“The heartwarming moment wasn’t just delivering the toys but the immediate sight of appreciation.” By: PP Nelson Moody (4)
he Christmas season is very special within the Desert of Maryland. Temples and Courts use this time to have clothing drives, provide holiday meals, visit nursing centers, and so much more. This year, the Desert of Maryland took part in its first Desert wide toy drive. Something typically done within each respective Oasis, the Deputy of the Desert Honorary Past Imperial Potentate Anthony Thorpe (4) wanted to have a Desert wide effort to ensure less fortunate children could have presents for Christmas despite their situation. Desert Assistant Rabban Past Potentate Nelson Moody
(4) and Desert Community Service Directress Daughter Diveda Crawford (197) chaired this event for the Desert that resulted in 10 vehicles full of toys. On the cold morning of Friday December 23rd, Nobles and Daughters representing all nine Temples and all eight Courts assembled to sort and load vehicles with toys. Deputy of the Desert Honorary Past Imperial Potentate Anthony Thorpe (4) and Deputy for the Desert Honorary Past Imperial Commandress Desert Patricia McCoyLassiter (210) spoke briefly about the good collective effort
22 The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - June 2023