the listing
©Marriage Photography
To 9500 homes in South Cambridgeshire and North Hertfordshire Villages
royston arts festival events heathfest family music festival steeple morden harvest fair
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complete makeovers
FREE ESTIMATES AND ADVICE Tel / Fax: 01763 262 126 | Mobile: 07800 577 617
To the September issue of The Listing September sees the return of the popular Royston Arts Festival, with over 50 events taking place throughout the town, between 21st and 29th September. This is Royston’s biggest festival yet, and highlights include a talk by the multi-talented Meera Syal, our own award-winning CADS performing the Little Shop of Horrors, the chance to make your very own Shaun the Sheep and Royston Live - a series of music events throughout the town, including indie bands at the Green Man, folk and jazz at the Old Bull Inn and buskers in the town centre. This is one event on the Royston calendar that is not to be missed! Heathfest is an exciting family friendly festival on the Heath, on Saturday 21st September. A day of fun activities such as Segways, zorbing, bungee runs, the fun of the fair and much much more. This is a ticketed event with all activities free of charge once you’ve paid to get in. The evening culminates in live bands, a fire show and laser show. These are just the “biggies” for September. There are many more events taking place, just see our what’s on pages for an overview. We have improved the layout of the pages with “Family Friendly” events highlighted. Please let us know what you think of the change!
Community Organisations Homes & Gardens Eats & Drinks Health & Beauty Business
Useful Numbers The Listing is online at www.thelisting. info from 1st every month
With best wishes,
The Listing Team: Stay in touch EDITOR AND PUBLISHER Cath Boughton cath@
EDITORIAL AND SALES 01763 248447 Kate Berry kate@ #Royston
WHAT’S ON PAGES Lucy Boughton All rights reserved. No lucy@ part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in
Cath Boughton
any retrieval systems or transmitted in any form - electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise - without the prior permission of the publisher. All items published in good faith and correct at time of going to press.
Royston Arts Festival
small world Top comedian and writer Meera Syal (best known for appearing as the grandmother in The Kumars at No 42 and the storyteller in Horrible Histories) and a model-maker from Aardman Animations will be in Royston this month for Royston Arts Festival (supported by Johnson Matthey plc). Tickets are now on sale. More than 60 events, exhibitions and workshops will take place during the festival, running from 21 to 19 September. Small World workshops: You can also book your place on the festival’s free workshops (supported by NHDC) from 1 September. Try your hand at three different types of world rhythms in one morning: djembe (African), steelpans (Carribean) and samba (South American). Local writer JS Watts will help you evoke place in your poetry, Colin Blumenau will explore how to get a job in theatre and textile artist Sandra Scott will show you how to produce Indonesian batik creations. You can also learn how to make beautiful small flower arrangements. Pre-booking is essential (via the festival website or phone 07907 880 355). On 28 September Small@Greneway (a free event, donations to the development charity Khandel-light) features a stage with performances from Singing Aloud, Sawston Steel, Fensong, the Bollywood Queens and local singer-songwiter Alice Atkins. Amongst things to do there, you can add your house to a huge map of Royston, visit world food demonstrations, explore the science of a small world, and learn world songs and Bollywood dance. A model railway, sculpture and model engineering will also be on display. Visit the event by the festival bus (supported by HCC) which will run every 20 minutes on the Saturday. This year the festival will also feature two premieres: the play QA (about the life of Queen Anne) and the short film DV45 (by local film-maker Paul Vernon). Other highlights include a Musical Tour by acclaimed pianist Clare Hammond (supported by Curwens), CADS’ fantastic Little Shop of Horrors and numerous exhibitions (including Royston Arts Society and the Priory Quilters at the Town Hall and a schools’ exhibition at the Museum). The Royston Town Band will be giving a Brass in the Park concert in the Priory Memorial Gardens on Sunday 29 September and a separate non-classical music strand Royston Live (supported by Royston First) will feature seven events from Indie to Jazz. There will be art workshops run by Churches Together, a series of Royston Fringe events being run at the Royston Methodist Church and lots to do at the Library and Museum. This year’s festival will end with a Last Night of the Proms-style concert with performances from Royston schools, the Royston Youth Choir and the Hertfordshire Music Service’s Senior Windband @ Stevenage on Sunday 29 September. Tickets and full details of the festival are available on the website at (tickets are also available from the Stationery Cupboard).
Annual Open Art Exhibition
Established 35 years ago, the Royston Arts Society is a thriving group of over 100 local people who regularly meet to paint, watch artist demonstrations and socialise. The highlight of their year is the Autumn Exhibition, held every year in Royston Town Hall. A special preview will be held on Friday 27th September from 8 – 10pm before the doors open from 10am - 5pm on Saturday and 10am – 4pm on Sunday. Entry to the exhibition is free (programme £1). Last year was a bumper year with 98 artists exhibiting over 450 original artworks. Not only was the standard the highest it has ever been, but the variety of subjects and painting mediums on show was outstanding! Visitors are also invited to vote for their favourite picture as sponsored by Johnson Matthey, plus view the special winner of the Johnson display of paintings on this year’s Arts Festival theme ‘SMALL Matthey Favourite WORLD’ Picture Award last year information email: or visit www.royston- as voted by the public Tel: Richard Clayton, Royston Arts Society Secretary on 01763 221322 Supported by the Royston Town Mayors Community Trust Fund In collaboration with
god of carnage
Buntingford Dramatic Society are pleased to announce their Supper Theatre Performance of God of Carnage this September. Following a playground scuffle between their 11-year old children, the parents of the “victim” have invited the parents of the “bully” to their apartment to sort it out. Cordial banter gradually develops a razor-sharp edge as all four of the well-heeled French parents reveal their laughable contradictions and grotesque prejudices. None of them will escape the ensuing carnage in this dark new comedy. Seated around tables of six, with a fully licensed bar and a light supper. Come and enjoy the show...doors open an hour before curtain up so you can chat with your friends and enjoy a little food and a glass of wine in a relaxed atmosphere, then just sit back and enjoy the play. We like to treat our guests to a feast of enjoyment and then send them home with a smile on their’s got to beat sitting in front of the TV yet again.
God of Carnage, Friday 13th & 20th, Saturday 14th and 21st September, from 7.30pm. Tickets £12 include a light supper available from Visit for more information.
dads and grandads sing!
Dads and grandads are warming up nicely ready for the launch of their special CD DadSing songs for children. Play Music Play and Royston Arts festival are proud to be part of the launch of this special CD sung and performed by a special group of dads and grandads from the local area. You are invited to join us for a tea party on Sunday 29th September from 3.30 onwards at Coombes Community Centre . There will be live entertainment by the dads and grandads and a special guest appearance from Stage Right’s Junior troupe. All profits from this event and CD will go to Homestart. Cost: £5 per family. Pay on the door. For more information go to or contact Linda Bance on 01763 246415
Churchyard Car Show
As part of the fund raising for the preservation of fabric of Holy Trinity Church Meldreth the 9th annual Car Show will have a selection from over the years with a mixture of around 50 cars - veteran, vintage, prewar, classic and as usual with a sporting influence. This year there will be a brightly coloured group of family cars - 1955 Ford Zepher convertible, 1958 Nash Metropolitan and 1971 Vauxhall Cresta. Also there will be two 1920s Lea Francis, a couple of Land Rover Ambulances (with dummy patients) as well as the superb Austin Healey 100/4 in the picture. In addition to cars there will be a selection of motor bikes and a few pedal bikes and new this year a selection of coach built prams to extend the modes of transport. Teas will be served all afternoon and the musical background will be provided by the Memphis Jazz Band.
Sunday 15th September, 2-5pm Entrance fee, adults ÂŁ, accompanied children up to 16, 50p. Exhibitor enquires should be made to John Price on 01763 260048.
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sEPTEMBER 13 â&#x20AC;˘ ISSUE 81
The Great Fen
Cambridgeshire’s Great Fen, based north of Cambridge at Ramsey Heights, is a serene place with vast open skies and a panoramic landscape becoming increasingly rich in wildlife. It is also among the most ambitious and visionary nature restoration projects in Europe; The Wildlife Trust BCN, along with the partnership team at the Great Fen, is aiming to return 14 square miles of arable fields to wildliferich and people-friendly fenland - an area the size of a small city. Already some of the rarest species in Britain are returning since work began in 2004 – and with 60% of native species in decline it’s a hugely important time to give nature a helping hand. We have a fantastic opportunity to transform another 450 acres of land at the heart of the Great Fen (at Engine Farm), which would increase the area for wildlife by almost a fifth. With help, we could transform this new piece of land into a nature-rich haven, joining up a number of separate areas which we are already restoring, to become one huge swathe of habitat where wildlife can flourish. Following a record-breaking grant of £7.2 million for the Great Fen in 2008, the Heritage Lottery Fund has now given us another generous £1.89 million grant towards this and other significant work on the Fen. We must urgently find £182,000 of match funding for this grant to do the work: to donate please visit and for news about the Great Fen visit www.greatfen.
Kitchens Bedrooms & Bathrooms Designers, suppliers and installers of Quality Kitchens, Bedrooms & Bathrooms
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12 Melbourn Road, Royston, Herts SG8 7DE New Showroom now at: 27 Royston Road, Foxton, Cambs CB22 6SE Tel 01223 870440
Artists make a splash across Herts
Herts Open Studios makes its regular return this autumn with studios open across the county. Locally, check out the following studios.
Find out more at
Anna Pye The Walnut House, 3 Station Road, Steeple Morden, Royston, SG8 0NN, NORTH HERTS ORIGINAL PRINTS AND HOME TEXTILES 7th, 8th, 15th, 21st and 22nd September, 11am - 5pm 78b Christine Watson ILLUSTRATION, DRAWING, PAINTING Artists at Burloes Farm Studios Natural studies. Trademark characters created for children. Fine art stationery. ROYSTON SG8 9NE Acrylic, gouache, watercolour mediums, of techniques. are on using a rangeStudios From Royston take B1309 towards Barley. 01763 249635 left. 7th, 8th, 14th and 15th September, 10am 6pm www.thew-orldofchris Marko Humphrey-Lahti SCULPTURE, STONE, METAL HERTS NORTH
n Christine Watson ine WAWatINGso , PAINTING ristTIO ChUST RA N, DR ters ILL ark charac ery. dem Tra s. dieDRAWING, ILLUSTRATION, art station ms, Natural stu chi ldren. Fine mediu created for ache, watercolour Acrylic, gouge of techniques. PAINTING using a ran 9635 01763 24 .uk @btinterne stin c.watson10 hri rldofc www.thewo
Gordon ShawPRINTMAKING PAINTING, DRAWING, Gordon Shaw Contemporary painting in oil, acrylic, & watercolour. Coastal PAINTING, DRAWING, mixed media locations provide inspiration for my work PRINTMAKING with a shift towards abstraction. 07734 029714
78d aw Gordon ShING, PRINTMAKING
DRAW , PAINTING, in oil, acrylicl sta ary painting Contempordia & watercolour. Coa my work mixed me vide inspiration forn. ctio tra abs locations pro s toward with a shift 9714 07734 02 .com @hotmail gordon458
e Pattern g Surfac n ti a e p e R s year last 150 over the balance 7pm
at ber 20an1s3 17 Octsto Alb Base, St. Trestle Ar
HVAF info
Jane Harvey – Artist Druisilla
museum drop-in
Over the Arts Festival weekend (28/29ern ace Patt Repeating Surf September) Royston Museum will be running balanc free ofecharge, craft activities years last 150 over thedrop-in under the theme of a Small World. at 7pm 2013 17 Octob Visitors will beer able to create their very Trestle Arts Base, St. Albans own small world souvenir as well as take a trip around the world via the objects in the museum.
Royston & District Museum, Lower HVAF info King Street, Royston
The Old School Studio, Old School Lane, Whittlesford, A talk by Druisilla Cole Cambridge Visual Arts organised by Herts CB22 4YS The Old School Studio, Whittlesford, Cambridge CB22 4YS further details
Arts sual A talk by Commissions, paintings and for sale Herts Vi d byprints organise Art Classes for further details f.o for www.hva10am – 2pm 13 | 45 www.h Studio open weekends Studios 20 Painting & Craft Work-Shops Artincluding: & Craft Workshops HERTS Open Silk Painting, Pastels, Acrylics, Textiles, Card Making, Flower Arranging etc or by appointment Pastels, Acrylics, Oils, Watercolours, Drop-in-and-Paint days
The Studio 41 Ermine Way, Arrington, Nr. Royston, Herts. SG8 0AG tel: 01223 207057 email: website:
HERTS Open Studios 2013 | 45
Life Drawing, Card Making, Flower Arranging etc Drop-in-and-Paint days • Open Door Policy For further information email: Tel: Val 01223 833064
Open Door Policy
For further information email: Tel: Val or Helen 01223 833064
Battered Codpieces!
When Clarence Birdseye created the frozen fish finger in the 1950s, one of the original names was ‘battered cod pieces’. Not a terribly inspirational name certainly, and one that might be confused with articles of gentlemen’s attire, perhaps? Originally, the first fish fingers were made of herring as a way of using up the julian berry post-war glut of this healthy fish, but during the test marketing exercise we Brits preferred the blander, cod, alternative. Had Clarence not listened to his customers, and persisted with the humble herring instead, who knows where they would be now? Talking to your customers and asking them what they think can be very enlightening. Sometimes you find they disagree with you (how dare they!) and, painful though that might be, is an absolutely invaluable lesson. Sir Terry Leahy, when CEO of Tesco, was spending £200 million a year refitting stores, and everyone was delighted. The highly-experienced designers saw their ideas become reality, the store managers had shiny new stores and the board was confident that they were doing the right thing for the customers. The only people who didn’t like it were the customers – the constant disruption, repairs and adjustments were bad enough, and often the new store was not as enjoyable to shop in as the old one! Sir Terry listened to his customers, bringing together a group to tell the Board what they should do. They actually gave this ‘customer panel’ a free rein to redesign the stores to suit themselves – and the results were brilliant. Not content with this approach, Sir Terry actually put customers in charge of the refit process – and they typically spent half of what had previously been budgeted! Whatever you think of Tesco, involving and trusting customers is a fantastic lesson that can benefit all of us – why not try it in your business? Now, where is the Fish Finger aisle?
