19 minute read

Interview with Prophetess Joyce K. Adams

Interview with JOYCE ADAMS

Tell us about you.


Joyce K Adams who I am. I am the chosen daughter of God. I am the Zealous Trailblazer. I empower others to see their own gifts, talents and their uniqueness and not shy away from it. My beauty allows others to feel beautiful as they are in my presence. My eyes allow others to see their vision as I speak life into them. I am that woman that my words lift others up and do not tear them down. I am a prayer warrior, a care giving and love with an agape love. I am a woman who takes the work of God to heart. I am a proud mother of 3 amazing children Stanley, Rodney and Ryahana and a grandmother of one grandson baby Hendrix. Proverb 31:28

Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.

I am Prophet, an Author, Motivational Speaker, Spiritual Coach (The Disruptor of transformation) and is the CEO and Founder of J. O.Y Uniqueness Empowerment Industry. I walk in many gifts & talents. My purpose in life is to be a Kingdom Agent in the world to save souls, heal the broken hearted and empower others to Unleash their Uniqueness by tattooing GOD name on the hearts of His people and to pierce them with the word of GOD. 1Peter 2:9 But

you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

2.What inspired you to become an author.

I was inspired to write my first book to speak to that woman, that man and even that child who is going through life broken, feeling rejected, unlove and the lists goes on. I needed others to read about my traumas of my life story so that they too can overcome the brokenness, rejection, and not feeling love. I wanted the people to be set free from the lies of the enemy as well as from themselves, sharing secrets that I had never told anyone. They will be encouraged to know that they no longer must be in driver seat of trying to do the healing alone and to allow God to be the driver. They can take back control with tapping into their faith and rely on the strength of God and not their own. My first book is “Out of my Pain: The Birth of Joy Uniqueness which was released during the pandemic November 2020 and may be

purchased on Amazon or on my website @coachjoyuniqueness. com. I am currently working on a devotion Queen get you some Glamour devotional which will be released this year.

3 You are the found of J.O.Y Uniqueness Empowerment Industry can you tell us about this industry?

J.O.Y Uniqueness Empowerment Industry is an arising Industry which is begin birth out of a dream/vision that God had given me as a young child which I did not remember until God showed me. I am only allowed to share the outline of the Industry at this time. But GOD…. First let me share the meaning of the word J.O.Y which means Jesus Over You and when God had given me that name in 2019 and at that time, I only thought I was going to be birthing forth a coaching business. I did not have the word Industry yet. I created my logo as Joy Uniqueness Empowerment Coaching. I was ready to start that business but, in my spirit, I felt that it was not time yet to go forth. I went forth anyway, but God said it will not work until I am ready I have more for more you. At that time God was setting the foundation for me because I never imagine begin an entrepreneur or begin in ministry. God was giving me different businesses; ministry ideas and I heard the word Industry. The arising Industry is the work of the Kingdom of God to help the lost, homeless, sick, brokenhearted and those that are overlook. God is using the Industry to encourage the people so they can encourage themselves to make the changes that they need. Jobs are being develop, training, coaching, mentoring, counseling, schools, and more in the Industry. This Industry is transformational because of the one who is developing it. God already has the people assigned for their breakthrough. Revelation 21:

2 I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. 3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. 4 ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’[b] or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”

4. You have experience trauma, pain and setbacks in life can you tell us about that?

I have experience so much throughout my life but I do not know who will be reading this, but I feel a press to talk about when I made the choice to have 3 abortions and not understanding at that time what I was really doing. Before I go on understand as you read this, I am not condemning anyone who has or will because I understand and I am only sharing this part of the story because of the press of Holy Spirit and I pray that for the one who is holding any condemnation, I pray they will be set free today.

Jeremiah 31: 34 No more shall every man teach his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for they all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, says the Lord. For I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I

will remember no more.” Now the world teaches you that it is okay to kill a baby for your own personal reasons. Well, I had two reason which I thought they were good reasons at that time. One I do not want to deal with this man for 18 years, (but I slept with him) second one was because the man did not want any more kids. As I look back over these situations. I could have played the blame game of no one told me not to have sex before marriage or how important it was to have safe sex if I decided to have sex anyway right. I could not blame anyone but myself because of the choices I made. These men did not put a gun to my head to make me sleep with them unprotected I choice too and by doing so I got pregnant. My experience of having these abortions took me to a deep dark place of hiding, and feelings of guilt, shame, embarrassment, resentment and more. I would walk around like I was okay. Then the mask would slowly come over when I was with the father of the man who did not want the baby, I would start arguments and fuss with him about anything. You see I thought I had I buried that abortion and put it in the grave, but I didn’t seal it up, so I did not understand at the time that all I was doing because of that loss. I did not like that person who I was becoming. February 2019 when my two-year-old nephew was murdered. I was anger, mad and did not want to pardon the young man for what he had done. God had brought back to my remembrance of what I had done. Even though I had asked for forgiveness, I never dealt with it. Now that I had to deal with it because God allowed me to see what I had done was called murder as well and I had blood on my hands, many will debate with me on this topic, but murder is murder if there is a heartbeat then what else would you call it when you take a life? But God

Psalms 86:5 “You, Lord, are forgiving and good, abounding in love to all who call to you.”

