Green Music Dinner Hamburg

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Reflecting Cultural Relations

GReen MusiC DinneR

22 September 2010

Hotel Atlantic Kempinski, Hamburg



AnjA HAjDuk

joHn WHiteHeAD

Senator for Urban Development and Environment, Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg

Director, British Council Germany


he Green Music Dinner explores sustainability in the music and entertainment industry. For many, music is an irreplaceable experience, almost unimaginable without the use of energy. The goal of the interdisciplinary event is dedicated towards finding solutions to the reduction of the industry’s energy demands on all levels, large and small. Ideas and approaches will be discussed ranging from CD production, large concerts and the operation of clubs. Hamburg is an ideal place for such an exchange for two reasons: the first being the key role music plays in the Hanseatic city. Famous events such as the Reeperbahn Festival or the Dockville Festival attest to this, not to mention Kampnagel’s renowned International Summer Festival, the enthusiastic participation of people on the day of music and of course the construction of the Elbe Philharmonic. Additionally, numerous smaller music companies are supported, for example, through Hamburg’s label promotion. Secondly, Hamburg is not only a city of music, but also European Green Capital 2011. We see this title as an honor as well as a unique opportunity to present ourselves as pioneers in environmental protection. As European Green Capital, it is our job to encourage exchange between cities regarding ecological themes and to enrich this process with new ideas. Hamburg will send an impulse throughout Europe, calling on cities for increased environmental, nature and climate 2–

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protection. Together along with fellow cities and partners, we aim to tap into urban areas mobilising their full potential for creativity and innovative ideas. In this respect, it pleases me to see the music and entertainment industry with their innovative ideas, leading the way. Only together, through providing role models and practical examples, can we forge the path towards a greener world. The Green Music Dinner is a positive and important first step towards realizing an energy-efficient and climatefriendly future.

enviRonMentAl CApitAl of euRope 2011 The title «European Green Capital 2011» is awarded by the European Commission since 2009 to individual cities in Europe. The European Commission developed the title to encourage cities to be more sustainable. The title is awarded to those cities having achieved high environmental standards and currently pursuing ambitious long-term goals for the future. Additionally the award aims to strengthen partnerships and increase the exchange between cities of Europe. The Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg won the European Green Capital 2011 award.


he British Council has a long tradition of building trust and understanding through cultural relations and this quest is more important than ever as we all try to create a sustainable future for our planet. Our mission is to connect people around the world to foster the understanding, leadership, innovation and research needed to confront this major issue of our age. It is exactly the exchange of knowledge and experience across sectors and cultures which takes place at meetings, such as the Green Music Dinner, that is needed to inspire and drive forward the thinking and practice which is so necessary. The Green Music Dinner is an example of the value of working in partnership with other organisations to create new networks for effective innovation and cooperation. By bringing together the creativity and sustainability agendas, we are discovering many new ways of addressing the problem of climate change. We have already seen a wide array of initiatives sparked from the first Green Music Dinner in Berlin which have been launched by the Green Music Initiative. This is evidence that the relationships forged at this event have generated concrete, practical outcomes.

It is these positive stories about dealing with climate change that we need to share and spread widely, and the British Council is committed to support this endeavour. This summer, we were delighted that the Isle of Wight Festival (UK) and MElT! Festival (Germany) welcomed members of «Climate Generation» (the British Council’s global youth climate leadership programme) to learn about how the festivals are implementing new climate-friendly policies and to engage with bands and festival-goers on the topic of climate change. It is striking to see how many people are concerned and willing to take action! The good examples are making a big difference and the Green Music Dinner in Hamburg is another step in the right direction.

The European Green Capital award is provided by the European Commission to European cities dedicated to creating a green environment for their citiziens.

