Reflecting Cultural Relations
Green Music Dinner
3 March 2010
Hotel de Rome, Berlin
DR. PatRiCk HaRt
MaRtin kobleR
Director, British Council Germany
Director-General for Culture and Communication, Foreign Office Germany
ver the last five years the British Council in Germany has pioneered works which bring together art and climate change. We believe that cultural relations, bringing people together to find common purpose beyond the range of traditional government-to-government diplomacy, has an important contribution to make for a global issue such as climate change. Barriers to an effective response exist on all levels from the individual to the institutional but cultural relations have a key role in overcoming these barriers, bringing us closer to a global solution. The Green Music Dinner is an example of the value of working in partnership with other organisations to create new networks for effective action. By bringing together the creativity and sus-
tainability agendas, we are discovering many new ways of addressing the problem of climate change. We hope that through the relationships forged at this event and the discussion of effective initiatives in the music industry, we can energise and inspire further responses to climate change. It is these positive stories about dealing with climate change that we need to share and spread widely, and the British Council is committed to support this endeavour.
british council In 2009 the British Council, the United Kingdom’s international organisation for cultural relations, marked its 75th anniversary worldwide and celebrated 50 years of working in Germany. During this time and especially in recent years, the British Council has developed from a traditional cultural institute, with a main focus on bilateral exchange and a British events programme, into a Cultural Relations organisation focussing on a mainly multilateral approach and long-term strategic cooperation with other international Cultural Relations partners.
would like to congratulate the British Council most warmly on its 75th anniversary and at the same time on its 50 year presence in Germany. For us, the British Council is an important and stimulating contact. I hold the Council in high esteem as a chair of debates, as a network organization and as an initiator of partnerships across Europe. These are also the spheres with which there is connection to and interaction with German cultural relations policy and our public diplomacy. The extent to which the work of the British Council has broken new ground and pointed the way forward in recent years is illustrated by the fact that despite rigorous efforts we have yet to find a suitable German expression for the term public diplomacy. Yet we certainly agree that public diplomacy is becoming ever more important if we are to convince people around the world of the ideas and values of which we ourselves are convinced and which we feel are important.
That is why I congratulate the British Council on its choice of topic for this evening’s anniversary. Climate change is going to remain one of the major international challenges in the years to come. If strategies to tackle it are to be successful, we need technological change, increased energy efficiency, a global environment policy as well as moves to further develop renewable energies such as the Desertec project. But whether or not we actually manage to tackle climate change depends very much on a new awareness which politics and science have to communicate to a broad public. This new awareness has to be initiated and supported by public diplomacy and by culture – film, theatre and not least music, for example, can all make a major contribution. Music plays a central role because it has a direct impact on our consciousness – ideally it will come to embody a new spirit. With today’s event, the British Council is impressively demonstrating the close links between climate protection and public diplomacy. The Federal Foreign Office and the Goethe-Institut are also setting a new focus with «KulturKlima». This provides a perfect opportunity for even more intensive cooperation between the Federal Foreign Office and the British Council in the next fifty years. … and when in fifty years we celebrate the next Green Music anniversary dinner we will hopefully have completed the journey to sustainable climate policy!
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green music dinner 2010
Jacob Bilabel Founder of the Green Music Initiative groove to save the world ? The Role of the Culture Industry in the Fight against Climate Change
limate change is one of the biggest challenges of the 21st century. Adjustments need to be made in all areas of life. But why is it that while thinking about climate change we are being confronted with an awful long list of «Not-To’s»? Why are we always told what we are supposed not to do? Can it be that mostly scientists and politicians set the tone? Why do we get either «Doom & Gloom» scenarios or utter neglect of scientific facts from mainstream media? Can it be that the cultural sector has lost its lead role in explaining the world? Why not reclaim this role? The music and entertainment industry has global reach and can unleash imagination and passion like few other industries. It produces role models, dreams and questions which can pave the way into a low carbon future. Through exemplary actions, relevant actors can function as role models for the implementation of vital climate protection measures. This way of thinking would create demand and supply of innovative and sustainable strategies – both from climate and business points of view.
