The Lehrman Link v10n4

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TheLehrmanLink A weekly publication of

lehrman community day school containing time-sensitive information for members of the school community

Vol 10 • Issue 4

Fri, September 12, 2008 • 12 Elul 5768 • j"xa,

Dear LCDS Family, As Texas braces for Hurricane Ike, we wish all safety and strength for the residents, officials and volunteers. We here in South Florida appreciate that this is the time to “pray for the best and prepare for the worst.” I cannot find the source of this axiom, so I will need to ask our students, who explore the origins of expressions as they hone their literary analysis skills in Core Knowledge. In the meanwhile, what I do know is that the young men and women of LCDS are currently living both parts of this phrase. Each day, after tefillah, each student deposits one coin, of any denomination, in a giant water jug (ironically enough). Immediately before Rosh Hashanah, our student council leaders will deliver the collective offering to the nonsectarian relief fund of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation. The Torah commands us not to “stand idly by the blood of your neighbor” (VaYikra Leviticus 19:16). Maimonides, the 12th Century philosopher and physician, explains that this means that whoever is able to save another must do so (Mishneh Torah, Hilchot Rotzeaach 1:14). As our students progress through the different stages of moral development, we consciously ask at each level how to convert our tradition’s values, such as this one, into strong reasoning, judgment, action, and character. Depositing a coin is an act that each student can do, with individual understanding but with all contributing as a community to our joint responsibilities. Shabbat Shalom. Seth Linfield, Head of School

kukt c"h

World Languages

Students from Pre-K on up donned headsets as they prepared to launch into foreign language instruction with our Rosetta Stone software.

Candle lighting 7:10 pm Nursery, Pre-K, and Kindergarten

Chalav u’Dvash Words of the Week:

oust ah-DOME • red (m.) vnust ah-doo-MAH • red (f.) This week we completed our unit on the color RED and made a RED aleph! Check out your weekly h.allah order for this week’s Hebrew mini-lesson.

Papa•razzi patrol

Images of Life@LCDS. More at

Putting Our Best Feet forward…

Rosh ha-Shanah Chocolate Sale!

Upcoming events…

Tory Burch Event Wed, Sept 17, 6:30-8:30 pm Book Fair Mon–Thu, Sept 22–25 BYOB (Bring Your Own BAGS!) Keep our earth healthy* PA Meeting: Thu, Oct 2, 8:45 am @LCDS Joi Fiske & Amy Siama, Co-Presidents *Visit us on the web:

Exciting Sports Program@Lehrman

View The Link online or check your inbox

The feet inside the shoes (left); Welcoming kindergarten to tefillah with Adon Olam artwork.

This edition plus The Link archives are available on the web

• Skills Clinic: Mon., Sept. 15 • First Flag Football Game: Mon., Sept. 22 • Bowl-Off: Week of Nov. 17 • Basketball Season: Begins Jan. 12

Details online: Copyright ©2008 Lehrman Community Day School

Community Welfare

Mazal Tov to:

• Rafael & Rebecca Kravec, Saul & Roz Lanes and our students Daniella and Jonathan on the marriage of daughter, sister and aunt Brenda to David Mazorra. • Joel & Monica Hoppenstein, Robert Sutnick and our student Matthew on the Bat Mitzvah of daughter and sister Daniella.

M-Th, Sept 22–25 PA

Condolences to:

• Betsy Levy (Kindergarten teacher) on the death of her mother, Annette Wagner. • Sharon Halpryn on the death of her father, Jay Rabunski.

The Early Childhood Department is pleased to launch PJ Library, a national program to help build your family’s Jewish book collection. We are partnering with the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, the Greater Miami Jewish Federation, and CAJE to provide our families the opportunity to receive superb Jewish books. The PJ Library is free for the first two years to the first 1,800 children, ages 6 months to 5 ½ years old, who sign up from Greater Miami. Visit our PJ Library page or go directly to and click on Your PJ Community. Hurry!!!

What’s for Lunch? To download a refrigeratorready menu, visit us online… Monday, September 15 Lentil soup • Meatball subs French fries • Coleslaw Melon • Water (served Mon/Wed/Fri)

Tuesday, September 16

Vegetable soup • Tossed salad Fettucini with Alfredo sauce • Bread sticks Pears • Milk (served Tues & Thurs)

Wednesday, September 17

Israeli salad • Chicken vegetable soup Chicken teriyaki • Noodles Vegetables • Oranges

Thursday, September 18

Corn chowder • Greek salad • Grilled cheese sandwiches • Sun chips • Pudding

Friday, September 19 • ouka


Caesar salad • Chicken schnitzel Oven roasted potatoes • Corn • Apples

Trek to Our Book Fair Safari! Mon, Sep 22: 1:00–5:00 pm Tue, Sep 23: 8:00–5:00 pm Wed, Sep 24: 8:00–5:00 pm Thu, Sep 25: 8:00–1:00 pm Details online: Volunteers Needed! Sign-up sheet posted in lobby.

reminders! Passport to Learning: Wed, Sept 24 Baby University: begins Thu, Sept 25 First OPEN HOUSE of the year: PreK–1. Tues, Oct 7—tell a friend! online Visit our Parent Portal online for: • 08-09 Student/Parent Handbook • 08-09 Uniforms: read our Uniform FAQs, or order directly from • 07-08 Yearbook: available for viewing and purchasing online. • Sukkot is coming! This year we are offering lulav & etrog sets. Details online:


An LL Apology to Julian (Oscar) for our error!

Julian (Oscar) Sanchez. . . . . . . . . . . . 9/18 Students: Sept 27-Oct 10 Riley Rozencwaig. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9/27 Shir-Elle Barroukh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9/29 Kyle Behar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9/30 Ryan Bienstock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10/1 Jonah Fishman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10/1 Natasha Gross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10/2 Pearl Azeroual-Dray. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10/6 Swan Azeroual-Dray. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10/6 Mariel Barnes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10/6 Zachary Kosnitzky. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10/10 Jennifer Mejia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10/10 Yael Rubinovich. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10/10 Did we leave you out? List your birthday, though on the wrong date? e-mail us!

Our Web Site

New photos on the Home Page, an opportunity to order your lulav & etrog for Sukkot, downloadable lunch menus, and Uniform FAQs—lehrmanschool. org is your first stop for LCDS-related information. As a parent, you have direct access to our secure Parents Only portal via the home page. Need the password? Send us an e-mail from the e-mail address on record at the school and we will forward you the password. Before picking up the phone, try our web site…and if you do not find what you need, please let us know! Web-related questions and comments should be sent to

CBB Community Bulletin Board

How do you learn about the David Broza concert Oct. 19 in Boca Raton? Visit our CBB online…

Destination: Yerucham, Israel

September 11 Commemoration

Teacher David Hazan and Director of Admissions Linda Schaffzin leave Sunday for a Mifgash, a meeting with principals and teachers in Yerucham. Hillel is also participating in this GMJF/CAJE sponsored program. The Mifgash will create opportunities for meaningful relationships between Israeli school children and their counterparts in Miami. Watch our web site for photos and reports direct from Israel!

This Thursday, September 11, our students dedicated the daily shofar blowing at Shacharit morning tefillah to the humanity and courage of the innocent who lost their lives and those who responded on that awful day. Later, our seventh graders led a schoolwide remembrance that included the reading of Psalm 23, as recited by the passengers on Flight 93. Discussions focused on how we respond to evil.

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