Section I
New Normal m a r k pa w l a k
“Governor announces multi-phase reopening plan.” —The Boston Globe Phase 1 Bank window: car idling outside; cash drawer extends, bills retrieved; masked driver nods to masked teller, motors away. Phase 2 Behind Jersey barriers, curbside Plexiglas igloos; busboy, setting tables: water glasses, silverware. LED candles, hand sanitizers. Masked diners waiting to be seated. Phase 3 Featured to-go cocktail: vodka, Angostura di Amaro, Strega, turmeric, ginger, lime, and sweetened condensed milk: Fauci’s Cure All. Phase 4 Main Street movie theater marquee: 1950s era lighting, 21st century message: “Vaccines: gateway drugs for music concerts.” Phase 5 Faded, block-lettered trail sign: NO MOTORIZED VEHICLES. Beneath, freshly spray-painted cursive: Choose Your Own Path.
The Lowell Review