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The music and entertainment industry has a unique possibility – through positive examples and practical solutions – to guide society towards a more climatefriendly future and help our political leaders to bring about the required global transformation. At this year’s Green Music Dinner on the eve of the Echo music awards, 100 selected British, German and French representatives from music, arts, science, politics, environmental associations and media will discuss how innovative approaches in the music and entertaiment industry can lead to concrete results in the reduction of carbon emissions.
prof. dr. fritz reusswig Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research —
At that time he started to work on the relation between modern lifestyles and the environment, documented in his study «Lifestyles and Ecology», published in German at IKO
Fritz Reusswig studied soci-
press (Frankfurt). In 1995, Fritz Reusswig
ology and philosophy at the
joined the Potsdam Institute for Climate
J.W. Goethe University in
Impact Research (PIK), a leading interdisci-
Frankfurt am Main. Among
plinary research center for Global Environ-
his academic teachers were
mental Change, and climate issues in parti-
Iring Fetscher, Alfred Lorenzer and Jürgen
cular. In his habilitation thesis «Consuming
Habermas. He wrote his diploma thesis in
Nature. Modern Lifestyles and Their Environ-
sociology on Adorno, and his philosophical
ment» (2008) he expanded this view towards
dissertation on Hegel.
a comprehensive analysis of the history and present role of consumption in Western societies. Fritz Reusswig is currently doing research in the domain of urban development and climate change. He is teaching at various universities and holds a professorship at the Hamburg
green music initiative
University of Fine Arts (HFBK).
The Green Music Initiative acts as a platform coordinating the music and entertainment industry’s efforts to minimise their climate impact. CO2-reduction strategies are implemented in close cooperation with scientific institutes, stakeholders and artists, paving the way for others to follow. GMI showcases best practise with the objective to create industrywide demand for innovative and sustainable solutions – both from the climate and business point of view.
green music dinner 2010
alison tickell Julie’s Bicycle (UK) —
Court for 2002/3 (acts included Sting and
The Green Music Initiative launched a pilot
Enrique Iglesias), tour manager on the Rolling
project on sustainable event operation and
Stones «Bigger Bang» and «Bridges to Baby-
audience travel. Germany’s solar industry will
lon» stadium tours, Madonna’s «Reinven-
showcase the future of re-newable energy in
tion» tour, two David Bowie tours as well as
the Ferro-Solar Project. Ferropolis will be-
a host of other European arena tours.
come Futurepolis.
Mark is passionate about the impact that the
music business has on the world’s climate
Alison set up Julie’s Bicycle
and has been influential in persuading compa-
in April 2007. JB is a not-for-
nies to look for alternative fuels and methods.
profit company helping the
UK music industry cut its greenhouse gas emissions and create a low carbon creative future. Pre-
jacob bilabel Green Music Initiative / Thema1 (DE) — Jacob is Founder of the
thies schröder Managing Director Ferropolis (DE) —
viously she led the music consultation for the National Skills Academy, was the Music Director at Creative and Cultural Skills (which
Green Music Initiative, which provides a platform for the music and entertainment in-
she helped set up) and prior to this had spent
Ferropolis, the City of Steel
dustry to coordinate projects
fifteen years developing the community
is a giant lignite mine in
in the fight against climate change – with the
music sector at Community Music.
Gräfenhainichen in Northern
objective to create demand for innovative
Alison trained as a musician and teacher. Her
Sachsen-Anhalt: a place where
and sustainable strategies – both from the
advisory roles have included the Live Music
decades of industrial power
climate and business points of view.
Forum, Music Manifesto Steering Group, and the Music Business Forum. She is on the Board of Sound Connections. In 2007 JB commissioned the Oxford Envi-
mark ward Proper Productions, Hyde Park Festival, Isle of Wight Festival (UK) —
and environmental sins went hand in hand.