Kitchens Bathrooms Tiles Carpets & Flooring
“A personal service to local retail and trade customers”
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help for voluntary groups - in Royston North Herts CVS is an organisation offering support to voluntary and community groups throughout the district to help them reach their full potential and to meet their everyday needs, all for the benefit of people living in North Hertfordshire. They’re here to help: Whether you are a local voluntary / community group or charity looking for help or advice or an individual looking to volunteer. Despite being based in Letchworth, they already work with several organisations in Royston. They are pleased to launch their full ‘arms length’ service for groups based in Royston. Groups will be able to access resources online, attend training sessions and meetings based in Royston itself. This is, in addition, being able to contact us via telephone or email throughout the working week as usual. Any groups that could benefit from support including: funding advice, reduced rate DBS checks, low cost training and one to one support on policy issues; please get in touch with the NHCVS. Royston organisations are offered free Basic Membership of North Herts CVS or Full Membership package for £15 until March 2014.
For full details please visit our website:
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Brilliant Lawns
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Caring for your lawn
september MARCH 13 •13 ISSUE • ISSUE 75 81
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On Sunday September 15th, Royston Town Council’s Royston in Bloom Committee is having a “Big Town Centre Tidy up Day” to give Royston Town Centre area an Autumn clean and spruce up! We will be having two sessions, from 1012pm and from 2-4pm so if you can come along and join us for either or both of those times we would love to see you in the High street. All equipment will be provided, so why not bring your family along and help us give our Town Centre some well deserved T.L.C.! If you would like further information, please contact Jean at the Town Hall office on 01763 245484.
Family Fun in All Weathers Open Daily 9am - 9pm Children’s Golf from £1.00 Adult’s Golf £5.00
Classes offer disco/street, lyrical and Rock EVERY MONDAY ALL SAINTS Our Preall - School DISCO DUCKTHEclasses ’n’ Roll style routines, classes continually CHURCH HALL, MELBOURN 1.30 –2.00PM offering newly choreographed routines EVERY MONDAYkeeping THE ALL SAINTS The classes are full of fun and funky dance routines, specifically createdCHURCH children aged 18 months upwards. HALL, MELBOURN it fun and enjoyable, whilst foralways using –2.00PM For more information and to1.30 book your modern place chart music. contact Gail Tel: 01763 262372 The classes are full of fun and funky dance routines, **NEW CLASS ** specifically created for children aged 18 months upwards. EVERY MONDAY (term time)
Classes offer disco/street, lyrical and Rock ’n’ Roll style routines, all classes continually offering newly choreographed routines keeping it fun and enjoyable, whilst always using modern chart music.
lyrical and Rock ’n’ Roll style ontinually offering newly keeping it fun and enjoyable, **NEW CLASS ** g modern chart music.
Our Pre - School DISCO DUCK classes
EVERY MONDAY (term time) ALL SAINTS CHURCH HALL, MELBOURN 3.45 - 4.15pm Reception & Year 1 4.15 - 4.45pm Year 2 & 3 4.45 - 5.30pm Year 4, 5 & 6
SS **
rm time) L, MELBOURN on & Year 1 r2&3 4, 5 & 6
2 lunches for £5.00 & Fully Licenced Bar
01223 207325 Whaddon, Nr Royston SG8 5RX
For information and to book your ALLmore SAINTS CHURCH HALL, MELBOURN place GailReception Tel: 01763 262372 4.00 contact - 4.30pm & Year 1
4.30 – 5.00pm Year 2 & 3
Classes offer disco/street, lyrical and Rock ’n’ Roll style and Rock ’n’ Roll style all classes continually offering newly Our Pre - School DISCO DUCK classes routines, Our Pre - School DISCO DUCK classes lly offeringchoreographed newly routines keeping it fun and enjoyable, Relaxed 10 week courses starting w/c 16th September COME AND ENJOY DANCE! g it fun and enjoyable, EVERY MONDAY THE ALL SAINTS whilst always using modern chart music.EVERY MONDAY THE ALL SAINTS in Saffron Walden and Royston. rn chart music. CHURCH HALL, MELBOURN Classes offer disco/street, lyrical and Rock ’n’ Roll style CHURCH HALL, MELBOURN Our Pre - School DISCO1.30 DUCK classesmorning and evening classes available. routines, all classes continually offering newly Various –2.00PM 1.30 –2.00PM choreographed routines keeping it fun and enjoyable, Beginner through to Advanced levels EVERY MONDAY French THE ALL- SAINTS whilst always using modern chart music. The classes are full of fun and funky dance routines, Spanish - Beginner/Refresher level EVERY MONDAY (termThe time) CHURCH HALL, MELBOURN classes are full of fun and funky dance routines, specifically created for children aged 18 months upwards. e) ALL SAINTS CHURCHspecifically HALL, MELBOURN created for children aged 18 months upwards. 1.30 –2.00PM New Introduction to Russian BOURN 3.45 - 4.15pm Reception & Year 1 r1 For more information and to book your a friend to the first class with this ad. 4.15 - 4.45pm 2 & 3information and to book For Year more yourThe classes are full of fun Bring and funky dance routines, EVERY MONDAY (term place contact Gail for Tel:children 01763 262372 4.45 - 5.30pm Year 4, 5 time) &6 specifically created aged 18 months upwards.From £6.50 per class. Consessions given. place contact Gail Tel: 01763 262372 ALL SAINTS CHURCH HALL, MELBOURN To enrol, see website or call for details. 3.45 - 4.15pm Reception & Year 1 For more information and to book your 4.15 - 4.45pm Year 2 & 3 place contact Gail Tel: 01763 262372 4.45 - 5.30pm Year 4, 5 & 6 t: 07775 640794
Our Pre - School DISCO DUCK classes EVERY MONDAY THE ALL SAINTS CHURCH HALL, MELBOURN 1.30 –2PM **NEW ** full of fun TheCLASS classes are and funky dance routines, specifically created **NEW CLASS ** for children aged 18 months upwards.
for free
For more information and to book your place contact Gail Tel: 01763 262372 14
Accessible language learning for all
Conference and workshop facilities
Conference organisers can now have access to new digital data projection facilities in Barkway. The village hall now boasts a retractable screen and a digital projector in it’s spacious hall that can seat up to 120 people. There is a good sized committee room suitable for groups of up to 12, a kitchen and separate bar (with a Premises Licence permitting the sale of alcohol). The space is wheelchair friendly; a hearing loop is installed and there is parking for 36 cars. If you are thinking about holding a conference, workshop or seminar, the beautiful and historic village of Barkway may surprise you with the flexible space and facilities it offers to you and your delegates. To book or for more inforQuarter page ad:Layout 1 15/7/13 08:15 mation please contact Fiona Tomkins Fiona.tomkins@barkway-village. or 01763 848347
View the film schedule and book online for September at www.roystonpicturepalace.
Page 1
Click & Collect
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sEPTEMBER 13 â&#x20AC;˘ ISSUE 81
HANDYMAN Ͳ K. T. Services
Maintenance, repairs & odd jobs Shelves, kitchens, cupboards Painting & decorating. Tiling Assembly of flat pack furniture Gardening – tidying, patios, fencing
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Steeple Morden Harvest Fair
Steeped in village tradition and one of the key events in the Steeple Morden calendar, the Steeple Morden Harvest Fair continues to grow in popularity and this year, the organising committee are hoping that the event will be the most successful ever. With the backing of a main sponsor: Bury Lane Farm Shop and several key sponsors, the event promises to be an excellent fundraiser for local groups. In-keeping with many of the traditional elements of a village fair, the horticultural and craft show remains a key focus and each year the competition gets hotter. The fair will be opened at noon by the start of the 3km Steeple Morden School fun run organised by the PTA. The fun run is open to all, so be early to complete application forms and to be ready at the start line. There will then be a packed arena programme with activities and displays by the Electralites Majorettes, Martial Arts, music from Bassingbourn Band and canine frolics courtesy of the Wrayfield Dog Club and Scruffs Dog Show. The arena programme will be finished off with the grand ‘Tug-of-War’ where everybody at the show will be invited to join in – but we know who will win!! With numerous other stalls, attractions and displays which include bouncy castles, fairground rides, a steel band and a train ride the afternoon promises to be fun-filled with the opportunity to meet many people from local groups. After all the exertion and excitement there will plenty of refreshments on offer ranging from homemade cakes, a BBQ, Licensed Bar, Pimms Tent and Ice Cream Van. Chairman of the organising committee Sean Comerford said, “The Harvest Fair is one of the biggest highlights in the village calendar with almost all the local groups and organisations taking part in some way. We are hoping that we can repeat and exceed success of past years and raise several thousand pounds to share between community groups. We have a full programme for the afternoon and we hope to see visitors from both the village and surrounding area who can enjoy a variety of activities, displays, games and stalls. It promises to be a wonderful afternoon for the whole family in a beautiful rural location”. This year’s Harvest Fair will take place at the Steeple Morden Recreation Ground on Saturday 14th September with proceedings commencing at 12 noon.
ladies driving challenge winner
The winner of our ladies driving challenge competition is Kelly Smith of Royston. Kelly will try her hand at manoeuvring a range of different vehicles such as fire engines, 4x4s, HGVs, diggers and tractors all kindly donated by local companies at Nuthampstead Shooting Ground on 8th September. All women aged 17 or over, with a full driving licence, are welcome to join in the fun during either the morning or afternoon sessions. Registration costs £10 and entrants are asked to raise a minimum of £90 in sponsorship. All proceeds go to The Fire Fighters Charity and Herts Air Ambulance. To take part in the Ladies Driving Challenge, entrants should register on-line at: or request a registration pack or Gift Voucher from Sean Comerford on, 07824 837483.
Melbourn Community Hub
Coming soon……
The new village Hub will be a multi-functional public facility, bringing together all you need in the heart Melbourn. Centrally located on the old Police Station site in the High Street, it will offer a range of services: • Café • Library Access Point • Free Wi-Fi • Public Access Computers • Parish Council Office • Two Meeting Rooms • Public Toilets • Village Information Point - all these and much more will be available from this new exciting venture for the whole community. Job Opportunities
Volunteers - Can You Help?
CENTRE MANAGER & ASSISTANT CENTRE MANAGER Day to day running of the Hub, marketing to the public and local businesses, plus the management of bookings.
Volunteers will be at the heart of the Hub. If you feel that you would like to give a little of your time to benefit the community, please offer your help now!
Broad administrative experience, good people skills and a welcoming face for this vital new village facility.
ADDRESS …………………………………………………………
CATERING MANAGER & ASSISTANT CATERING MANAGER Café with 40 covers, together with in-house catering.
All four jobs are part time with flexible hours of work covering weekdays and Saturdays’, up to 46 hours per week, shared between roles. Rates of pay are negotiable, depending on qualifications and experience.
What would you like to help with?
Catering and supervision experience plus personal warmth and professional flair.
To apply for any of these posts please send your CV to: John Travis, 16 Cambridge Road, Melbourn SG8 6HA or by e-mail to Closing date for applications 15th September 2013
TELEPHONE…………………………………………………… E-MAIL………………………………………………………………
o Reception
Library o Maintenance
o o
General tasks o Please complete and return this form to: John Travis, 16 Cambridge Road, Melbourn SG8 6HA Or email your details to:
Plans are well underway for Heathfest which takes place on Saturday 21st September from 1pm till 11pm, on the Heath. This family-friendly, community event promises a fun day out for all age.
The Adultzone
Theres’s fun for everyone with segways, an inflatable mega-obstacle course, ped jousting, the surf challenge, archery and a bungee run.
The Kidzone
Features kids karts, zorbing, a soft play area, face painting and a bouncy castle. All activities are supervised.
Side stalls
Expect a host of fun side stalls with the coconut shy, hook-a-duck, ring the bottle, wandering entertainers, local clubs and make and do activities for children.
The Pamper Zone
When all the activity gets too much, head over to the Pamper Zone, where you can book a slot for a free mini-massage or manicure, from local businesses. Food and drink is available throughout the day with a Hog Roast and BBQ, a Beer Tent and Ice Cream stalls all on offer for you to purchase from.
HeathFest is a ticketed event with tickets available online from www.roystonheath. Adults £20, Children 3-10years £10. Wristbands are given on entry allowing you to come and go as you please throughout the day. HeathFest, Saturday 21st September, 1pm-11pm
Kumon’s maths and English study programmes work to develop your child’s confidence and independent study skills so they excel throughout the new term and beyond. To unlock your child’s potential, contact your local Instructor for a Free Assessment: Royston Study Centre Sally McMeekin 01763 248562 20
Main Stage and Arena Programme 2pm Gun Dog show and ferret racing 3.30pm Kids Races 4.15pm Flaming Fun Hula Show 4.45pm Hula “have a go” session!
octobablefest 2013
Royston Round Table are proud to announce that OctableFest 2013 will be taking place at Fowlmere Village Hall on the 12th October, 7:30 pm until late. Featuring music by the Remnants (local band who play Rock, Pop and Soul covers from the 50’s to the present day), Mexican Food, together with a selection of cask ales, a fully stocked bar, a fantastic raffle and a DJ to round off the evening, this will be a night to remember. At only £15 per ticket (including food) this represents excellent value. All profits from the evening will be used by Royston Round Table to fund local people, activities & causes – a true win-win situation! Places are limited, so reserve yours by e-mailing: To find out more about Royston Round Table please visit or our FaceBook page
5.15pm Dancer show 6pm DJ from 6pm 6.30pm Dance performance 7pm Jazz from the talented The James Richardson Quintet 8pm Comedian Matt Steer 8.15pm Norwich based band Standing Tall 9pm Flaming Fun with a fire show 9.15pm Standing Tall 10pm Laser Show 10.15pm DJ until the end 11pm Event closes
Palazzo Recipe of the Month: FRIELLE
The first Sunday of September celebrates a very important day in Venetian history, Regata Storica. The Regatta has been around since 1500 and was originally intended for boatmen to compete against Gondoliers. Here is a classic Venetian sweet fried dumpling which the locals enjoy on such occasions.
