The Like Magazine Issue 005

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Issue 005 [Fall 2012] page 1 | Issue 005

The Like Magazine Team Jesse Alford: Photographer/Editor Maryanne Alford: Writer/Editor Victoria Melshaw: Layout/Editor

Staff Photographer: Tetty Simeonova Album Reviews: Philly the Drunk Fashion Writer: Katrina AlĂ­s Vaca

On The Cover [ model ] Katelyn Byrd [ hair/mua ] Natalie Faye [ stylist ] Brandon Sapin [ photographer ] Derren Versoza

One Year Anniversary Dearest Like Family, we were so stoked to celebrate our very first birthday party with many of you this past weekend! A special thanks to DeVonn and Doug for hosting, Braata and D.J. Liquid for performing, Tj and Joseph for bar tending, and everyone who helped make the night not only possible but also a success! We are so excited to have made it this far and are even more excited to see what the future has in store! So grab a cozy blanket, a hot beverage, and issue [005] of Like Magazine. As always we wish you all the best and a very happy holiday season. See you all in January! Cheers, The Like Team page 4 | Issue 005

It’s time to accept it, summer is over and won’t be back for a while. Bikini season is done and it’s time to work on what I like to call my winter body! Now before you get too excited that doesn’t mean a free pass for every piece of halloween candy or christmas cookie in sight. It’s a few tasty ideas to help you keep that summer bod all winter long, without sacrificing your taste buds.

[ model ] Cora Hausadel [ photographer ] Stefanie Fink [ article ] Maryanne Alford page 5 | Issue 005 page 6 | Issue 005

Non-fat Plain Greek Yogurt Make sure it’s plain and make sure it’s strained! The tart nature of this fat-free snack goes perfect with the berries we just talked about or a drizzle of honey. On the other side it makes a great substitution for typically high in fat sour cream. Greek yogurt is high in protein, packing a punch of up to 25g per serving. Keep reading for a great greek yogurt snack.

Flaxseed These super seeds have the highest levels of lignans of any food. Research has shown that women who eat the most lignans have the lowest body mass indexes. Grind these little guys up and give them a sprinkle on pretty much everything. 1 apple (sliced) 1/4 cup plain greek yogurt 1 tblsp. honey 2 tblsp. ground flax seed layer these puppies up for a balanced mid morning snack! For a little carbohydrates in your life switch out the apple for a whole grain waffle.

Avocado Avocado is jam-packed with cholesterol-lowering, heart-healthy monounsaturated fat that boost the bioavailability of antioxidants in foods that it’s paired with, especially tomatoes. Rich in lycopene tomatoes reduce cancer risk and cardiovascular disease. 1 avocado (halved) 1 tomato (diced) 1 tblsp. extra-virgin olive oil Combine tomato and olive oil and pile on the center of the avocado, sprinkle with fresh ground pepper. This makes a tasty side for lunch or dinner! Looks fancy too. page 7 | Issue 005

Berries Raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, and blueberries are all ridiculously good for you. Blackberries are full of antioxidant compounds that have been shown to improve brain function. Blueberries and raspberries contain appetite-quelling fiber. Strawberries have triple the vitamin C than other berries and are super low cal. Treat yourself with our whispy whiskey on this one!

Whispy Whiskey 2 oz. Irish Whiskey 1/4 berries, muddled 2 tsp. dark brown sugar Splash of club soda Honey or Agave Nectar (For the rim) Muddle the berries of your choice in with the whiskey, add brown sugar and ice. Shake. Rim the glass with honey or agave nectar and brown sugar. Add your whispy drink to the glass and top with club soda. Enjoy your tasty and low cal cocktail!