Prior to that he worked as VP Communications
Then, suddenly, brown coal had no future
and New Business at Universal Music Ger-
anymore. What to do? Demolish and remove
many. In the following years he set up
all traces? Or build on the past and dare a
MySpace’s operations in Germany and be-
ronmental Change Institute to undertake the
Mark Ward has a long list of
new beginning? The region decided for the
came part of the social media advisory board
study «First Step: UK Music Industry Green-
tour production credits rang-
latter. Today Ferropolis hosts a museum of
of the Green Party. In the 2005 elections he
house Gas Emissions». This led to a better
ing from Coldplay to Tina
industrial monuments and a steel sculpture
was a personal consultant to Mr. Joschka
understanding of the climate impact of tour-
Turner and Roger Waters and
festival area. Still there: the five giant exca-
Fischer, Germany’s Foreign Minister.
ing, CD production and energy management
has produced shows from
vator dinosaurs from the mine’s past. Their
Jacob Bilabel holds a Magister Artium from
of venues. In 2009 Julie’s Bicycle published
Düsseldorf to the Dominican Republic and all
presence is celebrated by international festi-
University of Hamburg in Linguistics and
the «Green Music Guide».
points in between.
vals such as melt!, Splash and artists like
Social Anthropology. Today, he is Managing
His credits include: Party in the Park, the lar-
Herbert Grönemeyer, Die Toten Hosen,
Director of Berlin based Think-Do Tank
gest single stage live music event in Europe
Linking Park or Bjork attracting more than
THEMA1 specialized in accelerating the tran-
with a prime site in central London’s Hyde
160’000 visitors each year. Ferropolis has be-
sition to a Low Carbon Society. He is a mentor
Park, for six years – working with artists as
come a symbol of the transformation of a re-
at the Akademie der Künste (University of
diverse as Elton John, Destiny’s Child, Bon
gion and will become a symbol of the age of
the Arts) in Berlin and Founding Member of
Jovi, Ricky Martin, Backstreet Boys and
the ReDesign Deutschland initiative.
Queen, production director on the Isle of
Wight Festival from 2002–2004 (acts included David Bowie and The Who) and Capital 6 – green music dinner 2010
(Radio, London) Christmas Live event at Earls
green music dinner 2010
J oel B erger
100 selected British, French and German representatives from music, art, science, politics, environmental associations and media S ir M ichael A rthur
British Ambassador to Germany. Sir Michael has held posts with the UK Foreign Office in the USA, France and Germany.
K enny A nderson aka K ing C reosote
Fence Records. Fence Records is a collective of musicians, artists, craftsfolk, chancers and slackers based in Scotland. It is the micro-indie excuse of a record label that brings ‘em all together. Here be: The Fence Collective, King Creosote, The Pictish Trail, FOUND and many more.
G uido A xmann
Managing Director of Thema1 and Co-Founder of the RenewablesGrid-Initiative. THEMA1 is an independent Berlin-based think-do-tank specialised in accelerating the transition to a low carbon society.
M aren B alkow
Journalist at the Deutsche Welle Radio.
A ntonella B attaglini
Head of Popkomm and YOU. Popkomm is an international music and entertainment business trade show, with over 14.000 trade visitors and more than 400 bands from all over the world. YOU is a youth fair for music, sports, lifestyle and education. Both events take place on the former aiport Berlin Tempelhof.
L ucile B arras
Project Manager of the Green Music Initiative and the Renewables-GridInitiative at Thema1. She has been a research assistant at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and an advisor to the German Federal Ministry for the Environment.
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C hristoph B orkowsky
Senior Scientist at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. She is also the Managing Director of The Compensators*, a non-profit organization that provides individuals with the possibility to have a say about climate policy and to become carbon-free, as well as the Co-Founder of the RenewablesGrid-Initiative.
aka Akbar President of the Piranha Group (Piranha Kultur, Piranha Musik & IT and Piranha WOMEX) and Board Member of the Berlin Music Commission. Action anthropologist, he is one of the leading independent producers for international musical exchange.
M atthew B eavers
D aniel B oese
Project Coordinator at the British Council Germany. Matthew coordinates various projects in the fields of science and climate change and is responsible for monitoring and reducing the environmental impact of the British Council‘s operations in Germany.
M ichi B eck
Artist from «Die Fantastischen Vier» and «Turntablerocker». Founding member of the Germanspeaking rap band «Die Fantastischen Vier», since 1996 DJ and Producer, since 1999 partner of the booking and artist agency Four Artists.