2010 green music dinner –




DR. HAns-GeoRG knopp

jACob bilAbel

Generalsekretär, Goethe-Institut Deutschland

Founder of the Green Music Initiative


unst und Kultur spielen eine zentrale Rolle bei der Bewältigung des Klimawandels. Die Herausforderungen, vor die uns der Klimawandel stellt, können nur durch Verhaltensänderungen gemeistert werden. Eine rein technische Betrachtung greift zu kurz. Erst wenn wir unsere Einstellungen ändern, bietet sich für uns die Chance, angemessen zu reagieren. Daher freue ich mich sehr, dass das Green Music Dinner aus Anlass des diesjährigen Reeperbahn-Festivals stattfinden kann. Es schafft einen wunderbaren Rahmen, um Austausch anzuregen. Möge es allen Gästen zündende Ideen übermitteln, wie man in Musik und Kultur klimaverträglich arbeiten kann. Es ist mir eine besondere Freude hervorzuheben, dass die Teilnahme des Goethe-Instituts auf Anregung des British Council geschieht, das seine Partner in diesem Feld seit langem ermuntert und inspiriert und mit dem wir uns einig wissen, dass die Fragen des Klimawandels in unserer beider Kulturarbeit von besonderer Bedeutung sind. In den letzten Jahren hat sich das Goethe-Institut zur Aufgabe gemacht, die vielfältigen Beziehungen von Klimawandel und Kultur auszuloten. Weltweit haben Goethe-Institute das Thema in Ausstellungen und Konferenzen, Filmprogrammen und Wettbewerben aufgegriffen. Galt der Klimawandel zuvor als Domäne der Naturwissenschaften, wurde inzwischen deutlich, dass auch in den


green music dinner 2010

Künsten und Kulturwissenschaften eine intensive Auseinandersetzung mit Aspekten des Klimawandels stattfindet. Beide, Künste und Kulturwissenschaften, können Fragestellungen aufgreifen, die einer nur naturwissenschaftlich ausgerichteten Reflexion nicht zugänglich sind: Wie wird sich unsere Gesellschaft durch den Klimawandel verändern? Wie reagieren die Menschen auf den verschiedenen Kontinenten der Erde und wie werden sie all dies bewältigen? Welche Anpassungen müssen die Menschen vollziehen und werden sie sie meistern? Sind wir bereit für Veränderungen, die das Klima schützen? Kultur spielt bei Fragen der Gegenwart und Zukunft ein zentrale Rolle. Künstler und Denker nehmen wie Seismografen die aktuellen Stimmungen ihrer Zeit auf, reflektieren sie und übermitteln ihre Erkenntnisse und Entwürfe in die Öffentlichkeit. Es sind vor allem die Emotionen des Publikums, die sie mit ihren ästhetischen Produkten berühren. Auf diese Weise gelingt es ihnen, drängende Fragestellungen und Themen ins Bewusstsein breiterer Kreise zu überführen. Genau hier liegt die Verantwortung der Kulturveranstalter und Vermittler, diesen Überlegungen und künstlerischen leistungen Raum und eine Plattform zu geben. Ich wünsche allen Beteiligten einen anregenden Abend!

groove to save the world ? The Role of the Culture Industry in the Fight against Climate Change


limate change is one of the biggest challenges of the 21st century. Adjustments need to be made in all areas of life. But why is it that while thinking about climate change we are being confronted with an awful long list of «Not-To’s»? Why are we always told what we are supposed not to do? Can it be that mostly scientists and politicians set the tone? Why do we get either «Doom & Gloom» scenarios or utter neglect of scientific facts from mainstream media? Can it be that the cultural sector has lost its lead role in explaining the world? Why not reclaim this role? The music and entertainment industry has global reach and can unleash imagination and passion like few other industries. It produces role models, dreams and questions which can pave the way into a low carbon future. Through exemplary actions, relevant actors can function as role models for the implementation of vital climate protection measures. This way of thinking would create demand and supply of innovative and sustainable strategies – both from climate and business points of view.

The music and entertainment industry has a unique possibility – through positive examples and practical solutions – to guide society towards a more climatefriendly future and help our political leaders to bring about the required global transformation. At this year’s Green Music Dinner on the eve of the Reeperbahn Festival, 100 selected British, German, and Chinese representatives from music, arts, theatre, science, politics, environmental associations and media will discuss how innovative approaches in the music and entertaiment industry can lead to concrete results in the reduction of carbon emissions.

green music initiative The Green Music Initiative acts as a platform coordinating the music and entertainment industry’s efforts to minimise their climate impact. CO2-reduction strategies are implemented in close cooperation with scientific institutes, stakeholders and artists, paving the way for others to follow. GMI showcases best practise with the objective to create industrywide demand for innovative and sustainable solutions – both from the climate and business point of view.

2010 green music dinner –



speAkeRs finjA Goetz MELT! Festival and Berlin Festival (DE) —

At Julie’s Bicycle Catherine manages its

In his habilitation thesis «Consuming Nature.

«Industry Green» certification programme

Modern Lifestyles and Their Environment»

MELT! is Europe’s largest

and free online carbon calculators for CD

(2008) he expanded his view towards a com-

The Øya Festival has won

indie and electro music festi-

packaging, festivals, venues and tours.

prehensive analysis of the history and present

four industry awards for its

val, attracting 30 000 visitors

Catherine also co-authored the Mayor of

role of consumption in western societies.

ecological approach to live

to the Ferropolis festival site.