Black Beans Black beans are an easy way to get sufficient protein in your diet. They’re loaded with the heart-healthy, cancer-preventing compounds that your body is asking you for! In addition they are low in fat and high in fiber, factors crucial for losing weight AND building muscle. page 8 | Issue 005 page 9 | Issue 005

Hunter Becomes Hunted [ models ] Hedy Nerito & Kylie Lynn [ mua ] Kiss & Makeup [ hairstylist & hunter ] Erik Foldhazi

[ nails ] Dotti Morin [ narrated ] Maryanne Alford [ photographer ] Jesse Alford

One day on the range

His boredom peaks

A hunter conspires

As he master’s a plan

bored out of his brains

the head of a beast

alone with a campfire

would prove I’m a MAN! page 10 | Issue 005

One hot mama deer, he sees in the woods, beautiful and sheer, she suggestively stood. page 11 | Issue 005

Along with this beauty, her doe stands near by, she's not all too bright, so mom keeps a close eye.

Her baby is young, she is frail and naive, she romps freely around, and plays in the leaves. page 12 | Issue 005 page 13 | Issue 005

Jackpot! The hunter thinks, no thoughts for another, as he takes one more drink, then takes aim at the mother.

Wise beyond her antlers, she spots the assassin, then spry like a panther, she attacks with such passion.

Her doe follows close, She has taught her well, she copies her pose, as the hunter flat fell. page 14 | Issue 005

The hunter was stunned, that he had been confronted, round his mind spun as he became the hunted. page 15 | Issue 005

Jessie Madera page 16 | Issue 005 page 18 | Issue 005 page 19 | Issue 005 page 20 | Issue 005 page 21 | Issue 005

Barely Blind [ interview ] Maryanne Alford [ photographer ] Jesse Alford

We had the awesome opportunity to meet up with Barely Blind, a Texas made band making a name for themselves in Los Angeles, California. We hope you enjoy this up close and personal interview with the guys! Band Name: Barely Blind Members: Bradley Cuccio-Guitar and Vocals Reid Guidry-Bass Will Smith-Drums Stephen Salisbury-Guitar and backing vocals Genre: we have evolved so much over the years. its always inspired by rock and roll. you make your own judgements. We’d like to say it’s a sonic meld of a bunch of genres that end up making a fuzzy rock n roll noise. How did all the members meet? We all met in high school. Started playing shows together under the name Barely Blind at ages 15 and 16. We’re all from the same small town in South East Texas and we all came from the same little music scene in that area. Girlfriends? “I have a girlfriend, Caitlin. been through it all together. we also have a dog. Caitlin and Dali are my girls for life” - Bradley “Yes, I have a girlfriend named Evan and we have a small yorkie named Cali. Stephen also has a girlfriend named Tiffany and those two are hoping to get a child dog in the new future as well… We figured puppy children are a lot better option for us at this moment in our lives. Also, Will is the only single one so ladies hit that up! - Reid Do you guys all live together or separate? “I live with my girlfriend, Stephen and his girlfriend Tiffany” - Bradley “Me and Will and my girlfriend Evan live together. All three of these girls came from the lonestar state. We brought them with us and they’re all real troopers for being here and supporting us!” - Reid page 22 | Issue 005

When you aren’t making music what are you doing? Working, Working on the band in some other respect, cooking, exploring this big ass county we live in, and playing with our dogs. Your new video was included in MTV’s fresh new music list for august, how excited were you guys? We submitted the video to MTV and were so very happy when we got word that they accepted it. What shows do you have coming up? We are actually heading out on a short in duration, long in mileage tour in November. If you could open for any band who would it be? Phoenix, Foo Fighters, Blink 182, Fleetwood Mac, Dream venue? Something as big as MSG in NYC or something as intimate as Tipitina’s in New Orleans. You’ve been in LA for a year now, what have been the pros and cons (best and worst parts)? best part for me is the exploring. its such a huge city and it changes from one culture to another in three blocks. there is always good food to find and awesome views to experience. worst parts would have to be the traffic, the amount of crime and scummy people, and how much more everything costs out here. but everything put in perspective, its such an opportunity to be based out of this city. we are getting shows at venues that are directly connected to the scene that drew us here. its work, hard work. but it has truly shaped us into the band we’re becoming more and more each day. - Bradley Best places to go in LA? the beach. Rosies dog beach in LB is the best. i can’t even begin to start telling you about food spots out here. i’ve only skimmed the surface when it comes to that. best all around night spot to take friends that visit is el carmen. best margaritas and some of the nicest mexican food i’ve found. PICK A FAVORITE writing or recording? recording practicing or performing? performing most definitely kick it or rage? kick it for me. rage comes when i’m with my band performing. I’m the more reserved of the bunch. - bradley I thoroughly enjoy both! - Reid beer or liquor? beer. i can’t handle myself with liquor - Bradley Beer if I have a busy day the next day, Liquor if it’s a day off… - Reid dancing or moshing? won’t mosh. can’t really dance. but my girlfriend taught me how to two step. some zydeco music blaring i could enjoy it. -Bradley dancing most definitely - Reid cats or dogs? dogs. dogs all the way. i am severely fucking allergic to cats. i have friends that love them and have some really cool felines, but they know when they see me that i’m not on there team. they feel the tension and i feel the allergic reaction. - Brad I’m with brad on this one. - Reid page 23 | Issue 005