U lrike B eck D aniel B arkowski
Managing Director of MySpace Germany. Prior to Fox, Joel Berger was a member of the management board at MTV Networks Germany and worked as director of new media at Sony Music.
Artist at Encore. She worked as an assistant to Executive Producer at Trigger Happy Productions, coordinator for commercials, short movies and documentaries and now runs her own production company stung by jellyfish.
J an H endrik B ecker
TV-host, journalist and producer. He hosted the LEAD awards, developed the discussion format «Netzrauschen» for the Tagesschau and reports once a month from Eastern Europe for the television magazine programme «Hanseblick» on NDR. With his production company he aims to bring pop music, politics and journalism together.
Editor of Zitty Magazine. Editor of the magazine Zitty and Berlin-correspondent for Artforum. He reports about the global climate youth movement.
C atherine B ottrill
Researcher on UK Music Industry Greenhouse Gas Emissions at the Oxford University’s Environmental Change Institute. Focusing her research on the capacity of businesses and individuals to reduce carbon emissions, she has been the lead researcher from Oxford University’s Environmental Change Institute to estimate the CO2 emissions of the UK music industry.
M artin B rem
Managing Director of Brand Engineering Solutions and Member of Board of All2gethernow. After a career in the music industry as Vice President International Marketing at Sony Music London and Managing Director of Columbia Records and Sony Classics, Germany, Martin Brem and a few media and music biz executives answered the cancellation of Popkomm with the spontaneous setup of All2gethernow, a new music convention in Berlin.
S andra D elasauce
Head of Content for ZaoZa and VivendiME. She is responsible for licensing all digital entertainment content for the German platform of ZaoZa, as well as creating own copyrights and own formats with local talents and artists.
J ean Y ves D elattre
Co-founder of the festival Fiesta des Suds and Director of Dock des Suds in Marseille. Dock des Suds is a venue for concerts and cultural events in Marseille. Formerly an international professional press photographer, he believes in the wealth of the melting pot and militates for exchange in all cultural domains.
D irk D reyer
Managing Director of the Design Hotel Lux11 in Berlin Mitte, attracting the music and media scene. Formerly a successful DJ, he has also been working for major record companies and was manager for Mark Medlock.
P ia E hlers
Head of Marketing and Communications at the British Council Germany. She oversees the British Council‘s public relations and brand-building efforts.
M aria E ndrich
Music Curator of the Sommertheater Festival Hamburg and Head of Booking at Buback.
P eter E sser
Founder of the Silent Climate Parade. Manager, bass player and environmental activist. Initiated the Silent Climate Parade in Berlin 2009. Changing society must be fun to be sustainable.
M ilena F essmann
Dj and Music Show Presenter Host at Berlin-based radio station Radio 1 and Founder of Cinesong. Cinesong is a company for music supervising for movie and media with a portfolio of over 80 movies, projects such as the last Wim Wenders Movie, Vorstadtkrokodile II, Fatih Akin’s Solino and many more.
M ichael F ritz
Founding Member of Viva con Agua de Sankt Pauli and Chairman of Viva con Agua Switzerland. He is responsible for events, musicians, artists and the development of Viva con Agua in other cities.
green music dinner 2010
I nanna F ronius
Projects Intern, British Council Germany. B.A. in Literary, Cultural and Media Studies, M.A. in Cultural and Creative Industries.
S abine F unk
General Manager of the Rheinkultur Festival in Bonn. She works as a counsellor and teacher to improve health, safety and environmental protection issues not only for Rheinkultur Festival, but for all kinds of events.
J oachim G anse
Managing Director of Deloitte Cert. He is also Head of the Service Line Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability (CR&S) Germany and Lead Auditor according to EMAS, ISO 14001, ISO 9001 and greenhouse gas verifications.
L utz G rimm
Managing Director of TPA Communications Design. Besides various developments of brands for design projects like YOO by Philippe Starck or design offices, Lutz Grimm focuses on developing brands for ecologically sustainable projects.