London-commissioned Green Music Guide

Fritz Reusswig is currently doing research in

music, including the title of

Finja is the Environmental

for London – a «how to» guide for music

the domain of urban development and climate

Manager of the MELT! Festival and the Berlin

companies seeking to green their activities.

change. He is teaching at various universities

this year's European Festival Awards.

Festival. Together with partners such as the

Prior to Julie’s Bicycle, Catherine worked

and holds a professorship at the Hamburg

Linnéa Svensson was the Øya Festival’s

Green Music Initiative, Finja has set up the

with EMI’s Government and Industry Affairs

University of Fine Arts (HFBK).

Manager of the organic food project launched

M!ECO project, aiming at greening the

team and produced events and communi-

Fritz is a well-known speaker for his positions

in 2003 and has been the Environmental

festival through innovative activities. This

cations for the Australasian Performing

on the need for a new Low-Carbon Culture.

Manager since 2008. During the whole pe-

year, the cooperation focused on sustainable

Rights Association.

riod, she has worked with commercial spon-

mobility management. As a result, 600 visi-

Europe's Greenest Festival at

sors and partners and has succesfully in-

tors of the MELT! Festival were offered the

tegrated environmental measures in the

opportunity for the first time to travel by train

commercial contracts. In addition she is the co-owner and chairwoman of the venue BLÅ

from Cologne to the Ferropolis. Next year, the focus will be set on energy management.

pRof. DR. fRitz ReussWiG Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (DE) —

in Oslo, and is a board member of the «Norwegian Sponsor and Event Association» among others. This year, one of the Øya Festival’s main environmental projects was

Fritz Reusswig studied so-

to replace all diesel generators with landline

ciology and philosophy at the

power made of 100% renewable hydroelec-

J.W. Goethe University in

tricity. At the same time they focused on

Frankfurt am Main. Among

having as much organic and local food as

his academic teachers were

possible, including a vegan alternative at

Julie’s Bicycle is a not-for-

Iring Fetscher, Alfred Lorenzer and Jürgen

every food stand, and introduced many furt-

profit company helping the

Habermas. He wrote his diploma thesis in

her measures such as eco-driving, electric

UK music industry cut its

sociology on Adorno, and his philosophical

cars, public transport and material recycling.

greenhouse gas emissions

dissertation on Hegel. At that time he started

and create a low-carbon cre-

to work on the relation between modern

ative future. Catherine has worked across a

lifestyles and the environment, documented

wide range of music and arts organisations,

in his study «Lifestyles and Ecology». In

and been involved with Julie’s Bicycle since it

1995, Fritz Reusswig joined the Potsdam

launched in July 2007.

Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK).

CAtHeRine lAnGAbeeR Julie’s Bicycle (UK) —


linnéA svensson Øya Festival (NO) —

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jACob bilAbel Green Music Initiative / THEMA1 (DE) — Jacob is Founder of the Green Music Initiative, which provides a platform for the music and entertainment industry to coordinate projects in the fight against climate change – with the objective to create demand for innovative and sustainable strategies – both from the climate and business points of view. Prior to that he worked in the management of Universal Music Germany. In the following years he set up MySpace’s operations in Germany and became part of the social media advisory board of the Green Party. In the 2005 elections he was a personal consultant to Mr. Joschka Fischer, Germany’s Foreign Minister. Jacob Bilabel holds a Magister Artium from University of Hamburg in Linguistics and Social Anthropology. Today, he is Managing Director of Berlin based think-do-tank THEMA1 specialised in accelerating the transition to a low-carbon society. He is a mentor at the Akademie der Künste (University of the Arts) in Berlin and founding member of the ReDesign Deutschland initiative. He is a board member of Berlin's Chamber of Commerce for Creative Industries.


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2010 green music dinner –



B arBara B ilaBel

100 selected British, Chinese and German representatives from music, art, science, politics, environmental associations and media B enJamin a drion

Initiator of Viva con Agua. Together with festivals, artists and other cultural organisations, Viva con Agua raises funds and awareness for drinking water projects in developing countries. This year, they started a new social business: water out of bottles for water in projects.

J an a ndresen

CEO of Veeseo. Veeseo is dedicated to providing the best available solutions for video content owners, allowing videos to be indexed, searched and found. Prior to this Jan Andresen established Elkware and Weblins.

P roF . n orBert a ust

CEO of SeeLive Tivoli and Consulting. Owner of the Schmidts Tivoli Theatre in Hamburg, he is also head of the Hamburg School of Entertainment and a former president of the Hamburg School of Economics.

g uido a xmann

Managing Director of THEMA1 and Co-Founder of the RenewablesGrid-Initiative. THEMA1 is an independent Berlin-based think-do-tank specialised in accelerating the transition to a low carbon society.

l ucile B arras

Project Manager of the Green Music Initiative and the Renewables-GridInitiative at THEMA1. She has been a research assistant at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and an advisor to the German Federal Ministry for the Environment.

