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Life on the Farm: Readers’ Photos
Rose Wurtzberger of New Ulm, Minn. found her farm was in the fly zone for hundreds of geese earlier this month. “Well, here’s a sign of spring!” she writes. “We haven’t seen so many geese hanging around in quite a while. They must be waiting for it to warm up further north! Have a good day!”


One hopes the Republicans will start moving forward as well.
Tim King has been a contributor to The Land since 1985. He also cofounded the community newspaper La Voz Libre and served as its publisher and editor from 2004 to 2014. He farms with his family near Long Prairie, Minn.
Letter: Minnesota legislators poised for next farm bill
To the Editor,
On a recent trip to Washington, D.C. with our Farm Bureau members, we had the opportunity to meet with our state legislators as they begin working on the Farm Bill. With the bill is set to be renewed this year, Minnesotans who rely on its programming can be assured their concerns will be heard and represented by our leaders in a variety of roles.
There is a strong bipartisan desire to see this bill get passed to give our country the food security it needs to feed the growing population, and the Minnesota delegation is ideally positioned to provide guidance from both sides of the aisle as legislation moves forward.
We are one of two states to have both senators sit on the Senate Agriculture Committee. And as a his- torically bipartisan bill, we are fortunate to have both Rep. Angie Craig and Rep. Brad Finstad on the House Agriculture Committee, giving our state representation from both parties.
Beyond the agriculture committees, Rep. Tom Emmer serves as the majority whip in the House of Representatives, helping to guide action on the floor. And our other representatives hold key roles on other powerful committees including the Rules, Ways and Means, Natural Resources, Transportation and Infrastructure, Small Business, Budget and more.
This is an exciting time for the agriculture community in Minnesota, and our leaders in D.C. are poised to influence legislation benefitting those of us in the field and beyond.
Dan Glessing Waverly, Minn.