Lad i es G ol f Ladies Clinic May 5: Putting
August 4: 9-Hole Game
May 12 : Chipping and Pitching
August 11: 9-Hole Game
May 19: Bunker Play
August 18: 9-Hole Game
May 26: Putting Recap
August 25: 9-Hole Game
June 2 : Wedge Shots
September 1: 9-Hole Game
June 9: Shor t and Long Irons
September 8: 9-Hole Game
June 16: Hybrids and Woods
September 15: 9-Hole Game
June 23: Chip and Sip
September 2 2 : 9-Hole Game
June 30: Golf Course Prep
September 29: 9-Hole Game
July 7: Ready Golf July 14: Rules and Proper Etiquette July 21: Mountain Tour July 28: 9-Hole Game $100 per month, per lady golfer. Beginning and experienced golfers and invited to our ladies clinic to learn all aspects of the game under the direction of our Golf Pros. Ladies will learn through entertaining games and social events.