Now let me tell you that thing hit me not only was I grieving the death of my nephew but also of my own that I had caused. God used this situation so that I could be heal and be free from that loss, guilt and shame. As well to be able to feel both sides of the family’s grief to be able to pardon the young man sin and

to be the voice for my family to help them to see in the eyes and heart of God. Is it easy no but

Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called

according to His purpose. I do not hold on to any rejects or saying I wish I could have done something different in the past because it would only alter where I am and who I am assigned to. That pain and trauma of my life only built and made me.

The way I was able to rise above that situation was first by embracing the forgiveness of God and His love by spending time with God in His word. Forgiving myself. I opened myself up to speak to a counselor so that I could release the deeper emotions. I took the focus off my situation and pour positive energy into others which brings me joy of seeing others smile. Philippians 2:4: Let

each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

The wisdom nuggets I would like to leave.

Be Kind, Be Patience, Be Honest, and most important Be TRUE to yourself. Do not be ashamed of what you been through. There is a purpose behind it. Proverbs 3:7 Do not

be wise in your own eyes fear the Lord and shun evil.

Now It is Time to Unleash Your Uniqueness and Flourish.

Luke 1:45 Great favor is upon you, for you have believed every word spoken to you from the Lord.”

Additional Information

Joyce K Adams

Joyce K Adams www.coachjoyuniqueness.com info@coachjoyuniqueness.com


Joyce Kiwana Adams

Joyce Kiwana Adams is an Author, Motivational Speaker and Founder of Joy Uniqueness Empowerment Industry. She has had the opportunity to impact the lives of many people with her story of overcoming multiple life traumas. Despite the traumas she’s experienced, Joyce has still managed not only to hang onto her joy; but invoke joy in those she encounters. Her personality lights up any room that she enters, and she transforms the atmosphere and the lives of those in the room.

Joyce is a woman of God who walks in many gifts & talents. Early on she experienced a life that kept her bound in fear. She was sexually molested at a young age by a family member and that began the silencing of her voice. She has faced rejection and abandonment throughout her life starting when she was in her mother’s womb. Joyce faced depression and tried to commit suicide because when she spoke no one would listen. She came to a crossroad where she didn’t want to live anymore. She lost love and looked for that love in men. She dealt with many men and found herself having multiple abortions, experiencing homelessness, being raped, and living in self-doubt. She didn’t value herself or know her worth because of the negative things spoken over her for 30 plus years by her father and others she loved. Through her trials and tribulations, she found her purpose which is to help other women by exposing the lies that are still holding them back and empowering them to walk in their passion and true Uniqueness.

Joyce is passionate about seeing other women healed, winning and walking in their divine calling from God.

As a result, she has impacted her community by being involved with different shelter programs and speaking to empower teens, single mothers, and women of all ages.

Joyce currently resides in Northern Virginia. She is a single mother of 3 amazing children Stanley, Rodney and Ryahana and 1 amazing grandchild Baby Hendrix. They are Her Blessings.

Jeremiah 33:3

‘Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’

Do you feel stuck? Do you feel alone? Do you think that you are incapable of that one task that you keep picking up and putting down? I know that many things are going through your mind at this very moment as you are reading these words. I come with Good News, but it is up to YOU to embrace and inhale the outcome.

If I can be transparent with you, I was that one who felt stuck, and alone. I would pick up and put down that one task that kept pressing on me. Let me take you on a journey. I was a Senior in high school, when I found out that I was pregnant. I ended up dropping out of school before I could finish. A year after I had my son, I signed up for night school to earn my GED, but I could not stay focused I allowed things to go against my mind. I would look at the people in the class and I thought in my mind they were smarter than me. I was focused on what my boyfriend at that time was doing. I allowed low self-esteem and insecurity to arise in my spirit. I ended up dropping out of the night school not just one time, but 3 times. That task stayed in my spirit, but I felt that I could not accomplish it, so I put it at the bottom of the box and tossed it in the attic thinking it would never be found.