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c arsten B artholl

Head Coordinator of Taylor Wessing Germany. He works in the field of renewable energies, clean technology investments and carbon emissions reduction, specialised in corporate structuring related with renewable energy projects. He has additional experience advising artists and the sports and entertainment sector.

m atthew B eavers

Project Coordinator at the British Council Germany. He coordinates the Council’s projects in the fields of science and climate change and is responsible for monitoring and reducing the environmental impact of the Council’s operations in Germany.

c hristoPh B ecKer

Managing Director of Constantin Music. He has worked as a journalist for Tempo, Die Woche, Die Zeit and the TV show Schmidteinander. He is co-owner of Hamburg based BASS music production and has consulted for Universal Music. He co-wrote the book "Kinder, der Tod ist gar nicht so schlimm" with Tim Renner.

J an h endriK B ecKer

Presenter and Producer at NDR TV and Poplitics Produktion Berlin. Jan currently presents a travel-programme for NDR TV with a focus on the new EU members, reporting on pop culture, politics and people. He has been developing, hosting and producing various formats for broadcast since ringtoneadvertisement killed music-tv in 2003.

m elvin B enn

Managing Director of Festival Republic. Festival Republic is the UK’s leading festival and event promoter. Producing the Reading and Leeds Festival, and the critically applauded Latitude, music and arts festival. It also has operational responsibility for and is the licence holder of Glastonbury Festival.

Theatre Producer and Founder of Gruppe Babylon. Working in theatre productions in Germany, Switzerland, and the UK, she has also been a teacher at the Zurich Institute for Media and Design and the Berlin University of Art.

m artha B issmann

n ancy c hen

Advisory Board Member of MAMA Sustainable Incubation. She has worked on climate change and renewable energy campaigns for Greenpeace China, Greenpeace International and the Red Cross. Currently, she is managing funds for innovative and sustainable projects in Asia.

EU Project Manager at WIP – Renewable Energies in Munich and Coordinator of Energy Union. Energy Union is a European music tour for promoting renewable energy and energy efficiency. Before starting her career as sustainable energy consultant, Martha Bissmann organised a series of events in the electronic music sector.

P hiliPPe c ornu

c athy B oom

r oman d ashuBer

Founder and Editor in Chief at Style and the Family Tunes. The Berlin based independent magazine features lifestyle culture with, pop cultural thematic focuses from fashion and music to art and film, down to future-oriented social issues and current events.

B ettina B rammer

Head of Product and Channel Marketing at Q-Cells. She is responsible for product positioning and communication at Q-Cells, one of the world's leading solar PV companies. Previously, she has held marketing positions at Ben Sherman Group in New York and Asics in Japan.

F aBian B randt

Managing Director of fischerAppelt. fischerAppelt is a Hamburg-based strategic communications consultancy. He is a board member of the German Association of the Club of Rome and an advisory board member of the GoetheInstitut.

J oBst B üscher

Managing Director of Columbus Challenge. Columbus Challenge is a worldwide platform of cooperation, which brings together individuals and companies to develop and promote renewable energy, smart solutions, electric vehicles and healthier living.

Founder and Co-Owner of Appalooza Productions. Appalooza Productions is an agency for concerts and special events in Berne, Switzerland, promoting the Gurtenfestival, amongst others, and including both indoor and outdoor venues. Philippe Cornu is also a board member of Yourope.

Project Manager of the Green Music Initiative at THEMA1. Recently he developed a master plan for a green Berlin Music Week. During his studies in environmental psychology, he conducted projects on solar power and energy conservation and organised a regular lecture series on sustainable development.

t hore d eBor

CEO of Zuendwerke. In 2003, he founded Lunatic, a non-profit festival that has received several awards for combining economic, social and ecological aspects. With his company Zuendwerke, he realises ideas and projects with a culture of sustainability. Currently he is establishing an alliance for a Green Clubbing project in Hamburg.

K laus


B uhr

Project Director of Hamburg - European Green Capital 2011. He has been a senior advisor to the Hamburg Ministry for Urban Development and the Environment.

s teFan d ierKs

Senior Manager Corporate Responsibility at Tchibo. He is responsible for climate protection with regards to products and processes of Tchibo. He is also the project leader for LOTOS (logistics towards sustainability) and product carbon footprint.

2010 green music dinner –



m atthias g eBauer Freelance TV-Journalist and Producer from Hamburg.