M atthias G ebauer
Chief Correspondent for Spiegel Magazin. His focus is on the global war on terrorism and its side effects. He has also covered natural disasters such as the tsunami in South Asia and the hurricane Kathrina in New Orleans.
A ndreas G ebhard
Managing Director of All2getherNow and Founder and CEO of Newthinking. Communications Newthinking Communications is an agency for digital culture and the digital society, based in Berlin.
F inja G ötz
Project Manager of MELT! and M!-Eco. She is responsible for selected projects concerning the MELT! Festival, especially the green issue, and has been working on this issue with partners like the Green Music Initiative. 10 – green music dinner 2010
F reddy P aul G runert
N ina H illekum
J ahn H arrison
C hristian H ochfeld
Freelance Artist, Intellectual and Founder of selph2. The organization selph2 is an institutional interface for the promotion of immaterial values. Grunert has also worked on the realization of ecologically-sound projects for residential living spaces and environments.
Head of Radio at Universal Music. He is responsible for the radio promotion of internationally signed artists of the Universal music group in Germany and believes that strong partners in media can raise awareness and communicate solutions for the challenges we face.
D r . P atrick H art
Director of the British Council Germany. His operational responsibilities include the strategic management of science work. His focus is on fostering the links between artists and scientists with a view to fostering more effective communication around the issue of climate change.
M atthias
H artz
Director and Managing Director of Impulse Theater Festival & Sommertheater Festival Hamburg. Previously he was an economist. Political topics that were pressing, but difficult to bring on stage such as globalisation, made him develop artistic projects. He made green issues a core of the HIF – in the programme as well as in the infra-structure.
R ichard H awtin
Founder Beatport, DJ, Producer. He is one of the most revered electronic music artists and was recently voted number 1 DJ in the world by users of Resident Richie owns the Berlin-based music labels Minus and Plus8.
M atthew H awtin
Visual Artist. Matthew is a visual artist and DJ and works for the electronic music label M-nus. He is completing an MSc in Sustainable Development at the University of Surrey.
Student of Communication and Cultural Management at the Zeppelin-University. As a Research Assistant for Prof Nico Stehr at the Karl-Mannheim-Chair of Cultural Sciences, she is researching the climate consciousness and climate strategy of the German music and entertainment industry.
Managing Director of the Öko-Institut. Berlin His main fields of work include the Integration of the Vision of Sustainable Development and Climate Protection in Corporate Strategy and Practice, Climate Protection in Transport and Life Cycle Assessment.
P etra H usemann R enner
Managing Director of Motor Music. Motor Music is a Berlin-based label, publisher, and management company, supporting artists such as Super 700, Phillip Boa and the Voodooclub and Peter Licht.
P atrick J acobshagen
Managing Director of Filmrecht, film and entertainment industry lawyer. Author of «Filmrecht – Die Verträge» and «Filmbusiness». He studied law and business sciences, working as a set director at the same time. As a lawyer he is representing directors, actors and authors.
D r . U lf J aeckel
Head of Division at the German Federal Ministry for the Environment. He is also Chair of the Advisory Committee of the UN Marrakech Process on Sustainable Consumption and Production and ViceChair of the Commission on Sustainable Development, 18th session.
O liver J anik
Managing Director of Juniper Group. The Junipergroup develops and implements alternative communications solutions, specialising in sports marketing, co-operative arrangements and event marketing.
Prof. Dr. Michael Jeismann Head of the Department Communication and Internet of the Goethe Institut in Berlin. In 2004 he received the JeanAméry-Prize for essay writing for his book «Auf Wiedersehen Gestern. Die deutsche Vergangenheit und die Politik von morgen» (DVA 2001).
C laudia J ericho
Project Manager at C/O POP Cologne. Previously she was a project manager for the Federal Cultural Foundation‘s «Projekt Migration», which brought together art, the social sciences and history. At c/o Pop, she developes an innovative trade fair and exhibition concept for creative industries.
M atthias K ind
Managing Director of Kobalt Music Publishing Germany. Kobalt Music Group is the 5th largest music publisher worldwide with artists like Herbert Grönemeyer, Gwen Stefani, Barry Manilow and Trent Reznor.