BRAATA [ interview ] Maryanne Alford [ photographer ] Jesse Alford

Hailing from Manteca/ Modesto/ Stockton, California this female-fronted Reggae/Rock outfit has established themselves as one of the next young groups to watch. Since 2008 Braata has kept a consistent show schedule and have won several competitions throughout California, showing that their supported fan base is growing in numbers. Braata mixes Rock, Ska, Reggae with a little bit of Funk into their high energy shows. When you see them perform, from the small venues to the big stage, you know that they love what they are doing. Amanda Gray on vocals, Ralph Miranda on guitar, Colin Boyd on bass, Ryan Blodgett on drums and Aaron Mooradian on sax rocked it out at LIKE’s first birthday party last weekend. The intimate affair was definitely graced by their high energy presence. From dancing to swaying to bobbing heads, the room was alive with the one-of-a-kind sound Braata delivers! Reggae with a hint of rock and roll, high energy with laid back undertones. Braata made the night one to be remembered! page 24 | Issue 005 page 25 | Issue 005

Album Reviews By, Philly the Drunk.

Chotto Ghetto “Sparkles” Asian Man

Finally! A full length from Chotto Ghetto. I saw them in ’07 and they’re so good live. Hard rocking and bursting out the seems with raw emotion and energy. I think they’re what one would call post-hardcore. I’ve never used that classification before and the only other bands I can asscociate with it is Fugazi and At The Drive-in. I don’t think Chotto Ghetto are much like them (I don’t listen to those two bands) other than that things get offbeat, or whatever. I think that’s what ya call odd time signatures (?), I’m not a musicologist, son. And they use some guitar effects every now and then. They’re pretty metallic in style, with punk attitude. I’m actually fascinated with how they put this record together. It’s more like a presentation than an album. Between the hard rocking songs that make you wanna demolish the inside of a house with your bare hands, they provide almost like cool down periods with audio bytes from live shows, produced street sounds, and eerily chanted hymn-like verses. And then the musicianship is awesome. It’s not typical pop rock stuff, but it’s not all weird and far-out. “Sparkles” is a hard rocking work of art. Yeah, so GET GHETTO! page 26 | Issue 004

Cat Power “Sun” Matador

Cat Power is back with her first album of all original material in six years. It was those scant six years ago when I first heard of Ms. Chan Marshall. My hipster buddy, Missi, wanted me to buy her a copy of “The Greatest,” which I did. When Missi deemed a musician superb enough to grace her delicate eardrums that usually meant said artist was banished from mine! So it’s thanks to Missi… and Rolling Stone… and SPIN… that I never listened to Cat Power until now. What have I been missing? From beginning to end, “Sun” is very calm and soothing. It’s a pleasant mixture of bluesy guitar and piano with electronic beats and effects, all candy coated by Marshall’s smooth, soulful vocals. I guess this is what one would call adult contemporary. Maybe we’ll be hearing more of this in coffee shops rather than 90’s top 40 artists gone acoustic. Maybe I haven’t spent enough time in coffee shops. Anyhow, it’s great to let your hair down and relax to after a long workday and/or week. “Manhattan” sounds similar to Florence and the Machine’s big hit from a couple years ago, but without any build up to a big belted out chorus. There’s actually never a moment where Chan comes from the diaphragm and gets loud, which was something I was hoping for… oh well. Cat Power’s “Sun” is a good time. Bring a date back to your place and kick off your shoes. You’ll be dancing around like Michael Stipe in the “Losing My Religion” video… is that reference too outdated? page 27 | Issue 005