Years were passing by and I was getting older. I was going out to clubs, drinking, in and out of relationships and having babies. I finally settled down in a relationship with my good friend. He and I knew each other for a few years, and we decided to become a couple. I began to find myself idolizing him. I would put his needs before God. There was a brokenness that I thought I could fix. I had to sit back and review the other relationships that I had been

in as well. I never was that one to be so into a man where I would lose myself within him (soul ties). My friend and I started having problems and we decided to take some time apart, and that broke my heart. Even though we were apart we still communicated a few days out of the week. A few months passed; I look up it is August 2015 a Monday morning I received a call that change my life. My friend died from a motorcycle accident. I dropped to the floor, I lost it and a big part of me had died. I could not believe it I had just spoken with him that night, not even an hour before the accident. I was mad at God that man I thought was supposed to be my husband, but God took him completely away from me. Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. That scripture was on replay… I did not know how to cope with life without him. I found myself drinking wine and crying daily until I fell asleep literally every day for almost a year straight. It felt as if I hit rock bottom in my spirit. I felt I had suffered in silence. I would cry when I was alone. I would put my mask on quickly when someone would come around. I feel as though my children, sister and mom felt my pain, because they would always check on me and give me hugs.

Then one day out of the blue someone invited me to their church and without a doubt I said yes. They picked me up that Sunday for service and as I walked into the sanctuary tears began to roll down my cheeks. I found myself at that church every Sunday for over a year straight at

that altar, tears flowing. I needed GOD.I wanted that pain to stop. I did not want to be stuck anymore. I did not want to feel alone. Suddenly during this difficult period of my life God began to speak to me and tell me that I AM HIS CHOSEN Daughter, I AM HIS Masterpiece, I Am No Alone, I Am Valuable, I Am Worthy, I Am Smart, I Am Beautiful, and the list goes on. It felt like Bartimaeus from the bible in the book of Mark 10:51-52 “What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus asked him. The blind man said, “Rabbi, I want to see.” “Go,” said Jesus, “your faith has healed you.” Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road. My eyes and ears were now open. God heard my cries, and He began to send people to help me. Before I knew it, it was 2018 and that task of finishing High School came back to my spirit. I was now 44 years old researching on how to get my High School Diploma. God had taken that task which I thought got lost and brought it back to the surface during my healing process.

January of 2018 was the 3rd quarter of the school year when I started. In the beginning, I had mixed feelings about going back to school at the age of 44. But I knew that feeling was not going to stop me, so I allowed the feeling of excitement to be the leader and the goal to finish to be the winner to look for. I assumed it would be a challenge, because when I attended High school in my teenage years it was difficult for me. I now understand why it was difficult for me, one – because I did not put any effort into doing the work and two - I certainly didn’t invite the Holy Spirit in to help me. Now I am giving it my all. The last two quarters that I attended before summer break with the help of Holy Spirit, I knocked it out of the box. I was able to complete 4 classes with 3 A’s and 1 B - nobody but God. Summer break came and went. It was time to go back to school. I had 4 classes that I needed to complete. Everything was going well with school and life was good. February 2019 a tragedy hit my family. My nephew at the age of less than 24 months was murdered, and my brother as well as the mother needed me. I missed almost 2 months of school. I would go to class when I could as well as do the assignments online. The teacher that was assigned to me was truly an angel. She made sure that I had everything I needed to graduate. And I know that was all God. He had assigned that woman to me because she retired right after that year. The enemy thought he was going to have me dropout of school a fourth time due to the death of my nephew.

Now I need you to lean in. It is almost time for graduation, and I found out that with Adult Education High School that they do not allow you to wear caps and gowns to receive your Diploma. I was a little bothered by that news and I said Lord you know my heart’s desire. Less than a day after hearing that, I received an email, stating that they would be allowing all Adult Education students to wear caps and gowns from that year forward. Glory be to God. This accomplishment meant a lot to me and I wanted the full experience of the graduation. I was the first child to graduate from my parents and I completed that task with honors, not from man but from God.

If you do not get anything from what I have written I need you to get this and embrace it. God used what I thought that was going to destroy me to open my eyes and push me into living my best life. Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose. Also, when God has given you an assignment and, in your eyes, you don’t believe or think that you can do it. I need you to take your hands off it and call on God for help and TRUST HIM with that assignment, even when it does not look like it can be done. There is no assignment too big or too small for God. And when He has given it to you, I am a witness to tell you that it will not return to him void as He said in the book of Isaiah 55:11 “so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it”. How long it takes you to complete the task is up to you.

Two things before I close. First: no more allowing yourself to keep you stuck by thinking and saying that you cannot do it. You must change your words to “I can”, and “I will”. No longer will you say” I will try”, because if God told you to do it then that means you CAN DO IT ABSOLUTELY without a doubt. Second thing: the enemy will throw all kinds of hits at you to delay and make you feel that you cannot accomplish what God has called you to. He does not want to see you be GREAT. It is very important that you have a relationship with God, know HIM for yourself. God will teach you how to defeat the enemy. He will show you how to use the power and authority that He has given to you. But the only way you are going to know about that power and authority is by spending time with God in his word. In closing, I do not care how young or old you are, there are some things that you have put down that will come back to the surface. Guess what? That is the assignment that you need to pick back up now! And ask God to give you everything that you need to complete it. You listen for him and He will answer you through His word, a person, a small still voice. Just trust and know that you will get your answer!

Joyce K Adams

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