Chief Correspondent for Spiegel Magazin. His focus is on the global war on terrorism and its side effects. He has also covered natural disasters such as the tsunami in South Asia and the hurricane Katrina in New Orleans.

P ia e hlers

l ena g oliasch

s arah d icKel

Head of Marketing and Communications at the British Council Germany. She oversees the British Council‘s public relations and brand-building efforts.

m atthias e lwardt

Managing Director of Cinema Abaton. Abaton is Hamburg’s first green cinema, with many film premieres and special events promoting green issues. He has served as a member of the jury of film commission Hamburg and of the Berlinale.

J ohannes e verKe

Director Marketing Sales of Hamburg Marketing. Hamburg Marketing is a public organisation, which promotes Hamburg. Its strategy is focused on creating and implementing the cities corporate design and corporate identity as well as on a strategic brand management, event acquisition and international media relations.

t oBias F röhlich

Co-Founder of QTom. QTom is the first customisable music television. He has been a TV executive producer for Bravo-TV, Loveparade, and MTV. His activities include new media and business development, among others for Tomorrow Internet, an interactive feature film and mobile-soap.

J oachim g anse

Managing Director of Deloitte Cert. He is also Head of the Service Line Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability (CR&S) Germany and Lead Auditor according to EMAS, ISO 14001, ISO 9001 and greenhouse gas verifications.

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green music dinner 2010

Commisioning Editor 3Sat and ARTE. Lena Goliasch is working as commissioning editor for 3sat and ARTE. She is in charge of programmes concerning popular culture and in particular popular music.

o Ke g öttlich

Founder and Managing Director of finetunes. finetunes is an online distribution platform for music and video content. Previously, Oke Göttlich has been editor in chief of taz Hamburg. Since 2008, he is board member of the German association of independent music companies VUT.

r alF g rauel

Business Journalist and Consultant. From 1999 until 2008 Grauel was an editorial board member of the business magazine Brand Eins. Today he consults on corporate publishing and branding for many high profile institutions and companies.

m ichael g reiF

Head of the Hamburg Office of Ecomove International. Ecomove International is an organisation that supports and promotes audio-visual media dealing with sustainable development. Michael Greif has worked for various organisations including the EURES Institute for Regional Studies, UN-Division for Sustainable Development, and the Ökomedia Institute.

K atie g riggs

Campaign Director of 10:10 Germany. 10:10 has so far motivated over 100,000 people, businesses, schools and other organisations in 128 countries to reduce their carbon footprint by 10% within a year. Previously, Katie Griggs has worked in marketing and management at Virgin and BSkyB and ran her own marketing agency.

F reddy P aul g runert

Curator of the ZKM Centre for Art and Media Karlsruhe. He is an artist and intellectual focusing his trans-genre work on climate change issues. He founded the institutional interface for immaterial values selph2. In 2011, he will be co-curator of the exhibition and research platform «Climate Anomie. Climate Turn. Change It. 2011».

h elge h aas

s ven h asenJäger

Co-Managing Director of 380grad. 380grad’s portfolio comprises classical artist management and vintage ticket sales. Sven Hasenjäger has 20 years experience as a curator, tour and concert manager, and in marketing and business development, including activities in China and for the Reeperbahn Festival.

t ina h eine

Head of Programm at radio Bremen Vier and Head of 3 nach 9. He worked as a journalist, editor and presenter for several ARD radio stations. For many years he presented the science quiz Kopfball, shown every Sunday on ARD.

Managing Director and Artistic Director of ELBJAZZ. The inaugural ELBJAZZ jazz festival was held in 2010 in Hamburg. This event aims to be a fixture on the international festival landscape, with a diversity of venues in the port of Hamburg that are connected via ferries.

P aula h annemann

u li h ellweg

Head of Strategic Marketing & Business Development, is customized music television online. It‘s the visual home to artists, videos and fans. started in July 2008 and is based in Berlin, Germany. Enjoy:

K olBrún h alldórsdóttir

President of The Federation of Icelandic Artists. She has been a theatre director and producer. MP for the left-green movement in 1999 – 2009, she was minister for the environment and for nordic cooperation in 2009. She is a board member of the Icelandic Academy of the Arts and of the Icelandic Theatre Museum.

Managing Director of Internationale Bauaustellung IBA. He has previously been an urban planner in Berlin and other cities.

K arsten J ahnKe

Managing Director of Karsten Jahnke Konzertdirektion. He has over 40 years’ experience operating as a concert and tour promoter in Hamburg, specialising in pop, rock, jazz, and singer songwriters.

d r . B ritta K astens

Head of Public Affairs of Hamburg – European Green Capital 2011.