The Atom Age “The Hottest Thing That’s Cool’ Asian Man

The Atom Age play loud and hard enough to make a Gilman punk bob up and down, but also utilize elements from throughout the decades: surf, soul, rhythm and blues. Buzzsaw guitars, beefy bass thuds, a drummer who smacks the hell out of the kit, and it’s all driven by a maniac with a wacky sax. Atom Age are like Rocket From The Crypt minus any of the avante garde bullshit. Just the best parts of rock and roll. They’re also great live! Even with a busted pair of vocal cords and no working microphones, they bring nothing but good times. Go get this. Go see them. page 28 | Issue 005

Dragonette “Bodyparts” Universal

There ain’t too much electronic I’m into, but all my favorites seem to come out of Canada: Chromeo, Peaches originates from there and my new faves, Dragonette. Some tracks on here sound like they even follow a Chromeo + Peaches = Dragonette type of equation. Funky bass lines, robotic sounding keyboards, dance beats and hand claps with the vocals of a confident woman whose sassy meter is in the red. The album’s opener “Run, Run, Run” has kind of a more tender vibe to it with Martina’s delicate, flowing vocals. There are a couple others that are on the softer side (“Lay Low” and “Ghost”) which are delightful. But it’s all the dance jams that get me pumped! The single, “Live in This City,” is really catchy and quirky. They have a fun video for it. Why isn’t THIS on the damn top 40?? “My Legs” is about the uncontrollable urge to go out dancing all night and you know what? Every time I hear the song, I can’t stop myself from busting a move. Oh, and the others! “Giddy Up,” “Riot,” “My Work is Done.” Just get this and take it with you to da club. Tell the dj to stop playing that whack ass shit and throw this on! page 29 | Issue 005

Mary Ellen Adore: Machete-Wielding Make-up Artist and More

CAST Amanda Nicole as the Subject Model. CREW Mua, Kiss & Makeup. Story, Christina Hedlund. Photographer, Jesse Alford. page 30 | Issue 005

Mary Ellen Adore is a make-up artist and so much more She spends her day wielding makeup brushes in a classy department store By night she’ll sashay out the door with a red vintage clutch It holds a newly sharpened machete, in place of her foundation brush She makes victims of the young, who are oh-so-pretty Who are also, blinded by love, pricy things and cute kitties This makes Mary Ellen Adore a murderess, whose morals are quite marred Yet, worth it for the art which marries her love for make-up, machetes, and the avant-garde Mary Ellen’s first art piece was Wanda, an attention-craving pre-teen The kind other girls loved to hate, for her endless need to see and be seen Wanda was in love, and it was with her very own flawless complexion She also loved this jewel-encrusted compact that mirrored her beauteous reflection. Mary Ellen once owned that compact, she liked how lit her contoured face with perfection She vowed to find and decapitate the thief who swiped it, using her efficient skills of detection. Mary Ellen invited Wanda over to apply faux feather lashes that were foxy Then she sent Wanda to the afterlife, cheeks blushed with mirrors and a mild epoxy. Wanda’s head was too glamorous to trash, so Mary Ellen set it atop her fireplace A unique treasure to her, and “Exhibit A”, in a future open-and-shut court case Wanda soon needed some company, when her single head began to look quite bleak That’s when Mary Ellen felt it was time for a new victim to make her décor more chic