500g plain flour, 20g yeast (dissolved in a little warm water), 80g sugar 2 eggs Milk the zest of 1 lemon 80 g raisins (immersed for 1 hour in a bit of grappa or rum), Oil to fry Icing sugar
1. First dissolve the yeast in a little warm water with the sugar. Then add this to the flour together with the eggs, the zest of the lemon and a pinch of salt. 2. Start mixing and slowly add a little milk at a time, until the dough is smooth and soft. Keep mixing until you see bubbles appearing. Cover the bowl with a wet towel and leave to rest for 2 hours in a warm place. 3. After the time has passed, take the dough and add the raisins (not the juice they released). 4. Make some little balls and put them to fry in a deep pan with hot oil (don’t worry if the dough is too soft and you cannot make the balls, use a small spoon to pout the dough in the hot oil). Take the little fried balls away from the hot oil as soon as they are a nice golden colour. Don’t fry too many balls at the same time, they will burn on the outside and will not cook on the inside. 5. Drain the balls on some kitchen paper, serve them warm covered by icing sugar. Best eaten the same day and with a nice glass of Prosecco wine! Buon Appetito!
New season, new menu, new reasons to visit us! The New Season Menu at The Red Cow It's a Game Changer Discover: • Our new set-price game menu, available Tuesday - Thursday for lunch and dinner • The tantalising new á la carte menu, with oodles of game and treats for every taste • A stress-free Christmas - our menus are ready when you are, so call today!
01763 849144 01763 849144 Newly Refurbished Village Pub
Locally Sourced Home Cooked Menu Real Ales – Fine Wines Pub Games – FreeVillage Wifi Newly Refurbished Pub Bar open Monday to Saturday 12 to 11pm
Sunday 12 to 6pm Locally Sourced Home Cooked Menu Food served Monday to Saturday 12 to 3, 6 to 9pm
11 High Street, Chrishall, Royston, Herts SG8 8RN Tel. 01763 838792 Email: Follow us on twitter @theredcow and facebook
Sunday 12 to 5pm
Real Ales Nights – Fine Wines Wednesday Fish n Chips plus a Pint just £10.
Pub Games – Free Wifi T&Cs apply
us on to for special offers events Open Like Monday Saturday 12& to 11pm Sunday 12 to 6pm Food served Monday sEPTEMBER 13 • ISSUE 81to Saturday 12 to 3, 6 to 9pm
A small independent, family-run business specialising in bespoke, homemade cheesecakes with a huge variety of flavours! Chocolate Orange • Chilli Chocolate • Matchmakers • Malteasers • Strawberry • Cherry • Raspberry • Kiwi • Lemon • Blueberry • Baileys • Praline • Cookies & Cream • Mint Chocolate • Maple Pecan • To name but a few.... Variety of sizes: Regular serves 12 • Large serves 16 • Event-size serves 25 • Quarters for just £5 • Mix-andmatch quarters - four flavours to make up a whole • Cupcake cheesecakes • Wedding tierd-cheesecakes • and much more...
Free Delivery in the SG8 area Deliver chilled or frozen - can store in freezer for months Competitively priced Excellent reviews - check out our facebook page
Opening for the season on Thursday 8th August
01763 249 256 • 07875 498033
Country food at its best ...
Traditional butchers offering great quality free range and local meat, poultry and game, at great value, every day, together with a large range of artisan cheeses, and delicatessen products. And, our renowned home made pies and handmade sausages including the original Royston Banger.
Product of the Month Dingley Dell free range sausages
this autumn, why not try dingley dell’s Superbly flavoured, welfare friendly Suffolk plain pork sausages? serve with either a sweet potato mash and a rich gravy or a mustard mash made with potatoes and whole grain mustard. we recommend our Tracklement brand of fine accompaniments.
10% off Dingley dell plain pork free range sausages throughout sept 2013
Free* delivery service in Royston and local villages *Subject to minimum order and within a 10 mile radius of the shop.
Our opening hours are: Tuesday to Thursday 8am to 5pm, Friday 8am to 6pm Saturday 8am to 4pm. Sunday and Monday closed
10 Church Lane, Royston, Herts. SG8 9LG Tel: 01763 246316
We have just launched a new local gin from Barley called Pinkster, which is infused with raspberries, giving the gin a wonderful pink colour and fresh flavour. If you’re a traditional Martini fan, then try this variation for a slightly smoother yet fruity taste… We do!
Pinkster Martini 50ml Pinkster Gin Dash of Rhubarb Bitters 15ml Dry Vermouth Lots of ice Raspberries A lemon 1. Fill a Martini glass with ice and set aside 2. In a cocktail shaker add the Vermouth then swirl to coat the sides then pour into the Martini glass. 3. Into the same cocktail shaker add the Pinkster Gin and a couple of dashes of Rhubarb Bitters then fill with ice. 4. Using a bar spoon stir the ice mixture smoothly until the outside of the shaker is frosted. For the ultimate cold Martini place the shaker into a wine bucket of ice whilst you stir it. 5. Empty the Martini glass of the ice and Vermouth and strain the cocktail into the glass. 6. Garnish with a couple of raspberries on a cocktail stick with a lemon peel twist. Bottoms Up!
Local Markets in Herts Country Market Wednesdays and Saturdays From 8am Corn Exchange, Royston Outdoor Market Every Wednesday and Saturday, 8am - 2pm Market Hill, Royston
Orwell Pannier Market 1st Saturday monthly Sat 7th September 10-12noon Orwell Village Hall
Linton Farmers & Crafts Market 1st Saturday monthly Sat 7th SepGreenhouse tember Markets 9am - 12noon Every Thursday Linton Village - Fashion & College Pamper Market 10am - 4pm Farmers’ Every Friday - Market Arts & Crafts Wimpole Market 10am- 2nd Saturday 3.30pm monthly Every Sunday - Sat 14th Flea Market, September 10.30am from 10am - 2.30pm - 4pm Town Centre, Wimpole Hall Letchworth
Sandon Farmers’ Market 3rd Saturday monthly Sat 21st September 9.30am - 12noon Village Hall Shepreth Village Hall Market Last Saturday monthly Sat 28th September 10am 12.30pm Village Hall Croydon Village Market Last Sunday monthly Sun 29th September 10.30am - 1pm Village Hall
chinese cookery
Meiru is running a Chinese Cookery demonstration as part of this year’s Arts Festival. The demonstration will take part at Greneway School at 2pm on Saturday 28th September as part of the Small@ Greneway events. Meiru’s Chinese cooking programmes teach her students specialist cooking techniques and how to use fresh ingredients to prepare traditional and healthy Chinese dishes. Courses run on Wednesday evenings at Meridian School throughout the year.
For more details visit her website
What’s on
Family Friendly Events
Free to list! email by 15th of the month Give Blood
Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Fri 6th Sept, 1 – 3.15pm & 4.30 – 7pm
Family Fun Day
Sat 31st Aug, 1 - 5pm Bouncy castle, stalls & golf Whaddon Golf Centre, SG8 5RX
Antiques & Vintage Fair Sun 1st Sept, 10am - 4pm
Homemade cakes & refreshments Barkway Village Hall, SG8 8BS Contact: 01763 289748, info@flapperfortunes.
Learn To Jive The Lindy Hop Tues 3rd Sept, 7.15 - 8.15pm
Absolute Beginners 4 month course Keep fit, have fun and join a terrific social scene Steeple Morden VH Details:, 01763 242949
Movement and Dance Classes
Thurs’ 10 - 11am, starts 5th Sept
A new class offering the opportunity to explore movement and dance at your own pace Barley Townhouse Contact: 07807 854625
Ghost Tour and Bat Walk Fri 6th Sept, 7pm
This is a unique opportunity to tour the House at night and hear the tales of incidents we cannot explain Knebworth House, Herts SG3 6PY Contact/bookings: 01438 812661,
Dancing Queen
Fri 6th Sept, 7.45pm
Gordon Craig Theatre, Stevenage Box office:, 01438 363200
The Kings of Swing Sat 7th Sept, 7.45pm
Gordon Craig Theatre, Stevenage Box office:, 01438 363200
Royston Lions Quiz Night Sat 7th Sept, 8pm
Teams of up to 8. Includes bar and raffle Market Hill Rooms, Fish Hill Contact: 01763 231492
Harvest Market
Sat 7th Sept, 10am - 12noon
A good variety of stalls selling locally sourced and handmade produce Bassingbourn War Memorial Green Contact: 01763 247715
Dragon Boat Festival
Sat 7th Sept, 10am – 5.15pm
East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices has joined with Gable Events for the Cambridge Dragon Boat Festival. Local organisations battle it out over the 200m race course Ditton Meadows, Fen Ditton, Cambridge, CB5 8ST Contact/details: 01780 470 718,
Antique & Collectors Fair
Sat 7th & Sun 8th Sept Including postcards and more Wood Green Animal Shelter, Godmanchester
The Duxford Air Show
Sat 7th & Sun 8th Sept Contemporary jet aircraft, historic warbirds, aerobatics and much more. The flying programme will feature the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight, the RAF Typhoon, the Red Arrows (Sunday only), Patrouille de France (Sunday only) and Spitfires IWM Duxford, CB22 4QR Contact: 01223 835 000,
Musical Evening Sat 7th Sept, 7.3011.30pm
In aid of Save the Children Fund. Drinks reception, supper party, live music - rhythm & blues and folk. Group singalong and individual karaoke, followed by a disco. Barkway Village Hall Tickets: 01763 838172 / 848870
Tues 10th Sept, 6 – 8pm
Marketing: the essential process leading to profitable selling The Meeting Room, 42 Upper King Street, Royston Contact:
Reed Gardening Club Wed 11th Sept
Cottage Garden Plants Village Hall, Reed
Cambridge Modern Jazz Thurs 12th Sept, 8pm
Robin Phillips – Steve Fishwick Quartet Cambridge Modern Jazz at Hidden Rooms, The Basement, 7a, Jesus Lane, Cambridge, CB58BA Bookings: modernjazz@
Finding Your Story in God’s Story
Sunflower Competition
Trinity Life Church will be telling the whole story, and bringing meaning and understanding to one of the most misunderstood books in the world Royston Town Hall Cinema Contact: 01763 230350
The six tallest sunflowers will be checked Entry forms available from Royston Town Council Office or from the website www.roystontowncouncil.
Sat 8th Sept, 10 – 11.30am
Woodland & Folly Walk Sat 8th Sept, 1.30 – 3pm
A guided 3 mile walk across the estate, accompanied by one of the Walks team, passing through woodland and parkland, seeing the estate from a different viewpoint Wimpole Estate, Nr Arrington, Royston Contact: 01223 206000,
Marketing Planning Workshop
Closing date: 12th Sept 2013
Open Cambridge Weekend Fri 13th – Sun 15th Sept
Open Cambridge is an annual weekend during which Cambridge throws open its doors so that local people can enjoy and walk through its beautiful gardens and historic buildings throughout various locations in Cambridge Contact:, open-cambridge
Creatures of the Night Fri 13th Sept, 5 - 10pm
Learn about bats and other exciting nocturnal wildlife Throughout Ely Contact: 01353 661339
The Melbourn Ball
Sat 14th Sept, 7.30pm Melbourn Primary School, Mortlock Street, Melbourn Contact: 07971 475543,
Steeple Morden Harvest Fair Sat 14th Sept, 12 - 4.30pm
The Steeple Morden Harvest Fair continues to grow in popularity Includes stalls, bouncy castles, music, rides and more Steeple Morden Rec
Live Music Marathon
Sat 14th – Sun 15th Sept, 1pm each day
Top Classical and Jazz musicians gather together for a fundraising, continuous busk in the church, in aid of desperately needed church tower repairs Church of St Mary Magdalene, Caldecote, SG7 5LE
Big Town Centre Tidy up Day
Sun 15th Sept, 10am – 12noon & 2 - 4pm
Royston Town Council’s Royston in Bloom Committee is having a “Big Town Centre Tidy up Day” to give our Town Centre area an Autumn clean and spruce up! Contact: 01763 245484
Plant Sale
Sun 15th Sept, 11am - 3pm
Bargain plants, good for wildlife - all money raised for the Wildlife Trust Hinchingbrooke Country Park, Huntingdon Contact: 01480 469079
Great Fen Heritage Open Day Sun 15th Sept, 11am - 4pm
Learn all about the fascinating history of the fen Wildlife Trust Countryside Centre, Ramsey Heights, PE26 2RS Contact: 01487 710420
Shelford Fun Run Sun 15th Sept, 10.30am
5k run, in aid of Blue Smile Registration:
Churchyard Car Show Sun 15th Sept, 2 – 5pm
Friends of Holy Trinity Church Meldreth Drinks will be served all afternoon and the musical background will be provided by the Memphis Jazz Band Contact: 01763 260048
Testing and Flying the English Electric Lightning Mon 16th Sept, 7pm
A talk by Air Vice Marshall Alan Merriman RAF The Woodman, Nuthampstead
Social Media Workshop
Tues 17th Sept, 6 – 8pm
How effective Social Media helps your business to grow The Meeting Room, 42 Upper King Street, Royston Contact:
Enrol for WEA courses
Tues 17th Sept, 10am11am Workers’ Educational Assn (WEA) Town Hall, Royston Contact: 01763 268678
Melbourn and District Photographic Club Tues, 7.30pm
Local photographers are welcome to join this friendly club meeting 17th Sept, Welcome Evening - including some holidays tales 24th Sept, Self Judged - Projected Image Competition Foxton Village Hall
Time Bank Cafe Weds 18th Sept, 12.30pm
A great way to get to know people in the community and share your knowledge and abilities Royston Garden Centre Contact/details: 01462 689405, timebank@, www.