S tefan K iwit
Managing Director of Exit Media Brand Entertainment. A trained lawyer, he previously worked as a Managing Director for, amongst others, TBWA advertising agency in Düsseldorf as well as being responsible for the commercial operations of Nikon Optik in Germany.
A ndreas K lassen
Desk Officer in the Strategy and Planning section at the German Federal Foreign Office.
I nga K önigstadt
Perfomance Artist/Bella Berlin.
D r . C hristine K olmar
Executive Board-Member at WWF Germany. She is responsible for politics, communication, campaigns and environmental education. Previously she was Head of Politics and Deputy Editor in Chief at n-tv and Head of Communications at EUROPARC. green music dinner 2010
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D r . S erafine L indemann S ebastian K örber
Deputy Secretary General and Head of the Media Department at the Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen. Previously he worked as a journalist in Strasbourg and Brussels, and was Editor in Chief of the culture magazine Kulturaustausch.
K alle L aar
The Temporary Sound Museum. In his recent artwork he focused on environmental and ethic themes, most notably in «Calling the Glacier» introduced at the Venice Art Biennial 2007, a public live telephone connection to a melting glacier.
R oland L eesker
Managing Director at the music marketing agency rockit Gesellschaft für BrandMusic. Rockit exploits the mutual marketing potential between brands and bands. With an extensive network of contacts in marketing and music industries rockit seeks innovative models for brand/music cooperations.
D r . O tmar L ell
Policy Officer of Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband, a German consumer organization. He is working to find a path of transition into sustainable ways of consumption, presently with a focus on transport issues. He is a trained lawyer and in his spare time a painter, which marks his interest for both analytical and holistic approaches to reality.
H agen L iebing
Music Editor of TIP Magazin in Berlin. From 1986 to 1988 he performed on various stages as bassist in the rock group «Die Ärzte». In 1990 he completed his diploma as a media adviser and also engages in voluntary work as the head of the football club Tennis Borussia Berlin.
Director of the Forum Artcircolo / Overtures, which highlights the topics «climate change and water as an increasingly scarce resource». She is committed to an experimental and internationally oriented exhibition programme. In collaboration with artcirculo‘s core competencies in art, technology, science, economics and design, it provides a scope for action for cross-societal questions and further design.
Member of the Parliament Bündnis 90/ Grüne. He studied international environmental law, holds a PhD in international environmental regimes and worked at the Wuppertal Institute‘s Climate Policy Division. He regards Climate Change as the biggest threat to humanity.
N ilgün Ö z
Corporate Communications at Universal Music and OZ Berlin.
J enny L udwig
Co-Founder of the environmental initiative Goth for Earth. The initiative encourages fans, artists and companies in particular in the gothic/independent scene to make the ecological transformation through public events, a knowledge platform and practical support.
W alter L indner
D oris P apenbroock
Strategic Adviser for Public Relations, Communication and Marketing at Ad Press. Previously, she was an editor and foreign correspondent in New York, USA.
R asmus P riess
Commissioner for Crisis Management at the German Federal Foreign Office He served as a diplomat among others in Turkey, Nicaragua, New York and as German Ambassador in Nairobi. As a musician, he has also released several CDs.
Project Leader of the Product Carbon Footprinting initiatives PCF Projekt and PCF World Forum at Thema1. He is also a consultant in energy efficiency and climate protection.
A ndrea M ano
Project Manager of the Yellow Lounge. About once a month Universal Classics/ Deutsche Grammophon is holding classical concerts with their top artists in various atmospheric club surroundings in Berlin, making them as entertaining as performing DJ's and live acts.
Desk Officer in the Strategy and Planning section at the German Federal Foreign Office. She is responsible for developing and promoting new initiatives such as Kultur-Klima, which searches for ways in which culture can contribute to informing on the universal responsibility in preventing a climate change, modify individual and collective behaviour.
D r . L utz N itsche
Advisor to the Executive Board of the Kulturstiftung des Bundes. He studies German Literature and History of Art in Freiburg, London, Tübingen and San Diego and holds a PhD in Film studies.