B Jörn h ansen

Initiator of Morgenwelt Project and Independent Film Producer. Morgenwelt is a communication platform on renewable energy and sustainability issues. Previously an event manager, music producer and key account manager in a marketing agency, Björn Hansen has also organised the Streuobstwiesenfest for ten years.

s eBastian K eil

Project Manager at WBN, Büro für Kommunikation.

t heresa K essler

Curator of selph2. slowexpandinglifephilosophy2 is an institutional interface for the promotion of immaterial values. Theresa Kessler has studied liberal arts and photography at the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design and has been a personal assistant to the artist Susanna Kraus.


K onrad o liver K och

Co-Founder of QTom. QTom is the first customisable music television and a revolution for the music video industry. Oliver Koch is also CEO of TeraVolt.

s eBastian K örBer

Deputy Secretary General and Head of the Media Department at the Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen. Previously he worked as a journalist in Strasbourg and Brussels, and was editor in chief of the culture magazine Kulturaustausch.

F olKert K ooPmans

Founder and Managing Director of FKP Scorpio Konzertproduktionen. FKP Scorpio plans, executes and promotes concerts in northern Germany and many leading festivals. Folkert Koopman’s work also includes the circus-themed dinner theater Pallazo, and his latest project the Beatle exhibition Beatlemania in Hamburg.

l asse K roll

Executive Director of Lunatic Festival. He is also studying Politics and Economics at the University of Lüneburg.

s teFan l angKammer

Managing Director for QTom. He has previously been a senior manager at EMI, Vodafone and o2 Germany. Presently, he is working at QTom, the first customisable music televion.

m englou l i

Representative of Rabbit Musik, Beijing. She has previously been a project coordinator at the Goethe-Institut’s headquarters in Munich and has coordinated pop-festivals and Sino-German music conferences in Guangzhou, Shen Yang and Shanghai.


l öhneysen

Managing Director of Embassy of Music. He has held a number of senior positions across the music industry. Amongst other roles, he is a board member of Bundesverband Phonographische Wirtschaft.

B enediKt l öKes

Director Corporate Communication of Warner Music Group Central Europe. He is also board member of IHM.

l ong l ong

CEO of Beijing The One Club and independent producer. He is a Chinese Music Awards winner for an album produced in 2004. He has scored and produced music for numerous motion pictures, television, documentaries and advertisements.

z eBensui m arrero

Managing Director of Inusual Project. Inusual Project is an independent location in Barcelona hosting concerts, djs, films and theatre. During the day, it also operates as a second-hand shop.

h endryK m artin

Sponsoring Director at Gemeinsame Sache. He is responsible for sponsoring and marketing cooperations of the MELT! and Berlin Festival. He also manages the Gemeinsame Sache agency in Cologne and consults for clients including Deutsche Telekom.

t ony m artin

Sustainable Event Coach. Currently supporting the Green Music Initiative and THEMA1. Utilising his event production experience he previously worked with the Sustainable Living Foundation in Australia. Here he was project manager for the Sustainable Event Planner web site, and assisted the Sustainable Living Festival to «walk the talk».

a lexander m aurus

Managing Director of Wanderlust Entertainment. Wanderlust Entertainment is an artist management and publicity company. Alexander Maurus has over twenty years experience as a manager for Bellaphon Records, WEA Records and Warner Music Group Germany.

P atriK m ertens

Concert Agent of A.S.S. Concert & Promotion. Patrik Mertens has 20 years experience as a concert agent for A.S.S. Concert & Promotion.

a xel m issner

Director of Sales of Hotel Atlantic Kempinski Hamburg. He has been working in the 5 star hotel industry for the past 13 years.

g eorg e . m oeller

Ideascout at Triple5. Professed as the world’s first ideascout, operating since 1993, he previously enjoyed widely varying roles going from construction worker, to kids radio show presenter, and copyright lawyer. Credos: «no idea without an idea» «optimism is the endorphin of the smart».

J ean - alexander n tivyihaBwa

Founder and Managing Director of Signed Media Production.

l eiF n üsKe

Co-Founder and Managing Director of Mojo Club. The Mojo Club is a Jazz venue on the Reeperbahn. Leif Nüske is also a founding board member of the association for Hamburg music business IHM.

u riz


F ranK o tto

Owner and General Manager of Ferryhouse Productions. Ferryhouse Productions was founded by the Hamburg media entrepreneur and artist Frank Otto as a production and marketing enterprise for music, film and media products.

d oris P aPenBroocK

Strategic Adviser for Public Relations, Communication and Marketing at Ad Press. Previously, she was an editor and foreign correspondent in New York, USA.

m ichael P oliza

Photographer. With several wildlife photography books he has a very personal connection with nature and the wildlife within it. Spending much of his time in Africa, he has also documented the opposite extremes in Greenland.

d annie Q uilitzsch

Consultant for Sustainability and Communication. She works with several social organisations and sustainable projects in the music and event industry, where she can combine her two passions: bring joy and happiness to people and awareness of ecological and social responsibility.

