A d u l t Educato
r SL potlight inda Walters
Quick Facts Name
Adult Education
Linda Walters
Wood River, Illinois
Division Assistant
Employment Time
28+ years
The Best Part About Her Career
Linda Walters, Adult Education division assistant at Lewis and Clark Community College, places the tassel on Casey Roettgers cap before the 36thAnnual General Education Development (GED) graduation ceremony held on June 14, 2012 in the Ann Whitney Olin Theatre inside Hatheway Cultural Center. More than 180 students graduated and 61 walked in the ceremony. Roettgers, of Brighton, graduated with her stepdaughter Kenna. Both graduates plan to attend Lewis and Clark. Photo via L&C Flickr.
Retirement! The best part of my job was when I was able to help, whether it was a student, caller, co-worker or whomever needed assistance.
What She Likes Best About Her Program
It is ever changing and adapting to best serve everyone.
Why Should A Student Be Interested In Her Program
It just might possibly be the route for them to take to achieve their success!
What She Likes About Lewis and Clark
The sense of family and all employees with the common goal to serve under Lewis and Clark leadership like Dr. Dale Chapman and Dr. Linda Chapman.
Her Greatest Strength
My honesty!
Linda Walters thoughts
“Miss giving you candy, Ms. Alexandra.