Coffee Morning and Light Lunches Fri 20th Sept, 10am – 2pm
Christmas cards, general cards, and bring and buy, in aid of Save the Children 101 High Street, Guilden Morden
Wine Tasting
Fri 20th Sept, 7.30pm
Proceeds will go towards Royston In Blue, raising funds for Teenage Cancer Trust Tickets, from Cambridge Wine, to include a light supper The Old Bull Inn, Royston Contact: 01763 247076
Guilden Morden Show
Sat 21st Sept, 1pm
BBQ, fancy dress, workshops, steam train, car boot sale, tombola and more Guilden Morden Rec
Harriet Kelsall Bespoke Jewellery Sat 21st Sept
Keeping the Sparkle, a fantastic chance to meet our designers and have a go at cleaning your jewellery and learning how to maintain your sparkly pieces Interactive style ‘workshop’ setting, and your item of jewellery will also get a free polish when you come along Details: www.hkjewellery.
Wimpole at War1940’s Weekend
Sat 21st & Sun 22nd Sept, 10.30am - 5pm
Wimpole travels back in time to the 1940, re-inactors displays and demonstrations throughout the day Wimpole Estste, Arrington, Royston, SG8 0BW Contact: 01223 206000, wimpolehall@nationaltrust.
Great Fen Green Woodcraft Day
Sat 21st Sept, 10.30am - 3.30pm Try green woodcraft skills using axes and knives, pole lathes and shaving horses Wildlife Trust Countryside Centre, Ramsey Heights, PE26 2RS Contact: 01487 710420
Bourn Beer and Cider Festival
Sat 21st Sept, 12noon - 11pm
Come and join us for Bourn’s first beer and cider festival raising money for the NSPCC Local beers, cider and wine, bbq, hog roast in the evening and live music all day, With face painting, bouncy castle, kids crafts, farm animals and play areas Manor Farm, 14 Alms Hill, Bourn, Cambridge, CB23 2SH Contact: 01954 713971
Harvest Festival
Sun 22nd Sept, 3pm Ashwell URC
South Farm Open Day Sun 22nd Sept, 11.30am – 4pm
Cambridgeshire’s leading Wedding venue, will be holding its annual Open Day South Farm, Shingay-cumWendy, Cambridgeshire
Royston Arts Festival
Selling, The Essential Skill
This year’s theme is “Small World” Events, exhibitions and workshops, something for everyone Details:
Selling skills are key to success, everybody sells! The Meeting Room, 42 Upper King Street, Royston Contact:
Sat 21st to Sun 29th Sept
Tues 24th Sept, 6 – 8pm
WEA Courses Tues 24th Sept, 10 - 11.30am
Choice of two courses , Great Gardens, Famous Gardeners Remembering the 1970s Workers’ Educational Assn (WEA) Town Hall Royston Contact: 01763 268678
Buntingford & District Flower Club Wed 25th Sept, 7.30pm
Shirley Perkins presents The Benson Hall, Buntingford Contact: 01763 273341
Cambridge Modern Jazz Thurs 26th Sept, 8pm
NEON Quartet combine the values of experience with the freshness and vitality of youth Cambridge Modern Jazz at Hidden Rooms, The Basement, 7a, Jesus Lane, Cambridge, CB5 8BA Bookings:
Red Cow Open Mic Fri 27th Sept
Live Music 11 High Street Chrishall, Nr Royston, SG8 8RN Contact: 01763 838792
Egyptian Symbols
Fri 27th Sept, 7.20pm
Sat 28th Sept, 7.30pm Fundraiser for Meldreth Village Hall stage improvements Sponsored and organized by M.A.D.S Bar and Raffle, tickets include meal Meldreth Village Hall Bookings: 07513457845, melbournamateurdramatics@
Apple Weekend
Sat 28th & Sun 29th Sept, 11am - 4pm
Come and visit Audley End’s thriving organic Kitchen Garden and enjoy a variety of apple themed activities, stalls and refreshments Audley End House and Gardens, Saffron Walden Details:
Royal British Legion Club
Sat 28th Sept, 8.30pm Live entertainment to be provided by a group called “Easy Livin” who perform music from the sixties to modern day Royal British Legion Club, Royston
Coffee Morning
Sat 28th Sept, 12.30 - 4pm
Egyptian Symbols in Modern Egyptian Art, speaking will be Gemma Tully 1 Myddylton Place, Saffron Walden Contact: 01799 513120
The Biggest Coffee Morning in the world, in aid of Macmillan Bassingbourn URC
Bassingbourn URC Tea Room
Sun 29th Sept, 10.30am - 1.30pm
Fri 27th Sept, 12.30 – 4.30pm
In aid of Macmillan Cancer Support Tea and cakes, food served all afternoon, tombola URC Chapel, South End, Bassingbourn
Royston Folk Club
Fri 27th Sept, 7.30pm
The Curtain Raiser Quiz
Headlining are Two Coats Colder, support from Sky West The Old Bull Inn, Royston Contact/tickets: 01763 249296,
Walking the Boundaries
A guided 5-6 mile ramble across the estate, accompanied by one of the Walks team, passing through woodland and parkland, reaching the far boundaries of the estate Wimpole Estate, Nr Arrington, Royston Contact: 01223 206000,
Quiz Night
Sat 5th Oct, 7pm
We welcome teams of 6 – please feel free to give your team a name
Includes licensed bar and raffle Meldreth Village Hall, SG8 6LX Tickets: Home-Start Royston & South Cambridgeshire, 01763 262262
Throughout the month Meiru’s Cooking Classes
Starts Wed 11th Sept, Every Wed, 6.45 – 8.45pm
6 week course learning to cook healthy, low fat, economic, quick to cook and delicious chinese food Meridian School Royston Contact: 07935 212398,
Curwens Gallery
Until Mon 2nd Sept
Anna Marriage photography exhibition featuring landscapes, portraits and high speed flash photography Curwens Art Gallery, 17 High Street, Royston
‘Transports of Delight’
Sat 27th July – Sat 9th Nov
A photographic exhibition by Sue and Terry Hartga Royston and District Museum
part of the Herts Visual Arts annual event Details:
Hamlets, Ha-ha’s & Bowling Greens Wed 4th, Sat 14th, Wed 18th Sept, 11.30am – 12.30pm
Join one of our walking guides on a short tour in the park, We start our walk outside the Stable Block and you will learn a little of Wimpole’s history on a gentle hour long walk Wimpole Estate, Nr Arrington, Royston Contact: 01223 206000,
Language Classes
Every Mon & Tues starting Mon 16th Sept, Saffron Walden
Every Wed starting 18th Sept, Royston Town Hall Beginner & Intermediate French, Beginner Spanish, Introduction to Russian 10 week courses Details:, 07775 640794
Royston Museum
Come and Knit at the Museum Every Thurs from 10.30am
A chance to come along and learn to knit, bring a project or get inspired
Pilates Classes
Naughty knitters Every Sat from 2pm
Royston Complementary Health Centre Bookings/Contact: 01763 247440
A Small World From Sat 28th Sept - Sat 9th Nov
Weds, 2pm, 5pm & 6pm
Preschool Art and Craft Sessions
Every Mon, 9.30 -10.30am and 11am – 12noon, starts 16th Sept
Taking place in Buckland Contact: 07435 134363,
Burloes Farm Open Studios
Sat 7th & Sun 8th Sept, Sat 14th & Sun 15th Sept, 10am – 6pm Artists based at Burloes Farm Studios, Royston are opening their studios to the general public as
A group for young knitters at the museum
Schools exhibition in conjunction with the Royston Arts Festival Royston and District Museum, Lower King Street, Royston Contact: 01763 242587 or
God of Carnage
Fri 13th & 20th Sept, 8pm Sat 14th & 21st Sept, 7.30pm
Supper Theatre Performance, By Yasmina Reza Benson Hall, Buntingford, SG9 9HT Tickets: The Cellar, 14A, High Street, Buntingford, SG9 9AG,
walk 3000 miles....
Two men walking 3000 miles across America from New York to LA hoping to raise over £10,000 for CLIC Sargent and Parkinson’s UK. Over a month in to the walk Jack Chalkey and Kieran Sherry are now in Iowa City, with the aim of crossing over in to Nebraska in the next 10 days. It hasn’t be easy, finding food where they can, camping out in the worst weather and learning to cook on a small camping stove. Kieran has Jack Chalkey suffered an injury to his foot, and as a result they are now completing the and Kieran Sherry trip on bikes to make sure they can continue to raise money. Now on bikes they are heading in to Colorado and over the Rocky Mountains in to Utah. They have has a great response from the American public, in providing a roof over their heads, food and lots of encouragement! Jack commented ‘We have been overwhelmed at the response and generosity by everyone we have met, all for two guys from Hertfordshire’ Jack is walking/cycling for the late Stephanie Knight, who sadly at the age of 17 was diagnosed with Ewings Sarcoma, a rare form of cancer and battled with the disease with 5 years sadly passing away earlier this year. Steph suggested raising money for CLIC Sargent, who help young people with Cancer and their families. Whilst Kieran is raising money for Parkinson’s UK in memory of his Granddad, John Paul O’Mahoney who sadly died in 2010 after three years of battling the debilitating disease. To ensure maximum benefit for the charities all equipment costs have been paid for entirely by the two men, as from the beginning there were determined 100% of money raised is split 50/50 between the two charities. The total raised now stands at £9,145 to keep raising money they need your help, follow them on twitter (@BigOldWalk) and like their facebook page. Their progress is documented online through their blog where they have been posting pictures and stories of their trip so far. Donations can be made at On behalf of Kieran and Jack, thank you every so much for your help avoiding torrential and support, without it this incredible journey would not be possible. rain in a storm tent
The Walkers Partnership Solicitors
Nursery: *Shrubs *Bedding *Perennials
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Farm shop: Fresh Fruit & Veg sourced locally wherever possible. Local Bread, Eggs, Preserves, Juices & much more. Summer fruits Local apples becomingincluding available.strawberries becoming available JUST FIVE MINS FROM WIMPOLE NATIONAL TRUST HALL FARM P.C: SG8 0AG. Southern end of Arrington, on the A1198. Tel:01223 208194 Open six days a week: Wednesday
DO YOU NEED TO MAKE A WILL OR REVISE YOUR EXISTING WILL? If so, please take advantage of our reduced rate wills offer. Please note that reduced rate wills will be available every week day from 8am until 6pm, and on Tuesday evenings until 8pm, by appointment only. Also on the Saturday morning of 14th September 2013, again by appointment only. Reduced rates are:Double Wills - £210 plus VAT Single Will - £125 plus VAT Home visits are also available at NO EXTRA CHARGE within a 20 mile radius of Royston
For more information please contact:1-3 Lower King Street, Royston, Herts SG8 5AJ Tel: 01763 241121 email:
If you can turn your hand to making a piece of jewellery, would like to meet like-minded people – and learn new skills – you may be interested in joining a friendly jewellery-making group. Budding Beaders meets every Tuesday evening in Bassingbourn to work on jewellery projects. Once a month, on Saturdays, there is a workshop which enables them to learn new skills. Members will be demonstrating their skills and displaying their jewellery at an Open Day on 5th October from 10 am to 1 pm at Bassingbourn United Reformed Church in South End. The group has members from villages across Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire, including several from Royston. It is actively seeking new members and would welcome anyone with some experience of jewellery making. Royston member Jane Skinner said: “Budding Beaders make a wide variety of really lovely jewellery and many of us sell items as individuals, and also as part of the group if we want to. Not only do we make beaded jewellery but several members even make their own beads out of glass, clay, resin and many other materials. Our Saturday workshops enable us to learn and try out new methods and techniques. My favourite workshops were Fimo (polymer clay), silver clay, glass fusing and ceramic beads.” If you are interested in joining – or want more information, contact Julie on 01763 853257 or Sylvia on 01763 208397. Or come along to the Open Day at Bassingbourn United Reformed Church on 5th October. Check out their website too, at MASKS
Sara D’Arcy MBACP Counsellor
Tel: 07891 669928 or 01763 284193 Email:
Make the mask a reality
MASKS Make the mask a reality
“When life gets tough we often put on a mask so the rest of the world assumes that we are fine, despite the turmoil we are suffering inside which can lead to being stuck with our inner feelings” My Approach: I am a Person Centred Counsellor, I adapt my working style to meet the needs of each client individually. I Provide a non-judgemental, calm, confidential environment allowing clients to explore their feelings and issues. I currently see clients at Royston Complementary Health Centre. Some of the issues I work with include:
Eating Disorders Anxieties Addiction
Post Natal Depression Separation Domestic Violence
Low Self Esteem Depression Abuse
Rape Loss Bullying
Beauty by Bethan 0797 575 5477 CND Shellac Nails Manicures Pedicures Waxing Tinting Bleaching Make Up Jean Marin Massage SkinTruth Facials Ear Piercing TanTruth Spray Tanning Gift Vouchers
**10% Off with this advert** Cut & Curl, The Campkins, Station Road, Melbourn, SG8 6DX
North Herts Spor tsTherapy
Pilates Mat Work Classes: Arrington, Baldock, Buntingford Reed, Royston, Therfield WWW.BONFITNESSPILATES.CO.UK Contact Louise on 07867 675 389 Strength/Flexibility/Breath/Relax
Spor tsandRemedial
Massage to help with:
Joanna Ayliffe SRMT Dip. NLSSM Contact Jo on:
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Release of muscle tension and improve function Improving athletic performance by correcting muscle imbalances Injury rehabliation and homecare plans Stress relief and muscle relaxation
Providing quality Sports and Remedial Massage at affordable rates
EssentialBeauty EssentialBeauty EssentialBeauty
The Rabbit Rescue Residence Opportunities is looking for By Joanna Guiver BABTAC Electrolysis & Beauty Specialist animal loving volunteers to help take care of pet By Joanna Guiver BABTAC Electrolysis & Beauty Specialist rabbits awaiting rehoming -feeding, cleaning out, By Joanna Guiver BABTAC Electrolysis & Beauty Specialist A full range of Beauty disinfecting bowls, litter trays, etc. Also helping with behavioural therapy.
