Why Nikki Haley thinks she can beat ex-president Trump in Republican race
On Wednesday, Nikki Haley, who was the first person to challenge Donald Trump for the Republican nomination, heldherfirstcampaigneventinCharleston,SouthCarolina.Shewasthefirstcandidatetodoso.

On this particular day, it was decked out in patriotic splendour, lined with red, white, and blue bunting, an American flag over the stage, and twin South Carolina palmetto and crescent moon state banners flanking a giant"NikkiHaley"sign.Normally,itservesasalocationforweddingsandlivemusic.
A blend of '70s soul and rock works of art belted out of amplifiers before Ms Haley - who was brought into the worldin1972-showedup.
She is expressing the hope that these supporters, along with Republicans all over the country, are seeking a candidatewithadistinctstyleanddirection.Isshecapableofpullingitoff?
Why she thinks she can win? Because she is good at elections. Nikki Haley has never lost a race for office. In her bidfortheRepublicannominationforpresidentin2024,thisremarkablestreakwillbetested.
Dave Wilson president of the Palmetto Family Council, a South Carolina-based evangelical Christian organization, asserts that her adversaries underestimate her at their own peril. During her first campaign, 19 years ago, he witnesseditfirsthand.

He stated, "Few people comprehend how well Nikki Haley does retail politics." At the entrances to neighborhoods, Nikki would sit there and distribute doughnuts. She would go to the biker bar, put on jeans and boots,andsitthereandtalktothepeoplethere."

In states like Iowa and New Hampshire, which hold votes before South Carolina on the Republican nomination calendar,retailpoliticswillbeuseful.
Strong track record Ms. Haley's CV, which at this point in her career is fairly well-rounded, is another one of her strengths.

After a racially motivated mass shooting at a black church in 2015, she successfully lobbied to remove the ConfederateflagfromthestatecapitolinColumbia.Thisbroughthernationalattention.
Haley, a pioneer, will run against Trump in 2024. This was a good move for business leaders in the state, who wereworriedaboutgrowingboycottsandbadpressbecauseoftheflag.
"The right time had come. Mr. Wilson stated, "It was the appropriate time." She had the strong personality to bring about those outcomes. Nikki Haley fought against the old-fashioned system and worked extremely hard to attractbusinessestoSouthCarolina.
Is ‘Run, Hide, Fight’ the best advice for mass shootings? as incident happens at Michigan State University
Students at Michigan State University received the following three-word order when a gunman opened fire on the campus on Monday: Fight, Run, and Hide "
The university's text message stated, "Run means evacuate away from danger if you can do so safely, Hide means to secure-in-place, and Fight means protect yourself if there is no other option "
The attack in East Lansing, Michigan, resulted in the deaths of three students and the injuries of five others A suspect who was 43 years old and had no connection to the university later passed away from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
The college's message was essential for an administration supported dynamic shooting program that is given to understudies in the US It evoked an emotional response from those who lamented the necessity of the advice being shared in the first place and from others who questioned whether students ought to be instructed to fight at all.
"Nothing is surprising any longer, but I still have trouble understanding why a school would tell its students to "Run, Hide, Fight " What an American reality," one client composed on Twitter A lot of other people had similar reactions.
However, experts in criminology and active shooting informed the BBC that the message was not intended to encourage people to confront attackers. They argued, on the other hand, that it was an essential means of highlighting the most effective strategies for ensuring survival
'Fighting is a last resort' Katherine Schweit, a retired FBI agent, stated, "It's three simple verbs that trigger the memory of the training you received, and which tell you that fighting is a last resort and running is a good first resort " Ms Schweit adjusted the Run, Stow away, Battle preparing into a taxpayer supported initiative following the 2012 taking shots at Sandy Snare Grade School in Newtown, Connecticut.
In recent years, there have been a lot of stories about brave bystanders stopping gun attacks. Most recently, 26-year-old Brandon Tsay disarmed the gunman at a Lunar New Year celebration in Monterey Park, California, where 11 people were killed.
However, bystanders have very rarely stopped mass shootings over the past two decades