D r . D irk N otz
Head of the Research Group on Sea Ice in the Earth System at the Max-PlanckInstitute for Meteorology. He organised and participated in a number of research expeditions to the high Arctic and Antarctic, international Youth Camps on Climate Change and student summer schools, and won several prizes for Intelligible Science. 12 – green music dinner 2010
D r . H ermann O tt
J uliane P rochnow
J ulia R awlins
Head of Climate Change and Transatlantic Relations at the British Council Germany. Previously she was a Project Manager at British Council Brussels and studied Modern & Medieval Languages and Environmental Policy.
S teve R edmond
Consultant at Brit Awards. Cinesong is a company for music supervising with a portfolio of over 80 movies, projects such as the last Wim Wenders Movie, Vorstadtkrokodile II, Fatih Akin’s Solino and many more.
T im R enner
Managing Director of Motor Music. Motor Music is a Berlin-based label, publisher, and management company, supporting artists such as Super 700, Phillip Boa and the Voodooclub and Peter Licht.
D r . E lke R itt
Head of Creative Europe Programmes at the British Council Germany. Elke Ritt has managed the Arts programme of the British Council in Germany since 1993.
J ochen S andig
Co-Founder, Artistic Director and Manager of RADIALSYSTEM V – New Space for the Arts in Berlin. He also founded the Tacheles Gallery and co-initiated the contemporary dance company Sasha Waltz & Guests and the Sophiensaele. He was a Member of Artistic Direction as well as dramaturge at Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz.
T ilman S antarius
Head of International Climate and Energy Policy at the Heinrich Böll Foundation and Member of the Board of Environment and Development at Germanwatch. He is also a Board Member of the environment and development NGO Germanwatch.
A my S aunders
Special Projects Manager at Edinburgh Festivals. She works on strategic projects across Edinburgh‘s 12 major festivals, especially with the Festival‘s environmental working groups, to implement their joint strategy in delivering a low carbon festival future.
F ranzjosef S chafhausen
Deputy Director General for Environment and Energy at the German Federal Ministry for the Environment. He is the Chairman of the Interministerial Working Group on «Co2-Reduction», of the Working Group on «Emissions Trading» and of the German Mirror Group (DIN AA 7) to ISO TC 207 WG 5.
K ristin R eissig
Climate Policy and Environment Officer at the British Embassy Berlin. She works on issues like international climate negotiations, renewables, and energy efficiency. green music dinner 2010
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A ndy S mith K nut S chlinger
Editor of Musik Woche. He is a graduate of Literary Studies, gained experience as an author and has followed national and international developments in the music industry for over ten years as editor of MusikWoche
First Secretary Environment and Energy at the British Embassy Berlin.
A ndro S teinborn
Managing Director of NEU! Filmproduktion.
R ainer S chmidt
Editor in Chief of Rolling Stone, Musikexpress and Sounds. He took over at these music magazines early 2010 and is based in Berlin
D etlef S chwarte
Managing Director of Reeperbahn Festival Hamburg/Inferno Events. Detlef Schwarte’s current focus is the creation of the «Reeperbahn Campus», a specialist platform for the music and creative industry which takes place alongside the Reeperbahn Festival.
D r . B odo S chwieger
Managing Director of Team Red Mobility Managment Consultants. He is leading this innovative consultant company and contributes his expert knowledge to projects concerned with mobility issues, such as the innovative mobility planning for the MELT! Festival at FERROPOLIS
M ichael S chiewack
Programme Director of JUMP, a MDR radio channel for pop and rock music. Previously he managed the transfer of East German radio channel DT64 to Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk channel SPUTNIK.
J an S eifert
Environmental Adviser at the Heinrich Böll Foundation in Berlin. He works on designing intelligent economic frameworks and policies for a climate-friendly future.
B ob S hahrestani
Founder of Partysan and MD of Thaibreak. Partysan is Germany‘s first techno- and house- fanzine, distributed for free. Besides editing the fanzine, Bob and his companion also organize their own events. 14 – green music dinner 2010
K laus - d . S toffers
Strategic Adviser for Public Relations, Communication and Marketing and Founding Director of Markt- & MedienKommunikation He is also a BoardMember of the environment and development NGO Germanwatch.