Pearl was the very youngest of Mary Ellen’s long list of clientele Until Pearl began to complain too much about her “kind-of” boyfriend Mel He had gifted her with his grandmother’s pearls, and the single pearl earrings to match Pearl would have preferred that he sold those old pearls in exchange for a rare calico cat Mary Ellen could take Pearl’s complaining no more She later hacked off the head of this pretty young whore She made up Pearl’s face just one final time Two subtle, smoky eyes with pearls sprinkling each lower lash line Pearl’s cutesy doll face was set into place, upon Mary Ellen’s death mantel The latest addition, gave Mary Ellen good reason to light her new rose-scented candle. Mary Ellen continued chopping the heads of thoughtless, young hotties She then started to get desperate for a way to disguise her growing pile of bodies. Her mantel flourished with numerous noggins accenting simple décor Mary Ellen had done make-up after make-up and murdered whore after whore Petite heads crying tears of mirrors, pearls, diamonds, and metals A stench of death blended with the faint scent of rose petals Sweeping shadows on lifeless eyelids before they start to dry and decay Mary Ellen practices the art of make-up before she goes to work the next day page 31 | Issue 005 page 32 | Issue 005 page 33 | Issue 005 page 34 | Issue 005 page 35 | Issue 005

[ model ] Larissa Reinhart [ mua ] Daniela Schatz [ photographer ] Tetty Simeonova page 36 | Issue 005

M y D ark Wedding N ight page 37 | Issue 005 page 38 | Issue 005 page 39 | Issue 005 page 40 | Issue 005 page 41 | Issue 005

Crystal Wall Lancaster page 42 | Issue 005 page 43 | Issue 005 page 44 | Issue 005 page 45 | Issue 005 page 46 | Issue 005 page 47 | Issue 005

The Pink House of the Bizarre

[ model ] Olivia Dantes [ photographer ] Daniel Hebert page 48 | Issue 005 page 49 | Issue 005 page 50 | Issue 005 page 51 | Issue 005 page 52 | Issue 005 page 53 | Issue 005

Stand Out [ models ] Eva Card, Jenny Boa, Asphyxia Noir [ male prop ] Peter Christian [ mua ] Andrea Rangel [ hairstylist ] Alana Rocket [ designer ] Junker Designs [ photographer ] Jesse Alford page 54 | Issue 005 page 55 | Issue 005 page 56 | Issue 005 page 57 | Issue 005 page 58 | Issue 005 page 59 | Issue 005 page 60 | Issue 005 page 61 | Issue 005 page 62 | Issue 005 page 63 | Issue 005 page 64 | Issue 005 page 65 | Issue 005 page 66 | Issue 005 page 67 | Issue 005

A Female of Fall page 68 | Issue 005

[ model ] Breann Pearl [ designer ] Derek Jagodzinsky (LUXX ready to wear) [ hair ] Sarah at Flaunt Salon [ article ] Katrina AlĂ­s Vaca [ photographer ] Amanda Diaz page 69 | Issue 005

With the carelessness of summer fashion behind us, we would like to take this opportunity to embrace the beauty of fall fashion with structure, texture, and color changes that are subtle enough to avoid any fashion whiplash. It isn’t easy to say goodbye to the easy cut off shorts and tiny tank tops of the summer season, but with looks like these, we do invite you to get a little more excited about fall fashion. If you’re a fan of the gentle pastels that flatter your tanned body in the summer and need a fall substitute we offer you the blush colors that are pictured here. Universally flattering and easily feminine, blush is a great transition color that can act as an interesting neutral. If you’re fair enough it can even count as a nude, elongating the parts of the body it touches, nudes and blushes can lengthen your physique beautifully. In addition, if you find yourself willing to take on a more structured form of apparel, the same effect can take place. In this spread, you’ll see some form fitting articles that can make nearly anyone appear long and lean and who wouldn’t LIKE that? Fall is typically a season that begs for copious bulky layers that can drown your figure in a sea of fabric, but consider a form fitting approach when shopping and you will find they can be as flattering as those cutoffs in your bottom drawer.