J ulia r awlins

Head of Climate Change and Transatlantic Relations at British Council Germany. These programmes connect people in the UK and other countries to foster the understanding, leadership, innovation and research needed to confront the major issues of our age.

K urt r einKen

Head of Department at steg Hamburg. As an urban planner, he is responsible for the Karostar Musikhaus St. Pauli and other creative facilities located in Hamburg.

o ertzen

Founder and Owner of Hi-Life and Hi-Life Konzerte. He is also chairman of IHM.

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a ndrea r othaug a line r enet

Communications Director at PRODISS. PRODISS is the French trade organisation for live music producers, promoters and venues. Aline Renet was a label manager at Petrol Records in Sydney, whilst also running her own organic farm business.

s heila -m ichelle r ieKe

Photographer. Combining her love of animals and music, she started a book project sponsored by PETA (people for ethical treatment of animals) featuring many international artists accompanied by her dog ypsilon.

m atthias r ischau

Project Director of The Green Path. The Green Path art project aims to inspire people and show in exhibitions that personal action is the most positive and actual way of tackling the impacts of climate change. He has been a production manager and the founder of Gorilla natural fast food.



r itt

Head of Creative Europe Programmes at the British Council Germany. Elke Ritt has managed the Arts programme of the British Council in Germany since 1993.

Managing Director of RockCity Hamburg. Andrea is the co-founder and board member of Clubkombinat Hamburg. Also founder of Hanseplatte – First Local Musicstore. She is always on the run as a project producer, lecturer, activist and author. In short: a secret weapon!

P roF. n iels - Peter r udolPh

Director of Theatre and Opera Productions. Former artistic director at Deutsches Schauspielhaus Hamburg, he is an academic lecturer for young directors at Theaterakademie Hamburg. In 2010 he will be working on productions in Vienna and St.Petersburg.

m arKus s chäFer

Owner of die organisation – Projektagentur für Content, Marken & Medien. He is a marketing professional specialised in entertainment marketing within the German and European market.

r ainer s chmidt

Editor in Chief of Rolling Stone and Musikexpress. Based in Berlin, he previously worked in a variety of roles for magazines such as ZEITmagazin, SPIEGELreporter, MAX and Vanity Fair.

c hristian s chneegass r uth r ocKenschauB

Head of Fund Raising and Protocol at Filmfest Hamburg. A professional artist in the fields of music and design, she has also been a radio DJ for numerous years.

g uido r ossmann

Managing Director of ajr Green Energy. He is also managing director of zero_overhead Business Consultants and executive director of Navigon. He has had several leading positions in the communication industry.

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green music dinner 2010

Executive Manager of the Department of Art and Society at the Akademie der Künste Berlin. He initiated the first Field Research Festival Culture 2010 on sustainability, art and science as well as the experimental studios (1993-2003). He is a member of several boards on the issues of green architecture, cultural relations, art and science.

t hies s chröder

Managing Director of Ferropolis and of ts|pk Communication. Ferropolis is a site for several festivals and music events and an open air museum. As a rural planner, Thies Schröder is currently a guest lecturer at the University of Hannover.

P atricK s chünemann

CEO of Truegrass Organisation. A graphic designer and photographer with a long career as a DJ, he is the founder of the publishing and event company die Partysanen. He is now working on several projects, supporting the cultivation of bamboo in Cambodia.

a lexander s chulz

Founder and CEO of the Reeperbahn Festival. The Reeperbahn Festival, a premier music and arts event, is now in its fifth year.

m arta s chulz

Project Manager and Coordinator at Hamburg University of Applied Sciences. She is currently working on the European project Creative City Challenge, which is promotes the creative industry in the North Sea Region.

d etleF s chwarte

Managing Director of Reeperbahn Festival Hamburg/Inferno Events. Detlef Schwarte’s current focus is the creation of the «Reeperbahn Campus», a specialist platform for the music and creative industry which takes place alongside the Reeperbahn Festival.