Treatments available, including:
Bridge the Gap need volunteer route stewards to guide and assist participants as they tour the Cambridgeshire college grounds, learn about the history of the Colleges, enjoy musical performances and explore the Polar Museum as part of this a scenic five-mile charity walk. Help raise awareness of Kidney Research UK in your local area by becoming a Community Champion and distribute leaflets and posters, promote campaigns, give talks and presentations and be a contact point for local kidney research fundraising volunteers. Please ring 01763 243020 or email info@ or visit for more details
Manicures Pedicures Waxing Facials Bridal make up and much more Established 1996
The Corn Exchange, Market Hill, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 9JR Telephone: 01763 242 007 Established 1996
The Corn Exchange, Market Hill, 20% off with this advert Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 9JR Telephone: 01763 242 007
Valid until 30th September 2013 Established 1996
The Corn Exchange, Market Hill, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 9JR Telephone: 01763 242 007 Oakley A6 BW wb_Layout 1 29/07/2013 11:39 Page 1
Open on Sundays 10am - 4pm 31
sEPTEMBER 13 â&#x20AC;˘ ISSUE 81
improve your mind
Jacki. S. Mobile Hair Stylist Wash, Cut and Blowdry £20 Telephone or leave a message between 9am and 8pm on 01763 245975 Calls from landlines only please
Holistic Reflexology A gentle and non-invasive treatment to restore and maintain a healthy physical, mental and emotional balance. Reflexology is beneficial for * Stress * Circulation * Headaches * Poor sleep patterns * Anxiety * Digestive problems Initial Consultation £35 1 hr session £30
Please contact Jacqueline Abbott-Slade 07807 854625
Improve your mind and your well-being with excellent-value training in Royston this Autumn. Each session is just £20 per person and takes place after work at 6pm. Sessions for September cover Marketing Planning, Social Media and Selling. Contact Janet Burton for further details and to book.
For Royston and the surrounding area
Kathleen Harry B.Sc. (Hons.) Ost. Susanna Collins B.Sc., D.O., M.S.C.C. Experienced cranial osteopaths We use gentle techniques to treat people of all ages For more information or to book an appointment phone 01763 261716
Clinic in Melbourn
Business Profile
Jacqueline Abbott-Slade discovered dance in her thirties. She had always loved dancing, but never wanted to learn set dance routines. Jacqueline spent three years following the teaching of Gabrielle Roth, who had developed dance and movement to encourage free creative expression and release tension, both physical and emotional. It changed her life. During this period, Jacqueline also trained as a Holistic Reflexologist and became very interested in how to combine her love of dance with her understanding of re-balancing mental, emotional and physical energy with the techniques she had learnt. So, in 2001 Jacqueline began to develop Light Dance, working with groups and individuals, and children and adults of all ages and abilities. She developed a varied repertoire of music, and encouraged her students to explore Movement and Dance and expand their movement both individually and in groups. Class The results were very positive. No two classes were ever the same and she was constantly amazed by how different we all are A new class offering the in how we move, if we can relax and lose our self-consciousness. opportunity to explore movement and dance at your own pace. The Jacqueline was determined to make dance a positive experience, class aims to encourage creative without a right or wrong, and many students began to feel more expression as a way to relax, loosen up and enjoy yourself. comfortable with their bodies and more confident in general. Jacqueline now lives in Barley, where she has a Holistic Open to all abilities, no dance Reflexology therapy practice. She would like to offer Light Dance experience necessary. to people in the area and would love to hear from anyone who is Barley Townhouse, interested. Thursday mornings 10-11 am.
Dance classes begin in Barley Townhouse on Thursday mornings, 10am-11am from Thursday 5th September. Please contact Jacqueline on 07807 854625 or email
Classes begin 5th September 2013.
For further information contact: Jacqueline Abbott-Slade, Tel 07807 854625 or email
If you haven’t already, please pay your Royston in Blue sponsorship money in to: NatWest Bank, High Street, Royston, Herts Sort Code 60-18-42 Account Number 20608330 Along with your sponsorship form. Please write your Race Number on the form too. Cheques should be made payable to “Royston in Blue”.
Soak-off Gels
Long lasting (3 weeks) wear with no damage to the natural nail Competitive pricing, loyalty cards available
a beautiful lingerie shop catering for all occasions, offering a professional and friendly fitting service.
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a selection of swimwear, sport, maternity, and post-surgery products also available.
Using Biosculpture, OPI, Free Nail Art
T 01763 260998 Unit 2 the Campkins, Melbourn, Royston, Herts SG8 Amanda nailit cambridgenailac
51a High Street, Buntingford, SG9 9AD 01763 272923
1a Melbourn Street, Royston 243760
Chartered Accountants
Have you spotted Royston in Bloomâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hanging baskets brightening up Royston Town Centre this summer?
â&#x20AC;&#x153;I want a truly personal service from a qualiďŹ ed accountantâ&#x20AC;?
Fourward Thinking
Join other local businesses on Roystonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s own local online market place Boost your sales and be open for business 24/7 Already have a website? theClassified means you can sell online locally
sEPTEMBER 13 â&#x20AC;˘ ISSUE 81
Would your team like to:
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for business and home users New installations upgrades fault finding virus cleanup network setup internet security email accounts web hosting
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Inver Systems
Helping computer users since 1995 PO Box 89, Royston SG8 7GR
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Small enough to care experienced enough to deliver
Wyndmere House Ashwell Road Steeple Morden Hertfordshire SG8 0NZ T: 01763 853 633 E: W:
In the garden... August
It has been a wonderful year for flowers and foliage in the garden. Herbaceous perennials and grasses have been flourishing in this year’s growing conditions. I love to mix perennials and grasses in my planting designs, but the key is to choose a blend of plants that can hold their structure and form beyond the high summer point of the year. This is where careful selection of late summer perennials and especially grasses is crucial. There are many varieties to choose from, but here are a couple of my favourites to get you thinking. For a tall upright grass that has been in flower for many months and still looks great I think Calamagrostis ‘Karl Foerster’ is hard to beat. It flowers in early summer producing a tall clump of upright flowers that keep their structure well into the winter months. Stipa It loves full sun and well drained fertile soil. It can easily reach 1.5 metres which gigantean makes it a valuable tall grass to blend with other taller perennials such as Verbena bonariensis, Foeniculum vulgare ‘Purpureum’, Echinacea purpurea and Helenium ‘Moerheim Beauty’ to name just a few. Miscanthus sinensis ‘Marlepartus’ is taller still at 2 metres and its majestic, fluffy plumes of flowers at this time of year look great in the naturalistic border style. Try blending them with groups of Veronicastrum virginicum, Aster ‘Little Carlow’, Sedum ‘Matrona’ and Rudbeckia ‘Goldsturm’. Stipa gigantea has long been a favourite with garden designers for its slender stems of golden, oat-like flowers that rise above its evergreen foliage. It produces a transparent effect that catches the light beautifully on a sunny summer’s day. It needs to be given space in the border to be appreciated. Try blending it with groups of Phlomis tuberosa, Persicaria ‘Firedance’, Agastache ‘Blue Fortune’ and Lythrum salicaria ‘Feuerkerze’. Stipa tenuissima ‘Pony Tails’ is a lovely smaller grass with fluffy plumes of flowers that look like a pony’s tail. It grows to around 60 cm and likes a free draining soil in full sun. I like to use them in drifts through the border with other lower growing perennials such as Salvia ‘Mainacht’, Geranium ‘Rozanne’, Astrantia major and nepeta ‘Walker’s Low’. A great place to see grasses used in a naturalistic planting style is at Pensthorpe Nature reserve, Norfolk and RHS Wisley, Surrey.
lucy bates vintage fabric
Landscape Design & Build
Richard Arnott Garden Design & Build
01763 263231 07710547493 CAD Garden Designs, Planting Plans Garden Construction, Planting
Follow my weekly garden blog: Follow me on twitter @gardendesignsol See my new website: Call or email Richard Arnott 01763 263231 or 07710547493
New Business Launch
Lucy Bates has been collecting vintage designer fabrics for several years. She trained as a fashion designer, and has worked for, amongst others, French Connection and Monsoon. Since moving to Ashwell with her young family, vintage fabric has kept her design passion alive. “I have customers all over the world who are searching for unique pieces, but also many local customers who are looking for something original and beautiful to enhance their home” said Lucy. Much of her stock is Heals fabrics from the 1960s and 1970s, with many able to claim their place in textile history. These vintage fabrics make great blinds and cushions, and Lucy and her business partner Elisabeth offer a top quality making service for curtains and blinds using contemporary fabrics. Lucy Bates Vintage Fabric offers you a unique service to really help you find something special for your home. You can view Lucy’s work at or contact Lucy on 01462 742905 or 0790 650 9555 or by email at lucy@
High quality, Professional Interior Painting and Decorating Colour and Design Inspiration
Linda Jest
01763 261042
Decorator of Interiors
Mob: 07846 457 997
Pottery Painting Personalised Pottery Silver Charms Decoupage Pre-Schoolers Craft Sessions Mobile service Venue for Parties and Classes
+44 (0)1462 742905 / +44 (0)790 650 9555 l u c y @ l u c y b a t e s v i n t a g e f a b r i c . c o. u k
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Linda Jest is an ideal choice in the local area for the following decorating services: • All interior decorating • Wallpapering • Painting – ceilings, walls, woodwork – all finishes • Advice on colour schemes • Colour and design advice • Stencil work So for your next decorating project please give me a call at home on 01763 261042 or mobile 07846 457 997 or if you prefer e-mail me I offer free competitive quotes.
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Cambridge (01223) 208108 Tel: 01223&208108 sEPTEMBER 13 • ISSUE 81 HOMES GARDENS
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weed attack
by Pippa Greenwood
Ask a dictionary the definition of a weed and you’ll read that it’s ‘a plant growing in the wrong place’. Ask a gardener, and they’ll tell you that weeds are often the number one menace in their garden. So if you want to wage war on those pesky weeds, and stand a chance of winning, take a look at my multipronged attack strategy. Off with their Heads Whatever the weed problem, it’s essential to prevent them from setting seed. Make sure you cut off its head before it has a chance to even start to set seed. The old saying that ‘one year’s seed is seven years’ weed’ isn’t far from the truth. Stop Stowaways When you’re next shopping for plants in your local garden centre or nursery make sure that you only bring home what you want, not those pesky weed stowaways that often lurk on the compost surface. I always do a bit of weeding before buying: especially for weeds such as the innocent looking hairy bittercress (Cardamine hirsuta). Spaghetti roots Some weeds like couch grass, bindweed and nettles have amazingly resilient and far-reaching underground stems or roots. Whatever you do, don’t succumb to the temptation to use a powered cultivator or rotovator as this will chop the roots in to little bits and end up spreading and increasing the problem in the process. Lawn Louts Lawn weeds such as dandelions and daisies are difficult to control as unlike the taller weeds, these rosette-forming plants won’t be harmed as you mow the lawn. One of the best, albeit slow, methods is to tackle them with a sturdy old kitchen knife or a daisygrubber tool.
Deep Rooted Problems Some weeds such as docks and dandelions have tough and chunky roots that are very difficult to kill. And to make matters worse, if you leave any sizeable bit of the root in the soil, it’s likely to form a new plant. Do everything you can to take out the entire root as you’ll be saving a lot of time in the long run. Laying Carpet For large areas, try the carpet option; literally covering the surface with a layer or two of carpet, held in place with bricks. If the carpet is placed fluffy side down and left in place for at least 18 months, the weeds will start to die off from lack of light. Make sure that the carpet is made from natural fibres, not synthetic or else you’ll be left with it in the soil, and for allotments, check that there are no restrictions on using carpet. Time it Right Some weeds such as the purple flowered oxalis spread by forming tiny ‘bulbils’ or miniature bulbs below ground. If you try to dig these weeds out now, the bulbils will be shed into the surrounding soil as you lift the plant out, making matters worse. Wait until next spring when the bulbils will be firmly attached and weed them out then. Hoe, hoe, hoe An old fashioned and still just as useful method of weed control is the hoe. They’re a great way to weed your garden, especially if it’s largely annual weeds such as chickweed or groundsel that invade your plot. Keep the hoe sharp and use it regularly. Careful what you Compost Only compost the green, leafy bits of weeds; avoid any chunky roots, and never put any flowering or seeding weeds in the compost heap.
Ashwell Baby & Toddlers Weds 9.45 - 11.15am, URC Hall, Ashwell. Rebecca Simon 01462 742076 Ashwell Jazz 2nd Thurs monthly, recorded jazz at its best. 59 High Street, Ashwell. David Short, 01462 742385, david@ashwell-education-services. Ashwell Messy Play Thurs 9.45 - 11.15am, URC Hall, Ashwell. for 18months to 4 yrs. Fiona Richards 01462 743738 Ashwell Museum Suns & Bank Holidays 2.30-5pm or by appointment. Entry charges: Adults £2.00, Children Free. enquiries@ashwellmuseum. or 01462 742956 Ashwell Playgroup Mornings, term time only, 9.15am-12.15pm. Ashwell VH. For 2.5yrs to rising 4. Jo Adams 01462 742090 Ashwell School Badminton Club Thurs 8pm. Come and enjoy some healthy, friendly exercise. Contact Michael 01462 743400 or Cycle Club Ashwell A thriving, inclusive, friendly cycle club for everyone. Over 140 members, for youth, adult, senior levels and families & beginners. Affiliated to the CTC, British Cycling, CTT and Eastern RR League. We now have a grass track course.
