewcenter,whichfocusonstudentknowledgeandandwilllearningspacesallstudentscan

(UTRGV Archival Photo by Silver Salas)

A UGUST 17, 2022 • LOS FRESNOS NEWS • 7 719 W. Ocean Blvd. • (956) 233-2795 NEW LOCATION AT CAMERON PARK 2302 Delia Ave - Brownsville, TX. 78526 -Tel (956)620-3735 Fax (956)620-3778 384 Military Hwy. - Brownsville, TX. 78520 Tel (956)544-4400 - Fax (956)544-4508 3831 Boca Chica Blvd. Brownsville, TX. 78521 - Tel (956)554-3964 Fax (956)554-3992 2814 International Blvd. - Brownsville, TX. 78521 - Tel (956)542-8695 - Fax (956)554-3160 3244 Southmost Rd. - Brownsville, TX. 78521 - Tel (956)541-7535 - Fax (956)541-6010 719 W Hwy. 100 Los Fresnos, TX. 78566 - Tel (956)233-2795 Fax (956)233-2797 860 S. Sam Houston Blvd. - San Benito, TX. 78586 Tel (956)399-4111 - Fax (956)399-4481 MAIN OFFICE 1737 Boca Chica Blvd. Brownsville, TX. 78520 - Tel (956)546-3120 - Fax (956)546-3980 Emilio Flores Los Fresnos News Los Fresnos, Texas — On August 4, 2022, wasChiefMcDonoughofCISDChiefJimmySuperintendentmeetingtheGonzaloSuperintendentSalazarledLosFresnosRotaryinvitingDeputyOperating,McDonough,andofLosFresnospolice,JoeVasquez.HereisabreakdownthepresentationalongsideVasquezpresented:LosFresnosCISDhappytosharethat they have doubled their total amount of officers for the district. Having one officer at each of the elementary schools and for special activities, Chief Vasquez will assign willMcDonoughappropriately.saystheyalsohavemultiple at the secondary campuses (Middle School and Highschool). He states that “No matter what, you will have one officer fullemphasizestime.”McDonoughthe fact that the school district has done everything it can to have high-level protection for the students going back this 2022-23 school year.“The change is that we’re adding nine officers,” McDonough shares they won’t just have patrols but will have officers stationed at each campus.Thisnew initiative will add over $400,000.00 in salary costs alone (which is recurring). There will also be a $42,000 initial start-up cost to pay for equipment like radios, uniforms, weapons, badges, and other things the district would need for their Police Officers. At the Rotary meeting, one of the questions asked was how difficult was it to obtain 9 more officers for the Los Fresnos School district. The question was followed by McDonough stating how very fortunate the board was for acting quickly on this matter. He says, “We beat the rush.” Because of that, the district was able to get approved. Chief Vasquez says there are “Seven on board and two in the process.”McDonough “If we did not start in May, we would not be able to have all those slots filled.” He says, “We were very lucky.”LosFresnos CISD has had its own independent Police Force for more than twenty years according to McDonough. LFCISD has also continued to improve its partnership and collaboration with the local Police Department and other local law enforcement agencies. Los Fresnos police department assistant chief Rodriguez shared that since the Uvalde shooting the department has been having meetings constantly to ensure they are staying up to date on equipment. “We have breaching devices,” he further shares they, along with the fire department have tools to get into just about any facility quickly andLoseffectively.FresnosPD has regular meetings with the School district’s police force; Rodriguez mentions training together to ensure the new officers get proper training, including active shooter training. “We are going to continue to train on a oneto-one bases with officers from the school district to ensure this doesn’t occur in our district itself.” Rodriguez ends by saying the Los Fresnos PD is here to protect all of Los Fresnos.Many people at the meeting thanked the district along with the PD for keeping Los Fresnos safe.

“The work of the center at a HispanicServing Institution (HSI) like UTRGV is critical to creating multiple pathways for underrepresented minority students to be successful in engineering fields where many continue to face challenges and barriers to their success,” she“Itsaid.isexciting that UTRGV is set to become a national model for diversity, inclusion and professional preparation of underrepresented minority students in engineering.”

UTRGV establishes Center for Equity in Engineering for fall 2022

By Amanda A. TaylorUchoa

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