King David Lodge winning and giving back at the 2022 Annual Grand Lodge Session.
King David Lodge #18 donating at the Joint Family Holiday Party, Dec 2022.
King David Lodge winning and giving back at the 2022 Annual Grand Lodge Session.
EA Wylie. After the degree work was complete, we fed the brethren and guests on the way home. During that same meeting King David voted unanimously to recommend Bro. Ezra Hill (Treasurer) was promoted to Past Master. Tragically and suddenly, Bro. Larry Gibson lost his dear wife. King David #18 once again surrounded our Brother in his time of need, sending over 20 brethren to the funeral and repast to assist with transportation, security, logistics, and whatever else the Gibson Family required. Bro. Jonathan Nicholson, our Visitation and Relief Committee Co-chair led the charge, with assistance from RW Roland Selby. We also updated and submitted a copy of our Lodge History to RW Seymore Chambers, Grand Historian. This update includes a list of all Past Masters, notable brethren, and an accounting of past and present Grand Lodge officers. Significantly, MWGM Noel C. Osborne publicly honored Ezra Hill, Sr. posthumously, making him both a member of King David #18 and Past Master of the same. Bro. Ezra Hill Sr. was a WWII veteran and likely the oldest living American at 111 years old when he transitioned. Finally, we finalized our plans to visit Chosen Friends Lodge #43 (MWPHGLPA) directly preceding our Annual Strategic Planning Retreat in Harrisburg, PA. Despite crucial losses this month due to health in FS Medford Campbell, DDGM Michael Hughes, and RW Rick Lane, King David #18 still found a way to come together and thrive.
In April, King David Lodge #18 got a chance to refocus after a high-paced current masonic year at our annual Mid-year Strategic Planning Retreat. It was held 14-15 April at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Harrisburg, PA. Topics presented were leadership succession planning, the health of our lodge, mission and vision alignment with the Grand Lodge, charitable contributions, mid-year awards, men’s health and prostate cancer, real estate investment for personal wealth, planning for upcoming events, and afteraction reports for all events thus far. The retreat committee, Chaired by RS Kevin Clark, provided an amazing experience including a nightly hospitality for fellowship and Sunday breakfast with the WM. Directly prior to the event, 12 King David Brothers served as the “advance team” in visiting Chosen Friends Lodge #43 (MWPHGLPA). Our Chosen Friends #43 brethren, with their District Deputy Grand Master present, cordially and fraternally invited us into their lodge room at 7:30 pm on Thursday, 13 April 2023. MWPGM Jeff Mullen traveled with us and received the appropriate honors. Watching how they did things was very enlightening, as their JD put on a splendid masonic education and closed with his regular recitation of the masonic charge. Afterward, they treated us all to a magnificent repast, complete with home cooked meals, desserts, and libations. WM Okon and WM Waite bonded over the feast and look forward to a visit to King David soon. On 29 April, WM Okon, DDGM Michael Hughes, MWPGMs Gordon and Mullen, RW Fagan, RW Selby, and SW Paul Johnson all attended the WM and RW Leadership Meeting at the MWPHGLMD. Simultaneously, our LOI students as well as two Entered Apprentices all attended the 1st Degree Exemplification Ceremony at the Grand Lodge. At the halfway mark, King David is poised to have a highly successful Masonic Year. Through outstanding ritualistic work, fundraising, charitable activity, strategic planning, fellowship, and visitations our lodge represents the best aspects of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland and Jurisdiction, Inc. mission and vision.■
The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - June 2023 13