4 Paws Dog Training Club Puppy socialisation & adult dog training. Tues eve: Barkway VH: Agility, Flyball, scent work and games Sat: Kneesworth.1:1 Tuition and Behaviour problems. Contact Christine Walker 01763 244437 or 07811878231 email Barkway Carpet Bowls Club Mon’s 7.30 - 9.30pm Barkway VH. A friendly mini version of he outdoor Green Bowls. All equipment supplied. No previous experience needed. Visitors welcome. John Digby 01763 848169 Barkway Karate Club Fri 5.30 - 6pm - Tiger tots 5yrs, 6-7pm Juniors & Adults., or or 07856 846800 Barkway Mother And Toddler Weds 9.45am to 11.45am. Barkway VH. Children 0-4yrs, singing, stories, activities, tea/coffee/juice and snack provided.Tami Wornham on 01763 849900. Barkway Pre School Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri 9.15am-1pm Barkway VH. We care for children 2-5yrs in a caring, educational and fun environment. Kim Semple 07964 151288 Barkway Social Club Weds & Fri’s 8 -11pm. Friendly club, bar, snooker, pool, cards, darts and dominoes. Yearly membership: £6 per person, £10 per couple. We are in the building adjacent to the Village Hall. John Sizer 01763 848927
Barley Cricket Club We run two adult Saturday league teams and a Sunday team. New players of all ages (12+) and abilities are welcome. For further details please contact 1st team Capt Brian Symes 07814710849, 2nd team Capt Graham Litson 07532306903 or Eddie Collins (Chairman) 01763 848788 or visit com Barley Hort. Society Gardening Club 1st Weds monthly, 8pm Barley Town House. Raffle, produce sales table, magazines etc. Everyone welcome, members free, £1 visitors refreshments. Vi Moxey on 01763 848547
Barley Tennis Club Coaching Ladies term time 1.5hr sessions Tues 1- 2.30pm rusty & beginners, Fri.’s 10am improvers, 11.30am intermediates, 1pm advanced. Junior holiday courses. Coaches Jan Pledger 01763848242, Liz Wade 01763 273646 Barley Tots Mon’s 1.15-2.45pm, Barley First School Free. “Stay & Play Group” for parents, carers and children under 5, come along forplay and a chat. Toys, games, arts and crafts, snack and a sing-song! Call Hayley on 07963 107599 Bell ringing Tues 8 - 9pm, St. Margaret of Antioch Church, Barley. Learn to ring church bells all welcome. Contact: Shelagh 01763 849401
Heron Book Group 3rd Weds monthly. Meet other book lovers’ 8pm Hazel Lord 01763 242418 Tower Museum Bassingbourn 2nd & 4th Sun monthly (Mar - Oct) Bank Holidays (10am - 4pm) www.
Happy Bunnies Nursery School 8am - 4.30pm term time, children 2 to 5yrs. 15 hrs of “free” funded nursery education for children 3+. Contact Sue Kelly, EYP, B.Ed., SRN, 0779 089 6292 or sjkhappybunnies@ BABY BUNNIES GROUP every Thurs 9.30 - 11am term time, Free. All welcome! Sue Kelly 0779 089 6292 www.
2484 (Bassingbourn) Squadron Air Training Corps Mon & Weds 7.30 - 9.30pm, Bassingbourn Barracks Military youth organisation providing flying, gliding, adventure training, sports, target shooting and Duke of Edinburgh Awards. A Kyprianou, 01763 249156 Anglia Land Yacht Club Suns at Bassingbourn Airfield. The club meets to sail and race land yachts on a 2 km circuit. New members welcome. Steve Borrill 0779 669 4743 Bassingbourn ‘Causeway Prospects ’2nd Sun 4 - 6pm including tea. The Limes, High Street, Bassingbourn. An afternoon especially for people with learning difficulties, but open to all. Singing, games, drama, bible stories and time to chat, have fun and make friends. John & Sue Simpson 01763 243350. Supported by Bassingbourn Parish Church Bassingbourn Badminton Club Bassingbourn Sports Centre. Thurs 8-10pm. A friendly club with a competitive edge. Fields Mens, Ladies and Mixed teams in a local league. Peter Gibson 01763 243696. Peter Scaife 01763 248454. Bassingbourn Judo Club Weds, Junior (6+ yrs) 6.15pm (14+yrs) 7pm, Bassingbourn Sports Centre. Judo is taught to the younger members, with the more experienced members. Learning associated Japanese Judo arts. Both genders Geoff Klein 01763 247592 or Bassingbourn Snow Sports Centre Recreational Skiing & Boarding Weds, Thurs & Suns. Junior Club up to 16 yrs Sat am with fun and instruction. Every other weekend Yeti Club for children, age 3 up. Introduction to Racing, Sat & Race training, Mon’s. Contact: www. or call 08450 728 293 Bassingbourn-CumKneesworth W.I. Meet 2nd Tues, 7.30pm, Community Room, Knutsford Road, Bassingbourn. Guests welcome. Jean Hamdorff 01763 242139 Budding Beaders Jewellery Making Group, Tues 7.30-9.30pm, Bassingbourn Community Centre. A friendly group pop in or book a workshop.www. Julie 01763 853257, Sylvia 01763 208397 Children’s Story time Thursdays, 2 - 2.30pm, Bassingbourn Community Book Café in The LimesCrossroads CareEvery 2nd Mon, BVC Community Centre, a chance to meet with other carers of adults. Contact Jean or Claire 01480 499091 Friday Friendly Freshments Fri’s 10.30am-12.30pm Tea/coffee, biscuits, raffle - great prizes. Limes Community Centre, Bassingbourn
Buntingford & District Cage Bird Society 1st Tues monthly 8pm, Benson Hall, Buntingford. Talks or Videos, new members welcome. Show Secretary, Colin Pegrum 01223 833557 Jazz Improvisation Thurs eves in Croydon Village, Structured course covering various Jazz styles Tunes rehearsed for a concert performance Advice on Chords, Scales, Structure, Musicianship All instruments Ray Batson 01582-453419 ray@ Jazz Workshop Monday evenings, Croydon VH For all instrumentalists of various skill levels, an opportunity to play in a friendly band/group environment. Terry Fox, 01763 244142, or e-mail
Fowlmere & Thriplow Gardening Club 1st Thurs monthly (not Jan), 7.45pm Thriplow or Fowlmere VH. Illustrated talks, annual show, garden visits, weekend trips and social events. Visitors welcome. Mary Duff 01763 208479 or Fowlmere Friendship Club 2nd Weds monthly, 2.30pm, Fowlmere VH. Speakers, events and other activities. For 60yrs+. Contact Beryl May 01763 208565 Fowlmere Playgroup Mon’s, Tues & Thurs 9 - 12noon plus Lunch club 12-1pm, from 2.5yrs, Fri Rising 5s 9 - 12noon, URC Chapel Hall, Chapel Lane, Fowlmere. Contact: Shirley Bevan 07890 674743 or Kreepie Krawlies Soft Play Soft play up to 4yrs, music, bubbles & refreshments. Mon’s 10am - 12noon, Fowlmere VH, Tues & Fri’s 9.40am - 12noon, Shelford Memorial Hall. Available for private party hire. Debbie 07447 582457 or Amanda 01763 209174.
Chishill Chimps Toddler Group All carers and children aged 0-4 very welcome for tea, chat and play. Gt Chishill Village Hall, 10.00 – 11.45 Thurs, incl. school holidays. Contact Emily 07900 243491 Great Chishill Nursery Tues, Thurs & Fri 9.30am - 1pm, Mon & Weds 9.30 am - 2.45 pm ages 2-5yrs, Ofsted regulated, NEF funding. Great Chishill URC. Anita Palmer 07972 800460 www. Great Chishill Youth Club Tues 7-9 pm, for 11-17yrs Tuck-shop, pool table, sports, games, arts, music and lots more. New members very welcome. Fred Smith 01763 838513 Heydon & Great Chishill WI 3rd Tues monthly, 7.45pm. Great Chishill VH. Ladies would you like a free evening out (three meetings only)
Guilden Morden Pre-School Mon 9.30am-3.30pm, Tues & Thurs 9.30am-12 noon & Fri 9.15-11.45am, VH. A safe and stimulating environment where children learn through play.
Morden & Dist. Writers Circle 1st Thurs monthly, Congregational School Room, Pound Green, Guilden Morden. New members welcome. President Sarah Harrison. Mr F Abram, 01763 852 918
Hillside Clay Pigeon Club Kelshall off the A505. Open to non members & members. Sporting, Skeet, D.T.L 07779 263314 for details Owlets (Babies & Toddlers) Mon’s 9.30 - 11.30am Kelshall VH. A friendly group for children up to 4yrs to socialise and learn through play, accompanied by their parent/carer. Natalie Hunn, 01763 287470.
Litlington Badminton Club Mon’s 7 - 9pm, Friendly club, Contact: Vera 01763 241022 Litlington Pre-School A large, stimulating outside area providing exciting and varied educational play in a safe, secure environment for children aged 2yrs+ at Litlington VH. Contact Rosy on 07984 935193 for details or
Little Hands Nursery School, Melbourn Preschool care & education for children 1 year to school age open 51 weeks per year.A high staff to child ratio, Outstanding Ofsted report. Bookings can be made by the hour, term time only 8.30 am to 4.30 pm with optional holiday clubs.15 hours of funded sessions for children the term after their third birthday. 2 year old funding available for eligible children. Dedicated room for children 12-24 months open from September 2013.Contact Anne McCrossen on 01763 260964 or e-mail lh-melbourn@ McSplash Swimming Club Fri’s 6-10pm, For ages 8 - 21+ (i.e. Masters class) Jenny Brackley– 01763 244593 Melbourn & District Photographic Club Sept - April Tues 7.30 - 9.30pm Foxton VH Lectures, workshops, competitions, occasional summer events - http://melbourn-photographic-club., Bruce Huett 01763 232 855 Melbourn Amateur Dramatics Society (M.A.D.S.) We welcome anyone wishing to join aged 16 yrs or over. Energy and enthusiasm is more important than experience. Also welcome backstage crew for lighting, sound, scenery etc. Contact Donna Sleight on 01763 232622 Melbourn And District Gardening Club 2nd Tues monthly, 7.30pm. All Saints Community Hall, Melbourn. Helen Powell, 01763 245887 Melbourn Bowls Club Mon’s 2.30 - 4.30pm, Thurs 10.30 - 12 Coffee Morning, The Moor. Friendly club. All welcome: all ages, genders and experience. Compete in local leagues, with friendly matches at weekends. Contact Arthur Andrews 01763 261990 or e-mail arthur.andrews123@ Melbourn Bridge Club Mon’s 7.30pm, Vicarage Close Community Hall, Melbourn. Come alone or as a pair for Duplicate Bridge. Bridge tuition also available. Howard Waller 01763 261693 arthur. Melbourn Dynamos FC For boys and girls 6 yrs up. Play regular football, encouraging children to become part of MDFC. Shepreth Gordon Atalker 07770533249 Melbourn History Group Conducting historical research about Melbourn having published 4 books. We help people trying to trace ancestors. Colin Limming 01763 260072
Melbourn Judo Club Sat’s 9 -10am 5-8yrs, 10-11.15am 8-10 yrs & 11.15-12.45pm 10yrs+. Mon’s 6-7pm 8yrs+ & Tues 8.15 - 9.45pm 14 yrs+, Royston Leisure Centre. We are a British Judo Association registered Club with Sport England Clubmark: Iain Reid 01763 241830, 07974 445710, Melbourn Mushroom Club The fungus recording group for South Cambs, part of a national network for experts and beginners. Details of future events - John Holden, Melbourn Playgroup For children from 2.5yrs. No need to be out of nappies. Flexible hrs, 15 hrs free to funded children, £4 per hr to unfunded children. Tel 07842 151512. Melbourn Squash Club Thriving, friendly club, two courts. MVC. Mens & Ladies team, internal leagues, club nights, Juniors & coaching. Single, family, junior & off-peak memberships. Nick Sugden 01763 261064 or Non members 01763 263313 Supporters Of All Saints Church, Melbourn Please join us in fund raising and social events to aid the maintenance of All Saints Parish Church. All welcome. Colin Limming, 01763 260072 Triangle Badminton Club Each Tues at Melbourn Village College 8- 10 pm in Sports Hall. Many social events throughout the year. Mervyn King 01763 241624; Brian Holson 01763 241195
Meldreth Bowls Club Tues 10am-12am roll-up. Friendly mixed club, new bowlers welcome. Please wear flat shoes. Shirley 01223 207888 email: Meldreth Croquet Club Tues & Sun (May - Sept), behind the British Queen, Meldreth High St. A small, friendly club for beginners & experienced players. Janet Pope 01763 248342; jacksonpope@tiscali. Meldreth Good Companions Club 1st & 3rd Thurs monthly, 2.30 - 4.30pm, Community Room, Elin Way Meldreth. Outings, speakers, refreshments, all welcome. Marian Oakman 01763 261481 Meldreth Pre-School Fun, friendly environment. Children from 2yrs, nappies not a problem. Competitively priced, childcare vouchers accepted, free places from 3yrs. Variety of sessions, Mon - Fri 9 - 3. Call now to reserve a place for Sept. Contact Kate Pumfleet 01763 261489. Meldreth Tennis Club A friendly club with members of all abilities. We play on 2 tennis courts at Meldreth Recreation Ground. Further information at the Courts or from the Secretary, Sue Davies, tel:01763 220174 New Malton Golf Club Try Golf or Better your Golf, Mon’s 2 -5.30pm. Sat’s 1 - 4.30pm Cost £5. All Equipment & Golf Balls provided. Expert Golf Tuition. Contact Brian Mudge F.P.G.A Professional 01763 262200 / 07989 715401 for details. Royston & District Motorcycle Club 1st & 3rd Weds monthly, 8pm. Eternit Sports & Social Club, Whaddon Road, Meldreth ‘Noggin & Natter’, occasional speakers. Contact www. Valentines Old Time Dance Club Mon’s 7.30 - 10pm, Meldreth VH. A friendly club offering basic tuition and social chat. Beginners welcome. Jane & Robin Meekins 01763 852503 www.
Reed Cricket Club Sat’s, 4 teams in the Saracens Herts, Leagues.
Suns, 2 teams. Colts, 8+ playing U11 in Cambs. League U13 & U15 in Herts & Cambs. Leagues. Vibrant club membership. New members welcome. adults Richard Robertson 01763 848835, Colts Peter Wholley 01763 246656 Reed Gardening Club 2nd Weds monthly, 7.30pm (Oct - Jun) Reed VH. A small friendly group, all welcome.
