God's Royal Diadems
Interview with
JOYCE ADAMS Tell us about you. Joyce K Adams who I am. I am the chosen daughter of God. I am the Zealous Trailblazer. I empower others to see their own gifts, talents and their uniqueness and not shy away from it. My beauty allows others to feel beautiful as they are in my presence. My eyes allow others to see their vision as I speak life into them. I am that woman that my words lift others up and do not tear them down. I am a prayer warrior, a care giving and love with an agape love. I am a woman who takes the work of God to heart. I am a proud mother of 3 amazing children Stanley, Rodney and Ryahana and a grandmother of one grandson baby Hendrix. Proverb 31:28 Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her. I am Prophet, an Author, Motivational Speaker, Spiritual Coach (The Disruptor of transformation) and is the CEO and Founder of J. O.Y Uniqueness Empowerment Industry. I walk in many gifts & talents. My purpose in life is to be a Kingdom Agent in the world to save souls, heal the broken hearted and empower others to Unleash their Uniqueness by tattooing GOD name on the hearts of His people and to pierce them with the word of GOD. 1Peter 2:9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
2.What inspired you to become an author. I was inspired to write my first book to speak to that woman, that man and even that child who is going through life broken, feeling rejected, unlove and the lists goes on. I needed others to read about my traumas of my life story so that they too can overcome the brokenness, rejection, and not feeling love. I wanted the people to be set free from the lies of the enemy as well as from themselves, sharing secrets that I had never told anyone. They will be encouraged to know that they no longer must be in driver seat of trying to do the healing alone and to allow God to be the driver. They can take back control with tapping into their faith and rely on the strength of God and not their own. My first book is “Out of my Pain: The Birth of Joy Uniqueness which was released during the pandemic November 2020 and may be The Love Nest Magazine Spring 2021 11