F ranK s chweiKert

Managing Director of Aldebaran. He operates the research & broadcast vessel ALDEBARAN as a platform for scientists and journalists to raise attention of global ocean resources. He is also the founder of the Hamburg Climate Week.

h amed s hahi

CEO of SSC Group. SSC Group is a concert and music consulting agency in Düsseldorf, Berlin and Basel. They promote concerts and artists and consult for businesses on music programming. SSC Group is also an associate of the c/o pop festival Cologne.

m artin s mith

Communications Director of Columbus Challenge. A founding partner and Managing Director of the advertising agency Bartle Bogle Hegarty, he has an Economics degree from Cambridge University. He has also worked as a radio presenter, comedy scriptwriter, actor and stand-up comic.

m alte s Pitz

Member of the Federal Board of the German Green Party. His political activities focus on new media issues. He is currently studying Political Science at FernUniversität Hagen. He is a member of the New Media Network and Chaos Computer Club.

K laus - d . s toFFers

Strategic Adviser for Public Relations, Communication and Marketing and Founding Director of Markt- & Medien- Kommunikation.

J örn s turm

Managing Director of Kampnagel Internationale Kulturfabrik GmbH.

c hristian t JaBen

Head of Marketing, Online Editor and Host for ByteFM. Music journalist and former magazine publisher, he is currently working predominantly with the German web radio ByteFM, where he is coordinating editorial and marketing as well as hosting a weekly music show.

r oBert t ucovic

Senior Manager at Ernst & Young Advisory Luxemburg. He has been a consultant for real estate transactions since 2000. In 2008, he built up a new section at EY focusing on wind and PV energy sites.

2010 green music dinner –



J enniFer w esche d r . P eter u rBan

Producer, Editor and Commentator at Norddeutscher Rundfunk. A musician, music journalist and a radio personality since the early 70's, he is now head of the late night music programme NACHTCLUB at NDR Info, and also organises and plans live concert recordings for NDR 2. He is a TV commentator of the Eurovision Song Contest.

Deputy Head of Hamburg - European Green Capital 2011. She studied law at the University of Hamburg and the University of Bilbao. Two years as a lawyer for environmental law led her to her current position as a government official in Hamburg.

pARtneRs We would like to thank the Partners for their generous support.

t imotheus w iesmann

Managing Director of the Association for Hamburg Music Business IHM.

m arco v oigt

Managing Director of Clean Tech World and Founder of the Clean Tech Media Award. He is also a founding member of PIN AG, the main non-governmental organisation for postal service in Germany.

i ngKen w agner

Managing Director of nonoon – Office for Cultural Correlation. She has curated exhibitions of Terry Gilliam and Jonathan Monk as well as festivals for sound, video and light art. As a cultural consultant she has developed concepts with cultural content for a variety of organisations.

d r . B enediKt


w alter

Manager Digital Media Research at MTV Networks. He also serves as CSR representative for Northern Europe and coordinates the company´s green & pro-social activities such as MTV SWITCH.

a lexandra w andel

Executive Member Management of the Board, World Future Council Foundation. She has worked for environmental organisations in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, North and Latin America. She studied Political Science at the Free University Berlin and International Relations at the University of Amsterdam.

d r . J uliane w andel

Managing Director of the Orchester Academy of the Berliner Philharmoniker. She is a music scientist and a freelancer in classic music for media. She has had various roles in music management. 18 –

green music dinner 2010

J ohn w hitehead

Director of British Council Germany He started his career in education and worked as a lecturer in applied linguistics at the University of Manchester before joining the British Council where he has had postings in Latin America, North Africa, East Asia and Europe.

The European Green Capital award is provided by the European Commission to European cities dedicated to creating a green environment for their citiziens.

m irKo w hitFeld

European and International Development of South by Southwest Festivals. He is a scientist who during 20 years has helped organise many events worldwide, including A&R, management and touring. He has worked for the Reed MIDEM Organisation as the regional director for Asia-Pacific, along with roles in Paris and New York.

d aniel w inKel

Artistic Director of Bureau Export. He is also spokesman and consultant for Bureau Export. He has previously worked freelance for Saarländischer Rundfunk, Asko-Europa-Stiftung, DeutschFranzösischer Dialog and Fenestra/Onyx/ Vivendi.

d r . a ndrea z ell

Senior Expert and Coordinator at the Goethe-Institut. Andrea Zell is a coordinator of the Goethe-Institut’s activities in the field of culture and climate change, including the institute’s website on culture and climate change.

2010 green music dinner –


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imprint editors: Green Music Initiative c/o THEMA1 GmbH Torstrasse 154, 10115 Berlin, Germany Contact: Lucile Barras, +49 30 779 0 779 14, design: Absolut Agentur GmbH Zwinglistrasse 3, 9000 St.Gallen, Switzerland

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