Sandon Cygnets Pre-school Mon-Fri 9am-12noon. For 2.5yrs up. We provide a safe secure environment with excellent facilities. Contact: 01763 287 238 sandon gardener’s club 2nd Mon monthly, 7.30pm, Sandon VH. A small friendly group, talks, competitions, garden visits & annual show. New members welcome. Tony Barker 01763 288416 tonybarker324@ Sandon Pre-school lunch club Mon-Fri 12-1.30pm, 2.5yrs+ Providing a wonderful enviroment for your child to enjoy their lunch with others, take part in games and story time. Contact: 01763 287 238
Lindy Hop Swing Jive Dance Club Tues: Steeple Morden V.H Beginners 7.15 - 8.15pm; Intermediates: 8.20 - 9.30pm; Original 1930’s/40’s style Jitterbug; Couples & Singles Welcome See website for Absolute Beginners Courses. Paul & Debbie 01763 242949 www. Morden Ruffians Bridge Club We are a small, friendly duplicate club, meeting on Weds, 7.30pm at Steeple Morden Village Hall. New members are very welcome. Peter Rice 01763 242577 Smarties Pre-School & Out Of School Club Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri 9-12, for 2 - 3yrs. Tues, Wed & Fri 9-1pm & Thurs 9-2pm, for rising 5’s A fun, safe environment for children with a fully qualified team. After School & Holiday Club) 3.10-6pm term time, 8.30am-5.30pm holiday time. Debbie, 07952 100208 or 01763 852888 The Morden Players Directing, Producing, Acting, Stage Managing, Sound and Lights, Making Scenery, Musical Direction & having fun! Contact Louise Bailey 01763 852068 or
Therfield Village Pre- School Mon - Fri 9.30am - 12.30pm, lunch club until 1.30pm. Therfield VH. High quality care & education for children aged 2yrs 4 mths - rising 5’s, using jolly phonics Katie Kolind 07971 188013
Knitting Club Woolgatherers machine knitters. A friendly group for the exchange of ideas and machine knitting techniques. Meet alternate Wednesdays 10am to 12 noon, in Thriplow Village Hall, Thriplow 01954 719359 Ladybird Playgroup & PreSchool Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri (various sessions), Thriplow Primary School. We accept Nursery Education Funding. All children 2.5-4.5 yrs. Sharon McGinty 01763 208055 / 208968 The Thriplow Society Local History, Talks and outings. Contact: Shirley Wittering 01763 208269 http://thriplow. Thriplow & Fowlmere WI 2nd Thurs monthly, 7.30pm, Thriplow VH. Contact Dorothy Woods 01763 208778, dorothy. woods@btinternet
12 Platoon Army Cadet Force Mon’s & Weds, 7.30pm, Dodkin Hut, Tannery Drift, Royston. Military Youth: first aid, adventure training, community work, shooting, sports, map & compass. Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme. 07963 359758 Aerobic Fitness & Fun The ‘Wright’ Way Mon - Thurs, various times and locations. Fitness Classes for male and females - all age groups - speciality groups - 50+ and seniors catered for with special care. Qualified teacher, RSA/LCYMCA/50+/KFA Paula Wright, 01763 243884 Alzheimer’s Society A support group for People with Dementia and their Carers to meet for information and support. 2nd Mon monthly, Blackett Ord Court, Stamford Road, Royston 10am - 12noon Please call Cate Mitcham on 07720 946034 Baby Massage & Yoga Baby Massage & Yoga in Herts-Pre & Post natal yoga, baby massage and baby yoga. Small groups (incl. private NCT & 1:1’s) Contact Penny Constantinou on 07944 4 16572 www. or pennybrown1@ Cherryhomes Trust Local charity supporting severely physically disabled people to live independently in their own homes. Loans, grants, practical help & guidance can be provided. Sally Crane on 07716 121 333 or Choir - Singing Aloud Mon’s 7-9pm, Greneway School, Royston. We sing a wide mix of songs from popular, traditional, world music etc. Our ethos is to promote and encourage anyone and everyone to sing. or 07916 798 655. Corvus Amateur Drama Society (CADS) Royston’s amateur drama group, performing since the 1940s and open to anyone aged 15+. Quarterly meetings as advertised. We welcome all interested parties! Tamsin Cowley 01763 244927 Corvus Cornix Basketball Club Meeting at Royston Leisure Centre Thurs, 4 9pm Mini Basketball and basketball for all ages and abilities. From 8 years to adult Di Charles 01223 207213 or email di.charles2@btinternet. com Cruse Bereavement or Clair Pike at Electralites Majorettes Thursdays, 5-7pm & Sundays 9am-3.30pm at Coombes Community Centre Zoe & Mark Barfield 01763 245447 Five ‘O’ Table Tennis And Social Club Wednesday evenings, September to May only, 7.30 - 9.30pm at Market Hill Rooms, Table tennis for the over fifties and their friends. Nonleague. Secretary Jan Harmer 01763 230704 Frank Letts Blind Fellowship Of Royston 2nd Tues monthly, 11.30am to 3pm at The Heath Sports Centre, Royston. Open to all blind and partially sighted in the Royston area. Transport can be arranged. Bridget Matthews 01763 231881, or G - Stars (Georgina Wootten’s School of Dance and Performing Arts) Royston, 6 Days a Week. Melody Movement Baby Ballet, ISTD Ballet, Tap, Modern Theatre, Boys Only Street, Contemporary, Commercial, Body Conditioning, Adult Street Fit, Singing and Musical Theatre or 07720713532 or Gay Outdoor Club A national activity club for men & women with local groups: Cambridge; Essex and Hertfordshire. Walks of moderate length take place once a month. Come along and make new friends and enjoy some healthy exercise. Check out our website: for details of all national and local activities, or phone Colin on 01763 262647
Greenfingers Gardening Club 4th Weds monthly (not Aug or Dec), 7.30pm, Coombes Community Centre, Royston. A friendly club with talks, outings, competitions and demonstrations. New members welcome Anne Rayner, 01763 244424 or redrays@ If Only We provide support to those who have lost someone to suicide. Contact: Jayne on 07764657576 or Jazzercise Fun and effective total body workout. Tues & Thurs eves (inc. BodySculpt) & Sat morning, Greneway School, Royston. Weds 7.15 pm, MVC. Sarah 07703 422394 sarah.howard. JM Judokwai Tues 6.30 - 9.30pm, Roysia School. Judo with that family feel, parents can join the Tea Club. For ages 6 yrs plus. John Massmann 01763 241020, Kumon Maths & English Kumon after-school programmes for children of all ages and abilities help build confidence and study-skills. For further information please call Sally McMeekin at the Royston Study Centre on 01763 248562 or email: royston@kumoncentre. Ladies Circle We meet on the 2nd & 4th Thurs monthly. A social organisation for ladies aged 18 to 45. Activities this year include a pamper evening, tea party, belly dancing class, bowling, carriage driving, christmas tree decoration making as well as fundraising events. Contact Hannah Paradis (Chairman) 01763 220967 or Library Knitting Group Mon’s, 2pm, Royston Library. Tea served, everyone is welcome, no charge Little Linguists Spanish for children (3yrs to 8yrs) and their grown ups. Coombes Community Centre. Mon 3.45-5.45pm. Suzanne Snowdon, 01234 708226, www. Nordic Walking Royston & villages. Improve your health & fitness, suitable for all ages and abilities. Shape & tone your whole body, burning more calories than normal walking. Contact Mandy Coar 01763853595, email nordic-walking@hotmail. or Play Music Play Creative music making sessions for families with babies and children under 5. Sessions happen on Weds & Thurs in Royston. For more information call 01763 246415 or visit www. Priory Quilters 1st Tues monthly, 7.30-9.30pm, Room 11, The Priory Centre. An opportunity to get together with other quilters, 3rd Mon monthly, 1.30 - 3.30pm, an informal sit and sew (not Dec) 01763 243224 Rotary Club Of Royston Tues. 6.45pm, Royston Golf Club. Meet weekly for fun and fellowship, but make a serious contribution to our community too. Kite Festival, Youth Makes Music, Technology Tournament, and Swimathon – all that’s us! We welcome new membership enquiries www.roystonrotary. com or call Jonathan Berks 01763 226178 Round Table 1st & 3rd Thurs monthly, A social organisation for men under 45. Cider making, truck driving, laser warfare, visits to a nuclear bunker and the Scott Polar Research Institute, plus the occasional curry. Simon Whybrow 01763 222653 or 07817 118737, www. Royston & Dist. Model Engineering Society 2nd Weds monthly, Meldreth Manor School & Track Running Days 1st Sun of month from April to October also informal workshop, Mon’s at Meridian School during terms time. New members welcome. Jeff Dickinson 01763 261670 Royston & District Chamber Of Commerce Local organisation representing the interests of all businesses. Its fundamental objective is to
promote a local enterprise culture in Royston and the surrounding areas in Hertfordshire and South Cambs. Rupert Matthews or cofc@ Royston & District Community Transport Royston Hospital. Low cost door-to-door transport for groups or individuals who are unable to use conventional public transport. Office hours 9am-3pm Mon - Fri. Tel/Fax/SMS 01763 245228 Royston & District Family History Society 3rd Mon monthly, 7.30pm. All Saints Community Hall, All Saints Church, Melbourn. Trace your family history Maureen Faubel 01763 232128 Royston & District Local History Society 8pm 1st Thurs monthly (Oct - Apr), 2nd Thurs in May - Heritage Hall, Royston Town Hall. Historical Talks of the local area. David Allard, 01763 242677 Royston & District Mencap Society Society for people with learning difficulties and their carers. Social calendar, occasional open evenings and fortnightly social club at Meridian School (alternate Tuesdays). New members welcome. Peter Andrew 01763 245363 Royston & District Model Railway Club Barley Town House, Fri 8pm. Prospective new members welcome to come and visit us, but call first. Tony Noad, 01763 848424.E-mail Royston & District motor cycle Club 1st & 3rd Weds monthly, 8pm. Eternit Sports & Social Club, Whaddon Road, Meldreth @ Noggin & Natter’, occasional speakers. Contact Royston & District Town Twinning Assoc Organises twinning visits to our twin towns of La Loupe (France), Grossalmerode (Germany) and Villanueva de la Cañada (Spain) as well as social events such as boules, quiz night, dinners. Contact Paul Rydon or 01763 241721) Royston & Saffron Walden National Trust Last Fri in the month, 7.20pm, Royston Market Hill Rooms and Saffron Walden Town Hall, alternately. Chairman Richard Priestley 01799 513120 Royston Arts Festival Royston’s annual Arts Festival takes place over four days every September www. Royston Arts Society Two afternoon painting sessions monthly, friendly, sociable atmosphere. Nine professional art demonstrations in various media and two exhibitions per year. New members welcome. Richard Clayton 01763 221322, enquiries@ Royston Badminton Club Bassingbourn Sports Centre 8 - 10 Tues. A friendly club with a competitive edge. Fields Mens, Ladies and Mixed Teams in a local league. Simon Bromilow 01763 249133 (h) Sarah Ready 01763 243826 (h) Royston Bridge Club Friendly, competitive bridge at 7:30 prompt every Thursday at Market Hill Rooms, Fish Hill, Royston. EBU affiliated with results displayed promptly on http://www.bridgewebs. com/roystonherts/ where contact details etc. may be obtained. Royston Chess Club Mon’s from 7.45pm, Room 11, Royston Town Hall (Sept-June). All levels novice to county players. 4 teams in Herts League (champions 2007/8/9) & 2 teams in Cambs League (champions 2010/12/13). Also friendly games, competitions & training sessions. Kevin Clark: 01763 243370 or Royston Choral Society Tues (terms time), 8-10pm, Royston Parish Church. Very friendly choir with a wide repertoire of sacred and secular music from
all centuries. All welcome Heather Howard, chairman, tel: 01763 249058 email: heather@ Royston Contract Bridge Club Friendly club seeks new members. Thurs, 7-10pm at the Conservative Club, (upstairs bar), 18, Kneesworth Street. Contact Nancy on 01763 242276 or Robert on robbrad44@yahoo. OR just turn up any Thursday. Beginners welcome. Royston Cricket Club Based in Therfield, two adult Sat league teams, a Sun team and Junior teams-under 11, 12, 13 and 14. All new players are welcome. Paul Harris (adults) on 07966 766120 or David May (Juniors) on 01763 246396. www. Royston Folk Club Old Bull Inn, Royston. Playing folk, blues & bluegrass. Check the web-site for open-mic & concert listings - Contact: Michael Farrow at 01763 249296 for tickets & bookings Royston Golf Club An 18 hole course & practice facilities. Membership & Green Fees apply. All welcome. 01763 243476 Royston Heath Archery Club A small and friendly club, beginners and experienced archers welcome. Meet Suns at Therfield Heath. Beginner’s courses and all equipment available. Dave(training) 01763 242889 or Helen (secretary) – 01763 244505 Royston Hockey Club Training: men’s 1st and ladies 1st on Mon 7-8:30pm, St.Edmund’s College. All adult teams Weds 7-8:30pm, specific team coaching 8:30 - 9:30pm, Bassingbourn Barracks including “back to hockey” sessions. Juniors Sun 10-1pm, Meridian School. New members welcome, contact Colin Smith on 01763 250982 or info@ www.roystonhockey Royston Job Club Last Wednesday of each month from 1pm to 4pm in the Royston Library Royston Ladies’ Luncheon Club A friendly group of like-minded women who meet for a two course lunch at 12.30 - 3pm at The Cambridge Motel, Shepreth, 2nd Mon monthly, includes a guest speaker. Secretary 01763 243388 Royston Lions Club 2nd and 4th Weds each month at The Old Barn, Upper King Street, Royston Part of the world’s largest service organisation. We serve the community and have fun too! Contact: Keith on 01763 231492 or e-mail Royston Meridian Men’s Keep Fit Class Mon’s 7.30 – 9.30pm, Meridian school gym. We follow a well tried session, including: warm up, basketball, circuit training, football and volley ball (occasionally tennis, indoor cricket and hockey). Ray Munden 01763 241217 or Email grayowl@ Royston Miscarriage Support For free support after early/late miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy, call 07906 559756 or email Monthly support group meetings and annual service of remembrance in May at the Wesley Church, Cambridge. Royston Netball Club Friendly sociable club who are always happy to welcome new members. Training takes place on a Wednesday evening from 7.30 until 9pm. Tracey Stimson, 01763 247634 Royston Photographic Society Thursday evenings at Icknield Walk School from 7.30pm to 10pm. New members always welcome. Andrew Fox, 01763 222856 Royston Power Kiters Local Power Kite, Buggy and Board Club. We meet on windy evenings and weekends on the Heath. Training available. 01763 249199 Royston Rackets Badminton Club Tues 6pm to 8pm Royston Leisure Centre. Recreational badminton in a friendly atmosphere. All skill levels welcome. Graham Benstead on 01763 242558