M anfred T ari
Founder of Pop 100. He has been working in the music industry for over 25 years and is a founding member of the music convention Popkomm. Besides publishing Pop 100 he is also a correspondent for VIP News (DK/UK) and IQMagazine (UK)
D etlef T helen
Media & Evaluation Manager for Germany at the British Council. He is also Web Manager for the British Council‘s Our Shared Europe programme which looks into perceptions of Muslims in Europe.
A nita T illmann
Co-Founder and Co-Owner of the Premium Exhibitions GmbH. She established PREMIUM GREEN Luxury – supporting brands with focus on sustainability and hosting panel discussions on the topic since 2007.
N orbert T illmann
Co-Founder and Co-Owner of the Premium Exhibitions GmbH. At PREMIUM he focusses on finance and business development, such as the opening of the PREMIUM fashion store F95 and the national trade shows in Düsseldorf and Munich
O le T illmann
Member of Störungsmelder, German Actor, TV-Presenter and Coach He has hosted the German version of «Top of the Pops» on RTL, played parts in several crime-serials and sitcoms and recently did the official speakercoaching for the TEDxBerlin-speakers.
C hristian T jaben
Consultant and Journalist at the Reeperbahn Festival He works as a freelance writer and is involved in creating a new media environment for music at the awardwinning webradio ByteFM
R ainer T raube
Head of Arts and Culture at Germany’s international broadcaster Deutsche Welle In its programmes, DWTV provides a European perspective to audiences around the world and promotes cultural dialogue and exchange.
C aroline V arrall
Project Manager Sustainable Development at the Marsatac Festival in Marseille, France She is responsible for the implementation of sustainable development actions at the Marsatac Festival for electronic and urban cultures in Marseille.
V erena V ehling
Managing Director of Exit Media Brand Entertainment She is also a founding member of the Green Music Initiative and worked in the music industry, amongst others for Universal Music Germany and EMI Music.
B rigitte W erneburg
Arts Editor of TAZ She has published numerous works on contemporary art and photograpy and also teaches «history of photography» at the Beuth-Hochschule für Technik in Berlin.
M atthias W illenbacher
CEO of juwi Holding, Founder «100% Erneuerbar» juwi offers services in all business sectors of renewable energies: solar, wind, bio, hydropower and geothermal energy and is led by the vision of a 100% regenerative energy supply.
M arkus
W ollank
Author and Columnist of 030 Berlin and Berliner Zeitung / Technical University of Berlin He learned how to optimise communication and understanding of values in companies, assets which are strongly needed in times of climate change and financial crisis. He is also a chronicler taking a satirical look at Berlin’s cultural life.
E c Z ander
Head of Music Radio Fritz
H eiko Z wirner
Editor in Chief of TIP Magazin in Berlin TIP is Berlin‘s biggest magazine, carefully selecting on a biweekly basis Berlin‘s most interesting cultural events. TIP runs comprehensive reviews on films, theatre, dance, concerts, exhibitions and records.
M arco V oigt
Managing Director of Clean Tech World and Founder of the Clean Tech Media Award He is also a founding member of PIN AG, the main non-governmental organization for postal service in Germany.
P rof. D r. H arald W elzer
Director of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Memory Research in Essen He supervises projects within Climate & Culture, a new research area at the Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities in Essen. He is the author of several books such as «Klimakriege. Wofür im 21. Jahrhundert getötet wird».
green music dinner 2010
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What role can the cultural sector play in the fight against climate change?
How may climate change affect the music and entertainment industry by 2020? imprint editors Green Music Initiative c/o THEMA1 GmbH Torstrasse 154, 10115 Berlin, Germany Contact: Lucile Barras +49 30 779 0 779 14 and British Council Germany Alexanderplatz 1, 10178 Berlin, Germany Contact: Julia Rawlins +49 30 311 099 75 Design Absolut Agentur GmbH Zwinglistrasse 3, St.Gallen, Schweiz +41 71 221 14 80
What do you need to make a change?