The List Frome - May 2022

Page 18

TAPPING to conquer your fears, blocks, anxieties or distress


magine being in emotional distress, yet able to find rapid relief in just minutes. Emotional Freedom Technique, known as tapping, is a clinically trialled revolutionary advance in the way psychological disturbances are perceived and managed. EFT is now used worldwide to conquer phobias, eliminate compulsions, recover from broken relationships, put an end to procrastination and limiting beliefs without any long term psychotherapy.

Having left corporate London life and trained as an EFT therapist, Amanda now supports people from her Frome practice, with both the practical and emotional aspects of creating and running a successful business.

“We are driven to acquire material things, but this conditioning often does not allow vision for care of the planet and those with whom we share it.” “Unresolved beliefs impact on every aspect of life, and this definitely includes business. EFT is a powerful and effective tool which can be learned over usually just five sessions, which my clients can then take away and apply themselves to their own continued personal or professional development.” As a Shamanic practitioner and teacher, Amanda also offers workshops through a mentoring programme, Call of the Heart, for those who feel ready to explore more deeply their authentic selves and a healthier, balanced way of living and working in our increasingly challenging world.

Amanda Riley Pickthall is an accredited EFT practitioner for personal healing, and a business performance coach of over 20 years’ experience. “Through this technique, limiting beliefs and negative behaviours are traced back to memories and experiences blocking us from reaching our highest potential, as well as affecting our mental or physical wellbeing,” Amanda explains.



Healt h & wellbei ng

“I share the knowledge gained through my own life and work experiences. Modern society emphasises the needs of the individual over those of the collective. We are driven to acquire material things, but this conditioning often does not allow vision for care of the planet and those with whom we share it. It takes courage to put aside the ‘shoulds’ and to follow a path of life and work truer to ourselves, comfortable in our own skin with changed ways of coping in the modern world.” For a free consultation contact Amanda:

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