Royston Ramblers Promoting walking by organising led walks. Monitoring the condition of local rights of way. David Allard, 01763 242677 Royston RNA Meetings at Royal British Legion (RBL), 1st Tues monthly. A good Social Programme held at RBL also we have weekends away. Contact S/M Graham Parry, 01763 261325 Royston Rockets BMX Club Regular competitions & club sessions at the BMX track behind the Coombes Community Centre Phil Townsend, 01763 260959 Royston Rounders A mixed, friendly and official Rounders England club for adults and children 14+. Training every Sunday 7-8pm, first session free then £3 pay as you play. Outdoors April - Sept, Royston Heath. Indoors Oct - March, Royston Leisure Centre. Contact Vicky Bacon (Secretary) on 07943 862485 or email Royston Royal British Legion Club Mon to Thurs 5.30-11pm, Fri 5.30-11.30pm, Sat 4-11.30pm & Sun 12-10.30pm. A Social Club affiliated to RBL, activities for all ages including live entertainment on Sat evenings and trips. Contact: 01763 244560 or email Royston Rugby Club Tues, 7pm, The Heath Sports Club Rugby Union Football Club in Herts - Middx. 1st XV, 2nd XV, Veterans, Youth and Minis. Mini/Youth 10am Jamie Johnson, 01763 247522 Royston Runners Tuesdays 6.30pm Beginners, 7.30pm Experienced Runners Sundays 9am long run, all abilities. Call Maurice Hill, 01763 241182 or 0771 913 2793 Royston Saturday Morning School Sat 9:15am – 12:00 Meridian School. String, woodwind, Brass, percussion, Jazz and recorder ensembles. Choir and theory classes. Open to children from Yr4 – Yr 13. Sue Pettitt 01438 844518 stevenagemusicenquiries@hertscc. Royston Short Mat Bowls Club Mon’s & Weds 2.30 to 4.30pm (Oct - April) Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road. Informal friendly group. New members are always very welcome. Terry Mitchell 01763 848775 or Royston Short Tennis Thurs 11.15am - 12.15pm 01763 247630, Thurs 2.30 - 3.30pm Anne 01763 244138 & Fri’s 9.30 - 11am Fred 01763 230050, Coombes Community Centre, Royston. A group of energetic retired people playing for pleasure and exercise. Royston Spiritual Awareness Thurs, Royston Town Hall, room 11, 8pm. For those who wish to learn more about spiritualism and mediumship under the guidance of an experienced teacher. 3rd Fri monthly, 8pm, a visiting medium. Judy Moule 01223 503345. Royston Swimming Club Mon, Wed & Fri 6-8pm, Leisure Centre. Qualified training and coaching for competitive swimmers of all ages. The club enters teams in local galas and competitions. www. Royston Table Tennis Club Thurs 7.30 - 10.30pm at Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston. Play competitive table tennis with 6 teams of varying ability in the North Herts League Fred Bendall, 01763 230050 or Gordon Barnes, Club Secretary 01763 249713 or Royston Tennis Club Have 6 floodlit courts at Heath Sports Centre, Therfield Heath. Full LTA tennis & coaching programmes available with social & fun sessions. Public courts can be booked via Heath Sports (01763 2436130). For full club details Club Secretary, Christine Knight 01763 261676 Royston Time Bank A community skills exchange allowing you to earn ‘time credits’ by helping others. You can then spend the time credits on getting people to come and help you. We also hold events, and a
regular cafe. Contact Savita Mason, Time Bank Co-ordinator – 01462 689405 or Timebank@ Royston Town Band Brass Band weekly rehearsals on Thurs 7.30-9.30pm. Activities including competitions, concerts, summer fetes, parks. Any age and ability welcome. uk Simons, 01763 246929, rogfsimons@hotmail. Royston Town Youth FC FA Charter Standard Community Club with FA qualified coaches running mini-soccer, 9v9 and 11-a-side football teams for boys and girls aged 7 to 18. Please contact Club Secretary Carl Filby on 01763 241460, 07563 366080 or email Royston WEA Tues 10am-11-30am Royston Town Hall Carol Bradshaw, 01763 268678 Royston Wildlife Group Monthly meetings in the Town Hall on Tues 7.30pm, with talks from leading experts in wildlife, ecology and conservation. Don Shewan 01763 244079. Royston Writers Circle 3rd Thurs monthly, 8pm at Town Hall, Royston. Informal, friendly group writing for fun and pleasure. Julie Dore, 01954 719395 or com/site/roystonwriterscircle/ Royston Youth Choir Thurs 6 - 7 pm at Roysia School. For Year 7 and above with some singing experience. Popular, classical and traditional music in arrangement for upper voices.(Hertfordshire Music Service) Pam Lambert 01763 268667 or e-mail SAS Swimming Swimming lessons from 4 yrs old at Linton & Fulbourn. Non-swimmers to advanced. After school & SAT’s. Progressive & fun lessons with experienced, friendly teachers. Lessons for Life! 01799 501293 mob:07947 730287 www. St John Ambulance Adults - Wed 7.45 - 10pm, Cadets (10-17 yrs) - Tues 7-8.30pm, Badgers (6-10 yrs) - Fri 67.15pm at St John Ambulance HQ. All welcome to join our friendly group of members to learn First Aid Skills. We provide a first aid service in and around Royston. Sarah Betts 01438 728100 Stage Right Studios Mon to Thurs 3.30 - 9pm. Sat’s 9am-3pm.Fully equipped dance studios. Ballet, Tap, Modern, Jazz, Streetdance, Disco, Lyrical, Drama, Musical Theatre, Singing. Boys only classes. BTDA and ISTD grades & vocational exams. London College of Music awards. All ages and abilities. Kerry 01763 244866 or kerry.hay@ Stephanie Prior School Of Dancing Various days & times. Classes for all ages. Mini Movers (18 mths-3 years), Freestyle Disco, Street Dance & Hip Hop, Ballroom & Latin American, Rock & Roll, Lyrical, Ballet, Vocal Coaching, Musical Theatre. Tara 01763 878587 Swimply The Best Max 6 pupils to a class, various classes available from parent and baby to adult lessons, in a private heated pool with lounge viewing area. 01763 208013 or www.swimplythebest. Tiger Tots Preschool Gymnastics Morning classes for babies 8weeks to 3yrs. Morning and afternoon classes for 3 - 5yrs. Contact Litsa on 07775 853123 or www.tigertots. Time Trackers Last Sat monthly, Royston Museum. For young people ages 8-16 yrs who want to explore the objects, buildings and history of the local area. Guided by expert local archaeologist Sylvia Beamon. Carol Kaszak, 01763 242587 Tiny Talk Baby Signing Baby signing and toddler talking classes at Coombes Community Centre Mondays and Fridays from 10am to 12.15pm. Contact Natalie Hanlon 07740 643690 or 01223 208144 Under Five’s Story Time Fri.’s 2 – 2.30pm Royston Library
Melbourn Village Fete 2013
After a lot of hard work from a great team of volunteers, visitors to Melbourn’s Village Fete this summer enjoyed a great day. The event was a great success, with blue skies and record attendance. Favourites from previous years like the climbing wall, Zorbing balls and various inflatables, along with some new attractions such as a pony ride and bungee trampoline, ensured there was fun for everyone. The arenas saw the return of the Dog and Duck show, Electralite Majorettes, tug of war and egg throwing and for the first time a dog fly ball show, a steel band and the Dynamo football team skills demonstration. A fine display of classic vehicles ranging from American muscle cars to VW camper vans and throaty Harley Davidson Motorbikes to scooters all shining like new graced the field. The bar had a range of drinks both soft and alcoholic, and a wide selection of food was on offer, from the Brownies serving a great array of Over three thousand cakes and scones with tea and coffee, haloumi cheese burgers, quality visitors enjoyed this locally supplied burgers and sausages, a hog roast, savoury and sweet summer’s popular fete crepes, doughnuts and locally made pasties all adding to the line up. By 5pm the marquee was transformed into a music venue. Two stages provided alternate spots for electric bands and acoustic artists. The marquee soon filled with dancers enjoying the great range of music. Outside the marquee even more people gathered around picnic blankets and enjoyed the setting summer sun and the music. Headline act The Remnants finished off a great day. The event is reliant on sponsors and advertisers whose patronage allows a great day of entertainment. The support of Melbourn Parish Council is also crucial. If you would like to help put on a great fete next year please visit or e-mail the volunteers coordinator at Next years fete will be on 28 June 2014. Surplus funds raised will be donated to worthy local activities, so if you know of a Melbourn based activity in need of some funds then the committee would love to hear from you. Please e-mail details of the activity, what you want to do with the funds and how much you would like and we will let you know. Requests should be submitted by 30 September 2013 to
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Heritage Barn, Grange Farm, Newmarket Road, Flint Cross, Royston Herts SG8 7PR
The Old Bull Inn, Royston The Chequers Hillside House Royston The Fox and Duck, Therfield
01763 242003 01763 244788 01763 247551 01763 287246
Royal British Legion Royston Conservative Club Royston Golf Club Royston Methodist Hall Royston Town FC
01763 244560 01763 246427 01763 242696
07795 820127/ 07772 086709 Ashwell United Reformed Church 01462 894756 St Mary’s Church Hall, Royston 01763 243117 Churches Together in Royston & Dis. 07923 883438 Shepreth Village Hall 01763 261183 Bassingbourn Parish Church Steeple Morden Village Hall 01763 244836 01763 853073 Bassingbourn URC The Old Bull Inn, Royston 01763 245571 01763 242003 Fowlmere United Reformed Church Town Hall and Market Hill Rooms 01440 761241 01763 245484 Guilden Morden Parish Church 01763 853217 Thriplow Village Hall 01223 839788 Guilden Morden Congregational Church 01763 852883 Whaddon Village Hall 01223 207703 Open House Project 01763 246799 HEALTH Melbourn Baptist Church 01763 261650 NHS Direct 24-hour helpline 0845 46 47 Melbourn Parish Church 01763 260295 LEISURE Melbourn United Reformed Church Bassingbourn Sports Centre 01763 242344 X 262 SMS 07873 01763 262346 455637 Meldreth Parish Church 01763 260295 Melbourn Sports Centre 01763 263313 Revelation Youth Church, Meldreth 01763 262440 LIBRARY Royston Catholic Church 01763 243117 Royston Library 01438 737333 Royston Methodist Church 01763 256816 OPTICIANS Royston Parish Church 01763 246371 J. Oliver Radley Opticians 01763 273300 Royston Spiritualist Church 01223 503345 POLICE STATION St Marys Church, Ashwell 01462 742 601 Royston Police Station Therfield Chapel 01438 757908 01763 287220 Non Emergency Number Therfield Parish Church 101 01763 287364 TOWN CENTRE CONTACTS Trinity Life Church 01763 230350 Emma Burgess - Markets Manager Thriplow Parish Church 01763 245484 01763 208132 United Benefice of Barkway, Reed and Buckland with Barley 01763 848077 Geraint Burnell - Town Centre Manager 01763 248564
Citizens Advice Bureau, Royston
Ashwell Dental The Dentist, Buntingford Priory Dental Centre, Royston Market Hill Dental Care, Royston The Royston Dental Practice
Ashwell Barley Bassingbourn The Health Centre, Royston Market Hill Surgery, Royston Melbourn Roysia Surgery, Royston
All Saints’ Community Hall, Melbourn Ashwell UR Church Hall Ashwell Village Hall Barkway Village Hall Barley Town House Bassingbourn Village College Coombes Community Centre Eternit Sports and Social Club Fordham Memorial Hall, Therfield Fowlmere Village Hall Greneway School, Royston The Guide Hut, Royston Ashwell Village Hall Litlington Village Hall Meldreth Village Hall Melbourn UR Church Hall Reed Village Hall
08444 111444 01462 742353 01763 271695 01763 246677 01763 244298 01763 243268
National Rail Enquiries Royston & District Community Transport
08457 484950 01763 245228
Anglian Water (Sewerage) Emergencies 08457 145145 Electricity -Emergency & loss of supply 0800 783 8838 Gas Emergencies 0800 111 999 Household Waste Recycling Centres Royston Beverley All year daily, Close, off York Way, Royston SG8 5HF 8am - 4pm Thriplow Gravel Pit Hill, Thriplow, Cambs SG8 7HZ 08444 994777 Open daily 8am - 5pm, Summer Open daily 8am 01763 848244 - 4pm, Winter. (1 October-31 March) 08444 994778 Three Valleys Water 0845 782 3333 01763 242981 VETS Royston Veterinary Centrer 01763 248111 01763 242221 01763 260220 Melbourn Veterinary Surgery 01763 262696 01763 243166
Volunteer Centre, Royston and District, Royston Hospital, 01763 269977 London Road, Royston, Herts SG8 9EN. 01763 243020 01462 742757 07805 216869 01763 848347 01763 849488 01763 246136 01763 248081 01763 260250 01763 287549 08704 649200 01763 243650 01763 245914 07805 216869 01763 852809 01763 262512 01763 246458 01763 848303
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