Another lovely trick to keep in mind for fall that will keep the attention on you even if you aren’t baring skin, is eye-catching textures, like the sparkly numbers shown here. Fall and winter are the seasons of dinner parties and holiday gatherings, or as we like to think, countless excuses to look like a beauty queen while being totally occasionally appropriate. Take these many moments to shine, whether it be through your sparkly gown or shining confidence. Now that’s an idea we LIKE. page 70 | Issue 005 page 71 | Issue 005 page 72 | Issue 005 page 73 | Issue 005

California Dreame page 74 | Issue 005


[ model ] Kennedy Barnes [ stylist ] Cara Galassi [ mua ] Sarah Galla [ photographer ] Daniel Rappa page 76 | Issue 005 page 77 | Issue 005 page 78 | Issue 005 page 79 | Issue 005

By the Seaside

[ model ] Macy Nicole [ stylist ] Roderick Hawthorne [ assistant stylist ] Shay Lavonne [ mua ] Melanesia Hunter [ hair ] Cantrell Mitchell Jr. [ photographer ] Joshua Escueta page 80 | Issue 005 page 81 | Issue 005 page 82 | Issue 005 page 83 | Issue 005 page 84 | Issue 005 page 85 | Issue 005

Fallout Fashion page 86 | Issue 005

[ model ] Katelyn Byrd [ hair/mua ] Natalie Faye [ stylist ] Brandon Sapin [ photographer ] Derren Versoza page 87 | Issue 005 page 88 | Issue 005 page 89 | Issue 005 page 90 | Issue 005 page 91 | Issue 005 page 92 | Issue 005 page 93 | Issue 005 page 94 | Issue 005 page 95 | Issue 005

Black Against the Wall page 96 | Issue 005

[ mua/hair ] Ashlee Nichole [ brunette model ] Lana Kohn @ Stars [ redhead model ] Kate Coneely @ Look [ styling ] Renata Gar (AVER styling) [ photo assistant ] Seth Cantor [ photographer ] Cherise Josephine page 97 | Issue 005 page 98 | Issue 005 page 99 | Issue 005 page 100 | Issue 005 page 101 | Issue 005

The Bucket List - written by Elly Vicieux


o you have a bucket list? If not you’ve probably heard of it – one of those grand lists of all the experiences and accomplishments that you want to achieve within your lifetime, that is before your existence vanishes into thin air. While it might sound completely cliché, it’s actually a fairly legit way to approach your life. The first time that I heard of the concept of bucket lists was the MTV show “The Buried Life”. In case you never came across this rare MTV gem – The Buried Life showcased the lives of four guys that were setting off on an adventure. The ultimate goal was to complete a list of one hundred things that they wanted to accomplish before death. The overall message was that if you pursued the goals on your bucket list, eventually you would find some way to achieve them. Sometimes life presents you with the right circumstances to achieve your goals, when you’re actively searching for a way to achieve them. The overall goal of having a bucket list is a unique and revolutionary approach to life. The lives of most of us are based on strict schedules. While there’s no harm in being responsible, living in a constant cycle has removed the concept of spontaneity within our lifestyles. A bucket list gives us back that spontaneity. It’s a reminder that the ultimate experience of life is as unforgettable, unique, and enjoyable as you are willing to make it. There’s no set of rules for what goes into a bucket list, it’s as simple as anything you’ve ever dreamt of doing. The fact of the matter is that as adults, we forget something very important that we once believed in when we were children; that primary truth that we can be or do anything that we want to as long as we set our minds to it. That’s the significance of a bucket list. Your bucket list is never going to tell you that one of your goals is too extreme or impossible. It is inevitable that eventually our lives will end – however, we are all gifted with an opportunity to decide how we want to spend our time on this planet. Your bucket list challenges you to step outside of the box and push your own boundaries. When you are able to live life without underestimating yourself you have discovered the most liberating and freeing sensation of all. It is the experience of life in its purest form; unchallenged, unplanned, unrehearsed.-- page 102 | Issue 005

It’s time to build your brand. Stop making excuses. Today is the day to jump in with both feet...

The Like Team would like to wish everyone a safe and Happy Halloween xoxo

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